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Larned Correctional Mental Health Facility

Rehabilitating for the for the future

Larned Correctional Mental Health Facility meeting needs of inmates

Larned Correctional Mental Health Facility (LCMHF) was built in response to a 1989 federal court order which directed the KDOC to meet the long-term needs of mentally ill inmates. Construction of the 150-bed facility began on the grounds of the Larned State Hospital in 1991 and the facility was dedicated in December of that same year. Th e facility received its fi rst residents on January 22, 1992.

LCMHF currently includes two units; the Central Unit which has the capacity to house 310 male residents, and the South Unit, which has the capacity to house 304 male residents. Central Unit is a programming facility, housing medium and maximum custody, general population residents. Emphasis is placed on residents needing Education (GED) and/or Vocational Education, empowering residents toward successful reintegration through education and career training. In addition, qualifying residents receive programming consistent with their specifi c risk need area(s), such as substance abuse, attitude, family/marital, and fi nancial. Th e South Unit is a minimum custody, work facility. Th ese residents provide support services to LCMHF and the Larned State Hospital, holding jobs that simulate the regular hours and routines usually associated with employment found in the community. Resident employee positions in Non-Prison Based and Prison Based Industries Programs are also available, allowing residents to begin saving and preparing for eventual release, and to begin paying for expenses such as room and board, transportation, court costs, fi nes, restitution, child support and taxes, while they are still incarcerated. Additionally, there is an opportunity for South Unit residents to participate in educational programming and facility programming, most notably, GED, Substance Abuse Program, Sex Off ender Treatment Program, and Th inking 4 Change.

Tim Easley was selected to serve as warden by Secretary Jeff Zmuda on March 1, 2020.

“A safer Kansas through effective Correctional services”

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