Newspaper Office Ph: 847-486-4497 Fax: 847-486-4741
The Oracle – advertising rate sheet The student newspaper of Glenbrook South High School
Sample Page Rates Ads are sold by size measured in area. The base cost is $5 per square inch of space (1” wide x 1” inch tall). Two discounted rates are available as well: Discount 1 lowers the rate to $4.50 per square inch and is available for advertisers making a 3- or 4-issue commitment. Discount 2 lowers the rate to $3.90 per square inch and is available for advertisers committing to 5 or more issues. Basic Discount 1 Discount 2 Cost Per square inch For one issue $5 $4.50 $3.90 Sample ad sizes and their costs*: 1/8 of a page (4 inches x 5 inches) $100 $90 $78 1/4 of a page (8 x 5, 10 x 4, or 4 x 10) $200 $180 $156 1/2 of a page (10 x 8 or 8 x 10) $400 $360 $312 Full page (10 x 16) $800 $720 $624 *All rates are listed on a per issue basis.
A prompt payment discount of an additional 25% is also given to advertisers who pay within 10 business days of signing a contract! An Oracle representative will contact advertisers regarding deadlines for ad copy. Oracle graphic artists can work with advertisers to create ads. Expected Dates of Publication – contract deadline is 10 days prior to each issue, artwork deadline is 7 days before each issue Issue 1 - Friday, 10/4 Issue 4 - Friday, 2/7 Issue 6 - Friday, 4/21 Issue 2 - Friday, 11/8 Issue 5 – Friday, 3/14 Issue 7 - Friday, 5/23 Issue 3 - Friday, 12/20 Important Dates to Remember Homecoming – October 12 Turnabout Dance – March 1 Prom – May 16 Graduation – June 1 Address all correspondences to: The Oracle Glenbrook South High School 4000 W. Lake Ave. Glenview, Il. 60026
Phone: 847-486-4497
Fax: 847-901-6737
Marshall Harris, Faculty Adviser