2013 04 wmap digest spring 2013

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Perspectives on Prayer By Dr. Frank and Wendy parrish compiled and adapted from teachings in World MAp Prayer Corps bulletins

Author’s Note: There are many great books on the critical subject of Prayer. They cover every aspect of this much-needed spiritual discipline: techniques for and types of prayer; praying the prayers of the Bible; the theology of The Lord’s Prayer; spiritual warfare and intercessory prayer; the value of praying in tongues; and many more. Most of these books about prayer are well worth reading. But reading or knowing about prayer is not the same thing as actually praying! The two most-heeded scriptures on prayer are “pray without ceasing” (1Thess 5:17) and “men always ought to pray and not lose heart” (Luke 18:1). It is likely that our greatest need is not to acquire a new method or technique for prayer. Instead, it is to simply pray – about everything, all the time! Certainly there are many things to learn and grow in as we desire to become more effective in prayer. And we are living in days that require prayer at every turn. Yet we all sometimes need encouragement to keep faithful in our prayer life. The following is a compilation of brief exhortations gleaned from prior issues of our World MAP Prayer Corps (a monthly prayer bulletin sent freely to those who have asked to receive it). My hope and prayer for you is that as you read and meditate on these truths – about prayer, and about our great God to Whom we pray – you will be inspired, encouraged and focused to keep up the good ministry of prayer! – Frank Parrish 2 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • Spring 2013

Open Access “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb 4:16). This beautiful passage and similar verses (Eph 2:18; 3:12) give us assurance of salvation and Heaven’s open access to all who call on the name of the Lord for salvation. But our salvation is only the starting point. For the heart of salvation and all of the Christian life is relationship. Christ’s work restored the opportunity for a living, dynamic intimacy between our loving heavenly Father and us, His children. This relationship finds its best expression in the ongoing and heartfelt communication between us and our God. We are told in Hebrews to “come boldly” – not fearfully or timidly, confused or uncertain as to our Creator’s response. The implication of “come boldly” is one of entering His presence with a joyful boldness and confidence, knowing that God wants us there in His presence and wants to hear from us! We may go before His throne in prayer with hopeful expectation that He not only receives and hears us, but will answer with a perfectly wise, righteous and timely response. So come to Him. Come boldly before Him with a praise-filled expectation. Come knowing that you please Him as you pray in faith, with full-hearted trust and belief in Him, in His goodness, and in His

readiness to move in response to our requests. A primary basis for our bold confidence in God’s now-open throne room is this: “If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” (Rom 8:31,32). Our hearts answer this query with resounding praise and thanksgiving to the One Who delights in hearing our voices lifted to Him! prAyer WAtchMen “I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the LOrd, do not keep silent, and give Him no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth” (Isa 2:6-7). This portion of Scripture is a prophetic foretype of the role of intercessors. But the admonition goes beyond those who have a special ‘calling’ for prayer. These verses are a clear call to all of God’s people to “pray without ceasing” (1Thess 5:17) and to “watch and pray” (Mark 13:33). It is good to remember that we do not wrestle with a reluctant God. Rather, we contend with the “principalities and powers” (Eph 6:12) who are committed to fight against the establishment of God’s will and the advance of His Kingdom throughout all nations, all societies and all human hearts.

Our prayers can pierce through darkness and oppression, pull down strongholds of hell and awaken the dull and blinded hearts of men (2Cor 4:4). Our fervent intercession welcomes the King of glory to enter into the affairs of this world and establish His throne of righteousness in every situation for which we concertedly pray. Believers are the prayer watchmen of God who must never cease to cry out, and who must not be intimidated into silence by circumstances or opposition. Our God is greater, no matter the situation. He is a God Who makes the impossible become possible, and Who is a doer of great and marvelous works. So let us pray! If it is God’s will that we pray – and it IS (1Tim 2:1-4) – then we can expect our Lord to answer and move in power, according to His will. Let us then “rejoice in the Lord, you righteous, and give thanks at the remembrance of His Holy name” (please read all of Psalms Chapter 97). rAllying cry “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Hab 2:14). This verse of Scripture reveals for us such a wonderful and marvelous picture. The waters in the oceans of the earth fill every bit of space they occupy – top to bottom, side to side, every cubic inch. Our God declares that in the same way,

World MAP exists to train and empower church leaders to make disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:18-20; Ephesians 4:11,12; Colossians 1:24-29; 2 Timothy 2:2; Mark 16:15-18; Luke 24:46-49; Acts 20:17-28

OUr pUrpOse World MAP trains church leaders in developing nations for ministry. Why is that important? In recent decades, the number of new Christians in these nations has multiplied exponentially. The greatest need is for pastors who know how to shepherd and disciple them. But poverty, persecution or lack of proximity prevent most church leaders from getting the ministry training they need. World MAP exists to meet this need, and our proven strategies have helped train more than one million church leaders for ministry in 140+ developing nations. OUr strAtegy World MAP helps church leaders to be effective through: • printed Bible-based pastoral training that is clear, comprehensive and practical; • seminars within their nations that provide training, promote unity, and minister spiritual refreshing; • promoting Spirit-filled life and ministry; • enlisting the North American Church to pray fervently and give generously to help indigenous* church leaders become effective ministers. *World MAP is able to train church leaders because of the generosity of people who recognize the value of equipping indigenous leaders – those native-born citizens who already understand the culture and needs of their communities and who are best positioned to reach the unreached and disciple them.

Volume 53 / No. 2 • Spring 2013

Table of Contents 2 Perspectives on Prayer 6 Christian Prisoner in West Africa Asks for Prayer 8 IN THE PHILIPPINES Their Signature Tool

10 ACTS/SHEPHERD’S STAFF: “They Frequently Borrow Mine” 11 UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUP: Aborigines of Australia 11 PRAy FOR THE NATIONS: Egypt WORLD MAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Jon Cook, Hank Morris, Frank Parrish, Vic Torres. WMAP CANADA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tim Grauman, Lyle Horrill, Helmuth Lange, Dave McTaggart, Frank Parrish, Wendy Parrish. DIGEST STAFF: Frank and Wendy Parrish ...... Directors / Editors Gayla Dease .......... Design / Publications Coord. Keith Balser ...................................... Copy Editor PRIVACY POLICY Your privacy is our priority. We do not sell, lease, rent or share personal information obtained from anyone via postal or online services.

World MAP Digest (USPS 692-240) is published quarterly by World Missionary Assistance Plan, 1419 N. San Fernando Blvd., Burbank CA 91504. The subscription price is $5.00 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Burbank, CA 91505 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to World MAP Digest, 1419 N. San Fernando Blvd., Burbank, California 91504-4141. HOW TO CONTACT US: Visit us at our website on the Internet at www.world-map.com Email subscription inquiries and address changes to wmap1@world-map.com Phone 1-818-843-7233 / Fax 1-818-845-5000 Spring 2013 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 3

the knowledge of Him and His glory are to completely fill the earth! This complete knowledge of God is not reserved for the eternal realm of Heaven alone. It is the rallying cry of Heaven’s Lord and Master with all of His angels, a declaration to the whole world of Who He is and what He is doing – right now, in the here and now! As we pray for those who are near and familiar, or for those whose names and faces are unknown, we are participating in the release of “the knowledge of the Lord” upon them and into their situation, and for His Kingdom to come into their midst (Matt 6:10). Therefore we can raise our prayers in confidence! Our God is not hidden, nor is He silent. His desire is to reveal Himself to every heart (2Pet 3:9) – Who He is, and His power, will and purpose for every person and in every situation. As we fervently pray in faith, we partner with our Almighty God as He purposes to reveal Himself to every person in every place, and to bless those who are His hands extended in those very places as well. With every prayer we utter, we release unstoppable waves of God’s love and glory into the lives of people and upon the nations of the earth that are His inheritance (Ps 2:8). We are blessed – and we can be bold! WhAt’s in A nAMe “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it” (John 14:12-14). What’s in a name? In most cultures, a name is a “handle” or title that identifies us to others. But as Christ-followers, we have been given a Name that is above all names, the Name of Him Whom all will someday acknowledge as the King of kings and Lord of lords! (Phil 2:9-11; 1Tim 6:15) And it is in this Name, the Name of Jesus, that we 4 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • Spring 2013

can pray. However, to “ask in My name” is not to be misunderstood as a religious formula whereby we say the proper words and God must then perform as we demand. Rather, to “ask in My name” is our authorization in prayer, as Christ’s ambassadors, to pray for the same things Jesus would pray for; to represent Him with the same mind, spirit, love and unity He has in relationship with the Father. For it is the Father Who also eagerly desires to hear from His children and Who delights to answer us (John 16:23-27). Jesus gives us the key to understanding this powerful invitation to “ask in My name” – to wait upon Him and to ask as He would ask – and partner with Him in prayer: “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you” (John 15:7). As we partner in prayer and ask in His Name, understanding all that this means, we can be confident that He also promises, “I will do it” (John 14:14)! We have been given all things necessary for life and godliness through God’s unchanging and precious promises (2Pet 1:2-4). And even with all that, we have also been given the most precious and powerful Name our world has ever known and will ever know – Jesus! Though solutions to the world’s ills are hard to come by, there is an answer to all of them in just one Name: JESUS. The Name of JESUS is higher than all other names (Phil 2:9); at the Name of JESUS, all must bow (Phil 2:10); all things are under the feet of JESUS (Eph 1:22; Heb 2:8); at the Cross of JESUS, He defeated and disarmed Satan – the enemy of all mankind – and all his minions (Col 2:15; 1John 3:8). JESUS is the One Who descended into Hades (Eph 4:9), captured the keys of death and hell (Rev 1:18), and set free from death all who will put their faith and trust in Him (John 11:25,26) – so that even the fear of death is gone! (Heb 2:14,15). JESUS, the One Who originated and perfects our

faith (Heb 12:2), has purchased for us salvation and eternal life. Hallelujah! It is in this Name – the Name of JESUS – that we pray (John 14:13,14). At the Name of JESUS, demons must flee, the dead are raised, the blind see, the deaf hear, and the sick are healed! The Name of JESUS opens doors that no man can shut, turns the hearts of kings like rivers, and gives salvation to the lost souls of fallen humanity. We pray in the Name of JESUS because in His Name reside all power, all authority, and all righteousness. Amen! “I wILL Hear frOm HeaveN…” “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2Chron 7:14). This is a well-known verse revealing profound yet practical principles for intercessory prayer. It is not a “spiritual formula,” but a revelation of how any sincere follower of Christ can partner with Almighty God in seeing more of His purpose and power released upon the nations of the earth. Let us examine more closely the vital elements of this verse. “If…” – a small word, but one that looms large in its importance in Scripture. Each time we read the word “if ” in the Bible, we should note the implications. In this verse, it reveals our indispensable part in prayer. “My people who are called by My name…” – This specific call of this verse to repent is to the Church, God’s people, not to the ungodly who are lost and deceived. “will humble themselves…” – Recognize our absolute need to depend wholly upon the Lord for everything; that our own right-

eousness or power is insufficient at best. “and pray and seek My face…” – Ask God to remove judgment; seek His favor and face, rather than just what we want Him to do for us. “and turn from their wicked ways…” – Turn from all acts that dishonor God’s Name; reject selfdependence, religious legalism, pride, fear, unbelief. God always responds to hunger for Him (Matt 5:6). IF we do as He asks, THEN His response is… “I will hear from Heaven…” – God always hears us, but we must align ourselves with His will and purpose in order to receive. We are NOT earning His response, but aligning ourselves to receive through repentance, faith and obedience. “and will forgive their sins…” – Let us be a people who live a lifestyle of constant repentance: turning from self, carnality, pride, fear and unforgiveness, and turning to God in hope, faith, dependence, trust, surrender and obedience. As we do this, our sins are forgiven (1John 1:9). Our walk in

You can be part of World MAP’s Prayer Corps and receive your own monthly prayer bulletin by simply sending your email address to wmap@world-map.com. Write “Prayer Corps” in the subject line of your email. Don’t use the Internet? Mail your postal address to World MAP, 1419 N. San Fernando Blvd., Burbank CA 91504 to receive a copy by mail. Join the hundreds who pray monthly for immediate global needs and for World MAP’s ministry!

the renewing presence of His Spirit and His supernatural grace transforms us into a more savory salt and brighter light to the world around us. “and heal their land…” – God’s grace, poured out upon and through the Church, becomes a source of saving, healing and delivering flow for the people of any nation. Just as God spoke through the prophet Ezekiel, our heavenly Father is seeking for those who will “stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land” (Ezek 22:30). God found Moses in the days of Israel’s wanderings (Exodus Chapter 3). And He found Daniel in the time of Israel’s judgment and subsequent displacement (Daniel Chapter 9). Through these ordinary men, God accomplished His eternal purposes. It is rightly said that there are no great men of God – only humble men greatly used of God. As we join in intercession for people and nations, we know that the Almighty Eternal God is working in great power through our fervent prayers! Editor’s Note: This study will conclude in the next issue of DIGEST with an encouraging look at how our faithful God uses our prayers to bring His sure purposes to fulfillment. Spring 2013 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 5

This prisoner’s letter may forever change you!

Wendy and I were deeply touched when we read the following letter by a prisoner in a tiny West African country opposed to the Gospel. He was imprisoned simply because he was bold to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others. I know his words will inspire you. Please pray for him and other fellow Christ-followers who are right now being persecuted for their faith in Christ (Heb 13:3). They desperately need our prayers – and to pray for them is to be part of fulfilling God’s desire to make  His  house  a  “house of prayer for all nations” (Isa  56:7;  Luke  19:46;  see  also  Luke  5:16; 1 Timothy 2:1-6). – Frank Parrish Dear brothers and sisters, God is great and merciful. He does not change or stop being what He is, because of the problem or difficulties that I may be experiencing. The circumstances of life, no matter how difficult they may be, do not diminish God’s glory or goodness. I cannot in any way keep from looking to my Lord and putting my confidence in Him, my eyes and hope are fixed on Him. It’s now two o’clock in the morning, and I cannot sleep. All the nights are hot, without space to turn over, extremely uncomfortable. In spite of all this, I know that Jesus is at my side, and this comforts me.... During these nights I experience battles you can’t imagine. I also feel the presence of the enemy close by, whispering in my ear, saying that God does not care about me. What a fight I wage against self-pity, against the feeling of despair, loneliness, injustice, anger, and so many other feelings that seek to dominate me. I rebuke those mental battles in the name of Jesus, the One who shed even His last drop of blood for me. He is infinitely good, and His mercy endures forever!

“It’s now two o’clock in the morning... the nights are hot, without space to turn over, extremely uncomfortable. In spite of all this, I know that Jesus is at my side, and this comforts me....”

Those battles are fought not just at night, but also during the day.... A while back a Muslim man approached me and began to verbally attack me saying: “You are nothing. You know nothing. And nothing you teach is worth anything. You are less than the little toe of anyone here.” And with many other words he tried to humiliate me more and more. The words he spoke were hard and terrible. And all I said to him was: “Yes, you can continue. Yes, I am listening. Continue!” He became even more impassioned and poured out a flood of insults trying to drown me in his hellish words. After a brief silence, I asked him: “Have you finished? Have you said everything you want? If so, can I speak now?” With a stern voice he replied: “Speak!” expecting I would reply in a tone of arrogance and anger. So, I began by saying: “You’re right. I really am nothing. I am less than a grain of dirty sand. I am dust. I am a worm. I am a filthy rag. I am a dead dog.” And, almost crying, I added: “But I want you to meet someone who was everything, who was the creator of the universe, full of glory, the sovereign Lord, who in spite of all that, loved me so much He gave up his life to be insulted, broken and shed his blood for me. But not only for me, but for you, too. You are important to Him, and He loves you. He died for your sins and rose from the grave so that you could have eternal life.” And when this man heard me say that, it “I was sent to test you, to see if you was as if he had been shocked with 50 thousand volts. He never expected that reaction. He really are a man of God. And I can say that you are the man of God that expected I’d pay him back with equally harsh words. Then, with a soft voice he told me: “I everyone says you are. For a man of have been trailing you and watching your God, when humiliated, is exalted by movements over the past month. I was sent to God. Starting today, you have my test you, to see if you really are a man of God. And I can say that you are the man of God that respect!” everyone says you are. For a man of God, when humiliated, is exalted by God. Starting today, you have my respect!”

6 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • Spring 2013

I was overwhelmed to hear this man recite the Word of God! Now he is one of my best friends. He has not come to Christ, but he has never again opposed my sharing Christ!... Some days ago another man, to whom I’ve been ministering since I first arrived in prison, asked me: “How can I be a Protestant?” I answered: “I’m going to answer your question in a way that’s different from what you’re expecting. I’m going to imagine that you are asking me: ‘How can I receive Jesus in my heart and become converted to Him?’” I then showed him some Bible verses, especially Rom 3:23, Rom 6:23, Rom 10:910. I told him about the expulsion from paradise, the con“... What a privilege to be demnation to eternal death, the plan of redemption through chosen by Him to be in this Jesus and his death on the cross. I told him that it is necesplace and at this moment, sary to believe in Jesus and obey him, and after sharing a few other things I asked him: “Do you want to give your life in order to be his arms, his to Jesus and become one of his disciples, believing and obey- feet, his mouth in order to ing him?” He answered: “I do. I want to give him my whole embrace, help and show the life. I want to live for him.” This man is French, 55 years way to so many here ... I do old. The Lord has given me the opportunity of sharing His love with such a diverse audience: Catholics, atheists, cry and lament over being Muslims, Christians. Alleluia! ... What a privilege to be chosen by Him to be in this place and at this moment, in order to be his arms, his feet, his mouth in order to embrace, help and show the way to so many here, who besides being prisoners, are so needy in every imaginable way.

imprisoned ... But at the same time I rejoice in being a prisoner for the sake of the Gospel.”

I want to thank all of my brothers and sisters who have been with me in this prison. I can honestly say that my biggest desire used to be to leave here and rejoin those I love. However I have been praying the prayer of Mary: “May your will, Lord, be fulfilled in me.” And if it be his will that I stay longer in prison, in order to bring freedom to those who really are captive (physically and spiritually), then may it be. He will give me grace to handle it, as He has so far. And He will give grace to the brothers and sisters who have been giving us the necessary support here. I do cry and lament over being imprisoned, for I would rather be with my family, my wife, my children, whom I love deeply. Freedom is priceless.... But at the same time I rejoice in being a prisoner for the sake of the Gospel. After the latest hearing (dealing with a man we had hired who claimed to be a lawyer, but really was not), the judge told me: “My work as judge has finished, the only issue that remains now is the fact that you converted children (minors).” He has seen that all of the other charges are false. The judge himself said that we are not “gang leaders” and he sees we are innocent of the enemy’s accusations. The judge even told Zeneide that she was unjustly imprisoned. All of this confirms what I’ve said from the beginning: I am a prisoner of Christ, and God is my judge. When the moment comes, He will release us from here, and I want to leave with the feeling that I was faithful to the Lord during my journey through this place. The moments of pain and need, the times of illness, discomfort, loneliness, tears … everything will be rewarded when we shake the hand of hundreds of people there in glory. When I assisted in the funeral for a Christian from Liberia who died here in prison on Christmas day, I thought: “One day I will embrace him in glory, and together we will give praise to the Lord for His salvation.” May our Lord and Savior whom we have the privilege of serving receive glory! ... I love you, dear friends, and even those I’ve not yet met personally, but who now are part of our lives, who have demonstrated so much love and affection for me and for Zeneide, as well as for my beloved wife and my family. May the Lord continue to shower your lives with blessing. Christ’s prisoner, José Dilson

Please pray with us for Brother José and his family members! - Frank and Wendy Spring 2013 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 7

Their Signature Tool Filipino pastors sign names in The Shepherd’s Staff, set hearts to study it – and step out into powerful ministry

By Gayla Dease and Keith G. Balser

“rejoice because your names are written in heaven” (Luke 10:20). ‘More real’ When something is “good enough to sign your name to,” it is something you confidently affirm and know will accomplish its intended purpose. That is how pastors in remote mountain and island regions of the Philippines feel about The Shepherd’s Staff. Bobbie Wimsett of Texasbased Walk-Free Ministries has seen this first hand, as she ministers primarily to these remote pastors. She marvels at how each pastor carefully inscribes his/her name on the title page immediate-

Bobbie Wimsett uses The Shepherd’s Staff when ministering to remote pastors and students.

8 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • Spring 2013

ly upon receiving the book. Shepherd’s Staffs are handed out at the 5-day conferences hosted by Walk-Free Ministries along with Bethel Villarosa, who trains 13 to 20 people per week in her school Bethesda Prayer and Worship. Bobbie gets right to the point: “The students were thrilled, for the name The Shepherd’s Staff is known for its accuracy and [is] the number-one sought-after tool other than the Bible. As you can tell by the pictures, the importance of writing their name in the book was uppermost upon the recipients’ minds. I asked why and they all said it seemed more real to receive such a gift if their name was written inside. I praise God for these mighty men and women that give their life to the ministry of Jesus Christ even though the conditions are unfavorable. With The Shepherd’s Staff as a tool, it gives the pastors the confidence that they have the correct understanding and teaching of each subject.” “As a missionary,” Bobbie continues, “I am grateful that I can place a powerful tool such as The Shepherd’s Staff into the hands of these newly trained Bible Students. In our world of technology, we Gospel presenters have instant

access to any topic by Internet, allowing us a never-ending supply of information. This is not the case for those who minister in remote areas. This one tool provides information on innumerable topics allowing them to study, preach and teach the dynamics of God’s Word correctly.” Building a healthy church Bobbie Wimsett’s ministry in the Philippines is centered on Negros Island, about 350 miles south of Manila. Negros is the country’s leading producer of sugar.

Bobbie Wimsett’s ministry is about 350 miles south of Manila.

Walk-Free Ministries has partnered with Elvie Whelan of the Philippines to establish “Jacob’s Ladder,” a ministry dedicated to feeding local squatter families on the island. Bobbie also works with local Filipino children, enjoying their company and caring for their physical needs. Ministering to the spiritual needs of both children and adults – supplying scriptural sustenance – is equally important to her. For just as sugar is inadequate as a physical diet, a superficial grasp of God’s Word and of the anointing of the Holy Spirit is inadequate to a person’s spiritual development – and to the life-changing power needed in a pastor’s ministry. It is essential that ministers of the Gospel be “nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound doctrine” (1Tim 4:6) and trained to walk in the power of God’s Spirit (Eph 5:18). Bobbie Wimsett reports that the Filipino pastors under her care have found such sustenance and guidance in The Shepherd’s Staff. signing On for the long haul Bobbie’s focus is to work with local Filipino ministries “to build a church and help to train the local pastors.” Her plan for 2013 is to teach them “all aspects of the Gospel.” It is critical that they be taught “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27). A partial grasp of God’s Word can make it hard for a pastor to defend his flock against heretical cults. One of the world’s largest heretical cults, “Iglesia ni Cristo,” is based in the Philippines. Membership estimates run as high as 27 million globally, with at least several million in the Philippines. This cult denies the Trinity, the deity of Christ and the Personhood of the Holy Spirit. They claim that membership in Iglesia ni Cristo is necessary for salvation. The pastors Bobbie Wimsett trains face this and many other false religions. They need reliable tools in order to contend earnest-

ly – and decisively – for the faith (Jude 3). Bobbie has found that “The Shepherd’s Staff is one of the best tools I can put in their hands. The pastors travel great distances just to hold a Bible study for one family, knowing that the ministry will grow from there.” A local church planter/leader, Pastora Margie, “has begun two churches over the last several years by doing just this. She now has 70 members between the two churches. I witnessed the baptism of 14 young people yesterday. Pastora Margie is building the Body of Christ one family at a time.” And she is doing it one step at a time, using the step-by-step teaching in World MAP’s “Bible School in a Book.” Rain or shine, this determined pastor walks to the local village Bible study she conducts. Packed in her satchel early each morning: the Bible and The Shepherd’s Staff. god’s Appointment Book God’s timing in building the Church is always perfect, and this includes the timing of book shipments. The Shepherd’s Staffs shipped to Bobbie Wimsett’s ministry in January “arrived just in time,” she reports – just in time for the monthly training school she was starting and just in time for her preaching date at a multichurch gathering. Nor does the preaching/teaching schedule show signs of slackening, for the need certainly does not. As Bobbie explains, “I have a pastor that oversees 30 other pastors from the mountain area and [is] asking if I will hold a Bible school for them also as soon as we can get it scheduled. I am telling you all of this for I could actually use 65 more books to

place in the hands of mountain pastors.” World MAP provided them. Bobbie travels back and forth from the United States and is committed to letting “God fill my appointment book.” imperishable inscription How does World MAP fit into this divine schedule? Looking ahead, Bobbie Wimsett writes: “I am invited to other islands; however, I have to wait until the seas are not so rough. I am happy to report the youth are coming to the front and teaching others. I have one girl that is in 10th year of High School and I promised her a Shepherd’s Staff to help her for she gathers many and teaches them. “Please announce to all your supporters the need for this tool to help train pastors that live and minister in remote areas. They do not have access to media or Internet like those in the cities, therefore making The Shepherd’s Staff priceless. “It is my joy to place a copy of The Shepherd’s Staff, along with the Bible, into the hands of pastors that have so little yet sacrifice even unto death so the Gospel may go out.” And what is the goal of the Gospel? That untold multitudes – from the remote mountains and islands of the Philippines to the uttermost parts of the earth – will hear the Good News of a Savior, Jesus Christ, and come to faith in Him. That they will then experience His transforming power and forgiveness, walk the road of this life in relationship with God, have the comfort and guidance of His Spirit within – and know that their names are individually, indelibly and eternally “written in the Book of Life” (Rev 17:8).

Spring 2013 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 9

‘They Frequently Borrow Mine’ ACTS and The Shepherd’s Staff Needed More Than Ever “May God bless your ministry as you have blessed so many pastors and church leaders around the world. I would like to receive a copy of The Shepherd’s StaffSpanish and receive copies of HECHOS [Spanish ACTS] magazine. This was highly recommended by a colleague.” – Pastor Jose Alberto Farista, Costa Rica “I am eager to continue receiving and learning from your [ACTS] magazine. In doing so, we will defeat Satan.” – Romain Ngarmadji, Chad “The [ACTS] magazine equipped me a lot. One of the insights I found in your ACTS is Pastor-to-Pastor, a meaningful insight that built my life in Christ. I am living in a place where there is no electricity at all. I need your magazine indeed.” – Isaiah Tatantah, Cameroon “Thank you so much for mailing me a copy of The Shepherd’s Staff. I have received it in the mail. God’s great blessings be upon you and your family. May this year be filled with blessings beyond measure and miracles.” – Evangelist Doreen Sami, Fiji

“I was ordained seven years ago. I found it impossible to preach and teach to my church and community during evangelism period, due to lack of Gospel materials such as evangelistic materials and other ministerial materials. But after I read your book called The Shepherd’s Staff from one of your members here in Solwezi district, I was very very blessed and educated spiritually through your good and helpful book.” – Abel Lubinda, Zambia

“When reading through The Shepherd’s Staff, it gives me deep understanding in the Bible, and it leads me to the core part in the Bible.” – Ralphbell Seko, Solomon Islands

“I would be delighted if you would renew my subscription to ACTS to enable me to continue my studies with my Bible students. The ACTS was (a) easy to understand, (b) helpful and (c) we have achieved great understanding in the Bible as well. May the God Almighty open our minds to a better position in His Word.” – Rev. David Kwaku Donkor, Ghana

“I was really very happy to receive your new [ACTS issue] ‘Heirs of God’ and it gives me great knowledge of the Bible. To this end, I would go through this opportunity to ask you for the book The Shepherd’s Staff to give to one of my followers who is already in a church that is located in a village called Samionpka. Finally, I am very grateful to the Almighty, the Creator of the universe, and all the leaders of World MAP.” – Pasteur Constant Alavo, Benin “The Shepherd’s Staff books were received and sent to the owners. Many leaders are still preparing to place orders. This is a book that contains everything in the world. No wonder it is World MAP. God bless the heavenly candidate team of World MAP.” – Emmanuel Joseph, Nigeria

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“I thank the Lord Jesus for the work He has allowed you to carry in order to prepare a harvest for His soon return. Be encouraged to continue in the work. I continuously draw invaluable treasure from your book The Shepherd’s Staff. I have some brethren who have found it to be helpful, so they frequently borrow mine.” – Simbarashe Vhovha, Zimbabwe “ACTS Magazine has been so helpful. Although I have been reading my friend’s copies, I have noted that this magazine lays a firm foundation in the Word of God, hence helping church workers to feed the flock through the doctrines of the truths. Pastors and evangelists who cannot be able to access theological colleges are able to learn through this provision. May the Lord grant you more resources in order for you to reach as many people as possible.” – Pastor David Njoroge, Kenya

Praying for the Nations


ABORIGINES OF AUSTRALIA Population: 517,000 “For in many dreams… there is emptiness” (Eccl 5:7 nas). Dream or nightmare? Researching the beliefs of Australia’s indigenous people – said to have the oldest continuous culture on earth – is like straying from the clear path of history and logic into a misty dream world. Indeed the word “dream” is central to their mythology. “Dreamtime” (also called “The Dreaming”) denotes a primeval period when ancestral spirits emanating from the earth wandered a formless landscape, leaving geographic features in their wake – by either creating or becoming those features. There are Aborigines professing Christianity, but have they shaken off the mists of “Dreamtime”? Some of their elders have conceived “Rainbow Spirit Theology.” This belief system identifies the “Spirit of God” (Gen 1:2) with Dreamtime’s “Rainbow Serpent.” The claim is even made that Jesus Christ is the incarnation of this earth-indwelling spirit-being.


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The true Spirit of God to awaken Aborigines from the dangerous unreality of “Dreamtime.” “Rainbow Spirit Theology” to be seen as false, antibiblical teaching. Sound Bible teaching – and soundly trained Bible teachers – to multiply. Aborigines to, like the Thessalonians, sever all ties with superstition and trust wholeheartedly in “the living and true God” (1Thess 1:9).

Population: 83,688,164 90% Muslim 9% Coptic Christian 1% Other Christian President of the Arab Republic of Egypt: Muhammad Mursi Prime Minister: Hisham Qandil Fractured Conflict: Egypt is currently embroiled in a fractured, bitter struggle for personal, economic and religious freedoms and equality. The Muslim Brotherhood (Islamic extremists) is in power at this time. Coptic Christian communities, in place since the first century A.D., are being persecuted as their churches are burned and members are beaten, dispossessed and even murdered. Secular Egyptians are frightened by the prospect of Sharia (Islamic law) being established, with the subsequent loss of many rights that are taken for granted in the West.


• Governmental policies that uphold the rights, and promote the well-being, of all Egyptians. • Thwarting of Islamic extremist efforts to gain power. • Protection of Egypt’s Christian minority from persecution and discrimination, whether official or unofficial. • The Church in Egypt to rise up in the Word and the Spirit, and with evangelistic zeal, “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints” (Jude 3).

Join World MAP Prayer Corps and receive monthly prayer bulletins from Frank and Wendy Parrish. Email wmap@world-map.com to sign up! Spring 2013 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 11

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