Lego - Brand Study

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THE LEGO GROUP............. 4 TAGLINE..................................... 5 BRAND AMBASSADOR... 5 FOUNDING FATHERS...... 7 THE LEGO STORY............. 9 BRAND VALUE..................... 13 GOAL OF DIFFERENCIATION........................................... 14 USERS........................................ 15 TARGET AUDIENCE.......... 16 FUNCTIONAL BENEFIT.. 17 EMOTIONAL BENEFIT..... 18 ATTRIBUTES........................... 19 LOGO EVOLUTION.............. 20 LEGO PRODUCTS............... 23

LEGO COLOR CHART...... LEGO CHARACTERS........ RELEVANCE OF THE BRAND........................................ LEGO LANDS......................... STORE EXPERIENCE...... ADVERTORIAL CAMPAI GNS............................................... SOCIAL MEDIA...................... ASSOCIATION WITH OTHER BRANDS.................. CONCLUSION..........................

24 27 32 33 34 35 45 49 54

Only The Best Is Good Enough!

THE LEGO GROUP The Lego Group is a Danish toy production company based in Billund. It is best known for the manufacture of Lego-brand toys, consisting mostly of interlocking plastic bricks. The word “lego” is derived from the Danish words “leg godt”, meaning “play well”. The company was founded on 10 August 1932 by Ole Kirk Christiansen. The Lego Group has also built several amusement parks around the world, each known as Legoland, and operates numerous retail stores. The word “Lego” even means “I assemble” in Latin. The name “Leggio” was also up for consideration meaning “legion of toys.”



The company had the motto “det bedste er ikke for godt”, meaning “only the best is good enough”, which the founder’s son Godtfred made a carving of for their old workspace The taglines that the company came up with were: “The Toys That Are New Every Day” “LEGO Toys - The Toy Children Add To Rather Than Outgrow” “The Toys You Grow Up With” “Just Imagine …” “Play On” “What Will You Make?” “Build Together”

BRAND AMBASSADOR Lego appointed Ben Fogle as its first celebrity brand ambassador in 2012. The presenter and adventurer became the face of Lego’s toy ranges in the UK and front what it claims is its biggest campaign to date. The new social media campaign called ‘The Great Forest Escape’ promoted toymaker’s range of Forest Police products in 2013.




Children Are Our Role Models!

System in Play



Inspire and Develop the Builders of Tomorrow!

A Global Force for Establishing and Innovating Learning through play!


founding FATHERS Ole Krik Christiansen was the founder of The LEGO Group. He was born in the village of Omvraa Mark, Blåhøj-Filskov parish, Vejle, Denmark. He was one of 10 children of Jens Niels Christiansen and Kirstine (Andersen) Christiansen. At the age of seven, Ole Kirk Kristiansen worked for a local smallholder, and later gets a job on a farm in nearby Filskov. In 1905 at the age of 14, he began to learn carpentry under the guidance of his elder brother, Kristian Bonde Kristiansen. In 1911, he left Denmark and worked in Germany as a carpenter for five years. In 1916, he returned back to Denmark and, using his savings, bought the Billund Maskinsnedkeri og Tømreforretning (The Billund Carpentry Shop and Lumberyard). By then he had married Hansine Kirstine Sörensen in Lindeballe, whom he met in Norway. Later, when his wife died in 1932 leaving him with their 4 children - Johannes Christiansen (born 1917), Karl Georg Kirk Christiansen (born 1919), Godtfred Kirk Christiansen (born 1920) and Gerhardt Kirk Christiansen (born 1926), Ole married 1934, married Kirsten Sofie Jörgensen in Haslev. Ole Kirk Christiansen died on March 11, 1958.

Ole Krik Christiansen (7 April 1891 – 11 March 1958)


Godtfred Krik Christiansen was the third son of Ole Kirk Christiansen. He had been working with his father ever since he was 14, after completing his schooling. When 30, he was the Vice President of the company in 1950. He became the managing director of LEGO group in 1957(to 1979) and the head of the company after the death of his father the following year. By 1960, he brought his 3 brothers to become the sole proprietor of the company. He was married to Edith Nørregaard Knudsen and his family included his 3 children, Gunhild Kirk Christiansen, Kjeld Kirk Christiansen and Hanne Christiansen whose pictures were displayed in LEGO’s Box Art designs in 1950. Later, in October 1969 while driving home from a movie in the neighboring town of Give, Hanne died and Kjeld got seriously injured in an accident where there car skid and hit a tree. The company was then succeeded by Godtfred’s son, Kjeld Kirk Christiansen, who became president and CEO of the LEGO Group in 1979.

Godtfred Krik Christiansen (July 8, 1920 – July 13, 1995)



On 7th April 1891, that a skilled and

sales were still low. Luckily, one of Ole’s son, God-

hard-working carpenter named Ole Kirk Chris-

frey Kirk Christiansen, born on 8th July, 1920, start-

tiansen took birth in Denmark. However, in spite

ed helping his father in the workshop. Eventually,

of his hard work, it was in 1932, Billund, Denmark,

people came to know of the finest quality toys

that he had to dismiss his last worker due to hard

that were being made in Billund’s little workshop.

times and things went even worse with the death

of Ole’s wife, Hansine Kristine Christiansen on

Denmark drove to Ole’s workshop and left with

26th September, 1932. Ole, with the responsibil-

a big order for him. Ole finally re-hired his former

ity to look after his 4 sons came up with a new

workers and worked day and night to deliver the

idea and immediately put it into action. He made

order with finest quality before Christmas. How-

a wooden toy for his sons and seeing them happy

ever, in the middle of the order, he got a letter

left Ole with an idea of manufacturing toys out of

from the wholesaler who had filed for bankruptcy

the wood that was left from carpentry. However,

and couldn’t but the toys he had ordered.

in spite of good quality and detailed product, 9

One day, a wholesaler from Fredericia,

Ole finally decided to drive himself

order to enhance the production and

However, being responsible for his

to sell his toys throughout the place.

make the quality of the toys even

children and workers, Ole rebuilt Lego

However, not being a very good sales-

better. Godtfred in order to save more

and started the production and got

man made it a bit difficult for him and

money, gave the toys 2 layers of lacker

back to the market again.

he couldn’t get the amount that he

coating instead of three. But Ole,

had expected. Looking at the fact that

who was strictly against cheating his

in 1946, Ole came across a new plastic

the company still couldn’t make good

customers for making money, made

moulding machine at a fair in Copen-

sales, Ole decided to come up with a

him complete the process before

hagen that had just arrived Denmark.

good and short name for the compa-

shipping. Lego started making profit

Soon he started making small teddy

ny. Willing to incorporate the meaning

in late 1930s and managed to keep

bears and rattles out of it. However, he

“playing well” that means “Leg Godt”

it well even during the World War.

felt some special potential in the ma-

in Danish, Ole finally came up with the

However, bad times never ask for

chine moulded plastic brick that he

name “LEGO” which coincidentally

permission. Just when they thought

received at the fair.

meant “I put together” in Latin.

that nothing would go wrong now,

In 1936, with a good and catchy

it was in 1942 that a stormy night

name, the company finally managed

changedtheir luck. Their workshop

to move forward with more than usu-

caught fire, destroying all the models

al orders. With the money generated,

and structures making Ole to lose

Godtfred bought a new machine in



Looking for yet new challenges,

Hence, he resigned it and put it

be given with a system to strengthen

into production. It was when Lego

their imagination and creativity and

launched its grey Fergus and tractor

Lego, in the same year, came up with

that the plastic toy became a success.

its first system of play. The system in-

However, when the sales started to

cluded a realistic town setting and

drop in summer, Godtfred decided

houses to be built as per children’s

to go and sell the products by himself

imagination, and made children learn

and took his wife Edith as a company

about traffic safety and others.

and moral support. This was how he

The idea proved to be a great break-

helped Lego get out of it financial cri-

through and they decide to finally sell

the imagination of a child.

sis and returned back on time to cele-

it outside Denmark. Soon the system

brate Ole’s 60th birthday and to have

became popular in many countries.

see the success of the little brick as he

a family picture with 3 generations i.e.

However, it still had a problem. The

lost his life on 11th March 1958. More-

Ole, his sons, and his grandsons. On a

pieces kept falling apart on lifting,

over, Godtfred had to go through an-

business trip in The England Ferry in

and the next challenge was to make

other fire in Lego that destroyed most

1954, Godtfred, while having a conver-

it kept assembled even after lifting. It

of the wood production.

sation with a man came across a point

was then that Godtfred while thinking

that the toys didn’t had a system. They

discovered that the pieces could get a

during this difficult time, Godtfred

just worked fine. That was how God-

better with a tube inside it and the re-

didn’t give up and rebuilt Lego to

tfred came across an idea that chil-

sult left Lego with not just the bricks,

yet bigger company. He then decid-

dren instead of being provided with a

but an entire construction system

ed not to resume with the wooden

readymade solution, should

with endless possibilities as per

toysand focussed only on the Lego


Family picture of Ole Kirk Christiansen with 3 generations taken on his 60th birthday

Unfortunately, Ole didn’t get to

With his head held high even

system. Soon, by 1961, with the inven-

With the idea to make a bigger

Godtfred’s son, Niels B. Christiansen,

tion of many new models, Lego grew

displaying area, Godtfred enhanced

even after the death of his gather on

even stronger in the toy industry.

the idea of a big exhibition room with

13th July, 1995, still with a belief that

Godtfred now had even bigger plans.

an amusement park. Godtfred, in 1968

“only the best is good enough” now

Within 3 years, in 1964, on the north of

came up with “Legoland” estimating

dreams to take Lego even further, to

his factory in Billund, Godtfred estab-

the arrival of approximately 3,00,000

a world of endless limits and imagina-

lished a 800-meter long runway and

people. However, to the happy note,


hangar which promoted the business

the number count was 6,00,000 peo-

connections and arrival of guests and

ple in the very first year.

visitors who wanted to see the mod-

The family of Ole ever since then

elling department. Soon, it became

have kept the tradition of greeting

so crowded that it was difficult for the

their guests themselves.

employees to keep up their work.

Ole Kirk Christiansen & Kirsten Sofie Jorgensen with their children in 1938

First LEGO Workshop in Billund, Denmark


Ole Kirk Christiansen and his family




Fun is being active together, the thrill of an adventure, the joyful enthusiasm of children and the delight in surprising both yourself and others in what you can do or create. Fun is the happiness we experience when we are fully engaged in something that requires mastery, when our abilities are in balance with the challenge at hand and we are making progress towards a goal.

Free play is how children develop their imagination – the foundation for creativity. Curiosity asks WHY and imagines possible explanations. Playfulness asks WHAT IF and imagines how the ordinary becomes extraordinary, fantasy or fiction. Dreaming it is a first step towards doing it.

Creativity is the ability to come up with ideas that are new, surprising and valuable - and it’s an essential 21st century skill. Systematic creativity is a particular form of creativity that combines logic and reasoning with playfulness and imagination.




Learning is about being curious, experimenting – expanding our thinking and doing, helping develop new insights and new skills. We learn through play by putting things together, taking them apart and putting them together in many ways. Building, un-building, rebuilding, thereby creating new things and developing new ways of thinking about ourselves, and the world.

For us quality means the challenge of continuous improvement to provide the best play material, the best for children and their development and the best to our community and partners. From a reputation for manufacturing excellence to becoming trusted by all – we believe in quality that speaks for itself and earns us the recommendation of all.

Caring is about our desire to make a positive difference in the lives of children, for our colleagues, our partners, and the world we live in. Doing that little extra, not because we have to – but because it feels right and because we care.


goal of differentiation goal of differentiation

In a world where most kids are playing video games, LEGO is still loved and only continues to grow in popularity and revenue - surpassing Mattel as the biggest toy company in the world. What is even more impressive is that it achieved this with a LEGO brick design which remained relatively unchanged over the last 60 years. Product - LEGO brick design is simple and extremely versatile. Brand equity - LEGO is recognizable and loved by kids and adults all over the world. Company Values - “Play Well”, Imagination, Creativity, Fun, Learning, Caring, and Quality. LEGO understood early on that LEGO bricks by themselves are just bricks, but if you create great experiences around these bricks, then you have something. On a smaller scale, LEGO regularly partners with well-known brands to create new experiences and stay relevant. For example, they’ve partnered with: NASA to educate kids about space Facebook to create a series of videos for the “Kronkiwongi” project Ferrari, McLaren, Porsche to create LEGO Speed Champions Series of vehicles Snapchat to create a new Snapchat lens (LEGO Batman movie) Technology and distribution channels are always changing, but LEGO will continue to play a large part in our lives.


users users

For decades, Lego’s colorful plastic bricks were developed for and used by children who played alone or with a few playmates. As the children grew up, they generally outgrew their interest in Lego products. However, beginning in the late 1990s, two things happened: (1) the company introduced a series of new products that appealed to older users, such as Lego Star Wars and Lego Mindstorms; and (2) the Internet enabled people to connect in completely new ways, prompting many adults to return to Lego play and transforming their play experiences into a serious and demanding adult hobby. These user-created innovations have expanded the Lego play experience and pushed the use of Lego materials into new and virtual media, enabling creative possibilities that weren’t previously possible. The innovations have created value for the innovator and encouraged deeper community engagement and community vitality.


target audience target audience

Within this context our primary target audiences are: Children (age 1,5-11, boys and girls) who appreciate hands-on, minds-on activities like creative building and role playing. Adults (Shoppers) in their lives who recognize their role in guiding children in a rapidly changing world. Our secondary target audience is: Adult Fans of LEGO (AFOLs) who, whether teens or adults, also enjoy hands-on, minds-on play like creative building and role playing.


functional benefits functional benefits

LEGO blocks foster a wide range of abilities, including motor skills, spatial skills, language skills, and divergent problem solving. Others include: - Ability to visualize three-dimensional objects - Ability imagine and manipulate spatial information in one’s head Kids analyze what they see, perceive the parts that make up the whole, and figure out how the parts relate to each other. Children are free to create whatever they imagine, and, as they grow, they can use the same construction materials, year after year. Children love the thrill of building and they can do this for hours, building up strong little muscles in their hands that will help them do other skills, such as learn to write. Following Lego instructions can be challenging. However, it does help children to develop planning skills as well as lateral thinking. When faced with an assembly problem, children have to retrace their steps and analyse their work in order to find parts that need fixing.


emotional benefits emotional benefits

It’s so easy for LEGO building to turn to a time of imaginary bliss with adventures, heros, villians, animals, and even family members. LEGO creations become a form of storytelling. Most of the time children come up with an idea in their heads, then they begin to piece it together. As they develop self-confidence, their excitement leads to making items with more and more complex purposes! Building with LEGO bricks sometimes leads to heartbreak. A beautiful tower comes crumbling down with one wrong move. Initially, this is frustrating. Though children who use LEGO bricks regularly are not defeated by this. Instead, they make it again and this increases their persistence. A child’s imagination is the only limit! Children become creators with the hundreds of tiny pieces. They can use wheels, shapes, and even “people” figures to build the ideas in their minds. It can be useful, entertaining, or even therapeutic and all of this blossoms their creative juices. Children have to follow each other’s lead and begin to understand how different ideas can contribute and extend their play. Children also have to learn to negotiate roles and responsibilities in order to have an enjoyable social experience. This fosters team work. 18

attributes attributes

Brand attributes represents the essence of the brand. Brand attributes are a set of characteristics that identify the physical, character and personality traits of the brand, similar to the attributes that allow us to consistently identify individuals. Listed below are attributes of LEGO.

Modularity - flexibility, freedom of design, possibilities outrun restrictions Quality - longevity, fit and finish of parts, high build standard of official sets Innovation - new parts, evolution in sets quality and complexity, creativity of represented machines


LOGO EVOLUTION Since its founding in 1932, Lego had a whopping whole changes in logo design, making it the ultimate champion in famous logo redesigns. Surprisingly, it all started with a plain black logo in a typeface that resembles a cigarette brand rather than legos. After that, the company aimed to make the lego a bit more approaching and attractive, with various versions being launched into the public from 1936 to 1954. In ’54, the Lego logo starts looking somewhat like the Lego logo we know and love. The company finally decided on red and yellow being the basis colors for the corporate visuals, which was an absolute bingo.








(Fanmade Font)




LEGO PRODUCTS Since its founding in 1932, Lego had a whopping



A Lego theme is based on a product line of Lego construction toys produced by The Lego Group based around a central concept. Before 1978, Lego produced several construction sets based around a subject but not necessarily branded as part of a single series or theme. Following the introduction of minifigures in 1978, owner Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen pushed a new strategy of creating and marketing a series of sets he termed a “system within the system” and the three original themes were launched: Town, Castle, and Space. In the 1980s, Lego created subthemes within the three ongoing themes with factions and coherent designs, as well as introducing branding that identified the set as part of a theme. The company also produced themes that used pieces outside of the standard Lego System such as Technic and Fabuland. Since then, many new themes have been introduced and discontinued, including the inclusion of licensed themes in 1999 such as Star Wars. 23





(2008 - Present) LEGO CITY (1978 - Present) LEGO CREATOR

SUBJECT Architecture Landmarks Skyline Town subthemes (1991–2002) City subthemes (2005–present)

Modular Buildings

(2003 - Present)



Duplo bricks with twice the length, height, and width of traditional Lego bricks

Walt Disney Princess

(2014 - Present) LEGO FRIENDS (2012 - Present) LEGO IDEAS

(2008 - Present) LEGO JUNIORS

Friends of Heartlake City The Power of Friendship Girls on a Mission (3 seasons) Website to submit ideas for Lego products to be turned into potential sets Transition from the Lego Duplo to the regular Lego system






Pre Mindstorm Robotics Discovery Set Robotics Invention System

(1998 - Present) LEGO MINECRAFT (2012 - Present) LEGO MINIFIGURES

(2010 - Present)



Microworlds Minifigures Bigfigs

Series of mini characters

Ninja and monsters based series

Auto racing inspired theme

(2015 - Present)


Incorporates the Star Wars saga and franchise


Features both DC Comics and Marvel Comics plus Pixar’s The Incredibles


Harry Potter based series




Emmet Brickowski emmet brickowski Emmet Brickowski is still the most positive, caring, super awesome guy in town, but his sunny disposition might not be tough enough for life in the new world of Apocalypseburg. He’s still wearing his classic orange construction clothes, but a little worse for wear. He cares deeply for his special best friend Lucy and wants to make a life with her.


lucy lucy

Lucy is a strong-willed, kick-butt Master Builder. She’s a great leader and fights for what she believes in. Lucy is Emmet’s special best friend and cares for him deeply, but after the DUPLO® alien destroyed Bricksburg, she’s starting to worry he’s not tough enough to survive.

unikitty unikitty Unikitty™ is a unicorn-cat mash-up who remains a picture of happiness and positivity until she transforms herself into her brand new alter ego as Ultrakatty: an oversized, roaring fighting machine.


benny benny

rex rex

This ’70s era spaceman suffers from a cracked helmet and lack of oxygen. His first love will always be spaceships, but he will do anything to help his fellow LEGOŽ Master Builders.


Rex is an ultra-cool, tough and confident hero, flying alongside his raptors through space in his over-the-top battle ship, the Rexcelsior. He is everything Emmet is not: confident, brash and experienced in the way of the world.

sweet mayhem sweet mayhem

batman batman

General Mayhem is the masked space pilot from the Systar Dimension and the self-assured, expert, second-in-command to Queen Watevra Wa’Nabi. She flies a spaceship, which shoots sparkly ammunition in the form of stickers and love hearts that utter cute phrases before exploding. She might look sweet, but she’s super tough too.


Batman™ is a confident and determined superhero looking to save the world while still remaining as awesome as ever.

queen watevra wa’nabi queen watevra wa'nabi Queen Watevra Wa’Nabi is the ruler of the Systar System, a shape-shifting heap of bricks who can morph herself into various forms to persuade people to her way of thinking. The queen summons people from different realms to take part in a mysterious ritual that no one but she knows anything

metalbeard metalbeard A fierce LEGO® Master Builder with the head of a pirate and the body of a multi-purpose utility knife.


relevance of brand relevance of brand

Within the target audience context and the market context, the LEGO® brand value proposition builds on:

Product Truths that are original, relevant, credible and appealing to consumers Functional Benefits that consumers gain as a result of using LEGO products Emotional Benefits that consumers feel from using LEGO products We are in the business of Play. In that space they build a unique position within Creative Play Experiences which foster children’s ability to have fun, develop skills, express themselves and socialize. Although the need for play does not change, consumer preferences do change over time. Global enablers of creative play experiences – both online and offline Children’s wish lists – there are many commonalities across markets, but also some diff erences between Creative local markets



You’ll find LEGOŽ Certified Stores in: Australia, China mainland, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Hong Kong SAR, China, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Latvia,, Lithuania, Malaysia, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates


STORE EXPERIENCE store experience







The Lego store gives you a unique experience where Brick Specialists with extensive knowledge can make your shopping trip fun and easy. Whether you’re picking out a gift, looking for the latest set, or bringing in your LEGO fan for a special treat, Brick Specialists can help you find a set that’s the perfect fit!



As with plastic bricks, Lego can take the simplest of concepts and make a powerful, intelligent, and often witty statement. The approach taken with a typical Lego ad is often minimal, as you will see from the fantastic print ads mentioned below. There really is no end to Lego’s creativity nor imagination!



“ ”

Children break the rules while playing with LEGO. In fact it scares me a little... But creativity forgives everything! - LITTLE GRANNY


Unknown USA company ran advertisement “Every LEGO brick tells a story. Build yours”. There were four posters there. Three of them had a story, and a LEGO brick, the last one was empty, and you could make you own story. Good LEGO Spirit.


Unknown USA company ran advertisement “Every LEGO brick tells a story. Build yours”. There were four posters there. Three of them had a story, and a LEGO brick, the last one was empty, and you could make you own story. It came out to be a Great LEGO Spirit.



Unknown USA company ran advertisement “Every LEGO brick tells a story. Build yours”. There were four posters there. Three of them had a story, and a LEGO brick, the last one was empty, and you could make you own story. Good LEGO Spirit.


You can say with a dose certainty that Lego bricks have long ago transcended from their original function. The latest proof of this is that somewhere last year the Italian art director Marco Sodano recreated famous paintings out of the popular construction toy. While receiving global praise for this project he emphasized that every child can become an authentic artist with Lego. Recently, he updated his Behance portfolio with the new series of Legoinspired artworks. The official versions which are largely similar to the previous one and have the word “Imagine” embedded at the top left were produced by Geometry Global agency in Hong Kong, with Sodano as art director.


SEA LIFE RESCUE sea life rescue VIDEO AD

The LEGO Group partners with National Geographic Kids on campaign to raise awareness of ocean conservation . The LEGO Friends sets are inspired by real-life rescue scenarios and are designed to immerse young builders and explorers in aquatic adventures. They are: Turtles Rescue Mission – jump into a cool amphibious vehicle and rescue stranded baby turtles from the island. Treat the turtles in the beachside clinic before releasing them back into the ocean. Dolphins Rescue Mission – a submersible craft that will take you to rescue a dolphin caught in a shipwreck. Lighthouse Rescue Center – do life-saving research in a lab which features a sea lion play area, rest area, office and an observation deck with a lamp that can be lit by pressing the lighthouse roof. Rescue Mission Boat – waste no time transporting sick animals in this high-powered speedboat that includes a bay with a launching function, a swivelling crane with a stretcher and a lookout position.


Unknown USA company ran advertisement “Every LEGO brick tells a story. Build yours�. There were four posters there. Three of them had a story, and a LEGO brick, the last one was empty, and you could make you own story. Good LEGO Spirit.


Lego develops the skills of children with special needs and psychological patients by focusing on their own strengths that are different from other children and they have special vision for objects and there is an object in each poster that make the ability of the child appear. The concept raised from the famous people who suffered from the same cases that we discussed in each poster and Lego want to tall parents to believe in their kids that they will be something in the future. Print advertisement created by The Higher Institute Of Applied Arts, Egypt for Lego, within the category: Toys.



be someone's missing piece


With the idea that LEGO’s products are made of small pieces that are important to build the entire toy, the campaign aims to get people to be the missing pieces in somebody’s life by donating organs. Print advertisement created by Seneca College, Canada for Lego, within the category: Toys.




“I had a friend, Lilya, who would write down all the building steps for me so that I could upload them into a system that allowed me to read the building steps on a Braille reader through my fingers. She learned Braille to engage with me and support my LEGO passion, and then spent countless hours translating LEGO instructions into Braille.”

What started as a kind gesture between friends living just outside Boston, US, is today being rolled out as a global pilot by the LEGO Group – using AI technology the initiative aims to make the LEGO play experience more accessible for those with vision impairment. We call it: LEGO® Audio & Braille Building Instructions. The idea comes from Matthew Shifrin, who was born blind. As a child, he developed a strong passion for LEGO play. However, he always needed assistance when it came to specific LEGO building instructions. MATTHEW SHIFFRIN


It’s a way to play. Build the things you love – with or without instructions. LEGO® bricks are endlessly compatible with a child’s imagination.

It’s a way to think. LEGO play helps kids develop a creative mindset as they experiment, break the rules, fail and try again.

It’s a way to guide a brand. We’re constantly reimagining ways to have a positive impact on kids, the planet and play.

It’s a way to view the world. With a little optimistic creativity, we can all build towards a better version of the world.

Unknown USA company ran advertisement “Every LEGO brick tells a story. Build yours”. There were four posters there. Three of them had a story, and a LEGO brick, the last one was empty, and you could make you own story. Good LEGO Spirit. VIDEO CAMPAIGN

rebuild the world

REBUILD THE WORLD The LEGO® Group launches Rebuild The World, a new global brand campaign supported by a TV, online and out of home campaign created by BETC in collaboration with the LEGO Agency. Lego has unveiled its first brand campaign since the 80s, created by French agency BETC. Titled Rebuild the World, the huge project encompasses a live action adventure film directed by multi-award winning collective Traktor and a series of Lego brick vignettes that send positive political messages about the power of creativity to enable change. So the tagline “Rebuild the World” resonated beyond Lego itself, to chime with the issues of the contemporary world. “Only Lego can say that line. And everyone can relate to it.” In keeping with the campaign message, the film goes against expectations by not featuring a single Lego brick. Instead, it is a live-action and CGI adventure caper that sees a rabbit chased by a hunter with a bow and arrow, overcoming every challenge thrown at him with increasingly creative solutions. This was inspired by Lego’s ethos for problemsolving. BETC chose to go down the live-action route because, as Rémi explains, “when you are in the head of a kid, the bricks become the real world, it is a real story for them.”





Lego is currently present across most social media channels, with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube being the largest ones for the company. It is estimated that Lego reaches over 50 million consumers each month on social media. Of those, about 30 million are reached only through the company’s YouTube channels, with its main channel having over 7 million subscribers. Aware of its big and diverse customer base, Lego tailors its content by audience, creating different posts and campaigns for each platform.


Unknown USA company ran advertisement “Every LEGO brick tells a story. Build yours”. There were four posters there. Three of them had a story, and a LEGO brick, the last one was empty, and you could make you own story. Good LEGO Spirit. ONLINE PRESENCE

social media presence

SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE The company owns several different pages on the same platforms, to make sure it is narrowing down its fans by similar interests. For instance, there are separate pages on Facebook created for Lego, Lego NinJago, Lego Dimensions, Lego Batman Movie, and so on. This segmentation is also seen on Twitter, where the company owns the accounts @LEGO_ Group, @LEGOBatmanMovie, @LEGOMarvelGame, @LEGOIdeas, etc. This helps communicate with fans but also helps identify possible trends or similar needs on that specific audience. In the LEGO Group, they actively embrace diversity and believe it is one of the keys to their future success. FACEBOOK





LEGO WEBSITE The home of the official LEGOŽ website, inspires and develops the builders of tomorrow. First launched in 1996, the Lego website has developed over the years, and provides many extra services beyond an online store and a product catalogue. They showcase various Minifigure characters from LEGO Elves, The LEGO Movie, LEGO CITY, LEGO Star Wars™, LEGO Ninjago, LEGO Bionicle and more, in exclusive webisodes and stop motion videos!

ASSOCIATION WITH OTHER BRANDS The LEGO Group has a lengthy history in the toy business and an equally long history of success. Since the 1990s, the company has also focused on building its licensed toy categories brick by brick. Since the initial Star Wars product launch, which Wilfert says has truly developed into a “unique brand unto itself,” The LEGO Group has entered into partnerships with the world’s leading entertainment companies including Warner Bros., Disney, Twentieth Century Fox, HIT Entertainment, Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network, to name a few. The partnerships, which are always executed with The LEGO Group’s signature touch of humor, are appealing to both children and adults. This strategic approach has helped to expand the business–the LEGO brand has evolved from Kristiansen’s first wooden toys to now include a vast offering of construction bricks and play sets, mini figures, digital offerings and, most recently, entertainment content.



National Geographic Kids and LEGOŽ CITY joined forces to inspire children to explore, discover and learn about jungles and the importance of their preservation. As part of the initiative, the LEGO Group and National Geographic Kids launched an exciting new competition to win a seven-day Costa Rica Family Expedition with National Geographic Expeditions to the jungles of Costa Rica in Central America. The winning family was said to explore the treetops and volcanic canyon landscapes of Rio Blanco, go zip lining through tropical forests surrounded by astonishing wildlife, visit a wildcat rescue center to meet orphaned ocelots and jaguars, dine in a treehouse and get to experience the real-life jungle. CONTEST CONCEPT: This competition was open to kids ages 6 through 16 in the United States, and the contest entrants were asked to imagine something they might discover deep in the jungle – and then draw it or build it with LEGO bricks.


DISNEY WORLD X LEGO disney world x lego Disney play sets offer a world of LEGO building fun sprinkled with Disney magic. Children can create and recreate adventures with their favorite Disney characters in iconic settings, whether it is retelling a classic fairytale, going on an adventure, cooking a meal in a castle kitchen or looking after cute animal friends. Clever modularity means many of the sets can be combined easily and can be customized so kids can create their own magical Disney adventures. Let their imagination sparkle! Disney sets has a new building feature called “modularity�, which means your child can easily build, play, swap and mix with their favorite LEGO | Disney sets and characters, playing out whatever stories they can imagine!

dream big with disney!


super mario x lego

SUPER MARIO X LEGO Kids can team up with their favorite character in the real world with this LEGO® Super Mario™ Adventures with Mario Starter Course (71360). The set features a LEGO Mario™ figure that gives instant expressive responses via the LCD screens and speaker. Players earn virtual coins moving LEGO Mario from the Start Pipe to the Goal Pole via spinning and cloud platforms. Block, and super battles with the Goomba and Bowser Jr. toy figures. Rearrange the bricks to create new levels to master.




Lego is one of the brand who have pioneered the art of branding. From out of the box ideas to relating social issues which affect the society on a large scale, LEGO has always tried to link and experiment with the ways their product is seen in front of their users.


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