Hartford Fall Harvest Sale Monday, October 23, 2017 11:00 AM Olmsted County Fairgrounds Rochester, MN
Hartford Fall Harvest Sale Olmstead County Fairgrounds Rochester, MN Monday, October 23, 2017 11:00 AM Sale Force:
Scott Courtney ............. Lloyd Simon ................. Steve Berland ................. Scott Culbertson ............. Don Mayer ...................... Norman Peterson ............ Ron Roskopf ..................
563-380-1318 715-803-5696 507-254-5281 614-264-5980 715-829-3417 507-421-3890 414-587-4402
Sale Clerk:
Amy Courtney ........……. 563-380-4571
Fitting Crew:
Heeren & Associates ….. 507-273-2412
Hotel Accomodations:
Quality Inn & Suites ..... 507-282-8091
Bob Eustice 4331 County Rd 5 NW Byron, MN 55920 507-775-2211 Home - 507-398-6142 Cell
Sale Managed by: Scott & Amy Courtney Sale will be broadcast live via www.cowbuyer.com With real-time bidding to pre-approved buyers!
2564 Pole Line Road Ridgeway, IA 52165 Fax: 563-387-0046 Home: 563-387-0035 Cell: 563-380-1318
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
BGP Bookem Hero-ET (VG-86 DOM 3Y) Dam of Lots 1-5
Lot 1
BGP Delta Hello-ET 143579106 99%RHA-I Born: November 9, 2015 #2133 12K GTPI +2570G PTA +1479M +79F +44P 78%R 8/2017 PTA +715NM +.08%F +.00%P PTA +5.4PL 2.90SCS +2.5DPR 3.2%DCE PTA +1.76T +1.75UDC +.86FLC 77%R 8/2017
mr mogul delta 1427-ET 72128216 TC tv tl ty td 77K GTpi +2849g pta +1817M +97f +57P 98%R 8/2017 pta +951NM +.10%f +.01%P 100%us pta +8.0PL 2.79scs +3.7dpr 5.0%dce pta +1.95t +2.51udc +1.41flc 95%R 8/2017
Ri-Val-Re Bookem Hero-ET 69928550 99%rha VG-86 EVV+V DOM 3-00 6K gtpi +2304G pta +898M +38f +33p 81%R 8/2017 pta +495NM +.02%F +.02%P pta +4.9PL 2.85scs +2.3dpr 3.5%DCE pta +1.58t +1.02udc +.73flc 81%r 8/2017 2-07 2 317 30430 3.9 1201 3.2 975
Bred 4/16/2017 to Hartford Rubi-Taz-ET 3134167086 551H3420 Sexed semen
Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr TP tv tl ty td EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2504G 3rd Dam: Ri-Val-Re Shottle Ali-ET pta +1220M +79f +40P 99%R 8/2017 (VG-88 DOM) pta +2.22t +3.08udc +2.35flc 99%R 8/2017 3-03 2 365 34890 3.6 1251 3.3 1140
4th Dam: Ri-Val-Re Jesther Nina-ET (VG-88 GMD DOM) 6-03 2 365 41990 3.6 1506 3.4 1407 2-05 2 305 25780 3.5 908 3.1 793 Life: 2104 171110 3.5 6065 3.3 5633 De-su 521 Bookem-ET 66636657 99%rha-I 5th Dam: Peckenstein Terry Nike-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) tr tp tv tl ty td 2-01 2 365 34580 3.8 1319 3.3 1144 VG-88 EV+V 6-07 GM GTPI +2317g 6th Dam: Peckenstein Elton Nikki-ET pta +1293M +29f +48P 99%R 8/2017 (EX-90 DOM) pta +1.51t +1.38udc +1.32flc 99%R 8/2017 4-10 2 365 37500 4.2 1566 3.3 1227 Ri-Val-Re Socrt Alaindra-ET 66473395 CV 7th Dam: Peckenstein BStar Scarlet (VG-86 GMD DOM) VG-85 VVG++ 3-00 50K GTPI +1781 2-01 2 365 33710 3.8 1280 3.1 1052 2-00 2 365 27220 3.2 878 3.0 813 8th Dam: Ramadaly Melvin-209 Kay 3-10 2 320 27130 3.3 894 2.9 800 (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 310 2532 3.4 864 2.9 742 4-06 2 365 42090 4.5 1898 3.0 1278 5-10 2 365 30830 3.3 1018 2.9 909 Life: 1980 165230 4.1 6771 3.2 5292 LIFE 1750 137720 3.4 4646 3.0 4082
miss ocd robst delicious-ET 3006989479 VG-87 +EV+V DOM 3-05
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Lot 2
bgp supershot Hoku-ET 3135087109 tr tl td
Lot 3
BGP supershot Halawa-ET 3135087054 tr tl td
Lot 4
bgp profit headline-et 3135087369 tr tl td
Lot 5
99%RHA-I Born: December 21, 2015 S192 12K gtpi +2386g pta +1526m +37f +50P 78%R 8/2017 pta +570NM -.07%F +.01%P pta +6.4PL 2.79scs +2.4dpr 4.2%dce pta +1.52t +.93udc +1.00flc 77%R 8/2017
Bred 2/23/2017 to Wa-Del Yoder Bandares-ET 143189741 7H12671 Sexed semen
99%RHA-I Born: December 19, 2015 S183 12K GTPI +2275G PTA +1000M +32F +34P 77%R 8/2017 Bred 3/16/2017 to PTA +528NM -.02%F +.01%P Hartford Josup Beyond-ET PTA +6.3PL 2.88SCS +3.2DPR 3.9%DCE 74260987 1H11955 PTA +1.09T +.78UDC +.57FLC 77%R 8/2017 Cogent Supershot 755898903Nld Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 tr tp TC tv tl ty td tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 6-06 GM 50K gtpi +2600g 77K gtpi +2473g pta +2101M +103F +66P 99%R 8/2017 pta +1963M +45f +60P 96%R 8/2017 pta +.96t +.68udc +.02FLC 99%r 8/2017 pta +694NM -.10%f +.00%P 78%us Rose Superclass 536745399deu pta +7.9PL 2.74scs +2.7dpr 4.7%dce VG-85 VVG++ 3-00 3K GTPI +2040G pta +1.18t +.78udc +.54flc 94%r 8/2017
99%RHA-I Born: February 5, 2016 S269 12k gtpi +2423G pta +1403m +53F +46P 75%R 8/2017 Bred 2/7/2017 to pta +609NM +.00%F +.01%P Sullhrtford Roadshow-ET pta +6.1PL 2.77scs 1.40dpr 4.5%dce 74261030 29H18306 pta +1.29t +1.26udc +1.50flc 74%R 8/2017 S-s-i maurice Partyrock-et 3009554583 S-S-I Partyrock Profit-ET 3014334961 tr tp tv tl ty td 99%rha-I tr tp tv tl ty td VG-87 VV+V 3-04 50K GTPI +2416G PTA +94T +1.90UDC +1.30FLC 95%R 8/2017 vg-88 evvv 3-05 77k gtpi +2642g pta +890M +62F +47P 79%R 8/2017 S-S-I MOGUL MAHO 8054-ET 3009554577 pta +785NM +.10%F +.08%P 100%us 99%RHA-I pta +8.7PL 2.68scs +2.8dpr 4.4%dce VG-88 VE+VE DOM 3-04 pta +1.39T +2.13udc +1.58flc 78%R 8/2017 3-06 3 305 36020 2.6 921 3.1 1111
99%RHA-I Born: January 23, 2016 P892 12K gtpi +2389G Bred 2/26/2017 to Pta +1212M +40F +41P 78%R 8/2017 Wa-Del Yoder Bandares-ET pta +542nm -.02%F +.01%P 143189741 7H12671 pta +5.0PL 2.96scs +.7dpr 2.8%DCE Sexed semen pta +2.77T +1.69udc +1.87flc 77%R 8/2017 de-su Bkm mccutchen 1174-et 69990138 View-Home Monterey-ET 69087180 99%rha-I tr tp tc tv tl ty td 99%rha tc tv tl ty td EX-93 EEEE 4-10 GM 50K gtpi +2355g 77K gtpi +2561G pta +3.17T +2.34udc +2.06flc 99%r 8/2017 pta +773M +52f +38P 97%R 8/2017 pta +659NM +.08%R +.05%P 80%us pine-tree 2149Robst 4846-ET 69804610 pta +6.1PL 2.955scs +1.2dpr 2.6%dce VG-86 VEV+V DOM 3-01 pta +3.34t +2.81udc +2.18flc 96%r 8/2017 2-04 3 365 32000 4.8 1528 3.2 1836 De-su 521 Bookem-ET 66636657 99%rha-I tr tp tv tl ty td Ri-Val-Re Bookem Hero-ET 69928550 VG-88 EV+V 6-07 GM GTPI +2317g 99%rha VG-86 EVV+V DOM 3-00 6K gtpi +2304G Ri-Val-Re Socrt Alaindra-ET 66473395 CV pta +898M +38f +33p 81%R 8/2017 VG-85 VVG++ 3-00 50K GTPI +1781 pta +495NM +.02%F +.02%P 2-00 2 365 27220 3.2 878 3.0 813 pta +4.9PL 2.85scs +2.3dpr 3.5%DCE 3-10 2 320 27130 3.3 894 2.9 800 pta +1.58t +1.02udc +.73flc 81%r 8/2017 4-10 2 310 2532 3.4 864 2.9 742 2-07 2 317 30430 3.9 1201 3.2 975
5-10 2 365 30830 3.3 1018 2.9 909 LIFE 1750 137720 3.4 4646 3.0 4082
3rd Dam: Ri-Val-Re Shottle Ali-ET (VG-88 DOM) 3-03 2 365 34890 3.6 1251 3.3 1140 4th Dam: Ri-Val-Re Jesther Nina-ET (VG-88 GMD DOM) 6-03 2 365 41990 3.6 1506 3.4 1407 Life: 2104 171110 3.5 6065 3.3 5633 5th Dam: Peckenstein Terry Nike-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 34580 3.8 1319 3.3 1144 6th Dam: Peckenstein Elton Nikki-ET (EX-90 DOM) 4-10 2 365 37500 4.2 1566 3.3 1227 7th Dam: Peckenstein BStar Scarlet (VG-86 GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 33710 3.8 1280 3.1 1052 8th Dam: Ramadaly Melvin-209 Kay (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-06 2 365 42090 4.5 1898 3.0 1278 Life: 1980 165230 4.1 6771 3.2 5292
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Larcrest Chenoa-ETS (VG-87) 2nd Dam of Lots 6-8
Lot 6
Jemar-LLC Jedi 736-ET 3134167065 tr tl td 99%RHA-I Born: June 3, 2016 #736 12K GTPI 2580G PTA +2065M +76F +78P 75%R 8/2017 PTA +707NM +.00%F +.05%P PTA +3.7PL 2.88SCS -1.0DPR 4.8%DCE PTA +2.45T +1.62UDC +.52FLC 74%R 8/2017
S-S-I Montross Jedi-Et 3123886035 99%rha-I Tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-91 EEEEE 3-01 77K gtpi +2821g pta +2624M +76f +88P 80%r 8/2017 pta +888NM -.08Tf +.02%P 100%us pta +7.5PL 2.94scs +2.7dpr 4.1%dce pta +2.06t +1.71udc +1.35flc 79%r 8/2017
larcrest Collect-ET 73679994 99%RHA-I tl td VG-87 VVVVV 9K gtpi +2378g pta +930M +73f +53P 81%r 8/2017 pta +587NM +.14%f +.09%P pta +2.2PL 2.72scs -2.5dpr 5.4%dce pta +1.93T +1.69udc +.57flc 82%R 8/2017 2-01 3 305 27090 4.1 1101 3.3 898
Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 4-08 GM 140K gtpi +2773g pta +3074M +87f +91P 99%R 8/2017 s-s-i Suprsire Miri 8679-ET 3011538078 99%rha-I TR TP TL TD VG-89 EEVVE DOM 4-05 140K gtpi +2637g 2-00 3 365 39810 3.5 1402 3.1 1234
Genervations Liquid Gold-eT 11397834c tv tl CAN VG-87 1Y 77K GTPI +2315g Pta +455M +70f +51P 98%R 8/2017 larcrest Chenoa-ETS 56264510 99%rha-I VG-87 VVVVV DOM 3-00 50K gtpi +1985g 2-04 2 365 35930 4.1 1487 3.3 1191
Bred 6/3/2017 to Hartford Rubi-Taz-ET 3134167086 551H3420
3rd Dam: Larcrest Crimson-ET (2E-92 EEEEE GMD DOM) 2-02 2 365 36060 4.7 1710 3.7 1351 4th Dam: Larcrest Cosmopolitan (VG-87 GMD DOM) 2-04 2 365 30930 4.1 1261 3.6 1119 Bulls & Embryos sold Worldwide 5th: Larcrest Oside Champagne-TW (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-03 2 365 29110 4.5 1322 3.7 1077 6th Dam: Larcrest Juror Chanel (3E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 9-00 2 365 48460 4.0 1943 3.4 1648 Over 250,000 Lifetime 7th Dam: Larcrest Lindy Chandra (VG-85) 2-05 2 365 20896 4.8 993 3.8 803 8th Dam: Larcrest Inspiration Carly (VG-87 EEVVV) 3-05 2 305 21800 4.5 973 3.3 802
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Larcrest Crimson-ET (2E-92 EEEEE GMD DOM) 3rd Dam of Lots 6-8
Lot 7
Jemar-LLc Jedi 739-ET 3134167068 tr tl td
Lot 8
jemar-llc jedi 738-ET 3134167067 tr tl td
99%RHA-I Born: June 3, 2016 #739 12K gtpi +2570g pta +1786m +80f +73P 75%r 8/2017 pta +717Nm+.05%f +.06%P pta +4.6PL 2.90scs -.8dpr 5.3%dce pta +2.22t +1.77udc +.75flc 74%R 8/2017
99%RHA-I Born: June 15, 2016 12K gtpi +2512g pta +1494M +67f +66P 75%R 8/2017 pta +668NM +.04%f +.07%p pta +3.8pl 2.85scs +.1dpr 4.1%dce pta +1.44t +1.76udc +.74flc 74%r 8/2017
S-S-I Montross Jedi-Et 3123886035 99%rha-I Tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-91 EEEEE 3-01 77K gtpi +2821g pta +2624M +76f +88P 80%r 8/2017 pta +888NM -.08Tf +.02%P 100%us pta +7.5PL 2.94scs +2.7dpr 4.1%dce pta +2.06t +1.71udc +1.35flc 79%r 8/2017 larcrest Collect-ET 73679994 99%RHA-I tl td VG-87 VVVVV 9K gtpi +2378g pta +930M +73f +53P 81%r 8/2017 pta +587NM +.14%f +.09%P pta +2.2PL 2.72scs -2.5dpr 5.4%dce pta +1.93T +1.69udc +.57flc 82%R 8/2017 2-01 3 305 27090 4.1 1101 3.3 898
Bred 7/20/2017 to Plain-Knoll King Royal-ET 74564764 507H12787 Pregnant
3rd Dam: Larcrest Crimson-ET (2E-92 EEEEE GMD DOM) Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 2-02 2 365 36060 4.7 1710 3.7 1351 tr tp tc tv tl ty td 4th Dam: Larcrest Cosmopolitan EX-92 EEVE 4-08 GM 140K gtpi +2773g (VG-87 GMD DOM) pta +3074M +87f +91P 99%R 8/2017 2-04 2 365 30930 4.1 1261 3.6 1119 Bulls & Embryos sold Worldwide s-s-i Suprsire Miri 8679-ET 3011538078 5th: Larcrest Oside Champagne-TW 99%rha-I TR TP TL TD (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) VG-89 EEVVE DOM 4-05 140K gtpi +2637g 2-03 2 365 29110 4.5 1322 3.7 1077 2-00 3 365 39810 3.5 1402 3.1 1234 6th Dam: Larcrest Juror Chanel (3E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) Genervations Liquid Gold-eT 9-00 2 365 48460 4.0 1943 3.4 1648 11397834c tv tl Over 250,000 Lifetime CAN VG-87 1Y 77K GTPI +2315g 7th Dam: Larcrest Lindy Chandra (VG-85) Pta +455M +70f +51P 98%R 8/2017 2-05 2 365 20896 4.8 993 3.8 803 larcrest Chenoa-ETS 56264510 99%rha-I 8th Dam: Larcrest Inspiration Carly (VG-87 EEVVV) VG-87 VVVVV DOM 3-00 50K gtpi +1985g 3-05 2 305 21800 4.5 973 3.3 802 2-04 2 365 35930 4.1 1487 3.3 1191
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Zahbulls Montoss Creep-ET (VG-87 2Y) Sells as Lot 9
Larcrest Chariot-ET (VG-85) Dam of Lot 9
Lot 9
Zahbulls Montross Creep-ET 3013279106
Larry Lexvold Goodhue, MN 651/380-2762
99%RHA-I Born: July 23, 2014 Creep VG-87 VVV+V 2-11 13K gtpi +2587g pta +2195M +77f +61P 80%R 8/2017 pta +675NM -.02%F -.02%P pta +4.2PL 2.94scs +.9dpr 5.3%DCE pta +2.44T +2.48udc +1.27flc 81%R 8/2017
Bred 1/27/17 to Bacon-Hill Pety Modesty-ET 3013654627 7H12600 Sexed semen
2-00 2 365 33793 4.4 1491 3.2 1091
Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 4-08 GM 140K gtpi +2773g pta +3074M +87f +91P 99%R 8/2017 pta +843NM -.09%F -.01%P 97%us pta +5.2PL 3.05scs +1.0dpr 4.7%dce pta +2.09T +2.48udc +1.42flc 98%R 8/2017
Larcrest Chariot-ET 57187394 99%rha-I VG-85 VV+GV 3-01 50KGTPI +2222g 2-02 3 305 29550 4.2 1236 3.0 897 3-05 2 347 30500 3.7 1130 3.1 933 4-06 2 315 27740 3.9 1095 3.1 850
Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr TP tv tl ty td EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2504G pta +1220M +79f +40P 99%R 8/2017 pta +2.22t +3.08udc +2.35flc 99%R 8/2017 3rd Dam: Larcrest Cosmopolitan (VG-87 GMD DOM) 2-04 2 365 30930 4.1 1261 3.6 1119 Bulls & Embryos sold Worldwide 3-01 3 365 38430 4.2 1614 3.2 1247 4th: Larcrest Oside Champagne-TW ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET 68977120 (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) TR TP TV TL TY TD 2-03 2 365 29110 4.5 1322 3.7 1077 5th Dam: Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-90 EEEV 7-09 gm 50K gtpi +2299G (3E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) pta +1140M +38f +20p 99%R 8/2017 9-00 2 365 48460 4.0 1943 3.4 1648 larcrest crimson-et 53452457 99%rha-I TY Over 250,000 Lifetime 6th Dam: Larcrest Lindy Chandra EX-94 EEEEE 3E GMD DOM 9-06 (VG-85) 2-02 2 365 36060 4.7 1710 3.6 1283 2-05 2 365 20896 4.8 993 3.8 803 5-02 2 365 46390 5.3 2448 3.5 1620 7th Dam: Larcrest Inspiration Carly 6-10 2 365 39260 4.1 1609 3.4 1335 (VG-87 EEVVV) 8-10 2 365 38580 3.4 1318 3.5 1359 3-05 2 305 21800 4.5 973 3.3 802 LIFE 2598 234440 4.5 10443 3.6 8384
Unique-Style Bolto Money 139121711 tm tv tl ty EX-93 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 7-08
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Larcrest Cagney-ET (VG-85 DOM 2Y) Dam of Lot 10
Larcrest Chima-ETS (EX-91 DOM) 2nd Dam of Lot 10
Lot 10 Larry Lexvold Goodhue, MN 651/380-2762
Lexvold Montross Carilla-eT 3125201985 tl td 99%RHA-I Born: June 22, 2014 Carilla GP-83 +++++ 2-05 GTPI +2622G pta +1736M +82f +62P 81%r 8/2017 pta +711NM +.06%f +.03%P pta +5.0PL 2.98scs +2.3dpr 6.8%dce pta +2.16t +2.01UDC +.89flc 81%r 8/2017
2-00 2 305 19992 48
Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 4-08 GM 140K gtpi +2773g pta +3074M +87f +91P 99%R 8/2017 pta +843NM -.09%F -.01%P 97%us pta +5.2PL 3.05scs +1.0dpr 4.7%dce pta +2.09T +2.48udc +1.42flc 98%R 8/2017
Larcrest Cagney-eT 57187821 99%rha-I tv tl ty td VG-85 VVG+V DOM 2-04 77K gtpi +2359g pta +958M +63f +39P 84%r 8/2017 pta +560NM +.10%f +.04%P pta +3.8PL 2.90scs +2.0dpr 6.2%dce pta +1.32t +1.29udc +.19flc 84%r 8/2017 2-01 2 365 33420 4.3 1426 3.3 1117
Due 10/18/2017 to Silverridge V Euclid-ET 12192430 200HO10550
956 3.5 709 (RIP)
Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr TP tv tl ty td 3rd Dam: Larcrest Crimson-ET EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2504G (2E-92 EEEEE GMD DOM) pta +1220M +79f +40P 99%R 8/2017 2-02 2 365 36060 4.7 1710 3.7 1351 pta +2.22t +3.08udc +2.35flc 99%R 8/2017 Unique-Style Bolto Money 139121711 tm tv tl ty EX-93 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 7-08 3-01 3 365 38430 4.2 1614 3.2 1247
marbri Facebook-ET 10847042 tr tp tv tl ty td can VG-86 2Y 50K gtpi +2292g pta +1.40t +.43udc -.06flc 99%r 8/2017 larcrest chima-ets 56264514 99%rha-I EX-91 EEEEE DOM 7-08
2-07 2 365 39390 5-04 2 354 31910 6-05 2 354 29100 LIFE 1668 126050
4.2 16457 4.4 1415 3.8 1118 4.3 5364
3.2 1270 3.2 1016 3.2 945 3.3 4170
4th Dam: Larcrest Cosmopolitan (VG-87 GMD DOM) 2-04 2 365 30930 4.1 1261 3.6 1119 Bulls & Embryos sold Worldwide 5th: Larcrest Oside Champagne-TW (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-03 2 365 29110 4.5 1322 3.7 1077 6th Dam: Larcrest Juror Chanel (3E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 9-00 2 365 48460 4.0 1943 3.4 1648 Over 250,000 Lifetime 7th Dam: Larcrest Lindy Chandra (VG-85) 2-05 2 365 20896 4.8 993 3.8 803 8th Dam: Larcrest Inspiration Carly (VG-87 EEVVV) 3-05 2 305 21800 4.5 973 3.3 802
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Larcrest Crimson-ET (3E-94 EEEEE GMD DOM) 2nd Dam of Lot 11 & 3rd Dam of Lots 11A & 11B
Lot 11 James Martin Lime Springs, IA 563/547-3651
jzm gun Celeste-ETS 3133742886 99%RHA-I Born: November 4, 2015 #539 30K GTPI +2516G PTA +883M +65F +36P 77%R 8/2017 PTA +649NM +.12%F +.03%P PTA +4.9PL 2.82SCS +2.4DPR 5.7%DCE PTA +2.08T +2.16UDC +1.81FLC 75%R 8/2017
roylane sglass gun 6920-ET 72512148 99%rha-I tr tp tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2503g pta +1458M +61f +51P 87%R 8/2017 pta +666NM +.03%f +.02%P 100%us pta +5.6PL 2.90scs +.9dpr 6.7%dce pta +1.72T +1.75udc +2.30flc 79%r 8/2017
larcrest carmelita-ET 73870388 99%rha-I tl td GP-80 ++GG+ 2-06 13K gtpi +2348g pta +461M +69f +33P 82%r 8/2017 pta +513NM +.19%F +.07%P pta +2.1pl 2.82scs +1.00dpr 6.3%dce pta +1.68t +1.49udc +1.31flc 83%R 8/2017 1-11 3 358 26010 5.5 1427 3.5 907
Sells Fresh 9/22/2017
butz-Butler Shotglass-eT 70476870 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-91 EEEE 4-03 50K GTPI +2258g pta +1555m +55f +39P 99%R 8/2017 roylane bookem mirr 5187-ET 70192757 99%rha-I vg-86 vv+vv DOM 3-033K gtpi +2392g 4-04 2 365 34550 4.5 1544 3.6 1236 Region 8 Elite Performer
mr welcome Hill Tango-ET 70750485 tc tv tl ty td 50k gtpi +2392g pta +2021M +64f +54P 99%R 8/2017 larcrest crimson-et 53452457 99%rha-I TY EX-94 EEEEE 3E GMD DOM 9-06
2-02 2 365 36060 5-02 2 365 46390 6-10 2 365 39260 8-10 2 365 38580 LIFE 2598 234440
4.7 1710 5.3 2448 4.1 1609 3.4 1318 4.5 10443
3.6 1283 3.5 1620 3.4 1335 3.5 1359 3.6 8384
3rd Dam: Larcrest Cosmopolitan (VG-87 GMD DOM) 2-04 2 365 30930 4.1 1261 3.6 1119 Bulls & Embryos sold Worldwide 4th: Larcrest Oside Champagne-TW (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-03 2 365 29110 4.5 1322 3.7 1077 5th Dam: Larcrest Juror Chanel (3E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 9-00 2 365 48460 4.0 1943 3.4 1648 Over 250,000 Lifetime 6th Dam: Larcrest Lindy Chandra (VG-85) 2-05 2 365 20896 4.8 993 3.8 803 7th Dam: Larcrest Inspiration Carly (VG-87 EEVVV) 3-05 2 305 21800 4.5 973 3.3 802
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Lot 12
jzm helix carissa 610-ET 3140136535 99%RHA-I Born: May 13, 2017 #610 20K gtpi +2472g pta +1216M +69F +48P 76%R 8/2017 pta +618NM +.08%f +.04%P pta +4.2PL 2.83scs +1.1dpr 7.1%dce pta +1.98t +1.83udc +1.19flc 75%r 8/2017
James Martin Lime Springs, IA 563/547-3651
aot Silver helix-eT 3131083927 tp tv tl ty td 140K gtpi +2687g pta +1684M +100f +64p 79%R 8/2017 pta +805NM +.13%f +.05%P 100%us pta +5.4PL 2.95scs +.7dpr 5.7%dce pta +2.07t +2.18udc +1.36flc 78%R 8/2017
seagull-Bay Silver-ET 72156794 tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2637g pta +1572M +91f +60P 96%r 8/2017 cookiecutter SSire Has-ET 3012489198 VG-87 VE+GE DOM 2-10
3rd Dam: Larcrest Cosmopolitan (VG-87 GMD DOM) 2-01 3 365 38700 4.5 1740 3.2 1252 2-04 2 365 30930 4.1 1261 3.6 1119 Bulls & Embryos sold Worldwide 4th: Larcrest Oside Champagne-TW mr welcome Hill Tango-ET 70750485 tc (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) tv tl ty td 2-03 2 365 29110 4.5 1322 3.7 1077 larcrest carmelita-ET 73870388 99%rha-I 50k gtpi +2392g 5th Dam: Larcrest Juror Chanel tl td (3E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) pta +2021M +64f +54P 99%R 8/2017 GP-80 ++GG+ 2-06 13K gtpi +2348g 9-00 2 365 48460 4.0 1943 3.4 1648 pta +461M +69f +33P 82%r 8/2017 larcrest crimson-et 53452457 99%rha-I TY Over 250,000 Lifetime 6th Dam: Larcrest Lindy Chandra pta +513NM +.19%F +.07%P EX-94 EEEEE 3E GMD DOM 9-06 (VG-85) 2-02 2 365 36060 4.7 1710 3.6 1283 pta +2.1pl 2.82scs +1.00dpr 6.3%dce 2-05 2 365 20896 4.8 993 3.8 803 5-02 2 365 46390 5.3 2448 3.5 1620 pta +1.68t +1.49udc +1.31flc 83%R 8/2017 7th Dam: Larcrest Inspiration Carly 6-10 2 365 39260 4.1 1609 3.4 1335 1-11 3 358 26010 5.5 1427 3.5 907 (VG-87 EEVVV) 8-10 2 365 38580 3.4 1318 3.5 1359 3-05 2 305 21800 4.5 973 3.3 802 LIFE 2598 234440 4.5 10443 3.6 8384
Lot 13
jzm gold dreams salli-TW 3133742889
James Martin Lime Springs, IA 563/547-3651
98%RHA Born: November 24, 2015 #542
Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262gbr tv tl 50K GTPI +1823g pta -1106M -2f -23P 98%R 8/2017 pta +29M +.15%F +.04%P 13%us pta -.1PL 2.65scs +.1dpr 6.6%dce pta +2.55T +2.72udc +1.47flc 97%r 8/2017
jzm challenger Sammy 383 69189874 96%rha EX-93 EEEEE 2E 6-03
1-11 2 281 17210 2-10 2 339 27090 4-10 3 278 30280 5-10 3 326 35790 LIFE 1224 110370
4.1 709 3.5 951 4.2 1279 3.9 1409 3.9 4348
3.2 557 3.1 842 3.1 933 3.0 1078 3.1 3410
BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1849g pta +1.76t +1.45udc +1.40flc 99%R 8/2017 MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177
All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005
jzm champion Challenger-TW 62216719 GP-83 VVGG 5-11 50K gtpi +1358g pta +729M -12f +15P 95%R 8/2017 jzm warrior Sarah 138283159 EX-90 EEFVE 8-10
4-02 2 319 35190 5-01 2 310 36840 6-03 2 301 34870 7-03 2 332 39750 8-04 2 305 37640 9-09 2 296 31210 LIFE 2003 225210
3.4 1189 3.5 1285 3.9 1365 3.7 1488 2.9 1106 3.3 1035 3.5 7804
2.9 1023 2.9 1065 2.8 991 2.8 1128 2.7 1016 2.8 864 2.8 6389
Bred 1/3/2017 to Wa-Del Yoder Bandares-ET 143189741 7H12671 Sexed semen
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
S-S-I Uno Mara 8395-ET (VG-86 DOM 2Y) 2nd Dam of Lot 14
Lot 14 Bred 8/24/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
Ri-Val-Re Jedi Dira-ET 3133202537 99%rha-I Tr tl td 100%RHA Born: June 6, 2016 #1792 14k gtpi +2659g pta +1757M +72f +60P 75%r 8/2017 pta 770NM +.02%f +.02%P pta +7.1PL 2.77scs +2.6dpr 5.8%dce pta +1.67t +2.01udc +1.14flc 74%r 8/2017
S-S-I Montross Jedi-Et 3123886035 99%rha-I Tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-91 EEEEE 3-01 77K gtpi +2821g pta +2624M +76f +88P 80%r 8/2017 pta +888NM -.08Tf +.02%P 100%us pta +7.5PL 2.94scs +2.7dpr 4.1%dce pta +2.06t +1.71udc +1.35flc 79%r 8/2017
S-S-I Hdway 8395 10846-ET 3124584953 13K gtpi +2488g pta +622M +54f +30p 77%R 8/2017 pta +624nm +.11%f +.04%P pta +6.9pl 2.52scs +2.5dpr 6.0%dce pta +1.66t +2.21udc +1.03flc 77%R 8/2017
Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 4-08 GM 140K gtpi +2773g pta +3074M +87f +91P 99%R 8/2017 s-s-i Suprsire Miri 8679-ET 3011538078 99%rha-I TR TP TL TD VG-89 EEVVE DOM 4-05 140K gtpi +2637g 2-00 3 365 39810 3.5 1402 3.1 1234
s-s-i Maurice Headway-ET 3009554608 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2331g pta +1.14t +1.88udc +1.34flc 85%r 8/2017
s-s-i Uno Mara 8395-ET 3011001299 VG-86 VVE+V dom 2-11 9K gtpi +2556g pta +751M +58f +22P 85%R 8/2017 pta +687nm +.11%f +.00%P pta +9.5PL 2.43scs +3.1dpr 5.9%dce pta +2.48T +1.90udc +1.35flc 86%r 8/2017 2-02 3 305 21890 4.1 897 3.4 752 3-04 3 304 27750 4.3 1204 3.4 952
3rd Dam: S-S-I Shamrock Mesa 7388-ET (VG-87) 3-05 3 35000 3.5 1223 3.0 1054 4th Dam: Roylane Shot Mindy 2079-ET (VG-86 DOM) 2-02 2 305 28730 4.4 1263 3.4 967 5th Dam: Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror-ET (VG-86 DOM) 3-00 2 365 36430 4.4 1606 3.6 1304 6th Dam: Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage-ET (EX-90 VEVVE DOM) 3-06 3 365 35900 3.8 1364 3.4 1229 7th Dam: Lynmead Cleitus Minnow-ET (2E-91 EEEVV GMD DOM) 4-10 3 365 49550 3.7 1857 3.2 1592 7-00 3 365 47140 3.5 1637 3.1 1479 Life: 2626 255910 3.7 9446 3.3 8481 8th Dam: CMV Belwood Mindy-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 4-01 2 365 36341 3.6 1305 3.4 1239 9th Dam: Briarpatch-R Misty-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 10th Dam: Rilara Mars Las Ravena (EX-91 GMD DOM) 4-03 2 305 29030 4.6 1329 11th Dam: Rag Apple Locust-Grove Charm (VG-86 GMD DOM) 5-02 2 26321 3.6 948
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Ri-Val-Re Delta RiRi-Red-ET Full Sister to Dam of Lots 15-17
Lot 15
Hartford Splendid-P 810-ET 3143352487 RC 100%RHA Born: July 5, 2017 #810 Splendid x Delta 696
30K gtpi +2677 pta +1629M +57f +47P 73%R 9/2017 PTa +806NM -.01%F 0.00%P pta +8.8PL 2.8SCS +2.3dpr pta +2.44t ++3.13udc +1.68flc
pine-tree Splendid-P-et 74024998 rc pc tc tv tl ty td 140K gtpi +2535g pta +1036m +71f +44P 78%R 8/2017 pta +740NM +.12%F +.05%P 100%us pta +6.8pl 2.82scs -.7dpr 5.0%dce pta +2.81T +2.85udc +.69flc 78%r 8/2017
ri-val-re Delta 696-Red-ET 74261071 13K gtp i +2532g pta +1649M +63f +47P 78%R 8/2017 pta +670BN +.01%F -.01%P pta +6.2PL 2.83scs +2.8dpr 5.3%dce pta +1.67T +1.63udc +1.97flc 76%R 8/2017 Full Sister: Ri-Val-Re Delta RiRi Red-ET
Lot 16
Hartford Splend 811-Red-ET 3143352488 100%RHA Born: July 5, 2017 #811 Splendid x Delta 696 PTPI +2537
Pine-Tree Splendid-P-eT 74024998 rc pc tc tv tl ty td 140K GTPI +2535G Ri-Val-Re Delta 696-Red-ET 74261071 13K GTPI +2532G
zahbulls alta1stclass-et 71441918 tr tp tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2317g pta +2.66t +3.50udc +1.30flc 94%R 8/2017 pine-tree 5100 SS 5933-ET 71859511 tc pc tl td VG-86 VV++V 2-06 1-10 3 329 27990 4.2 1170 3.1 868
mr mogul delta 1427-ET 72128216 TC tv tl ty td 77K GTpi +2849g pta +1817M +97f +57P 98%R 8/2017 pta +1.95t +2.51udc +1.41flc 95%R 8/2017 ri-val-re tg crimson-red-et 72829797 VG-86 VV+VV 2-08 GTPI +2213g 2-00 2 305 27500 3.6 981 2.8 766
Lot 17
Hartford Splendid-P 819-ET 3143352496 RC 100%RHA Born: July 5, 2017 #819 Splendid x Delta 696
30K gtpi +2629 pta ++1547M +70F +55P 72%R 9/2017 pta +785NM +.04%F +.03%P pta +8.0PL 2.7scs .2%DPR pta +2.53T +2.52udc +1.59flc 3rd Dam: Mapel Wood Epic Giggle-Red-ETS (EX-90 EX-MS) 2-11 2 305 27900 3.6 998 2.9 821 4th Dam: Morsan Manoman Fools Gold-Red (CAN EX-91 5Y 2*) 4-03 2 365 39024 4.4 1724 3.3 1301 Life: 100768 4.3 4321 3.4 3470 5th Dam: Stoneden Fools Gold-Red-ET (CAN VG-88 3Y 6*) 4-03 3 365 50748 3.8 1942 2.9 1462 Life: 147155 3.8 5579 3.0 4416 6th Dam: Marktwain Lee Diana-Red (CAN VG-85) 3-06 2 365 19385 3.8 729 2.8 551 7th Dam: Marktwain Charles Dixie (CAN EX-90) 5-06 2 365 23289 4.0 924 3.0 710 Life: 8 Lact. 157069 4.1 6385 3.1 4934 8th Dam: Marktwain Yolanda-Red (CAN VG-86-3Y) 10-00 2 365 24914 3.7 922 2.8 699 Life: 9 Lact. 190120 3.9 7335 3.1 5853 9th Dam: Marktwain TT Yvonne (CAN VG-86-3Y) 2-02 2 315 15410 4.2 650 3.2 500
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Dymentholm Sunview Scoby-ET (VG-88) Dam of Lot 18
Lot 18 Neil McDonah & Brent Eustice Trempealeau, WI 608/385-1592
apoll P-Red-eT 762042012 po tv tl ty NLD 50K gtpi +2201g pta +1524M +37f +50P 79%R 8/2017 pta +448NM -.08%F +.02%P 100%us pta +3.1PL 2.90scs -1.6dpr 5.8%dce pta +1.57T +1.59udc +.94flc 78%R 8/2017
dymentholm sunview Scoby-ET 71661938 rc VG-88 VEVVV 5-02 9K gtpi +2174g 2-00 2 305 26760 4.1 1089 2.9 777 3-11 2 311 31300 3.8 1195 2.7 840
Ms Apoll-P 766-Red-ET 3134167095
100%RHA Born: April 2, 2016 #766 13K GTPI +2221g
gen-I-Beq Aikman-ET 106807394c rc tv tl ty td CAN VG-86 2Y 77K gtpi +2252g pta +180M +60f +31P 98%R 8/2017 Verhages candlelight P-Red-ET 663531490deu po 50K gtpi +2052g Genervations Epic-ET 11104016c tv tl ty td GM 77K gtpi +2215g pta +889m +25f +29P 99%R 8/2017 pta +1.67T +1.31udc +1.67flc 99%R 8/2017 Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk-ET 106109413c rc ty EX-90 EEVVE 4-07 50K gtpi +2198g 2-02 2 365 29990 4.5 1351 3.0 904 4-01 2 305 28540 4.1 1162 3.1 881
Bred 6/29/2017 to Zimmerview Lucky PP-Red-ET 74228150 14H7835 3rd Dam: Gen-I-Beq Bolton Silence-ETS (CAN VG-85 2Y) 2-04 2 365 29107 4.1 1184 3.5 1027 4th Dam: Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret-ET *RC (CAN VG-87-2Y 4*) 5-05 2 365 30573 4.5 1389 3.4 1038 Voted Red Impact Cow of the Year ‘11 5th Dam: Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry (CAN VG-87-5Y 7*) 5-02 2 365 40036 3.9 1574 3.2 1268 6th Dam: Glen Drummond Splendor (CAN VG-86-2Y 36*) 4-10 2 314 26510 4.2 1124 3.2 840 7th Dam: Glen Drummond Aero Flower (CAN VG-88-3Y 18*) 8th Dam: Glen Drummond Shower-ET (CAN EX 14*) 9th: Glen Drummond SC Jo Beth (CAN EX-2E 7*) 10th: Glen Drummond Matt Beth (CAN VG-85-3Y 4*) 11th: Glen Drummond Marquis Beth (CAN VG) 12th Dam: Ferglynn Rag Apple Berta (CAN VG 3*)
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) 2nd Dam of Lots 19 & 20
Lot 19 Bred 8/23/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
Lot 20
Ms Hartford Atwork 723-ET 3134167052 RC TL TD 100%RHA Born: April 9, 2016 #723 12k gtpi +2391g pta +787M +65f +29P 76%R 8/2017 pta +625nm +.13%F +.02%P pta +5.9pl 2.98scs +2.8dpr 5.7%dce pta +1.04t +1.52udc +.77flc 76%R8/2017
ms hrtfrd Atwrk 721 Scob-ET 3134167050 rc tl td
Bred 7/9/17 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955 willsbro Atwork-Et 662221gbr Rc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2490g pta +873M +70f +39P 80%R 8/2017 pta +723nm +.14%F +.05%P 100%us pta +6.8PL 2.79scs +3.2dpr 5.0%dce pta +.79t +1.11udc +.78flc 79%R 8/2017
dymentholm sunview Scoby-ET 71661938 rc VG-88 VEVVV 5-02 9K gtpi +2174g 2-00 2 305 26760 4.1 1089 2.9 777 3-11 2 311 31300 3.8 1195 2.7 840
100%RHA Born: April 15, 2016 12K gtpi +2296g
Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 tr tp TC tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 6-06 GM 50K gtpi +2600g pta +2101M +103F +66P 99%R 8/2017 pta +.96t +.68udc +.02FLC 99%r 8/2017 khw super aderyn-et 140969320 rc EX-90 EEVVE 2E DOM 6-01 4-05 2 365 31900 4.5 1430 3.8 1202
Genervations Epic-ET 11104016c tv tl ty td GM 77K gtpi +2215g pta +889m +25f +29P 99%R 8/2017 pta +1.67T +1.31udc +1.67flc 99%R 8/2017 Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk-ET 106109413c rc ty EX-90 EEVVE 4-07 50K gtpi +2198g 2-02 2 365 29990 4.5 1351 3.0 904 4-01 2 305 28540 4.1 1162 3.1 881
Neil McDonah & Brent Eustice Trempealeau, WI 608/385-1592
3rd Dam: Gen-I-Beq Bolton Silence-ETS (CAN VG-85 2Y) 2-04 2 365 29107 4.1 1184 3.5 1027 4th Dam: Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret-ET *RC (CAN VG-87-2Y 4*) 5-05 2 365 30573 4.5 1389 3.4 1038 Voted Red Impact Cow of the Year ‘11 5th Dam: Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry (CAN VG-87-5Y 7*) 5-02 2 365 40036 3.9 1574 3.2 1268 6th Dam: Glen Drummond Splendor (CAN VG-86-2Y 36*) 4-10 2 314 26510 4.2 1124 3.2 840 7th Dam: Glen Drummond Aero Flower (CAN VG-88-3Y 18*) 8th Dam: Glen Drummond Shower-ET (CAN EX 14*) 9th: Glen Drummond SC Jo Beth (CAN EX-2E 7*) 10th: Glen Drummond Matt Beth (CAN VG-85-3Y 4*) 11th: Glen Drummond Marquis Beth (CAN VG) 12th Dam: Ferglynn Rag Apple Berta (CAN VG 3*)
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Dymentholm Sunview Skye-ET (VG-85 2Y) 2-02 2 305 28,550 3.9 1113 3.1 878 Maternal Sister to 2nd Dam of Lots 21-24
Lot 21 Bred 6/29/2017 to Coyne-Farms Punk-Red-ET 3127292537 1H11970 Pregnant
Lot 22 Bred 8/21/2017 to Syryczuk Silvr Blowtorch-ET 3128463273 1H11905
jemar-LLC Captin 732-Red-ET 3134167061 tl td 99%RHA-I Born: May 6, 2016 #732 12K gtpi +2360g pta +619M +55f +25P 74%R 8/2017 pta +592NM +.12%F +.02%P pta +6.6PL 2.65scs +2.3dpr 5.8%dce pta +1.48t +1.48udc +.40flc 74%R 8/2017
Jemar-llc Captain 733-ET 3134167062 rc tl td 100%RHA Born: May 6, 2016 #733 12K gtpi +2161g
Aprday-F 779 Captain-Red-ET 3012503618 tp tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2352g pta +169M +64f +25P 78%R 8/2017 pta +613NM +.21%F +.07%P 100%us pta +6.7PL 2.79scs +1.8dpr 7.3%dce pta +1.43T +1.82udc +.13flc 77%r 8/2017 Josey-llc jabir stacey-ET 73615351 99%Rha-I GP-83 V+G++ 3-00
K-manor Epic Save-ET 70957183 tc tp tv tl ty td VG-88 VEVV 3-08 50k gtpi +2217g pta +1.07t +1.35udc +.82flc 94%R 8/2017 April-Day a Comtessa-eT 71878764 rc 50K gtpi +2013g Coyne-Farms Jibir-ET 70801850 tr tp tl ty td 140K gtpi +2260G Dymentholm sun siren-red-et 11425898 VG-85 VV++V 2-05 2-02 2 343 26110 4.1 1060 3.2 842 3-02 2 330 20620 4.5 924 2.9 594 4-02 2 350 21610 4.3 936 2.9 629
3rd Dam: Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) 2-02 2 365 29990 4.5 1351 3.0 904 4th Dam: Gen-I-Beq Boldton Silence-ETS (CAN VG-85 2Y) 2-04 2 365 29107 4.1 1184 3.5 1027 5th Dam: Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret-ET *RC (CAN VG-87-2Y 4*) 5-05 2 365 30573 4.5 1389 3.4 1038 Voted Red Impact Cow of the Year ‘11 6th Dam: Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry (CAN VG-87-5Y 7*) 5-02 2 365 40036 3.9 1574 3.2 1268 7th Dam: Glen Drummond Splendor (CAN VG-86-2Y 36*) 4-10 2 314 26510 4.2 1124 3.2 840 8th Dam: Glen Drummond Aero Flower (CAN VG-88-3Y 18*) 9th Dam: Glen Drummond Shower-ET (CAN EX 14*) 10th Dam: Glen Drummond SC Jo Beth (CAN EX-2E 7*) 11th Dam: Glen Drummond Matt Beth (CAN VG-85-3Y 4*) 12th Dam: Glen Drummond Marquis Beth (CAN VG) 13th Dam: Ferglynn Rag Apple Berta (CAN VG 3*)
Lot 23
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 Jemar-LLC Captain 731-ET 99%RHA-I Born: May 6, 2016 #731 GTPI +2293G
Bred 8/24/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
Aprday-F 779 Captain-Red-ET 3012503618 tp tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2352g pta +169M +64f +25P 78%R 8/2017 pta +613NM +.21%F +.07%P 100%us pta +6.7PL 2.79scs +1.8dpr 7.3%dce pta +1.43T +1.82udc +.13flc 77%r 8/2017
Josey-LLC Jabir Sabino-ET 73615354 rc tl td G-77 +GFGG 2-07 2-03 3 305 23980 4.8 1143 3.4 810
Lot 24 Bred 8/25/2017 to Josey-LLC Seaver-Red-ET 3134167053 551H3498 Sexed semen
2-03 3 305 23980 4.8 1143 3.4 810
April-Day a Comtessa-eT 71878764 rc 50K gtpi +2013g
Coyne-Farms Jibir-ET 70801850 tr tp tl ty td 140K gtpi +2260G Dymentholm Sun Soiree-red-et 11425896c VG-85 V+++V 3-03
Josey-LLC Captain 734-ET 3134167063 rc tl td
Aprday-F 779 Captain-Red-ET 3012503618 tp tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2352g pta +169M +64f +25P 78%R 8/2017 pta +613NM +.21%F +.07%P 100%us pta +6.7PL 2.79scs +1.8dpr 7.3%dce pta +1.43T +1.82udc +.13flc 77%r 8/2017
Josey-LLC Jabir Sabino-ET 73615354 rc tl td G-77 +GFGG 2-07
K-manor Epic Save-ET 70957183 tc tp tv tl ty td VG-88 VEVV 3-08 50k gtpi +2217g pta +1.07t +1.35udc +.82flc 94%R 8/2017
100%RHA Born: May 15, 2016 gtpi +2191g
K-manor Epic Save-ET 70957183 tc tp tv tl ty td VG-88 VEVV 3-08 50k gtpi +2217g pta +1.07t +1.35udc +.82flc 94%R 8/2017 April-Day a Comtessa-eT 71878764 rc 50K gtpi +2013g
Coyne-Farms Jibir-ET 70801850 tr tp tl ty td 140K gtpi +2260G Dymentholm Sun Soiree-red-et 11425896c VG-85 V+++V 3-03
3rd Dam: Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) 2-02 2 365 29990 4.5 1351 3.0 904 4th Dam: Gen-I-Beq Boldton Silence-ETS (CAN VG-85 2Y) 2-04 2 365 29107 4.1 1184 3.5 1027 5th Dam: Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret-ET *RC (CAN VG-87-2Y 4*) 5-05 2 365 30573 4.5 1389 3.4 1038 Voted Red Impact Cow of the Year ‘11 6th Dam: Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry (CAN VG-87-5Y 7*) 5-02 2 365 40036 3.9 1574 3.2 1268 7th Dam: Glen Drummond Splendor (CAN VG-86-2Y 36*) 4-10 2 314 26510 4.2 1124 3.2 840 8th Dam: Glen Drummond Aero Flower (CAN VG-88-3Y 18*) 9th Dam: Glen Drummond Shower-ET (CAN EX 14*) 10th Dam: Glen Drummond SC Jo Beth (CAN EX-2E 7*) 11th Dam: Glen Drummond Matt Beth (CAN VG-85-3Y 4*) 12th Dam: Glen Drummond Marquis Beth (CAN VG) 13th Dam: Ferglynn Rag Apple Berta (CAN VG 3*) 3rd Dam: Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) 2-02 2 365 29990 4.5 1351 3.0 904 4th Dam: Gen-I-Beq Boldton Silence-ETS (CAN VG-85 2Y) 2-04 2 365 29107 4.1 1184 3.5 1027 5th Dam: Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret-ET *RC (CAN VG-87-2Y 4*) 5-05 2 365 30573 4.5 1389 3.4 1038 Voted Red Impact Cow of the Year ‘11 6th Dam: Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry (CAN VG-87-5Y 7*) 5-02 2 365 40036 3.9 1574 3.2 1268 7th Dam: Glen Drummond Splendor (CAN VG-86-2Y 36*) 4-10 2 314 26510 4.2 1124 3.2 840 8th Dam: Glen Drummond Aero Flower (CAN VG-88-3Y 18*) 9th Dam: Glen Drummond Shower-ET (CAN EX 14*) 10th Dam: Glen Drummond SC Jo Beth (CAN EX-2E 7*) 11th Dam: Glen Drummond Matt Beth (CAN VG-85-3Y 4*) 12th Dam: Glen Drummond Marquis Beth (CAN VG) 13th Dam: Ferglynn Rag Apple Berta (CAN VG 3*)
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Lot 26
Lazy-Acres Modesty 2890-ET 3140924483 TV (Pending)
100%RHA Born: July 11, 2017 Preliminary Genomic Info: GTPI +2785g +1572m 85f 56p 907NM +.10%f +.03%P 8.8PL 2.93scs 2.5dpr 4.0dce +2.24T +2.48udc +2.26flc 187FE +2.4FI 7.2%scs
Bush-Bros Freddie 3958 (GP-82 DOM) 2nd Dam of Lot 25 & 3rd Dam of Lot 26
Lot 25 Ronald Franck Newhall, IA 319/560-1507
Lazy-Acres Tuffnuff 2531-ET 74551047 CV (Pending)
100%RHA Born: March 6, 2015 #2531 GP-80 2-03 83-MS GTPI +2546 1033 DWP$ 203WT$ pta +1213M +59f +43P 79%r 8/2017 pta +752NM +.05%f +.02%P pta +8.9PL 2.58scs +2.5dpr 5.8%dce pta +1.29T +1.97udc +.04flc 79%R 8/2017
bacon-Hill Pety Modesty-ET 3013654627 tr tp tc tv tl ty td VG-86 VV++ 3-00 77K gtpi +2838g pta +1800M +91f +61P 79%R 8/2017 pta +957NM +.09%f +.02%P 100%us pta +7.9pl 3.04scs +2.6dpr 3.1%dce pta +2.10T +2.64udc +2.17flc 78%R Lazy-Acres Tuffnuff 2531-ET 74551047 (Pending)
Sells as Lot 25
Bred 3/5/17 to Melarry Josuper Frazzled-ET 74261651 7HO12788 Sexed semen
1-10 3 241 18783 4.0 748 2.9 551 (Inc) SCS 17
Co-Op Day Tuffenuff-et 71451770 99%rha-I Tv tl ty td GM 77K gtpi +2602g pta +2521M +75f +73P 98%R 8/2017 pta +786NM -.07%F -.01%P 93%us pta+5.6PL 2.69scs +.1dpr 6.9%dce pta +1.62t +1.92udc -.04flc 90%r 8/2017
Bush-Bros Maurice 4814-ET 71997917 98%rha-I cv VG-86 VVF+V 3-09 1-10 3 365 21456 3.0 644 2.9 623 3-00 3 292 27006 4.0 1084 3.2 851
Minnigan-Hills Day-ET 69774730 tc tv tl ty td gm 50K gtpi +2377g pta +1451M +39f +41P 99%r 8/2017 pta +1.83t +2.04udc +.67flc 99%R 8/2017 ms pride plnt tasket 788-ET 66943815 99%rha-I TY VG-86 VV++V 6-10
6-00 2 365 39830 3.6 1453 2.9 1173
Mountfield MSy maurice-et 69398748 tr tv tl ty td GM 50K gtpi +2408g pta +508M +66f +36p 99%R 8/2017
bush-Bros Freddie 3958 68666317 97%rha-I tr cv GP-82 V+VVG DOM 3-05
2-03 3 305 19900 4.7 937 3.4 669 3-02 3 331 31020 4.0 1247 3.3 1026 4-03 3 305 31680 3.5 1097 3.0 947
3rd Dam: Bush-Bros Lotto 33378 (NC) 5-09 3 305 38790 4.2 1610 3.1 1196 Life: 1793 175460 4.2 7407 3.2 5581
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Bomaz Lynch 2411 (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 5th Dam of Lot 27
Lot 27
Shea Dairy, Inc Eyota, MN 507/876-2039
Sheaola montana 5698-ET 3135261434
91%%RHA-I Born: October 9, 2016 13K gtpi +2746G pta +1804M +61f +63P 74%R 8/2017 pta +817NM -.02%F +.03%P pta +8.0PL 2.68scs +3.2dpr 5.6%dce pta +2.22T +2.23udc +1.94flc 74%R 8/2017
Donor Dam * Sells with Embryos Contracted* 5 MAS to Genetics Hokkaido, Japan 4 MAS to Genes Diffusion , France Contact Steve Berland with GenElite for Details IHG Montana-et 74414026 tr tp tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2753g pta +1388M +79F +54P 79%R 8/2017 pta +844NM +.10%f +.04%P 100%us pta +8.7PL 2.71scs +2.8dpr 5.3%dce pta +2.27t +2.48udc +1.47flc 79%R 8/2017 Bomaz Jacey 6245-ET 72952156 99%RHA-I ty VG-85 V+VV+ 3-05 9K gtpi +2476g pta +1361M +36f +56p 78%R 8/2017 pta +613NM -.05%F +.05%P pta +5.6PL 2.64scs +2.3dpr 6.2%dce pta +1.70T +1.27udc +1.82flc 80%R 8/2017 3-01 3 196 21010 3.6 750 2.9 606 (Inc)
Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 4-08 GM 140K gtpi +2773g pta +3074M +87f +91P 99%R 8/2017 Sullhrtford Nuno Ana 383-ET 71141901 tl ty td VG-87 VVVVV DOM 4-08 2-05 2 365 27570 3.9 1066 3.2 890
coyne-farms Jacey CRI-ET 70541519 99%RHA-I TV TL TY tD 50K gtpi +2435g pta +1584M +14f +56P 99%r 8/2017 bomaz robust 5545 71074575 99%rha-I VG-89 EEVVV GMD 4-07 50K gtpi +2423g 1-11 3 365 30380 3-02 3 323 36690 4-04 3 321 41260 LIFE 1048 110410
3.6 1083 3.9 1420 3.6 1483 3.7 4078
3.7 1138 3.8 1382 3.7 1537 3.8 4146
3rd Dam: Bomaz Planet 4917-ET (VG-87) 3-10 3 1008 107380 3.5 3767 3.5 3792 4th Dam: Bomaz Jet Stream 4319-ET (VG-88 GMD) 5-03 3 343 41680 4.3 1795 3.6 1482 Life: 1882 192450 4.1 7974 3.6 6867 5th Dam: Bomaz Lynch 2411 (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-01 3 365 44480 5.1 2267 3.6 1591 6th: Bomaz M-G Dolittle-1554-ET (VG-88 EX-MS) 2-11 3 365 38330 4.4 1689 3.3 1266 7th Dam: Bomaz Oscar Dowel-TW (VG-85 DOM) 2-00 3 365 34360 3.5 1198 2.9 981 8th Dam: Bomaz Promise Dancer (VG-88 EX-MS) 3-11 3 365 48720 3.7 1803 3.0 1438 Life: 1273 138060 3.6 5007 2.9 4025 9th Dam: Bomaz Cleitus Daisy-ET (VG-88 EX-MS DOM) 4-11 2 365 31920 4.1 1322 2.9 917 10th Dam: Bomaz Valiant Daphne (VG-88 EX-MS GMD DOM) 4-05 2 365 36740 4.0 1069 3.1 820 11th Dam: Bomaz Elevation Dawn (VG-85 GMD DOM) 5-03 2 365 36150 3.3 1182 2.9 1037 Life: 2485 174550 3.5 6137 3.0 3755 12th Dam: Green-Meadow Destiny Eckland (3E-90 GMD DOm) 6-04 2 332 19690 3.8 743 Life: 2718 137590 3.9 5399
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
EDG Magnus Prock 57309-ET (GP-82) Dam of Lot 28
Lot 28
S-S-I Montross Jedi-Et 3123886035 99%rha-I Tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-91 EEEEE 3-01 77K gtpi +2821g pta +2624M +76f +88P 80%r 8/2017 pta +888NM -.08Tf +.02%P 100%us pta +7.5PL 2.94scs +2.7dpr 4.1%dce pta +2.06t +1.71udc +1.35flc 79%r 8/2017
edg nagbys Oricj 57309-ET 3010356056 GP-82 GVGFV 3-04 9K gtpi +2533g pta +725M +45f +34P 80%r 8/2017 pta +735NM +.06%F +.04%P pta +8.8pl 2.52scs +3.9dpr 5.7%dce pta +.87t +2.07udc +.64flc 81%r 8/2017 2-05 3 305 24880 3.1 775 3.4 835
EDG Jedi Prock 7305-ET
99%RHA-I Born: August 3, 2016 #S827 GTPI +2596G PTA +1786M +63F +59P 75%R 8/2017 PTA +761NM -.01%F +.02%P PTA +7.4PL 2.79SCS +3.3DPR 5.01%DCE PTA +.94T +1.43UDC +.37FLC 75%R 8/2017 Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 4-08 GM 140K gtpi +2773g pta +3074M +87f +91P 99%R 8/2017 s-s-i Suprsire Miri 8679-ET 3011538078 99%rha-I TR TP TL TD VG-89 EEVVE DOM 4-05 140K gtpi +2637g 2-00 3 365 39810 3.5 1402 3.1 1234
regael altatoprock 69529159 tr tp tc tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2334g pta +1070M +32f +31P 98%R 8/2017 pta +1.42t +1.73udc +.81flc 96%R 8/2017 Srp magnus zo13699-ET 70609573 EX-90 EE+EV DOM 5-02 50K +2437G pta +870M +62f +49P 85%R 8/2017 pta +618NM +.11%F +.08%P pta +4.5PL 2.76scs +2.5dpr 6.4%dce pta +.84t +1.59udc -.28flc 87%R 8/2017 3-08 3 305 37570 3.8 1411 3.3 1251
3rd Dam: SRP Dorcy Zo12297-ET (GP-83 DOM) 4th: Windsor-Manor Z Orchid-ET (VG-86 DOM) 3-00 2 365 29190 3.9 1132 3.3 966 Sons in A.I. and embryos exported 5th: Windsor-Manor Rud Zip (4E-95 EEEEE 4E GMD DOM) 6-10 2 365 36650 4.2 1540 3.3 1214 Life: 2468 203770 4.2 8620 3.5 7225 13 Excellent Offspring by 10 sires: 2@ EX-93; 2 @ EX-92 & 2 @ EX-91 6th Dam: Windsor-Manor Jolt Zippy (3E-90 EX-MS DOM) 7-07 2 361 34090 3.7 1255 2.9 987 Life: 2559 194060 3.8 7368 3.2 6234 7th: Windsor-Manor Che Zipper-ET (GP-83 VG-MS-3Y) 5-03 2 365 36410 3.1 1127 2.8 1029 Life: 1846 167380 3.2 5368 2.9 4907 8th Dam: Windsor-Manor Star Zara (2E-91 EX-MS GMD) 6-01 2 365 41590 3.5 1453 3.2 1315 Life: 2421 204030 3.7 7450 3.3 6657 9th: Windsor-Manor Melvin Zebra (VG-85 VG-MS) 3-08 2 365 27820 3.8 1050 3.3 907 10th Dam: Del-Myr Tony Zadie (VG-87) 2-03 2 365 23600 3.5 835 3.4 797 11th: Big-Sinks Jerry Zinna Addie (VG-85) 3-01 2 365 22650 3.0 673 3.1 710 12th Dam: Big-Sinks Elevation Maym Zinna (2E-90 GMD) Life: 3508 241760 3.3 7868 13th Dam: Big-Sinks Bootmaker Ariel Maym (VG-85 GMD) 4-00 2 365 23510 3.5 812 14th Dam: Emperor Alice Ariel (VG-85 GMD) Life 2754 169080 3.6 6155
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
3rd Dam: Brigeen Outside Gigi (2E-90 GMD DOM) Dam of Lot 29 5-08 2 365 60160 4.2 2522 2.9 1766 1st ME Milk & 1st ME Fat Life: 1578 167080 4.0 6600 3.0 4949 4th Dam: Brigeen Aer Gwyneth Speek-NJ Detour 719-ET (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 3134167048 tr tl td 6-05 2 365 48150 3.3 1576 2.7 1280 99%RHA-I Born: November 10, 2016 #719 Life: 2094 219870 3.3 7288 2.7 5957 12K gtpi +2528g 5th Dam: Brigeen Integrity Gwen-ET pta +1088M +62f +38P 75%r 8/2017 (VG-86 GMD) 3-07 2 365 39520 3.8 1518 2.6 1027 pta +657NM +.08%F +.02%P Life 1478 122980 3.6 4368 2.7 3303 pta +6.1PL 2.79scs +1.3dpr +4.3%dce 6th Dam: Roylane Leadman Glory-ET pta +2.57t +2.78udc +1.62flc 75%R 8/2017 (VG-89 EX-MS GMD DOM) S-S-I Epic Midnight-ET 3009554689 2-00 2 365 30880 3.6 1127 2.9 893 ronelee midnight detour-et 73143748 tr tp tv tl ty td 7th Dam: Western-Cascade Mark Bella tc tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVE 5-00 50k gtpi +2556g (EX-91 GMD DOM) 140K gtpi +2686g 3-06 2 365 36360 3.7 1354 2.8 1022 pta +986M +56f +44P 99%R 8/2017 8th Dam: Western-Cascade Bell Glory pta +1305M +73f +50P 79%R 8/2017 (EX-90 2E GMD DOM) ronelee feeling fancy-et 142066386 pta +850NM +.09%F +.04%P 100%us 7-10 2 305 34840 3.3 1155 2.8 971 tl td pta +8.3PL 2.77scs +2.5dpr 5.9%dce Life 1525 139210 3.6 5018 2.9 4031 EX-90 EEEVE DOM 4-06 9K gtpi +2478g pta +1.73t +2.78udc +.91flc 78%R 8/2017 9th Dam: 2-04 3 305 27080 3.8 1018 3.0 800 Ricville Peachum Glory-OC (n/c) de-su Bkm mccutchen 1174-et 69990138 10th Dam: Echomont Citation Glory-OC Farnear-tbr-bH Georgia-et 71290949 99%rha-I tr tp tc tv tl ty td (VG-85) 99%RHA-I TV Tl ty td EX-93 EEEE 4-10 GM 50K gtpi +2355g 5-04 2 365 27720 3.8 1050 VG-88 EE++E Dom 4-07 9K gtpi +2409g pta +3.17T +2.34udc +2.06flc 99%r 8/2017 11th Dam: Walsterway Count Glory pta +902M +36f +32P 82%R 8/2017 (EX-90 3E) b-Enterprise Super Gigi-ET 69386235 pta +519NM +.01%f +.02%P 7-05 2 365 27110 4.4 1183 VG-88 EEE+V Gmd dom 5-08 3K gtpi +2045g Life 2829 153424 4.6 7029 pta +6.0PL 2.82scs +2.8dopr 4.4%dce 2-03 2 365 38600 3.3 1287 3.0 1146 pta +2.88t +2.15udc +2.15flc 84%R 8/2017 12th Dam: Walsterway Regius Gerry 4-02 2 350 41980 2.8 1187 2.8 1183 2-02 2 305 28000 4.3 1200 3.0 851 (EX-90) 5-03 3 305 40230 3.1 1255 2.7 1105 6-04 2 365 29820 4.9 1448 LIFE 1398 150580 3.2 4879 2.9 4423 Life 2844 162170 5.1 8264
Farnear-TBR-BH Georgia-ET (VG-88 EX-MS DOM)
Lot 29
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Don Bennink North Florida Holsteins
Lot 30
Lot 31
Hartford Solaris 708-ET 3134167037 tr tl td 99%RHA-I Born: November 10, 2016 #708 12K GTPI +2676G PTA +1065M +87F +50P 74%R 8/2017 PTA +866NM +.17%F +.06%P PTA +8.4PL 2.70SCS +.8DPR 4.4%DCE PTA +1.66T +1.89UDC +1.28FLC 75%R 8/2017
99-I%RHA Born: October 10, 2016 #717 12K gtpi +2564G pta +809M +82f +43P 74%r 8/2017 pta +766NM +.19%f +.07%P pta +6.7PL 2.71scs +1.1dpr 5.2%dce pta +1.34t +1.81udc +1.26flc 75%R 8/2017 Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 seagull-Bay-MJ Solaris-et 3124720360 tr tp TC tv tl ty td tc tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 6-06 GM 50K gtpi +2600g 140k gtpi +2561G pta +2101M +103F +66P 99%R 8/2017 pta +1269M +72f +51P 79%R 8/2017 seagull-Bay Alexa Three-ET 72156760 pta 816NM +.09%f +.05%P 100%us 99%rha-I tl td pta +8.0PL 2.76scs +1.5dpr 4.0%dce VG-85 +v++v 2-06 9K gtpi +2350g pta +1.02T +1.03udc +.45flc 79%R 8/2017 3-02 2 365 30380 4.0 1220 3.4 1023
abs silver 7645-ET 3128557645 99%RHA-I GP-83 VGG+V 2-05 13K gtpi +2570g pta +1621m +80f +43P 78%R 8/2017 pta +724NM +.07%F -.02%P pta +6.2PL 2.81scs +.5dpr 4.9%dce pta +2.11t +2.35udc +1.81flc 80%R 8/2017
seagull-Bay Silver-ET 72156794 tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2637g pta +1572M +91f +60P 96%r 8/2017
no-Fla Petrone May 35114-ET 3011527063 99%rha-I GP-83 V+V++ 3-02 77K GTPI +2463g pta +928M +54f +25P 83%r 8/2017 pta +627NM +.07%F -.01%P pta +5.9PL 2.92scs +4.0dpr 4.9%dce pta +1.78t +1.82udc +1.17flc 83%R 8/2017 2-11 2 305 21610 4.6 990 3.2 698
3rd Dam: No-Fla Kid Ceilidh 29431 (VG-86 DOM) 4-05 3 351 31660 3.2 1008 3.1 967 4th Dam: No-Fla Jet Stream 25474-ET (NC) 3-04 3 301 21260 4.1 865 3.5 753 5th Dam: No-Fla Justice Heidi-ET (VG-87) 4-05 3 310 23220 3.8 875 3.3 764 Life: 1505 124080 3.7 4530 3.2 3920 6th Dam: No-Fla Rudolph Hillary-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) 5-05 3 305 31550 3.4 1069 3.0 952 Life: 1559 138980 3.2 4430 3.0 4137 7th Dam: No-Fla Blackstar Haven-ET (GP-83 DOM) 3-00 3 349 26640 3.8 1022 3.1 837 8th Dam: No-Fla Memorial Haven-ET (VG-86 GMD DOM) 4-05 3 305 32430 4.7 1508 2.7 868 Life: 1702 143690 3.7 5385 2.8 4066 9th: Bennick Apollo Rocket Hominy (VG-87 DOM) 5-01 2 305 26460 2.7 726 Life: 1453 104210 3.1 3270 10th Dam: Bennink Ivan Star Holly (VG-85 DOM) 5-02 2 305 18700 4.3 811 11th Dam: Imperial Wayne Hallie (VG-86) 10-05 2 305 17040 4.2 716
Lot 32
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 Hartford Detour 779 7645-ET 3134167108
99%RHA-I Born: September 2, 2016 #779 13K gtpi +2615g pta +1384M +66f +35p 74%R 8/2017 pta +775NM +.05%F -.03%P pta +8.6PL 2.79scs +3.1dpr 5.4%dce pta +1.99t +2.85udc +1.16flc 74%R 8/2017 ronelee midnight detour-et 73143748 tc tv tl ty td 140K gtpi +2686g pta +1305M +73f +50P 79%R 8/2017 pta +850NM +.09%F +.04%P 100%us pta +8.3PL 2.77scs +2.5dpr 5.9%dce pta +1.73t +2.78udc +.91flc 78%R 8/2017
abs silver 7645-ET 3128557645 99%RHA-I GP-83 VGG+V 2-05 13K gtpi +2570g pta +1621m +80f +43P 78%R 8/2017 pta +724NM +.07%F -.02%P pta +6.2PL 2.81scs +.5dpr 4.9%dce pta +2.11t +2.35udc +1.81flc 80%R 8/2017
S-S-I Epic Midnight-ET 3009554689 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVE 5-00 50k gtpi +2556g pta +986M +56f +44P 99%R 8/2017 ronelee feeling fancy-et 142066386 tl td EX-90 EEEVE DOM 4-06 9K gtpi +2478g 2-04 3 305 27080 3.8 1018 3.0 800
seagull-Bay Silver-ET 72156794 tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2637g pta +1572M +91f +60P 96%r 8/2017 no-Fla Petrone May 35114-ET 3011527063 99%rha-I GP-83 V+V++ 3-02 77K GTPI +2463g pta +928M +54f +25P 83%r 8/2017 pta +627NM +.07%F -.01%P pta +5.9PL 2.92scs +4.0dpr 4.9%dce pta +1.78t +1.82udc +1.17flc 83%R 8/2017 2-11 2 305 21610 4.6 990 3.2 698
Lot 33
3rd Dam: No-Fla Kid Ceilidh 29431 (VG-86 DOM) 4-05 3 351 31660 3.2 1008 3.1 967 4th Dam: No-Fla Jet Stream 25474-ET (NC) 3-04 3 301 21260 4.1 865 3.5 753 5th Dam: No-Fla Justice Heidi-ET (VG-87) 4-05 3 310 23220 3.8 875 3.3 764 Life: 1505 124080 3.7 4530 3.2 3920 6th Dam: No-Fla Rudolph Hillary-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) 5-05 3 305 31550 3.4 1069 3.0 952 Life: 1559 138980 3.2 4430 3.0 4137 7th Dam: No-Fla Blackstar Haven-ET (GP-83 DOM) 3-00 3 349 26640 3.8 1022 3.1 837 8th Dam: No-Fla Memorial Haven-ET (VG-86 GMD DOM) 4-05 3 305 32430 4.7 1508 2.7 868 Life: 1702 143690 3.7 5385 2.8 4066 9th: Bennick Apollo Rocket Hominy (VG-87 DOM) 5-01 2 305 26460 2.7 726 Life: 1453 104210 3.1 3270 10th Dam: Bennink Ivan Star Holly (VG-85 DOM) 5-02 2 305 18700 4.3 811 11th Dam: Imperial Wayne Hallie (VG-86) 10-05 2 305 17040 4.2 716
Hartford Afterburne 730-ET 3134167059 99%RH-IA Born: August 15, 2016 #730 30K gtpi +2512g pta +929M +76f +43P 74%R 8/2017 pta +679NM +.15%F +.05%P pta +5.8PL 2.83scs +.3dpr 4.6%dce pta +2.01T +1.78udc +1.63flc 73%R 8/2017
Sandy-Valley Afterburner-eT 3014561903 tr tp tv tl ty td 77k gtpi +2511g pta +712M +59f +42P 79%R 8/2017 pta +661NM +.12%F +.08%P 100%us pta +6.6PL 2.71scs +2.3dpr 4.9%dce pta +1.80T +1.34udc +1.69flc 77%R 8/2017
abs silver 7645-ET 3128557645 99%RHA-I GP-83 VGG+V 2-05 13K gtpi +2570g pta +1621m +80f +43P 78%R 8/2017 pta +724NM +.07%F -.02%P pta +6.2PL 2.81scs +.5dpr 4.9%dce pta +2.11t +2.35udc +1.81flc 80%R 8/2017
vieuxsaule flame-ET 71699265 tr tp tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2318g pta +2.01t +1.56udc +1.86flc 95%R 8/2017 sandy-Valley mogul amery-eT 70811823 NC 50k gtpi +2295g seagull-Bay Silver-ET 72156794 tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2637g pta +1572M +91f +60P 96%r 8/2017 no-Fla Petrone May 35114-ET 3011527063 99%rha-I GP-83 V+V++ 3-02 77K GTPI +2463g pta +928M +54f +25P 83%r 8/2017 pta +627NM +.07%F -.01%P pta +5.9PL 2.92scs +4.0dpr 4.9%dce pta +1.78t +1.82udc +1.17flc 83%R 8/2017 2-11 2 305 21610 4.6 990 3.2 698
3rd Dam: No-Fla Kid Ceilidh 29431 (VG-86 DOM) 4-05 3 351 31660 3.2 1008 3.1 967 4th Dam: No-Fla Jet Stream 25474-ET (NC) 3-04 3 301 21260 4.1 865 3.5 753 5th Dam: No-Fla Justice Heidi-ET (VG-87) 4-05 3 310 23220 3.8 875 3.3 764 Life: 1505 124080 3.7 4530 3.2 3920 6th Dam: No-Fla Rudolph Hillary-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) 5-05 3 305 31550 3.4 1069 3.0 952 Life: 1559 138980 3.2 4430 3.0 4137 7th Dam: No-Fla Blackstar Haven-ET (GP-83 DOM) 3-00 3 349 26640 3.8 1022 3.1 837 8th Dam: No-Fla Memorial Haven-ET (VG-86 GMD DOM) 4-05 3 305 32430 4.7 1508 2.7 868 Life: 1702 143690 3.7 5385 2.8 4066 9th: Bennick Apollo Rocket Hominy (VG-87 DOM) 5-01 2 305 26460 2.7 726 Life: 1453 104210 3.1 3270 10th Dam: Bennink Ivan Star Holly (VG-85 DOM) 5-02 2 305 18700 4.3 811 11th Dam: Imperial Wayne Hallie (VG-86) 10-05 2 305 17040 4.2 716
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Jas-K Guthrie Thea-Red (EX-90) Full Sister to 2nd Dam of Lot 34
Jas-K Guthrie Tart-Red-ET (EX-90) Full Sister to 2nd Dam of Lot 34
Lot 34
endco montross tia-red 143699181 tr tl td
Bred 6/28/2017 to S-S-I Modesty Magictouch-ET 3131003438 507H13607 Sexed semen - Pregnant
99%RHA-I Born: March 1, 2014 12K gtpi +2604g pta +1562M +87f +61P 78%r 8/2017 pta +769NM +.10%F +.05%P pta +5.2PL 2.89scs +1.4dpr 5.4%dce pta +1.58t +1.87udc +.67flc 77%R 8/2017 Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr TP tv tl ty td Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2504G tr tp tc tv tl ty td pta +1220M +79f +40P 99%R 8/2017 3rd Dam: EX-92 EEVE 4-08 GM 140K gtpi +2773g pta +2.22t +3.08udc +2.35flc 99%R 8/2017 Vande Shot Tiffany-Red-ET pta +3074M +87f +91P 99%R 8/2017 (VG-88) pta +843NM -.09%F -.01%P 97%us Unique-Style Bolto Money 139121711 4-03 2 267 21830 4.7 1024 3.1 678 pta +5.2PL 3.05scs +1.0dpr 4.7%dce tm tv tl ty 4th Dam: pta +2.09T +2.48udc +1.42flc 98%R 8/2017 EX-93 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 7-08
Vande Mutant Logan-Red (VG-88) 4-04 2 365 28930 3.7 1084 3.1 906 Pine-Tree Altaoak-et 69169951 99%rha-I Life: 2234 146460 3.9 5669 3.2 4726 tr tp tc tv tl ty td 5th Dam: 50K gtpi +2369g Voight-Acres Laurier Linda (VG-87) pta 1931m +64f +54P 99%R 8/2017 5-08 2 365 31970 4.3 1372 3.3 1040 Life: 2108 127360 4.2 5308 3.5 4423 jas-K Guth Treasure-Red-ET 70309488 6th Dam: EX-90 EVEVE 5-01 50k gtpi +1913g Voight-Acres Rudolph Indy 2-00 3 365 22000 4.8 1050 3.2 715 (VG-88) 4-08 2 295 22710 4.2 947 3.3 743 4-10 2 365 31300 3.2 1014 3.0 929 Full Sisters: Jas-K Guthrie Thea-Red-ET (EX-90) Life: 1984 157740 3.2 5056 3.0 4673 Jas-K Guthrie Tart-Red-ET (EX-90)
3-01 3 365 38430 4.2 1614 3.2 1247
Pine-Tree 685OAK6105-Red-ET 72954204 99%rha-I tl td GP-83 +V+GV 3-05 9K gtpi +2312g pta +112M +51f +17P 80%R 8/2017 pta +577NM +.17%f +.05%P pta +6.9PL 2.60scs +1.9dpr 5.5%dce pta +1.21t +1.78udc +.71flc 81%r 8/2017
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Dorsland Tyla-P-Red-ET (VG-87 VVVVV 2-09) Dam of Lots 35 & 36
Lot 35
forward trillium p-red-et 3135923138 tr po tl td
100%RHA Born: January 13, 2016 #406 edg rubicon-et 72128125 tc tv tl ty td 12K gtpi +2479g pta +583M +99f +45p 77%R 8/2017 gm 77K gtpi +2723g pta +671MN +.28%F +.10%P pta +1243M +107f +48P 96%R 8/2017 pta +3.5PL 3.11scs +.5dpr 5.2%dce pta +864NM +.22%F +.04%P 100%us pta +1.86T +.99udc +1.06flc 77%R 8/2017 pta +6.9pl 2.91scs +2.1dpr 4.2%dce (Rubicon x tyla P-Red) pta +1.75t +1.44udc +2.30flc 93%R 8/2017
Lot 36 Bred 6/28/2017 to S-S-I Modesty Magictouch-ET 3131003438 507H13607 Sexed semen woodcrest mogul yoder-et 72254526 tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-90 EVEV 4-05 GM 77LK gtpi +2710g pta +1235M +101F +49P 98%R 8/2017pta +866NM +.19%F +.04%P 100%us pta +6.7PL 2.98scs +1.7dpr 3.9%dce pta +1.82t +2.13udc +1.64flc 95%R 8/2017
dorsland tyla p-red-et 3012319716 dr1 po tl td VG-87 VVVVV 2-09 9K gtpi +2019g
Bred 6/17/2017 to Wa-Del ABS Bourbon-ET 3014558977 29H17944 Sexed semen
dorsland tyra P-Red-eT 3124940413 tr dr1 po tl td
100%RHA Born: June 19, 2015 #379 12K gtpi +2349g pta +615M +67f +42P 77%R 8*2017 pta +544NM +.16%F +.08%P pta +3.1pl 3.05scs -.1dpr 5.3%dce pta +1.50t +1.77udc +1.25flc 77%R 8/2017 3rd Dam: Vande Shot Tiffany-Red-ET (Yoder x Tyla p-Red)
da-so-burn Mom Earnhardt P 68972328 tr po tv tl ty td VG-86 VVV+ 2-05 50k gtpi +2000g pta +1168M +33f +57P 99%R 8/2017 Jas-k guthrie tart-red-et 3008952241 dr1 EX-90 EEEVE 5-00 50K gtpi +1979g 2-00 2 365 23620 4.7 1121 3.6 853 4-07 2 273 21720 4.1 882 3.2 698
(VG-88) 4-03 2 267 21830 4.7 1024 3.1 678 4th Dam: Vande Mutant Logan-Red (VG-88) 4-04 2 365 28930 3.7 1084 3.1 906 Life: 2234 146460 3.9 5669 3.2 4726 5th Dam: Voight-Acres Laurier Linda (VG-87) 5-08 2 365 31970 4.3 1372 3.3 1040 Life: 2108 127360 4.2 5308 3.5 4423 6th Dam: Voight-Acres Rudolph Indy (VG-88) 4-10 2 365 31300 3.2 1014 3.0 929 Life: 1984 157740 3.2 5056 3.0 4673
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3rd Dam: MD-Valleyvue GW Christen-ET *RC (VG-87) Dam of Lots 37 & 38 4-00 3 305 26920 4.4 1176 3.0 816 4th Dam: MD-Valleyvue Chris-Red-ET Seagull-Bay Mdsty800 Kim-ET (EX-90 DOM) 2-02 2 365 35600 3.8 1335 3.0 1055 3134167129 tr tp tc tl td 5th Dam: 100%RHA Born: February 26, 2017 #800 Oconnors Monet Clara Red-ET 14K gtpi +2612g pta +825M +64f +39P 75%r 8/2017 (EX-92 EX-MS) pta +765NM +.12%F +.05%P 5-09 2 365 40700 3.0 1236 2.9 1179 pta +7.7PL 2.92scs +3.2dpr 4.0%dce 6th Dam: Scientific Cherry Rae-Red pta +1.91t +2.59udc +1.36flc 75%R 8/2017 (CAN VG-86) 6-05 2 365 36303 4.8 1739 3.7 1336 Seagull-Bay MDSty799 Kim-ET 7th Dam: Scientific Jubilant Rae-ET (EX-90 DOM) 3134167128 tr tp tc tl td 5-11 2 365 38880 4.1 1608 3.4 1329 100%RHA Born: 2/26/2017 #799 Life: 1394 117590 4.0 4707 3.4 4018 14K gtpi +2534g 8th Dam: C Hanoverhill Tony Rae pta +546m +76f +37p 75%R 8/2017 pta +723NM +.20%F +.07%P (3E-96 GMD DOM 5*) pta +5.8PL 2.89scs +1.8dpr 4.8%dce 6-11 3 365 40221 4.1 1660 3.5 1408 pta +1.76t +1.87udc +1.89flc 75%R 8/2017 HM All-American Jr. 2-Year-Old ‘88 siemers mogul pety 3010660326 Nom. All-American 5-Year-Old ‘91 tr tc tv tl ty td bacon-Hill Pety Modesty-ET 3013654627 9 EX Daughters EX-90 EVEE 4-09 50k gtpi +2414g Nom. All-American ‘88 & ‘91 tr tp tc tv tl ty td 9th Dam: Hanoverhill TT Roxette-ET pta +1201m +48f +41P 98%R 8/2017 VG-86 VV++ 3-00 77K gtpi +2838g (2E-94 GMD DOM) pta +1800M +91f +61P 79%R 8/2017 10-00 3 365 35040 4.3 1519 3.2 1129 bacon-Hill suprs modesty-et pta +957NM +.09%f +.02%P 100%us 10th Dam: Mil-R-Mor Roxette 3010945893 pta +7.9pl 3.04scs +2.6dpr 3.1%dce (EX-90 GMD DOM) VG-85 +v+vv DOM 2-06 50k gtpi +2498 pta +2.10T +2.64udc +2.17flc 78%R 8/2017 7-01 2 365 24530 4.7 1153 pta +2327m +71f +64P 84%R 8/2017 21 EX Progeny Canada’s 1st 30* Amighetti Numero-Uno-ET 11th Dam: C Glenridge Citation Roxy Md-Valleyvue Nuno Kim-ET 71500120 17990915143ita tv tl ty td (4E-97 EX-MS GMD) rc po tl td GM 50K gtpi +2363g 5-06 2 365 21308 5.1 1086 pta +2.18t +2.31udc +.78flc 99%R 8/2017 VG-87 VV+VE 3-03 77k gtpi +2306g 2X Queen of the Breed! pta -471M +45f +8P 84%R 8/2017 md-Valleyvue LB Kara-Red-ET 66463057 PO 12th Dam: Norton Court Model (CAN EX-90 GMD 6*) pta +530NM +.24%f +.08%P EX-92 EEEEE 8-08 Life: 218636 3.9 8581 pta +7.1PL 2.68scs +1.9dpr 6.1%dce 2-02 2 365 26350 4.3 1141 3.4 889 13th: Norton Court Reflection Val pta +1.70T +2.28udc +1.15flc 86%R 8/2017 4-07 2 365 27960 4.7 1306 3.3 934 (VG 5*) 6-06 2 365 37750 4.0 1523 3.2 1197 2-01 3 308 23030 4.9 1123 3.3 760 Life: 249580 3.7 9295 LIFE 1588 129100 4.3 5613 3.4 4383
MD-Valleyvue Nuno Kim-ET (VG-87 EX-MS)
Lot 37
Lot 38
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Sandy-Valley Magna Toni-ET (EX-91 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3rd Dam of Lot 39
Lot 39 Bred 8/24/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
Eclipse Atwoods Archrival-eT 1786521aus 77k gtpi +1916g pta -68m +20f -2p 78%R 8/2017 pta +108NM +.09%F +.00%P 100%us pta +1.1PL 2.88scs -2.5dpr 7.8%dce pta +3.60t +2.56udc +2.31flc 78%R 8/2017
duckett Durham Taffy-ET 72367020 NC
Duckett Archrival taffy 3137052995 100%RHA Born: May 7, 2016 #534
maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379c TR TP TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 50K GTPI +1870g pta +3.55T +2.39udc +2.60flc 99%R 8/2017 anya-et 1402793646deu 50k gtpi +1680 Shottle x VG-89 EX-MS Champion
REGANCREST ELTON DURHAM-ET 2250783 TR CV TL EX-90 EEEV 7-06 GM HD GTPI +1490g pta +1.43t +1.14udc +1.40flc 99%R 8/2017 sandy-Valley Gold Tangia-ET 63114767 EX-94 EEEEE 2E 6-01 2-02 2 364 29590 4-10 2 299 24150 5-10 2 365 35130 LIFE 1269 102030
4.4 1305 4.1 988 4.2 1492 4.3 4382
3.0 883 3.1 757 3.1 1104 3.2 3229
3rd Dam: Sandy-Valley Magna Toni-ET (EX-91 EX-MS GMD DOM) 4-01 2 365 42330 4.0 1687 3.3 1418 4th Dam: Ricecrest Terry Tory-ET (2E-93 EX-MS GMD DOM) 6-06 2 365 28840 3.9 1905 3.0 1460 Life: 1443 154650 3.9 5991 3.3 5030 5th Dam: Ricecrest Luke Lisa-ET (4E-92 EX-MS GMD DOM) 6-07 2 365 36320 4.0 1440 3.4 1219 Life: 2826 220460 3.9 8691 3.4 7511 6th: Ricecrest Southwind Amy-ET (GP-84 VG-MS GMD DOM) 3-11 2 365 35170 3.5 1224 3.2 1114 Life: 1348 117100 3.6 4170 3.3 3828 7th: Ricecrest Ned Boy Noreen-ET (2E-91 EEEE GMD DOM) 7-04 2 365 35260 4.2 1489 3.2 1116 Life: 2636 172940 4.2 7338 3.4 5810 8th Dam: Ricecrest Jemini Jayanna (VG-87 VG-MS DOM) 10-02 2 365 32070 4.1 1323 3.0 966 Life: 2962 210730 4.0 8395 3.1 6550 9th Dam: Ricecrest Elevation Ella (VG-86 VG-MS DOM) 7-08 2 365 25010 3.5 871 3.0 740 Life: 2456 153140 3.6 5460 3.1 4266 10th Dam: Terracelane Ideal Star (VG-88 VVEV DOM) 7-08 2 365 26990 3.9 1045 Life: 207856 3.7 7338
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Richmond-FD Pompey-ET (EX-91 EX-MS DoM) 3rd Dam of Lot 40
Lot 40 Larry Lexvold Goodhue, MN 651/380-2762
Lexvold suprshot Petunia-et 3130395132 tr tl td
99%RHA-I Born: September 18, 2015 #3030 40K gtpi +2506g pta +1175M +26f +31P 78%R 8/2017 pta +653NM -.06%f -.02%P pta +9.7pl 2.53scs +3.7dpr 5.3%dce pta +2.25t +2.42udc +1.39flc 78%R 8/2017
Cogent Supershot 755898903Nld tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2473g pta +1963M +45f +60P 96%R 8/2017 pta +694NM -.10%f +.00%P 78%us pta +7.9PL 2.74scs +2.7dpr 4.7%dce pta +1.18t +.78udc +.54flc 94%r 8/2017
butlerview uno peony-et 3012571681 99%rha-I tr tp tl ty td GP-82 +G+GV 2-07 77k gtpi +2356g pta +244m +23f +15p 82%R 8/2017 pta +546nm +.05%F +.03%P pta +8.9pl 2.54scs +2.9dpr 6.9%dce pta +2.01t +2.35udc +1.38flc 82%R 8/2017
Bred 12/21/2016 to Fustead Tango Lylas-ET 71483449 7H12597 Ultrasound female
Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 tr tp TC tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 6-06 GM 50K gtpi +2600g pta +2101M +103F +66P 99%R 8/2017 pta +.96t +.68udc +.02FLC 99%r 8/2017 Rose Superclass 536745399deu VG-85 VVG++ 3-00 3K GTPI +2040G Amighetti Numero-Uno-ET 17990915143ita tv tl ty td GM 50K gtpi +2363g pta +2.18t +2.31udc +.78flc 99%R 8/2017 butlerview Colt Pixie-et 71016206 99%rha-I rc pc EX-91 VVEEE 5-04 2-02 2 305 23230 4.2 970 3.2 745
3rd Dam: Richmond-FD Pompey-ET (EX-91 EX-MS DOM) 3-10 3 305 30050 4.3 1282 3.1 938 4th Dam: Richmond-FD Ramos Poppy (2E-91 EX-MS) 3-04 3 365 36110 4.1 1489 3.3 1194 Life: 1302 112980 4.1 4625 3.4 3815 5th Dam: Richmond-FD Poppins (VG-85) 3-08 3 365 42190 3.3 1406 3.1 1287 Life: 1508 138930 3.4 4752 3.1 4264
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Sandy-Valley Nu Precious-ET (VG-88 EX-MS DOM) 2nd Dam of Lot 41
Pine-Tree Monica Planeta-ET (VG-86 DOM) 3rd Dam of Lot 41
Lot 41 Bred 8/28/2017 to Leaninghouse Big Bubba-ET 3131992850 507H12940 Sexed semen
Sandy-Valley md Waikiki-et 3134691574
99%RHA-I Born: April 18, 2016 #6051 140k gtpi +2687g pta +458m +69f +38P 76%R 8/2017 pta +805NM +.19%F +.09%P pta +8.5PL 2.77scs +2.3dpr 3.7%dce pta +2.52T +2.78udc +1.77flc 75%R 8/2017
bacon-Hill Pety Modesty-ET 3013654627 tr tp tc tv tl ty td VG-86 VV++ 3-00 77K gtpi +2838g pta +1800M +91f +61P 79%R 8/2017 pta +957NM +.09%f +.02%P 100%us pta +7.9pl 3.04scs +2.6dpr 3.1%dce pta +2.10T +2.64udc +2.17flc 78%R 8/2017
Sandy-Valley BL Paradise-et 72471723 99%rha-I VG-86 VEV+V 2-10 77K gtpi +2514g pta -295M +82f +33P 82%R 8/2017 pta +677NM +.35%f +.16%P pta +6.5PL 2.62scs +.3dpr 5.1%dce pta +2.38t +1.74udc +1.18flc 82%R 8/2017
siemers mogul pety 3010660326 tr tc tv tl ty td EX-90 EVEE 4-09 50k gtpi +2414g bacon-Hill suprs modesty-et 3010945893 VG-85 +v+vv DOM 2-06 50k gtpi +2498 pta +2327m +71f +64P 84%R 8/2017 De-Su 11236 Balisto-ET 70625988 99%RHA-I tc tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2498g sandy-Valley Nu Precious-et 70811744 VG-88 VVEVE DOM 3-02 50K gtpi +2328g pta +79M +47f +13P 86%R 8/2017 pta +545NM +.16%f +.04%P pta +7.5PL +2.75scs +1.7dpr 5.5%dce pta +2.09t +1.03udc +1.54flc 98%R 8/2017 2-07 2 365 29990 4.7 1414 3.5 1039 3-11 2 305 30370 4.4 1326 3.3 1002
3rd Dam: Pine-Tree Monica Planeta-ET (VG-86 DOM) 2-01 2 365 30680 3.7 1146 3.6 1112 4th Dam: Pine-Tree Monica Suela-ET (VG-87 DOM) 1-11 3 305 27630 3.4 935 3.4 927 5th Dam: Pine-Tree MIssy Monica-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 4-11 3 305 36010 3.5 1248 3.1 1103 Life: 1353 132320 3.6 4827 3.3 4307 4th Dam: Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET (3E-92 DOM) 4-11 3x 365d 40880 4.1 1665 3.2 1308 Life: 1262d 119610 4.1 4885 3.2 3804 5th Dam: Wesswood Elton Mimi (EX-90 GMD DOM) 3-05 2 365 35380 3.3 1160 3.2 1121 6th Dam: Wesswood Mandingo Ivy (VG-87) 6-05 2 365 36330 3.6 1305 3.0 1087 Life: 1835 144060 3.4 4933 3.1 4412 7th Dam: Wesswood Astro Matt Esther (VG-87 GMD DOM) 6-08 2 365 31860 3.5 1125 3.1 982 Life: 1847 140110 3.6 5029 3.2 4424 8th Dam: Wesswood Bell Claudette (VG-87 GMD DOM) 9-10 2 365 38810 3.6 1383 2.9 1140 Life: 3634 280980 3.6 9997 3.1 8625
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Beyercrest Fiona-ET (2E-90 DOM) 2nd Dam of Lot 42
Lot 42
schoene-Kuh b felicity 143499790 tr tl td
Staci Sexton Zumbro Falls, MN 651/564-0857
100%RHA Born: August 30, 2015 #1455 12K GtpI +2328g pta +1124M +41f +35P 78%R 8/2017 pta +584NM +.00%f +.00%P pta +7.4PL 2.55scs +1.1dpr 4.3%dce pta +1.30t +.92udc +.65flc 78%R 8/2017
richmond-fd el bombero-et 71637328 tr tp tv tl ty td 50k gtpi +2543g pta +1505m +62f +35P 99%R 8/2017 pta +693nm +.02%f -.04%P 81%us pta +7.8pl 2.52scs +2.9dpr 4.0%dce pta +1.91t +1.94udc +.30flc 98%R 8/2017
Amighetti Numero-Uno-ET 17990915143ita tv tl ty td GM 50K gtpi +2363g pta +2.18t +2.31udc +.78flc 99%R 8/2017 richmond-fd s barbara-ET 69305043 ty EX-90 EVVVE DOM 6-06 2-04 3 365 33460 4.2 1401 3.0 1002
ecoyne isy 5008238457fra ty 50k gtpi +2048g pta +142M +17f +21P 99%R 8/2017 Blue-Horizon Isy flower-et 142068276 GP-82 +++++ 4-03 9k gtpi +18900g 1-11 2 329 18470 4.6 849 3.4 631 3-00 2 329 24990 4.7 1186 3.3 827
beyercrest Fiona-ET 62959969 EX-90 EEVEV 2E DOM 7-01
2-02 2 365 34470 4-04 2 305 31130 7-00 2 290 36140 8-09 2 249 25760 LIFE 1521 146870
4.8 1641 4.5 1394 4.1 1476 4.2 1079 4.4 6527
Region 6 Elite Performer 28
3.2 1086 3.0 947 3.3 1199 3.0 763 3.2 4677
Sells Fresh Due 9/14/2017
3rd Dam: Beyercrest Janine-ET (VG-87 VG-MS DOM) 4-10 3 365 41020 4.6 1867 3.5 1438 Life: 1600 134550 4.6 6225 3.5 4643 4th Dam: Beyercrest Jimtown Jilia -ET (VG-89 EEEV GMD DOM) 2-02 2 365 33900 3.8 1283 3.3 1134 5-05 2 365 32010 4.0 1295 3.1 996 5th: Rock-Willis Elton Dasher-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 5-07 2 255 25710 5.3 1357 3.1 808 6th Dam: Rock-Willis Ned Boy Dandy (VG-86 GMD DOM) 5-10 2 365 34010 5.4 1825 3.3 1127 7th Dam: Rock-Willis Valiant Delite (VG-85 GMD DOM) 5-00 2 365 41830 4.1 1707 3.2 1327 Life: 1280 106090 3.8 4057 3.5 3758
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Stoneden Fools Gold-Red-ET (CAN VG-88 3Y 6*) 3rd Dam of Lot 43
Lot 43
To-Mar Bradnick Giselle-et 143507422 tl td
100%RHA Born: September 1, 2015 #W772 12K gtpi +2027g
Regancrest-GV S Bradnick-ET 66625940 tr tv tl ty td EX-95 EEEE 5-09 50K gtpi +1882g pta +819M -24f +13P 99%R 8/2017 pta +143NM -.20%F -.04%P 54%us pta +3.3PL 3.12scs -2.0dpr 4.5%dce pta +2.42t +2.56udc +2.42flc 99%R 8/2017
mapelwood srock golgirl-red-et 11347900c EX-90 VEVVE 4-01 50K GTPI +1934G 2-03 2 365 29110 3.7 1064 3.2 930
Bred 2/10/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez 134422312 TR TV TL TY TD EX-94 EEEE 6-07 HD GTPI +1549g pta +2.00t +.82udc +1.52flc 99%R 8/2017 regancrest Breya-ET 62496852 TL EX-90 VEEVE GMD DOM 7-09 2-02 2 365 31960 3.6 1164 2.8 905
ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET 68977120 TR TV TL TY TD VG-88 EVE+ GM 4-10 50K GTPI +2299g pta +1140M +38f +20P 99%R 8/2017 pta +.75t +1.22udc +.32flc 99%r 8/2017 Morsan Manoman Fools Gold-Red 10935760c CAN VG-89 4Y 2-05 2 365 31028 4.4 1367 3.4 1043 4-03 2 333 36039 4.4 1598 3.1 1125
3rd Dam: Stoneden Fools Gold-Red-ET (CAN VG-88 3Y 6*) 4-03 3 365 50748 3.8 1942 2.9 1462 Life: 147155 3.8 5579 3.0 4416 4th Dam: Marktwain Lee Diana-Red (CAN VG-85) 3-06 2 365 19385 3.8 729 2.8 551 5th Dam: Marktwain Charles Dixie (CAN EX-90) 5-06 2 365 23289 4.0 924 3.0 710 Life: 8 Lact. 157069 4.1 6385 3.1 4934 6th Dam: Marktwain Yolanda-Red (CAN VG-86-3Y) 10-00 2 365 24914 3.7 922 2.8 699 Life: 9 Lact. 190120 3.9 7335 3.1 5853 7th Dam: Marktwain TT Yvonne (CAN VG-86-3Y) 2-02 2 315 15410 4.2 650 3.2 500
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Willows-Edge Lee Velcro (3E-94 EEEEE) 2nd Dam of Lot 44
Lot 44
Willows-Edge Bw Velveteen 3137150809 rc
100%RHA Born: September 17, 2016 #3035 PTPI +1604 hylite Barbwire-red-eT 9748330 tp tc tv tl ty td VG-87 VE+V 4-10 50K gtpi +1497g pta -742M -9f -10P 99%r 8/2017 pta -198NM +.07%F +.05%P 78%us pta -1.6PL 2.99scs -1.9dpr 11.1Tdce pta +1.91T +.54udc +1.48flc 98%r 8/2017
Deslacs Shaquille-ET 103512991c rc tv tl ty CAN GP-82 4Y 50K gtpi +1492g pta +1.04t +.92udc +1.35flc 98%R 8/2017 Rainyridge Talent Barbara 7543170c RC EX-95 EEEEE 5-09
3-04 2 365 34465 3.6 1257 3.1 1068 LIFE 1266 104815 3.9 4064 3.1 3259
BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1849g pta +1.76t +1.45udc +1.40flc 99%R 8/2017 Willows-edge gold velvet-et 140804614 EX-90 EEEEV 2E 6-05 2-00 2 313 23230 3-00 2 332 26260 4-00 2 297 28230 4-11 2 3645 38580 LIFE 1604 145440
3.9 900 3.9 1013 3.9 1101 4.4 1687 4.1 5912
3.2 737 3.1 807 3.1 868 3.0 1159 3.1 4477
Willows-edge lee Velcro 135303425 EX-94 EEEEE 3E 9-01 2-00 2 365 26580 3-02 2 347 33030 4-02 2 365 37620 5-08 2 365 41850 7-05 2 291 31460 8-04 2 324 28490 LIFE 2951 253450
4.0 1062 3.1 814 4.0 1326 3.0 997 4.3 1619 3.1 1149 4.3 1792 3.0 1268 3.6 1142 2.9 927 3.9 1102 3.2 916 4.0 10233 3.1 7957
All-American Jr. 3-Year-Old ‘07 1st Jr. 3-Year-Old International Holstein Show ‘07 30
3rd Dam: Willows-Edge Milan Vermouth (EX-90 E+E+E 2E) 3-08 2 365 26270 3.8 987 3.1 819 4th Dam: Willows-Edge CC Venetia-ET (EX-92 EEEEE 3E) 6-10 2 365 28030 4.2 1165 3.1 865 Life: 1955 125660 4.1 5118 3.1 3867 5th Dam: Willows-Edge Mdnight Venice (EX-93 EEEEE 2E) 5-01 2 365 33490 3.7 1226 2.9 976 6th Dam: Ho-Bus Pete Vanessa (EX-92 EEEEE 3E) 10-05 2 365 29590 3.5 1024 3.1 917 Life: 3099 194160 3.6 6928 3.1 5995 7th Dam: Imline Conductor Ladybird (VG-86) 3-01 2 365 18900 4.0 758
Lot 45
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 sd-ashview glauco pat 71804594 100%RHA Born: September 27, 2015 #463
to-farm duplex glauco 53990032354ita tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1612g pta -630m -19f -3P 97%R 8/2017 pta -76NM +.02%F +.06%P 3%us pta -.8pl 2.93scs +.3dpr 4.8Tdce [ta +1.42t +.17udc +.08flc 96%R 8/2017
sd-ashview gold chip patty 71804492 VG-86 VV++V 3-04 2-00 2 339 17750 3.7 656 3.1 559
mesland duplex-et 9201683779 tv tl hd gtpi +1376G pta +1.76t +.48udc +1.28flc 99%R 8/2017 toc-farm allen amyly 53000628285ita 50K gtpi +1455g
MR chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-94 EEVE 6-00 50K gtpi +1831g pta +2.34T +2.13udc +1.84flc 99%R 8/2017 ms sd-Ashview A Penelope-et 66981394 GP-85 VE+G+ 3-08 2-02 2 305 20470 3.5 710 3.1 629 3-05 2 305 22650 3.2 716 3.0 680 4-07 2 305 22080 3.5 770 2.9 647
Lot 46
Da-Don Goldfish Shelia 71883541
Toc-Farm goldfish-et 53990032337ita tv tl hd gtpi +1622g pta -874m -20f -15p 95%R 8/2017 pta -106nm +.05%f +.04%P 1%us pta -.1pl 2.70scs +.0dpr 8.4%dce pta +1.58T +1.16udc +.91flc 93%R 8/2017
da-don lheros silk 65271111 GP-82 V+VG+ 3-10
3-02 2 340 12890 3.8 488 3.1 399
100%RHA Born: March 31, 2015 #283
BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1849g pta +1.76t +1.45udc +1.40flc 99%R 8/2017 toc-farm allen amyly 53000628285ITA 50k gtpi +1455g
comestar Lheros-et 6663935c tv tl ty CAN EX-97 HD GTPI +1349g pta -507M -23f -9P 99%R 8/2017 pta +.59t -.04udc -.81flc 99%R 8/2017 Da-Don Stormatic Stacy 52367977 VG-86 VVVV+V 5-01 2-04 2 319 14690 4.3 632 3.3 479 3-04 2 365 19130 4.2 797 3.2 613 4-06 2 365 17520 4.2 741 3.3 581
Bred 3/28/2017 to Triplecrown Gatedancer-ET 74186134 1H11670
3rd Dam: Post-Lane Windstar Plum (4E-91 EX-MS 12Y) 5-03 2 365 35210 4.1 1439 3.0 1051 Life: 3280 225890 4.1 9271 3.2 7246 4th Dam: Post-Lane Sky Purple-TW (2E-93 EEEEE) 4-01 2 356 26740 4.0 1073 3.1 834 Supreme Champion, SD State Fair ‘02 Grand Champion, SD State Show ‘02 5th Dam: C Rosevelte Polka Counselor (3E-92 EEEEE) 7-09 2 365 33290 3.7 1238 2.8 932 Life: 1650 115924 3.5 4017 3.0 3447 Res All-American Jr. 2-Year-Old 1993 Res All-Canadian Jr. 2-Year-Old 1993 6th Dam: Kalmia Warden Polska (VG-CAN) 5-01 2x 346d 22244 4.1 904 3.2 716 7th Dam: Andrique Paula Tempo (VG-CAN) 2-05 2x 316d 22258 3.4 763 3.1 686
Bred 2/3/2017 to Sullhrtford Roadshow-ET 74261030 29H18306 3rd Dam: Da-Don Progress Sandy (VG-86) 4-04 2 325 22150 3.9 874 3.1 694 4th Dam: Eggink Monitor Shania (VG-85) 4-01 2 331 16410 3.9 639 3.2 523 5th Dam: Eggink Calypso Stacy (2E-92 EX-MS) 3-09 2 365 20440 3.9 794 3.0 611 Life: 2002 113720 4.0 4539 3.0 3376 6th Dam: Eggink Persuader Sheri (4E-91 12Y) Life: 2706 144210 4.1 5876 7th Dam: Eggink Inspiration Sharon (2E-92 DOM) 3-10 2 365 19910 5.1 1018 8th Dam: Eggink Ideal B Shirley (VG-85) 9th Dam: Eggink Royal Pontiac Sylvia (VG-88) Life: 2356 109140 3.5 3805 10th Dam: Eggink Ace Tritomia Sall (VG-85) Life: 2496 116040 3.4 3959 5th Waterloo Produce of Dam 1966 11th Dam: Eggink Waltsons Tritomia (GP) Life: 3426 166206 3.6 5868
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Lot 47
k-star governor aroma-tw 3137952605 tr tl td 99%RHA Born: August 15, 2016 #1255 12K gtpi +1925g
zahbulls governor-et 3013279045 tr tp tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2427G pta +59M +48f +16P 79%R 8/2017 pta +251NM +.22%F +.00%P pta +2.2PL 2.95scs -.2dpr 6.4%dce pta +1.29T +1.40udc +.55flc 75%R 8/2017
4.5 1246 4.5 1577 4.4 1702 4.4 1995 4.5 7065
3.0 853 3.2 1112 3.2 1216 3.2 1438 3.2 5012
Lot 48
2-00 23 305 27010 3.5 939 3.1 841
Laclar Titanic Arika-ET 135930520 VG-86 +E+VV 4-02
2-01 2 365 35380 3-10 2 341 35100 4-11 2 239 29610 LIFE 1179 116280
3.9 1379 3.7 1313 3.8 1113 3.8 4455
2.9 1034 3.3 1141 3.0 878 3.1 3620
3rd Dam: Laclar BW Marshall Analea (VG-85 GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 27080 3.7 1379 3.1 1133 4th Dam: Laclar Storm Analee (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-01 2 365 36080 4.3 1550 3.2 1138 5th Dam: Laclar Mandel Analise (2E-90 EX-MS) 7-09 2 365 40060 3.4 1357 2.7 1063 Life: 2786 265350 3.3 8816 2.9 7597 6th Dam: Laclar Lindy Ana (2E-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-03 2 365 36850 3.7 1374 2.9 1066 Life: 2602 250060 3.7 9177 2.9 7133 7th Dam: Laclar Blackstar Anastasia (VG-88 GMD) 4-03 2 361 33640 3.6 1209 2.8 941 Life: 2481 206420 3.6 7458 2.8 5818 8th Dam: Laclar Golden Anniversary (VG-88) 6-03 2 345 24650 3.9 970 2.7 673 Life: 2070 136260 3.7 5105 2.8 3807
to-mar atwood kate-tw 143762472 100%RHA Born: December 28: 2015 #W794
maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379c TR TP TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 50K GTPI +1870g pta -21M +29f +4P 99%R 8/2017 pta +48nm +.11%f +.02%P 50%us pta -.4pl 3.04scs -3.3dpr 9.7%dce pta +3.55T +2.39udc +2.60flc 99%R 8/2017
to-mar 4 Aces Kimberly 140029862 VG-85 E+G+V 5-02 1-11 2 365 23290 3-06 2 328 22910 4-07 2 316 24030 5-07 2 351 34280 LIFE 1530 113690
Zahbulls SS Genova-et 71441846 VG-87 VVVVV 3-08
England-Ammon Million-ET 61547476 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 6-07 GM 50K GTPI +1555g pta +.38t +1.35udc +.43flc 99%R 8/2017
Laclar Million Arianna 140260168 GP-84 +VG++ 3-04
1-11 3 317 27990 2-11 3 365 35020 4-02 3 351 38580 5-04 3 365 45090 LIFE 1551 157360
Vieuxsaule Flame-et 71699265 tr tp tv tl ty td 50k gtpi +2318g pta +2.01T +1.56udc +1.86flc 95%R 8/2017
3.9 911 3.7 851 3.7 900 4.0 1380 3.9 4447
3.2 741 3.0 692 3.1 740 3.1 1056 3.1 3572
Bred 3/8/2017 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7H11314
BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1871g pta +1.76T +1.49udc +1.43flc 99%R 4/2017 MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177
2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005
Windy-Knoll-View 4 Aces-ET 137033416 tr tv tl td EX-91 EEVV 4-08 50K gtpi +1600g pta +1342M +17f +23P 99%R 8/2017 East-Dell Kim-tW 136163048 VG-86 ++VVE 4-01
2-05 2 303 18700 3.9 738 3.0 563 3-06 2 365 27880 3.6 1005 3.4 937 4-09 2 365 35790 3.5 1261 3.2 1154
3rd Dam: East Dell High Zebra (VG-88) 4-08 2 365 28090 3.8 1065 3.1 867 Life: 2127 134640 3.9 5214 3.1 4195
Lot 49
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Bred 3/30/2017 to Triplecrown Gatedancer-ET 74186134 1H11670
To-mar Atwood Gema 143762418
100%RHA Born: November 19, 2015 #W788
maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379c TR TP TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 50K GTPI +1870g pta -21M +29f +4P 99%R 8/2017 pta +48nm +.11%f +.02%P 50%us pta -.4pl 3.04scs -3.3dpr 9.7%dce pta +3.55T +2.39udc +2.60flc 99%R 8/2017
to-mar Gillespy Gayle 142997763 G-79 ++GGG 3-04 1-11 2 305 28930 3.7 1062 3.0 869
BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1871g pta +1.76T +1.49udc +1.43flc 99%R 4/2017 MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177
2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005
de-su Gillespy-et 63449626 by tv tl td EX-93 EEEE 5-00 50K gtpi +2283g pta +2150M +52f +49P 99%R 8/2017 pta +2.07t +2.00udc +1.43flc 99%R 8/2017 to-mar Talent Glory-ET 140051490 VG-88 VE+VV 5-03 2-02 2 365 28070 3.9 1082 3.2 887 3-08 2 326 26040 3.9 1028 3.3 847 4-09 2 365 30160 4.0 1195 3.5 1042
Lot 50
ja-knoll eraser indigo p 3136467993 tr po tl td 100%RHA Born: May 15, 2016 #114 12k gtpi +2093g
kerndtway eraser p-eT 69502427 tr pc tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-04 77k gtpi +2290g pta +1278M +47f +49P 95%R 8/2017 pta +494NM +.00%F +.04%P 91%us pta +3.4pl 3.08scs +1.3dpr 5.1%DCE pta +1.76t +.94udc +.68flc 91%R 8/2017
ja-Knoll razor ideal 56488712 VG-85 VVVGV 4-02 2-06 2 354 26030 4.1 1074 3.4 875 3-08 2 365 33660 4.0 1358 3.3 1118
da-so-burn Mom Earnhardt P 68972328 tr po tv tl ty td VG-86 VVV+ 2-05 50k gtpi +2000g pta +1168M +33f +57P 99%R 8/2017 golden-oaks obsrvr dixie-et 69823260 EX-90 EEVVE DOM 4-02 2-00 2 365 28290 3.9 1102 3.1 883 LIFE 1230 120220 3.7 4503 3.2 3847
Mel-crest altarazor 138929709 gm 50k gtpi +2284g pta +469M +73f +23P 99%R 8/2017 pta +1.63t +1.79udc +1.06flc 98%R 8/2017 ja-knoll wildman iyone 53453556 GP-82 +++++ 2-11 2-03 2 350 20380 4.0 807 3.4 685 3-05 2 363 19050 4.0 757 3.6 677
3rd Dam: Johnan Throne Goldy-ET (VG-87) 2-04 2 365 31060 3.8 1182 3.3 1028 4th Dam: Jocar Convincer Gayle-ET (2E-90 GMD DOM) 5-05 2 365 38030 3.4 1288 2.7 1027 5th Dam: Johcar Rudolph Ginger-ET (3E-94 EEEEE GMD DOM) 8-04 2 365 47860 3.1 1462 2.7 1276 Life: 2452 224390 3.5 7832 2.9 6598 3rd 125,000 lb. Midwest Fall Nat’l ‘06 6th Dam: Mikary Mandel Gerri-ET (VG-87) 5-03 2 365 38090 3.8 1434 2.9 1098 Life: 1552 130042 3.2 4545 2.9 3821 7th Prairie-Belle Glory-ET (VG-88 GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31861 4.0 1276 3.2 1010 8th Dam: Hayseed Rotate Gaiety (EX-90 GMD DOM) 5-11 2 365 37421 4.6 1739 3.7 1367 Life: 120442 4.2 5044 3.4 4149 9th Dam: Hayseed Mars Gretchen (2E-94 GMD DOM) 7-07 3 365 37430 3.9 1477 3.6 1334 Life: 155299 3.7 5679 3.2 4993 10th: Hayseed Cinnamon Astro Grace (EX-90 GMD DOM) 7-09 2 364 26210 3.5 908 3.1 806 Life: 101 149 3.3 3302 3.3 3300 11th: Hayseed-Acres Astro Ginger (4E-90) Life: 122580 3.4 4226 3.1 2943 12th: Will-O-Sha Palmyra Ollie-OC (VG-86) 9-07 2 365 23580 4.2 985 Life: 114430 4.0 4612
Bred 6/24/2017 to Hartford Rubi-Taz-ET 3134167086 551H3420 Sexed semen
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Golden-Oaks Obsrvr Dixie-ET (EX-90 EX-MS DOM) 3rd Dam of Lots 51, 52 & 54 2nd Dam of Lot 52
Lot 51
hartford Jedi 727 4141-ET 3134167056
3rd Dam: Golden-Oaks Obsrvr Dixie-ET (EX-90 EX-MS DOM) Bred 8/23/2017 to 3-02 2 365 42340 3.9 1634 3.1 1327 Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 4th Dam: Regancrest S Dashe-ET (VG-88) 74260987 1H11955 2-01 23 305 26350 3.7 984 3.1 806 5th Dam: Premier-RCF G Dasie-ET (EX-92 EEEEE GMD) 3-03 2 365 35990 4.4 1573 3.4 1217 Res. Inter. Champion Midwest Fall Hartford Jedi 726 4143-ET 3134167055 Nat’l ‘11 99%RHA Born: July 20, 2016 #726 6th Dam: Ernlo Daisy Jane-ET (EX-93 EX-MS GMD DOM) 13K gtpi +2498g Bred 9/19/2017 to 4-06 2 365 40960 4.2 1706 3.2 1323 pta +1509M +60f +57P 40%R 8/2017 Life: 1639 152370 4.1 6276 3.3 4970 Josey-LLC Seaver-Red-ET pta +4.7PL 2.95scs +1.7dpr 4.6%dce 7th Dam: Kerndtway Jolt Daisy-ET 3134167053 551H3498 pta +2.18t +1.67udc +.65flc 73%R 8/2017 (2E-94 EEEEE GMD DOM) Sexed semen 5-05 2 365 35090 4.3 1498 3.1 1072 Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 Life: 2044 139990 4.2 5895 3.3 4571 S-S-I Montross Jedi-Et 3123886035 tr tp tc tv tl ty td 1st 4-Year-Old Midwest Spring Nat’l ‘01 99%rha-I Tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 4-08 GM 140K gtpi +2773g Res. Sr./Res. Grand MW Spring Nat’l ‘01 EX-91 EEEEE 3-01 77K gtpi +2821g 8th Dam: Kerndtway Bstar Dime-ET pta +3074M +87f +91P 99%R 8/2017 (EX-90 GMD DOM) pta +2624M +76f +88P 80%r 8/2017 7-05 2 347 44310 4.7 2061 2.7 1207 s-s-i Suprsire Miri 8679-ET 3011538078 pta +888NM -.08Tf +.02%P 100%us 3rd IA Fat 99%rha-I TR TP TL TD pta +7.5PL 2.94scs +2.7dpr 4.1%dce Life: 1796 167130 4.2 6978 2.9 4917 VG-89 EEVVE DOM 4-05 140K gtpi +2637g pta +2.06t +1.71udc +1.35flc 79%r 8/2017 Sons in A.I. 2-00 3 365 39810 3.5 1402 3.1 1234 9th: Kerndtway Dollar Enhancer-ET (VG-88) Hendel-hart kb bally4141-ET 3126231365 Morningview MCC Kingboy-ET 72044077 3-04 2 365 31270 3.8 1182 3.1 974 99%RHA-I Tl td 99%RHA-I TV TL TY TD Life: 147788 3.7 5456 3.1 4645 13K gtpi +2182g EX-90 EEVE 2-11 77k GTPI +2506g 10th Dam: Al-Man Bell Julie pta +393M +44f +26P 78%R 8/2017 (VG-87) pta +3.26t +2.49udc +1.34flc 99%R 8/2017 7-07 2 365 34341 3.9 1343 3.2 1089 pta +371NM +.11%f +.05%P Life: 194710 3.9 7562 3.2 6232 kerndtway ehrdt dallas-ET 69502424 pc pta +1.9pl 2.96scs +.7dpr 5.1%dce 11th Dam: Al-Man Mars Juliet VG-86 VEG+V 4-05 77k gtpi +2175g pta +2.23t +1.45udc +.89flc 79%R 8/2017 (EX-90) 2-07 2 289 24290 4.5 1082 3.3 804 5-11 2 365 29610 3.4 1005 3.1 906 3-06 2 305 30080 4.6 1375 3.3 1000 Life: 149450 3.4 5121 3.1 2926
99%RHA-I Born: July 20, 2016 #727 13k gtpi +2485g pta +1214M +56f +53P 74%R 8/2017 pta +628NM +.04%F +.06%P pta +5.3PL 2.89scs +2.8dpr 4.4%dce pta +1.52t +1.40udc +.90flc 73%R 8/2017
Lot 52
Lot 53
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Sells Fresh
Hendel-hart m damara4388-ET 3126231612 tr tl td 99%RHA Born: October 24, 2015 #4388 12K gtpi +2380g pta +1655M +51f +57P 76%R 8/2017 pta +589NM -.04%F +.02%P pta +4.4PL 2.79scs +.0dpr 7.4%dce pta +1.21t +1.35udc +1.39flc 74%R 8/2017
hendel mr madron-et 3012011779 99%rha-I tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2375g pta +1665M +39f +55P 84%R 8/2017 pta +566NM -.08%F +.02%P 100%us pta +5.3PL 2.71scs -.3dpr 8.5%dce pta +1.42t +2.06udc +1.17flc 79%R 8/2017
kerndtway ehrdt dallas-ET 69502424 pc VG-86 VEG+V 4-05 77k gtpi +2175g 2-07 2 289 24290 4.5 1082 3.3 804 3-06 2 305 30080 4.6 1375 3.3 1000
de-su altajackman-et 70625846 99%rha-I tr tp tc tv tl ty td 50k gtpi +2164g pta +911m +19f +39p 99%R 8/2017 hendel grafeti mira 3453-ET 69937280 99%rha VG-89 VEVVE 5-09 3-11 2 328 35250 3.7 1320 3.1 1088
da-so-burn Mom Earnhardt P 68972328 tr po tv tl ty td VG-86 VVV+ 2-05 50k gtpi +2000g pta +1168M +33f +57P 99%R 8/2017 golden-Oaks Obsrvr dixie-et 69823260 EX-90 EEVVE DOM 4-02 2-00 2 365 28290 3.9 1102 3.1 883 LIFE 1230 120220 3.7 4503 3.2 3847
Lot 54
hartford Modesty 720-ET 3134167049 tr tl td
100%RHA Born: November 10 2016 #720 12K gtpi +2627g pta +1373M +100f +55P 74%R 8/2017 pta +832NM +.17%f +.05%P pta +6.2PL 3.04scs +1.4dpr 3.7%dce pta +1.42T +1.35udc +1.18flc 73%R 8/2017
bacon-Hill Pety Modesty-ET 3013654627 tr tp tc tv tl ty td VG-86 VV++ 3-00 77K gtpi +2838g pta +1800M +91f +61P 79%R 8/2017 pta +957NM +.09%f +.02%P 100%us pta +7.9pl 3.04scs +2.6dpr 3.1%dce pta +2.10T +2.64udc +2.17flc 78%R 8/2017
Hendel-Hart ss dixie4229-ET 3126231453 tl td 13K gtpi +2418g pta +1521M +54f +54P 78%R 8/2017 pta +679NM -.01%F +.03%P pta +6.4PL 2.77scs +2.8dpr 4.2%dce pta +.54t +.53udc -.07flc 77%R 8/2017
siemers mogul pety 3010660326 tr tc tv tl ty td EX-90 EVEE 4-09 50k gtpi +2414g pta +1201m +48f +41P 98%R 8/2017 bacon-Hill suprs modesty-et 3010945893 VG-85 +v+vv DOM 2-06 50k gtpi +2498 pta +2327m +71f +64P 84%R 8/2017 cogent supershot 755898903 tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2473g pta +1963M +45f +60p 96%R 8/2017 pta +1.18t +.78udc +.54flc 94%R 8/2017 kerndtway ehrdt dallas-ET 69502424 pc VG-86 VEG+V 4-05 77k gtpi +2175g 2-07 2 289 24290 4.5 1082 3.3 804 3-06 2 305 30080 4.6 1375 3.3 1000
3rd Dam: Regancrest S Dashe-ET (VG-88) 2-01 23 305 26350 3.7 984 3.1 806 4th Dam: Premier-RCF G Dasie-ET (EX-92 EEEEE GMD) 3-03 2 365 35990 4.4 1573 3.4 1217 Res. Inter. Champion Midwest Fall Nat’l ‘11 5th Dam: Ernlo Daisy Jane-ET (EX-93 EX-MS GMD DOM) 4-06 2 365 40960 4.2 1706 3.2 1323 Life: 1639 152370 4.1 6276 3.3 4970 6th Dam: Kerndtway Jolt Daisy-ET (2E-94 EEEEE GMD DOM) 5-05 2 365 35090 4.3 1498 3.1 1072 Life: 2044 139990 4.2 5895 3.3 4571 1st 4-Year-Old Midwest Spring Nat’l ‘01 Res. Sr./Res. Grand MW Spring Nat’l ‘01 7th Dam: Kerndtway Bstar Dime-ET (EX-90 GMD DOM) 7-05 2 347 44310 4.7 2061 2.7 1207 3rd IA Fat Life: 1796 167130 4.2 6978 2.9 4917 Sons in A.I. 8th: Kerndtway Dollar Enhancer-ET (VG-88) 3-04 2 365 31270 3.8 1182 3.1 974 Life: 147788 3.7 5456 3.1 4645 9th Dam: Al-Man Bell Julie (VG-87) 7-07 2 365 34341 3.9 1343 3.2 1089 Life: 194710 3.9 7562 3.2 6232 10th Dam: Al-Man Mars Juliet (EX-90) 5-11 2 365 29610 3.4 1005 3.1 906 Life: 149450 3.4 5121 3.1 2926 3rd Dam: Golden-Oaks Obsrvr Dixie-ET (EX-90 EX-MS DOM) 3-02 2 365 42340 3.9 1634 3.1 1327 4th Dam: Regancrest S Dashe-ET (VG-88) 2-01 23 305 26350 3.7 984 3.1 806 5th Dam: Premier-RCF G Dasie-ET (EX-92 EEEEE GMD) 3-03 2 365 35990 4.4 1573 3.4 1217 Res. Inter. Champion Midwest Fall Nat’l ‘11 6th Dam: Ernlo Daisy Jane-ET (EX-93 EX-MS GMD DOM) 4-06 2 365 40960 4.2 1706 3.2 1323 Life: 1639 152370 4.1 6276 3.3 4970 7th Dam: Kerndtway Jolt Daisy-ET (2E-94 EEEEE GMD DOM) 5-05 2 365 35090 4.3 1498 3.1 1072 Life: 2044 139990 4.2 5895 3.3 4571 1st 4-Year-Old Midwest Spring Nat’l ‘01 Res. Sr./Res. Grand MW Spring Nat’l ‘01 8th Dam: Kerndtway Bstar Dime-ET (EX-90 GMD DOM) 7-05 2 347 44310 4.7 2061 2.7 1207 3rd IA Fat Life: 1796 167130 4.2 6978 2.9 4917 Sons in A.I. 9th: Kerndtway Dollar Enhancer-ET (VG-88) 3-04 2 365 31270 3.8 1182 3.1 974 Life: 147788 3.7 5456 3.1 4645 10th Dam: Al-Man Bell Julie (VG-87) 7-07 2 365 34341 3.9 1343 3.2 1089 Life: 194710 3.9 7562 3.2 6232 11th Dam: Al-Man Mars Juliet (EX-90) 5-11 2 365 29610 3.4 1005 3.1 906 Life: 149450 3.4 5121 3.1 2926
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Pine-Tree 2149Robst 4846-ET (VG-86 DOM) 3rd Dam of Lots 55 & 56
Lot 55
Hartford Superhero 807-ET 3143352484 99%RHA-I 99%RHA-I Born: June 1, 2017 #807 30K GTPI +2375G 9/2017 pta +924M +36f +46P 72%R 9/2017 pta +590NM +.00%f +.07%P pta +6.7PL 2.8scs +1.4dpr pta +1.69t +1.37udc +.98flc
Lot 56
hartford superhero 805-ET 3143352482 99%RHA-I Born: June 1, 2017 #805 30K gtpi +2445g 9/2017 pta +1176M +38f +51P 72%R 9/2017 pta +629NM -.02%f +.06%P pta +7.0PL 2.8scs +2.6dpr pta +1.48T +1.47udc +.97flc
endco Superhero-et 3129037603 99%rha 140K gtpi +2628g pta +1342m +64f +50P 79%R 8/2017 pta +799NM +.05%F +.04%P 100%us pta +9.4pl 2.67scs +2.8dpr 5.4%dce pta +2.13t +1.81udc +.56flc 77%R 8/2017 view-Home Daffodil-et 31321099832 99%RHA-I PO 13K gtpi +2261g pta +567M +43f +32P 75%R 8/2017 pta +458NM +.08%F +.05%P pta +3.2PL 2.86scs +.7dpr 6.2%dce pta +1.80t +1.62Udc +1.46flc 74%R 8/2017
cogent supershot 755898903 tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2473g pta +1963M +45f +60p 96%R 8/2017 pta +1.18t +.78udc +.54flc 94%R 8/2017 de-su uno 3081-ET 71814566 99%rha-I VG-85 VV+GV 2-07 2-01 2 305 24370 4.2 1016 3.1 746
ocean PP-ET 127464396deu pp tv tl ty 77K gtpi +2031g pta +55M +27f +21P 80%R 8/2017 pta +1.82t +1.82udc +1.35flc 79%R 8/2017 view-Home mcc alabama-et 72456685 99%Rha-I tl td GP-82 +v+fv 3-07 77K gtpi +2473g 2-11 3 305 26210 4.1 1086 3.1 816
3rd Dam: Pine-Tree 2149Robst-4846-ET (VG-86 DOM) 2-04 3 365 32000 4.8 1520 3.2 1036 4th Dam: Pine-Tree Zenith Sheen (VG-87) 1-11 3 305 24500 3.9 959 3.2 786 5th Dam: Pine-Tree Martha Sheen-ET (VG-86 DOM) 1-11 3 365 31210 4.2 1305 3.3 1027 6th Dam: Pine-Tree Missy Martha-ET (VG-86 DOM) 2-02 3 365 34730 3.6 1266 3.3 1135 Sons in AI 7th: Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET (3E-92 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-11 3 365 40880 4.1 1665 3.4 1385 3rd OH Protein Life: 1262 119610 4.1 4885 3.4 4031 8th Dam: Wesswood Elton Mimi (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-05 2 365 35380 3.3 1160 3.0 1054 9th Dam: Wesswood Mandingo Ivy (VG-87) 6-05 2 365 36330 3.6 1305 3.0 1087 Life: 144062 3.4 4934 3.1 4411 10th Dam: Weswood Astro Matt Ester (VG-87 GMD DOM) 11th Dam: Wesswood Bell Claudette (VG-87 GMD DOM)
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Lot 57
JZM-JJH Yoder Charity-et 3133742883 100%RHA Born: September 30, 2015 #536 13k gtpi +2515g pta +1224M +91f +42P 77%R 8/2017 pta +719NM +.16%f +.02%P pta +4.8PL 3.02scs +.7dpr 4.0%dce pta +2.00t +1.85udc +.71flc 76%R 8/2017 1st Test Milking 96lbs. 132,000 SCS
James Martin Lime Springs, IA 563/547-3651 Sells Fresh 8/17/2017
woodcrest mogul yoder-et 72254526 tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-90 EVEV 4-05 GM 77LK gtpi +2710g pta +1235M +101F +49P 98%R 8/2017 pta +866NM +.19%F +.04%P 100%us pta +6.7PL 2.98scs +1.7dpr 3.9%dce pta +1.82t +2.13udc +1.64flc 95%R 8/2017
lexvold tango Love-et 142792685 tl td 77k gtpi +2361g pta +1270M +72f +40P 79%R 8/2017 pta +582NM +.09%f +.00%P pta +2.8PL 2.96scs +1.3dpr 4.2%dce pta +1.41T +1.07udc +.40flc 79%R 8/2017
Lot 58
woodcrest planet Yakara-et 3008363689 VG-85 VV+++ 3-11
5-01 2 307 30740 3.7 1138 3.3 1004 LIFE 1255 118300 3.7 4351 3.3 3944
mr welcome hill tango-et 70750485 tc tv tl ty td 50K kgtpi +2392g pta +2021M +64f +54P 99%R 8/2017 t-Spruce Armitage 4768-ET 3009697957 GP-81 +vgg+ 4-10 50k gtpi +2065g 2-02 2 308 25300 5.0 1262 3.5 884 3-02 2 305 25410 4.3 1092 3.3 830
jzm silver bailee 546-ET 3133742893 100%RHA Born: December 5, 2015 #546 30K gtpi +2384g pta +641M +55f +28P 78%R 8/2017 pta +573NM +.11%F +.03%P pta +5.0PL 2.71scs +.3dpr 5.7%dce pta +1.87t +2.61udc +1.39flc 77%R 8/2017
James Martin Lime Springs, IA 563/547-3651
seagull-Bay Silver-ET 72156794 tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2637g pta +1572M +91f +60P 96%r 8/2017 pta +749NM +.11%F +.04%P 82%us pta +4.7PL 2.85scs -.7dpr 5.3%dce pta +2.33T +2.60udc +2.21flc 93%R 8/2017
da-so-burn dorcy brindal-et 68972287 EX-90 VE+VE 6-06 2-02 2 365 29370 4-07 3 305 34080 6-03 2 305 31020 LIFE 1612 156420
Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr TP tv tl ty td EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2504G pta +2.22t +3.08udc +2.35flc 99%R 8/2017
3rd Dam: Lar-Lan Time Annabelle (VG-87) 2-03 3 365 27080 4.5 1217 3.2 860 4th Dam: Lar-Lan Baxter Apple-ET (VG-85) 4-07 3 365 28750 4.5 1285 2.8 818 Life: 1460 106060 4.0 4291 2.9 3083 5th Dam: Lar-Lan KK Gwyn Angelina-ET (2E-90 EX-MS DOM) 8-02 3 275 25640 4.8 1229 3.5 896 6th Dam: GBM Kentdor Atlantis-ET (VG-86 GMD DOM) 2-05 2 340 28120 3.7 1048 3.3 922 7th Dam: GBM Durham BC Annabell (EX-90 EX-MS DOM) 3-06 2 365 40050 4.2 1683 2.8 1125 Life: 1449 118720 4.4 5253 3.1 3737 Sons in A.I. & embryos exported 8th Dam: GBM Charles Janelle (2E-93 EEEEE) 6-03 2 365 31640 4.6 1471 3.1 994 Life: 2347 137890 4.8 6645 3.4 4692 9th Dam: GBM Val Blackstar Jean-ET (3E-94 EX-MS) 8-05 2 365 37180 3.9 1458 2.8 1049 Life: 3127 238190 4.1 9734 3.2 7549 10th Dam: GBM Valiant Janice (2E-92 EX-MS DOM) 5-09 2 365 30860 3.5 1080 3.1 948 Life: 2100 126200 3.5 4437 3.2 3996 11th Dam: Sylvan-Dell M C Janice (EX-91 DOM) 314 2 29600 3.9 1152 12th Dam: Sylvan-Dell Atlas Jill (EX-90) 3-04 2 305 20010 3.7 737
4.5 1315 4.4 1502 4.1 1261 4.4 6908
Region 6 Elite Performer
3.2 936 3.2 1103 3.3 11010 3.2 5048
Sells Fresh 9/25/2017
3rd Dam: Da-So-Burn Mtoto Britany (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 4-06 2 365 44030 4.4 1924 2.8 1253 Life: 1165 119730 4.4 5264 2.9 3482 4th Dam: B-V Da-So Rudolph Brooke Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 (VG-86 GMD DOM) 4-11 2 365 39780 4.6 1849 3.3 1320 tr TP tv tl ty td Life: 1625 142440 4.5 6442 3.4 4774 EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2504G 5th Dam: Regancrest Aerostar Bea-ET pta +2.22t +3.08udc +2.35flc 99%R 8/2017 (2E-91 GMD DOM) seagull-bay snow darling-et 70640273 8-03 2 365 42570 4.0 1699 3.1 1325 Life: 2422 192730 4.0 7800 3.3 6327 VG-88 EEVEV DOM 4-08 6th Dam: 2-06 2 365 35620 3.5 1257 3.0 1077 Regancrest Mark Chariman Bea (2E-91 GMD) 6-00 2 365 33430 3.9 1316 3.1 1032 coyne-farms dorcy-et 139005002 Life: 2036 140130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616 by tc tv tl td 7th: Regancrest Board Chairman Bea VG-87 VVV+ 4-09 50k gtpi +2299g (EX-90 EX-MS) pta +1325M +24f +37P 99%R 8/2017 5-09 2 365 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884 8th: Regancrest Apache Standout Bea da-so-burn oman brandy-et 61026898 (VG-86 EX-MS) GP-83 +VF+V GMD DOM 2-11 4-10 2 320 19070 4.0 766 2-01 2 365 34160 5.1 1743 3.4 1150 Life: 2432 131940 3.6 4744 3rd IA Fat 9th: Regancrest Standout Bertrand 4-06 2 365 39370 4.8 1908 3.2 1248 (VG-85) LIFE 1271 108910 5.0 5431 3.5 3802 4-01 2 355 17460 3.3 571
Lot 59
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 Endco Araxis esmer 393 3138127320
Bred 6/25/2017 to Hartford Rubi-Taz-ET 3134167086 551H3420
99%RHA-I Born: February 25, 2016 #600 30K gtpi +2400g pta +1089m +61f +49P 75%r 8/2017 pta +638NM +.07%F +.06%P pta +5.8PL 2.67scs +.9dpr 5.3%dce pta +1.33t +.40udc +.89flc 74%R 8/2017
de-su 12138 araxis-et 72851681 99%RHA-I tc 77K gtpi +2480g pta +508M +71f +47P 80%R 8/2017 pta +663NM +.19%F +.11%P 100%us pta +6.4PL 2.66scs -.2dpr 5.3%dce pta +2.14t +1.33udc +1.15flc 79%R 8/2017
de-su 11236 Balisto-et 70625988 99%rha-I tc tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2498g pta +866M +75f +64P 99%R 8/2017 de-su 1837-et 70626988 99%rha-I TV Tl td GP-81 G++G+ 2-09 2-01 3 365 30590 3.5 1063 3.1 953
vekis chevrolet-et 765206109nld 99%rha-I 50K gtpi +2235g pta +1599M +45f +46P 98%R 8/2017 pta +.79t +.81udc +.61flc 97%R 8/2017
rayon dor chevrolet esmeral-et 108920648 9K kgtpi +2294g
wabash-way-i shottle ember-et 10820327c tv tl CAN VG-86 3Y 2-03 2 365 38084 3.5 1324 3.1 1175
Lot 60
3rd Dam: Crockett-Acres Elita-ET (VG-87 EVEE+ GMD DOM) 2-02 2 365 39010 3.8 1480 3.5 1383 4th Dam: Crockett-Acres Mtot Elly-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 6-04 2 283 38840 3.3 1286 3.4 1302 5th Dam: Wauregan Rudolph Ellymae-ET (EX-90 EX-MS 5Y) 4-06 3 365 40210 3.6 1455 3.4 1375 6th Dam: Whittier-Farms Lead Mae-ET (EX-95 EEEEE 3E GMD DOM) 8-07 3 357 41270 4.8 1962 3.5 1440 Life: 1613 126960 4.3 5473 3.6 4597 7th Dam: Raymau Bstar Monica (VG-89 EX-MS DOM) 2-01 2 146 12280 3.8 471 3.3 405 8th Dam: Juniper Jason Maria (VG-86-3Y) 2-03 2 365 20260 4.3 869 3.6 736 9th Dam: JDM-Pride Valiant Maggie (EX-91-7Y GMD DOM) 6-00 2 365 35540 4.1 1442 3.3 1186 Life: 4 Lact 111919 4.2 5002 3.6 4281 10th Dam: La-Ko-Land Penstate Sadie (VG-87-5Y GMD DOM) 7-03 2 322 23781 3.7 888 3.2 769 Life: 8 Lact 166090 3.5 5732 3.2 2853
Hartford superstar 780-ET 3134167109 99%rha-I
100%RHA Born: September 2, 2016 #780 13k gtpi +2194G
de-su Altasuperstar-et 3125982578 tr tp tc tv tl ty td 140K gpti +2475g pta +1034M +51f +40P 79%R 8/2017 pta +622nm +.05%f +.03%P 100%us pta +6.4PL 2.58scs +1.9dpr 4.1%DCE pta +2.14t +1.82udc +.39flc 78%R 8/2017
zahbulls 1stclass vixen-et 3013279168 13k gtpi +2325g pta -497m +51f +17p 78%R 8/2017 pta +565nm +.26%F +.12%P pta +6.5pl 2.73scs +.5dpr 5.4%dce pta +1.81t +2.39udc +1.14flc 78%R 8/2017
cookiecutter petron halogen 8710387 tp tv tl ty td 50k gtpi +2152g pta +1.57T +2.22udc +.85flc 98%r 8/2017 de-su supersire 2355-et 71813840 99%rha-I 9K gtpi +2556g
zahbulls alta1stclass-et 71441918 tr tp tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2317g pta +2.66t +3.50udc +1.30flc 94%R 8/2017 no-fla paradise 33729-ET 3009976896 GP-83 V++G+ 3-07 2-04 2 291 21820 4.8 1046 3.5 756 3-03 2 305 24270 5.0 1213 3.7 892
3rd Dam: No-Fla Russell 28405-ET (VG-85 2Y) 1-11 3 305 19500 4.7 909 3.3 650 4th Dam: No-Fla Bolivier 24574-ET (VG-86) 4-03 3 305 28840 4.7 1350 3.3 943 Life: 2018 171950 4.4 7569 3.3 5601 5th Dam: No-Fla Rudolph Haille-ET (VG-86 2Y) 6-10 3 303 29610 3.3 983 2.7 814 Life: 1654 147690 3.1 4607 2.8 4118 6th Dam: No-Fla Blackstar Haven-ET (GP-83 DOM) 3-00 3 349 26640 3.8 1022 3.1 837 7th Dam: No-Fla Memorial Haven-ET (VG-86 GMD DOM) 4-05 3 305 32430 4.7 1508 2.7 868 Life: 1702 143690 3.7 5385 2.8 4066 8th: Bennick Apollo Rocket Hominy (VG-87 DOM) 5-01 2 305 26460 2.7 726 Life: 1453 104210 3.1 3270 9th Dam: Bennink Ivan Star Holly (VG-85 DOM) 5-02 2 305 18700 4.3 811 10th Dam: Imperial Wayne Hallie (VG-86) 10-05 2 305 17040 4.2 716
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Sonray-Acres Soc Observr-Vi 3rd Dam of Lot 61
Lot 61
hartford-B 820 619 3143352497
endco the answer-po-et 74599862 tr pc tc tv tl ty td 140K gtpi +2624g pta +2290M +82f +72P 79%R 8/2017 pta +765N +.00%F +.01%P 100%us pta +4.8PL 3.15scs +1.3dpr 4.7%dce pta +1.85T +1.70udc +1.01flc 78%R 8/2017
hartford roc-p 619 Daisy-et 74260994 tr pc tl td 12K gtpi +2026g
100%RHA Born: July 1, 2017 #820 PTPI +2330
Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 4-08 GM 140K gtpi +2773g pta +3074M +87f +91P 99%R 8/2017 Bryhill ernhardt mint p-ET 108133421 tl td 77k gtpi +2308g
co-op Rocco-P-et 3011816320 pc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi+2014g pta +258M +9f +23P 92%R 8/2017 pta +.93t +1.55udc +.33flc 78%R 8/2017 ri-val-re ehrdt daisy-P-ET 71259333 GP-83 +VG+V 2-09 2-01 3 365 34090 3.3 1111 2.8 942
3rd Dam: Sonray-Acres Soc Observr Vi (CAN EX-91 6Y 4*) 4-10 3 365 45344 4.2 1905 3.2 1444 4th Dam: Sonray-Acres Shot Socrts Pi (VG-86) 4-01 2 337 25530 3.9 998 3.1 802 3rd Dam: Sonray-Acres R Shott Star (VG-88 EX-MS) 4-01 2 330 25710 4.3 1111 3.2 830 Life: 1562 115700 4.3 5019 3.2 3698 4th Dam: Sonray-Acres Air Rudlf Stew (VG-85 VG-MS DOM) 3-05 2 305 26580 3.6 947 3.1 815 5th Dam: Sonray-Acres BS Airln Helen (VG-85) 3-01 2 308 240101 3.9 934 3.3 798 6th Dam: Sonray-Acres Bstar Halina (VG-87 EX-MS) 6-00 2 328 23980 4.1 987 3.2 765 Life: 1685 115900 4.5 5165 3.3 3822
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Blondin TJR Supersire Aroma-ET (VG-85 2Y) Dam of Lot 62
KHW Alchemy Adeline-Red (VG-86) 2nd Dam of Lot 62
Lot 62
Endco Pat Orange-red-et 3133063505 99%RHA-I Born: January 31, 2016 #23312 30K gtpi +2528g pta +1206M +54f +47P 75%R 8/2017 pta +716NM +.03%F +.04%P pta +7.5PL 2.79scs +2.6dpr 4.3%dce pta +1.36t +1.63udc +1.09flc 74%R 8/2017
Coyne-Farms Sympati Pat-Red 3012178104 99%rha-I tp tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2458g pta +1282M +60f +45P 79%R 8/2017 pta +644NM +.05%F +.03%P 100%us pta +5.2pl 2.71scs +.5dpr 6.6%dce pta +1.54T +2.21udc +1.25flc 79%R 8/2017
BLONDIN TJR SUPERSIRE AROMA-ET 108535196 RC VG-85 VVVV+ 2-06 9K GTPI +2626g 2-01 2 305 24350 4.5 1099 2.9 710
Bred 7/20/2017 to Zimmerview Wonka Loyal-P 73926711 7H12708
3rd Dam: Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET dymentholm s sympatico-et 11004723 rc (2E-95 EEEEE DOM) 7-00 2 365 39690 4.7 1849 3.5 1385 tp tv tl ty td Life: 1844 144460 4.4 6295 3.7 5288 CAN VG-87 4Y 50K GTPI +2430G 4th Dam: Clover-Mist Alisha-ET PTA +1630M +68F +41P 99%R 8/2017 (3E-93 DOM) 8-07 2 365 36920 4.2 1553 3.4 1258 BIUTLERVIEW COLT PRAIRIE-ET 71016158 Life: 2999 226470 4.7 10659 3.6 8149 99%RHA-I RC TY 5th Dam: Clover-Mist Augy Star VG-86 VV+VV 3-00 (4E-94 DOM) 1-11 3 365 30230 3.8 1144 3.3 1001 7-10 3 365 43140 5.0 2136 3.3 1421 Life: 2486 206250 4.7 9793 3.5 7187 6th Dam: D-R-A August (4E-96 EX-MS DOM) Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 8-05 3 365 27460 4.3 1187 3.2 871 tr tp TC tv tl ty td Life: 3443 190200 4.4 8281 3.3 4457 EX-90 EEVV 6-06 GM 50K gtpi +2600g Nom. All-American Aged Cow ‘86 pta +2101M +103F +66P 99%R 8/2017 All-Wisconsin Aged Cow ‘87 KHW Alchemy Adeline-red-ET 141832531 7th Dam: D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader (2E-90 EX-MS) VG-86 VVV+V 5-01 9K gtpi +2136g 7-06 2 358 20090 3.9 787 3.2 637 2-02 2 254 18080 4.4 795 3.6 653 Life: 2456 133250 4.0 5308 8th Dam: D-R-A Princess Lad Leader (3E-90) 9-05 2 305 19160 4.2 809
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
3rd Dam: North-Fork Bret 4001-ET (VG-87 DOM) 5-02 3 365 33290 3.2 1073 3.0 1005 North-Fork Bret 4001-ET (VG-87 DoM) Life: 1399 104600 3.7 3879 3.2 331 3rd Dam of Lot 63 4th Dam: Kings-Ransom DB Digital-ET (2E-92 EX-MS GMD DOM) 4-04 3 365 40020 4.1 1651 2.9 1161 Weigline Dugger 2639 3132381928 Life: 1197 112410 4.3 4846 3.1 3476 5th Dam: Pen-Col Mtoto Dima-ET (Pending) (VG-88 GMD DOM) Born: October 23, 2015 Ronald Franck 7-02 3 365 45430 3.8 1723 2.9 1325 Gtpi +2383g Newhall, IA Life: 1960 193470 3.9 75232.9 5514 pta +1469M +65f +48P 75%R 8/2017 6th: Pen-Col Commotion Deanna 319/560-1507 (2E-91 GMD-DOM) pta +697NM +.04%F +.01%P 5-00 365 36060 4.8 1730 3.2 1167 pta +6.6PL 2.82scs +1.3dpr 4.9%dce Life: 105370 4.6 4890 3.4 3635 pta +.44T +.76udc -.22flc 75%r 8/2017 7th: Pen-Col Mascot Deanna-ET 1-09 3 31 2250 3.9 87 3.1 69 (Inc) (EX-91 GMD-DOM) SCC 19 5-01 365 33920 3.7 1252 3.6 1210 Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 8th: Pen-Col-A Cleitus Dawn-ET tr tp TC tv tl ty td No-Fla Dugger-ET 3013071694 99%rha (VG-87 GMD-DOM) EX-90 EEVV 6-06 GM 50K gtpi +2600g tc tv tl ty td 2-10 365 34849 3.0 1055 3.0 1057 pta +2101M +103F +66P 99%R 8/2017 9th Dam: Pen-Col Bell Dream 77K gtpi +2438g (VG-85 GMD DOM) pta +1548M +64f +51P 80%R 8/2017 No-Bla Erdman Mia 31553 3008609323 3-09 2 365 32162 4.0 1297 3.0 979 pta +767NM +.02%f +.01%P 100%us 99%rha-I 10th Dam: Pen-Col Conductor Devine pta +8.0PL 2.77scs +1.5dpr 4.8%dce 6K gtpi +2065G (VG-87 GMD-DOM) pta +.39T +.57udc -.37flc 78%R 8/2017 4-02 3 305 29570 3.9 1157 3.2 941 1-10 365 27104 4.2 1142 Pine-Tree Altaoak-et 69169951 99%rha-I 11th Dam: Pen-Col Wayne Deena Weigeline Oak 7212-ET 3011509790 (VG-88 GMD-DOM) tr tp tc tv tl ty td (Pending) 3-00 365 32226 4.1 1328 50K gtpi +2369g 12th Dam: Pen-Col Elebation Destiny DCB Summary +2326gtpi pta 1931m +64f +54P 99%R 8/2017 (VG-87 GMD) pta +1277M +57f +48P 81%r 8/2017 6-11 2 365 30092 4.3 1304 pta +597NM +.04%f +.03%P North-Echo Parker 2405-ET 6867005 tv Life: 1514 118226 3.9 4620 pta +5.2PL 2.71scs +.06dpr 5.3%dce GP-84 VVF++ 3-02 50K gtpi +2022g 13th: Inka Whirlhill Pabst Della 1-11 3 301 19180 4.0 773 3.3 638 pta +051t +.90udc +.35flc 81%r 8/2017 (3E-90 EX-MS GMD) 2-10 3 354 27530 3.8 1038 3.3 922 2-04 3 365 35379 3.1 1094 2.9 1019 9-03 2 365 32088 3.8 1212 3-11 3 282 24770 4.0 980 3.1 775 3-03 3 223 19741 3.3 658 3.1 (Inc) Life: 3535 252969 3.8 9736 4-11 3 305 25980 3.8 987 3.2 822
Lot 63
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Peak Charm-ET (VG-85 2Y) 2nd Dam of Lots 64A & 64B
Lot 64A
Five #1 DT Embryos Jedi x P861-ET
S-S-I Montross Jedi-Et 3123886035 99%rha-I Tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-91 EEEEE 3-01 77K gtpi +2821g pta +2624M +76f +88P 80%r 8/2017 pta +888NM -.08Tf +.02%P 100%us pta +7.5PL 2.94scs +2.7dpr 4.1%dce pta +2.06t +1.71udc +1.35flc 79%r 8/2017
Lot 64B
Five #1 DT Embryos
Legendary x P861-ET Welcome Legendary 2870-ET 3125066459 99%rha-I tr tp tc tv tl ty td 140K gtpi +2682g pta +1061M +71f +39P 79%R 8/2017 pta +834nm +.12%f +.02%P 100%us pta +11.0PL 2.66scs +3.8dpr 6.6%dce pta +1.95T +1.42Udc +2.01flc 78%R
Endco Charm Silver P861-ET 3135087089 30K gtpi +2620g pta +2030M +72f +62P 78%R 8/2017 pta +747NM -.01%F +.00%P pta +6.0PL 2.82scs +.6dpr 5.0Tdce pta +2.03T +2.22udc +1.97flc 76%R 8/2017 Pregnant, Due 1/15/2017 Over 20 Embryos Exported
Seagull-Bay Silver-ET 72156794 tc tv tl ty td GM 77K gtpi +2637g pta +1572M +91f +60P96%r 8/2017 pta +2.33t +2.60udc +2.21flc 93%R 8/2017 Peak Charm-ET 3013060745 99%rha-I TV Tl ty td VG-85 vv++v 2-05 77K gtpi +2464g pta +2056m +64f +59P 81%R 8/2017 pta +686NM -.04%f -.01%P pta +5.9pl 2.91scs +.5dpr 5.4%dce pta +1.31t +1.25udc +1.11flc 79%R 8/2017 2-02 2 305 27520 4.0 1107 2.9 788
John & Linda Prososki Wausau, WI 715/574-4374
3rd Dam: Larcrest MS Chanda-ET (VG-85 2Y) 2-05 2 305 22680 4.1 925 3.0 689 4thLarcrest Chenoa-ETS (VG-87 DOM) 2-04 2 365 35930 4.1 1487 3.3 1191 5th Dam: Larcrest Crimson-ET (2E-92 EEEEE GMD DOM) 2-02 2 365 36060 4.7 1710 3.7 1351 6th Dam: Larcrest Cosmopolitan (VG-87 GMD DOM) 2-04 2 365 30930 4.1 1261 3.6 1119 Bulls & Embryos sold Worldwide 7th: Larcrest Oside Champagne-TW (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-03 2 365 29110 4.5 1322 3.7 1077 8th Dam: Larcrest Juror Chanel (3E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 9-00 2 365 48460 4.0 1943 3.4 1648 Over 250,000 Lifetime 9th Dam: Larcrest Lindy Chandra (VG-85) 2-05 2 365 20896 4.8 993 3.8 803 10th Dam: Larcrest Inspiration Carly (VG-87 EEVVV) 3-05 2 305 21800 4.5 973 3.3 802
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Lot 65A
Four #1 Embyros
S-S-I Montross Jedi-Et 3123886035 99%rha-I Tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-91 EEEEE 3-01 77K gtpi +2821g pta +2624M +76f +88P 80%r 8/2017 pta +888NM -.08Tf +.02%P 100%us pta +7.5PL 2.94scs +2.7dpr 4.1%dce pta +2.06t +1.71udc +1.35flc 79%r Peak Dijon sshot 60284-ET 3134408617 tr
Sells as Lot 65
Minnigan-Hills Dijon-ET Dam of Lot 65
Lot 65 John & Linda Prososki Wausau, WI 715/574-4374
Bred 7/6/2017 to Westcoast Guarantee-ET 12371147 200HO10836
peak dijon SShot 60284-ET 3134408617 tr
100%RHA Born: February 11, 2016 #60284 30K gtpi +2545g RZG 152 pta +1016M +62f +51P 77%R 8/2017 pta +720NM +.09%F +.07%P pta +7.1PL 2.71scs +3.0dpr 4.9%dce pta +1.80t +1.03udc +.90flc 76%R 8/2017 Embryos Exported to Germany
Cogent Supershot 755898903Nld tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2473g pta +1963M +45f +60P 96%R 8/2017 pta +694NM -.10%f +.00%P 78%us pta +7.9PL 2.74scs +2.7dpr 4.7%dce pta +1.18t +.78udc +.54flc 94%r 8/2017
Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 tr tp TC tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 6-06 GM 50K gtpi +2600g pta +2101M +103F +66P 99%R 8/2017 pta +.96t +.68udc +.02FLC 99%r 8/2017
minnigan-Hills Dijon-ET 72936677 tr tv tl ty td NC 140K Gtpi +2449g pta +388M +50f +36p 81%R 8/2017 pta +622NM +.13%F +.09%p pta +6.1PL 2.66scs +2.4dpr 5.6%dce pta +1.48t +1.63udc +1.39flc 79%R 8/2017
s-s-i mogul defender-et 3009554569 tr tp tv tl ty td 50k gtpi +2232g pta +2.10t +2.66udc +1.98flc 98%R 8/2017
Rose Superclass 536745399deu VG-85 VVG++ 3-00 3K GTPI +2040G
four-cal day darby-et 71873979 GP-83 ++GV+ DOM 2-05 2-01 2 365 27520 4.0 1098 3.4 946
3rd Dam: De-Su 733-ET (VG-87) 3-08 2 365 38420 4.0 1537 3.3 1274 Life: 1051 108740 4.0 4351 3.3 3588 4th: Vision-Gen Oman Fantasa-ET (VG-87 DOM) 5th: Harvue-K MSVision Fancy-ET (VG-87 DOM) 2-04 3 365 35300 3.8 1345 3.6 1272 6th Dam: MS Harvue N V Fanny-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 1-11 2 365 33010 3.7 1207 3.0 1002 7th: Wa-Del Rc Formation Fran-ET (EX-91 EX-MS GMD DOM) 4-02 2 365 37110 3.3 1221 3.4 1274 8th: Wa-Del Rice Oscar Marsha-ET (VG-87 VG-MS GMD DOM) 5-07 2 365 35840 3.7 1338 3.1 1128 Life: 2173 165380 4.0 6627 3.3 5483 9th: Wa-Del RC Blckstar Molly-ET (VG-88 EX-MS DOM) 2-01 2 365 26160 3.6 953 3.1 816 10th Dam: Valhalla Mark Mitzy-ET (VG-86 3Y GM DDOM) 2-02 2 365 21748 3.6 787 3.2 692 11th Dam: Huberview Bell Kristeen (VG-86 5Y GMD DOM) 3-04 2 365 36310 4.1 1479 3.5 1259 12th Dam: Huberview Elevation Kay (VG-85-4Y) 11th: Huberview Forty-Niner Kitty (3E-93) 12th: Huberview Famous Duke Kathy (EX-90 GMD) 13th: Brady Cornerstone Kathryn (2E-90)
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Weigeline Digger 1835-ET (VG-87 EX-MS) Dam of Lot 66
Lot 66
Weigeline Delta 2609 3132381898 TP 100%RHA Born: August 3, 2015 #2609 12k gtpi +2452g pta +894m +31f +34P 78%R 8/2017 pta +650NM -.01%F +.02%P pta +7.6PL 2.71scs +3.6dpr 4.2%dce pta +1.25t +1.84udc +1.19flc 77%R 8/2017
Ronald Franck Newhall, IA 319/560-1507
1-09 3 104 7125 4.1 290 2.9 208 (RIP) SCC 13,000
mr mogul delta 1427-ET 72128216 TC tv tl ty td 77K GTpi +2849g pta +1817M +97f +57P 98%R 8/2017 pta +951NM +.10%f +.01%P 100%us pta +8.0PL 2.79scs +3.7dpr 5.0%dce pta +1.95t +2.51udc +1.41flc 95%R 8/2017 Weigeline Digger 1835-ET 69864989 VG-87 VVV+E 5-03 50K gtpi +2089g
2-04 3-06 4-07 5-06
3 3 3 3
305 356 325 313
21830 33880 33180 27459
3.7 2.8 2.6 3.2
808 962 858 874
Lifetime to date 121,250M Fresh again at 6-07
3.2 704 3.2 1071 2.9 977 3.1 848 (RIP)
Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr TP tv tl ty td EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2504G pta +1220M +79f +40P 99%R 8/2017 miss ocd robst delicious-ET 3006989479 VG-87 +EV+V DOM 3-05 2-05 2 305 25780 3.5 908 3.1 793
Ronelee Gold Digger-ET 3004373270 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 3-08 50K gtpi +2052g pta +1.25t +1.80udc +.78flc 98%R 8/2017 weigeline Nifty 1351 64733347 VG-87 VVV+V 4-01
2-09 3-11 5-00 5-11 7-04 8-07
3 3 3 3 3 3
305 364 288 365 305 319
23430 33320 25170 35534 26130 25052
3.9 925 3.8 1279 3.7 924 3.8 1338 3.8 986 4.0 1000
3.1 729 3.1 1037 3.0 748 3.1 1111 2.8 744 3.0 764
Lifetime 206,293M - Fresh 9/7/2017 44
3rd Dam: Weigeline Ally Sara (VG-85) 3-10 3 365 27120 3.8 1129 2.8 754
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Weigeline Nifty 1351 (VG-87) 3rd Dam of Lot 67
Lot 67 Ronald Franck Newhall, IA 319/560-1507
Weigeline Supersire 2299-ET 72384019 99%rha-I 100%RHA Born: October 3, 2013 10K gtpi +2305g
Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 tr tp TC tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 6-06 GM 50K gtpi +2600g pta +2101M +103F +66P 99%R 8/2017 pta +855NM +.08%F +.01%P 77%us pta +6.8PL 2.82scs -.2dpr 4.2%dce pta +.96t +.68udc +.02FLC 99%r 8/2017
Weigeline Bookem Sabith 70579576 99%rha-I VG-86 VVV+V DOM 4-05 50K gtpi +2175g 2-01 3 311 25330 3.8 965 3.2 799 3-02 3 305 29330 2.5 722 2.8 829 3-02 3 365 32080 2.7 852 2.8 912
Dam of Weigeline S-Sire Sangria-ET 1HO11373
Sells Fresh 9/21/2017
2-01 3 309 24030 3.0 728 3.0 726 2-11 3 298 25070 3.6 889 2.9 724 SCC 152,000
roylane socra Robust-ET 64966739 tr tv tl td VG-88 VVVV 3-03 GM 50K gtpi +2466g Pta +984M +73f +44P 99%R 12/2016 Ammon-Peachey Shauna-eT 66228178 VG-87 VEV+V DOM 2-04 2-01 3 365 35120 4.1 1427 3.1 1079
De-su 521 Bookem-ET 66636657 99%rha-I tr tp tv tl ty td VG-88 EV+V 6-07 GM GTPI +2317g pta +1293M +29f +48P 99%R 8/2017 Weigeline Freddie 1621-ET 68585477 99%rha VG-87 VV+VV DoM 5-04 3-00 2 365 29500 4.2 1241 3.3 959 5-02 2 365 25880 4.1 1049 2.8 721
3rd Dam: Weigeline Nifty 1351 (VG-87) 5-11 3 365 35534 3.8 1338 3.1 1111 Life: 206,293M 4th Dam: Weigeline Ally Sara (VG-85) 3-10 3 365 27120 3.8 1129 2.8 754
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Vision-Gen SH Frd A12304-ET (VG-85) 2nd Dam of Lot 68
Lot 68
Sibic Rubicon Camille 2522 74551038 tP
Sibic Holsteins Mosinee, WI 715/803-5696
99%RHA-I Born: January 26, 2015 #2522 GP-84 ++F+V 2-04 12K gtpi +2416g pta +1435M +87f +47P 79%R 8/2017 pta +620NM +.12%F +.01%P pta +3.6PL 2.97scs -.1dpr 5.3%dce pta +1.59t +.96udc +1.47flc 81%r 8/2017
3rd Dam: Applouis Jet Stream Alda-ET (VG-85 DOM 2Y) 5-05 2 305 24980 3.7 925 3.3 824 Sons in A.I. 4th Dam: Morningview Otsd April-ET Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 (VG-87 VV+VE GMD DOM) tr TP tv tl ty td 2-03 3 365 36010 4.3 1560 3.6 1291 EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2504G 5th: Morningview Gibbon Judy-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) pta +2.22t +3.08udc +2.35flc 99%R 8/2017 2-04 2 305 25010 3.9 964 3.2 795 Sandy-Valley Robust Ruby-ET 69998487 6th: Morningview Converse Judy (EX-93 GMD DOM) EX-90 VEVEV 6-04 4-05 2 365 38100 4.1 1565 3.3 1269 2-04 2 305 29450 3.2 950 3.1 916 7th: Morningview Aerostar Jix-ET (VG-87 EX-MS) O-Cosmopolitan=et 5570438074nld 5-06 2 340 32040 3.9 1249 3.4 1089 50K gtpi +1919g 8th Dam: Walnutt-Knoll Judy-ET pta +458M +37f +23P 97%R 8/2017 (VG-87 VEVV GMD DOM) 4-08 2 357 37210 4.0 1480 3.2 1187 pta +1.03t +1.60udc -.46flc 95%R 8/2017 9th: Walnutt-Knoll RORAE Jenny (2E-91 EEVE GMD DOM) Vision-Gen SH Frd A12304-ET 69517640 7-04 2 365 29830 4.1 1210 3.0 885 99%rha-I 10th Dam: Lynnberry Gem VG-85 +VFVV DOM 2-03 (VG-89 EEEV) 2-00 2 365 30119 4.5 1369 3.1 939 6-02 2 365 27770 4.1 1143
2-00 3 222 19381 4.4 851 3.1 605 (RIP) SCS 14
edg rubicon-et 72128125 tc tv tl ty td gm 77K gtpi +2723g pta +1243M +107f +48P 96%R 8/2017 pta +864NM +.22%F +.04%P 100%us pta +6.9pl 2.91scs +2.1dpr 4.2%dce pta +1.75t +1.44udc +2.30flc 93%R 8/2017
Mormann Cosmo Gilly-ET 72127403 99%rha-I VG-85 VVV+V 3-02 2-00 3 287 26450 3.8 998 2.8 739 3-00 3 365 32196 4.1 1315 3.0 972 4-06 3 30 7688 3.5 269 2.7 206 (RIP)
Bred 5/15/2017 to Wa-Del Yoder Bamdares-ET 143189741 7HO12671 Sexed semen
Lot 69 Sibic Holsteins Mosinee, WI 715/803-5696
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 Sibic Delta Gracious 3132381958 tr tp tl td
99%RHA Born: January 4, 2016 #2669 12K gtpi +2495g pta +1361m +71f +41P 77%R 8/2017 pta +692NM +.07%f +.00%P pta +6.0PL 2.87scs +2.5dpr 5.5%dce pta +1.29t +1.69udc +.72flc 77%R 8/2017
mr mogul delta 1427-ET 72128216 TC tv tl ty td 77K GTpi +2849g pta +1817M +97f +57P 98%R 8/2017 pta +951NM +.10%f +.01%P 100%us pta +8.0PL 2.79scs +3.7dpr 5.0%dce pta +1.95t +2.51udc +1.41flc 95%R 8/2017
Mormann Cosmo Gilly-ET 72127403 99%rha-I VG-85 VVV+V 3-02 2-00 3 287 26450 3.8 998 2.8 739 3-00 3 365 32196 4.1 1315 3.0 972 4-06 3 30 7688 3.5 269 2.7 206 (RIP)
Lot 70 Sibic Holsteins Mosinee, WI 715/803-5696
Bush-Bros Jamocha-et 74551086 99%rha-I tc 140K Gtpi +2633g pta +1786M +102f +70P 79%R 8/2017 pta +818NM +.13%F +.06%P 100%us pta +5.4pl 2.99scs +1.3dpr 4.4%dce pta +.85t +.80udc +.66flc 77%R 8/2017
Mormann Cosmo Gilly-ET 72127403 99%rha-I VG-85 VVV+V 3-02 2-00 3 287 26450 3.8 998 2.8 739 3-00 3 365 32196 4.1 1315 3.0 972 4-06 3 30 7688 3.5 269 2.7 206 (RIP)
Bred 4/29/2017 to Melarry Josuper Frazzled-ET 74261651 7HO12788 Sexed semen
3rd Dam: Applouis Jet Stream Alda-ET (VG-85 DOM 2Y) 5-05 2 305 24980 3.7 925 3.3 824 Sons in A.I. Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 4th Dam: Morningview Otsd April-ET (VG-87 VV+VE GMD DOM) tr TP tv tl ty td 2-03 3 365 36010 4.3 1560 3.6 1291 EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2504G 5th: Morningview Gibbon Judy-ET pta +1220M +79f +40P 99%R 8/2017 (VG-85 GMD DOM) pta +2.22t +3.08udc +2.35flc 99%R 8/2017 2-04 2 305 25010 3.9 964 3.2 795 miss ocd robst delicious-ET 3006989479 6th: Morningview Converse Judy (EX-93 GMD DOM) VG-87 +EV+V DOM 3-05 4-05 2 365 38100 4.1 1565 3.3 1269 2-05 2 305 25780 3.5 908 3.1 793 7th: Morningview Aerostar Jix-ET (VG-87 EX-MS) O-Cosmopolitan=et 5570438074nld 5-06 2 340 32040 3.9 1249 3.4 1089 50K gtpi +1919g 8th Dam: Walnutt-Knoll Judy-ET pta +458M +37f +23P 97%R 8/2017 (VG-87 VEVV GMD DOM) 4-08 2 357 37210 4.0 1480 3.2 1187 pta +1.03t +1.60udc -.46flc 95%R 8/2017 9th: Walnutt-Knoll RORAE Jenny (2E-91 EEVE GMD DOM) Vision-Gen SH Frd A12304-ET 69517640 7-04 2 365 29830 4.1 1210 3.0 885 99%rha-I 10th Dam: Lynnberry Gem VG-85 +VFVV DOM 2-03 (VG-89 EEEV) 2-00 2 365 30119 4.5 1369 3.1 939 6-02 2 365 27770 4.1 1143
sibic Jamocha 2889 3140924482 tr tc tl td
99%RHA Born: July 10, 2017 #2889 gtpi +2398g pta +1655M +89f +56P 75%r 9/2017 pta +650NM +.10%f +.02%P pta +4.4PL 2.97scs +.2dpr 6.1%dce pta .82T +.17udc +.56flc 75%r 9/2017 uecker supersire Josuper-et 70726929 99%rha-Ii tc tv tl ty td GM 77K gtpi +2728g pta +3129M +104f +91P 98%R 8/2017 Bush-Bros Mogul 4536-ET 71997639 cv 98%rha-I cv gtpi +2484g 3-04 3 305 29370 4.6 1364 3.4 1013
O-Cosmopolitan=et 5570438074nld 50K gtpi +1919g pta +458M +37f +23P 97%R 8/2017 pta +1.03t +1.60udc -.46flc 95%R 8/2017 Vision-Gen SH Frd A12304-ET 69517640 99%rha-I VG-85 +VFVV DOM 2-03 2-00 2 365 30119 4.5 1369 3.1 939
3rd Dam: Applouis Jet Stream Alda-ET (VG-85 DOM 2Y) 5-05 2 305 24980 3.7 925 3.3 824 Sons in A.I. 4th Dam: Morningview Otsd April-ET (VG-87 VV+VE GMD DOM) 2-03 3 365 36010 4.3 1560 3.6 1291 5th: Morningview Gibbon Judy-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 2-04 2 305 25010 3.9 964 3.2 795 6th: Morningview Converse Judy (EX-93 GMD DOM) 4-05 2 365 38100 4.1 1565 3.3 1269 7th: Morningview Aerostar Jix-ET (VG-87 EX-MS) 5-06 2 340 32040 3.9 1249 3.4 1089 8th Dam: Walnutt-Knoll Judy-ET (VG-87 VEVV GMD DOM) 4-08 2 357 37210 4.0 1480 3.2 1187 9th: Walnutt-Knoll RORAE Jenny (2E-91 EEVE GMD DOM) 7-04 2 365 29830 4.1 1210 3.0 885 10th Dam: Lynnberry Gem (VG-89 EEEV) 6-02 2 365 27770 4.1 1143
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Weigeline Observer 1869-ET (2E-90 EX-MS) 2nd Dam of Lot 71
Weigeline Shottle 1291-ET (2E-90 EX-MS DOM) 3rd Dam of Lot 71
Lot 71
weigeline Bombero 2500-ET 73796118 tp BY
3rd Dam: Weigeline Shottle 1291-ET (2E-90 EX-MS DOM) 4-09 3 305 31080 3.3 1029 2.6 804 99%RHA-I Born: November 6, 2014 #2500 Ronald Franck 4th Dam: Weigeline Ramos Ventura GP-83 +VVG+ 2-06 12K gtpi +2241g Newhall, IA (GP-84 VVVV+ DOM) pta +1775< +40f +44P 80%R 8/2017 2-01 3 357 28300 3.3 942 3.0 835 319/560-1507 5th Dam: Morningview Jessie CRI-ET pta +489NM -.09%F -.04%P Bred 12/30/2016 to (GP-83) pta +4.7PL 2.79scs +.0dpr 4.3%dce EDG Tango Sahara 4-05 3 281 29980 3.1 939 3.2 963 pta +1.37T +1.34udc -.06Flc 81%r 8/2017 3010356293 203H3003 Life: 1326 112590 3.2 3580 3.2 3613 1-11 3 298 25070 3.6 899 2.9 724 (RIP) Sexed semen 6th Dam: Morningview Manfred Judy SCS 14 (VG-85 GMD DOM) 5-07 2 365 39560 4.1 1627 3.1 1234 Amighetti Numero-Uno-ET 17990915143ita Life: 1844 168870 4.3 7278 3.1 5233 richmond-fd el bombero-et 71637328 tv tl ty td 8th: Morningview Converse Judy tr tp tv tl ty td GM 50K gtpi +2363g (EX-93 GMD DOM) 50k gtpi +2543g pta +2.18t +2.31udc +.78flc 99%R 8/2017 4-05 2 365 38100 4.1 1565 3.3 1269 pta +1505m +62f +35P 99%R 8/2017 Sons & Grandsons in A.I. pta +693nm +.02%f -.04%P 81%us richmond-fd s barbara-ET 69305043 ty 9th Dam: Morningview Aerostar Jix-ET pta +7.8pl 2.52scs +2.9dpr 4.0%dce (VG-87 EX-MS) EX-90 EVVVE DOM 6-06 pta +1.91t +1.94udc +.30flc 98%R 8/2017 5-06 2 340 32040 3.9 1249 3.4 1089 2-04 3 365 33460 4.2 1401 3.0 1002 Life: 1400 110030 3.7 4110 3.5 3880 da-so-burn Mom Earnhardt P 68972328 10th Dam: Walnutt-Knoll Judy-ET tr po tv tl ty td (VG-87 VEVV GMD DOM) VG-86 VVV+ 2-05 50k gtpi +2000g 4-08 2 357 37210 4.0 1480 3.2 1187 weigeline earnhrdt 2221-ET 72383941 11th Dam: Walnutt-Knoll Rorae Jenny pta +1168M +33f +57P 99%R 8/2017 99%rha-I PO (2E-91 EEVE GMD DOM) VG-85 +V++V 4-01 7-04 2 365 29830 4.1 1210 3.0 885 weigeline observer 1869-ET 69865023 2-00 3 365 29320 2.9 866 2.8 830 Life: 2581 156590 4.0 6248 99%rha-I by 3-07 3 219 25740 3.1 792 2.8 739 (Inc) 12th Dam: Lynnberry Gem EX-90 VEVVE 2E 6-07 (VG-89 EEEV) 3-03 3 293 28020 3.2 902 2.9 800 6-02 2 365 27770 4.1 1143 4-02 3 365 35710 3.1 1118 2.9 1037
Lot 72
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 Weigeline Delta 2597-ET (Pending) By PC
3rd Dam: Weigeline Shottle 1291-ET (2E-90 EX-MS DOM) 4-09 3 305 31080 3.3 1029 2.6 804 100%RHA Born: July 4, 2015 Ronald Franck 4th Dam: Weigeline Ramos Ventura CDCB Summary gtpi +2525g Newhall, IA (GP-84 VVVV+ DOM) pta +1533M +47f +44P 78%R 8/2017 319/560-1507 2-01 3 357 28300 3.3 942 3.0 835 pta +696NM -.04%f -.01%P 5th Dam: Morningview Jessie CRI-ET (GP-83) pta +6.8PL 2.79scs +3.2dpr 4.3%dce 4-05 3 281 29980 3.1 939 3.2 963 pta +1.65t +2.06udc +.79flc 78%R 8/2017 Life: 1326 112590 3.2 3580 3.2 3613 1-10 3 107 10220 3.6 368 2.8 283 (RIP) 6th Dam: Morningview Manfred Judy SCS 62 (VG-85 GMD DOM) Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 5-07 2 365 39560 4.1 1627 3.1 1234 Life: 1844 168870 4.3 7278 3.1 5233 mr mogul delta 1427-ET 72128216 tr TP tv tl ty td 8th: Morningview Converse Judy TC tv tl ty td EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2504G (EX-93 GMD DOM) 77K GTpi +2849g pta +1220M +79f +40P 99%R 8/2017 4-05 2 365 38100 4.1 1565 3.3 1269 pta +1817M +97f +57P 98%R 8/2017 pta +2.22t +3.08udc +2.35flc 99%R 8/2017 Sons & Grandsons in A.I. pta +951NM +.10%f +.01%P 100%us miss ocd robst delicious-ET 3006989479 9th Dam: Morningview Aerostar Jix-ET pta +8.0PL 2.79scs +3.7dpr 5.0%dce (VG-87 EX-MS) VG-87 +EV+V DOM 3-05 pta +1.95t +2.51udc +1.41flc 95%R 8/2017 5-06 2 340 32040 3.9 1249 3.4 1089 2-05 2 305 25780 3.5 908 3.1 793 Life: 1400 110030 3.7 4110 3.5 3880 da-so-burn Mom Earnhardt P 68972328 10th Dam: Walnutt-Knoll Judy-ET tr po tv tl ty td (VG-87 VEVV GMD DOM) VG-86 VVV+ 2-05 50k gtpi +2000g 4-08 2 357 37210 4.0 1480 3.2 1187 weigeline earnhrdt 2221-ET 72383941 11th Dam: Walnutt-Knoll Rorae Jenny pta +1168M +33f +57P 99%R 8/2017 99%rha-I PO (2E-91 EEVE GMD DOM) VG-85 +V++V 4-01 7-04 2 365 29830 4.1 1210 3.0 885 weigeline observer 1869-ET 69865023 2-00 3 365 29320 2.9 866 2.8 830 Life: 2581 156590 4.0 6248 99%rha-I by 3-07 3 219 25740 3.1 792 2.8 739 (Inc) 12th Dam: Lynnberry Gem EX-90 VEVVE 2E 6-07 (VG-89 EEEV) 3-03 3 293 28020 3.2 902 2.9 800 6-02 2 365 27770 4.1 1143 4-02 3 365 35710 3.1 1118 2.9 1037
Lot 73 Ronald Franck Newhall, IA 319/560-1507
Weigeline Galloway 2628 3132381917 tp BY
99%RHA-I Born: September 20, 2015 #2628 12K gtpi +2414g pta +1033M +42f +41P 76%R 8/2017 pta +616NM +.01%f +.03%P pta +6.7PL 2.71scs +1.0dpr 5.4%DCE pta +1.55T +2.17udc +1.58flc 73%R 8/2017
1-09 3 55 4788 3.7 179 2.7 131 (RIP) SCC 17,000
Co-Op RB Tango Galloway 71753192 99%rha-I tc tv tl ty td 77K GTPI +2406g pta +843M +45f +32P 86%R 8/2017 pta +630NM +.05%f +.02%P 100%us pta +6.6PL 2.72scs +2.3dpr 5.7%dce pta +1.24t +1.99udc +1.30flc 78%R 8/2017
weigeline Epic 2210-ET 72383930 99%rha-I 50k gtpi +2254g
mr welcome hill tango-et 70750485 tc tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2392g pta +2021m +64f +54P 99%R 8/2017 co-Op Robust Galina 6447-ET 70272909 99%rha-I VG-87 E+VVV 5-07 77K gtpi +2356g 1-11 2 365 26350 4.5 1192 3.2 854
Genervations Epic-ET 11104016c tv tl ty td GM 77K gtpi +2215g pta +889m +25f +29P 99%R 8/2017 pta +1.67T +1.31udc +1.67flc 99%R 8/2017 weigeline Observer 1869-et 69865023 99%rha-I BY EX-90 VEVVE 2E 6-07 50K GTPI +2164 3-03 3 293 28020 3.2 902 2.9 800 4-02 3 365 35710 3.1 1118 2.9 1037
3rd Dam: Weigeline Shottle 1291-ET (2E-90 EX-MS DOM) 4-09 3 305 31080 3.3 1029 2.6 804 4th Dam: Weigeline Ramos Ventura (GP-84 VVVV+ DOM) 2-01 3 357 28300 3.3 942 3.0 835 5th Dam: Morningview Jessie CRI-ET (GP-83) 4-05 3 281 29980 3.1 939 3.2 963 Life: 1326 112590 3.2 3580 3.2 3613 6th Dam: Morningview Manfred Judy (VG-85 GMD DOM) 5-07 2 365 39560 4.1 1627 3.1 1234 Life: 1844 168870 4.3 7278 3.1 5233 8th: Morningview Converse Judy (EX-93 GMD DOM) 4-05 2 365 38100 4.1 1565 3.3 1269 Sons & Grandsons in A.I. 9th Dam: Morningview Aerostar Jix-ET (VG-87 EX-MS) 5-06 2 340 32040 3.9 1249 3.4 1089 Life: 1400 110030 3.7 4110 3.5 3880 10th Dam: Walnutt-Knoll Judy-ET (VG-87 VEVV GMD DOM) 4-08 2 357 37210 4.0 1480 3.2 1187 11th Dam: Walnutt-Knoll Rorae Jenny (2E-91 EEVE GMD DOM) 7-04 2 365 29830 4.1 1210 3.0 885 Life: 2581 156590 4.0 6248 12th Dam: Lynnberry Gem (VG-89 EEEV) 6-02 2 365 27770 4.1 1143
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Lot 74
Lazy-Acres Wilton 2307 73316302 93%RHA Born: October 9, 2013 #2307 GP-83 ++G+V 2-05
Ronald Franck Newhall, IA 319/560-1507
2-02 2 365 30733 3.6 1116 2.9 882 3-06 3 148 18042 3.5 626 2.8 500 (RIP) SCC 14,000
Pine-Tree Active Wilton-eT 66024159 tv tl ty 50k gtpi +1939g pta +2M +18f +7P 99%R 8/2017 pta +346NM +.07%F +.03%P 99%r pta +5.2PL 3.19scs +2.6dpr 5.0%dce pta -.26t +.62udc -.15flc 95%R 8/2017
Alpag iron Active-eT 6920009167ita tv tl td GM HD GTPI +1831g pta +43M +27f +10P 99%R 8/2017 pine-tree missy winnie-et 61996270 VG-87 VV+VV 4-01 3-11 3 305 29270 3.0 878 3.1 899
Velvet-View Rankin CRI-ET 65801492 tv tl 50k gtpi +2153g pta +562M +33f +23P 98%R 8/2017 pta +1.13t +1.66udc +.79flc 86%R 8/2017
lazy-acres rankin 1907 70579521 87%rha Lazy-Acres Jayz 891 61998620 75%rha NC GP-82 VV+F+ 2-01 2-03 3 331 25460 3.4 860 3.0 763 1-10 3 305 26460 3-04 3 305 31500 4-08 3 305 27660 LIFE 1494 131020
Lot 75
2.7 706 2.7 846 2.7 754 2.7 3569
weigeline Peso 2663 3132381952 100%RHA Born: December 14, 2015 #2663 CDCB Summary GTPI +2090G pta +1198M +7f +29P 75%R 8/2017 pta +467NM -.13%F -.03%P pta +7.1PL 2.87scs +2.5dpr 7.5%dce pta -.08t +.39udc +.48flc 75%R 8/2017
Ronald Franck Newhall, IA 319/560-1507
Blumenfeld Jacey Peso-eT 3011733876 99%rha-I tc tv tl ty td 77K GTPI +2437g pta +883M +18f +41P 79%R 8/2017 pta +580NM -.05%F +.05%P 100%us pta +6.8pl 2.89scs +4.3dpr 5.3%dce pta +1.57t +1.74udc +2.09flc 77%R 8/2017
Weigeline Planet 1640 68585496 GP-80 +++G+ 2-04 2-00 3 353 24370 3-01 3 290 22360 4-00 3 303 24340 5-00 3 305 21970 6-02 3 276 23490 LIFE 1667 124420
3.2 840 2.7 857 3.5 970 3.0 3994
3.5 845 3.5 793 3.5 859 2.8 619 2.7 635 3.2 4003
3.0 739 3.1 690 3.1 762 3.0 666 2.9 683 3.1 3797
Bred 3/20/2017 to Kings-Ransom Thstr Magee-ET 3132356896 7HO12903
coyn-farms Jacey CRI-ET 70541519 99%RHA-I TV TL TY tD 50K gtpi +2435g pta +1584M +14f +56P 99%r 8/2017 Blumenfeld Robust 3925 70595967 tr EX-90 VEVVE 3-08 3-01 2 310 27900 3.9 1087 3.4 945 LIFE 1202 101500 3.7 3716 3.3 3383
Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM HD GTPI +2071g pta +1535m +37f +44P 99%R 8/2017 co-op wizard nina 61376274 cv GP-83 GV+VV 3-09 1-11 3 305 24760 3-04 3 311 23940 4-04 3 341 25410 6-03 3 305 23110 LIFE 1528 110820
3.1 756 2.4 578 2.8 715 3.0 697 2.8 3145
3.0 740 3.0 725 2.9 744 2.8 653 3.0 3300
3rd Dam: Ms Moe Needle CRI-ET (GP-80) 2-02 3 305 23070 2.9 667 3.4 781 4th Dam: Etazon LL Neon-ET (VG-85) 5th Dam: Tui Onyx Nick-TW (VG-86 +E+EV GMD DOM) 2-00 2 365 34720 3.5 1218 3.4 1193 6th Dam: Tui Opel Ned Boy (VG-89 EX-MS GMD DOM) 9-02 2 365 35720 4.6 1656 3.5 1250 7th Dam: Tui Odyessa Bell (VG-86 EX-MS GMD DOM) 4-02 2 327 30410 3.7 1136 3.2 Life: 1653 128650 3.4 4372 3.1 4012 8th Dam: Tui Vanessa Bootmark (VG-85) 5-00 2 361 30630 3.8 1158 3.3 1021
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Sandy-Valley Robust Ruby-ET (EX-90) 3rd Dam of Lot 76
Lot 76
Simple-Dreams 54983 R320 3133737652 99%RHA-I Born: March 21, 2017 #320 PTPI +2558
Fairmont Stoic Ragen-ET 73896769 99%rha-I tc tv tl ty td 140K gtpi +2603g pta +1534M +64f +59P 79%R 8/2017 pta +776NM +.03%F +.05%P 100%us pta +7.4PL 2.82SCS +2.5dpr 6.0%DCE pta +1.22T +1.77udc +1.62flc 79%R 8/2017
EDG 2259 King 24983-ET 3010353730 99%rha-I tr tp tl td NC 12K gtpi +2505g pta +1117< +64f +48P 80%R 8/2017 pta +653NM +.08%F +.05%P pta +4.8PL 2.88scs +2.4dpr 4.1%dce pta +2.12T +1.35udc +.62flc 77%R 8/2017
spruce-Haven Stoic-et 71630809 99%rha-I tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2512g pta +1461M +40f +60P 99%R 8/2017 co-op moonboy rescue-et 71624114 VG-88 VV+VE DOM 4-05 2-00 2 337 24940 4.4 109 3.5 870
Morningview MCC Kingboy-ET 72044077 99%RHA-I TV TL TY TD EX-90 EEVE 2-11 77k GTPI +2506g pta +3.26t +2.49udc +1.34flc 99%R 8/2017 edg ruby Ern 2259-ET 72437806 NC 77K gtpi +2383g pta +1446M +61f +53P 81%R 8/2017 pta +585NM +.03%F +.03%P pta +3.1PL 3.06scs +.5dpr 3.5%dce pta +1.73t +.76udc +1.21flc 81%R 8/2017 51
3rd Dam: Sandy-Valley Robust Ruby-ET (EX-90) 2-04 2 305 29450 3.2 950 3.1 916 4th Dam: Sandy-Valley Plane Sapphire (VG-87 GMD) 2-00 2 365 39130 3.3 1301 2.8 1101 5th Dam: Sandy-Valley Bolt Sheila-ET (2E-92 EX-MS) 2-02 2 365 44790 3.6 1607 2.7 1209 Life: 1183 136150 3.6 4922 2.8 3834 6th Dam: Sandy-Valley Forbid Sully (VG-87 VG-MS GMD) 2-*03 2 365 35110 3.7 1310 3.1 1095 7th Dam: Orthoapple Marshall Alia-ET (VG-89 VG-MS GMD DOM) 2-04 2 365 36210 4.4 1605 3.2 1154 8th Dam; Regancrest-JB Tatum-ET (VG-87 VG-MS DOM 2Y) 2-04 3 365 32682 3.6 1163 3.2 1059 Dam of Sandy-Valley Talent-ET 9th Dam: Regancrest Tesk Della (EX-90 VEVEE GMD DOM) 5-11 2 365 35510 3.5 1234 3.2 1134 Nom. Global Cow of the Year 2006 10th Dam: Snow-N Denises Dellia (2E-95 EX-MS 2E GMD DOM 2*) 7-06 2 365 35610 4.0 1431 2.9 1035 Life: 2558 180240 3.9 7108 3.2 5723 32 EX & 49 VG offspring 11th Dam: Snow-N Dorys Denise (2E-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 5-09 2 365 33350 3.8 1256 3.1 1038
Lot 77
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 jzm lets deal ali 544 3133742891 PO
100%RHA Born: November 29, 2015 #544 James Martin 30K gtpi +1800G Lime Springs, IA 563/547-3651 Bred 12/27/2016 to OCD Eraser Zipit-P-ET 3125170883 507H12669 Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 Sexed semen tr tp TC tv tl ty td Synergy Lets deal 72798990 EX-90 EEVV 6-06 GM 50K gtpi +2600g rc pc tv tl ty td pta +2101M +103F +66P 99%R 8/2017 VG-85 V+VV 2-09 77K GTPI +2236g pta +.96t +.68udc +.02FLC 99%r 8/2017 pta +261M +57f +28P 79%R 8/2017 synergy ablst Loopdelou-red 69735744 pta +462NM +.17%F +.07%P 100%us po tv pta +4.4PL 3.00scs +1.4dpr 6.6%dce EX-90 EEEVE 2E 6-00 pta +.96t +1.02udc +.94flc 79%r 8/2017 4-08 3 365 39650 4.4 1761 3.7 1463 LIFE 1325 124160 4.5 5584 3.8 4658
Hendel Medford-et 63925647 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEEV 3-10 50K gtpi +1784g pta +1214m +8f +33P 94%R 8/2017 pta +1.00T +1.07udc +.66flc 92%R 8/2017
hendel medford Alecia 71069580 VG-86 VVVVV 3-06
hendel Anastasia 2567-ET 63782538 G-78 G+GG+ 2-02
1-10 2 357 13150 4.6 603 3.4 450 3-01 3 305 23380 4.6 1083 3.7 869 4-04 3 323 26880 4.6 1227 3.6 964
1-11 2-10 3-10 5-04
Lot 78 Bred 2/2/2017 to Sullhrtford Roadshow-ET 74261030 29H18306
2 3 2 2
298 305 305 305
22630 23200 15390 16440
4.0 899 4.3 1000 4.3 657 3.9 639
3.0 3.2 3.4 2.8
690 747 517 462
to-mar maxum gami 143762502
100%RHA Born: January 17, 2016 #W798
to-mar Maxum-ET 143000318 rc ptpi +1806 pta -870M +16f -15p 46%R 8/2017 pta +2.4pl 3.00scs -.3dpr 9.8%dce pta +2.13T +1.83udc +1.83flc 46%R 8/2017
maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379c TR TP TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 50K GTPI +1870g pta +3.55T +2.39udc +2.60flc 99%R 8/2017 mer-gold adv mady-red-et 64096170 tl td VG-87 VVVVE 4-00
3-05 2 365 31860 4.8 1538 3.2 1034
to-mar Hill giesel 142546864 PTPI +1907
lotta-Hill shottle 41-ET 62942427 tr tv tl td GM 50K gtpi +2139g pta +1230M +36f +18P 99%R 8/2017 pta +1.25T +1.87udc +.55flc 99%R 8/2017 to-mar laurin gal-et 140051409 VG-85 VEVV+ 5-04 2-00 2 365 27930 3-05 2 365 36130 4-10 2 365 33840 LIFE 1383 114710
4.1 1144 3.8 1388 3.6 1207 3.8 4393
3.1 859 3.0 1100 3.1 1052 3.1 3583
3rd Dam: Hendel Potter Abby 2145-ET (VG-88) 3-04 2 365 38920 2.8 1073 2.9 1144 4th Dam: Hendel Rudlph Aster 1482-ET (VG-87 GMD) 4-02 2 365 42030 4.0 1699 3.1 1311 Life: 1228 131960 4.0 5217 3.1 4062 5th Dam: Hendel Mathie Austin (2E-92 EEEEE GMD DOM) 5-07 3 365 40330 4.0 1600 2.8 1117 Life: 2355 229800 3.9 8992 2.8 6431 6th Dam: Olmar Winken Alisha (EX-90 GMD) 7-01 3 334 32050 3.3 1056 3.1 1000 Life: 2560 212346 3.5 7494 3.2 6835 7th Dam: Olmar Matt Jr Betsy (2E-90) 5-02 2 349 25310 3.3 839 2.7 681 Life: 2397 148330 3.4 5041 2.7 3519 8th Dam: Olmar Brutus Bretta (VG-85) 5-02 2 365 36980 3.5 1310 2.7 1014 Life: 1390 116620 3.7 4265 2.8 3289 9th Dam: Olmar Reflection Bretta (EX-90 GMD) 5-00 2 365 24058 3.5 838 10th Dam: Olmar Skyliner Bretta (VG-86) 6-06 2 339 19850 3.6 716 11th: Olmar King Wayne Barbara (VG-86) 7-02 2 232 12140 4.2 505 12th Dam: Siouxland Barbara Rocket (VG-87) 6-00 2 341 15439 3.8 579
3rd Dam: Johnan Throne Goldy-ET (VG-87) 2-04 2 365 31060 3.8 1182 3.3 1028 4th Dam: Jocar Convincer Gayle-ET (2E-90 GMD DOM) 5-05 2 365 38030 3.4 1288 2.7 1027 5th Dam: Johcar Rudolph Ginger-ET (3E-94 EEEEE GMD DOM) 8-04 2 365 47860 3.1 1462 2.7 1276 Life: 2452 224390 3.5 7832 2.9 6598 3rd 125,000 lb. Midwest Fall Nat’l ‘06 6th Dam: Mikary Mandel Gerri-ET (VG-87) 5-03 2 365 38090 3.8 1434 2.9 1098 Life: 1552 130042 3.2 4545 2.9 3821 7th Prairie-Belle Glory-ET (VG-88 GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31861 4.0 1276 3.2 1010 8th Dam: Hayseed Rotate Gaiety (EX-90 GMD DOM) 5-11 2 365 37421 4.6 1739 3.7 1367 Life: 120442 4.2 5044 3.4 4149 8th Dam: Hayseed Mars Gretchen (2E-94 GMD DOM) 7-07 3 365 37430 3.9 1477 3.6 1334 Life: 155299 3.7 5679 3.2 4993 9th: Hayseed Cinnamon Astro Grace (EX-90 GMD DOM) 7-09 2 364 26210 3.5 908 3.1 806 Life: 101 149 3.3 3302 3.3 3300 10th: Hayseed-Acres Astro Ginger (4E-90) Life: 122580 3.4 4226 3.1 2943 11th: Will-O-Sha Palmyra Ollie-OC (VG-86) 9-07 2 365 23580 4.2 985 Life: 114430 4.0 4612
Lot 79
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 View-Home Midnight Blue-et 3132109825 PC
99%RHA-I Born: August 7, 205 #19940 12K gtpi +2401g pta +1088M +41f +41P 77%R 8/2017 pta +613NM +.00%F +.03%P pta +7.0PL 2.97scs +1.0dpr 3.9%dce pta +2.18t +2.00udc +1.17flc 76%r 8/2017
Bred 4/2/2017 to Hartford Rubi-Taz-ET 3134167086 551H3420 Sexed semen
View-Home Monterey-et 69087180 99%rha-I tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2561g pta +773M +52f +38P 97%R 8/2017 pta +659NM +.08%f +.05%P 80%us pta +6.1pl 2.95scs +1.2dpr 2.6%dce pta +3.34t +2.81udc +2.18flc 96%R 8/2017
westcoast shan shazam-et 3013251056 rc pc tl td G-77 GGFGG 3-08 9K gtpi +2152g
Lot 80
de-su Bkm mccutchen 1174-et 69990138 99%rha-I tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-93 EEEE 4-10 GM 50K gtpi +2355g pta +3.17T +2.34udc +2.06flc 99%r 8/2017 pine-tree 2149robst 4846-ET 69804610 Vg-86 VEV+V DOM 3-01 2-04 3 365 32000 4.8 1520 3.2 1036
ladys-Manor Man-o-shan-ET 70528492 tv tl ty td EX-90 EVEE 3-04 50K gtpi +2250g pta +1.49t +2.14udc +.09flc 99%R 8/2017 hartford Colt-P 315-red-et 71141833 po 50K gtpi +1907g
to-mar Atwood Pal 143762427
100%RHA Born: November 21, 2015 #W789
maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379c TR TP TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 50K GTPI +1870g pta -21M +29f +4P 99%R 8/2017 pta +48nm +.11%f +.02%P 50%us pta -.4pl 3.04scs -3.3dpr 9.7%dce pta +3.55T +2.39udc +2.60flc 99%R 8/2017
to-mar Palermo Patricia 142668083 GP-82 ++g++ 2-07 2-02 2 319 27150 3.4 934 2.9 789
3rd Dam: Ri-Val-Re Freddie Kyra-ET (GP-83) 2-05 3 365 32140 3.8 1206 3.0 964 4th Dam: Sandy-Valley Sweetheart-ET (VG-88 EX-MS) 4-03 2 355 26700 4.6 1227 3.2 862 5th Dam: Sandy-Valley Sept Sweety-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) 4-10 2 365 33930 4.6 1563 3.3 1110 6th Dam: Ricecrest Terry Tory-ET (2E-93 GMD DOM) 608 2 365 48840 3.9 1905 3.2 1552 Life: 1287 141630 3.9 5490 3.2 4574 7th Dam: Ricecrest Luke Lisa-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 6-07 2 365 35320 4.0 1440 3.2 1150 Life: 2403 184850 4.0 7351 3.2 5995 8th Dam: Ricecrest Southwind Amy-ET (GP-84 GMD DOM) 3-11 2 365 35170 3.5 1224 3.0 1047 Life: 1348 117100 3.6 4170 3.1 3606 9th Dam: Ricecrest Ned Boy Noreen-ET (2E-91 EX-MS GMD DOM) 7-04 2 365 35260 4.2 1489 3.2 1116 Life: 2636 172940 4.2 7338 3.4 5810 10th Dam: Ricecrest Jemini Jayanna (VG-87 VG-MS DOM) 10-02 2 365 32070 4.1 1323 3.0 966 Life: 2962 210730 4.0 8395 3.1 6550 11th Dam: Ricecrest Elevation Ella (VG-86 VG-MS DOM) Life: 2456 153140 3.6 5460 3.1 4266 10th Dam: Terracelane Ideal Star (VG-88 VG-MS DOM) 7-08 2 365 26990 3.9 1045 Life: 207856 3.7 7338
Bred 2/2/2017 to Sullhrtford Roadshow-ET 74261030 29H18306
BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1871g pta +1.76T +1.49udc +1.43flc 99%R 4/2017 MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177
2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005
glenn-ann Palermo-et 137332056 tv tl ty td GM 50k gtpi +1729g pta +.97t +.26udc -1.46flc 99%R 8/2017 to-mar Lou Patrica 139051302 VG-85 VVG+V 5-05 2-01 2 336 27710 3-01 2 365 29980 4-07 2 365 31540 LIFE 1263 102520
3.8 1050 3.9 1156 3.5 1100 3.7 3821
2.9 804 3.0 900 3.0 933 3.0 3069
3rd Dam: Sco-Lo Goodluck Precious-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) 4-04 2 365 28780 4.7 1357 3.3 941 4th Dam: J-Hall Champion Pricilla (VG-88 EX-MS) 2-04 3 365 28490 3.6 1025 3.1 883 5th Dam: J-Hall Integrity Prissy (2E-94 EEEEE) 3-07 2 365 34580 5.1 1756 3.4 1168 Life: 1818 159240 4.1 6592 3.1 4889 6th Dam: J-Hall Pagent Priscilla (VG-86) Life: 1878 130980 2.7 3570 2.8 3623
Lot 81
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 hartford flagship 716-ET 3134167045 tr tl td
99%RHA-I Born: October 10, 2016 #716 12K gtpi +2516g pta +1103M +55f +42P 74%R 8/2017 pta +671NM +.05%f +.03%P pta +7.3PL 2.69scs +.8dpr 5.1%dce pta +2.62t +2.26udc +1.58flc 73%R 8/2017 zahbulls alta1stclass-et 71441918 tr tp tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2317g pta +2.66t +3.50udc +1.30flc 94%R 8/2017
s-s-i 1stclass flagship-et 3127943686 99%rha-I tr tp tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2666g pta +833M +66f +40P 79%R 8/2017 pta +799NM +.13%f +.06%P 100%us pta +9.0PL 2.69scs +2.3dpr 4.9%dce pta +2.41T +2.32udc +2.01flc 79%R 8/2017
s-s-i Suprsire Miri 8679-ET 3011538078 99%rha-I TR TP TL TD VG-89 EEVVE DOM 4-05 140K gtpi +2637g 2-00 3 365 39810 3.5 1402 3.1 1234
kerndtway kingpin-et 69502423 99%RHA-I tr tp tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEV 4-05 77K gtpi +2385g pta +2.63t +1.72udc +1.31flc 93%R 8/2017
kenmore kp 7-10 split-et 3130321016 99%rha-I tr tl td NC 12K gtpi +2465g pta +1131M +55f +45P 77%R 8/2017 pta +648NM +.05%f +.04%P pta +6.6PL 2.69scs +1.1dpr 4.8%dce pta +2.09t +1.62udc +1.48flc 77%R 8/2017
kenmore cloudless day-et 56629611 rc tl td GP-82 V+G++ 3-08 9K gtpi +2353g pta +1312M +52f +45P 80%R 8/2017 pta +612NM +.01%F +.02%P pta +6.2PL 2.70scs +.7dpr 7.5%dce pta +.98t +1.48udc +.90flc 80%R 8/2017 3-02 2 305 23920 3.9 921 3.2 766
Lot 82
to-mar Bradnick Bobbie 143762409
100%RHA Born: November 16, 2015 #W787
Regancrest-GV S Bradnick-ET 66625940 tr tv tl ty td EX-95 EEEE 5-09 50K gtpi +1882g pta +819M -24f +13P 99%R 8/2017 pta +143NM -.20%F -.04%P 54%us pta +3.3PL 3.12scs -2.0dpr 4.5%dce pta +2.42t +2.56udc +2.42flc 99%R 8/2017
to-mar Dart Babe 141420648 99%rha VG-87 VE+VV 3-06
1-10 2 365 22800 3.9 882 3.2 732 3-02 2 365 33950 4.1 1383 3.2 1076 4-04 2 263 28240 3.6 1011 2.9 823
Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez 134422312 TR TV TL TY TD EX-94 EEEE 6-07 HD GTPI +1549g pta +2.00t +.82udc +1.52flc 99%R 8/2017 regancrest Breya-ET 62496852 TL EX-90 VEEVE GMD DOM 7-09 2-02 2 365 31960 3.6 1164 2.8 905
to-mar dart-et 140104862 VG-85 V+++ 2-02 pta -206< -10f -4P 66%r 8/2017 pta +1.29t +.86udc +1.26flc 45%R 8/2017 triple-H Knock Babe 138866189 99%rha VG-85 VV++V 3-02 2-05 2 365 28310 4.2 1195 3.3 922
3rd Dam: Kenmore Snowangel Rae-ET (EX-90) 3-09 2 365 30890 4.3 1321 3.0 935 4th: Our-Favorite Shnazzy Rae-ET (VG-88) 5th Dam: Scientific Gold Dish Rae-ET (EX-90 DOM) 6-10 3 365 44700 3.8 1717 3.0 1363 Life: 1145 110650 4.1 4586 3.4 3741 6th Dam: Scientific Debutante Rae-ET ((EX-92 EEEEE GMD DOM) 2-02 2 365 32930 4.4 1440 3.2 1070 All-American 4-Year-Old 2005 HM All-American Jr. 3-Year-Old 2004 All-WI Jr. 3Y 2004 & All-WI 4-Y 2005 7th Dam: Scientific Jubilant Rae-ET (EX-90 DOM) 5-11 3 365 38880 4.1 1608 3.4 1329 Life: 1394 117590 4.0 4707 3.4 4018 8th Dam: C Hanoverhill Tony Rae (3E-96 GMD DOM 5*) 6-11 3 365 40221 4.1 1660 3.5 1408 HM All-American Jr. 2-Year-Old ‘88 Nom. All-American 5-Year-Old ‘91 9 EX Daughters Nom. All-American ‘88 & ‘91 9th Dam: Hanoverhill TT Roxette-ET (2E-94 GMD DOM) 10-00 3 365 35040 4.3 1519 3.2 1129 10th Dam: Mil-R-Mor Roxette (EX-90 GMD DOM) 7-01 2 365 24530 4.7 1153 21 EX Progeny Canada’s 1st 30* Brood Cow 11th: C Glenridge Citation Roxy (4E-97 EX-MS GMD) 5-06 2 365 21308 5.1 1086 2X Queen of the Breed! A ll-Time AA Aged Cow 12th: C Norton Court Model Vee (EX-90 GMD 6*) Life: 218636 3.9 8583 3X All-American Produce of Dam 13th: C Norton Court Reflection Vale (VG-85 5* 249,580LT )
Bred 3/29/2017 to Triplecrown Gatedancer-ET 74186134 1H11670
Lot 83
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 to-mar guthrie ruby 143436713
100%RHA Born: April 27, 2015 #W757
Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-eT 137191143 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 4-11 50K GTPI +1961g pta -153m +11f +8p 99%R 8/2017 pta +164nm +.06%f +.05%P 80%us pta +.7pl 2.85scs -.2dpr 7.4%dce pta +2.52t +2.25udc +1.38flc 99%r 8/2017
BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1849g pta +1.76t +1.45udc +1.40flc 99%R 8/2017 Regancrest-MWS Brit-eT 60870676 EX-90 EEEVV DOM 4-11 1-11 2 365 31080 3.4 1066 2.8 866
KHw Elm-park acme-et 61720218 rc tv tl ty td EX-90 VEEE 2-11 gm 50k gtpi +1810g pta +1.50t +1.55udc +.19flc 99%R 8/2017
to-mar acme rory 142402993 G-75 +G+GF 3-00
2-00 2 365 26970 3.9 1056 3.2 856
hantke bright reba 138593087 Gp-83 ++V++ 2-08
2-03 2 354 28820 3-04 2 365 33760 4-11 2 365 34050 LIFE 1316 112130
Lot 84 Caden Jensen Byron, MN 507/316-5125
2-03 2 365 26100 4.3 1134 3.2 837 3-08 2 267 32100 4.1 1317 3.0 972
4.0 1144 3.8 1287 3.7 1251 3.9 4328
3.0 879 3.1 1031 3.0 1032 3.1 3466
to-mar Defiant Baylee 143762520
100%RHA Born: January 28, 2016 #W800
scientific B Defiant-ET 141123484 rc tp tc tv tl ty td VG-87 EVV+ 4-08 50K gtpi +1687g pta +495M -26F +4P 98%R 8/2017 pta -127NM -.17%F -.04%P 76%us pta -1.3OK 3.12scs -2.2dpr 6.1%dce pta +3.55T +2.44udc +1.72flc 98%R 8/2017
to-mar acme Barb 142021226 VG-85 VVV+V 2-08
Bred 1/19/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
regancrest S Braxton-ET 61898423 tr tv tl ty td EX-95 EEEV 5-09 77K GTPI +77K gtpi +1378g pta +2.51t +.66udc +.88flc 99%R 8/2017 Scientific Gold Dior Rae-ET 138328405 rc cv EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-03 4-02 2 365 31910 4.7 1495 3.3 1039
KHw Elm-park acme-et 61720218 rc tv tl ty td EX-90 VEEE 2-11 gm 50k gtpi +1810g pta +1.50t +1.55udc +.19flc 99%R 8/2017 to-mar Niagra Bunny 141208701 GP-80 ++GG+ 2-08 1-08 2 327 18030 3.9 700 3.2 581
3rd Dam: Hantke Derry Ruby (GP-81) 1-08 2 361 22380 3.8 842 3.2 720 4th Dam: Hantke Royalist Diamond (VG-86 EX-MS) 3-11 2 342 29280 3.7 1076 3.1 895 Life: 1286 103730 3.8 3938 3.2 3293
3rd Dam: To-Mar Blackstar Beth-ET (GP-81) 4th Dam: Morningview Duplex Barb-ET (VG-86) 3-07 2 365 38290 3.8 1452 3.0 1155 5th Dam: Schaulane Outside Barbie (2E-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 6-07 2 365 42280 3.7 1549 3.0 1266 Life: 1056 104680 3.6 3786 3.1 3287 6th Dam: Schaulane Lindy Breeze (EX-90 EX-MS) 5-04 2 365 31500 3.9 1215 3.1 986 Life: 1567 109400 4.0 4423 3.3 3618 7th Dam: Schaulane Galen Brenda (GP-84) 4-07 2 365 26760 4.2 1129 3.4 913 8th Dam: Schaulane Bell Brandi (VG-87) 8-05 2 352 34080 3.8 1311 3.1 1043 9th Dam: Bluff-Ridge Dutchoe Barbie (4E-90 GMD DOM) 11-08 2 365 21560 3.6 784 3.0 641 Life: 3572 191350 3.6 6847 3.0 2521 10th: Bluff-Ridge R Maple Brenda (VG-88) 9-07 2 365 25750 3.9 992 11th Dam: Bluff-Ridge Bootmaker BB (VG-86) 8-04 2 365 24480 3.7 902 Life: 2295 145400 3.7 5332
Lot 85
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 ms powerball colt 9683-Et 3125945205 100%RHA Born: May 13, 2015 #9683 13K gtpi +2227g
Sells Fresh
view-Home Powerball-P-et 3011789392 pc tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2361g pta +761M +35f +46P 95%R 8/2017 pta +1.75t +1.43udc +.66flc 90%r 8/2017
Ms Lilli Colt 18072-ET 3013923862 tr GTPI +2042G
da-so-burn Mom Earnhardt P 68972328 tr po tv tl ty td VG-86 VVV+ 2-05 50k gtpi +2000g pta +1168M +33f +57P 99%R 8/2017 pine-tree 2149robst 4846-ET 69804610 VG-86 VEV+V DOM 3-01 2-04 3 365 32000 4.8 1520 3.2 1036
mr Chassity Colt 45-ET 70476906 rc pc tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1705g Rockymountain Srock Lilli-ET 11445781c VG-87 EEV+V 4-07 2-04 2 216 18760 3.9 729 2.8 531
Lot 86
3rd Dam: Fleury Gen Baxter Lisa (CAN 2E-92 8*) 7-01 2 365 44859 3.6 1603 3.1 1391 Life: 207731 4.0 8391 3.2 6713 4th Dam: Calbrett Shottle Lisamaree (CAN EX-91 21*) 6-05 2 365 39531 3.7 1455 3.1 1237 Life: 119280 3.8 4502 3.2 3854 5th Dam: Lylehaven Lila Z-ET (EX-94-CAN 19*) 4-05 2 365 48910 4.0 1960 3.5 1695 All-Canadian Jr. 2-Year-Old 2004 HM All-Canadian 4-Year-Old 2006 HM All-Canadian 5-Year-Old 2007 6th Dam: Lylehaven Form Laura-ET (3E-93 GMD DOM 7*) 6-02 2 365 35510 4.2 1484 3.1 1088 Life: 1619 138860 3.9 5426 3.0 4178 HHM All-American Four-Year-Old 2003 Res All-Canadian Jr. 3-Year-Old 2002 7th Dam: Thiersant Lili Starbuck-ET (5E-94 EEVEE 4*) 9-11 2x 365d 30910 4.5 1385 3.3 1023 Life: 2925d 207386 4.7 9747 3.4 7052 8th Dam: Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie (VG-86-CAN 1*) 5-04 2x 305d 18472 4.2 769 3.1 578
Kara-Kesh meteor Holy 73801140 99%RHA Born: March 31, 2015 #898
sully Altameteor-et 66011447 tr tp tc tv tl ty td GM 50K gtpi +2153g pta +1116M +22f +29P 99%R 8/2017 pta +1.83t +2.07udc +.71flc 99%R 8/2017
Bred 3/30/2017 to Triplecrown Gatedancer-ET 74186134 1H11670
Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM HD GTPI +2071g pta +1535m +37f +44P 99%R 8/2017 sully Shottle may-tw 138218285 EX-91 EEVEE 2E DOM 9-00 LIFE 1844 192480 3.6 6852 3.0 5844
kara-kesh roland halyn 70795255 99%rha NC 2-03 2 294 19470 3.3 641 2.6 511 3-03 2 305 20210 3.3 671 2.8 570
Lot 87
Phil-ru Potter Roland-et 136278496 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-91 EEEE 8-03 kara-kesh plus heart 65969944 98%Rha NC 2-01 2 305 14950 2.9 436 2.7 407 3-02 2 276 18180 2.9 533 2.7 491
kara-kesh tanner hana 3137857693
Mr welcome Hal tanner-et 3013654496 77K gtpi +2200g pta +409M +4f +15P 79%R 8/2017 pta +1.47t +1.51udc +.77flc 79%r 8/2017
99%RHA Born: April 29, 2016 #930
cookiecutter Petron Halogen 3008710387 tp tv tl ty td 50k gtpi +2152g pta +1.57t +2.22udc +.85flc 98%R 8/2017 ms welcome gilby teena-et 9276243 VG-88 VVVVV 3-09 2-00 3 365 36650 2.7 995 2.8 1008
kara-kesh macguiness hanya 70795259 99%Rha GP-83 +GGVV 2-10 2-05 2 263 17550 3.6 632 3.1 540 3-04 2 305 24390 3.4 828 3.0 727
ri-val-re Macguiness-et 139761263 tr tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 2-10 kara-kesh toystory hark 64616362 98%Rha VG-86 EVV+V 5-00 2-10 2 305 22250 3.4 761 2.9 654 5-08 2 305 22960 3.2 746 2.9 657
Bred 8/14/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
Lot 88
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 Jzm music 579 3136438318
93%RHA-I Born: September 11, 2016 #579
View-Home Monterey-ET 69087180 99%rha tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2561G pta +3.34t +2.81udc +2.18flc 96%r 8/2017
de-su Bkm mccutchen 1174-et 69990138 99%rha-I tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-93 EEEE 4-10 GM 50K gtpi +2355g pta +3.17T +2.34udc +2.06flc 99%r 8/2017 pine-tree 2149Robst 4846-ET 69804610 VG-86 VEV+V DOM 3-01 2-04 3 365 32000 4.8 1528 3.2 1836
Craiglea fever 1464 11719674 87%Rha GP-82 +v+g+ 3-04 2-02 3 296 19720 4.2 821 3.0 591
Lot 89
crackholm Fever-et 103631566 tr tp tl ty td CAN EX-93 craiglea garth 7286 11081102c rc NC
frontline honey festival-TW 3134084264 99%RHA-I Born: July 11, 2016 #1570
de-su SS Honeybee 11569-ET 71813155 99%rha-I tr tp tv tl ty td VG-88 EVE+ 4-07 77K gtpi +2520G pta +1489m +77f +52p 97%R 8/2017 pta +1.66t +1.36udc +.53flc 92%R 8/2017
seagull-Bay Supersire-et 69981349 tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 6-06 gm 50K gtpi +2600g pta +2101M +103f +66P 99%R 8/2017 de-su 514-ET 69490668 99%Rha-I EX-90 EEEVE DOM 5-04 2-09 3 365 36770 3.5 1286 3.2 1163
frontline trigger feather 70407863 99%rha GP-80 G+GG+ 3-10 1-11 2 297 18110 4.1 738 3.1 557 2-11 2 305 21870 4.2 908 3.2 700 4-01 2 312 21160 4.2 886 3.4 717
Lot 90
lars-acres shot trigger-et 62253367 tc tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 5-10 GM Frontline oman Fern 62701491 G-78 VV+P+ 5-03 2-01 2 309 20420 4.1 833 3.1 636 3-01 2 305 21010 4.1 852 3.2 666 4-04 2 364 28160 4.0 1122 3.0 834
Frontline festive Honey-TW 3134084263 99%RHA-I Born: July 11, 2016 #1569
de-su SS Honeybee 11569-ET 71813155 99%rha-I tr tp tv tl ty td VG-88 EVE+ 4-07 77K gtpi +2520G pta +1489m +77f +52p 97%R 8/2017 pta +1.66t +1.36udc +.53flc 92%R 8/2017
seagull-Bay Supersire-et 69981349 tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 6-06 gm 50K gtpi +2600g pta +2101M +103f +66P 99%R 8/2017 de-su 514-ET 69490668 99%Rha-I EX-90 EEEVE DOM 5-04 2-09 3 365 36770 3.5 1286 3.2 1163
frontline trigger feather 70407863 99%rha GP-80 G+GG+ 3-10 1-11 2 297 18110 4.1 738 3.1 557 2-11 2 305 21870 4.2 908 3.2 700 4-01 2 312 21160 4.2 886 3.4 717
lars-acres shot trigger-et 62253367 tc tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 5-10 GM Frontline oman Fern 62701491 G-78 VV+P+ 5-03 2-01 2 309 20420 4.1 833 3.1 636 3-01 2 305 21010 4.1 852 3.2 666 4-04 2 364 28160 4.0 1122 3.0 834
Bred 9/28/2017 to Josey-LLC Seaver-Red-ET 3134167053 551H3498 Sexed semen
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7
Lot 91
Bred 8/19/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
frontline mcc Curtis vision 3134084234 98%RHA-I Born: March 2, 2016 #1540
de-su Bkm mccutchen 1174-et 69990138 99%rha-I tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-93 EEEE 4-10 GM 50K gtpi +2355g pta +3.17T +2.34udc +2.06flc 99%r 8/2017
df mccutchen curtis 78 72865450 99%rha-I tr tp tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2313g pta +546M +41f +27P 79%R 8/2017 Frontline Ricky Vicky 65259504 96%rha-I VG-87 +V++E 3-10
2-02 2 305 24860 3-04 2 305 30120 4-10 2 359 28320 6-00 2 345 31460 7-01 2 305 28550 LIFE 2042 174020
4.0 994 4.5 1341 4.5 1269 4.2 1329 4.0 1144 4.3 7425
3.1 777 3.4 1024 3.2 904 3.2 1012 3.1 890 3.3 5677
Lot 92
miss tmk robust money-et 69516156 NC newhouse Ricky 324879630nld 98%rha tv tl TPI +1690M Frontline nevada velvet-TW 65259441 93%RHA NC 2-07 2 305 25790 3.9 1011 3.0 782 4-08 2 325 30480 3.9 1184 3.1 934 5-08 2 290 20600 4.0 819 3.6 749
3rd Dam: Frontline BWMarshall Velour (GP-83 87%RHA) 4-10 2 305 31990 3.4 1099 2.7 875 4th Dam: Frontline Samson Value (GP-84 75%RHA) 4-00 2 339 28990 3.2 939 2.7 769
Wiese-Morning Rader Dilly 71883548 RC 100%RHA Born: December 4, 2015 #290
hurtgen-Vue Reality-Red 134690997 tv tl VG-88 EVVV 3-05 TPI +2077m pta +1.34t +1.66udc +1.80flc 99%R 8/2017
castleholm R Rader-red-et 64331395 EX-90 EEE+ 3-10 tpi +1679M pta +1.54t +.61udc +.63flc 88%R 8/2017
astrahoe rm rosa rae-Lyn-et 130894399 rc EX-90 EEEVV 5-05
4-11 3 365 59210 4.1 2446 2.8 1659 LIFE 897 121036 4.0 4830 2.9 3522
Wiese-Morning Exhaust Daffy 143592934 NC 4-01 2 181 10860 3.5 377 2.9 315
Bred 3/9/2017 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7H11314
savage-Leigh Exhaustion-et 61604167 ty TPI +1264 wiese-Morning douglas 64 63126084 GP-80 V+GGG 4-07 4-11 2 305 18490 3.8 699 3.0 563
Lot 93
Frontline Fearless Mile 3134084253
Melarry Robust Miles-et 70594754 tr tp tc tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 3-11 GM 50K kgtpi +22455g pta +1011M +81f +45P 99%R 8/2017 pta +1.34t +1.52udc +1.33flc 96%R 8/2017
99%RHA Born: June 11, 2016 #1559
roylane socra robust-eT 64966739 tr tv tl td VG-88 VVVV 3-03 50K GTPI +2506g PTA +931M +72F +43P 99%R 8/2017 MELARRY AL MCKENNA-ET 66398598 VG-88 VVV+E DOM 4-05
5-09 2 365 37030 4.7 1747 3.5 1309 LIFE 1582 134060 4.8 6375 3.7 4904
wabash-way explode-et 138905680 tv tl ty VG-88 EEEF 5-05 GM frontline fearful Explosion 73910089 GP-80 +GG++ 2-07 2-01 2 305 22420 4.0 895 3.2 713
frontline trigger feather 70407863 99%rha GP-80 G+GG+ 3-10 1-11 2 297 18100 4.1 738 3.1 557 2-11 2 305 21870 4.2 908 3.2 700 4-01 2 312 21160 4.2 886 3.4 717
Bred 9/12/2017 to Syryczuk Silvr Blowtorch-ET 3128463273 1H11905
Lot 94
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 frontline foxiest emerald 3134084230
99%RHA Born: February 18, 2016 #1536 Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr TP tv tl ty td mr odc mogul emerald cri-et 71451872 EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2504G tc tv tl ty td pta +2.22t +3.08udc +2.35flc 99%R 8/2017 77K gtpi +2243G pta +716M +54f +23P 99%R 8/2017
ocd elite eloquence-et 3006989387 VG-85 VV++V 3-07 zahbulls iota Cashew-et 70514167 tr tp tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2016g frontline marion foxtail 62701535 99%rha G-78 VE+FF 5-00
frontline cashew foxes 72312974 99%rha GP-82 V+GG+ 3-00
2-06 2 305 26320 3-10 2 316 29570 4-10 2 358 30020 5-11 2 305 27310 7-02 2 362 31630 8-04 2 239 19270 LIFE 2104 178830
2-02 2 305 26260 3.7 971 3.2 830
Lot 95
4.0 1061 3.9 1146 3.8 1149 4.2 1145 4.0 1260 3.9 758 4.0 7129
3.1 812 3.0 894 3.2 965 3.2 880 3.0 936 3.1 605 3.1 5599
fronline playoff force 3134084265 99%RHA Born: July 19, 2016 #1571
sandy-valley-I Playoff-et 108657329c 99%rha-I tr tp tv tl ty td 77K gpti +2302g pta +1.26t +.62udc +.67flc 79%r 8/2017
frontline meteor forklore 72312915 99%rha GP-81 +++g+ 2-03 2 305 24170 3.9 948 2.9 702 3-06 2 297 24090 3.7 882 3.2 762
Lot 96
Bred 7/3/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
coyne-farms Jetset-et 70801849 99%rha-I tr tp tl ty td 77K GTPI +2178G PTA +304M +39F +12P 99%R 8/2017 SANDY-VALLEY NU PENELOPE-ET 70811740 VG-85 +VVVV 2-06 sully altameteor-et 66011447 tr tp tc tv tl ty td GM 50K GTPI +2153G frontline focus folkmusic 68861490 99%rha G-75 GVFPG 4-04 2-01 2 302 24460 3.8 931 2.9 721 3-00 2 345 26900 3.8 1016 3.1 830 4-01 2 247 24340 3.5 855 2.9 703
jzm denver dennise 3133742879
mr mogul denver 1426-ET 72128215 tc tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2753g pta +2275M +98f +71P 89%R 8/2017
100%RHA Born: September 21, 2015 #532 Milking 98Lbs./day 115,000SCS
Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr TP tv tl ty td EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2504G pta +2.22t +3.08udc +2.35flc 99%R 8/2017 miss ocd robst delicious-et 3006989479 VG-87 +EV+V GMD DOM 3-05 2-05 2 365 33780 3.3 1121 3.1 1047
3-02 2 352 22771 3.4 776 3.0 677 4-04 2 339 23441 3.3 784 2.9 678
Sells Fresh 7/31/2017
Lot 97
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 Future-found chops ninja 74121095 100%RHA Born: May 25, 2016 #2283 PTPI +2308 Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr TP tv tl ty td EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM
eildon-Tweed Chops-et 71440069 tr tp tv tl ty td VG-86 +VVV 3-02 77K gtpi +2523g
Bred 9/25/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
Eildon-Tweed MOM Chaps-ET 70323449 EX-90 EVVVE DOM 5-00 4-11 3 315 36320 4.1 1472 3.1 1109
future-Found Turf Nite-tw 71919229 VG-86 VV++V 3-10 2-10 3 364 40400 3.6 1439 3.0 1224
Lot 98
creek dom turf-et 55967185 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1946g
future-Found Socrate Nickel 65953458 NC 3-07 3 319 33520 3.7 1240 3.0 992 LIFE 1145 106680 3.6 3846 3.0 3186
kara-kesh tanner Kelly 3137857694 100%RHA Born: May 1, 2016 #931 PTPI +1976 coockiecutter Petron 3008710387 tp tv tl ty td 50K GTPI +2152G
mr Welcome Hal Tanner-et 3013654496 77K gtpi +2200g 77K gtpi +2200g
MS WELCOME GILBY TEENA-ET 3009276243 VG-88 VVVVV 3-09 2-00 3 365 36650 2.7 995 2.8 1008
kara-Kesh roland Kristmas 70795256 G-79 F+G+G 2-11 2-04 2 263 17260 3.6 617 2.7 465 4-04 2 305 26460 3.4 911 2.9 755
Lot 99
Bred 9/28/2017 to Josey-LLC Seaver-Red-ET 3134167053 551H3498 Sexed semen
phil-ru potter Roland-et 136278496 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-91 EEEE 8-03 kara-Kesh scoop kite 64616365 NC 3-04 2 305 23780 3.5 843 3.0 723 4-04 2 279 23500 3.5 819 3.1 720
kara-Kesh Plan emory 3137857692 99%RHA Born: April 28, 2016 #929 PTPI +2038
b-Hiddenhills plan 1023-ET 3004269577 tr tp tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2223g
Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM
Bred 8/23/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
b-Hiddenhills o man 338-ET 61243600 VG-88 EEEVV GMD DOM 5-01 3-05 2 365 36040 5.1 1831 3.4 1224
kara-kesh Playboy elsa 72518219 99%rha NC 2-01 2 305 20580 3.8 780 3.1 634
Lot 100
ocd iota playboy-et 3008316131 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2151g kara-kesh indiana Ebony 68664388 99%rha NC 3-11 2 278 20490 3.7 755 3.0 610
3rd Dam: Kara-Kesh Ibon Energy (VG-85)
frontline lancome parachute 3134084260 99%RHA Born: June 25, 2016 #1566 PTPI +2004
kellercrest Lancome-et 71164339 tr tp tl ty td 50K gtpi +2170g
Genervations Epic-ET 11104016c tv tl ty td GM 77K gtpi +2215g Kellercrest manoman lacy-et 69436243 VG-85 VV+V+ 2-09 2-06 2 305 25830 3.8 974 3.2 829
frontline ram parallelogram 73910088 99%rha-I NC
b-s-d bookem ram-et 70347772 99%rha tr tp tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2139g frontline million pajamas 68861420 99%rha-I NC 60
Bred 9/8/2017 to Josey-LLC Seaver-Red-ET 3134167053 551H3498 Sexed semen
Lot 101
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 to-mar atwood gabby 143762342 93%RHA Born: October 24, 2015
maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379c TR TP TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 50K GTPI +1870g
Bred 2/10/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177
lotta-hill Shottle 41-ET 62942427 tr tv tl ty td gm 50K gtpi +2139g
to-mar Hill Y206 142021301 87%RHA GP-83 +V+++ 2-07 2-05 2 290 27180 3.4 922 2.9 787 3-04 2 305 33200 2.8 927 3.1 1040
Lot 102
to-mar planet Y125 140710935 GP-81 +V+G+ 4-03 2-02 2 365 27560 3.6 984 3.1 841 3-04 2 336 26400 3.6 943 3.3 861
to-mar atwood Yoyo 143762379 93%RHA Born: November 5, 2015 W781
maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379c TR TP TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 50K GTPI +1870g
Bred 1/22/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177
creek dh dugle-et 131415832 tv EX-91 EEE+ TPI +1376
To-Mar Yoyo 141758064 87%rha VG-85 VVV+V 3-09 2-01 2 365 18710 4.1 775 3.6 669 3-07 2 311 25580 3.9 988 3.1 796
Lot 103
to-mar 354 141721712 75%RHA
Ja-Knoll Rooster wee-red-tw 3136468001 100%RHA Born: June 1, 2016 #122 PTPI +2080
Spruce-Haven Rooster-red-et 71631083 cd tv tl ty td 77K GTPI +2190G
Ver-Hages tt Showdown-et 3004385540 rc ty 50k gtpi +2071g vision-gen aar 12886-Red-ET 69518222 VG-85 +v+gv
Ja-Knoll Dairy Oronoco, MN 507/288-4238 Bred 9/25/2017 to Coyne-Farms Punk-Red-ET 3127292537 1H11970
4-04 2 305 25430 4.3 1099 3.0 764
ja-knoll sympatico Waubeka 56488780 RC dymentholm s sympatico-et 11004723 rc tp tv tl ty td CAN VG-87 4Y GP-80 ++GG+ 3-03 2-09 2 286 26300 3.6 935 3.0 799
ja-Knoll Hvezda Whitney-Red 53453690 G-77 +++GF 2-09 2-04 2 299 19080 3.5 673 3.2 611
Lot 104
to-mar atwood isabell 143762481 96%RHA Born: January 10, 2016 #W795
maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379c TR TP TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 50K GTPI +1870g
BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177
o-bee juryman-et 131825509 tv tl ty to-mar isy 141721897 93%rha G-78 G+PG+ 4-07
to-Mar Isabell 141770837 87%RHA G-77 FGFGG 4-11 2-00 2 365 23880 3.7 8741 3.0 716 3-11 2 365 26060 3.4 881 2.9 758 5-01 2 365 25990 3.5 917 2.9 751
Caleb Stinson Byron, MN 507/923-5377 Bred 7/10/2017 to Regancrest Oz-P-ET 73191541 542HO00769
Lot 105
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 frontline lancome blanch 3134084257
Kellercrest lancome-et 71164339 tr tp tl ty td 50K gtpi +170G
100%RHA Born: June 17, 2016 #1563 Genervations Epic-ET 11104016c tv tl ty td GM 77K gtpi +2215g
Bred 9/28/2017 to Josey-LLC Seaver-Red-ET 3134167053 551H3498 Sexed semen
kellercrest manoman lacy-et 69436243 VG-85 VV+V+ 2-09 2-06 2 305 25830 3.8 974 3.2 829
frontline tabber blabber 72312997 G-77 GGGGG 2-09 2-02 2 305 21760 4.0 869 3.2 700
regancrest-PJ Tabber-et 62744636 tv tl ty td VG-88 EEE+ 5-02 frontline Johnny Bamboo 70407908 G-77 ++GGF 3-01 2-01 2 305 26050 3.8 982 3.0 781 3-06 2 2203 19300 3.9 748 3.2 618
Lot 106
Frontline ss carl subtle-tw 3134084236
Lot 107
frontline ss Carl Submit-tw 3134084235
99%RHA Born: March 2, 2016 #1542
Bred 8/4/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955 or 8/25/2017 to Josey-LLC Seaver-Red-ET 3134167053 551H3498
99%RHA Born: March 2, 2016 #1541
Bred 7/2/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
b-s-d supersr carlton-tw 70347833 tr tp tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2309g
Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 tr tp TC tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 6-06 GM brandt-view Brnc Carly21632 VG-86 VV++V 3-09 3-04 3 326 37280 3.8 1433 3.1 1169
frontline ramox supreme 6881456 99%rha-i G-79 +GFGG 5-05
2-04 2 333 29480 3-05 2 353 26540 4-06 2 305 27200 5-09 2 305 31810 LIFE 1460 125520
3.6 1061 4.0 1056 4.0 1084 4.1 1296 4.0 4993
3.2 938 3.4 902 3.2 881 3.2 1030 3.3 4167
Lot 108
clear-echo Baxter Ramox-ET 64633860 99%RHA-I TV TL TY 50K GTPI +1815G FRONTLINE MANAT SUCCESS 61566384 99%RHA GP-80 GG+FV 5-04 2-02 2 309 21340 3-02 2 305 23410 4-04 2 305 24370 5-08 2 305 25410 LIFE 1566 114300
4.4 942 4.3 1010 3.9 945 4.2 1064 4.2 4827
3.0 648 3.3 775 3.2 777 3.2 803 3.2 3697
Loen-Lane tut allison 3014325991
pride oak tut 222-ET 72695295 99%rha-I tr tp tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2486g
99%RHA Born: April 6, 2016 #237
pine-tree altaoak-et 69169951 99%rha-I tr tp tc tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2369g pride bookem tussle 997-ET 70729355 99%rha-I VG-85 +v+vv dom 3-04 2 336 23330 3.8 1008 3.1 814
loen-Lane Palermo Alice 9250922 99%rha-I G-77 G++FG 2-09 2-02 2 305 16360 3.4 553 2.7 444 3-05 2 305 17740 3.7 653 2.9 513
glenn-ann palermo-et 137332056 tv tl ty td gm 50k gtpi +1729g loen-lane Ashmore Alexis 3004009409 99%rha-I 62
Craig & Janna Loen Cushing, WI 715/648-5116 Bred 8/25/2017 to Josey-LLC Seaver-Red-ET 3134167053 551H3498 Sexed semen
Lot 109
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 loen-lane meander shannon 3014325990 99%RHA-I Born: April 5, 2016 #236
lars-acres shot trigger-et 62253367 tc tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 5-10 GM
co-Op Trigger Meander-et 69865037 99%rha-I tr tp tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +1990g
co-op ramos Megan-et 66484069 98%rha-i TY VG-85 GVG+V 4-10
Craig & Janna Loen Cushing, WI 715/648-5116
Bred 9/25/2017 to Syryczuk Silvr Blowtorch-ET 3128463273 1H11905
Ath-mor Palermo Orrin-et 70648219 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +2055g
loen-Lane Orrins Star 3009250949 99%rha loen-Lane troy symone 3009250907 NC 99%rha NC 2-04 2 291 17220 4.1 711 3.1 529 2-05 2 298 1541 4.3 667 2.9 447 3-04 2 305 18690 4.0 750 3.0 558
Lot 110
loen-lane Emerald juliet 3014325987 99%RHA-I Born: March 20, 2016 #233
bomaz marion emerald 648-ET 62297934 tv tl ty td EX-91 EEVV 6-02 GM 50K gtpi +1979g
Veasland marion-et 130153294 tv tl ty td eX-94 EEEE 10-11 GM bomaz lynch 2411 60413680 tv tl EX-90 VEVEE Gmd dom 3-06
Craig & Janna Loen Cushing, WI 715/648-5116 Bred 7/14/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
3-01 3 365 44480 5.1 2267 3.4 1507
Loen-Lane Samson Joy 3009250939 99%rha-I NC
Lot 111
Loen-Lane Silver Janna 3004009417 99%rha NC
loen-Lane Manoman2 Carrie 3014326000 100%RHA Born: May 14, 2016 #246
long-Langs oman Oman 2-ETN 3006030062 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 4-02 gm 50K gtpi +2093g loen-Lane Micah coco 3009250947 98%rha NC 2-07 2 305 21960 3.4 754 2.8 609
Lot 112
croix-line bowser samson-et 69172176 99%rha-I 50k gtpi +2067g
o-Bee Manfred Justice-et 122358313 tr tv tl td EX-94 EEEE 7-07 GM WINNING-WAY MARCI-ET 130677626 CV VG-89 EEEVV 7-04 1-11 2 365 32010 4.8 1544 3.6 1158 end-road shottle micah-ET 136846077 tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 5-04 GM
93%RHA Born: March 6, 2016 #1333
SANDY-VALLEY COLT P-RED-TW 68731810 Pc TV TL TY TD 50K GTPI +1771g Kulp-Dale Gold Rush-et 65793924 rc VG-86 VVVVV 2-05 2-03 2 365 24160 4.4 1051 3.6 872
Golden-Red RLT Ellabee-red 3012273726 87%rha
Bred 8/19/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
loen-Lane Sargent Cici 3004009403 97%rha NC
golden-red G Elegant P-Red 3012274128
Kulp-Dale Golden PP-Red-et 70805600 PP tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +1714g
Craig & Janna Loen Cushing, WI 715/648-5116
SANDY-VALLEY COLT P-RED-TW 68731810 Pc TV TL TY TD 50K GTPI +1771g No Information Available 170234043 63
Bred 6/29/2017 to Coyne-Farms Punk-Red-ET 3127292537 1H11970
Lot 113
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 100%RHA Born: November 12, 2015 #W786
khw elm-park acme-et 61720218 rc tv tl ty td EX-90 VEEE 2-11 GM 50K gtpi +1810g pta -404M +3f +6P 99%R 8/2017 pta +151NM +.07%F +.07%P 20%us pta +2.6PL 3.26scs -.1dpr 7.3%DCE pta +1.50T +1.55udc +.19flc 99%R 8/2017
East-Dell Hank Wilma 139176636 G-75 +GGGF 6-02 1-11 2 365 17230 3-02 2 305 16760 4-01 2 332 19700 5-03 2 355 20350 6-04 2 358 21330 7-06 2 308 20520 LIFE 2060 117290
3.7 644 3.9 652 3.8 758 3.9 790 3.8 813 3.8 776 3.8 4491
Bred 7/28/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
to-mar acme Waydel 143762397
3.0 518 3.1 514 3.0 586 3.1 623 3.1 652 2.9 585 3.0 3525
LADINO PARK TALENT-IMP-ET 930377AUS RC TV TL EX-90 6Y AUS 50K GTPI +1363g pta +1.11t +1.44udc +.29flc 99%R 8/2017 KAMPS-HOLLOW ALTITUDE-ET 129136431 RC CV TL EX-95 2E EEEEE DOM 7-09 7-00 2 365 39690 4.7 1849 3.3 1310 LIFE 1844 144460 4.4 6295 3.5 5015
East-Dell Dun Hank-TW 138049711 Ptpi +1293 PTA +.68t +.31udc +.14flc 74%R 8/2017 East-dell roy Whistle 136502470 G-72 GGGFF 3-04 3-00 2 303 20090 4.0 804 3.3 656
3rd Dam: East Dell Weasel (GP-80) 4th Dam: East-Dell High Whimp (2E-91 EX-MS) 9-11 2 365 33210 3.7 1229 3.2 1076 Life: 2855 190250 4.0 7531 3.4 6416 5th Dam: East-Dell Guy Wilma (VG-87) 5-07 2 365 31190 3.4 1068 3.0 938 Life: 3706 258540 3.5 9077 2.9 7524
INDEX Robert Eustice 1-8, 14-17, 20-24, 28-39, 41, 43-56, 59-62, 76, 78, 79-83, 85-121 Franck, Ronald ........... 25, 26, 63, 66, 67 & 71-75 Jensen, Caden ................................................. 84 Lexvold, Larry ........................... 9, 10, 40, 57 & 58 Martin, James ............................. 11-13, 57 & 77 McDonah, Neil & Brent Eustice .................. 18-20 Prososki, John & Linda .......... 64A, 64B, 65 & 65A Sexton, Staci ...................................................... 42 Shea Dairy Inc. .................................................. 27 Sibic Holsteins ............................................... 68-70
Catalog Produced by
Taylor Made Designs Gretchen Taylor West Union, IA 52175 gbt98@aol.com
Lot 114
H a r t f o rd F a l l H a r v e s t S a l e 2 0 1 7 #202G
Bred 1/2/2017 to Welcome O-Style Luna CRI-ET 70541481 1H10750
Lot 115
Bred 2/7/2017 to Sullhrtford Roadshow-ET 74261030 29H18306
Lot 116
FS 12-26
Bred 2/10/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
Lot 117
FS 10-20
Bred 2/9/2017 to Hartford Josup Beyond-ET 74260987 1H11955
Lot 118
AIZ 10-5
Bred 2/2/2017 to Welcome O-Style Luna CRI-ET 70541481 1H10750
Lot 119
Bred 2/22/2017 to Welcome O-Style Luna CRI-ET 70541481 1H10750
Lot 120
A/Z 10-3
Bred 3/24/2017 to Myr-Matt Mogul Platinum 71909652 1H11096
Lot 121
Bred 6/17/2017 to Co-Op BSF Gatekeeper-ET 71990009 1H11327
HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PUBLIC SALES EFFECTIVE MARCH 2, 1996 - Amended October 1, 1997, June 28, 2000, June 23, 2002, and March 26, 2010
TERMS: The terms of the sale are cash unless arrangements are made prior to the sale or are printed in the sale catalog. Only when the above conditions are met will the buyer be entitled to the warranties listed below. In no case will animals be released unless settlement is made with the clerk of the sale.
by a licensed veterinarian. The seller has the option to refund the purchase price or make other settlement that is satisfactory to the buyer. In either case the rights of ownership of the animal return to the seller. The seller makes no guarantees with respect to the ability to freeze semen.
RESPONSIBILITY: The seller, buyer, and manager of this sale are obligated to comply with the provisions of these terms and conditions.
b. Females - All females are guaranteed to be breeders with the exception of: 1. 2.
EXPORT SALES: Buyer assumes all responsibility for health tests required by the importing country. BIDS: The highest bidder is the buyer. Bidding parties or their agents are responsible for all bids placed. Every animal or lot presented for bidding is pledged to absolute sale. In case of dispute, the animal or lot will again be put up for advance bids, and if there is no advance bid, the animal or lot will be sold to the person the auctioneer accepted the last bid from. In case two or more claim the bid, the auctioneer will indicate the party whose bid he recognized. Other claimants will be given an opportunity to increase the bid and bidding will be restricted to the two or more claimants.
Report of a non-breeder must occur in writing within 3 months of the date of sale or before the animal reaches 21 months of age and must be submitted to the seller. The report must include the animal’s examination record, a written statement of treatment, and a statement of the animals’ inability to breed, by a licensed veterinarian. The seller has the option to refund the purchase price or make other settlement that is satisfactory to the buyer. In either case the rights of ownership of the animal return to the seller.
BY-BIDDING: Bidding directly or indirectly by the sole owner of any animal or lot is prohibited unless the intention to bid is disclosed specific to each animal in the catalog and announced when the animal enters the ring. Bidding by any member of a partnership, syndicate, or other entity having an ownership interest in an animal or lot is permitted. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP: For all Registered HolsteinsSM, the transfer of ownership to the buyer will be recorded on the records of Holstein Association USA and a certificate of registration showing that transfer of ownership will be provided to the buyer free of charge. For embryos, the transfer of ownership to the buyer will be recorded on the records of Holstein Association USA free of charge to the buyer. RISK: All animals located at sale site are at the purchaser’s risk as soon as struck off, but will be cared for free of charge for a maximum of 24 hours following the end of the sale. WARRANTIES: 1) Each consignor warrants clear title to the animal or lot, and the right to sell same. 2) To the best of the seller’s knowledge, each animal is sound and healthy in every respect and embryos have been recovered, processed, frozen, transferred and graded in keeping with IETS recommendations unless otherwise noted in the catalog or announced from the auction stand. Every precaution will be taken to represent the physical condition of each lot exactly as is known. Examination of all purchases should be made immediately after the purchase and before the close of the sale, and if found not to be as represented, complaint must be reported to the sale management before the close of the sale. In the event no complaint is filed, it is understood that the buyer assumes full ownership in the case of animals at sale site together with all risks, after which no representations of the seller can be challenged through the sale management. Heifers that never calved are in no way guaranteed as to the condition of their udders following calving. 3) Breeding Warranty The seller guarantees all animals to be breeders, but not beyond the purchase price, with the following understanding: a.
Males - Should any bull after reaching the age of fourteen months fail to prove a breeder after being used for two months on cows or heifers known to be breeders, the matter shall be reported in writing to the seller within three months of the sale date. The report must include the animal’s examination record, a written statement of treatment, and a statement of the animals’ inability to breed,
Cows over 7 years of age when sold; Cows and/or heifers carrying a pregnancy that is the result of an embryo transfer.
Females bred when sold and pronounced in calf are presumed to be pregnant but pregnancy is not guaranteed unless so announced. The seller makes no warranty that pregnant cows will deliver calves or that they will carry calves full term. c.
If, after the sale, embryos or oocytes are recovered from a female or an attempt is made to superovulate her, this negates the breeding warranty unless there is a separate written agreement between buyer and seller.
SHIPPING: Assistance will be given in arranging shipping of the animals after the sale. All costs, risks and responsibility will be borne by the purchaser. PEDIGREE INFORMATION: All production, classification, type and production summaries are current. Only information recorded on Holstein Association USA pedigrees is used. Any production or classification records supplied by the seller or consignor will be properly identified as provided by owner. Records in progress are identified as such. GENOMIC INFORMATION: If genomic information on the animal or embryo is available, it must be dated and disclosed at or before the time of sale. EMBRYO TRANSFER: All registered animals that have resulted from embryo transfer are identified with one of the following suffixes in the name: ET, ETS (from split embryo), or ETN (from nuclear transfer). If unregistered, the appropriate technology will be identified. Donor dams are identified. HEALTH WARRANTY: The seller will provide an official health certificate to the buyer for each animal showing the results of all health tests made in preparation for this sale as required by the state where the cattle reside. Other health tests completed for this sale will be disclosed. ERRORS: The material in this catalog has been carefully edited. If any errors or omissions are discovered, they will be announced. Such announcements take precedence over that printed in this catalog. ACCIDENT: The sale management, the consignors, and the owner of the grounds will not be responsible in any case for the condition of the grounds or the behavior of the animals and disclaim any liability in the event of personal accident or property loss. LIMITATIONS OF WARRANTIES: Warranties contained herein, unless terminated earlier, will cease upon the resale of an animal.
*Pedigrees and other information in this book are compiled and printed with extreme care by Taylor Made Designs. Holstein Association USA, Inc.Taylor • 1 Holstein Place • assumes Brattleboro, VT 05302-0808 toll-free: 800.952.5200 • www.holsteinusa.com Made Designs no liability for any•errors or omissions. 66
2564 Pole Line Road Ridgeway, IA 52165 Fax: 563-387-0046 Home: 563-387-0035 Cell: 563-380-1318