Capital Area REALTOR® Nov/Dec 2013

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The official newsletter of the Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS®

November - December 2013

USPS: 017-467

Volume 19, Number 5

Greg Ford Takes the Helm as 2014 GCAAR President The historic Bethesda Blues and Jazz Supper Club was the place to be for the 2013 GCAAR Annual Meeting and Installation of the 2014 officers and Board members on December 5. Built in 1938 as the Bethesda Theater, the venue was one of the era’s Art Deco cinema palaces, and is now the region’s number one live music supper club. The National Historic Register property provided the perfect backdrop as Greg Ford was installed as 2014 GCAAR President. Awards were given to the 2013 Affiliates of the Year P. Joy Siegel, Rookie of the Year Michael Fowler, and REALTOR® of the Year Bonnie Casper. Attendees included Maryland Association of REALTORS® (MAR) President Russ Boyce, CEO Mary Antoun, and a host of special guests from fellow Associations.

2014 GCAAR Board of Directors

2013 REALTOR® of the Year Bonnie Casper and 2013 President Michael McGreevy

Congratulations to the newly-elected officers and directors! OFFICERS:


President Greg Ford President-Elect Suzanne Des Marais Immediate Past President Michael McGreevy Secretary Peg Mancuso Treasurer Tim Knobloch

2013 Rookie of the Year Michael Fowler

Koki Adasi David Bediz Thom Brockett Jamie Coley Tom Daley Dorie Glass Jacque Grenning Sally Hamidi Gwen Henderson Vicky Lobos-Kirker Hildy Pollard Pat Weed

2013 Affiliate of the Year P. Joy Siegel

Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS® 8757 Georgia Avenue, Suite 600 Silver Spring, MD 20910

P. Joy Siegel Named GCAAR Affiliate of the Year GCAAR is pleased to announce P. Joy Siegel as its Affiliate of the Year for 2013. Joy is a real estate attorney in the District of Columbia and Maryland as well as a licensed title agent in both of GCAAR’s jurisdictions. As a member of GCAAR’s Contracts and Clause Committee for over 10 years, she has worked hard on keeping the forms current and effective for membership. Second only to making sure clients have a wonderful settlement experience, her love is being a Continuing Education instructor. Teaching countless classes per year, her goal has always been to make the toughest required classes the most enjoyable. Joy is highly sought after to teach everything from Fair Housing to Social Media. She is the former President and founder of Settlement Pros and will be joining Settlement Ink in 2014.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Association 3 GCAAR in the 3 Ask the 4 Board 4 Koki Adasi Plays Major 5

Transportation 5 NAR Director’s 6 7 Green 8 GCAAR Cares Year in 9 MC & DC Market 10

Meet Your GCAAR Committees ���������������������������page 14 Public 15 Technology/Tool 16 Legal 20 Education 21 22

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