School of Medicine Online Policy
TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1.0 PURPOSE .............................................................................................................................. 2 2.0 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................... 2 3.0 GOVERNANCE & RESPONSIBILITY ........................................................................................ 3 4.0 DEFINITIONS......................................................................................................................... 3 5.0 PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................... 5 6.0 REFERENCES, RELEVANT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ...................................................... 14 7.0 APPENDICES ....................................................................................................................... 14 8.0 SIGN OFF ............................................................................................................................ 15 9.0 VERSION HISTORY .............................................................................................................. 15
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Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
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PURPOSE 1.1 1.2
This policy has been created to promote the continuation of a high-quality educational experience for students and staff in the School of Medicine using online resources.
This Policy describes the process and procedures for the delivery of online education within the School Of Medicine (SOM). The areas of data protection, IT services and academic practice are all essential to online learning. This policy was created to provide a single document connecting relevant related sources in online learning. This document therefore refers to and directs the reader towards other relevant college policies where appropriate. If you are unable to access the links in this document it may be because you do not have a Trinity College Dublin (TCD) School of Medicine (SOM) username and password. In such cases you can request the documents required.
This policy covers all programmes within the SOM. It covers teaching, learning and assessment of programmes with a blended or online mode of delivery. It is designed to safeguard academic standards and ensure support for staff and students engaged in blended and online learning programme provision.
The SOM’s policy on blended and online learning provision is consistent with QQI standards, guidelines, policies and criteria relating to programmes and awards. In particular, it applies the guidelines provided in QQI’s Statutory Quality Assurance guidelines for Providers of Blended Learning Programmes (2018). This QQI guideline notes that blended learning will always include a face-to-face element, and does not cover programmes where learning is fully online. However the QQI guideline includes guidance on “Online learning resources developed for online delivery” (QQI, 2018, p3) and as such is relevant to both blended and fully online teaching. This policy should also be read in conjunction with QQI’s policy on QA (core) Guidelines” (QQI, 2018, p3).
It is a condition of employment that staff adhere to University policies. It is a condition of the Terms and Conditions of Being a Registered Student at Trinity College that students abide by the College Regulations which includes The College General Privacy Statement. Any breach of this policy is considered a serious matter and may result in Trinity College taking disciplinary action in accordance with the University's disciplinary procedures. Page 2 of 22 Confidentiality Statement
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Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
Document Number:
SOM-SOP-QA-0021 This policy has been created to promote the continuation of a high-quality educational experience for students and staff in the School of Medicine using online resources.
Short Description: 3.0
The SOM Online Education Committee meets regularly and will continue to do so in order to review processes pertaining to the delivery of online education across the school.
All staff within the SOM are responsible for adhering to this procedure when documenting, implementing, reviewing and approving relevant changes to the delivery of online education.
Online Education: There is currently no one universal definition of online learning or online education. In the context of this document online education refers to the process of using technology to support teaching and/or learning. Some or all interaction between those who teach and those who learn is electronically supported.
Zoom: is a third-party product that Trinity is making available for course lecturers to use for synchronous (real-time) video sessions with their students. Lecturers can record these sessions to share with students who are participating in the course session asynchronously. PowerPoint slides and other material can be shared using Zoom.
Panopto: is a tool which can be used to record, edit, live stream, and share video audio and PowerPoint material. Panopto is available to all Trinity Staff. Panopto is the preferred tool for uploading pre-recorded lectures as it has more options and flexibility for creating asynchronous content. Panopto is supported by Trinity IT services.
Blackboard Collaborate Ultra: is a tool within the Blackboard learning environment which allows you to interact with others online in real time using webcams and microphones. There are some additional functions such as polling, screen sharing etc.
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Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
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This policy has been created to promote the continuation of a high-quality educational experience for students and staff in the School of Medicine using online resources.
Face-to-Face teaching: Prior to covid-19 many class sessions and other meetings were physically held on TCD campuses; including, but not limited to, the main campus, TBSI and clinical sites. Face-to-Face courses, in which students attend all class sessions in an assigned face-to-face environment, may be technologyenhanced, with online technology primarily used to engage the students with the curriculum and learning process. Uploading material to Blackboard which has been taught to students in a face-to-face manner does not constitute online education.
Blended learning: is a mixture of online and face-to-face class sessions. The university course schedule specifies the number and location of face-to-face or synchronous classes, or other meetings. The online sessions may be asynchronous, synchronous, or both. Some teaching in the SOM is majority online but is supported by face to face teaching, other teaching is majority faceto-face supported by online teaching methods. Both are considered blended learning.
Personal data: Any information relating to an identified or identifiable person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identifier such as name, image, identification number, location data or online identifier.
Data controller: An entity which determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. Trinity College is a data controller in relation to personal data relating to its staff and students.
Data processor: An entity which processes personal data on behalf of the controller. In certain instances Trinity College is a data processor when providing a service to another entity (e.g. analysis of data on behalf of a third party).
4.10 Processing: Any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
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Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
Document Number:
SOM-SOP-QA-0021 This policy has been created to promote the continuation of a high-quality educational experience for students and staff in the School of Medicine using online resources.
Short Description:
4.11 Special categories of personal data: Data revealing an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs or philosophical beliefs, data relating to trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying an individual, data concerning health and data concerning an individual’s sex life or sexual orientation. 4.12 Data Protection Officer: The appointed member of staff at Trinity College responsible for ensuring data protection compliance at the University. 4.13 Lecturer roles: In the context of this policy the host refers to someone who accesses college regulated software to support teaching. The lecturer refers to someone who teaches. In some cases the host and lecturer are the same person. 5.0
Student Online Principles: It is notable that these principles apply to all online environments. The Trinity College student Code of Conduct (appendix 1) applies to online behavior as well as in-person or classroom behavior. Students are expected to be professional and respectful in their capacities as students whether they are engaging with live or asynchronous educational material. The following is a set of guidelines that all students are expected to adhere to. In particular to the SoM, students are also expected to have completed and adhere to their professional practice documents.
5.1.1 Attendance: Attendance to class is expected of all students whether the class is conducted online or face-to-face. It is important to note most clinical teaching is not recorded. Full attendance from students is therefore expected for clinical teaching. 5.1.2 Identity: On platforms where students are required to sign into a class, students must sign into the class using their full first name and last name as listed at registration. Students are not permitted to use a nickname or other pseudonym when logging into the class. Students who do not provide their full names may NOT be admitted to class. Some exceptions may apply: if since enrolling in class, some students have changed their names to better reflect their gender identity. These students may currently use a different Page 5 of 22 Confidentiality Statement
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Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
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This policy has been created to promote the continuation of a high-quality educational experience for students and staff in the School of Medicine using online resources. name than what is listed on the official university registration. Additionally, if a student does not have access to a computer or smartphone with internet access, and has the option to call into class using a landline phone it is understood that their name is omitted. Note: this is not optimal. 5.1.3 Video: All students must turn on their video when possible unless instructed otherwise. Some exceptions may apply: If the student has limited internet bandwidth or no webcam. Additionally, if the student is unable to find an environment without a lot of visual distractions they may request permission to join without video. On platforms that accommodate profile pictures, students are encouraged to upload a suitable profile picture of themselves so that those teaching can easily identify them when cameras are off 5.1.4 Audio: Students should mute their microphone when they are not talking. This helps eliminate background noise. Students are encouraged to use a headset or headphones with a microphone, as this improves audio quality. Students should be in a quiet environment when possible. The environment should be distraction-free. The student should turn off any music, videos, etc. in the background. 5.1.5 Chat: Students should use the chat window for questions and comments that are relevant to class. The chat window is not a place for socializing or posting comments that distract from the course activities. No disrespect or hate speech of any kind will be tolerated. Identical to in-person class, students must execute respectful behavior and consider the online classroom a professional environment. Netiquette: Netiquette is a term coined to describe the commonly accepted norms and behaviours used when communicating in online environments. At one level, the same rules of regular communication apply when communicating online. Students adopting a respectful manner in all communications are unlikely to encounter issues. That said, it has to be recognised that the online environment lacks the face-to-face element of regular discussions and interactions, where people can rely on body language and tone of voice to capture the full meaning. Page 6 of 22 Confidentiality Statement
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Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
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This policy has been created to promote the continuation of a high-quality educational experience for students and staff in the School of Medicine using online resources. In the online environment, without these visual cues, miscommunications and misunderstandings can occur and some extra care when interacting can be warranted. Netiquette has slowly developed into an informal standard that helps transmit tone and emphasis when online and helps to address many of these communication issues. Keeping the few simple rules of netiquette in mind will help better understood by those listening and reading. Typing in ‘all caps’ (all upper case letters) denotes anger when communicating online. A message delivered in all caps is likely to be read as if sent in an aggressive tone. When possible, refrain from using all caps, even when emphasising certain words in sentences (italics may be used as an alternative for emphasis). Emoticons, also known as emojis, are commonly used in online communication to transmit the tone in which the message was sent. Emoticons/emojis can take the form of a series of characters or be little images of faces which aid in the transmission of the sender’s facial expression when communicating. For example: ‘I got a great result in my first assignment. Yay 😊😊 . These can be useful to ensure messages are received in the spirit in which they were sent. Be careful when using irony and sarcasm online. This can be easily misinterpreted by those receiving your message. Conduct debates and discussions in a respectful manner. Do not attempt to provoke personal debates and remember that it’s better to reply when calm if provoked. Keep all messages on topic and aim never to get personal. Healthy disagreement can be very informative and lead to key learning but be constructive in any criticism given and always aim to be respectful. 5.1.6 Protecting privacy of others: Students in the SoM encounter a lot of private health related information during their studies. Please do not mention any real names or disclose the names of any real individuals. If a patients’ circumstance could easily lead to their identity being known (e.g. a single parent with a rare disease who has five children) try to limit what you share in order to protect their identity. Be mindful that you do not know the personal histories of all your classmates, and all your academics who may be in view of your communications. Modification and distribution of educational material shared with you, such as recorded lectures, and sharing Page 7 of 22 Confidentiality Statement
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Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
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This policy has been created to promote the continuation of a high-quality educational experience for students and staff in the School of Medicine using online resources. guest links or access passwords to lectures in an uncontrolled manner, or with those for whom the lecture was not intended is a college offence. 5.1.7 Recording: Classes/tutorials etc conducted online may be recorded. If a class is being recorded students should be notified as such at the start of the class. Students are not permitted to record any classes or online course related work without permission from the academic involved. Students may request that a class is recorded in advance of the class taking place by contacting the academic involved. In the event that students are graded during a recorded online session they should be notified of this in advance such that they can ensure their environment is appropriate for the task at hand. If a student does not wish to be recorded they are encouraged to discuss potential alternative options with the academic in question (e.g. leaving their camera off). 5.1.8 Students can access more information on online education at this link.
Host Principles: There are many instances where a host will create, moderate, or disseminate virtual room details on behalf of a lecturer. In these instances, certain best-practices should be followed.
5.2.1 Choosing a platform: All hosts/lecturers with very few exceptional circumstances should select a College-licensed platform for delivery and recording of teaching material. These include Zoom, Blackboard, Panopto and Microsoft Teams. This is critical from an Information Security and Data Protection point of view and is particularly important in relation to lectures delivered by external staff. Additional steps may need to be taken by module owners to ensure that visiting lecturers (i.e. those who do not have a staff ID) can record lectures securely and that lectures are only stored in the College VLE (Blackboard) . Visiting lecturers should be asked to complete the external visiting lecturer external visiting lecturer form on lecture recording. 5.2.2 Protecting access to live and recorded material: Where applicable hosts must ensure that passwords or access to the College Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) are required to join a teaching session and that passwords or guest links are not Page 8 of 22 Confidentiality Statement
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Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
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This policy has been created to promote the continuation of a high-quality educational experience for students and staff in the School of Medicine using online resources. published in an uncontrolled manner. Social media should not be used to share access links as malicious groups can search social media for these meeting ID/links. For virtual rooms where access through the VLE is not required hosts should use the “Waiting “Room” feature to have participants wait until the host arrives and vets participants prior to entering the virtual room. Where a lecture recording is not accessed directly through the VLE enable a password to access the shared cloud recordings. 5.2.3 Disable private chat: Hosts are advised to supervise all chats or disable participants from chatting privately between themselves. Details on how to do this on various platforms are available on the SoM training page. This is to prevent anyone from getting unwanted messages during the meeting. 5.2.4 Problematic behaviour: In the event of problematic online behaviour, seek advice from the Director of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning, the Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning, the Online Education Committee, The Data Protection Officer, or the Junior Dean as appropriate.
5.3 Lecturer Principles: 5.3.1 Where applicable lecturers should maintain the scheduled time(s) and day(s) that class meets as specified in their timetable regardless of whether teaching is live or asynchronous. Lecturers should not reschedule their virtual classes for times and days that teaching does not normally occur for the class in question, nor extend class time beyond scheduled hours. This ensures that class meetings do not conflict with each other and students do not need to adjust their schedules to participate in their classes. 5.3.2 Lecturers are encouraged to explicitly teach expectations and engagement of online learning to students. An example would be to inform students how to ask questions in a live webinar. Options include using the raise hand function during class, or at the end of a class, using the chat box, or turning on their microphones to speak. Students should also be informed how to ask questions related to asynchronous material. Options include holding online open office hours, providing an email address, or taking questions at the next live webinar. 5.3.3 Universal Design for Learning (UDL) helps ensure efficacy and equity in our work. Online education is no exception to UDL and lends itself to being accessible in many Page 9 of 22 Confidentiality Statement
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Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
Document Number:
SOM-SOP-QA-0021 This policy has been created to promote the continuation of a high-quality educational experience for students and staff in the School of Medicine using online resources.
Short Description:
ways. Here are some examples of how to apply Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in online education: •
Universal design for learning encourages those who teach to consider multiple ways of representing their material. This can be achieved in online education by combining video material, power point slides, reading material, audio, case scenarios etc. All of these learning material types can be housed on the college VLE for students to engage with.
UDL encourages multiple forms of expression. In the context of online learning this can be achieved by using discussion boards, white boards, blogs, online journals, chat, and microphone functions. Using or welcoming a mix of these tools can encourage students to engage with the learning material and each other in real time or asynchronously.
UDL encourages multiple means of engagement. This can be achieved online by appealing to students’ curiosity on a subject matter, providing quizzes for students to gauge their own knowledge, and providing encouragement for accomplishment in smaller tasks.
5.3.4 Recording live webinars is often welcomed by students and can help with their asynchronous learning. The choice to record a live session is a decision made by the lecturer; recordings should be made if the lecturer determines there is a pedagogical reason to do so, for example recording live lectures is encouraged during the COIVD-19 pandemic. •
Recordings are subject to applicable university policies. Recordings should be treated with respect to student privacy law and university administrative regulations if students are personally identifiable in the recordings. Please insert the student advice notice 'holding slide' at the start of the lecture slide deck to ensure compliance with data protection.
Recordings should be made available to students through the university virtual learning environment (VLE) in a timely manner (we recommend within three working days or before the next lecture with that group of students).
If a lecturer chooses to record any online education sessions, they are advised to navigate to the platform settings and ensure that the required material(s) are Page 10 of 22 Confidentiality Statement
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Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
Document Number:
SOM-SOP-QA-0021 This policy has been created to promote the continuation of a high-quality educational experience for students and staff in the School of Medicine using online resources.
Short Description:
being recorded correctly. They may choose to record video, their entire computer screen, a specific window on their computer screen etc. In zoom, enable audio notifications of recorded meetings as this will play an automated message whenever a recording is started or a participant enters a session that is already being recorded. In Blackboard Collaborate Ultra a note will appear automatically on screen detailing that that the session is being recorded. If sessions are recorded using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra they are automatically housed in the Blackboard VLE and available to students shortly after recording has stopped. Please note that when the last lecturer (or anyone with instructor status on the Blackboard platform) leaves the Blackboard Collaborate session the recording will end and upload automatically, even if lecturers do not stop the recording before they leave the room. •
Lecturers should notify students beforehand that they plan to record the session and also remind students at the beginning of the class (either orally or using a slide). If a lecturer chooses to record a session, they should not allocate any grades to student participation during the session. Students should be provided the choice to opt-out from identification in the recording by muting their audio, not enabling video, and not typing into the chat window. In these cases, students should still be considered in attendance and not penalized in any way. If there is a need to record a session to which grades are allocated, this should be clearly communicated with students in advance.
Lecturers must manually delete all recordings of live lectures after final exams, or after final grades have been submitted however, earlier deletion is preferable. Unless there is a reason to keep the recordings until grades are submitted data retention is limited to six months.
Recordings of live lectures cannot be repurposed by anyone other than the individual lecturer for subsequent teaching events in another academic year and are not part of any aspect of performance review of relevant staff.
Automatic captioning is available within the software of Panopto and Teams. This feature can be very helpful for students. Please note that there is no expectation that academic staff take on responsibility for correcting inaccurate captions. Students who depend critically on accurate captioning are encouraged to contact the Disability Office. Page 11 of 22 Confidentiality Statement
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Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
Document Number:
SOM-SOP-QA-0021 This policy has been created to promote the continuation of a high-quality educational experience for students and staff in the School of Medicine using online resources.
Short Description:
In instances where students or patients are required to be in a “relevant state of undress” recording by students or teaching staff is not permitted without explicit informed consent from those involved.
All lecturers should review their slides/teaching material, in case they have any concerns about copyright, confidentiality or sensitive material. Lecturers may want to stop recording at certain points and to resume once they have addressed certain slides. Consider putting a reminder on slides to stop recording at a certain point.
Clear communication is key to online teaching success. Don’t assume students will be able to navigate through the virtual learning environment or find a virtual classroom easily. Communicate any changes or important issues with students clearly. One useful tool to achieve this is the announcements function on Blackboard modules which sends an email to everyone enrolled in that module as well as appearing on the Blackboard module page itself.
All lecturers are encouraged to review the series of guides available including information on adapting teaching for the online environment, designing assessment and structuring and organising material for the online environment, for example those at the following links: •
This is a link to a module entitled “Adapting our Teaching for Learning Online” which has been provided by Trinity Academic Practice
This is a link to “Online Assessments – a staff guide” which has been provided by Trinity IT Services
This is a link to IT Services “Technology-Enhanced Learning Webinar Series”
Privacy Data Protections with Zoom: As Zoom is not accessed through the college VLE (Blackboard), privacy data protections are here: Zoom’s Privacy Policy and their Privacy Shield certification reflect that Zoom does not access data files not specifically authorized by the user (e.g. if you give Zoom access to your calendar then it will be able to read your calendar events only). Zoom does collect user data Page 12 of 22
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Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
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This policy has been created to promote the continuation of a high-quality educational experience for students and staff in the School of Medicine using online resources. and utilizes cookies to store information on preferences. All teaching material is housed within the College VLE, we do not encourage or suggest an alternative distribute of content. As a user of Zoom if you give Zoom access to any files or programs, you need to manage cookies through your browser settings in the way you do with other applications. In preparing to record your lectures, check the FAQs, addressing topics including How to record lectures easily and effectively, Access and Inclusion, Intellectual Property, Copyright and Data Protection.
5.5 Assessment of Students and Requirements: Assessments for blended and online learning will be similar to those used for face-to-face learning in meeting and assessing learning outcomes, with parity of standards being paramount. It will be ensured that outcomes of assessment for material taught using a blended and/or online learning format meet the specified academic level of the award as defined by the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). • Security issues relating to the authentication of a student’s work need to be considered when designing any assessment processes. In the context of online assessment, exams assessing facts may be strictly time limited, and open book assessments can consider assessing the application of theory or details pertaining to a specific situation. For example, in the context of the School of Medicine, a case/patient scenario requiring the application of knowledge with considerations specific to the case given are suitable. More information on assessment design in online education can be found in “Gateway to Digital Assessment”. • Information on methods and criteria of assessment will be provided in student handbooks. Students will be made aware of the institute guidance on avoiding plagiarism, which is provided in the regulations issued to all students and in handbooks (see Plagiarism Summary Procedure) • Submitted assessments may be reviewed using plagiarism detection software. Where online exams require virtual invigilation (or automated proctoring) to ensure parity of standards and compliance with NFQ academic levels associated with the relevant award, this will be considered in collaboration with the Director of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning (DUTL) or Director Page 13 of 22 Confidentiality Statement
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This policy has been created to promote the continuation of a high-quality educational experience for students and staff in the School of Medicine using online resources. of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning (DPGTL) and students. Use of any such procedures will be in full compliance of GDPR and College regulations.
References, relevant policies and procedures. 6.1
Data Protection FAQs linked on this document (page 2)
Trinity College Data protection policy
Privacy_Notice_Hybrid_Teaching_and_Learning.pdf (
IT services Security policies
Trinity College Student Conduct Statutes
TCD Dignity and Respect Policy
QQI Blended Learning guidelines
QQI Core QA Guidelines
Appendices 7.1 Useful Information 7.2 The Trinity College Student Code of Conduct 7.3 Online Education Policy Student Flier 7.4 Online Education Policy Staff Flier
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Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
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SOM-SOP-QA-0021 This policy has been created to promote the continuation of a high-quality educational experience for students and staff in the School of Medicine using online resources.
Short Description: 8.0
Prepared by: Dr Cuisle Forde Signature:
Date: 06.08.21
Reviewed by: Dr Anita O’Donovan Signature:
Date: 14.05.21
Approved by: Dr Cuisle Forde Signature:
Date: 06.08.21
Description of Change
Revised By
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Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
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SOM-SOP-QA-0021Appendix one
Short Description:
Useful Information
For more information and training please visit the Online Education Committee Training website There are many excellent resources across college to help both staff and students with online assessment. We appreciate that it is hard to keep track of these. We have therefore chosen a select few to share with you in one place. 1. Proctorio - January 2021 •
Information for Staff and Students
2. Resources to share with students • Guidelines for Undergraduate Students Completing Real Time Online Exams • Online Assessment - Hilary & Trinity Terms 2021 - Student Guides 3. College Resources • Online Assessment - Hilary & Trinity Terms 2021- Staff Guides • Mapping assessment options to blackboard tools • Pedagogies for online and open book assessment 4. Training Opportunities • • • •
For training resources provided by TCD IT services please click here. To find out more or sign up to the IT services Technology-Enhanced Learning Webinar Series click here. For webinars and podcasts provided by Academic Practice and eLearning please click here. For clinics provided by Academic Practice and eLearning and other opportunities for professional development click here. Sign up to the IUADigEd Webinar list to be notified of upcoming webinars related to the IUA-led Enhancing Digital Capacity in Teaching and Learning (EDTL) in Irish Universities project.
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Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
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SOM-SOP-QA-0021Appendix one
Short Description:
Useful Information •
• • • •
• •
All aboard is an excellent free educational resource designed for higher education where you can explore different aspects of online teaching and learning and earn digital badges. is a professional development platform for online educators. TELU (technology enhanced learning for you) is an open online resources for teaching with technology. Video recording of Training Day Session on Blackboard, Panopto, Collaborate Ultra and TurningPoint from Aug 28th 2020 Resources including short "how to" videos and cheat sheets on Collaborate Ultra Panopto Blackboard "how to" videos TurningPoint - Live Polling - email to request a Turningpoint license and account set-up. Turning Point Training/ITS Sept 2020 For support on the use of Microsoft Teams see this document on "How to Set Up and Join Microsoft Teams" GDPR / Privacy Concerns
5. Resources for hybridising practical teaching •
Ten tips for blending labs
The Enhancing Digital Teaching & Learning in Irish Universities (EDTL) project aims to enhance the digital attributes and educational experiences of Irish universities.
The EDTL approach to lab-based modular teaching
Resources and ideas from other institutions including a complete list by subject
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Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
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SOM-SOP-QA-0021Appendix one
Short Description:
Useful Information
6. Online Education Case Studies from the School of Medicine:
Run Practical classes in more than one room using Collaborate Ultra - Cheat sheet Video tutorial Open office hours in Collaborate Ultra
How to instruct students to upload video assignments
Sharing an introductory video on Collaborate Ultra to welcome students
Online teaching across Disciplines - How IPL works
How to use drawing tablet in THL and SQ
How to upload a BB Collaborate Recording to Panopto and add Closed
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Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
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SOM-SOP-QA-0021Appendix Two
Short Description:
Student Conduct and college statute extract III CONDUCT AND COLLEGE REGULATIONS 1 All students are required to observe, in addition to the laws of the State, the regulations laid down by the Board of the College from time to time. Disciplinary offences therefore include breaches or attempted breaches of the criminal law and of College regulations, whether committed inside or outside the College, including but not limited to (a) activity which brings the College into disrepute, (b) misconduct in relation to examinations, libraries, and the use of other College facilities, services, and accommodation, (c) disruption of the normal operation of activities within the College, and (d) harassment or misbehaviour on College property or in dealings with others Without prejudice to the general power of the Junior Dean to decide whether an alleged offence is major or minor, the following examples would normally be regarded as major offences: Conduct which does, or is liable to cause, violence to person or damage to property. (b) Conduct which does, or is liable to obstruct, the holding of, or frustrates the purpose in holding, any lecture, class or other instruction given by the College or any laboratory work or any research in the College, or any meeting, hearing or other function (including administrative and sporting activities) authorised to take place within the College. (c) Seriously interfering with, or unreasonably impeding members of the College in carrying out their duties. (d) Theft, fraud or misapplication in connection with funds or property of any kind in College. (e) Offences in connection with degrees or diplomas or examinations or tests conducted by the College. (f) Falsification or serious misuse of University records, including degree or diploma parchments. (g) False pretences or personation of others, within or without the College, in connection with academic attainments or financial awards. (h) Refusal or failure to pay a fine or comply with any penalty (subject to any right of appeal applicable) imposed by the Junior Dean or Librarian. (i) Refusal to produce a College I.D. card or other Page 19 of 22 Confidentiality Statement
This Document is the property of Trinity College School of Medicine and must not be reproduced without permission. Printed Copies of this document are for reference only
Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
Document Number:
SOM-SOP-QA-0021Appendix Two
Short Description:
Student Conduct and college statute extract
acceptable means of identification at the request of the Senior Dean, Junior Dean or any of his/her assistants or any College security officer. (Other members of the College have the right to call for identification of any person found in areas properly under their control.) (j) Failure to comply with any reasonable instruction of a fire warden. (k) All forms of bullying and harassment, including sexual and racial harassment, in all College locations and situations where students are participating in formal College activities or are representing the College or are present at events, social or otherwise, organised in association with the College. (l) Misuse of email, computer facilities, or any aspects of College communications networks. (m) Dishonesty in relation to academic work. (n) Any action by a student on a professional course which would constitute professional misconduct. (o) Actions of students responsible for, or contributing to, the activities of student publications and/or student societies and/or sports clubs which may be injurious to the health, safety and welfare of any person.
Page 20 of 22 Confidentiality Statement
This Document is the property of Trinity College School of Medicine and must not be reproduced without permission. Printed Copies of this document are for reference only
Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
Document Number:
SOM-SOP-QA-0021Appendix Three
Short Description:
Online Education Policy Student Flier
Page 21 of 22 Confidentiality Statement
This Document is the property of Trinity College School of Medicine and must not be reproduced without permission. Printed Copies of this document are for reference only
SCHOOL OF MEDICINE ONLINE EDUCATION POLICY Student Online Education Principles - a summary Professional behaviour is expected - Trinity College Student Code of Conduct and Professional Practice Documentation applies to online settings. Full attendance is expected Correct accurate identity must be revealed if a name is required when logging into online educational sessions Webcams ON and microphones OFF unless instructed otherwise Chat functions to be used appropriately for educational purposes Observe chatiquette and netiquette (the customary code of polite behaviour in online situations)
PURPOSE Describe the process and Promote the continuation of a high- Provide a single document procedures for the delivery of quality educational experience for connecting relevant online education within the students and staff in the School of related sources in online School Of Medicine. Medicine using online resources. learning.
Title: Version Number: Effective Date:
Online Education Policy 1
Document Number:
SOM-SOP-QA-0021Appendix Four
Short Description:
Online Education Policy Staff Flier
Page 22 of 22 Confidentiality Statement
This Document is the property of Trinity College School of Medicine and must not be reproduced without permission. Printed Copies of this document are for reference only
SCHOOL OF MEDICINE ONLINE EDUCATION POLICY Staff Online Education Principles - a summary *A college licenced platform must be used *Clear communication is key *Maintain scheduled times *Material should be stored/accessed/disseminated through Blackboard *Passwords should be required to access educational material *Links should not be distributed on social media. *Private chatting options should be limited to the lecturer. *Report problematic behaviour to the DUTL, DPTL, Junior Dean, OLEC, or DPO *Explicitly teach expectations and engagement of online learning to students *Always consider Universal Design for Learning *The choice to record a live lecture lies with the lecturer. Recordings should be treated with respect to student privacy law/university regulations Use the student advice notice “holding slide” If recording a session notify students and allow them to “opt out” by turning off their webcam Delete recordings after final examinations Recordings of live lectures cannot be repurposed by anyone other than the individual lecturer Recordings of live lectures are not part of any aspect of performance review of relevant staff. Visit the School Of Medicine local online education committee training site
PURPOSE Describe the process and Promote the continuation of a high- Provide a single document connecting relevant procedures for the delivery of quality educational experience for related sources in online online education within the students and staff in the School of learning. School Of Medicine. Medicine using online resources.
links to videos to accompany the Online Policy Dear Ethna, Please find links to videos to accompany the Online Policy for school exec on Wednesday. These are essentially summaries of the main points in the policy relating to students and staff. I would be obliged if you could circulate them with apologies for the late addition. Link to the staff principles video here (duration under 5 minutes) and to the student principles here (duration under 3 minutes). Kind regards, Cuisle