Inspire Health Great Bend

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Real Inspiration for Women

An Unexpected JOURNEY

Tone Up Moves

from an


Go Ahead

INDULGE (a little) inspirehealthmag.coṁ #inspirehealthmag #inspirehealthmag



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contents november/december „ 2014

5 Green Today, Healthy SUPER FOOD


7 Giving The Gift of Self-Care HEALTHY MIND

This Holiday Season

8 Find An Inner Warmth for ADVENTURE

the Holidays: Volunteer

10Tone Your Lower Body & EXERCISE


14Because What Kid Doesn’t MIGHTY KIDS

Think Bigger is Better?

16Power Up Your Pantry 19Creamy Potato Soup 20Deborah Santana EAT FRESH



& Do A Little

20 Deborah Santana, is an author, philanthropist, advocate for peace and social justice, and mother of three extremely loved children.

24Build Your Bones 26Tis’ the Season! Make it 31Go Ahead: Indulge (a Glamorous! little) 28An Unexpected Journey LONGEVITY




To n e Y o u r Lower Bo dy & C or e





In every issue :001146. Editor’s letter / 10. Exercise / 26. Fashion November Nov No N ovvem o vem eemb mbeerr ̇ De mb D December eccem ceem emb ber be eerr 201 2 20 2014


super food

Health beneits of chlorophyll include:

GREEN Today, HEALTHY Tomorrow E|"Wulfld"Gdqárxv

hird-graders know all about photosynthesis. They know that chlorophyll, the “green” molecule, absorbs sunlight for energy to synthesize carbohydrates from air and water to help plants grow. Add a nutritional sidebar to science class and kids have a foundation for a longer, healthier life and a stronger immune system. Magnesium-heavy chlorophyll, found in green foods, is a super fuel for building and cleaning the body’s bloodstream, providing energy for increasing and rebuilding the red blood cell count. Healthy blood ensures a steady stream of oxygen throughout the body for energy, discouraging bacteria growth and strengthening the immune system. “Go green” and you are on the way to boosting immunity. Chlorophyll is associated with improved circulatory, digestive, immune and ghwr{lÛfdwlrq"v|vwhpv"ri"wkh"erg|" – leading to many different and ryhuodsslqj"khdowk"ehqhÛwv1 Ready to get started? Jump right into a greener diet with high chlorophyll power found in chlorella and


spirulina algaes. Chlorella, available in tablet and liquid extracts, is a super resource for fduerk|gudwhv/"idwv/"Ûehu/"fkorursk|oo/" vitamins and minerals, with a high protein content – a little bit of everything you need for good health. Adding chlorella to your diet enhances the body’s ability to utilize oxygen while cleansing the blood and activating immune cells. Its alkalization properties orzhu"dflgrvlv"dqg"uholyhv"lqÜdppdwlrq" associated with many diseases. Look for spirulina in green food, green beverages, natural supplements and some energy bars. Derived from blue-green algae, spirulina has a high protein level, low carbohydrate percentage, important nutrients, and contains all essential amino acids. A food staple among the Kanembu people of Central America for centuries, spirulina promotes a healthy immune system, and may be a tool in preventing and treating such conditions as type 2 diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders and cardiovascular disease. Chlorella and spirulina can be purchased at health food stores and organic markets.

̨"Fohdqvlqj"dqg"r{|jhqdwlqj"wkh"eorrg ̨"D"srzhuixo"ghwr{lÛfdwlrq"hiihfw"rq" the body ̨"Ulfk"lq"hq}|phv"wkdw"surprwh" quick rejuvenation of our cells ̨"Kljk"lq"dplqr"dflgv ̨"H{wudfwv"wr{lqv"irup"wkh"olyhu"dqg" improves liver function ̨"Uhjxodwru"ri"fdoflxp ̨"Khosv"euhdn"dgglfwlrq ̨"Dondol}hv"wkh"erg| ̨"Dqwl0lqÜdppdwru| ̨"Zrxqg0khdolqj"surshuwlhv ̨"Iljkw"lqihfwlrq ̨"Dqwl0r{lgdqw"Ì"qhxwudol}h"iuhh"udglfdov ̨"Surprwhv"khdowk|"lqwhvwlqdo"Ürud ̨"Khosv"uhyhuvh"surwhlq0ghÛflhqw"dqhpld ̨"Surwhfwlrq"iurp"fdqfhu ̨"Khosv"vnlq"glvrughuv

THE GREENER THE BETTER Essentially, any edible green plant contains some level of chlorophyll, as this is what gives it its green color. But some foods are higher in chlorophyll than others. Generally speaking, the darker the green color, the more chlorophyll, so dark leafy greens are a great source, especially kale and kale varieties, Swiss chard and darker greens like arugula. Adding herbs, like parsley and cilantro, will liven the taste of your salad and increase chlorophyll content in your diet. Bluegreen algae including spirulina and chlorella are especially high in chlorophyll, as are all sprouts. Try a shot of wheatgrass juice for one of the richest sources of chlorophyll and a powerful way to detoxify your body. ̇ #inspirehealthmag



editor’s letter A Time for

GIVING Inspire Health Great Bend 2014 - All Right Reserved

Yes, it is that time of the year already. Starting to get a little overwhelmed? Are you making a gift list, planning healthy family dinners, or starting to think about which resolution you really will keep this year? Slow down, take a few deep breaths, stand up, stretch, and spend quality time with INSPIRE HEALTH. Our end-of-the year issue will point you in the right direction for a less stressful and healthier holidays. I had the pleasure of interviewing Deborah Santana for our Inspire. Her soft, reassuring and musical voice grew stronger and more passionate as she shared her philosophy of community concern and giving. Let the spirit of Do A Little, Santana’s Foundation to assist women, be your seed of inspiration for giving from the heart and soul. You may want to give by volunteering in your community, working with your children to craft gifts for the elderly, or perhaps send a greeting card to your neighbors who live alone. Michael Kabel’s article Find Inner Warmth for the Holidays in this issue o朽ers several suggestions for volunteering. And, Maureen Sangiorgio’s work on Inspiring Gift Ideas suggests presents that come more from the heart than the wallet. We hope you beneät from this issue of INSPIRE HEALTH as you move through the holiday season and into the New Year stronger, healthier, full of joy and enthusiasm. Happy, healthy, productive and safe living,


LOCAL REPORTING: Veronica Coons LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHY: Hugo Gonzalez DESIGN: Hugo Gonzalez SALES: Stacy Meitner Diane Lacy-Trostle, Mgr.

Inspire Health Great Bend 2012 Forest Ave. Great Bend, KS 67530 620-792-1211 All copy and advertising in are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without permission

PATRICIA DANFLOUS Editor Help us inspire others! We want to know what inspires you to live healthy. Tell the editor at You could be published in the next issue of Inspire Health magazine.

Find us online! Like us @ Follow us on Instagram @inspirehealthmag Follow us on Twitter @inspirehealth_ Use #inspirehealthmag to show us what inspires you! See what we’re pinning!



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PATRICIA DANFLOUS The information contained in Inspire Health is intended for educational purposes only. A reader should never substitute information contained in Inspire Health for the advice of a health care surihvvlrqdo1""Mxpsvwduw"Sxeolvklqj/"OOF"dqg"sxeolvkhuv"ri"Lqvsluh"Khdowk/"gr"qrw"hqgruvh"ru"surprwh" any of the products or services described in the pages of Inspire Health and the publishers do not verify the accuracy of any claims made in the editorial or advertisements contained in Inspire Health. Readers should not use the information in Inspire Health for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Readers should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or have or suspect they have a health problem.



November ̇ December 2014

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healthy mind


liday HoSEASON By Chivon John -


he holiday season is frequently touted as the most wonderful time of the year, by a minority, that is. Sixty-nine percent of Americans would strongly disagree, according to a poll by the American Psychological Association. In the midst of balancing a busy workload, for many the krolgd|v"phdq"zhhno|"sduwlhv/"Ûqdqfldo"vwuhvv"dqg"hqrxjk" drama to have nearly a quarter of Americans feeling “extreme stress.” Instead of crumbling under pressure, here are three tips to turn the season of giving into a season of self-care: Remember the reason for the season Money is one of the biggest culprits for holiday stress with 69% of Americans feeling stressed over a “lack of money” and 51% feeling “pressured to give or get gifts. If your fdvk0Ürz"ru"odfn"ri"lw"pdnhv"|rx"zhdn"lq"wkh"nqhhv/"lw"pd|" be time to re-focus on the true reason for the season. In the hustle to get the perfect gift remember that the cherished memories come from the time we spend with loved ones and not what we purchased for them. Look for ways to scale back and change the focus from money to memories.

Don’t put your exercise routine on pause Let’s be honest, it’s normal to eat more during the holidays. But take note of how certain foods affect your mood and don’t slow down your exercise routine. Eating foods with more sugar and fat will impact your energy leading you to feel more stressed and tired. Balance your holiday treats by drinking more water and carving out time to move your body.

Don’t sweat the small stuff As hard as you try, there is a chance that everything won’t unfold as planned and that’s okay. The holidays are not a time to worry about perfection, so don’t stress about things that are out of your control.

Firmly rooted in our community for over 100 years.

Our rich history and growth over the years stems from relationships with customers, neighbors and friends. At Farmers Bank, we put customers first in everything we do. We start by listening to customer needs and helping customers succeed. Our roots run deep. ̇ #inspirehealthmag





r e e t n u l Vo By: Michael Kabel

T’S ALMOST CLICHÉ TO KHDU"SHRSOH"VD¥"WKH" KROLGD¥V"DUH"D"WLPH"WR" “GIVE SOMETHING BACK.” ¥HW"LWÑV"H[DFWO¥"WKLV"WLPH"RI" ¥HDU"ZKHQ"ZLQWU¥"ZHDWKHU" CONDITIONS AND ECONOMIC SUHVVXUHV"SXW"WKH"JUHDWHVW" STRAIN ON CHARITIES, QRQSURILWV/"DQG"RWKHU" SXEOLF0JRRG"RUJDQL]DWLRQV1" LWÑV"WKH"WLPH"ZKHQ"WKHVH" JURXSV"FDQ"XVH"WKH"KHOS"RI" YROXQWHHUV"WKH"PRVW1" The Red Cross – the lqwhuqdwlrqdo"Üdjvkls"ri"uholhi" organizations, the Red Cross offers a variety of opportunities for holiday volunteerism. The Holiday Mail for Heroes Campaign, provides personal thank you messages to American service personnel stationed overseas. The holidays are also the time when blood and plasma donations are needed the most. The Red Cross hosts thousands of blood donation drives nationwide that need staff and




November ̇ December 2014

donor recruiters. Habitat for Humanity – The trip home is the centerpiece of any holiday season, and Habitat for Humanity creates homes for the less iruwxqdwh"dfurvv"wkh"Xqlwhg"Vwdwhv1" In many cases volunteer groups from companies, churches, and other organizations work together on a vshflÛf"frqvwuxfwlrq"surmhfw"lq"d"rqh0 day build. A list of local projects and volunteer openings is maintained on wkh"rujdql}dwlrqÑv"zhevlwh1"Sodq"wr" make reservations to help several weeks in advance. Food Banks and Food Delivery - Getting meals to the elderly, the homebound, and the disabled takes on new levels of challenge during cold and icy weather conditions. At the same time, food banks’ holiday food drives require

additional volunteer support as demand for supplies skyrockets. Giving your time at food banks, in soup kitchens, and with meal delivery services helps you help others enjoy a holiday meal they might not otherwise receive. Donate food or donate your time in cataloguing and inventorying food and supplies. Nursing Homes – Every year thousands of elderly nursing home residents spend the holidays by themselves. Giving only a few hours of your time can help them feel better about the holidays and surylgh"krsh"iru"wkh"Qhz"¥hdu1" Contact your area nursing homes for volunteer guidelines.

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See more great g worko workouts on our website

exercise / inspired to move

Tone Your


Fitness Feats: Have you tried any of Inspire Health’s custom workouts? Zh"zdqw"wr"khdu"derxw"lw1" Tag Inspire Health in |rxu"Ûwqhvv"ihdwv" @inspirehealthmag.

by Christina Leidenheimer Model Brittany Bruhl Photography Bobby Lecompte



November ̇ December 2014

Like most women, Brittany has a busy schedule. When she’s not shaking her pom-poms on the NFL turf, she’s in the classroom working hard on her degree. Even though she keeps a very tight schedule, Brittany always makes time to squeeze in a quick, effective workout to keep her body healthy and toned for the game day spotlight. Here’s her secret workout.


100 SQUATS Begin by standing with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointed iruzdug1"Sodfh"|rxu"dupv"vwudljkw"rxw"lq"iurqw"ri"|rx/"ru"sodfh" them on your hips. Lower your butt as if you are going to sit in a chair. Do not allow your knees to extend over your toes. Return to the starting position. Perform four sets of 25 reps.



BRIDGE Lie down on your back on a mat. Bend |rxu"nqhhv"xs>"sodfh"|rxu"ihhw"Üdw"rq"wkh" Ürru1"Sodfh"|rxu"kdqgv"ehvlgh"|rx/"sdopv" rq"wkh"Ürru1"Udlvh"|rxu"shoylv"rii"wkh"Ürru" as you press your feet and palms to the Ürru1"Krog"wklv"srvlwlrq"iru"8"vhfrqgv1" Return to the starting position. Perform three sets of 10.

BASIC CRUNCH Lie down on your back on a mat. Bend your nqhhv"xs>"sodfh"|rxu"ihhw"Üdw"rq"wkh"Ürru1"Sodfh" your hands behind your head. Tuck your chin in dqg"grzq"dv"|rx"oliw"|rxu"khdg"iurp"wkh"Ürru1" Contract your abs muscles as you crunch up to oliw"|rxu"vkrxoghu"eodghv"rii"wkh"Ürru1"Uhwxuq"wr" the starting position. Perform four sets of 25 reps.


SIDE PLANK Lie on your side on your hip and elbow. Lift your body up, supporting your weight on your bent arm and side of your foot. Keep your body in this position for 30 seconds. Perform one set on each side. ̇ #inspirehealthmag



exercise / inspired to move

5 6

FRONT PLANK Lie face down on a mat. Get into a front plank position by coming up onto your forearms (arms bent). Keep your body in straight alignment from head to feet. Keep your body in this position for 30-60 seconds. Perform one set.

LOWER ABDOMINAL LEG LIFT Lie down on your back on a mat. Bring your legs straight up to a 90 degree angle. Lower your legs to a 45 degree angle (lower your legs ixuwkhu/"li"|rx"duh"dgydqfhg,1"¥rxu" edfn"vkrxog"qrw"frph"rii"wkh"Ürru1" Perform three sets of 10-15 reps

Does Your Weigh

t Limit Your Life


Do you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, diab etes, general fatig ue or joint pain? Greg Lindholm, P A, MPH with Preve ntive Medicine Cen may be able to hel ter p with your extra w ei g h t th rough a medically supervi sed program to help get your Life back. Call Advanced Th erapy & Sports M edicine, Great Be nd at 620-792-786 8 or Progressive Thera py & Sports Med icine, Larned at 620-285-601 1 to arrange for a FREE 30 minute , no obligation co nsultation.

at 3715 10th Street, November ̇ December 2014 between Hibbett Sports and Anytime Fitness - 620-792-7868 INSPIRE HEALTH 12Located


SIDE BENDS Jhw"rqwr"|rxu"nqhhv"rq"d"pdw>"pdnh"d"oljkw"Ûvw"dqg"sodfh"|rxu"dupv"dw"|rxu"vlghv1" Bend at your waist on your right side while bringing your knuckles close to your nqhh1"Wkh"ohiw"dup"ehqgv"dv"|rx"eulqj"|rxu"ohiw"Ûvw"wr"|rxu"fkhvw1"Vtxhh}h"dqg"krog" for 2-3 seconds. Alternate sides to complete a total of 25 reps on each side. Perform 3 sets of 25 reps. ̇ #inspirehealthmag



mighty kids DRAWNIMAL

BECAUSE WHAT KID GrhvqÕw" 4 THINK BIGGER lv BETTER? By Michele Robert Poche


hat if I told you there was a way that you and your family could nurture your creativity, get some exercise and even learn a little more about each other - all at the same wlphB"Iru"ohvv"wkdq"'8"lq"vxssolhv/"|rx"dqg"|rxu"olwwoh"shrsoh"fdq" fuhdwh"Olih0Vl}hg"Erdug"Jdph"zkhuh"¥RX"duh"wkh"jdph"slhfhv1" This idea is huge. Some might even say larger than life. +Sdugrq"wkh"sxq1,"Dqg"lwÑv"vr"hdv|$


̨"froruhg"frqvwuxfwlrq" paper (cardboard, carpet squares or whatever else you have lying around the house works, too) ̨"pdunhuv ̨"fud}|"kdwv")"dffhvvrulhv" (optional) ̨"shrsoh ̨"lpdjlqdwlrq"+wkh"pruh/" the better)





Determine the length of your game path. The older the players, the longer it can be. Design your spaces. It’s fun to have something written on each one so there’s always something happening in the game. Lay out the spaces to create a path around

2 3

November ̇ December 2014

the room or even the whole house. Create your game piece by deciding who or what you are and wearing something to show it.Think Monopoly (race car, top hat, etc.) or come up with your own ideas (ex. superheroes, animals or simply everyone wearing a single, different color). Grab some dice and take turns moving on wkh"erdug1"Iluvw"rqh"wr"wkh" Ûqlvk"olqh"zlqv$ The best thing about the Life-Sized Board Game is that it’s completely fxvwrpl}deoh1"¥rx"slfn"wkh" theme to suit the likes, interests and maybe even the areas needing improvement in your family. Try these ideas for your spaces.

Available in the App Store for iPhone & iPad


Is your family into exercise?

ÒGr"43"mxpslqj"mdfnv1Ó"RU"ÒEh"d"srjr" vwlfn"iru"53"vhfrqgv1Ó Hope to sneak in a little learning?

ÒUhflwh"wkh"doskdehw"edfnzdugv1Ó"RU" ÒZkdwÕv"6"{"9BÓ Just want to get silly together?

ÒEdun"olnh"d"grj1Ó"RU"ÒFudezdon"wkuhh" vsdfhv1Ó" The possibilities are truly limitless. Grab some paper and get wklqnlqj1"Odvw"rqh"wr"wkh"Ûqlvk"olqh"kdv"wr"fohdu"wkh"wdeoh$"


This clever app gets kids thinking outside of the box — well, outside of your phone’s screen, that is! Instead of playing on your smartphone and focusing attention directly on the screen, Drawnimal has children drawing on real paper! This mixed media experience teaches younger ones the alphabet using associated animals, but older children (and let’s be honest, adults, too) will enjoy this fun, cute and engaging app!

Canterbury Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Kurt F. Martin, DDS, MD Craig E. Miller, DDS Ronald L. Roholt, DDS, MD 2901 Canterbury.Hays.KS 785.628.1079

Wisdom Teeth (3rd Molars) Wisdom teeth are the

What Can I Expect During Surgery? Wisdom tooth

last teeth to develop and appear in the mouth. They are called “wisdom teeth” because they usually appear during a person’s late teens or early twenties, which has been called the “age of wisdom.”

surgery is one of the most common surgical procedures performed. Most people require wisdom tooth removal at some point in their life. Having the surgery as a teenager is generally easier, less risky, and the healing process is quicker and more reliable. Most wisdom tooth surgeries do not require hospital admission and can be performed in our ofice. Most people choose to do this under IV anesthesia. Today, surgery can be performed in comfort and maximal safety using our modern surgical and anesthetic techniques. Most young people can return to normal activities within a couple of days after surgery. We can discuss your options at the time of consultation.

What is an Impacted Tooth? A tooth becomes impacted when there is a lack of space in the mouth and its growth and eruption is blocked by overlying gum, bone or the adjacent tooth. Nine out of ten people have at least one totally impacted wisdom tooth resulting from a lack of space in the mouth. Impacted teeth can lead to such problems as pain, infection, crowding of teeth, tumor formation, or damage to adjacent teeth and bone. More fully developed wisdom teeth tend to cause these problems and require a more involved surgical procedure to remove them. Even though impacted wisdom teeth can cause serious problems a recent study found that wisdom teeth that have erupted into the mouth in a normal upright position may be as prone to disease as those third molars that remain impacted. The researchers found that patients with erupted wisdom teeth may be at greater risk for disease, including periodontitis. These chronic gum infections can cause bone loss around the wisdom teeth and adjacent teeth. Chronic gum infections can affect your general health.

When Should I Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed? It isn’t wise to wait until your wisdom teeth start to bother you. Generally, early removal of wisdom teeth results in an easier surgery and less complicated healing process. Medical studies strongly recommend that wisdom teeth be removed during teenage years to prevent future problems and to ensure optimal healing. It’s recommended all people have their wisdom teeth evaluated by an oral surgeon before high school graduation.

What is an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon? Oral and maxillofacial surgery is the specialty of dentistry that includes the diagnosis, surgical and adjunctive treatment of diseases, injuries and defects involving both the functional and aesthetic aspects of the hard and soft tissues of the mouth and face region. An oral and maxillofacial surgeon is a graduate of an accredited dental school who has completed an additional four or more years of training in an accredited, hospitalbased oral and maxillofacial surgery residency program. Board certiication requires additional study and rigorous examination. Our surgeons at COMS are certiied by the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

How Do I Schedule an Appointment? You may ask your general dentist for a referral or you may call us directly. Our phone number is (785) 628-1079. We are located at 2901 Canterbury, Hays, KS. You may get additional information from our website at We are the only full service oral surgery provider for western Kansas. We have been providing care to Western Kansans since 1968. From the beginning our simple philosophy has been to provide you with expert care in a safe and friendly environment. Today we still live by these words. ̇ #inspirehealthmag INSPIRE HEALTH


eat fresh

POWER UP YourPantry E|="Fkulvwlqd"Ohlghqkhlphu/"FSW/"FKOF"0"Qdwxudoo|Fkulvwlqd1frp



November ̇ December 2014


infections. Carotenoids stimulate the production of special white blood cells, thus determining your overall immune status. Since white blood cells have the ability to attack bacteria, viruses, and even cancer cells, eating foods that enhance their performance is very good practice. Citrus fruits are another seasonal food that can increase immune function. Not only are these fruits delicious, but oranges, tangerines, Satsumas, lemons, and grapefruit are very high in vitamin C.The vitamin C found in a fresh squeezed glass of citrus juice can eh"hvshfldoo|"jrrg"iru"Ûjkwlqj"edfwhuld/"yluxves, and infections.Vitamin C also improves the body’s ability to repair wounds; and it can dfw"dv"dq"dqwlklvwdplqh/"uhgxflqj"lqÜdppdtion brought on by cold and allergies. It has even been proven to reduce histamine levels, possibly shortening the duration of colds.

FOODUCATE Reading labels but still can’t ägure out which peanut butter is the healthier option? Fooducate to the rescue! Scan the barcode and Fooducate will grade the product (A, B+, B-, C, etc…), things to know, calories per serving, recommend healthier options similar to the product you scanned, and so much more. Is the product minimally processed? Are there controversial artiäcial sweeteners used? Does it contain trans fat? Find out everything with Fooducate at your ängertips!


ow can you get your share of potent vitamins to build your defenses and reduce your risk of getting sick during the infamous cold dqg"Üx"vhdvrqB"Srzhulqj"xs"|rxu"sdqwu|" with antioxidant rich foods is a great place wr"vwduw1"Zkloh"doo"ylwdplqv"kdyh"qrwhzruwk|"ehqhÛwv/"ylwdplqv"D"dqg"F"duh"dprqj" the best known antioxidants for supporting the immune system. Adding foods high in these particular vitamins can do much to help you build strong immunity. Zkroh"irrgv"olnh"sxpsnlq/"vtxdvk/" sweet potatoes, and carrots are easily available this time of year. Their rich yellow and orange hues mean they are teeming with carotenoids and vitamin A. The nutrients in these foods have the potential to enhance your immune response to

Available for iPhone, Android and online.

SUPPLEMENT VERSUS WHOLE FOOD. WHICH IS BEST? hile whole foods are typically the best option for obtaining vitamins and minerals, each person must decide whether or not a vitamin supplement is the right choice for them. According to, vwxglhv"kdyh"vkrzq"wkhuh"lv"d"ghÛqlwh"frqqhfwlrq" between eating foods high in vitamin C and a reduced risk of cancer. However, studies that were conducted using a vitamin C supplement have not shown a reduced cancer risk. This suggest wkdw"ylwdplq"F"lq"zkroh"irrg"lv"prvw"ehqhÛfldo1" This allows the vitamin C to work in the body along with other vital components such as phywrfkhplfdov/"Ûehu/"zdwhu/"dqg"plqhudov"suhvhqw"lq" the whole food.


CHRISTINA’S GOLDEN TONIC Super-NATURAL Ingredients: · 1 liter fresh squeezed orange or Satsuma juice · 2 tsp. *organic turmeric powder · 1 tsp. cayenne pepper Whip it up: 41"Xvh"d"flwuxv"mxlfhu"wr"mxlfh"Qdyho"rudqjhv"ru" Satsumas. Squeeze enough to yield 32 ounces. 51"Srxu"mxlfh"lq"d"eohqghu"dqg"dgg"wkh"wxuphulf"dqg" cayenne pepper. Blend on high for 30 seconds. 3. Sip on this refreshing golden tonic for about an hour. Take your time and enjoy it. -Wxuphulf"srvvhvvhv"qdwxudo"dqwl0lqÜdppdwru|"surshuwlhv/"srvvleo|"khoslqj"uhgxfh"sdlq"dqg"lqÜdppdwlrq1


Zkhq"|rx"duh"hdwlqj"|rxu"vkduh"ri" immune-boosting pumpkin this season, don’t forget about the powerful, prostate-protecting seeds. More than half of men age 50 or older suffer with problems related to an enlarged prostate. The phytosterols in pumpkin seeds are touted with the ability to help shrink an enlarged prostate. They do this by helping reduce the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone—a chemical associated with enlarged prostate. All that is needed is about 1 oz. of pumpkin seeds a few times per week. Mix the seeds in a trail mix for a tasty, healthy, healing snack. ̇ #inspirehealthmag




s e t Pota E|""ÂĽyrqqh"Dughvwdql

SUMMARY: Iru"dv"orqj"dv"L"fdq"uhphpehu/"L"kdyh"dozd|v"sduwlflsdwhg"lq"wkh"suhsdudwlrq"ri" my family’s Thanksgiving feast. The side dishes are my specialty and the candied yams are one of my favorites. In the past, I would use only 4 simple ingredients--yams, orange juice, cinnamon, brown sugar, and butter. Since this year’s feast will be full-on vegan, I will be using coconut sugar, coconut oil, organic sweet potatoes (instead of |dpv,/"dqg"d"ihz"rwkhu"lqjuhglhqwv"wr"wu|"wr"urxqg"rxw"wkh"Ăœdyru1""Dowkrxjk"L"dp" going to miss my old candied yams this year, these are a great substitute.



In this easy to use app, wellness chef, Yvonne Ardestani shares her collection of deliciously healthy recipes. Yvonne helps you artfully convert not-so-healthy recipes into vegan and gluten-free recipes using techniques she learned in culinary school and in professional restaurants. Yvonne is a classically trained French chef, former restaurant cook under Chefs Suzanne Goin and Breanne Varela, and now a passionate wellness chef. Yvonne is dedicated to promoting healthy living, helping the environment, and protecting animals from cruelty. Need recipe ideas? Check out Yvonne’s healthy and delicious recipes by downloading her app in the iTunes app store under My Eclectic Kitchen. Facebook: My Eclectic Kitchen

DISCLAIMER: There is a lot of sugar in this recipe and wkh"srwdwrhv"duh"suhww|"pxfk"fdqg|1""OhwÑv"WU¼"wr"hqmr|" wklv"glvk"lq"prghudwlrq$" Here’s my recipe. I hope you try it and enjoy it as pxfk"dv"L"gr$ Ingredients

Ěś"4 pounds of sweet potatoes, shhohg"dqg"fxw"lqwr"*Ă–8.ths Ěś"½ cup of orange juice Ěś"-"fxs"ri"Ă›owhuhg"zdwhu Ěś"2 cups of coconut sugar Ěś"1 vanilla bean, split in half lengthwise, beans scraped out, and ehdqv"sodfhg"lqwr"wkh"pl{wxuh1"Zh" will use the vanilla pod as well. Ěś"1 tsp of orange zest Ěś"1½ tsp of cinnamon Ěś"Âź tsp of sea salt Ěś"4 tbsp of bourbon, optional Ěś"4 tbsp of coconut oil



In a heavy pot, add all the ingredients. Make sure you also add the vanilla pod as there are a lot ri"Ăœdyruixo"ydqlood"vhhgv"lq"wkh"srg1" Bring to a boil, and then simmer for about 20 minutes or until fork tender. Cover and stir on occasion to ensure the sweet potatoes are cooking properly. Zlwk"d"vorwwhg"vsrrq/"sodfh"wkh" sweet potatoes in a casserole dish. Add the bourbon to the sauce and cook to reduce into a syrup-y texture. It can take about 15 plqxwhv1""ÂĽrx"zdqw"wr"pdnh"vxuh" the syrup is thick and will coat a sweet potato. Very carefully, pour the syrup over the sweet potatoes and bake until un browned for about 10-15 minutes. min Hqmr|$ Hqmr|

2 3


Ser Servings: 10 Time: Tim 1 ½ hours Glhw= Glh "Y/"JI/"JIY/"GI/"VI/"VUI



November ̇ December 2014


healthy recipe

P o t a t o y m a e r C Vrxs

; B;LN; ; Nd vyj N7NdG ;„C;LL;dC;ぁ Sエa na Kノiマa, yd

WHAT YOU NEED ̶ 3 cups of vegetable broth ̶ 1 cup of water ̶ 10 medium red potatoes (peeled and chopped) ̶ 1 small yellow squash (chopped, about 1 cup) ̶ 1 celery stalk (chopped) ̶ 1 banana pepper (seeds removed, chopped) ̶ ¼ cup sweet onion (thinly chopped) ̶ 2 Tbsp. vegan butter ̶ 2 Tbsp. minced fresh thyme ̶"4"wvs1"Slqn"Klpdod|dq"vdow ̶ ½ tsp. fresh ground black pepper PREPARATION: 1. Shho/"ulqvh/"dqg"fkrs" srwdwrhv1"Sodfh"srwdwrhv" in a large pot. Add enough cold water to cover the potatoes by 2 inches. Boil on high for 3073"plqxwhv1"Slhufh" potatoes with fork to check for doneness. 2. Zdvk/"shho/"dqg" chop squash, celery, banana pepper, and onion. 3. Measure and prepare herbs,

seasonings and all other ingredients. WHIP IT UP: 1. Zkhq"srwdwrhv"duh" almost done, use a large sauté pan over medium heat to sauté onions, celery, and banana pepper in butter. Sauté for 5-7 minutes, or until veggies are translucent. 2. Once potatoes are cooked, drain the water and put pot back on lowmedium heat. Add the sautéed onions, celery, and banana peppers to the pot. Add all seasonings, vegetable broth, and water. Simmer for 15-20 minutes. 3. Garnish with fresh chopped thyme. Ser ve and enjoy. YIELDS: 6-8 servings.

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e l t t i L A o A D BIG MAKES DIFFERENCE e|"Sdwulfld"Gdqárxv"""""Skrwrjudsk|"e|"Wrgg"Zdonhu



November ̇ December 2014




er grandparents planted the seed. Her parents fertilized and protected the soil. Deborah Santana nourished and developed the early growth into a thriving garden of charity and compassion that blossoms perennially. Author, musician, inspirational and motivational speaker, mother, philanthropist, and global traveler, Santana has a passion for people and a commitment to helping women become healthy, educated, and happy. “I can’t imagine another way of life,” she explains. Just entering her sixties, Santana’s shining silver hair, smooth glowing skin and light, musical voice defy the maturity and wisdom vkh"uhÜhfwv"dv"vkh"vshdnv"iurp"khu"Vdq" Iudqflvfr"Ed|0vlgh"krph1" The roots of a giving way of life began at the start of the twentieth century when her grandparents founded a church in Oakland, California focused on love of God and love for His people. Although her mixed-race parents were denied the right to marry in the late 1940s, wkhlu"olyhv"zhuh"Ûoohg"zlwk"oryh"dqg" acceptance of the world around them, sharing those values with their spirited and creative daughter. “I grew up reading Bible stories, fairytales, parables and poetry,” Santana uhfdoov"lq"d"zhevlwh"srvwlqj1"ÎZlvgrp" was imparted from the pages of books and from Sunday school, Girl Scouts, and talks around the kitchen table. Our family had an intention to care for others, which I am so grateful to have learned.” Married at twenty-two, not an unusually early age for children of the sixties and seventies, Santana began a 33-year marriage to the internationally revered musician Carlos Santana. Dv"vkh"uhÜhfwv"zkloh"glvfxvvlqj"khu" memoir Space Between the Stars: My Journey to an Open Heart, it was a turbulent existence in a loving and mutually supportive marriage. The feminist culture of the seventies emerged strong emphasizing that women did not need a man to be ixoÛoohg1"Dw"wkh"vdph"wlph/"khu"Fkulvwldq" upbringing taught that a woman was

helpmate to her husband. Delicately balancing a life in the front row of a celebrity’s spotlight and maintaining her own individuality, Santana managed a vegetarian restaurant, taught medication classes, studied Spanish and creative writing and spent many hours answering fan mail. Motherhood brought in a period of volunteerism in schools, fund-raising and ri"frxuvh/"wkh"mr|v"ri"fkdshurqlqj"Ûhog" trips. Continually guiding her children to respect individuality, Santana became rqh"ri"wkh"ÎVxshu"ZrphqÏ"ri"khu" generation. She invested in real estate, directed the Santana Corporation, sat rq"d"qrq0surÛw"erdug/"dqg"hvwdeolvkhg" wkh"Plodjur"Irxqgdwlrq"zlwk"khu" husband, while partnering with him on career moves. Zlwk"wkh"irxqglqj"ri"khu"vhoi0 lqlwldwhg"Gr"D"Olwwoh"Irxqgdwlrq" in 2008 however, Santana humbly stepped into the spotlight as an individual. Respecting the blessings of both heritage and marriage, it was time to bring her own philosophy from front row to center stage. “I’ve always tried to help people,” she explains the decision to form a foundation focused on women. “Raised in the sixties, you learn not to leave anyone behind; to take care of everyone. Can you imagine growing xs"lq"Vdq"Iudqflvfr"lq"wkh"vl{wlhv"dqg" vhyhqwlhv"Ì"|rx"kdg"wkh"Eodfn"Sdqwkhuv" dqg"wkrvh"lvvxhv"zkloh"wkh"Ürzhu" children were doing yoga outdoors? ÎL"fuhdwhg"d"qrq0surÛw"wr"vhuyh" the needs of women because the balance of power in the world still lies in the hands of men, often bypassing

DEBORAH SANTANA Biography Deborah Santana is an author, philanthropist, advocate for peace and social justice, and mother of three extremely loved children. Her ärst memoir, Space Between The Stars: My Journey to an Open Heart, was published in March 2005. Santana is founder of Do A Little, a donor-advised fund at the San Francisco Foundation that supports women and girls in the areas of health, education and happiness. She has received many awards, supports varied organizations, and has traveled widely, encountering everyone from Nelson Mandela to young school girls in Kenya. Santana believes life is to be lived with integrity, compassion and love. She tells her personal stories to share her strength and encourage others on the journey. For more information visit: or contact


̶ Published Works 2005 Space Between The Stars: My Journey to an Open Heart ̶ Anthology Contributions 2012 Life Moments for Women 2012 Nothing But the Truth So Help Me God 2006 Tutu As I Know Him: On a Personal Note ̶ Documentaries Produced 2012 School of My Dreams 2010 Girls of Daraja 2006 The Road to Ingwavuma ̶ Recognitions - Board Member, Artists for a New South Africa (ANSA), Los Angeles - Board Member, Museum of the African Gldvsrud"+PrDG,/"Vdq"Iudqflvfr 0"Irxqglqj"Grqru/"Vplwkvrqldq"Qdwlrqdo" Museum of African American History and Fxowxuh/"Zdvklqjwrq/"G1F1 2012""ZrphqÑv"hQhzv"54"Ohdghuv"iru"wkh" 21st Century Award 2010""Ed|"Duhd"Eodfnv"lq"Sklodqwkurs|" Catalyst Award 2007 Mills College Distinguished Achievement Award 2007""Pdulq"Frxqw|"ZrphqÑv"Kdoo"ri"Idph 2006 Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian Award in Marin County 2004""¥RXWKDLGV"krqru"iru"khu"idplo|Ñv" work with AIDS in Africa 2004""Zrphq"ri"Glvwulqfwlrq"Dzdug"Irxqghu" Region Soroptomist International of the Americas 2000""XFOD"Fflvdu"H1"Fk yh}"Vslulw"Dzdug ̇ #inspirehealthmag




Deborah Santana visits with the young women of Darajah Academy.

the skills, intelligence, compassion, love and grace of the female gender,” she states. Encouraging women to grow in whatever ways bring happiness and peace, her inspiration in naming the foundation Do A Little, comes from a quote by Reverend Desmond M. Tutu, “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” Do A Little currently funds more than 30 organizations and has helped more than 50 over the past six years. Santana limits her fund-raising efforts however to two primary projects – the Darajah Academy, a boarding school for high school girls in Kenya, and the Museum of African Dispora in San Iudqflvfr1"ÎL"wu|"wr"eh"frqvlvwhqw"dqg" constant with the groups I help,” she explains.There are so many around the world who need help, but I am seeing so much good in the world.There are so many people working together to care. “I am always grateful to be able wr"khos1"Zh"duh"sd|lqj"uhqw"rq"Hduwk" by giving to others. It is my personal gratitude and personal joy to be able to give. All of us want the same thing. The Dalai Lama says ‘no one wants to vxiihu1"Zh"doo"zdqw"wr"eh"kdss|Ñ1

“I am blessed,” Santana says with humility. “I have made mistakes, but I choose to learn every second that I am here.” Recognizing her privilege of direct learning from the Dalai Lama, and a personal guru, Santana brings all her experiences from a six-year old at the kitchen table to more recent travels in Africa to not only grow her foundation but also inspire others to reach out. One of her proudest accomplishments is not what she has accomplished in the Darajah Academy, but the work ri"rqh"ri"khu"yroxqwhhuv"iurp"XFOD" who was so moved by the needs of the children, he stayed in Kenya to form a program for the wandering and neglected street kids. Wdnlqj"wlph"wr"uhÜhfw"dqg"phgldwh" is an essential element of life, she advises other women. “I start my day off in my soul and in silence before I open the door and go out.” Mediating daily since she was 21, Santana also incorporates the yoga she began as a teenager in classes with her mother into her day. Her diet is California-style, healthy choices including salmon and chicken with no red meat.

Iuhh"wlph/"d"suhflrxv"frpprglw|" for a multi-tasking female, is spent in hiking, visiting museums, reading and dinner with friends. “One of my favorite activities is visiting independent book stores to hear different authors read and discuss their works,” she adds. “It is such a rich world, there are so many things to explore.” A constant student, Santana is in khu"Ûqdo"fodvvhv"wr"rewdlq"d"PdvwhuÑv" ghjuhh"lq"ZrpdqÑv"Vslulwxdolw|"dw" the California Institute of Integral Vwxglhv1"Khu"Ûqdo"surmhfwv"ehiruh" graduation include an intense study of the Dalai Lama’s teachings and Ûoplqj"d"grfxphqwdu|"derxw"zrphqÑv" spirituality. No surprise – she will be donating the documentary to CIIS to promote the program and encourage other women. She’s also working on another book showcasing the good works of others throughout the world.

Connect with us to learn how to win a free copy of Deborah Santana’s Space Between the Stars$"

For inspiration, for more information on Deborah Santana, Do A Little and how you can help, visit



November ̇ December 2014

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RVV"RI"KHLJKW/"VWRRSHG" SRVWXUH"DQG"LQFUHDVHG"ULVN" RI"ERQH"IUDFWXUHV"PD¼"VHHP" OLNH"D"QRUPDO"SDUW"RI"DJLQJ1" EXW"WKHVH"DUH"DOO"V¼PSWRPV"RI" RVWHRSRURVLV/"D"GHELOLWDWLQJ"GLVHDVH"WKDW" FDXVHV"GHWHULRUDWLRQ"RI"ERQH"WLVVXH"DQG" ORVV"RI"ERQH"PDVV1"WKH"JRRG"QHZV"LV"WKDW"WKLV" GHJHQHUDWLYH"FRQGLWLRQ"PD¼"EH"SUHYHQWDEOH" ZLWK"ERQH0EXLOGLQJ"QXWULWLRQ/"H[HUFLVH"DQG" KHDOWK¼"OLIHVW¼OH"KDELWV1"" Because osteoporosis often develops silently for years before it shows up (typically as a bone fracture in women over 50), it’s important to focus on bone health throughout your life—the earlier the better. Here are some natural ways to keep bones healthy and strong for a lifetime. Eat a bone-friendly diet. Studies show that lack of calcium over time leads to bone loss and a greater risk of fractures. Be sure to add plenty of calcium-rich foods at mealtimes.To help your body absorb and use calcium, include foods with vitamin D, magnesium and vitamin K. If you can’t get everything you need from food, consider


taking a daily supplement containing these vitamins and minerals. Go with gravity during zrunrxwv1"Zhljkw0ehdulqj" exercises help build bone mass and maintain it at any age.Try strength training, racquet sports, walking, posture and stretching exercises, running, golf, dancing or any activity where your feet and legs support your full

weight. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a few times a week. Stop smoking and don’t overdo alcohol. Smokers absorb less calcium from their diet (not to mention the harm they do to their lungs and heart). So do those who consume too much alcohol on a regular basis.Throw away your cigarette pack and drink in moderation.

FOOD iru"vwurqj"erqhv Calcium-rich foods: low-fat dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese); sardines/salmon. Iru"odfwrvh"lqwrohudqw"lqglylgxdov"ru"yhjdqv="vr|"irrgv"+wrix/"vr|"plon/"vr|" nuts); dark green leafy vegetables (especially spinach, collard greens, kale, dqg"eurffrol,>"ehdqv>"fdoflxp0iruwlÛhg"rudqjh"mxlfh1 Vitamin D-rich foods:"pdfnhuho"dqg"rwkhu"rlo|"Ûvk>"hjjv>"ylwdplq"G0iruwlÛhg"gdlu|"dqg"fhuhdo1" For vegans: sunlight, mushrooms. Vitamin K-rich foods: green, leafy vegetables (especially Kale). Magnesium-rich foods: nuts (especially almonds and cashews); spinach; seeds (particularly pumpkin and sesame seeds); dark, leafy greens (especially spinach and Swiss chard).

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26 Model Erica Kern"zlwk"Irug"Urehuw"Eodfn"prgho"djhqf|""""""Forwklqj=""""""Kdlu")"Pdnhxs="Malissa Ramer



Style Whitney Alexandra"""""Skrwrjudsk|="Nick DuPlessis


Tis’ the SEASON! … """""Pdnh"lw" jodprurxv$"

November ̇ December 2014


ne of the most enchanting times of the |hdu"lv"xsrq"xv1"Zlwk" |rxu"fdohqgdu"Ûoolqj"xs" for holiday parties and events to attend, it is not only a must to be glamorous but desirable and fun to look glamorous. No need to stress about your holiday party wardrobe options…here are some quick tips to bring out the glamorous woman in you wklv"krolgd|"vhdvrq$"

Whitney’s Fit Fashion Find:

Heading out for a night on the town to celebrate the holidays? Try a knee length or shorter A-Line black guhvv1"Ilqg"d"ideulf"zlwk"wh{wxuh"vxfk"dv" odfh"ru"iulqjh"wr"jlyh"|rxu"orrn"d"Üluw|" meets classy look. Accessorize with fun fashion necklace, bracelet or earrings to add some extra glamour to your look. Sdlu"zlwk"dq"dqnoh"fxii"khho"ru"nhhs"lw" classic with a black pump heel.

Whitney Ale xandra

Nhhs"lw"vwxqqlqjo|"vlpsoh$"D"ixoo0 length cocktail dress might seem too much for a holiday party or perceived that it will cost a pretty penny and should be worn only to black tie hyhqwv1"QHZV"IODVK$"Erwk"ri"wkhvh" shufhswlrqv"duh"IDOVH$"Sxufkdvlqj"d" classic long cocktail dress for a very reasonable price is simple if you try shopping brands such as ABS by Allen Vfkzduw}"zkhuh"|rx"zloo"Ûqg"vwxqqlqj"

looks for an affordable price. Style your hair with loose wavy curls and nhhs"|rxu"pdnhxs"orrnlqj"qdwxudo1"Iru" shorter hair, try combing it back to give d"vohhn/"kljk"vw|oh"orrn1"¥rx"zloo"eh"wkh" wdon"ri"wkh"sduw|$"

Wkh"vwuxjjoh"wr"vwd|"Ûw"lq"wkh"zlqwhu"fdq"eh" a challenge due to the frigid cold weather outside. Stay motivated and keep warm with the Nike Miler Long-Sleeve running shirt. Slfn"xs"d"ihz"rq"Qlnh1frp"ru"dw"|rxu"orfdo" Nike store.This long sleeve shirt “wicks” the perspiration away from the skin and helps you to stay dry while working out. Available in a variety of cool colors … these shirts are a must-have winter workout addition to your wardrobe. Wdj"xv"lq"|rxu"idvklrq"Ûqg"skrwrv$"&lqvsluhkhdowkpdj ̇ #inspirehealthmag



Gloria Hernandez Helping others find an amazing world of flavor

by Veronica Coons with photography by Hugo Gonzalez or most people, vegetarianism is a choice, often prompted by a diet fad or trendy political agenda. But for Gloria Hernandez, becoming a vegetarian was not just a choice, it was a matter of survival. As a 26 year old mother of two, Gloria started a journey she hadn’t planned or expected. Following a gallbladder surgery, complications a arose when she began eating meat again. She began to feel severe p as before. Doctors performed tests the results of which would pain ch change her life forever. Gloria learned that her body would no lo longer digest meat. Sitting in on a vegetarian cooking class led by Gloria Hernandez yyea later, it’s hard to believe there was ever a time that being years vveg vegetarian was a foreign idea to her. Today, she makes preparing vvega versions of familiar Mexican and American dishes look not vegan o doable, but delicious. only G Gloria began cooking when she was about 10 years old on a woo ired stove in her native Mexico. She and her older w wood ssister would prepare ingredients nts for her mother, who Glor G k. It soon became Gloria says is an amazing cook. hher rresponsibility to make suree all her younger broth b brothers and sisters were fed during the week, sso sh als from scratch. she learned to prepare meals



November ̇ December 2014 inspir reehe heaalt ltthma thm hma mag.c g.c om o m #i # #inspirehealthmag insp nsppirehea ireeh heaallth lttth hm mag ag ag



There were no shortcuts. Everything was chopped and mixed by hand. It was there she learned to experiment with lavors. In the beginning, she had her fair share of failures, but over time, she learned to achieve the lavors she sought. “One day, a neighbor lady visited my mother, and brought a dish for her to try,” Gloria recalls. “I don’t remember what the dish was, but I do remember how my mom praised her. I told myself that someday, my mother would say the same thing about my cooking.” When faced with new dietary restrictions, she went to work learning how to combine ingredients to make sure she didn’t lack important nutrients. It wasn’t the irst time she had to learn to use unfamiliar ingredients to make familiar dishes. “When we came to Great Bend in 1992, the only Mexican food we could ind locally were corn tortillas from Wichita,” she said. “They were so thick, we were unable to fold them. I learned to make masa for tortillas from corn.” Today, she makes whole wheat vegan tortillas with spinach, which turns them a bright green color, and provides protein, iron, and other base nutrients. “I always try to ind the lavors that I like,” she said. She improvises until she inds just the right taste. She avoids most prepackaged foods, freezing and canning her own produce. When she doesn’t grow her own produce, she ppurchases what she needs from the farme farmers’ market for the majority of her er cook cooking.

The right mix Many people are rightly concerned they won’t get enough protein, Gloria said. By combining vegetables and grains with nuts and seeds, she feels conident she and her family are thriving. Her own health and that of her two biological daughters, now 28 and 24, is proof that she’s gotten it right. Now that they are adults, they both eat meat, she conides. “That is their choice,” she says. But when they come home, they enjoy their favorites. Gloria has also introduced her adopted children, ages 9, 12 and 14, to vegetarian foods. While the children eat some meat at school, the lunchrooms are aware of their restrictions aand are very accommodating, sshe says. Cooking for a crowd Cooking for her family is not C tth the entire scope of her talent, hhowever. She also prepares the weekly noon meal for 30

to 40 participants in the USD 428 Great Bend Migrant Parent Program. The main focus of the program is to provide health, education and other vital information about community resources to migrant parents. She has been with the program since it started 10 years ago. At irst, only a handful of participants would come to the meetings. There was a budget for providing a meal, and the Central Kitchen would provide sandwiches, Gloria said. “I noticed that all the o sandwiches were going into nt the trash,” she said. She went ct to Dan Brungardt, the district nt representative for the Migrant program at the time. She toldd him about how the attendeess weren’t eating the sandwiches,s, and the attendance was goingg at she s e sh down. He asked her what would suggest. ook o . If “I told him, let me cook. ome.” we feed them, they’ll come. Brungardt agreed to lett her try. She did the shopping and planning,

and began cooking, irst alone, and then with her friend, Martha. As she predicted, attendance grew. “Martha reads my mind,” Gloria said. “She’s very good.” Tuesday morning Gloria and Martha are busy preparing a variety of vegan dishes for the MPP participants who will meet the next day. They do as much preparation ahead of time as they can. While she often prepares non-vegan dishes for the class, this week she is going all vegan. Gloria was awake early, preparing homemade whole wheat rolls that will be the bun for meatless burgers. They are chopping onions and jalapenos, washing lettuce and unpacking premeasured nuts, legumes, grains and seeds that will be combined to make wraps, eggless eggs and meatless meats. Broccoli, tomatoes, avocados, and coconut are set aside for the salads and dessert she has planned. Homemade mango and strawberry freezer jams are set aside for pancake toppings. She prefers to sweeten with cane sugar, which she stocks up on when she visits family in Mexico. It’s brown and unreined, and she can use less nts. of it to get the lavor she wants. ̇ #inspirehealthmag #inspirehealthmag


29 29

Delicious alternatives Firm tofu is drained, rinsed, and crumbled into an electric skillet where it is fried with the already browning onions until it becomes the consistency of scrambled eggs. Salt, pepper, and turmeric, the vital secret ingredient, are added to taste. Gloria rolls the mixture into a wholewheat spinach tortilla and the breakfast burrito is ready. “When I was a little girl, we had to eat so many eggs, now I hate them,� she said. They raised chickens and her mother made them eat raw eggs in the morning. Tofu also appears in the meatless burgers, where it is combined with wheat germ, oatmeal, Italian seasoning, salt, pepper, onions, and jalapenos. To bind it together, Gloria uses ground lax seed with water. Like magic, she grinds the seeds in a coffee grinder, adds water, and beats the mixture until it has the consistency of raw eggs, save for the lecks of seed. She uses these when she makes bread. “I even make Challah bread–which traditionally contains a lot of eggs, with the laxseed,� she says. “It’s good.�

She combines the laxseed mixture with the dry ingredients. “This is the best lavor, when you use your hands,� she says. Once mixed, she pats out burgers and cooks them in the skillet until they are completely golden brown, and sets them aside. Then, in her food processor, she makes hummus from chickpeas soaked overnight, tahini (one of the few processed ingredients she will use), lemon, olive oil and a pinch of salt. She spreads the hummus on the wheat rolls, topped with a burger and garnished with lettuce and tomato. The sandwich is delicious. Classy lady Recently, Gloria approached the Great Bend Recreation Commission with a proposal that would help her take the next step toward her dream of sharing her way of cooking with others. Garet Fitzpatrick, the recreation program coordinator, agreed to let her teach a class. She has now taught two vegetarian cooking classes with plans to do more in the future. Fitzpatrick says he’s received very

positive feedback from class participants participants. He’s asked Gloria to consider teaching another class in either February or March. “She’s so positive and energetic in her presentation,â€? Kirkpatrick said. “She just shares what’s worked for her, and lets people make up their own minds. “I’m delighted,â€? Gloria says. And so, the journey continues. â–

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A CertiďŹ ed hand therapist is THE expert for any Orthopedic Rehab, from shoulder to hand. Here’s what our patients say about Achieve Rehab: “I had a rotator cuff surgery on my right shoulder. I was afraid I’d never use my arm again. I am so pleased that I have the full rotation of my right arm. I would fully recommend David’s professional expertise to anyone.â€? -BL “I caught my hand in an auger. After surgery, I went to Achieve Rehab. Through weeks of hand therapy, I could brush my teeth again! We are very lucky in our area to have such a hand expert. I am grateful that he always encouraged me.â€? -MT

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November ̇ December 2014

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weight loss

Go Ahead INDULGE (a little) E|="Ure|q"Orudqgr/"UG/"OGQ

T’S THAT TIME OF YEAR WHEN SWEETS FLOOD THE BREAK ROOMS AND PARTIES CONSUME YOUR WEEKENDS. DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON, THE AVERAGE PERSON GAINS ONE TO TWO POUNDS. WHILE THIS MAY NOT SEEM LIKE MUCH, MOST DO NOT LOSE THE WEIGHT IN JANUARY, ONLY CONTRIBUTING TO THE WEIGHT GAIN THAT HAPPENS OVER TIME FOR MANY ADULTS. THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT HOLIDAY WEIGHT GAIN CAN BE AVOIDED; JUST FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE GUIDELINES TO GET YOU THROUGH THE SEASON. Enjoy social gatherings, but stick to your healthy routine between parties. Don’t skip meals, have healthy snacks often dqg"pdnh"wlph"iru"h{huflvh1"Li"|rx"fdqÑw"Ûw"63"plqxwhv"ri" exercise into your day, do something whenever you can. Take 10 minute walks throughout the day, use the stairs instead of the elevator, skip the online shopping and instead brave the crowds while burning 10 times more calories in the process. It is a common strategy to go all day without eating to make up for the calories you plan to consume at a party that evening. The problem is that you arrive starving, everything looks tempting, and you will likely eat more in a few hours than you would have eaten all day. A better plan is to have light meals throughout the day and a small snack before you go to curb your appetite. Instead of grazing all night, make rqh"sodwh"zlwk"vpdoo"wdvwhv"ri"|rxu"idyrulwh"glvkhv"dqg"Ûoo"wkh" rest with salad or vegetables. Fdorulhv"iurp"dofrkro"fdq"dgg"xs"idvwhu"wkdq"irrg1"Zkloh" all alcohol contains calories, some choices are worse than others. Just eight ounces of eggnog will cost you about 300 calories. If you are going to drink this holiday season, go for a


glass of wine or a spritzer and consume in moderation. If you are not an alcohol drinker, go for something calorie-free such as sparkling water with lemon or lime. Remember that the holidays are a time for celebration and spending time with friends and family. If your plan doesn’t go exactly as expected, that’s okay; just use that as |rxu"prwlydwlrq"wr"vwduw"rii"uljkw"lq"wkh"Qhz"¥hdu1

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November ̇ December 2014

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