Finding Hope In Your History
Joshua 4:1-7
“Our past can be painful but it’s not permanent”
Trying to figure out a way to go forward while knowing your history can be a daunting task. We help ourselves and those coming with and behind us by sharing what we’ve been through and proclaiming our progress, even in the absence of perfection.
Several Survivors
God chose 12
12 suggests authority b.
Jesus spoke in the temple at 12 (Luke 2:41-52) i.
Elisha, is plowing 12 yoke of oxen when called into his prophetic ministry by Elijah (1 Kings 19:19).
Sacred vs Significant
2. Don’t let history hold you back. Make the shift. a.
Psalm 107:2-3 i.
Show Your Strength
3. Carry your stones. Alone, but not by yourself. a.
Psalm 145:4-7 i.
Today’s Activity
“Go Back and Get It”
"Sankofa, an Akan word from Ghana, is symbolized by a bird facing backward with an egg on its back, representing 'go back and get it' in English. It signifies learning from the past, acknowledging history, and recognizing the importance of past knowledge for a better future.
Directions: On paper or using the Slido code, "What 'stone,' phrase, piece of advice, or words of wisdom would you share with your peers or other generations to contribute to building a better future?"
“Holding on to your history properly provides a better future.”

Good Success Journal
Use this space to reflect on who God has been to you, consider who you are connected to, and track your goals
Mood/Emotion Tracker
Things that I am grateful for:

My Goals and Intention:
Daily Affirmation:
What I accomplished today:
Who helped me reach today’s goal: