Page 1

/ 18 / LET'S GET SOCIAL Quick Social Media Guide for Meeting Planners

/ 06 / FUTURE OF AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT Juraj Holub, Sli.do Jan-Jaap In der Maur, Masters in Moderation TEDx point of view: Inspiration & Creativity go hand in hand 4 EVENTS THAT TURNED THINGS UPSIDE DOWN / 23 / SUBVENTION AND BID SUPPORT PRACTICES Are destinations financially ‘bribing’ international congresses

/ 62 / BEHIND THE SCENES Hotel Intercontinental Ljubljana - Pioneer of Modern Luxury in Ljubljana / 114 / EXCLUSIVE MEETOLOGUE RESULTS 2017 X-Large Meeting Destinations L-Large Meeting Destinations M-Medium Meeting Destinations S-Small Meeting Destinations

/ 58 / MEETOLOGUE Lviv, Ukraine






SLOVENIA MEETINGS Feel the people. Taste fresh ideas.




THE PEOPLE WHO MADE THIS ISSUE GORAZD ČAD Editor of the magazine is in his profession a geographer and historian. He united his professional education and love of discovering new lesser-known convention destinations with love and passion for the meetings industry. In meetologues he will try to share his enthusiasm with the readers.

Page 12 Audience Engagement GOOD PRACTICE CASES

Connections Crossover Fresh C2 Montreal

In Focus

LUXURY IS A MATTER OF VISION Montenegro is becoming the new Monte Carlo of the Adriatic

Page 48

NINA PRAPROTNIK A talkative perfectionist, intrigued with details and a bigger picture in all the things around her. A big hedonist, especially in terms of culinary treats, amazing Slovenian vines, travelling and life in general enjoys in creating beautiful stories for Kongres magazine, Conventa and taking care of other clients regarding content marketing. She believes in personal connection and touch in all aspects, in private and professional life. NIKA PIRNAR Passionately curious, in love with the daily roller coasters rides, interested in anything and everyone (especially fascinated by old people, since they have so many stories to share) and attracted to the unknown and unpredicted days. Otherwise highly organised on regular basis. An old soul trapped in a young body, wearing different colour socks and secretly wishing to be a Red Nose Clown Doctor. Questioning everything and then turning it inside out.

Cities To Watch


Page 54 Out Of The Box

Pop-Up Venues

Hidden Congress Guest


ISSN Number 1855-8615 Photo credit: archive of Kongres magazine and partners destinations The Kongres magazine is entered into the media register under sequence number 1423. Magazine issued in January; March; May; July; September; November Publisher, Production and Marketing Toleranca Marketing d.o.o., Štihova 4, SI1000 Ljubljana, t: +386 (0)1 430 51 03 f: +386 (0)1 430 51 04 v e: gorazd.cad@toleranca.eu Issue date July 2017

NATALIJA BAH ČAD An unforgettable member in the editorial board of travelogues, who at each destination adds her icing on the cake. She has insight into the soul of destinations based on many years of practical experience with the organisation of events. She is interested in everything from the history, geography and destination marketing to care for the tiny little things that make the big events.

Official magazine of the Slovenian Convention Bureau Member of


Page 90

A big travel addict, especially when it comes to South East Asia, passionate surfer and fan of blue ocean vistas, time management freak and to-do lists fan. Loves reading and writing stories that take you to another world, where you can escape and dream all day long. Believes in making the world a better place and in tooth fairy.

Behind The Scenes

Stavros Niarchos Cultural Centre

Page 99 Top 10


Page 80 Inside Ljubljana

ROBERT COTTER Alongside his work for Kongres, Rob is a regular contributor to MPI’s One+ magazine as well as MICENET Asia and Eventbiz Japan. He attends international MICE events to seek out best practice and share this with the international meetings community.


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OFF THE BEATEN MICE TRACK Introducing new innovative congress products that surprise with aesthetics and creativity.



Unique evaluation of hotels by hidden congress guests using more than 400 criteria.

Overview of interesting congress providers through experiences and special offers.





Busting or confirming 10 meetings destination myths you always wondered about.

Meeting organizers golden guide that has been since 2010 revealing fresh and interesting European meetings destinations.

Secrets about Un-European meetings destinations through the editorial word of the brilliant Robert Cotter.

Fresh news, experts articles and trends from Croatia written by the lovely Daniela Kos, editor of the Croatia Addendum.





Exclusive interviews with meetings industry experts on the current challenges of the meetings industry.

Interviews with meetings industry professionals that reveal their stories of success.

Generation Next- young talents that will shape the future of the meetings industry.

In each of us lies a little enfant terrible. The editorial board chooses the most interesting ones.





Examples of good practice cases of events and meetings industry projects presented with concrete results.

The most comprehensive collection of incentive ideas that already includes 270 programmes and is being up-dated weekly.

Examples of good practice in the field of marketing of meetings destinations, hotels and events.

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A word from the editor




uring the hot summer days of July, Mostar becomes just one big tourist mousetrap and the buses queued up at the main city artery can only mean one thing: crowds, huge ones, and that soon the traffic over the old bridge will be managed by traffic lights. With humidity reaching its peak and our stomachs rumbling, our expedition needed a short break. In a man's world, this tends to mean a severe loss of focus and chronic levels of grumpiness, so I instinctively knew that my excellent skills at hunting out great restaurants that I'd acquired over the years wouldn't function in this situation. I therefore resorted to the precautionary manoeuvre that included looking around the outskirts of the main tourist zones, but avoiding anything that had pictures of food stuck to jumbo-sized posters. No success, however, and throughout this entire time I kept thinking to myself why didn't I just ask my good friend Benjamin for some advice. That had always seemed to be a good investment in the past. With hunger really kicking in buy now, my sons had slowly sunk into the apathy of wonderment at the architectural gems around us, not to mentione the two-legged creations that seemed to capture their attention. But enough! The decision was made! We decided to return to the tourist hotspot, make our way past the hordes of selfie-takers and to hope for the best. In the midst of an abundance of near-identical restaurants, the one with a man around my age standing in front of it seemed like the best bet. The execution of the first part of his "programme" was solid, and he even suggested the local Mostar beer. He also somehow managed to impress a group of young Slovenian tourists with one vegetarian at their table, who ended up going with a Beef and Okra soup that turned out to be not so vegetarian. A gin and tonic helped alleviate her vegetarian principles, however, and she soon went through the ordeal. My older son was taken aback by the menu with its pictures of the food they were offering, which, according to him, is a clear sign of culinary misery. From there, things took a seriously downward spiral. Their Shopska salad was literally half Greek with a feta cheese that was more reminiscent of tofu. The temperature of the salad exceeded the temperature of the air and the refreshment we were expecting from it quickly faded away. Already disappointed we went for the safe option in the form of ćevapi, thinking they couldn't be much different to the ones in Sarajevo (with a football signature at Hodžić's) or the ones in Travnik. Our already weakening smiles vanished completely when our order landed on the table. They had probably been bought at a local grocery store and the somun bread...ugh! What shocked us even more than the egregious food, however, was the bill, written by hand on a crinkly piece of paper with a lovely message on the bottom: "Primaris" - distribution of pleasure.


In the end the views of the famous bridge turned out to be quite expensive and we quickly folded up our tents and left in anger. It looks like some robust comments can quickly turn waiters into magicians, as all of them managed to immediately disappear into thin air, unavailable for any further communication. I can't believe we got caught in a tourist trap. It completely rocked my travel confidence, but solidified my hard belief in the importance of finding "off the beaten track" experiences, like the one we had on the Jahorina mountain a day later. This entire story of ours was heightened even more by the sight of two merchants who were making fun of two Korean souvenir shoppers in a typical vulgar Balkan inferno. Sadly, I guess we need to start getting used to these kinds of tourist fiascos in the Balkans. An individual experience can't possibly make a change and TripAdvisor is also quite powerless against mousetraps. The more we are aware and educated, the harder it will be for greedy caterers and salesmen to trick us and they will slowly realize what value for money is. Outrageously high prices and ripping off tourists is something people have always been victims off, but for us the cynism of knowing where we were sitting really fanned the flames and was the reason behind the need for this reportage. Any passing resemblance to the congress industry is, of course, merely coincidental.

In Focus

Juraj Holub is the Content and Social Media Marketing Strategist at Sli.do, managing social media communication and content development for the Sli.do brand. We got together to talk about audience engagement and to explore what the future might hold: what are the key trends, what are the emerging speaking formats, how can we best shape and design Q&A sessions at our events and what will the future of events be like ‌


In Focus

WE’RE STEPPING INTO AN AREA OF CONVERSATIONAL PRESENTING Juraj Holub, Sli.do Interview by Urša Svetelj / Photo credit Slido

Q: You work for an event technology company, so what do you think will be hot in event tech in 2017 and are there any emerging trends? At the recent IMEX 2017 in Frankfurt I spoke about the evolution of event technology and my main message was that we have moved far beyond using technology just for the sake of technology. While 2015 and 2016 were the years of event apps and interaction tools, 2017 is all about meeting design. As event planners, we started to think strategically about the use of technology. The main question is “How can technology help me get closer to achieving my objectives?” Technology is not an end in itself, but a means to that end, so to organise truly effective meetings we need to think holistically and consider other elements – space arrangements that stimulate cooperation, session formats that encourage idea exchange and purposeful facilitation. Only when all the pieces align can we achieve an amazing meeting that has the potential to transform participants.

“It’s extremely timeconsuming to prepare a storyline, slides and then rehearse the performance, and once the speaker kicks off the talk he or she automatically puts people into a passive, listening mode.” Q: Put yourself in the situation that you have a speaking opportunity in front of potential clients – what would be the length and format of your presentation and why, keeping audience engagement in mind? For starters, I’d challenge the concept of ‘oneway’ presentations. With some exceptions, they simply don’t work any more. Clients and event participants in general come to meetings and conferences with extensive knowledge about our company or our area of expertise, so repeating what they have already read or heard is simply

“Clients and event participants in general come to meetings and conferences with extensive knowledge about our company or our area of expertise, so repeating what they have already read or heard is simply wasting everyone’s time.” wasting everyone’s time. On the other hand, what people really crave are specific answers to questions that might have arisen from studying the marketing collateral, or from diving deeper into the subject, so what I do in client meetings or training sessions is that I set the tone, cover the basics and then move to crowdsourcing the questions of the meeting participants. After the brief intro I completely switch from a presentation mode to a two-way conversation addressing the questions and getting down to the participants’ issues and challenges. Inspired by Prezi, we labeled this delivery style as “conversational presenting”. Q: For the audience to get the most out of each presentation and indeed from the whole conference, how much Q&A time would you recommend? Again, I’d start with challenging the traditional format of broadcasting information for 40 minutes and then spending 5 minutes on Q&A that is supposed to drive interaction. Why wouldn’t you flip the format on its head completely and have 5 minutes of content delivery and 40 minutes of Q&A? In fact, this is what entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk did at SXSW this year as part of his #AskGaryVee session. He gave a short intro about the importance of entrepreneurship and then opened up to audience questions. No slides, no lengthy talks. This also makes sense from a speaker’s perspective; it’s extremely time-consuming to prepare a storyline, slides and then rehearse the per7

formance, and once the speaker kicks off the talk he or she automatically puts people into a passive, listening mode. Some event organisers are already adopting to this shift and we can see events like Saastr Annual or Startup Grind switching from one-way keynotes to interactive onstage interviews. However, to facilitate a great interview you need to hire a skilled facilitator who will be able to acknowledge the audience and actively plug their questions into the conversation. Q: We've been waiting for a big change in conference and event design for quite some time. Where do you see the future of events – are any big changes on the way? Events of the future will be increasingly about forming and engaging the business and brand communities. I wrote my master thesis on how the Star Wars communities emerge and stay active, so while most communication happens on online forums, community members derive most value from their annual convention where they can interact face-to-face. It’s not just a geeky thing – we see many innovative companies pursuing the same strategy. Moving down to the operational level, they increasingly create a space for participant-to-participant interaction where people can connect and exchange ideas. To find inspiration just have a quick look into formats such as open space, world cafe or campfire sessions. Not relying only on a single sage on stage allows for tapping into the massive crowd knowledge present in the room, because even if a presenter is a true expert in the field, he or she is going to have a maximum of 10, 15 or maybe 25 years of experience, but imagine that you have 100 people in the room each of whom has vast experience on their own … Their aggregate experience will total hundreds of years and the chances that someone in the audience might have a solution to my problem are much higher if we leverage this crowd experience. Q: Can you share with us any exciting future plans you have for Sli.do? Strategically, we plan to focus on meeting design and continue expanding our knowledge in this area. We see that if we want to help our client organise a truly amazing event, we need to understand the entire dynamic of their meeting. As we learn, we share our meeting design tips on our blog.

In Focus

FUTURE OF AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT: MODERATOR’S POINT OF VIEW Jan-Jaap In der Maur, Masters in Moderation Interview by Urša Svetelj / Photo credit Masters in Moderation

Q: From the point of view of a moderator, if you compare audience engagement techniques today with those of 10 years ago, have we made any advancements? Yes and no. If you look at the analogue techniques then the basics are the same, but what has evolved is the way we use existing techniques: we have more knowledge on how to use them, at what point in the meeting to use them and how to adapt them to achieve the objective. The real progress is not in interaction techniques, but in meeting design, and moderators are also becoming more professional. If we focus on event technology like voting apps then its advancement is in full swing. As usual, the first focus was on the technical side of the tools, but now we are slowly learning how to use these tools effectively. The challenge here is to make the tools add value to human-to-human interaction, with some providers understanding this really well, but others just building gadgets. Overall, the most important advancement is that we value engagement more as an integral part of meetings and events. We are more and more aware of the fact that meetings need to change from speaker-driven to participant-central. We are slowly becoming aware of the fact that whilst a speaker can have great added value there are lots of alternatives to helping people learn.

Jan-Jaap In der Maur is a world-renowned moderator and trainer at Masters in Moderation. His dream is to raise the standard of meetings worldwide by providing them with the best moderators and his mission is to upgrade the moderator profession by training both professional and unexperienced moderators. We talked to him at length about his experiences with audience engagement at meetings and events, explored the development of audience engagement over time and also got some practical techniques and examples that we can all use at our events. We also have some good news for the MICE industry and engagement levels for the future: as Jan-Jaap says, the most important advancement is that ‘we see audience engagement as an integral part of meetings and events’.

Q: What are the easiest ways to engage the audience and that always (or almost always) work, and that any moderator could try out? In our workshops we call this ‘basic interaction’: prior to any speaker (or other format) starting, you can get delegates engaged by asking them a question, doing a quick poll, having them do a small assignment, making them imagine something, or having them tell a story. This will make them feel that the meeting is about them and it will open their minds to whatever is next in the schedule. You can also do the same when the speaker is finished: you can help people digest what they’ve just learned and translate that to their day-to-day reality. Again, there are many ways you can do that, such as by having them work on small projects, allowing them to take notes in a workbook, or asking them to set an appointment by sending out an email. This is what engagement and moderation are about: making a connection between the participant and the content, opening them up to new insights and helping them implement what they learn. 8

Q: It is fair to say that ‘we learn from our mistakes’, so what has been one of the techniques that you tried to use but that did not work for the audience, and why was that? In my early days as a moderator I carried out a TV-format on stage that forced people to come up very quickly and with very short statements. I only did that because I liked the format, but I forgot to consider the added value to the meeting design and I overlooked the fact that this was a subject that demanded time to think things over instead of juggling with one-liners, as well as the fact that this was a rather introverted audience. The most important lesson here: engagement in itself has no added value. It becomes effective when it is designed for the occasion. Q: Think about the most engaging events that you’ve moderated or attended – which methods did you use (or witness) and what did the engagement look like, as we’d love to take some inspiration from this? My most effective events all have some things in common. First of all, they surprise people every minute of the day, by constantly changing perspective, asking questions and challenging the status quo. On top of that I like to change the ‘face’ of the interaction again and again, so during my meetings people will interact in plenary and in groups of 50, 10, 5, 3, 2 and…individually (yes, you can interact individually…your mind with your heart, your reality with your imagination, etc). I also love changing the seating a few times a day and I even have the participants help change the room around, in order to have them cooperate and have them do some physical exercise. Q: What kind of audience responds best to engagement techniques? Is there a specific group of people that is more/less open to engagement during an event? Well, the extroverts are the easy ones, as they will say ‘yes’ to anything, but in the end the introverts are in many cases the best participants, once you’ve found a way to make a connection. What I really hate is meeting-owners or moderators saying the audience was ‘not willing to interact’ – in my opinion, it is never (really, never!) the participants’ fault. Really great meeting design and truly inspired moderation will open up any (really, any!) audience. It is all about investing in making a connection, about listening to be able to understand, about loving everyone in the room and making it about them.

In Focus Q: Your very powerful tool is the questions, so can you share some examples of general questions that you ask an audience as a warm-up or as after coffee-break questions? Sorry, no, I can’t, as my questions will never be general. They will always be about that specific audience, for their specific challenges and about the objective and topic of that specific meeting. A general question is like the polite question ‘how are you doing’, when you are basically not interested in the answer. This is why many interactions fail: because moderators use it as a trick instead of really connecting. And this is why I’m completely exhausted every time I moderate a meeting: I always give 100%. Q: Certain questions are there to gain attention, to really make people listen. Can you share an example of a question that really shocked or surprised someone, or made them feel a bit uncomfortable? The bottom-line is that every question should do one of these things, otherwise the question is not worth asking. The best questions are the ones that seem safe and simple rather than spectacular, because with these questions it is the answer that will bring the shock, surprise or distress. One example: I moderated a meeting for a large bank in Holland that wanted its employees to help determine what the organisation’s uniqueness was, so I asked the participants two simple questions that seemed kind of average. However, the power was in the answers. The first question was: “Can you enter one word into a wordcloud (we used a voting app) that describes what makes this bank unique?” When we saw the results I asked them to look at it and honestly say if they thought anyone on the street would only think of their bank if he or she was to read this

wordcloud. The question looked quite silly, but the answer was like dynamite: they concluded that their bank had nothing special compared to other banks and that they needed to reconsider their proposition.

minute speech is not engagement! And, finally, be brave: engagement means that you can’t predict everything that will happen. Trust your participants to be more intelligent than you think.

Q: Emotions are a big part of a successful event and if sometimes we can forget the content quite quickly, we often remember the way we felt at an event. How can you, as a moderator, influence people’s emotions? By asking the right questions and giving the right assignments. These will contribute to what the brilliant meeting designers Mike van der Vijver and Eric de Groot described as “bringing the outside world in”. Meetings are always about something that is not in that room at that point in time, so you have to find a way to really make people feel like they are in that situation. I therefore ask them about their life, but not about lives in general. Imagine an event about starvation in Syria, for instance: asking people to tell me about a loved one they lost will make them feel and understand the pain of orphans in Syria in a better way.

Q: Where do you see the future of audience engagement at events? Will the old format of the standard presentation and a 5-min Q&A survive in any form? Yes, the old format will definitely survive, because sometimes it is very effective to have someone speak. However, for meetings it will no longer be the ‘default setting’ to invite speakers first and then design the rest of the schedule; eventually we will design a meeting for ROI and using a mixture of engagement, speakers and other elements – whatever will be the most effective.

Q: A moderator can bring a lot to an event, but there are some basic requirements that the meeting or event management team has to take care of. What do you consider to be the basic conditions that enable the engagement of the audience? There are a few basic rules. First of all: if you want engagement, start with it and keep doing it. If you have people sit and listen to five speakers before you try to engage them, you have already put them in the wrong mood. The event management team must also allow the interaction to take time - five minutes of Q&A after a 40-


“Overall, the most important advancement is that we value engagement more as an integral part of meetings and events. We are more and more aware of the fact that meetings need to change from speaker-driven to participant-central.”

In Focus

TEDx POINT OF VIEW: INSPIRATION & CREATIVITY GO HAND IN HAND Interview by Urša Svetelj TEDx events are a phenomenon that have accounted for 15,000 events around the world in the past 8 years. The events are known for their TED format (3-18 minute talks) and creativity in choosing locations – events have been held on a plane, on the train, on Mt. Everest, in an ancient Greek Amphitheater and even at the Burning man festival. The events inspire participants and create mind-boggling moments with speakers who are the core of the concept. At the same time organisers are also aware that audience engagement is important and that is why they focus their energy on experiences during the breaks and engagement during each talk. We were curious to see how do they do it in different parts of the world and so we spoke to three TEDx organisers – from Ljubljana, Klagenfurt and Bangalore. tended were here in Slovenia. When I attended TEDFest in New York I met other TEDx organisers from across the globe and I got inspired by their story. At one TEDx event, attendees applied to the event with ideas worth sharing. The organising team chose a few attendees who received the same training as the event’s TEDx speakers and they received an opportunity to give a TEDx talk on the stage.

Nika Močnik, TEDxLjubljana Q: How do you engage the audience at your events? We are looking for some concrete examples. At every TEDxLjubljana event we do something to engage with our audience. Sometimes we have games, for example once we played a game with our hands (like a finger fight). One year we gave out postcards to all our attendees, where they wrote a message to themselves and we sent the postcards 6 months later. Another time we gave them a piece of paper on which they wrote their idea worth sharing. They made paper planes from that piece of paper and flew them across the hall, so that everyone received an idea from someone else. The best response we received so far was at the last year’s event, when attendees wrote a skill they have (and are really good at) and they offered that knowledge to someone else as a gift. During the break we had a big gift exchange box outside and once they wrote their knowledge on a piece of paper, they put it in the box and they could take another piece of paper out. Attendees loved the idea so much that some of them even borrowed it and implemented it within their families instead of traditional Christmas presents. Q: You have probably attended many events, so do you remember something interactive or engaging that has really made an impression on you? As an event manager I am always in search of great events, although most TEDx events I at-

Q: Where do you find inspiration to be so creative at your events? The creativity is usually at its peak at our team meetings. We brainstorm and although the first ideas are very plain we later come to really crazy ideas and at the end we choose something that inspires us. I wouldn't say creativity and inspiration is something that we find, rather something that is already there, we just change our perspective on the way we look at something. There is a great TED talk that was delivered at this year's TED conference by OK Go that explains this really well. It’s a must watch for all TED enthusiasts.

Marko Haschej, TEDxKlagenfurt Q: How do you engage the audience at your events? We are looking for some concrete examples. Well, we always aim to provide an active experience of our partners’ brands and break activities. Examples? A shuttle service provided by our mobility partner, VR corner to experience new ways of gaming & education, indoor cycling to produce electricity in order to charge your phone etc. 10

Q: You have probably attended many events, so do you remember something interactive or engaging that has really made an impression on you? There was a national news magazine at TEDxVilnius a couple of years ago. They had a touch screen where you designed your personal TEDx message and shared it publicly via a banner implemented on the magazine’s website in real time. I liked that a lot. Q: Where do you find inspiration to be so creative at your events? Well, usually it’s the conversations with other event organisers, partners and the TEDx community in general. We aim to work closely with our partners to get the most out of their presentations and to engage with the attendees during the event.

Srini Ramaswamy, TEDxBangalore Q: How do you engage the audience at your events? We are looking for some concrete examples. We usually have pre-conference adventures and innovation break out spaces where attendees engage in some activity like rock climbing, a masterclass in brewing or tech. At the event, we either have something related to the theme or an entertainment activity like a drum jam, flash mob or interactive installations. We also have mini workshops and experience zones. Q: You have probably attended many events, so do you remember something interactive or engaging that has really made an impression on you? I think each event should be related to the audience that you are hosting with a futuristic spin to the entire experience. Q: Where do you find inspiration to be so creative at your events? We have a series of hackathons with influencers and attendees that inspire us to build an experience for the audience.



More than 500 Landslide researchers from 51 countries gather in Slovenia at the 4th WLF The 4th World Landslide Forum (WLF) took place at CD Congress Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia from 29th May to 2nd June 2017, when more than 500 scientists, engineers, and researchers/policy makers working in the area of landslide technology, landslide disaster investigation and landslide remediation gathered. Ljubljana is the smallest city so far to organise the prestigious congress, with WLF organisers wisely choosing the host city but making it a big move from the previous large capital cities: the 3rd WLF was organised in Beijing (2014), the 2nd in Rome (2011) and the first WLF congress in Tokyo (2008).

ENCALS 2017 in the spirit of new ALS treatment options

EBC celebrates its 70th anniversary with 2017 Congress in Ljubljana

More than 300 participants from 30 countries participated at ENCALS 2017, a European conference with a focus on curing ALS disease, from 18th to 20th May 2017 at CD Congress Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia. The annual conference chose Slovenia because of its great location in proximity to major European capitals, its rich historic and cultural heritage and the professional services of CD Congress Centre Ljubljana, the legendary institution that began the Slovenian congress industry development and is still today one of best European congress centres.

In recent years Slovenia has experienced something of a beer revolution, so it was no surprise that the European Brewing Convention chose the country and the CD Congress Centre Ljubljana as the host of the 36th European Brewery Convention (EBC), attracting around 600 participants in May 2017. This year’s congress marked the 70th anniversary of EBC and with Slovenia being this year’s hosting country a part of the programme was also to present the very rich Slovenian brewing tradition.


Audience Engagement

4 EVENTS THAT TURNED THINGS UPSIDE DOWN Audience Engagement Making Your Event Stand Out From The Crowd Text by Gorazd ÄŒad


empus fugit, as those who know the importance of time like to say, and participants certainly don't want to be spending their own valuable time at boring meetings. Our hypothesis is that in addition to excellent content, events and conferences will also need to offer experiences and create interaction through engagement, otherwise in the future it's likely that they won't survive. This assumption has been nagging at us for some time, so we decided to dedicate an entire segment of this summer issue of Kongres Magazine to practice cases that have actually worked and worked well. The events set out below aren't your typical 'theatre-style conferences'. In fact, their premiss has been to turn things upside down, for content to over-power form and to break the hinges what has been considered a unified conference box. They have been elevatd by active participant engagement, a creative event space, social responsibility and local inspiration. The model called Meetovation, created by the Danes, is one that's on the rise, and we hope meeting planners can take some things from it and incorporate them into their own work. What follows are some of the most resounding projects we've seen, created by divergent thinking and genuine out-of-the-box ideas.


Audience Engagement


ll of these events allow participants to be part of the experience through active cooperation and communication. We, meeting planners, have different ways of creating experiences at events and here are some examples: • A fun experience, where participants help with networking • An educational experience • An aesthetic experience, triggered by special venues with high aesthetic value • A team building experience that gives participants a chance to escape their daily routines All kinds of experiences trigger all kinds of emotional reactions. Most of the time, meeting planners use a hybrid combination of the different stimuli. What's important is that they are genuine, as that is the only way to gain a participant's trust. The use of experiential marketing elements at events is still a paradigm for the future, but even today can easily be the foundation of making your event stand out from the crowd, mainly because it is based on unobtrusive communication that's authentic and only addresses the participant when she/he wants to be addressed. You need to encourage dialogue, choose appropriate communication and allow participants to co-create your event. Supporting everything we have outlined above are also our co-speakers in the summer issue of Kongres, who confirm the fact that experiential events are becoming part of our life and our way of thinking. In addition to that, everything is still based on great stories, stories that make you think, share, interact and engage. It is only when your participants identify themselves with a story and embrace their meaning that they become your loyal followers and event co-creators.


Audience Engagement

CONNECTIONS Date Location Agency Type of Event Slogan Web page

29th May - 1st June 2016 Malaga, Spain Travel Weekly Group Interactive B2B Travel Leaders do Business www.weareconnections.com

IDEA Connections Conference's idea comes from the Scandinavian Meeting Design concept and the project even has Mike van der Vivjer as one of the key event architects. Their concept stems from the standpoint that large MICE trade shows have lost their personality, lack a personal touch and have become focused on quantity rather than quality. Connections is different and guides a smaller group of around 30-40 participants through an interactive format, in cooperation with the destination where the event is being held. CREATIVE FORMAT The event format adheres to the "meeting design" philosophy with a major emphasis on the host destination, in this case Malaga. By moving the event away from a congress hall and into the "open", buyers and providers are exposed to a completely different experience. The organisers call their dynamic format "Next generation H2H", which means Human to Human events. ENGAGEMENT The entire project resembles a dynamic team building event, where free time and relaxation is all taken care of. The meetings are held in informal venues, such as trains, restaurants, terrace bars, on bikes and even on tennis courts. Despite its peculiarity, the entire event is excellently moderated, and individual Connections Experiences last around 40 minutes. All of the activities are geared towards getting participants acquainted with each other and connecting meeting planners with providers. RESULT The travel industry event organiser Connections was named 'Best Trade Show' at the prestigious Eventex Awards in 2016. They started with event organisation in 2014 and since then a series of excellently executed events are testament to their success. They split their events into two categories - Connections Meetings and Connections Luxury, and so far they have carried out 12 of them. 14

Audience Engagement


Date 16th - 17th January 2017 Location Multicity Event (Brussels, London, Lisbon, The Hague, Torun) Agency Meeting Design Institute Type of Event Interactive conference Slogan Designing Effective Meetings Web page www.thefreshconference.com IDEA The man behind the Fresh Conference is Maarten Vanneste, who is also the founder of Meetings Architecture, a bold idea that gripped the industry in 2007. Maarten's manifesto has heavily influenced many meeting planners and his idea about meeting architects has stuck with industry professionals. The realization that our industry is multidisciplinary and creative even penetrated right through to educational institutions. A practice case of connecting these written ideas and finalizing them brought the Fresh conference to life in 2012. The idea of this project is best captured in their own words: 'The FRESH Conference is a ground-breaking incubator, an innovative melting pot and a no-rules pressure cooker for meeting design'. CREATIVE FORMAT From its very beginnings, the Fresh Conference has been a test bed for every meeting planner to try out new tools, methods, and techniques right at the event. It also allows them to meet with certified meeting architects, start-ups and to find new tools that could potentially improve event efficiency. In addition to the conference, their first edition of the technologically innovative Multi City Meetings conference was also a big success. It is a conference that happens in several hubs at the same time, each hub being a real, face to face meeting that takes place in one city. The authors of the idea believe that technology is bridging distance, language and cultural differences, so the lowered costs and simplified organisation bring Multi City meetings within everyone's reach. ENGAGEMENT By introducing and demonstrating the latest tools and knowledge Fresh provides meeting planners, meeting designers, meeting producers and meeting owners with new ideas and methods to improve future meetings. All of the presentations, room layouts, the venue, the staging, the processes, the food – everything is new or innovative, or at least made interesting enough to investigate. RESULT Fresh made a huge footprint on the European Congress scene. They've been carrying out the event since 2012 and it quickly became the industry's beating heart of innovation and development. It connects creative thinkers, technology professionals, moderators and start-up companies under a well-established trademark.


Audience Engagement

CONVENTA CROSSOVER Date 29th - 30th August 2016 Location Hotel Lev, Ljubljana Agency Toleranca Marketing Type of Event Interactive conference Slogan Power to the meetings Web page www.crossover.si IDEA A desire to exchange knowledge in the fields of content marketing, events, congress destinations and hotels quickly mushroomed into something bigger: an event idea. Whilst still keeping content in mind, the organisers focussed the bulk of their attention to conference design, and so the initial idea was not only to surprise the participants with jaw-dropping content, but also with a different hall setup as well. Inspiration for this was taken from the Greek Agora, a public space that encourages relaxed socializing and quality content intake, an important space where all of the necessary city functions are agreed and take place. CREATIVE FORMAT The entire conference is based on a cleverly crafted customer journey platform, supported by different types of presentation formats, everything from the Tedx format to PechaKucha or their own Elevator Pitch. This, and a lot of careful planning, turned into a very rhythmic and flowy event and the entire project stands behind Toleranca Marketing's sophisticated methodology called "Power to the meetings." ENGAGEMENT Taking care of active participant engagement is the excellent Dutch moderator, Jan-Jaap In de Maur, whose efforts are key to defining and creating Crossover's added value. Tech support was designed as a pair of invisible hands that assure everything runs smoothly. Slido also played a big role with participant interaction. RESULT We all want our time and money to be invested wisely and beneficially into the meetings we attend, therefore result measurement is in this sense very important. The team at Crossover went even further and introduced a policy that states: "If you aren't pleased with the conference we will return your registration fee." The result was a very high satisfaction score of 4.68, measured via surveys after the event. 16

Audience Engagement

C2 MONTREAL Date 24th - 26th May 2017 Location Montreal, Canada Agency Sid Lee Type of Event Interactive conference Slogan Commerce + Creativity Web page www.c2montreal.com IDEA The most successful event brands have experiential marketing strategies at their core and have been using them for years, mostly in the field of corporate events. Events are one of the best tools to sell experiences and the C2 project brought together some of the brightest minds on the planet. A joint venture between the magical Cirque du Soleil and Sid Lee marketing agency resulted in an astounding event, connected by Commerce + Creativity. A combination of both ideas and parties also created the name of the event, which has been organised since 2014. CREATIVE FORMAT The organisers tried to take the conference as far away from regular practices as possible and, by doing so, attracted some of the greatest thinkers and creative minds in the business. The three-day event is based on a combination of socializing, fun, learning and peculiar workshops in completely unconventional environments. A perfect example is their Creativity Boot Camp, molded into an entirely different format. It's no surprise that Fast Company is part of the event each year, where they announce their scale of the 100 Most Creative People in Business. ENGAGEMENT C2's engagement model is based on a convergence of fun, knowledge and different people from different fields coming together. It's an ecosystem that suits our generation of participants, who are looking for innovation and information in parallel worlds. The atmosphere at the event resembles a street festival and spreads a relaxed vibe, unlike the classical and often morbid conference rooms. Organic socializing and "festivalization" that need no encouragement starts happening, and the Cirque du Soleil masters of engagement know how to address every single sense organ. RESULT In times like these, a combination of technical content and a good measure of fun is key for every event, and not a lot of room for differentiation has been left in our post-modernistic age. What truly counts is experience and personal communication with participants on an emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual level. If there is one thing the C2 team can do really well, it is to tie all of those things together and experiment with new things. In this spirit, this year's C2 will be organised in Melbourne for the very first time. 17





Text by Gorazd Čad

HASHTAGS A lot of our readers often ask us the same simple question: ‘How do I get the most out of my social media account?’ Using analytical tools like Facebook Insights and Twitter Analytics we've prepared an illustrative example of how you can maximize your social media potential. If you post too little your content may never be seen, but if you post too much people begin to tune you out or maybe even un-follow you completely. So… BEST DAY TO POST: BE PATIENT AND KEEP THE QUALITY BEST DAY TO POST



Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

9 am - 4 pm

Between 9 am - 7 pm

Wednesday, Thursday

1 pm - 3 pm

Between 12 pm - 6 pm

Wednesday and Thursday

8 am - 10 am 4 pm - 6 pm

Between 8 am - 6 pm

Every day

8 am - 11 amam

Between 8 am - 3 pm

TIP: Tweets with images result in a 55% increase in leads.




1 - 2 posts a day

3 posts a week

150 minutes

3 - 4 posts a day

5 posts a week

18 minutes

1 post a week

1 post a week

24 hours

1 post a day

4 post a week

48 hours

TIP: Photos generate 53% more likes and 104% more comments than text posts on Facebook.

Social media is a boost for your MICE stories

A well-balanced mixture of social media and content marketing is the winning formula right now. Social media creates awareness about your brand and at the same time channels your audience to other content on your website. Through its viral potential, social media is also a great source of information about the trustworthiness of your congress service. The only way to achieve that is by using different content marketing tools, from posting informational articles, webinars and demo videos through to good practice cases and white papers. Professional profiles in the fields of content distribution, such as photographers, graphic designers, video producers and journalists, are also the key to social media success.

FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Connect, follow and have a conversation with us: @kongres.magazine @kongresmagazine @KongresMagazine


Event planners #EventProfs #EventPlanning #eventplanner #eventbusiness #meetingplanners Event technology #EventTech #eventplatform #livestream #eventtechtalk Hotels #hotels #hotelprofs #hoteliers Venues #Venues #conventioncentre #newvenues Meetings #GreenMeetings #meetingdesign #meetingprofs #eventdesign #eventmarketing Association #associations #MPI #ICCA #PCMA Food and beverage #catering #chefs General #conference #events #eventmarketing #eventtrends #greenmeetings #exhibitions #tradeshow #experiential #contentmarketing #convention #training





Grammarly Instant Grammar Checker www.grammarly.com

Canva Simple graphic design www.canva.com

CoSchedule All in one editorial calendar www.coschedule.com

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer Headline Analyzer www.coschedule.com/headline-analyzer

Stencil Image design site www.getstencil.com

Buffer Social media management www.buffer.com

Hemingway Text editor www.hemingwayapp.com

BeFunky Free photo editing site www.befunky.com

Bitly A link management platform. www.bitly.com

Evernote Manage notes and ideas www.evernote.com

Piktochart Infographic maker www.piktochart.com

SumoMe Pop-up and Opt-in forms www.sumo.com

TIP: This is just some of the tools that have proved to come in handy with the work we do. In addition to these tools you also need to be using analytical engines like Google Analytics, Facebook Insight andTwitter Analytics, or Socialbakers, Alexa and Klout for B2B events.


Look Behind the scenes of hotel and venues

Destination short stories and news with images

Blog posts: expert articles

'Behind the scenes' photos

Interviews: Who is Who, Young Talents...

Venues short stories and news with images

White papers and e-books

Event photos

Good practice event case studies

Quotes from live events

MICE news with focus on regional news

Destination photos

Off the beaten track stories with new innovative products

Inspirational quotes and ideas

Tips for event organisation: how to ideas


Short tips and tricks for event Videos from events and desti- Evaluation of hotels and desorganisation nation tinations: Hidden Guest

Videos from events

Destination reportage in the form of MTLG or similar

Tips for event organisation: ‘how to’ ideas

Statistics and data

Quotes or tips

Incentive ideas: Collection of incentive ideas

Short announcements on events etc.

Interviews: Voice from the top, Who is Who...

Photos that have nothing to do with MICE product

Columns with independent opinion

What's hot stories about venues

Young talents: next generation

Share curated content

Old popular content


Old popular content

Interesting facts

TIP: Create post that ask your audience for their ideas, opinions or even advice. Your follower will love giving their thoughts.

Delivered directly to your inbox each week, keeping you up to date with the latest news and events in our industry.





Contact our amazing event team: +386 1 386 308 1198, event.sales@union-hotels.eu

App Scene



The world's largest service provider for business events

Bringing festivals and events to mobile

Website: www.10times.com

Website: www.festivality.co

The 10times team uses technology to change the way their millions of users discover and experience events. Spread across 10,000 cities worldwide, they have developed a cutting-edge mobile technology to re-invent how the industry conducts business. Whether it's a tradeshow or a conference, they have it all on a single, freakishly amazing platform! eAPP is a multi-feature event app solution offered by ​10times​, empowering engagement and networking at trade shows, conferences, corporate events, expos and festivals. The platform assists event professionals in creating, managing and distributing a branded app around their event. eAPPs are powered by AI-enabled, cloud-hosted CMS, enabling an entire event lifecycle management right from leads to content management and generating event success reports for measuring ROI. eAPPs are completely customizable, native apps for events that are offline enabled, allowing users to access the app without needing access to the internet. The app also allows organisers to host multiple events in the same app, thus enabling them to save on expenditure and avoid the pain of launching separate apps for individual events.

Festivality is a Software-as-a-Service platform that’s bringing festivals and events to mobile. The app helps the event industry adopt novel and smart mobile technologies, enables attendees to get more out of events and have better user experiences, and also offers attendees the ability to buy and pay at events conveniently with their smartphones. For organisers and promoters the Festivality team also opens access to actionable, real-time event and attendee data analytics via event apps, as well as new and additional revenue streams via mobile. Product platform in snapshot: For event organisers: industry-specific automated mobile apps builder + actionable event datalytics & mCommerce toolbox. Powers events to launch smart, custom-branded, data-driven mobile apps, helping event teams to make informed decisions. Enables monetisation via event apps. For attendees: Intelligent, feature-rich event app (iOS, Android), helping eventgoers get more value out of events. Monetisation platform for event partners’ ecosystems with commercial interests: vendors, merchants, exhibitors, artists, sponsors.

Already 3 billion smartphones are changing attendee habits and expectations at events and organisers have to cater for those needs.

Or at large mass consumer gatherings and spectator sports like the European Championship Rally event (30,000+ people).

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Slovenian fashion presents at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week


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Fashionistas were discovering the world of fashion trends for this season at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana (MBFWLJ), an international premium fashion week. From 4th to 6th April, GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre and their Marmorna Hall were an ad hoc venue for this fashionable “IT” event of the season, showcasing some of the best Slovenian and European fashion designers.

365 day s of

Dekon Group and GR announce their partnership Dekon Group, an International PCO, has announced the opening of their new office in Ljubljana in co-operation with GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre (GR). The news hasn’t come as a complete surprise, as the Turkish PCO group has already organised some successful congresses at the GR in Ljubljana, such as the EuroGeo Conference (EuroGeo6) and the 34th FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine last year. The joint company has entered the market under Dekon.SI.

Ink masters gather at the 10th International Tattoo Convention in Ljubljana More than 60 tattoo artists from all over Europe gathered In Ljubljana at the jubilee 10th International Tattoo Convention held from 21st to 23rd April 2017 in a great atmosphere at the GR – Ljubljana Exhibition Convention Centre. This was an event for everybody interested in the magical world of ink or interested in getting new tattoos, as well as those wanting to see tattoo artists competing for the best tattoo work or piercers, bodypainting artists and other exhibitors presenting their products or services, all topped with a rich accompanying programme including music guests, dancers, a Miss Pin-up competition, a true Rockabilly atmosphere and much more besides. 22


SUBVENTION AND BID SUPPORT PRACTICES Are destinations financially ‘bribing’ international congresses?

All over the world there are various subvention programmes that destinations provide to attract international meetings to the city and, obviously, city representatives are aware of the fact that subventions provided to conferences can have a strong influence in winning a number of bids. We have asked the destinations of New Europe and their Convention Bureaus about this hot topic and, as you will see, most of them “officially” don’t offer subventions. The official answers we got are quite formal, with some even avoiding answering and offering more information, but the general picture would seem to suggest that some destinations are in a way financially ‘bribing’ international congresses. If you ask the Convention Bureaus whether subventions are ‘the latest big thing’ in the meeting industry or whether should they be considered as ‘the very last option for a destination to win an association meeting’, they don’t think they are the very last, but not at the top either. Although subventions are the latest pull factor for meeting decision makers, they are insufficient in themselves or as the sole criteria to win a business bid, as the destination itself should also have natural and cultural appeal to the meeting planners and, most significantly, they should have attractive and appropriate meeting and accommodation facilities, as well as developed and uncomplicated transport connections.



WE GIVE PRIORITY TO CONFERENCES THAT ARE HELD DURING LOW SEASON MONTHS Alexis Galinos, Director, Athens Convention & Visitors Bureau Nina Praprotnik / Photo credit Athens Convention & Visitors Bureau Q: Does your city have any strategic subvention plan for conferences? As Greece is still in a harsh economic and financial environment and these kinds of resources are limited, we follow a per-case policy that is subject to several criteria. We also try to offer solutions based on close cooperation with all of the city’s main stakeholders, the private sector and the central government institutions. By creating synergies and planning combined actions, we look to maximize results and boost the results of our joint efforts to make Athens more attractive for organisers, in terms of costs and ROI.

Alexis Galinos holds the position of CEO of Athens Development & Destination Management Agency (ADDMA), of which the Athens CVB is a division. He is a development economist and has worked as an external consultant for the World Bank, served as Special Secretary and Advisor to the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has worked for the Municipality of Athens in economic development matters since 2003. He holds a Master's Degree in Public Administration from Harvard University, an MSc in European Social Policy from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a BA in Economics from Bates College. PERSONAL Q: What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? I would have to say the bravest thing I feel I have done is to take on the establishment of the first municipal agency - named OTOAA at the time - for the management and implementation of tourism and economic development of the city of Athens; the predecessor of ADDMA. In 2005 there was no prior institutional structure to build on, so it took a lot of time, personal commitment and stamina to get it off the ground, set out a vision, get on board the right mix of people and roll out a plan of action that would be viable and would grow into the robust organisation that we have today.

Q: What kind of subvention does your city offer and for what kinds of events? The ACVB aims at securing major international conferences and meetings. We are constantly looking for new events and are currently bidding - in cooperation with the ACVB’s members - for numerous prestigious events taking place in our region in the next few years. As aforementioned, we follow a per-case policy, and taking into account the increased pressure to cut costs, we try to offer effective solutions and alternative options to organisers, according to the needs and requirements of each conference. Finally, we are always eager to help with site inspections by covering part of the cost. Q: What is the most important aspect when applying for subventions? We definitely take into consideration factors e.g. the size of the conference and its significance in its respective field. We also give priority to conferences that are held during low season months for the destination, in an effort to extend tourist seasonality and support the local economy. Also of great interest to us are conferences in areas that are aligned with the city’s strategy, such as the creative economy, technology, sports, culture etc. Q: Does your city subvention offer include any free travel or reduced local transportation to and within the city, any venue for free, free reception, free brochure or marketing? As I said, we work closely with the city’s main stakeholders and the Transport of Athens Organisation is one of our strategic partners in our effort to establish Athens as an attractive conference destination. Athens boasts a state-ofthe-art public transport network that is quite inexpensive compared to other cities and capitals; having said that, discounts are offered when bulk tickets are purchased at once. There is also 24

a package of offerings for event organisers, such as free maps and city guides for the delegates, use of our visitors info point at the airport as a welcome desk for congresses, and dissemination of information about the events via our ACVB tools and channels. Subject to this criteria we are always open to exploring more ways to assist organisers and with our members cooperation are willing to extend our support by offering a gala dinner venue or a tour. In our experience, we should not underestimate the importance of the institutional support that a CVB can offer, something that is always welcome and appreciated by the organisers. Q: Are subventions the latest big thing in the meeting industry or should they be considered as the very last option for the destination to win an association meeting? According to latest research, subventions play a somewhat important role in the decision-making process when it comes to associations choosing the next host destinations for their congresses. However, in my experience other factors are far more decisive in calculating the success of a conference. These factors have to do with the capacity of a destination to host the event, ease of access, safety, professionalism, or the value for money offer of the destination as a whole. Moreover, a strong local community and local experience can play an important role and offer additional value to the scientific merits and organisational success of a congress. Coupled with the destination’s attractiveness this can contribute both to the business development and to membership growth, main goals for an association. Q: Tell us something about your latest success story and subvention from your city? In the past few years, the city has hosted numerous world-class events and an assortment of conventions, conferences and corporate meetings. The international rankings reflect the city’s upward mobility as a business destination. In 2014, the city climbed 20 places in the ICCA ranking, one of the best city destination performances in the international meetings market. As per the 2015 & 2016 reports, Athens is now one of the 25 most important conference destinations in the world. For sure, there are several parameters that factor into this success, yet I feel that subventions do not represent one of the most decisive parameters. In my experience, what’s important to organisers overall is to feel that the CVBs they interact with understand their needs and are eager to offer advice and assistance every step of the way.


WE ARE ALREADY VERY ATTRACTIVE IN TERMS OF COST Michał Brandt, Senior Business Marketing and Promotion Specialist, Gdansk Convention Bureau Nina Praprotnik / Photo credit Gdansk Convention Bureau Q: Does your city have any kind of strategic subvention plan for conferences? No, we don’t, however we support event organisers in other ways. Q: What kind of subvention does your city offer and for what kind of events? We offer types of facilitation: the GCB EVENT free conference app, a mobile info point, material about Gdansk or Tourist Cards at special, reduced prices for participants. We also share our knowledge of the local market and we can build an entire offer depending on demand. We can suggest the most appropriate location, catering, hotels, incentive or transport companies and put organisers in contact with them. And we also work with local authorities and can indicate the right office in the City Hall, help to organize the required permits etc.

Proudly serving the city of Gdansk since 2005, the 36-year-old Michał Brandt is a senior business specialist who has been working in tourism (the Gdansk Convention Bureau) since 2015. Before that he acquired extensive experience as a press officer for UEFA EURO 2012 in Gdansk and at the newly constructed Energa Stadium. Privately, Michał is a husband and also a father of a 2-year-old son. He loves travel, board games and meeting with friends over a glass of beer.

Q: What is the most important part in applying for a subvention? We don’t differentiate between organisers and we try to help every company that runs their events in our region, especially in Gdansk. The important thing is that they contact us. We therefore run promotion campaigns and take part in many events to let potential organisers know that we exist and are ready to provide help and support. Q: Does your city subvention offer include any free travel or reduced local transportation to and within the city, any venue for free, any kind of free reception, free brochure or marketing?

PERSONAL Q: What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? I got married. That took a lot of courage, but most important thing is – I don’t regret that decision!

Yes – we can provide transportation tickets at a better price for participants of big events and we can also take part in negotiating the price for a venue, but a free venue is extremely rare to be honest. On the other hand, one of Gdansk’s perks is that we are already very attractive in terms of cost compared to Western European countries – you get great quality for a very reasonable price. The same goes for hotels and other services. Of course, the reception, materials and promotion on our website - www.visitgdansk.com - and on our social media profiles is free. Q: Are subventions the latest big thing in the meeting industry or should they be considered as the very last option for a destination to win an association meeting? I don’t think they are the very last, but not at the top either. When companies choose destinations for their events, and I can tell you this from my experience, the first thing is location and transportation. Does the city have good, direct flight connections? How long does the flight take? What’s the distance to the airport? Then it’s the infrastructure: how good and modern are the venues and are there enough hotel rooms in the vicinity? Thirdly it’s cost – how much can I save in total, compared to other destinations? And this is where the subventions come in – can I count on financial help from the local Convention Bureaux? Then it’s safety, a very current topic in Europe – how much do I have to invest in security? What are the chances of a terrorist attack and so on. Lastly: what can my participants do after the conference (a nice old town, a good restaurant etc.)? Q: Tell us something about your latest success story and use of subventions from your city? In February of this year we were the host for the European Cities Marketing Spring Meeting, an event for over 200 people. We organised the venue hotels, transportation etc. and that was quite a challenge, especially as the weather in Poland in February is not the best… But we managed to do it and over the three days all of the participants were satisfied, not only because of the core programme but also because of what we offered afterwards and because of the efficient organisation. We received many praising (if not also somewhat surprised) voices. We also successfully invited a special guest, a legendary leader of Solidarity – Lech Wałesa. Yep – we did it!



IN SOME CASES WE OFFER A VENUE FOR FREE Janusz Nowak, Director of Convention Bureau Katowice Nina Praprotnik / Photo credit Katowice Convention Bureau

Q: What is the most important aspect when applying for a subvention? The event space in Katowice, pax number, duration of the event in Katowice and the budget of the event. Q: Does your city subvention offer include any free travel or reduced local transportation to and within the city, any free venue, free reception, free brochure or marketing? A free brochure and marketing, as well as in some cases a venue for free is also possible.

Janusz Nowak has been involved in the congress and congress industry for more than 20 years and since 2008 he has been in his position as Director Convention Bureau Katowice in Promotion Department Katowice City Hall, where he has been involved in projects such as EU Project Coordinator for "International Congress Centre in Katowice" with a 300 million EUR budget and "Conducting the promotional campaign of business tourism product Katowice" with a 2 million budget. Previously he worked as Sales Director at Expocentres Eastern Europe Ltd and Expomedia Group branch office Katowice, Director of trade fairs at the International Katowice Fair responsible for sales of 100,000 sq.m for 500,000 pax./year, and Marketing and Sales Manager of the Provincial Park of Culture and Leisure responsible for 300,000 sq.m. Q: Does your city have any strategic subvention plan for conferences? After prior verification the City of Katowice can purchase a set of promotional services that have been proposed by event organisers. Q: What kind of subvention does your city offer and for what kinds of events? The set of promotional services may be purchased in cases of congresses, conferences, fairs and other business events, as well as cultural and sporting events. 26

Q: Are subventions the latest big thing in the meeting industry, or should they be considered as the very last option for a destination to win an association meeting? For second tier cities some kind of additional help for event organisers can strengthen their position when in competition to win an association meeting. Q: Tell us something about your latest success story and subventions from your city? In this year alone the city of Katowice has to date attracted 28 events in such a way.


SUBVENTION REQUESTS FROM INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS HAVE BEEN ON THE INCREASE Hicran Özbük, General Manager, Istanbul Convention Bureau Nina Praprotnik / Photo credit Istanbul Convention Bureau from new and emerging meeting destinations, as well as from existing key competitors, is increasing enormously. Our support strategy is not financial, although we offer other forms of incentives to international associations. We believe that being proactive and creative, and also expressing a great interest to win more international conferences and meetings, are the most significant points.

Hicran Özbük graduated in Geophysical Engineering from Istanbul University and took her masters’ degree both in Contemporary Management Techniques from Marmara University and European Integration from the Middle East Technical University (METU). She started her work life in 1995 and has been working in different sectors in management positions such as textile-fashion, pharmaceutical, logistics and tourism. She has also worked abroad in places such as New York and Tashkent. PERSONAL Q: What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? There are plenty of things that come to my mind when I think of the bravest thing I have ever done. However, I would definitely say parachuting would be one of the bravest things that I have experienced in my life so far. Q: Does your city have any strategic subvention plan for conferences? Clearly, subvention requests from international associations have been on the increase recently. As one of the leading congress destination, we are working strategically on the future subvention packages for attracting more congresses and conferences, especially those connected to international associations. The important point is to make the local bodies involved in the subvention planning process as the competition

Q: What kinds of subvention does your city offer and for what kind of events? Destinations should have resources to provide some subvention support for pre-qualified meetings, conventions, incentives and trade exhibitions, like welcome receptions at the city hall, outdoor advertisement in the city, fast tracks and welcome desks at the airports and public transport for delegates (free or discounted). As Istanbul CVB and our partners, we offer the following support for qualified meetings and conferences: • Discounts on venue costs • City receptions • Contribution to marketing and PR • Providing both digital and printed brochures and materials for the conferences • And finally, airfare tickets either discounted or complimentary by Turkish Airlines. We have identified some criteria to qualify the conference for support: • Event with a minimum of 100 overseas delegates staying at least 2 consecutive nights in local hotels and having at least 3 event days • Convention of a minimum of 300 delegates with a duration of a 3 full day meeting • Meetings, conventions, incentives and trade exhibitions should be rotational (regional or international) in nature applicable to international business events. Q: What is the most important part in applying for subventions? The most significant point during the application process for subventions is that the destination should clearly outline the level of support, to whom the support services should be provided and the profile of the meeting planners. The destination should evaluate the qualification of associations through analysis of the economic benefits gained by the congress. This can be calculated by adding the room nights, total spend value, and other things such as PR, marketing or profile gained as a result of the specific meeting. Besides, the value and the impact of the conference should be measured via the con27

ference content to the specific strengths and contribution to the local economies, especially the knowledge economy and to the conference representatives. Q: Are subventions the latest big thing in the meeting industry or should they be considered as the very last option for a destination to win an association meeting? All over the world, there are various subvention programmes that destinations provide to attract international meetings to the city. Obviously, city representatives are aware of the fact that subventions provided to conferences have a strong influence in winning a number of recent bids. Different case studies belonging to some of the leading congress destinations show great examples of proactive support for their bids to win significant and convenient conventions and other events. It is a unique instrument in the international world of conventions to further strengthen the country’s business meetings brand and to position the destination as one of the world’s leading international meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions destinations. Although the subventions are the latest attractive point for the meeting decision makers, they are not sufficient or sole criteria to win a business bid. The destination itself should also have natural and cultural appeal to the planners and, most significantly, it should have attractive and appropriate meeting and accommodation facilities, as well as easy connection. Q: Tell us something about your latest success story and about subventions from your city? Recently, we hosted the European Design Awards in the city with the collaboration of the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism. We supported the event with a gala dinner in a very unique and authentic mansion and intense marketing and PR activities both internationally and nationally. Besides, we have been carrying out bidding processes for various scientific and rotational meetings, and during the process we offer different kinds of subvention packages including a welcome cocktail, airport transfers, museum passes, free/discounted flight tickets and promotional and marketing activities. Providing these kinds of support makes us a very strong destination in this highly competitive environment.


WE ONLY WORK WITH MATERIAL SUPPORT David Noack, Director of the Madrid Convention Bureau Nina Praprotnik / Photo credit Madrid Convention Bureau

Q: Does your city have any strategic subvention plan for conferences? Madrid Convention Bureau only works with material support for organisers, not economic subventions.

In the tourism industry for 20 years, David Noack joined the Spain Convention Bureau (SCB) in 2002 as Director. At the SCB he was in charge of the umbrella organisation that unites leading national suppliers, from hotels to congress centres and cities to event agencies in more than 50 cities around Spain. After a five-year spell at the SCB David joined the Madrid Convention Bureau (MCB) as Deputy Director. Since September 2012 he has been the Director of the MCB, a non-profit organisation created by the City Council of Madrid in collaboration with a group of public and private companies from the sector, with a view to promoting Madrid as a city capable of hosting national and international meetings and aiming to enable such events from a technical and institutional viewpoint. David is a graduate in Tourism & Hospitality Management and has an M.A. in European Tourism Management from the University of Bournemouth.

Q: Does your city subvention offer include any free travel or reduced local transportation to and within the city, any free venue, free reception, free brochure or marketing? Yes, actually the Madrid Convention Bureau only works with material support for organisers and not economic subvention, so when we receive the request of an organiser, whatever the nature of the event (congress or corporate), we evaluate the profile of it in terms of the number of people, the estimated direct spent in Madrid, the strategic interest for the City etc. and, depending on this and in agreement with the organiser’s real needs, we define what support the MCB can provide: the basic support would be to provide contacts, information on Madrid and tourist brochures for attendees, or an information desk at the venue, but we can also arrange institutional letters of support for the bids, welcome receptions at the Old City Council, media promotion of the event or a personalized welcome at the airport for attendees. Q: Are subventions the latest big thing in the meeting industry or should they be considered as the very last option for a destination to win an association meeting? The last reason for winning hosting a meeting would be to be able to make a proposal more compact and attractive, together with the rest

PERSONAL Q: What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? In 2014 the Madrid City Council introduced its annual Summer City Programme, where daily cinema projections take place at the seat of the Madrid City Council – Palacio de Cibeles – from early July through early September. The programme has been a huge success with Madrid citizens, however in 2017 the MCB has had to interrupt the projections for two days in order to fully maintain and deliver on its commitment with organisers of a relevant international medical congress and the use of Palacio de Cibeles as venue for the official congress gala dinner. The cinema programme will restart the day after the gala dinner. 28

of agents involved, than the other destinations you’re in competition against, for what we always need to do is to work closely with the organiser and understand what he or she is expecting from Madrid and with what kind of tools could we offer added value. Definitely, however, institutional support such as information brochures or media promotion in our media channels are important, although they’re not in themselves the main reasons to win a bid. Q: Tell us something about your latest success story and subvention from your city? Back in 2016 the MCB was approached by the organisers of Game On, the first ever international event dedicated to tabletop gaming in the city. The first edition was aiming at setting high standards and attracting as many participants and exhibitors as possible, so an adequate and attractive location was key. The MCB engaged with the Director for Innovation at the City Council and was able to facilitate the use of a municipal venue - La N@ve - for the event. La N@ve, the former Boetticher elevator factory, is an industrial building from the 1940s that was completely refurbished in 2011 and converted into the municipal centre for technology and entrepreneurship. It also houses I+D labs jointly coordinated with leading local tech companies. The Game On event, organised by local gaming associations with the support of principal tabletop game publishers, is scheduled for early December 2017 and is expected to attract as many as 10,000 national and international participants.


WE TEND TO SUPPORT SCIENCE-THEMED AND IT EVENTS Tatiana Anisimova, CEO, Moscow Convention Bureau Nina Praprotnik / Photo credit Moscow Convention Bureau

Q: What kind of subventions does your city offer and for what kinds of events? We tend to support science-themed events as well as those with a focus on IT, advanced technologies and entrepreneurship. Depending on the event, we can offer funds to cover the organisational costs, a sightseeing programme, travel expenses for key speakers and part of the venue rental costs. We can also provide promotional gifts, printed materials and media coverage.

Tatiana Anisimova is an event professional with a solid executive background, having shaped her skills as Head of Events Team at PricewaterhouseCoopers Russia, Brand Manager at the National Bank TRUST and Project Manager at The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. Along the 10 years in the event industry Tatiana Anisimova has participated in dozens of high-profile international meetings, both in PERSONAL Q: What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? In event management, the bigger the event, the higher the stakes, and the more nerve you need to have to accept responsibility. Seen in this perspective, the bravest thing in my career is probably to come in a couple of years’ time … Q: Does your city have any strategic subvention plan for conferences? The Moscow Convention Bureau is a state-financed organisation, so we are required to do our financial planning a year in advance at the very least. The same principle applies to subventions – depending on the number of events we have succeeded in attracting, as well as the projects currently at the bidding stage, we make an estimate of the number of events we can support.

Q: What is the most important aspect when applying for subventions? The crucial factor is, of course, how relevant the event is for the city and how strongly it is supported by Moscow’s scientific community. We accept applications for support in the form of an official letter, where certain points should be covered, such as the event history, the number of participants, the benefits that the event holds for the city and the dedicated scientific community, etc. Q: Does your city subvention offer include any free travel or reduced local transportation to and within the city, any venue for free, free reception, free brochure or marketing? As mentioned previously, we can offer funds to cover the organisational costs, mostly when we’re dealing with universities and colleges that act both as initiators and organisers of a conference or a forum. Other forms of subvention may include financing sightseeing programmes, travel expenses for key speakers and part of a venue’s rental costs. We can also provide merchandise, printed materials and media coverage. Q: Are subventions the latest big thing in the meeting industry or should they be considered as the very last option for a destination to win an association meeting? When it comes to Moscow, subventions are more of a complementary factor. Moscow has a worldwide reputation for its science capital: the city is home to 1,200 scientific organisations, hundreds of colleges, universities and research centres. Moscow is where Nobel laureates work and where strategic research is carried out, which has both local and global implications. Therefore we mostly rely on the influence and reputation of the scientific organisations that bid for certain events. Besides, nowadays Moscow is an inexpensive event destination, which is


why our budgets almost always mean immense profits for international associations. Of course, last but not least, we should always keep in mind Moscow’s splendid cultural heritage when settling on a congress venue. The Russian capital is a city of 250 museums, 200 parks, 182 theatres and 5,500 restaurants, all offering a vast incentive palette. Q: Tell us something about your latest success story and subvention from your city? Providing a sightseeing programme for delegates (Kremlin, Diamond Treasury, State Armoury), publicity support, merchandise and printed materials for: • World Internet Project Forum 2017 • 7th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry 2017 Organising a social and cultural programme and payment for the venue rental for the IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation 2016.


SUBVENTIONS CAN NEVER BE A FIRST APPROACH TO WIN ASSOCIATION EVENTS Gernot Marx, Head of Salzburg Convention Bureau Nina Praprotnik / Photo credit Salzburg Convention Bureau Q: Does your city have any strategic subvention plan for conferences? Please note that we are NOT ONLY a city Convention Bureau, but we also look after the wider province of Salzburg, which consists of many different regions like the city of Salzburg, Saalfelden-Leogang, Zell am See Kaprun etc. In the city, however, there is a scheme for subventions for overnight stays, public transport and welcome receptions/concerts by the government. Q: What kind of subventions does your city offer and for what kinds of events? The Tourismus Salzburg GmbH (tourism board of the city of Salzburg) provides funding for conferences which are to be held in the city of Salzburg and there are several conditions to comply with. Details can be found on our website.

Gernot Marx is Managing Director at the Salzburg Convention Bureau. Having been in the MICE industry for approximately 14 years now, he has gained extensive experience on developing destinations and key products, hotel openings, PR and strategic management.

Q: What is the most important aspect when applying for subventions? Please see the terms and conditions of the congress subsidy formula. Q: Does your city subvention offer include any free travel or reduced local transportation to and within the city, any venue for free, free reception, free brochure or marketing?

PERSONAL Q: What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? Some destinations might pay for or actually buy in to congresses as they pay whatever the client asks for. We aim for a fair funding and support of congresses, which contributes to equal chances for destinations to win a conference. We have our USPs that speak for themselves and aim to win congresses by the right positioning and services offered within the destination, rather than buying into a congress with loads of cash. However, the congress funding in Salzburg is relevant and cut to the market requirements.


Reduced public transport, free welcome receptions including a concert, free brochures and maps and any other marketing material like videos, images etc. Q: Are subventions the latest big thing in the meeting industry or should they be considered as the very last option for a destination to win an association meeting? Subventions can never be a first approach to win association events. However, it is still one of the first questions to be asked by clients. In my opinion a congress subsidy is not the biggest factor in the decision of our clients. Q: Tell us something about your latest success story and subvention from your city? We recently received great feedback from ESA - the European Space Agency - who held a conference in Salzburg. They were impressed that the city and state governments sponsored the Residence Palace for their welcome reception and helped organise everything as per the client’s needs. The Residence Palace is the official state representation halls of Salzburg and widely known as a very unique venue.


FINANCIAL SUPPORT ONLY FOR CONGRESSES WITH MORE THAN 700 DELEGATES Roman Muška, CEO, Prague Convention Bureau Nina Praprotnik / Photo credit Prague Convention Bureau

Q: Does your city have any strategic subvention plan for conferences? The City of Prague has focused its support mainly on larger association meetings with more than 500 delegates. Q: What kinds of subvention does your city offer and for what kind of events? The Prague Convention Bureau can arrange complimentary public transport tickets for meeting organisers, which applies to association congresses for over 500 delegates. For corporate events, we can secure 50% discount on public transportation. In both cases, there are certain conditions that can be found on our website. Besides that, there is also financial support from the City of Prague assigned to association congresses with more than 700 delegates, which can be used for meeting room rental or a welcome reception.

Having studied at the College of Management Skills and Business Development in Prague, he started his career in the MICE segment in 1996 when working as a Project Manager for the Austrian based company AHR (Agentur für Hotels und Reisen). Afterwards, Roman Muška moved into finance and administration as part of the newly established branch of AIMS International in Prague before in 2004 returning to project management and working for the congress department at AIMS International, where he reached the position of Head of the Congress Department. After the fusion of AIMS International with the AIM Group, which was completed in 2011, alongside the Congress Department he was also responsible for the overall Prague office as the Country Manager. In 2013, he became a member of the PCB Board of Directors and since beginning of 2016 he has been working for PCB as its Managing Director.

Q: What is the most important aspect when applying for a subvention? The financial support is available to associations, foundations and other non-profit bodies, and from a minimum of 700 delegates at least 60% need to be from abroad and spend a minimum of 2 nights in Prague. When applying for a subvention, cooperation with a local association and other counterparts is obligatory.

PERSONAL Q: What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? My bravest and at the same time the best thing I have ever done was the decision to have 3 kids. In this respect, you never feel alone. 31

Q: Does your city subvention offer include any free travel or reduced local transportation to and within the city, any free venue, free reception, free brochure or marketing? In addition to the already mentioned free transportation passes and the financial support designated to cover the meeting room rental or welcome reception, in cooperation with Prague City Tourism we also provide clients with free city maps and Prague brochures. Q: Are subventions the latest big thing in the meeting industry or should they be considered as the very last option for the destination to win an association meeting? Financial support should not be the main decision factor, but just a help to those in need of it. Q: Tell us something about your latest success story and subvention from your city? Last year Prague hosted the 12th European Congress of Epileptology, ECE 2016, where the financial subventions played a significant role in the decision making process when selecting the destination. The congress attracted more than 2,000 delegates.


THE VALUE FOR MONEY AT THE DESTINATION SHOULD BE THE MAIN FACTOR Jolanta Beniuliene, Head of Tourism & Convention Bureau Vilnius Nina Praprotnik / Photo credit Vilnius Convention Bureau

Q: Does your city have any strategic subvention plan for conferences? Indeed, the City of Vilnius has a strategic plan in order to develop the meetings business, part of which is to create a foundation to help implement a competitive subvention programme that should put the city in a stronger position within the meetings business and encourage its development in terms of investment attraction. Nevertheless, it would be unfair to say that Vilnius doesn’t already support events; as a convention bureau we offer a lot of help to event organisers at the bidding stage and on site as well.

Jolanta Beniuliene is the Head of Tourism and the Convention Bureau at the Official Business and Tourism Development Agency of the City of Vilnius. Working in the Meetings Business and Tourism on the city side for 11 years, Jolanta previously worked for the City of Vilius’s International Relations and Protocol Department. Education: Philology, PERSONAL German Language Studies. Additional lanQ: What’s guages: English, the bravest German,thing Russian you’ve and Polish. ever done? The bravest thing I’ve ever done was to start organising CONVENE, the Baltic Sea Region’s Exhibition for Meetings, Events and Incentives. Organising this event means taking a personal risk in terms of the success of the project, which ultimately involves the whole supply chain in Vilnius and official bodies like the Ministry for Economy and the Vilnius City municipality. Now it’s about making sure the event becomes part of the long-term strategy for the city’s development and that of the entire Baltic Sea Region.

Q: What kinds of subvention does your city offer and for what kind of events? In terms of supporting event planners, any intermediation with suppliers, providing contacts for potential partners, facilitating individual site inspections and many other things are critical at the early stages if we want to attract international events to Vilnius, and we are happy to save conference organisers both time and money by offering first class support and the highest level of professionalism for this. Even after an event has been confirmed, we continue to support organisers up until every detail has been resolved. The welcome desk, tailor made proposals for spending free time, brochures, communications support and many other services offered by the city create great value for event organisers. If we are to talk about con-


ference budgets, financial subvention, which is offered by some destinations, shouldn’t be the major factor influencing the financial side of a given event. The value for money at the destination should be the main factor in the budget planning structure. Q: What is the most important part in applying for subventions? It is important to see the big picture of a destination and its developments, to understand priority sectors for investment and its knowledge economy. If the city wants to boost the economy and multiply the effect of the meetings business, subventions could play an important role. From the destination side we need to understand certain criteria: why are we going to invest money, what do we want to achieve by offering subventions? From the event or conference planner’s side it is important to understand if the specific event is able to create added value for the destination over the long term. This is the win-win model, when money can be converted into growth for the destination and success for a given event. The era of only calculating ROI with the number of occupied hotel rooms has gone. Q: Does your city’s subvention offer include any free travel or reduced local transportation to and within the city, any free venue, free reception, free brochure or marketing? There are no goods for free. Even if the destination offers local transportation or the venue for free, it doesn’t mean there are no expenses related to these things; somebody has to cover the service fees, use of electricity, food and drink etc. There is no line between getting anything for free and being subsidised. As Vilnius doesn’t have a foundation for subsidies, we can’t offer benefits like venues or transportation, free reception or similar advantages. We are happy to promise and deliver things like the brochures, city maps and marketing tools that we already own. Q: Are subventions the latest big thing in the meeting industry or should they be considered as the very last option for the destination to win an association meeting? Depending on the destination, there might be more important factors than something like a subvention. For instance, value for money at a given destination should be an important consideration for meeting and event planners. After all, added value benefits both the meeting planner and the destination.


FINANCIAL SUPPORT IS JUST ONE MORE ELEMENT OF THE BIDDING SELECTION Dra. Paula Oliveira, Executive Director, Lisbon Convention Bureau Nina Praprotnik / Photo credit Lisbon Convention Bureau

Q: Does your city have any strategic subvention plan for conferences? We have a national fund available, which is also sponsored by Turismo de Lisboa, available for international conferences of up to 600 lodgings, and we have a city fund available for international events of up to 50 pax. We also have a Lisbon Programme available for international bids, which is fully sponsored by us, Turismo de Lisboa. Q: What kind of subventions does your city offer and for what kinds of events? Besides the Lisbon Programme, we also sponsor and organise site inspections that are custom made for an event planner.

Dra. Paula Oliveira has a degree in Social Communication, specializing in Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations. Since 1998 she has been the Executive Director of Turismo Lisboa – Visitors and Convention Bureau, a private and non-profit organisation with more than 600 members, responsible for the overall international tourist promotion, market and tourist information. Prior to that, in 1995 she was the Director of Tourism in the Municipality of Lisbon. PERSONAL Q: What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? Being at Turismo de Lisboa, from the very beginning, 20 years ago.

Q: What is the most important aspect when applying for subventions? Please see first answer for details – complying with the data of the event and the pre-requisites to qualify. Q: Does your city subvention offer include any free travel or reduced local transportation to and within the city, any free venue, free reception, free brochure or marketing? We do not have a pre-set policy for subventions except for the format mentioned in first answer.

Q: Are subventions the latest big thing in the meeting industry or should they be considered as the very last option for a destination to win an association meeting? Financial support is just one more element of the bidding selection by the organiser. It can add to the strength of a bid, but in most cases is not decisive. It is Lisbon and its offer alone that makes the decision a positive one. Q: Tell us something about your latest success story and subvention from your city? There are some, so let´s mention the Web Summit. It will be in Lisbon for 3 years – it started last November 2016 – with the possibility of staying for a further 5 years. This is an outstanding event


UNION HOTELS A new event venue is available at Union Hotels In March 2017, Union Hotels became the owners of Modna hiša (Fashion house), Ljubljana's famous textile shop. Abandoned for a number of years, this once prominent textile shop at an elite location in the very heart of Ljubljana will in the coming years provide a venue for a variety of different events. The building offers a completely different event venue that will offer the kind of fresh and creative stories that event organisers are striving for. Union hotels has already started property tours for prospective business and social event organisers.

American movie star Bill Murray visits Ljubljana At the beginning of June, Grand Hotel Union hosted a relaxed after-work get-together at Atelje, the modern restaurant where one can enjoy a top culinary experience created by a team led by their young and innovative chef Jorg Zupan. A rather special guest happened to be in town to also be able to partake of this: Bill Murray was on the Slovenian side of the Alps due to business, as in recent years he became co-owner of a Slovenian Vodka brand that has become his great passion. His invited business partners enjoyed the unique combinations of fresh flavours created by Jorg Zupan, Atelje’s culinary virtuoso. The one-of-a-kind dishes were perfectly paired with Slovenia Vodka, which barman Rok Logar spiced up with a fusion of ingredients to make cocktails that impressed everyone present at the event. To anyone wondering how a cocktail inspired by Bill Murray and Slovenia Vodka might taste, we seriously recommend visiting Atelje restaurant and trying out the Berry Beets cocktail – you definitely won’t regret it!

Grand Hotel Union hosted flagship event of the Slovenian tourism industry The Slovenian Incoming Workshop (SIW) is the largest business event in Slovenian tourism and was held at GH Union from 11-13th of May. It’s no real surprise that GH Union’s extraordinary main hall was chosen as the location for hosting this highly important meeting for the future of Slovenian tourism and it didn’t fail to provide a blend of elegance and tradition that created a great atmosphere for the more than 3,000 business meetings that took place. Mr. Tomislav Čeh, General Manager of Union Hotels, welcomed business partners together with other important representatives of Slovenian tourism to the welcome reception at the grand opening of the event. Hosting more than 700 events in a year, the largest hotel conference centre in Ljubljana proved to be the right choice for networking, socializing and doing business. Grand hotel Union is proud to be a central part of the 20th jubilee conference that brought new plans, new partnerships, new beginnings and new business success to Slovenian tourism. 34


Conventa Crossover

you have dinner with and why? Elon Musk. A truly inspiring human. Unstoppable spirit, willingness to learn and dream remarkably big. A great example of how one person can bring change at a massive scale and start movements that make this transition possible. Would enjoy discussing what comes next and how, after humanity reaches the first milestone being a planetary civilization would work.

Q: If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead), who would you have dinner with and why? Nelson Mandela. I think in today’s world people are not willing to be patient and work with a long-term vision. I would like to understand how Nelson Mandela managed to stay true to his core vision and values even under extreme adversity and became such a respected and uniting leader.

Austin Nicholas CEO at Travel out there

David Beckett Managing director, pitch trainer and pitch coach at Best 3 Minutes

Aivar Laan Founder and CEO at Festivality Q: What do you love most about your job? I´ve always been a change agent and on a mission to inspire positive change in thinking among my peers. Innovation in the event industry is close to my heart and right now I see multiple ways to innovate in the digitizing events space with smart devices and technology. Q: Where do you see the biggest opportunity in marketing and the MICE industry? Technology and data helping every player. In the events domain this means empowering attendees and fans with a better user experience and helping event-goers get more out of events. For organisers and promoters to deliver better, smarter events and both to provide and gain more value from data-driven approaches. Technology and machine learning should enable us to free up valuable time to explore deeper paths where humanity manifests at it’s best - creativity. Q: How do you deal with the marketing jungle on daily basis? I try to constantly sift out signal from noise and what is meaningful right now for achieving my personal and company goals, but also to stay on top and see a bigger picture and development. It´s important from time to time to take this helicopter view out of the daily routines. I also aspire to free time regularly to be able to read, not only domain-specific topics but to stay sharp of what is going on in the world. Getting the zeitgeist from rich signals from culture also helps, from the arts, cinema, and the written or spoken word. Q: If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead), who would

Q: What do you love most about your job? Playing on Expectations. Often when clients visit Central and Eastern Europe, expectations are not very high, yet when they experience a destination with Travel Out There they are amazed and enthusiastic about the region. Under-promising and over-delivering is the key to sending our clients into the delight zone. Q: Where do you see the biggest opportunity in marketing and the MICE industry? I see the biggest growth area will be in making the MICE industry as a whole more purpose driven and meaningful. This can involve integrating a CSR/give back element into an incentive or reducing the carbon footprint of a conference. Q: How do you deal with the marketing jungle on a daily basis? Treating each of our leads as a unique case and always being personal, professional and punctual in our response. There is a temptation to cut and paste proposals and offers for clients, but this never works. Clients want to feel valued and that their business really matters, therefore adopting a proactive rather than reactive approach is the key to differentiate.


Q: What do you love most about your job? I love that you can see a result. Many people find it difficult to pitch and regularly I get to see people at the beginning and the end of the process - where they go from being nervous and uncertain to sure and confident. Q: Where do you see the biggest opportunity in marketing and the MICE industry? Technology with a purpose. There are many new ways to engage with audiences, and that is helping in some ways, but the future is to use technology to make events a truly immersive experience that people can take back with them afterwards, to share and excite others. Q: How do you deal with the marketing jungle on a daily basis? My job is to help people have their voice heard. I believe it's not about quantity of the content, but quality and targeting of the content. Understanding who your audience is, what they care about and how you can connect with them on that level helps a lot. Q: If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead), who would you have dinner with and why?

Conventa Crossover My grandmother and grandfather. They were amazing people who supported Amnesty, took in foster children, kept bees, grew their own vegetables and built houses - and that was only after they retired.

reputation. There is a lot of work behind this, but when you achieve a goal you set it brings you an extraordinary feeling. Q: If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead), who would you have dinner with and why? It is very hard to name just one person, as there are so many interesting people I admire. The hospitality business gives me a unique opportunity to meet many interesting personalities and I feel very privileged to work in this area.

Gabriela Ditetova General Manager of Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel, Belgrade Q: What do you love most about your job? Hotel life is 24/7 action. You get challenged on daily basis, but this job is a great satisfaction of mine and makes me smile. It also gave me an opportunity to meet people from different professions and parts of the world. Hospitality is all about being a great host, making your guest happy and developing a long-lasting relationship with them. It is one big adventure and provides great fun all the way. Q: Where do you see the biggest opportunity in marketing and the MICE industry? Destination awareness is very important. When we are talking about Belgrade, it is a new and attractive undiscovered destination. Our worldwide connections as an international company, supported by government and Convention Bureau activities, are a good direction in building a strong destination. If you combine that with the complex service DMCs are providing and quality hotels on the market you have to succeed. Fam trips and press trips are very important, since customers gain the confidence to include Belgrade as a destination after they experience and feel the city. Q: How do you deal with the marketing jungle on a daily basis? The digital age has reshaped a customer’s expectations towards companies and brands, and the key to getting ahead and standing out in the competitive hospitality market is innovation – simply adapting is not enough anymore. As a hotel, we try to differentiate with a unique story and offer, but in my opinion the most important factor is to listen to our customers. We live in a time when providing meaningful content and a unique offer contributes to visibility, recognition and

Jan-Jaap In der Maur Founder-Moderator at Masters in Moderation Q: What do you love most about your job? That I can help people do great things and change things for the better. Q: Where do you see the biggest opportunity in marketing and the MICE industry? Listening and helping each other, instead of selling and sending information.

depth, texture and intensity are wonderful, but it’s not without its moments; when it comes to promoting Edinburgh, everyone working in the industry here has an opinion. It's terrific to have that passion, but it’s not always conducive to getting on with the job in hand. Q: Where do you see the biggest opportunity in marketing and the MICE industry? Marketing and the MICE industry should move up the food chain and adopt a more strategic and well-thoughtout leadership position. This industry is still largely underdeveloped from a reputational and credibility perspective regarding attracting and retaining talent. This is where opportunity lies. Q: How do you deal with the marketing jungle on a daily basis? I try to retain focus and do my best to not overcomplicate matters. While channels are more multiple than ever never forget the basics: what are you trying to achieve? Who are you targeting? What is your key message? Keep true to that and everything else will follow. It’s always the idea before the media. Q: If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead), who would you have dinner with and why? David Bowie ... Do I really have to answer why? Isn’t it obvious?

Q: How do you deal with the marketing jungle on a daily basis? I simply follow my gut feeling, rather than having a strategy.

Mary Kirillova Managing director at Eventcv. com and founder at Baltic For Events Forum

John Donnelly Chief executive at Marketing Edinburgh Q: What do you love most about your job? The opportunity to promote Edinburgh is outstanding. Having worked on global brands marketing a three dimensional city takes it to a different level. The 37

Q: What do you love most about your job? The problems that I resolve for the first time. The people who can really enjoy their life. Q: Where do you see the biggest opportunity in marketing and the MICE industry? I see the biggest opportunities in the “electricity” of live communication. When individual potential and global ideas find each other and you feel that you

Conventa Crossover are in the right time and place, and that people need you. We live in a time where digital rules the world and live meetings have become redundant, but to construct bridges (and that’s the thing we are doing) we need to know our final destination. We need the live touch and not just Facebook pictures. We need the truth. Q: How do you deal with the marketing jungle on a daily basis? I’m looking at the stars :) Q: If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead), who would you have dinner with and why? With Quentin Tarantino. His combination of perseverance, originality and courage inspires me.

Živorad Vasić IHG Area General Manager Q: What do you love most about your job? I can’t answer the question about what I love most about my job because I simply love my job. I have been working in the hospitality industry for a long time. I graduated in hotel management from Boston University in May 1999 and I started working in the hotel industry on June 1st, 1999. It’s been 18 years and there hasn’t been a single day in my career that I wouldn’t wake up feeling happy. I can’t picture myself working in any other industry. Hotels are my passion, something that I love and something where I face new challenges every day. Each and every day I learn new things. One thing I could highlight is the fact that this industry never sleeps. The hotel works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Q: Where do you see the biggest opportunity in marketing and the MICE industry? I think no hotel can make a great profit and be a great hotel unless you have a MICE segment covered, and that MICE segment will always depend on a sales team. The sales and marketing teams are the ones that really deliver, and as a general manager you are there just to make sure that you support them and that they have

everything they need. The opportunities in the MICE industry are not just opportunities, they are something you must have in order to make a hotel successful. Q: How do you deal with the marketing jungle on a daily basis? I do not see marketing as a jungle; I am surrounded by the people who in the everyday world deal with different marketing opportunities. Our marketing manager in the hotel delivers what is needed. Of course hotels are moving more and more towards social media, because it is not only the cheapest way of advertising but also the most effective way. That’s why I think that what creates a great hotel are the relationships in the marketing world so that you know where to advertise and that it doesn’t cost much, and I think that our marketing team does its best in that respect. Q: If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead), who would you have dinner with and why? There are so many people I would love to have dinner with. If there was one person right now it would be the quarterback for the New England Patriots, Tom Brady. To win five championship rings and to come back last year in the toughest Super Bowl game at 27 points behind is something really special. It is special to see someone who believes in success and never gives up and is always ready to win. I think that during that dinner I wouldn’t eat anything, I would just ask many questions because for me Tom Brady is a really special person.

Q: Where do you see the biggest opportunity in marketing and the MICE industry? I am convinced that when organisations within the regional triple helix cooperate to a maximum degree, much more can be achieved. It will attract people and organisations with the same interest and complementary knowledge. Your name and fame in these specific fields of industry will automatically grow, resulting in more high-quality business events. Q: How do you deal with the marketing jungle on a daily basis? Be authentic, love what you do and never stop learning… People will notice you. Q: If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead), who would you have dinner with and why? Oh dear…there are so many people that I would like to have dinner with and for a thousand reasons…there is so much to learn. If I have to choose it would be my grandfather, who was a full-blooded entrepreneur, but unfortunately died when I was a kid.

Lara Vodlan Marketing and Communication Manager at Microsoft Slovenia

Ingrid Rip Certified trainer and owner of RREM Q: What do you love most about your job? I would say what I love most about my work is sharing the knowledge I gained over the past 25 years with people with an eager mindset and a sincere interest in the conference industry e.g. the next generation, or the scientists that I work with that have such a passion for what they are working on. In working together we all grow; I gain new insights from them and hopefully they develop with my knowledge. 38

Q: What do you love most about your job? Working in marketing at Microsoft is an ongoing learning. With the numerous resources and company’s vital strategy there’s always something new to learn. If not in the field of marketing, someone comes up with a new reporting tool. Q: Where do you see the biggest opportunity in marketing and the MICE industry? In digital. Trust me, there’s no other way and it works. I believe that magic happens where digital and in-person events meet. Q: How do you deal with the marketing jungle on a daily basis? By learning and embracing change and clearly defined goals. If you know where you’re headed, you can even domesticate jungle animals to help you on the way.

Conventa Crossover Q: Where do you see the biggest opportunity in marketing and the MICE industry? In facilitating relationships and connections by creating inviting and inspiring environments.

Q: If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead), who would you have dinner with and why? With Richard Branson. I would ask him who is managing his Twitter account.

Saša Vučković Graphic designer & co-founder at Stožer boutique agency

Michal Zalewski Spokesman for Krakow Festival Office Q: What do you love most about your job? I’m a spokesman and PR manager, so my work relies on relationships. Contact with people is something I couldn’t live without in this day of ubiquitous internet and online interactions. But what I love most about my job is how unpredictable it is. I plan my activities, of course, but it’s solving problems here and now and dealing with emergencies that brings me the most satisfaction. Q: Where do you see the biggest opportunity in marketing and the MICE industry? Since we’re talking about digitalisation, one of the greatest threats to MICE is excessive automation. Our trade is based on relationships, conversations, contact with people, so getting the right blend of technology and experience is great for the meetings industry. But it has to be done the right way!

Q: What do you love most about your job? Diversity, freedom, playfulness & exercising my mind every day with the project that is in my hands at that moment. Q: Where do you see the biggest opportunity in marketing and the MICE industry? To create an experience, not to sell the global mindset just because we can, but to focus on local specific things and to highlight them. This industry is the one that should present the diversity and colours of the world and show people how to experience and live this world. Q: How do you deal with the marketing jungle on a daily basis? I try not to think about it, turn off my ego and work on the solution to a problem. I clear my head by riding a motorcycle. Q: If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead), who would you have dinner with and why? Every man is original in some way or another…so just name a place and a menu.

Q: How do you deal with the marketing jungle on a daily basis? The information overload and excessive stimuli we face often means we forget about the broader perspective. In marketing, it’s essential to remember that our activities have long-lasting effects. That’s why I always make sure I think about the potential outcomes of all of my actions. Q: If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead), who would you have dinner with and why? Marie Skłodowska-Curie! She was a fascinating lady – a Polish chemist awarded two Nobel prizes. But we wouldn’t talk about those. She fought for women’s rights and in a way she was a PR manager for women’s issues in her day. She was the first woman to lecture at a university.

Thiemo Gillissen Cofounder at Fifteen Seconds Q: What do you love most about your job? The ability to turn a vision into reality and the opportunity to combine skills ranging from creative, technology and communication to leadership, sales and marketing.


Q: How do you deal with the marketing jungle on a daily basis? Constantly staying on top of what's hot, embracing change and lots of trial and error. Q: If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead), who would you have dinner with and why? Steve Jobs, for his ideas, laser-focused thinking and creativity.

Viktor Šestak & Linda Schraggeova Evangelist & creative lead at CREATIVE PRO Q: What do you love most about your job? Creating remarkable experiences, the constant challenge and the uniqueness of every day at work. Q: Where do you see the biggest opportunity in marketing and the MICE industry? MICE should be creating localised “Money can´t buy experiences” and live marketing will reconnect those experiences to brands and people. Q: How do you deal with the marketing jungle on a daily basis? Same as with any other jungle: you set yourself a target, equip yourself with a machete and make your way through, whilst exploring all the amazing stuff around you. Q: If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead), who would you have dinner with and why? Viktor: My dad. Linda: With my grandparents. Granny would cook.


The future of MICE and travel marketing MONDAY 28 AUGUST 2017






Jan-Jaap In der Maur, Masters in Moderation, Netherlands


08.30 - 09.30

Jungle check in and coffee chit chat

08.30 - 09.00

Jungle coffee chit chat

09.30 - 10.00

Jungle, wake up

09.00 - 09.15


10.00 - 10.30

Pitch your way through the jungle

09.15 - 11.00

Workshops: practical in the treetops

10.30 - 12.15

Marketing jungle 1: lions don’t have to roar 11.00 - 12.15

Marketing jungle 3: hotel wilderness


Jan-Jaap In der Maur Keynote speaker, David Beckett, Best 3 Minutes, Netherlands

The power of live experience marketing

Marc Burgdorff, Triad Berlin, Germany Viktor Šesták & Linda Schraggeova, Creative Pro, Slovakia Anne Roelandt, Luc Petit CREATION, Belgium Eda Ozden, MEP DMC, Turkey

12.15 - 13.00

Steamy brainstorming: dogs vs. cats, clients vs. agencies

Moderator: Kevin Jackson, Live magazine, UK Eda Ozden, MEP DMC, Turkey Lara Vodlan, Microsoft Slovenia, Slovenia

13.00 - 14.00

Tarzan and Jane have a lunch break

14.00 - 14.45

Content bar 1: every jungle has a snake

14.45 - 16.25

12.15 - 13.00

Steamy brainstorming: lions vs. giraffes Chains vs. independent hotels

Tarzan and Jane have a lunch break

14.00 - 14.20

It’s pitching time

Attendees of Beckett’s workshop test their elevator pitch in front of an audience and receive feedback. Moderator: David Beckett, Best 3 Minutes, Netherlands

14.20 - 15.20

Content bar 3: Tarzan goes outside the box

Venues and hotels for next generation

Enej Vitrih, Hotel Park, Slovenia Maja Dimnik, Garden Village, Slovenia Anja Levak, Tink Labs, Croatia Michal Zalewski, Krakow Festival Office, Poland

15.20 - 17:20

Content bar 2: the jungle of success

Marketing jungle 4: when destinations go wild

Cutting edge destination marketing

Best event cases

Ingrid Rip, RREM, Netherlands Romana Vlašić, Dubrovnik tourist board, Croatia George Tziallas, Ministry of Tourism, Greece John Donnelly, Marketing Edinburgh, Scotland Marina Krizman, Envy Croatia, Croatia

Melinda Rebrek, Ljubljana Fashion Week, Slovenia Mateja Panjan, 24Idea, Slovenia

20.00 - 22.00

Future of hotel business in South-East Europe

13.00 - 14.00

Live experiences from A to Z

16.25 - 17.17

Žiga Novak, The era of live experience design, Walnut Grove, Slovenia David Beckett, Become the king of pitching, Best 3 Minutes, Netherlands

Tomo Čeh, Union Hotels, Slovenia Gabriela Ditetova, Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel, Serbia

Marketing jungle 2: events, the kings of the jungle Andriy Khudo, Holding of emotions !FEST, Ukraine Aivar Laan, Festivality, Estonia Lara Vodlan, Microsoft Slovenia, Slovenia

Jan-Jaap In der Maur

Živorad Vasić, IHG Area General Manager, Serbia Sara Tušar Suhadolc, Airbnb evangelist, Slovenia

Best approaches, different angles

Mary Kirillova, Baltic For Events Forum, Estonia Thiemo Gillissen, Fifteen Seconds, Austria Saša Vučković, Stožer, Croatia

Jan-Jaap In der Maur, Masters in Moderation, Netherlands

Crossover party: lions and monkeys It’s going to be wild!

www.crossover.si 40

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IN Focus


IN Focus

LUXURY IS A MATTER OF VISION Montenegro is becoming the new Monte Carlo of the Adriatic

Interview by Gorazd Čad / Photo credit Archive of Kongres magazine


lot has already been written about Montenegro becoming “a Monte Carlo of the Balkans” and we are constantly alerted to news of giant investment projects that will be delivered by wealthy Arab or Russian investors. As Montenegrin Prime Minister Milo Đukanovič has stressed several times already, the fundamental reason for the rapid development lies in the fact that they have one of the most liberal economies in Balkans. Well, whatever that might actually mean, Montenegro is clearly changing rapidly and throws up new surprises from year to year. The facts speak louder than any words could: a 75-metre yacht in the French Antibes pier will cost around one million euros for a yacht quay, but such yacht in the Tivat pier will have the access to the same level of services and only pay 130 thousand euros per year for a yacht quay. Porto Montenegro is working in the direction for the owners to “leave” this amount with them, and with such a simple plan Montenegro is turning from mass tourism to elite travel.

We decided to verify this information and see for ourselves how the new investments have actually been progressing in 2017. We visited all of the listed facilities and construction sites in early June and discussed the progress with leading representatives of individual companies.

The market for luxury tourism is growing extremely quickly and it could be said that the crisis is enriching those who are already wealthy.


RUSSIAN INVASION The first wave of major investment in Montenegro began in 2004, reaching a peak in 2007, and it could be said that the story of the Montenegrin luxury tourism started with an investment in the Splendid hotel resort located in Bečići. The construction of the five-star hotel cost from 80 to 100 million euros and the ownership is linked to the family of the former mayor of Moscow, Yury Mikhaylovich Luzhkov. Montenegro Stars, a mixed RussianMontenegrin company, is headed up by Žarko Radulović, who is an influential tourist worker. The hotel is well run and after a decade of operating it is in extremely good shape and remains the symbol of luxury tourism in Budva. The congress element of the hotel works extremely well, as Hotel Splendid is the first real convention hotel on the Montenegrin coast that succeeded in bringing significant corporate and other events to Budva, which have left their mark on the last ten years of the destination.

IN Focus THE GILDED EARLY BIRDS The fate of Tivat was once again in the frame when the picturesque bay caught the attention of Peter Munk, a Canadian businessman with Hungarian roots. In 2007 he sailed into Kotor Bay with his yacht, Queen of Drachs, and was immediately impressed by the position of the bay, so much so that the idea of a mega-yacht marina for vessels of up to 160-metres was born. Munk assembled his own friends who were all willing to invest: Lord Jacob Rothschild and his son Nathan from the renowned Rothschild banking dynasty, the French tycoon of luxury brands Bernard Arnault, and the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. The construction of the Adriatic Monte Carlo was immediately up and running and the first part of the Porte Montenegro marina was opened in 2009. FROM MASS TOURISM TO ELITE TRAVEL The Porto Montenegro project can be considered as the first step towards the transformation of the Montenegrin tourism industry, especially together with the opening of the newly constructed hotel by the Regent Hotels&Resorts company. The hotel has for four decades already been the synonymous with luxury, sophistication and flawless service and the beautiful building in a Venetian style is also the first five-star hotel in Tivat. This year the project will be expanded to the Regent Hotel Residences. As Roko Palmić, the Director of Marketing explained, the interest for residences is ‘outstanding’. As of last year the new owners of Porto Montenegro is the investment company ICD (Investment Corporation of Dubai), which is the main investment company of Dubai. To date, there have been 447 million euros invested in the project, and approximately 40% of it is already completed. In the future, we can expect a further build of a smaller shipyard, a casino and new commercial buildings worth 100 million euros.

AMAN RESORTS In the true spirit of their tradition Aman Sveti Stefan remains at the top of the interest chart for tourists from all over the world with the deeper kind of pockets. The renovated Sveti Stefan hotel together with the Miločer Villa, which is managed by the world-famous tourist company Aman Resorts, offers high quality and a unique tourism experience for visitors with high purchasing power. The Aman company leased the island for 30 years and pays an annual rent of 2.1 million euros. After its opening in 2014 the hotel has been operating quite well and according to Marina Radjenović, the hotel’s sales representative, the hotel has also been attracting event organisers. Last year, the world premiere of the Jaguar F-Pace was held in the resort and the venue is also popular for weddings and exclusive, special incentive events.

The fact is that the international luxury tourism industry has decided to make Montenegro one of the destinations of the future, with its challenge the marketing of a luxury conservation status of exclusivity.


A REVOLUTION IN THE CAPITAL Once a sleepy town, a lot has also been happening in the Montenegrin capital city and today it offers the excellent Hilton convention hotel, which is a first-class conference hotel with 180 rooms and with the largest convention centre in the city. The Crystal hall is suitable for 435 guests and it captivates with its sense of detail, including photographs of famous Montenegrin painters such as Lubarda, Stanić and Milunović. Quite the opposite but still a positive surprise is to be had in the urban centre of Ville hotel. Decorated in a modern industrial style it attracts the younger generation of guests and congress organisers. The trendy and urban hotel has brought a fresh breeze into the congress and hotel offer of the capital. LUŠTICA BAY IN THE CHEDI HOTEL The Egyptian company Orascom were granted a 99-year lease on a 6.5 million m2 plot on a peninsula, land that was obtained for 10 million euros under one condition – that they would need to invest 1.1 billion euros over 12 years in the construction of hotels, golf courses and villas. The construction site was full of workers on our visit, workers who had laboured in the central part of the new Central City and on the site of the The Chedi hotel. Central to all this will be the new centre of the coastal tourist city being built in accordance with the principles of sustainable construction and various residential units will also be on the market. The construction of The Chedi hotel is having a particular resonance among the local scene, as it will be the largest five-star hotel and is planned to be opened next year. Work is also progressing on the construction of an 18-hole golf course that is designed by Gary Player.

IN Focus PORTONOVI AND THE ‘ONE & ONLY’ At the entrance to Kotor Bay, the Portonovi tourism complex is being built at high speed. We got a chance to see the construction site and the entire project, and, as it would seem, phases 1 and 2 will be built on time, as scheduled and to the deadline. This already includes the constructed marina, the Lower Village apartments and the One & Only hotel. The resort will bring together a number of excellent brands; One & Only is a superior resort that will offer 120 luxury rooms and villas to the market. It will also include a Health Wellness Spa of the exclusive Espace Chenot brand, and renowned Harrods of London is also participating in the interior design. Furthermore, Winch design is a world famous studio specialized in the nautical part of the story, which will include a 220 pier, a project that is currently in its intensive construction phase and with an army of workers to be found daily on the site. The sale of apartments is running in parallel and we are confident that the first phase of the project will be completed in time by the summer of 2018. AWAKENING THE MOUNTAINSIDE The Kolašin 1450 ski resort and Hotel Lipka was recently taken over by the Asian group Arnn. This year they signed an agreement with the Starwood hotel chain and the former hotel Lipka has been rebranded as a Four Points by Sheraton Kolasin. Its neighbouring hotel will be the first of the Westin hotels in Montenegro. The Four Points by Sheraton Kolasin has 72 rooms and a spa area covering 270m2. The opening of the Westin Kolasin is scheduled for 2020 and the new hotel will be focussed on spa and wellness in conjunction with active and congress tourism. NEW FLIGHT CONNECTIONS The first flight connection between Dubai and Montenegro was launched on 3rd October 2016. Immediately afterwards a regular connection by Fly Dubai, the largest low cost airline in the Middle East, was established. In establishing these flight connections, Tivat became directly connected to the major markets for luxury tourism and a great stimulus for further new routes is their liberal visa system, which has already seen a number of Russian airlines taking advantage of it for some years already. EVENTS Due to the exceptional nature and top accommodation capacity, Montenegro attracts events of global significance. Last year it followed up the world premiere of the Jaguar F-Pace with the promotion of the Bentley Bentayga also being held in Montenegro. This year the producers of Top Gear selected Montenegro as a destination for their record show, with more than 4 million viewers watching the episode where a race between Matt LeBlanc and Chris Harris on Montenegrin roads was shown. 45

IN Focus THE FUTURE There is no doubt about the natural beauty and the economic development of Montenegro’s luxury tourism. The market for luxury tourism is growing extremely quickly and it could be said that the crisis is enriching those who are already wealthy. The growth of luxury tourism across the world is stable and for the segment of customers who have enough money to make arrangements from a figure starting at 10,000 euros then the crisis has not been an issue. Wealthy tourists have different needs and expectations than normal tourists and the hotel facilities we write about is just the first part of the story. There are restaurants with superb cuisine also and it is also necessary to appropriately arrange the surrounding environments and the wider requirements of the field, so there is still a lot of work for Montenegrins. The fact is that the international luxury tourism industry has decided to make Montenegro one of the destinations of the future, with its challenge the marketing of a luxury conservation status

Due to the exceptional nature and top accommodation capacity, Montenegro attracts events of global significance. of exclusivity. Most of the time, the formula for success is the combination of pricing policy, identity, spirit and status, and the direct route for this is a link with famous brands, mostly in the fields of fashion and motoring. As luxury brands are selfish and narcissistic by nature, there is a great deal of work for destination managers to ensure the sustainable acceptability of new resorts, most of which are not yet with their own voice.




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Cities To Watch

THE MAIN CHALLENGE IS TO OVERCOME THE MISPERCEPTION ABOUT ISTANBUL An exclusive interview with Hicran Özbük, General Manager of Istanbul CVB Interview by Gorazd Čad / Photo credit Istanbul CVB

Q: Why should meeting planners consider Istanbul? Istanbul is one of the most visited places on the planet, where West meets East and modern meets traditional, bringing together cultures and people from all over the world. It’s a metropolis with 8,500 years of rich history. The beauty of the city, its exciting metropolitan way of life, and its modern infrastructure make it a unique meeting place for businesses. Istanbul is the ideal meeting destination with its vibrancy, modernity, diversity, and enviable geographical position.

Hicran Ozbuk is the General Manager of Istanbul Convention & Visitors Bureau (ICVB) and the General Manager of Istanbul Shopping Fest, a position she has held since 2014 and she will continue managing both positions. Hicran graduated in Geophysical Engineering from Istanbul University and took her masters’ degree both in Contemporary Management Techniques from Marmara University and European Integration from the Middle East Technical University (METU).

Q: What can meeting delegates experience in Istanbul? Istanbul is home to a diverse culture and vibrant populace. The city offers an infinite number of possibilities for incentive ideas which meeting delegates can only experience in Istanbul. Some examples are a boat tour between two continents, eating like sultans from a menu of century-old Ottoman recipes, shopping at the 500-year-old iconic Grand Bazaar, a treasure hunt in the Sultanahmet neighborhood (which has been called an open-air museum), relaxing in a Turkish bath, experiencing Turkish hospitality, and witnessing the ceremony of Mevlevi Whirling Dervishes. You can do any or all of these while enjoying an event. Also, with its unique venues, the city offers numerous innovative ideas to create events. Not all cities in the world are blessed with such a unique venue selection from such a rich, long history as well as temples from all three of the major monotheistic religions.


Q: What’s the outlook for 2017 and beyond for the Istanbul meeting industry? What large events are coming to the city in the near future? This year, we will be hosting very important and prestigious congresses with a large number of delegates, from the World Petroleum Congress (WPC) with 5,000 delegates to the Apimondia International Apicultural Congress with 8,000, from the World Conference of the International Association of Science Parks (IASP) to the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies’ (WFNS) World Congress of Neurosurgery. For 2018 and beyond, we are working more and more effectively with new leads, and I’m happy to report that we are receiving positive feedback for future congresses. Of course, Istanbul has always been one of the capital destinations for international events and festivals. Throughout 2017, the city is hosting a number of concerts, events, and festivals. Just to name a few, EuroLeague Basketball in May, and the Istanbul Shopping Fest and the Istanbul Jazz Festival, both in July. Q: Where are you positioning your marketing efforts this year and next? On behalf of Istanbul, we are positioning our marketing efforts to be more visible in the international arenas so that we will be able to interact face to face and be the ambassadors of our city. In addition, we are also focusing on hosting more and more international planners, associations, influencers, bloggers, and journalists in

Cities To Watch

Istanbul as we are aware of the power of word of mouth. In summary, effective communication is our priority for this and next years’ plans and we’re also going to reinforce all our marketing efforts with strong global PR in order to reach an efficient ROI. Q: On a personal note, what would be your ideal event to host in Istanbul? As a huge metropolis, Istanbul has always been a meeting point for mega events in the past. The ideal event is the Olympics, for which I believe Istanbul would be the perfect host city, especially with all the new developments and constant investments that are ongoing on the city’s agenda. I would definitely be more than happy to see our city hosting such a prestigious event in the future. Q: Would you share one or two of your secrets about Istanbul with our readers, like a favorite spot for meetings and lifestyle? As a local, I can assure you that there are countless hidden gems in Istanbul. The city offers first-time experiences and beautiful places to see as well as plenty of secret corners to discover. The first place that comes to mind is the Prince Islands. You get around on each island in horsedrawn carriages. You can see the beautiful, historical wooden houses there, and you can also see Istanbul from the hills. It’s the perfect spot for those who want to escape from the crowded metropolis and enjoy their leisure time.

Q: What is the cooperation at the destination like? What is it like for major candidacies when the whole destination has to work together? Are you satisfied with the cooperation? As the official bureau of the city, we work in close coordination both with our members and with tourism industry associations like the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, and Turkish Airlines. This is especially true when it comes to a major bidding process or to adding more value to a confirmed event. At this point, I would like to share a recent example. The representatives of the WFNS-World Congress of Neurosurgery wanted to visit the authorities in Istanbul before their congress 20-25 August 2017. We arranged a meeting for them with the Mayor of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and the Governor of Istanbul Province, with very positive results. Q: How is the value for money for European planners? Istanbul as a destination provides all services of the highest standards for planners. From international and local chain hotels to high-tech modern meeting facilities, from local cuisine to tourist attractions, the city always offers good value for money. I can easily say that this is one of Istanbul’s unique selling points for planners.


Q: Your partners are the most demanding meeting planners. What is it like to work with them and meet their needs? One of the most important points is to really understand their needs and design personal solutions around them. At the end of the day, we are all trying to get to the same goal: success. The main demand of meeting planners is that we help them achieve a successful meeting, and we do this. Therefore, we believe that with personal and close communication we are able to meet all their needs. Of course, we love working with the meeting planners, enabling them to achieve more successes, and gaining more experience with them. Q: What are the main challenges of being the General Manager of the Istanbul CVB? First of all, I would like to underline that representing and promoting such a unique city in this position is a privilege. But of course, there are many environmental elements that have a direct impact on my work and can be challenging. For example, all the major cities of the world have been going through some difficult times. Istanbul for one has been effected negatively by certain incidents. So for this period of time, I can easily say that the main challenge has been to overcome a misperception about Istanbul. This is the main focus that my team and I are working on.

Cities To Watch

ISTANBUL IS THE MEETING POINT OF THE WORLD An interview with Ibrahim Caglar, President of Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Interview by Gorazd Čad / Photo credit Istanbul Chamber Of Commerce

Istanbul Chamber of Commerce’s main aim is to be worth of this city. Indeed, our main mission is to develop and introduce the values of this city to the world. In fact, Istanbul CVB continues to be an expression of our efforts and determination since 1997. Istanbul CVB is working in close coordination with its members and tourism industry associations, supported by the Turkish Ministry of Culture & Tourism, the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce and the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and Turkish Airlines, Istanbul CVB designs and implements strategic marketing initiatives and special events that raise Istanbul’s profile as a conference and incentive destination. The number of congresses in Istanbul increased by 280% in the last decade. Undoubtedly, this accelerated rise is a prominent success for Turkish economy. As Istanbul CVB, our main and primary goal is to retain this acceleration.

Q: How is Istanbul positioned as a meeting destination today and what are its positive attributes that are often overlooked? Istanbul is the pupil of the world with its thousands years of history, unique geography at the crossroads of East and West and the identity of melting different colours and cultures. As the 8th most visited city in the world, every visitor who came to this city witnessed the natural beauty of the architecture, local values up to global realities and the spiritual climate of economic dynamism. 1.5 billion people living within four hours flying time of Istanbul and being the only city on two continents gives the city a unique and privileged position. Istanbul has in-depth knowledge across many fields of expertise and the potential to absorb much more. Today, this unforgettable city is an ideal location for congresses and exhibitions with state of the art convention venues and vast accommodation alternatives. Q: What is the cooperation at the destination like? Are you satisfied with the promotion and work of Istanbul Convention Bureau?

Q: Can you tell us more about the future investments in tourism in Istanbul region? As one of most dynamic cities in the world, Istanbul is expanding rapidly. It has been ranked as the 2nd city in infrastructure investments (World Bank 2015). Here are some mega projects that are under construction: • Istanbul Grand Airport (3rd international airport): Set to be one of the largest in the world in terms of passenger capacity (150 million per year). It will make Istanbul the largest airline hub in the world and is expected to be completed in 2018, • Galataport is expected to increase the capacity of the port and will add value to Istanbul’s tourism and make the city a key stop for cruise lines, • Istanbul Sea Tunnel Mega Project and Canal Istanbul, • Recently completed projects are the 3rd bridge (Yavuz Sultan Selim) and Eurasia Tunnel. In addition, Istanbul is constantly investing in accommodation facilities to welcome more visitors to the city; currently the city offers 104.000 beds and over 45.000 new ones are under investment. Istanbul has been and still is focusing on investments to increase its capacity and welcome even bigger congresses and events.


In a nutshell, Istanbul is the meeting point of the world. As the President of Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, I would like to invite meeting planners to explore and plan their meetings and events in our fascinating city since Istanbul has it all for it at the highest standards. Q: Where will Istanbul’s hospitality and MICE scene go in the next decade? The number of congresses in Istanbul increased by 280% in the last decade. We had some decreases in the number of congresses last year. However, as ICVB, we work towards making Istanbul one of the most desirable destinations in the world for the meetings industry. Managing an ever-growing business, our goal for 2023 is to position Istanbul among the top five in the world.


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Off The Beaten Mice Track

AYASOFYA HURREM SULTAN HAMMAM Modern design with retro elements. This venue will astound you. Text by Gorazd Čad / Photo credit Ayasofya Hurrem Sultan Hamam


• STAY •

I think that at some point in our lives all of us will have heard about the 'Turkish sauna', but the Turkish hammam is really no ordinary sauna. Its renowned healing powers through steam mean you can relax after a tough congress day and finish off your event in the very best sauna that the Turkish capital can offer. The Ayasofya Hurrem Sultan Hammam (Hürrem Sultan Hamamı) was built in 1556 for Süleyman the Magnificent and thoroughly renovated in 2012. Today it is known as one of the most authentic and unchanged hammams, one where men and women enter separately. Its symmetrical shape and perfect lines make it an architectural gem. The Hammam was open to the public for 350 years until 1910, when the space lost its glory and was used as a storage room for coal and later as a local rug market. In line with original plans, the Hammam was renovated in 2012 and the end result is a breathtaking space that captivates people with its atmosphere and mood. The sauna can be privatized for groups of up to 40 guests.

This tidy part of the city centre has experienced no major construction intrusions and amazing boutique hotels are one thing that Istanbul can truly be proud of. The city has never really changed and it's still possible to see reminders of the Hippodrome right next to Hotel Eresin. This hotel has two aces up its sleeve – a hotel terrace with views of the Sea of Marmara and the Mosaic Terrace Restaurant. Another jewel hides behind the facade of Hotel Levni, a luxury city hotel in the very centre of the Sultanahmet district, boasting elegance, an excellent location and a great overall offer. Guest comfort is well taken care of, as they offer an ostentatious wellness centre with a hammam and a series of different massages. Its location is a perfect starting point for every city exploration. Levni is suitable for smaller congress and incentive groups that are seeking direct contact with Istanbul's historical heritage. TIP: When choosing your accommodation in the Turkish capital, go for hotels that are part52

ners of the Istanbul Convention Bureau, as they are usually your best bet. You can check out their members on the following link. • MEET IN STYLE • Unlike the Finnish sauna, where you can immediately feel the dry heat of the burning stove, Turkish saunas are milder and reach a maximum temperature of 50 degrees Celsius. What's special about the oriental variant of the sauna is the 90-100 percent humidity, which can supposedly help with rheumatic diseases and even arthritis. Regular visits to the sauna have numerous beneficial effects on the body, from raising your energy levels, reducing stress, ridding your body of toxins, cleansing your skin and keeping your immune system strong and ready to fight colds, asthma or bronchitis. One of the side effects can also be losing a kilo of body fat here and there. A visit to the sauna is a unique and memorable experience for your congress guests, who will feel reborn after walking through the door. We believe it can be a great intensifier of bonds between members of the group.

Off The Beaten Mice Track



In addition to the staggering mosques and colourful bazaars, one of Istanbul's biggest hallmarks is its cuisine. I know quite a few people (including myself ) that keep returning to Istanbul because of its wide array of different flavours lurking at every corner of the city. The selection of restaurants in Istanbul is truly endless, but if you are roaming around the Hagia Sofia area we suggest trying one of the "eat like a sultan" experiences. Restaurant Mihri operates within the hammam, a coffee shop and restaurant offering good food and even better tea and coffee. Despite the fact that typical "Turkish coffee" comes from Turkey, the locals tend to drink tea served in traditional thin-waist tea glasses all over the city. Drinking tea is more of a social event than anything else, so when invited to a glass of tea, definitely don't turn down the offer.

The hammam's location in the Sultanahmet district is easily accessible, but traffic is likely to clog up during rush hour. Luckily Istanbul can also be explored by either metro or tram.

• LOCALISM • No matter how many times you visit Istanbul, there will still be places you haven't seen and things you haven't tried. The location of the hammam is the epicentre of all the major attractions and we suggest finishing off the hammam experience with a visit to the Basilica Cistern, located near the Blue Mosque. It is one of the most peculiar attractions in Istanbul, the biggest water cistern in former Constantinople and still an impressive sight today. Adding to the mightiness of the 336 marble pillars is a cinematic mellow light illuminating the 9-metre tall Ionic and Corinthian pillars with installations of the mythical creature Medusa on two of them. No wonder Ron Howard chose the cistern as the backdrop of his mystery thriller Inferno.

TIP: We suggest catching a tram to the hammam (station-Sultanahmet) in order to avoid sitting in traffic and watching your money disappear on a thirsty taxi meter... • DID YOU KNOW • Hagia Sophia Hurrem Sultan Bath by numbers: • The Turkish Bath was built in 1556 by Mimar Sinan. • The Turkish bath was being actively used until 1910 and restoration began in 2008. • 1300 sqm. of Marmara Marble was used for the restoration. • The height of the coldness section dome is 26 metres. • The navel stone temperature reaches 42 degrees and the temperature in the private rooms is 48 degrees. • The humidity of the private rooms is 100%. • 160 pieces of gold coated bath bowls were made for use of guests. • CONTACTS • Ayasofya Hurrem Sultan Hamam Cankurtaran Mahallesi Ayasofya Meydani No:2 FATİH/İSTANBUL/TURKİYE T: +90 212 517 35 35 E: info@ayasofyahamami.com www.ayasofyahamami.com


TOP 3 INCENTIVE IDEAS 1. Treasure hunt at the Grand Bazaar In existence for more than 500 years makes the Grand Bazaar one of the oldest covered bazaars in the world. It is also one of the biggest, spread across 60 streets with more than 5,000 shops, 60 restaurants, 18 water fountains, 12 mosques and even a school. Finding the treasure in the labyrinth like streets of the bazaar is a unique experience that can be organised in groups of up to 10 participants. First team to find its way to the treasure wins! 2. Tastes of the Ottoman Empire Instructions and recipes from local masters will get you closer to Ottoman culinary heritage and at the end of the day your team will serve a 4-course meal worthy of a sultan's approval. 3. Vintage Car Transfers 1956 Chevrolet cars, known as ‘Dolmush’ in Turkey, provide a fantastic, unusual experience for airport or restaurant transfers, with drivers dressed in authentic costumes.

Out Of The Box

POP-UP VENUES Text by Nika Pirnar

HOTEL PARK'S ROOFTOP Imagine hosting an event in an extraordinary location, a hotel rooftop with an extensive view over a city, breathing in the fresh air high above the town and in a pleasant ambience, a spot where everything is very natural under the broad sky. This is precisely the image behind hosting an event on the rooftop of Hotel Park, and it all began for the celebration of Earth Day… Hotel Park have carried out their mission of being the most urban and green hotel in the centre of Ljubljana and they have completely fulfilled it, a part of which was deciding to honour Earth Day by for the very first time hosting a music event on the hotel rooftop. As the first event was a great success, they have decided to host even more such events in the future. How to do it? Each event they host is assessed individually and they decide to host events only when it is linked to their green and urban story – whether it be concerts, press conferences, workshops or banquets. When a client decides to host an event at Hotel Park he must take into consideration that the hotel is sustainably oriented and adapt any event to that. It is also necessary to take into account that there are four bee families on the roof of the site, and it is very important that events do not disturb them. The venue can accommodate approximately 200 people standing or up to 80 people in cinema layout. Due to the location of the venue events can be organised between 8 pm and 10 pm, as there are hotel rooms directly under the roof and it wouldn’t be desirable to disturb guests. It is also important to think about the weather and temperature... events in the summer are not recommended, due to the heat. Pros and Cons To get to the position of being able to host an event at the rooftop the hotel has encountered some challenges, all of which they successfully addressed. As there is no lift access to the rooftop, every detail needs to be thought about in advance. Carrying all the equipment, food and drinks, and, as the doorway to the roof is quite narrow, it is also necessary to arrange an appropriate stage and bar that can all be fitted in. Catering is therefore available at the hotel as far as finger food and other cold cuts goes, but unfortunately they cannot provide warm meals because of the logistics of that. In any case, they are extremely proud of their green “coffee breaks”, which reflect their whole green story. So, if you want to be hip, cool(ed) and sustainable, this rooftop in the middle of Ljubljana is the perfect solution for your event. Did you know? • The exterior of the Park hotel is protected because it is an example of socialist construction and is of historical importance. • In addition to bees, they also have a small herbal garden on the roof, from which herbs are used in the kitchen when preparing meals. • Ice cream prepared by their confectioner is 100% natural and without any additives, which in itself is a challenge, because you cannot keep it in the freezer for prolonged periods. • They use an electric Smart car for official use and also have a ‘filling station’ from which guests or business partners can charge their electric vehicles free of charge. • They present one Slovene natural park on each floor of the hotel, thus trying to offer guests an interesting alternative. • They also have a restaurant with Indian food, which is prepared by their chef Ziauddin Ahmed.

Incentive ideas at Hotel Park When looking through the incentive ideas it doesn’t take much time to figure out that the staff at Hotel Park tries to be as creative as possible with their offer. For example, what do you think about doing a bit of a gardening at the hotel? You can decide on planting herbs and vegetables on the roof, and then the product remains in the hotel and guests are informed about their growth and the use of what’s been planted. Or in agreement with the Urban Beekeeper you can see how the honey is being cultivated, and in cooperation with the Ethnographic Museum seeing the dyeing of beehive panels can be arranged. They also offer a “green package”, which includes a picnic in the countryside, cycling along the Bee Route or the green points of Ljubljana (such as the Botanical Garden). Last but certainly not least, they can also provide you with a guided tour on the rooftop of the hotel with a 54 brief presentation of the green story behind the Hotel Park. Photo credit: Archive of Hotel Park, Blaž Fortuna, Enej Vitrih

Out Of The Box



The Tunnels beneath the old town of Kranj are open to visitors these days as just a little over two decades ago the idea of a new era for the tunnels was set in motion: the former shelter would serve a new role as a museum and event venue and so it was newly paved, electrified and opened in 2008 by the Institute for Tourism and Culture Kranj. During World War II the tunnels served a different purpose, however, as this was the city's central refuge. The former wartime shelter could nightly host from one to six thousand people and was excavated to a depth of between eight and 20 metres, with a total of 1,300 metres today open for sightseeing.

How does it sound to host an event on a train, traveling along while having a corporate event, starting off in one place and finishing at another? The train is already a special space that offers great opportunities for socialising on the way to the next destination, so the goal can become the journey itself. It is one of the few means of transport that offers the possibility of dining, sleeping, rest room access etc., all whilst being en route.

Tunnels beneath the old town centre

Get your events on the move

How to do it? Various events are organised in the Kranj underworld these days, such as one of the permanent annual ones, the wine route organised for the festival of St. Martin, for which you can lower yourself underground and walk around with a glass of wine in your hand. It is also possible to go to the tunnels for occasional exhibitions, films and literary evenings, as well as puppet shows. Events can be hosted by prior arrangement and in principle all year around, other than in October and November, when Halloween and the St. Martin festival take place. The tunnels are suitable for hosting small groups (up to 50 people) and the programme is prepared according to the wishes of the client. In the tunnels it is not possible to carry out events that might jeopardize its technical heritage and it is also not permitted to host any events that might have an excessive effect on the flora and fauna of the tunnels. Pros and Cons You might be wondering what the pros and cons are when hosting an event at the underground world? Well, one clear advantage is that the space is reserved for a specific group and there will be no other visitors. Another advantage of the tunnels is their special ambience, a kind of a pleasant solitary mystery, and the feeling that this is a piece of technical and natural heritage. The temperature is at a constant of between 8 and 12 degrees, which may be an advantage or a disadvantage depending on the event and time of year. However, the tunnels can be a challenge for people with claustrophobia and for disabled people with mobility problems, which definitely needs to be considered. Phones also don’t work in them; a man in the middle of the tunnels becomes inaccessible to the world. In any case, they are very unique when organising events because of all these reasons: they are narrow, dark, crumbling and wet.

Photo credit: Archive of Institute for Tourism and Culture Kranj


How to do it? Slovenian Railways participates in the preparation of events with private and business clients, among whom the lion’s share are tour operators from Slovenia and abroad, organisers of events and concerts. In conjunction with them, they organise traditional train events such as press conferences, music trains, cheering trains, fairy-tale animations on trains, other content animations on the train or just excursion trips. The capacity of the train may vary depending on the type of event, but the Ljubljana-Belgrade party train, for example, has hosted about 400 passengers. The wedding train, which had only the restaurant section of the train plus chairs and tables, hosted 42 guests. In their regular offer the catering on the trains is what exists on certain international trains, such as on the EC EMONA train between Ljubljana and Vienna. This train has a restaurant wagon and it was on this very one that the wedding was organised just a short time back. For organised transportation or events by request they can be flexible with the catering offer and can assure it on site, depending on the wishes of the client, but the option of hiring just the restaurant section and bringing independent catering is always a possibility. Holding events can also be done by request on special trains (e.g. the museum train), although it is a cheaper option for an organiser if the event takes place on a regular train route.

Pros and Cons The train is an excellent place for socialising on the go, and this advantage is becoming more and more interesting for the market, which is looking for the best use of time and the originality of events. The organisation and implementation of special services, including train events, has seen a growth trend in recent years. The train is becoming an increasingly popular means of doing business or tourism trips and there is an increasing awareness that the train line is not only environmentally friendly, but that it is a space that allows for originality and a good use of time whilst being already on the way. So what is the advantage of an event on a train? Well, an advantage is an event that "moves" and allows guests to socialise on the trip to the destination point. Movement is known to relax people and the train itself allows for switching carriages into the private restaurant, a living room in the compartment, a fairy-tale space, the cheerleader room…it certainly is a challenge and something different, unforgettable. Fancy jumping back in time and taking a scenic ride on a steam heritage train on the picturesque Slovenian railways? Renting the heritage train is available by special order, or you can rent a particular wagon on its regular route. The steam train has its regular routes on the Celje-Podčetrtek connection, and in December Santa Claus will be traveling with it on the various routes in Slovenia. In the case of incentive programmes and additional requests, Slovenian Railways will be pleased to adapt to the wishes of the client and help make the best event possible. Photo credit: Archive of Slovenian Railways

Out Of The Box

ILLUSTRATIVE CASE STUDIES: AARHUS ON THE BEACH Temporary spatial intervention Made by: KD prostoRož, August 2011 The city of Aarhus was named after its position along the river delta. The city developed the largest Danish harbour, which contributed to the boom and growth of the city. The sea and the river were therefore of key importance for the emergence and development of the city. Nevertheless, visitors and residents of Aarhus do not feel close to the sea and the beach as they walk along the city streets. Only recently, they led the river, which had previously flowed along the underground canal, back to the surface, and its embankments turned into pleasant spaces for socializing. On invitation to arrange one of the venues of the Aarhus Festuga Festival, the members of the prostoRož society asked themselves: ‘How would it be if the beach could be brought closer to the city?’ – and so the Klostertorvet Square was transformed into a beach during the summer festival. The market was covered with 90m3 of sand, and on the sand were positioned the modern loungers originally derived from traditional Scandinavian equipment - strandkorb. The square was decorated with flags and the stage, bar and warehouses were made of wooden sticks, referencing the wooden structures of buildings from the beaches of the North Sea. Suitable fabrics created a strong image of the festival, while the feeling of the beach was created by the sound of the fabric fluttering in the wind.

About prostoRož The prostoRož society was created spontaneously in 2004 from a desire to explore and understand open urban space. Today, it combines architects, urban planners, sociologists, lawyers and technical associates who, with their knowledge, enable a multi-dimensional approach to the challenges of the urban space. They explore space and its importance for local people and society. They focus on frequently overlooked public spaces and regulate them according to the scale of inhabitants in, and numbers of visitors to, cities. In their 13 years of operation, more than 50 projects have been implemented. Photo credit: prostoRož


Out Of The Box

ILLUSTRATIVE CASE STUDIES: JAMESON FAMILY & FRIENDS Event held at the Greenhouse Made by: Pernod Ricard Slovenija & Hiša vizij Jameson Family & Friends event and education was dedicated to all the business partners of Pernod Ricard Slovenia, where they could get to know the entire Jameson family of Irish whiskey in a unique way and get together as true friends along with good cocktails and grilled food. The event was designed as a threeday evening event, where business partners from certain regions met. The main message of the event was "Real friends get treated like a family", as Pernod Ricard is aware that in today's world genuine relationships are the ones that count. That is why they originally wanted their business partners to become part of an ever-expanding Irish Whiskey Jameson family and, through guided tasting by Jameson Brand Ambassador, Eric Ryan, they met a new family member, Jameson Caskmates. The event was organised in a greenhouse, which is not the usual kind of place for events. World trends and the simple question of what is more beautiful than hanging out with friends at a picnic in the embrace of greenery and nature led them to the final location selection for the event. The greenhouse was at the same time the basic starting point for the conceptual design of the event, and from that point onwards, everything is quite simple, despite the large logistics issues. Pernod Ricard's basic guideline is to be the best, and consequently try to organise each event to the highest level. With unfamiliar and non-standard locations and a carefully selected approach to decoration, each year they set new standards in the field of "event management" and consequently consolidate their basic vision to be the best with their business partners.

HIŠA VIZIJ The company that took care of complete technical and conceptual support for the event. Q: What do you see as the advantage of organising an event in a location that is not "established", but a real pop-up venue? When choosing a location, it is always good to find a new, unestablished venue. In this way, people are even more excited and curious about what will happen, as you are taking them into the unknown. In today's world, when the routine works for us on a daily basis, it is nice to get to a completely different event in a completely different space. Q: Did you have absolute free reign in the location of the venue and creative design at the event? The organisation of events is such that there are always some boundaries set up by the organisers, in which you then have the space for creative design. At the event we had quite free reign, since we have been cooperating with the client for some time and there is 100% trust is among us, which in the end always brings good results. Q: In your opinion, what is the "magic touch" that makes a space special and really captivates attendees? There is no one recipe to add a “magic touch” to the venue, as it is always necessary to handle the space. This would be like saying that all interpersonal relationships are simple and they happen, but in most cases a lot of adjustment, compromise and investment is needed to make the relationship special and make a powerful influence. It is the same with a venue. Some places you can feel the energy and immediately know how to install the equipment and the thing works out amazingly, or again in a second venue the equipment turns and turns around to finally reach the moment when it really takes hold of us. If you could point your finger on this "magic touch", which makes the space special and truly take on a dimension, it would surely point to a set of equipment, lighting and sound systems, and to our team that proudly stands behind all of this.

57 Photo credit: Matic Kremžar, archive of Pernod Ricard Slovenija


LVIV INDIVIDUAL GRADES 2017 Natural and cultural factors:


General and transport infrastructure: 4.41 Tourist infrastructure:


Meeting infrastructure:


Subjective grade:


Marketing Buzz:


ICCA index:


Numbeo Quality of Life Index:


Global Peace Index:


ACI Airport Connectivity Index:






LVIV OPEN TO THE WORLD Text by Natalija Bah Čad / Photo credit Lviv Convention Bureau


he city of Lviv was established in the middle of 13th century by King Danylo who named it after his son Leo, which is why it was also called Leopolis in Latin. It became the capital of the principality of Galicia and at that time the city was already a multicultural hub, inhabited by Germans, Jews, Armenians, Polish and Ukrainians, with each ethnicity having its own part of the city, the legacy of which can still be seen today. Given its geographical position it quickly became a hot spot for traders from east and west and by one of the versions the word Galicia itself derives from the Greek word for salt, which was one of the most important trading goods back at that time, merchants coming from even as far as Venice to buy it. Another important trading good was wine, as one of the richest citizens at that time was the Greek wine trader Konstanty Korniakt, who alongside his private palace also built the first Greek-Catholic church in the city., It would eventually lead to the city becoming known as a city of 100 churches – a view from any rooftop will show you its numerous church bell towers and domes and most of the city's population (757,500 in 2016) are Greek-Catholics. For the last 100 years) Lviv belonged to seven different states –Poland, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Russian Empire, and the West Ukrainian People's Republic, Poland, USSR, the Nazi Germany. The last decade before independence in 1991 was as part of the Soviet era. THE SOUL OF LVIV Ivan Franko remains one of the most important figures in Ukrainian history, being a poet, writer, multi-linguist and social activist, and made a huge impact on the national identity of Galician Ukrainians. Lviv citizens identify with the many artists, intellectuals and inventors that have marked out the city and they are the inspiration for the new generations representing the art and event scenes of Lviv that are also extremely important for tourism and the meetings industry. Solomiya Krushelnytska, a 20th century opera diva and Franz Xavier Mozart, the youngest son of W.A. Mozart, are just two of those whose spirit is guiding the new movement. Oksana Lyniv, a renowned conductor, is a founder of the first Lviv MozArt Festival taking place at the end of August 2017. COFFEE, CHOCOLATE & BEER Coffee came to the city during the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the first coffee house was opened in 1802 – and it is still going today! The story of beer is even older, as the first beer was brewed by the Jesuits in the 18th century, the same century that the first chocolate factory started up. Even though all three of these products have a long history in Lviv, a little bit of creative effort was needed to give them their deserved position and made them marketing stars of the Lviv urban scene.


In recent years Andriy Khudo and his team joined forces in the "!Fest – Holding of Emotions" company and opened more than 20 bars and restaurants in Lviv, each of them based on a part of local history. Andriy likes to call them "emotional restaurants" as they include many surprise factors as part of their unusual atmospheres. Visiting any of these places will definitely provoke at least 10 WOWs! SPECIAL VENUES The lack of classic congress & event venues can often be seen as an advantage and a playground for creative ideas. The old tram depot has this year been turned into a concert hall for 1,000 guests and will be one of the venues for the Lviv MozArt Festival. Soon after its first promotional concert it was also used as a quite unusual and unique conference venue. The former brick and glass factory, managed by "!Fest – Holding of Emotions", was turned into a venue for music concerts and a Beer Festival, and it is also becoming a base for start-ups. As a more conventional special venue the famous Opera House, built in 1900, can be the right choice. The main hall, which accommodates 1,000 guests, is mainly occupied by the regular ballet and opera repertoire, but the Mirror Hall is an ideal historical venue for gala receptions. GALICIAN CUISINE Galician borshch, a deep red vegetable soup based on beetroot, is one of the most traditional dishes recommended by locals. Beetroot, in ancient times the food of poor people, can today be found on the menus of the most noble of restaurants. In this respect it is essential to mention the Baczewski Restaurant, opened in 2015 in the very centre of Lviv. It is dedicated to the Baczewski family, known for the world's first factory for the mass production of vodka. The ambience of the restaurant takes one back to the golden era before the WW1, to the 1920 – 1930's and when Lviv was a hotspot for the glamorous social life, casino, cabaret and Variete shows. Today you can once again enjoy this era through tasting the different homemade liqueurs and top quality cuisine. Soon after its opening the Baczewski restaurant became No. 1 on Trip Adviser in Lviv.

Meetologue Destination grade: QUALITY MEETING DESTINATION Grades: 5 excellent convention destination 4 quality convention destination 3 recommendable convention destination 2 average convention destination 1 so so


INDIVIDUAL GRADES: A. Natural and cultural factors: 4.56 City with a hidden river Lviv was created on the marshy ground where two rivers, one heading to the Black Sea and one to the Baltic, converged. One of these rivers, the Poltva, has been culverted and now runs under Svoboda (Freedom) Street, although a part of it can still be seen from the restaurant under the Opera House. After a huge fire in 1527 the city was completely destroyed and had to be rebuilt. Rather than the former wooden houses, the new buildings were built of stone and mostly by Italian architects and craftsmen, which is why the city has the feeling of being in Renaissance Italy. Lviv is definitely an architectural gem, as you can easily find up to five different architectual styles on the same street, from original renaissance and baroque to neo-baroque, neo-renaissance and modern, such as Bauhaus and post-Soviet. Since 1998 the city has been listed as part of UNESCO's world heritage. B. General and transport infrastructure: 4.41 With the new airport built in 2012, Lviv now opens its door to the world even more widely. A very modern and functional building, the airport was built with the vision of handling up to 50 incoming and outgoing flights per day. At the moment they are connected with 24 European cities, many of them by the national carrier, Ukrainian International Airlines. The airport's great advantage is its vicinity to the city centre, which can be reached in just 15 minutes. Whilst traffic in the city centre could still do with some improvements, such as more pedestrian zones, cycling paths and public transport, the new environmentally friendly trams that have been developed and built in Lviv are quickly replacing the old ones and the integration of an e-ticket is also just being started. C. Tourist infrastructure: 4.70 At the moment Lviv offers more than 700 rooms of 3 to 5-star hotel category in the city centre and in 2017 the number of rooms will be higher with the opening of the Intercontinental Hotel that will offer 120 rooms in the «Grand Hotel» Lviv building, one of the oldest hotels in the city. The year 2016 was a very successful one for Lviv, as the city recorded 2.6 million tourists. Although 60% are domestic, the number of foreign tourists is rising every year, with the city’s numerous festivals, street musicians and artists, restaurants and shops, large pedestrian zone and acceptable prices being the main attractions. D. Meetings infrastructure: 4.31 Lviv undoubtedly has a long tradition of organising events, with the first international event, the Galician national exhibition that lasted over three months, already held in the city in 1894. Being a trading centre Lviv was also known for its rich social life and entertainment. The original Casino House, built in 1661 is now a House of Scientists and used as a venue for conferences, gala receptions and award ceremonies. There is also Lviv National University, one of the oldest

in Central Europe that with its 33 faculties is a driving force behind the meetings industry. Many academic venues serve as conference centres with capacities of up to 600 seats. A plan for a modern congress centre is also being prepared by the City of Lviv, but until then the Lviv Arena stadium that was built for the EURO football Championship in 2012 will serve as the largest congress venue ready to host the conference up to 1200 delegates. The 4* Premier Hotel Dnister is the biggest hotel with conference facilities and in 1999 it hosted the Presidential Summit for Central-European Countries. Its 165 rooms were completely renovated in 2017. The aforementioned Intercontinental Hotel in the building of the ex-Grand Hotel and with meeting facilities for 200 guests will be an important new acquisition. There is also the Citadel Inn Hotel & Resort that used to be a fortress on the hill above the city, but that following a huge renovation will become a magnificent 5* hotel with panorama restaurant overlooking the city and with meeting rooms for up to 60 delegates. E. Subjective grade: 4.55 The passion of Lviv’s open-minded younger generation of highly educated professionals can instantly be felt when you talk to them. With their supportive mayor, Mr. Andriy Sadovyy, they also have the vision to become a city of high-profile festivals and events and thereby raise the recognition of the city. Soon after the establishment of the Lviv Convention Bureau in 2013, they started the “Ambassadors Programme” to involve scientists from different fields in promoting Lviv as a MICE destination. The city is also open to supporting start-up projects and young entrepreneurs wanting to develop their ideas, which is a solid basis for retaining intellectual capital in the city. F. Marketing buzz: 4.56 The number of visitors to Lviv is quickly rising; in 2016 they welcomed 2.6 million tourists, the majority being from Ukraine but also with the number of foreign tourists increasing year by year. The current political conflict with Russia does not favour Ukrainian MICE business, but it encourages the Convention Bureau to turn their focus to the West and find new business opportunities. They are very active in ICCA, organising the ICCA CEC Summer Meeting in August 2017 and hosting MICE journalists and meeting planners to let them get to know their city. COMPARISONS WITH THE REGION If Kiev is the heart of Ukraine, then Lviv is its soul. That’s certainly how it is seen by the locals. In 2009 Lviv became officially recognized as the Ukrainian capital of culture, reflecting its status as a creative and educational centre that impresses with its vibrant urban spirit. When you learn that every fifth resident of Lviv is a student, then this is not so surprising. The city has been at the crossroads of East and West for the past eight centuries and is today successfully using its rich history and tradition to create a pleasant and creative atmosphere for meeting planners and participants.


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WHAT‘S HOT 2017 1. 8th East European Congress of Dental Implantation - Congress was held at Arena Lviv Stadium and attracted more than 1,000 participants. April 2017 2. Leopolis Grand Prix - an international festival of vintage cars, part of which is an international motor race in retro cars, a car parade, openair exhibition and theatrical costume contest of Elegance. June 2017 3. ICCA Central European Chapter Summer Meeting - Dozens of industry professionals from about 15 different countries will come together to make new contacts, share ideas, and enjoy the charming western Ukrainian city of Lviv. The central theme of this year’s event is “Safety and Security of Our Meetings”. 17-19th of August 2017. 4. LvivMozArt - The LvivMozArt festival is a joint initiative of the Ukrainian conductor Oksana Lyniv and the City of Lviv. The festival is created in honour of Franz Xavier Mozart, the youngest son of W.A. Mozart, who lived in Lviv for more than 30 years. 19-25th of August 2017. 5. Lviv Coffee Festival - Coffee unites people and the Lviv Coffee Festival is a place where local and international coffee roasters come together, observe, experiment with specifically selected equipment and accessories, absorb unique brewing methods with expert baristas, learn from each other and innovate. A must for all coffee lovers! 21-24th of September 2017.

BEST INCENTIVE IDEA Evereything about coffee in its deepest sense! The coffee tradition in Lviv dates back to the 17th century, when Lvivian Yuriy Kulchytskyy brought the tradition of drinking coffee to Vienna. Without question there are many unique places and interesting stories full of coffee in Lviv where you can get to know the origin of coffee, its legends and history, coffee types and coffee processing, as well as learn how to prepare it in the traditional way. You can immerse into the world of sensorial pleasure, involving and stimulating each of your 6 senses! www.justlviv.it/en/

DID YOU KNOW The kerosene lamp was invented in 1853 by Jan Zech and Ignacy Lukasiewicz in one of Lviv's pharmacies. Among the first users of this invention were medical doctors in the Lviv city hospital, who performed emergency surgery by the light of kerosene lamps, which were much brighter than candles. You can still smell real kerosene in the “Gas Lamp« pub-museum that holds one of the biggest collections of gas lamps in Europe. This atmosphere of a real Lviv pub is further enhanced by explosions, flashes, the smell of gas and rock music! COOL MEETINGS Pravda beer = true beer Strolling along the Lviv streets, you won’t be able to miss the Pravda Beer Theatre, located in the heart of the city. Pravda is not just a restaurant or a brewery, but also a theatre – its interior was designed specifically with the «theatre» experience in mind. While you enjoy your craft beer and listen to the Pravda orchestra, you can watch the brewer go through the multiple steps of the brewing process, all of which will give you the true Lviv beer experience! Some of the most popular hits: Trump, Obama Hope, Pravda, Syla, Lvivska Vesna. WHO TO CONTACT LVIV CONVENTION BUREAU Ms. Lina Ostapchuk, Managing Director 1 Rynok Square, office 416 79006 Lviv, Ukraine E: lina@lvivconvention.com.ua T: +38032 254 60 30 www.lvivconvention.com.ua 61

Behind The the Scenes

FIRST HOTEL OF THE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAIN SOON TO OPEN IN LJUBLJANA InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG), one of the world’s leading hotel companies, and the investor - Delta Holding, partnered up to build InterContinental® Ljubljana in the centre of the Slovenian capital. With 182 InterContinental Hotels & Resorts open worldwide and more than 50 hotels in the global development pipeline, IHG continues to expand the brand’s portfolio in the most sought-after destinations around the world.


Behind the Scenes


Behind the Scenes

Miloť Cerović was born and raised in Belgrade, Serbia, educated in USA (NYC and the famous hotel school University of Nevada Las Vegas), he started his career in Las Vegas at MGM GRAND (largest hotel in the world with 5044 rooms). Gradually climbed the latter from receptionist to General Manager, he worked for international chains such as Hyatt, InterContinental, Shangri-La and gained his experience in North America, Middle East, Asia and Europe in some of the finest hotels. Hosting Prime Ministers, Presidents, Royal Families throughout his career, the former Olympic swimmer for Serbia in Sydney Olympics in 2000 is married with 3 children and happily resides in Ljubljana.


Behind the Scenes

OUR AIM IS TO BECOME AN ICONIC HOTEL AND A PIONEER OF MODERN LUXURY IN SLOVENIA Miloš Cerović, General Manager, InterContinental Ljubljana Interview by Nina Praprotnik / Photo credit Hotel Intecontinental Ljubljana Q: As a General Manager, what are your main tasks before the opening of InterContinental Ljubljana? Preparation for the new hotel opening is done in the so-called Pre-opening phase, which is critical to every new hotel. The objective of the Pre-opening phase is to prepare and position the future hotel in the market, recruit human resources and set the standards for all the operational functions according to the high service levels that InterContinental is globally famous for. I feel a huge sense of pride and responsibility in knowing that my team and I are trying to redefine luxury hotel experience in Ljubljana. Q: What is your biggest challenge as the General Manager of InterContinental Ljubljana? Most definitely my biggest challenge will be to turn Ljubljana, the hidden gem of Europe into the must-see destination that I personally totally fell in love with. Ljubljana offers high quality of life; it is a boutique, green and compact capital ideal for business and leisure guests. Renowned brand such as IHG will definitely help Slovenia and Ljubljana to boost the awareness and recognition amongst the leisure travellers and business people alike.

“Most definitely my biggest challenge will be to turn Ljubljana, the hidden gem of Europe into the must-see destination that I personally totally fell in love with.” Q: InterContinental Ljubljana has a management agreement with IHG where Delta holding is a 100 % investor and IHG will manage the property. What is the main difference/advantage of a managed hotel? The main difference would be that management company, in our case IHG, brings knowhow into the picture. General Manager, along with key positions, is directly selected by IHG to ensure that company’s DNA is authentically introduced and delivered to all other employees. We have colleges who joined us from our sister hotels in Lisbon, Amsterdam and I, myself, have spent 8

“Our mission statement is to bring fresh approach to hospitality in Ljubljana so in that sense we feel pressure to be innovative in every step of the guest journey.” years with IHG in Chicago, Budapest, Tel Aviv and London prior to arriving to Ljubljana. Q: What can Ljubljana gain from worldwide known hotel group like IHG entering the Slovenian market? IHG is one of the most recognizable hotel companies globally, and Ljubljana will be amongst 100 locations worldwide where our hotel group is present. Along with the beautiful hotel, IHG will also introduce the city to its 100 million loyalty program customers and business partners. Our team works closely with the local community and the city authorities creating partnerships with all agencies in order to promote and proudly represent the city of Ljubljana on the global tourist market. Our aim is to promote the destination as much as we promote out prestigious brand. Q: What will be the star offer of InterContinental Ljubljana? Our star offer will definitely be our colleagues. We have received over 4000 job applications and we are extremely proud of the colleagues who have come on top following the rigorous selection process. They will be the ones delivering the famous “Intercontinental life” for our guests. When it comes to the hardware, we are confident that our lavish presidential suite will redefine luxury in Ljubljana with its 155 square meters, fully equipped kitchen, steam room and fire place, among other exclusive amenities. A must do in the hotel will be the B restaurant where carefully selected menu of local and international ingredients will be blended by Michelin star celebrity chef Alfredo Russo. Or, enjoy beautiful view of the city skyline from the 20th floor terrace bar while trying out one of the largest gin selections in the region that proudly carries 40 types of gin from 30 different countries. 65

Q: InterContinental Ljubljana will be the first 5-star hotel in the city, do you feel any pressure? Our mission statement is to bring fresh approach to hospitality in Ljubljana so in that sense we feel pressure to be innovative in every step of the guest journey. As the only 5 star hotel in the city, we need to be different from our competition as that is the expectation from our customers. At the same time, we feel grateful to hotel’s owning company, Delta Holing Group, for investing over 40 mil Euros to build such a beautiful hotel and we want to insure that their investments sees quick returns. Q: Who will be the hotels main guests and how will you manage addressing different type of guests? Typical InterContinental guest is a well-travelled individual, seeking understated luxury and prompt service delivery. With that in mind, all our employees will go through extensive training after which they will be fully prepared to deliver long lasting memories even beyond guests’ expectation. Our state of the art facilities are well designed to cater even the most discerning guests. Q: What are IHG future plans in Slovenia or Region? With the opening of Crown Plaza in Belgrade, Delta holding and IHG have formed a strong partnership with a goal to bring IHG branded hotels to key destinations within former Yugoslavia region in the years to come.

“Our team will work closely with the local community and the city authorities creating partnerships with all agencies in order to promote and proudly represent the city of Ljubljana, on the global tourist market. Our aim is to promote the destination as much as we promote out prestigious brand. ”

Behind the Scenes

ON YOUR OWN, YOU CAN WIN A GAME. AS A TEAM, YOU CAN WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS Saša Zor, Director of Sales & Marketing, InterContinental Ljubljana Interview by Nina Praprotnik / Photo credit Hotel Intecontinental Ljubljana Q: As a General Manager, what are your main tasks before the opening of InterContinental Ljubljana? Preparation for the new hotel opening is done in the so-called Pre-opening phase, which is critical to every new hotel. The objective of the Pre-opening phase is to prepare and position the future hotel in the market, recruit human resources and set the standards for all the operational functions according to the high service levels that InterContinental is globally famous for. I feel a huge sense of pride and responsibility in knowing that my team and I are trying to redefine luxury hotel experience in Ljubljana.

Saša Zor is a Sales and Marketing hotel industry expert experienced in both domestic and foreign markets. As an elected Member of the Executive Board of the Convention Bureau and of the Slovenian Hoteliers' Association, as well as an active Member of management clubs' committees and a mentor for postgraduate studies, she is involved in strategic projects promoting Slovenia as a top tourist destination. She gained professional experience as Head of Sales and Marketing at an independent hotel in Ljubljana, as a cluster director of business sales in the largest tourism company in Slovenia, and as of May of this year she took over the position of Director of Sales and Marketing at the Intercontinental Hotel in Ljubljana. Luxury tourism is her passion and identity; she enjoys traveling, but also loves everything related to music, dancing and cuisine.

Q: What is your biggest challenge as the General Manager of InterContinental Ljubljana? Most definitely my biggest challenge will be to turn Ljubljana, the hidden gem of Europe into the must-see destination that I personally totally fell in love with. Ljubljana offers high quality of life; it is a boutique, green and compact capital ideal for business and leisure guests. Renowned brand such as IHG will definitely help Slovenia and Ljubljana to boost the awareness and recognition amongst the leisure travellers and business people alike. Q: InterContinental Ljubljana has a management agreement with IHG where Delta holding is a 100 % investor and IHG will manage the property. What is the main difference/advantage of a managed hotel? The main difference would be that management company, in our case IHG, brings knowhow into the picture. General Manager, along with key positions, is directly selected by IHG to ensure that company’s DNA is authentically introduced and delivered to all other employees. We have colleges who joined us from our sister hotels in Lisbon, Amsterdam and I, myself, have spent 8 years with IHG in Chicago, Budapest, Tel Aviv and London prior to arriving to Ljubljana. Q: What can Ljubljana gain from worldwide known hotel group like IHG entering the Slovenian market? IHG is one of the most recognizable hotel companies globally, and Ljubljana will be amongst 100 locations worldwide where our hotel group is present. Along with the beautiful hotel, IHG will also introduce the city to its 100 million loyalty program customers and business partners. Our team works closely with the local commu66

nity and the city authorities creating partnerships with all agencies in order to promote and proudly represent the city of Ljubljana on the global tourist market. Our aim is to promote the destination as much as we promote out prestigious brand.

“Taking over as the Director of Sales & Marketing for this prestigious hotel group means that even the ‘preopening’ phase is a huge challenge, as it is with any new hotel. For me, it’s like being welcomed into a new family. There were only around 15 people hired during the pre-opening phase and we quickly became a close-knit group. The best part of the pre-opening experience is definitely being able to bond well with the team, which is the best foundation for later successful work.” Q: What will be the star offer of InterContinental Ljubljana? Our star offer will definitely be our colleagues. We have received over 4000 job applications and we are extremely proud of the colleagues who have come on top following the rigorous selection process. They will be the ones delivering the famous “Intercontinental life” for our guests. When it comes to the hardware, we are confident that our lavish presidential suite will redefine luxury in Ljubljana with its 155 square

Behind the Scenes

“Alone, you can win games. As a team, you can win championships. Only in synergy with our ‘Super Sales team’, as we like to call ourselves, can we achieve the targets and position the hotel to become a pioneer of modern luxury not only in Slovenia, but also within the region.” meters, fully equipped kitchen, steam room and fire place, among other exclusive amenities. A must do in the hotel will be the B restaurant where carefully selected menu of local and international ingredients will be blended by Michelin star celebrity chef Alfredo Russo. Or, enjoy beautiful view of the city skyline from the 20th floor terrace bar while trying out one of the largest gin selections in the region that proudly carries 40 types of gin from 30 different countries. Q: InterContinental Ljubljana will be the first 5-star hotel in the city, do you feel any pressure? Our mission statement is to bring fresh approach to hospitality in Ljubljana so in that sense we feel pressure to be innovative in every step of the guest journey. As the only 5 star hotel in the city, we need to be different from our competition as that is the expectation from our customers. At the same time, we feel grateful to hotel’s owning company, Delta Holing Group, for investing over 40 mil Euros to build such a beautiful hotel and we want to insure that their investments sees quick returns.

our employees will go through extensive training after which they will be fully prepared to deliver long lasting memories even beyond guests’ expectation. Our state of the art facilities are well designed to cater even the most discerning guests. Q: What are IHG future plans in Slovenia or Region? With the opening of Crown Plaza in Belgrade, Delta holding and IHG have formed a strong partnership with a goal to bring IHG branded hotels to key destinations within former Yugoslavia region in the years to come.

“My main task will be/ is to introduce Slovenia as a luxury destination – currently there is a wrong perception of Slovenia being a ‘budget’ destination and Ljubljana is mainly a seasonal destination, so our challenge will be to perform well also in the low season, attracting guests who fit our hotel offering.”

Q: Who will be the hotels main guests and how will you manage addressing different type of guests? Typical InterContinental guest is a well-travelled individual, seeking understated luxury and prompt service delivery. With that in mind, all 67

Behind the Scenes


Behind the Scenes



SAVA HOTELS & RESORTS Hotel Golf, Bled – a new image, a new story The completely renovated rooms of Bled’s Hotel Golf****S welcomed their first guests in April, who were the first to appreciate the new focus on including the natural features of Bled and its surroundings into the hotel’s interior and creating a space that offers guests comfort and well-being at the highest level. The 2nd phase of the renovation, that of the common areas, starts in January 2018. A totally renovated Hotel Golf, located in one of Slovenia’s most popular and greenest destinations, will very soon be offering a completely new experience to leisure and business guests.

Judit Polgar, greatest female chess player of all time, at the Bled Chess Festival Judit Polgar, the greatest female chess player of all time, opened the 2nd International Chess tournament, the Bled Chess Festival 2017. Also known as “chess with the best view”, this year the event was dedicated to classical chess, with 5 lots played at the standard pace. It was held at the great hall of the Grand Hotel Toplice, a member of the Small Luxury Hotels chain and a truly special venue, full of rich history and tradition. Today it serves as one of the most prestigious Bled venues, popular with congress, conference and golf guests, as well as special events such as weddings and many other large-scale celebrations.

Slovenia becomes the first destination to host the IWC for third year After organising the event last year and in 2014 the 67th International Whaling Commission (IWC) again returned to Slovenia and to Bled, a boutique MICE destination offering numerous possibilities for it. Sava Hotels & Resorts again proved to be an excellent host, accommodating more than 200 conference participants at their 4 Bled hotels, ranging from 3 to 5-stars and including Hotel Park, Hotel Savica, Grand Hotel Toplice and the recently renovated 4-star Hotel Golf, which also provided the requested 6-11 meeting rooms throughout the full 13 days.


Inside Sava Turizem

Bled Meeting Journal ALPINE MEETINGS Text by Nina Praprotnik / Photo credit Arhive of Bled Tourist Board and Convention Bureau Bled

OVERVIEW It is for good reason that Bled is known as Slovenia’s strongest tourist magnet and the country’s leading alpine congress destination. Tourism in Bled established itself in the midst of unspoiled nature and in a beneficial sub-alpine climate, which to this day remains part of its unforgettable experience. Slovenia’s tourist pearl is beautiful in any season, but especially so in the congress months during spring and autumn. It is a place that beguiles with its views, how it pampers guests with its famous savoury cream cakes, and especially wows in how it offers a wide array of possibilities for event organisation. It is suitable for medium-sized and large events for up to 800 participants, who will have the chance to be a part of a memorable congress experience in one of Europe’s most stunningly picturesque locations. Why Bled is Cool for Meetings? • Its recognition as an alpine congress icon will give your event a unique energy • Tradition and quality of the congress offer 71

• Diversity of incentive experience within a small area • Easy access and airline connections • The possibility of organising ‘green meetings’ • Record catch in Lake Bled: sheatfish 2.45m/80kg • In the last 60 years: made and sold over 60 million cream cakes • Swans have been living on Bled Lake since 1902 • At the end of February 50 daredevils jumped into the Lake, when the water was 4°C – • The record for running around the Lake is 18:55 minutes • When it comes to the most famous attractions in Slovenia, Bled is number 1 Recently Hotel Golf has been undergoing extensive renovation of the rooms and lobby, which will change the character of this legendary congress hotel. The hotel rooms, reception area and lobby will all get a new look with authentic details and an uplift in comfort levels. The hotel will reopen its doors at the beginning of April and the reception renovation will be complete by autumn.

Inside Sava Turizem



Triglav National Park: Bled is, symbolically at least, the registered base for the Triglav National Park and the starting point for different activities within the shadows of the Julian Alps and the boundary of Slovenia’s most important national park.


The climb to Bled Castle: The photogenic route, passing by Saint Martin’s church, will bring your participants to one of the most beautiful views in all of Slovenia. You can spice up your adventure with numerous teambuilding activity options.


Round the lake: Whether a strolled circuit of the lake while watching the rowers glide over the glistening green water, visiting the lake’s island by a Pletna boat, or embarking on the challenge to scale the hill to Bled castle…any of these options will reward you with unforgettable memories.



Ice rink with a view: In winter time the Park Cafe ice rink combines skating with magical views of the lake. For a more team inspired experience you can try your skills in curling.


Royal Bled Golf Course: The 18-hole King’s Course and the 9-hole Lake Course offer different experience levels from those who have never played to the most demanding amateur and proffessional players.


Adventure Park Bled: Located on top of the Straža ski slope, Adventure Park Bled offers 80 climbing elements and challenges, where you will test your courage and get in touch with nature.


Inside Sava Turizem

CULTURE AND FESTIVALS 1. Okarina Ethno Music Festival: Taking place in Bled Castle and Spa Park, it is a colourful celebration of all things folk. 2. Oberkrainer Festival: This celebration of Oberkrainer music, a traditional Slovene folk style that is akin to the polka and waltz, will feature performances by various internationally renowned ensembles. 3. International Bled Music Festival: Lasting a couple of weeks, the festival is centred around a series of classical music concerts that take place almost nightly in different Bled venues.

GREEN MEETINGS Sava Hotels Bled annually recycle half of the waste they produce and reduce water and energy consumption each year. When choosing suppliers their priority are local providers and products, which protect the environment and raise awarness among guests. One of the products is also the natural water under the slogan “Green For Tommorow”, which is almost carbon neutral. Green teambuilding activities are a specialty in Sava Hotels’ offer. The first one is a “primal” day in the Triglav mountains, where participants will get the chance to learn more about shepards and their tradition. For those who are in need of some fresh air Arnold Rikli’s adventure, which includes an overnight stay in the Gozdne Vile glamping huts is the perfect option. If you want to learn more about local tradition you can embark on the journey of three trades, where you will get to taste some of the local specialties and learn some crafts. A completely ecologically inspired experience is offered by the Green mobility program, where you spend the day using only green transportation.



Julijana Bled: Julijana is a gourmet restaurant under Hotel Toplice. It is based on trendy and fresh cuisine, which is the filigree work of chef Simon Bertoncelj.


1906 Triglav: A restaurant that offers one of the most magical views in Slovenia will also surprise you with its sophisticated wine cellar and modern menu, which is still at the peak of Bled’s culinary offer.


Restaurant Bled Castle: Positioned in Bled’s most iconic location, the Bled Castle restaurant is lead by a well trained team from the Jezeršek culinary house. The team is used to handling congress groups and therefore certainly won’t disappoint when it comes to cuisine, service and the overall experience.


Inside Sava Tourism Turizem



Hotel Golf: A first class congress hotel, which will be fully reinvigorated after this year’s renovation. Its large glass surfaces in the congress halls make it seem like your event is taking place within a Bled postcard.


Hotel Toplice: Synonymous with top notch service and an excellent choice for congress guests who appreciate a good hotel story shaped by the history of tourism in



Best Western Premier Hotel Lovec: A full-blooded congress hotel, which offers an authentic and almost boutique hotel experience, with a homely interior and sense of architecture.



Bled Festivalna Hall: Built in 1961 it is the backbone of Bled’s congress infrastructure. The biggest hall can accomodate 500 guests and the congress centre has 3 separate halls, with exhibition space in the lobby.


Grand Hotel Toplice: The second biggest conference hotspot in town, which with its 800m2 of space and 5 halls will impress lovers of a more traditional congress



Vila Bled: In an area highly soaked with history, Vila Bled offers two congress halls for corporate gatherings – the conference and concert halls have space for 40 to 80 guests.


Inside Sava Turizem

DRIVING FORCES This year Convention Bureau Bled, which is part of the Slovenian Convention Bureau, will go full steam ahead with new promotion and marketing plans for Bled, as well as with developing a better congress and incentive destination. They plan on gaining new national and international events and making congress activity in Bled more professional.

PAST AND PRESENT Slovenian culinary tradition states that a visit to Bled isn’t really complete without having some Bled cream cake. This popular dessert can be ordered in almost any confectionery or coffee shop around Slovenia, but the original cream cake, made to the recipe of Ištvan Lukačević, can only be found in Hotel Park’s confectionery work shop, where Ištvan was the head chef in 1953. Under the Sava Hoteli Bled trademark, Hotel Park’s confectioners have served more than 12 million cream cakes.


Inside Sava Turizem



amous Slovenian Hotel Golf****S, located in Bled, has been under the renovation since the beginning of the year. But from the first weekend in April, the completely renovated hotel rooms have been already welcoming their first guests. The main guiding principle in the refurbishment of the Hotel Golf is to include the natural features of Bled and its surroundings in the hotel’s interior and create a space that offers guests comfort and well-being at the highest level. Hotel Golf will therefore become a place where guests feel cosy and maintain a healthy lifestyle, regardless of whether they are on holiday or away on business. The main component of new rooms is wood, which represents the purest form of coexistence between humans and nature. The choice of wood was inspired by the mighty spruce trees that grow in nearby Pokljuka; spruce wood fills the rooms with warmth, softness and homeliness. Thanks to essential oils of spruce resin complemented by natural materials, such as 100% wool and 100% cotton, as well as walls painted with breathable paint, which ensures a healthy indoor climate, staying in new rooms has beneficial effects on guests’ health. Every

room tells its own story which is tightly connected with local tradition and natural features of Bled and its surroundings: The room of Carniolan honey bee offers a truly sweet experience by presenting the story of this autochthonous Slovenian bee. The Room of embroidery from Gorenjska is both a cultural and an artistic experience by reviving the tradition of this handicraft of decorating fabric in Gorenjska region. The room of the Gingerbread heart tells the romantic story of the Gingerbread workshop in the Gingerbread Museum in the nearby town of Radovljica. Finally, the Regeneration room symbolises a new beginning. By being furnished using carefully chosen natural materials, such as wool, wood and moss, natural and tranquil colours and chromotherapy, it ensures its guests a complete regeneration. The second phase of the renovation of the Hotel Golf will start in Autumn, focusing on renovating lobby, reception, hotel restaurant and all five congress rooms. From the beginning of the year 2018 a totally renovated Hotel Golf, located in one of Slovenian most popular and greenest destinations, will be offering completely new experiences to the either leisure or business guests from all over the world.


Inside Sava Turizem



led, the Alpine Meeting Pearl destination with the fairy-tale image of a lake, an island and a castle standing on a rocky overhang above the lake, offers magnificent views to the visitors, but the eyesight is not the only sense you will satisfy when you visit the destination, also your taste buds will thank you once they get just a small taste of Bled. The qualities of Bled's chefs are a great passion for local gastronomy, use of pure and fresh products, top approach to innovation and high level of creativity. Have a nibble on some of Bled’s culinary treats but be careful – you just might fall in love with their top local ingredients spiced up with some rock'n'roll of the young and professional chefs. One of the youngest and most creative main Chefs de cuisine in Bled is Simon Bertoncelj, managing Juliana Restaurant, the intimate restaurant that accommodates just over 20 people and with a beautiful view over the lake, located in Bled’s oldest hotel, the elegant Grand Hotel Toplice. Simon was just 10 years old, when he discovered his enthusiasm with top cuisine, around that time he first started experimenting seriously with food in his home kitchen. Cooking as both a mission and a profession was therefore his logical choice, a path that led him all the way to the famous restaurant of Gordon Ramsey in London, also perfecting his culinary knowledge with the famous Michelin-starred chef Marc Meurin and Bobby Bräuer, who holds 18 Gault Millau points and two Michelin stars. Chef Bertoncelj is extremely proud of dishes he is creating together with his team, adapting the menu to each season and advising guests on the specialties of the day. Their typical style is seasonal cuisine with local ingredients, prepared by top culinary techniques and combined perfectly with the excellent Slovenian wines which are becoming more and more recognized worldwide, also winning some prestigious wine awards in recent years. So … if you visit Bled, you simply must visit Juliana Restaurant at Grand Hotel Toplice, a hotel which is famous for hosting royals, celebrities and some prestigious guests. Just treat yourself to this creative, fresh and indescribable journey of tastes by Chef Simon Bertoncelj and his team to find out why his exceptional talent ranks him alongside the top 3 chefs from what is currently the Slovenia’s hottest culinary destination.

 REFRESH YOUR CULINARY KNOWLEDGE ABOUT BLED: • Kremšnita, the original Bled cream cake has been made since 1953 • The figs used in hazelnut potica with figs are actually grown on the Bled island • Slovenia’s most known chocolate Gorenjka is produced near Bled • You can have dinner on a Pletna boat • Besides Kremšnita, another popular local dessert is Blejska grmada • Original Bled cream cake ice cream, made by Sava Hoteli Bled, was chosen for the 3rd best world ice cream at the Soolnua World Ice Cream Index Contest in 2016

 77

INCENTIVE IDEA WITH SAVA HOTELS & RESORTS: If you would like to organize a special Incentive idea with Chef Simon Bertoncelj, everything is possible. You can organize a dinner at the chef’s table and dine in the heart of the Grand Hotel Toplice kitchen where you can watch the chefs at work. Chef Simon Bertoncelj will answer all your questions on cooking, ingredients and handy cooking tricks. If you wish, you can also join in with the cooking and culinary experience, and turn the dining into a mini course or a workshop of culinary arts. And if you think location is an obstacle, you are wrong – Chef Bertoncelj and his team already carried out events at almost every picture-perfect location in Bled.

Who is Who

ELVIRA KRUPIĆ, Destination Head of MICE Sales Who is Who at Sava Hotels & Resorts Interview by Nina Praprotnik / Photo credit Sava Hotels & Resorts

Q: What is the best part of your job? Meeting so many different people of different professions from all round the World & Providing new ideas and solutions for different challenging events and seeing happy faces of clients when they really appreciate your professional work. Q: What would make your job easier? - having the ability in my destination for the investments into hotel and public infrastructure to happen faster and in greater volume - having very good IT tools for event sales and management - having more resources for rewarding and motivating my team Q: What was your best idea last year? 2016 was very successful but because of the amount of work also very stressful. My best idea was to un-plug myself totally from the world of communication, e-mails and all media during my summer holiday. I decided not to connect to the internet for the whole 2 weeks of my vacation. The re-charge of my body & soul after such a busy half of the year couldn’t’ be better! Q: The most memorable event for you? There were two that I will remember for a while: The PORSCHE PARADE EUROPE 2017 & the DREAM KUWAIT WEDDING.


“Best part is meeting many different people, providing new ideas and seeing happy faces of clients“


Young Talents

ŠPELA HORVAT Young Talents Interview by Nina Praprotnik / Photo credit Sava Hotels & Resorts

Q: What is your favourite meetings brand? Sava Hotels & Resorts, because we truly have the best team. Q: What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? There are many brave things that I’ve done. I always want to push my limits and bold moves are an indispensable part of this. I have been on the hunt for challenges ever since I was a little girl. As a multiple state champion in taekwondo, the competition ring has taught me the fearlessness at a very young age, being only 10 years old. The fearlessness is still my companion today. Some of brave things for me were jumping from a height of 4000 meters, partially conducting my study in South Korea, swimming with the whale sharks, diving with the wild sharks and mantas, motorbike riding and traveling into the unknown. Life is too short for doing boring things! Q: What’s your alternative career fantasy? Imagine a long white beach, crowned with a turquoise sea, surrounded by banana and palm trees. In the middle of this, lies a small eco-friendly hotel designed primarily for divers and all those who are fascinated by the depth of the sea. East of the world, self-sustaining piece of heaven of earth, a place where the world and time go slower. But it would still remain working with people and in hospitality. It would be great, right?

Q: What are you obsessed with at the moment? Finding the right balance between work and free time for creative thinking and maintaining a sufficient energy. Q: Your goals before 50? I don’t think about it, as this is still over 20 years in the future! In any case, following the steps and that by then I will already have left a mark in my environment and being a conscious, compassionate and mature person who will have conditions to live a full, healthy and dynamic life. The best is yet to come.

ŠPELA HORVAT SALES MANAGER MICE SAVA HOTELS & RESORTS Career Path: As a little girl, I wanted to become a movie star or TV host, someone who is in the foreground. In this spirit, I chose to work on television in high school and later chose study and pursue my career in a variety of media and media formats. Until later, when I gradually felt that my real passion and power is behind the cameras, in backstage - being the one who organizes the show. And I feel really great!

GH Primus proved to be amazing host for Hyundai Serbia team building It is a known fact, that team buildings are one of the most effective corporative “bonding” tools and events used for team bonding, since every individual contributes equally and performs best to achieve the organization’s goal. Hyundai Serbia organized their January team building in Slovenia, precisely at Ptuj and Grand Hotel Primus, which is a part of Sava Hotels and Resorts, known for organizing meeting with character, so the chosen location for the presentation of new electrical vehicles at GH Primus was not a surprise. Hyundai Serbia usually organizes team buildings on more “exotic” or more known locations, so they were a little bit sceptical at the beginning about organizing the event at GH Primus. But at the end they were more than satisfied with all the organization and after a very successful

event they literally saw that Sava Hotels and Resorts truly organize meetings with character. The whole programme and Ptuj as the location proved to be the top choice for all their needs and wishes. The professionalism and uniqueness of GH Primus was shown through all their organization and the whole program which left Hyundai Serbia team with excitement. The 4-day teambuilding event was held at GH Primus and region which offers amazing scenery and amazing possibilities to discover the nature, culinary offer and hospitality of local people. Participants enjoyed amazing and diverse teambuilding programme, from culinary tour in Prekmurje region which comprised of guided tour of Ham making factory Kodila, sled race at Pohorje and culinary treats from Pohorje region, city tour of Ptuj and lunch at Ptuj castle, Roman 79

dinner at GH Primus with special hedonistic indulgence and Roman culinary, etc. All in all, their taste buds truly got hedonistic pleasure. The participants were positively surprised by the unique and creative team building programme, regional culinary offer, the hospitality and friendliest of Sava Hotels and Resorts staff. GH Primus professionality offered the participants everything and even more to take sure the Hyundai Serbia team connects even in the relaxing, beautiful environment. Sava Hotels and Resort once again proved to be one of the best Slovenian MICE players, providing its guest everything possible with creative and unique team building programme, amazing culinary and hospitality, topped with the most professional staff which proved again that they truly organize meetings with characters.

Inside Ljubljana

LJUBLJANANJAM The yummy side of Ljubljana Text by Nika Pirnar / Photo credit Iva Gruden, archive of Ljubljananjam

A long-time journalist, culinary aficionado, traveller and communication consultant, Iva wears a wide and sincere smile to complement the curiosity in her eyes, not to mention her love for sublime drinks and the fine dishes that can be found throughout the city of Ljubljana. Iva is one of those people who when you ask for advice on where to lunch, dine or have some culinary self-indulgence, she can answer right away. In short, Iva is a walking encyclopaedia of all that can be found in the best restaurants, bars and cafes in the city. From all the love of fine food and drinks and of everything interesting in this world, the project of Ljubljananjam was born, which reveals to you

all of the hidden - and not so hidden - corners of the Slovenian capital and where you really need to get to (and fast!) if you want to discover only the best that the city has to offer, far from the tourist traps and properly off the beaten track, to places where we, locals, like to dine.

food and bars are heading, while still honouring time-held traditions and culture. Through her vibrant and creative pulse you will get to meet with culinary Ljubljana of back then and nowadays, and also personally meet up with some cooking masterpieces that they create.

Ljubljananjam is a gourmet lecture around the old town, a food and drink walks, a calendar of culinary events, local tips on the most popular inns and cafes, and other culinary experiences. A culinary walk with Iva and other foodie guides is actually for those who want to feel Ljubljana as local people feel it, as she takes you to unique places well off the beaten tourist path and to where you get a glimpse of where Slovenian

It’s possible to choose from four different walks to suit your taste (and, importantly, taste buds) – Ljubljana Essentials, Fino Vino, Craft Beer Extravaganza and Keen on Caffeine. Have a sweet tooth, want to taste the best wines Slovenia has to offer, or maybe a great fan of craft beer? Iva has a little bit of something for everyone.


Inside Ljubljana

Each culinary walk is a story in itself – varied and adapted to the size of the group. As Iva herself says: “Vegetarian? Vegan? Gluten-free lover? Pescetarian? Lactose intolerant? Ljubljananjam caters for all tastes!” A walk takes four hours and during this time participants will visit some small, mostly family, independent dining rooms, where they will learn about modern and historical Ljubljana through food and conversation with people at the kitchen counter. However, anyone who thinks it is just about food will be living a great illusion! Ljubljananjam is also well versed in providing excellent coffee, wine or boutique beer. In fact, just about everything amazing for your tummy. In joining a Ljubljanjam food walk one can learn about the best traditional and contemporary Ljubljana cuisine, beer and wine whilst wandering around the city and having great meals with like minded food enthusiasts and meeting the chefs in person, which is definitely one of the highlights of the tour. Iva believes in and swears by local, fresh, seasonal and mostly organic meals, and after the tour she will also give you the necessary guide for culinary tips around Ljubljana. As we like to say: dober tek! • CONTACTS• T: +386 (0)41 878 959 E: info@ljubljananjam.si W: www.ljubljananjam.si 81

Inside Ljubljana



The last preserved Renaissance castle in Ljubljana Text by Nika Pirnar / Photo credit Archive of Fužine Castle: Museum of Architecture and Design

On the banks of the Ljubljanica River, away from the hustle and bustle of the city centre and surrounded by beautiful nature and the castle park within its own charming and quiet location, is Fužine Castle - the last preserved Renaissance castle in Ljubljana, the image and location of which entrance anyone who happens to come across it. The castle was built in the 16th century by members of the Khisel family, rich traders, humanists and art lovers. The arcades connect the spaces around the spatial courtyards with their remnants of a well and a mighty lime tree. However, this Renaissance building with its four defensive towers also hides many historical attractions and a number of wall paintings.

• LOCATION • Fužine Castle is situated along the Ljubljanica River in the southeastern part of Ljubljana, just five kilometres from the heart of the Ljubljana Old Town. It took its name from the iron foundry and iron processing plants that were in its area, as did the nearby hamlet and the newly built area of the town (Fužine). The castle and its complex is a cultural monument and a testament to landscaped nature. For the past 24 years, Fužine Castle has been a home to the Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO), which is Slovenia’s foremost museum of architecture, urban planning, industrial and graphic design, and photography. It systematically collects, stores and studies material related to these fields of activity and displays 82

them in temporary and permanent exhibitions, making it possible for visitors to understand the past and the future of architecture, design and photography. • SPECIAL FEATURES • The castle park, courtyard or the halls with Renaissance paintings offer an exceptional environment for various business and social events. Fužine Castle, which can accommodate up to 800 guests, is suitable for business meetings, receptions, promotional events, conferences, cultural evenings, receptions, weddings, exhibitions, concerts or other events. The location will captivate anyone who wants to organise an event in an intimate castle ambience. There is also a free car park for guests at the castle.

Inside Ljubljana

• VENUE ADVANTAGES • Fužine Castle has large rooms and halls, from 50 to 450 metres, and smaller halls that can accommodate up to 50 guests, up to 250 guests or a courtyard for up to 800 guests. When renting a venue, they offer the free rental of equipment, such as chairs, hangers, tables, a speaker desk, internet, car parking and technical equipment, as well as there being other equipment that can also be rented. • CATERING SERVICES • Kaval Group and MAO opened a new cafe in the pleasant castle surroundings, which with its concept offers a special experience of Slovenian design and architecture. The specialty of the MAO cafe is their chairs and tables, which

were designed or produced in Slovenia, and are notable examples of Slovenian interiors of the 20th century. Slovenian design enthusiasts donated many of the chairs and tables that found their home in the museum coffee shop, which is also the reason that they are specially marked with the names of donors and equipped with data on the authorship and production of a single piece. The Kaval Group will be pleased to take care of catering at your event, and every event is prepared with a personal touch, difference and creativity. Dishes prepared by Kaval's cooking masters follow modern trends and are accompanied by a rich selection of wines and sparkling wines from Slovenian winemakers.


• INCENTIVE ACTIVITIES • Nowadays, in the refurbished premises of the Fužine Castle, the central national Museum of Architecture and Design has found its home. They exhibit about 150,000 objects of more than 1,000 prominent architects, designers and photographers of the 20th and 21st centuries. It is a place where the past and present meet to create the energy to think of the future, and it’s a space where besides the many social events going on you can also enjoy modern exhibitions and guided tours. • CONTACTS• T: 00386 1 548 42 70 E: mao@mao.si W: www.mao.si

Inside Ljubljana



The feeling of nature in the city Text by Nika Pirnar / Photo credit Archive of Walnut Grove

Walnut grove is a former equestrian estate, where nine walnut trees, Čili the home kitten and an experienced team specialised in creating experiences of all sorts at a true vintage-eco-chic location are all awaiting you. The location is also suitable for winter events, as they have a heated Kozolec and a partly heated barn. The Orehov gaj group are specialists in tourism experiences and even have their own experiential engineering unit. Walnut grove is part of the Walnut grove group, which includes a team building agency, the Dragon Temple escape room and the Martin Krpan Institute, through which they develop their tourism experience.

• LOCATION • Walnut grove is a unique event and educational space, located in a quiet spot near the village of Jarše in Ljubljana and just 2km from BTC City, which is one of Europe's largest shopping centres. On a property of 3ha they have more than 500m2 of permanently covered areas (of which 100m2 caters for all seasons), 300 parking spaces, various sports grounds, large grassy surfaces and a beautiful Walnut garden. There are two separately arranged units on the estate - the central estate with the “Skedenj” and “Kozolec” buildings, and Kobilca, a smaller space with a roof for 50 persons. • SPECIAL FEATURES • Walnut grove is suitable for those looking for a unique location that exudes familiarity, authenticity and evokes a sense of relaxation. The 84

venue is a suitable choice for those who want to carry out an event with charisma that the participants will long remember for the beautiful vintage and eco-chic ambience, the excellent food and the wonderful hospitality of the team. • VENUE ADVANTAGES • The venue is designed for hosting all kinds of business events, but it is also suitable for organising various private events too, such as weddings, anniversaries or birthday celebrations. Due to its spaciousness and the possibility of renting adjacent plots, the property is also an excellent location for carrying out slightly different conferences or even work meetings in natural surroundings, as well as internal and promotional events for companies or picnics ‘with a story’. Intimate events for small groups can also be arranged, making use of several different areas,

Inside Ljubljana

as well as larger picnics and boutiques for up to 1,000 people. They venue also oversees about 200 business events annually, from working meetings and conferences to press and promotional events, as well as events organised by companies for employees or their business partners. Among business clients they are known as a "one-stop-shop", as with just one phone call the venue, catering services and the organisation of experience incentive programmes can all be arranged. • CATERING SERVICES • In Walnut grove they are very proud of their own professional catering team, which offers a level of excellence to all of the participants along with the ultimate culinary experience at events. Their culinary specialties are set apart by using reliable, fresh, local ingredients brought togeth-

er at innovative culinary receptions with fine decoration and, above all, through a love of the classical grill, the black boiler, Bosnian sauce and baking in a live open fire. In addition to show cooking, which is their bedrock, they regularly perform culinary incentive programmes and interactive culinary slots, where guests are included to an extent they feel comfortable with. And not only that – they also have their own catering which goes by the name of “Potujoča kuhna” (Traveling kitchen), with which the spirit of the Walnut grove can be taken to other locations. • INCENTIVE ACTIVITIES • Their Team Building Lab home agency has a wide range of animation, adventure and team building programmes that are also suitable for incentive groups. For many programmes, they 85

are not bound to the Walnut grove location, but can be carried out at many other different locations across Slovenia. As part of the incentive groups they aim to present Slovenian local cuisine and the country itself in the best possible way. Among all of the programmes that are of particular interest to foreign guests, we should highlight the 100% Slovenian programme, which is a kind of mixture of Slovenian dinner and stand-up roast, in which they present some lesser known facts about the country. • CONTACTS• T: 00386 30 691 109 E: info@orehovgaj.si W: orehovgaj.si

Inside Ljubljana



Awakened beauty to be found in the midst of the Ljubljana Marshes Text by Nika Pirnar / Photo credit Archive of County Estate Trnulja

The Trnulja Country Estate, whose name derives from the Slovenian name for both ‘Sleeping Beauty’ as well as for sloes and wild plum, is exactly what the name suggests – an awakened beauty where a fairy-tale image fuses perfectly with local flavours to result in pure excellence. Whilst visiting the estate you will have the opportunity to meet with Urša and Miha, the owners of this amazing venue that Ljubljana has to offer. • LOCATION • Trnulja Country Estate is located in the Ljubljana Marshes, in Črna vas. The Ljubljana Marshes is a natural area of wetlands and peat bogs, known for its rare animal and vegetal species and for the remains of the prehistoric pile dwellings that are protected by being on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The owners of the estate have adopted this

piece of land as their own by respecting and understanding its distinct natural features and by making a conscious decision to develop the Trnulja estate in a sustainable and ecological way. The estate is located just 8 kilometres from the heart of Ljubljana’s Old Town. As the property is completely ecologically oriented, it is recommended to get there by taking the local bus, bicycle or to rent one of the property’s electric vehicles to move around the town. • SPECIAL FEATURES •

croissants). The share of their own ingredients in the culinary offer reaches 70-80%, which is fully certified by being of ecological origin, preferably from local sources. They also have accommodation facilities in their offer – in five apartments they offer accommodation for 20 people (1 apartment for 2 people, 3 apartments for 4 people and 1 apartment for 6 people). The Trnulja estate is the first member of the Slovenian Die Biohotels chain, which brings together 100 ecological hotels in different European countries and pursues extremely high ecological standards.

The estate is fully committed to a sustainable mode of operation, so addition to the tourist work (accommodation and excursion tourism, restaurant, tour of the estate, incentive programmes), oilseeds, cereals and other crops are produced on the estate and later transformed into finished products (oils, flour, filling, cakes,

The Trnulja Country Estate can host up to 60 attendees for the purpose of lectures with a cinema layout, but with tables Trnulja can host up to 30 attendees. The entire space is in wood and plasterwork is if clay, as clay reduces the



Inside Ljubljana

influence of electro smog and regulates humidity in the room. The room has a huge amount of daylight with a view of the surrounding countryside and the animals from the estate (goats, donkeys, horses, mules and dogs). The rental space is also equipped with all the necessary technical equipment (projector, canvas, sound system, microphones, computer, wireless internet and flipchart). • CATERING SERVICES • When hosting an event at Trnulja you might wish to consider an organic cooking workshop, where attendees prepare the lunch for themselves whilst bonding together. On this cooking course attendees will work together with hostess Urša and one of Slovenia’s finest chefs Slavko Adamlje to dig out some old recipes and learn how to prepare healthy, home-cooked meals that don’t take hours to prepare. The cooking

workshops starts in the morning and last for 4-5 hours, while up to 8 people can participate at each cooking workshop. If you don’t fancy such a foodie incentive programme, fear not – you will not go hungry whilst at Trnulja! At the country estate, they like to spoil their guests with amazing gourmet dishes and healthy meals. To promote the well-being they use exclusively nutritious, certified organic foodstuffs cultivated at their farm, such as organic cold-pressed oils, organic flours, organic vegetables and organic meat from their billy goats and donkeys. The meals at Trnulja are truly as sustainable as their entire estate, all in keeping the mission of Die Biohotels in mind. • INCENTIVE ACTIVITIES • In addition to the business events there are several incentive programmes that can be carried out on the property. It is possible to or87

ganise a culinary workshop, a display of cold oil pressing including a tasting, an electric carriage ride through the Ljubljana Marshes, or a boat ride to or from the centre of Ljubljana along the Ljubljanica to the port of Trnulje estate. Electric cars (Renault Twizy) and electric bicycles can also be rented at the property. There is also the possibility to arrange for a musical extra for a business lunch or dinner, with a group or a solo performance with a mostly Slovenian musical programme. • CONTACTS• T: 00386 30 691 109 E: info@orehovgaj.si W: orehovgaj.si

Inside Ljubljana



From the printing house to an innovative place for special events Text by Nika Pirnar / Photo credit Katja Bidovec, Primož Krašovec, Anja Gea Sladić, Archive of City of Design Slovenia

City of Design Slovenia is a pop-up centre for the creative economy and a place for new business opportunities, reflection and new visions, exchange and co-operation, ideas and solutions, and the presentation of the latest novelties. It is a space that has come to life in the former Mladinska knjiga print shop on Dunajska cesta in Ljubljana. • LOCATION • City of Design Slovenia is located at 123 Dunajska cesta street in Ljubljana. The atmosphere in the factory halls of Savin Sever’s architectural monument (the former Mladinska Knjiga printing house) is created by the high ceilings, contrasts of light, the scale of the exceptional industrial architecture and unexpected features, all powering the idea of a parallel city made from cardboard. • SPECIAL FEATURES • The vast majority of City of the venue is made

from cardboard, from cheap, and perhaps even the cheapest, building material. The Faculty of Architecture (University of Ljubljana) designed the concept of place and objects, delivering a space with a story and a touch of creativity. The squares and streets inside the building are named after renowned Slovenian architects, as the building itself is both a former printing house and a cultural monument (the architect Savin Sever received the Prešeren Fund award in 1967) with great meaning to the newly created City of Design Slovenia, so the streets here are named after Jože Plečnik, Edvard Ravnikar and Savin Sever. The first of the three halls in the City is the Royal Hall. It is named after the architect Niko Kralj, the author of the timeless Rex chair. The hall measures 1,600m2 and accommodates up to 800 visitors. The second of the three halls is the Pavlin Hall. It is named after the architect and designer Sergej Pavlin, the creator of the bottle of Cocta. The hall, at 1,600m2, also accommo88

dates up to 800 visitors and offers many possibilities for creative scenic design. The third hall in the city is the Kogoj Hall. It is named after the designer Oskar Kogoj, the creator of the timeless and daring Gondola recliner. The hall measures 280m2 and accommodates up to 150 visitors. The spaces are ideal for those who want to fascinate their guests, to surprise them and leave a sense of boldness on them. The City of Design Slovenia is a platform and definitely an experiment that is challenging for many different kinds of occasions. • VENUE ADVANTAGES • The venue offers an excellent opportunity to organise various kinds of events, lectures and conferences, round tables, debates, presentations, meetings, exhibitions, fashion shows, photographic shoots, trade shows or parties. It also offers comprehensive technical, promotional and PR support, as well as a wide range of design and technical equipment.

Inside Ljubljana

The City of Design Slovenia can accommodate up to 2,500 people, but is also suitable for significantly smaller events. The space can be reduced in a number of ways with the appropriate equipment of City of Design Slovenia. In addition to festivals organised independently in City of Design Slovenia, they mostly host corporate events, with to date events having been hosted for Jack Daniel's, Cynar, Peugeot, Compass, Gerebit... • CATERING SERVICES • There is adequate infrastructure in place for catering and customers can bring their own guest caterer for which the City of Design Slovenia can help with some advice and information. • CONTACTS• T: +386 1 4312222 E: info@zavodbig.si W: zavodbig.com


Behind The Scenes

REVITALISING THE AGORA Stavros Niarchos Cultural Centre Text by Gorazd Čad / Photo credit Stavros Niarchos Cultural Centre


n the Greek capital of Athens, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation officially handed over to the state the new SNFCC (Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre), a building that cost 600 million Euros to complete. Under the roof of the building, which is the work of the Italian ‘starchitect’ Renzo Piano, the National Library and the State Opera will function as the main institutions, with the hall of the State Opera boasting excellent acoustics. Alongside the centre a park that also bears the name of Stavros Niarchos extends to over 210,000 square metres. The realisation of the centre was the largest construction project in Greece after the Olympic Games hosted in the city in 2004. The building is set on the site of the former hippodrome and an Olympic car park in the seaside town of Kallithea.

RENZO PIANO'S SIGNATURE Renzo Piano is an unusual architect – although it might appear that he creates Zen-like architecture (which is his outer view on life) in a particularly calm way, his architecture is generally considered radical. Together with the British architect Richard Rogers, he was celebrated as a co-creator of the Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris, at the time (in 1977) considered the most controversial building in Europe and which has long been regarded as the most provocative example of contemporary architecture. Piano has also designed an airport terminal on an artificial island in the Gulf of Osaka, in Japan, and effectively positioned the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco underground; in Rome one can find his fascinating Parco della Musica – an auditorium that looks like a group of hills on which the eternal city 90

of Rome lies; he also docked his green ship in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in which space was given over to his Museum of Science and Technology; and his vertical city of the Shard, opened in London in 2012, was quickly recognised as the tallest tower in western Europe. All of these projects unquestionably set Renzo Piano amongst the family of the greatest contemporary European architects. ORGANIC ARCHITECTURE The SNFCC captures the attention with its unusual park that hides the gigantic volumes of the building in which the Greek National Opera and The Greek National Library are located. Such a symbolic construction of the building is Piano's interpretation of the history of the city and represents a new heart of both Athens and the Mediterranean.

Behind Zakulisje The Scenes


Behind The Scenes

Piano is not an architect who would seek attention or simply ‘gesture’ with his architecture; his goal here has been to achieve perfect harmony and with the SNFCC, in our opinion, he has succeeded superbly. The special achievement of this work is a design that is reminiscent of a paper-thin roof above the lighthouse, which was immediately nicknamed ‘a flying carpet’. It is an engineering miracle, especially remarkable for being only 2cm thick and the largest roof of this type in the world that is built from reinforced concrete. The enormous span (10,000m2) is covered with photovoltaic cells, thus ensuring sustainable energy that is sufficient for most of the needs of the building, adhering to the modern principles of sustainable construction. 92

THE AGORA CONNECTING THE OPERA AND THE LIBRARY In the spirit of Athenian and Greek tradition, the centre of the new object is the Agora, which is a place for socializing, dialogue and, at the same time, the main entrance to an impressive building. Today the centre is already a lively crossroads of the citizens of Athens out to enjoy a quality space that is defined by its water channel running along the entire length of the building and symbolically connecting the building with the nearby bay. This canal is also a recreational area where kayaking and sailing can be enjoyed in smaller boats. The Opera building is five storeys tall and contains all of the necessary facilities for the operation of this important national institution. The heart of the building is an exceptional hall, which hold audiences of 1,400 and is lavish, also with its superb acoustics. The red coloured shades in the hall appear powerful, passionate, warm and full of vibrant energy. The large hall is complemented by a minor stage for audiences of 400 and it is dedicated to contemporary musical and dance productions, as well as ensemble practice. In the library on the opposite side of the Agora, a rich aspect of Greek literary cultural heritage is soon to move into a chamber intertwined with massive bookshelves reaching right up to the ceiling, and in accordance with the philosophy of the whole architecture also opening outwards through glass walls. The first two floors are intended for visitors and as a study room, and even today, when this part of the building has not yet been formally opened, it is still full of every generation eager to socialize in a quality environment.

Behind The Scenes

A LIGHTHOUSE FOR EVENTS At the top of the park there is a central space for events, called the Lighthouse. The view through the glass walls extends all the way to the urban parts of Athens and, on the other, to the large Flisvos marina and beyond to the Saronic Gulf. It is not surprising that event managers immediately adopted this venue and during our visit there the preparations for a major corporate event were taking place. A photogenic staircase that leads from the Lighthouse to the park is especially suitable for fashion shows and has already been made use of for that purpose. There are small conference rooms within the premises of the new library, with the larger hall in an industrial style accommodating up to the 200 participants. The airy and flexible conference rooms are complemented by several smaller meeting rooms and supported by catering facilities. The Mediterranean Garden, designed by New York Landscape Architect Deborah Nevins and stretching over an area of 20 hectares, was a particular feature of the complex that became popular with event organisers immediately after the opening, but the complexity of architecture and the spaces is so vast that the event team is still constructing the whole story and discovering new possibilities offered by the centre through the implementation of individual events.

FUTURE It will take some time before Athenians accept and embrace the building; the dilemmas about the meaningfulness of such a project are part of the democratic spirit of an exceptional city. With all of the institutions the building will employ almost 900 people when in full operation. However, although the country has gained an exceptional public space and facility it will be a significant burden for it, as it has taken the building into management. In any case, the fact is that event organisers and planners immediately and without prejudice accepted the centre. According to the centre’s team, the premises intended for events are already sold out to the end of the year and beyond. We believe that the new building will revive the coastal part of Athens, which remained largely neglected following the Olympic euphoria. In the spirit of science, development and art, it is directly related to the organization of events as a place of meeting, socializing and tolerance. And also symbolically as a part of the re-launch of the Athens congress industry.


STAVROS S. NIARCHOS’S LIFE Stavros Spyros Niarchos was born July 3, 1909 in Athens. He studied law at the University of Athens and began working in 1929 in his family’s grain business. Recognizing the substantial transportation expense in importing wheat, Niarchos believed that one could save money by owning the ships that provided the transportation. Consequently, he bought his first six freighters during the Great Depression. For many years, he owned the largest private fleet in the world, with his company operating more than 80 tankers and other vessels. In 1956, Niarchos agreed to build and operate the Hellenic Shipyards, the first such private investment in Greece, which rapidly became the largest Mediterranean shipyard. In 1985, the shipyard was placed under state control, but Niarchos’s commitment to Greece still stands today as an effective demonstration of the power of private investment for the country’s economic well-being. Niarchos’s legacy continues into the twenty-first century with the establishment of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. Working in Greece and internationally, the Foundation began its grant-making efforts in 1996 and it derives its mission from Niarchos’s commitment to Greece and Hellenism, as well as his keen instincts and interests in support of causes in the fields of education, social welfare, health, and arts and culture. The Foundation’s largest single gift is the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre (SNFCC) in Athens. The project’s total cost is $861 million.

Hidden Congress Guest




OPENED SINCE 2005 MEETINGS STAR Resort Meeting Hotel STANDARD Hotel with Conference Facilities NUMBER OF ROOMS 160 rooms and suites INTERNET PRICE 178 - 261 EUR (April 2017, Trivago) ADDRESS FALKENSTEINER HOTEL & SPA CARINZIA Tröpolach 156 AT-9631 Hermagor/Nassfeld +43 4285 72000 612 FACILITIES 700m2 Conference Centre, Wellness centre Acquapura SPA, Apres-Ski Bar, Lux Restaurant, Panoramic Restaurant, Falkensteiner garden, Golf hotel / Sport hotel / SPA hotel / Design hotel EXTRAS Golf Club Gailtal 18-Hole Nassfeld Golf Championship Course Opened in 2009

RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Location Accessibility First impression Lobby Employee attitude Reception Hotel room Hotel bed Bathroom and restroom Hotel breakfast Bars and restaurants Congress hall Extras TOTAL:

4.92 4.32 4.58 4.91 4.89 4.83 4.79 4.88 4.83 4.80 4.59 4.67 4.89 4.76

FINAL GRADE Luxury Resort Meeting Hotel


Luxury Premium Business Economy Budget

★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★

ACCESSIBILITY Villach is one of the busiest traffic routes of the region and a half hour's drive will get you to Hermagor, the economic and administrative centre of the valley and also home to the Nassfeld Ski Centre. The route to the Falkensteiner Hotel in Mokrine starts in the village of Tropolach, at an altitude of 610 metres. This is the first stop of the 6-kilometre long Millennium Express Gondola and also the biggest car park. Skiing from the top of the gondola at 1919 metres to the bottom can be quite an adventure in good conditions. COLD APPETIZER - Architecture and Aesthetics The hotel building sits in the very centre of the village and doesn’t exceed the locally stipulated maximum height. The modern architecture is softened by the wooden facade made of larch and that has aged into a gray color due to UV beams, giving the building a special patina. Despite the large surfaces, the architecture as a whole appears pleasant and appealing, and its big atrium gives it particular character in how it is reminiscent of a canyon or an Alpine valley. It also has an open ceiling, offering nice views of the surroundings. The interior design and furniture follows Falkensteiner's "Welcome Home" philosophy and contributes to the exceptionally pleasurable stay in the hotel. The modern design and use of natural materials continue into the wellness centre, a place of complete relaxation after a strenuous day of meetings. WARM APPETIZER - Staff and Food A stay in one of Falkensteiner Hotels wouldn't be complete without excellent cuisine, the key to a guest's heart, and the Carinzia Hotel is no exception. The restaurant offers a wide selection of traditional dishes, prepared with fresh ingredients of local origin, a self-service bar, daily fresh desserts and exquisite wines. The pension dinner is partly served and partly self-service. Pasta 94

lovers will also be delighted by the hotel pizzeria and we were blown away by the 'local corner' with authentic Carinthian cuisine, top-notch service and a personal approach in line with typical high standards of the hotel chain. The culinary story continues at breakfast, which is, in our opinion, one of the best in the region. MAIN COURSE – The hotel's congress services Solid hardwood flooring in darker shades of brown gives the above-standard sized rooms special character. The premium suites are additionally equipped with a jacuzzi and a Finnish sauna. The bed linen is excellent and makes sleeping a special experience. There are also beautifully furnished and very spacious bathrooms, equipped with a large bath and a shower. What could possibly top that off? Well, what about some panoramic views of the local summits available from most of the rooms. DESSERT - Additional offer The hotel's centre of well-being, “Acquapura”, stretches over 2,400m2 and offers an indoor and outdoor heated pool overlooking the ski slopes, various saunas, a jacuzzi, a Kneipp bath, a fitness room, massage rooms and beauty services. It is one of the most attractive wellness centres in the region.


FLOP – negative surprises The hotel bar seems a bit gloomy at night, but that doesn't really affect an exceptional stay at the hotel.


TOP – positive surprises Amazing cuisine in the hotel and authentic experiences of the local cabins are definitely a big plus. There are actually 25 ski cabins and restaurants at the ski centre. Overall impression and credibility The Falkensteiner Hotel and Spa Carinzia offer excellent service to their congress guests, which is quite simply stating a fact. Its modern conference rooms can be used for different types of meetings and the wellness centre is one of the best in the region. Its location in the village of Mokrine (aus. Nassfeld) means it is one of the most sunlit destinations in the Alpine region, as the "Hohe Tauern" mountain range has a protective effect, while still keeping the slopes white in winter. This gives meeting planners a range of possibilities for organising team building and other events in almost every season of the year. The natural conditions and the hotel's great service are a winning combination that has positioned Falkensteiner Carinzia among the very best incentive hotels in the region.

The HIDDEN CONGRESS GUEST section is not paid for. The selection of hotels, which are evaluated by the hidden congress guest, is left to the editorial board. The hidden guest visits the hotels without prior notice.

LOCATION When describing the tourist offer of Nassfeld there is often the need for superlatives and this time was no exception, as we couldn't overlook the fact that in just the past two seasons alone more than 26 million EUR was put into the Mokrine Ski Centre (along with The Preseško Lake*), with 110 kilometres of slopes now stretching across the four valleys on the AustriaItalian border and offering skiers 30 modern cableway machines with four and six-seat chairlifts. More than 350 snow cannons are always on hand to help keep the ski season going and you definitely won't have to fret about going hungry or thirsty, as the culinary offer in all of the twenty-five cabins is quite diverse and also inexpensive. Attractive in both summer and winter, the hotel is located in the centre of the village, just 100m from the first ski slope.


Final Score

Hidden Congress Guest


A big bar that happens to have rooms on top


Photo credit MOXY FRANKFURT CATEGORY ★★★ OPEN SINCE 2017 MEETINGS STAR City Meeting Hotel STANDARD Hotel with Conference Facilities NUMBER OF ROOMS 140 rooms and suites INTERNET PRICE 95 - 112 EUR (March 2017, Trivago) ADDRESS MOXY Frankfurt Airport Amelia-Mary-Earhart-Straße 5 Frankfurt Hessen 60549 Deutschland +49-170-614-3283 www.marriott.de/hotels/travel/fraoxmoxy-frankfurt-airport/ FACILITIES Grab-n-Go restaurant, Day Bar, Fitness Centre EXTRAS A hotel bar that serves as a reception and event space at the same time

RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Location Accessibility First impression Lobby Employee attitude Reception Hotel room Hotel bed Bathroom and restroom Hotel breakfast Bars and restaurants Congress hall Additional offer TOTAL:

4.39 4.67 4.12 4.98 4.32 4.23 4.15 4.19 4.02 4.21 4.82 4.03 4.36 4.35

FINAL GRADE City Meeting Hotel


Luxury Premium Business Economy Budget

★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★

LOCATION Moxy's position between two airport terminals of one of Europe's biggest air traffic hubs is actually not as negative as people might immediately think, as for one thing it ensures it has a constant inflow of hotel guests from Germany's busiest airport and third busiest in Europe. The airport spreads across 5,200 acres (2,100 ha.) and is starting to breed its own hotel city, called Gateway Gardens, where Moxy is located. Its entire surface area is one huge construction site that will start to resemble a genuine hotel city in a few years' time. In any case, it has become a very handy outlet for business guests and other travelers with layovers in the German capital of finance and fairs. ACCESSIBILITY Frankfurt Airport connects 293 destinations and over 65 million passengers walk through its gates each year – how's that for airline connectivity? The airport is one of the key European air traffic intersections and also has a well-developed train and highway network to all of the major German cities. It only takes around two hours to get from the centre of the second biggest metropolitan region in Germany to Koln or Stuttgart. The hotel provides a shuttle bus and parking in the nearby Condor parking garage. COLD APPETISER – Architecture and aesthetics A quite boring and dull hotel exterior reminds you of a monotonous office building rather than a real hotel, with the only thing to strike you in the face being the pink 'Moxy' sign and some dark gray facade elements, a crest of every Moxy hotel. Stepping through the front door is when things really get interesting, however. The first thing you see is a hipster crossover bar which surprisingly serves as a reception, night bar and animation desk. Numerous cozy corners, furnished in a familiar Ikea style, surround the bar. Ikea actually helped with some of the design schemes here, yet a lot of the furniture is unconventional and will stand the test of time. Guests quickly adopted the plug-in space and it soon became a working space, a place for having fun and testing numerous gadgets. It seems that Moxy has made generation gaps disappear and provides a space of well-being for any age group. WARM APPETISER – Staff and Food The culinary offer is adapted to the "self-service rather than full-service" generation of travelers, which is available around the clock and is something that guests appreciate. Breakfast is basic albeit with some solid ingredients which, according to the staff, include some 95

Final Score

local specialties. The same goes for lunch, where two simple but delicious dishes are on offer - goulash and curry. You can then add to your own taste from the self-service offer. Guests quickly embraced the funky bar and enjoy its #TheNow concept. A lot of it has to do with the friendly and casual staff. MAIN COURSE – The hotel's congress services The hotel rooms are simple and functional. Guests used to hotel luxury might be compromised by the small bathroom and spartan furnishing, but you have to realize that this is a three-star hotel and, as their slogan states, they are one big bar which happens to have rooms on top. DESSERT – Additional offer Designer lounge corners that can be used as an office or space for socializing and enjoying the company of friends.


FLOP – negative surprises The untidy surroundings of the hotel, as the whole area is still a construction site and looks quite chaotic.


TOP – positive surprises The casual staff that figured out what drives the millennials and makes them click. What they have accomplished is a relaxed and youthful atmosphere in the hotel. Overall impression and credibility An inexpensive room alone just doesn't cut it, as the hotel needs to sit in a good location and guests expect mutual spaces for socializing, chatting and eating. This is something that the guys at Marriot, who came up with the Moxy brand, are well aware of and their philosophy is conveyed by the international staff, reasonable prices, and special vigorous energy. The Moxy hotel chain plans to open an additional 50 hotels in the next five years and we believe they are very much on the right track.

Hidden Congress Guest

HOTEL HILLS, Congress & Termal Spa Resort ★★★★★ LUXURY Meet, Work and Stay


Photo credit HOTEL HILLS

OPENED SINCE October 2016 MEETINGS STAR Resort Meeting Hotel STANDARD Congress Hotel NUMBER OF ROOMS 261 hotel rooms INTERNET PRICE (April 2017, Trivago) ADDRESS HOTEL HILLS, SARAJEVO Butmirska cesta 18, Ilidža Sarajevo + 387 33 947 947 info@hotelhills.ba FACILITIES Restaurant Wedding Salon, Thermal Riviera, Hotel Garden, Hotel Hollywood nearby, Congress Centre EXTRAS Sky Bar - The hotel can praise itself with the viewing terrase, that makes a great space for events and receptions and also includes smaller seminar halls.

RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Location Accessibility First impression Lobby Employee attitude Reception Hotel room Hotel bed Bathroom and restroom Hotel breakfast Bars and restaurants Congress hall Extras TOTAL:

4.72 4.02 4.49 4.68 4.59 4.23 4.69 4.67 4.54 4.61 4.48 4.98 4.61 4.56

FINAL GRADE Luxury Resort Meeting Hotel


Luxury Premium Business Economy Budget

★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★

LOCATION The hotel is located in the middle of the green lungs of the city of Ilidža. This is where Slovenian company Terme Čatež built the Thermal Riviera years ago but were taken over by the Mrkulić Company in 2014. Almost simultaneously they also started the construction of the luxury hotel Hills began. The hotel is among the biggest in the city and offers 261 rooms and can be classified as a resort due to the connection with the Thermal Riviera. Along with the Hollywood Hotel in ownership of the same company they offer over 700 rooms and are the biggest congress complex in the city. The location is ideal for classic congresses and teambuilding programs as well, as there are many green surfaces appropriate for various activities in the area nearby.

of a five-star hotel. They are correct and kind though but do need some training to get the five-star status.

ACCESSIBILITY The hotel is not in the city center, never the less everything is very close because of the closeness of the tram-car*. The ride to the center of Sarajevo will only take you about 15 minutes. The taxi rides in Sarajevo are also very cheap. For guests arriving by car a spacious parking lot is available, that is a big advantage of the hotel. The airport is only 2km away and can be seen from the higher hotel floors. The hotel is easily accessible.

DESSERT - Additional offer Hotel Hills is a part of the Thermal Riviera Ilidža, covering the complex of covered pools a well as a pool complex outdoors.

COLD APPETIZER - Architecture and Aesthetics The hotel facility leans on Terme Ilidža, standing out from its surroundings with its pyramidal architecture. The hotel architecture is fairly classical and subdued to functionality. Straight lines dominate the interior. The minimalistic style with bright shades is backed up by natural wood and gray and brown shades of walls and interior furniture. A lot of attention was put into the lighting. Just nearby more condo apartments will be built in the future, primarily attracting Arabic guests. With this, the construction in this area will logically come to an end and the final result will be a true hotel resort based on thermal water. WARM APPETIZER - Staff and Food The hotel has a varied culinary offer. The breakfasts are rich with a self-service offer. Just the size of the gigantic breakfast room seems somehow over-dimensioned and not enough intimate. The culinary is mostly local Bosnian dishes. The minimalistic hotel restaurant is based on local culinary and classic international selection. The thing we did miss though was a bit richer wine list. If the hotel scene doesn’t fit you-you can go to Ilidža, known for its many restaurants. The personnel needs a bit more training, to get the feeling 96

MAIN COURSE – The hotel's congress services The rooms are well equipped, attractive and modern, as expected for a five-star hotel. The rooms from the higher floors offer great views. Pastel colors prevail and the Congress Center is impressive and excites with tall ceilings in the big hall for 1,500 participants. As big as it is, it can host even the most-difficult events, and many have been held since the opening. Other congress halls are smaller and can hold up to 100 to 180 participants. The lobby for smaller shows is also very well set and stretches on 500 m2. After what we have seen this has to be the best congress hall in Sarajevo, what demanding corporate buyers quickly realized.


FLOP – negative surprises We are a bit less excited by the reception. The super slow check-in and check-out kind of ruin the overall great impression of the hotel. Maybe the reason was in the big group, just leaving the hotel at that time.


TOP – positive surprises A remarkable congress center, one of the best in the region as from the functional design as well as the technical equipment and professionalism. Overall impression and credibility Overall along with the thermal riviera and the neighboring Hotel Hollywood, it is a very attractive combination, allowing it to host major congress events. Definitely, it deserves credit for the interior, may it be hotel rooms or public spaces. If we look at the hotel resort from the side, then we really get a lot for the money or practically the most in the region. It seems, that the new hotel entered the market at just the right time. Hotel Hills is by our marking just behind the top hotels. To get the highest grades it only misses a few tiny details.

The HIDDEN CONGRESS GUEST section is not paid for. The selection of hotels, which are evaluated by the hidden congress guest, is left to the editorial board. The hidden guest visits the hotels without prior notice.


Final Score

Hidden Congress Guest

HILTON PODGORICA ★★★★★ LUXURY A New Gataway to Podgorica Photo credit HILTON PODGORICA

CATEGORY ★★★★★ OPEN SINCE 2016 MEETINGS STAR City Meeting Hotel STANDARD Congress Hotel NUMBER OF ROOMS 180 hotel rooms INTERNET PRICE (April 2017, Trivago) ADDRESS HILTON PODGORICA Bulevar Svetog Petra Cetinjskog 2 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro T: +382-20-443443 F: +382-20-634294 E: info@hiltonpodgorica.me www.podgoricacrnagora.hilton.com FACILITIES Sky Bar, Restaurant Crna Gora, Terrace Fontana, The Bar, Executive Lounge, Fitness Centre, Wellness with swiming pool, Parking Garage EXTRAS SKY Bar - Probably the hottest hotel terrace with a view of Podgorica, suitable for receptions and corporate parties RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Location Accessibility First impression Lobby Employee attitude Reception Hotel room Hotel bed Bathroom and restroom Hotel breakfast Bars and restaurants Congress hall Additional offer TOTAL: FINAL GRADE Luxury City Meeting Hotel Luxury Premium Business Economy Budget

4.90 4.59 4.75 4.91 4.78 4.72 4.84 4.95 4.88 4.71 4.83 4.78 4.69 4.79

4.79 ★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★

LOCATION The new hotel was built in the exact same spot where the Črna gora hotel used to stand and that was in service for a full 60 years, becoming an icon of the city’s tourism. After many long years the time came for an overhaul and a princely sum of 47 million euros was invested by the owners. The arrival of the hotel is big news for Podgorica, as the Hilton Podgorica is the second hotel of this brand in the ex-Yugoslavian region (the first being in Dubrovnik). As a consequence the overall hotel service in the city has increased and it has also helped propel the development of the congress service sector – the hotel is top of its class as a congress hotel and with everything needed to fulfil this role successfully. It seems that the Hilton will soon become a symbol of the city, as the erstwhile Črna Gora hotel once was. ACCESSIBILITY The hotel is located in the city centre near key Montenegrin institutions and cloe to the lively streets where most of the city's social life happens. Podgorica is predominantly a transit city, where all main Montenegrin traffic routes cross and from where you can get to all corners of Montenegro quite quickly. A pleasant surprise in the city is what is probably the cheapest taxi in Europe – a ride around the city centre won’t set you back more than 1 euro! An advantage of the city’s size is that the airport is only about 10 minutes away from the city centre, but if you are arriving at the hotel by car then for a charge there is a spacious garage at your disposal that will keep your car pleasantly cool from the summer heat. COLD APPETISER – Architecture and aesthetics The hotel’s exterior follows the modernist design base that was once represented by the Črna Gora hotel. A functional building has been created, correctly blending into the urban centre of the city and representing the architecture typical of the Hilton hotel chain. The interior also stays true to the chain’s typical design, with the architects here creating a pleasant and elegant area and with the lobby especially standing out, with its black and gold shades appearing both lofty and prestigious. The legendary cafe opens into the city street and this is where urban reality and hotel glamour mingle and create an inspiring public space, which the locals themselves have grown very fond of. With its clear image and message the hotel represents a natural line between the old and the new, or a point of new transformation for the city tourism. WARM APPETISER – Staff and Food Hilton Podgorica represents the Mediterranean spirit of both the city and Montenegro, and despite the staff’s sense of being formal there is an even more relaxed 97

4.79 Final Score

atmosphere that can be felt and that somehow belongs to a wider ambience. This, however, certainly doesn't detract from the professionalism and kindness of the entire staff at the hotel. The culinary offer is exquisite and in particular the catering, setting new standards in this field for the entire city. We are glad that a strong part of the offer is also the wine list, among which many are local wines. This is no surprise, as the owner is one of the best Montenegrin wine growers. The hotel breakfast is amazing – diverse and coloured by many local Montenegrin specialties, really making it stand out. MAIN COURSE – The hotel's congress services The hotel rooms do not disappoint in any way and the beds and bed linen are great, with the elegant lounger adjacent to the bed particularly impressive. Hilton also understands the needs of business guests and that is why there is plenty of space for a desk. The flooring and fabric are in nice pastel colours that go together well with the bathroom's gold and silver tiles. You will find very little lacking in the room, as Hilton think of every little detail. The heart of the congress offer is the large congress room with a capacity for up to 435 participants. Soon after opening it became the centre of the congress and social life of the city. Besides the Ballroom Hall, there are also five smaller congress halls available for parallel events, stretching out ove 796 sq.m. The congress hall is also popular with wedding and corporate events organisers. DESSERT – Additional offer The hotel cafe is an institution of the city's coffee scene and in its new guise is now surrounded by a fountain, making it an ideal place for congress pre- and after-parties.


FLOP – negative surprises It is very hard to find anything negative about the hotel, but for any hair-splitters out there the only imperfection might be the slightly slow checkin and check-out process.


TOP – positive surprises The brilliant balance between price and quality for accommodation and congress services. Overall impression and credibility With Hilton, Podgorica has acquired one of the best congress hotels in the region. In terms of both size and offer the congress centre is the biggest in Podgorica and is the heart of the new congress offer of the city. Hilton is of course synonymous with comfort, modernity and practicality, which is always delivered to a high level. This is supported by staff who represent the hotel’s strongest aspects. A few steps still divide the hotel from perfection, but overall the investor and the team deserve serious plaudits. The work has been carried out better than brilliantly and with its sense of harmony the hotel will not disappoint its guests, not even the more demanding congress guests.

Hidden Congress Guest

CENTRE VILLE Hotel & Experiences ★★★★★ LUXURY Podgorica's Living Room



CATEGORY ★★★★ OPENED SINCE 2016 MEETINGS STAR City Meeting Hotel STANDARD Congress Hotel NUMBER OF ROOMS 122 rooms INTERNET PRICE (April 2017, Trivago) ADDRESS CENTRE VILLE Hotel & Experiences Cetinjska 7, The Capital Plaza T: +382 20 684 000 F: +382 20 684 001 E: reservations@cv-hotel.com www.cv-hotel.com FACILITIES The Living Room, The Rooftop, Hard Rock Cafe, Shopping Centre with fashion brands, Banya Wellness & Spa Centre, Capital Fitness Centre and Smart Gym EXTRAS Hotel halls reminiscent of an art gallery, where every new bend and corner invites you to explore further. Every floor has its own art installation. RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Location Accessibility First impression Lobby Employee attitude Reception Hotel room Hotel bed Bathroom and restroom Hotel breakfast Bars and restaurants Congress hall Extras TOTAL:

4.72 4.45 4.79 4.95 4.75 4.71 4.79 4.88 4.85 4.76 4.90 4.59 4.62 4.75

FINAL GRADE Luxury Resort Meeting Hotel


Luxury Premium Business Economy Budget

★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★

Final Score

LOCATION Visitors flooding The Capital Plaza, Podgorica's new multifunctional business and residential complex, have been very impressed by the hustle and bustle of this recently developed part of town. The Abu Dhabi Financial Group is the owner of the property stretching over 100.000m2 and that after its opening quickly became a meeting point for the Podgorica locals. Fuelling its popularity are the numerous shops, wellness centres and bars, including the local Hard Rock Cafe, and last year Podgorica also became one trendy hotel richer with the opening of CentreVille Hotel, set in the heart of the new complex. We are used to seeing hotels of this caliber being deliveed in the bigger European capitals, so we are very happy to see CentreVille bringing its urban spirit to the city of Podgorica. ACCESSIBILITY Access by car is well-taken care of with an underground car park having 800 spaces. More generally the traffic infrastructure in the city is well-developed and air accessibility is getting better by the year. It only takes about 10 minutes to get to the airport with a taxi. COLD APPETIZER - Architecture and Aesthetics The proximity of the sea is reflected in the relaxed and extroverted feeling of the city, and the architects have managed to capture some of that spirit through their design. The hotel exterior doesn't shock you with any architectural feats, but inside it does have a lovely atrium that was very quickly discovered by meeting planners. Part of CentreVille's character is shaped by its arcades and atriums, creating an inviting public space connected to the street. The biggest surprise is hidden well behind the facade, where you are greeted by a large industrial-style living room that takes you to a different world. The living room replaced the classical hotel lobby and reception and became the centre point of the hotel's social life. Adding to the excellent atmosphere of the space is a coffee shop with a wide selection of cakes and pastries. WARM APPETIZER - Staff and Food The Hell's kitchen worthy chef Stefan Đukanović is regarded as one of the best in Montenegro and you can enjoy his culinary creations in the Living Room of the hotel. The bistro offer is a novelty in the city and very quickly after CentreVille's opening started impressing both hotel guests and locals. Breakfast, brunch, late lunch and dinner are all prepared to the highest level and with great attention to detail. The staff is professional, friendly and communicative, and the charm of 98

the girls at the front desk is very welcoming. The staff's red outfits have practically become a trademark of the hotel. This part of the overall hotel offer is definitely deserving of a 5-star rating. MAIN COURSE – The hotel's congress services Modern equipment and a minimalistic Scandinavian attitude best capture the hotel rooms. Their futuristic design in an urban environment makes them stand out from the typical hotel offer in Podgorica and play their part in an even more unique hotel experience. The rooms are very spacious and the Molton Brown cosmetics really pamper guests. The first floor houses the modern conference centre, with its biggest hall being able to host 120 delegates. The Gallery connects two boardrooms and three conference spaces, which fits the bill even for more complex congress meetings. Events can also be organised in the dining room that also serves as a breakfast area, or in the presidential suite on the 6th floor. DESSERT - Additional offer CentreVille's coffee shop, bar, bistro, living room or event space is probably the best multifunctional space in Montenegro.


FLOP – negative surprises If you are looking for a more quiet and sedate hotel you might be bothered by the occasional noise, as Capital Plaza is in the heart of Montenegro's urban scene.


TOP – positive surprises You can upgrade your room to club level, with additional hotel services packed into a reasonably priced package. Overall impression and credibility Podgorica is going through a huge transformation and probably one of its most pleasant ones in the last couple of years. "Always with a smile" has been CentreVille's philosophy since its very beginnings. The hotel that has brought a fresh urban spirit to the Montenegrin capital became a hit the day it first opened. A space perfect for smaller conferences and different corporate events is exactly what Podgorica needed to fill the market gap. The hotel doesn't just impress with its layout, but also with its perfect combination of great hotel service and a 'yes-wecan' attitude that offers business guests everything they might think of.

Top 10



he Adriatic has for several years been the centre of large investments in tourism infrastructure. Europe's closest and for many the most beautiful seaside is a magnet for local and international investors. This year we have also witnessed many new ventures confirming the announcement that more than 50 new hotels will be opened between 2016 and 2018. Given such a pace of growth, we can expect even more to be coming on stream. In the editorial office of Kongres magazine we have selected some of the most interesting ones for you MORE OPENINGS BILLED FOR 2018: • Hotel HYATT REGENCY MARASKA, Zadar, Croatia • Hotel PARK, Rovinj, Croatia • LEONARDO Hotel, Mestre, Italy • THE CHEDI, Luštica Bay, Motenegro • ONE & ONLY, Portonovi, Montenegro It is also lively in the hinterland of SE Europe. Read more about new hotels and renovations in the continental part of the region in the September issue of Kongres magazine.


Top 10



Šibenik, Tourist resort Solaris, Cro


The largest and most prestigious congress investment in Croatia is the Convention Centre Šibenik, which is the most modern congress centre in Croatia and one that is perfectly designed. The central multifunctional hall can host up to 1,500 participants and allows banquets for 1,000 attendees. With the construction of the centre, Šibenik has been placed firmly on the map of congress destinations of Croatia, which is expected due to the exceptional potential. Wow Factor: The resort's comprehensive offer that includes a varied offer of hotel rooms, entertainment and wellness, and over 1,400 parking spaces.



Rabac, Croatia


The investment in Rabac is the largest hotel investment in Croatia. With the new hotel, Rabac is becoming an interesting congress destination. The next hotel, Valamar Sanfior, is a small congress centre that can accommodate up to 100 participants. The new hotel is especially suitable for incentive groups that can experience the rich offer of Istria and the towns of Rabac and Labin. Wow Factor: Numerous undiscovered possibilities for incentive programmes in nearby Rabac and the Istrian hinterland.



Punat, Krk Island, Croatia


Falkensteiner is expanding its hotel offer to the island of Krk. For now, this is a seasonal hotel that is more focused on families, but it will also allow the possibility of accommodation for incentive groups. Affordable quality of its "Welcome Home" concept puts the island of Krk on the congress map. Wow Factor: Typical Falkensteiner, with all-inclusive packages also available for incentive groups.



Šibenik, Tourist resort Solaris, Cro


The hotel is located near the town of Omiš and in addition to the classic hotel offer it also has a small congress centre, meaning the ‘pirate city’ of Omiš is now also on the congress map. The capacity of the largest hall is 300 participants and there are also two small halls. The hotel will be open for most of the year. Wow Factor: The town of Omiš is a congress destination that is defined by its the picturesque setting and the river Cetina.



Vodice, Croatia


The hotel resembles a luxury cruise ship and apart from the existing congress centre the resort has now acquired three new conference halls of the highest quality, most notably the hall in the shape of a Delta amphitheatre. With this acquisition the hotel and Vodice itself are on the right track to become the ultimate incentive destination. Wow Factor: Sky restaurant on the 10th floor is one of the most attractive new locations for receptions on the Adriatic.



Trogir, Croatia


The city of Trogir, which is listed as part of UNESCO heritage, had been waiting for a long time for a new hotel. Now, however, it has acquired a small boutique congress hotel with a small hall for max. 80 people. The advantage of the hotel is the proximity to Split Airport, which is just 7km away. The Black Pepper restaurant, which prepares excellent local Dalmatian cuisine, is also a great boost for it. Wow Factor: The hotel's unique attraction is the swimming pool on the hotel's terrace, which has become a recognizable part of the hotel.


Capacities: 11 halls on 4,000 m2 1,500 theatre / 1,000 banquet / 1,365 cocktail Status: New convention centre More info: www.solarishotelsresort.com/ congress-center-solaris/ Number of rooms: 94 rooms Status: New hotel More info: www.valamar.com

Number of rooms: 94 rooms Status: New hotel More info: www.falkensteiner.com/hr/ hotel/park-punat Number of rooms: 103 rooms Status: New hotel More info: www.hotelplaza.hr

Number of rooms: 149 rooms Status: New hotel More info: www.olympiavodice.hr

Number of rooms: 52 rooms Status: New hotel More info: www.hotelola.hr

Top 10



Solin - Split, Croatia


The modern designed hotel also includes a congress hall that can accommodate up to 330 participants. It is designed to host weddings and smaller conferences. A specialty is a restaurant that offers Roman cuisine. The advantage is a large and spacious car park and the proximity to the Split city ring road. Wow Factor: Luxury combination of spa with a smaller conference centre at a very special location, next to the ancient archaeological site.



Dubrovnik, Croatia


A new acquisition in the Lapad bay within the Importanne hotel complex. A special feature is the hotel swimming pool on the terrace and a medium-sized congress centre that can accommodate up to 500 participants. The congress centre includes 14 multifunctional halls. Wow Factor: Topmost design

Number of rooms: 47 rooms and apartments Status: New hotel More info: www.salonapalace.com

Number of rooms: 81 deluxe rooms Status: New hotel More info: www.hotelroyalblue.com



Dubrovnik, Croatia


The legendary Dubrovnik Hotel is shining in a new light this year with its completely renovated rooms and a reception in the spirit of the Excelsior’s golden age. Sophisticated elegance and top-class cuisine are a guarantee for meetings and events at the highest level. Wow Factor: The iconic hotel in an exceptional location is a symbol both of Dubrovnik and city glamour.



Korčula Island, Croatia


The hotel is not a conventional congress hotel, but it is suitable for smaller incentive groups and with its renovation Korcula, whilst for the moment still undiscovered, is now an interesting destination for incentives and will be very important especially in the field of active incentive programmes. Wow Factor: The romantic pine forest is an ideal point for outdoor team building programmes.



Trogir, Croatia


A new luxury hotel in Trogir sits easily among the designer hotels bracket and is located just 5km from Split. It is a member of the Brown Beach chain of boutique hotels and is housed in a restored building that was once a tobacco store. The hotel is blessed with an attractive outdoor pool for top-class pool parties and takes a holistic approach to organising events that immediately gained many followers. Wow Factor: “Cartina” – a high end Mediterranean styled restaurant.



Pržno, Montenegro


A completely renovated hotel that was once managed by the Slovenian HIT group welcomed its first guests in June. Its new Greek managers have also thoroughly renovated the Casino and are planning further investment in the resort. The investments have already raised the quality of the hotel to five stars. Wow Factor: The fishing village of Pržno, one of the most romantic bays in Montenegro, will delight your participants.


Number of rooms: 158 rooms and apartments Status: Hotel renovation More info: www.adriaticluxuryhotels.com/ en/hotel-excelsior-dubrovnik Number of rooms: 170 rooms Status: Hotel renovation More info: www.port9resort.com

Number of rooms: 25 rooms Status: New hotel More info: www.brownhotels.com

Number of rooms: 176 rooms Status: Hotel renovation More info: www.maestral.me


Talk to Us Andreas Griessler Kärnten Convention & Mitgesellschafter GesbR

E: andreas.griessler@kaernten.at www.convention.kaernten.at www.facebook.com/kaernten.convention

Good Practice Cases

Successful Presentation of Carinthia Convention Bureau in Ljubljana CULINARY BONDING OF TWO REGIONS Text by Gorazd Čad Photo credit Kongres Archive


he venue of Jurček Pavilion at the GR – Ljubljana Exhibition Convention Centre was turned into the innovative cuisine at yesterday’s event, where new acquaintances and business arrangements were made. Carinthia Convention Bureau prepared an event for selected event organizers from Slovenia in cooperation with Toleranca Marketing agency, where a real culinary team bonding happened for the first time. More than 20 Slovenian event organizers from agencies and companies as well as representatives of the 9 congress providers from Carinthia gathered at the venue. After the preview of Carinthia providers’ event continued in the form of a chef’s challenge, led by Thomas Gruber, the chef from Carinthia and Igor Jagodic, the chef from Slovenia. The main characteristic of the “Gasthaus von Thomas Gruber« at the lake Wörthersee is the regional cuisine, where different cultures and genuine dishes, origines from Slovenia, Italy and Carinthia meets. Eating and drinking together becomes the indispensable experience factor. Thomas Gruber is not following the culinary mainstream, so instead of great gourmet menus, you will find there dishes with heart and mind. Thomas has gained knowledge and experience for many years in the most prestigious restaurants and hotels in the States, France, Italy and Austria. In 2013, he has opened his own restaurant “Gasthaus von Thomas Gruber”

Igor Jagodic is preparing old, but traditional local Ljubljana dishes in new guises for wealthy foreign and domestic guests from the year 2012 in Restaurant Strelec, located on Ljubljana Castle. He combines the basics of modern French cuisine with playful colours, local ingredients and mixing flavours. The curiosity led him abroad, from France, Germany to Danish Copenhagen, to the famous restaurant Noma. He can pride himself with numerous of culinary awards from competitions in which he participated as a member of the Slovenian chef representative team. Restaurant Strelec won the selection of best Ljubljana restaurants, rewarded by “Ljubljana quality”, for the second time in a row under his leadership. The first event of this kind has impressed the organizers with its innovative concept and the possibility of networking with potential business partners in a relaxed atmosphere. Organizers from Carinthia Convention Bureau were more than satisfied with the event organization, while attendees expressed their craving for having evets of this kind even more in the future.

“There are many opportunities for collaboration in the Alpe Adria region and these events are a step forward towards better cooperation. At the same time, they also show a positive thinking and perspective on events that have a more relaxed way of promoting networking among attendees,” said Andreas Grissler, Managing Director of Carinthia Convention Bureau. 104

Carinthia Convention Bureau brings together more than 60 members. This time selected members presented in Ljubljana: Carinthia Convention, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Seepark Hotel, Casino Velden, Seehotel Europa, Convention Bureau Villach, Holiday Inn & Congress Center Villach, Falkensteiner Carinzia and as a partner destination Steiermark Convention. For all of you who missed the event, we have published the recipes for dishes that were prepared in Ljubljana.

Who is Who

LIFE IS A GAME - BE A PART OF IT! Who is who at Falkensteiner Carinzia Interview by Nina Praprotnik / Photo credit Falkensteiner Carinzia

Q: Where are you going to spend this year’s holiday? I have already enjoyed Paris for a weekend trip, but my next bigger vacation will be Asia. Q: What was your favourite vacation? Two and a half weeks in South Africa in 2016. Visiting the national park (Krüger National Park) and seeing all the animals in the nature. Q: Where would you go if there were no time and financial constraints? I would like to travel around the world and visit all countries, cities, villages. To see the different culture and nature around the world. Q: What is your favourite indoor / outdoor activity? I like to listen and play music. I play saxophone ☺ For outdoor activities, I like to ski and swim, just being in the nature.

ANNA GRANITZER, SALES MANAGER Q: What are you most proud of in business…? Doesn’t matter either business or private life I’m proud of myself, being honest and loyal and most of the time smiling. Q: Wisdom / motto? Life is a game - be a part of it!

Q: What is your favourite dish and restaurant (anywhere in the world)? Pasta. Doesn’t matter where in the world, this is always an option. Q: What is your favourite gadget? It’s my iPhone. Q: Which song do you most often play on your iPod? I don’t have a favorite song, but I love the music and it gives me a lot. Q: Which part of the day and of the week is your favourite?


I prefer the afternoon and the sundown, on weekend of course. Early morning it’s not my favourite time. Q: What is your favourite mode of transport? I like to go by car as well with the bike. Q: If you could return to the past or hurry to the future, how old would you like to be, and why? I would like to be 17 again. Because you are still a teenager, but you want to be an adult and you still have some restrictions which you would like to try to the limit. Q: If you could witness any event in history, which one would you choose? All of them, as there are no events which I didn’t enjoy. Q: What was the best party you ever attended? It was New Year 2013/2014 and I was in Dubai, celebrating with my friend at the 5* Hotel on the Palm Jumeirah. Q: Your last film, book and concert? Film: Me before you Concert: Wenn die Musik spielt Open Air Q: What fantasy character would you be? I would be a princess and live in a castle. Q: What did you learn to do last week? Preparing a traditional and regional dish from my mother.


Conventa Experienc venta Experience FOR MEETINGS, EVENTS & INCENTIVE TRAVEL



Conventa Experien


– 25 January 2018 • Ljubljana, Slovenia • www.conventa.si

018 • Ljubljana, Slovenia • www.conventa.si


10 years. Explor


10 years. Explore. Meet. Create.

24 – 25 January 2018 • Ljubljana, Slovenia • www.conventa.si


10 years

Conventa Addendum


Conventa Addendum

10 C


We’ve been creating Conventa since 2009, which means that next year Conventa will be celebrating its 10th anniversary – 10 years of success, friendship and connections. What’s most likely to make us remember the year 2009? Well, at the beginning of that year Slovakia adopted the EU currency, Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States of America and Usain Bolt broke the world record in clocking 9.58 sec to win 100m gold. And, of course, we will never forget the first Conventa taking place that year too. But let’s let the numbers speak for themselves: from 2009 to 2017, Conventa brought to Ljubljana 2,286 meeting planners from 48 countries. Throughout these years 1,192 exhibitors from 17 countries exhibited at the GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre.

These years also saw 29,150 bilateral talks and 23,787 one2one prescheduled meetings carried out. These numbers are impressive and the Conventa trade show organisers are already looking forward to the upcoming show, where business and pleasure have always gone hand in hand. Conventa remains the central event for business events organisers in Southeast Europe, where networking and establishing new business contacts is at the forefront in addition to the exchange of knowledge and experience. More than 250 organisers from all over Europe visit the trade show every year.

POTICA, A SYMBOL OF THE 10TH CONVENTA TRADE SHOW For every successful project a proper celebration is crucial, and at Conventa, we’ll be celebrating with “potica” – the traditional festive cake of Slovenia and moreover the delicious queen of all festive



dishes. Potica is just like Conventa – traditional, sweet, tasty and, once you have a taste, you won’t be able to get enough of it. It also symbolizes celebration, and that’s precisely why we thought it more than appropriate to choose potica as our symbol for the 10th jubilee Conventa. The most well known potica is the one with the nut filling, but if that’t not your thing you can also have the potica with poppyseed, cottage cheese, hazelnut, tarragon and other options. Recently potica even managed to get international attention due to a Melania Trump incident with the Pope – she was accompanying her husband, the US president, on his visit to the Vatican, when Pope Francis asked her: “What are you feeding him, potica?” and Melania replied “pizza” and answered “yes”. It maybe wasn’t the finest hour for Slovenians, but it certainly brought a lot of media attention to potica and, as they say, any kind of publicity is better than no publicity, so we’re sure potica didn’t mind all the attention!

Interesting facts about potica: • The cake was first mentioned by Primož Trubar, who published the first book in the Slovenian language • Janez Bogataj, a Slovenian ethnologist and potica expert, has called for the recipe to be given protected status using EU legislation • Janez Bogataj even wrote a book about it, Poticas of Slovenia

Conventa Addendum


POINT OF VIEW - Ambassadors & Hall of fame award recipients Award recipients at Conventa represent the event’s honour and enduring glory of those pivotal to the industry. We talked to a number of the ambassadors and Hall of Fame recipients about the award that recognizes individual meeting professionals for their extraordinary and invaluable services to the meeting industry of South East Europe, and asked them: What does Conventa mean to you?

Conventa has by far the best catering of any trade show I have ever attended and I have attended a lot of trade shows around the world. The dish that comes to mind is a caramelised apple and rhubarb ripple semi-freddo. It is authentic, fresh, pure and simple yet sophisticated dish, that provides many different subtle flavours that will never stop delighting the palate. Of course a glass of wine or two from one of the many wonderful Slovenian wineries is also another treat that should not be missed.

Timo Heinaro, Finnish agency Fincentive

Patrick Delaney, Soolnua

What does Conventa mean to you? Conventa provides a brilliant opportunity to meet the key MICE suppliers from South East Europe and keep up to date on new developments and initiatives relevant to the meetings and incentives in the region. Can you share a memorable experience from Conventa that is hard to forget? Conventa was where I met the amazingly innovative social and cultural entrepreneur, artist and performer Miha Pogacnik. Miha is a great example of the innovative design of Conventa, where all of the six senses are engaged. As such Conventa is always stimulating and rewarding.

Paul Kennedy, Kennedy integrated solutions What does Conventa mean to you? I have been associated with Conventa since its first edition. I really value this event for being well organised, stylish, with great hospitality and focused on the region. It is also held in one of my favourite sites anywhere – Ljubljana. Can you share a memorable experience from Conventa that is hard to forget? For me it’s walking into the hall and smelling the aroma from the apple crates the first year they were used. This local style sets this event apart.

Conventa is celebrating its 10th jubilee in the upcoming year. What is Conventa's Conventa is celebrating its 10th jubilee in message to the MICE industry? the upcoming year. What is Conventa's The show celebrates New Europe and all message to the MICE industry? the wonderful experiences that are waiting The message of Conventa to the MICE to be discovered by planners who are more industry is that South-east Europe is and more looking for destinations that are equipped to do international meetings different, authentic and can provide expeand events business. Excellent facilities, riences that are engaging and allow particvery good quality, accessible, price comipants to access the destinations as locals. petitive and a wonderful welcome. How do you see the impact of Conventa on the region? Conventa will continue to be the ideal window for planners into the new destinations of South East Europe that are relatively unknown outside of the region. It exposes the local MICE community to the latest trends and examples of best practice for the sector through its innovative education programme. If Conventa were a dish, what would it be and why?

culture and history and you can see this when you visit different destinations participating at the Conventa trade show.

How do you see the impact of Conventa on the region? It is by far the most important marketing and business development opportunity not just for Slovenia but for the whole region and it represents a great value for exhibitor’s marketing spend. If Conventa were a dish, what would it be and why? It would not be one dish but a whole menu because the region offers a fusion of 109

What does Conventa mean to you? Something not to miss. I am eagerly looking forward to 2018 as due to overlapping client projects I haven’t been able to attend for a while – it’s been too long. Conventa offers time to get acquainted with new things that are available and check how the old ones improved. Can you share a memorable experience from Conventa that is hard to forget? My memory comes from the first Conventa I participated at. For the most of the time I was surrounded by beautiful local ladies (many of them are in the region) and judging by the grin on one of my key DMC partner’s face he had to do something with it. How do you see the impact of Conventa on the region? Ten years ago South-East Europe was pretty unknown as a MICE destination and even seasoned industry professionals had the wrong impressions about the area’s potential. Conventa has played an important role in providing a forum where the region can showcase all of its best offerings to the buyers in one place. It’s really important that the buyers have had a hands-on experience with the region to feel why is it so special. For exhibitors Conventa has opened new ways for creating contacts that would otherwise take a lot of time and effort. If Conventa were a dish, what would it be and why? Fresh octopus salad enjoyed with a group of good friends. Every time I go to the Adriatic coastline or islands this is the first dish I eat. Fresh, local catch accompanied by wild herbs grown in sunshine and olive oil handcrafted by a family – all this coupled with a locally produced white wine. Instead of playing with Michelin stars and a posh set-up the Adriatic coastline brings us an authentic experience. That’s what Conventa is good at.

Conventa Addendum

WHY EVERY SERIOUS MEETING PLANNER SHOULD TRY A HOSTED BUYER STATUS AT CONVENTA Conventa 2018 is on its way and there is no better time to consider where your first trip in 2018 should be to. We already know the answer to that: in January, you’ll be coming to Ljubljana, Slovenia, as you simply can’t miss the 10th Conventa. Hosted buyer status at Conventa is a dream come true for many and offers a complete tradeshow experience. If you need ten good reasons to join us as a hosted buyer, here they are: • Boutique show: a boutique show with a maximum of 150 meeting providers, which enables the perfect balance between meetings and networking. • New business opportunities: you’ll get to know the region and its destinations, and meet new business partners in a professional but relaxing environment. • Fresh knowledge: international and local speakers deliver key addresses in great workshops and at an expert corner. • Sublime treatment: A hosted buyer status guarantees you VIP treatment at every step and at all times. • Complete tradeshow experience: Flight, transfers, accommoWHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR IN A HOSTED BUYER? At every Conventa we aim for top quality hosted buyers and whilst each year the number of hosted buyers is growing, we make sure it does so slowly, as our motto is ‘quality over quantity’. Consequently we unfortunately have to decline quite a big number of applicants each year, as our aim is to target leading meeting industry buyers from associations, corporations and agencies organising events, so we are especially interested in anyone with a high interest for congress and event organisation in the region and anyone that influences or makes budgetary decisions for incentive travel, conventions, international meetings and other events. When applying, the criteria are clearly set out and application form is comprehensive; we are interested in your experience, the number and type of events organised, the level of responsibility etc. Interesting facts: • In 2009 we hosted 157 buyers, but in 2017 we hosted 295 buyers from 46 countries. • Altogether we have hosted 2,286 buyers so far. • The number of pre-scheduled one-to-one meetings has also increased, from 2,060 in 2009 to 3,359 in 2017. HOW HAS THE HOSTED BUYER EXPERIENCE AT CONVENTA BEEN SO FAR? When we receive the results of the level of satisfaction of hosted buyers it is something that gives us our own great satisfaction every year. Almost 92% of hosted buyers stated that their participation fulfilled their expectations in 2017 and overall satisfaction on a scale from 1 to 5 was rated at 4.5. We're proud to share with you some of the personal reflections on the Conventa experience. To date we have hosted exhibitors from: Austria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine


• • • •


10 years. Explore. Meet. Create.

dation, one2one meetings, the welcome and official reception, networking lunches, an after-party event and the exciting and informative FAM trip programmes. Hands-on destination experience: You get to find out about the offer in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania and much more, all under one roof. Under one roof: You can meet more than 100 major hotels, venues, DMCs and incentive providers from all over New Europe and personally discover their offer. FAM trips of the century: We offer you truly exciting FAM trips to the region of South East Europe and a first-hand experience of these destinations. Work hard, party harder: We cannot forget to mention our great after-party events – we are famous for our great parties where you can dance your heart out. 10th jubilee: 10 years, 10 reasons to celebrate. Even more reasons to join us for the celebration.

I had never been to Slovenia before I attended Conventa. All I can say is WOW WOW WOW. What a magical, beautiful place with so many possibilities for my MICE groups to enjoy such an incredible place. The Tour Guide, the wonderful staff from the Convention Bureau were very much part of what made the experience special. The history, the architecture, the amazing foods and delicious wines that were so plentiful were incredible. Annette Fitzgerald, Marketing Director at Top Events Limited, Ireland and hosted buyer at Conventa 2016 The fact that I come to the Conventa show and find all the partners in the region at the show means I can do in an hour, maximum two days, what would take me five days or even more to do, as I would have to travel among other countries in the region. Linda Pereira, Senior Partner and CEO of the L&I Communications Group Conventa is a top quality event to meet prime partners. The trade show lets you get to know the potential Southeast Europe has to host future meetings. Efrain Pardo, HelmsBriscoe, Czech Republic WHERE DO THE EXHIBITORS AT CONVENTA COME FROM? If you are deciding on whether to join us at Conventa, we can let you know that the benefits of doing so are clear: we take care of our hosted buyers like we’d take care of our own children. We take care of your comfort, your fun and cover all of your costs: transfer, accommodation, a personal itinerary of appointments, FAM trips, networking opportunities and much more. However, you might still like to know: where do the exhibitors at Conventa come from? Well, since 2009 we have hosted 1,192 exhibitors from 17 countries. The exhibitors at Conventa come from Central and South-East Europe, most of them from Slovenia, Austria and Croatia. Every year new exhibitors join us from convention bureaus, tourism offices, tourism agencies, hotels, spas, airports, conference centres, casinos, DMCs, catering outfits and many others.

Conventa Addendum







Text by Gorazd Čad Photo credit Kongres Archive

“Ten years ago, when we started preparing the congress travelogues, we couldn’t possibly have foreseen that our methodology for evaluating destinations would have become such an important reference point for meeting planners. As of today, we have published 76 travelogues of various meeting destinations, all based on hard graft and solid field work. Our unflagging enthusiasm for this has demonstrated that we have been setting quality standards that are also being recognized by the wider international industry public through the Meetings Star Awards.” - Gorazd Čad, Editor in Chief


ongress travelogues, or Meetologues, have become a firm reference for event organisers in selecting destinations over the past decade, mainly because of their sound logic and the benefits that they bring to all parties. On the initiative of individual destinations that have participated in the MTLG project, we have now prepared a new categorization of meeting destinations. The primary reason we have done this is to ensure the clarity and comprehensibility of the individual categories; the new categorization involves a combination of criteria and the basis for the classification of destinations into four classes is based on the full range of the index and total scores that fall within it. The main drive for us to update the categorization is so that we can provide to meeting planners as much information as possible on the capacity of destinations, which we have been evaluating since 2009 through our tried and tested method of congress travelogues – Meetlogue. Every destination is evaluated based on fieldwork and research, through which we want to get as close as possible to the real situation. The complexity of the meetings industry means there are many possible variables that can contribute to defining the ‘size’ of a destination. We have been looking for those that are frequently considered to be closely connected and interdependent. This aspect of the defining criteria process necessitated a review of existing literature, which is quite limited in that field and is heavily reliant on the statistics prepared by the international association ICCA, which focuses on recording the number of association meetings and their participants at a destination. Our pillar capacity of meeting estinations were calculated based on criteria that were defined with the help of leading experts from various destinations and are as follows:



Air accessibility of destinations This assessment is based on the European air connectivity report, which is prepared annually by ACI Europe. Analysing connectivity data from the SEO Economic Research’s ‘Netscan’ connectivity model, the report provides in-depth insights into how well Europe is connected by air, both internally and with other regions in the world. It distinguishes between direct and indirect connectivity, and takes a special in-depth look at the dynamics at Europe’s hubs – which act as engines of connectivity for wider outreach.


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms The development of meeting destination is directly linked to the number of hotel rooms it has, which according to our study reaches at least twice the maximum capacity of the plenary hall at the destination. The single use of rooms is dominated by congress guests and for business tourism, which includes the meetings industry, the use of rooms in the business categories of of 4 and 5 stars is predominant. For that reason, only those hotels are assessed in this category.


The number of 4* and 5* category hotels To enhance destination comparisons, we also captured the number of 4 and 5 star category hotels that are predominantly used by congress guests. The number of such hotels is a unique indicator of how well a destination is adapted to business tourism and vice versa.


Banquet hall maximum capacity Practically every congress or event also plays host to a social event or a gala dinner. It is often the case that the maximum capacity of the hall for banquets dictates the maximum size of the congress that the destination is able to accommodate. This criterion is therefore extremely important to our assessment.



The largest hall in the city (in m2) The size of the hall further dictates the size of the largest events and accompanying exhibitions that can ordinarily accompany such events. These are normally the multifunctional halls in congress and exhibition centres. This criterion is directly linked to exhibition activity, which is most highly developed in the so-called ‘meeting hubs’.


Maximum hall capacity in theatre layout Congress centre halls that are suitable for plenary sessions are assessed in this category. To make this a level assessment many sports facilities were excluded, as they typically lack the additional infrastructure required for the organisation of events.


Destination population A city or a town’s population tends to be the catalyst for development, transformation and, of course, also the generator of many events. Over the course of history the meetings industry has developed in the urban regions and is therefore considered one of the factors associated with metropolitanisation and the major conurbations in Europe. The results of this new categorization are presented in detail below. It highlighted that, depending on the supporting capacity, destinations can be divided into four categories that are framed based on the maximum number of participants that can be accommodated without encountering any major logistical turmoil or complications.


MEETING DESTINATIONS Destinations that can host more than 2,000 congress attendees



on the detailed evaluation the destinations with an index of 500 to 600 still have some challenges in different fields, for example at Baku, where infrastructure development is incredible but where on the other hand it has a significantly low level of flight availability, or with Belgrade and Bucharest, where better accessibility and a larger number of hotel rooms is lacking. In each of the MTLGs you can find a more detailed and revealing in-depth analysis of the criteria.

LONDON, Great Britain




PARIS, France


BERLIN, Germany




VIENNA, Austria


PRAGUE, Czech Republic





MUNICH, Germany




DUBLIN, Ireland


KRAKOW, Poland




GRAZ, Austria


WARSAW, Poland


GDANSK, Poland


MOSCOW, Russia




SOFIA, Bulgaria


ZAGREB, Croatia


ATHENS, Greece


VILNIUS, Lithuania


ZURICH, Switzerland


TALLIN, Estonia








BRNO, Czech Republic


BAKU, Azerbaijan














NOVI SAD, Serbia


The largest European meeting destinations are to be found in the first category, as they have advanced development of congress infrastructure and excellent flight accessibility. These destinations are also predominantly the most important aviation hubs. There are, however, significant differences among the destinations that will be further brought out by a detailed evaluation of their qualitative criteria. At the top end of the category are the largest destinations, all with excellent infrastructure and minimum differentiation in their broad provision, mainly being in the sphere of flight availability. Based 115


MEETING DESTINATIONS Destinations that can host up to 2,000 congress attendees MTLG INDEX 2017

Congress infrastructure (hall capacity) and flight availability on destinations listed here enables the hosting of a congress for up to 2,000 attendees. In the field of congress infrastructure some especially great progress has

been made by a number of the destinations, such as Poland and the Baltic countries, where a number of brand new congress centres can be found today. Among the destinations there are also those where the infrastructure is in place, but is in need of extensive renovation, or those that are still waiting for a proper and dedicated convention centre to be built, such as Sarajevo or Zagreb. For this category flight availability is an extremely important criterion and is where major differences and significant competitive advantages can be made.


MEETING DESTINATIONS Destinations that can host up to 1,000 congress attendees

















































This is probably the most heterogeneous category and the one for which the general conclusion is that it is dominated by regional centres and major tourist cities. The congress offer here is mainly based on the offer of local congress

hotels and smaller convention centres. The capacity of listed destinations is therefore up to maximum of 1,200 congress attendees. All of the cities in this category have great potential for further development, which will be determined by additional investments in infrastructure.


MEETING DESTINATIONS Destinations that can host up to 500 congress attendees













































This category is dominated by the smaller tourist resorts, where the meeting industry is a complementary activity during low season. Congress capacities are smaller and more personalized, adapted to meetings with a small number of participants (and dominated by the congress halls for up to 150 participants). The data for our overall categorization was collected through a questionnaire that was answered by convention bureaus, with data on the population of each destination gathered through Wikipedia. All of the recorded criteria were then 116

standardized and statistically ranked, a process by which at the end an estimation of the relative position of individual destinations could be made. Throughout this process of data trawling we directly obtained data from 68 convention bureaus (altogether there were 78 destinations ranked). The process therefore covers a relevant statistical sample, which will be further expanded in the future. The initial reaction from congress organisers whom we have provided the index has been positive, as this is a tool that will provide them with a genuinely realistic comparison. The entire methodology of our work had already been upgraded previous year with a system of benchmarking that is carried out for each individual congress destinations, under the name MTLG BENCHMARK. With our complete methodology we have saved you a lot of your valuable time that would otherwise have been spent in comparing yourself with your main competitors. Our process is conducted at two different levels:


DESTINATION EVALUATION (following the congress MTLG’s methodology) At this stage destinations are evaluated on all the criteria that are covered in our methodology, including 63 competitive criteria. Based on the destination evaluation a comparative matrix is prepared, which is the basis for the workshop performance of the second stage.


BENCHMARK WORKSHOP (with key stakeholders at the destination) The workshop is designed to evaluate the competitive strengths and weaknesses of a destination and provide the exchange of good case studies in regard to its the further development. We are confident that our objective evaluation will help event organisers and at the same time allow destinations to implement the further improvements required to overcome their comparative disadvantages. For further information regarding the MTLG benchmark we’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to call us to 00386 (0)1 430 51 04, or send an e-mail to gorazd.cad@toleranca.eu.



Meetings Star 2017


AIRPORT CONNECTIVITY: Connectivity is the metric by which airports live – the more connected an airport is to the wider world, the more attractive it becomes to its users and the greater the value it provides to the community and local, regional or indeed national economy it serves. ACI Europe, 2016

Population: 1,280,508

Meetings star final mark: 4,55



Population: 1,233,796

Airport connectivity: 1.923

Within the wider region Zagreb has best managed to maintain the Central European culture that is reminiscent of Vienna and create a special atmosphere from it. In addition to this, it is a ‘pocket-friendly destination’ that offers a lot for reasonable little money. It is the ideal combination of a metropolis with charm and a small town atmosphere. Everything is seasoned with the right dose of metropolitan character and the friendliness of the locals. Meetings star final mark: 4.31



Population: 282,994

Airport connectivity: 1.026

Ljubljana is renowned for making an extremely good first impression, something that is partly attributable to some of the ‘preconceived’ ideas of how it might be as a city in the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Against any such ideas visitors find a congress destination that is friendly and favourable to the meetings industry, whilst also competitive in terms of price and quality. Of all the regional capitals it also has a very good image that has been strengthened thanks to the annual Conventa Trade Show. Meetings star final mark: 4.33 9


Population: 42,615

Airport connectivity: 570

Dubrovnik is the flagship of regional tourism and for meetings organisers we meet daily it is their first association with the region. The world class destination is once again attracting well-known names and world class events. In the meetings industry it is the strongest brand of the region, and a brand that rarely disappoints or leaves one feeling indifferent. Dubrovnik is love at first sight. Meetings star final mark: 4,27

Airport connectivity: 2,005

Belgrade bases its congress story on the rich culture at the crossroads of East and West, the central position in the South-East Europe and a lively social life. It is a city with remarkable cuisine, world-class nightlife, world events and positive vibrations, which makes it a very dynamic and attractive tourist destination. Belgrade is a city on the rise and a rough congress diamond, which has enormous development potential.


Population: 1,107,623

Airport connectivity: 4.437

The city with a rich cultural heritage, warm friendliness of its locals and countless congress options drops its anchor deep into the heart. Every street and house tells its own story, which gives the city a special touch. Prague maintains and builds on its high-quality romantic reputation. Looking at the position of Prague regionally, it will not take primacy over Vienna, but it certainly has all the conditions in place to remain the prime congress destination among East European capitals for a long time to come.




Meetings star final mark: 4,14



Population: 1,757,618

Airport connectivity: 3.427

Simply put, this is a city that offers the best value for money. According to research carried out by Magyar Turizmus, 1 EUR spent in the congress industry in Vienna is worth 2 EUR in Budapest. On top of this Budapest is also a fresh and new destination compared to some of the more tried and tested competitors still in the market. Meetings star final mark: 4.30 Slovenia Ljubljana



Population: 2,106,144

Airport connectivity: 3,296

Bucharest is a city of contrasts. Great palaces and the latest congress hotels but on the other hand poorly recognized brand and unrelated congress offer. These are the main disadvantages compared to the much more active cities such as Belgrade and Sofia in the vicinity. But at this moment it is certainly the most affordable major European Congress Capital. With a little effort you will find everything you need for any events. Even the friendliness of the staff in the hotel and congress sector deviates from the average Meetings star final mark: 4.03


Meetings Star 2017 8


Population: 444,885


Airport connectivity: 1,539

Not many countries of the former Eastern Bloc have made such a huge step in terms of development as the three small Baltic states. Estonians also excel in the field of congress tourism, successfully implementing the creativity that helped them through Soviet times, Scandinavian minimalism and rich folklore into their congress story. Tallinn isn't short of special venues, as more and more meeting planners are turning towards a combination of its contemporary architecture and local creativity. Meetings star final mark: 4,28


Population: 12,380,664

Airport connectivity: 4,887

The city's congress industry, offering everything from the most modern congress centres to the more traditional providers, reflects that intertwinement. The list of venues goes on forever and encompasses everything from luxurious hotels of international chains to excellent congress centres. The size of the city isn't the only thing that's hefty, as Moscow has also become known as the most expensive city in the world. This somewhat dampens its competitiveness, but Moscow is nevertheless a great host for any kind of event. Meetings star final mark: 4.09



Population: 1,826,030

Airport connectivity: 7.562


Population: 1,826,030 / Airport connectivity: 7.562 With the richest and most groomed congress tradition in Europe imperial Vienna is leading the game across many different scales of the congress industry. Over the past decade Vienna has also broadened its modern content and offer. As a bridge between eastern and western Europe, Vienna is known as a starting point and a central hub, which many other destinations are trying to mimic.

Meetings star final mark: 4,23


Population: 1,753,977

Airport connectivity: 4,359

Today Warsaw is one of the fastest growing capitals in the EU and a city that can pride itself on a mix of new and old architectural styles. Its growth in infrastructure was strongly boosted when Warsaw was the host of the UEFA European Championship in 2012 and many new hotels were opened. The biggest congress hotel, the Hilton Warsaw with a hall for 1,600 participants, is one of the biggest in Europe, but The Palace of Culture with its 40 congress halls is also an interesting option. Meetings star final mark: 4,39



Population: 432,801 4


Population: 14,025,646

Airport connectivity: 9.729

Caught between traditional and Western cultures the city offers one of the most authentic congress experiences anywhere in the world. Leaving aside the political instability and security challenges, it is one of the most competitive destinations in the world, characterised by the genuine hospitality of the locals and their natural aptitude for business. Meetings star final mark: 4.34

Airport connectivity: 1,870

The city of four rivers defines the Danube river with its tributaries and with the mighty Renaissance castle above the intimate and compact old town. Bratislava is undiscovered European congress capital which slowly and steadily penetrates into the congress market. It represents a novelty for international congress market which impresses due to the kind and sympathetic city center but also because of not excessive commercialization. The city is close to the congress organizers mainly due to a more personal congress experience – the city is very friendly and there are no problems with the safety. Meetings star final mark: 4,20



Population: 3,090,580

Airport connectivity: 5.458

A historic city with excellent connectivity to the rest of the world and where you will find infrastructure befitting a major European capital, but with better weather and in a more interesting location. The Athens congress industry definitely has a clear vision and enough reserves of energy for a second break into the premier congress league, but for the moment it has been a little bit set back by the crisis. Once this finishes, Athens will be able to hit the heights once again. Meetings star final mark: 4,41




Population: 325,182

Airport connectivity: 1,182

Many consider it as the capital of Greek cuisine, which is a guarantee for an enjoyable time at your event. Most of Thessaloniki's big events take place at the Thessaloniki International Exhibition & Congress Centre, at the heart of the congress offer. The city's hotel offer is also diverse and perfect for smaller corporate events. The entire congress offer is connected by the proactive Convention Bureau, which despite a limited budget has been maintaining a stable position on the ICCA scale, with 18 international congresses annually. Meetings star final mark: 4,10

Meetings Star 2017



Destinations that can host more than 2,000 congress attendees



The number The number of 4* and 5* of 4* and 5* category hotel hotels rooms

Banquet hall maximum capacity

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style








































































































































Meetings Star 2017





More than 300 Balls per year are organised in this capital of music. Half of them are public, so you might get lucky and stumble upon one of them on your trip. Prepare to become familiar with the Viennese Waltz at some of the most famous Balls, like The Philharmonic Ball, Blumenball or Kaffeesiederball.

BEST INCENTIVE IDEA “The Third Man” In the footsteps of the great movie classic shot in Vienna in 1947. You become immersed in the atmosphere of the movie at the original locations in the inner city and deep down in the Vienna “underworld” – the sewers made famous by the great Harry Lime chase.


4.77 Final Score

Vienna is a tourist, cultural and historical, convention and business centre with a high standard of living. One of the four headquarters of the United Nations has been in the Austrian capital for more than 30 years, as well as the seats of other relevant international organisations such as the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO). Vienna is also an important meeting point of international diplomacy, as more than 3,500 diplomats and more than 5,000 employees of international organisations work in the city, generating a significant number of events. Vienna’s success also owes more than a little to the well-organised meetings industry represented by the legendary Christian Mutschlechner, with proof if it were needed of the city having one of the most professional convention bureaus in that as many as eight Certified Meeting Professionals (CMP) operating at the Vienna Office. The programme is run by the Convention Industry Council (CIC) and is considered to have the Highest Professional Quality Standards for the international meetings industry. Vienna is the epicentre of informal meetings of the New Europe and represents something of a benchmark for every destination, both in terms of organization and results, and most especially in terms of the quality of the entire congress offer.


WIENER SCHNITZEL – or Wienerschnitzel in Switzerland, is a very thin, breaded and pan fried cutlet made from veal. It is one of the best known specialities of Viennese cuisine. The Wiener Schnitzel is a national dish of Austria.

Marks: 5 excellent meeting destination 4 quality meeting destination 3 recommendable meeting destination 2 average meeting destination 1 passable INDIVIDUAL GRADES: Natural and cultural factors: General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meetings infrastructure: Subjective tgrade: Marketing buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Global Peace Index: ACI Airport Connectivity Index:

4,89 4,98 4,99 4,99 4,90 4,73 5,00 3,84 4,35 5,00



Comparisons with the region Looking at a number of various criteria the City of Vienna is listed among the world’s most innovative, energy efficient and so-called smart congress cities. These titles are the result of active development of the meetings industry, which is managed and directed by the Vienna Convention Bureau. The calendar of congress and events clearly illustrates why the city on the Danube 121

has developed into one of the world’s leading congress destinations. Having a well-developed infrastructure is the formula for success, especially when the city has clear objectives, is taking targeted action and is integrating the entire city. Without a high quality service it would not function and this is reflected in the system for preparing the congress candidacies, with which Vienna has set the standard for other congress offices around the world. WHO TO CONTACT Vienna Convention Bureau Invalidenstrasse 6, 1030 Vienna, Austria T: +43-1-211 14 ext. 521-529 E: convention@vienna.info www.vienna.convention.at

Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 19,877 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 12,744 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 117,637

Overall performance

WORLD CAPITAL OF CONGRESS TOURISM • With the richest and most groomed congress tradition in Europe imperial Vienna is leading the game across many different scales of the congress industry. Over the past decade Vienna has also broadened its modern content and offer. As a bridge between eastern and western Europe, Vienna is known as a starting point and a central hub, which many other destinations are trying to mimic. Vienna’s success also owes more than a little to the well-organised meetings industry represented by the legendary Christian Mutschlechner, with proof if it were needed of the city having one of the most professional convention bureaus in that as many as eight Certified Meeting Professionals (CMP) operating at the Vienna Office. Vienna is the epicentre of informal meetings of the New Europe and represents something of a benchmark for every destination, both in terms of organization and results, and most especially in terms of the quality of the entire congress offer.

Natural and cultural factors:


Overall performance


LIVEABLE MEETINGSM • Unsurprisingly, the city of quality beer, wurst, dirndl skirts and "lederhosen" is also a first-class European congress destination with one of the most developed fair infrastructures in the wider region. There are 31,000 hotel rooms in 395 excellent hotels with conference capacities. Added to the charm and picturesqueness of the Bavarian capital are numerous green open spaces and a high quality of living. Munich airport is also one of the key European air-traffic hubs, cementing the city's position on the world congress map. Its history has always been distinguished by major events, including the 1972 Summer Olympics. In the world's beer capital with centuries of tradition, beer doesn't just flow freely in October, but the whole year round. The city belongs at the very top of our evaluation.


infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index: Connectivity Index:

Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 9,761

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:

4.78 4.93 4.93 4.94 4.79 4.46 4.57 3.75 4.61 5.00

4.64 4.80 4.85 4.99 4.98 4.87 4.94 4.98 3.62 3.36 5.00

4.62 4.82

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style




General and transport

Banquet hall maximum capacity

THE CLASSIC IN A NEW LIGHT • According to Numbeo, Zurich is a city with one of the highest "quality of life" indexes in our comparison and a similiar result is provided by Mercer. Switzerland's biggest city boasts quite a few superlatives and is known as the commercial, cultural and congress centre of Switzerland. It is the hub for train, road and air traffic, which gives it a big advantage over its competitors. It offer great congress infrastructure in the Kongresshaus Zurich and numerous other spaces, acccompanied by some amazing special venues. Congress guests will appreciate the excellent public transport, which, in combination with great public infrastructure, is a must if you want to stay at the top of your game.


ACI Airport



4.98 4.99 4.99 4.90 4.73 5.00 3.84 4.35

General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



ACI Airport

Overall performance

WALK THE WALK • Berlin is exciting in every sense of the word and one can only speculate on the range of its different options in this congress 'land of plenty'. The Convention Bureau is known for its ingenuity, creativity and the rich offer it brings together. Moreover, Berlin's congress offer is jam-packed into a very reasonably priced package. It's no surprise that the city hosts more than 115,000 events annually and this number is expected to increase once the new Berlin Brandenburg airport finally opens its doors. Fuse Berlin's excellent congress offer with its urban heartbeat and you get a first-class congress destination. The city is also the capital of fun, dance, creativity, socializing and unforgettable nightlife, which sets it apart from its competitors.


General and transport

Connectivity Index:


Destination capacity


4.90 4.85 4.95 4.78 4.47 4.25 3.69 4.51 5.00

Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 10,405 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


AN IRRESISTIBLE PASSION FOR MEETINGS • Edinburgh is a top convention destination, which is blessed with outstanding cultural and historical heritage. The destination is in its mature phase, with a fully-developed congress infrastructure and excellent destination management. Four universities and numerous centres of excellence in science and art related to the Edinburgh Science Triangle are a guarantee for further successful development of the destination. Congresses and events are a part of a scientific breakthrough and further development of the city, as it stimulates numerous multiplier effects. The key stakeholders in Edinburgh are aware of this and this message should also be transmitted as an example of best practice in new European destinations.

Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 35,253 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 31,092 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 102,963 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Natural and cultural factors:


SLAVIC PARIS • Prague has for a long time not been an Eastern European gem, but a true European tourist metropolis with a diverse and comprehensive offer, luxury hotels and sometimes too high prices. The story is reminiscent of Škoda, of which the Czechs are very proud and is one of the oldest automotive in Europe. Reputable, solid and reliable pre-war limousines were after the war changed by cars that were behind the times. Today, Škoda’s shine again and again puts the Czech manufacturer where it once was. The same can be said for the meetings industry, where Prague began to seriously falter the locations top of the European league. If we look at the position of Prague regionally, Prague certainly has all the conditions to remain one of the most popular congress destinations for a long time.

infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

MAKE IT BIG • London is the unofficial capital of Europe and a place where events are going on day and night, from the galactic Olympic Games to a series of other diverse events. The city has no match in Europe in terms of variety and from the moment the development of the congress scene became a priority it has been doing very well indeed. It is by far the most accessible destination on our list, boasting five airports in the vicinity of its city centre. For quite some time now, it has been the mecca for foodies and all of the corporate events connected to it. The ExCel Centre is the heart of London's congress offer, capable of carrying out mega events that not a lot of other cities can handle. Its prosperity can only be rocked by the question of safety, which virtually no European city is able to avoid right now.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:

4.89 4.96 4.98 4.89 4.88 4.68 3.89 3.80 4.32

4.58 4.87

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

4.85 5.00 4.99 4.93 4.91 4.98 2.88 3.41

ACI Airport

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:


4.55 4.86

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

4.66 4.89 4.83 4.83 4.90 4.88 3.20 3.91

ACI Airport

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:


4.46 4.73

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

4.81 5.00 4.99 4.79 4.95 4.95 2.45 2.97

ACI Airport Connectivity Index:



ACI Airport

Connectivity Index:



General and transport

Connectivity Index:


Destination capacity


THE MEDITERRANEAN BREVIARY • Spain's second largest city has become an annual stop on the congress pilgrimage to IBTM World. Its extroversion and trendy city architecture and design, in combination with a healthy dose of Mediterranean casualness, is all worthy of serious praise and admiration. Barcelona is a city that comes alive in the evening, when it becomes a paradise for lovers of cuisine, cool taverns and cultural icons. Barcelona's list-topping luxury and designer hotels and a nearly perfect congress infrastructure have positioned the city at the very peak of Europe's congress industry. Although it is battling its current "OMG, there are so many tourists!" syndrome, we believe it will soon evolve into a city where the congress industry becomes part of the positive transformation of an otherwise overcrowded destination.


Destination capacity

Overall performance

Connectivity Index:


Destination capacity



Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 4,152


Overall performance

BRIDGING THE GAP • A historic city with excellent connectivity to the rest of the world and where you will find infrastructure befitting a major European capital, but with better weather and in a more interesting location. The Athens allure includes 300 days of sunshine a year, more than 30,000 hotel rooms in 439 hotels, 95,000 sq.m of conference space, 1,000+ restaurants and 200,000 flights per year. All major hotels in the city underwent a refurbishment for the 2004 Olympics. Athens is an attractive destination in its own, very special way. It is a unique combination of the old and the new, set in a spectacular Mediterranean landscape.

Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 7,230 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Overall performance

PEOPLE MAKE MEETINGS • Glasgow has realised an urban transformation and has become the congress city in which people want to organise events. This is supported by excellent infrastructure and the connectivity of all players. In the field of infrastructure the King is the Scottish Exhibition & Conference Centre. It is an events hub that can’t be compared to any other venue in Europe, as it combines a comprehensive range of hotels, special venues and excellent accessibility. It is not surprising that on the ICCA scale last year, if we look at the number of participants, Glasgow surpassed destinations such as New York, Munich, Washington, Dublin and Beijing. Looking at the number of events, Glasgow is even ahead of cities such as Melbourne, Geneva, Chicago, Florence, Cape Town and Los Angeles (of 400 cities, Glasgow was ranked in 28th place in 2015). Within the UK, only London has surpassed Glasgow.

Natural and cultural factors:


Overall performance


CLEAR VISION • Today Warsaw is one of the fastest growing capitals in the EU and a city that can pride itself on a mix of new and old architectural styles. Its growth in infrastructure was strongly boosted when Warsaw was the host of the UEFA European Championship in 2012 and many new hotels were opened. The biggest congress hotel, the Hilton Warsaw with a hall for 1,600 participants, is one of the biggest in Europe, but The Palace of Culture with its 40 congress halls is also an interesting option.

Destination capacity Destination population


infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index: Connectivity Index:

Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: Numbeo quality of life Index:


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 106,000

Overall performance

SIZE DOES MATTER • The Turkish congress tiger is relentlessly growling and overcoming everything set in front of it. Professionalism and entrepreneurship when they are competing for international events is not lacking and they could be setting an example to other convention bureaus. Congress Bazaar of Istanbul offers everything that a meetings organizer needs, in addition to 7 convention centers, 3 fair grounds and almost 100.000 hotel rooms, and the excellently organized Convention Bureau of Instanbul. The quality of life in Istanbul is improving as well as the general infrastructure; Turkish airlines has become the fourth largest airline in the world.

Natural and cultural factors:

4.70 4.82 4.82 4.96 4.88 4.99 4.40 3.53 3.04 3.88

4,39 4.54 4.68 4.81 4.77 4.52 4.54 4.64 2.97 4.05 4.41

4.34 4.72

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style




General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



ACI Airport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 12,000


4.71 4.98 4.99 4.83 4.85 4.70 2.33 2.79

General and transport

ICCA index:



General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



4.56 4.97 4.97 4.56 4.85 4.52 2.48 2.75 5.00

Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population



CONGRESS QUEEN OF THE DANUBE • Budapest enjoys a very favorable position in Europe, at the crossroads between the East and the West. It is one of just a few cities in the world that literally lies on thermal springs and to which the Danube River gives a special experiential value. The city has no shortage of picturesque special venues nor the most luxurious hotels and crazy and diverse incentive locations. If Prague is love at first sight, then Budapest is love on the long run. All this has been for many years an excellent and well-established MICE destination with well-oiled congress machinery.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 8,112 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


SUNNY OUTLOOK • Sevilla is a city that grows on you with its relaxed approach, friendly locals, rich cultural heritage and a typical Spanish temperament that all attracts meeting planners. Almost every sign, building and alleyway tells a story about the city's historical and cultural meaning. Sevilla's leading congress provider is the legendary FIBES Congress Centre. The city is also home to some amazing hotels, connected by the well-organised Sevilla Convention Bureau. As a university city, it hosts a lot of international associations and as the artistic and financial capital of Spain also attracts many corporate events. Just one friendly piece of advice – don't bother going to Sevilla in the Summer, as the 40+ Celsius temperatures will leave you soaking wet. In our opinion, Andalusia is best enjoyed in the Spring or Fall.

Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 4,158

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:


A CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS • Belgrade bases its congress story on the rich culture at the crossroads of East and West, the central position in the SouthEast Europe and a lively social life. It is a city with remarkable cuisine, worldclass nightlife, world events and positive vibrations, which makes it a very dynamic and attractive tourist destination. Belgrade is a city on the rise and a rough congress diamond, which has enormous development potential. With the establishment of the Serbian Convention Bureau in 2007, co-operation and promotion has thoroughly improved and now Belgrade has in terms of management a unique opportunity to take advantage of its benefits, provided so the complete infrastructure can be thoroughly renewed.

infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 7,456

POSITIVE SPIN • The Russian capital is one of the biggest cities in the world, but what makes it really special is not its size. First mentioned in 1147, Moscow has a way of interlacing its historical roots with a very modern way of life. The city's congress industry, offering everything from the most modern congress centres to the more traditional providers, reflects that intertwinement. The list of venues goes on forever and encompasses everything from luxurious hotels of international chains to excellent congress centres. The size of the city isn't the only thing that's hefty, as Moscow has also become known as the most expensive city in the world. This somewhat dampens its competitiveness, but Moscow is nevertheless a great host for any kind of event.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:

4.79 4.65 4.83 4.80 4.75 4.48 3.74 3.71 4.07 2.93

4.14 4.37 4.47 4.79 4.63 4.77 4.43 4.37 2.48 3.47 3.61

4.09 4.42

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style




General and transport




ACI Airport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


4.65 4.90 4.71 4.69 4.26 4.83 2.56 3.36

General and transport

Connectivity Index:


Destination capacity



General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 19,524



4.56 4.73 4.72 4.42 4.31 4.39 1.79 2.99 4.62

Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 3,640


PARIS OF THE EAST • Bucharest is a city of contrasts. Great palaces and the latest congress hotels but on the other hand poorly recognized brand and unrelated congress offer. These are the main disadvantages compared to the much more active cities such as Belgrade and Sofia in the vicinity. But at this moment it is certainly the most affordable major European Congress Capital. With a little effort you will find everything you need for any events. Even the friendliness of the staff in the hotel and congress sector deviates from the average. It appears that the city is missing a little bit more energy so it can be placed alongside big cities, where it actually falls depending on its situation and the conditions for the congress industry development.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:


Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 3,900


Overall performance

ON THE MAKE • Baku is the capital city of 'the land of fire' by the Caspian Sea which has lately been turning into a Dubai of the Caucasus. Oil and gas revenues have given Azerbaijan the chance to develop in different fields, with the congress industry being one of them. Investment in infrastructure has seen the rise of first-class hotels and architectural pearls, such as The Heydar Aliyev Centre designed by Zaha Hadid. It's simply astonishing to see how fast and how many projects are being realised in the country. A turning point in terms of mega events was definitely the Eurovision contest, hosted in 2012, which was a proper test run and one that proved that Baku is capable of hosting big projects and has a lot of potential in the congress industry scene.

Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:


Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 5,500


Overall performance

HIDDEN CHARM • Sofia is a typical transition convention destination, which needs some more quality of services and a connection of the meetings industry with creative industries. As a destination to discover Bulgaria Sofia has a lot to offer, yet it will have to internationalize its meetings industry and strengthen marketing. The biggest opportunity is in the added value of the destination unknown to the rest of congress Europe. Sofia needs to get rid of the image of a cheap congress destination of a lesser quality and become an internationally recognized congress brand. Sofia is a congress sleeping beauty caught between east and west.

4.55 4.59 4.34 4.48 3.42 4.00 2.46 3.96 4.14

3.88 4.69

General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



Natural and cultural factors:

4.66 4.79 4.81 4.57 4.61 1.02 1.93 4.02 3.68

3.79 4.32

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style



4.48 4.71 4.38 4.56 3.48 2.70 2.66 3.03 3.55

LG'S www.kongres-m eetologue.eu


Meetings Star 2016 2017



Destinations that can host up to 2,000 congress attendees



The number The number of 4* and 5* of 4* and 5* category hotel hotels rooms

Banquet hall maximum capacity

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style

































































































































Meetings Star 2017




DID YOU KNOW That in the warm season you can refill your bottle for free at a number of public drinking water fountains around the city? And there is a shortcut to them! The Tap Ljubljana Water application helps users find the nearest one among 17 locations by detecting their current location and displaying a map with a plotted route to point out the right direction. Set all worries aside while quenching your thirst, as the drinking water’s quality is being constantly monitored.

BEST INCENTIVE IDEA Taste Ljubljana Food Tour - A new, themed experience suitable for groups of up to 35 people. Tasting sessions of traditional Ljubljana dishes, the city’s culinary offerings and their historical background are the “fil rouge” of this enjoyable programme.



Final Score

Ljubljana has congresses written in its genome. Long before the emergence of the meetings industry as we know it today, in 1821 Ljubljana hosted the Congress of the Holy Alliance, which brought together important sovereigns, politicians and diplomats of the time to draw a new political map of Europe after Napoleon’s downfall. Then a provincial centre in the Austrian Empire, Ljubljana was chosen to host the event because of its strategic location and adequate accommodation facilities, thus stepping on the stage of European diplomatic history. Chronicles report that during the four months (!) of the Congress many concerts, theatre performances, balls, parades and fireworks were held for the illustrious guests, much to the delight of the local residents, too. The legacy of this historic event is the central Congress Square, which is surrounded by some notable buildings and has been transformed, following a recent extensive renovation, into one of the most attractive open-air event spaces in the city, with the Ljubljana Castle as a backdrop. Due to a natural passage through the Ljubljana basin, the Slovenian capital has always had a linking role between South East and Central Europe. Ljubljana has many attributes of a big city, while creating the impression of a smaller and friendly town, which makes it so relaxing. A comprehensive urban renewal plan that has won several international awards and is an ongoing project, has contributed to redesigning the city’s image with its sustainable development at the forefront. Over the recent years, traffic-free areas in the city centre and the Old Town have been visibly expanded, which made a positive impact on the quality of life of locals residents and visitors alike. With this, a number of public spaces have acquired a new functionality, now being also suitable for events. The city is compact, pictur-

esque, attractive and friendly to delegates attending conferences, corporate events or incentives. Ljubljana is the major congress destination in Slovenia and the highest share of (international) meetings take place in the capital due to the well-developed and diversified meeting infrastructure and its accessibility. Destination mark: EXCELLENT MEETING DESTINATION Marks: 5 excellent meeting destination 4 quality meeting destination 3 recommendable meeting destination 2 average meeting destination 1 passable INDIVIDUAL GRADES: Natural and cultural factors: General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meetings infrastructure: Subjective tgrade: Marketing buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Global Peace Index: ACI Airport Connectivity Index:

4,89 4,68 4,62 4,85 4,68 4,52 4,42 3,32 4,13 3,16



Comparisons with the region Based on its conference and accommodation infrastructure, Ljubljana belongs to the group of capitals suitable for medium-sized and smaller meetings (up to 2.500 participants). It is positioned side by side with the new EU member states and geographically in the region of the Western Balkans. Thus, according to congress 128

OPEN KITCHEN - On Fridays from mid-March to October, a square at the Ljubljana Central Market is literally occupied by a street food market that has in two years established itself as a true city hot spot. The Open Kitchen is wrapped up in the scents of delicious Slovenian and international dishes freshly prepared by chefs and cooks right there, on the market stalls. Locals mix with visitors from around the globe enjoying a wide array of flavours in a convivial atmosphere. Many people check the weather forecast on Thursdays, hoping it will not rain… stakeholders in Ljubljana the most competitive destinations are Zagreb, Belgrade, Prague and Budapest. Compared to the newer EU capitals and countries of South East Europe, Ljubljana is ranked in the second half. It is preceded by Budapest and Vilnius, and we should also highlight the rapid growth of Belgrade. While most countries and cities in Europe, including New York, recorded a minimal decrease in the number of congresses, the cities in our immediate vicinity, mainly from South East Europe, recorded a fall on a smaller scale or record growth. At the end of last year in order to give Ljubljana a new sales and promotional momentum, a partnership called Ljubljana Strategic Bidding Team (LSBT), was established; it is composed of interested partners from both the private and public area. WHO TO CONTACT Ljubljana Tourism/Convention Burau, Krekov trg 10, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Ms. Tatjana Radovič, E: tatjana.radovic@visitljubljana.si, T: +386 1 306 45 84 www.visitljubljana.com/meetings www.vienna.convention.at

Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,610 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL • According to its conference and accommodation infrastructure, Ljubljana belongs to the group of capitals suitable for medium-sized and smaller meetings (up to 2.500 participants). It is positioned side by side with the new EU member states and geographically in the region of the Western Balkans. With two top-level convention centers and a very well developed hotel meetings offer, Ljubljana is the region’s leading congress destination. At the end of last year in order to give Ljubljana a new sales and promotional momentum, a partnership called Ljubljana Strategic Bidding Team (LSBT) was established; it is composed of interested partners from both the private and public area. The city is extremely safe and one of the region’s most sustainably-oriented.

Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,800 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 2,666 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style



WHITE ZAGREB TOWN • It can be said that Zagreb has a great congress future. As well as Belgrade, Zagreb is also progressing steadily on the chart of development meetings destinations; the final breakthrough of the intire region is intertwined and dependent on the marketing of mayor regional congress cities in the international market. In the last ten years Croatia has radically improved road infrastructure and thus its accessibility. Significantly improved is also air accessibility via Zagreb Airport, which accepts over 40 % of all air traffic in Croatia. The hotel infrastructure with new acquisitions fully satisfies modern congress guests and is perhaps at this moment the best among regional capitals. Zagreb is a pocket-friendly destination that offers a lot for reasonable money.


infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:

4.68 4.62 4.85 4.68 4.52 4.42 3.32 4.13 3.16

4.32 4.73

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

4.63 4.72 4.82 4.70 4.63 3.52 3.45 4.52

ACI Airport

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:


4.31 4.76

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

4.81 4.78 4.74 4.75 4.38 4.00 3.25 3.96

ACI Airport

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:


4.30 4.86

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 10,579

Numbeo quality of life Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style




ACI Airport

ICCA index:



General and transport

Connectivity Index:

CONGRESS SERENISSIMA • The magical city par excellence and one of the most extraordinary world destinations. Venice and its province are unquestionably hospitable by vocation, as illustrated by some of the most famous hotels and temples of hospitality. Venice is a city which has long been hosting world events. As a commercial crossroads it is easy to reach either by land or by sea, the city offering various means of transport. A city with irresistible charm and a wide range of different offers typical to the “Italian way of life”.

Destination capacity

Natural and cultural factors:

Connectivity Index:


Destination population


SECOND CITY FIRST • Graz is a mature tourist destination, which is despite the crisis recording a steady growth of tourist arrivals and overnight stays in all tourism segments. Cultural diversity, rich history and the connecting Mura River have formed a high experiential diversity, which is reflected in the many opportunities for congress and incentive organizers and planners. In terms of infrastructure and transport, Graz is still the leading regional convention destination and can be also in this term described as modern, dynamic and internationally competitive. With more than 154 congress event and some 46.000 participants it achieves excellent results and is stable on the charts ranking international events. A very big focus in Graz is on environmental responsibility and tidiness of the surrounding areas and infrastructure.


Destination capacity

Overall performance

Connectivity Index:


Destination capacity


4.66 4.75 4.85 4.47 4.19 3.86 3.14 3.76 4.49

Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 4,765 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 3,037 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 5,094

Overall performance

CREATIVE THINKING • Not many countries of the former Eastern Bloc have made such a huge step in terms of development as the three small Baltic states. Estonians also excel in the field of congress tourism, successfully implementing the creativity that helped them through Soviet times, Scandinavian minimalism and rich folklore into their congress story. For the last couple of years, they have been trying to give the city some of its old glory back by building new infrastructure, like the 21. Century skyscraper. Our own favourite congress venue is the Kultuutikatel, an old electric power plant that has been transformed into a congress centre. This truly special venue is the host of practically every key event of the Estonian EU presidency. Tallinn isn't short of special venues, as more and more meeting planners are turning towards a combination of its contemporary architecture and local creativity.

Natural and cultural factors:


Overall performance


PROUD CITY • Of all Polish cities Krakow is the one with the greatest soul and is the most fraught with history. In Poland, Krakow will be the destination of the new generation, which will soon be recognized as a high quality, compact and most versatile meetings destination in Poland due to the cultural heritage, hospitality of the locals, new meetings capacities and because of its huge scientific potentials. Krakow has a variety of hotels services and an exceptional number of tourist attractions. Being the main tourist city it has excellent conditions in place for the development of congress tourism. With the construction of the new convention center ICE it has also received a real affirmation. Krakow’s recipe is successful and a case of good practice for other more traditional central European destinations.


MEETOSLAVIAS • The city of four rivers defines the Danube river with its tributaries and with the mighty Renaissance castle above the intimate and compact old town. Bratislava is undiscovered European congress capital which slowly and steadily penetrates into the congress market. It represents a novelty for international congress market which impresses due to the kind and sympathetic city center but also because of not excessive commercialization. The city is close to the congress organizers mainly due to a more personal congress experience – the city is very friendly and there are no problems with the safety. The city center is full of pubs, restaurants and shops and the hotel offer includes the best known hotel chains.

infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index: Connectivity Index:

Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index: ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 2,563 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style



4.23 4.73 4.63 4.81 4.65 4.68 4.60 4.20 2.69 3.91 3.37

4.20 4.38

General and transport


Destination capacity


ACI Airport

Banquet hall maximum capacity

THE HEART OF THE ALPS • Innsbruck, the capital of Austrian Tyrol, lies by the River Inn and is just a stone's throw from the Alps. Sometimes hidden behind its well-known sporting spirit are a number of other, different vibes that create an image of an urban, dynamic and metropolitan city with loads of experience in event organisation. Innsbruck has twice been the host of the Winter Olympics (in 1964 and 1976) and its Bergisel Ski Jump is one of the scenes of the prestigious Four Hills Tournament that takes place every year. The famous ski jump was designed by Zaha Hadid and quickly became one of the most attractive special venues in Innsbruck. The city is a combination of the typical Alpine spirit and new urbanism, embodied by the CMI Congress and Messe Innsbruck. It distinguishes itself from the pack with numerous incentive programmes that keep its offer competitive throughout the year.

4.65 4.68 4.75 4.84 4.80 3.62 3.28 4.30

General and transport




ACI Airport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



General and transport

Connectivity Index:


Destination capacity


Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:

4.84 4.79 4.67 4.71 4.73 3.52 3.08 3.80 3.51

4.16 4.77

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

4.74 4.73 4.87 4.73 4.63 2.68 3.60 4.02

ACI Airport Connectivity Index:


Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 7,090 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 3,395 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 4,200

Overall performance

SALZBURG GIVES YOU WINGS • Salzburg offers all the characteristics of a congress destination and a cosmopolitan mix of visitors. With its location in the heart of Europe and because of the high quality of life, Salzburg has a great starting point in congress tourism. For current logistics and transport restrictions of the city, medium sized congresses with up to 2.000 participants are the best suited. Two top-quality, modern and high tech congress centers are together with a top quality conference hotel infrastructure a foundation for this congress destination. In this area they will offer you a superior product wrapped in superior packaging. Although you will find Mozart on every step of your way and it seems that the clock stopped in the times of the famous composer, Salzburg is a very modern and urban. Otherwise, location, location, location and once again location is considered a crucial reason for choosing Salzburg for your event.

Natural and cultural factors:


Overall performance


FRESH TALENT • Thessaloniki is the second largest Greek city, located in the North of the country on the Thermaic Gulf. Many consider it as the capital of Greek cuisine, which is a guarantee for an enjoyable time at your event. Most of Thessaloniki's big events take place at the Thessaloniki International Exhibition & Congress Centre, at the heart of the congress offer. The city's hotel offer is also diverse and perfect for smaller corporate events. The entire congress offer is connected by the proactive Convention Bureau, which despite a limited budget has been maintaining a stable position on the ICCA scale, with 18 international congresses annually. Last year they hit a record number of 28 congresses, a perfect example of how Thessaloniki is gaining new momentum.


CONGRESS CITY WITH A TEMPERAMENT • This might come across as something of an exaggeration, but such a rich combination of natural and historical experiences and contrasts are difficult to find in the otherwise attraction-loaded Spain. Granada is nestled between the largest Spanish ski resort of Sierra Nevada and the nearby Costa del Tropico. This creates an unprecedented combination of experiences that attracts both incentive organisers as well as organisers of professional associations. In our view, the number of events would increase with better airline accessibility – the city has great potential in the fields of science and new technologies that are not yet able to be fully exploited.

infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index: Connectivity Index:

Natural and cultural factors: General and transport Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index: ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 2,154 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:

4.53 4.65 4.67 4.53 4.68 4.47 3.79 2.95 3.58 3.16

4.07 4.76 4.34 4.79 4.65 4.65 4.37 2.90 3.87 3.93 2.41

4.05 4.29

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

4.51 4.49 4.56 4.59 4.52 3.91 2.90 3.64

ACI Airport Connectivity Index:



General and transport


Destination capacity


ACI Airport

Banquet hall maximum capacity

BALTIC CONGRESS TIGERS • Over the last few years Vilnius learned diligently, polished its offer and was preparing for its entry into the international congress scene. In their favour they have the charm of the city, which is cosmopolitan, urban, very European and full of hidden surprises. It’s a city where socialist modernist architecture coexists with the Baroque centre, and unlike some other Eastern European congress destinations this makes it very attractive. By joining the EU the city has become a credible partner of the international meetings industry, making is one of the new, undiscovered convention destinations that appeals because of its freshness. For all three Baltic Congress Tigers – Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn – we predict a sunny congress future.

4.76 4.73 4.91 4.73 4.65 1.82 3.62 4.46





ACI Airport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



General and transport

Connectivity Index:


Destination capacity



Meetings Star 2016 2017



Overall performance

The winners in the individual categories for the year 2016 are: Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,406

CITY OF SOLIDARITY AND FREEDOM • Gdansk differs markedly from other Polish cities because of the special atmosphere in the old town and its many historical sites suitable for congress tourism. There is an attractive mix of west and east, of northern culture and of the old and the new, all adding to the city’s unique identity. Gdansk is known as a place of freedom, which is written into its genetic code and is reflected in the rich cultural heritage and current cultural and artistic production. As a result of the hyperactive Convention Bureau, Gdansk as a destination is in an extremely high position in comparison with other Polish international destination.

Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 2,000 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


A CITY ON THE RISE • Brno is a congress hybrid that combines the modern with its traditional Central-European city spirit. The city was heavily defined by the industrial revolution, which consequently lead to Brno becoming an important commercial hub. Built in 1982, Brno's fairground gave trade show activities a new drive and the striking building still manages to impress today. A big advantage is the city's size, as one can easily get around on foot. Whilst Brno might seem like it's sitting in the shadow of its bigger brother Prague, it offers some amazing infrastructure and a special Moravian lifestyle that excites congress organisers. For all of the petrol heads and car incentive lovers, Autodrom Brno is a special treat – built in 1987, it is one of the Moto GP tracks. Overall, Brno is a great alternative to Prague.

Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,282

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:


HIDDEN MEETING GEM • Katowice is the heart of Silesia and an epicentre of science, culture, industry, and transport in the South of Poland. The city was built on a foundation of heavy industrial projects, but is starting to see its future in congress tourism as well. The city centre is constantly being renovated and the urban life gives this Polish city a special flare. A big push towards developing the congress industry was the construction of the imposing ICC Congress Centre, an architectural pearl and one of the most modern centres of its kind in Europe. The city is a newcomer to the world congress scene, but one boasting great potential. Its vicinity to the touristically interesting parts of Poland and reasonable prices make for an excellent congress package.

infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 729

Overall performance

AUTHENTIC CONVENTION “EXIT” • Novi Sad maintains well its image of an advanced capital also with festi- vals such as Exit and others. Unfortunately, the tourism sector is lagging behind some of the most active destinations, especially the capital Belgrade, which is perfectly establishing itself as an important European congress destination. The question is why to organise a congress in the city, which is only 100 km away from the capital city of Serbia. The answer is in a different, perhaps more authentic atmosphere and hospitality, numerous possibilities of accompanying programmes genuine ‘salaš’, in short in the authenticity of the congress story of Novi Sad.

Natural and cultural factors:

4.57 4.63 4.69 4.61 4.65 4.49 2.90 3.23 3.91 2.16

3.70 4.35 4.56 4.53 4.43 4.61 4.25 1.02 2.71 3.91 2.63

3.63 4.41

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style




General and transport




ACI Airport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


4.61 4.57 4.49 4.62 4.48 3.11 3.41 3.75

General and transport

Connectivity Index:


Destination capacity



General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



4.48 4.59 4.27 4.69 3.94 1.52 2.88 2.97 2.52

Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population



BETWEEN EAST AND WEST • The brand ‘Sarajevo’ is one of the strongest trademarks in the region. It gets its character from the dramatic juncture between East and West. In the meetings industry the brand and destination are completely unexploited despite their immense potential. With proper positioning and investments in the meetings industry Sarajevo can quickly catch up with other destinations in the region. A special asset for the development of the meetings industry is the attitude of the people of Sarajevo, who are known for their humour, tolerance and understanding.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 900


THE TALE OF THE EAGLE • Despite the chaotic first impression, you can organise your event in Tirana without any problems and to the satisfaction of your congress participants. Albanians are in fact extremely proud, friendly, calm, excellent hosts, which outweighs any weaknesses in infrastructure. They like to help, are very sociable and stick to their words and promises, expecting the same in return. Tirana has enormous meetings potential, which could be improved with investment in hotel infrastructure. Due to their beautiful nature there are also untapped opportunities for incentive programmes, today marketed by only a few DMCs. For a faster breakthrough they will have to connect and establish a congress bureau.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:

4.28 4.46 4.20 4.50 3.20 2.02 2.40 2.86 2.71

3.32 4.27

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style




General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 2,911



4.15 4.19 3.94 4.23 3.25 1.02 2.15 3.14 2.86

Meetings Star 2017



Destinations that can host up to 1,000 congress attendees



The number The number of 4* and 5* of 4* and 5* category hotel hotels rooms

Banquet hall maximum capacity

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style




































































































































































Meetings Star 2017





That Dubrovnik, back then an independent state, was the first nation to formally recognise the United States as a nation when it declared independence from Great Britain.

BEST INCENTIVE IDEA Dubrovnik polaroid treasure hunt The programme has been adapted to Dubrovnik’s most attractive locations, where teams get the chance to explore, compete and have fun. Tasks include answering a list of questions, as well as finding and photographing objects and situations inside the city walls.

COOL MEETINGS DUBROVAČKA ROŽATA – The dessert of Dubrovnik’s nobility. Cream eggs with caramel sauce, served most often with the sweet liquer of fruit. One of Croatian versions of the world-famous cream with caramel.

4.27 Final Score

Congress geography of the former Yugoslavia recognized city locations of Ljubljana, Zagreb, Sarajevo and Belgrade, and Adriatic locations Portorož, Opatija and Dubrovnik. These cities are still by some accounts seen as locations from the olden days. I was first turned to Dubrovnik by legendary professor Ignacij Voje, one of the experts on SE Europe and the Dubrovnik republic, which used to dictate the faith of the entire region. With each visit I remember his comparison of Dubrovnik to some sort of renaissance Hong Kong. The republic peaked in the 15th century. For twelve centuries it defied the pressures and threats of superpowers with trade skills and diplomacy. The character of the people of Dubrovnik can be summarized by the inscription above the entrance to the Lovrijenac fortress: “Freedom is not for sale for all the gold in the world”. I’ve been visiting Dubrovnik on a regular basis since 1996, when the city was wounded by a brutal Chetnik attack. In 1998 I was one of the few guests of a conference on Project Management in Cavtat. At that time Hotel Croatia was the only serious convention hotel and it didn’t look too bright. Hotels at Babin kuk still looked pretty grim and were mostly abandoned. Where the Radisson Blu stands today, the former Dubrovački vrtovi sunca were full of refugees. The Dubrovnik of that time was replaced by new convention hotels, the insufferable summer crowds and a feeling your at the

centre of the world. On a random visit to Stradun you can run into John McEnroe, preparing for a tennis match against veteran Goran Ivanišević in front of the Duke’s Palace. Many celebrities visit the city. As a sign of complete tourist renovation the Srđ funicular was finished this year, finally putting an unpleasant era of the city behind it. Destination mark: EXCELLENT MEETING DESTINATION Marks: 5 excellent meeting destination 4 quality meeting destination 3 recommendable meeting destination 2 average meeting destination 1 passable INDIVIDUAL GRADES: Natural and cultural factors: General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meetings infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Global Peace Index: ACI Airport Connectivity Index:

4,94 4,56 4,90 4,80 4,77 4,39 3,35 3,44 4,79 2,81




Comparisons with the region Dubrovnik is the flagship of regional tourism and is the first association of meetings organizers we meet daily. It has still not reached its full potential. It is the closest in the region to renowned Mediterranean convention destinations Cannes and Monte Carlo. It has the biggest potential in the area of corporate and other incentives; after the completion of the convention centre also in the area of international associations conventions. WHO TO CONTACT Dubrovnik Tourist Board & Convention Bureua Brsalje 5 20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia Ms. Romana Vlašič E: romana.vlasic@tzdubrovnik.hr T: +385 20 312 015 www.tzdubrovnik.hr

Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 4,165 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 517 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 525 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 2,251

Overall performance

PEARL OF THE ADRIATIC • Dubrovnik is the flagship of regional tourism and is commonly the first association of meetings organizers we meet daily. It is the closest in the region to renowned Mediterranean convention destinations Cannes and Monte Carlo, and it will be even closer after the completion of the convention center. So far the center is successfully replaced by modern and well-equipped centers at hotels such as Dubrovnik Palace, Excelsior, Bellevue, Grand Villa Argentina, Importanne Resort, Dubrovnik President, Valamar Lacroma and Radisson Blue. Well-developed is the entire conference infrastructure including destination management and creative agency scene. The city is safe and one of the tourist icons of the Adriatic and justifiably the most painted tourist skyline with unprecedented experiential diversity for conference guests.

Natural and cultural factors:


Overall performance


infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index: Connectivity Index:


Overall performance

CONVENTIONLAND • Klagenfurt is a likable alpine congress destination with rich cultural heritage and high experiential diversity. Key advantage is definitely fairytale-like well-maintained and pleasant environment, quality offer that is above average in regional sense, and professionalism of suppliers. Position at the crossroads of important routes is also an important factor in competitiveness of this destination. The city is an important inter-social and European transit region that is easily reachable thanks to modern highways and rail connections. Klagenfurt as the center of Carinthia with its tidiness, safety and ratio between price and quality is one of the best convention destinations in the wider region. The city builds its meetings offer on a sustainable development.

MEETINGS IN EMBRACE OF ALPINE BEAUTIES • Schladming is a big skiing centre, the scene of the best slalom races of the season as well as other internationally known sport competitions. Besides that it is also an excellent congress venue and a place, which stays in fond memory of every guest. We can say without a doubt that the tourist development in Schladming is a success story and we are certain that will also be the case in the future. Contributing to the success were mostly sporting events, on which they have built extensively. With event organisation, the destination has gained a lot of experience, which can now be transferred into the congress field.

infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:


4.06 4.72 4.74 4.69 4.53 4.62 4.44 1.02 4.42 4.95

ACI Airport Connectivity Index:

Natural and cultural factors:


3.98 4.73

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

4.72 4.70 4.52 4.67 4.52 1.02 3.70 4.81

ACI Airport

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:


3.96 4.74

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style



4.56 4.90 4.80 4.77 4.39 3.35 3.44 4.79

General and transport

Connectivity Index:



ACI Airport

Natural and cultural factors:



General and transport

THE ALPINE LAKES EXPERIENCE • Villach is the second largest city of Carinthia and its tourist sights attract an enormous amount of visitors. Villach has also become established as a small Silicon Valley in the Alps, with an international character reflected in the town‘s infrastructure. The main reason for a meetings industry in this part of Austria are the numerous incentive programmes, all of which you can engage with in a very clean enviroment. The most charming aspects are the Carnithian way of life, cultural diversity and a general sense of casualness. In our opinion the main advantages are the size and the feeling of familarity, along with a modern congress infrastructure. Locals also like to emphasise the border location, sat at the crossroads of three nations, which hasn‘t been totally picked up in a congress sense. Locals also like to emphasise the border location, sat at the crossroads of three nations, which hasn’t been totally picked up in a congress sense.


Destination capacity


4.77 4.62 4.53 4.61 4.25 1.02 3.70 4.81 2.57

Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,800


WHERE MEETINGS MEET HISTORY AND ELEGANCE • 170 years of tourism tradition is based on the positive energy of the riviera and the exceptional natural conditions. This is a great sign for the revival of Opatija congress tourism, which has recently relaxed slightly in comparison with the hyperactive Croatian Adriatic competitors. The city already boasts the entire infrastructure, but it is beaten mostly by an unfavourable image and somewhat slow adjustment to the new congress market conditions. A change of the structure of hotels is also necessary, as ‘cosmopolitan’ Opatija today only boasts three hotels in the 5-star category, whilst in Dubrovnik there are now 14.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 693


THE IMAGE OF HEAVEN • As a recognisable brand Bled stands out among other congress destinations in the region. It most closely resembles Dubrovnik, which caught up with the pre-war congress tempo by taking the right steps. Currently the biggest disadvantage is the lack of a clear focus towards quality rather than mass tourism. This is most clearly seen in the restaurant, night life and shopping offer. As a result the current perception of quality is lower than with largest competitors. In Bled the saying ‘Less is more’ is very true. The potential for the meetings industry is immense, it just needs to be harnessed in the right way.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,342 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


ROVINJ GIVES YOU WINGS • If at the destination you have owners who have clear goals and who look at congress tourism strategically, then in a short time you can do a lot. It is possible to revitalize the old factory premises and build a superior conference hotel. Maistra in Rovinj has undoubtedly left its mark. Taking into consideration the geographical location of Rovinj as one of the closest Mediterranean congress destinations for Central and Western Europe, the future of this industry is guaranteed. Missing is only a convention bureau, which would know how to step out of corporate governance of the destination and would be able to serve as attorney of the meetings industry. Otherwise, forecasts of mayor Sponza that Rovinj will be more exclusive than Dubrovnik, can be realized.

Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 4,500

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:


PORT OF ROSES • The historic laurels of the leading Adriatic congress destination are slowly starting to gather dust. Portorož is still in hard competition with Dubrovnik, Opatija and new Adriatic congress destinations that are developing all the time. A rich congress history, tradition and the existing infrastructure are a competitive advantage. The meetings industry is by no means a tree to sleep under and simply harvest its fruit of wealthy congress participants. Despite that, Portorož has proven resilient and adaptable many times in the course of history, so some innovativeness and marketing opportunities should ensure it has a bright future.

infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

3.91 4.85 4.61 4.45 4.62 4.65 4.19 1.02 3.37 4.14 3.16

3.89 4.71 4.45 4.54 4.55 4.59 4.25 1.02 3.87 4.35

ACI Airport

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:


3.88 4.73

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style




General and transport

Connectivity Index:


Destination capacity


4.56 4.61 4.76 4.77 4.44 1.02 3.49 4.35

General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



4.54 4.37 4.49 4.70 4.19 1.02 3.79 4.48 2.52

Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,428


Overall performance

CROSSROADS DALMATIA • Among the Adriatic congress destinations Split has become serious competition to Dubrovnik in the last years. The main disadvantages of the destination are bad cooperation between the service providers, lack of air traffic connections to key markets and not enough destination marketing. If Split gets a real convention centre in the future, it could become one of the leading congress destinations in the Mediterranean. New and excellent hotel capacities, good road connections to Europe and wonderful surroundings, with islands offering numerous incentive programme opportunities, all bolster this proposition. Split is still one of the most unexploited congress destinations in the Mediterranean.

Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:


Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,642 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 3,000 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 525 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Overall performance

SUNNYSIDE MEETINGS • Until recently Poreč was known mostly for its family tourism, which is focused on the sun and sea. In the last couple of years there have been significant moves in terms of seasonality and also the meetings industry. The whole of Istria, in fact, has a huge potential for incentive programmes. The congress infrastructure already exists, including the main culinary and sports programmes, as well as the salubrious surroundings that make them special. It’s just the appropriate connections to form real incentive products that have to be put in place, which will definitely make them seriously competitive. The list of events is getting longer every year and is moving Poreč up the ladder of event destinations in Croatia. If Poreč continues to be a tourist champion of Croatia, it will definitely make the break into the international congress scene.

Natural and cultural factors:


Overall performance


TERGESTE, TRIEST, TRST, TRIESTE • Can you imagine a meeting in Italy without a cup of freshly roasted coffee? No, I didn't think so either. Trieste is the Mediterranean, or maybe even the European, capital of coffee, espresso and every other kind of coffee-infused delights you can imagine. Trieste isn't just about coffee though, as it also offers a well-developed congress infrastructure. Besides the congress centre, the city is home to an amazing array of pop-up locations, where Viennese spirit meets Slavic flare. It seems that the essence of the city, where the Slavic, Romanic, and Germanic worlds once met, is starting to show itself once more and regain its full spirit. Its top-notch hotels, cuisine, ice-cream, wine and smell of the sea make it one of the most desirable congress destinations on the Adriatic coast.


EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE • Maribor is one of the most promising meetings destinations in Slovenia. The city is historically, ethnically and culturally extremely interesting. It gives an impression of familiarity and warmth. Transport infrastructure, mostly because of the inactive Maribor Airport, is the weakest part of the Maribor meetings industry offer. Otherwise the city is safe and pleasant to live in. Its speciality is an extraordinary access to nature. Congress offer of Maribor is concentrated in company Terme Maribor and their hotels Habakuk, Piramida (Pyramid) and Bellevue. The town is very rich with additional convention programmes suitable for incentives, but unfortunately a comprehensive offer of Pohorje and the town is under-utilised and not well presented.

infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:


3.82 4.56 4.40 4.59 4.27 4.48 4.13 1.02 3.87 4.34

ACI Airport Connectivity Index:

Natural and cultural factors:


3.81 4.57

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

4.59 4.56 4.31 4.60 3.98 1.02 3.60 4.35

ACI Airport

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:


3.81 4.64

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

4.49 4.39 4.19 4.49 4.04 1.02 3.45 4.24

ACI Airport Connectivity Index:


4.49 4.67 4.27 4.65 4.04 1.82 3.14 3.96

General and transport

Connectivity Index:


Destination capacity



General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels




Meetings Star 2017



Overall performance

The winners in the individual categories for the year 2016 are: Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,727 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,100

CONGRESS ELEGANCE WITH FRIULIAN CHARM • It is a unique world in which the Latin elements from the period of Roman Empire are mixed with those of Lombard, Venetian, Austrian and Slavic. History touches you at every step, which is the perfect backdrop for a variety of innovative incentive programs. Udine has a rich quality of life, being one of the most economically developed Italian region. The city is perfectly accessible via highways, rail and air. There are plenty of hotel facilities in the city and the surrounding areas, which are a true shopping paradise with superb cuisine and some of the best Italian restaurants with Michelin stars. In the middle of one of the most important Italian wine regions you can organize you event in wineries, renovated industrial buildings or palaces. The whole offer is quality linked by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Tourist Board.

Natural and cultural factors:


Overall performance


ISLAND OF SUN • The Italian city of Grado, mostly known among CentralEuropean tourists as a summer vacation headquarters, is much more than just a tourist-infested destination. Not a lot of people know that it actually boasts a large congress centre, making it suitable for this type of tourism too. If you succeed in avoiding the summer rush hour, Grado will impress you with its laid-back rhythm, great congress offer and numerous incentive activities, such as the golf courses or the excellent Friulian culinary experiences. Grado's true charm hides in the inviting alleyways of the old city centre, where the full congress potential is still waiting to be uncovered.

infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index: Connectivity Index:

Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 3,620 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination population

Natural and cultural factors:


Overall performance

THE HEART OF DALMATIA • Šibenik very rarely raises any association with the meeting industry. In the process of transition from an industrial city into a tourist destination it has not yet asserted its image among competing cities. Despite this, it is a fact that it has excellent conditions and is somehow considered to be a hidden jewel of the Croatian congress offer. For ease of accessibility it may be a suitable location for small association conferences as well as a variety of incentive programmes.

Destination capacity

Overall performance

ON THE FOAMING SEA • Budva is one of the central incentive destinations on the Adriatic coast, with very successful marketing and despite numerous deficiencies in poor accessibility and current capacity selection. The development plans for the Monte Carlo of the Adriatic, openness from foreign investors and very liberal policies could position the Montenegro coast very high on the meetings industry map in the next few years, while it is already the leader in the area of incentive programs. It boasts the unique opportunity for the practically untapped Russian meetings industry, which has always had a positive relationship with Budva. If this “wild beauty” improves its accessibility, price competitiveness and infrastructure, it can be a worthy competitor as a meetings destination even in the wider region of the Mediterranean as one of the top destinations.


infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

4.60 4.59 4.43 4.24 4.46 3.86 1.02 3.60 4.35 2.53

3.73 4.44 4.38 4.65 4.62 4.43 4.08 1.02 3.31 3.91

ACI Airport Connectivity Index:

Natural and cultural factors:


3.72 4.68

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 2,676

Numbeo quality of life Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style




General and transport

ICCA index:



General and transport

Banquet hall maximum capacity

Destination capacity

4.68 4.50 4.33 4.60 3.97 1.02 3.58 4.35

ACI Airport




General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



4.44 4.56 4.07 4.48 3.98 1.02 3.14 3.94 2.85

Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 800


Overall performance

A PHOENIX BETWEEN EAST AND WEST • If Bratislava is the capital of the country, then Kosice can be declared its creative center, one that impresses with vibrant urban zones, positive diversity and an urban transformation of the city throughout layers of history. Košice seems pleasant for the accommodation and organization of congresses and also seems a very tolerant city. A border location has greatly contributed to that, which has made residents more tolerant, but it is precisely this border diversity that defines the vitality and resistance of the city. The specific local identity gives the city its charm and soul, and it ranks it among one of the most promising Eastern European convention destinations.

Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:


Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 450


Overall performance

A CITY WITH CHARACTER • The extended region of Kvarner has the huge potential to become a leading meetings destination. Individual congress cities together with the islands of Opatija, Lošinj and Cres are the heart of a very rich product. It is a complex offer, appropriate for associations as well as corporate events. Comparing Rijeka to Split it’s possible to see just how fast the tourist-congress transformation can happen. With its Mediterranean – industrial character Rijeka has no competitor in the Adriatic; the urban scene is so very alive and contains a rich cultural offer. Plenty of congress stories are just waiting for discovery.

Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,824 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 372

Overall performance

A COOL MEETINGS DESTINATION • Zadar with over 4000 beds, several campgrounds and resorts is a developed summer destination for leisure and a yachting paradise. The charming city with thousand years of cultural heritage, the proximity of the islands, five national parks and improving flight connections has a number of good reviews by foreign media describing it as a cool convention destination. The city is an ideal destination for organization of smaller conferences and incentives for up to 100 participants. Currently, the main drawback are congress facilities that are not offering enough space for bigger business events, as well as congress infrastructure which is not yet built and in function. Once everything is in place, Zadar will certainly be an important congress player.

Natural and cultural factors:


infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

Natural and cultural factors:

4.56 4.46 4.47 4.17 4.45 3.92 1.02 3.52 4.35 2.05

3.69 4.60 4.47 4.82 4.17 4.64 3.94 1.02 3.14 3.94 2.19

3.66 4.58

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style




ACI Airport

Overall performance

URBAN MEETINGS • Pula is a city of intoxicating flavours, scents and multiple images. Only when you experience it, it becomes clear why it’s also a great meetings destination. Pula as a regional centre of Istria is in terms of congress tourism currently less developed than some tourist destinations in Istria. The role of the regional congress centre took Rovinj with intensive investment, partly Poreč and cities of NW Istria. Current investments of company Arenaturist incite very high degree of optimism since the city acquired a high quality infrastructure. Along with the urban culture of the city and number of higher education institutions, the potential for congress tourism in Istria is among the largest.


General and transport

Connectivity Index:


Destination capacity


4.66 4.72 4.37 4.66 4.07 1.02 3.08 3.86

General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



4.45 4.43 4.08 4.36 3.85 1.02 3.87 3.79 2.16

Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,125 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population



Overall performance

REGION'S WARMEST CITY • For now Podgorica can rarely be found on the meetings industry map. Considering the outstanding potential it will over time come to have all that is necessary to be a true meeting destination. Among its advantages there is its strategic position, which enables easy access to the most attractive parts of Montenegro for incentives. Among the weaknesses we have to point out the current state of the meeting infrastructure and its transport isolation. Being an air travel destination it is highly dependant on the number of flight connections, including low cost ones. A convention bureau for the town would greatly help in positioning the destination, which it deserves as a capital city. The town is developing quickly and is looking for the right image, torn between the classic tourism flow and the idea of development into a meeting destination.

Natural and cultural factors:


Overall performance


OPEN TO THE WORLD • If Kiev is the heart of Ukraine, then Lviv is its soul. That’s certainly how it is seen by the locals. In 2009 Lviv became officially recognized as the Ukrainian capital of culture, reflecting its status as a creative and educational centre that impresses with its vibrant urban spirit. When you learn that every fifth resident of Lviv is a student, then this is not so surprising. The city has been at the crossroads of East and West for the past eight centuries and is today successfully using its rich history and tradition to create a pleasant and creative atmosphere for meeting planners and participants.

infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index: Connectivity Index:

Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 436 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style




3.58 4.56

General and transport


COLOURFUL CONGRESS VARIETY • Subotica has a soul. It is a city where it seems that time has stopped. The proud town centre merges almost imperceptibly into the surrounding melancholy plains. Economically and culturally Subotica is one of the most developed cities in Serbia. Congress guests will be impressed by the multicultural spirit and European charm, which is reflected in a large number of special venues in a small area. Well-developed albeit not connected is the offer of various incentive programmes. Subotica has a functioning Congress bureau, the hotel facilities are good and the culinary tradition is an extra plus. All of this represents an exciting congress package calling out for more penetrating international or at least regional marketing to exploit the full potential of the city. We see this especially in the development of incentive programmes and smaller professional meetings and conferences taking advantage of the scientific and cultural potential of the city. To top it all off, Subotica offers a lot of music for little money.

4.54 4.56 4.38 4.40 4.00 1.02 2.56 3.41

ACI Airport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 913



Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:

4.41 4.70 4.31 4.55 4.56 1.02 1.94 3.13 2.67

3.45 4.48

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

4.16 4.41 4.13 4.40 3.91 1.02 2.84 2.97

ACI Airport Connectivity Index:


Meetings Star 2017



Destinations that can host up to 500 congress attendees



The number The number of 4* and 5* of 4* and 5* category hotel hotels rooms

Banquet hall maximum capacity

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style















































































































































Meetings Star 2017





“There is nothing more beautiful in Europe than this,” wrote Sir Humphry Davy about the beauties of the Sava Valley with its waterfalls and lakes.

BEST INCENTIVE IDEA PLANICA ZIPLINE – the steepest zipline in the world Experience the sensations of world legends that descended the legendary Planica hill and achieved historical milestones. Your flight will be 566m long and you will reach a speed of up to 90km/h in just a few seconds.

COOL MEETINGS CARNIOLAN SAUSAGE - particularly famous among meat products is the Kranjska sausage, a protected Slovenian specialty coming from a centuries-old tradition.

3.82 Final Score

The image of the most famous Slovenian ski resort with the Julian Alps in the background is in the heart of all Slovenian active skiers. Many people have made their first steps on the snow on these ski slopes. Kranjska Gora is a worldwide brand known as the traditional Slovenian winter ski resort, which also offers a lot in the summer season too and is increasingly establishing itself as a congress and incentive destination. Today, Kranjska Gora builds its image on sustainable natural development as well as on quality yearround tourist facilities. Kranjska Gora is in the winter season primarily a sports and recreation centre. In the summer season it is more a destination for trekking, relaxation and the congress industry, which is the only year round activity in the area. It seems that with the arrival of a new hotel manager, the place has received a new impetus for the further development of congress tourism. Conditions for smaller conferences are already excellent and with a wide range of casino offer and incentive programmes satisfies the basic needs. In Kranjska Gora you will not find city streets with boutiques offering ski equipment, cafés and restaurants. This is something you should not look for when coming to Kranjska Gora. Instead, however, you will be greeted by beautiful scenery and plenty of authenticity along with genuine congress experiences.

Destination mark: EXCELLENT MEETING DESTINATION Marks: 5 excellent meeting destination 4 quality meeting destination 3 recommendable meeting destination 2 average meeting destination 1 passable INDIVIDUAL GRADES: Natural and cultural factors: General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meetings infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Global Peace Index: ACI Airport Connectivity Index:

4,75 4,57 4,49 4,15 4,61 3,95 1,02 3,46 4,53 2,66



Comparisons with the region The most important winter sports centre in Slovenia has among the Slovenian ski resorts the strongest brand, which is known worldwide mainly due to the Cup Vitranc. It has stayed n the company of places like Kitzbuhel, Cortina, Garmisch and Wengen for many years. In recent 143

years, Kranjska Gora successfully defied the green winters and economic hardship of key hoteliers. Slowly and steadily it has also developed a summer tourist offer, which enables the development of congress tourism. Both seasons are now virtually in balance. With the latest changes in the field of hospitality it will surely strengthen its position as an important centre for the implementation of incentive programmes and small conferences. Due to the recognition of the ski jumps in Planica and Vitranc Cup it has a high priority over other rivals in the region. It is an important boutique congress destination for quality mid-size corporate events up to 350 participants. WHO TO CONTACT TIC – Turistično informacijski center Kranjska Gora Kolodvorska ul. 1c, 4280 Kranjska Gora +386 (0)4 580 94 40 +386 (0)41 619 443 +386 (0)4 580 94 41 www.kranjska-gora.si

Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 858 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


GOOD WILL IS THE BEST • The most important winter sports centre in Slovenia has among the Slovenian ski resorts the strongest brand, which is known worldwide mainly due to the Cup Vitranc. Slowly and steadily it has also developed a summer tourist offer, which enables the development of congress tourism. Both seasons are now virtually in balance. With the latest changes in the field of hospitality it will surely strengthen its position as an important centre for the implementation of incentive programmes and small conferences. Due to the recognition of the ski jumps in Planica and Vitranc Cup it has a high priority over other rivals in the region. It is an important boutique congress destination for quality mid-size corporate events up to 350 participants.

Destination population


Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:


HIDDEN SUSTAINABLE MEETINGS GEM • The majority of congress guests will be sworn lovers of nature and its aesthetic value. Bohinj is a place that is created for sustainable conference programmes and for active incentive experiences. It is a place where without any hesitation you can drink water from the public water supply and from its clean streams. Even the basic network of thematic paths offers ideas for authentic congress programmes. In Slovenia, the beauty of Bohinj can only be matched by its neighbours across the peaks in the Soča Valley, or in Kranjska Gora.

infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


EPICENTRE OF INCENTIVE INSPIRATIONS • In the narrow micro-region the Soča Valley is currently not facing increased competition. On the Italian side in Friuli Venezia Giulia, incentive tourism is underdeveloped and the development of the product in Brda and Nova Gorica is also at the beginning stages. A more serious competition is in Istria and neighbouring Carinthia, as well as within the wider Slovenian Julian Alps. The main advantage of the destination is a developed incentive product, gastronomy and preserved natural and cultural heritage, which is unequalled.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population



Overall performance

ROOM WITH A VIEW • None of the more than 1,000 Croatian islands has such karma and recognition as Hvar. Definitely a “must” Croatian destination, right behind Dubrovnik. Distance from the mainland gives it a touch of boutique smallness. On the beauty of the island, reminiscent of the Garden of Eden, there is no point in wasting words, since there is no shortage of various urban legends and superlatives. Among other things, it used to be called Austrian Madeira. In Hvar, the urban has been coexisting with the rural for centuries.

Natural and cultural factors:

3.80 4.81 4.56 4.23 4.17 4.52 4.03 1.02 3.46 4.53 2.66

3.79 4.82 4.40 4.47 4.11 4.64 3.97 1.02 3.46 4.53 2.53

3.75 4.88

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,500

Numbeo quality of life Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style




General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 155


4.57 4.49 4.15 4.61 3.95 1.02 3.46 4.53

General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



ACI Airport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 150



General and transport

Connectivity Index:


Destination capacity


4.14 4.57 4.38 4.67 4.20 1.02 3.15 3.95 2.52

Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 88


FERTILE CROSSROADS OF CULTURES • A number of the features of Brda make it special and unique in the wider area. In the first place is its openness to the sea, creating a pleasant Mediterranean climate, followed up by its natural beauty with rich cultural heritage and eco-preserved countryside with exceptional culinary and wine offer, unrivalled in the region. A panorama of hills with a cluster of agglomerations and subdivided farmland and countless terraced vineyards is certainly one of the most beautiful Italian- Slovenian landscape-aesthetic experiences. In the field of tourism-convention offer, Brda is perhaps the future formula of tourism development: “less is more”. The convention fate of Brda and Collio is in co-operation and joint promotion.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:


Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,353 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 390


Overall performance

LOW-CARBON INCENTIVE ISLAND • Lošinj and Cres are the only Adriatic islands that successfully deal with sustainable tourism and are amongst the more eco-friendly islands of Kvarner. They differ from the more famous Dalmatian isles, with their nature preservation, systematic sustainable development and cultural heritage. All these activities are well managed and present a huge opportunity for sustainable meetings industry in harmony with the capabilities of the islands. The key challenge is the invisibility on the meetings industry radar, lacking the recognisable incentive brands to build the high quality boutique and intimate stories. If local suppliers can develop from these points, they will be able to benefit from the current trends in the industry. I am certain their first clients will be the existing loyal guest of Cres and Lošinj.

Natural and cultural factors:


Overall performance


BEER AND CONGRESSES • Laško is first and foremost a spa destination, because the main motive of going there are the two spa and thermal centres. In the future it will remain so. In the past five years, however, much has been done in developing congress tourism and enriching the offer and it is today surprising how much Laško can offer to congress guests beyond its traditional tasty beer. Everything from one of the best Slovenian cuisines to an exceptional cultural and historical heritage together with the possibility of organising green meetings. In making this breakthrough Laško has very quickly become much more competitive to the more established meeting industry destinations.

infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index: Connectivity Index:

Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 400 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:

4.79 4.01 4.53 4.33 4.62 4.13 1.02 3.51 4.35 1.98

3.72 4.46 4.21 4.13 4.16 4.42 3.98 1.02 3.91 4.40 2.50

3.71 4.68

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

4.39 4.41 4.09 4.46 3.67 1.02 3.46 4.40

ACI Airport Connectivity Index:



General and transport

Banquet hall maximum capacity

OF THE BEATEN MICE TRACK • Upper Savinja Valley is one of Slovenia’s natural jewels of. Its tourism offer is undoubtedly getting more diverse with every passing year, but still many of its foreign guests are not getting a comprehensive source of information about the full range of events and activities offer. The valley can be compared with the Soča Valley, which in many respects has a similar congress offer and the advantage of a functioning destination organisation (LTO Sotočje). Both valleys are two uncut diamonds of the Slovenian meetings offer that we believe will sooner or later be discovered by European event organisers. Given the advantages of this valley that is really impressive with its diversity, its natural resources and the charms of the Savinja river, it will undoubtedly succeed.


ACI Airport



4.07 4.23 4.05 4.59 4.28 1.02 3.46 4.53

General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels




Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 250


THE SUCCESS STORY • The smallest place in our analysis is big in its offer and an example to all of us involved with tourism. Once a remote and poor community, in the 60-ies of the last century focused on tourism. Its epicentre is a thermal spring, around which a success story was created. At every step the locals you meet, be it a wine-grower, a caterer or a priest, will let it be known that you are welcome. There are few places where the only driving force of the economy is tourism. Because in these places industry has never developed, today this can be considered as one of their advantages. Podčetrtek has a great potential in the field of congress tourism. It is an authentic and in many ways a sustainable congress experience.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:


Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 820


OLD FOR NEW • It would be hard to find a more traditional health resort in Slovenia. Most other health resorts, including the neighbouring Podčetrtek, cannot boast such tradition that inspires confidence. In a few years the place has radically changed its appearance and has excellent congress infrastructure. However, something remains missing – more convention visitors, who were once coming en masse to these places. Rogaška needs congress tourism, as is written into its DNA. It seems that it is currently defying the modern times, mainly thanks to the proactive individual hoteliers. To regain a top spot more connectivity will be required, better joint promotion and all of this reflected through the establishment of a Convention Bureau.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: General and transport Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:


Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,000 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


WARM YOUR HEART • The High Tatras are an extraordinary surprise and one of the undiscovered European incentive jewels. In the shadow of the much more notorious Zakopane range in neighbouring Poland, they offer at least as broad an incentive offer, which is nicely complemented by a very favourable financial package. As the main tourist resorts are close to mountain resorts, ski resorts and scenic walking trails, it is a totally perfect destination for more sports-inspired incentive groups. We recommend organising events in the spring and autumn months, when places aren’t flooded with the annual mass winter tourist flows. The prices in Slovakia are significantly lower than in central Europe and the destination is just a few hours’ drive by motorway from major Central European cities.

Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 290

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:


JEWELS OF NATURE • Karst have due to the natural and cultural values great potential for the development of congress tourism. It should be based on the specificities and comparative advantages of individual areas associated with a rich cultural heritage, cultural landscapes and preserved natural environment. As an integrated product is not yet developed at this time, it is more like complement to the rest of the Slovenian congress destinations. For breakthrough it is necessary to raise the visibility and competitiveness among congress organizers, which today are looking for exactly such an authentic space. We believe, that it will be recognized as a product with great potential by the main carrier of tourism Postojna cave.

infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

3.67 4.52 4.33 4.09 3.98 4.53 3.79 1.02 3.46 4.40 2.57

3.66 4.79 4.59 4.61 4.40 4.59 3.79 1.02 3.05 3.81

ACI Airport

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:


3.63 4.72

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style




General and transport

Connectivity Index:


Destination capacity


4.26 4.20 4.11 4.56 3.85 1.02 3.46 4.40


The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



4.43 4.09 3.89 4.46 3.54 1.02 3.46 4.15 2.52

Meetings Star 2017


DOOR TO THE ADRIATIC • Among the competing congress destinations, Umag even a year ago would be easily overlooked, but today it is already hosting the most demanding events such as the most important Microsoft event Windays. This proves that the destination is profiled as a congress and especially incentive location. To the good functioning a great desti- nation management contributes a great deal, which in a form of a clusterfrom 2010 is promoted under the brand “Colours of Istria”.

Destination capacity Destination population


Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,200

Numbeo quality of life Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style



Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 500


A TEENAGER AND A LADY OF RESPECTABLE AGE • The two locations are the heart of the sunny and verdant Goriška plane. Due to their interesting position between the Alps and the Mediterranean, and the junction between the Roman and Slavic, it forms a historically attractive space with high experiential value and preserved natural as much as cultural landscape. In the transport sense it is a very easily accessible region with a high quality of living and excellent infrastructure. Both Goricas have many good restaurants and will delight lovers of gastronomy, entertainment and gaming. The hospitality of the locals and the competitiveness of the destination is placing the region on the top of young, fresh and undiscovered convention destinations.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:


Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 300


TOURIST GAZELLE • Another Slovenian destination, which according to the capacity, integrity of the offer and convenience is often overlooked. Lower Sava valley is mainly thanks to the proactive Terme Čatež a very competitive meeting destination. Overall the main advantages in terms of congress tourism are a favourable geostrategic position of the border location, close to Zagreb international airport and favourable natural conditions with high tourist potential. In addition, thanks to large investments it provides a variety of accommodation facilities, a welcome boon for conference guests with different purchasing power. An arranged congress centre, multipurpose hall and the Mokrice golf course work together to offer many innovative combinations.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:


Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 700 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style



OVERLOOKED DESTINATION • To most people, the extreme north-eastern part of Croatiais the most marginal, border, multi-faith, multicultural and the most poorly known region. Its character is carved by the Drava and Danube rivers along with its symbolic, functional and aesthetic value. Its self-image is one of isolation and the feeling of living on a desert island of convention tourism, in which only a small number of meeting planners and organisers are interested. Because of its geographic position, it is economically and politically far from the capital and as a consequence also undeveloped as a convention destination. The focus of the problem is a stereotypical feeling of neglect. Overlooking this, Osijek is one of the freshest and most sustainable Croatian meetings destinations with no real competition in the region.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:

3.62 4.25 4.35 4.38 3.94 4.22 3.52 1.02 3.46 4.53 2.52

3.61 4.35 4.31 4.26 4.09 4.44 3.54 1.02 3.46 4.15 2.50

3.57 4.23

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

4.13 4.17 3.93 4.16 3.55 1.02 3.92 4.68

ACI Airport Connectivity Index:



General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


4.38 4.44 4.05 4.35 3.64 1.02 3.40 4.31

General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



General and transport

ICCA index:




Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 800


BRIDGING THE GAP • The city of sun, greenery and flowers with a Mediterranean climate is currently a sleeping congress destination that overwhelms visitors with its historical story. Mostar is a lot more than just the Old bridge and stereotypes – it has all the neccessary conditions to develop congress tourism, yet it has somehow been put in the background and overlooked as a tourist product. With more focused development, initiating a convention bureau and better connectivity with congress providers, Mostar could easily compete with Adriatic congress capitals like Sarajevo or in Dalmatia. .

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population



Overall performance

TIMELESS CHARM • Héviz is the capital of Hungarian spas and thermal baths, as in addition to the hotel complexes and thermal water-filled swimming pools it also has a thermal lake. The thermal lake in Héviz is the largest biologically active natural thermal lake in the world. Spa tourism is booming and its Hungarian engine is in Héviz. The city is suitable for organising events. If you like more traditional hotels and peaceful destinations, you will love this place. If you are looking for a combination with wellness, this is one of the best options in Hungary.

Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population



PANNONIAN MELANCHOLY • Sárvár is very nicely and attractively arranged. The great advantage is its proximity to Austria and to Vienna and Bratislava airports. To Vienna airport it is approximately 130 km, only a shot more to the airport in Bratislava and to Graz airport it is just 150 km. Sárvár is a city that at the moment only a few would place somewhere on the convention destinations map. Development has been primarily focused on health tourism. Once you get to know it, it is an elegant and fresh destination that is surprising because it is not ostentatious.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,000


BALKAN CONGRESS PEARL • One of the main Macedonian tourist centers is becoming increasingly more important as a meeting center. At first glance, it differs from competing regional destinations due to its reasonable prices. The difference is also in the structure of the offer which is primarily adapted to leisure tourism. Ohrid is, in summer, a mass tourist destination with all the challenges that that brings. Out of season it can be a very interesting meeting destination, if rapid development will be followed by the upgraded offer that congress guests expect. The first step is related to performance of providers and the establishment of a Convention Bureau.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:

3.38 4.44 4.25 4.17 3.94 4.25 3.66 1.02 2.68 3.41 1.94

3.36 4.40 4.17 4.12 3.89 4.19 3.59 1.02 2.68 3.41 2.15

3.34 4.68

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style




General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 800


4.04 4.43 3.76 4.37 3.59 1.02 3.62 3.30

General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,200



General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



4.16 4.41 3.73 4.20 3.54 1.02 2.34 3.36 1.94

Meetings Star 2017





The number The number of 4* and 5* of 4* and 5* category hotel hotels rooms

Banquet hall maximum capacity

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style












































































































Meetings Star 2017



WHAT‘S HOT 2017 1. The 56th Congress of the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) - The Czech capital will welcome meetings professionals including top planners from all over the world between 12 and 15 November 2017.


2. Prague Spring – The Prague Spring International Music Festival belongs to key cultural events held in Prague. This year’s, already 72nd edition will host around 45 concerts accompanied with a broad and wide range of events from 12 May to 2 June 2017. 3. SIGNAL (Prague Light Festival) – Every year for the four nights, SIGNAL Festival changes the look of Prague streets, public spaces and historical buildings into the objects d’art. The fifth edition of the festival will light up the Czech capital from 12 to 15 October 2017.

4.55 Final Score

The spirit of Central Europe is in the best way caught in this beautiful city, which is an excellent convention destination because of its cosmopolitanism, multiculturalism, liveliness and a tireless nightlife. What is the secret of the Prague congress tourism? What are they doing differently? It is a combination of circumstances and wise development policies. Elegantly and sustainably they are working to be among the top ten European congress cities. Destination mark: EXCELLENT MEETING DESTINATION Marks: 5 excellent meeting destination 4 quality meeting destination 3 recommendable meeting destination 2 average meeting destination 1 passable INDIVIDUAL GRADES: Natural and cultural factors: General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meetings infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index: ACI Airport Connectivity Index

4.86 4.66 4.89 4.83 4.83 4.90 4.88 3.20 3.91 4.54



Comparisons with the region Prague has for a long time not been an Eastern European gem, but a true European tourist metropolis with a diverse and comprehensive offer, luxury hotels and sometimes too high prices. The story is reminiscent of Škoda, of which the Czechs are very proud and is one of the oldest automotive brands in Europe. Reputable, solid and reliable pre-war limousines were after the war changed by cars that were behind the times. Today, Škoda shines again and again puts the Czech manufacturer where it once was. The same can be said for the meetings industry, where Prague began to seriously falter against the locations top of the European league. If we look at the position of Prague regionally, Prague will not take primacy in the region over Vienna, but it certainly has all the conditions to remain for a long time the first congress destination among East European capitals.

4. Designblok (Prague Design and Fashion Week) – The largest design and fashion show in Central Europe, presenting contemporary furniture and interior accessories, industrial design, lights, fashion, and jewellery. Next edition of the show will start on 26 October 2017. 5. Volkswagen Prague Marathon – One of the most beautiful marathons in the world is held annually in the historical heart of Prague. Runners will enjoy the view of Astronomical Clock on the Old Town Square, Charles Bridge and historical streets of Prague from 6 to 7 May 2017.

BEST INCENTIVE IDEA Glass Decoration - visit a famous glass gallery in Prague, where you can admire beautiful works of art and create your own piece of art using your artistic flair whilst painting a piece of glass.

DID YOU KNOW Why Prague is called “Golden Prague”? This name was given to the city during the reign of the Czech King and Holy Roman Emperor, Charles IV, when the towers of Prague Castle were covered in gold. Another theory is that Prague was called ‘Golden’ during the reign of Rudolf II, who employed alchemists to turn ordinary metals into gold.



1.291 4.651

Indirect 3.359 Hub 1.458

Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 31,092 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


SLAVIC PARIS • Prague has for a long time not been an Eastern European gem, but a true European tourist metropolis with a diverse and comprehensive offer, luxury hotels and sometimes too high prices. The story is reminiscent of Škoda, of which the Czechs are very proud and is one of the oldest automotive in Europe. Reputable, solid and reliable pre-war limousines were after the war changed by cars that were behind the times. Today, Škoda’s shine again and again puts the Czech manufacturer where it once was. The same can be said for the meetings industry, where Prague began to seriously falter the locations top of the European league. If we look at the position of Prague regionally, Prague certainly has all the conditions to remain one of the most popular congress destinations for a long time.

Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 4,152

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:


BRIDGING THE GAP • A historic city with excellent connectivity to the rest of the world and where you will find infrastructure befitting a major European capital, but with better weather and in a more interesting location. The Athens allure includes 300 days of sunshine a year, more than 30,000 hotel rooms in 439 hotels, 95,000 sq.m of conference space, 1,000+ restaurants and 200,000 flights per year. All major hotels in the city underwent a refurbishment for the 2004 Olympics. Athens is an attractive destination in its own, very special way. It is a unique combination of the old and the new, set in a spectacular Mediterranean landscape.

infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


CLEAR VISION • Today Warsaw is one of the fastest growing capitals in the EU and a city that can pride itself on a mix of new and old architectural styles. Its growth in infrastructure was strongly boosted when Warsaw was the host of the UEFA European Championship in 2012 and many new hotels were opened. The biggest congress hotel, the Hilton Warsaw with a hall for 1,600 participants, is one of the biggest in Europe, but The Palace of Culture with its 40 congress halls is also an interesting option.

Destination capacity Destination population

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 12,000

Numbeo quality of life Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style



Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 106,000


SIZE DOES MATTER • The Turkish congress tiger is relentlessly growling and overcoming everything set in front of it. Professionalism and entrepreneurship when they are competing for international events is not lacking and they could be setting an example to other convention bureaus. Congress Bazaar of Istanbul offers everything that a meetings organizer needs, in addition to 7 convention centers, 3 fair grounds and almost 100.000 hotel rooms, and the excellently organized Convention Bureau of Instanbul. The quality of life in Istanbul is improving as well as the general infrastructure; Turkish airlines has become the fourth largest airline in the world.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:

4.41 4.89 4.71 4.98 4.99 4.83 4.85 4.70 2.33 2.79 4.99

4,39 4.54 4.68 4.81 4.77 4.52 4.54 4.64 2.97 4.05 4.41

4.34 4.72

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style




General and transport

ICCA index:


4.66 4.89 4.83 4.83 4.90 4.88 3.20 3.91

General and transport




ACI Airport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



General and transport

Connectivity Index:


Destination capacity


4.56 4.97 4.97 4.56 4.85 4.52 2.48 2.75 5.00

Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 1,610 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL • According to its conference and accommodation infrastructure, Ljubljana belongs to the group of capitals suitable for medium-sized and smaller meetings (up to 2.500 participants). It is positioned side by side with the new EU member states and geographically in the region of the Western Balkans. With two top-level convention centers and a very well developed hotel meetings offer, Ljubljana is the region’s leading congress destination. At the end of last year in order to give Ljubljana a new sales and promotional momentum, a partnership called Ljubljana Strategic Bidding Team (LSBT) was established; it is composed of interested partners from both the private and public area. The city is extremely safe and one of the region’s most sustainably-oriented.

Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 2,666 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination population



Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

CONGRESS QUEEN OF THE DANUBE • Budapest enjoys a very favorable position in Europe, at the crossroads between the East and the West. It is one of just a few cities in the world that literally lies on thermal springs and to which the Danube River gives a special experiential value. The city has no shortage of picturesque special venues nor the most luxurious hotels and crazy and diverse incentive locations. If Prague is love at first sight, then Budapest is love on the long run. All this has been for many years an excellent and well-established MICE destination with well-oiled congress machinery.

Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 4,765 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Overall performance


4.31 4.76 4.81 4.78 4.74 4.75 4.38 4.00 3.25 3.96 3.64

4.30 4.86

General and transport


CREATIVE THINKING • Not many countries of the former Eastern Bloc have made such a huge step in terms of development as the three small Baltic states. Estonians also excel in the field of congress tourism, successfully implementing the creativity that helped them through Soviet times, Scandinavian minimalism and rich folklore into their congress story. For the last couple of years, they have been trying to give the city some of its old glory back by building new infrastructure, like the 21. Century skyscraper. Our own favourite congress venue is the Kultuutikatel, an old electric power plant that has been transformed into a congress centre. This truly special venue is the host of practically every key event of the Estonian EU presidency. Tallinn isn't short of special venues, as more and more meeting planners are turning towards a combination of its contemporary architecture and local creativity.


ACI Airport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


4.68 4.62 4.85 4.68 4.52 4.42 3.32 4.13

General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 19,524



ACI Airport

Connectivity Index:



General and transport

Overall performance

WHITE ZAGREB TOWN • It can be said that Zagreb has a great congress future. As well as Belgrade, Zagreb is also progressing steadily on the chart of development meetings destinations; the final breakthrough of the intire region is intertwined and dependent on the marketing of mayor regional congress cities in the international market. In the last ten years Croatia has radically improved road infrastructure and thus its accessibility. Significantly improved is also air accessibility via Zagreb Airport, which accepts over 40 % of all air traffic in Croatia. The hotel infrastructure with new acquisitions fully satisfies modern congress guests and is perhaps at this moment the best among regional capitals. Zagreb is a pocket-friendly destination that offers a lot for reasonable money.


Destination capacity

Overall performance

Connectivity Index:


Destination capacity


Natural and cultural factors:

4.65 4.90 4.71 4.69 3.87 4.83 2.56 3.36 4.21

4.28 4.58

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

4.65 4.68 4.75 4.84 4.80 3.62 3.28 4.30

ACI Airport Connectivity Index:


Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 4,165 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 3,037 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 5,094

Overall performance

PEARL OF THE ADRIATIC • Dubrovnik is the flagship of regional tourism and is commonly the first association of meetings organizers we meet daily. It is the closest in the region to renowned Mediterranean convention destinations Cannes and Monte Carlo, and it will be even closer after the completion of the convention center. So far the center is successfully replaced by modern and well-equipped centers at hotels such as Dubrovnik Palace, Excelsior, Bellevue, Grand Villa Argentina, Importanne Resort, Dubrovnik President, Valamar Lacroma and Radisson Blue. Well-developed is the entire conference infrastructure including destination management and creative agency scene. The city is safe and one of the tourist icons of the Adriatic and justifiably the most painted tourist skyline with unprecedented experiential diversity for conference guests.

Natural and cultural factors:


Overall performance


PROUD CITY • Of all Polish cities Krakow is the one with the greatest soul and is the most fraught with history. In Poland, Krakow will be the destination of the new generation, which will soon be recognized as a high quality, compact and most versatile meetings destination in Poland due to the cultural heritage, hospitality of the locals, new meetings capacities and because of its huge scientific potentials. Krakow has a variety of hotels services and an exceptional number of tourist attractions. Being the main tourist city it has excellent conditions in place for the development of congress tourism. With the construction of the new convention center ICE it has also received a real affirmation. Krakow’s recipe is successful and a case of good practice for other more traditional central European destinations.


MEETOSLAVIAS • The city of four rivers defines the Danube river with its tributaries and with the mighty Renaissance castle above the intimate and compact old town. Bratislava is undiscovered European congress capital which slowly and steadily penetrates into the congress market. It represents a novelty for international congress market which impresses due to the kind and sympathetic city center but also because of not excessive commercialization. The city is close to the congress organizers mainly due to a more personal congress experience – the city is very friendly and there are no problems with the safety. The city center is full of pubs, restaurants and shops and the hotel offer includes the best known hotel chains.

infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index: Connectivity Index:

Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index: ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 4,158

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:

4.73 4.63 4.81 4.65 4.68 4.60 4.20 2.69 3.91 3.37

4.20 4.38 4.84 4.79 4.67 4.71 4.73 3.52 3.08 3.80 3.51

4.14 4.37

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style




General and transport


Destination capacity


ACI Airport

Banquet hall maximum capacity

A CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS • Belgrade bases its congress story on the rich culture at the crossroads of East and West, the central position in the SouthEast Europe and a lively social life. It is a city with remarkable cuisine, worldclass nightlife, world events and positive vibrations, which makes it a very dynamic and attractive tourist destination. Belgrade is a city on the rise and a rough congress diamond, which has enormous development potential. With the establishment of the Serbian Convention Bureau in 2007, co-operation and promotion has thoroughly improved and now Belgrade has in terms of management a unique opportunity to take advantage of its benefits, provided so the complete infrastructure can be thoroughly renewed.

4.56 4.90 4.80 4.77 4.39 3.35 3.44 4.79

General and transport




ACI Airport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels



General and transport

Connectivity Index:


Destination capacity


4.47 4.79 4.63 4.77 4.43 4.37 2.48 3.47 3.61

Meetings Star 2017


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 3,395 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


FRESH TALENT • Thessaloniki is the second largest Greek city, located in the North of the country on the Thermaic Gulf. Many consider it as the capital of Greek cuisine, which is a guarantee for an enjoyable time at your event. Most of Thessaloniki's big events take place at the Thessaloniki International Exhibition & Congress Centre, at the heart of the congress offer. The city's hotel offer is also diverse and perfect for smaller corporate events. The entire congress offer is connected by the proactive Convention Bureau, which despite a limited budget has been maintaining a stable position on the ICCA scale, with 18 international congresses annually. Last year they hit a record number of 28 congresses, a perfect example of how Thessaloniki is gaining new momentum.

Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 7,456

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors: General and transport


Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

Natural and cultural factors: infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:


Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


Destination capacity Destination population


The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms 3,640


PARIS OF THE EAST • Bucharest is a city of contrasts. Great palaces and the latest congress hotels but on the other hand poorly recognized brand and unrelated congress offer. These are the main disadvantages compared to the much more active cities such as Belgrade and Sofia in the vicinity. But at this moment it is certainly the most affordable major European Congress Capital. With a little effort you will find everything you need for any events. Even the friendliness of the staff in the hotel and congress sector deviates from the average. It appears that the city is missing a little bit more energy so it can be placed alongside big cities, where it actually falls depending on its situation and the conditions for the congress industry development.

Overall performance Natural and cultural factors:


4.09 4.42 4.56 4.73 4.72 4.42 4.31 4.39 1.79 2.99 4.62

4.03 4.31

General and transport infrastructure: Tourist infrastructure: Meeting infrastructure: Subjective grade: Marketing Buzz: ICCA index: Numbeo quality of life Index: Numbeo Safety Index:

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Banquet hall maximum capacity


ACI Airport

The largest hall in the city (in m2)


Connectivity Index:

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style



4.67 4.53 4.68 4.47 3.79 2.95 3.58

General and transport

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


4.53 4.65

ACI Airport

Overall performance

POSITIVE SPIN • The Russian capital is one of the biggest cities in the world, but what makes it really special is not its size. First mentioned in 1147, Moscow has a way of interlacing its historical roots with a very modern way of life. The city's congress industry, offering everything from the most modern congress centres to the more traditional providers, reflects that intertwinement. The list of venues goes on forever and encompasses everything from luxurious hotels of international chains to excellent congress centres. The size of the city isn't the only thing that's hefty, as Moscow has also become known as the most expensive city in the world. This somewhat dampens its competitiveness, but Moscow is nevertheless a great host for any kind of event.



Connectivity Index:


Destination capacity


4.55 4.59 4.34 4.48 3.42 4.00 2.46 3.96 4.14


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Slovenian Spa Association ORGANISERS:www.slovenia-spa.si Terme Krka www.terme-krka.com Slovenian Spa Association www.slovenia-spa.si


HOST: PARTNER: Slovenian Spa Association www.slovenia-spa.si PARTNER: SPIRIT Slovenia, Slovenian Tourist Board www.slovenia.info

Go.Mice / Toleranca marketing d.o.o. 155 Sava Hotels & Resorts / Health Resort Radenci www.go-mice.eu PARTNER: Go.Mice / Toleranca marketing d.o.o. www.go-mice.eu SPIRIT Slovenia, Slovenian Tourist Board

PARTNER: SPIRIT Slovenia, Slovenian Tourist Board www.slovenia.info

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ORGANIZERS: • what should health insurance companies know

More information: WWW.SPA-CE.SI | INFO@SPA-CE.SI | +386 1 430 51 03

Toleranca marketing d.o.o., Štihova 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

MAIN TOPICS to be presented by international and local experts

Been There

RED BULL AIR RACE A head- to- head battle of the best acrobatic pilots in the world Text by Gorazd Čad / Photo credit Red Bull Content Pool


ately we have been witness to a slow and in a sense quite inevitable biological process i.e. the extinction of primal man, a process that could leave us with a population of effeminate and androgenous male members of society. But let's hold that thought for a moment, as today's topic isn't about social changes, but rather about the few remaining events that are still fueled by high levels of testosterone and adrenaline. The guys behind Red Bull's events are well aware of the things that drive us and almost all of their events are driven by this same propellant. This doesn't at all mean that their events aren't attended by women, but it is definitely octane enthusiasts who reap the most satisfaction from them, and in most cases they happen to be of the male gender.

»Red Bull Air race is one of the most challenging international events to pull off.« The Red Bull Air Race is a modern phenomenon of great magnitude and significance. It is one of the most challenging international events to pull off, easily comparable with the organisation of an F1 event. Transforming 2 kilometres of coastline by the Donau River into a first-class event venue is nothing short of amazing. Nothing was left to chance and spectator safety is always a priority with events of


this scale and type. The second thing is keeping the guests entertained throughout the three-day programme, packed with energy and accompanying events. Numerous event agencies and catering companies working with the organisers make sure everyone is fed and is having a great time. The full scale of the preparations requires over 1,000 workers and takes about 10 days to complete. According to unofficial data, Budapest's investment in the event was around 5 million EUR and the full range of expenses exceeded 15 million. The race is an international head-to-head battle of the best acrobatic pilots in the world, an event with huge media coverage and promotional potential. Budapest's hosting of the race is a great example of how a destination can benefit from

Photo: Joerg Mitter, Red Bull Content Pool

Photo: Predrag Vuckovic, Red Bul Content Pool


Joerg Mitter, Red Bull Content Pool

Armin Walcher, Red Bull Content Pool

Been There

Photo: Joerg Mitter, RedBull Content Pool

these kinds of events. Spectators from all over the globe flooded the Hungarian capital, predominantly coming from the Czech Republic ready to cheer on their gladiator of the sky, Martin Sonka. Tens of thousands of visitors watched the planes whizz between pylons and over 500 million watched from their TV screens at home. The city itself was completely packed and finding a free hotel room was quite a challenge. A MECCA FOR PETROL-HEADS Budapest has always been a host of large-scale motorsport events and the night after Red Bull's action-packed battles in the sky, drivers of some of the rarest and most expensive supercars revved their engines at Heroes' Square, one of the stops of this year's Gumball 3000 Rally. The main focus was definitely put on the legendary Hungaroring race circuit that is hosting

»A 5 million EUR investment for Budapest.«

»It's a forum of fierce personalities, outstanding athletes, and skills that allow them to fly between the pylons at 400km/h.« the F1 GrandPrix at the end of July. These kind of international events are a great opportunity for destinations to build on recognisability and Budapest has been doing a great job of positioning itself on the world tourist map. A special story that fills me with pride is the story of Peter Podlunšek, a fellow Slovenian, whose galactic success seems to be overlooked by the Slovenian public. From a meeting planner's perspective, the Red Bull Air Race is definitely on a Formula 1 level. The Slovenian media would go absolutely crazy if they heard a racer from our country is winning F1 races, but that is exactly what the pilot from Prekmurje is doing on the Air Race, and yet he is somehow invisible to any kind of news reports. Becoming


a Red Bull Master Class pilot is the dream of every acrobatic pilot – it's a forum of fierce personalities, outstanding athletes, and skills that allow them to fly between the pylons at speeds of over 400km/h. His performance in Budapest wasn't the best because of technical issues and an injury, but I believe he will make this up with excellent results in the future. Among all of the host destinations of the race, Budapest is the one that truly milked its opportunity and directly benefited from the event. We will talk about how they did it in the September issue of Kongres Magazine. Plain text can never paint the entire picture, so here are some pictures from this year's race, credit of Red Bull's content pool.

“10 days of preparations, 1000 workers and 500 million people watching from home.”

Been Lifestyle There

ABOUT PETER PODLUNŠEK Peter Podlunšek is the first Slovenian pilot to compete for the Red Bull Air Race World Championship. Having long been the top aerobatic pilot in his country, Podlunšek initially expanded his skillset to air racing with two seasons in the Red Bull Air Race Challenger Class, earning four race podiums as well as runner-up in the Challenger Cup Championship. Despite a steep learning curve when he moved to the Master Class in 2016, the pilot earned his first World Championship points in only his second race, and he continued to impress with a strong dedication to training and technical progression throughout his debut season. Core members of Team Peter Podlunšek Racing include team coordinator Katja Papič, technician Dax Wanless and tactician Boštjan Dečman, with the addition of media coordinator Tina Torelli, social media manager Marko Filipič, and video producer Jože Glažar. All share their pilot’s keen interest in innovation, which has resulted in race plane modifications such as the striking downturned wingtips.

Photo: Predrag Vuckovic, Red Bul Content Pool



HOTEL PLESNIK CELEBRATES Plesnik’s complete renovation of rooms and wellness centre Text by Gorazd Čad / Photo credit Hotel Plesnik


raveling through the history of the iconic Hotel Plesnik reveals a story of family, love, tradition and a passion for socializing in one of Europe’s most beautiful Alpine valleys. Hotel Plesnik’s elm tree embodies their journey – it is one of the symbols of the Logar Valley and represents a bridge between the generations, as well as forming part of the hotel’s recognizable brand. Along with all of the friends and colleagues of the Plesnik family we were invited to the grand opening of their newly renovated hotel rooms and wellness centre. Arriving at the hotel we were greeted by the amazing mountain backdrop illuminated by a special afternoon light that accentuated the enchantingly beautiful ambience by the green coloured bio pool. The wonderful voice of Manca Izmailova characterized the evening and accompanied guests into the long summer night, a night full of sharing memories, enjoying music and the great company of friends. Hotel Plesnik’s team took care of the cuisine with an excellent culinary programme led by Franci Podbrežnik.

The hotel’s history has deep roots, as the Plesnik family originally owned a hotel in the near vicinity of the current one before the Second World War. The foundation of their project was a small postwar inn that was transformed into a new hotel between 1922 and 1994. It was the following year of 1995 that saw the grand opening and the hotel quickly became synonymous with the modern comfort and familiarity of a countryside house, as well as a boutique family hotel. Over 20 years of service left its toll, however, and the time came for a renovation. In carrying out the renovation in the spirit of local tradition, the predominant feature is wood. The solid parquet flooring gives you a feeling of warmth and coziness, which continues in the furniture with their modern inserts in elegant white. Bright tones and designer furnishings are the norm throughout, and an especially interesting feature is the lounger that screams: “Take it easy, sit down and just relax!” As you would expect from a freshly


renovated hotel, the rooms boast an ultra modern shower with geometrically shaped tiles in pastel brown. As a whole, the renovated hotel rooms feel very elegant, inviting and pleasant to stay in – excellent bedding and mattresses might be another reason why this is so. A special character is added by the well thought-out lighting setup and original pieces that will be especially noticeable in the winter days. Enota is a Slovenian architectural company that was responsible for some famous projects, such as the award-winning Sotelia Wellness Hotel in Podčetrtek, and they have applied their touches to the Plesnik’s pool complex. Here they have created an intimate wellness club, offering ‘to die for’ views and an architectural design that has no match in Slovenia. Gravel-stone covered walls define the sauna experience in the basement and subtle lighting aids you in relaxing. An Ayurveda master will take care of all your knots and bring you to a state of Zen.

There is no chlorine in the biological outdoor pool and you truly feel like you’re swimming in an Alpine lake with an amazing view of the summits of the Kamnik–Savinja Alps. Hotel Plesnik’s wellness is an intimate and exclusive experience that will fill you with fresh energy. Taking care of each guest individually and listening to their needs has somehow become embedded in the Plesnik family’s genome. Their wide range of activities, high-quality offer and, most importantly, a feeling of ‘Everything is possible’ keeps guests coming back. The renovation has blown a fresh breeze into their sails and we believe it will reap even greater success. Nina Plesnik and her team look forward to hosting you!

Logarska dolina 103335 Solčava T: 00386 3 839 23 00 E: hotel@plesnik.si www.plesnik.si




BRATISLAVA CONVENTION BUREAU X BIONIC SPHERE: Incomparable Sports-Congress Hybrid The X-bionic sphere represents a whole universe of sports, leisure and innovation, brought to you in partnership with the global premium sport brand X-BIONIC®. The X-Bionic Hotel has 282 high standard rooms and 12 exclusive roof suites. Their convention sphere boasts 12 conference rooms that includes 2 large congress halls, 3 medium congress rooms and 7 small meeting rooms, 120 pax capacity within the Tuli Cinema, 2 outdoor atriums and 500 pax capacity within the spacious foyer, and with the largest conference room in the region for 600 people. For anyone longing for some serious pampering their wellness sphere offers 7 different types of saunas, salt cave, Turkish bath and facial and body procedures. It might be surprising to learn precisely what the entire complex has to offer: 379,167m² area dedicated to equestrian sport, a 50m Olympic outdoor pool with a stand for 1,500 visitors, an 8-lane track and field athletic oval with IAAF certification, and a football stadium meeting FIFA standards. Welcome to Bratislava, the city of innovation, accessibility and success!

Golden Apple for Bratislava

EUROTOX 2017 will be held in Bratislava, Slovakia

Bratislava received The Golden Apple Award – La Pomme d’Or, or the so called “tourist Oscar” – which is the highest acknowledgement that can be made by FIJET, the World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers. From May 31st to June 3rd Bratislava hosted a delegation from the prestigious international federation on recognition of the city being awarded the Golden Apple for ‘best destination’, an award for excellence that is annually presented to an organisation, country, city, or person in recognition of their superior efforts promoting and raising the level of tourism. The best proposals gain the acclaim of the journalistic board, with winners receiving an award and journalists discovering new places and new stories for their publications. The Golden Apple is annually awarded to locations that represent the best of world tourism.

The 53rd Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology will be held from 10 to 13 September 2017 in Bratislava. The client, EUROTOX, is constantly on the lookout for new destinations for its major event and Bratislava proved to be a ‘yet to be discovered venue’ for it, and with the conference having specific demands from all of the available possibilities the Slovak National Theatre was its obvious choice. Bratislava was acclaimed by the organisers as a city that has the following advantages: two airports (its own, as well as one close by in Vienna), good prices, good quality of services in general, an abundant capacity in centrally located business hotels, a charming atmosphere, and great people within the Bratislava meeting industry, as well as from the side of the Bratislava Tourist Board (BTB). When hosting a congress of this size, it is acknowledged that there are many benefits for the city, as congresses today deliver not only the tourism-related revenue, but they also create solid business opportunities to promote local industries, research and educational organisations. Given the size of EUROTOX, the conference will be “the conference” in Bratislava during this time, which means they will generate sufficient attention from their members, the local authorities and the press.



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Anja Project Manager: Panic is not her middle name. Not at work and not at crime books that she loves.

Tina Head of Department: Mother of three. Yes, three. Tidiness, organisation, discipline, overview and energy. At work and at home.

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Mojca Project Manager: Smile, action, smile. At events and at the tennis court‌ always a challenge never an obstacle.

Ana Sales Manager: Always on the run. Always smiling. Between international trade shows and kindergarten. Plane or bike‌ catch her if you can.

Amela Project Manager: Architecture, design. Planing events and their concepts in the empty hall. With pleasure, good will and creative solutions.

Miha Project Manager: Man of tactics and strategy. Using them thoroughly at work and while playing games.

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