Tribute to Veronica

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Visions of Veronica A rethusa Farm

S aturday , July 3, 2010

ly ring on 7%. u t a e f sts! a sale ica 20J EX9 nica – nthusia n e o ns r y e e V s f r Je on Vero d contributio so i e n r o m u i t o s n c i l e V We ing ia C s an ent to pres egend, Huron omplishment r her show-r er d u o r p o h l f c We are of the living ica’s ac nd the world come through smit n o r e V s n arou to tran ated to elative ed will direct r kend is dedic onica is know he Jersey bre of her ability t n er ee This w rsey breed. V t influence on representatio s e l to the J but her greate eup is a smal yone n , or ever at 10 f e v honors . This sale li o l or of 2010 ng rue lab d in January of her and t offspri ing traits. a n e n sked calve has be her win ration hen Veronica ll that was a b e l e c ted w done a or. ng this Planni dea was plan cade, she has ial in her hon ect he perf g spec t . The i r the past de n r d i e o h f v t l e d o ve inv som ica looke f age. O d to do nica, I e name Veron n” o r e V f years o e felt the nee or th ra ico ons o W ng Visi definitions f iation of “ve me i t more. o m o pr two bbrev the na e began search, s the a ing for ings to n a e When w be her. In my of Veronica i m f th eek escri The Gr ame a sign o ’ to many. rigin d . o ” o n e t i g t s a a d n y L m r wor t. The eans “True I ry”. Was he rought victor u o d e jump as ‘b and Victo ted m stories transla e who brings e Jersey cow h , h s c e i i r h o w h h ctly mem a is “S ge’ of t rk dire tribute. ill find o w w Veronic his ‘true ima u o t o y n y , T atalog he opportunit the time to co ide fans c e h come? t prov rough had t e who took years, look th people that t n s u o a o y p y r e s A from te ev d by s share atly apprecia with photos e identity. n o i t a u v d obser a. I gre red, combine aptures her tr c i n o r u to e with V ghts you sha ection that c ome yo te Veronica c l e w o u l t a l The tho ica with a co e and I u can appreci of us who i n r E , n yo ony ose of Vero eorge, T ica. We hope s much as th G r o f r n a hono ives. f Vero breed It is an for Visions o to the Jersey ssing in our l e s true bl bution sa Farm Arethu unique contri he has been a S r and he th her daily. i work w ly, Sincere kard ac Terri P




St. Jaco bs AB VINDI C A VEND TION (WC/ABS VERBETTA (Primhistler) ACTIO ATIM (Re etime) spo N SON comin nse) g soon Taur u VERD s Service VOLTAICT (Delux VALIA GE (Gold e) en) NT (D VALE u a N i s T e I oir NO ACTIO N SON (Resurrect) ion comin g soon) Selec ELLIO t Sires VERT TT (Golden VERIFIGO (Furor) ) Y (Sam bo) Accelera VINTA GE (D ted uaiseo ir) S emex VALE DICTO RIAN Field (Golde n) of Dreams VALO R (Gol Genetics den)

Through the years a certain few names have become Legends...





Legends are Forever!


Aged 2008 Cow 2008

Aged Cow 2006 2006


r younge r e h m a fro lopVeronic present deve te ” w o n ribu o “k h her to cont ered unate t ffner, throug t s r r o e f h t n bee ond Kue ing o I have y Ernie n I began ask e catalog, I w e years. b d e n over th . Whe hile ow a for th e days, w rethusa Farm bout Veronic accumulated eronica”. H a V s A t orie ries a”. o’s “ ment a e memo So many mem Elvis Costell me is Veronic t i r o v a y na ite. of-ads of their f uld wr he wor ou like, but m fine this oneo t w n i I e t gy cam t de wha iration ll me anythin the traits tha p s n i e ca Th ize You can ummar wrote “ wing words s lo The fol ne for me: vi kind bo itality tion es Emo k o v d enowne t bservan le ledgeab w o k ial nfluent petitive m o ve ggressi ad e a thre e k i l g n i unn d th traits r . As I receive as d n a s ord ges it w these w following pa contributors, ng e c i t o n e ll f evoki atalog s on th o c n You wi e y o i h a t t a w from as a bserv h the o d phone calls e. Veronica h e writings. g u o r h t es an an mory l nt in th , faxes emails ing down me is truly evide id! d t lk like wa in people tha njoyable as I e s s n emotio u find them a o y I hope





estiny l haD t i Roya W t the uture. We p orn a B f l w a f c o y Co reed d her devel Jerse pedige imagine helping A p – e a e ic and is d hav Veron sell th ne could her there o t d o g e nt ust sin no ents j d the conseears ago, or purcha s m u h s f n on f ur o en y mpli t her ion a the fos almost t ily at Bridtardom. r accoe Champ o transmi e an e n e h h e r s t r t i W of Sta es fam ps to uprem bility ly qu a whe Sale the Sayl er first ste ethus nd then S and her a ters is tru r A t k a a h s than nica on h pion daug nning home s her after Chaml these wi t sons and usa e Vero k a m pion Arethsey Al xcellen . w d d o e r t n i a s ica ham Aw ye st jer 05 vi Verongoing – Cf the Year to so man in 20 a is the be e c p o n n o kee al Cow nfere ronic type . ey Coy said “Ve s Glob uction andnt for her r ided e J d dec e orld ronia the a h W prod mplishme y e urra to se al ith th at Hu acco and M be madeat the Roy tors wy arrived i d s e i r v d F l rand wou pion up of n the ” A gro , and whe ver seen. Cham Madison Reserve G e m e o been Farm we have e Supr trip t “NO a was ey were ace she had c i cow n But – ry col- r o . r h n s t e i d s V y n at us en her grou terina ee he ear th how b se at then to the ve e trip to s d The y o matter y had not e v take y arri ing th that nnica. The ld. as the had been after mak o n o r o r a e o e e V h ng nt ss wo y looki pion. arn a sick that s ppointme l b l a e t as a t s h m for t Cha e disa as so n her eaded .” She w magine th was i Supreme h a c y i e n o A Th ONIC u can i Vero d als rningampion an VER clinic. Yo o t of m t s a lo e who nex rand Ch e e lege n. k h a t t at asy G eryon but it ve th show or us teful to ev belie to be an e f d e l u u r me t t on ne co ry gra No o . She wen success. am co e are ve e r d t a W a grea trip was ca is evel. eroni to this l om. V The e k w i d rri. cow l p a co o star nd Te eed a to develo the road t a r ellow b e i o n T Pat M ork nica on , Er y w n & d o y r h ha d Vero urra , Ant and M eorge helpe g G n o o t rmstr anks Here ar ial th uth A R e some & Spec of our V Fred y b d eronica e t t i V e r m o Memor b nic Su ies, ing bac a’s family wa s k in 1966 to Swissbell always a stro Stratfor . Our first ex Virginia, a co ng cow famil Rosevie d Champions posure to Vero w I remembery goVeronic w Dorie D Ra hip show. Sh nica was at th born bred th a in the Roya chael. We pu e was 2nd fall e calf to 3rd at that winter to Jul sale that yea rchased r (2000 no. She e 2001 ) Royal a a h s a Fall ad a heifer ca nd she was Bruce h Y e a r a li ng in Mlf and was that we d judged the ilk. yearlin should buy h Stratford sho e g w r , m a and had t the Ro any peo sold the ya th ple story go next spring to were interes l. As a milkin e idea ted in h g es! Ernie K er. She ueffner . T h Good lu at is ho was w the Brian ck with your s a le , Bridon Jerseys


ences xperi n of e g n i o umbl “Visi ife’s hvery first ward. l e t a re ci y ouis appre rding. M personal ald and L r just o t e a linge of on uch a t rew itzger bility e the mos me just s he Ella F ll forever a e h , T y sha not t given ruly b ment can t ica” has n Paris”; this melod id Dy v a i n D had Vero s “April sion, but ng bholz see a youof a N It wa trong ver n o y orma arm t famil Arms eet. n of N Bridon Frmstrong o i w t s a s ot a A ing end was nw, yet t omm yself visit red by the i c t e r a h The and m ghter b on the co ica, t Veron ppreciate greatnessfe! Ernieurion dau ys. o t s did a logie f her my li Cent nia Jerse h apo for me. I y vision omation of I photo take t i o r w u , H n by Ri dmit st sight” t cattle m nderesti y mind. I left a y l b m u r a chard C I hum love at fi with gre e biggest to change s soon asowers, a t A e d A h r B t e u e a l . r t l s c y h t S i t usa Farm averly “ arn fias perhapfor Veron to the U all to Gar The firs e b a 2002 . in day w g her eliev long tness one c that not take ris to brin ade a ph rsey grea going to bg. That is It did ned to Pa ryard I m me to Je u are not ly amazin at always retur ridon doontroducedwere “Yo oked tru t a cow th the B an who i y mouth eronica loget, abou h the m s out of m im how V never for rling witver drive a e d h l y r l d r o a l h io w to o sen ll I s ! I to milking ment went in at Louisville this” phone ca ember! Y..... g R n li E a V e p e m O l m p lo ng a te s you re F DISC o an apronica's devehe wowed the North, stro t O in e T k d N e a m orph ld. S ost 2, Ve e true MOME rly g calf mext year, 200ior two year oative land, th t it is now alm d inside Cave in ll e d r s a le a Rich y, high at ting . The n e and n ing sen fact th

A fanc g prospects show-stopp to her "hom espite the r the thrill th enticin e became a final voyage mber 2002. Dan remembe ring. sand sh en made her in mid-Nove o the day I c the "Royal" , impre ned, l" a n t in o h a s r t s r r o d and ee", Cana a half yea g supersta nd pe flat-b close a sharp, wide, le put p and fr seven and the emergin U " . ssive efinab hose ture exactly got close to s impre r wonders! T r plus an ind esent and fu ing a w I w o n e r e c en whe young describing h -smokin' udd resence of p e Sunday ev 04. is h t e d o ber 20 in the p as on th distanc beyon close t From a me nowhere t leg set and ow: "You are same way w cky in Novem es, sive ca ribs, correc all let one know hit me the isville, Kentu nica dopand o r u d e c e o c le V e L n g t h e t an nd ex e ns tha le pres Show in xt time reactioes to evolve ahighly positivr palpab ess". The ne rican Jersey e h t r e e r u d ll e n e n in t a m t H t e a gre the All A ants! ry con to eng grows ability at One's sto tion descendeepens and as she herself e before h t e enera l tell" ens, d ws hav he Gre few co o it as well! T d and third g industry wid at "blood wil mily. t c le e h a A s us few d nd secon nd dairy proof t g cow f ow precio h progeny a rsey breed a gain we have true-breedin great c ly u r t g e a t u hat a thro ce on the J ay! Once -prominen ica's its on wade as Veron m li o influen ch passing deep and long n g dec re are with eands from a d ent the ver the comin m e g a e n desc gain o ise ma d prec e shall learn a n a r e w rop Given pntribute! Thisnd ripens! a o c s can ce mature influen !! ! Russe Cheers


-Ernie My Fa ’s Jer vorite Veron with. Ssey sale in fa ica Sto ll of 20 he was ries . . 0 . We al watered alo 3 - Veronic ne so n so buil a was d t o ry h b Even f rom th er a pen of h ody (people at the time -Vero o e begin er own a nica an , for th r animals) w nd not easy ning, t would d Norm to w e oul h g s i ngs we a did som barn d et along re don fety of otherd get hurt. ork e her w s. down a oor and No with the new e leading pr ay! rm a nd bro ke the tried to stonose ring. Actice at Mad ison in nose st p her, fter aw barn a rap of the habut it didn’t hile they he 2004, to se -Vero e nd tur nica’s n left i lter. Then s happen. Ve aded back to how they diet pl h r n ward o e t n o p a ica her spo n ro eating ’ was a at a show w t in the ceeded to ca forced her the s he a lmly w much o s lineup -We alk in ad . f a bat the total opp the which mark the fee tle as g o pan wa d etting site of most s hers! pans at the a good m sh fill on ilk cows. ‘C It had -I was the oth u many ows with the g i s v er cow rbing her c e lost a l rapes a cows’ n s. ot of w n the respon a n m d teeth m es, but t to kno here w arks fr w that eight and wesibility of ha a om her s u s aggres no question aroundhe needed thfelt she need ling V to Ne sive na w Bolt her, am e help o ed a mo ture. on in J re thor f their ongst t -I hav une 20 o s h e u t a e g m f h m f a . c any ne ny mem 0 H h than a 8 e e c . r k Sh edles a gentlene up. Ve mind. year fresh w ories of Ve ronica e had nd pro ss with r T seeme o c i h e n l t l h d e i c a e u w a that kn se res, wa . I thi ork by lways b s amaz new people d many ew the impa many to ke e the most v nk the coupl i ng. was qu of us. The t ct she could ep her in id ivid. Madi e times we s s ite rea imes w e h o h a o n a l w v ed her dy, bu hen w e on the conditio in 2005 a time to t deciding a e took her o breed, thosen and the vis and 2007 c t more o s u i me to s m o a t h n o o g i s n f m ro All of o e, and t us will very se up that she he pack on s ents in time f a select few will la was. V forever how da ldom d st y e id a ju be gra dge di ronica knew , not sure if with teful fo sagree s r the ch w h e n with h it was he ance to e her r . help V make h David er mar Packa Ryan k on th rd e breed workedand I talked a . bout Ve with he

ronica r at Ar that ca ethusa Farm and the time • How . A me to m w smart s ind are few memor e he is – ies : s h e as well knows • All th t a h s a t t he emp b e hours loyees! arn schedule I were e spent washin njoyab • The la le for bg her over th s e years oth of in 2005t minute dec us. is Ryan mafter the res ion to show h check-in ade a midn t of the cat er at Harris tle had ight ru time. I gon burg n to t Supremwas worth it! get her ther e . . . • She d e e Cham T o pionsh hat was her by loaded esn’t like mis ip first w in . o s them, sn a trailer or ing a show. When c semi, a he wou nd she ows we ld pac day in e around her wasn’t amon re There w frustrat g pen the ill neve think h ion. first rb of her er daughters e another co ‘pe w ar Of all t rsonality traite the closest like Veronica . I he cow – they s’. She s h Arethu I worked wit is truly a livin ave many h sa, I m g iss her during my timlegend. the mo e at s t! Jodi & Ryan C alkins

Veronica becomes the face of Arethusa Farm in Au gust 2004 7

The competition at World Dairy Expo 2004 seemed to create a bond between Melanie and Veronica. In later years you would see Veronica, the more aggressive of the two, waiting for Melanie when they were coming or going to the pasture they shared. The 2004 Supreme Championship also sparked Veronica’s visible competition with Holsteins. We don’t share a lot of these stories because people would think we are crazy. Veronica observes throughout the day to see who gets the most attention (individual or breed). When we are preparing for Holstein classification or picturing, she stares us down from her pen. The day Krystal was being evaluated for EX95, Veronica stood at her gate and watched her walk up and down the aisle. None of the other cows paid any attention. The favorite story of Veronica’s competitive nature with the black & whites involves a day of picturing. In May 2007, Vivian was fresh and we wanted a new picture of her. It was decided at the last minute that Melanie would join Vivian for some scenic shots, so Melanie was clipped the day before Cybil came. Veronica watched intently. Picture day arrived and the box stall cows were coming in from the pasture. Employees grabbed the first two cows and headed for their stalls. Veronica was coming but they knew, from her habit, that she would stop at the door and wait. But that day she had another agenda – she wanted equality. When they returned to the north end of the barn to get her, they found her standing in the clipping chute!


s I have w

eronica, a back on V


o years o

r from tw atched he

ect f feed and me to refl o r t o n f u e o r u m s a a e the It is a ple esent. n consum a c t r a p th e s y cow age to th ren’t man a e r e h T rds. r g animal. lains her great reco n I led he e in h z a w m t a e y n ttle is exp r stall, She is a you that li ack to he e can. Th e b h s iv g t g a in r to th w e y read e sho forag as always is from th w e h e s h s e iv le if s il s “beat me d Louisv ow aggre t n h a a th w n o o d n a is k h d ays in Ma We all ge, she alw pionships d m ju a e h c th r r e o to h up f or setting e d a r . a a p g tr n x e p to the rin was out o u e d h e s d r a e e th h Whe d her I observe ttitude. a . n ” o n a is c d a u yo k at M was so sic attitude. e h s n e test h s the grea you can” r forget w p e a if v h e r e e n m p l t , il a Iw r “be at cow till had he with a gre s ie r o m and she s e ld of m , for a wor ie n r E d Sincerely side. i an y r ite r m e T y b to g s Steve Wh lkin a w Thank d e v li t ever Jersey tha

n a c i r e m A l l 2004 A

2005 Expo Championship 9

me of one of Hank lifornia at the tini Ca nted in , es yl Sa n ia and Er e really wa on nie and Br si Er is th m m wi co er nted y th m wa ge s he to at lly wa deal art which basicaag e and Brian got wh ing the Veronica ou ap m y rs pa lla to do ed nd re sa I remember putt. W e e were a few th the extra few thousands. Erni Van Exel’s sale idon really wanted Done. Br d d take a test the cow an ked me if I woulwe nshine. Deal as su e e ni th Er d d ye an i jo rr en Te we al ry ll so I got and 02. Upon my arriv The try out wents avebit touchy. As 20 n. ll fa ow r at he th of rg d bu in is m a member Harr mes and had was in the same class, so it wa d her head and Of course we allnireca as she could be a handful at tith Waverly that to the middle Veronica droppe ed. Of course wi ro w Ve owned a co in fir I drive with e m ti e th st. On our trip At re being captur s. to lead her in classsed, Veronica and I were pulledronica made a victory lap or two befo the class progree halter came off in my hand. Ve ways give when she did th to rub it in, bless his heart. Hill judged and IThale picture of him ris Ch . dy la a s Paul Stiles had wa d. ca a two year ol adison and Veroniat that show as justn Chris came up to her I could tell as we went to MG on ar pi ye ol am co Ch y nd ett he ra pr W a e entire es. serv That was ing Veronica Ream my all time favorit I would take out an ak d of m e r an ” fo on “V it is r ed on he cr pi kind and a d ” ke ry sh ve “Fla he was reserve ch en he smac en as wh th r d at he an th g ” in ed sy pp ar ea ta sc h, ly t a bi very gent “easy Flas “Blacky”. to do but I was just member sayingte Reserve Grand to d an what he was gointog rs. When Flash approached I re ia ed rm te n In e than group of spectae job. It was on to Louisville and agai I was also a bit tminorher nose e. ud it th d att t di p en ta nd ft so ected her indepe to have a ring pu in Burdette like again I always reonspme! So I begged (I mean beggedei)ng d pe ca es r ve her toss Just ne e ca Although Veroni e took a liking to, she would bailold year. This was prompted by sely imagine what she would do to mwa s sh on if ca ar d ni ye at ul ro Ve I co r four scared th ie’s) in Maryland.d from then on I would have to sapeyrience. She ging did before heth rn ud (E gr le be sa e ll ni Fa Er e h ic an wh iginal Legends of se band worked g eye to eye with her is quite an ex a feather at the ord at Madison. The little plasticgno ca and bein Ve d. Showin roniis earth. le er in front of a crow ev ve ha I ws co th would lead one of the neatese tof the smartest cows ever put on that Steve Whiterap to Steve. s as on cl ly e te th lu re so fo ab be is s decided rightronica’s eyes when I handed the st big ox at the a five year old it wa s wa ca ni ro atch with that s the look in Ve Ve wa en At Louisville whmost amusing things about thisis this”? She knew she had met her m her. One of the t hear her say “what in the hell we You could almos al sick . . . yet wheenend re , ck si s wa e Sh . . th controls e I will never forget d intelligence. At it by all on was another tiemwas one of pure determination an is ad M at shed to the limck ck pu si s en be wa ey r d ca he ha ni in ro ce ok en Ve lo ti t ba to the The ca’s pa The year she gave it her altel. for Supreme Champion. Veroniyo ta and wanted toatgean angle. io e on k uc tr ta hit the Coliseum, we had to compe sed with the To Note that in the picture she is that long week and pictures. She was not impres to it, no way! ne s the festivitie ey liked, she would not stand up xt . When judging god for associatInesthe class, after we k an Th . ke barn. Try as th ca of e . her was not a piec than Jeff Sayles but still g Veronica, judg’tinghave asked for a better associate. Veronica had been milking awhipalert way in ow sh s wa it as ws As fun . Veronica was s adamant lked about the co on in 2005, I couldn we came to them as up Veronica at Madalisl, Jeff and I met in the middle andlleta e lin st fir st pull, Jeff wa r fir ou e d had seen them e ring is long so Jeff and I just puline-up third. When we looked overhatht graphic. Finally I said “if you looked good. Th so she ended up getting to the asons as to why, getting somewfaced with Veronica milking a long around the ring, n and gave me a perfect set of re quickly. For champion we were I had sold and both great, my o ow of tw that Veronica wigo slap her out” which he did veryy all time favorite cows, both cows this day I don’t kn to d an n ll, m wo we of o ca so ye r ni tw e th ar before. Vero g at like he own for that one.d do thing with the pair just fresh. Lookin y e m m sa on e s th wa I ne at time and Griffin el th informed me ike Deaver ha ly a one of a buddy Jeff polit tytogether for Grand & Reserve. M ronica is definitive Ve pu . ed us ab es greater cows im used, and somet has been used, e” im et lif a in e nc succes The term “o ratulations on her lifetime cow. Cong

Norman Nabholz


2002-2006 It just doesn’t get any better than this!

2002 2004

2005 2006



of Veronic a

“Hey, I was just Supreme Champion, do you think I could get some more feed?” -Veronica

W ere do es a pers over two h at Expo inand a half years.on begin? I had th she was s 2006. Veronica My most memorae privilege of wo howing sig a ived in rking with ble UW-Madis ns of illnrr Vero adison on experience with th ess. On M S is brown cnica for a rode in th on Vet Hospital. tu rday, and e back wit With a ne Monday the decis b y S unday aftoew was rvous Matt h Veronica ion was m rno (talk abo E a For the ne n d g e e l d ri ving the tr to take her toon ut strange remembe xt 40 hou u lo r rs c m k o , k an ilking Ralp Gus s from the day and he and I kids on cdatrailer, I lipping heher on Tuesday h catered to visited lacte mpus). for the selim r u d d e r Veronica’s possibility morning h Tuesday night a at the vet hospit e v e o ry need. f showing al late Tue talking to er appetite sta end we made a pla I h d to pick u n to talk asday night. Erneier on Wednesgrounds s Ernie, Ralph cart p t a 4 a n a n d m m d T p e . s e a he sta ed rr to the rked E rly Wed fitting p nesday i to make am parationhse, r fire and she knVeet Hospital to prt il voting bre k ic a k g w w u a e in it s to b . A th up. Be It was thye a group of us, thok her outside fowras show time! Ao ing backftoer fter Danh e final dec one last lo longest w n the o f is a o m lk to the c io k olored shna was made. “Se.n After some discaude the final Veronica w happies vings I’ve ssion and d inning her ever madheer!” class and preme Cthand most reward . b e in g named ing mome winter, buampion three day rand C t that’s an s later. Anftts of my life. SG he wenthoampion was one o other story er Madiso n to be na f n for anothe Jamie End med Su- the r time! things quieted dow vick n until mid e ik l shows s. o judge ored shaving t d e k s l e a o h c t e b e r to n th know n hono great cows o most of you hing the a s y a It is alw with all the in 2006. As . After finis r the o y s n Madiso at opportunit een two day dy to leave f ppointed a w h e t t is r e d a g I had now split b s gettin now said how since she had a w I is , w sho ing show n I didn’t k ointed e show heifer jersey . A gentlema a wouldn’t b I was disapp uch a s . g ic evenin e that Veron of Wisconsin r the loss of o b y f t it a s s iver thus I mu the Un for Are died at felt terrible a enter o Veronic She e and als w. e s o t o halter. prised great c ery sur Norm at the hewing her v s a w yc y, I ith actuall nd ss to sa g day w Needle the followin neck and was to be my Gra d pretty g n k r o o he lo e nt the rin stint in reat and we id that she “ best IV n a ed g had s I sa one of the he look mment cud. S n. In my co That still is ” io Champ a dead cow. r made! then r e o v f es but ho e n e o v d a good o h o ents I t the g world w statem ften ge around the nows o u o y cattle es. Anyone omatically k d conn n udging ut When j e the great o rsey breed a ut that day a r o e a J b a e e ss. me ther h th asking d succe iar wit is famil . Thanks for a’s continue ic a Veronic ions on Veron t a l u grat



I first met Veronica after her return from Recipient Solutions in Maryland in August of 2005. She had been flushed and now was pregnant. We were planning on taking her to the fall shows and wanted her at the farm for further preparation. At that time, Veronica had already made it known that she was an independent-thinking cow. I was not able to handle her because of her unpredictable behavior. Veronica spent that winter in the older heifer barn as a dry cow. During this time I had the opportunity to get to know her better. It was my responsibility to feed and care for her. Her alert and bright eyes let me know she would never miss a meal unless she was not feeling well. She was an aggressive eater and knew what she wanted. In the spring of 2006 I was working with the milking cows. I don’t know if it was the time we spent together the past winter, or if Veronica was just feeling like she wanted to be more cooperate, but I was able to handle her. I felt privileged that Veronica, or ‘V’ as she was known to the people that worked with her had accepted me as one of her caretakers. The summer of 2006 brought great relief to everyone at Arethusa. We opened our new milking facility and Veronica took her place in a box stall front and center. She had a full view of people entering and exiting the barn. She has been known to show a great deal of jealousy if visitors do not take the time to meet and admire her! Shortly after Veronica arrived in Madison that fall, disaster stuck. Veronica became seriously sick and she was rushed to the UW Veterinary School in Madison. The mood at the farm and at the show was very sobering. The endless hours of preparation, the high hopes and the excitement surrounding V were struck down. All we could hope for now was Veronica was going to be well enough to come back to Connecticut. Jamie Endvick, a herdsman at the time spent many hours with Veronica while she was at the hospital. During this time, rumors were circulating the expo grounds that Veronica was dead. It was disheartening to hear such statements. Although the doctors at the vet hospital were unable to pinpoint the cause of Veronica’s illness, Veronica did make it back to the show. I remember specifically talking to Jamie that morning before the Jersey show on the phone, as I was still in Connecticut at the time. “She’s back on the grounds and eating well. We are going to get her ready and see what happens. I don’t even know if she’ll make the ring,” he told me. My hopes had risen with this news. Veronica had improved; she would be okay. The employees at the farm all waited anxiously for any news from the show. We knew the people preparing the cows were busy, but we were all on pins and needles. There’s no way to describe the elation we all felt when we got the phone call that Veronica had been named Grand Champion. It was an amazing feeling. We all shared the joy in her success as we all had shared the disappointment earlier in the week. I left for Madison the following day to help with preparations for the Holstein show. After the Holstein show, there was one thing left; the naming of Supreme Champion. Veronica had been here before, but there was a whole new feeling going into the preparations. We were all grateful that Veronica had survived her illness and the fact she was going in for Supreme Champion was surreal. As we took her down to the coliseum, Veronica strutted. She was in her element. She was the focus of attention and she loved it. As she made her entrance on the colored shavings once more with the spot light over her, I couldn’t help myself and I started to cry. Jamie whispered to me, “She hasn’t won yet.” “But she’s here,” I replied. That was enough for me. I’m sure I was not alone in my feelings, as Farm Manager Terri Packard to my left looked to be holding back a few tears as well. As they named the Reserve Supreme Champion and we all stood together holding our breath. “And your Supreme Champion is the JERSEY!” came over the loudspeaker, we all jumped and screamed and everything bad that had happened in the last week disappeared. Simply put, V did it. The whole crew was beaming. As we took pictures and enjoyed the moment, Veronica looked as proud as she ever did. Veronica has an awareness that is hard to describe. People who do not have much experience with cows even feel it. Veronica returned to Arethusa Farm as the Queen of the barn. She had always thought she was the Queen, but now there was no disputing her position. I left Arethusa Farm in October of 2009. I was relieved to be able to say good-bye to Veronica in person before I left, because she had spent the summer in Maryland making more beautiful babies. It was a bittersweet departure for me. Of my many fond memories of Arethusa Farm, Veronica is the focus of many them. She left a lasting impression on me - the cow that changed my world from black and white to one that includes a little more color! Kari Behling


thoughts and feel ked to write my to work with this as be to re su ea y pleasure It is a great pl ca. It has been m ings about Veronifor a little over 8 years now. great Jersey cow nie asked me to from Canada, Er the fall shows. n w do e m ca ca lead her at When Veroni so Normie could istence, I break her to leadof her own. But with a lot of pers d in She had a m work with finally won out. portunity through my lifetime to has been ca op ni e I have had th e in different breeds, and Vero t and greatmany great cattl st. This cow has the biggest hear had not been is te th ea d with. If one of the gr any I have worke When I took est constitution ofld have lost her a few years ago. d up being a de ou en w t , for wha the case, we ell in January 2007 ld be 2-3 days Veronica to Corn the doctors told me that it wou n she came e, he in w st successful twisted inte by morning”. if the surgery was before we knew My reply was that “we will know t. I spent the en . ry em to my stat out of recove how to respond st kept comThey didn’t knowital with Veronica. The old girl ju ck to check ba sp e m ho doctor ca night at the g hay. When the lieve how fast she was be t ing on and nibblin no d ul co m, she on her around 8a is Veronica! at th t Bu g. gainin like to thank eat cow. I would talog. I gr is th t ou ab on ca I could go on and r asking me to write this for the . Terri and Ernie fo w ok about this co could write a bo Yours truly, Ralph Gushee


ed from n r u t e r a ‘Veronic ristmas Eve and on Ch g! Cornell r stockin e h t u o checked

d I happene . a ic n o r e w of V er ne memories r she arrived at h any d n o f l a r te e m f I have sev aryland shortly a since we have too asked “do to be in Mans (as I call him ount there were 4) awesome; home. H the family, last c ey?” She looked ld. Ernie’s in to see a good Jersg a better 2 year o you want’t remember seein hen 2006. W ing in n I couldn o is d k at Ma d wor n she wasbody from the har there and I e h w ll a c I also re at Barn 10 every s, Terri were all soon told I arrived , the owners, Hanquite right. I was and the barn crewomething wasn’t iversity Hospital slim. Not realized snica was at the Un into the ring was her neck that Vero at she would walk day, with an IV in Grand chance thshe show on show won her class and L TO WIN. only did r recover, but she ample of the WIL to help hen. She is a true ex ays said, ” lw io a p e m g r a o h ! e C are randpa G hat you take home G is h t ake cs her a t th w f l s ’s n e a it s i dH ay, d my rs, it I reminde lways what you p ye anast 6 yea r F a e t i o p n “It’s n g Ber r the er, Sr. n lettin and off fo f f e r u o K f with Ernie thusa o ring s. On

re n g. nt and A nt Solutio bega was cominral e e i n n r o e i E y ph seve nica w Recip ks to 008 muro - Verorived with -up at Ne ect Than ronica at m home. 2 f 0 p k r c r o s c r e a e r n e f e V i e h m f M y o sum awa gac hen Tom y. Sh d was in theFrye and stall read e followining she di al. She the home g n i v d n t i or nie er” box o her h t th r appro heard e firs e one m e, Ber t h e Early from Erni d to get “ped down er trip, th et with hr, until sh o get her ead calls instructeetely clip ng after h see if it mst an hou she was t ress her h I was es compl d of resti x stall to for almo new that would p patchn. Instea double bod ate hayeronica k ways, sheher. ring Bolto 0 x 30 ft y rack anr barn. V ro. As al er tub to en duabit. p r e o a 3 h e h h b t s her to her h ive by h d of this Boon rough ne en changes truly o went wagon dr y while inte until I b t a e o s er sleepy when shpeople whf two of h ly TMR once a dax stall ga e h s i t o s i r TMR st the bo a rar care t only re ee que a e uni ght. It is thrill thate to take attitude a t you are r a again s t i f a at n and habi a is a d wh rtuna are o eping the other n Veronice been fo nnerisms nderstan ou take c e l s r o a u y He ay and halter d. I’v heir m m to help the dputting a understan evina. Tf them seet seem to Just cows can met and V’. Each o ey almos e has e. Sh orked m i t love hters, Co Mothers oint of th w e all th have ge to daug ar to their ; to the p rade that I’ve ue privile a p l i m n e sim a tr imal s if o for th ces a other an ows. It is n doing . a r p y c t in an great ks bu them r wal ever seenumber of e v e ica n at n ’ve n Veront for life I vers a gre s o a ze which c cow. with, with this work Lafie

In 2007 Veronica was World Champion of All Colored Breeds!


Plansng . 8 0 rch 20g NY Spriking a M e o t n d in lathe upcomoi nica was lohealth e v l a c er for ica the Veronbeing madewo weeks, aVs added toher was notor. were . After ttter; she w on to take tside the do a Showter and be final decisi sitting ou s gate with t the bet t. The semi was eronica’ and ou as char until the opened V d past him ntil she w d! made hen Ernie , she bolte idn’t stop uet on boar W in hand . She d ady to g show! halterrhead doorhe ramp, re o t s e ove ding at t ow lov c s i h t stan t that b u o d is no There

In June of 2008, Veronica became the most recent Excellent-97 point cow, a very prestigious accomplishment in any breed.

In July 2008 Arethusa Farm hosted the record-setting Global Glamour sale. A choice of three daughters of Veronica sold as the only “colored breed” consignment. Signature Valeda sold to Stephen Piotrkowski and Sherona Hill purchased Primetime Viola as the second pick. Veronica’s popularity with breeders of all colors, or breeds, was evident in the attention she received during the Open House.

At the Spring Dairy Carrousel in April 2008, Veronica and her progeny had a day that may never be matched. Four of the Furor ‘reindeer’ competed as Senior 2-year olds and placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th with Prancer named Reserve Intermediate Champion and Dasher Honorable Mention. Veronica was named Grand Champion and her daughters and granddaughters brought home the Premier Breeder Banner for Arethusa Farm. 16

shot asked why I never...I en be ve ha I es Many tim e answer is. o on Veronica. Th a rear grazing photes in fact. Typical of many Jerseys,D tried.....many timracious appetite. She simply LOVE we Veronica had a vo ally got into her food. Every timehatto eat. This cow reg shot with her she “attacked” w tried to do a grazing to “graze” her with. Grass, hay, never we were made no difference to Vero grain, dry beet pu e after it as if she hadn’t seen food ica, she would lunge might, we could not keep her inards in weeks. Try as wgh to get a shot. Her attitude tow of position long enou as it was frustrating. She was one food was as funny r me to photo from the side..... her! the easiest cows fo ar grazing photo on re at th t ge d di r but I neve Cybil Fisher

At Sherona-Hill Holsteins & Jerseys, Sheryl & I are and always have been some of Veronica's biggest fans. I have been fortunate to have been asked to judge some great dairy cattle shows over the years, but my real fortune has been the great cattle that have competed in those shows. Having the opportunity to select Veronica for her first World Dairy Expo Grand Championship in 2004 was a special moment for me. Since then I have had the opportunity to select her daughter, Comet, as the Res. Grand Champion at the 2009 Royal Winter Fair Jersey Show. I have also had the extreme pleasure of escorting Veronica in the ring at the 2005 World Dairy Expo Supreme Champion Presentation. Because of our tremendous appreciation of Veronica, Sheryl selected Arethusa Primetime Viola as her choice to purchase at the Global Glamour and her granddaughter, Votive (Minister X Golden Vista EX 92) at the Wisconsin spring sale to join our select group of Jerseys at Sherona-Hill. Viola is recently fresh (April '10) with a beautiful udder and a beautiful heifer calf and Votive was 3rd Winter calf at the 2009 World Dairy Expo. Veronica will no doubt have an impact on our Jersey herd through her daughters, granddaughters, and sons for several years to come. We look forward to it with a lot of confidence and excitement. Both Sheryl and I congratulate George, Tony, Ernie &Terri and their crew for their development and special care of perhaps the single greatest dairy cow there has ever been. We send along a big ‘Thank-you’ for allowing us to have a small part in Veronica's accomplishments and future impact on the Jersey breed. We look forward to the Veronica celebration in July. Mike & Sheryl Deaver

“I wouldn’t call Veronica mean. She has a mind of her own and she knows what she wants. If it doesn’t fall in line with what you want, that’s when there’s a disagreement.”

- Kari Behling 17

was ories of Veronica em m te ri vo fa y m om One of we arrived home fr and t h ig n e th on 9 0 in November 20 r Fair. Her daughters, Comet et te the Royal Win ne very well at the show with Com eserve do Cupid, had just year old class and being named R the 3 to winning the Sr. . As we walked the cows back in d pen. n en io Grand Champ watching very intently from her to the as e barn, Veronica w s were back in their stalls she cam . rs w After all the co d was looking out over her daughte ough th an corner of her pen ow” they had done well, and even from kn ck She seemed to “ alous that it wasn’t her coming ba je she was probably so proud of all her daughters. ed the show, she seem owing” cow. kn lShe is the “al Katie Kearns

It’s so ha about Verrd for me to put m blessing toonica into words. y feelings basis. She work with her o It is a real have, but stirs up every emn a daily possible tomost of all love. I otion that I At least I love a cow that s it really won’t thinknow that you (T much?!?? you feel thk I’m crazy, becaerri) and EK us e same w ay about e I know her! She is so s p e c ia l that I don where to to do this start. And believe ’t even know they say “ more than a few time I’ve tried thought” your first thought mes! But when I re and my first thoug is your best ad your e mail was ht about her this... “She turn s ordinary mom sensation al memor ents into ies” Shannon Dwyer

Left to right: Tony and George pose with Comet & Cupid following a great 2009 Royal!


Photo by Karen Knutsen

New York Spring Show 2010


New York Spring Show 2010

Veronica 2010 Reserve Grand Champion NY Spring Show 2009 1st Produce of Dam PA All-American & WDE 2008 All Breed Access Aged Cow Grand NY Spring Show 2007 Res. Grand Champion WDE Res. All-American Aged Cow 2006 Grand & Supreme PA All-American Grand & Supreme WDE 2005 Grand & Supreme PA All-American Grand Champ World Dairy Expo Grand Champ NY Spring Show 2004 Grand Champion All American Grand & Reserve Supreme WDE 2002 All-Canadian Sr. 2-Year-Old Inter. & Res. Grand All-American Inter. & Res. Grand WDE Inter. & Res. Grand RAWF 2001 Res. All-Canadian Milking Yearling

Veronica’s current stats: Fresh at 10-04 in her sixth lactation Over 147,000 milk lifetime Over 90 offspring worldwide 15 sons in active A.I. 25 daughters appraised: 16 Excellent 9 Very Good (5 are 1st lactation) 15 sons in active AI 20

Dam: Genesis Renaissance Vivianne (CAN VG-87) 5-00 2 305 12110 4.2 514 3.8 461 2nd Dam: Genesis Juno Virginia (CAN 4E-91) LIFE 107730 4.7 5062 3.9 4210 3rd Dam: Swissbell F Veronica (SUP EX 1) LIFE 3612 133058 4.3 5760 4.0 5293 4th Dam: Swissbell Ell Virgina (EX-90) 5th Dam: Swissbell Virginia (SUP EX-90) LIFE 5006 149770 5.8 8670 Dam of 4 EX daughters 7th Dam: Belmont Jester Virginia (SUP  EX)

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