Vi s i o n Me e t i n g 5405RoanokeAvenue Newpor tNews,VA23605 ( 757)244-8833-Of f i ce www. Get hsemaneBapt i st . or g Rev.Dr .Dwi ghtRi ddi ck,Sr .-Past or
AGENDA Devotions Praise and Worship Scripture Prayer I. II.
Reading and Adoption of Minutes from the previous Meeting Standing Reports (Audio/Visual) – Reports will be available in the church office for viewing A. General Fund B. Leadership Team Report
Old Business A. 35th Church Anniversary 1. Pictorial Directory 2. Holy Convocation 3. Anniversary Gala
New Business A. 2019 Budget Adjustment B. Purchase of church bus C. Seeking to adopt Christopher Newport University D. Fall Soccer program E. Goal for Thanksgiving baskets F. 2019 Revival/Conferences
V. VI.
For the Good of the Order Adjournment
The regular semi-annual Vision Meeting of Gethsemane Baptist Church in Newport News, Virginia was held on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at Gethsemane Baptist Church/Transformation Place in the Henry and Catherine Nobles Narthex with Rev. Dr. Dwight S. Riddick, Sr., Pastor, presiding. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. with Praise and Worship selections (God Is a Good God, Jesus I’ll Never Forget, Praise the Lord Everybody, Victory Is Mine and Welcome into This Place). Prayer by Rev. Bill Jackson and Scripture by Rev. Pricilla Clayton (Psalm 128). Pastor thanked everyone for coming out and asked how many people received copies of the agenda via email. We want to preserve trees by sending out the reports electronically. II.
CHURCH OFFICIAL STANDING REPORTS (July thru December 2018) A. General Fund Report – Minister of Finance – Joy Augburn (July thru December 2018) Finance Report viewed via an Excel presentation. B. Deacons Ministry Report – Deacon Vernon Floyd - (printed report provided) Deaconess Irma Berry stated that the Deaconess work collaboratively with the Deacons. A motion was made by Deacon Alvin Owens to accept the report. Rev. Robert Spencer seconded the motion. Motion carried. C. Trustee Ministry Report – Trustee Wanda Davis – (printed report provided) Pastor added that we have a team working to put together an evacuation plan in case of a fire or emergency. There’s nothing like being ready and prepared. We will be doing a fire drill on a Sunday morning to practice how we should exit the building in case of an emergency.
A motion was made by Brother Jessie McArthur to accept the report. Sister Wyvonne Sitgraves seconded the motion. Motion carried. III.
OLD BUSINESS A. 35th Church Anniversary – Trustee Wanda Davis provided a brief review of the Church Anniversary dates, representing ministries and grand marshals. There are subcommittee opportunities available for sign-up tonight. i. Pastor added that we are trying to avoid a lot of printing. Information will be sent via email. For those who do not have email, we will provide hard copies. ii. Pastor discussed that on February 2nd, we will have a brunch that includes a review of how GBC started and how it has touched lives over the 35 years. 1
iii. We are also doing a banquet for the community because it’s not all about us; but in December, we will have a formal banquet for us. iv. Pastor asked that we focus on the commitments toward the Capital Stewardship campaign made last year. He is not asking for any new commitments. The only thing being asked for the church Anniversary is $35.00 so that everyone can feel apart and included. Pastor asked if we can all do $35.00. IV.
NEW BUSINESS A. 2019 Proposed Budget i. Following a question and answer period regarding the proposed budget, a motion was made by Bro. Jessie McArthur to accept the proposed budget. It was seconded by Deaconess Terry Floyd. Motion carried. B. Children and Youth Ministry: AWANA Curriculum i. Rev. Lornetta Chaney introduced the AWANA program. She shared that AWANA is like VBS all-year long. It is a way to systematically and intentionally disciple young people. We will tailor the program to be culturally relevant to our members. While there is registration, if a member cannot afford the registration cost, the church will cover the cost. Members can sponsor others to help us remain within budget. ii. Pastor shared that the purpose of introducing AWANA is because we don’t want to just have activities for our young people, but that we want to disciple them. AWANA provides fun, activities and a sound biblical foundation.
FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER A. Rev. Todd Smith and Rev. D. Shawrod Riddick shared that FLAME is seeking the elevation of Pastor Riddick to the office of Bishop. This does not change the relationship between Pastor Riddick and GBC. He is and will be the Pastor of GBC and will be the Bishop of FLAME. This is a relationship between Pastor and the Pastors in FLAME. This is different from the type of Bishop structures seen in other denominations. The FLAME organization wanted to honor him for the relationship and function that he has already been doing. FLAME is asking for GBCs blessing and any support that the church is willing to give. B. Questions were taken regarding the elevation to the bishopry. i. What are the qualifications and requirements? a. Our definition comes from the bible and article 13 in the Baptist hymnal. For FLAME the criteria is that he is a pastor of pastors ii. Are there other denominations in FLAME other than Baptist? a. Yes iii. As far as you know, how are Bishops received in the Baptist denomination? 2
iv. v.
a. In our area there are a number of bishops in the Baptist community, so we would not be that different from what several others are already doing under biblical teaching. When would his elevation take place? a. A minimum of 1 year later. What takes place in a Bishop College? a. We are not sure of all of the details at this point, but the college teaches what it means to be a bishop and how to carry out the functions of a bishop. This is a way to learn how to pastor pastors. While I believe my pastor is well equipped, at this point I do not know what it all entails and therefore is not in a position to say yes or no and it appears that we are all still trying to understand. a. FLAME is asking if the church will support them as they walk thru the entire process. A consultant will be working with us through the process and will share more with us about what it all means. b. What would we call Pastor Riddick after this process--Bishop or Pastor? 1) Bishop. The title refers to his position. Just as when you visit another church you would call the pastor of that church pastor. Nevertheless, if you continued to call Pastor Riddick “pastor”, he would not have a problem. 2) FLAME is asking if the church will support and partner with them in the spiritual elevation of pastor to Bishop. 3) An overwhelming applause was received. Pastor shared that an ecclesiastical consultant will walk us through the process and answer any questions.
C. Bro. Jessie McArthur asked if we can revisit having a digital sign for the church. VI.
READING AND ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETING. • A motion was made by Deaconess Deidra Bethea and seconded by Bro. Gerald Coleman. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT • There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned with prayer by Rev. Dr. D. Shawrod Riddick, II at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Rev. Dr. Dwight S. Riddick, Sr., Pastor Trustee Linda Patricia Travis, Minister of Records Deaconess Alethia Gardner, Assistant Minister of Records