Application Questionnaire | International Congress 2015

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SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION • The application is open for following roles Project Head: Logistics, Digital Marketing, Public Relations, Business Development (2), Special Events (Social Events-2 position, Corporate Events-1 position, Delegate Experience (1). • All applications needs to be sent to and (with subject Name_Parent LC_Portfolio. • The video has to be uploaded on YouTube as unlisted.

GENERAL INFORMATION • The position is open to alumni of AIESEC India as well as internationals. • The term is from 1st February to 15th September 2015. • The CC team including the project heads will be working from the CC office situated in Gurgaon. • Project heads will be getting monthly salary as it is a full time job. • Interview for selection is expected to happen within 2 days of application approval.

The application for IC 2015 is divided into Five parts: • Your CV: Give us all important information we need to know about you, your AIESEC career, other jobs you have had, your contact details etc. You have just one limitation, you have one page to create your CV. • General Questionnaire: These questions must be answered by all candidates and should not take more than two (2) pages • Specific Questionnaire: You should answer the specific questionnaire of the position you are applying for. You have a maximum of three (3) pages to answer all the required questions. • Lifeline: Lifeline should not exceed more than one (1) page. • Video: The video time limit is 4 minutes, do not exceed it in any case. The flow: Introduction about yourself followed by answer of the portfolio specific video question. ADDITIONAL NOTES FOR THE APPLICATION: We will be expecting two PDF files (CV and answers to the questions of the general and specific questionnaire). If you have any questions concerning the applications or the application process please contact: - Gaurav Singh, CC VP Human Resources and Delegate Servicing,, Sahil Chopra, CCP, Once you finish creating your application package, send the 2 PDF documents to Gaurav Singh, copying Sahil Chopra, The Deadline for sending your application via email is 23:59 IST Monday, 12th January 2015

YOUR LIFELINE The Process 1. When plotting your lifeline consider key events in your life, such as graduation, relationships, leadership, leadership opportunities, challenges etc., as well other experiences: victories you’ve achieved, crisis you’ve endured, fears you’ve overcome, stands you’ve taken and lessons you’ve learned. 2. Mention the events and place the points above/below the horizontal line to correspond with the intensity of the emotions. 3. Once you feel satisfied that you have captured your major personal events and experiences that shaped you, draw a line connecting the dots. Feel free to present it in any manner- it can be hand written on a page or a word page.

General Questionnaire (Max 2 pages) 1.

Why are you applying for project head position for IC 2015? What personal relevance it holds in your path? 2. What experiences on your lifeline have most affected the way you lead people today? What did you learn from each experience? 3. Imagine a situation where your IC 2015 term has ended and you are asked to share your experience to a company you are willing to join. What will you say? 4. What do you think is the biggest challenge for a country like India in the year 2015? Do you believe IC 2015 will be a big platform to assess and guide the country forward?

5. How am I perceived today?

5. How can I be more effective tomorrow?

Write down maximum 3 descriptors that best capture how you are perceived by others today. Be honest with yourself. Think about feedback you have received in past 1 year.

Now write down how you can be better. How can you leverage strengths even more? Or how can you adjust or compensate for those less powerful areas. Mention 5 descriptors.

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE - DELEGATE EXEPERIENECE (Max 3 pages) Ideal Profile: Excellent Communication Skills, Team Leading Skills, Good Analytical Skills  

Please give 5 main strategies to guarantee a high quality experience to all delegates? Describe Delegate Experience synergies with Logistic, Finance and IM teams. How would you ensure that these synergies will work well before/during/post the conference? What kind of problems and cases can you face by organizing post Study tours? And how can you solve these cases successfully while being under the pressure?

Draw a flow of activities that you will follow from January till September to ensure proper delegate communication and experience management

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE – LOGISTICS (Max 3 pages) Ideal Profile: Team Leading Skills, Logistics Management Skills, Good Analytical Skills, Good Listener and Communicator  

Please list 10 major challenges which you foresee in Logistics for IC 2015 and give a plan of action to overcome those challenges. For every special event please mention specific partnerships which we could have to enhance the delegate experience. Every event has different theme, motto and delegate profile. Please take these factors into consideration while thinking about ideas. Do you believe in unethical success or ethical failure?

During the second day of IC a key member of the delivery team has become completely un-responsive/before the start of a session the AI team starts asking you for last minute things. How will you be managing such a situation?

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE– BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT (Max 3 pages) Ideal Profile: Closing Skills, Motivation for Sales, Prospecting Skills, Sales Planning, Selling to Client Needs, Territory Management, Market Knowledge, Presentation Skills, Meeting Sales Goals 

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In your opinion, what’s the most important selling point of IC 2015? As Project Head Business Development, what kind of product portfolio will you suggest for fund raising (can include media, event, issue, etc.) What kind of market segments will you define for fund raising? What’s your key strategy for each segment? List down at least 3 potential companies for each segment. What’s the ideal relationship between sales and marketing, and how do you operationalize that? Besides the full delivery of contracted partnership, what do you consider are the other “must do’s” in order to ensure satisfaction, sustainability and growth of a partnership?

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE– SPECIAL EVENTS (Max 3 pages) Ideal Profile: Event Management Skills, Crisis Management Skills, Negotiation Skills, Excellent Communication Skills both orally and in writing, Excellent Interpersonal Skills, Presentation Skills   

According to you, in one sentence, explain the role of each special event mentioned above in IC 2015. Tell us about a time when you had to manage multiple events at once. How did you multitask to complete both events successfully? (Only for Cultural Events Candidate) Design your vision of opening ceremony as the first special event of IC 2015 in terms of stage decor, performances & entertainment and mention the logistics involved for the entire event (Only for Corporate Event Candidate) Design your vision of Electrolux Award Night as the last special event of IC 2015 in terms of stage decor, performances & entertainment and mention the logistics involved for the entire event.

What are the typical responsibilities of an event coordinator?

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE– PUBLIC RELATIONS (Max 3 pages) Ideal Profile: Excellent Communication Skills both orally and in writing, Excellent Interpersonal Skills, Presentation Skills, Awareness of different media agendas, Ability to Prioritize and Plan Effectively • List three essential PR strategies EACH to market the following features of IC 2015: (Global Youth Voice, Global Village) • Name an organization we can partner with, for each of the following events that will take place at IC 2015. (Opening Ceremony, India Night, Global Village, Club Night, Global Y2B) • Mention for every partner the genre of association, UNIQUE deliverables from either parties and the aftermath of such a collaboration. (Opening Ceremony, India Night, Global Village, Club Night, Global Y2B) • Do you see Public Relations doing stronger than Digital Marketing as an effective way forward for IC 2015? Justify. • Has there been an experience you've given a job your all yet nobody noticed it? If there was an interview of your life story scheduled for release, which medium is it likely to be on? Explain your understanding of Public Relations briefly and elaborate on your understanding of PR for a non-profit.

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE– DIGITAL MARKETING (Max 3 pages) Ideal Profile: Understanding of all core areas of Digital Marketing like Marketing Analytics, Social Media Analytics, Display Marketing, Email Marketing etc., Excellent Presentation and Communication Skills, Excellent written and verbal communication skills • Minimalist or Maximalist? What is it that you prefer in terms of content and design? (Less is more / more is more?) • Mention your 5 key strategies for website development, its management and SEO. Also list down briefly your engagement plan for every stakeholder through website + blog. • Do you see Digital Marketing doing stronger than Public Relations as an effective way forward for IC 2015? Justify. • How would you announce the demise of your imaginary cat on Social Media and still provoke condolence messages from the AIESECers on your friends/followers list?

Evaluate AIESEC India's Digital Marketing scenario. What is going wrong and what is going right?

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. Where will the CC team be based? CC team will live in Gurgaon, Delhi since the conference venue is the same. 2. What kind of accommodation & office facilities will I be provided with? The team will be provided with a shared accommodation facility. The working space will also be equipped with internet, phone lines, printer/scanner/copier etc. Please, bring your laptops with you. 3. Will I have to pay delegate fees? The delegate fees of the CC team is paid for by the Congress Committee, so you do not have to pay the delegate fee. 4. How much of my work will pertain to my Job-description only? The CC team will be extremely cross-functional. There will not be too many instances where you will find yourself working ‘alone’. A lot of responsibilities will require you to synergize with other members on the team and will require you to be flexible in your work.

5. I am very interested in applying to the CC team, but the dates are just not suitable to me. Can I join the team a day/week/month later, or can I take a day/week/month off in the middle, to attend university/unfinished work/friend’s bachelor party? You would have understood the sense of urgency, and the need to start work as soon as possible. Due to this, it will be difficult to accommodate anyone into the team much later than January 6th, 2015. Likewise, it will be extremely difficult for you to fulfill your responsibilities if you take time off in the middle. Moreover, this will affect the rest of the entire team, because of the inter-dependent nature of operations. Feel free to post any other questions that you have to

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