Page 1

/ 10 / Exclusive Interview THE MISSION OF THE MEETINGS INDUSTRY ISN’T AS SIMPLE AS IT MAY SEEM Interview with Miloš Milovanović / 22 / Behind The Scenes PARK HYATT, Vienna’s Iconic New Face

/ 14 / In Focus CIRQUE DU SOLEIL AT A GLANCE, Yasmine Khalil

/ 30 / Voice From The Top Thomas Swieca, Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel, Belgrade Aleksander Valentin, Four Point By Sheraton Ljubljana Mons / 68 / Croatia Addendum A CONCERT IN THE AIR Croatia Airlines inflight magazine

/ 40 / MEetologue Soča Valley – Epicentre of incentive inspiration

ISSN 1 8 5 5 - 8 6 1 5

9 771855 861009

www.kongres-magazine.eu VOLUME VIII, ISSUE 4 // JULY 2014



Kongres magazine

I FEEL INSPIRED BY WHERE WE MEET At the crossroads of Europe we come together to do business. Accessible, affordable with fine Slovenian hospitality, all you need to do is provide the people.

SLOVENIA. Green. Active. Healthy. 2

www.slovenia.info #ifeelslovenia

OUR SELECTION page 10 Exclusive Interview THE MISSION OF THE MEETINGS INDUSTRY ISN’T AS SIMPLE AS IT MAY SEEM Interview with Miloš Milovanović page 14 In Focus CIRQUE DU SOLEIL AT A GLANCE Yasmine Khalil page 20 Exclusive Interview NEW EUROPE IS NOT JUST FOR YOU - IT’S ALSO FOR US Interview with Monique Dekker page 22 Behind The Scenes PARK HYATT Vienna’s Iconic New Face page 30 Voice From The Top Thomas Swieca, Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel, Belgrade Aleksander Valentin , Four Point By Sheraton Ljubljana Mons page 36 Young Talents Ivana Šajnović Blaž Pretnar page 38 Who Is Who Maja šimunovič page 40-44 Meetologue Soča Valley – Epicentre of incentive inspiration Kranjska Gora – Good will is the best page 48 Who Is Who Silva Ušić Nataša Langus page 68 Croatia Addendum A CONCERT IN THE AIR Croatia Airlines inflight magazine

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CONTRIBUTORS Aleksandra Uhernik Đurđek Graduated from University of Zagreb, Aleksandra is a meeting and motivational event professional. With over 15 years of experiences, she has created special meetings and events all over Croatia.

Yasmin Khalil Yasmin Khalil is a Director of Events division at Cirque de Soleil. Together they push boundaries and always create unforgettable moments with fresh ideas and new performance concepts.


G www.facebook.com/kongres.magazine Editor in Chief Gorazd Čad Assistant to the Editor in Chief Danaja Besnard, Špela Jeruc, Tina Stojanović Editor of Croatia Addendum Daniela Kos Editor of Kongres Telescope Robert Cotter Design Nenad Cizl dtp and prepress Premedia, Andrej Juvan Translation Danaja Besnard Printing Schwarz, Ljubljana Circulation 6000 copies ISSN Number 1855-8615

Natalija BAH ČAD An unforgettable member of the meetologue editorial board, who at each destination adds her icing on the cake. She has insight into the soul of destinations, based on many years of practical experience with the organisation of events. She is interested in everything from the history, geography and destination marketing to taking care of the tiny little things that make the big events.

The Kongres magazine is entered into the media register under sequence number 1423.

Daniela KOS Daniela Kos graduated from Zagreb’s Faculty of Business and Economics. An entrepreneur with a specific interest in marketing, after starting her career in the IT indus- try and culture Daniela has gone on to today run the first Croatian media for the meetings industry.

Issue date July 2014

Robert COTTER Alongside his work for Kongres, Rob is a regular contributor to MPI’s One+ magazine as well as MICENET Asia and MICE Japan. He attends interna- tional MICE events to seek out best practice and share this with the inter- national meetings community.

Gorazd ČAD Editor of the magazine and by profession a geographer and historian. He united his professional education and love of discovering new, lesser-known convention destinations with a love and passion for the meeting industry. In Meetologues he will try to share his enthusiasm with the readers.

Magazine issued in January; March; May; July; September; November Publisher, Production and Marketing Toleranca Marketing d.o.o., Štihova 4, SI1000 Ljubljana, t: +386 (0)1 430 51 03 f: +386 (0)1 430 51 04 v e: gorazd.cad@toleranca.eu

For the content reproduction it is required to get the written editorial consigment.

Official magazine of the Slovenian Convention Bureau Member of

ISSN 1 8 5 5 - 8 6 1 5

9 771855 861009

Terme resort

A word from the editor

CONGRESS TRANSITION OF THE ‘YUGOSPHERE Slovenia is a loser in the congress transition of the ‘Yugosphere’

Gorazd Čad, Editor, Kongres magazine



n a very interesting way the transition is mapping itself onto the meetings industry: of the former states of the ‘Yugosphere’ we were just a few years ago looking from the congress pedestal, but now a significant turning point has happened - Croatia and Serbia are the current winners of the congress transition, and the champion of the pre-crisis period of 2002 – 2011, Slovenia, is a lucky loser. Lucky due to the fact that the total number of conferences is still growing, but now it has competition moving ahead of it to the left and right. As a result of a smooth transition from the former state, Slovenia had the advantage over its southern neighbours. Over the decade from 2002 to 2012 the most association meetings were held in Slovenia, as measured by the ICCA stats. The peak was in 2008, when Slovenia held the EU presidency and 68 congresses were held in the country. This is the number of meetings that the destination is capable of hosting without any major logistical problems and it would rank us on last year’s ICCA scale immediately behind Croatia and ahead of Serbia. According to the congress index calculations of the ratio between the capacities of congress halls and number of hotel rooms and accessibility, in Slovenia we would easily host about 90 international conferences a year. This would place us among the TOP 25 European convention destinations. In the years after the end of the Balkan wars and with the restoration of convention bureaus the balance of power has significantly changed. Croatia and Serbia, which have entered the congress transition from less well off situations, have quickly caught step with us and since 2010 have been overtaking us to the left. At the same time, these two countries have carried out a successful congress transition, especially in terms of destination organisation and a more focused target marketing supported by abundant public funding or the support of international organisations such as USAID. Support for the Serbia Convention Bureau has never been questioned. The Director of the Tourist Organisation of Serbia understands ICCA





















































the meetings industry very well, as she comes from this business. Until recently, it was similar in Croatia, where fully operational city and regional convention bureaus play an important role. With the advent of the Etihad airline the flight availability of Serbia has dramatically improved. Zagreb will soon get a new passenger terminal. The result is a steady increase in the number of congresses. At the level of all the former Yugoslavia states, the number of conferences has increased from 147 in 2010 to 225 in 2013 (index 153). The last two to awaken from the congress slumber were Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia. The advantage of Slovenia has melted away, also because of the eternal strategic staying in one place caused by an unclear tourism policy and public sector support, which from the markedly export activity has the most direct and indirect benefits. Instead we are steadily running out of breath in competition from fresher and above all better-funded regional destinations.

A word from the editor

In the meetings market there is exceptional competition and given the above we should be sounding the alarm. Destinations that for a decade had been behind us are moving ahead, including all the countries of the Visegrad Group with the exception of Slovakia (Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary), but we are also close to the Baltic tigers, among which Lithuania has already caught us, with which we now share 47th spot in the world. The meetings industry is one of the few industries in which division into the economically developed north and the less successful and poorer south is not quite true. More and more destinations from the European periphery are breaking into the elite company. We have outstanding conditions for this activity and in addition we have at our disposal two congress centres. There is not much room for excuses. It is high time we got seriously organised, before, as is previously set out, the large convention brothers corner us somewhere between Vienna and Istanbul. Not much time is left and the exodus of Slovenian knowledge is already happening. Firstly to Belgrade, which is becoming the new old centre of the regional meetings industry. With an increasingly sophisticated congress product, superior accessibility in the region and better economies of scale it is showing us a mirror. It is just a matter of time before events from this centre will be managing the world’s largest players. Not for the first time and probably not for the last, the region is at the congress crossroads. At the crossroads between more intensive co-operation between the key players and developments within the national and local frameworks that will be pushing us to the edge of the congress second league. Unconnected, we are unconditionally condemned to it.

»In the meetings market there is exceptional competition and given the above we should be sounding the alarm.« ICCA















































P.S. In statistics ICCA takes into account only the meetings that meet its stringent criteria (regular annual or biennial events that have to rotate between at least three countries and attract at least 50 participants).


Kongres magazine

TEN OF THE MOST POPULAR STORIES OF THE MONTH ON www.kongres-magazine.eu Incentive guides, meetolgues, new openings and much more! The Biggest Collection of Incentive ideas is here!

Ljubljana, The 2016 European Green Capital Winner

DT Croatia and Talas M, Ovation global DMC’s regional strategic partner

HVAR - meetologue 2014

Opening of Park Hyatt Vienna

Gregor Levič, iDMC on current situation of the Slovenian Meetings Industry

Opatija is gearing up its congress offer

New Dubrovnik Congress Centre will open in July

SOČA VALLEY meetologue 2014

Lonely Planet - Ljubljana takes second place in the best in Europe 2014 list


If you have an opinion you would like to share, please send us an e-mail to info@kongres-magazine.eu. We also hope you will follow all of our latest stories from the industry at www.kongres-magazine.eu. @kongresmagazine, G www.facebook.com/kongres.magazine


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Exclusive interview


Exclusive interview

THE MISSION OF THE MEETINGS INDUSTRY ISN’T AS SIMPLE AS IT MAY SEEM Interview with Miloš Milovanović - A new consultant at global consulting company GainingEdge Text by Špela Jeruc

Q: This year you finished your work as director of CVB Serbia. How do you evaluate the results of the work in your tenure? The convention industry is highly important for its essential economic and social influences. That is why these past few years were years full of challenges and I believe that we have done a great job. From establishing the bureau in 2007 with its main mission to develop and build the international convention business for the benefit of Serbia and the members of bureau, while enhancing Serbia’s and the whole region’s image, we are now just putting Serbia on the higher rungs of the destination market ladder. We are now witnesses of huge investments in convention infrastructure and facilities with several major international hotel chains openings, all because of the large potential of the market that has been created during the previous period. Constantly growing demand has enabled Serbia to become Europe’s fastest growing destination, taking 44th place as a meeting destination in the World! Our plan is to maintain growth, which needs some new strategies and improvements. Q: How would you evaluate the situation of the European and regional meetings industry after your mandate? For sure the situation for Serbia is far better now, after seven years of hard work. But the meeting industry has changed and is now faced with different kind of challenges, especially in this time of crisis. So, if we want to maintain our growth that would be possible only if we are part of some larger strategy, in terms of positioning the whole region as more or less a developed part of Europe in this business. To achieve this, the whole region should have and share a strong vision and should work together more than ever. Q: What are your expectations on the future of Meetings industry in the region? The meeting industry in the region has huge potential and great strengths for its development. But if we speak about the regional meeting industry it means that we have to recognise or create a regional offer and regional demand. To create this we have to work harder at being more

productive, to contribute more for the future role of meetings, transform the economy and take advantage of our resources and technological advancement. The mission of the meetings industry isn’t as simple as it may seem, just to have more meetings for my country. It should be seen as much larger and more important social process of creating a knowledge-based society. Q: What opportunities can you see in the field of regional cooperation and integration? By promoting Serbia, we are in parallel promoting the entire region as an attractive destination for meetings, congresses, conventions and incentives. Drawing more attention to all of the countries is mutually beneficial. I think that the interest of all Balkan countries is to promote the entire Balkan area. If we cooperate, we can have associations who will rotate their meetings between countries, meaning the quality of services will be better. Also, cooperation within the scientific, medical and academic area will be much stronger, which will create additional benefits for national economies in the whole region. Q: As a consultant you are waiting for new challenges in global consulting company GainingEdge. Which areas of work will you cover? I have to say that the CEO of GainingEdge, Mr. Gary Grimmer, used to be my teacher and the most important stuff I have learned from him is how to be mission-driven in this business. He explained us that only mission driven people can create an effective bureau, even if they do not have a big budget. Also, he said that our job is to work for our industry in the first place and after that for our destination. During the period when he was our consultant, the Serbia Convention Bureau has established all of its functionalities and I would say became a respected member of the international convention community. I am really honoured that I am invited to become a member of the GainingEdge team and my job will be to spread that spirit all over the world. There are a number of destinations, even in our region, that are very famous as attractive places, but not so developed in the meeting industry.


Our job will be to help them to develop plans and skills on how to improve their position in the meeting industry. GainingEdge also does consultancy for convention centres and a number of destinations want to build their meeting venues, but very often do not know so much about this. Whatever my area will be, I am aware that firstly I will have to invest a lot of effort to learn and absorb new knowledge and I would say that GainingEdge probably is the best place for this. Q: What are the biggest changes that will shape the future of the meetings industry? There are some studies and research about this and I would advise you to speak with Mr. Matthias Schultze, Managing Director of the German Convention Bureau. They have made huge research into future megatrends that will affect the meeting industry and would be very useful if you get some more information to present to your audience. There is also a project named Destination Next, which is prepared by GainingEdge in partnership with some other companies, but this could also be a topic for some next issue of your magazine. Q: What advice do you have for new destinations entering the meetings industry market? Being proactive is a must! Business will not come to you, you have to work hard and bring it yourself. Organised destinations with firm connections between service providers are the most successful ones, so why not learn from them. Q: What personally inspires you in your work? When I started this job I realised that the meeting industry is very transformative for society. So, I believe that creating and developing business and professional associations, integration within international associations, bringing new knowledge and technolodgy is all something that makes our societies stronger. Our job is to help them and to help our society be stronger, modernised and more developed.

Hot Spot

INDEPENDENT RESEARCH ON QUALITY OF EXHIBITORS’ PRESS RELEASES IN THE IMEX ONLINE SYSTEM Right and wrong ways to do a press release Text by Gorazd Čad Photo credits IMEX

Only 14,24%


of press releases from 899 published is newsworthy

he only criterion of good content is: Does an event deserve attention for becoming a press release or even a virus on social networks? Media sets out to capture a wide range of news while we approach it from the fundamental question: What is interesting to the widest range of readers and a professional audience? We editors are daily overwhelmed with press releases. Many press releases are rejected and never make it to the public eye. In the days of the worldwide exhibition for incentive travel, meetings and events – IMEX - being held in Frankfurt, we carried out research into the quality of press releases published on the IMEX Website. From January 2014 until the beginning of IMEX 899 press releases were published on the portal. Each of these messages were analysed and ranked in detail. Our evaluation statistically reflects a very probable pattern, since IMEX is the main global event for the meetings industry and where large number of press releases are published. Every editor and ultimately congress buyer sees in such a mass of messages only those that really stand out. We at the editorial board took as the main criteria the basic principles that we follow in our work: Newsworthy = concision + accuracy + objectivity + clarity + self-sufficiency of the news. Since among the press releases there were also quite a lot of events, we have added the criteria ‘uniqueness or uncommonness’, which greatly affects the genre of events in publishing,

of press releases in the IMEX System is not suitable for publication


Evaluation result

The number of PRs

Share as %

100% promotional message



21,02 %

Promotional message with a story concept



12,68 %

A general press release – tourist stories



22,14 %

Newsworthy locally or regionally



29,92 %

100% newsworthy



14,24 %


100 %


as it depends on the people who attend the event, the location and the characteristics that make it one of a kind. All of the news splashes were evaluated from 1 to 5, where 1 represents pure PR (i.e. not suitable for publication) and 5 represents an event which is 100% newsworthy. After trawling through 899 press releases it has been shown that as many as 55.84% were pure PR - not suitable for media release. 21.02% of these messages were also entirely unsuitable. 12.68% had a good story but were not properly treated or supported by arguments and 22.14% offered general contents not in direct connection to the meetings industry. From the results, news with information on current events that are short-lived dominate. Second are events among which some good ones with high informative value can be found. The rarest of all are the stories or durable narratives suitable for longer editorial pieces. Of the 899 published press releases 502, or 12

55.8%, could be dismissed. This raises the question of what is going wrong with press releases. As an example, it is surely a major mistake that exhibitors are invited to IMEX in press releases. Is it not logical that we will meet them there if they are already published in the system for exhibitors? Otherwise, mistakes and room for improvement can be grouped into the following categories: 1. LENGTH OF PRESS RELEASES Today’s acceptable length of message is from 100 to 150 words. If you look at the published messages, at least 60% of them exceed this standard. 2. MESSAGE STRUCTURE Press releases should be clearly structured and composed of several keywords, an attractive title, a lead, core and clear indication of sources. In this way, you will facilitate the work of journalists and other readers.

Hot Spot

It is helpful to take into consideration that: - TITLE is extremely important and is the first contact with the reader; - SUMMARY is the all essential information about the campaign combined into a concise, striking and interesting paragraph; - THE CONTENT should be clear and understandable, grammatically correct and readable; - THE LAST PARAGRAPH contains information about the organisation and additional information and web link related to the contribution.

potential to host large numbers of people, but they have tremendous emotional impact and are worthy of the attention of the general public. Think about the stories that emotionally hit the planners, but not you as the storyteller.

3. THE TITLE OF MESSAGE A good title is short, interesting, clear and identifiable. Words which need to be avoided are those such as ‘best’ or ‘amazing’…. The title is the enhancer of your press release.

Despite all of the technologies that we have at our disposal, the media is still judged by the credibility of the stories. Therefore, content marketing, which include public relations and narrower media relations, is extremely important. For exhibitors it is crucial to prepare a press release with strong storytelling elements that will open the door to the congress customers’ hearts. Let me now list a few phrases that congress customers should try to avoid, but yet unfortunately we encounter them at every step, including of course in IMEX’s list of press releases.

4. THE CONTENT Stories with good content correspond to the above written formula for being newsworthy. More solidly, this means that we should publish presentations of new congress services, results of market research, credit reports and awards, reports on exceptional business results and new strategic partnerships. The most futile are those that enumerate congress halls and provide descriptions of the services offered in hotel rooms.

6. SALES OFFERS ARE NOT a press release The worst mistake is certainly the sales offer release. There are plenty of them in the IMEX System. We could see offers in which exhibitors offer discounts and all-inclusive congress packages.


• The Perfect Conference Destination • A top destination for meetings and events • Your ultimate MICE destination Titles and press releases such as: • A Profile • Fact Sheet Yes, such phrases otherwise have great practical value, but only at the second stage when the provider has managed to address us through a good story. Data, slogans and numbers are not enough, unless they are introduced via a good story. Some such very good stories are also to be found in the IMEX System. They all have in common that the storytellers have done their homework and that they started to listen carefully to meeting planners.

5. UEP - Unique Emotional Point The exceptional messages act on our emotions and heart, which is the basic element of a really good congress story. Many events don’t have the 13

In Focus


In Focus

CIRQUE DU SOLEIL AT A GLANCE A new way to design corporate and other events Text by Yasmine Khalil


he famous Cirque du Soleil is a dramatic mix of circus arts and street art appearance, which was founded in 1984 by street performers Guy Laliberté and Gilles Ste-Croix, among others. Today, the most famous circus in the world has 19 different shows. They perform all over the world, including in Las Vegas. In September and October this year they will perform their show Quidam in Germany and Austria (Graz, Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck and Munich), then they will perform their Dralion show in Turin and then a week later in Milan on November 28th. Perhaps less well known is that Cirque du Soleil can also provide specially designed events for your business. This was the theme of our conversation with Yasmine Khalil, Director of Events division. Q: What is the definition of what Cirque du Soleil does? We are dedicated to art and creative content. Cirque produces live shows that combine, in an innovative way, acrobatics, theatre, dance and music. The result is a show with a strong evocative power which everyone can relate to, no matter where people are from. The ultimate mission of Cirque du Soleil, however, is to invoke the imagination, provoke the senses and evoke the emotions of people around the world. Q: What are the conditions for Cirque du Soleil to come to a corporate event, Congress or a party? Our purpose is to deliver a unique consumer experience no matter what the setting is. However, when creating original content for a specific event, it is imperative that we work with realistic parameters (expectations, location, budget, etc.) while remaining not only true to our brand’s DNA but also in line with the client’s vision and objectives, something we never compromise on. Q: We read in an interview that your overall goal is to lead the audience to experience a new level of entertainment? What kind of experience do you offer on corporate and other conference events? Every Cirque du Soleil performance delivers a unique experience to our audience whether it takes place in a large public production or in a private affair. Our goal is to develop customised content for specific events while incorporating new multimedia elements to the more traditional performance. This mix of live and immersive

components allows us to connect on a different level and get more involved with our audience’s senses, thus providing a different level of entertainment. Q: Special events are the core of what Cirque du Soleil presents. How would you describe this core and what defines it in terms of interaction with the audience? The core of the Cirque du Soleil’s business is the live shows. What is at the core of the Special events is how we use our signature live performances in a private context where the audience is living the experience in a different way. We use our expertise and creative excellence to create unforgettable, unexpected moments for any occasions. Q: Your operation impresses viewers worldwide. What inspires the team of Cirque du Soleil? Anything can become a source of inspiration for our creators: a city, a culture, a colour, architecture, anything really. Our creators have eyes and ears for anything that can nourish their work. A creative team is given a broad theme that is then developed by the team with no specific guidelines so that their creativity can emerge. Sometimes, an image or an event in the news can trigger an idea that will develop into a show. Cirque du Soleil always gave itself the freedom of creativity and sometimes had to take creative risks to encourage that freedom. The company has pushed some boundaries further and will continue to do so. Q: The main theme of your shows is creativity. What do you think creativity is? Are we born with creativity or do we learn how to do it? Creativity or an idea is some content that we see, hear or feel that inspires us and that is transformed to become something new. Creative coincidences can become great ideas too. Brainstorming and exploration create links between ideas and favour creativity as well. An idea is never bad at first. It is through time that an idea proves itself to be good. As ideas are challenged between themselves, the less promising ideas will be eliminated naturally. Q: How does Cirque du Soleil measure creativity? The emotion and the shiver – what we would call the “wow” factor – can be seen as performance indicators. 15

Q: How many people work at the show and how many people are employed by Cirque du Soleil? Cirque du Soleil employs near 4,000 people worldwide including 1,300 performers. Between 100-150 people would work on any of the 19 shows we currently have. Q: How are the preparations going for your new show Avatar, which is prepared with James Cameron? The creative process is well underway. Our team of creators are already at work with James Cameron to develop an extraordinary experience that should be launched at the end of 2015. Q: What do you think the future will look like? What kind of show will we see in ten years? One thing is for sure, Cirque du Soleil will continue being a creative and innovative company. Technology evolves very quickly. We need to explore its possibilities carefully so we use it because it serves the story or the purpose of our artistic proposition. Research and development have always played a key role at Cirque du Soleil in each and every one of its activities. We want to encourage an ongoing emergence of new ideas and performance concepts so we don’t lose sight of our passion for innovation.


Germany: Meeting and event Barometer 2014 Growing internationality and larger budgets

Text by Ute Stegmann


he German meeting and events market continues to grow and counted 371 million participants in 2013, 2.5% more than the year before. Since 2009, visitor numbers have been growing continuously. The number of 3.01 million meetings, conferences and events was 1.3% above the result for the previous year. The increased demand is matched by increased supply: 7,034 meeting and event venues were available in Germany, 1.4% more than the previous year. These are the key results of the Meeting & Event Barometer 2014. The study, which is carried out annually, is the only one in Germany that examines both the conference and events sectors. The initiators are the European Association of Event Centres (EVVC), the German Convention Bureau (GCB) and the German National Tourist Board (GNTB). The study was carried out by the European Institute for the Meetings Industry (EITW).

Budgets are growing– especially in Europe A positive long-term trend for the meetings industry: organisers are being given increased budgets. Whereas in 2007 just under a quarter (23%) of all planners had more than €500,000 available, in 2013, 45% of organisations state that they are able to pay more than half a million Euros for meetings, conferences and events. The outlook is positive: 79% of German organisers and 84% of international organisers expect their budgets to grow or at least remain the same in 2014 relative to 2013. European organisers have a particularly positive view of the future: 88% of those questioned expect higher or equal budgets. 95.7% expect to put on the same number of events or more in 2014 as compared with 2013.


participants 2,97 mil

3,01 mil 371 mil

362 mil 2,8 mil

338 mil

2,76 mil 323 mil

2,6 mil 314 mil

318 mil

302 mil

2,7 mil

2,72 mil

291,5 mil 2,46 mil 2006








23,4 mil 22,1 mil 19,9 mil 18,7 mil 16,6 mil

17,5 mil

16,6 mil

14,3 mil



More and more participants from abroad The long-term analysis of the Meeting & Event Barometer, which has been operating since 2007, has also identified a growing internationalisation of the meeting and event market in Germany: from 2006 to 2013 the number of foreign participants increased from 14.3 to 23.4 million. Furthermore, 38% of German providers and 45% of German organisers questioned in the study believe that the importance of international meetings will continue to grow in the future. “The internationalisation of the meeting and event market is an important trend and it provides major growth opportunities for the sector in Germany. This is addressed by the German Convention Bureau (GCB), which positions Germany as the leading conference and meeting destination with marketing campaigns in all important source and growth markets”, commented Matthias Schultze, Managing Director at the GCB.







GCB German Convention Bureau e.V., Kaiserstr. 53, 60329 Frankfurt/Main, Germany Tel: +49 (0)69 - 24 29 30 0 Fax: +49 (0)69 - 24 29 30 26 E-Mail: info@gcb.de Internet: www.germany-meetings.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/GermanyMeetings 16

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ZAGREB vs. TOULOUSE A current comparison of the closest competitors on the 2013 ICCA scale according to the methodology of Kongres travelogues – meetologues.

ZAGREB Population: 792,875 ICCA Country and City rankings 2013 79th place 32 meetings Mercer Quality of Living 2013 98

+ Zagreb generally makes a good impression on the visitor. It is a great, small place in terms of accessibility and transport. For a foreigner, the first impression is certainly ‘Central European’. Generally, the city is safe, clean, comfortable and friendly to congress participants. The good ratio between price and quality is especially attractive; this has a positive impact on the competitiveness of the destination. As its main advantage, we would highlight the compactness and high quality of hotel accommodation, which combined with cultural and historical heritage is the formula for success. Everything is seasoned with the right dose of metropolitan character and friendliness of the locals. Zagreb meetings flashpoints: 1. Emerald Hall - probably one of the most beautiful congress halls of the region with the glamour of Orient Express times 2. Old Tram Incentive – incentive story on a nostalgic drive 3. Sheraton Zagreb - classic hotel convention centre at the highest level 4. Croatian State Archive – one of the most beautiful special venues of the region 5. Treasure hunt - in the old part of the city called Gradec

STAY: Esplanade Hotel

4.32 / 5 19

TOULOUSE Population: 864,936 ICCA Country and City rankings 2013 79th place 32 meetings Mercer Quality of Living 2013 NA

+ Congress tourism goes hand in hand with the high-tech industry. Here is the seat of Airbus and many companies related to the aviation industry. Many research institutions and one of the oldest universities in France are driving the powerful meetings industry. The public-private convention bureau SoToulouse has over 100 members. The accessibility is good, as its airport is the fifth largest in France. There is a high quality of living in a city that is green, sunny and friendly to congress participants. The hotel sector has 173 hotels and 8,573 rooms. The city has more than 1,000 restaurants with authentic French cuisine. A destination where tradition and future successfully mix, which is represented by the aviation industry as well as other technological parks and development centres. Toulouse meetings flashpoints: 1. A lot of space in convention centres - Toulouse has two congress centres (Pierre Baudis and Diagora) and a large exhibition space, Toulouse Expo 2. Zenith Concert Hall - venue for gala events and receptions for up to 1,200 participants 3. Albi – teambuilding in a small town 45 minutes away, which is a part of the UNESCO heritage 4. Cite de l’Espace – a city of science as a special venue 5. Le Bascala – ultra modern multifunctional venue in the green surroundings of the city STAY: Pullman Toulouse

4.41 / 5


Exclusive interview

»We try to meet everyone’s expectations; it doesn’t make any difference if it’s leisure or business or a meeting.«


Exclusive interview

NEW EUROPE IS NOT JUST FOR YOU - IT’S ALSO FOR US Interview with Monique Dekker – General Manager at the Park Hyatt Vienna Text by Gorazd Čad Q: To get us warmed up could you tell us a little bit about your background and the aspect of your career of which you are most proud? Every moment of my career was very special as you work your way up the ladder; you progress, learn new things and develop yourself. The opening of the Hyatt hotel in Dusseldorf was a great experience for me, as was the hotel here. I can’t really say that I am proud of one particular area - I am proud of my whole career and how as a young general manager I’ve been able to do some pretty exciting things. Q: What inspired you to take on a career in the hotel industry? My grandparents on my father’s side were both in the restaurant business - my grandmother had her own bar and my grandfather was working in a very nice upscale restaurant in Holland. I kind of grew up in that part of the business and knew from a very young age that I wanted to be a general manager. Q: What are the challenges of opening a new hotel in Vienna? How does it differ from the rest of Europe? I think the biggest change here was that because we have four other Hyatt hotels we had a support system, so many of the things were either prepared beforehand - just like all of the work laws and tech requirements - and we didn’t have to focus on that. Here being the first Hyatt hotel in Austria, however, we had to start from scratch, learn all about the local laws and tech rules and also the local environment. We had to understand what kind of customers are here and to make sure that people know what the Hyatt is, because as a new hotel you have to promote yourself, firstly as what we are, who we are and what we want to achieve. It was a challenge, but that was just another set of tasks. Q: Can you explain a little more about the branding, as you are of course familiar with all of the Hyatt brands? We have about 534 hotels worldwide in different categories, so you have Park Hyatt that is usually a little smaller and more luxurious with a personal touch. Than you have Grand Hyatt, which is bigger and has larger function spaces. Hyatt Regency is basically the core of the brand and most of the hotels are in this category. It is focused on business with large function spaces.

We also have Andaz, which is a small boutique hotel; there is a very nice one in Amsterdam at the moment. Each of these hotels ‘speaks’ to a different customer or a different purpose for traveling. Park Hyatt here really fits with the city and the surroundings. Q: Do you have some more expansion plans in Central and South-Eastern Europe? Absolutely! Nothing concrete at this moment, but of course New Europe is not just for you - it’s also for us. We have a big development team in Zurich and they are definitely looking for other opportunities, where exactly I don’t know, but they are talking to developers. If it is the right match of the right location and the right property, the right owning company and the structure of the management contract, they will definitely be interested. Q: Your partners are the most demanding congress clients and guests. What is it like to work with them and having to meet their needs? I think at this level of high luxury in Hyatt, I don’t believe there is a difference between a meeting client and a normal guest, because they just have very high expectations of what the meeting room, restaurant or the spa will be like. We try to meet everyone’s expectations; it doesn’t make any difference if it’s leisure or business or a meeting. Q: Do you consider that price is associated with a sense of quality? Are you of the opinion that the wealthier guests decide on the basis of how high the price is? Our price is for sure at the top level in Vienna and also within Europe. I think if you look around you at the quality of the design, the materials, the amount of staff members per guest room, the attention to detail, the amount of FB possibilities, that in the meeting rooms we don’t serve regular meeting food but try to give food that compares to the food in our luxury restaurants - I think if you compare the price to the quality then the price is right. Q: Vienna is now virtually omnipresent in the international meetings market through the Vienna Convention Bureau (VCB). How would you assess the current function of the VCB? We have very good connections with the Vienna Convention Bureau; it is the only way to have a well-functioning hotel. Of course they play a part 21

with the Vienna Tourism Board as well. For me it was very important to go there right away and meet the people and start introducing the hotel. Over a year we established a really good relationship with them and I think they are doing a pretty good job promoting Vienna and the opportunities for having meetings or conventions in Vienna. It is a good partner for us and for all the other hotels. Q: What is the co-operation like at the destination and what is it like for major candidacies when the entire destination has to work together? Are you satisfied with the broader promotion? I think we are very lucky in this environment; of course we have competitors in the 5 star luxury category, but each of the hotels are very different and for everybody that comes there is something there.. Fortunately in this 5 star environment we don’t have hotels that are similar in their structure, style and what they offer. We are competitors, of course, but we are also working together very closely; we have a very good group of general managers to attract new guests to Vienna and to work together to make and keep Vienna attractive. Q: What is your favourite place in Vienna and why? My favourite place is probably right here! Q: What do you personally love about Vienna? I haven’t really had time to explore Vienna that much, but I like the city, because it is very diverse - you have lots of history, but also lots of modern and new things happening. It’s a great mixture of cultures and you can see that everywhere when you walk on the streets. It is also very livable and safe. Fifteen minutes out of the city and you can find wine producing areas and lots of greenery. It’s perfect! Q: Is there a particular aspect of the hotel that you think captures the essence of the city of Vienna? Well, you have seen all of the function spaces and I think that the function spaces themselves represent the original or the way it used to be and are not something you see in most places. A lot of love for detail went into that area, combined of course with a very state of the art technology. You really get the feeling that you are in Vienna when you are at a meeting.

Behind the Scenes

Living Room Cigar Lounge, photo Hyatt


Behind the Scenes

PARK HYATT Vienna’s Iconic New Face

Photo credits PARK HYATT


hen in 1855 Anshelm von Rothschild founded the Bank CrediAnstalt he probably did not think that the neo-classical building would one day be a hotel. At one time the largest Austro-Hungarian Bank, a mighty bank building was built from 1913 to 1915 at the renowned location. Today, the prominent building has been renovated into a superior hotel of the legendary brand in one of the top spots of the city: the Golden Quarter. The hotel is surrounded by a street of prestigious shops and historical sites. We had the opportunity to be among the first to get behind the scenes to look at the hotel and to present you with the (heart) rate of this remarkable temple of hospitality.

Bel Etage Foyer, photo Hyatt


As the building is monumentally protected, the architectural bureau of Neumann & Partners had a challenging task to renovate the outside and the interior of the hotel and address a number of its interesting details. The result is an unusual and elegant hotel, which has nothing resembling the ‘prêt-a-porter’ hotels. Each and every detail is carefully designed, renovated and packaged into a new function. In the zone where bank officials used to sit behind countertops is today an elegant restaurant, the Bank, with free flow cuisine. Perhaps the best embodiment of the story of the hotel is the spa centre Arany, which connects the hotel with its banking history. Set in the former bank vault it is unique among hotel spas. The 15-metre swimming pool gives you the feeling that you are floating above

Behind the Scenes

Hotel Lobby, photo Hyatt

golden bars. The renovation has completely succeeded and it is the icing on the cake of Park Hyatt hotels’ worldwide philosophy - they are usually located in historically significant buildings with a ‘story’. The special personal treatment of Hyatt standards starts upon entering the hotel. One soon feels this on one’s skin; a friendly concierge taking care of all the details and making a good first impression, professionally presenting technological solutions in an elegant hotel room. This is Old Viennese School at the highest level. The intelligent management of sophisticated devices includes a rarely seen gadget to electronically control water temperature in the bath, with other gadgets offering complete electronic control of the room operating smoothly, intuitively and being generally user-friendly. The luxurious minimalism, elegance, attention to detail and nice colour combinations delights - space in the room is sumptuously measured; just by touch all of the pieces of furniture can be felt to be of the highest quality and seem like they will last forever. Boutique cosmetics Blaise Mautin, which is only available in the Park Hyatt Hotels, aromatically rounds up the whole experience in the rooms. Stability, energy efficiency and cutting edge equipment are only part of a complex story of the management of a hotel such as the Park Hyatt. As the head of maintenance engineer David Gnilka told us, a big challenge was to establish an intelligent system for managing the hotel in a historical building, which would allow optimal use of energy. Given the built-in systems

the hotel is green and this part of the story is a part of the standard that guests today understand as a normal solution. Engineer Gnilka joined the hotel’s team only three months before the opening; before he had been already working in the Park Hyatt Hotel in Zurich and the Grand Hyatt in Dubai. The innovation of the renewal is best noticed in the legendary congress hall, which after renovation is exactly as the original hall was; the super-modern digital technology is hidden in the background and one genuinely does not notice it. The renovation was particularly difficult, because the Not the building is UNESCO heritage, the first district in Vienna is UNESCO world heritage. Acoustics of the hall are top quality and certain technical solutions, such as in the fireplace hidden television, are stunning. Among the technical ‘pearls’ there is the possibility of streaming hire solution video in rooms, which allows for following the meeting from hotel rooms. The team are looking forward to the first dance, where all the technical superiority of the hall will come to full expression Vienna at 5 o’clock in the morning: in the main kitchen of the Park Hyatt they are starting to prepare food based on local ingredients. Head Chef Stefan is checking local suppliers. One of the small details that will be noticed by guests at breakfast is the neatly packaged honey sourced from the Vienna surroundings and under the brand name “Honey from Heaven”, with the signature of the beekeeper who produced it. Even the chef, who was involved in setting up the 24

Engineer in a technical area, photo Kongres

Chef Mr. Stefan Resch, photo Kongres

Behind the Scenes

The Bank Restaurant, photo Hyatt

kitchen, cannot hide his fascination with modern technology, in particular being especially proud of the furnace, in which a variety of desserts and other dishes are created in front of the guests. The very youthful team at the front desk has had several months of training, and hence it is acting in tune, friendly and professional. Philipp Fleming is the one to whom the guests’ comments come first. About a month after the opening of the hotel he reads us an e-mail of guests who were impressed by the reception. Not only did he welcome them kindly and help them settle in to the hotel, even when they accidentally met in the street he was equally helpful and friendly. In a hotel such as the Hyatt Park is different standards apply. If in an average hotel the time prescribed for cleaning rooms is 20 minutes, in this hotel it is 50 minutes. Certainly the prestigious materials, such as marble and parquet, require greater attention. As Philipp Fleming says, even in Vienna it is difficult to find enough staff with experience with cleaning of hotel rooms of the highest category.

For a long time the image of a man with a cigar in one hand and a glass of a well-selected drink in the other was a dream. For such a “mancation”, the Living Room, which awakens all the senses and is among the better stacked in Vienna, is ideal. A unique blend of tradition and modernity. A temple of the best hotel aesthetics, which is essentially intimate, respectful of the history and sophisticated, and not at all boastful. All of this has inspired us during the visit and we believe that the newly opened hotel has set new standards in the regional hotel industry, where nothing has been left to chance The advantage of the location is the proximity to the Vienna Kunstforum, where these days you can fill the soul with the Eyes Wide Open photographic exhibition of (the exhibition has finished on 13 July). A remarkable storyteller of timeless stories, just as is the case of the superior hotel, which we have enthusiastically experienced in Vienna.

»This is Old Viennese School at the highest level.«

Reception manager (Assistant Director of Rooms) Philipp Fleming, photo Kongres

Friendly maids, photo Kongres


Behind the Scenes

Bel Etage Foyer, photo Hyatt

ÂťThe 15-metre swimming pool gives you the feeling that you are floating above golden bars.ÂŤ

Hotel Room, photo Hyatt


Behind the Scenes

Living Room Whisky Lounge, photo Hyatt


Behind the Scenes

Outside of the hotel, photo Hyatt


Behind the Scenes

PARK HYATT VIENNA Am Hof 2, 1010 Vienna, Austria T: +43 1 22740 1234 F: +43 1 22740 1235 E: vienna.park@hyatt.com www.vienna.park.hyatt.com

ACCOMMODATIONS • 143 luxurious rooms including 35 suites • Wireless and broadband Internet access • Telephone and voicemail • Multi-channel satellite television • Large working desk with chair • Easy control panel for temperature and lighting • In-room safe deposit box / drawer safe • Magnifying mirror • Large bathrooms with separate bath tub and rain shower facilities • 100% cotton bath towels • Anti-allergenic pillows • Luxury bathrobes and slippers • Exclusive bathroom amenities • Hairdryer • Fully stocked personal bar / drawer bar • Dimmer lights RESTAURANT, BAR & LOUNGE • The Bank • Pearl • Living Room—Whiskey and Cigar Lounge • Lounge RECREATIONAL FACILITIES • Arany Spa, exclusive day spa retreat • Separate gym with latest Technogym technology

POINTS OF INTEREST • Goldenes Quartier • St. Stephan’s Cathedral • State Opera House • Park & Castle Schoenbrunn • Town Hall • MUMOK, MAK, LEOPOLD, Albertina • Art History Museum & Cabinet of Curiosities • Natural History Museum TRANSPORTATION • Park Hyatt Vienna offers easy access to Vienna International Airport by taxi or city airport train (CAT). The central train stations (Westbahnhof or Hauptbahnhof ) are conveniently located just 10 minutes by taxi. 29

• Personal trainer upon request •6 treatment rooms, including one couple treatment room •V arious Massages and cosmetic/ beauty treatments • 15-metre swimming pool with relaxation area •S eparate wet facilities with sauna, steam bath, sanarium and vitality shower SERVICES & FACILITIES • 24-hour room service • 24-hour Concierge service • Business / Communication Centre • Babysitting available by prior appointment •V .I.B. “Very Important Baby” service for guests with children •V .I.D. “Very Important Dog” service – Your dog is more than welcome •L aundry- and dry cleaning service with return the same day • Airport limousine service • Manager on duty 24 hours • Sightseeing tours • Twice daily housekeeping service • Multilingual hotel staff • Valet parking service • Major credit cards accepted

VISITOR INFORMATION • Language: German • Currency: Euro (EUR) • Electricity: dual voltage 220V / 110V • Visas: All EU and USA citizens can enter Austria with a passport or personal ID, for stays of up to 90 days. All other nationals should check with the embassy or consulate of the country of origin. LOCATION • Park Hyatt Vienna, centrally located in the heart of the city within the most exclusive shopping district in Vienna, is just steps away from the most renowned fashion stores. The hotel offers easy walking distance to the city’s most famous opera house, historic monuments sights and museums.

Voice from the top

VOICE FROM THE TOP Q: Have you always wanted to work in the meeting industry? When I was a child, my father’s family ran a restaurant for a few years. For me it was exciting and so much fun serving the guests, taking orders and even cleaning up the dishes. This has influenced me. Q:Why is your destination/country the best in the world? Belgrade is such an upcoming and quickly developing city. As a foreigner you cannot believe the war was so recent. Everywhere the people are open minded, friendly and interested in foreigners. Here so many good things will happen in the coming years and I am very happy to be able to witness that.


“Each guest should be welcomed with a Šljivovica, a decent beer and a Serbian Grill.”

Q: What would be the first thing you would show every visitor to your country? Each guest should be welcomed with a Šljivovica, a decent beer and a Serbian Grill. There’s no better way to showcase the hospitality and conviviality of Serbian people. After that we would drive to a digestive walk in the Kalemegdan. From there you can enjoy the most beautiful view over the city and its rivers. Q: What has been your star moment so far and your favorite project with which you would praise yourself? I’m very proud of my two sons. They are already grown up. But to see that they follow in my footsteps and work for the hotel/catering industry with such passion - this was a real star moment. Q: What motivates you the most at work? If everything goes according to my ideas, people like to do their work and that the guests are satisfied with our service. That’s a perfect match! Q: How do you deal with stress? Running 6 to 10 k every morning keeps me fit and makes me balanced. Q: When were you last angry / disappointed and why? Last time I was angry was when I did not meet my time goal, and was running 3h 45 min in the Belgrade Marathon. Q: What’s new in your business in year 2014? Opening a new hotel with new people and new guests! Even though I’m still working for the Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group - opening a new property is every time different and challenging. Q: What did you learn last week? Olive oil flavoured ice cream is damn good! 30

Q: Where are you going to spend this year’s holiday and why? Shortly before the opening things are getting hot! So many things to organise - from staff to stuff! No time for summer holidays. But in late fall I’m planning to take my wife to England - she has a real crush on London. Maybe in December we can spend some weeks in the snow. Q: If there were no time and financial constraints, where yould you go? Paris. Q: What would be the title of your autobiography? “Keep moving” .

Voice from the top

VOICE FROM THE TOP Q: Have you always wanted to work in the meeting industry? Actually, I always wanted to be a hotelier!

Q: If there were no time and financial constraints, where would you go? Newport Beach, CA.

Q: Why is your destination/country the best in the world? It’s the best hidden secret in Europe. Ljubljana has the most amazing mix of natural, historical and entertainment attractions in a pocket-size package.

Q: What would be the title of your autobiography? Chronicles of a Restless Hotelier.

Q: What would be the first thing you would show every visitor to your country? Beside our hotel it would definitely be the view from the Ljubljana Castle. Q: What has been your star moment so far and your favourite project with which you would praise yourself? The recent conversion and opening of Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons.


“Ljubljana has the most amazing mix of natural, historical and entertainment attractions in a pocketsize package.”

Q: What motivates you the most at work? Being the driver of change and seeing the change take place as a result of hard, dedicated, meaningful (team) work. Q: How do you deal with stress? I mostly sweat the stress out of my system on my mountain bike. Q: When were you last angry / disappointed and why? Last Sunday, when we failed to deliver on our core values. It was a great lesson on how far we still are from reaching our goals, and a great motivation to push forward. Q: What’s new in your business in 2014? Opening of the Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons! Q: What did you learn last week? Quite a bit, actually. From how to utilise Starwood CRS system to how the new wiring of telephones with the new PBX works. Q: Where are you going to spend this year’s holiday and why? I hope I will have the chance to spend a few days with my family at home (in Portorož), I don’t think I will have time to take a longer holiday this summer, so we’ll see.


Kongres magazine

Conventa, a trade show where business dreams really do come true! Conventa, still best value for money! Text by Polona SimĹĄiÄ?

Did you know that exhibitors at Conventa pay only 9 Euros for a lead, which

is one-tenth of the price paid by the exhibitors at other major trade shows? Did you know that Conventa is solely a hosted-buyer driven show where each exhibitor on average concludes 24 One2One meetings with quality hosted buyers? Got you thinking? There is no time like the present to ensure your place among the key meeting industry providers exhibiting at Conventa 2015!


Kongres magazine

Meet - Experience - Incentivise While more meeting providers than ever have already re-booked their stands, others are still deciding whether it will pay off. Conventa organisers want to assure them it will! And here is why: Conventa acts on ROI principle: providing a business-oriented platform to develop individual business relationships with targeted meeting industry audiences in a cost- and time-efficient manner. Quality new buyers, all cherry-picked: Every year around 82% of buyers are new. In 2014, 62.78 % of hosted buyers were rated as good or excellent by exhibitors. Face-to-face business development: The most successful form of selling and of building a personal and direct relationship with meeting industry clients is offered at Conventa. Stress free matchmaking: More relaxed One2One meetings and networking in a cosy atmosphere during non-stop coffee break lounges, lunch and evening receptions is what makes Conventa a friendly trade show. Social matchmaking: Conventa is a fully hosted show. All exhibitors are entitled to participate at and enjoy all of the social events. Exclusive catering and entertainment enables stress-free matchmaking with all participating hosted buyers. The most hospitable trade show: The friendliness and effectiveness of the show organiser was rated 4.63 out of 5 in 2014. You are not just a number, it’s personalised: Every exhibitor gets the full personal support and attention of the Conventa team. Compared to other shows, Conventa is just the right size to help you stand out from the rest, position your brand, products and services to a targeted audience and take the best advantage of year-round marketing opportunities. Great reputation and trust: In just 6 years Conventa has managed to record 1,362 hosted buyers from 40 countries, an exhibition floor filled by 731 exhibitors from 12 different countries, 14,322 bilateral talks held over the years and 13,714 pre-scheduled One2One meetings. To register as an exhibitor go to www.conventa.si/exhibitors/conventa-packages/ application-form/.


eeting planners can’t afford not to apply for hosted buyer status at Conventa 2015. Why? Because it is crucial for their business to explore new destinations, create new business leads and expand their programmes. Conventa is the trade show that brings all of this together and offers a different, new, friendlier and more personalised experience than most other B2B shows. It also puts the cherry on top that meeting planners can get to experience new destinations, enjoy the best hospitality and experience a complete Royal treatment!

There is no “going Dutch” at Conventa. Hosted buyers enjoy VIP status. The carefully prepared hosted buyer programme covers transfer and accommodation, personal itinerary of appointments, fam trips to great meeting destinations, the offer of networking opportunities, social matchmaking and gaining new knowledge within the scope of Conventa’s educational module. 33

What is promised is also delivered! Over the years Conventa has brought 1,362 hosted buyers from 40 countries to Slovenia. More than 80 percent of hosted buyers that attended Conventa 2014 said their participation absolutely met their expectations. Maximizing time! In only 2 days hosted buyers are able to meet with around 120 key meeting industry providers from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Republic of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Austria, Italy and other emerging meeting destinations that interest them most. Linda Pereira, Senior Partner and CEO of the L&I Communications Group, said:“The fact that I come to the Conventa show and find all the partners in the region at the show, means I can do in an hour, maximum two days, what would take me five days or even more to do as I would have to travel among other countries in the region. So in this way I can bring the South East European countries together; all the partners are at the table and I can seal the deal in a couple of hours.” It is all about the great experience! A great atmosphere is what makes the Conventa experience a stress-free journey. Relaxed One2One meetings and networking bring great results in the form of new business partnerships and contacts. Visiting and experiencing the destination and its meetings offer at fam trips gives buyers a better chance to sell it to their clients, while strolling through the brand new Incentive valley will give them new ideas and partners for that crazy or sane, extreme or breezy, historical or fictional incentives that clients look for. Professional = Conventa! Professional is a word often used to describe Conventa. It is a known fact that Conventa represents an important meeting point for key meeting professionals. Professional education can be gained during the Conventa educational modules, led by some of the meeting industry’s leading figures. The trade show is organised at a professional level and supported by a professional team. Only top level services are expected and thus also offered. When asked to describe Conventa in just three words Maja Vidergar, of CD Congress Centre Slovenia, was one of many to pick out “Professional. Nice. Hosted buyer friendly.” Intrigued? Meeting planners attending Conventa in the past agree it was worth their while to participate. So come, meet, experience! Feel the Conventa magic! Apply for hosted buyer status at www.conventa.si/hosted-buyers/hosted-buyer-programme/hb-application-form/

Kongres magazine

Presenting Conventa Fam trip destinations Zagreb


onventa has been talking to Zlatan Muftić, Director of the Zagreb Convention Bureau, about the hidden charms of one of the oldest European cities, Zagreb. Hosted buyers will have a chance to explore Croatia’s capital city and visit the city’s major conference hotels and downtown historical venues on the Conventa fam trip. Q: What sets Zagreb apart from the rest of the meeting destinations in the region? Zagreb is easy to reach by air and road to all major European cities and beyond. It is a very compact, ‘people friendly’ city, where all of the principal attractions - hotels, venues, museums and historical sights - are within walking distance of each other and are centrally located. It is a safe city with hospitable people, the city of green urban parks and promenades, rich with historical and cultural heritage and a specific mixture of central European and Mediterranean flair. Q: What about the meeting venues the city offers? Zagreb meeting venues range from world class hotels, very special old places - such as historically important buildings like the Croatian State Archives or the Mimara Museum - to new and modern venues like Hypo Expo XXII Centre or the Museum of Contemporary Arts. In addition, many of them offer quite substantial exhibition space. The biggest hotel venue can hold up to 800 delegates, the city’s biggest concert hall up to 1,800 and the multifunctional indoor arena, Arena Zagreb, can seat up to 15,000. The venues have highly professional staff and excellent quality service. Q: What are the 3 things everyone should do/ visit/see when in Zagreb? When in Zagreb, one should: • take a ride in the Zagreb Furnicular, Europe’s smallest furnicular connecting the Lower and the historic Upper Town; • v isit the famous Museum of Broken Relationships in the Upper Town dedicated to failed love relations, with its most unusual exhibits from all over the world; • experience one of Europe’s most lively outdoor markets, Dolac, with its cheerful red parasols and enjoy the scents and the colourful diversity of fresh picked fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products.

Q:What can hosted buyers expect from the Zagreb fam trip? In Zagreb they will have a chance to: • v isit major conference hotels and downtown historical venues; • meet with their managers; • enjoy typical Zagreb cuisine and get familiar with local gastronomy; • take a ride on the Zagreb Furnicular; • have your photo taken in front of the colourful St. Mark’s Church and catch the best view of Zagreb from the Lotrščak Tower Belvedere; • f ind out how the tie (cravatte) got its name and why Zagreb is home to the first mechanical pen in the world; • g reet the bronze peasant woman in the unique Dolac open-air food market and find out the story behind it; • v isit the stunning Zagreb cathedral next to the central Ban Josip Jelačić Square; • stroll by the numerous Lower Town landmarks, including the Mimara Museum, Arts and Crafts Museum, The Zagreb University, Croatian National Theatre, pedestrian shopping zones and squares;


• get inspired and energised for organising their next memorable meeting or incentive in Zagreb. Invitation for hosted buyers: Allow us to present you Zagreb, one of the oldest European cities and since July 2013 the youngest metropolis of the European Union. By taking part in the Zagreb Fam Trip you will get a unique opportunity to explore and get to know Zagreb, its conference and events venues and facilities both historical and new, get fresh ideas for incentive programmes, see major landmarks, enjoy tasty local dishes and learn about the proverbial Zagreb hospitality. We take pride in being your hosts and are looking forward to welcoming you to Zagreb!

Kongres magazine



lena Šverko from the Tourist Board Portorož explained why Portorož is “the destination” hosted buyers should explore and what makes this picturesque Mediterranean town on the Adriatic coast ideal for hosting meetings, congresses, events and incentives. Find out what Elena said before deciding which fam trip to attend. Q: Portorož is one of the picturesque Mediterranean towns on the Adriatic coast that is packed with diverse meeting and accommodation facilities. Why is Portorož the ideal place for organising meetings, events, congresses and incentives? With its 130 years’ tradition in tourism, Portorož is a very popular and recognised MICE destination. It offers a range of different hotel accommodations, modern conference facilities, numerous event venues, delicious cuisine, relaxation facilities, cultural events and entertainment options. Besides all this, Portorož is characterised by the short distances between all the venues, which allows visitors to reach all the activities, business, social and cultural sites on foot. Whether individual or multipurpose, the conference halls are equipped with modern technical equipment and have capacities for anywhere from 20 to 1,100 people. Top-quality conference services are available in venues located by the sea and surrounded by greenery. Q: Portorož is also known for its spa & wellness offer. Can you tell us a little bit more about that and the benefits of it for meeting planners? Business meetings are accompanied with relaxation and regeneration, as you can spend your free time in wellness centres that are located in the vicinity of the congress centres with the most comprehensive thermal, health and wellness offer (Thalassotherapy, Thai massages, Ayurveda centre, Anti-ageing centre etc.) in Europe with a sea view. Furthermore, in our spa and wellness centres you can renew your energy throughout the year. The coastal line that goes from the Sečovlje Salina to Portorož and Strunjan is also well known for its health benefits: salt-pan mud and brine from the Sečovlje Salina, thermomineral water, Mediterranean climate and sea water.

Q: Portorož will be one of the destinations that hosted buyers at Conventa 2015 will be able to visit. What can they expect from the fam trip taking them to this lovely coastal town? • Wide range of services in one location: hotels of different category, wellness and spa offer (sauna, massages, beauty and health treatments), sport and recreation facilities; • experience in organising business meetings, seminars and conferences; • excellent and delicious culinary offer (fresh, local products: olive oil, fleur de sel, fish, local wine ...); • exceptional quality of conference services in venues located by the sea and surrounded by greenery. Q: If you had to describe Portorož in three words what would they be? Blue, healthy, tasty.


Invitation for hosted buyers: For all of the above mentioned reasons, deciding to have your next Fam Trip in Portorož should be easy. We are awaiting you in the beautiful coastal area with top quality services, a wide range of activities, tasty local food and intact nature. FEEL Portorož! For more about Conventa visit www.conventa.info

Global Village


1. Who are you? 2. What is your favourite meetings brand? 3. What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? 4. What’s your alternative career fantasy? 5. What, if anything, are you obsessed with at the moment?



Sales Manager at Crowne Plaza Belgrade

Sava Hotels and Resorts

Born and raised in Belgrade, where I graduated in Archaeology at the University of Philosophy, I gained my first experience in tourism in Portorose, where I lived for almost five years and where I got my Master’s degree in the field of tourism. I started off working in the Hoteli Bernardin d.d. as a reservation officer, and then I was promoted to sales - MICE department. Now I am back in my home town where I’ve continued my career as sales manager in the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

My name is Blaž and I come from one of the most popular tourist and MICE destinations in Slovenia - Bled. I work for the largest tourism company in Slovenia - the Sava Hotels & Resorts. I have been working most of my life in many different jobs all related to tourism and my most recent step is into the MICE ‘’universe’’. It has been one of my best working and learning experiences so far and it has given me an immense base of knowledge, contacts and lessons needed in the tourism business every day.


Crowne Plaza - the fourth largest hotel brand in the world. The biggest Crowne Plaza in Europe opened in Belgrade on the 31st December 2013. Located in the central business district of New Belgrade with the largest event capacity in Serbia, it is the ideal venue for congresses, seminars, promotions and private events. It offers other facilities: two restaurants, bars, lounges and a wellness centre. 2:

The bravest thing I have ever done was moving to Portorose from a big city and leaving everything behind. 3:

I wanted to work as an archaeologist. Due to personal circumstances I found myself in the hotel industry and I have to say that I love my job. 4:


Right now I am obsessed with working out. ‘’Mens sana in corpore sano’’.


This one is easy. I have to say Bled. All the hotels and venues are located directly on the beautiful shore of lake Bled overlooking the Julian Alps in the background. A total of more than ten hotels of all categories with over thirty conference halls located within walking distance from one another, separated only by beautiful parks and spectacular views, all give Bled the perfect combination to make any event a masterpiece to remember. 2:

Organising the royal visit of Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex and his wife Princess Sophie. I am certain that all the security, protocol, and timing done specifically minute to minute for over two hours would keep anyone’s adrenalin level high. The honour and importance of such an event for the company Sava and for myself will probably rank high on my ‘’brave’’ list for quite some time. 3:

Since I live at the edge of Slovenia’s largest national park I have always had great respect for nature and the impact that we have on it. Tourism itself is one of those industries where you have the chance to show the natural beauties and also the duty to preserve them and keep them clean. If I ever leave the tourism business I will definitely do something related to the preservation of the environment. 4:

Bringing new ideas and more efficient work processes for my team and me so that we may yield even better financial results and make our clients even more satisfied. 5:


Lake Bled

Inspiration in all Seasons • • • • • • •

unique natural environment easy access plenary meeting space for up to 500 delegates state-of-the art meeting & hotel infrastructure rich tradition in hosting meetings and events broad palette of special venues superb cuisine

Bled Tourist Board & Convention Bureau, Cesta svobode 11, 4260 Bled, Slovenia, T: +386 4 578 05 00, E: meetings@dzt.bled.si, www.bled.si

Who is Who

MAJA ŠIMUNIĆ - Corporate Sales Manager

Who`s Who in Liburnia Riviera Hotels

Q: What are you most proud of in your business and private lives? Knowing that there was no challenge, or project, or person in the past that I could not deal with. Two beautiful, healthy children - a boy and a girl. Q: Life wisdom/motto? When I met my husband he had this quote on the wall. It definitely changed my perspective. ‘God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.’ Q: Where are you going to spend this year’s holiday? Thanks to my grandfather I spend all my summer vacation on the island Losinj. There is no place in the world I would rather go in August. Q: What was your favourite vacation? The destination is the same: Nerezine in Losinj. Park my car for two or three weeks and enjoy it in every way. I am blessed because I can do it every year again and again… MAJA ŠIMUNIĆ Corporate Sales Manager Liburnia Riviera Hotels

Q: Where would you go if there were no time and financial constraints? Once in a lifetime I would like to go to a bungalow on a coconut beach overlooking the sea.

»Do your best and no way you won’t be awarded for that sooner or later.«

Q: What is your favourite indoor/outdoor activity? After a hard day at work, spending time with my children in any way, playing like a child or just having a long walk with my dog takes the stress away. When it comes to sports, tennis and skiing are a constant in my life. Q: What is your favourite dish and restaurant (anywhere in the world)? If I have a business lunch or dinner, the restaurant “Hortenzija” in Remisens Premium hotel Ambasador is my first choice. No one prepares better steak. If I go out with my family and friends, then the Zlatni club or Ružmarin, both of them in Opatija. Q: What is your favourite gadget? There are no favourite gadgets for me… I prefer to throw stick for my dog… trying to avoid technology and enjoy nature as much as possible. Q: Which song do you most often play on your iPod? I only play music when I am down and then I always start with Josh Groban and “To where you are”.


Q: Which part of the day and of the week is your favourite? Of course it is Friday afternoon, and as far as the day is concerned I would have to say coming to work and the first coffee with my colleagues. Q: What is your favourite mode of transport? I don’t like traveling. I feel sick in cars, buses, planes... I like to go anywhere, but the time from A to B is always a hassle. Q: If you could return to the past or hurry to the future, how old would you like to be? Definitely the past. I would be afraid to go to the future and what I might see there. I would like to be sweet sixteen again. Q: Why? That was the last time I remember I was living a hassle free life with all my loved ones next to me, peace, no concerns and all of life ahead of me. Q: If you could witness any event in history which one would you choose? The only event I would like to relive is the last time I saw my father. To talk to him for the last time and to say goodbye. Q: What was the best party you have attended? When it comes to partying, the best solution for me is to cook a nice dinner and invite my closest friends. Tasty food, good wine and friends at home is the best party I can imagine. Q: The last film, book, concert? Film- The Wolf of Wall Street – shocked, I didn’t like it. Book – for fun, I honestly don’t remember, all books are now related to my doctoral study. Concert – Oliver Dragojević in Remisens Premium Hotel Ambassador by the pool with my husband Q: What fantasy character would you be? Hello Kitty and Spiderman. To make my chiildren happy. J Q: What did you learn last week? Do your best and no way you won’t be awarded for that sooner or later.

Kongres magazine

KONGRES EDITORIAL CALENDAR TOPICS AND DATES Published 6 times per year Kongres Magazine is far from being just a magazine. It is the only provider of integrated congress marketing communications, with which you can make effective dialogue with congress customers. Because we know what congress customers really need and how to ensure their long-term loyalty, we can make above-average, high-quality, relevant, independent, in-depth and interesting congress stories. In 2013 they will dedicate to you and your customers even more.


CONVENTA DAILY 1 - 2 Daily newspaper, which will be released during the Conventa trade show and which brings to exhibitors and invited guests daily news from Conventa. Space close: 13.12.2013 Materials due: 20.12.2013 Delivery: 22. - 23.01.2014

SPECIAL ISSUE January 2014

CONVENTA 2014 Special edition, published as a catalogue of Conventa together with extensive destination presentations and presentations of participating partners. In terms of content this is the most comprehensive overview of the meetings industry in the region of Southeast Europe. Space close: 13.12.2013 Materials due: 20.12.2013 Delivery: 22. - 23.01.2014

SRING ISSUE March 2014

In Focus: ENERGY The uniqueness of your event is based on energy. The event can be quickly estimated as successful if it was just executed well and in line with the objectives. Effective are only a few events, which are the ones in which the flow of atomic congress energy is present, where participants become a part of the energy. In the spring issue we will highlight all the meetings industry topics related to energy. Themed supplement: KONGRES GOURMET 2014 Space close: 14.02.2014 Materials due: 21.02.2014 Delivery: 28.03.2014


MEETOLOGUE 2014 In Kongres magazine we have been publishing since 2010 CONGRESS TRAVELOGUES, which were renamed MEETOLOGUES. International Congress buyers thus discover little-known European convention destinations. All existing travelogues of the NEW EUROPE will be issued in a special issue of Kongres magazine, which will be released prior to IMEX trade show. With high-quality editorial content, travelogues completely replace the tedious and irrelevant catalogues of meetings suppliers. Digital versions of MEETOLOGUES are currently the most read sections of the Kongres magazine. Space close: 11.04.2014 Materials due: 18.04.2014 Delivery: 16.05.2014 39

SUMMER 2014 July 2014

In Focus: ENGAGEMENT Future of meetings industry depends on understanding the needs of new generations of congress participants who are looking for new different experiences. In the summer issue, we will explore what triggers positive experiences. To do this we must first build well, if we build events on authenticity, there is a good chance that we will initiate positive emotional reactions. We will present to you a few stories that are true, verifiable and relevant. Themed supplement: ADVENTURE PARKS 2014 OUTDOOR VENUES 2014 Space close: 20.06.2014 Materials due: 27.06.2014 Delivery: 25.07.2014

FALL 2014

September 2014 In Focus: “EDUTAINMENT” We live in a period of edutainment, where connection of educational content with entertainment has become a vital component of events. We will discuss how to use technology at your events for greater interactivity, what kind of innovations are offered on the market. We will re-open the dilemma of whether technology can replace personal contact. Themed supplement: INNOVATIVE PEOPLE & EVENTS Space close: 22.08.2014 Materials due: 29.08.2014 Delivery: 19.09.2014

WINTER 2014 November 2014

In Focus: ENTERTAINMENT Meetings industry is characterized by a mixture of professional and fun motive, but certainly the most important thing is companionship in their profession and communities. What are the trends, innovations, and what are the examples of good practice will be revealed in the last issue in 2014. Moreover, as an integral part of the magazine we will present a whole series of new ideas for organization of congress parties. Themed supplement: KONGRES WAW - WINES AND WINERIES 2014, KONGRES HOLIDAY & PARTY GUIDE Space close: 18.10.2014 Materials due: 25.10.2014 Delivery: 15.11.2014






esidents of Posočje are accustomed to alternating national flags, being at a windswept location at the crossroads of major empires and Slavic, Latin and Germanic worlds. When visiting the Kluže fortress at the door to the Soča valley you can relive fateful moments from World War I with the help of enthusiasts of Society 1313. With this you can get to know how radically history has repeatedly toyed with this beautiful alpine valley. This year is the 100th anniversary of the start of World War 1 and in almost every corner of the Soca Valley you will find memories of this event. Caves, trenches, ossuaries and cemeteries remind us of one of the biggest mountains of conflict in human history. Key scenes are connected by the Path of Peace, a unique project in that it promotes a positive view and peace in the war. At the same time it is also the best experiential guide through one of Europe’s most beautiful alpine valleys. The path that winds from the Alps to the Adriatic along the Soča River connects the natural beauty of the alpine, subalpine and karst world in addition to the heritage of the Soča Front, all of which has mountains, cultural monuments, museums with private collections, tourist-information centres and many tourism suppliers. It makes this valley also very attractive for conference guests. Three key places for congress tourism – Bovec, Kobarid and Tolmin – are connected by the Soča river, one of the most pristine Alpine rivers that, with its beauty, creates a highly experiential diversity. Soča river is perfect for postcards and adrenaline water sports. The roots of rafting and kayaking in the 1980s were a revolution and considered to be one of the first organised forms of teambuilding in Slovenia and the wider region. The destination is safe, enjoyable and full of inspiration for congress participants. Despite its remoteness the communal infrastructure in the three major towns is very well arranged. Access to the Soča Valley is good, despite the relatively poor local road connections, as in the immediate vicinity there are of the four airports: Ronchi (Aeroporto Trieste), Venice (Aeroporto Marco Polo) Ljubljana (Airport Brnik) and the airport in Klagenfurt (Klagenfurt Airport). There is also a more romantic way to get to the Soča Valley – the museum train to Most na Soči. A railway was built through Baška ravine, which due to its attractions - tunnels, bridges, views – is increasingly popular with tourists. A special attraction is the museum train (steam composition), but the car-train connection to Bohinj and Bled is most comfortable. As an incentive pearl the Soča Valley is somewhat remote, so for a visit it requires a bit more logistics planning. However, the reward once there is so much bigger, because you find yourself in one of the European incentive epicentres that offers a complete infrastructure for adrenaline and active incentive programmes, from agencies to guide services and accompanying services, including all the necessary equipment for the most unusual desires. Soča Valley has for many years been attracting guests interested in active holidays and adrenaline challenges. At the same time they are seeking peace and contact with nature 41

through other sport on Soča, such as fishing and hiking, as well as exploring the rich history. Emphasis has been for many years on the summer season, although the incentive offer is also quite rich in winter. Fortunately the destination is not too populated and offers a special feeling of exclusivity, which in the more notorious places is hard to find. Bovec (483 m) is the largest tourist centre in the Soča valley. It has the most tourist facilities in the area and is recognised primarily as a centre of sporting activities in nature. Kayaking, rafting, hydrospeed, canyoning, paragliding, rock climbing and hiking, mountain biking, sledding, cross country skiing, etc. is all on offer by more than 15 specialised sports agencies. The small town of Kobarid (234 m) sits under the mighty Krn mountain (2,244 m) and has in its surroundings Breginj, Livško, and Trnovsko gorge - the centre of rafting and kayaking exploits – as well as the beautiful mountain villages under Krn (Drežnica, Vrsno, Krn). The greatest impression made on Kobarid is by the first World War. The narrative of the history of the place and especially on the Soča front can be taken in at the Kobarid Museum, the best museum of Europe in 1993. Kobarid is also the Slovenian town that can boast the highest number of excellent restaurants in one spot. Even for the most pampered lovers of good food and fine wines a visit to Kobarid will be a great experience. Tolmin (200m) is the largest settlement and administrative centre of the Soča valley. To the Tolmin municipality belong Tolmin and Most na Soči with the surrounding areas of Baška ravine, Šentviška plateau, the edge of the Idrijca valley and the mysterious and thinly populated area of Trebuše. Tolminska offers great opportunities for active incentive programmes. Numerous forest roads and trails offer excellent conditions for mountain biking. Fishing is the most popular tourist activity in the area, as the rivers Soča, Tolminka, Idrijca and Bača are full of trout and grayling and offer a superb diversity of natural environments that attracts many anglers from around the world. The congress story relies on a responsible and unforgettable connection to the nature and culture of the region. It is therefore a boutique congress tourism, with no large hotel resorts. Perhaps Soča Valley, because of its remoteness, comes closest to responsible green tourism. There are a number of programmes that provide unforgettable green congress experiences in the middle of the Triglav National Park. In Bovec there are a number of sites that are potentially interesting and allow the preparation of interesting incentive programmes, although they are limited in terms of capacity, for example the Kekec Homestead, Pristava Lepena and Dobra Vila ecological tourist farms, as well as in the House of Franko and Nebesa (Heaven) in Kobarid. The main classic congress infrastructure is otherwise currently available in a smaller conference centre, Šiglič house in the centre of Bovec. The multi-purpose centre is very nicely renovated and can accommodate up to 100 conference delegates. The main hotel and meetings supplier at this moment in Bovec is Hotel Alp, which operates during the summer season. Suitable conference halls in Bovec can also


»Soča river is perfect for postcards and adrenaline water sports.« be found in Mangrt hotel and boutique Dobra Vila, as well as in pension Boka. The largest hotel in the valley, the Hotel Kanin that has congress facilities and a considerable number of rooms, is currently closed and waiting on a restart. In Kobarid smaller meeting rooms are offered by the Hotel Hvala (Thank you!). An event can easily be combined with the adjacent spaces in the TIC. In Tolmin the main provider is Hotel Krn. All over the valley there are a number smaller suppliers of apartments and restaurants that accommodate and provide space for smaller congress groups. The key challenge is currently a very fragmented offer that is not adequately linked and presented on the international congress map. Given the enormous potential a functioning convention or incentive bureau would greatly help and would help to improve the image. In addition, the joint offer would also be easier to market to specific types of congress clients. Soča Valley is probably one of the most photogenic venues to launch new cars. Numerous film crews and car launch programme organisers have already understood this. A connected performance would facilitate marketing and access to specific clients, who are currently coming to the Soča Valley more by chance. Incentive meetings stories thrive best where the picturesque is intertwined with the cultural and historical heritage to a solid tourist offer. This is the maximum potential of the Soča Valley; incentive tourism in terms of development is one of the most promising market segments, which due to the possibility of a combination of active leisure, relaxation and professional work is an ideal product. All of the spots in the Soča Valley can boast an exceptional natural heritage and a wide range of incentive stories: rafting, kayaking, hydrospeed, mountain biking, paragliding, hiking, mountaineering, fishing. For all of the above reasons the Soča Valley is an unpolished incentive gem that with appropriate development would be an incentive epicentre of Europe.



Grades: 5 excellent meetings destination 4 quality meetings destination 3 recommendable meetings destination 2 average meetings destination 1 so so Individual grades: Natural and cultural factors


Variety of offer in a small space with preserved nature, the Soča, a culinary and wine offer, authenticity, a rich cultural and historical heritage, the Julian Alps and Triglav National Park all make for an extreme experiential diversity and attractiveness.

General and transport infrastructure


Geographic location, proximity to key markets and a good communal arrangement are the key advantages. Very close are also important transit points with entrances to the European motorway network (Udine and Treviso). If you want to get away from the bustle of the city, you will be excited about the quality of living in the picturesque Soča valley. Tourist infrastructure


A tourist destination that is not yet besieged by crowds of tourists, outstanding gastronomic offer, visibility through top festivals amd good sports facilities are the key benefits of the destination. The weakest part of the offer is currently accommodation facilities. A large number of agencies (over 20) that are offering highly developed products for sports and also incentive tourism programmes is important. Meetings infrastructure

Klavdij Rakušček


Soča Valley is suitable for smaller boutique conferences and incentive programmes in the middle of genuine Alpine nature. Unfortunately, the product is currently fragmented and poorly represented in the international market. Given the potential creation of meetings an incentive bureau is essential and would link key providers of existing products in all three places and present this extraordinary offer to the international congress market. Subjective grade


Soča, set in the middle of the Triglav National Park, offers an exceptional number of different experiences in a small area. Particularly impressive is the top culinary offer concentrated in restaurants such as House of Franko, Kotlar and others. Also, the balance between price and quality is acceptable, which makes the destination very competitive in comparison with more notorious destinations. The disadvantage is a poorer image of the destination than it should actually have.

Leonardo Olmi

Comparison with the region: In the narrow micro-region the Soča Valley is currently not facing increased competition. On the Italian side in Friuli Venezia Giulia, incentive tourism is underdeveloped and the development of the product in Brda and Nova Gorica is also at the embryonic stages. More serious competition is in Istria and neighbouring Carinthia, as well as within the wider Slovenian Julian Alps. The main advantage of the destination is a developed incentive product, gastronomy and preserved natural and cultural heritage, which is unequalled. A weakness in comparison to some other destinations is the offer’s disjointedness. In terms of marketing some other destinations are also better, despite significantly worse conditions. Given the capital of the destination, represented by a number of already developed stories 42

Srdjan Živulovič - Bobo


and awards (EDEN European Destinations of Excellence), the incentive meetings product awaits a bright future. Cool meetings: ČOMPE - the original dish, based on combining cottage cheese and potato, grows abundantly in the Bovec region. WHAT’S NEW 2014 1. 100 years from the start of the First World War - the memory of a turbulent and eventful history from the period of World War 1, will be the red thread of many events in 2014 2. Path of Peace – is dedicated to the memory of the victims of the First World War and is worth a visit 3. Alpe Adria Trail - 690 km long journey through three countries and three cultures this year. National Geographic Traveller ranked it among the 10 best new hiking trails 4. Ana Roš, House of Franko – that she is a culinary artist was demonstrated by her hosting in the famous Redbull restaurant Ikarus. Ana is in the company of the top 12 masters of Europe. We recommend a visit. 5. Soča - one of the most beautiful rivers in Europe, famous for its beautiful emerald colour, is the heart of the incentive offer for 2014. BEST INCENTIVE IDEA ZIPLINE BOVEC –in addition to the traditional teambuilding programmes on the river Soča, when in Bovec try one of the largest zip line parks in Europe with panoramic views over the whole of the Upper Soča Valley. WHO TO CONTACT Tatjana Humar, LTO SOTOČJE Petra Skalarja 4, 5220 Tolmin Telefon: 05 380 04 80 Faks: 05 380 04 83 e-mail: info@lto-sotocje.si www.visit-soca.eu DID YOU KNOW The famous novel by Ernest Hemingway ‘A Farewell to Arms’ is set in Posočje. The writer thoroughly describes the Soča Valley and offers insight into these ground-breaking historical times. Photo credit LTO SOTOČJE

Paolo Petrignani







he image of the most famous Slovenian ski resort with the Julian Alps in the background is in the heart of all Slovenian active skiers. Many people have taken their first steps on the snow on these slopes. Ski euphoria ruled Slovenia in the middle of the eighties, with one of the most beautiful Slovenian Alpine valleys being the venue of the FIS Ski World Cup Vitranc since 1961. Due to Elan skis, alpine skiers and the jumps in Planica, Kranjska Gora is a worldwide brand known as the traditional Slovenian winter ski resort, which also offers a lot in the summer season too and is increasingly establishing itself as a congress and incentive destination. Today, Kranjska Gora builds its image on sustainable natural development, as well as on quality year-round tourist facilities. Perhaps from all this the real hero of our youth is “Kekec”, the best illustration of values which ​​ radiates throughout the place. We have all grown up with books and films about the cutest ten year-old hero, so it is fitting that this year marks 130 years since the birth of the Kranjska Gora writer Josip Vandot. “Kekec” is a supporter of respect for nature, a positive attitude to life and for seeding a good mood amongst humans. The location consists of four major tourist destinations, namely Kranjska Gora, Mojstrana, Martuljek Forest and Podkoren, separated by only a few kilometers and in addition to their captivating nature also offering a wide range of different activities. The communal regulation of the area gears itself towards a highly touristic destination at a satisfactory level following the positive example of more renowned destinations in Austria. For the organisation of events, especially in the hotter months, Kranjska Gora has an extremely pleasant climate - at an altitude of 800 metres, the summer humidity does not reach it. Kranjska Gora is easily accessible, lying on the borders of important tourist markets. A regional road leads through the valley and the highway is close by, at just 15km to Tarvisio, Villach to the north and Jesenice to the east. The distance from the three railway stations is 20km (Jesenice, Villach, Tarvisio) and it is situated 75km from the nearest airport (Ljubljana - Brnik) and 95km from the airport in Klagenfurt, Austria. For car drivers, you can find a parking space, even in the high ski season, on a giant parking lot near the major hotels of Kompas and Larix. Unfortunately in 1966 they abolished the railway line that led from Jesenice to Tarvisio, but the infrastructure of the former track today serves as one of the most scenic bike routes in Slovenia. Tourism here is one of the most important industries. The majority of tourist accommodation facilities are hotels. Nine out of ten hotels fall under the 4 star classification and together have a total of 570 rooms. There are 200 rooms in 3 star hotels with over 800 rooms in tourist apartments and surrounding farms. The majority of accommodation facilities are available throughout the year. This offers huge possibilities of combining many halls and combining hotel accommodation offers and culinary experiences in different hotels. 45

The central Congress Hotels of Larix and Kompas are part of the Hit gaming Group, which was recently handed over to the management of the Swiss company Sophos hotels. Hotel Larix thus became the first Ramada hotel and resort in Slovenia and the neighboring hotel Prisank became the Ramada Hotel & Suites Kranjska Gora. The traditional congress venue is Hotel Lek, with a small conference centre. The latest addition is the Hotel Špik, located few kilometres away in the Martuljek Forest, which is positioned as an Alpine wellness resort with a strong focus on sustainable development. The company Hit has in recent years greatly contributed to the development of tourism in Kranjska Gora. With the arrival of the international chain Wyndham, which operates 7,740 hotels worldwide, it seems that the international visibility of the destination and marketing will continue to improve. Another interesting tourist product is sports training and preparations, and Kranjska Gora has developed an entire sports infrastructure for this product. The destination has a lot of experience with big events from annually organising the two largest winter sports events in Slovenia. Congress tourism began to develop intensively in the nineties after the first upgrades and renovation of the hotels. Kranjska Gora is suitable for smaller conferences for up to 360 participants who require peace and relaxation, but it is also a place for adventures and various incentive programmes. The overall offer is concentrated in Kranjska Gora and Mojstrana. Three Hotels - Larix, Kompas and Lek - have a total of 16 halls. A smaller convention centre in Hotel Larix, with winter views of the Kranjska Gora ski slopes and summer views onto the pastures, has everything you need for a successful conference. The interior is flexible enough for groups of up to 250 participants, being the maximum capacity of Hall Planica. The daylight in all of the rooms is here noteworthy. Hotel Kompas offers a bigger hall for 360 participants, with its specialty being the “old-fashioned” disco, which is great fun for closed groups. The Lek Hotel has four conference halls, the largest room suitable for 100 people. The Vitranc multipurpose hall, built in 2005, is located in the centre of the village close to the hotel. It can accommodate up to 1,200 persons, but also includes a small hall for meetings of up to 30 people. It would be suitable in the case where Kranjska Gora has been selected for major conferences. Kranjska Gora is also highly suitable for creating various incentive products. The ethnographic treasure, legends and stories all call for the development of incentive programmes. The way from here to the valley of Soča over Vršič is very attractive in the summer time, where is possible to test a variety of adrenaline-fuelled incentive programmes. Kranjska Gora is in the winter season primarily a sports and recreation centre. In the summer season it is more a destination for trekking, relaxation and the congress industry, which is the only year round activity in the area. It seems that with the arrival of a new hotel manager, the place has received a new impetus for the further development of


Žiga Židan

Samo Vidic

congress tourism. Conditions for smaller conferences are already excellent and with a wide range of casino offer and incentive programmes satisfies the basic needs. In Kranjska Gora you will not find city streets with boutiques offering ski equipment, cafés and restaurants. This is something you should not look for when coming to Kranjska Gora. Instead, however, you will be greeted by beautiful scenery and plenty of authenticity along with genuine congress experiences.

Individual grades: Natural and cultural factors

Extraordinary natural gifts generate a diverse landscape and provide many opportunities for leisure activities in unspoiled nature and the organisation of events in touch with nature. Most of the area falls within the Triglav National Park, which is under supervision and protection. General and transport infrastructure

Destination grade: QUALITY MEETINGS DESTINATION Grades: 5 excellent meetings destination 4 quality meetings destination 3 recommendable meetings destination 2 average meetings destination 1 so so




Peace and security, a clean environment, preserved natural heritage and easy accessibility contribute to a tourist offer that is constantly expanding and a responsible attitude towards nature that impresses all. Tourist infrastructure


Kranjska Gora is a world-renowned winter sports centre and a haven for recreation. Tourism is an important economic sector with a long tradition, as the first hotel was already opened in 1904. Resorts, walking and cycling trails, mountain bike park, golf course, horse riding, tennis and swimming pools are all integral parts of the rich tourist offer. 46


Matevž Lenarčič

Matjaž Vidmar

Bor Rojnik

Meetings infrastructure


Kranjska Gora provides an interesting experience throughout the year and with the accompanying incentive products seals itself as an active congress destination. Subjective grade


Complete destination acting as a natural park and offering plenty of opportunities to disconnect from the city in a pleasant climate away from the summer heat. Congresses and incentive boutique for smaller meetings. Comparison with the region: The most important winter sports centre in Slovenia has among the Slovenian ski resorts the strongest brand, which is known worldwide mainly due to the Cup Vitranc. It has stayed in the company of places like Kitzbuhel, Cortina, Garmisch and Wengen for many years. In recent years, Kranjska Gora successfully defied the green winters and economic hardship of key hoteliers. Slowly and steadily it has also developed a summer tourist offer, which enables the development of congress tourism. Both seasons are now virtually in balance. With the latest changes in the field of hospitality it will surely

strengthen its position as an important centre for the implementation of incentive programmes and small conferences. Due to the recognition of the ski jumps in Planica and Vitranc Cup it has a high priority over other rivals in the region. It is an important boutique congress destination for quality mid-size corporate events up to 350 participants. Cool meetings: Kranjska sausage - the particularly famous Kranjska sausage is a protected Slovenian specialty made from a centuries-old tradition. WHO TO CONTACT LTO - Zavod za turizem občine Kranjska Gora Kolodvorska ul. 1b 4280 Kranjska Gora Tel.: 04 588 50 20 Faks: 04 580 94 41 E-pošta: info@kranjska-gora.eu Photo credit LTO Kranjska Gora


»Kranjska Gora is also highly suitable for creating various incentive products.«

Who is Who

SILVA UŠIĆ – Senior event manager

Who`s Who in Atlas d.d.

Q: What are you most proud of in your business and private lives? I have done conferences for more than 2,000 pax and numerous memorable events during my career of 26 years with the same company. As for my private life, I am most proud of my friends, with more than 20 of them attending my birthday parties, and also for the last 25 years of my life. Q: Life wisdom/motto? Deliver on a promise 100%. Q: Where are you going to spend this year’s holiday? In Dubrovnik. Q: What was your favourite vacation? Hawaii. Q: Where would you go if there were no time and financial constraints? Norway.

Silva Ušić Senior Event manager Atlas d.d.

»I am proud of what I have achieved and would not go a day back.«

Q: What is your favourite indoor/outdoor activity? Dancing and skiing. Q: What is you favourite dish and restaurant (anywhere in the world)? Zagorski štrukli in Bistrot of the Esplanade hotel Zagreb. Q: What is you favourite gadget? My laptops and my three phones. Q: Which song do you most often play on your iPod? Fly me to the moon. Q: Which part of the day and of the week is your favourite? After 5 p.m. every day, and the day of the week Wednesday. Q: What is your favourite mode of transport? Airplane. Q: If you could return to the past or hurry to the future, how old would you like to be? Just now, my age: 52.


Q: Why? Because I am proud of what I have achieved and would not go a day back. Q: If you could witness any event in history which one would you choose? The Titanic catastrophy – it is so sad. Q: What was the best party you have attended? The one when we were invited to the private house of the manager of American Express Istanbul during the Amex internal meeting in Istanbul. Q: The last film, book, concert? Film: Grace, The history of Croatians, Arkadi Volodos (Russian pianist in Dubrovnik playing Schubert & Brahms). Q: What fantasy character would you be? Cinderella. Q: What did you learn last week? It is divine to try to understand the young, zealous people wanting to change the world. It reminded me of how I tried the same, so many years ago.

Who is Who

NATAŠA LANGUS – Cluster sales manager MICE

Who`s Who in Doubletree By Hilton Zagreb & Hilton Imperial Dubrovnik

NATAŠA LANGUS Cluster Sales Manager MICEDoubleTree by Hilton Zagreb & Hilton Imperial Dubrovnik

»Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone!«

Q: What are you most proud of in your business and private lives? What can a person be more proud of than creating another person and giving life - my son is my pride and joy. Professionally, being promoted twice in just a year and in such a company like Hilton Worldwide is for me a dream come true. I always strive to give my all and I have reaped the benefits of all the hard work put in. That’s also one of the reasons why I love working here: you can advance if you are willing to put yourself into it.

Q: Which part of the day and of the week is your favourite? Always morning, especially Saturday, with a full two days ahead to fill them out any way I wish.

Q: Life wisdom/motto? Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!

Q: Why? I wouldn`t have eaten fifty eight ice creams!

Q: Where are you going to spend this year’s holiday? St.Moritz in Switzerland. That’s my home from home, as my Dad lives there. I find it extremely relaxing to go into the mountains in the summer time and it gives me much more energy than crowded beaches.

Q: If you could witness any event in history which one would you choose? Apollo 11 landing on the Moon. I just hope it really happened. Sometimes I get sucked into all these conspiracy theories J

Q: What was your favourite vacation? Vela Stiniva on the island of Hvar it’s such a small paradise. Q: Where would you go if there were no time and financial constraints? As I’m a passionate skier I would love to go to Aspen. Supposedly the snow in the US is very different to the European, so I think I should go and check it out. Q: What is your favourite indoor/outdoor activity? There are so many! I have been dancing since I was 4 years old, so that really is a huge part of me. I cannot live without music and dance. I ride a motorcycle, love skiing… and I should stop now, because I could go on and on. Q: What is your favourite dish and restaurant (anywhere in the world)? My father’s beef tartar and all the food at Mundoaka street food in Zagreb. Their motto is “Food with Heart and Soul” for a reason – they do amazing things!!! Q: What is your favourite gadget? My iPod. As I mentioned, I cannot imagine my life without music. Q: Which song do you most often play on your iPod? It changes so often, but at this time Iggy Azalea’s ‘Change your life’.


Q: What is your favourite mode of transport? My Ducati Monster. Q: If you could return to the past or hurry to the future, how old would you like to be? I feel extremely good right where I am. O.K. maybe I would go back to yesterday evening.

Q: What was the best party you have attended? Apres-ski party with all the ski instructors at the closing of the 2001 season in St. Moritz. Starting at the top of the mountain, followed by “Mondscheinfahrt” to the village and a breakfast at the end. I would love to repeat it any time. Q: The last film, book, concert? Last movie - The Great Gatsby. Book - Don Quixote. And the best for the last: first row at the Robbie Williams concert with the guys from work. We wanted to celebrate getting that business in, so we made it our little teambuilding outing. Q: What fantasy character would you be? Peter Pan. His philosophy of never needing to grow up is something I live by. You always need to have a part of your inner kid in your heart so you can enjoy the wonders of the world. Q: What did you learn last week? Never say never!!! And no comment J

Hidden Congress Guest



Photo credit Hotel City Podgorica

LOCATION Even the smaller and not necessarily most notorious cities in the Balkans have their own hotel scene. In the field of business guests, the City hotel definitely dominates it in Podgorica. It lies on the outskirts of the city centre in a green urban zone below the hill, close to the major city attractions and sports centre Morača.

CATEGORY ★★★★ OPENED SINCE 2003 MEETING STAR CITY MEETING HOTEL 2014 STANDARD Hotel with conference facilities NUMBER OF ROOMS 78 rooms PRICE INTERNET 76 - 135 EUR per room (BB, June 2014) ADDRESS HOTEL CITY PODGORICA Crnogorskih serdara 5 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro T: +382 20 441 500 F: +382 20 441 501 www.cityhotelmn.com

SPECIALS Hotel garden

FINAL GRADE Premium hotel Luxury Premium Business Economy Budget

DESSERT – Additional offer The hotel’s pleasantly shaded garden to cool off in one of the hottest cities in the region.

ACCESSIBILITY The hotel is located on the outskirts of the city centre and about 10 minutes from the airport. This aside, Podgorica is a transit point where all the major transport routes of Montenegro intersect. A positive surprise is probably the cheapest taxi to be had in Europe. A drive to the city centre will not cost more than 1 Euro. If you are travelling by car, a spacious and free parking area is a great advantage. From Budva to Podgorica is about 50km. COLD APPETIZER – Architecture and Aesthetics The hotel’s architecture follows the typical functional minimalist hotel architecture i.e. simple but functional. It has clean shapes and it would be difficult to really criticise anything and its aging is also not showing too much. The feeling is pleasant, especially in the hotel garden sited between the two wings of the hotel. The hotel rooms are such as the design of the hotel: simple, functional and logically equipped with business guests and their needs in mind.

FACILITIES Bar Restaurant Smaller conference centre

RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Location Accessibility First impression Lobby Employee attitude Reception Hotel room Hotel bed Bathroom and restroom Hotel breakfast Bars and restaurants Congress hall Additional offer Total:

Final Score

4.05 3.75 3.52 4.01 4.12 4.05 4.17 4.44 4.37 3.98 3.95 3.66 3.82 3.99

3.99 ★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★

WARM APPETIZER – staff and food Very friendly staff at the reception. If you are in the hotel together with a larger group, though, you may be surprised by crowds. Another small satisfaction certainly comes through a wine list with wines from the owner of the hotel and a solid selection of Italian and Montenegrin food. If you wish for more authentic food in the city there is no shortage of high-quality and diverse restaurants. MAIN COURSE – Congress hotel offer The hotel rooms are solid and will in many respects satisfy business guests. For relatively little money you get a lot, but do not expect indulgences that you can enjoy at the Hilton, which will be opening next year in the centre of Podgorica. A smaller conference centre can accommodate up to 40 participants, with a positive prediction that soon, next to the hotel, a larger convention centre will be built, which is currently lacking a lot in Podgorica.



FLOP – negative surprises Slow internet, which is otherwise free of charge.


TOP – positive surprises Very reasonable price and good value for money. Overall impression and credibility If you are a businessperson, with this hotel you can’t go wrong. It will meet your basic needs and in some areas surprise you pleasantly. The easy and efficient business hotel is also suitable as a hotel for discovering Montenegro. Given the often excessive prices in towns along the Montenegrin coast, this might be a very rational decision. Hotel City is currently one of the most reliable choices in Podgorica for businessmen.

Hidden Congress Guest


Photo credit FOUR POINTS BY SHERATON LJUBLJANA MONS LOCATION On the outskirts of the city, next to the Ljubljana ring road, the hotel is placed in the most green hotel environment in Ljubljana. It is surrounded by woods and meadows, yet it is in close proximity to the urban centre of Ljubljana. For years it has been thrilling with its surprisingly neat and sophisticated surroundings, which is spick and span. With a sprucing up and the entry of a new hotel chain, it seems that the location and appearance of the hotel are again its main advantages, as they were for the former Mons Hotel. Experienced eyes only notice the new inscriptions; everything else on the outside is almost as it was at the opening in 2004.

CATEGORY ★★★★ OPENED SINCE 2004 MEETINGS STAR CITY MEETING HOTEL 2014 STANDARD Convention hotel NUMBER OF ROOMS 114 rooms PRICE INTERNET 119 EUR per room (BB, June 2014) ADDRESS FOUR POINTS BY SHERATON LJUBLJANA MONS Hotel Mons d.o.o., Pot za Brdom 4 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia T: +386 1 47 02 700 F: +386 1 47 02 708 www.fourpointsljubljanamons.com FACILITIES Convention Centre, Atrium Restaurant, The Bar, Fitness SPECIALS Location in the midst of nature in green surroundings RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Location Accessibility First impression Lobby Employee attitude Reception Hotel room Hotel bed Bathroom and restroom Hotel breakfast Bars and restaurants Congress hall Additional offer Total:

4.41 4.59 4.08 4.05 4.76 4.82 4.12 4.29 4.26 4.61 4.39 4.75 4.39 4.42

FINAL GRADE Premium hotel


Luxury Premium Business Economy Budget

★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★

ACCESSIBILITY The biggest advantage of the hotel is its giant parking lot and easy access by car, which has been for a decade among the major added values of the hotel. The city centre is just a stone’s throw away and the junction of main routes next to the bypass is a great added value, with the airport just 20 minutes away. With its location, the hotel is perfect for automotive events and promotions. COLD APPETIZER - Architecture and Aesthetics Clothes make a man, good architecture makes a hotel. The signature of legendary architect Boris Podrecca provides architectural visibility and elegance. We have to admit that after ten years the solution remains fresh. The ground plan in the form of fingers extending into the forest wonderfully connects nature with the functional parts of the hotel. The renovation of the rooms, reception and hotel bar has highlighted the basic idea of the architect, which is nicely summarized in the positioning slogan of genuine and simple comfort. With the renovation it was managed to maintain the basic form also in the interior and convention guests have especially taken such exterior and interior simplicity as their own. WARM APPETIZER - Staff and Food In the renovated hotel and under new management everything is now subordinated to business guests. This means that breakfast is a very important part of the culinary story and judging by what was seen they are doing it very well. The hotel’s lobby with its bar has become a nice meeting point, where business guests can have something to drink, wait more relaxedly and generally feel good. Today, this is the hotel’s main ‘candy’ that was somehow missing in its previous version. The staff is professional and in line with the expectations of such a chain.


4.35 Final Score

MAIN COURSE - Congress hotel offer In Mons they have been for many years one of the leading events organisers in Ljubljana, as they organise over 1,000 events per year and according to the management they produce as much as 45% of the revenue through congress events. The flexible conference centre has six conference halls and three smaller meeting rooms. Soon these will be joined by a multifunctional hall in the former Polna skleda restaurant. The maximum plenary capacity is 600 seats. Following the extensive renovation the 114 rooms are modern and comfortably furnished. DESSERT – additional offer Probably the best hotel in Slovenia for the implementation of car launches and generally for automotive events with a huge parking lot and spacious service areas.


FLOP – negative surprises Isolation – the hotel is not in the city centre, which can also be an advantage.


TOP – positive surprises Excellent hotel for all lovers of recreation and active businessmen. In the middle of the city’s recreation epicentre, Mostec, and green nature. Overall impression and credibility A hotel that promises its guests the same quality of accommodation they get in similar hotels of the brand worldwide. The renovated hotel is more different than one would sense at first glance, and perhaps now it is even more suited to business guests. With the Four Points by Sheraton chain one also gets the expected quality, the result being a kind of hotel golf, for which it is difficult to criticise anything.

Hidden Congress Guest



CATEGORY ★★★★★ OPENED SINCE 2005 - 2006 MEETINGS STAR RESORT MEETING HOTEL 2014 STANDARD Convention Hotel NUMBER OF ROOMS 322 rooms PRICE INTERNET 239 - 315 EUR per room (BB, June 2014) ADDRESS HOTEL SPLENDID CONFERENCE & SPA RESORT Bečići bb, 85310 Budva, Montenegro T: +382 33 773 777 www.montenegrostars.com FACILITIES Splendid Casino Royale, Restaurant La Busola, Promenada Restaurant, Lobby Bar, Conference Bar, Terazza sur Mare bar, Bracera pool bar, Ensenada Beach Bar SPECIALS Splendid Spa RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Location Accessibility First Impression Lobby Employee Attitude Reception Hotel Room Hotel Bed Bathroom And Restroom Hotel Breakfast Bars And Restaurants Congress Hall Additional Offer Total: FINAL GRADE Premium hotel Luxury Premium Business Economy Budget

4.85 3.49 4.06 4.68 4.39 4.26 4.81 4.94 4.85 4.12 4.49 4.98 4.63 4.50

4.50 ★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★

LOCATION In Bečići it is not possible to get closer to the sea and overlooking the beautiful panorama than here, with a view over the legendary Sveti Štefan (St. Stephen) and Pržno and only a stone’s throw from the centre of the old town Budva. Premium class hotels in Montenegro are steadily expanding and this one impresses with its location and comprehensive offer. Not to mention, of course, the luxurious swimming pools and a private beach, which can be transformed into an excellent location for a pool party. In the vicinity there are also many gems, from Sveti Štefan, Miločer and Queen’s Beach to Lovčen and Cetinje in the mountainous interior. ACCESIBILITY The centre of Budva Bečići is about 2km away, so if you are in Budva without your car you will be going to the town centre mostly by taxi, although public transport is also solidly organised. Budva is otherwise an intersection for the interior of Montenegro to the Adriatic road. The nearest airport, Tivtat, is 20 km away and is a highly charter airport. Also close by and becoming better connected is the airport in Podgorica, 50 km away. A lot of tourists coming to Budva also use Dubrovnik airport, which is 70 km away. COLD APPETIZER - Architecture and Aesthetics In the hotel lobby with its grand staircase, the architects have done a fairly good job. The lobby appears powerful and luxurious to the taste of the dominant Russian tourists. The overall architectural design seems maximalist and is typical for resort hotels. Despite luxurious materials it appears cold in many places. In such a large resort the orientation and direction of guests is well taken care of. WARM APPETIZER - Staff and Food A hotel of this category also carries with it high expectations in terms of service. Most of the staff knows how to handle this, but one can also find some negative exceptions who could do with a few more laughs and goodwill. This part is particularly problematic at the extremely high prices that they are charging. The food is solid, but according to our estimates it is the weakest part of the offer with a lot of room for improvement. MAIN COURSE - Congress hotel offer Speaking of comfort, the hotel room is well-equipped, with the hotel bathroommaking a special impression. The real gem, however, is the convention centre, which is one of the best in the Adriatic. The reviews of con52

4.50 Final Score

gress organisers have also been very positive, being especially enthusiastic about the friendliness of the staff. Meeting halls are, in technical and aesthetic aspects, among the best on the Montenegrin coast. A simple improvement would be possible in terms of the speed of the Internet connection that is presently really too slow. DESSERT – Additional offer Excellent spa centre with a wide selection of treatments and everything you need for a proper pampering on vacation or during the free time at a conference.


FLOP – negative surprises Pretty cold breakfast room and restaurant La Busola is not the most pleasant place in the hotel. It is a challenge for a wide selection of food and friendly staff to counterbalance the impression made of the space.


TOP – positive surprises The Conference Centre, which surprises with its superior equipment and congress service. At the same time this is the largest convention centre in Montenegro. Overall impression and credibility For some years the hotel has been a jewel in the hotel offer of Montenegro. Tough competition awaits it this year, but given everything that it has demonstrated it defies time well. One could also say that the experience is considered. How high can we therefore place the hotel Splendid. High, the hotel may no longer be the most advanced one on the Montenegrin coast, but it is still in top form, which delights guests among which Russians and many celebrities dominate. With materials, equipment, and the overall feeling they are still at the top of the Montenegrin hospitality.

Hidden Congress Guest




CATEGORY ★★★★★ OPENED FROM 1979, renovated in 2013 MEETING STAR CITY MEETING HOTEL 2014 STANDARD Convention hotel NUMBER OF ROOMS 416 rooms (33 suites and 377 rooms) PRICE INTERNET 239 - 315 EUR per room (BB, June 2014) ADDRESS CROWNE PLAZA BELGRADE Vladimira Popovića 10, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia T: +381 1 2204 115, F: +381 1 2204 104 www.ihg.com/crowneplaza/hotels/us/ en/belgrade/ FACILITIES Prime restaurant, Novi bar & Lounge, Lobby bar, Fitness centre, The Saruna spa SPECIALS Prime restaurant – with interesting Serbian fusion cuisine and excellent wine selection RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Location Accessibility First impression Lobby Employee attitude Reception Hotel room Hotel bed Bathroom and restroom Hotel breakfast Bars and restaurants Congress hall Additional offer Total: FINAL GRADE Premium hotel Luxury Premium Business Economy Budget

4.31 4.11 4.47 4.45 4.83 4.78 451 4.56 4.52 4.48 4.51 4.69 4.19 4.49

4.49 ★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★

LOCATION Belgrade’s largest convention hotel was built as the Intercontinental Hotel as part of the Sava Centre in 1979. The location next to the Sava Centre is strategic and is today still a very good example of functionality and good planning. With renovation and joining the Crowne Plaza chain, Belgrade’s “congress valley” is shining once again. For lovers of recreation, green spaces near the hotel are a clear advantage. For guests looking for shopping the most prestigious shopping centre in Belgrade is also close by. ACCESIBILITY The location of the hotel in the congress centre of New Belgrade is convenient and there are no problems with access. Also close by is Belgrade airport, which is just under ten minutes away. In this part of the city you will find most of the major companies and institutions. A large, payable outdoor car park is large enough even with major convention crowds.

Final Score

ence room in the city. In the congress high season it is especially popular among corporate event organisers. The rooms that, with their contemporary design, appear convincing and luxurious deserve especial praise. They are very well equipped with hotel gadgets and nothing is missing. The hotel bathroom is superb and the Wi-Fi is stable and reliable. DESSERT – Additional offer Value for money - reasonable prices, which positively surprise guests and organisers accustomed to high prices in other cities.

COLD APPETIZER - Architecture and Aesthetics The hotel was completely renovated, including a striking glass facade. One could say that the original design is timeless and on the outside it has primarily undergone stylistic transformations. One can also say that from all the hotels in Belgrade it best understands the organisation of space. When looking at the renovated hotel, it becomes even clearer how much in need of renovation is the adjacent Sava Centre. The interior, especially the lobby, is dynamic and impresses with its clean lines close to timeless minimalism. WARM APPETIZER - Staff and Food At every step one feels the strong emphasis of the friendliness of the staff. With the offer it fills a gap that had until recently stood out in the hotel-congress market in Serbia. The food is superb, especially conference events catering, such as the modern fusion cuisine, often missing in Serbia. This is added to by a complete philosophy of cuisine with positive local surprises in the Prime restaurant, which beautifully combines Serbian and European cuisines. The selection of wines is praiseworthy, as it is a superb selection of the young and creative Serbian wine scene. MAIN COURSE - Congress hotel offer The hotel has come almost synonymous with the congress hotel genre with its spaciousness, practicality and comfort. Twelve meeting halls on 1,650 m2 are flexibly designed. The largest hall can accommodate 800 guests and is currently the largest hotel confer53


FLOP – negative surprises When the adjacent Sava Centre will also be renovated this will be a truly winning congress combination.


TOP – positive surprises Endless possibilities of combining meeting rooms with the adjacent Sava Centre. Overall impression and credibility The hotel is a true convention hotel that at the moment outperforms the rest of the Belgrade convention hotels. It stands out both in terms of size and functionality of meetings area, and it has extremely quickly become synonymous with being the congress hotel of Belgrade, a hotel that sets new standards and especially for the congress scene of the city.

EIBTM 2014

Events cannot stand still: they have to evolve Graeme Barnett, Senior Exhibition Director, Reed Travel Text by Gorazd Čad

Q: What makes EIBTM a top meetings industry trade show? EIBTM (www.eibtm.com) is the global meetings and events exhibition where the industry connects face-to-face for three days of powerful business, world-class education and time for networking, all in the dynamic city and award winning business destination of Barcelona. For exhibitors, Hosted Buyers and trade visitors, EIBTM is a powerful and cost-effective way to connect, engage and build trust, develop relationships, conduct business and expand industry knowledge. Over 15,000 industry professionals gather every year at EIBTM, because the event provides a dynamic platform for the development of an individual’s business in every sense. 54

EIBTM is the flagship of the IBTM Global Events Portfolio and welcomes over 3,000 exhibitors from more than 150 countries worldwide representing destinations, hotels, venues, technology and event services. As a result of EIBTM 2013, the estimated average order value for exhibitors was €417,580 with an additional €388,693 of orders expected after the event. Generating new international sales leads is the top objective for exhibitors at EIBTM and they benefit from one-to-one time with 8,974 (EIBTM 2013) visitors and Hosted Buyers. “EIBTM is an overall outstanding experience, offering great networking and business opportunities,” said Maria Kantziari, Communications Officer, Artion Conferences & Events, one of the

EIBTM 2014

Hosted Buyers at last year’s event. “I would recommend it to anyone in the meetings industry.” The best way to highlight what makes EIBTM a top industry show is to let our exhibitors, Hosted Buyers and visitors do the talking – after all, they are the reason for EIBTM’s ongoing success. Here are a few more comments we’ve received: “EIBTM is the place where the most important deals in the MICE business are signed. It is a key event in our 2014 strategy,” said Maxim Agranatov, Business Developer for Wine Passport. “Participating in EIBTM has given our hotel the opportunity to see and be seen, establish new useful business contacts and generate new leads as well as sign new contracts,” commented Julia Usoeva, Director of Sales & Marketing, Hyatt Regency Nice Palais de la Mediterranee. Q: What are your targets for growth? The growth of the EIBTM platform is relative to the industry and the economic diversity of the many countries that participate. However, we annually welcome some 15,000 event professionals across the entire event and expect this to continue. We see growth as the term used for our own expansion of fresh ideas to keep EIBTM at the top of the industry and this year is no different. We are developing our Customer Service strategy in 2014 by providing all of our main stand holders with one point of contact to give them all the help they need to maximise the value of their participation and ensure they have a successful event. This will include guidance, advice plus support from the marketing and PR teams answering the questions that they will have through the various stages of the EIBTM journey. We are also looking at how we can develop EIBTM for the Association Sector, organising a dedicated focus group to consult with earlier this year. The results have given us ideas that will now provide more flexibility for Association attendance, support maximising their time spent at the show whilst balancing this with enough networking time and freedom to develop their own business meetings. We are once again developing our Hosted Buyer programme, expanding it into areas of the world where exhibitors have told us they want to extend their businesses. This year, there will be an increase in new buyers from Europe as well as further afield and with some 400 Group Coordinators now confirmed, we look forward to welcoming many new faces to our Hosted Buyer programme in 2014.

Q: From which regions do you expect to see the most immediate growth? The best source of information is included in the annual EIBTM Trends Watch Report, which was presented at last year’s event. The authors of the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook expect global economic activity to strengthen moderately, but recognise that the rate of 2.9 percent will be followed by global growth of 3.6 percent in 2014. The main impulse towards expansion is projected to come from the advanced economies, where output is expected to expand at a pace of about 2 percent in 2014, about ¾ percentage point more than in 2013. Drivers of the projected upturn are a stronger US economy, an appreciable reduction in fiscal tightening (except in Japan), and highly accommodative monetary conditions. However, according to the IMF, growth in the euro area will still be held back by the very weak economies in the periphery. Emerging market and developing economies are projected to expand by about 5 percent in 2014, as fiscal policy is forecast to stay broadly neutral and real interest rates to remain relatively low. The contribution to global prosperity of the developed economies versus the emerging forecasts do not see the United States or Europe reaching the double-digit levels of growth that China and India have enjoyed over the last decade. Analysts are expecting that growth in the United States will rise from less than 2 percent this year to nearly 3 percent next year. Because the developed economies still account for nearly 60 percent of the global economy, even a slower pace of growth can provide more economic activity than faster growth in the developing world. On the downside, the International Monetary Fund notes that the political situation in the US is creating uncertainty, and that conflicts around increasing the debt ceiling could lead to another bout of destabilising uncertainty and lower growth. US growth prospects will continue to be beset by a lack of confidence, particularly for the early part of next year, since the current budget agreement only funds the government through January 15 and extends the debt ceiling until February 7. Also creating a drag on global prosperity, according to the International Monetary Fund, is the likelihood that unemployment will remain unacceptably high in many advanced economies as well as in various emerging market economies, notably those in the Middle East and North Africa. Nevertheless, the data included in this year’s EIBTM Trends Watch report is more favoura55

ble than it has been for several years, and to that extent we can assume a positive year ahead. Q: What would you say are the most useful and quantifiable EIBTM ROI metrics to determine an event’s success and provide information for future planning? Categorically, the most useful and quantifiable ROI metric to determine EIBTM’s success is the quality of the face-to-face meetings and the resulting business generated. The estimated average order value for exhibitors attending the event in 2013 was over €800k and this figure speaks for itself. Q: What will be the greatest challenge for EIBTM in the future? Events cannot stand still: they have to evolve. We work closely with our Advisory Board and many industry associations and partners that give us their advice and the benefit of their wisdom in all of the sectors that comprise the meetings industry. If there is one area though that keeps us on our toes, it is technology. The continuous developments in this sector are exponential and the challenge is to ensure that EIBTM reflects those changes, keeps ahead of the game and brings innovation to the show. In this way, the 15,000 professionals that attend EIBTM every year, can see what the future will look like when they plan their events, conferences and meetings in the years ahead.

Croatia Addendum


Croatia Addendum

Croatia Addendum 57 1 Aleksandra Uhernik Đurđek AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT AT MEETINGS 2 Daniela Kos Event Engagement: Dancing on silk and interesting stunts 3 Daniela Kos Corporate event on the Marco Polo ferry 4 Interview “We are introducing technological innovation to Bluesun hotels” 5 Croatia Airlines inflight magazine A CONCERT IN THE AIR

Editorial Board: Daniela Kos, Aleksandra Uhernik Đurðek, Roko Palmić

Croatia Addendum

AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT AT MEETINGS Capturing your attendees’ heads and their hearts

text by Aleksandra Uhernik Đurđek, CIS

58 signers need to work closely on their attendees’ needs and interests in today’s ever-changing marketplace.

Foto: Igor Kralj/PIXSELL


f you have read my previous articles, you know I talk a lot about the emotional aspect of the meeting industry. Sharing experiences about audience engagement is a logical continuation of the same theme. What are the ingredients of a meeting that captures the attendees’ attention? What makes meetings transformational for their attendees, what makes it their life-enriching experience? Relevant content, professional speakers, great venue, cutting-edge technology? All of this, of course. And much more. Picture yourself at the meeting of your dreams – an ancient picturesque town close to an international airport, a long sandy beach a few steps from your chic conference hotel, a surprising cultural venue for networking events… These are certainly very good steps to make a meeting memorable. Would it be enough also for effective education and networking? Would it be a worthwhile investment of your time and money? We can add some shared slides from an educational programme and a pocket full of business cards. It is also good - in short term thinking. Do you really remember who’s behind the slides, behind the business cards? What did you talk to these people about? How relevant is this really to you and your business in the long-term? We must redesign meetings for an experience that lasts in the memory from pre- to post-event by constantly looking for new ways to capture attendees’ attention. In order to develop meaningful programmes meeting planners and meeting de-

Social media enhancing the meeting experience Redesigning the meetings by improving the engagement is the movement that’s changing the face of meetings by repositioning them within creative industry. Meetings connect like-minded people and inspire them to personally engage and commit. That way we all learn together what does or does not work and how we can improve on traditional meeting experiences. No more barriers for innovative thinkers to bring their innovative ideas to life. However, it is a process and requires engagement before, at and after the meeting. Here we are back again to social media as such a powerful tool to enhance the meeting experience: • Before the meeting starts, participants can learn about the programme in a more fun way and easily interact with others who are planning to attend. This can also help presenters to refine their lectures and collect data to use at the meeting. Audience-generated content could be incorporated in the programme. • At the meeting, attendees can personally engage and commit, bringing added value to the programme. They aren’t hearing about the programme content for the first time at the event and therefore feel more comfortable to ask questions and interact in general. They can also share their experiences with friends and colleagues who are not attending. • A fter the meeting, the learning process can be extended and networking kept alive. The online community should be kept alive by providing fresh content on a regular basis giving them more reasons to stay in touch. You don’t have to create all the content. Curate topics and moderate discussions from the community. This also goes to the goal of having year-round engagement. Making speakers accessible Meetings are the source of expertise and knowledge provided (primarily) by programme designers and speakers. Keynotes are the stars of the programme, or at least they have been before. Today’s attendees expect an overall feeling

Croatia Addendum

Foto: Goran Hrubi

Foto: Goran Hrubi

59 that is more free and still full of content. We can give them that feeling by being less rigid about the programme format without compromising on its content. No more talking heads on stage. Even keynotes should “open up”, they should talk with attendees in informal settings like networking events, stay a day longer at the meeting. Thinking outside the agenda Meeting content is increasingly user-generated both online and offline. New experiental and participatory meeting formats like unconferencing, speed geeking, fishbowl conversations, world cafes and similar “open” formats are generating more and more innovative and fresh ideas.

Not only that we have moved from the world of monologues to dialogues, but with new medias and “cool” technologies to the world of polylogues. But don’t forget - unconventional meetings fit in unconventional, unique venues. Meetings are no longer about sitting back, listening, and leaving. True meeting potential is realised when you fully “activate” an audience, making it a community. It may be fierce action, but the results could be phenomenal. Aleksandra Uhernik Đurđek, CIS Meetings & Events Professional, Freelancer Croatia & Adriatic Region

Foto: Igor Kralj/PIXSELL

Croatia Addendum

Event Engagement: Dancing on silk and interesting stunts Spice your event with Traumatic Arts Association

text by Daniela Kos



f you are organising an event in Croatia and want to spice it up with something particularly attractive, something that will arouse all the senses of your participants, we recommend the engagement of interesting artists who can enable it. From 2012 the Zagreb Association of Traumatic Arts has been gathering circus artists with the aim of achieving interesting and creative projects in the field of culture. Currently there are twenty members of the Association who are working on various projects, from performances and festivals to the commercial implementations of circus arts. Participants at events at which they perform testify to an incredible lightness of the performance of numerous visually attractive elements. Such artistic-entertainment performances can magnify any event and participants watching acrobatic artists will certainly be impressed. Members of the Association are demonstrating various acrobatic skills, from aerial stunts like dancing on silk and aerial hoop and straps to dancing with hula hoops, performances with fire poi and acrobalance skills. One of the most attractive points is dancing on silk, circus skills, which emerged a decade ago in Croatia. It is an air acrobatics that uses dance techniques while performing. At the same time elegant and dangerous, it is performed at high altitudes without safety props and displays a perfect blend of dance and circus acrobatics. Dance and other points usually last from five to ten minutes, and the association has already performed at various types of events: art exhibitions in galleries, performances in nightclubs, shopping malls, festivals and special nights in hotels. Members of the Association can be hired for events, and in preparation is also an animation programme for hotels. Content that they offer is acceptable for the wider general population, who are now experiencing circus skills as something very interesting. A special product is a show named Flying Heel Cabaret. The cabaret lasts 90 minutes and has 11 points with 11 performers. In addition to circus artists, the cabaret gathers musicians and dancers, and thus represents an interesting whole and innovation in the world of culture. The Association is also accepting new members, including

beginners with no experience, who like this kind of expression. “Our regular workshops, silk, ring and hula hoop are often joined by the beginners who see circus skills as an interesting hobby,” says Martina Pavlović, president of the Association. “We cherish the circus as a method of game for adults and enjoy teaching new members. There are no specific prerequisites, although it is certainly an advantage if a person had been previously dealing with some kind of dance or gymnastics.”

Croatia Addendum


Croatia Addendum

Corporate event on the Marco Polo ferry Not an everyday traditional corporate event text by Daniela Kos

visually and thematically represented different world attractions, and where instructors organised dance workshops with characteristic dances. The event is a combination of a conference - where management publishes the results and rewards employees - and a team building, which includes live entertainment, a multitude of musical performers, other performers, sailing and a trip to the island of Korčula. The participants also slept on the boat.”



or twelve years the insurance company Allianz in Croatia has been organising its annual meetings of employees, which, in addition to addressing the management and analysis of results of operations, also takes the opportunity to honour its best representatives. This makes the award ceremony itself is the most important part of the event. For this the organiser is frequently changing locations in order to surprise participants with a stunning implementation every time. This spring the event was held in a very special place – the Jadrolinija ferry Marco Polo, which sails the regular Split-Ancona line. Since the production of such an event is quite challenging, Allianz regularly engages an agency. This year, after a pitch attended by several agencies, event agency Diverso promotion was selected for technical and logistical assistance in the implementation on the basis of a well thought of concept, programme and scenic arrangement of the ship. Agency director Hrvoje Jelinić has gained years of experience in the organisation of creative and often logistically demanding events, from the opening and closing of the World Handball Championship to Red Bull and Nokia events in extreme conditions. Needless to say that from the event manager it is expected that everything works perfectly, regardless of the number of hours of preparation, the number of people in the organisation, and a myriad of details that should be taken into account from “behind the scene”. “Before us was a challenge to set up the ship in an incredibly short period of just a few hours after it entered the port of Split and return it to the regular sailing from Ancona, and prepare it for a reception of a group of about 500 people,” said Jelinić. “This implied thematic scenic preparation of the space of the saloon. Each subsidiary of Allianz presented the traditions of the region they come from in an area that

From the empty space of the ship to wild parties – in only eight hours From the agency side 56 people were involved for organisation, technological equipment, scenery, to which was added DJs, dancers, entertainers, etc. The agency had to implement the given concept of the client in a very specific environment – on a ship that is not of the latest generation in terms of equipment of the facilities designed for cruises, and especially not for holding an award ceremony in the conference room for 550 people. It made it a very demanding job that required constant communication between all the people on the team and client teams themselves, the agencies and Jadrolinija, in order to reap maximum benefits from space limitations. A particular challenge was the space originally designed to accommodate vehicles on board – the lower decks. It had to be remade into a conference hall for 550 people and a stage on which speakers, singers, dancers and a theatre of shadows could all alternate, each with different scene set-up requirements. On the day of the event the team for mounting sets and technological equipment came to the boat at 8 am and in about 8 hours fully redecorated the empty metal space into a beautiful hall for festive, glamorous events. The highlight of the evening was the moment of the announcement of the most successful representative, when the CEO of Allianz handed her the keys of a car that was hidden backstage. The moment was performed in such a way that behind her, the scenes opened and the car appeared to sound and light effects. For such moments good ideas and solid experience are necessary, as well as the perfect co-ordination of all performers by the event manager. It is important to say that the client was satisfied at the end with the realisation of the event, which is the highest recognition for the event manager, the project leader.

Croatia Addendum


Croatia Addendum


Croatia Addendum

“We are introducing technological innovation to Bluesun hotels” Petar KRVARIĆ. Marketing Director, Bluesun hotels & resorts


luesun Hotels & Resorts is one of the largest Croatian hotel chains. With investments in the spa and health tourism, the basis of tourism business are the hotels in Dalmatia, from Starigrad Paklenica to Tučepi, and Kaj Hotel near Zagreb. At Bluesun they have recently created some very interesting marketing and business applications with the aim of raising the quality of service in hotels. We spoke with the director of marketing, Petar Krvarić, about these new pioneering projects in the Croatian hotel industry.

Q: At Bluesun you have recently developed some innovative solutions for guests, but also for the business of the company. Can you tell us which these new projects are? It’s about solutions that we believe represent a step forward in the approach, and everything to justify the long-term confidence of our guests. We have developed a number of applications, of which the first one relates to the possibility of quick and easy communication of the guest with the management of the hotel, while the second one serves the hotel reception and housekeeping departments to help them to prepare rooms faster and better and to accelerate the process of check-in. The first application is of the survey type and it is set on tablet devices that are available in the public area of the hotel. During their stay at the hotel guests have the possibility to send a compliment or a complaint that arrives directly to the e-mail of the director and thus provides the ability to react rapidly. The aim is that the director of the hotel can solve the problem of an unsatisfied customer as soon as possible. Given our hotel experience we can say that part of guests prefer to express their dissatisfaction through impersonal interaction. The first opportunity to provide comments on hotel’s services are usually post-sales surveys that agencies send to guests a few days after completing the stay. Although the hotel staff communicate intensively and well with all the guests, we are assessing that in a situation when it comes to an acute problem, the application can be of great help, because it gives the guest a chance to “eject” the dissatisfaction and to the hotel management it indicates a problem while the guest is still staying at the hotel. Timely feedback to us in Bluesun gives a great privilege that we want to use with this tool. The second application, mOperation, is intended for household departments in Bluesun Hotels & Resorts, and as such represents another novelty in the hotel industry. It reduces the possibility of human error and speeds up the time it takes to prepare a room, check-in process and resolves technical faults.

Q: In what way will the hotel directors respond and react to any possible complaints? Using the tablet device guests can choose one of two options: make a compliment/complaint or skip a step and fill out the questionnaire in which they in detail assess their satisfaction with the hotel service. One of the required fields is also the one in which they enter their room number. The hotel director via smart phone receives an e-mail with information on the room number. Depending on the severity and urgency, the director evaluates whether it is needed to establish a personal contact with the guest and how urgently the problem must be addressed. We believe that this tool will enable the director to promptly make the best decision. Q: Earlier this year, a mobile application for booking was launched. To what extent is it used and what type of guests used it most often in the first six months? The mobile application enables an overview of content description about destinations and hotels and sending requests to make a reservation. For now, it is not possible to use the booking engine in the application itself. Since we are working on a responsive function for all the web sites (every Bluesun hotel has its own website), our goal is to provide the function of the mobile booking engine on all pages. So far we have implemented the booking engine in one hotel in Bol, and by the end of the season we will have functionality of mobile booking engine introduced to all hotels. mOperation – an applications for household departments Q: Another innovation is the mobile application designed for housekeeping departments. How long was it in development and what was the investment in such an application? The application was developed in six months. Total investment in the application was at around 40,000 Euros. Q: Could you explain in more detail how it functions and what are its benefits? The staff on their mobile devices at all times has available information on the status of rooms and the scheduled daily tasks. The status of completed tasks is communicated in real time with the management of the hotel. The application is integrated with the reception programme and on the basis of daily occupancy of the hotel automatically generates tasks that maids and cleaners receive on their mobile devices (for


Croatia Addendum


example, “We need general cleaning in a certain room, we need surfaces cleaning in another one, restaurants need cleaning,” etc.). The maids are solving the tasks within the application and are confirming that they are completed. The hotel manager and maids are tasked to review rooms/public spaces and assess their cleanliness. If they have no objection, they confirm that the room is ready. The reception at the same time has this without additional calls and checks. In the case of a problem in a hotel room the maids photograph and electronically forward it with their device to the technical service department. The whole process shortens the cleaning of rooms, and as a result the possibility of human error is reduced during the process of check-in and it also enables faster reactions of hotel management in case of problems. These improvements will, in addition to reducing the possibility of error, also impact the shortening of the time required to complete tasks.

Hotel passport for hotel guests Q: To your guests, immediately after they check-in, you are making available a new marketing and sales tool – the so-called ‘passport’ through the hotel and the destination. What exactly are we talking about and what does it cover? We have imagined the hotel passport as a kind of guide for guests in which we suggest activities available at the destination. We are using a combination of the so-called “call-toaction” messages and guests are offered incentives through discounts, presenting the hotel and other services, such as near-by restaurants, wellness, half-day or full-day excursions, transfers, and services such as bicycle rental. The goal is to substantially fill the guests’ holiday and to make an extra income on additional services. Q: Was the intention of making the passport to develop your own DMC agency, through the offer of excursions and additional services at the destinations, or is it primarily a marketing tool?

Croatia Addendum


It is primarily a marketing tool. However, in the last two years we have made some steps towards the development of the DMC model. Motivated by the imbalance in the quality of offer at our destinations, we established our own tourist agency for excursions and transfers, and everything to ensure our guests get the standard suitable to the price of accommodation. We are communicating a part of these services through the tool of the hotel passport. Q: What are the results of the pre-season in the Bluesun hotels and what are expectations in terms of the main summer months? From year to year we are recording better results of the tourist pre-season. Growth in the groups segment was most responsible for this, and this year also the schedule of holidays was very favourable. Expectations for the summer months are positive. In the peak season we have been for many years recording maximum occupancy, but every year we achieve an increasing revenue. The reason is the better structure of sales channels, with more guests in the peak season coming individually.

Q: The holders of meetings offer are the hotels Elaphusa in BraÄ? and Kaj in Zagorje. Does the company plan to invest in the renovation or construction of new meetings facilities? What is the share of the MICE segment in total revenue? In the Bluesun hotel Alan we have in the season of 2014 done a somewhat more modest, but for us significant investment, where we have converted the unused space of the old restaurants into a conference room. Thanks to its location near the national parks Paklenica, Zrmanja and Velebit and thanks to the quality of hotel facilities such as the wellness spa and sports facilities the hotel Alan is attractive to team building programme organisers. With this investment in conference infrastructure we are expecting an increase in arrivals of business groups who will organise meetings and seminars with us. Text by Daniela Kos

Croatia Addendum

A CONCERT IN THE AIR Event on Croatia Airlines plane

text & photo by Croatia Airlines inflight magazine



fter world famous music gigs in the sky performed by Jamiroquai and James Blunt, a similar event concept was introduced this May by mobile operator TUŠ mobile and organised by event agency AVI. Slovenian and Croatian pop singers played a concert for a selected audience high in the air - in one of Croatia Airlines’ aircraft! Date: May 14, 2014. Takeoff time: 19:30. Starting point: Zagreb. Destination: Zagreb. A flight to the unknown. The event comprised special air tickets for 120 selected passengers who attended a unique event in the passenger cabin of Croatia Airlines’ Airbus 319 − a concert in the air. The realisation of this event entailed very demanding and extensive preparations throughout the company, and they were exercised in secret, because the flight was a surprise for both the passengers and the public. In order to prepare a stage for musicians in the business class section of the plane, the first four rows of seats had to be taken out, and for doing so it was necessary to obtain the approval of the company authorised for aircraft configuration. The assessment of all potential security risks was very important, primarily due to alternative power sources for the musical equipment through special chargers. The equipment was tested on the basis of recommendations of the Airbus aircraft manufacturer in order to eliminate the possibility of interference with the navigation and communication devices of the aircraft. Detailed procedures in the event of turbulence were established, documentation was adjusted in the pilot’s flight manuals, and several briefings with the crew were held because, among other things, a special catering service was offered to the passengers (shrimp tails and strawberry cake). Several months of preparation confirmed that the flight was safe and that only the sky was the limit for Croatia Airlines. The highlight of the preparations took place shortly before take-off because, after the arrival of the aircraft from a regular flight, there was only 90 minutes to perform the reconfiguration, specifically arrange the entire passenger cabin, set up the music equipment and allow the singers to have the last sound check before the show above the clouds. And then - departure to high above. When the pilots lifted the aircraft to about 4,000 metres, the Slovenian pop singer Alya stepped onto the highest stage in the world and started singing to the surprised and delighted passengers. In those moments there were few who knew that the Croatia Airlines’ Operations Centre was giving instructions to the pilots about

the most tranquil areas of airspace, in order to avoid possible turbulence. And while the aircraft was smoothly flying over eastern Croatia, the ambiance in the cabin was further warmed by the Croatian singer Massimo Savić. Most of the amazed passengers sang along to some of his best-known songs, some of them even danced in economy class, and no one remained sitting in their seats... The Croatian musician, who has admitted to being afraid of flying, after the ninety minute flight and the return to Zagreb briefly summed up the thoughts of all of the flight’s participants: “This was a crazy and unique experience and I would like to repeat it.”

Croatia Addendum



LJUBLJANA vs. LYON A current comparison of the closest competitors on the 2013 ICCA scale according to the methodology of Kongres travelogues – meetologues.

LJUBLJANA Population: 272,220 ICCA Country and City rankings 2013 84th place, 31 meetings Mercer Quality of Living 2013 75

LYON Population: 474,946 ICCA Country and City rankings 2012 84th place, 31 meetings Mercer Quality of Living 2013 39

+ Ljubljana has congresses written into its genome. Long before the emergence of the meetings industry as we know it today, in 1821 Ljubljana hosted the Congress of the Holy Alliance. The city is picturesque, attractive and friendly to congress guests. According to its conference and accommodation infrastructure, Ljubljana belongs to the group of capitals suitable for medium-sized and smaller meetings (up to 2,500 participants). It is positioned side by side with the new EU member states and geographically in the region of the Western Balkans. Ljubljana is friendly and favourable to the meetings industry whilst at the same time competitive in terms of price and quality. Among all regional capitals it also has a very good image.

+ Lyon, the third-largest city in France, enjoys a high international reputation due to the excellent operation of the Convention Bureau ‘Only Lyon’. It ensures that for major congresses the whole congress chain does its job excellently and is hospitable throughout. The bureau currently has 80 members. Lyon, a renaissance city on the UNESCO heritage list, is also known as the gastronomic capital of France. The meetings industry is largely driven by the pharmaceutical industry, which has its centre in this French region. For conferences and congresses over 15,000 hotel rooms are available and accessibility is excellent thanks to the proverbially reliable French railway network. The convention centre built in 2006 is its key value added; it can easily be placed into the premier league of European congress centres.

Ljubljana meetings flashpoints: 1. Grand Union Hall - a wonderful example of an Art Nouveau conference hall tailored to the needs of modern congress organisers 2. Ljubljanica River - and its banks offers many possibilities for team building 3. Two Convention Centres - Cankarjev dom and Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre 4. Hotels and Congress centres within walking distance 5. Ljubljana Castle - special historical venue for different types of events

Lyon meetings flashpoints: 1. Lyon Convention Centre - a masterpiece of the famous architect Renzo Piano 2. Paul Bocuse Hall Market – a superb culinary experience with tastings of local products 3. I-WAY - teambuilding events for smaller groups in one of the best simulators of formulas 4. EuroExpo Lyon – 11,000 m2 of exhibition space and a plenary hall for 4,200 participants 5. Halle Tony Garnier - once a market place is today renovated into a space and a special venue for prestigious events

STAY: Grand Hotel Union

4.46 / 5 73

STAY: Vila Florentine

4.49 / 5


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