Reality Bible Study Series
Spring Session
April 24th-June 1st
(Tuesday & Thursday Courses end on May 25th)
Summer Session *Topics Forthcoming
June 12th- July 3rd
Vacation Bible School (VBS) - For All Ages
August 7th – August 11th
**All courses will be offered On-site and/or Online
Course Offerings
Love, Sex & Dating - This class navigates the complexities of being Christian in the world of love, sex, and dating. Participants will glean practical uncensored advice in these areas.
Facilitator: Minister Kelli Sweat
Day, Time & Location: Thursday @ 6:30 On-site
Family Feud - It has been said that you can choose your friends, but family is chosen for us. Whether you’re blended/stepfamily, nuclear family, extended family, or a single-parent family, this class will teach you how to combat issues that cause division in the family unit, and how to strengthen the bonds of love.
Facilitator TBD
Day TBD, Time TBD, Location TBD
Talking to My Child about Sexuality - In today’s social climate, the dreaded “birds & bees” talk is more nuanced than ever. This class will give parents practical advice and strategies to aid them in talking to their children about sex, sexuality, and identity.
Facilitator TBD
Day, Time & Location: Thursday @ 6:30 On-site
Health, Healing & Hope -God desires that we prosper and be in good health even as our souls prosper. In this class, participants will learn habits for a healthy lifestyle and how to access divine healing.
Facilitator: Rev. William Jackson
Day, Time & Location: Tuesday @ Noon On-site
Biblical Principles for Dealing with Dark Times - David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” What do you do when you’re lonely? What do you do when you feel hopeless? What do you do when life is just plain hard? In this class, participants will gain practical wisdom for dealing with the difficult seasons in our lives.
Facilitator: Rev. Lornetta Chaney
Day, Time & Location: Monday @ 6:30 On-site
Daily Life
You’re Not Overwhelmed, Just Unorganized & Undisciplined - Are you feeling overwhelmed because you’re honestly trying to juggle your responsibilities? Or, are you feeling overwhelmed because you have neglected to do the work required to successfully handle your responsibilities? There is a difference! In this class, participants will learn how to approach life and their responsibilities strategically.
Facilitator: Minister Kisha McDaniel
Day, Time & Location: Tuesday @ 6:30 On-site
Making Your Money Work - Do you have financial goals? This class will teach you how to maximize your money in a way that allows you to achieve your financial goals at any income level.
Facilitator: Robyn Davis
Day, Time & Location: Monday @ 6:30 On-site
Strategic Praying - Go to the next level in your prayer life! In this class, participants will learn biblical principles for powerful prayer.
Facilitator: Rev. Todd Smith
Day, Time & Location: Tuesday @ 6:30 Online
The Life of Jesus- From His humble birth in Bethlehem to His miraculous acts, see the historical truth behind key events in Jesus’ life.
Facilitator: Mona Riddick
Day, Time & Location: Monday @ 6:30 On-site
How to Study the Bible -Want to grow in your knowledge of God’s Word. In this class, participants will learn how to read, understand and apply the Bible in every-day life.
Facilitator: Bishop Dwight Riddick
Day, Time & Location: Thursday @ Noon & 6:30 On-site & Online
How to register for the Reality Bible Study Series
1. Online : Go to to register online
2. In Person: Use the form attached to register in person after each worship service on Sunday morning in the Narthex.
3. Drop off In Person: Use the form attached and place in the designated box in the Narthex or in the offering boxes in the back the gym.
For more questions and more information please contact the church office: Monday - Thursday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Reality Bible Study Series Registration Form
Name: __________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________
Please place an “X” beside your selected course(s)
Monday Courses
___ Biblical Principles for Dealing with Dark Times
___ Making Your Money Work
___ The Life of Jesus
Tuesday Courses
___ The Life of Jesus
___ Strategic Praying ___ Health, Healing & Hope
___ You’re Not Overwhelmed, Just Unorganized & Undisciplined
Thursday Courses
___ How to Study
___ How to Study the Bible
___ Talking to My Child About Sexuality
___ Love, Sex & Dating
Other Course
___ Family Feud (TBD)