Talent management Annual Audits

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Members at present as on 31 December





TMP experiences delivered





TLP experiences delivered





OS of the department VP – Number of TL with their Job title and number of members under them

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Members reintegrated in the department


Members that were recruited in department in 2013




Recruitment report: Selection: •Recruitment cycles with members recruited AIESEC in Delhi University had 4 recruitment cycles throughout the year. We had 2 major recruitment cycles (January and August) and 2 need based recruitment (March and July) JANUARY: 150 MARCH: 70 JULY: 70 AUGUST: 120 Please refer to the following reports: •https://docs.google.com/a/aiesec.net/file/d/0B5AKVufxnaucRzR2TW5XOHBFeVU/edit •https://docs.google.com/a/aiesec.net/file/d/0B7Nc7zZyJZWKcUsxbUtVbFhmaDg/edit •AM RECRUITMENT REPORT: https://docs.google.com/a/aiesec.net/file/d/0B7KUytw4v9h6UXJBbjkzRmJuaDQ/edit Induction and training report: Please refer to the L&D planning sheet for files.

TC Processes

Period of implementation


Membership covered under Add the document link the process


After every quarter

Performance 5 members asked for Increase, satisfied reallocation and were membership successfully reallocated.

No document

Quality of Team experience ( NPS)

No Period

TMP: 71 Entire membership TLP:65 , Implementation of GLE, Mentorship, LEAD

Please refer to the LnD plan sheet shared in the audit in SECTION A:

EXAM ANALYSIS based on sensing: https://docs.google.com/a/aiesec.net/spreadsheet/ccc?key =0ArNc7zZyJZWKdGpuV05qdllkUGRpRV9SZ2xoQlVvRGc&us p=drive_web#gid=0 EXCHANGERS: https://docs.google.com/a/aiesec.net/file/d/0B7Nc7zZyJZ WKeTBERE9hYllQV2s/edit


In every quarter

Members applying for future opportunities, members understanding the value proposition of AIESEC, understanding and implementing GCM, Organizational understanding

NON-EXCHANGERS: https://docs.google.com/a/aiesec.net/file/d/0B7Nc7zZyJZ WKaHdRSzZZaERXQVk/edit The entire membership was Please refer to the LnD plan sheet shared in the audit in divided into different SECTION A groups: SB mentored by the LCP, MB mentored by the EB and GB mentored by the SB.

Succession planning

Every quarter


110 members

MB Q3 responseshttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AsD yoR2mw8HldFZ4eVhVaFF6Y1liUkMwYklLV2xDVHc&usp=drive _web&rm=full#gid=0. Membership appraisal form: https://docs.google.com/a/aiesec.net/file/d/0B7Nc7zZyJZWK clJkOUp4cXBQeXM/edit Evaluation document: https://docs.google.com/a/aiesec.net/file/d/0B7Nc7zZyJZWK bDJMUGxtNVAweWM/edit Appraisal tracker: https://docs.google.com/a/aiesec.net/spreadsheet/ccc?key= 0ArNc7zZyJZWKdGVzVHlNTVl2djlKMV9jWWJneE8wbUE#gid= 0

Need based recruitment

March and July

70 in March and 70 in July

Please refer to the Recruitment report shared in the audit.

Associate membership

July : I GCDP AMs and Udaan AMs(volunteers) (50 volunteers, 30 AMs)

Number of members/ program 24% conversion to TMP/TLP from UDAAN and 10% conversion from AMs

12 members from UDAAN and Please refer to the NSC report attached with the audit. It has the AM tracker as well as the job description. Our website has 3 from the recruited AMs everything wrt engagement plan: http://singhgaura3.wix.com/aiesecdu24x7#!about1/c1s4c AMs converted: https://docs.google.com/a/aiesec.net/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0 ArNc7zZyJZWKdFdBMXVfSHlLOG9rVy01dHg0V2lfOUE#gid=0


Summer as well as winter cycle

14 IXPs

Entire membership

TMP TLP on exchange

Summer cycle.

Very few people 50 were assigned TMP/10TLP since we wanted it to actually enhance an EP’s experience

https://docs.google.com/a/aiesec.net /spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak1bIBv_rRXE dFdFcTdMMmlORlU2ZDVQeG90NDhiL VE&usp=sharing#gid=0

March tracker: https://docs.google.com/a/aiesec.net/s preadsheet/ccc?key=0AhMRPiDkrJYdF9Fb1RFYkhIaW1PeTdDd3VLYzB3a 2c&usp=drive_web#gid=3 July-Sept: https://docs.google.com/a/aiesec.net/s preadsheet/ccc?key=0AlyI51B50m6dEhoOUFTbjlaRnBRM0N1NjdPX0xLRn c&usp=drive_web#gid=0

Performance report: Performance management process followed in the local chapter Entire year was majorly about intense tracking of the membership’s performance to ensure 100% activity in the LC hence we came up with a structured process. We have come up with this online tracking system where we calculate the weighted score of each member on the basis of OTF and priority, tasks are assigned through a system and are approved. Scores are calculated and then presented. in the form of a sheet with individual scores. This is known as Member Profiling system. Along with their individual profiles, they also have a department as well as every team’s page they are a part off. Every Monday, the EB assigns tasks to the SB/MB/GB and by the end of the week i.e. on Sunday the HR manager of the respective department sit with their VPs and review each member’s tasks assigned vs achieved and hence give a RED, YELLOW or GREEN. The colour coding also depends on the number of LC forums happened vs attended by the member. The ones with 2 consecutive REDs is put on probation/show cause wherein the member is given certain tasks/target to achieve within a timeline decided by VP TM and the respective VP. If the member fails to achieve the target, the member’s membership is terminated. However the idea is to not demotivate the member but to give him/her a push. Hence if the task/target is not achieved then his/her efforts are taken into consideration. In case the member doesn’t perform at all or doesn’t revert back to us within 48hours, then the member’s membership is directly terminated. • MPS MANUAL: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8DyoR2mw8HlcjVsVkpOelhjQ2M/edit

Along with the MPS, we also launched weekly forms so as to ensure effective and efficient tracking of every member irrespective of the portfolio. Also to asses the LC’s mood of the week and LEAD sensing. Weekly HR newsletters were released in the LC with the color coding of each and every member and happiness quotient of the LC for the week along with certain write ups based on the theme of the week to motivate and help the membership depending upon the sensing.



Team Leaders

0-2 Exchanges



5-10 Exchanges 7


10+ Exchanges



% of members in exchange support. How did you track performance of exchange support member and managers 30% of the current membership is doing exchange support. Along with the MPS, weekly forms were released so as to track performance of each and every member with varied job roles. They had to fill their weekly tasks and had to mention how many of them have been achieved by them by the end of the weak since they don’t really have tangible targets due to the nature of their job role. LINK: https://docs.google.com/a/aiesec.net/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvrcCZVP7DiQdEpXT HU0RWM1Ri1pbFk1RUIwMHFES0E&usp=drive_web#gid=0

Number of team in 2013 (Middle level management) and how many teams achieved 70% of their targets I GCDP: 303/385 (78%) Out of 53 teams, 46 teams achieved 70% of the target which further contributed to the portfolio’s annual targets. 7 teams were not able to achieve their team’s target.

O GCDP: 121/170 (71%) Out of 53 teams, 32 teams achieved 70% of the target which further contributed to the portfolio’s annual targets. 21 teams were not able to achieve their team’s target.

O GIP: 13/25 (52%) Out of 40 teams, 22 teams achieved 70% of the target which further contributed to the portfolio’s annual targets.

18 teams were not able to achieve their team’s target

I GIP: 114/170(67%) Out of 52 teams, 29 teams achieved 70% of the target which further contributed to the portfolio’ annual targets. 23 teams were not able to achieve their team’s target.

2013 program goals v/s achieved ( Mention all 4 Programs)

400 350 300 250

Target Achieved Matches 2014

200 150 100 50 0 iGCDP o GCDP



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