New features put Rapattoni to work for you Now GCAAR offers more opportunities than ever before for you to stay informed and make sure your fellow REALTORS® and GCAAR members know how to reach you! Through Rapattoni, you can update your member profile with the following information: • Your profile photo • An updated home phone number and/or contact phone number • Your home address • Your GCAAR, state or national, and billing email addresses • A new, unique password Need to update your office information? Just contact membershiprecords@gcaar.com or send the transfer form to our office. The form is located under “Membership/Member Forms” at gcaar.com. You can also use Rapattoni to make sure your Code of Ethics training is up to date. Finally, through our new communications platform, NoteRouter, you can customize the types of communications you receive from GCAAR and sign up for text messaging to receive breaking GCAAR news! Simply click on the link at the bottom of your GCAAR emails to visit your opt-in screen and select your email and text preferences at any time.
Don’t miss a thing with these new features!
8 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — May/June 2020