October 4, 2011
What do you think it will be like to live and work in the Buffalo-Niagara region in the year 2050? What do you think our economy be like? What kinds of jobs and businesses will locate here? How will energy use and technology impact our future? What about climate change and the environment? How will we pay for needed roadway and transit improvements? These are some of the questions the GBNRTC is considering as we plan for future transportation in the region. Along with community partners and regional stakeholders we are in the beginning stages of developing BuffaloNiagara2050, the region's next long range transportation plan. BuffaloNiagara2050 will determine the way we commute, travel to work, connect to shopping and schools, and move throughout the region. It will take a bold, fresh approach to solving present and future transportation challenges in our region and will focus on ways we can create a more efficient, greener, smarter, and sustainable transportation system for ourselves and for future generations. To learn more about the plan, visit us at our new website at www.buffaloniagara2050.com. While you're there, sign up for plan updates, take a survey, find out about upcoming meetings and share your thoughts. So, get involved and be part of reshaping our region's future. For more information on BuffaloNiagara2050, please contact Amy Weymouth at GBNRTC at 856-2026, ext. 310.
Good Going WNY Whether your daily commute is 10 miles or 50 miles, you and your wallet are probably feeling the strain of higher fuel prices. For those who are looking to go green and save a little green, Good Going WNY is a free website for travelers and other ride-seekers to find transportation alternatives - including carpooling, taking the bus/rail, and bicycling. This secure and easy to use website is also designed to serve as a resource for employers in the region. Hal Morse, Executive Director of the Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council (GBNRTC) noted that, "Employers asked for this capability and we delivered. Workers at large companies will benefit the most since it's nearly impossible to know everyone there and how they are getting to work. This bridges that gap by linking employees going to a common location at a similar time."Good Going WNY also features a specialized module allowing employers to register their business location thereby allowing their employees to restrict carpool matches to only people within their company. If you are one of the 82% of the 520,350 people who commute to work in the Buffalo-Niagara region alone and are interested in carpooling, registering for the site is easy. Just go to www.goodgoingwny.com and click in the upper right hand corner. To create your user account, enter a valid email address and a password that's easy to remember. You will be prompted to enter information (name, address, commute details, work address) that will instantly match you with carpoolers with similar commute criteria." So, get registered and get going! For employers, commuters and other ride seekers who have questions please contact Kelly Dixon at the GBNRTC at 856-2026, ext. 321.
Regional Public Transit Survey GBNRTC and the NFTA are in the planning stages of a new onboard transit survey which will be administered to Metro riders this coming winter. GBNRTC's last survey was completed in 2002 and much has changed to NFTA's metro system since then. GBNRTC is currently seeking a qualified consultant to design and administer the survey. This new survey will take a comprehensive look at the origin/destination patterns of Metro riders as well as acquire useful demographic information that will give planners a better idea as to who is utilizing public transit in the Buffalo-Niagara region today. Data collected from this survey will greatly assist GBNRTC's upcoming 'BuffaloNiagara2050' Master Plan as well as other long-term and short-term planning efforts. GBNRTC also uses transit ridership data in the development of regional travel models. Results from this survey will be used to validate last year's transit route restructuring efforts and ensure that NFTA is providing fair and equitable service to all of their customers. The survey will run for approximately four weeks this winter. If you are approached on the bus or light-rail, please consider taking the survey and know that your information will help create a better regional transit system for everyone!
GBNRTC-PCC Meeting Schedule October 5 NYS Thruway Authority November 2 Erie County Public Works Department December 7 NYSDOT
Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council 438 Main St | Buffalo, New York 14202 716-856-2026 | www.gbnrtc.org | staff@gbnrtc.org