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Sean O’Leary | Floodproofing.com, Inc.
Name: Sean O’Leary
Title: Territory Manager PA NJ NY
Age: 32
Company, City: Floodproofing.com, Inc, Mt Royal NJ
Years in field: 10
Education: St. Joseph’s University
City of Residence: Audubon, NJ
What is your business motto?
“Be open and honest. If something isn’t worth doing right, it’s not worth doing."
When did you first become interested in your career path?
I grew up in the coastal town of Longport and I was a senior in college during Hurricane Sandy. Being in Philadelphia it was easy to run back to my parent’s home to check in on any damage except the islands were closed for a week to everyone. Personally I hated that feeling of helplessness. Once we were allowed back, it was a heart ache seeing the devastation caused by Sandy so when I graduated, I was able to take those lessons and experiences and grow into this industry protecting structures in the communities I grew up in.
What is the most rewarding part of your job? Least rewarding?
The most rewarding part without a doubt is having the ability to affect change. I can sleep easy at night knowing my clients and many communities are better suited to protect themselves in the face of the next storm. The least rewarding is the reactiveness part of the job. Building Code requires products I manufacture and represent to be installed on structures so addressing a new building is easy. But following a flooding event, going into these affected communities seeing the devastation caused, it brings me back to the feelings of helplessness I had in 2012.
What is your biggest daily challenge?
Problem solving. Often the best solution might not be the most cost effective. So, coming up with a solution that works for the Architect, GC, and ultimately building owner is like putting together a puzzle so everyone benefits..
How do you inspire your colleagues?
I try to lead by example. I might not be the oldest or most experienced in my field but being upfront with clients, sticking by my word, and doing my best to relate to the people I work with has done wonders for my career and I try to share that with my colleagues.
What goal are you currently striving to achieve?
My company is family owned and operated and our culture is second to none. So, maintaining a healthy volume of work to keep us busy while also making our clients happy not only helps the business, but it does wonders for our culture. The cliché “love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life” is a real thing if you stick to your morals.
What project are you currently working on?
As a vendor supplier, I touch a little bit of everything in our region. I have projects in Philadelphia where you would expect along the Schuylkill and Delaware, but I also have dozens of active projects along the Jersey Shore and in the NYC metro area.
Do you have a life motto? If so, what is it?
Say what you mean and mean what you say. I might be competing with other vendors on jobs but one thing I can promise my clients is I am going to be honest with you and I am going to stick with you until the end.
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in your career?
I have found that developing a relationship with a client and relating to them goes a lot further at times than just providing a number on a piece of paper. Relationships have gotten me this far and will continue to advance my career.
What is/was your favorite CLC event?
I love all the events I have been to from the GBCA Dinners, Golf Outings, Phillies Opening Day, and the Carnegie Trainings. Just put me in a room around new people to meet and I am going to have a great time. I will be attending the CLC Leadership Development Conference in October with many other members of the CLC and I have been excited for that for months!
How do you find that participating in CLC activities benefits you?
The CLC I have found is a group of like-minded individuals. We are all looking to develop connections with each other, strive to be better, and ultimately be the next generation of leaders in this industry.
Do you have any advice for other CLC members/ young professionals who are looking to advance their career?
Ask questions and be a sponge. I am a poster child for the “there’s no dumb questions” saying. Keep asking questions because there is always going to be a mentor there looking to share insight with you.
What is your favorite thing about being a member of GBCA?
Everyone is so open to sharing their own experiences. I have many friends in the GBCA who now talk on a weekly basis and we look out for each other. The GBCA Staff is always open to helping you explore new avenues and ideas too. And back to mentors, I still poke guys like Joe Clearkin or Mike Armento for advice or just to check in. Without GBCA, I wouldn’t have had the opportunities to grow the way I have.