Center for REALTOR® Development GCAAR is excited to be part of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) Center for REALTOR® Development, designed to help REALTORS® grow their real estate business and to keep members up to date with professional requirements. The Center for REALTOR® Development: • Provides online courses that can help you earn NAR credentials, designations and certifications. These courses teach skills in pricing and listing properties, helping clients make more informed decisions based on their needs and working with military service members. • Provides online continuing education courses for some local jurisdictions. • Provides Code of Ethics training for members of NAR.
Code of Ethics Training All REALTOR® members must complete at least two-and-a-half hours of ethics training during a cycle. In November 2019, NAR’s Board of Directors approved a change to extend the required cycles to three (3) years, starting with the current cycle, which was extended to December 31, 2021. To meet the Code of Ethics requirement, current REALTOR® members must complete Code of Ethics training between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2021. Training may be completed through a free course offered by the Center for REALTOR® Development, through courses offered by local REALTOR® associations, or an alternative class. The class must meet specific learning objectives and criteria established by the National Association of REALTORS®. GCAAR members who complete a GCAAR Code of Ethics continuing education course during the current cycle will fulfill the requirement, and GCAAR will report the training directly to NAR. GCAAR members who complete Code of Ethics training through the CE Shop or a qualifying alternative class should submit the completion certification to GCAAR’s education team. GCAAR will then report the completion to NAR. The completion certificate should be sent to education@gcaar.com. Don’t wait until the deadline to complete or report your training! Doing so could result in suspension of your NAR membership. For more information about the requirements and to review the frequently asked questions, visit www.nar.realtor/codeofethics.
22 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — May/June 2020