Institution of Fire Engineers (UK) (Singapore Branch)
31st August & 1st September, 2015 DAY 1: 31st Aug., 2015 NFPA 750 (2015 Ed.) WATER MIST FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS ………………….
Supporting Organisations
Institution of Fire Engineers (UK) (Singapore Branch)
Many Architects and Engineers in the region are engaging in new overseas projects, particularly in Asean countries where the Authorities are adopting NFPA Standards as the local Fire Standards. Compliance with NFPA Standards is also made mandatory by MNC Clients and their Insurers for significant projects in Singapore and regional countries. Once again, IFE Singapore and NFPA are working together to bring the NFPA training to your doorstep. The requirements of the latest NFPA Standards will be covered in these seminars.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND NFPA 750 – Anyone who is involved with the specification, design, installation, maintenance, or approval of water mist fire protection systems including: local authority, engineers, plan reviewers, designers, installers, maintenance personnel, inspectors, manufacturers, insurance underwriters, contractors, facilities professionals, and project managers. NFPA 2001 - Anyone concerned with the proper design and installation of clean agent fire extinguishing systems for special occupancies, including engineers, architects, designers, risk managers, facility consultants, installers, maintenance personnel, insurance underwriters, project managers and the local authority.
NFPA 750
NFPA 2001
1 day – 3 CPD points;
Both days – 5 CPD points
7 STU points
7 STU points
Institution of Fire Engineers (UK) (Singapore Branch)
SEMINAR OUTLINE: DAY 1 – NFPA 750 – WATER MIST FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 31st August, 2015 – 9.00am to 5.00pm
• Background on water mist systems • Development, first applications and evolution into what they are today • Compare the differences between water mist/water spray/clean agents/hybrid water mist systems • Explain NFPA 750 and describe how it is applied in the real world through various applications • Discuss fire demonstration videos of water mist systems in action from manufacturers
Institution of Fire Engineers (UK) (Singapore Branch)
DAY 2 – NFPA 2001 - CLEAN AGENT FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS 1st September, 2015 – 9.00am to 5.00pm
• Overview and layout of NFPA 2001 • Design Considerations for Total Flooding Systems • Design Considerations for Local Application • Detection, Actuation, Notification and Auxilliary • Safe use of Clean Agent Systems • Installation and Approval of Clean Agent Systems • Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Clean Agent Systems • Post-Discharge Service and System Recharge • System Removal
Institution of Fire Engineers (UK) (Singapore Branch)
Speaker’s Profile Mr. William E Koffel, P.E., FSFPE President, Koffel Associates Inc. (USA)
Mr Koffel is a Registered Professional Engineer in USA and an authorized trainer of NFPA. He sits on the Board of Directors for AFAA, and SFPE and was President of SFPE in 2003. His speciality fields are fire protection systems, analysis, design, testing and maintenance, building, life safety and fire code analysis, product research and testing, forensic engineering, etc. He is active in the codes and standards development processes and sits on various standards committees of the International Code Council (ICC), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) and Underwriters Laboratory (UL).
His major projects and activities include conducting licensure, certification, accreditation and engineering surveys, provide engineering support for the design of fire protection improvements and systems, fire protection engineering and code consulting services for new construction and renovation projects, etc.
Institution of Fire Engineers (UK) (Singapore Branch)
IFE/NFPA Members Supporting Organisations Non Members
NFPA 750
NFPA 2001
S$ 880.00
S$ 880.00
NFPA 750 & 2001 S$1,500.00
S$ 980.00
S$ 980.00
S$ 1,700.00
S$ 1,180.00
S$ 1,180.00
S$ 1,900.00
Seminar package includes daily lunch and 2 tea breaks with snacks. Each participant will receive Course Material Handouts, a Certificate of Attendance and a copy of NFPA 750:2015 and NFPA 2001:2015 for the respective Seminar.
Class size is Limited to 40 participants only! Registration will be on first come first serve basis.
SEMINAR VENUE: NOVOTEL SINGAPORE CLARKE QUAY 5th Storey, Cinnamon Room, 177A, River Valley Road, Singapore 179031. Tel: +65 6338 3333
INSTITUTION OF FIRE ENGINEERS Seminars Registration Form Please register the following delegate(s) for the Seminars by ticking the appropriate box. ( Please photocopy for more delegates)
NFPA 750
NFPA 2001
NFPA 750 & 2001
Mr/Ms/Engr/Dr___________________________________________________________________ Organisation: ____________________________________ Designation:_____________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________ Zip Code: ______________ Country:______________________ Telephone: __________________ Fax: __________________ Mobile: ______________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________________
IFE/NFPA Member (Membership No. ___________) Member of Supporting Organisation (____________) Non-Member Signature: _______________________Date: _________________________________ Enclosed cheque no: _______________Bank: _________________Amount: S$_______________ Cheque to be made payable to "The Institution of Fire Engineers (UK)". Please return form with payment to: The Secretariat The Institution of Fire Engineers (UK) Singapore Branch, 32 Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2 #07-06, Sing Industrial Complex Singapore 569510 Closing Date for Registration: Tel: +65 63389274 Fax: +65 64814066 Email: Friday, 31st July, 2015. The Organiser reserves the right to alter the programme without giving prior notification.