Capital Area REALTOR® Sept/Oct 2012

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Capital Area Realtor


The official newsletter of the Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS®

September - October 2012

Inside This Issue Jessica Evans - Rookie of the Year �������page 3 2013 BOD 3

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GCAAR is pleased to name Patrick “Pat” Weed as its REALTOR® of the Year for 2012. Pat is currently Broker/ Owner of the Patrick Realty Company, Inc. in Kensington, MD.

GCAAR in the 4 2013 GCAAR Annual Dues ���������������page 5 NAR Director’s 6 International 7 SuperStar 7 Jackie Simon Civil Rights Award ���������page 8 9 Green Resources............................ page 13 GCA WCR Member Event................ page 13 NAR REALTORS® Conference ������� page 13 Rookies Vs. Veteran Agents ������������page 14 REALTORS® FCU 15 YPN 15 GCAAR 16 Homeownership Empowerment ������page 16 Education 17 Public 18 RPAC 21 Board 21

2012 GCAAR REALTOR® of the Year – Pat Weed

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Volume 18, Number 4

Pat has been involved in numerous committees during his tenure at the Montgomery County Association of REALTORS® and also at GCAAR including: Contract and Clause, Public Policy (where he served for over ten years as Chair and Vice-Chair), Grievance, RPAC, Legislative and Public Affairs, and Contract Form Management. At the state and national levels, Pat was an active member of the Maryland Association of REALTORS® (MAR) Statewide Forms, Professional Standards, and Legislative (where he served as Vice Chair) committees, and was also on the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) Patrick Weed

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Contact Team and a member of NAR’s Women’s Council of REALTORS®. Among his many civic activities, Pat is a member of the American Legion, Moose Club, and Knights of Columbus. He is also a former Montgomery County Election Judge, and was on the board of the Kensington-Wheaton Chamber of Commerce. Pat was recently awarded the REALTOR® Emeritus status by the National Association of REALTORS® for over 40 years of professional real estate experience, and was an early graduate of the MAR Leadership Academy. He has been an attendee at each of the state conventions for the past 25 years. “Pat Weed has been a dedicated and steadfast member of our association and he has been a mentor to many,” said Bonnie Casper, 2012 GCAAR President. Pat recently represented GCAAR at the Maryland Association of REALTORS® annual convention September 9 -12 in Ocean City.

Bethesda Smart Growth Seminar Draws Another Packed House

Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS® 8757 Georgia Avenue, Suite 600 Silver Spring, MD 20910

GCAAR President Bonnie Casper welcomed another sellout audience on June 28 as attendees got to see and hear the plans for Bethesda in GCAAR’s second Smart Growth Seminar at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center. The audience heard from developers, interested organizations, and Montgomery County about the plans, what’s coming, and how it will change the residential and commercial real estate environment in Bethesda. Moderated by Ken Hartman, Director of the BethesdaChevy Chase Services Center, the panel included Jad Donohoe, Vice President of Donohoe Development; Ellen Miller, Founding Principal of Stonebridge Associates; and Greg Rooney, Vice President of Development for continued on page 4

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Front Row L-R: Ellen Miller, Stonebridge Associates; GCAAR President Bonnie Casper; Steve Silverman, Montgomery County Office of Economic Development Back Row: Greg Rooney, The Bernstein Companies; Jad Donohue, Donohue Development; Mark Winston, Montgomery County Executive Transit Task Force; Dave Dabney, Bethesda Urban Partnership

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