GBC Newsletter - July 12th

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Here's What's Happening at GBC!


How well do you know the Pastor?

1. What is Pastor Riddick’s full name?

2. What is Pastor Riddick’s favorite sports team of all time?

3. What is Pastor Riddick’s favorite food?

4. As a child, what was Pastor Riddick’s dream job?

5. When is Pastor Riddick’s birthday?

6. What is Pastor Riddick’s favorite restaurant?

7. What is Pastor Riddick’s favorite color?

8. According to Pastor Riddick, which month is the best month of the year?

9. How long has Pastor Riddick been serving at our church?

10. Where did Pastor Riddick receive his theological education?

11. Can you name any previous churches Pastor Riddick has served at?

12. What is Pastor Riddick’s favorite Bible verse?

13. What is Pastor Riddick’s favorite saying?

14. Name one book that Pastor Riddick has authored.

15. In what ways has Pastor Riddick been involved in the community?

16. What are some of Pastor Riddick’s hobbies or interests outside of ministry?

17. Can you recall a memorable story or illustration that Pastor Riddick has shared during a sermon?
July12,2023 Vol. 3,Issue 20

Bible Study is Back in Session

study is back in session this week. Join us for a New Bible Study Series on Thursdays at 12 Noon and 6:30 PM. Are you interested in joining the media team? Contact the church office for more information on the Media Team and how you can be apart. JoinusforPrayer MeetingID:85613397187 Passcode:318527 Onetapmobile +16469313860,,85613397187#US Jointhedaily prayerteam inprayer MondayFridayat7AM &7PMon Zoom. JointheHourof PowerPrayeron Saturdaysvia conferencecall Dial: (267)807-9605 AccessCode: 645219 Followus @GBCtheTplace Join us for our Semi - Annual Vision Meeting on Tuesday, July 18 @7PM. Semi-Annual Vision Meeting

Add us on The Bible App

Select us as your church on the YouVersion Bible App. This will allow GBC Members to see the featured devotional plans for the month. This months plan will be geared towards men.

Option 1: If you already have The Bible App Installed. Scan the QR Code and Select "Set As My Church"

The Arms Reach Ministry will be doing food distribution every Wednesday on Jefferson Ave between24thand25thstreets.

Option 2: If you already have The Bible App Installed.

Open The Bible App and select "Discover."

Select "Churches"

Look for Gethsemane Baptist Church that shows that church logo

Select "Gethsemane Baptist Church"

Select "Set As My Church"

If you do not have The Bible App Installed. Go to the Apple App Store on your iPhone or the Google Play Store on you android phone.

Search for "The Bible App"

Download "The Bible App"

Once you have downloaded the app proceed to Option 1 or Option 2 to set GBC as your church.

Arms Reach Food Distribution WeeklyServices& Meetings Sundays@8AM&10:15AM SundayMorningWorshipService Monday-Friday@7PM&7AM DailyPrayer Tuesdays@6PM YouthPraiseDanceRehearsal Wednesdays@9AM ArmsReachFoodDistribution Wednesdays@6:30PM YoungAdultDanceRehearsal Thursdays@12PM&6:30PM BibleStudy Saturdays@8AM HourofPowerPrayer

Summer Soccer

Join us this summer for fun learning environment to learn about the game of soccer. Come out to meet new friends and ENJOY an active summer. For children ages 6-12.

Soccer Training camp is at 6 PM on the following date: Soccer League Game Dates are July 22 - August 26th.

July 13

To sign up visit

For more information contact us at (757) 2448833.


Thisyear'sthemeis"FoodTruckParty:OnaRollwith God"!We'rethrilledtobegintheregistrationprocess forthisuniqueandfun-filledVacationBibleSchool program.Herearethedetailstogetstarted:



Location:5405RoanokeAve,NewportNews,VA 23605


ToregistervisitGethsemaneBaptistorg/vbs2023or locatetheVBStableinpersonstartingSunday,June 25.

Tovolunteersignuponlineat https://gethsemanebaptistchurchbreezechmscom/f orm/f1e75aorinpersonattheVBStable

CallingallVBSteachersandvolunteers!Youare invitedtoourVBSTeacherandVolunteer

AppreciationDinneronFriday,July28,2023at7P.M. hereatGBC.Pleaseregisteronlineoronsiteasa teacherorvolunteer.SeeyouonJuly28th.


Registrationisnowopenforthe2023F.L.A.M.E. Conference&ConvocationtobeheldOctober 5th-7thattheHamptonRoadsConvention center Earlybirdregistrationis$119until August31.Generalregistrationis$139.

ThisyearsthemeisMakeItCount:Ministrythat isfruitful,Productive&effective.



JoinourYoungAdultBibleStudyonMondays at7pmonZoom!

Engageinmeaningfuldiscussions,relevant teachings,andbuildconnectionswithlikemindedyoungadults.Allbackgroundsand levelsofbiblicalknowledgewelcome.


P.S.Sharewithfriendswhomightbe interested!


Pastor's Anniversary Celebration

Please join us for Pastor's 38th Anniversary Celebration on the following dates.

Sunday, July 9th @ 8 AM - Bishop Cleveon Bryant

Sunday, July 9th @10:15 AM - Pastor Ronnie T.

Northam, Jr.

Wednesday, July 12th @7 PM - Dr. Anthony


Sunday, July 16th @8 AM - Bishop Ezekiel Williams

Sunday, July 15th @ 10:15 AM - Rev. Dr. Lewis


Wednesday, July 19th @7 PM - Bishop Landon


Wednesday, July 26th @7 PM - Dr. Veronica


BowTies,Brooches,andBrunchwith Bishop

YouarecordiallyinvitedtoBowTies,Brooches andBrunchwiththeBishoponSaturdayJuly22 at11:30AM.

Joinusinthismomenttodressup,enjoy delectabletreats,andcommemoratePastor Riddick’sremarkablejourney.

Ticketsare$20perperson Topurchasetickets visitthetableinthenarthexonSundaysafter eachworshipservice,buyonlineat https://gethsemanebaptistchurch.breezechms. com/form/BrunchwithBishop,orvisitthe churchoffice,Monday-Thursdayfrom10AM4:30PM.

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