04/12/19, Vol. 10 Issue 3

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georgia VOL.10 • ISSUE 3


PO Box 77401 • Atlanta, GA 30357 P: 404-815-6941; F: 404-963-6365


Editor: Patrick Colson-Price pcolson-price@thegavoice.com Editorial Contributors: Joey Amato, Cliff Bostock, Camryn Burke, Melissa Carter, Mariah Cooper, Aidan Ivory Edwards, Jim Farmer, Luke Gardner, O’Brian Gunn Elizabeth Hazzard, Ryan Lee, Jamie Roberts, Dionne Walker, Craig Washington


Art Director: Rob Boeger rboeger@thegavoice.com


Digital Content Senior Staffer: Katie Burkholder kburkholder@thegavoice.com


Managing Partner/Publisher: Tim Boyd tboyd@thegavoice.com


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Dark Clouds on a Sunny Day Patrick Colson-Price It takes a lot of courage to accept that you’re not as stable of a person as you may have led yourself to believe. For nearly a decade, I’ve been battling some type of evil within me. No, I’m not possessed but on certain days it does feel that way. Something takes over and draws me into this darkness where I can’t seem to pull myself out of. Thankfully it only lasts for a couple of hours or at most a day, but regardless of how long it overcomes me, it is one of the most miserable feelings I’ve ever experienced. I suffer from depression and anxiety, and it hurts like hell. I really started noticing a change in my behavior nearly a decade ago while in college, but ever since I can remember, I’ve been in and out of counseling sessions, and on and off medicine to help me better stabilize my moods. From my parents getting divorced to my ADHD, there was always a pill needed or a person to sit down and talk to whether I liked it or not. I pushed back with every session and pill. I questioned why I needed it and then questioned why I had to take it when other kids didn’t. I guess I didn’t fully understand the need for it at all. Some type of chemical imbalance in my body just doesn’t allow me to feel or stay happy. That’s how it was described to me. Fast forward to 2019 and I understand it now more than ever. If you know me, I’m always out to make people smile or laugh. In a way, it relieves some of the pain I have inside from years of emotional and mental abuse from those who I cared deeply about and even from myself. I spent much of my 20s questioning what my purpose was on this earth. The most difficult part was inadvertently convincing me that I had no purpose in life at all. It led to days and weeks of depression, thinking those around me were out to get me, thinking I didn’t deserve to be in a career that I worked so tirelessly for. It became a constant cycle of “never good enough for anyone or anything.” I’d put on this mask of happiness and prance around like life was

absolutely amazing. Inside, I was crying out for help but was too embarrassed to get it. I eventually said, “Enough!” I was fed up with days of darkness and misery, so I finally asked for help. Each city I moved to, I searched out for a counselor who I could confide in. While it wasn’t ideal for my pride, I knew my pride would thank me later. After I had moved to Albuquerque and got married, I began seeing my umpteenth counselor (I’ve lost track.) At the beginning of each session, she’d have me fill out a questionnaire. One of the questions stated, “Have you had thoughts about harming yourself or others?” I would answer no, but one day I did tell her that while I would never harm myself and try to take my own life, the thought of not being here anymore was a peaceful feeling. It didn’t scare me. I told her that if one night I fell asleep and never woke up, I’d be quite content with life or the lack thereof. Before you call the local psych ward, she explained it’s quite natural for us to have those morbid thoughts of death and that it’s much different than wanting to do harm to your own life. There have been days recently that I’ve expressed thoughts and feelings to my husband just like I did with my counselor, not to get attention but to try

to help him understand it’s a never-ending battle in my head every minute of my day. There are times when I’d like to tell Siri to cut my brain off and allow me to take a few moments to breathe without thought. I know that’s impossible, so I have to manage the best way I can. Every day there’s a new struggle waiting for me when I wake up. It’s a cycle that continues to this day, but I’ve learned with medicine and with my husband’s support that I can manage my illness so it doesn’t affect my daily life. I’m writing this because I want you to know it’s ok to reach out and ask for help. Whether in the form a pill or even an ear from a close friend, you owe it to yourself to learn how to manage your depression or anxiety in a healthy way. If ignored, it can consume you and destroy the most joyful parts of your life and isolate you from those who care most about your wellbeing. While every day promises some kind of challenge, it also promises some kind of hope. Know that while I continue to struggle with my illness, I have hope that tomorrow will bring a new understanding of why I am here. While it may be unclear now, I know these words can help at least one person know their worth and know it’s ok to speak up and be heard. April 12, 2019 Editorial 3


Mormon Church Removes LGBTQ Policy Ban Staff Reports

Dragons, broke the news that 32 LGBTQ young people ages 14 to 20 – two of whom were transgender – had died by suicide.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), also known as the Mormon Church, has removed a ban on baptizing the children of LGBTQ parents, reported CNN.

Church leaders released a statement about the suicides to The Deseret News, a Salt Lake City newspaper owned by the church.

The announcement that the church will no longer consider same-sex couples “apostates” – people who forsake their religion – was made by Dallin Oaks, a member of the church’s First Presidency, at a conference on Thursday (April 4).

“Every soul is precious to God and to the church and the loss of life to suicide is heartbreaking,” church spokesperson Dale Jones said. “Those who are attracted to others of the same sex face particular challenges and pressures in this regard, both inside and outside the church.”

The church said in a statement that it wanted “to reduce the hate and contention so common today.” “Previously, our Handbook characterized samegender marriage by a member as apostasy,” the church said. “While we still consider such a marriage to be a serious transgression, it will not be treated as apostasy for purposes of Church discipline. Instead, the immoral conduct in

heterosexual or homosexual relationships will be treated in the same way.” The LDS Church announced in November of 2015, five months after same-sex marriage was legalized, that those in same-sex

relationships risked ex-communication from the church and children of these couples couldn’t be baptized. Just two months later, a group of Mormon mothers with gay children, called the Mama

Now that same-sex marriages are no longer considered “apostasy,” there is no longer threat of ex-communication for gay couples. However, the church has said that its doctrines on marriage and salvation will remain the same. LGBTQ Mormons are still expected to be chaste, according to church teachings.

Researchers Develop Possible Cure for HIV Staff Reports Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health have developed an all-in-one immunotherapy approach that may potentially lead to a cure to HIV, according to UPMC. The scientists have developed a way, called the “kick and kill” method, to kick HIV cells out of hiding in the immune system and kill them. The discovery was made in a lab using HIV-infected cells and published in EBioMedicine. The researchers used dendritic cells, which are usually used in cancer immunotherapies, to induce the immune system to kill HIV cells. These cells were then engineered to seek out and activate the cells where HIV was hiding and kill them as well. 4 News April 12, 2019

Senior author Robbie Mailliard, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology at Pitt Public Health, called the method the “Swiss Army knife of immunotherapies.” No clinical trials of the newly developed method have yet taken place, but the researchers say it’s a step towards one day developing an HIV vaccine. “A lot of scientists are trying to develop a cure for HIV, and it’s usually built around the ‘kick and kill’ concept,” Mailliard said. “There are some promising therapies being developed for the kill, but the Holy Grail is figuring out which cells are harboring HIV so we know what to kick.” The research team is now seeking funding to begin human clinical trials. TheGeorgiaVoice.com



Atlanta Leather Pride: Past and Present Patrick Colson-Price

The leather scene has been part of Atlanta’s LGBTQ community for more than 25 years, although the official Atlanta Leather Pride weekend has only been around for about a decade. Its beginnings are rooted deep in contests like Mr. Atlanta Eagle and Ms. Atlanta Eagle. Both started in 1995 as a way for those with a love for leather to build their community through competition. Both contests made their way into the 2000s but soon took a hiatus from the Atlanta leather scene. In 2009, the return of Mr. Atlanta Eagle made for an easy conversation about the future of leather in the South. “The Eagle approached us and said do you want to take over the contest next year?” said Nitro Hankinson , founder of ALP. “We gave them the stipulation. We’re here for this, but it’s not just going to be a contest. We’re going to do a full weekend to bring money into the bar and pack out the bar. That’s when in 2010, it was our first year for Atlanta Leather Pride.” Hankinson and his late partner, Alan 6 Leather Pride April 12, 2019

Penrod, worked together to create the events first weekend back in 2009. Hankinson, International Leather Boy 2011 and Penrod, Mr. Atlanta Eagle 2009 and 2nd Runner Up International Mister Leather 2009, all about contests and titles, knew they’d still bring in the crowds. But an entire weekend of events was a different ball game. Their goal: create a weekend of inclusion and education, all intertwined with loads of fun. But in January of 2016, Penrod, the co-founder of ALP and Hankinson’s partner, died. “He passed away after a sudden medical emergency. He was 53 when he died,” said Hankinson. His legacy throughout the leather community has made a lasting impressing not only in Atlanta but across the country. Hankinson knows he wants to continue growing his and Penrod’s event into a weekend even more massive. “People do travel from all over. One of our judges is coming in from San Francisco. People really do come from not just the Southeast but from Cincinnati, Ohio, and Toronto, Canada,” said Hankinson. “Every city goes

through cycles when it goes up and down. Right now, we’re definitely in an upswing within the leather community.” From Friday social bar night to Saturday’s gear swap sale, there’s never a moment to not interact with someone else in leather. Even into the late night hours, parties at Heretic Atlanta and Atlanta Eagle will give visitors a chance to let loose in as little gear as they’d like. “There’s a lot of leather; there’s a lot of gear, rubber, sports gear...an entire spectrum,” said Hankinson. “Folks just find this is a welcoming environment. We tell folks, let your freak flag fly. We just want to provide a safe space for people to be themselves.” He knows over the years, through mainstream media, taboo topics have become more widely accepted. While ALP focuses on Fundraising and contests, Hankinson found another weekend for those looking to push limits. “Southeast Black and Blue which happens in August is all education based. BDSM workshops, demonstrations,” said Hankinson. CONTINUES ON PAGE 7

FORMER ALP TITLE HOLDERS Mr Atlanta Eagle 1995-96 - Roger Curtman 1997-98 - Todd Wright 1999 - Bruce “Dandy” Tidwell 2000 - John “JD” Derek 2001 - Randie Saxxon 2002 - Pup Henry 2009 - Alan Penrod 2010 - Chandler Bearden 2011 - Wayne Turpin 2012 - Jeff Donaldson 2013 - Tank Teachworth 2014 - John “JP” Paquette 2015 - Robbie Butler 2016 - Daddy Rod 2017 - Jonathan Gattis 2018 - David Campbell Ms. Atlanta Eagle 1995-96 - SIR Khiki 1997 - Sue Berry 1999 - Dauphine Sowell 2000 - Lorna Pierce 2001 - Pamm Burdett 2012 - Jackie Hubschman 2013 - Lizzy Pane Fountain 2015 - Khaz 2016 - Princess Leigha 2017 - Dale Maddox Mr. Southeast Rubber 2008 - Luke Shanks 2009 - Alan Holloway 2010 - Gman 2012 - Mayor David 2015 - Jackson 2016 - Sean Franks Mr Hotlanta Rubber: 2008 - Nitro Hankinson 2009 - Scott LaFlex


LEATHER PRIDE About ALP’s Founder:

Nitro has been active in the Atlanta Leather Community since 2006. Nitro is the current president of Panther L/L, one of Atlanta’s Leather/Levi clubs. He is also the Executive Producer of ALP-SEBB Events which puts on such events as Atlanta Leather Pride, Southeast Black and Blue Weekend, Leather & Lace, Fort Troff Maneuvers gear parties, Rubber & Gear barnights, and the monthly BDSM 101 workshop series. Nitro enjoys many different aspects of the Leather, BDSM, & Kink communities and enjoys helping new people learn and explore and expand their boundaries safely. He is always willing to sit down and chat about experiences and to compare notes. Contact Hankinson at nitro@southeastlsb.com

WEEKEND EVENT SCHEDULE Friday, April 12, 2019

10pm: Kickoff meet and greet at the Atlanta Eagle. Contestants will be selling raffle tickets, Barking Leather will be open and vending, and demos and a cigar party will be head on the back patio. This is a social night to meet other attendees of the event, contestants, and judges.


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 “Those are both two things that my late partner and I really enjoyed, so now we have the best of both worlds here in Atlanta.” It’s made ALP and Southeast Black and Blue prime destinations for those across the Southeast and the country to embrace the leather culture and all things BDSM. “There’s still that paranoia in the back of our mind. Every city has its own feel but I have to say, we have many kinks here,” he said. “ Many times it’s folks you’d never expect. You’ll see folks that will come out to the Eagle in full gear, and you’re like wait a minute. Didn’t you do the mortgage on my house? My late partner was a lead scientist at the CDC and would go speak at conferences and then come home to do these types of events.” For as long as Hankinson calls Atlanta home, his dedication will be to this leather community and growing it as a place for people to learn and embrace just how leather makes each person themselves. TheGeorgiaVoice.com

Saturday, April 13, 2019

2 -10pm: Gear swap sale! Bring any gear or toys you want to sell and 10% of the sale goes to the fundraiser. Come ready to buy some new gear and toys yourself. 5-7pm: BBQ and Beer Bust. There is a $5 suggested donation for the BBQ and beer bust. Burgers by Big Daddy Burgers! Sponsored by the Atlanta Eagle. 8pm: Contest begins. The big part of the night will be the Mr/Ms Atlanta Eagle contest and Mr Southeast Rubber contest. This will be the time to watch the contestants strut their stuff on stage and take some of their gear off. There will be some GREAT auctions during the night as well. 10pm: Victory Party at the Atlanta Eagle! The Saturday night SWEAT party sponsored by Fort Troff is always fun. This year we have some new additions for everyone. DJ Neon the Glowgobear will be spinning beats inside, and out on the patio we will have DJ Eric doing his great video DJ style. We will have a block party with bar stations in the parking lot to give everyone some extra room for the party.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

11am - 1pm: The Atlanta Leather Pride 10th Annual Sunday Brunch at ROXX Tavern on Cheshire Bridge. Open to all.

404.873.2664 BOYNEXTDOORMENSWEAR.COM 1447 PIEDMONT AVE NE, ATLANTA, GA 30309 April 12, 2019 Leather Pride 7


Patrick Colson-Price Graffiti: Writing or drawings made on a wall or other surface, usually without permission and within public view. Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings and has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, and the Roman Empire. Griff King understands just what Graffiti used to be and what it still can be to this day. It’s obvious with a quick Google search of the word itself, but in his world, what he does needs no permission. He’s been an artist since birth, honing in on his skills throughout his education, from studying landscape architecture at Clemson University to picking up graphic design nearly a decade after he graduated college. He’s illustrated anything from children’s books to sketching storyboards for commercials, and scaling walls to paint his murals. There’s no canvas he won’t tackle. At a young age, King remembered something his dad always told him: “Son, an arts degree and a dollar fifty will get you a cup of coffee at the QuikMart.” With that in mind, his dad taught him how to enjoy his passion, use his passion, and if he could make a buck then go for it. He says the reality of the world is that not everybody can survive off art. “Not until you’re 80 or you’re dead,” King said. He’s proof artists can make a living doing what they love. King has two jobs. At his nine to five, 8 Spring Arts April 12, 2019

he’s the creative manager for Matrix Residential, but off the clock, he’s taking his artistry to different walls across the city of Atlanta. But before success, his canvas was pretty blank. “It wasn’t until I moved to Atlanta in 2010 and met my husband who really pushed me to pursue to take my art into the business realm and really hone in my skills to do graphic design and painting,” said King. From there he knew to be just an artist wouldn’t cut it, but diving into a career without art wouldn’t be fulfilling. He had an idea. “I interviewed with Matrix without having a sales background. However, I interviewed with my artwork because that’s what I was strong with and that’s what I wanted to do with my life,” said King. “I said that I understand where I have to begin, but here’s my five-year goal. I want to be your graphic designer and be in the marketing department. I want to be able to do this because this is what I love. It only took me three years to get where I wanted.” His process of creating a mural is quite simple. “It starts with listening. If you have a client and being able to interpret knowing what they want,” he said. “I start with an idea and concept, and I just work it out. I will sit down and draw; I will have a rough concept and then I start to refine it.” His pieces can take from several hours to several days depending on the intricacy of the design. He admits his personal pieces,


Clockwise from top: Graffiti artist Griff King works in his studio creating various art pieces. Griff poses with his husband, Rick Twombley-King.

outside of the work realm, garners more attention to fine detail with undertones of his sexuality and upbringing. King knows his dream to draw, design, and create wouldn’t have been possible without the move to Atlanta. As he said, his husband and mentor, Rick Twombley-King, has given him that extra push to take steps forward when others seemed to want to hold him back. “You’re going to have people out there with their negative opinions and you have to filter through those and see what has some clout and what is just trash,” said King. “That comes

with experience. You have to understand how to read a critique and how to read someone who’s just trying to be an asshole.” Both know of the struggles of their harshest critics, but they’ve endured and created a life regardless of the landscape they’ve settled in. It’s like King’s artwork. He takes every painting, regardless of the surface, and creates his masterpieces ultimately to his liking. He’s the artist. The final product is his voice. For more information on Griff King’s artwork, visit https://www.griffitistudio.com. TheGeorgiaVoice.com

PRIDE is ageless Learn more at aarp.org/pride

WE MAKE PRIDE A YEAR-ROUND CELEBRATION Like anyone else, people in the LGBT community want to live longer, healthier and more fulfilling lives. AARP is committed to creating a new vision for aging—one complete with diverse stories and innovative ways for everyone to pursue their passions—equally, openly and proudly.

facebook.com/aarpgeorgia @AARPGA


Rag-O-Rama Outfit Finds! Patrick Colson-Price Need to freshen up your Spring Wardrobe? We stopped into Rag-O-Rama in Little Five Points to check out their selection of new and gently used clothing! What would clothes shopping be without our two models, Katie Burkholder and Wesley Forest, strutting the dressing room runway?! See what they picked out and how you can get the same outfit and deal!

Men’s Fashion

LOOK ONE Converse Chuck Taylor All Star High Tops $22.50 Classic Snap Back Cap $12.50 Tie-dye Tee $10.50 Gap Denim Shorts $17.50

Fashion Fixes without Breaking the Bank O’Brian Gunn Places like Rag-O-Rama or Plato’s Closet are perfect spots to grab those bargain items, but other places could break your bank. As you’re shopping for a new spring wardrobe, keep the following tips in mind. Otherwise, your praise break can come to an abrupt and unholy end when you realize how much you spent. Jesus, take the financial wheel.

Quality Trumps Looks

As you work your way through the racks (or pages, if you shop online), do yourself a favor and focus just as much on the quality of the clothes that catch your eye as you do their appearance. Yeah, that shirt or blouse may look fantastic on you, but it may also start to show signs of wear after just a few months.

LOOK TWO Vans Casual Canvas $30.50 Multi-color Fannypack $13.50 Peace Gen Tank $14.50 Paradise Short $18.50

On the other hand, a more expensive article of clothing could last for years and years and years. You spend more money up front, sure, but you save on the cost of stitching up or outright replacing a lower quality article of clothing.

LOOK THREE Adidas Pharrell Williams Shoe $60.50 Kahala Summer Button Up $14.50 Paradise Short $18.50 Courdaroy SnapBack $10.50

Sell Your Old Clothes

Let’s pump the brakes a sec before you sprint off to shop for new clothes. Take a long gander through your closet and dresser. Do you still want/wear every single Item you see? If not, consider selling those unwanted items before you buy new pieces for your wardrobe. Remember the shops we mentioned above like Rag-O-Rama or Plato’s Closet? The money you make from selling your old clothes can become money you spend on new clothes.

Women’s Fashion LOOK ONE Sunglasses $13.50 Belt $11.50 Nike Air Force Ones Shoes $42.50 Pants $24.50 Top $19.50

LOOK TWO Re/done Original Denim Jean $62.50 Charlotte Russe Shoe $20.50 Wild honey Crop Tank $17.50 Dickies Back Pack $16.50 LOOK THREE Divided Tee $9.50 Beige Summer Sandals $18.50 Cooperative Dress $16.50

That way, you don’t have to adjust your budget or make financial sacrifices for the sake of fashion. Another benefit of selling unwanted clothes is that you free up closet and drawer space, keeping your space from feeling cluttered.

Shop With a Purpose

Just like it’s a good idea to shop for groceries with intention rather than when you’re hungry and want to put nearly everything you see in your cart, the same principle applies when shopping for clothes. What that means is that you shouldn’t mindlessly shop for clothes, picking up every item that catches your eye. Instead, look at your wardrobe (after you’ve gotten rid of unwanted items) and take note of what’s missing, such as a light jacket, dark denim jeans, or a casual long-sleeved shirt. Note those items and only shop for those items. That way, you don’t buy an island of clothes only to get home and feel like you didn’t buy anything you really needed. You don’t have to be fashion rich but money poor this spring. Challenge yourself so that your bank account looks just as damn good as you do, no matter the season.

10 Spring Fashion April 12, 2019


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April 12, 2019 Ads 11


Items available at:

Boy Next Door Menswear

1447 Piedmont Ave. NE Atlanta, GA 30309 404-873-2664 www.BoyNextDoorMenswear.com

Cargo Crops

This military style pant is coming back this Spring and Fall. Try it with a crop twist and a pair or boots or sneakers. Featured is the Candor Crop Pant with a loose button down shirt.

Beach to Brunch Shorts This new style of shorts from Argyle Grant are perfect for the any purpose. Don’t want to change? Just pickup these for any occasion, wet or dry.

Printed Swim

The fun doesn’t stop at shirts! Pick up some animal print this summer or the new artisan prints from Cocksox! Leopard, tiger and giraffe prints are trending and florals always make a great choice.

Printed Shirts (above and at top right) Fun is the theme this summer. Rollerskating dogs, cats, and bears. Available from Loft 604 and Maceoo.

12 Spring Fashion April 12, 2019


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Gay up Your Garden for the Spring O’Brian Gunn Spring, my absolute favorite season, is officially here in all of its colorful glory! It’s time to shake off your heavy winter coats and layers and exchange them for short sleeves and a stylish jacket for those breezy nights. It’s the perfect attire for a relaxing afternoon or evening in your backyard garden! If you’re ready to make your yard the most vibrant and lush on the block, we’ve got plenty of DIY landscape tips, as well as ideas for flowers that add plenty of color to your garden.

Add Layers to Your Flowerbed When you start planning your flowerbed, it’s a good idea to think in layers. Specifically, it’s a great look to have the tallest plants in the back, medium-height plants in the middle, and the shortest blooms or greens in the front. Taking this tip one step further, you can use repetition across your yard to lend your landscaping a more uniform look.

Don’t Forget About the Hardscape Aspect of Landscaping There’s something about hardscaping that brings your landscaping efforts full circle. What’s hardscaping? It’s adding fencing and walls to your property. You can also trace a path through your garden to truly bring the experience together through a sort of guided tour. Other examples of hardscaping include decks, patios, and water features. Note that you do not have to spend a lot of money on hardscaping, nor do you have to rely solely on a professional to handle the task. You can lay down gravel, crushed stone, or stone slabs to create a path through your garden. You can also install a clay pot fountain for a nice water element.

Throw in Some Texture and Form True, generous sprays of color make for a great looking garden, but it’s good to give the eyes a break and balance out the look and feel of your landscape. Evergreens and conifers go a long way in giving your property some texture and form. Look for conifers and evergreen plants that would look right at home in your chosen garden 14 Spring Gardening April 12, 2019

design, and be sure you read up on how to care for your greenery. That way, you know how much work they need to always look their best.

to thrive in almost any conditions (just like the queer community). Tulips come in lots of different shades, so feel free to go crazy when it’s time to decide on a color palette.

Opt for Plants That Can Withstand the Heat

Divine Dahlias

Think ahead with your spring garden. You don’t want all your hard work to wilt and dry up when the summer heat comes on. Think of adding a few plants that are resistant to drought. That way, your garden won’t go from dramatic to drab when temperatures start heating up.

Get on Dat Tulip Tip Moving on to some of the most colorful flowers you can add to your garden, you cannot go wrong with tulips. No matter if it’s a cool spring or a dry summer, tulips are able

Take one look at dahlias and you’re sure to want to add them to your spring spread. Like tulips, the spike-tipped blooms come in a variety of hues. No matter which color you choose, just make sure you grow them in well-watered soil, a sunny area of your yard, and easy temperatures.

Lazy Lilacs Get the scent you miss with dahlias by planting lilacs. Besides adding color, lilacs can also send the invitation for butterflies to come to visit your garden, adding another layer of visual interest. Don’t have the

greenest of green thumbs? Not to worry, the lilac can do bad all by its damn self … and by “bad,” I mean “good.” The flower doesn’t need much in the way of maintenance, and they’re simple to grow.

Alluring Azaleas No Southern garden is complete without Azaleas. It’s best that you plant these colorful blooms in partial shade and well-drained acidic soil. A word of caution: These bad boys are highly toxic, so handle them with utmost care, and keep them away from children and pets. Now that you’ve gotten several great ideas to keep you and your garden busy this spring, get to work! You know you’ve done a great job when you’ve made the neighbors sickeningly jealous. TheGeorgiaVoice.com


Scoring Big at Yard Sales Luke Gardner

The thrill of wading through random items at a thrift store has somehow not been lost in the age of iPhones and Instagram, but yard sales can offer even better deals that often go unnoticed. Larry Johnson started the Atlanta Garage Sale Facebook group, which currently has over 26 thousand members. The group serves as an online exchange and as a place where community members can find information on physical yard or garage sales nearby. “I was tired of going to different garage sale groups that were allowing too many services to be shared like selling cars, homes and business services,” Johnson said. “I just wanted to look for items and purchase them if interested. I have had people thank me for the way the group is managed because it was their main source of income. They didn’t have to fight for visibility with service posts which allowed them more potential sales.” It’s not just Facebook that has the tea, however. Websites like garagesalestracker.com, yardsalesearch.com, and yardsales.net allow users to post their sales and search for upcoming sales in their area. Craigslist is another place where community members post yard sale ads, and several towns and communities have formed similar online exchange and yard sale groups via Facebook. Smalltown media outlets like local papers are another great place to look, according to moneycrashers.com. The website suggests forming a relationship with the seller by asking about the origin of items and to buy in bulk. Buyers must be willing to walk away when items are overpriced and when sellers are unrealistic or unwilling to negotiate. Time matters too. Moneycrashers. com suggests hitting the lawns as the sun rises and sets, noting that the earliest people have the biggest selection while the latest people are often offered the best deals in last-ditch efforts to clean house. Consumer Reports list multiple ways to get the best deals and have a great time when shopping at garage sales, suggesting that shoppers who www.TheGeorgiaVoice.com

wish to go to multiple sales should plan out their trip in advance. Yard Sale Treasure Map is an app that pulls postings from Craigslist to display the location of nearby yard sales, even offering mapped-out GPS routes for optimal timing. The Consumer Reports article also suggests narrowing your search by item, like going to higher-end neighborhoods when looking for used luxury items. Shoppers are also advised to pack newspaper, bungee cords, boxes, tape, wrapping paper, bags, and any other items that will help them pack-up the new finds. Checking items is also an imperative aspect of yard sale shopping. This includes checking

clothing items for stains and bringing batteries to check if battery-operated items still work. Checking items can also mean verifying that an item meets current safety standards. Consumer Reports suggests visiting recalls.gov to look up an item before purchase, especially if that item is food related, safety gear, furniture or a car seat. To make sure they are getting a good deal, shoppers can download selling apps like eBay, Letgo, and Offerup to check the web for prices on the item they’re interested in buying before purchasing. When negotiating, always start lower than the desired end price but be prepared for some sellers to be unmovable. Cash is a necessity at most garage sales. While

more and more small businesses are taking credit cards via phone and tablet, and with cash services like PayPal, CashApp, and Venmo, it’s a lot easier to find bargains without carrying cash. Still, there’s nothing more disappointing than holding the crown jewel of a yard sale hunt, and knowing that you can afford it but you just left the cash at home. For Johnson, yard sale shopping is a game he has spent years perfecting. “I would say for me it’s a hobby,” Johnson said. “I like seeking hidden treasures that people don’t want anymore. I take photos on the side and was able to purchase a very nice drone for far less than what it was originally worth.” April 12, 2019 Yard Sales 15


The Messy Art of Decluttering Aidan Ivory Edwards

Nowadays, we can’t escape the word “decluttering” without darting our attention to Marie Kondo’s work, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” It’s fantastic, sure. But without our own submission, self-help books are consumed by our old ways. The art of decluttering is like breaking up with a person that has only shown you love and affection. Sure, they may have made you feel insecure at times — but there were times where they were a source of comfort, bringing you this indescribable sense of tranquility without talking too much. The problem with clutter is that it usually boils down to procrastination. We all want to take a day off to clean our physical space up. We all wish that we could drive home the minimalistic ways of a Buddhist Monk. Yet, we stare at items that we no longer have any use for with eyes of endearment, knowing in the pit of our stomach that it’s time to let go of these items. We just never give ourselves the go ahead. Springtime is that time. Well, anytime is that time really. Whoever said that timing is everything is wrong — at least when it comes to decluttering. It’s all about our urgency for action. So that shirt you got six years ago on sale from the designer store, there may be no Hollywood red carpet event for you to wear it to. You’re better off wearing it at your nephew’s birthday party at Chuck-ECheese. And we know that you’re not going to commit such an atrocity. Let it go. It’s okay. I have some tips that have allowed me to realize that living a smaller and more condensed life made me more productive and successful in the long run. I also heard that Barack Obama narrowed down his wardrobe so that he had fewer decisions to make in the day. I’m not that busy — but still. Having a daughter made my wife and I realize that there was a ton of clutter inside of our apartment. It’s difficult decluttering with a partner because they simply may not see eye to eye with you when it comes to that basket that was gifted to you by a family member somehow related to your 16 Spring Cleaning April 12, 2019

mother. This brings me back to timing. Marie Kondo makes it clear in her book that those memories associated with certain items can make or break a decluttering situation. Detach yourself from those memories and those potential memories that cease to exist. Think about the present. Are you really going to remove this Blanche from Golden Girls chia-pet from your closet? Where is she going to look okay? Do you really think that chia-pet looks like Blanche from Golden Girls? See, you aren’t a fan of chia-pets. They’re frightening.

photos of items that she cherishes before parting ways with them. It’s a sentimental way to save memories and reduce unneeded clutter. She did this with our daughter’s artwork and began to create an artbook full of photos that get the point across. We loved it so much that we took the time to take a photo of it. That one minute of our time will now live on forever, floating on our server’s cloud drive. This idea is universal. Compacting all of those memories onto a hard drive can save you a ton of room in your house, making it feel more like a home!

I was curious about how we could preserve more memories in a non-destructive way that was tasteful. My wife implemented an idea that blew my mind — that I have a feeling she borrowed from a blog — where she takes

When we think of our personal items, we think of anything but the present. The idea that the item that was so important to you in the past will have a purpose in the near future is your mind playing tricks on you.

We are overloaded with clothes, objects, and attached thoughts (sometimes imaginary) with these items. We look at our lavish clothes lined up in our closet but think to ourselves that we have nothing to wear. We notice the glassware collecting dust in the cupboards, but have no clean dishes. Our attics and basements are used for trips down memory lane. Our storage units look like a goldmine for storage wars. This should be a trigger to yourself that spring cleaning is upon you. But the anxiety associated with this cleaning doesn’t need to lead to any hyperventilating or nausea. We just need to breathe and consciously think about the things that we need, the things that we once needed, and those re-gifted items that you received from your mother. TheGeorgiaVoice.com

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April 12, 2019 Ads 17


“I Love to Eat” Debuts in Atlanta Jim Farmer


He’s regarded as one of the great names in the culinary world, with annual awards named after him, but not many people know the story of James Beard’s life. The justopened “I Love to Eat,” being presented by Theatrical Outfit, attempts to shed some light on the openly gay chef, cookbook author, and personality. Veteran Atlanta actor Bill Murphey plays Beard in the new play while openly gay Clifton Guterman, the company’s associate artistic director, directs. Before the project, Guterman knew about some of Beard’s professional accomplishments but very little about the man himself. He and the show’s gay playwright James Still had worked together in 2007 and kept in touch. Still reached out in 2016 and sent the script, aware of the company’s successes with one-man shows. “He had never had the play produced in the South and Atlanta is such a foodie city now,” says Guterman. “He thought it would be a good fit.” The playwright’s only stipulation was that the company have someone who could handle Beard — physically and emotionally — and Clifton and the Theatrical Outfit staff knew instantly that Murphey could pull it off if he wanted to. Murphey read the play and quickly jumped aboard. “He’s larger than life and multidimensional,” says Murphey of the character. “Beard said many times that his favorite vegetable was an onion and there are so many layers to James Beard. We keep peeling away. He is mercurial and goes from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. He has a love of life. He is funny, wild, sad. I get to run the whole gamut of emotions with him. It’s fun but terrifying. I couldn’t be more excited and nervous.” The play takes place in the middle of the night in 1984. Beard can’t sleep, comes down for a midnight snack and realizes he 18 Spring Arts April 12, 2019


“Men With Money” Aurora Theatre Through April 14 “Bullets Over Broadway” Georgia Ensemble Theatre Through April 28 “Falsettos” Actor’s Express Through April 28


James Beard, played by veteran Atlanta actor Bill Murphey, in “I Love to Eat”a play about the story of James Beard’s life.

has 200 guests in his kitchen. “He spends about 90 minutes talking about his journey to becoming a caterer and chef, his travels around the world, his friendships with people like Julia Child,” says Guterman. “He also takes on a flashback to 1946 when he had the first live cooking show ever on TV — ‘I Love to Eat,’ with Elsie the Cow.” According to Murphey, Beard had an unsuccessful career as an actor and had also trained to be an opera singer. He found out what he knew was food. He went to New York where he and some friends started a catering service. Besides doing that, he wrote articles for newspapers and made appearances here and there. He was out as much as he could be during the time. “It was not a secret among his friends, but this was early to mid-twentieth century and he couldn’t live as openly or publicly as he wanted to,” says Murphey. “If you look today, you’d say of course he was gay. He was beloved by men and women alike. Maybe it

just didn’t occur to them he could be gay.” Beard had a live-in lover — a younger Italian pastry chef, he put on the 4th floor of his building, — who lived there until after Beard died. “Everyone in the restaurant world in New York knew it but he didn’t talk about it much,” says Guterman. This is the last weekend to catch Topher Payne’s world premiere re-mount of his “Angry Fags, “ which he opened in 2013 at 7 Stages. It still revolves around two gay friends and how they respond when one of their tribe is brutally assaulted. This time, the gay playwright has updated the show for the Trump era.


“Dear Evan Hansen” Fox Theatre April 23 – 28 “Ride the Cyclone” Alliance Theatre May 1 - 26 “The Secretaries” Out Front Theatre Company May 2 - 18 “Ragtime” Serenbe Playhouse May 8 - June 9 “Cruel Intentions: The ‘90s Musical” Cobb Energy Centre May 15 “The Cake” Horizon Theatre May 17 - June 23 “Come From Away” Fox Theatre June 25 - 30

“I Love to Eat” Theatrical Outfit April 10 – May 5

“Hair” Serenbe Playhouse July 3 - August 18

“Angry Fags” 7 Stages Through April 14

“Head Over Heels” Actor’s Express July 20 – August 25


DIRECTOR’S CHOICE May 10–12, 2019 Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre With the Atlanta Ballet Orchestra

Let these imaginative works by three rising star choreographers move you. Featuring a world premiere by Liam Scarlett set to Violin Concerto No 1 by Philip Glass, Sum Stravinsky by Kiyon Ross & Denouement by Gemma Bond.

Visit atlantaballet.com or call | 1.800.982.2787 for tickets. Groups of 10+, email groupsales@atlantaballet.com.

Jessica He & Anderson Souza. Photo by Rachel Neville.


Films to Watch This Spring Jim Farmer With a much-anticipated musical drama about a legendary gay performer on the way as well as some compelling indies, this spring and summer should suitably satisfy LGBTQ viewers. All eyes will be on May’s “Rocketman,” a musical fantasy about Elton John and his breakout year as a performer. The film stars Taron Egerton as the infamous singer, who still lives part-time in Atlanta. It’s directed by Dexter Fletcher, who replaced Bryan Singer when Singer was “fired” from the set of last year’s Freddie Mercury/Queen drama “Bohemian Rhapsody.” Buzz has been very strong so far based on footage people have seen. Paramount would certainly love to duplicate the success of “Rhapsody,’ which — despite its director scandal and mixed reviews — was a box office smash and won four Academy Awards, including one for actor Rami Malek. “Wild Nights With Emily” has won Molly Shannon a slew of awards the last year as well. It’s the latest from Madeleine Olnek, known for her lesbian-themed films “Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same” and “The Foxy Merkins.” Here, Shannon plays Emily Dickinson, who, in the mid-19th century, is hard at work writing but is also involved with another woman — her friend and sister-inlaw Susan. Director Olnek has a swell concept and engaging cast. Even when the film feels a bit like a one-trick pony, it succeeds. The film also does a dandy job of showing a new side of the poet, someone who is far from the spinster she has been previously portrayed as, and well as a writer whose professional journey was determined mostly by men. Bound to be one of the best LGBTQ films of the year, “Sauvage (Wild)” stars Felix Maritaud as a 22-year-old man who sells his body for cash — and seems to waver between whether he likes the work or wants to find love. It’s bold and sexually graphic — some audience members at Cannes last year walked out on a threeway scene — but is excellently directed by Camille 20 Spring Arts April 12, 2019


Clockwise from top left: “Rocketman,” “Wild Nights With Emily,” “Sauvage,” and “The Third Wife.”

Vidal-Maquet and features another superb performance from Maritaud. Two films opening in New York and Los Angeles may or may not see the inside of an Atlanta theater. “Halston” is an acclaimed documentary looking at the fashion icon and his legacy – and how it all changed under the Wall Street era. The likes of Liza Minnelli and Marisa Berenson and more are among those interviewed. “The Third Wife” takes place in 19th century Vietnam, where a 14-year-old finds herself about to be married to a wealthy landowner. As she prepares for her new role, she meets the landowner’s former wife and makes some discoveries about herself. Atlanta Pride and Out On Film are teaming

for a free series of films this spring and summer to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Stonewall, with films from every decade since. The series, which began last week, contains the lesbian classic “Desert Hearts,” “Living with Pride: Ruth Ellis @ 100,” “The Watermelon Woman,” “ Save Me,” “Brother to Brother,” “Shelter,” “Saturday Church,” the Kenya lesbian romance “Rafiki” and “Pride.” Finally, there’s nothing LGBTQ about them, but the likes of “Avengers: Endgame,” “X-Men: Dark Phoenix” and “Toy Story 4” will draw in the masses, while the comedy/drama “The Farewell” (with gay favorite Awkwafina) is likely to get some of the best reviews of the summer.

UPCOMING SHOWS “Wild Nights With Emily” Opens April 26 Midtown Art Cinema “Sauvage” (Wild”) Opens May 3 Plaza Atlanta Theatre “Desert Hearts” 7 pm, May 9 at Rush Center Annex “Rocketman” Opens May 31 Various area theaters “Halston” TBD “The Third Wife” TBD




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Out on TV: Upcoming Must-See Shows! “Tuca & Bertie” If you like BoJack Horseman, you’re going to love this animated comedy about two 30-something roommates – who are both birds. With comedy powerhouses Tiffany Haddish voicing Tuca and Ali Wong voicing Bertie, it’s sure to have audiences laughing out loud. Where: Netflix When: May 3

Katie Burkholder “Shrill” In the limited six-episode adaptation of Lindy West’s 2016 memoir, Saturday Night Live’s Aidy Bryant plays a journalist dealing with work, love, and the limitations she faces as a plus-sized woman who “wants to changer her life, not her body.” Where: Hulu When: Out now!

“Fosse/Verdon” Hamilton’s Lin-Manuel Miranda and his colleague Thomas Kail both executive produced the new series that takes an inside look into the romantic relationship and creative collaboration between Broadway dancer Gwen Verdon and choreographer/ director Bob Fosse. Where: FX When: Out now!

“The Act” This true-crime anthology series follows the infamous and toxic relationship between Gypsy Rose Blanchard, played by Joey King, and her mother, Dee Dee, played by Patricia Arquette, based off the BuzzFeed story, “Dee Dee Wanted Her Daughter to Be Sick, Gypsy Wanted Her Mom to Be Murdered.” Where: Hulu When: Out now! “Jane the Virgin” – LGBTQ The shocking cliffhanger of the fourth season of this addictive American telenovela will finally be resolved and the identity of the mysterious narrator will be revealed in the fifth and final season. Where: The CW When: Out now! “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” – LGBTQ The second season of the equally campy and dark reboot of the classic ’90s series, produced by gay Executive Producer Greg Berlanti, brings about new characters and a new look for the Satanic Sabrina. Where: Netflix When: Out now! “Killing Eve” – LGBTQ This award-winning dark comedy slash spy thriller comes back to BBC for a second season, following Eve Polastri, played by Sandra Oh, and Villanelle, played by Jodie Comer, the bisexual assassin who becomes obsessed with her. Where: BBC When: Out now! “Game of Thrones” The long-awaited eighth season of the beloved series has finally arrived and while 22 Spring Arts April 12, 2019


Clockwise from top: “Fosse/Verdon,” “Game of Thrones”: Season 8, and “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina”: Season 2.

theories have spread far and wide after the release of the trailer in March, fans are sure to be in for a wild ride. Where: HBO When: April 14 “Pose” – LGBTQ The critically acclaimed, gay-directed show following the ballroom culture of the late ’80s comes back for a sophomore season, still touting its racially and sexually diverse cast. Fans can expect a time-jump to the day Madonna’s Vogue was released in 1990 and iconic Broadway star Patti LuPone in a guest starring role. Where: FX When: Unknown “Hair Live!” – LGBTQ After the hit that was last year’s Jesus Christ

Superstar Live in Concert, the iconic counter-culture Broadway show Hair will be adapted for live TV. While the original show, created by queer writers James Rado and Gerome Ragni, highlighted pansexual characters, it’s unknown whether NBC will emphasize the sexual orientation of the characters. Where: NBC When: May 19 “The Handmaid’s Tale” The third season of the frightening adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel follows June’s resistance to the regime of Gilead, guided by the defiant prayer: “Blessed be the fight.” Where: Hulu When: June 5

“Stranger Things” The gang returns for the third season of the sci-fi ’80s-inspired fan favorite. This summer in Hawkins is sure to bring plenty of action and even some new bad guys – fans have speculated that “demo-rats,” or ratlike demogorgons, will be introduced in the upcoming season. Where: Netflix When: July 4 “Veep” The Emmy-winning political comedy starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus as two-faced politician Selina Meyer comes back for its seventh and final season, this time picking up Iowa many months before the caucuses as Meyer once again runs for president. Where: HBO When: Out now! “Big Little Lies” The deliciously dramatic adaptation of Liane Moriarty’s novel by the same name returns to the small screen this summer for its sophomore season. Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman return as executive producers and stars of the show, along with Zoë Kravitz, Laura Dern, and Shailene Woodley. Where: HBO When: June TheGeorgiaVoice.com


Spring into the ATL: Events, Festivals, Concerts Katie Burkholder

LGBT Pride Night at Atlanta Braves

LGBTQ Events — Showing your pride has never been this fun!


Action Cycling Atlanta’s 17th Annual AIDS Vaccine 200

May 18-19: 8am–4pm Emory Vaccine Center (954 Gatewood Rd.)

Bike through the Georgia countryside on 200-mile charity bike ride to raise money for HIV.AIDS vaccine research and AIDS service organizations. More info: https:// actioncyclingatl.org/

Concerts – Who to see this spring!

Atlanta Pride Run May 15: 8am Piedmont Park

Lord Huron

April 20: @ 8pm The Tabernacle April 26: @ 8pm 40 Watt Club – Athens

Run or walk to mark the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and raise money for local LGBTQ charities at Front Runners Atlanta’s 29th 5K. More info: https://mailchi. mp/1a0cfd160a4f/2019-atlanta-pride-runregistration-now-open Atlanta Gay Day at the Zoo May 5: Noon– 5pm Zoo Atlanta

Celebrate International Family Equality Day with the pandas this year! Have some fun in the sun, be visible, and find community while ogling at all the wildlife Zoo Atlanta has to offer. LGBTQ Family Day in the Park May 18: 11am–1pm Glenn Lake Park (1121 Church St., Decatur)

Every type of family under the sun is invited to this fun summer picnic hosted by Atlanta Pride. Kids and parents of all ages are welcome to painting, games, and delicious food! Out in the Park Day Party June 1: 10am–10pm Six Flags Over Georgia

Show your pride and have some summer fun at Six Flags! Besides the normal thrills of the park’s famously frightening coasters, a special all-you-can-eat meal is also included! More info: https:// www.sixflags.com/overgeorgia?promo_ code=PRIDE&fbclid=IwAR1CINnde0dK_ zEZfA2h1m5f99i0GfGXbjYz4G7upjvAgV kT-hIWkQaXhK0 www.TheGeorgiaVoice.com

Decatur BBQ, Blues, and Bluegrass Festival August 10 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM Legacy Park (500 S. Columbia St., Decatur) The fun of a classic southern barbeque combined with 7+ hours of live blues and bluegrass tunes, performed by local, regional, and national artists. Profits benefit the Community Center of South Decatur by supporting educational programs and community events while also granting money to local non-profits. More info: http://www. decaturbbqfestival.com/

Jimmy Buffett LGBT Pride Night at Atlanta Braves June 14: 5pm–10pm SunTrust Park (755 Battery Ave SE)

Show your pride while cheering on the Braves as they take on the Philadelphia Phillies. The game starts at 7:20, but make sure to stop by pregame party, featuring DJ Kimber, and receive a Braves Pride t-shirt! More info: https://www.mlb.com/braves/ tickets/specials/pride?fbclid=IwAR3XYofs_ Fd613o33WroX4VC2EMvXMHZSk5Az_ PB9U6m8bqUGXVdehIvjX0

Music Festivals – The fun of a concert, multiplied! Shaky Knees

May 3-5 Central Park (400 Merritts Ave NE)

This indie rock outdoor festival features over 50 bands and artists, including Tame Impala, Cage the Elephant, Soccer Mommy, Beck and much more! More info: https:// www.shakykneesfestival.com/ Shaky Beats May 10-11 Central Park (400 Merritts Ave NE)

Calling all electronic, hip-hop, and indie fans!

April 25: @ 8pm Ameris Bank Amphitheatre

This two-day festival is headlined by artists like RÜFÜS DU SOL, Martin Garrix, Big Gigantic, and many more. More info: https:// www.shakybeatsfestival.com/

Ben Platt May 16: @ 8pm Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center

Atlanta Jazz Festival

Ariana Grande

May 25-26: 11am – 11pm Piedmont Park

June 8: @ 7:30pm State Farm Arena

Celebrate Memorial Day weekend with some smooth jazz! One of the biggest free jazz festivals in the country, this jazz festival features local and national jazz artists, a neighborhood jazz series, and a youth jazz band competition, as well as vendors, a kids zone, and other family friendly activities. Tunes from the Tombs June 8: Noon– 8pm Historic Oakland Cemetery

Enjoy over a dozen of Atlanta’s best local artists, including headliner Futurebirds, across three stages nestled among the headstones. Along with music, guests have access to local craft beer and food trucks, one-of-a-kind souvenirs at the artist market, and free mini tours of the cemetery. More info: https://oaklandcemetery.com/ event/tunes2019/

Debbie Gibson July 11: @ 7:30pm State Farm Arena

Jennifer Lopez July 22: @ 8pm State Farm Arena

Carly Rae Jepsen July 28: @ 8pm The Tabernacle

Shawn Mendes July 31: @ 7:30pm State Farm Arena

Queen August 22: @ 8pm State Farm Arena

April 12, 2019 Spring Arts 23


Mexican Must-Haves and Have-Nots Cliff Bostock This week’s category is Mexican street food. I’ve got some news and reviews. Tuza is a newish taqueria in the Berkeley Park section of the Westside. The name confuses me. There is a tiny town in the Oaxaca state of Mexico named “Tuza,” which happens to mean “mole” – the critter, not the sauce. If you get the connection, let me know. Now, I’m a total Mexican street food snob, so take my comments with a grain of Margarita salt. My friends liked Tuza, but it disappointed me. I do give the restaurant credit for sustainable and local sourcing, but some flavors were flat and some were actually missing. My usual test of a taqueria is the carnitas. I’ve all but given up on finding the real thing in Atlanta. In Mexico, carnitas are chunks of fatty pork simmered until they become crispy. It’s labor- intensive, so what you get instead, here and nearly everywhere else in Atlanta, is pulled roasted pork with no crunch. Intriguingly, Tuza’s carnitas, which were extremely dry, are allegedly anointed with a “salsa verde marmalade.” It was completely undetectable to me, so I asked for some straight up green sauce. They don’t have one. Huh? They do, the counter person told me, have chimichurri, the Argentinian pesto. I tried it. It was intensely flavorful – very garlicky – and too strong for the pork. It’s ordinarily served with the taco filled with cotija cheese and prime steak, the usual meat the sauce tops in Argentina. Friends and I started our meal with chips and an intensely flavorful red salsa, housemade with fresh tomatoes, red onion, lime and some meek jalapenos. We also ordered the guacamole. It was fresh-made with Haas avocados, onions, and cilantro. It was too heavily seasoned and mashed for my taste. I like my guac chunky and I want to taste the avocados. The best dish on the table was a taco made with a huge chunk of line-caught, tempurafried fish that was covered with pickled slaw and drizzled with chipotle-spiked crema. To my personal consternation, friends also ordered (and loved) the menu’s “classic” 24 Columnists April 12, 2019



taco – which is only classic because it was invented, according to legend, by the owner of Taco Bell. It’s the usual hard shell enclosing ground beef, lettuce, tomato, and cheddar cheese. Go for it, if you, unlike me, can avoid memories of childhood intestinal problems caused by babysitters with grocery bags full of Old El Paso products. The one thing I definitely advise against ordering at Tuza is the quesadilla. I ordered the shrimp with a virtually un-melted cube of cheese; it was flavorless and dry as hell. Once again, I looked around for salsa and had to settle for the bottle of house-made hot sauce. It contains all the fire you can want, but it’s for spiking. It’s not a substitute for a salsa made with, say, roasted chiles. Tuza has a full bar and is open for lunch and dinner. The building, formerly a storage facility, is small and the dining room is all about colorful, contrasting tile. Ditto for the serving plates. I wish I liked it better, but there are better choices nearby, like Bone Garden, Bartaco, and Taqueria del Sol. Speaking of (Tex) Mexican: Ford Fry’s latest venture, El Rey, may be open by the time you read this. Located at the corner of Cheshire Bridge and Piedmont, in the former Anchor Bar building, its specialty is Tex-Mex-style grilled chicken and tacos. (Yes, it’s a little annoying that the restaurant has taken half

the name of the beloved El Rey del Taco on Buford Highway.) Fry, who also operates Superica, has a Tex-Mex cookbook coming out this month…The owners of the TexMex Tin Lizzy and several other restaurants have opened Street Taco in the Marietta Square Market food hall. Yelpers have not been kind, complaining about the cost/ portion ratio. Apparently, the tacos cost as much as they do at Tuza, $4, which also gets complaints in that department. Nonetheless, I’m anxious to try the newbie, because the menu promises genuine spit-roasted al pastor, my favorite after carnitas…I am, incidentally, totally addicted to the mulita at the new Tesoro, which I reviewed recently. The crispy “sandwich” of two cheese-coated and grilled tortillas filled with the goodies of your choosing is worth a drive from anywhere. The restaurant is located near the corner of Memorial and Moreland and remains open only mornings and afternoons. Cliff Bostock is a longtime Atlanta restaurant critic and former psychotherapist turned life coach; cliffbostock@gmail.com.

MORE INFO Tuza 1523 Howell Mill Road 404-343-4088 TuzaTaco.com


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April 12, 2019 Ads 25

BEST BETS Our Guide to the Best LGBTQ Events in Atlanta for April 12-25 Friday, April 12

he taught us how to resist. He inspired us to dream. The Counter Narrative Project was founded as a love letter to Essex Hemphill. Join the organization at the Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History to celebrate Hemphill on his birthday. Special guests will be reading his poems. 7 – 9pm

Updated for the Trump era, Topher Payne’s comedy/drama “Angry Fags” is an uncompromising Oscar Wilde-meets-“Fight Club” fantasia about how good ideas go bad, the destructiveness of toxic masculinity, and how no one is really afraid of gay guys. The success of the 2013 original prompted a renewed interest in a sociopolitical world that seemed wildly absurd at the time but may now be closer to reality than we could have ever imagined. 8 pm, through April 14 7 Stages

The Women Wine and Wellness event will be an evening spent with women in the local community as well as female leaders in wellness. Raffle prizes will be on tap too. 7:30pm Resinger Family Chiropractic

Spring weather season is upon us just in time for another dope edition of #AfroPopATL, tonight at The Music Room. On tap is Afrobeats, AfroHouse, Soca, Afro-Latin House, DanceHall, AfroTrap, paired with turntablism, live African drums and more. 10pm – 3am

Saturday, April 13

The Atlanta Film Festival continues, with its usual share of LGBTQ films. Runs through April 14. Plaza Theater and other venues It’s Out On Film night at Aurora Theatre for the world premiere musical “Men With Money,” a romantic romp full of dreams, schemes and lavish musical numbers set in the golden age mecca of Manhattan in the 1950s, with a twist — two of the lead characters are gay. After the 8pm show, join in a discussion with the cast and special guest show lyricist and composer. Joseph Trefler. The conversation will be led by Georgia Voice theater critic Jim Farmer and Out On Film’s Craig Hardesty. Order tickets online with the promo code OUTONFILM for a $10 discount. More info: https:// www.auroratheatre.com/productions-andprograms/view/men-with-money Billy Banderas Productions proudly presents The Room featuring international DJ and producer, ARON. The hottest party of the Spring brings you the best music and lighting, plus all the sexy men you can handle. And don’t miss superstar vocalist, Beth Sacks as she serenades you will some of the hottest dance songs on the charts. Tickets for sale

26 Best Bets April 12, 2019

Wednesday, April 17


Atlanta Leather Pride brings you Saturday night SWEAT at the Atlanta Eagle with local DJ Neon the Glowgobear. As always, NO COVER! 10pm – 3am on the event’s Facebook page. 10pm – 3am Heretic Atlanta

Sunday, April 14

Keep the party going at Xion with DJ Leo Blanco spinning into the early morning. 3am – 7am BJ Roosters Every Sunday night, have a blast at Queer AF featuring DJ Wulf, DJ Romo, and DJ KSquared. 9pm My Sister’s Room It’s time for a Spring flight beer bust with the Atlanta Chargers and the Atlanta Eagle. Wear your jocks and grab a beer for an afternoon full of prizes and fun! 4pm – 8pm

Monday, April 15

The 30th Miss Gay Georgia USofA Pageant triple crowning is tonight

presented by M.E, LLC & USofA Pageants, promoted by Jeremy Burnette, honoring Georgia USofA Royalty Robyn Cassadine, Sonja Jae Savage, and Dorae Saunders. 7:30 – 9:30pm Heretic Atlanta

Tuesday, April 16

The Film Love series continues its fiveprogram retrospective at the High Museum of Art tonight with a rare screening of the Maysles brothers’ documentary “Meet Marlon Brando” along with other selected “trickster” films curated by series founder Andy Ditzler. 7 – 9pm Essex Hemphill (1957 – 1995) was a black gay poet, essayist, editor, activist, and visionary. His brilliant writings put the stunning rage and revolutionary desires of a generation of black gay men into words. Many were transformed and politicized through reading his work. In some of the darkest moments of our movement history,

Meet up with MAAP (Metro Atlanta Association of Professionals) for its quarterly Pride in Tech mixer hosted at the new NCR Corporation Global Headquarters. The event will begin with open networking featuring sponsor Flatiron School, who will discuss how they are helping the LGBTQ community get into the technology space. 6 – 8pm

Thursday, April 18

With a Tony-winning score by William Finn, “Falsettos” is a landmark musical about how we love, live and grow. When Marvin leaves his wife Trina for a guy named Whizzer, they all determine to salvage something from the resulting fallout to form a new kind of family. Throw in a lovesick psychiatrist, a precocious 13-year-old and two lesbians from next door and you get the story of a modern family learning to navigate the stress of family dinners, the pressure of planning the perfect bar mitzvah and the heartbreak of saying goodbye. 8pm, through April 28 Actor’s Express

Friday, April 19

Come get some grub and make new friends with wonderful people of all ages at the Belong. LGBT (formerly Rainbros) Social Fridays Dinner Series at Roxx. 7pm

CONTINUES ON PAGE 28 TheGeorgiaVoice.com

BEST BETS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 26 Bear Invasion is proud to part of Atlanta Bear Pride 2019 and is kicking off the fifth annual Atlanta Bear Pride weekend tonight with the sounds of the one and only DJ Manny Lehman. 9pm – 3am Heretic Atlanta

Saturday, April 20

Put on your spring bonnet and join OutWorlders for our annual spring picnic. OutWorlders will provide the burgers and dogs (including some meatless veggie option). Bring a side dish or beverage (adult or otherwise) to share. Enter the Vibranium Chef Competition and bring your best dish using the secret ingredient, mayonnaise. Judging for Vibranium Chef will begin at noon. If you want to include a dish, be sure to be there by 11:30pm. First place winner gets to pick the secret ingredient for the next picnic and OutlantaCon is donating a full weekend pass to their upcoming event. 11am – 4pm McKoy Park 1984. Manhattan. “In the beginning there was Beard,” said Julia Child of the first TV chef whose charisma transformed him from aspiring actor to culinary expert. A flamboyant yet introverted gastronomist, James Beard was his own greatest promoter and harshest critic. He weathered shifts in foodie culture for half a century, and the award bearing his name today is craved by chefs worldwide. Drop into Beard’s Greenwich Village kitchen for bean-spilling anecdotes, on-air flashbacks, and a salty voyage around the world of love, life, and comfort food. Sit close and sample a taste. Bill Murphey stars as the gay James Beard in “I Love to Eat,” with gay director, Clifton Guterman. 7:30pm, through May 5 Theatrical Outfit Spring is in the air and that means it’s time for Easter Swank. Start crafting your fabulous Easter bonnets and head over to Henry’s Midtown Tavern. Bunny suits and festive Easter attire encouraged. DJ Amy Alexander will get the party hopping with the best beats in town. 9pm

28 Best Bets April 12, 2019


Hammonds House Museum hosts Beyond the Barbershop: Conversations About Black Masculinity today. Marc Bamuthi Joseph, an artist and graduate of Morehouse College, is the vice president and artistic director of social impact at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. He will lead a dynamic panel discussion and conversation with Black men about what it means to be Black and Male in contemporary American society. In addition, Joseph will perform an excerpt from his award-winning work, “Word Becomes Flesh,” which was based on a series of letters he wrote to his unborn son and screen a short from his most recent work, “The Just and The Blind.” 2 – 4pm Bearracuda is back as the main event for Atlanta Bear Pride weekend! Special guest DJ Tony Moran spins all night long into the early morning. For more ticket info, visit the event’s Facebook page. 10pm – 3am Heretic Atlanta It’s the ultimate battle of the diva’s night! Madonna vs. GAGA, Cher vs. Shakira! Bring your inner diva to the dancefloor with beats by DJ Fernando! As always, NO COVER! 10pm – 3am Atlanta Eagle

Sunday, April 21

Atlanta Bear Pride welcomes DJ Alain Jackinsky to Xion for your early morning after hours party! 3am – 7am BJ Roosters

Monday, April 22

T-Time Atlanta Trans Youth holds their weekly meeting tonight. 7pm St. Annes Episcopal Church

Tuesday, April 23

Charis Books and More and the Jimmy

Carter Presidential Library and Museum welcome Valerie Jarret, former senior advisor to President Barack Obama. Jarrett will appear in conversation with former Democratic gubernatorial candidate and Georgia House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams for a conversation in celebrating “Finding My Voice: My Journey to the West Wing and the Path Forward,” Jarrett’s recounting of her work ensuring equality for women and girls, advancing civil rights, reforming our criminal justice system and improving the lives of working families. 7 – 9:30pm Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and the Cecil B Day Chapel. A deeply personal and profoundly contemporary musical about life and the way we live, in the Tony Award-winning sensation “Dear Evan Hansen” hits the ATL tonight. 7:30pm through April 28 Fox Theatre

Thursday, April 25

Venture out and Dine Out For Atlanta Pride today at F.R.O.G.S. Cantina. 10% of sales from the evening will benefit the organization. 5 – 10pm































A UBER Big No, No Melissa Carter I’ve never used the Pool option with Uber before, preferring to e-hail a driver and keep them all to myself. But my first Braves game this season changed my mind for a night, a decision I would immediately regret. I had tickets to the Braves home opener and a friend from Knoxville was staying at the Battery that night, so I assumed I would just park at her hotel after I got off work. However, I learned the hotel wouldn’t be offering any parking passes since it doesn’t own any of the parking decks in the area. No problem, I thought, I have a friend who lives nearby SunTrust Park and would simply Uber from her place. When I got to my friend’s house, I visited for a few minutes before summoning my Uber driver. When the Pool option popped up, the cost was only around $4. Perfect, I thought. It’s about a mile or so to the stadium and I could deal with a carload of strangers for that cheap of a price. I began to envy those that walked to the game as we passed them since the other passenger in the car began to talk to me non-stop before I got my seatbelt on. It’s not the fact she was social, it was more about her critical and controlling attitude, like immediately letting me know our driver didn’t speak much English, with a tone of you’ll be lucky if you get where you’re going. Then she let me know she had lived in the area for 20 years and knew how to get everywhere, including telling the driver to go straight through the light to get to the Battery even though our street didn’t allow you to go straight through that light! By the way, she wasn’t going to the stadium but was speaking on my behalf, even though at this point all I’ve said was “hello” and that I was going to the Braves game. As our driver attempted a legal left toward the stadium, my backseat neighbor then 30 Columnists April 12, 2019

suggested I just get out and walk at this point since it would be “an hour” before we made it to the drop off point. I tried to nod her suggestion off by concentrating on anything that looked important on my phone, but she questioned if I knew where I was going and that the traffic was going to be bad. After about the third mention of my exiting the car I turned to her and asked if I was making her late to her destination and was that why she kept encouraging me to take off? She didn’t say another word during our remaining 10 minute trip to where I was supposed to be. The older I get the less I’m attracted to anything that is negative. I don’t participate in heavy gossip, I watch far less news than I used to, I scroll passed social posts promoting the worst in human beings, and I certainly don’t tolerate a lot of drama from people I don’t know. I’m not convinced our driver did know English and simply used ignorance of the language as an excuse not to deal with certain passengers. One of the first out radio personalities in Atlanta, Melissa’s worked for B98.5 and Q100. Catch her daily on theProgressive Voices podcast “She Persisted.” Tweet her! @MelissaCarter TheGeorgiaVoice.com


Proud Trailblazer or Political Catfish? Ryan Lee The Victory Fund has played an instrumental role in electing the first out lesbian U.S. senator, as well as openly lesbian mayors in two of the nation’s largest cities, Houston and Chicago. In the special election for Atlanta city council district 3, the non-profit that supports openly LGBTQ candidates cast its line for political catfish. Two candidates who were running to replace deceased councilmember Ivory Young sought a Victory Fund endorsement. Matthew Cardinale was a homeless gay teenager who started a progressive newspaper after graduating college; prior to completing law school, Cardinale successfully represented himself in a Georgia Supreme Court case against Atlanta officials, and several resolutions he authored as a citizen-advocate became city policy. The Victory Fund’s endorsement went to Antonio Brown, a political newcomer with a by-the-bootstraps narrative about surviving childhood poverty to become a millennial entrepreneur who lives in a luxury high-rise and runs a luxury clothing/footwear line, LVL XIII. He wants to serve the residents of district 3 as he has aided tens of thousands of children with his charity, Dream of Humanity, Inc. Brown, who led the field of nine in fundraising and advanced to the April 16 runoff against Byron Amos, is a candidate made for the social media era – from the way he describes his sexual orientation to his political worldview. Responding to a Georgia Equality candidate questionnaire, the closest Brown came to identifying as gay or bisexual was noting, “For the past ten years, I have been a steadfast ambassador of the cause.” That coy, Kardashian-esque phrasing was more forthcoming than Brown was on the campaign trail, as he made no mention of his ambassadorship at any of the forums and TheGeorgiaVoice.com

events I attended as a district 3 resident. Of course, there are more important things than a candidate’s sexual orientation, which is why I supported one of Brown and Cardinale’s opponents. I could forgive the Victory Fund for endorsing an overqualified semi-closeted candidate (when pressed by queer media, Brown identified as bisexual), but another thing I never heard from Brown during the campaign was a political philosophy deeper than, “I believe the children are our future.” His impersonation of a politician was superb as he performed spoken-word memes, but the vapidness of his responses left me in awe of his business and philanthropic success. It turns out LVL XIII is so popular that none of the products listed on its website is currently available. A couple of T-shirts are for sale via online department stores, but it has never been nor is it “currently sold in Nordstrom nationwide,” as claimed in Brown’s Victory Fund biography. Brown operates five LVL XIII-branded entities in Georgia, all of which are in arrears with the secretary of state, as is Brown’s charity, which has collected and disbursed zero dollars and zero cents in its two-year history, according to non-profit watchdog Guidestar. Brown was in a Fulton County Superior Court hearing this week over income tax irregularities that he described as “a clerical error.”


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Separately, he also acknowledged the latest chapters in his rags-to-riches story included receiving nine eviction notices at his Atlantic Station condo. One request for a military deferment was denied when it was proven Brown had never enlisted. He seems like the type of businessperson my most cynical friend would call an entremanure, and he’s days away from being my representative on the Atlanta city council with the help and wisdom of our queer friends in Washington D.C. April 12, 2019 Columnists 31

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