Coinslot 2409 digital

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Price: £2.50

February 27 – March 5, 2015 • No. 2409 •

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Industry news Seaside amusements Irish Gaming Show B2B Listings Latest machine charts Classified ads and opps Comment & Analysis Newsweek

“Manufacturers have done their best to try to keep the product fresh, but it’s a struggle. These games [SWPs] need to be presented in a different way: in a style and size that would fit in with contemporary surroundings.”

4 10 13 17 18 20 22 24


New investment h changing times fo REGENERATION

After a successful bid for a £1m regeneration project in his constituency, Cleethorpes MP Martin Vickers talks exclusively to Coinslot about why 21st century branding is so crucial to the future of our coastal towns and resorts.

change in Cleethorpes. in parliament Iraget’sAs alldiscussions over how to pump a new lease of life into sleepy seaside towns across the country, the northern resort has been finding the cash for its own local projects, including a full refurbishment of the pier. Martin Vickers, Conservative MP for Cleethorpes, has been one of the driving forces behind the new developments. Three weeks ago, he assisted in securing a £1m government grant to restore one of the most rundown areas within the town, and he has recently called on ministers for a debate on the coastal communities fund. “I’m one of the ambassadors for the town - I talk it up as often as I can,” said Vickers.“I’ve lost count of the times I’ve said in parliament that Cleethorpes is the premier resort of the east coast and if there are private investors bidding for a grant, then I’m happy to support them.” Some of these private investors have recently taken over ownership of Cleethorpes pier and are working to restore it to its former glory, complete with a high-end conference and wedding reception venue. Vickers commented:“The end of the pier shows stopped around 25 years ago, and since then there have been a series of nightclubs - some more upmarket than others. But it’s an iconic structure; piers are synonymous with seaside resorts and it’s great to see it being refurbished and bought back into a more traditional use.” This re-branding of the pier from a nightlife hotspot to a wellheeled establishment is just one of the ways in which Cleethorpes - and indeed the northeast as a whole - is attempting to upgrade its image. At the beginning of February, the Prime Minister set out a longterm economic plan for York-

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Will 2015 deliver luck to the Irish?

Is gaming policy in Scotland’s hands?



8 February 27- March 5, 2015 • No. 2409 •

Talarius refurbs lead to ent heralds es for Cleethorpes double-digit growth AGC

A calculation investment programme at the UK’s largest AGC operator Talarius appears to be paying dividends, as its Australian owners reveal strong half year growth. ustralian-based Tatts Group, the parent company of operator Talarius, has released half year results for its UK subsidiary, revealing a sharp rise in profits.The operator of AGC brands such as Quicksilver and Winners enjoyed revenue growth of 12.3 percent during the first half of the 2015 financial year. Talarius currently ranks as the largest operator of adult gaming centres in the UK, with over 900 staff in 168 venues across the country. During the six months to 31 December, 2015 Talarius took the equivalent of AUD59.3m (£29.9m) in revenue, compared with AUD52.8m (£26.6m) during same period a year previous. This growth resulted in earnings before interest and taxes souring by over 50 percent, from AUD1.9m (£958,000) to AUD3m (£1.5m). “We are delighted to report another six months of excellent operational progress, continued revenue growth and increased profits,” commented Peter Harvey,chief operating officer at Talarius. “We have further cemented our position as an industry leader and continue to execute our long term strategy to modernise our venues and refresh our machine estate.” These strong results were driven by an uptick in like-for-like sales across Talarius’ core adult gaming centre business, which has drawn benefit from significant investment during the past 24 months.This strategy for long term growth saw profitable venues singled out for extensive refurbishment,alongside a widescale refreshment of the company’s machine estate and a renewed focus on staff training. The company has highlighted


shire and Northern Lincolnshire, including plans to increase the size of the counties’economy by an extra £13bn in real terms by 2030 and get 100,000 more people into work. However,Vickers believes that community investments such as Bourne Leisure’s Thorpe Park resort,is a testament to the effectiveness of private business capital in local regeneration. “The south-end was quite run down when Bourne took it over and they’ve completely transformed the area,”saidVickers.“As well as caravans, they’ve also developed facilities for the residents, such as retail, the clubhouse and the arcades.” In spite of this private investment from major companies like Bourne, Vickers admits that many coastal communities will also need public funds to create a more attractive offering for potential visitors. He said:“It’s up to individual companies and operators to keep up with the market, but if they need a little help in order to do that - usually in terms of regenerating part of town where the buildings look rather sad - then I’m anxious to ensure that government cash comes

my way.” As debate continues after the recent parliamentary report on Coastal Communities, local tourist boards have also been taking the battle for the industry into their own hands. “Branding is a factor - there’s no doubt about that. Individual resorts choose a segment of the market they want to focus on,” commented Vickers.“Cleethorpes has always been targeted towards families with younger children, and our extensive leisure offerings have been our unique selling point.” Alongside well-established names such as Bourne Leisure and Taylor Made Fun, Cleethorpes boasts a close-knit amusements sector including Pleasure Island and the golden mile of family entertainment centres just north of Thorpe Park. However, the MP hopes the new investment and plans for the pier will bring further success to the town. Vickers said: “You know, money is being pumped in - but it is a competitive business. Towns and investors have to bid for the money. Luckily, Cleethorpes has been quite successful in that.”

from 40 to over 90.The number of staff employed at the arcade also doubled, resulting an increase in both visitation and profitability. These staff all passed through a new training regime, which Talarius also credits as a major factor in the company’s half year success. The new schemes include a programs designed in tandem with People 1st,the skills and development charity, to bolster the skills of venue managers. “It is particularly pleasing to see the benefits of our enhanced staff training programme which we implemented after identifying potential to unlock greater efficiencies and improve the operational management across our its renovation project at the venues,”noted Harvey.“As a result Quicksilver venue in Clapham of these improvements,we enter Junction. The AGC, which will the second half with a strong form a template for the rest of foundation in place and increasTalarius’estate,saw an expansion ing confidence of delivering conin floor space that enable the tinued year-on-year growth in machines on site to increase revenue and profits for full year.”

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Coinslot February 27 - March 5, 2015





Arcade owner raises a point of high street hypocrisy ADVERTISING STANDARDS

The experiences of an AGC operator at the coal face suggest that underage gambling controls may not be applied evenly across the high street. he rules surrounding operator requirements for underage gambling on the high street have been singled out for double standards by Doncaster’s Philip Hayes, director of Jackpot Amusements. Hayes has expressed his concerns over the lack of regulation beyond the walls of licensed gaming operators, following a visit to his local supermarket. While shopping at the national supermarket


fairness levied against our industry,” said Hayes. “AGC’s are quite rightly constantly checked for underage gamblers and are not allowed to advertise in such a away that they could attract under 18’s to enter the age controlled environment. Yet it would seem that the outlets that sell lottery products do not have the same restrictions on advertising.” Hayes is also concerned that the lack of regulatory Concerned with the sim- prospect of what could oversight for the sale of chain, Hayes spotted adverts for childrens’ col- ilarity between the two happen if a tabloid newspa- scratchcards on the high lectable football cards dis- products, and their proxim- per became aware of the street also places young played directly below a ity, Hayes raised the issue story. Finding a few months people at risk: “They blalarge panel of adverts for lot- with the store manager. He later that the situation tantly sell children’s prodtery scratchcards.The AGC was informed that both the remained unchanged he ucts which are very similar operator was then treated National Lottery and the contacted the Gambling in style to scratch cards to a display of the effective- Gambling Commission had Commission in early Janu- alongside them. The perness of this promotional visited the site and ary, who referred his issue sons in authority both sellmaterial as a mother with a expressed no discontent to theAdvertising Standards ing them and overseeing Agency, from whom he is the sale of them do not young son were seen to pur- with the shop’s setup. seem to have the training Hayes left the site con- still awaiting a response. chase both scratchcards “I sometime’s wonder that staff/managers of and collectable cards cerned for both the risks of underage gambling and the why there is such a lack of AGC’s need to have.” respectively.

Barry Island Pleasure Park talks ‘positive’ AMUSEMENT PARKS

small but significant chance that Barry A Island Pleasure Park could reopen as an amusement attraction in time for Easter has emerged. A planning row between site owner Barry Island Property Company and Vale Council had threatened to stop showman Henry Danter’s ambition of bringing in new rides and attractions and building new amusement arcades. But talks that took place

last week ended with all three parties hopeful that Danter could access the site on March 13, subject to BIPC residential and commercial planning application being approved by the council. Danter told the Barry & District News that although progress had been made, he and his family faced a race against time to get the amusement park up and running by his original target of Easter. He commented: “I think we are getting there. They


told me I’m going there on March 13. I could be there straight away, but as long as they clear it, if they get the planning we can go on.” Danter said he hoped that BIPC would give him access sooner, given that the first ride arrived in the UK on Tuesday after a four-day journey from Prague. The industry veteran stressed he wanted to install a top quality attraction that would restore the amusement park’s former

glory, but said he was unsure if this would be achievable in such a limited time. A spokesperson for BIPC said it and Danter were keen to move forward with the application and it would do everything possible to prepare the site, which currently stands derelict. He said: “Barry Island Property Company continues to be positive. Mr Danter and BIPC are definitely working together to make this happen.”

Soundnet’s weekly jukebox chart has revealed that Mark Ronson’s Uptown Funk has been the most played track across UK digital jukeboxes for nine straight weeks. The song, which features singer Bruno Mars, has been the top tune of every chart since it launched, with the exception of its very first appearance 10 weeks ago, when it placed third behind the Pogues christmas classic, Fairytale of New York. Uptown Funk’s success on Sound Leisure’s jukeboxes should come as no surprise, as the song reigned supreme at the top of the Official UK Singles Chart for seven straight weeks. This fact, through a partnership with Gamestec, will have been

A RESPONSE FROM THE GAMBLING COMMISSION “Unlike AGCs, children and young people under the age of 18 are not prohibited by law from entering supermarkets. The main business of an AGC is to make harder machine gambling products available in an adult environment. “While it is true that National Lottery scratchcards are available in supermarkets, they are subject to strict controls and must not be designed to appeal to children. We ensure that the National Lottery operator has a strategy for the prevention of underage play, which includes an extensive programme of test purchasing, retailer education and a game-design protocol to limit the appeal of games to people under the age of 16.”

broadcast loud and clear to customers throughout the operator’s venues. However, although it has now slipped to third place in the sales charts it continues to prove a favourite in pubs and bars of all stripes up and down the country. OPERATOR SCEPTRE STRIPPING STARTS The Sceptre Leisure Solutions demise reached a definitive, and probably unsatisfactory, stage last week when administrators Duff & Phelps confirmed the machine operator’s departure from the gaming stage. All creditors have been contacted by the administrator detailing the full commercial decline of Sceptre and a breakdown of a debt hole in the region of £6m.

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B2B COMMENT NEWSWEEK EXHIBITION The Irish Gaming Show prepares to take centre stage. 13

FOBT geography under RGT spotlight

Ladbrokes scales back ahead of MGD bite


New research from the Responsible Gambling Trust reveals facts about the locations in which FOBTs are typically found, but keeps the finger of blame firmly sheathed. he Responsible Gaming Trust (RGT) has published the latest portion of its detailed research into FOBTs. In a report released this month, the spatial data consultancy Geofutures were commissioned to collect information on where LBOs featuring gaming machines are typically located. “This research provides much-needed baseline information about the location of LBOs and the communities in which regular players live,” explained Mark ThurstainGoodwin, managing director of Geofutures.“Our aim was to document the relationship between area characteristics and LBOs, though not to look for specific evidence why these patterns occur - they are likely to be driven by a range of factors.We believe our analysis provides a factual and helpful basis for future, more in-depth research to understand specific local factors.” Using a large data set gathered from five major high street betting shop operators, the study reveals that around half of FOBTs are situated in town centres,with the other half in peripheral and offcentre locations. It also demonstrated that areas close to LBOs tended to experience higher levels of crime, poverty and unemployment. However, the Trust has been unwilling to highlight any link between

Despite years of negative press and PR campaigns, it’s actually rising taxes that have put paid to rampant FOBT expansion, at least in the Ladbrokes operation.


igh-street bookmakers Ladbrokes is to H announce the imminent ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH BOOKMAKERS COMMENT ON LATEST RESEARCH “Bookmakers welcome today’s ground-breaking report, which we have supported through the provision of a huge amount of data to ensure it is as comprehensive and accurate as possible. This research clearly demonstrates the fact that gambling related harm is a very complex issue, which cannot be tackled by looking at one product or any single measure in isolation. It is imperative that any improvements to existing controls properly reflect these findings. The industry is committed to reducing gambling related harm and, we have already taken action on matters including opening hours, advertising, self-exclusion and tools to help customers to stay within their own limits. Some of our members are already using gaming machine customer data to identify potential problems and, thereby better targeting customer interventions. We will now use this evidence to help determine how the industry can further help those customers who may be at risk.

FOBTs and these negative social effects.“This study confirms that betting shops with gaming machines tend to be located in higher density urban areas and reveals a correlation between close proximity to those shops and rates of crime and deprivation, numbers of ethnic minorities and numbers of economically inactive people,” confirmed RGT chief executive Marc Etches. “However, the researchers uncovered no evidence of a causal link and it is clear that there is a need to understand local and historical factors. I am confident that this research usefully adds to the knowledge base of the gambling industry and policymak-

ers at local and national levels and we will continue to work with Geofutures to encourage further exploration to improve understanding of the local and historical factors when assessing machine location.” The number of LBOs featuring gaming machines is slowly dropping, the report reveals.There were approximately 9,350 betting shops with gaming machines in November 2014, down from a peak of around 9,700 in December 2013. Looking ahead to future research, the RGT has called for a study of how FOBT usage patterns change over time and to develop a more detailed understanding on the effects of local economies.

closure of up to 60 of its shops, just weeks before a hike in B2 machine game duty (MGD) takes hold. The closures will be confirmed in a company trading update this week: the third such reduction in its retail estate in the last 12 months, with a sum total of 150 closures. The beginning of 2012 saw two years of expansion for the company, with the opening of 200 new stores across the country. But mounting challenges from tax and regulatory bodies have put a halt to this expansion. As of March, Ladbrokes’ net shop count will stand at 2,150 sites. Set forth in last year’s Budget, plans to increase B2 MGD will take hold on March 1: rising from a Tier 1 rate of 20 per cent to a special rate of 25 per cent.

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Hoping for redemption from half-term exams FEC

Brighton Pier’s Anne Martin delves into preparations for Easter and discusses the future of the vital redemption sector. he February half term provides operators with a litmus test for the season to come, giving them the first opportunity to road test new machines acquired at the winter shows from ACOS to ICE. Those new products, now carefully sited, will come under real scrutiny for the first time and cash box figures and visitor reactions collated during this period will provide a powerful dress rehearsal for the vital holiday rush to come. “It’s good practice for Easter,which isn’t far away,” confirmed Anne Martin, managing director of Brighton Pier. 2015’s first half term has gone well for the storied establishment, helped as ever by a lack of wet weather. “We have been lucky with the weather on the whole during this half term, so we have been very busy,” said Martin.“We are very lucky to have a strong core team


who work with us all year round and as we have not yet recruited our seasonal staff they put in a lot of effort to meet our customers expectations.” This week-long school break provides not only a test of a machine’s financial performance, but also how well it stands up to continued usage. Busy venues such as Brighton Pier’s Palace of Fun take advantage of this busy period to ensure that their machines are up to standard ahead of a more concerted stress test. “We have an all year round machine maintenance programme, so we are ready for this busy period and it also serves as

a check for us in case we have extra servicing required pre-Easter,” explained Martin. From a sector perspective, it’s clear that redemption continues to be the marquee offering. “Redemption pieces being ultra family friendly are performing well and we expect the trend to continue this year,” said Martin. She believes that it’s this consistent appeal to the family contingent that has established these ticket-spouting machines as the undisputed kings of the amusements marketplace. “Redemption equals fun and, most importantly, family inter-

active fun,” she said. It’s not an entirely rosy picture, however, as Martin remains concerned that the slow pace of the machines and prizes sector is hamstringing its potential. “In all areas of redemption we need to see a faster interpretation of popular themes,” she counselled.“It can’t take a year plus to see Minion pushers and where is Frozen in all this? The danger is that the longer the delay, the more irrelevant [they become].” Redemption pushers remain “enormously popular,” but the focus, she contests, must be fixed on a continued influx of contemporary themes with-

out which there could be a danger of them becoming tired and less enticing to the vital family market. Having said that, video redemption has emerged to provide a unique way to tie in popular modern brands to the arcade experience. “Video redemption is an interesting development,” noted Martin,“and the enhancement of the playing experience and the transfer of familiar apps make it current and relevant.” Prizes are another region in which constant innovation reaps a benefit. “We offer a variety of prizes from sweets to drone cameras and we very much listen to what customers are asking for,” she said. “Although it sounds obvious, the more relevant the products are to the customers’ leisure experiences, the better.” Ultimately, says Martin, to preserve the popularity of redemption through this half term and on through the summer break, no one can afford to take their foot off the accelerator:“I firmly believe that the popularity of redemption will increase and will increase in a direct ratio to investment in product.”

BINGO RANK PICKS BEDE FOR MULTI MILLION SOFTWARE DEAL The Rank Group has agreed a deal with software developers Bede Gaming to supply new games and back-of-house software to the nationwide bingo operators. The Newcastle-based company has inked a multi-million pound deal to develop programs that will facilitate play registration, deposits, withdrawals and reporting of game play. These creations will be used in both Grosvenor Casinos and Mecca Bingo locations, with a number of Bede’s game to also form part of the agreement. Both new and already existing games will be made available to Rank, including those sourced from thirdparty developers. As a result of the deal Bede’s turnover is expected to increase by £4.5m. The company is also planning a move to a new headquarters as it looks to acquire up to 75 more staff to cover the new contract. “For a company that is less than three years old to have won a deal of this size is a testament to the enormous hard work of everyone who works for Bede and their skill in creating one of the best gaming platforms in the world,” said managing director, Dan Smyth.

Luxury Leisure joins early TiTo rush TITO

ovomatic UK’s AGC division, Luxury Leisure, N has entered into a partnership with JCM Global, and its recently acquired Futurelogic group, that will see it joining the growing wave of operators adoption wholesale TiTo systems. Luxury Leisure operates over 100 venues across the country, 82 of which are high streetAGCs. The operator is the first

machines created after 2007 to be incorporated into the programme. “We have had the pleasure of working closely with Luxury Leisure during the installation ofTicket2Go and we are thrilled that the product meets their expectations and look forward to our conIMAGE BY BETTY LONGBOTTOM tinued partnership,” said Rob Wheeler, director of of the high street arcades to enables networked Ticket- product management for “With take up JCM’s Ticket2Go in/Ticket-out functionality FutureLogic. service as its ticket system that is targeted specifically Ticket2Go, UK-based operaof choice. The product at AWPs, enabling any tors can now implement

TiTo within their gaming venues and enhance the player experience leading to increased customer satisfaction and retention, as well as optimise their existing operation and achieve a reduction in operating costs.” This deal relies on the recent creation of new TiTo protocol standards for the UK, which has made possible its wide-scale adoption across the sector.While takeup of ticket-based arcades on the UK high street has

progressed tentatively to date, cash handling experts at EAG were predicting that it would need only a handful of major operators to take the plunge for the entire sector to embrace this new way of paying for machine play. Luxury Leisure’s announcement comes in the wake of a similar pronouncement from Praesepe one week previous, confirming that it will only be siting TiTo compatible machines in future.



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The not-so weakest link

From then, to now


“I well recall the first quiz machines appearing around 30-years ago. I was an engineer at Bell Fruit at the time and I remember the early imported Trivia games (as they were then known) being a non-pay-out bar-top machine which posed general knowledge questions to the players. At that time the popularity of the “space-invader” type video game of the early 1980’s was on the wane, and so this new product was pretty much an instant success and soon evolved into a pay-out machine of the fullsize we know today. Back then, offering all cash prizes in excess of those that could be won on the AWPs of the day was, as you might imagine, somewhat controversial with the regulator (then the Gaming Board of Great Britain): as there was no specific category for these machines. Indeed, there was concern that prize levels might rocket. Fortunately, a sensible agreement was reached with the industry and the gaming board - these were clearly games of skill (hence SWP) rather than games of chance which would have deemed them to be gaming machines. The popularity of the product prompted a number of manufactures to produce SWPs, including most of the AWP manufactures of the time, and we saw some really great games along the way: often themed on popular quiz show formats - Blockbusters, Give us a Break, Crystal Maze and Who Wants to be a Millionaire to name but a few. Today, we see SWP’s offer multiple game choices to players: some well-known and others more obscure.”

The humble quizmachine is well suited to the food-led pub setting, argues Bill Epsley of Youngs & Co.’s Brewery. But manufacturers need to work on product size and aesthetic to better cater to this modernised environment.

n 1985, Britain was first introduced to the pub quiz machine. Exempt as they were from AMLD, these games would prove immensely popular in the decades that followed: providing an alternative social experience to pub-goers, and some additional tax-free revenue for their operators. Then came the financial crisis, and widespread pub closures. If that wasn’t bad enough, quiz machines and their SWP brethren took an additional kick in the ribs, in the form of qualification for 2013’s Type 1 MGD. But for Bill Epsley, commercial manager at Young & Co.’s Brewery, the key “sell” of these games still endures. “Playing gaming machines is often a solitary pastime, whereas quiz machines tend to be more socially inclusive, with people often playing in groups adding an element of competition among players,” he tells us. What’s more, in their current respective forms, Epsley believes that quiz machines are perhaps better tailored to the modernising British pub than


Bill Epsley explores the tribulations and changing face of the pub quiz machine.


their AWP equivalents.“You are far more likely to see females playing quiz machines than gaming machines,” says Epsley. “A quiz game sits far better in the newer, food-led style of operation than a gaming machine, purely because it can be more inclusive.” Youngs currently operates just 31 SWP machines across its 220 managed and tenanted estates. If the quiz game truly caters to a universal audience, why isn’t this uptake higher? “I think it’s fair to say the returns on quiz machines are nowhere near what they once were,” Epsley responds.“We’ve seen a general decline in players, a loss of traditional ‘habitat’ as pubs close or re-position themselves as food-operations,and of course, the damaging affects of MGD.All this leads to a vicious circle of less income, meaning less investment, meaning less players - providing less income.” That said,the past decade has witnessed some notable progression. Modern technology

Industry raises funds for Columbine CHARITY

he industry has rallied in support of coin-op veteran Dave TColumbine, following news that he is suffering from a serious illness. To aid with the substantial costs his treatment requires, James Miller of Funstation and Gary Newman of JNC Sales have set up a donations page where friends of Dave Columbine can support him and his family. “At EAG, many people wanted to know what they could do

to help Dave, because they were so shocked at the news of his illness. We wanted to organise an event ideally, but because of Dave’s treatment this was not possible. The fundraising page allows people to help the family and leave a message of support for Dave,” said Newman. “We are overwhelmed by the donations and sentiments that have come in already. It proves what we have always said that this industry is unique in caring for its own,” adds James. To donate go to: IMAGE BY NORMAN LEFTLY

has seen the digital SWP compendium elbow aside its singlestanding ancestor. Epsley notes the particular popularity of franchised titles:“The most appealing games have been those themed around popular quiz and game shows from television,” he explains.“In the early days that was Blockbusters,then it was Who Wants To Be a Millionaire, now it’s the Weakest Link and Deal Or No Deal. People recognise these games, they know the format and feel comfortable playing them.” What next for the quiz machine? As an operator in the midst of a transitioning industry, Epsley identifies problems not so much with the substance of the games, but rather with their style and presentation. “Manufacturers have done their best to try to keep the product fresh, but it’s a struggle,” he says. “These games need to be presented in a different way: in a style and size that would fit in with contemporary surroundings.”

Gala pushes forward with liquidation of property subsidiary Propco BINGO

ala Coral’s property subsidiary has completed the G sale of a further five of its premises, leaving one remaining property in its ownership as the business heads toward liquidation. Propco Three Limited first announced that it would be selling its properties in December 2014. So far, development company M&G Investments has bought fifty-two venues for a total consideration of £173.4m, and a further five have been sold to Gala Retail for £1.1m. Gala Retail’s five new proper-

ties will continue to operate as bingo clubs, but will no longer pay rent to Propco. Gala hopes that this development will assist the clubs - which had previously been running at a deficit after rent - in making a profit. Money generated from the sale of Propco’s venues will be used to cover the company’s costs and any outstanding debts as it goes into liquidation. The finances of Gala’s operating company, Opco, have been

ring-fenced, meaning that Opco will not be obliged to cover any money that may still be owed after the dissolution of Propco. Gala also announced last August that it was considering selling Gala Retail, but despite press speculation, has denied that discussions are taking place with OpCapita. A spokesperson for Gala said: “The process is ongoing and dialogue is taking place with a number of interested parties.”

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Coinslot February 27 - March 5, 2015


Minister for Justice sends apologies to Irish Show organisers


Ireland’s Minister for Justice has declined an invitation to open the Irish Gaming Show due to prior commitments, but other government representatives are understood to be attending.

Does the SNP hold the key to the UK’s new parliament? GENERAL ELECTION


But what does that mean for Scottish operators? The first thing to note is their reluctance to comment. Read into this what you will - but one line of argument goes that they have plenty to say, but feel afraid to say it. There may be some sound logic to this - if the SNP are indeed on track to effectively dominate Scottish politics, it’s a brave small-business owner who speaks out against them.Nevertheless,when it comes to the issue of gambling, the SNP take a hardline.The 2004 UK Gambling Bill was loudly opposed by the party: its MSP and cabinet secretary for justice Kenny MacAskill claimed at the time:“This Westminster legislation loads the dice against Scotland, threatening to turn large swathes of our country

into little more than Las Vegas style casino strips.” For MacAskill, gambling seemed lumped in with other social ills.“With all Scotland’s existing social problems, from knife crime to alcoholism, this is the last thing we need,” he claimed. It was in a similar light that gambling seemed to be cast in the party’s proposals for increased devolution, submitted in October of last year - which looked to achieve “full responsibility for the law on firearms, proceeds of crime, road traffic offences, gambling and drugs.” Of course, as long as the regulation of Scottish gambling providers stays within the hands of Westminster’s Gambling Commission, the SNP’s take on the issue will remain somewhat of a moot point. But it should be noted that when it

comes to matters of social responsibility, the Scottish Government tends to err on the side of conservatism. It was the first UK region to implement a smoking ban. It’s drink-drive limit is lower than anywhere else in the country - and is enforced draconically. As of next month, smoking electronic cigarettes will now be banned across the grounds of Scottish hospitals. Thus, the potential electoral landslide for the SNP presents Scottish operators with a double-edged sword: on the one hand - a louder voice for Scottish concerns inWestminster, on the other - a government who appears to cast them as a matter for social concern.

pt es ce ng ac ha e c W t Ex r Pa

Pa W rt e Ex ac ch ce an pt ge s

The Scottish National Party are tipped to make sweeping gains in May’s general election. But with their track-record suggesting poor regard for gaming providers, the party’s bolstered presence in Westminster may muddy the waters for Scottish amusements operators.

espite failure to secure independence last September, the Scottish National Party (SNP) is more popular than ever. By whatever yardstick you measure it, the SNP seem due for sweeping gains in May’s general election. As media outlets have already widely reported, whilst a 45 per cent “yes” vote proved insufficient to gain independence, the same result within the setting of a general election will be more than enough to secure a crushing victory. And indeed, the latest poll from political research firm TNS Global suggests that this year Nichola Sturgeon’s party could double the amount of votes it secured in 2010, whilst a recent YouGov survey predicted 24 new SNP seats in Westminster come May.




















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Amusements Police seek arcade vandal

Carousel fails to sell

Police are seeking a man who may able to help with enquiries into an incident of criminal damage, after the window of Empire Amusements in Mablethorpe was smashed at around 11:30pm on January 31. Anyone with information can call 101, quoting incident reference number 412.

A large Victorian carousel that was once Walton Pier’s top ride has failed to sell at auction. The carousel, which had latterly been the centrepiece at Great Yarmouth’s Yesterday’s World attraction, had been expected to fetch £100,000.


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Flood defense plans published

Devon beach UK’s best

Plans for a new sea defence and widening of the seafront promenade at Skegness have gone on public view. Construction of the new wall begins this month, but will pause during Easter and May bank holidays, as well as from June to September, to avoid disruption.

Woolacombe Beach in Devon has been named as the UK’s best beach in TripAdvisor’s Travellers’ Choice Beaches Awards. Dorset’s Weymouth Beach was second, while Wales’ Rhossili Bay took third place.

Dreamland Margate to feature FEC AMUSEMENT PARKS

The all-new Dreamland amusement park is to feature an FEC, and its operators are now looking for a manager to run it. he team behind the regeneration of Margate’s Dreamland heritage amusement park have revealed that it will feature a family entertainment centre amongst its attractions. Although they could not provide any more details about the FEC when contacted by Coinslot, they did say they are currently looking to find a manager for it. The vintage-themed amusement park is scheduled to open its doors at an unspecified summer, and all elements within it - including the new FEC - will be operated by Margate-based Sands Heritage Ltd. The Sands board can point to a track record of sector specific success,boasting members who have been involved with visitor attractions such as ZSL London Zoo, Kidzania and the new London Paramount Entertainment resort currently being planned in Kent. In addition to the FEC, other attractions at Dreamland will include the restored Grade II-listed Scenic Railway, which is Britain’s oldest roller-coaster, described by project director Eddie Kemsley as forming the amusement park’s centrepiece. It will also feature 15 rides dating


back to the 1920s, many of which are the last remaining examples of their kind in the world, such as the 1950s Hurricane Jets, Double Deckers and the much-loved Caterpillar. Speaking to Kent News, Kemsley said:“Every bit of Dreamland will be creative and different - there won’t be anything that’s ordinary. For example, you might sit on a bench that’s an old up-cycled dodgem car, and all our food retailers will work out of vintage vehicles. “We’ll have a retail area and cater-

ing, as well as traditional side-shows such as ‘hook a duck’ games with a twist. “Work is currently being done on a big splash-pad feature,with big driers in case you do decide to get wet. On top of that, we’ll have traditional travelling shows, like high divers who dive into tiny pools, for example. “No other place in the world is doing what we’re going to do. It’s a complete reinvention of seaside fun. Fun, food, dance and thrills – that’s what we’re going to deliver.”

Blackpool Pleasure Beach embraces zero waste future AMUSEMENT PARKS

lackpool Pleasure Beach has boosted its B green credentials after it agreed a three-year waste and recycling contract with a Lancashire-based waste management company. Under the terms of the agreement the amusement park will implement its first food waste collection service. Pleasure Beach officials have worked with Neales Waste Management to develop a solution that ensures all food waste produced is bagged at source and transported to an anaerobic digestion facility, where it will be used to create sustainable electricity and fertiliser. The park’s general waste is sent to Neales’ new plant in Chorley, Lan-

cashire, where recyclable material is recovered and the remaining material it is shredded and turned into fuel for cement kilns. A spokesperson for Blackpool Pleasure Beach commented: “We take our commitment to the environment very seriously and we feel this partnership will cement our commitment to green policies.” Hugh Stewart, a director at Neales, said: “Blackpool Pleasure Beach is a truly iconic site. We are delighted to be able to provide a service that will ensure that none of the waste produced by the millions of visitors a year will go to landfill and just as importantly will have no impact on the fun that they will have whilst they are there.”

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Coinslot February 27 - March 5, 2015

Business A former nightspot will shortly reopen as a fully stocked redemption arcade, accompanied by slot machines and bowling alley. The small seaside spot of Dovercourt has a new entertainment option on its roster.

former nightclub in the Essex town of Dovercourt is to reopen as a town centre amusement arcade this March. The south-east seaside town, located close to Clacton-on-Sea and Felixstowe, will see the new venue open on the site of the former Basement nightclub in Kingsway, Dovercourt. Owner Mike Gibbons was granted permission to convert the location into a family entertainment centre lastAugust and has spent the intervening months reno-


Hills bid for 888 rejected

Challenge to UK workrate

A takeover bid by William Hill for rival 888 Holdings has been rejected, despite disruptive new tax-measures and an over-the-odds valuation.

The OECD has claimed that Britain must fix its productivity problem if it is to secure further economic growth.

Bank of England to update pound notes

New arcade to open on site of Essex nightclub FEC


Merlyn Lowther. From 3 March, 2015 all he Bank of England has notes new £10, £20 and £30 notes will feature Cleannounced plans to land’s mark and will be issue £10, £20 and £30 notes featuring the signa- dispensed from some centre,” Gibbons told the ture of the current chief ATMs and branch counlocal press when his plans cashier, Victoria Cleland. ters shortly thereafter. were announced. He also Overall, the design of the The £5 note will not see a revealed that he is place an notes remains the same similar update until the emphasis on redemption and is not expected to second half of 2016, when machines and prize shop. it undergoes a full have any effect on cash • Historic bingo hall set handling technology. redesign as the UK’s first ablaze in mystery fire: A polymer note. The switch comes former bingo hall erupted in almost a year after Cleflames in Cardiff on Monday land was appointed direcafternoon, concluding the tor for banknotes and final chapter of its 100-year- chief cashier of the Bank old history. The building, of England. Notes curwhich had opened in 1913 rently in circulation as Splott Cinema, became include the signatures of a bingo hall in the 1960s her predecessor Chris until it eventually closed Salmon, as well as former down in 2009. chiefs Andrew Bailey and CURRENCY


vating the site and installing machines. The arcade’s first visitors will be able to make use of £250,000 worth of arcade equipment on the ground floor of the property. Gibbons has also promised that the site will include children’s rides, slot machines an a two-lane 40ft bowling alley. Gibbons currently runs a bingo hall located on the same site as his soon to be opened FEC. “It will be a really good old fashioned seaside town family entertainment

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Coinslot February 27 - March, 2015

Leisure Nine Park Holidays sites set for an upgrade Park Holidays is adding new luxury developments to nine leisure parks across Devon, Sussex, Suffolk and Kent. The company will be investing in 2015 caravan models on renovated plots, with work due to be completed by Easter this year.

TV show puts the wind in Parkdean’s holiday sales Parkdean has announced that sales at West Bay Holiday Park have risen by 45% since Broadchurch returned to ITV earlier this year. The show, which is set in Dorset’s West Bay, may also have contributed to a tourism spike of 148% in the county from this time last year.

17 B2B Listings and Marketplace

Bingo for brekkie It’s a trendy pub-restaurant in fashionable east London. But now, the humble game of bingo has made its way onto the menu at ETM’s The Well in Clerkenwell. Back by popular demand, the pub’s management is reintroducing Brunch Bingo as a regular Saturday feature with players paying just £2 to play the number-game whilst tucking into their hearty morning meal.

CAMRA points to industry benefit of beer-duty cuts MARKET RESEARCH

Citing vital industry benefit and the prospect of thousands of new jobs, the Campaign for Real Ale are calling on the Chancellor to sustain a third round of annual beer duty cuts in Budget 2015.

research document commissioned by the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) has suggested that over 1,000 pubs may well have been saved from closure by the government’s 2013 and 2014 penny reductions on beer duty. The report, conducted by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR), analysed data from HMRC, the Office of National Statistics and the British Beer and Pub Association to project industry implications had the beer duty escalator continued over the course of both years. CEBR argues that normalised


18 This week’s machines charts

20 Classified sales, business opps and jobs

24 Diary highlights and industry calendar

duty rises would have added an additional 16 pence onto the national average pint retail price (currently standing at £3.04), in turn incurring the loss of 595m pints. The research claims that this extra sales revenue saved 1,047 pubs from insolvency, and led to the creation of 26,000 additional jobs across the pub, restaurant and brewing sectors. CEBR concludes that a freezing of beer duty throughout the course of the next parliamentary term would lead to the creation of 89,000 jobs by 2020. CAMRA chief executive Tim Page has pointed to the results

as proof of the economical benefit the duty reductions have brought the wider UK economy. “It is fantastic to see that the beer duty cuts have had a real impact on beer drinkers and pub goers across the country, beyond keeping the lid on the price of a pint and keeping pubs open,” he stated.“Reductions in beer tax have helped keep pubs open, created new jobs and kept increases in the cost of beer at a historic low.” The organisation is now calling for an unprecedented third consecutive duty reduction in March’s 2015 Budget.

FEBRUARY 27 - MARCH 5, 2015

Pub smoking rooms receive public sway LEGISLATION

poll conducted by British think-tank the Institute of Economic Affairs has A found that majority of those questioned agreed with the prospect of private smoking rooms in UK pubs. The results, derived from a survey of 4,135 adults, showed that 51 per cent of respondents were in concurrence with the idea, whilst 35 per cent were opposed.

Hewitt as “a huge step forward Meanwhile, over two-thirds for public health”. of participants expressed their But the ban has also been affirmation with the sentiwidely considered to have ment that ‘individuals should been a contributing factor in be responsible for their own the decline of the UK pub induslifestyle choices and the govtry. A 2012 survey conducted by ernment should not interfere.’ the Publican’s Morning Advertiser Introduced in 2007, the smoking ban applies to all pubs, restaurants and found 70 per cent of its readership desired workplaces, and was heralded by then the amendment of current legislation to secretary of state for health Patricia allow for smoking room designation.

Coinslot’s Essential Guide to Plush Three Weeks

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Essential Guide to...

B 2 B

Irish Gaming Show 2015 ORGANISER


No showmanship, no supersize stands, just good old-fashioned business The Irish Gaming Show 2015 sold out its stalls by September last year, reflecting a fresh sense of hope in the industry and a slowly improving economy. Organiser John Purcell explains why operators are right to be optimistic. fter six years of contraction in the market, the Irish economy could finally be on the road to recovery, and the accompanying wave of optimism across the industry is palpable.This optimism, combined with further reassurance that any forthcoming legislation will reinforce rather than hinder the industry, may be the reason the Irish Gaming Show stalls sold out quicker than ever this year. “Since the whole industry has been told that prohibition is not on the agenda,everybody is confident that their business is secure,so that’s given them the confidence to invest,”said show organiser John Purcell. “Gaming in Ireland is six and a half billion euros worth of industry and we’re seeing substantial growth, particularly in bingo.” Despite filling up the show’s usual space, organisers have rejected calls to move to a bigger venue, reiterating their desire for it to remain a small and social business event. Purcell said: “We’re probably the strongest and longest regional show on the calendar in terms of serving a market, because people know that they’re going to meet everyone they want to meet in one place over two days, done and dusted. There’s no big showmanship attached to it. You’re there to talk turkey - simple as.” The show’s mixed focus on casinos and amusements reflects the current state of the Irish market, where operators tend to be all-rounders with both an adult and family offering within the one site. “We’ve always been renowned in Ireland for our hospitality, but we’ve expanded it to the point where a lot of us in the gaming industry realise that we’re also in the leisure and hospitality industry,” commented Purcell. “Our show is certainly an all-rounder, and that’s purely to service the market.” Those on the ground in Ireland know that it is a market in transition,with a changing shift toward a slicker, more corporate


business culture and the government gradually moving toward a more formal regulatory environment. “There’s a professionalism coming to the Irish market that has traditionally been family businesses or single-site operators,” said Purcell.“Now we’re finding that people are more in tune with what’s expected because the Irish consumer is a lot more well-travelled and expecting the same highend professionalism they see in mainland Europe and the US.” In addition to these cultural developments, regulatory changes are set to take place on a national level, replacing some out-dating gaming laws from the 1950s. Ireland has recently established a National Lottery regulatory board for the first time in its history, and this could soon develop surreptitiously into the Office of Gambling and National Lottery Control. However, Purcell feels that a move toward formalised compliance rules will benefit the global perception of the country that has endured an unfortunate reputation as a ‘grey’ zone. “A lot of Nevada-licensed companies would not supply Irish companies until recently,but we’ve recently discovered that Nevada-licensed entities have actually been to Ireland or are currently in Ireland and have staff here,” Purcell said.“They’re doing their initial explorations so that when they are given the nod to do so, they are ready to capitalise on what is already a buoyant and growing market.” For now, however, the focus is on setting the pace for a busy year of trading at the Irish Gaming Show in March. “We shouldn’t even call it a show; it’s basically a gathering, but it would be a bit too twee to call it a gathering,” said Purcell. “It’s kept social so that it’s an informal business environment. People like to do deals at the Irish Show.”





U SMS TEXTING SYSTEMS U MEMBERSHIP / ID SYSTEMS CALL ROGER BOURKE ON 087 2562726 (N.IRELAND/UK: 00353 872 562726) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR A DEMONSTRATION TODAY! Abbeycrest Traders (Irl) Ltd. Greencross, Grange, Kilmallock, Co. Limerick, Ireland Tel: +353 61 450 860 Fax: +353 61 351 741 Email: Coinslot FEBRUARY 27 - MARCH 5, 2015

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B 2 B

Essential Guide to ... Irish Gaming Show 2015 Market Perspectives TRADE ASSOCIATION


GLAI: The Irish electorate are fuming

Ireland’s amusement industry is back with a vengeance

After nine years of working on the forthcoming Gambling Control Bill, gaming legislation in Ireland looks set to be pushed back even further to 2017. The GLAI’s David Hickson explains what’s next for one of the gaming industry’s ‘grey areas’. t the time of the 2016 Gaming Show, there could well be a new party in power in Ireland, but - contrary to the hopes of many in the industry - there is unlikely to be a newly drafted gambling bill. According to Gaming and Leisure Association in Ireland (GLAI), talks to replace out of date legislation have broken down as the government put gaming reform in the country on the backburner. Director David Hickson said:“To say we’re ‘in discussions’ would be optimistic.The government has effectively indicated that they’re too busy for this and that they’ll deal with it in their own good time.” The Gambling Control Bill - the piece of legislation set to replace an arcane set of gaming laws dating back to 1956 - was the subject of a heated debate in the Senate last week as Senators from all parties called on ministers to push the bill forward, with little success. “There seems to be a sense of arrogance in the government saying


they’ll focus on it after the election, like they assume they’ll be staying in office,” said Hickson.“I’d say that’s an unsafe assumption because the Irish electorate are fuming.” GLAI has been working toward the publication of the Gambling Control Bill for nine years and has stepped up its drive for legal stability since recession hit in 2008.As the economy shows signs of picking up momentum, however, lack of regulation still stands in the way of operators making the necessary investments. “What we’re looking for is legal clarity so we can invest in our businesses and give an offering that’s comparable to what you could find in other regulated jurisdictions,”explained Hickson.“There are a couple of larger suppliers who can’t operate in the Irish market because their licensing in their home jurisdictions prevents them from operating in grey areas.” In Hickson’s view, the strength of the bookmaking lobby in the Republic of Ireland has stood in the way of regulatory progress, as evidenced by the recent move to extend betting shop opening hours by transferring a clause from the Betting Amendment Bill into the most recent Finance Bill. “The bookies wouldn’t necessarily be in favour of new regulation; they like the status quo,”commented Hickson.“But it just feels so irresponsible. Like, why would you give them extra hours without getting something in return, like consumer protection?” After six years of contraction in the market, however, Hickson does see opportunities for growth as the economy edges toward recovery. “No matter what the politicians might be saying, the average person on the street is not feeling any benefit in their pockets yet,” he said.“ We’d hope that the domestic market improves and that businesses can get back to a stable trading scenario.”


JNC sets its sights on a growing Irish presence With a hand picked selection of the company’s best new and used products to take to Ireland, JNC sales director Gary Newman is positive that the company is set to increase its business in what it sees as a growth market.

a small proportion of our products but we hope this will give a good indication of the quality JNC will provide.

CS: What are your perceptions of the amusements industry in Ireland as it stands? oinslot: What are JNC’s main expectaGN:We feel that the whole of Ireland is a tions and objectives for the show in Ire- growing force and a growth market and that land? is why we have continued with our presGary Newman:The main aim is to show our ence at the Irish show.Year on year we are Irish customers, and prospective Irish cus- doing more business in Ireland and we feel tomers, how far JNC has come with the full that we have the right product mix to range of new products as well as the increase the number of Irish customers that improved quality of the used products. we deal with on a regular basis. From stools to brand new Harry Levy pushers, we stock the whole selection. Follow- CS: Do you see any advantages/ disadvaning a successful show in Ireland last year, tages to the show’s joint focus on casinos we are looking to increase JNC’s presence and other types of gaming? in Ireland. Unfortunately, we can only show GN: I can only see that it is an advantage for


Coinslot FEBRUARY 27 - MARCH 5, 2015

the show to have a joint focus as it will attract a wide range of customers through the door. Although customers may visit the show predominantly for the casino side, there are many businesses which have cross-overs into different areas of amusements, and this could easily lead on to extra customer relationships being forged. CS: Are there any products you’re particularly excited to be showcasing? GN:The Go Go Pony kiddie ride has been a great success at all the shows that we have exhibited it at and is continuing to have great take figures to back up the excitement surrounding this ride.The American Roadtrip - a single player pusher, which accepts 20 cent coins and pays out tickets - will be shown for the first time at the Irish Show.We will also be exhibiting the everpopular Galaxy Garrison small new whacker, which has been the biggest seller over the last few years. In terms of used equipment, we will be showing House Of The Dead 4 and Crank It.

Ahead of the Irish Gaming Show, Abbeycrest Traders’ managing director Roger Bourke outlines the best ways to stay ahead of competitors when the going gets tough. oinslot: What are your priorities for the Irish Gaming Show? C Roger Bourke: Our main objective for the show is to expand into new markets of the gaming industry. Up to now, we were very established in the arcade/casino market. We recently expanded into the bingo and card club market with great success and we would hope to build on this at the show. CS: What is the outlook for the amusements industry in Ireland? RB: Our perception of the amusements industry in Ireland is that it got hit badly in the recession, but not as much as the hospitality industry (which we have dealt with over the last 22 years) which got almost completely wiped out.The go ahead operators started to fight back to get trade with promotions,loyalty systems, etc, using systems such as ours to do it. CS: With the new Gambling Control Act on the horizon, how can the industry make the most of this transitional time to its advantage? RB: Many in the trade are running scared of the forthcoming Gambling Control Act as many are unlicensed (not by choice, I must point out) and a few do not have any planning permission.The industry needs to group together and not to stand still, as online gaming is eroding the market every day. As Winston Churchill said:“When in hell, you got to keep going.”We feel that the loyalty/SMS text voucher systems we have to offer can help operators to stay in the game successfully, if used properly. CS: Are there any products you’re particularly excited to be showcasing? RB:We have recently upgraded our Loyalty System with many features, such as the Raffle Ticket module and also high end reporting, which we will be showcasing at the show.Now you can also use any card, such as your Tesco Clubcard, as your loyalty or membership card.

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Essential Guide to ... Irish Gaming Show 2015



Products JNC SALES

A great mix of new and old machines by JNC With a large number of new products and a great range of used products, JNC is gearing up for a very promising Irish Gaming Show. The new Go Go Pony kiddie ride has been the ride that has created the single biggest attraction. ignificant interest was shown in this machine due to the bright and attractive lighting, the durable steering mechanism and the fact that it is very appealing to both boys and girls.The takings figures have further justified the excitement surrounding this machine. It is a kiddie ride, at a good value price, that is perfectly suited to amusement arcades, soft-play areas and single site operations. As the growth of soft play areas continues, the new Galaxy Garrison small whacker leads the way. It is a machine that attracts younger children, it has the option to pay out tickets, and due to its size can be slotted in to any site. At only £1,995 it allows a quick pay back


to be achieved.It is a reliable machine that JNC has been selling large quantities of the last few years. As the proportion of new machines distributed by JNC increases, the quality of the used machines continues to improve alongside it.With experienced technical staff, together with a very efficient aftersales department, they are able to provide support for all machines that you buy from JNC. From the company’s large workshop and warehouse facility in Bristol, together with seven amusement sites across the south west of England and Wales, JNC holds a massive amount of machines in

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stock that are ready for quick delivery. Gary Newman, sales director at JNC, said:“Visitors at the Irish Gaming Show are very welcome to view the stock that we have in our warehouse, and I’m sure they will be able to pick themselves up a bargain.”





Abbeycrest sets its sights on the bingo market discussions at the Irish Gaming Show created a new opportunity Iformpromptu Abbeycrest to expand into the rapidlygrowing bingo sector. Abbeycrest traders, the Limerick company which manufactures specialist software systems for the gaming industry, have recently broken into the bingo market, both in ireland and northern ireland. The company, whose products include: SMS text voucher systems; loyalty systems; raffle ticket systems; SMS texting systems; membership/ID systems, have over 200 systems installed in arcades, casinos, private members (card) clubs and bowling alleys as well as the hospitality and retail sectors. This move into the bingo market is the latest push from the company to expand their target market. They have recently completed projects for two groups of bingo operators in Northern Ireland and have just finished installing a system into a new bingo operation in Kerry. Roger Bourke, Abbeycrest Traders MD, Coinslot FEBRUARY 27 - MARCH 5, 2015



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stated: “We broke into the bingo market purely by chance, with first contacts from the two bingo groups from the north coming at the Amex show in Dublin. We visited them and listened to what they needed and tweaked our existing software to suit them. We are extremely adaptable to

putting new ideas into our software without undue delay, and all our systems can intergrate with each other, combining into one super system.” Abbeycrest Traders will be demonstrating all their systems at the Irish Gaming Show.

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B2B Bingo

Listings CATEGORY B3

B2B Boxing Machine Spares

Punchballs, vinyl kits, s, er dd bla ns coin mechs & butto

To include

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B2B Carpets & Flooring

RLMS to offer Fortune Hunter upgrade RLMS Sales has teamed up with Project to deliver a new Category B3 game package which includes free offers for a weekly outlay of £35. Under the terms of the deal, customers who take out a Mi Games online contract through RLMS will receive a free Fortune Hunter upgrade for their TS22 Casino King machines, which also includes a glass set and new suite of eight games. As an added incentive, those who opt to take advantage for the deal will receive six new games per year for two years. Tony Glanville, sales director at RLMS, believes that the deal represents sound value for money for operators who are looking to broaden their offer to players. “We’re confident that the


Fortune Hunter upgrade will add a cutting edge for operators seeking to offer more player choice in their venues,” he noted. “They will be getting a fantastic range of compelling game titles and a stunning upgrade for what is effectively a very reasonable weekly investment.” The choice of Fortune Hunter for RLMS’s new offer is no coincidence, as performance figures show that the title is being warmly received by the marketplace. “We’ve been hearing some very positive feedback about this product,” said Glanville, “which is why we’re delighted to able to sell it to our customers at such a great price point.”

8 Email:


ucts have been designed with operators first and foremost in mind. The latest illumiEOB (end-of-bank) vertical unit ships complete with a 32 inch-video display, maximising signage customisation and versatility.

VIDEO REDEMPTION ALL IN A FLAP t’s been downloaded over 50m times, and now Crown IDirect are allowing operators to offer players Flappy Bird within an arcade setting. The redemption machine from Bay Tek Games has users press a singular red button to steer their avian friend through a maze of Mario-style piping, with the action animated in beautiful detail on a 42 inch monitor.


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Technology are to exhibit at the Irish Gaming Show for the first time. I“Innnovative recent years we have not exhibited at AMEX, but we feel that this year is a perfect opportunity to showcase our new product releases as well as our subsidiary, InnoPrint’s ticketing products.” The company’s newly released SMART Coin System will make an appearance, as will a new TiTo focussed line-up. “The announcement of our subsidiary company, InnoPrint, has come at a great time as TiTo is becoming more prominent in the market. We have received profound interest in InnoPrint’s product range at the exhibitions we have already attended this year. As a group, we can now offer a full range of coin, note and ticket validation products, catering to our widest markets yet.

tioned itself as a company on the forefront of the transition from mechanical to digital. Not least with the Aurora - a new high definition TiTo ready cabinet - on the way for the B3 sector, the firm is set to make a big impact across all sectors in 2015.

COMPONENTS SIGNS OF SUCCESS rightening any and all AGC locations is illuB miSign, the new signage brand from Astra Games. Prided by the company as being both cost effective and visually arresting, illumiSign prod-

the air hockey range at SAM Leisure is the company’s latest Yukon TTitanopping table. Utilising SAM’s bespoke ‘methacrylate’ design, the Yukon Titan is illuminated from within the table itself highlighting integral scorers and the decoration of the playfield itself. Meanwhile, after each point score the table’s curvesculpted toprail shoots the puck back at the opposite goal, keeping players in a permanent state of anticipation.

CATEGORY C TIME FOR A SHOW AT REFLEX brings with it a host of new developments, among them 2the015 latest machine from Reflex Gaming. Showtime is a new £100 Cat C game built into the Atom cabinet, which features glitzy gameshow style graphics. The new title was launched in January and arrives ready and approved for venues eager to site multi-stake Cat C machines. Coinslot FEBRUARY 27 - MARCH 5, 2015


B 2 B

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Single site


This Last Week Week Name / Manufacturer

This Last Week Week Name / Manufacturer

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5 7 6 10 9

Queen We Are The Champions BFG DOND Next Level BFG DOND Winfall BFG DOND Double Up BFG DOND Box 23 BFG DOND Powerplay BFG Worminator QPS DOND Hyper BFG DOND The Big One BFG DOND Midas Touch BFG

Taken from a representative number of sites around the UK Supplied by national operator

2 6 1 5 3 4 7 8 9 10

Fortune Hunter Project Triple 8 Barcrest Wish Upon a Slot Blueprint Magic Lotto Ultra Novomatics Slotto 500 Astra King of Slots Blueprint Mega Bars Big Hit Project Triple 7 Barcrest Rainbow Riches Community Cash Barcrest Lady Luck Reflex

Based on data supplied by a representative number of UK sites Supplied by RLMS Sales

CATEGORYD (10p/£5 Max.) FEC - family

AGCs This Last Week Week Name / Manufacturer

This Last Week Week Name / Manufacturer

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Magic Games 100 Ultra Novomatic Find The Lady Ultimate Project Triple 7 (GP1) SG Gaming Magic Games 3 Novomatic Triple 7 (GP2) SG Gaming Random Gold Concept Games Triple 7 (GP3) SG Gaming X3000 Multi Game Amatic Encore T7 (GP1) SG Gaming Bullion Bars 3 Player Astra

Based on data from a minimum of 10 locations. Supplied by Praesepe

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -

Bullion Bars (3 Player) Astra Party Time Classic (3 Player) Astra Party Games (4 Player) Astra DOND (4 Player) Bellfruit Adders And Ladders (4 Player) Vivid Rainbow Riches (3 Player) Empire Goldrush Stampede (4 Player) Barcrest Party Time Arena (4 Player) Astra Party Time (3 Player) Astra Clockwork Orange Empire

Based on data from four sites Amusement Equipment Co Ltd

CATEGORYB4 (£2/£4000 Max) FEC - adult

Members clubs

This Last Week Week Name / Manufacturer

This Last Week Week Name / Manufacturer

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 3 4 5 6 7 9 10

Magic Games U/R Novomatic Pure Gold Astra Free Play 70 Project Rainbow Riches Party Barcrest Find The Lady 70 Project Party Time Arena (4 Player) Astra Win Wall Astra Sevens Up Electrocoin Party Games (4 Player) Astra DOND Cops and Robbers Bellfruit

Taken from a representative number of sites around the UK Supplied by Amusement Equipment Co Ltd

Coinslot FEBRUARY 27 - MARCH 5, 2015

1 2 3 4 5

4 1 2 3 5

Hot Shots Reflex Fiddle a Fortune Reflex DOND Box 23 BFG Street Casino 2015 Storm Jackpot 100 Barcrest

Based on data from representative sites. Supplied by sector professional

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FILMCHARTS UK Box Office Chart This Last Week Week Name


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2409-p22-23-Comment_Coinslot NEW 24/02/2015 18:00 Page 1


Coinslot February 27 - March 5, 2015

Comment Email:

Keeping underage protections consistent While underage gambling continues to be a constant concern for the coin-op industry, the question is: are other sectors going far enough? Joseph Ewens takes a view. obody who’s serious about the business of coin-op wants to see underage gambling, so it’s no surprise when concerned operators who see the risks of children gambling outside their own tightly controlled environment raise the alarm bells. The issue highlighted this week from our side of the gambling fence is: are supermarkets and other shops that sell scratch-cards held to the same high ‘safety’ standard as AGCs? When an operator posed this very question to the Gambling Commission, their response was that they have taken steps to ensure that the


cards themselves are not enticing to youngsters. But we all know from being children that playing scratchcards is, in fact, good fun.There are even guides online teaching parents how to make fake scratchcards for their kids. If it’s acceptable to have this flexibility when it comes to scratch-cards, shouldn’t we at least ensure that they are not mixed in with all-enticing football stickers and other collectable games on supermarket shelves? A point which raises a simple question: is there one set of rules for the gaming industry and another for the rest?

Making your own en

Speaking up, together Communication has never been easier; amusement provision has never faced stiffer competition. Which explains why ‘no comment’ is as puzzling as it is harmful, argues Chris Webster. t’s always strange when we contact an operator for an interview and they come back with a response that they don’t want publicity or to talk to the media. If we were the Daily Mail, we’d actually tend to agree with them. But when it’s Coinslot - or, indeed, any of our equally supportive colleagues from the amusements and gaming media - it’s simply bizarre. We experienced this earlier in the week when we picked up on a series of tweets singing the praises of an arcade in the capital. The tweets were from some twenty-something friends who really enjoyed their time out. In fact, so much so that they went out of their way to tell the world. So, a good story about fun and entertainment; fresh ideas on social media marketing; a young and


vibrant new target market and bringing new audiences in to the arcade. A good news story for the operator and the industry as a whole.You’d think. But no,‘we don’t talk to the media’. At a time when the industry wants and needs to get its message out, this kind of story is the one we all want to hear. But, no,‘we don’t talk to the media’. Which makes you think: if you can’t talk to Coinslot about the positive things that are happening; there’s plenty of other newspapers out there who won’t even bother to talk to you about all the bad things they want to associate with the industry. In the current climate, saying nothing could be far more dangerous to the industry than you think.

Taxing issues Whilst the lobbying campaign against FOBTs goes on and on, is it more likely that the business model will deliver the ultmate solution, asks Ken Scott. he debate on FOBTs will undoubtedly rage on and on, but it’s interesting to note a real shift in dynamic, which could be read between the lines of a performance statement from one of betting’s big players last week. Whilst all focus honed in on the Responsible Gambling Trust’s latest research findings on the machines and bookies themselves - which disappointingly for the anti-lobby returned little evidence to support the current trend of argument criticising the siting of FOBTs - it was perhaps a Ladbrokes statement that provided a more realistic indicator of how a seismic sea-change on the issue might be effected.


Despite all efforts and energy, is it more likely that the economics of FOBTs will ultimately determine their future, rather than the intense and socially minded lobbying campaigns? Sixty Ladbrokes operations closed in the weeks leading up to last April’s 5 percent tax hike in B2 machines becoming effective, 150 in total closing in the 12 months prior. It’s an interesting reality, if indeed it is the reality, that money - or lack of - could ultimately determine the future of FOBTs. Raising tax on the machines might well deliver the hardest punch of all. After all, that’s what was done to the tobacco industry, and no-one smokes anymore, do they!

joseph ewens media watch aving your own private pub at your home might be H some people’s idea of a dream, notes the North Devon Journal, as it reports on a couple who have made it a reality by creating a private bar complete with a 1960s fruit machine, table top Donkey Kong game and a collection of 2,000 glasses. Simon and Donna Randall, of Deptford Villas in Sticklepath, have created Randalls Tavern in an extension of their house, complete with pub quiz machines, an air hockey table, table football, bar billiards, table skittles, Connect Four and two jukeboxes. The extension itself has been 15 years in the making, and the couple put the finishing touches to the bar just in time for Christmas. “We always wanted a bar,” said Simon. “We have always collected glasses because when someone has a drink we want to give them the right glass, and that just escalated. “I have tried to create a bar I would want to go into and the kind of bar that you don’t see anymore. If I went out for a

drink this is the kind of place I would want to go to.” Many of the items in it have been collected over a number of years, with some having even been rescued from skips. Simon said some of his oldest games were his one arm bandit machines which dated back to the 1950s/60s. They are also proud owners of a fruit machine dating back to the 1960s, which Simon says is the only one of its kind he has seen. The bar itself was salvaged from the Tiverton Inn in South Molton and comes complete with optics and a real ale pump. “The sad thing is when developers take over a pub a lot of the stuff goes in a tip,” said Simon. “Some of these things need to be looked after and I’m surprised there isn’t a brewery museum somewhere.” Elsewhere, tourism is the talk of the town, as the Yorkshire Post’s op-ed from the Tourism Alliance’s Kurt Jansen reveals. Though still very fragile, the UK economy is starting to

2409-p22-23-Comment_Coinslot NEW 24/02/2015 18:01 Page 2

Coinslot February 27 - March 5, 2015 23

8 Email:


“ ”

quote unquote

Is the SNP important? Yes, I’ve actually spoken to them, as I’ve spoken to the other parties. On the back of a conversation I had with them only last week, I am putting to them a suggestion that they include something in their manifesto. All political parties are making noises that they want something done about FOBTs. The Smith commission report will devolve powers to Scotland that enables the Scottish government to have control of future B2 sites, but as it stands at the moment, it would have to be primary legislation from Westminster that changes the stake. So whatever the make-up of the new parliament we will move first of all on getting a review, because whoever’s in government, they won’t make a change without empirical evidence. BACTA’S HEAD OF COMMUNICATIONS SIMON STORER ON THE ROLE THE SNP COULD PLAY IN THE NEW PARLIAMENT

wn entertainment A build-your-own pub and a call to arms for UK tourism lead the charge this week.

show real signs of growth for the first time in over six years, notes Jansen. This is undoubtedly good news, but it begs the question, “Where did this growth come from?” Jansen argues that even if tourism didn’t singlehandedly pull the UK out of recession, it has played a very important and demonstrable role in the recovery. Since 2010, the UK’s domestic tourism industry has grown by 27 per cent (generating £60.8bn to £77.2bn) in what was known as the “Staycation effect” of people swapping overseas holidays for domestic holidays. In addition, the inbound tourism industry has grown by 18 per cent over the same period to now be worth £21bn per annum to the UK economy. In total, the UK tourism industry is generating £19.5bn more today than it was in 2010. This has had a considerable impact on employment. Recent work by

Deloitte has found that it only takes an increase of £54,000 in tourism revenue to create a new job. So the £19.5bn in additional tourism revenue generated approximately 360,000 new jobs between 2010 and 2013. With the likely scenario of a significant decrease in public spending on tourism marketing, the tourism industry has two main priorities for the incoming government. The first is to increase the international competitiveness of the UK tourism industry by removing barriers to growth. This ranges from cutting VAT and APD rates to bring them into line with other European destinations (VAT on accommodation in the UK is twice the European average while the level of APD visitors pay to come to the UK is higher than any other country in the world), through to reducing the vast amount of red tape that still hampers busi-

nesses and properly rolling-out rural broadband and high-speed broadband programmes so that businesses can successfully compete online. The key message to government from the tourism industry is that over the recession it has proven its ability to deliver growth and employment. Given the right business environment, it will continue to do so. CORRECTION On page six of Coinslot 2408 it was mistakenly stated that an Ipsos Mori Omnibus study was published in 2011. It was published in 2014. The Gambling Commission has asked us to clarify that local licensing authorities are responsible for imposing the new underage control procedures detailed on page six of issue 2408, but have confirmed that they were involved in the development of the conditions.

RGT release latest B2 findings The new geographical report into areas that feature high concentrations of FOBTs has been released with some intriguing findings.

responsible gambling trust politics research provides a contextual study the characteristics of locaTtionshisdescribing associated with gambling machine

tors when assessing this distribution. What are places with LBOs like? • Around half of betting shops with machines play.We have worked with the outputs of exist in town centre and major retail core studies from NatCen Social Research and areas, and half in peripheral and off-centre Featurespace Ltd to contextualise machine locations in England and Wales. • Areas close to betting shops tend play by geography in Great Britain. This project was partly exploratory in towards higher levels of crime events, and nature,investigating the dimensions of new resident deprivation, unemployment, and industry data available, and how it may be ethnic diversity. used and limited for analysis.The data used • LBOs do not exclusively serve the resiwas large in volume and multidimensional, dent populations of proximate areas. Stadetailing machine sessions from five major tistics about the resident population are a proxy for place typologies, where data on high street betting shop operators. This analysis presents some key geo- daytime and night time transient populagraphic patterns that emerge relating to dif- tions is unavailable. fering location characteristics of machines • Nevertheless, nationally around 8% of loyand players, and relationships between the alty card players sampled live within 400m of two, and may identify trends on which to an LBO where they have played a machine. 23% live within 1km, and 46% live within 3km. develop further research. Close investigation revealed the data was • There are significant local variations, and not suitable to identify problem gambling not all places exhibit these characteristics. trends specifically.This study notes a series Who uses LBOs and where? of area comparisons, but cannot presume • Players overall tend to live in neighbourcausation of any measured indicator on the hoods with higher levels of resident unemoccurrence of gambling prevalence or ployment, multiple deprivation and economic inactivity, and which are more ethnically problem gambling. diverse than the national average. • Global patterns can be reliably identified. KEY FINDINGS Within them, we find considerable local varia• The spatial patterns of machine locations tion, and not all player neighbourhoods • LBOs with machines were growing in number across the country from August 2012 exhibit these characteristics. • There is a variation in the average distances until July 2014 when they saw a notable decline, possibly influenced by increased tax- loyalty card players travel to LBOs overall, which is in part a function of the geographic ation on gambling machine takings sphere of influence and accessibility of cenannounced in the 2014 Budget. tres. 400m is the modal distance players live • The spatial occurrence of LBOs with machines is not the result of a simple function to LBOs they use for machine play. • A small number of players regularly of the location of either resident population gamble and/or gamble many sessions, density or economic centres. although this does not necessarily equate to • At the national scale we find them situated problem gambling. These regular players in urban rather than rural areas, but mapping sub- city and neighbourhood level settlement tend on average to live closer to the LBOs in which they are gambling. patterns reveals significant variation and • This analysis reflects the wider research non-uniform patterns. Rates of LBOs with body conclusion that gambling patterns are machines within town centres also vary. varied and help to form the complex matrix of • The spread of LBOs by operators is not interacting variables which contributes to the geographically uniform, with a strong presonset of problem gambling and potentially ence of independent operators in the North harm at the individual level. Examining local West. variation and capturing the context of place • This initial analysis starts to reveal the should be a key element of further analysis to underlying complexity of the distribution of determine these detailed circumstances. LBOs and the need to understand local fac-

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Coinslot February 27 - Mach 5, 2015

Newsweek BALPPA’S PEOPLE SKILLS musements trade body BALPPA continues its mission to educate theparks and rides industry with the latest in a series of HR seminars. On the 12 May, 2015 at the West Midlands Safari Park in Bewdley, Worcestershire, the association will host a series of seminars centred around the administration and motivation of staff. Speakers lined up for the event include Clive Stephens, CEO of The View from the Shard, who will open the event with a discus-



IATA holds its Annual General Meeting hile the last few details of the Irish Gaming Show were being finalised in Dublin, the Irish Amusements Trades Association spent the start of the year involved in preparations for its Annual General Meeting, which was held on Tuesday 24 February. After being founded in 1979 as a fledgling group of trade activists, IATA has been responsible for some successful legislative overhauls, including a coup to overturn a particularly damaging


sion of long term HR strategy. Insight from the worlds of law and executive coaching will bolster the middle section of the day, before SAFE’s Rosie Carter closes the event with an update on the steps businesses must take to check the criminal records of their staff.

article of the Finance Act in 2001. Having outlined the industry’s requirements for the forthcoming Gambling Control Bill in a report made to the present government, it is expected that IATA will be stepping up its campaign to ensure that the amusements sector’s interests are met over the coming months. So far, IATA has specifically requested that any legislation is enacted on a national rather than a local level and that stakes and payouts are kept fair across the

A DECADE OF LONDON TRENDS rends, Technology & Design in Leisure & Entertainment known more commonly as TiLE - will be making a landmark 10th appearance in the British capital this March, as


it once again seeks to attract and educate professionals from the leisure and amusements industries. TiLEzone London will be held on 25 March at the London Transport Museum, where delegates will gain access to a programme of seminar speakers. Topics range from

board. Equally, the association demanded that betting and gaming be kept completely separate, calling for gaming to be removed from bookmakers’ shops. In an interview last October, general secretary John Roche stated:“It is abundantly clear to any casual observer that our industry has the potential to create thousands of fulltime permanent jobs and make a much greater contribution to the economy if new legislation is introduced.” the exotic - understanding cultural developments in the Middle East to prosaic - how to best utilise customer feedback. A number of sessions at the London event’s tenth outing will

focus on social media, including the opening address from Duncan Campbell, new business strategy director at Merlin Entertainments Developments.

EDITORIAL Edition Editor: Joseph Ewens Email: Tel: 01273 699 900 Contributing Editor: Chris Webster Contributors: Imogen Goodman, Nick Norton Editorial Director: Ken Scott Email: Tel: 01273 699 900 ADVERTISING SALES Kathryn Norris Email: Tel: 01257 277400 Fax: 01257 271329 SUBSCRIPTIONS Ann Sullivan Tel: 01257 277400 DIGITAL VERSION Marc Lawton Email: Tel: 01257 277400 PRODUCTION Designer: Gina Lloyd Email: Ad Production & Pre-Press: Dave Roderick Email: PUBLISHER Director: John Sullivan GB Media Corporation Ltd Oak House, 1st Floor, Suite 4, High Street, Chorley, PR7 1DW

Tel: 01257 277400 Fax: 01257 271329 Email: OFFICES Editorial and Production: 3rd Floor, 20 New Road, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 1UF Tel: 01273 699 900 Advertising and Subscriptions: Coinslot International, Oak House, 1st Floor, Suite 4, High Street, Chorley, PR7 1DW Tel: 01257 277400 Fax: 01257 271329

Calendar MARCH 2015 3-4 Irish Gaming Show Moran Red Cow Conference Centre, Dublin, Ireland 3-5 Vending/Pay Expo 2015 International Exhibition Center, Kiev, Ukraine 6-7 RAAPA Expo 2015 Pavilion 75, VTTs, Moscow, Russia

10-12 Digital Signage Expo Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, USA

18-20 China Attractions Expo China National Convention Centre, Beijing, China 18-19 FADJA Peru Westin Lima Hotel & Convention Centre Lima Peru

18-20 Enada Spring Rimini Fiera Rimini Italy 24-26 Amusement Expo 2015 Las Vegas Convention Centre, Las Vegas, USA 25 TiLEzone London London Transport Museum, London, UK TBC FER Interazar 2015 Madrid Spain

APRIL 2015 14-16 DEAL2015 Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE

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