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September 2019 //



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CONVENTA CROSSOVER // The Future of Events by Design

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CONT RIBU TORS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF // GORAZD ČAD Editor of the magazine is a geographer and historian by profession. He united his professional education and love of discovering new lesser-known meetings destinations with love and passion for the meetings industry. In meetologues he shares his enthusiasm with the readers. NATALIJA BAH ČAD // MEETINGS AND EVENT MANAGER An unforgettable member in the editorial board of travelogues. She has insight into the soul of destinations based on many years of practical experience with the organisation of events. She is interested in everything from the history, geography and destination marketing to care for the tiny little things that make the big events. MAJA MIRTIČ // EVENT MANAGER ASSISTANT A passionate communicator with great interest in international relations, diplomacy and PR, firmly believing that communication can tackle every and any, even most persistent challenge. She trusts in positive, comprehensive, consistent and competent communication. SARA TIEFENGRABER // CONTENT WRITER An enthusiastic traveller and wordsmith on a mission of taking the reader for a fascinating and enriching journey. She is inspired by the little things that go unnoticed and shares them eagerly through written word. Her motivation is driven by the belief that even something ordinary can be converted into a powerful marketing message. JASMINA JERANT // CONTENT WRITER A creative writer since childhood was brought into the meetings industry where she can release her passion for storytelling. She seeks for unusual, hidden, and charming facts that make a town or a building shine in a different way. She believes that places are like people. In each one of them you can find something amusing. BARBARA DIMEC // GRAPHIC DESIGNER Visual explorer, creative problem solver, graphic designer with interest in creating innovative digital and print design solutions. Curious and always in search for new inspiration and knowledge. She strives towards positive attitude in every challenging situation with goal to translate plain information to compelling visual messages.

PUBLISHER AND PRODUCTION Poslovni turizem Gorazd Čad s.p., Kamnica 6B, SI-1262 Dol pri Ljubljani T: +385 (0)1 430 51 03 E: gorazd.cad@go-mice.eu

MARKETING Toleranca Marketing d.o.o., Štihova 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana T: +385 (0)1 430 51 03 E: gorazd.cad@toleranca.eu




ANALYTICS Marketing analytics

CONTENT Copywriting and Content marketing

SALES Personal sales

EXPERIENCE Sales events

VIDEO Video campaigns

DATABASE Big data targeting


PRINT Image building

ONLINE Digital Campaigns

SOCIAL Social media campaigns

DIRECT E-mail marketing and Telemarketing






From time to time, I like to return to my beloved debate about New Europe. I’m flattered that many colleagues have adopted the term, used as a more human way to describe Eastern Europe. Truth be told, I wasn’t really the first person to use this geographical term. It was actually the legendary Jure Apih, the man behind the first advertising festival in New Europe, Golden Drum. During transitional turbulence and the fall of the Berlin Wall, he understood the zeitgeist and saw the potential of a 4-million strong market that had just opened up to the West. He created an amazing festival full of authenticity and camaraderie, something we see less and less of in the marketing industry. We started thinking about all of this quite late in our industry. Change only started to happen after international consulting conquerors proved that they were in it only for the cold hard cash rather than actual progress in the region. We had already discussed who wins the game in this industry in the long run. A lot of colleagues watched silently when individuals East of Ljubljana and Vienna taught them a lesson in professional event organisation. Despite the advantage of 10 years of development, we managed to develop our own knowledge and some successful projects putting us at the centre of Europe. Time has not stopped. When I travel around the cities of New Europe, the limitless creativity that has not yet been able to fully spread its wings never ceases to amaze me. Almost all of the destinations in the New Europe region share this same kind of creativity and profundity. Well, except those that are drowning in the dilemma of summer tourist seasons and aren’t really thinking about MICE. Take Sofia, Bulgaria for example. It’s not the most picturesque city at first sight, but it got under my skin and I absolutely adore it. Love at third sight is a typical phenomenon when it comes to the countries of New Europe. There is a lot of stereotypes and this article would be far too long if we wanted to bust all of them. Sofia’s metro line is one of the cleanest and most orderly in Europe. Everything runs smoothly, getting 1.5 million people to work on time every day. The feeling of safety is the same as in any other large city. The airport is ultramodern and well connected to the new metro line. One could say that it’s too big for Sofia’s needs. Hotel capacities won’t be a problem, as there’s accommodation even for the most demanding guests. MICE is well developed and there is no lack of professional agencies. Special event venues range from interesting museums and luxurious palaces to cool industrial buildings. On top of that, the food is excellent, the locals immensely hospitable and everything is bundled in a very wallet-friendly package.

Gorazd Čad // Editor-in-Chief

So where is the problem? Why don’t more New European cities make this kind of progress and start living up to their potential? The first reason lies in the problematic anchoring of information about the region. Negative presumptions are anchored in people’s minds. With every study that we conduct for different New European destinations, these negative stereotypes start to show. The usual ones are corruption, undemocratic leadership, cheap products, the grey economy and unfriendliness. In reality, hardly any of these are true. The second problem is poor marketing and destination branding. The potential of these cities is not presented in a modern, appealing way. It’s as if these cities are trapped in an analogue era, where the greatest marketing feat is a promotional brochure. When I asked colleagues about what Sofia represents as a brand, I was left without an answer. Eagerly searching the web for more information doesn’t bear any fruit either. You can’t ask meeting planners to figure that question out on their own.

"It’s as if these cities are trapped in an analogue era, where the greatest marketing feat is a promotional brochure."

The third problem is not really a problem, but a challenge. The challenge of connecting destinations, which is easy to tackle if there is a critical mass of people who believe in your product. Nowadays, building connections is not limited to just Convention Bureaus, but also more creative digital platforms. In Sofia, there is not really a serious Convention Bureau that could connect providers and showcase them to the international market. This function was entrusted to the Bulgaria Convention Bureau, which is considerably financially malnourished for a serious breakthrough and problem-solving. Finally, we also have to mention the lack of self-persuasion in destinations. If local providers don’t believe in the destination’s potential, how will the buyers? The storyline about what Sofia is and why you should organise a meeting there is not defined. Convince yourself before you start convincing others.



He who thinks New Europe is only a fad or a passing fancy couldn’t be more wrong. Today, the entire meetings industry knows that the countries of New Europe are on the rise and have no plan of stopping. Leading the way are the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Serbia and Hungary. All the other countries are not far behind and are starting to catch up with the pace. They just need a big push when it comes to marketing and connections on a destination to destination level.

"Love at third sight is a typical phenomenon when it comes to the countries of New Europe."

This is where Conventa Trend Bars come in. Their goal is to create a platform for exchanging knowledge and connecting destinations of New Europe. If destinations are not in this together, there is no chance of success. This year, we managed to connect over 500 meeting planners in 15 cities, something we are extremely proud of.

What does New Europe represent in the meetings industry? New, different, charming, and as yet undiscovered meeting destinations In the past, the term NEW EUROPE was used for countries of Eastern Europe or for the former Eastern Bloc countries. Despite numerous stereotypes, the region boasts exceptional conditions for the meetings industry. Stunning nature, rich cultural and historic heritage, excellent transport infrastructure and affordability, numerous new meetings centres, hotels, and creativity are putting NEW EUROPE among the newest and most desirable meetings destinations. Only a few hours away from Frankfurt or London, there is half of Europe with its doors wide open and waiting for you to discover it. This journey will be full of positive surprises, meetings with new convention bureaus, and opportunities for new connections between the East, West, North, and South.



WE DON’T WANT BORING MEETINGS ANYMORE! Is what we have learned at this year’s Crossover GORAZD ČAD //

@gorazdcad //


"Wake up before it’s too late and start organising events in a fresh, creative way"

This was the slogan of this year’s Conventa Crossover conference, which brought together over 150 meeting planners, project leaders, designers and marketing creatives. The list of speakers was the most impressive so far, the programme was the richest and promotion more intense than ever. I can confidently say that Crossover is no longer just a conference. It’s the leading regional festival for everyone involved in the meetings industry. I was overcome with joy when positive responses from the public started rolling in. The great overall score from the participants shows that the event had left a strong impression on them. The event provided an exciting competition for the Conventa Best Event Award, pleasant networking and diverse programme formats. For the 5th edition, we want even more participants and people to know that great ideas are not free. There certainly was no lack of great ideas at this year’s Crossover. For all those, who couldn’t make it to the event, I wrote down some ideas that left a strong impression on me. We hosted real event-industry superstars, who presented their visions of how our industry will develop in the future. 1. UNLEASH YOUR INNER CHILD Children are the most creative up to the age of six, when their imagination has no limits. According to Yemi A.D. (Yemi Dele Akinyemi) from JAD Productions, unleashing the inner child is his secret formula to creating incredible events. “You have to impress participants with child-like curiosity, wit of thought, courage and inspiration,’’ he said. The problem is that our inner child is often hidden behind a tough shell formed by our upbringing, education and society. Nourishing our inner child is very important when it comes to event organisation and if we can accomplish that, results will be remarkable. 2. ALWAYS TAKE CARE OF INTROVERTED PARTICIPANTS Experts say that 30–50% of event participants are introverted. But how do you spot an introverted participant? Firstly, their behaviour is more cautious, they fear the unknown and don’t like too much networking

in person. They are also quite shy. The main question is how to create a balanced programme that both introverts and extroverts will enjoy. Taking us into the complex world of introverted participants was Dutch expert dr. Juup Laarman-de Kanter. She explained what introverts like, what they are afraid of and most importantly, how to include them in the programme and what tools we can use. 3. IF YOU DON’T DREAM OF REACHING THE STARS, YOU’LL NEVER BE INTERESTED IN ROCKETS The youngest star of the European meetings industry comes from Graz, where he was able to create an event from scratch, now filling regional newspapers. He’s none other than Thiemo Gillisen, the founder of Fifteen Seconds. His sincere and energetic presentation showed us why thinking outside of the box is so important. He taught us that youthful adventurousness can move mountains, but that you certainly need some help from experts in other fields like marketing, architecture and art. 4. WE TAILOR EVENTS TO THE PARTICIPANTS Kim Myhre is definitely one of the most influential faces of the event scene. He runs MCI UK and MCI Experience and is a big believer in using design thinking when organising events. He presented his own event organisation methodology at Crossover, focused on the participant as a personality. His knowledge, experience and charisma made a big impression on me. 5. EVENTS SHOULD KEEP OUR BRAND’S REPUTATION IN CHECK We always organise events with heaps of passion and dedication. We often forget that our responsibility is much wider, as we also have to keep the reputation of our brand in mind. Events can only strengthen the brand if all its segments align with the identity of the brand. A lot more goes into building a trademark than just having a unified visual image. Taking us deep into the field of branding were two renowned Slovenian experts, dr. Andrej Pompe from Formitas BBDO Pleon and Uroš Goričan from ArnoldVuga. 6. INFLUENCER MARKETING ACTUALLY WORKS Working with influencers is a hot topic across all industries and the event industry is no different. It’s also one of the most used and abused words in marketing. Mariska Kesteeloo, a pioneer in MICE influencer marketing gave us a very clear answer. Like it or not, influencers are a relevant communication channel. She told us how to incorporate them into our events and how they can help promote destinations. It’s clear that their services can not be applied to all industries, but the most important thing



is knowing how to measure the efficiency of their marketing. 7. THINK LIKE AN EVENT SAPIENS According to Stefan Kozak from the Slovakian agency, Creative Pro, allowing participants to meet face to face and meet with brands is key when creating events. This can not be recreated by any virtual tool. The key task of an event sapiens is to create and co-create relationships. His thinking about the connection between creativity and budgets was also really surprising. I think this sentence of his sums it up perfectly: “Good & Cheap won’t be Fast, Fast & Good won’t be Cheap and Cheap & Fast won’t be Good.” 8. FROM WOW TO HOW The event industry is finally saying goodbye to the mindset of only thinking about event logistics, giant stages, huge screens and counting on first impressions. Events are becoming the solution when it comes to strategic marketing. Successfully convincing us about how this works in practice was Claudia Kohler, VICE President of Vok Dams. Their Agile Event Management concept is a series of tools that will help us carry out events of the future. She emphasised that teamwork, trust and partner relationships are way more important than strictly following project methodology. 9. EVERY EVENT NEEDS A PROFESSIONAL MODERATOR An event without a moderator is like a ship without a captain. Our excellent moderator Samme Allen, from the award-winning Masters in

Moderation agency made sure everyone felt accepted and capable of making a change. She greatly contributed to the success of Crossover, providing a structured debate and boosting creativity. Samme is proof that professional moderation is way more than just reading scripts sent by the organisers. Hats off to her! 10. THE MORE YOU LEARN, THE BETTER YOUR EVENTS WILL BE Events are the building blocks of the meetings industry. We have to be very conscious of what we know and how things are going to develop in the future. It’s good to award the best and set quality standards for the industry. Crossover is growing into a serious platform, setting the standard in its field. In addition, the event has gained popularity because of its different and relaxed concept, which encourages interaction and allows you to tug at a speaker’s sleeve, ask them a question or even pitch them a good business idea. These were just some key outtakes from the event. All 30 speakers were seriously impressive and it’s hard to declare the best one. Crossover’s trademark is using event organisation techniques that put the participant and their needs at the forefront. Everything that we talked about at the event was actually tried and tested in practice. The event has become a good practice case in the field of innovative event formats and interactivity. The 5th edition of Conventa Crossover will be taking place from 28 to 29 August 2020 in Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana.



GREEN IS A MARKETING TERM, WHEREAS ECOLOGICAL AND ORGANIC ARE LEGAL TERMS Interview with Leopold Botteri Owner of Uje and Hotel San Canzian near Buje GORAZD ČAD //


Q: Not only in the region, but in the world, there is confusion over the concepts: green, ecological, organic. How do you understand them? Green is a marketing term, whereas ecological and organic are legal terms. Confusion is created by those who hunt in the murky waters, exploiting the desire and need of the consumer to eat healthy. Q: What is your definition of tourism with a large added value? Large added value is closely linked to sustainability. It is extremely important with products that provide added value to make the destination sustainable.

"As nice as it is that almost everyone can travel today, it’s not sustainable in the long run, and I’m sure it will slowly change."

Q: The end of summer and early autumn represent the most important times of the year for northwestern Istria, especially for the harvesting of grapes and olives. How important are they in terms of tourist visits? Istria is traditionally very well visited at that time of year. In addition to grapes and olives, there are truffles and other mushrooms that attract many guests to Istria in the autumn. Through systematic work, Istria has built up numerous reasons for visiting throughout the year. Q: It seems that Istria is more attractive to visit in the spring and autumn, when it is most picturesque. Why is there still the most tourism during the summer months? Summer will always be the strongest in terms of the number of tourists, because most of the capacity is oriented towards this type of guests, and Istria has a lot of campgrounds, which are not the most comfortable outside the summer months. For me personally, and for many of our targeted guests, Istria is most becoming in the spring and autumn, which is why we decided to build a hotel in the interior of Istria because we knew that there was a lack of such facilities.


Q: How the risk of excessive tourism in Istria, Croatia and the wider region be avoided? Some destinations are already at their maximum capacity. In Istria, the situation is under control, but for example, Dubrovnik, Split and Venice are the closest examples of destinations where they will have to start restricting the number of guests. The best way is to create better quality and consequently more expensive products. Low-cost airlines have allowed a lot more people to go on holiday, but they have overwhelmed many destinations and are creating huge amounts of greenhouse gas emissions that are warming our planet. As nice as it is that almost everyone can travel today, it’s not sustainable in the long run, and I’m sure it will slowly change. Q: Has Istria already become a destination with enough five-star experiences? Not yet, by no means. The number of hotels with that level of experience is still really small. I would even say that the gastronomic offer is ahead of the accommodation offer. But that is definitely the path Istria is taking. After all, it’s a process. You cannot change your destination overnight. Q: What do you see as the main advantages and disadvantages of Istria as a tourist destination? Istria is a destination that is almost without flaws. The strategic plans for the development of tourism in Istria are laid out well. Now all that work needs to be carried out. It could be argued that some good destination agencies and additional high-level hotel facilities are lacking, but the path Istria is taking is good. Q: What experiences would you highlight as key at the San Canzian Hotel? The basic emotion offered by our hotel is the experience of highlevel luxury and service in the ambience of an authentic Istrian village. Experiencing the village in a setting where you have everything you desire is something really special. Q: And finally, what are your plans for the future of the San Canzian Hotel? San Canzian has the ambition to become a high point reference for Istrian tourism. The second phase of the project’s development is also planned, and it includes a wellness centre and additional accommodation, and besides that we are always on the lookout for new opportunities. Q: How do you remember your beginnings in entrepreneurship? On the one hand, I remember the times when my colleagues and I glued labels to olive oil bottles the night before the first store opened, and on the other, I don’t miss the uncertainty and worry of how to pay the next paycheck. Q: What do you personally value most as an entrepreneur? I especially value complete entrepreneurs. People who, in addition to the idea and creativity to turn that idea into a product, also have the structure to market that product and create added value. I also appreciate entrepreneurs who understand where their competencies stop. Because, you know, an entrepreneur can never be the perfect financier. An entrepreneur is a creator, a start-up, but not necessarily a good administrator. One needs to be able to recognise that.

Q: Where do your best ideas come from?

Nature is a strong inspiration for me. We in Dalmatia have the privilege of living by the sea and most of my meetings and brainstorming happen only a few metres from the sea. But no less important are the numerous trips to countries that are better than us. And there are still so many of them.

"My wife once told me I was a sponge. I always strive to partner up with people who are more successful than I am in a certain area."

Q: In your opinion, what is the future of tourism in Istria? Brilliant. Istria cannot go wrong. The path it’s taking is very good. The strategy is excellent. Maybe some things could move faster. But there is really no particular reason for this, since Istrians are already living quite nicely. Q: Do you have an entrepreneurial role model? It’s hard to pick only one person. My wife once told me I was a sponge. I always strive to partner up with people who are more successful than I am in a certain area. And I learn, steal and apply from them. I hope that people can start stealing from me soon as well.




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Finalists and winners of Conventa Best Event Award 2019 GORAZD ÄŒAD //


After going through a hard evaluation process, being judged by the international expert jury and given live votes from the participants of Conventa Crossover 2019, the winners of Conventa Best Event Award 2019 finally stood on stage.


On 29 August 2019, Cankarjev Dom in Ljubljana turned into a hotspot for events. 20 event planners pitched their amazing events to the audience of Conventa Crossover 2019. The votes from the expert jury combined by the votes from the audience gave us the final score and the winners were selected.


THE BEST B2B EVENT AWARD GOES TO... THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Date: 29.11.2018 Location: Ljubljana, VIBA studios Organizer: NEW MOMENT Client: PHILIP MORRIS LJUBLJANA Event type: BUSINESS EVENT Event category: CATEGORY B2B – Best Product or Service Launch

THE BEST B2C EVENT AWARD GOES TO... RUN FOR THE OCEANS Date: 8 June 2019 Location: Prague Organizer: CREATIVE PRO (CZ) s.r.o. Client: Adidas Event type: Brand Activation Event category: CATEGORY B2C – Best Brand Activation

THE BEST CROSSOVER EVENT AWARD GOES TO... EUROPEAN FOOD SUMMIT Date: 16. – 19. 3 . 2019 Location: Ljubljana & Krvavec, Slovenia Organizer: JEZERŠEK GOSTINSTVO d.o.o. Event type: Culinary event Event category: CATEGORY CROSSOVER

THE AUDIENCE AWARD GOES TO... LAUNCH OF AXE THROWING EUROPE – SEKIROMET® Date: 15 November 2018 Location: Ljubljana, Kajuhova Ulica 35 Organizer: Escape Room Enigmarium and the Orehov Gaj Group Client: Axe Throwing Europe – Sekiromet (Institut Proactivita) Event type: Service Launch, Opening of the new entertainment center Event category: CATEGORY B2C – Best Brand Activation


Congratulations to all the winners! Winning the Conventa Best Event Award is a big deal and we hope to see even more events applying for the awad next year. As Angeles Moreno, the Strategic Development Senior Advisor at MPI Europe and a member of the expert jury said; “Without competition, the industry can not progress. Applying your events for awards is an excellent way to showcase what the industry is capable way and a great opportunity to learn from mistakes and see what other people are doing.” THE LIST OF ALL FINALISTS IN 2019 B2B FINALISTS 2019 THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Date: 29.11.2018 Location: Ljubljana, VIBA studios Organizer: NEW MOMENT Client: PHILIP MORRIS LJUBLJANA Event type: BUSINESS EVENT Event category: B2B – Best Product or Service Launch

THE CITROEN BERLINGO SAGA Date: 13 September 2018 Location: “Hangar” Marina Portorož Organizer: Agency PROMO, d.o.o. Client: Citroen Slovenija Event type: Product launch Event category: CATEGORY B2B – Best Product or Service Launch

IBA WELCOME PARTY Date: 7 October 2018 Location: Villa Aldobrandini, Frascati – Rome (Italy) Organizer: AIM Group International Client: International Bar Association Event type: Welcome Dinner and Party Event category: CATEGORY B2B – Best ceremony

100-YEARS OF UNIOR (A CENTURY OF EXCELLENCE FOR NEXT MILLENNIUM) Date: 14.6.2019 Location: Hotel Vital, Terme Zreče Organizer: Agency Novelus d.o.o. Client: Unior d.d Event type: Best ceremony / B2B Event category: CATEGORY B2B – Best ceremony

COCA COLA KICK-OFF & ANNUAL PARTY Date: 28.02.2019 Location: Belexpocenter/ Belgrade-Serbia Organizer: M2Communications Client: Coca-Cola HBC Serbia Event type: Conceptual Event/B2B Event category: CATEGORY B2B – Best Incentive

SIW 2019 – SLOVENIAN INCOMING WORKSHOP Date: 16-18 May 2019 Location: Terme Olimia, Podčetrtek Organizer: Slovenian Tourist Board Event type: B2B Workshop Event category: CATEGORY B2B – Best Corporate Convention

SHAPING MEMORIES – THE CHEDI LUŠTICA BAY GRAND OPENING Date: 18.08.2018 Location: Luštica Bay/Montenegro Organizer: M2Communications Client: Luštica Bay Event type: Conceptual Event Event category: B2B – Best ceremony

TALKS INSPIRED BY HB REAVIS Date: All year long Location: London, Berlin, Warsaw, Budapest, Bratislava, Prague Organizer: CREATIVE PRO BRATISLAVA Client: HB REAVIS Event type: CONFERENCE Event category: CATEGORY B2B – Best Corporate Convention

B2C FINALISTS 2019 RUN FOR THE OCEANS Date: 8 June 2019 Location: Prague Organizer: CREATIVE PRO (CZ) s.r.o. Client: Adidas Event type: Brand Activation Event category: CATEGORY B2C – Best Brand Activation

EUROPEAN MEETINGS & EVENTS CONFERENCE (EMEC) 2019 Date: 9 – 12, February 2019 Location: The Hague, The Netherlands Organizer: The Netherlands Chapter, Meeting Professionals International Client: N/A for EMEC19 Event type: Education and networking conference Event category: B2C – Best Association Conference, Congress


WORLD TUNNEL CONGRESS 2019 Date: 3-9 May 2019 Location: Mostra d’Oltremare, Naples (Italy) Organizer: AIM Group International Client: SIG (Società Italiana Gallerie) for ITA-AITES (International Tunneling and Underground Space Association) Event type: Scientific Congress & Exhibition Event category: CATEGORY B2C – Best Association Conference

ISTRA INSPIRIT Date: 1.06.2019. – 8.09.2019 Location: Istria County Organizer: Istrian Tourism Development Agency – IRTA d.o.o. Client: Istrian Tourism Development Agency – IRTA d.o.o. Event type: Storytelling experience reviving stories, myths and legends about Istria Event category: CATEGORY B2C – Best Cultural Event

LAUNCH OF AXE THROWING EUROPE – SEKIROMET® Date: 15 November 2018 Location: Ljubljana, Kajuhova Ulica 35 Organizer: Escape Room Enigmarium and the Orehov Gaj Group Client: Axe Throwing Europe – Sekiromet (Institut Proactivita) Event type: Service Launch, Opening of the new entertainment center Event category: CATEGORY B2C – Best Brand Activation

NIKE AIR MAX LAUNCH Date: 10. 04. 2019 Location: Klub K4 Ljubljana Organizer: FABulatorij d.o.o. Client: Buzz Sneaker Station Event type: Product launch Event category: CATEGORY B2C – Best Brand Activation

CROSSOVER FINALISTS 2019 EUROPEAN FOOD SUMMIT Date: 16. – 19. 3 . 2019 Location: Ljubljana & Krvavec, Slovenia Organizer: JEZERŠEK GOSTINSTVO d.o.o. Event type: Culinary event Event category: CATEGORY CROSSOVER

WORLD OF SYNERGY: INCLUSIVE LEADERSHIP Date: 14. 3. – 16. 3. 2019 Location: Terme Olimia, Slovenia Organizer: Eventnika d. o. o. Event type: Experiential Conference Event category: CATEGORY CROSSOVER

FUTURE TENSE Date: October 1 and 2, 2018 Location: Zagreb (Lauba Gallery – People and Art House) Organizer: Komunikacijski laboratorij Client: Komunikacijski laboratorij Event type: CROSSOVER Event category: CATEGORY CROSSOVER

FUTURENOW Date: 24 October 2018 Location: Bratislava Organizer: CREATIVE PRO a.s. Client: FutureNow Event type: CROSSOVER EVENT Event category: CATEGORY CROSSOVER

ADRIS 44CUP & GRAND PARK HOTEL ROVINJ GALA OPENING Date: 29.05.-02.06.2019 Location: Rovinj, Croatia Organizer: MAD PROPS Client: MAISTRA HOSPITALITY GROUP Event type: CROSSOVER Event category: CATEGORY CROSSOVER

WESTERN BALKANS DIGITAL SUMMIT Date: 4/5.04.2019 Location: Palace of Serbia Organizer: M2Communications Client: Government of Serbia Event type: Conceptual Event Event category: CATEGORY CROSSOVER




For example, some the trends that will define an industry future we can predict with a fair degree of confidence include: NEW AUDIENCES The nature of event audiences will continue to change. In the future thinking of event goers as a passive audience to be presented will be gone. Emerging event audiences are digitally enabled, more demanding, more impatient and have high expectations that events will be more engaging, personalized and participatory. These Millennial and even younger audiences do not remember a time before computers and mobile phones and these devices have become central to how they experience the world. The most successful event experiences will be based on significant strategic knowledge of these new target audiences.

"Can we create a future by prediction or is the future ultimately beyond our control?"

THE FUTURE NOW I think it it’s a big ask for anyone to accurately predict the future. Many have tried with varying degrees of success. And then, of course there’s the question of what impact our speculation on the future might actually have on what actually happens in the future. Can we create a future by prediction or is the future ultimately beyond our control? I am of the opinion that we can have a very direct influence on the future. We can see the signs, read the writing on the wall and wake up and smell the coffee and then take very specific actions to create the future outcomes we desire. This is called design. In a world where things actually happen either by accident or by design, I believe we have an obligation and opportunity to actively imagine and then design our own destiny. Nowhere is this more possible than in the events industry. We can very clearly see the rapid changes and emerging trends that will undoubtedly have an impact the future of this industry.

MORE PERSONALISATION We are rapidly moving in to an era of personalisation. Event audiences are no longer happy to be one of a crowd. They will insist that events and brand experiences recognise them and know what they value. And this personal insight will uncomfortably reach beyond the traditional demographic data and job function demographics we have relied on the past. In our experience marketing future having a deeper understanding of what make each of us behave as multidimensional humans, not just our values and motivations at work, will become even more essential. CHANGING EXPERIENCE FORMATS Changing audiences ultimately mean that event and experience formats must evolve. Relying on the traditional approaches and expertise that the events industry has been using for years to design event experiences will not be sufficient to create the next generation of events. Continuing to design events in a traditional, logistics-led way limits our potential to create engaging experiences that connect attendees in much more meaningful, memorable and shareable ways.


MORE, BETTER TECHNOLOGY One thing future sages don’t need to debate or worry about is whether technology is going to be an integral part of future live experience. We will continue to see breakthroughs in new experience technologies, apps, social media, AI, VR, drones, interactive video, projection mapping, holograms and more. What we now need to think about is how we apply this dizzying array of technology in the best and most meaningful ways to enhance and extend the experience? A NEW APPROACH Over the next few years expect to see an increasing amount of corporate marketing budget moving to experiences as marketers come to recognize the value of experience as a powerful approach to building and sustaining strong customer relationships and creating opportunities for brand innovation and growth. The most successful brand experiences will be based on significant strategic knowledge of the brand and its target audience. This insight will be applied to creatively design an experience that is specifically intended

to achieve the brand’s objectives. Future experience marketing strategies will need to consider all of the relevant touch points, both live and online for the client to enjoy success and this will require an increasingly diverse range of skills. As a result, the future will require new, more interdisciplinary approaches to the design and implementation of experiences. Sometime the best ideas come from the least likely places. An interdisciplinary mind-set requires a reframing of what diversity means, creating collision-prone environments, looking outside what we know and even placing ourselves in uncomfortable situations. But this mind-set is critical to innovation and the future of experience design. WHAT NEXT? In the end, the future of the experience industry will be very promising for those who have the courage to imagine and the commitment to design and pursue an unfamiliar future rather than continue to resist transformational change that is surely coming.




THE FUTURE OF EVENTS, AS WE SEE IT Digitalization has quite drastically picked up pace in the last decade and technological change is happening quicker than ever before in human history. From e-learning to videoconferencing to virtual events, modern technologies have, in many respects, made it obsolete for people to come together in a physical space to collectively participate in an activity— which is (or at least used to be) the essence of any organized event. This begs the question: Will events of the future take part solely in the virtual realm? Will coming together at a place to do something be completely replaced by coming together on the Internet, while each of us sits at home individually, staring into their computer screens?

"We wanted to organize an event that was new, bold, and different—not just another dusty old conference"

Six years ago, we started out with an idea: We wanted to organize an event that was new, bold, and different—not just another dusty old conference, but a business-themed event where people could learn something and enjoy themselves in the process. We didn’t want to think about the status quo but focus on the future. And we called our event a “festival,” because that was exactly the spirit we wanted to capture. Fast forward to 2019: “Fifteen Seconds Festival” has attracted some 20,000 attendees over the span of less than a decade. We have brought several hundred thought leaders from a broad range of topic areas to Graz as speakers and created a well-recognized (anti-)conference at the thematic intersection of business, innovation, and creativity that is on the cusp of going international. Naturally, we spend a lot of time thinking about the future. Because that’s what Fifteen Seconds Festival is very much about, but also because we continually question how we can stay future-oriented in the way we organize our events.

Luckily for us and anyone in the business of organizing events, we are convinced that the answer is no. Technology will play an increasingly important role in all aspects of organizing and executing events: From attracting guests and selling tickets, to bringing attendees to the event location, to venue and experience design, to content delivery, new and upcoming technologies will open up new possibilities and, in many ways, change the way we stage events. But, at the core, they will remain the same: an opportunity for people to convene and engage. “Homo est animal sociale,” wrote Aristotle—man is a social being. It is our nature as humans to be together, not alone. From a sociological standpoint, organized events feed into that: they can create a sense of social status and belonging for people. BUILDING ON CONTENT So how will we go about creating events in the future? The challenge will basically remain the same: to work out a unique characteristic that truly makes an event stand out; a selling proposition that people are willing to buy into.


We believe that two things are key when it comes to that: high-quality content and an experience that sets you apart. In our globalized, hyper-connected world, a plethora of content is readily available for anyone, anywhere. This creates freedom of choice, but it can also cause uncertainty and raises the question of where to place one’s trust—a trend that will likely intensify in the future. As event organizers, we can set ourselves apart in this respect by building upon content that is trustworthy and reliable. At the same time, relevancy of content will carry more and more weight. In order to counteract the information explosion, identifying futureoriented topics that matter and making them a subject of discussion will go a long way towards differentiating oneself from a content perspective. DELIVERING ON EXPERIENCE But great content is only one of two cornerstones when it comes to creating events—the other is outstanding experience. Following the premise that—even in our digitized world—real-life events will continue to outvalue virtual ones, this is where event organizers will have to excel: designing an experience that not only captures people’s

attention but captivates their senses and makes a lasting impression. By the same token, we will have to recognize events as opportunities for true social interaction that are irreplaceable by anything digital—and design them as such. THINKING AHEAD What will events look like in the future? Truth be told, there is a lot that even we do not know and cannot foresee. For instance, people might be arriving at Fifteen Seconds Festival on hoverboards in 2025, they might use fully electrified cars—or some other form of transport that hasn’t even been invented yet. What we do know is that digitalization and technological change will continue—likely faster than ever before—and that exciting new possibilities will lie ahead as the result. At Fifteen Seconds Festival, we will continue to put exciting, futureoriented content and enthralling event experience front and center— bringing together forward-thinking people and creating opportunities for exchange and interaction. Because, the way we see it, that is where the future of events lies.




The event industry is evolving. It used to be hard going – your clients’ top management didn’t respect you, because most of the time you weren’t offering any specific return on investment. Events were basically parties for clients or awards ceremonies for employees. Today all that is long gone. In the digital age personal connection and face-to-face meetings have become more valuable than ever. Today’s events have to be streamable and Instagram-friendly. Clients want to know their events are effective, so event planners now set KPIs and track ROI. Events are marketing gold, because they inspire more emotion than banners, graphics or posters. Video ads are one thing, but they don’t have the staying power of a good event. The more advertisements saturate our world, the more we become immune to them. What really gets our attention is meeting with someone who inspires and motivates us. That’s the whole concept behind influencer marketing, which is why it can never be all online. It has to start out in the real world, and only then can it go online.

"Today’s events have to be streamable and Instagram-friendly."





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A secluded and vibrant green oasis unveils a unique venue. SARA TIEFENGRABER //


Located in Brdo Park, close to the Brdo Congress Centre, but with an atmosphere that could not be more different. Upon crossing a small, wooden bridge, a private little island lies in tranquillity, ready to be transformed. A playful picnic, refined reception, unforgettable party or gala dinner under the stars. The choice is yours. Duck Island is your blank but green canvas, tailored to the needs of your event. It accepts up to 120 guests for a banquet or up to 200 guests for a cocktail reception.

OREHOV GAJ / WALNUT GROVE A pristine and homely environment for an inspired event. SARA TIEFENGRABER //


Orehov gaj is a unique event and education space in Ljubljana, specialising in hosting business events such as seminars and conferences, receptions, garden parties, team building events and participatory conferences. It is located in the northern part of the city in quiet and green surroundings in the immediate vicinity of the Sava River. The venue offers abundant space for various options of micro locations, where separate parts of an event can take place. With a beach volley court, a large grass surface, and sports equipment that is readily available, the venue is also ideal for various sports activities. In addition to the numerous space possibilities, Orehov gaj also offers its own catering and an in-house team-building agency. With outdoor as well as indoor space, the venue is great in all weather conditions and it can host up to 1000 people.



An impressive canvas that will make your event stand out. SARA TIEFENGRABER //


Meneghetti is a delightful luxury hotel, a member of the prestigious Relais & Chateaux group, with an outstanding restaurant, and its own premium, world-renowned and award-winning wines and olive oils. It also offers various outdoor activities, such as hiking, running, cycling, water sports and golfing. At the estate they believe that great brands and great products deserve a superb presentation. They are open to your visions of a perfect business event and glad to help you execute it to perfection. It is possible to book the entire estate with all its amenities, while their team stands at your service. Book the venue for an indoor or outdoor event and showcase the strength and quality of your brand through a memorable happening.


A scenic location among countless olive trees and vines. SARA TIEFENGRABER //


The story of the Monte Rosso Estate began in 2006 in the Croatian part of Istria, in the small village of Monte Rosso. What was then deserted land, covered in wild shrubs, now sports a completely different appearance. Nearly seventy hectares of the estate have been cultivated and are now covered with vineyards and groves of different varieties of olive trees, as well as cherry trees, figs and almonds. The estate offers three special secluded locations with stone benches and tables, as well as barbecue areas under ancient trees that provide pleasant shade, along with a stunning view. Monte Rosso Estate is a must for foodies wishing to relax in peaceful and inviting surroundings, while indulging in a glass of exquisite wine and dipping bread in excellent extra virgin olive oil. If your aspiration is to host your event in the midst of serene and unspoiled nature, Monte Rosso Estate is a venue that will not disappoint.



A glitzy, rocking venue on the water. SARA TIEFENGRABER //


Did you know that Graz has an island on which you can hear the water of the Mur river rushing past you while enjoying views of Graz old town? The Murinsel in Graz is an artificial floating island made of steel and glass reconnecting the city and its river. The spectacular architecture is now seen as the hub, hotspot and the showroom of Graz’s design scene. The island invites you to discover extraordinary products from the domestic creative industry and to embrace the different facets of its great design theme. The venue is perfect for different kinds of occasions, from cultural events to professional company celebrations and receptions. It is situated directly in the city centre within walking distance to most of the leading 3- and 4-star hotels in Graz and has an inside capacity of around 80 people and open-air capacity of 300 people.


A magical, one of-a-kind location, prepared to dazzle and impress. SARA TIEFENGRABER //


In Roman times, limestone was quarried in Fertőrákos village, leaving vast cuts and caves in the mountainside. In the 70s, one of those caves was turned into a theatre and that is where the story of the Cave Theatre begins. It began receiving praise for its acoustic characteristics from numerous composers and musicians and, after an extensive renovation, it was developed into a modern visitor centre and a theatre meeting extensive requirements. The theatre hall has an arena seating welcoming 760 spectators, heated seats, and an extended stage area equipped with modern theatre light and sound technology. To further impress visitors, the Cave Theatre houses a permanent exhibition where you can dive into the Miocene epoch and see what swam in the prehistoric sea about 10 million years ago. Hanging from the ceiling are life-like reconstructions of prehistoric whales, dolphins and even a replica of the notorious Megalodon shark.


WE MUST NURTURE OUR SPIRIT AND THE ESSENCE OF BEING HUMAN Interview with Miro Antić, co-founder and CEO at M2Communications SARA TIEFENGRABER //


Q: What are the greatest challenges you face in communications at the

moment? To respond to the challenges we are facing in the best way. To not miss a thing.

Q: What are you doing to stay ahead of the game? Experience and learn. Constantly. New, prodigy ideas. We are aspiring to innovate and shape trends in the field of Event Design & Production.

"We are aspiring to innovate and shape trends in the field of Event Design & Production."

Q: What is it like to work at M2Communications? Inspiring, creative, exciting, every day is a new challenge. Agency life gives you an opportunity to meet great people and visit fascinating places you’ve never been to before. A friendly environment and fun are essential parts of our agency culture. When I look back at the time when we started as an independent local agency, and how we have grown into an internationally recognizable company, I realize that our story might be an inspiration for many people and agencies involved in marketing and events organizations. Q: How were you involved in the growth of M2C? As a co-founder and CEO at M2C, I was there from the early beginning. I have shared my knowledge and experience, while always trying to learn and experience more. However, the agency would not have achieved success without its people, great and dedicated enthusiasts, a team that likes to call themselves the M2C Tribe. The main reason we made it is we had the same aim from the start - to make something different, more creative, more involved, leading consumers right into a brand.

Q: What was the best idea you had last year? Hard question! Several interesting business ideas were born last year, which are now developing. If we are discussing the most creative, I’ll choose “eXpedition to Mars”, the concept we created for the official launch of the new BMW X3. It was an extraordinary, award-winning (4 awards at international festivals of live communications) creative approach in event organization. The event that received worldwide attention. Q: What are your predictions regarding the future of communications? The market dictates a mixture of communications channels. A creative approach, combined with digital and virtual solutions, as well as with real-life experiences, will level up interaction with consumers and unlock a new dimension in brand experience. Apart from technology, strong connection with an art and culture legacy will have a meaningful impact on brands too. Humankind needs to be very careful, because we must nurture our spirit and the essence of being human. Q: What are the three things that inspire you? People. Places. Experiences. Q: Would you share your life motto with us? To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. – Joseph Chilton Pearce.


HIGH UP IS WHERE I AM MOST AUTHENTIC, FREE AND JOYFUL Interview with Nika Močnik, owner and CEO at Eventnika d.o.o. SARA TIEFENGRABER //


Q: What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? I am an adrenaline junkie, so I have done many (what some might call) crazy things – skydiving, bungee jumping, climbing… Others are afraid of public speaking – and I once gave a speech in front of 1500 people. Despite all of the above, I would say that the bravest thing I have ever done is to have the courage to be myself. It took me a long time to stop wearing a mask and trying to please other people (either friends, family or clients). Being authentic and true to yourself can be very challenging and it takes a lot of courage to stand by your values, to open up and be vulnerable and communicate the things you do not want to talk about.

"the bravest thing I have ever done is to have the courage to be myself"

Q: What are the five things that get you going? • Doing events that move, touch and inspire people. Doing events with great content enables me to influence a broader audience and create the future we are moving towards. • My team – their authenticity, values and integrity. It is a great honour to work with people who have that much responsibility, vulnerability and also fun and joy in their work. • Facilitating workshops. When I see the smiles on attendees’ faces at the end of a workshop and know that the knowledge they received will go into action right away – that is when my heart sings. • Hiking and climbing in the mountains. Whenever I need to restore my energy levels, fuel my creativity tank or just connect with myself, I go high up and that is where I am most authentic, free and joyful. • Dancing. Dancing teaches me that it is OK not to be in charge all the time and that it is OK to let go of the control and trust other people. I am also learning how to be self-expressive and how to be in the moment with other dancer (and not in my head with my thoughts).

Q: If you had more hours in a day, what else would you dabble in? If I had 2 more hours in a day, I would use it to learn and grow as a leader. If someone was really generous and gave me 2 more hours, I would do more of the things I love most – I would go hiking, climbing or dancing with the people I love. Q: What are you obsessed with at the moment? At the moment my mind is full of thoughts and ideas how to create the best event agency in Slovenia. I am learning how to be a great leader to my team and how to design events that will have an impact. Q: Your goals before 50? When I close my eyes and imagine myself at 50, I see a happy and fulfilled woman with a great life balance. I am surrounded by people I love, doing things that fill my heart with joy. I also see the best event agency in the region, led by the greatest team I can imagine, and we really are a game changer in the industry. We have put on many events that have had a great impact in changing the world for the better.



A survey by Music Holidays shows that visitors to music festivals spend on average 350 euros during the festival and a quarter of them stays in Slovenia for 3 more days. JASMINA JERANT //


It is no secret that music festivals have been representing the driving force of modern tourist destination marketing, but in Slovenia so much more as this Alpine country on its small surface of around 22,000 square kilometers with only 2 million residents hosts several music festivals. The biggest and most successful festivals are organized by company Music Holidays whose manager and the main wheel is Slobodan Milunović – Boban. The festivals in question that bring to Slovenia huge numbers of international fans are Metaldays, Punk Rock Holiday, Overjam Reggae Festival, Mötorcity, and Winter days of metal.

Some of the festivals can bring to towns for three times more people than the town’s infrastructure. However, despite the fact on festivals being an important engine of tourism development as well as an economic contributor to the local community, particularly when it goes for festivals that are located away from the capital of Ljubljana or from other most visited tourist attractions, there is still some doubt from the supporters of the classic tourism that festivals could be taken as a serious tourism business.


To prove them wrong, one can find online published results stemming from a survey that agency Valicon prepared for Music Holidays. The survey was carried on more than 1,500 festival goers that visited previously mentioned festivals in organization of Music Holidays in 2018. All of the festivals are located in and around Tolmin, a small town of 3,5 thousand residents in northwestern Slovenia, gorgeously located on a terrace above the confluence of the SoÄ?a and Tolminka rivers, positioned beneath steep mountainous valleys on the southern rim of the Julian Alps.

Most of them (82%) arrived with cars, 14% with buses, 13% with planes, and 11% with trains. Majority (87%) stayed in the festival’s camp, 6% in apartments or private rooms, while 3% in hotels and tourist camping sites. Almost 70% of the visitors spent between 100 to 500 euros during the festival (keeping in mind that these festivals last from a couple days to the whole week), the cost not including the festival entrance fee, travel arrangements, and accommodation. On average, an individual visitor spent 350 euros during the festival, while 100 euros from 350 were spent outside the festival venue.

Surveyed visitors were in 63% cases between 20 to 34 years old, and 20% of them were 35 and more. Only 5 % were less than 19 years old. There were 62% men, and 38% women. They were coming from more than 50 different countries, among them 27% from Slovenia, 16% from Germany, 9% from Austria, 6% from UK, 5% from Italy, 28% from other EU countries, 5% from other countries of former Yugoslavia, and 5% from the rest of the world.

The festival goers, shows the analysis, are in significant part potential tourists, as most of their activities either before, during or after the festival are visits to rivers and lakes, going to restaurants and bars outside the festival venue, visiting the town and its centre, visiting natural attractions and discovering the region. Results also show that more than 40 % of the visitors stay in Tolmin and Slovenia after the festival. Around one quarter of all visitors (24%) prolongs their stay in Tolmin and Slovenia for at least


3 more days. Almost 50% of the visitors who stay after the festival, find other accommodation (and don’t stay in the festival’s camping site), in most cases apartments, private rooms, hotel rooms and tourist camping sites. Surveyed foreign visitors listed as the first associations on Slovenia its landscape and natural attractions. Exactly this, Slovenia’s nature and natural attractions, are the main reasons that foreigner visitors described Slovenia as an attractive destination. A good quarter of the foreign visitors have already been to Tolmin and Slovenia in the past regardless of the festival attendance. This proportion is slightly higher among surveyed visitors over 30 years of age. The analysis showed that some visitors from abroad also take the opportunity to visit other places in Slovenia,

like Ljubljana, Bled, Kobarid, Bovec, Bohinj Lake, Postojna Cave, Most na Soči, Triglav National Park, appearing most often among them. Among visitors from abroad who already have experience in visiting Slovenia as tourists, there is also a greater degree of intention to visit the country again, which indicates that it is not a tourist destination for a single visit, but there is rather a significant tendency to return. The analysis also showed a high level of willingness of foreign visitors to recommend Tolmin / Slovenia as a tourist destination. More than a quarter of surveyed foreign visitors (28%) stated that they would visit Slovenia even if there were no festivals, and a quarter said that they would probably not visit Slovenia, or that festivals were the only reason to visit.



In a few words: MICE meteorite from the Ural Mountains GORAZD ČAD //


Forget every stereotype that you’ve heard about Yekaterinburg. Only one is true. The winters are extremely cold, but the people, extremely warm and immensely hospitable. The city has undergone a transformation from an industrial city to a super-modern 21st-century metropolis. Formerly referred to as the Manchester of Russia, today Yekaterinburg is the creative industry capital, a science hub and the heart of one of the most impressive congress stories. The city’s skyline is impressive,


Final Grade


comparable to those of notorious megalopolises. The architecture spans from constructivism to modern glass skyscrapers. A total contrast to the modernity of Yekaterinburg are the Orthodox churches and Soviet architecture that surprise you while driving around. As a whole, the city feels very modern and tidy. An extremely fast and efficient subway system and the well-developed public infrastructure in general also add to the good first impression.


THE ULTRAMODERN IEC EKATERINBURG EXPO At the time of my visit, the newly opened congress centre, IEC Ekaterinburg Expo went through its baptism of fire and hosted its first event. It is the biggest congress centre in this part of Russia and at the same time, the most modern congress centre in Russia. Now adding to the existing fair capacities is a brand-new centre, capable of hosting 6000 participants. The main congress hall is an architectural pearl with space for 4000 participants, impressive acoustics and modern design, suitable for concerts and all kinds of congress events. The hall, which made its debut hosting the massive INNOPROM event, has brought 46,000 square metres of new space to the congress centre. Four floors, 15 conference halls, and 26 meeting rooms suffice for the most demanding congress productions. The congress centre boasts an imposing VIP area with intelligent technology that puts it up there with the best. The gigantic LED screen that rounds off the excellent first impression is also a special experience. The official grand opening with a concert by Ana Netrebko will be taking place at the end of August. SECRET URAL SOUL Raw nature and tough life conditions have moulded a distinct, patient, inventive, rational and persistent “Ural” character. With their hospitality and good nature, your stay in Yekaterinburg is bound to be a pleasant one. In his fables, Pavel Bazhov describes the Ural folklore, myths, and legends, a great starting point for understanding the culture of the people in this part of the country. The stories say more about the soul of the inhabitants than any tourist guide. The culture is hard to understand, but it quickly gets under your skin, as the locals are so kind and always ready to help. It is one of the city’s big benefits, especially when it comes to organising events. FOOTBALL LEGACY The football stadium in the city centre is the culmination of the 2018 World Cup in Russia. Despite the controversial story that they had to increase the capacity of the stadium with prefabricated stands, the stadium is still impressive and can host sporting events on the highest level. Corporate events in line with their corporate hospitality in special spectator boxes can also be carried out. The World Cup also brought the renovation of public infrastructure, which supports the development of the meetings industry well. The memory of the football matches is still very much alive, and Yekaterinburg proved that it can host even the most demanding projects. The World Cup did a lot for the image of the city, and after 2018, the capital of Ural is definitely in the minds of more people. EXPO 2025 International exhibitions bring host destinations permanent reputation and residency in the history books. Not only are these kinds of exhibitions a reflection of modern society, but a showcase of future trends. The idea of hosting the Expo 2025 international exhibition is still hot in Yekaterinburg. Plans for building a “smart city” next to Zgornji Iset were already made, but the competition was fierce and Yekaterinburg lost the bid to Osaka. Despite this, the project brought together the entire city, united under the slogan; “Changing the World: Innovations and Better Life for Future Generations”. I’m glad that the city is continually making an effort, as Russia certainly deserves an exhibition of this calibre. We are keeping our fingers crossed in the hope of Yekaterinburg winning the latest bid for Universiade 2023.

AN ABUNDANCE OF CULTURE With 50 theatres, 2 philharmonic halls, 19 concert halls, and 60 galleries, Yekaterinburg is a cultural epicentre. Talking about culture, we cannot forget the rock subculture, which spread from the area across Russia. Yekaterinburg is the capital of Russian rock and lately, Russian rap music as well. Everything comes together during the Ural Music Nights, an excellent event, bringing a true musical explosion across 80 stages and with 2500 artists. The entire programme is free and is an excellent source of inspiration for meeting planners. After the festival, your head will be full of ideas of how you can culturally upgrade your next event in the capital of the Ural region. YELTSIN CENTRE The educational-memorial centre is dedicated to the former Russian president Boris Yeltsin, who spent a large portion of his life living in Yekaterinburg. The centre is a hybrid between a congress centre, museum, and public space. With the diverse facilities it offers, it is a nice addition to the traditional congress infrastructure. It houses a museum, library, archive, educational centre, children’s space, and conference halls. The museum exhibits over 30,000 artefacts and 130,000 photographs. A visit to the museum is an interesting incentive experience, bringing a special insight into Russian history. The conference spaces are different and inspiring, perfect for people, who aren’t afraid to step outside of the box and design the space creatively.


CULINARY JOURNEY There is no lack of excellent cuisine in Yekaterinburg. You will find most dishes comprising of different sorts of dumplings or pelmeni, as they call them. You will also find shangi, traditional pies with savoury or sweet fillings. A surprise for most people from the Balkans are the Serbian restaurants scattered across town. The culinary offer is very diverse and international, an intertwinement of history and the legacy of travellers who have left their influence on the city. Often, the most delicious dishes are the ones with simple ingredients, rooted deep in the cultural heritage of the inhabitants. ASTONISHING NATURE The locals like to take advantage of summer temperatures to venture into nature. In the vast forests, where pine trees and slender birches prevail, I stood silently and admired the beauty of the “Bazhovskie Mesta” park. The nature had a tranquil effect on me, rewarding me with spectacular views. Our tour guide was very interesting, surprising us with stories and inspiring us. Another positive surprise was the environmental consciousness, which is very high. All of the visitors to the national park are extremely respectful. Not surprisingly, there are over 20 ski slopes in the Ural Mountains and spending free time in active pursuits is a way of life. MEGA-EVENTS Over the years, the city has hosted numerous mega-events, two being the most resounding; INPROM (The International Industrial Trade Fair) and GMIS (The Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit). Both events take place at IEC Ekaterinburg, attracting an incredibly wide audience. Every year, INPROM is attended by over 45,000 participants from 95 countries. It is the largest fair in Russia, hosting over 600 exhibitors. The GMIS summit is attended by 1000 participants every year and numerous international delegations. Both events are proof that the city is capable of hosting the toughest and most challenging international

DESTINATION CAPACITY The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms


The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Destination population


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)

10,100 m2

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style


projects. Lots of international congresses take place in the city, like the Russian National Congress of Radiology, which also attracts around 1000 participants every year. CONGRESS SCENE The heart of the congress offer is undoubtedly the new congress centre that belongs to the very best in the world. With over 80,000 m2 it enables the execution of various events. The offer is nicely rounded off by the World Trade Centre and the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Centre with slightly smaller capacities. The city also has a rich selection of hotels, among which the Hyatt Regency truly stands out with its congress capacities and offer. Other noticeable hotels are the Ramada Yekaterinburg & Spa, Novotel Hotel, Onegin Hotel, and Atrium Palace Hotel, all fitted with smaller conference centres. The newcomer is the convenient Angelo by Vienna House Hotel just a stone’s throw from the airport. In the city and its vicinity, there are over 500 hotels, and many of them offer conference facilities. Another eye-catching event space are the special venues that range from cultural institutions to beautiful natural landmarks. The congress scene is extremely complex, and it is great to see that it has been connected by the newly founded Ural Congress Bureau that has become the engine of local and international promotion. INSTEAD OF A CONCLUSION In the heart of Russia, I realised that St Petersburg and Moscow are not the only cities in Russia that have amazing congress infrastructure. It is no wonder that Yekaterinburg attracts large numbers of local event organisers and is becoming increasingly appealing internationally. The city’s location as a juncture between Asia and Europe seems ideal regarding the geopolitical state in the world. The combination of ultramodern congress infrastructure, numerous special venues, impressive nature, and unparalleled hospitality is contagious. It is also a guarantee for rapid further development.

BEST INCENTIVE IDEA Pine Creek Golf Resort 37 Golf courses that can only be found in Yekaterinburg would be a great addition to any developed tourist destination. The champion course is immensely popular among event organisers and enables various golf activities, while during winter it transforms into a picturesque venue for cross-country skiing. Besides its primary function, the golf course also serves as a special venue, renowned for its high-end cuisine. www.pinecreek.ru

DID YOU KNOW Yekaterinburg impresses guests with unusual monuments. Because of this, you might end up sitting on large concrete piano keys on the river bank. The city also has a unique monument, in the form of a credit card statue, that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The statue represents a hand holding a credit card. Engraved into the card are the name of the bank and the owner of the card—the famous writer Edward Bellamy, who first wrote about the use of credit cards in the future in one of his novels.


A. NATURAL AND CULTURAL FACTORS: 4.80 Yekaterinburg lies on the Eastern side of the Ural mountain chain, separating Europe from Asia and is famous for its natural riches. These played an important role in the development of the city, which was built on the mining industry in the 18th century. Notably attractive for hikers and adventurers is the landscape surrounding the city with the oldest mountains in the world, nicely complementing the historic landmarks of the city. The centre of the Ural region is ideal for exploring and is spectacular through all seasons, not least because of its numerous historic and cultural monuments. B. GENERAL AND TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE: 4.40 Some 1800 kilometres separate Yekaterinburg from Moscow, but the city offers many flight connections and is overall well-connected to the capital. The modern airport, which was renovated in 2009, is connected to the city by a 4-lane highway that leads to the tidy city centre. The fourthlargest Russian city has the largest number of educational institutions alongside being the leading Russian city in logistics and trade. This can be felt by the overall appearance and the tidiness of the city that can be compared to much more famous European capitals. The quality of life is significantly higher than in other Russian cities. C. TOURIST INFRASTRUCTURE: 4.70 The tourist industry is fuelled by impressive accessibility due to Koltsovo airport and well-developed hotel infrastructure. In the wider region, there are over 17,000 beds in 491 hotels. Approximately 2600 restaurants are located in the city, and in my opinion, the cafes and restaurants have even better service than in Moscow. The city is filled with historical sights and offers many attractions such as the newly opened car and craft museum. Various industrial venues and halls are also a part of the rich tourist offer. D. CONGRESS INFRASTRUCTURE: 4.39 At the moment Yekaterinburg and the Ural region are still overlooked congress destinations, mostly known in Russia. The city’s potential is remarkable and enables the destination’s breakthrough onto the international scene. The congress infrastructure has already been tested by mega-events, and Yekaterinburg is waiting for the world to notice its congress potential. Everything seems to be in place and geographically speaking, the city’s location is ideal. A large part of events is generated by the well-developed scientific and research community and over 220,000 students that guarantee the city a bright congress future. E. SUBJECTIVE GRADE: 4,64 The positive energy of the recently founded Ural Congress Bureau is infectious. Key members are aware of the city’s potential and are joining forces with the intention to make the city more recognisable. Given the infrastructure and potential, this is exactly what the city deserves. Yekaterinburg is, in fact, a very safe and neat city that impresses with the quality of life. Unfortunately, the city’s branding and image do not completely reflect this look, and there is plenty of room for improvement. F. MARKETING “BUZZ”: 3.99 Yekaterinburg has everything other distinguished congress capitals have. This is why the Russian Convention Bureau’s decision to host MICE days in this city is very important. Placing Yekaterinburg on the international congress map is crucial, and the Ural Congress Bureau will play a major role.

RESULTS Natural and cultural factors General and transport infrastructure Tourist infrastructure Meeting infrastructure Subjective grade Marketing Buzz ICCA index Numbeo Quality of Life Index Numbeo Safety Index ACI Airport Connectivity Index

MARKS 4.73 4.80 4.87 4.90 4.88 4.83 1.02 2.96 4.02 4.83


Superb meeting destinations 5 Quality meeting destinations 4 Quality meeting destinations 3 Average meeting destinations 2 So-so 1



XL - MEETING DESTINATIONS: Destinations that can host more than 2000 congress attendees

WHO TO CONTACT Ural Congress Bureau St. Boris Yeltsin 3, Floor 5 T: +7 (343) 311 52 80 E: welcome@ai-so-ru www.meet-in-ural.ru

COMPARISON WITH THE REGION Yekaterinburg lies on the border between Europe and Asia and bridges the gap between the two parts of the world, which is one of its key advantages. Historically, Yekaterinburg has been perceived as the entrance to Asia, which could explain it growth into one of the most developed countries in Russia. The meetings industry followed that growth and is one of the key economic sectors along with telecommunication, finances, logistics, and trade. The city is also the centre of science and education with numerous elite schools and institutes, which are also the driving force of events and conferences. Excellent local infrastructure and solid accessibility make Yekaterinburg a city with one of the highest potentials in Russia if not the world. COOL MEETINGS Pelmeni – a traditional Ural dish made from minced meat, rolled into a thin dough made from flour, eggs, and water. Pork, lamb or beef are used for the filling, with a combination of meats being very popular.


WHAT’S HOT IN 2019 Major conferences and congresses 2019: • MICE DAY 2019 / June 28, 2019 The MICE DAY 2019 is the venue for meetings of industry leaders and novices, customers and suppliers, creators and communicators. www.miceday.ru • INNOPROM 2019 / July 8–11, 2019 INNOPROM is an International Industrial Fair held in Yekaterinburg annually since 2010. It is the main industrial, trade and export platform in Russia. www.innoprom.com • GMIS 2019 / July 9–11, 2019 Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit, #GMIS2019. www.gmisummit.com • MOTOR 2019 / July 8–12, 2019 International conference “Mathematical Optimisation Theory and Operations Research” www.motor2019.uran.ru • GRAND EXPO URAL / September 17–20, 2019 A large event bringing eight thousand visitors from over 10 countries and combining four international specialised exhibitions and several international events. www.en.grandexpoural.com



An enchanting place where meetings meet history, elegance and refinement of living NATALIJA BAH ÄŒAD //


Opatija is without a doubt the ultimate meetings destination. Why? Because few destinations provide such a rich assortment of luxury accommodation in such a small area, whilst Opatija provides 33 hotels offering over 2700 rooms and more than 50 meeting and conference halls along the 3 km of the coastline. At the beginning and the end of the Opatija Riviera, there are two boutique hotels which contributes to the exclusivity of Opatija.

4.04 Final Grade



This little Adriatic town also known as the “Old Dame”, the “Nice of the Adriatic” or the “Queen of Croatian Tourism” certainly deserves all the flattering titles since the tradition of business and leisure tourism dates back to the late 19th century, when in 1885 the first congress, the Congress of Balneologists, was organised by the Austrian Southern Railway Company. Back then, Opatija was still part of the AustroHungarian Empire which played a crucial role in placing this Northern Adriatic gem on the map of the most sophisticated tourist destinations in the Balkan region and the world. Since 2017, when we prepared the last meetologue, Opatija has profoundly changed. Hotels are constantly being renovated and opened, and there are some changes in ownership. During our visit the news of the new ownership of the Liburnia Riviera Hotels came to our attention. If we compared Opatija to a sleeping beauty a decade ago, we can now say it is awake and alive. But most importantly, it is bustling with life in the summer, with several festivals taking place. Next year, when the neighbouring city of Rijeka is the European Capital of Culture 2020, the cultural offer will even be richer. Opatija can not only take pride in its unique Belle Époque architectural style and landscape charms but also in the warm and welcoming approach of the locals who in many ways seem to have inherited the noble spirit of the former monarchy, treating each guest with respect, complaisance and catching cordiality. In the words of Goran Pavlović, the head of the Convention and Incentive Bureau at the Opatija Tourist Board, “Opatija is a rare mixture of history, tradition, enchanting cultural and natural diversity, supplemented with proximity and closeness to all major Central European cities”. WHEN IT ALL BEGAN – FOLLOWING THE EMPIRE’S FOOTSTEPS Opatija was formed in the 12th century when St. James’s church was built with a corresponding monastery—a Benedictine abbey for its ministers, which gave Opatija its name. Namely, Opatija in Croatian means abbey, the abbey of St. James, who is also the guardian of the city. Later on, in the 19th century, Opatija became a part of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and soon became a fashionable resort of the Austro-Hungarian nobility. As mentioned above the Congress of Balneologists, where Opatija was officially declared as the first bathing and climatic health resort on the Adriatic Sea, represented the springboard for the future development of the city which today reigns as the unbeatable queen in the field of leisure and business tourism in Croatia and beyond. By 1913, Opatija had turned into an elite resort, boasting dozens of hotels, 44 bed and breakfasts, 83 villas and even 5 bathing complexes surrounded by beautiful botanical gardens and didn’t cease to flourish during all these years, positioning itself as a world-renowned, distinguished tourism destination. Opatija was one of Europe’s most important health resorts of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century, alongside Nice, Karlovy Vary, Cannes and Biarritz. Even the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud advised his patients: “Go take your cure in the waters of Opatija!”. Considered one of the most beautiful Croatian cities, Opatija today represents a social and cultural intersection of the region combining Italian, Austrian and Croatian cultural heritage. AT THE CROSSROADS OF CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN EUROPE Opatija’s favourable central position in the Alpe-Adria region, which

includes the countries of Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Austria and Hungary certainly adds to its everlasting popularity. Opatija is situated in the Kvarner Gulf, the northern part of the Croatian Adriatic Sea, and is, therefore, the closest sea resort to all Central and Western Europe countries, which is why Kvarner Bay was and still is a very popular tourist destination. It is also located at the geographical crossroads of western Croatia, southern Slovenia and eastern Italy, lying at the foot of the Učka mountain, a natural reserve, and covering an area of 54 square kilometres. The best thing about this noble seaside resort is precisely its location. Opatija is within the radius of a 5-hour-drive from some of the most important cities in Southern and Central Europe like Zagreb, Ljubljana, Venice, Milan, Vienna, Budapest, Salzburg, Munich, etc. Nearby, there are five international airports—Rijeka Airport on the island of Krk, Pula, Zagreb, Ljubljana-Brnik and Trieste, not to mention Venice airport which is the best choice for transcontinental flights. During summer 2019, Rijeka Airport was connected with 17 European cities, while during the winter season it is connected with Munich and Dusseldorf twice a week. OPATIJA IN BETWEEN GREEN AND BLUE HORIZONS As a seaside resort, Opatija’s great advantage is the sea with the nearby islands Krk, Cres and Lošinj, the mild climate and the Učka massif which protects Opatija from the cold northern winds. The vegetation in this part of Croatia is stunning. Opatija enjoys the microclimate of the Kvarner region, characterised by mild temperatures throughout the whole year and light rain that supports the growth of lush subtropical vegetation surrounded by laurel woods, pine and palm trees, not to mention the majestic oak forests/trees covering the slopes of the mountain Učka. The forest is interlaced with many stone-paved paths that speak of the glorious Austro-Hungarian period when the emperor Franz Joseph, in order to maintain the image of an exquisite tourist resort, arranged many walking paths in the hills of the Učka massif and built the famous coastal promenade—the Lungomare, a more than 100-year-old and 10 km long coastal walking path connecting Opatija and Lovran. All this abundant vegetation gives Opatija a fresh and vital look, especially in combination with the town’s parks like Park Angiolina and Park of St. James which represent the monumental park architecture of Opatija. The Park of St. James was recently also awarded the prize for the most beautiful Croatian park. There you can find more than 150 plant species, among the most prominent are laurel, the leafless magnolia, cedar trees, pines, cherry-laurel, wood date-palms and camellias that have become symbols of Opatija. THE “OLD DAME” WITH RICH EXPERIENCE, EXQUISITE LOOKS AND A VISION It seems that the geographical position, the rich historical background and mostly the beautiful natural scenery have enabled Opatija to keep reinventing itself and maintain its leading position as a unique tourist destination. It continues to deliver and create new attractive stories in all cultural, touristic, urban and business areas. Opatija may appear like an “Old Lady”, but this olds lady has rich experience in the leisure and business tourism sector, incomparable charm accompanied by strong architectural, natural and cultural features that have been inviting, inspiring and fascinating visitors for more than 170 years. A rich architectural heritage of well-preserved and magnificent villas—the prime examples of Belle Époque architecture that dominate the coastline, nicely decorated gardens which give the city an aristocratic feel, luxury


restaurants, spa facilities, etc., all give the city its vital dynamics and a youthful spirit. The most intriguing thing about Opatija is that its core is more vivid than most of the top touristic destinations on the Adriatic. Namely, Opatija is one of the busiest tourist destinations in Croatia, since it offers an all year round tourist buzz.

Premium Hotel Imperial, Amadria Park Hotel Milenij, Remisens Hotel Admiral, Hotel Villa Kapatanović, Hotel Bristol by OHM Group and Hotel Mozart). Boutique Hotel Navis with a meeting room for 40 guests and the newly opened Ikador Luxury Boutique Hotel & Spa with a capacity for 16 guests are perfect venues for board meetings or other smaller groups.

CONGRESS IS KING Opatija is a synonym for meetings tourism and has been considered a major convention destination for several decades now. Namely, Opatija hosts more than 500 congresses, seminars, various meetings and events each year and more than 50% of them are organised by Opatija’s regular customers and partners. Some of them have been coming to Opatija for the past 40 years. Opatija’s main focus is to provide an allyear-round tourism offer and has succeeded in doing exactly that to this day. For instance, in January Opatija covers 10% of the entire Croatian tourism income, which can be a surprising fact if we compare it to other mega tourism hubs like Dubrovnik or Rovinj which have over 30,000 beds (Opatija has 9,000 beds in total) but are only full during the high season period.

The capacities of special venues range from 500 participants in the Gervais Centre to 2500 participants in the Open Air Theatre. The multifunctional Marino Cvetković Sports Hall is a great place for fairs or exhibitions and can accommodate up to 2700 participants.

Today Opatija boasts 5 major congress hotels and 3 special venues. The Amadria Park Grand Hotel 4 Opatijska Cvijeta can host up to 1,000 participants in Conference Park 25/7, which offers 9 meeting rooms on 3 floors. Next door is the Amadria Park Hotel Royal, that prides itself on the large Royal Hall, a banquet hall, covering an area of 950m2. It is the largest meeting hall in Opatija by area, offering capacities for up to 800 people. The Remisens Premium Hotel Ambasador has been completely renovated in 2019 and offers a meeting hall welcoming 515 delegates. Grand Hotel Adriatic is the hotel with the longest meetings tradition in modern times. The hotel includes two different complexes and an amphitheatrical meeting hall with 550 seats. The fifth is the Remisens Premium Hotel Kvarner, the hotel with the longest history on the Adriatic coast, as it was built in 1884 and has retained the charm of those days. Its historical Crystal Ballroom can accommodate up to 900 participants in a theatre set-up.

NEW HOTELS AND RENOVATIONS From 2017, when the last Opatija meetologue was prepared, Opatija has had many renovations and even openings of the new hotels and special venues. The first to mention is the Gervais Centre, which is a multifunctional venue, with the main auditorium hall for 500 guests. Beside the small hall, which can be into three additional meeting rooms, there is a spacious lobby on two levels, excellent for conference exhibitions. In addition, in the basement, there is a large club space, with a separate entrance, which can accommodate up to 1000 participants. The recent opening happened in spring of 2019, just a few kilometres out of the city centre. The Ikador Luxury Boutique Hotel & Spa was inspired by music and offers only one, but exclusive meeting room for 16 people. Some of the advantages are the fine dining restaurant Nobilion, the Ikalia Spa Center and the private Riva lounge beach bar. In 2019, the Remisens Premium Hotel Ambasador, which is one of the biggest conference hotels in Opatija, was completely renovated, from the spacious lobby to the rooms and meeting halls, which are now shining in trendy materials and colours. In 2016, the Milenij Hotels Group, which rebranded into Amadria Park started investment cycles in their hotels and conference

Conference organisers that are looking for capacities for up to 200 participants have even more choice, as there are another 6 hotels of matching size (Remisens Premium Grand Hotel Palace, Remisens

As some of the hotels are located one door away from each other, conference organisers can combine meeting rooms in different hotels. The largest meeting hosted by Opatija had almost 2000 participants as a city-wide event. It is worth mentioning that due to the huge number of hotel rooms and private accommodation, Opatija can simultaneously host 3–5 conferences for up to 450 participants.


facilities. The conference space called Conference Park 25/7 spreads over three levels with nine meeting halls and is equipped with all the modern technical equipment and some extra furniture that can be used for more creative types of events. This year the Bevanda and Navis boutique hotels have been joined by Hotel Ikador, which is located away from the city hustle on the edge of the Opatija Riviera. All 14 luxury rooms offer a beautiful view of the sea and the marina, where guests can also rent the hotel’s Acquariva speedboat and enjoy the beauty of the Opatija Riviera. TOP EVENT VENUES The Villa Ariston has a magnificent garden and represents the perfect venue place to host events like receptions, presentations and evening ceremonies for about 200–300 people. Here you can open a fashion show or have an intimate corporate party, with local food tastings, exclusive presentation of a new product, a business partners party, etc. Then there is the Lido Bevanda Beach resort, a special open-air venue with removable sliding glass doors so events can also be organised in the winter. The place is remarkable, located directly by the sea, offering unique views of the city of Opatija and its exclusive architectural masterpieces. It is best for hosting evening events, cocktails, receptions, etc. for up to 300 participants or more. In the proximity of Park Angiolina, there is the Juraj Šporer Art Pavilion, ideal for receptions, and Opatija’s Open Air Theatre—a large amphitheatre-shaped auditorium with a capacity of 2500. It is a perfect venue for concerts and open-air events. In addition to the large central stage, there is another, smaller stage, suitable for more intimate performances, cocktail parties and similar events.

TOP RESTAURANTS Gastronomy is still one of the pillars of Opatija’s offer. The Mediterranean cuisine based on fresh local ingredients can be enjoyed in many excellent and awarded restaurants. Some of them are part of the boutique hotels such as Bevanda, Ikador, Navis and Laurus. Among others, we have to mention Villa Ariston, Plavi Podrum and Kukuriku. Not far away along the riviera there are more of them like Draga di Lovrana (Michelin star), Johnsson and others. The great news is that the bigger hotels are also changing their routine following the latest trends to include as many local and fresh ingredients as possible. 3 BEST INCENTIVE IDEAS Retro Boat Party The RetrOpatija festival was first organised in 2014 along with the 170th anniversary of tourism in the town. The festival is a great inspiration for incentives, full of pleasant memories of youth. Boats, ranging in size and shape, sailing under the flag of the Katarina Line Agency, are the perfect choice for a one- or several-day party. With the help of the DJ, fashionable accessories and decorations, you will bring back the ambience of the 50s, 70s or the 80. For the icing on the cake, you can impress guests with exceptional gastronomy of that time. How about a “peach juice with cream”? Take a ride with Liburnia Classic Club The Opatija automotive club has been connecting over 60 lovers of classic cars from Opatija since 2009. In June, you can meet them at the famous rally and even more impressive for event organisers is the fact, that you can rent all the oldtimers along with their drivers and take your guests on an unforgettable ride through the Opatija Riviera. The oldest vehicle from the impressive collection is the Ford T Coupe from 1927 and you can also find convertibles such as the 1950 Buick or the 1960 Fiat Spider. Bike tour in Učka Nature Park For more active participants, the locals recommend the Bike Tour to Učka Nature Park, which offers 8 well-tended, marked mountain bike trails of varying difficulty to a total length of 180 km. You will be rewarded by magnificent views of Kvarner Bay, the islands, and the towns along the coast. If you want to spend the whole day in nature, a picnic lunch can be a part of your team experience. The local agency will prepare all the necessary ingredients, all you will have to do is light the fire and start preparing your Mediterranean meal.


DESTINATION CAPACITY The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms


The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


Destination population


Banquet hall maximum capacity


The largest hall in the city (in m2)

1650 m2

Maximum hall capacity in theatre style



A. NATURAL AND CULTURAL FACTORS: 4.79 The whole part of Kvarner below the Učka mountain is famous for its mild climate, due to the sunny position below Učka, which allows all-yearround tourism. Combined with lush vegetation and the clean Kvarner sea, this is main reason for the development of 30 kilometres of the Opatija or Liburnia Riviera. The primary tourist motive is, therefore, natural wellness that nicely upgrades the needs of meeting organisers. B. GENERAL AND TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE: 4.69 Connections with Rijeka are good and also at Opatija’s disposal is the relative proximity to the major population conglomerates of Central Europe. In terms of infrastructure, Opatija appears tidy and offers a truly diverse tourism story with the legendary tourist Adriatic Riviera connected with the attractive Lungomare promenade.

RESULTS Natural and cultural factors General and transport infrastructure Tourist infrastructure Meeting infrastructure Subjective grade Marketing Buzz ICCA index Numbeo Quality of Life Index Numbeo Safety Index ACI Airport Connectivity Index

MARKS 4.79 4.69 4.79 4.87 4.83 4.44 1.02 3.49 4.74 2.78


C. TOURIST INFRASTRUCTURE: 4.79 Almost every stone and building in Opatija is a witness to the rich history of the city’s tourism, which was once called the ‘Nice of the Adriatic’. With the renovation of hotels, which is in full swing, it will once again shine in its former beauty and with an upscale hotel offer. The rich gastronomy offers thrills, with some restaurants at the peak of Croatian cuisine.


D. MEETINGS INFRASTRUCTURE: 4.87 The ratio between hotel rooms and meeting facilities enables the organisation of medium-sized conferences with up to 600 participants. In Opatija there is virtually no hotel without meeting facilities, and the accompanying offer is also very attractive with its well-developed incentive programmes and the offer connected by the Opatija Convention Bureau.


Excellent meetings destination 5 Quality meeting destinations 4 Quality meeting destinations 3 Average meeting destinations 2 So-so 1


M - MEETING DESTINATIONS: Destinations that can host up to 1200 meeting attendees

E. SUBJECTIVE GRADE: 4.83 An elegant tourist lady who is showing her mature years but has managed to overcome old-fashioned habits and with major investments made in the past 3 years is ready to once again position herself as a leading meetings destination with an emphasis on tradition, style and exclusivity. COMPARISON WITH THE REGION The more than 170 years of tourism tradition is based on the positive energy of the riviera and the exceptional natural conditions. The revival of the Opatija meetings industry is seen through the constant renovation of hotels in the last few years and the opening of new boutique hotels, which are raising the level of the offer for the most demanding incentive groups. Through continuous promotion, the Convention and Incentive Bureau at the Opatija Tourist Board is changing the perception of Opatija. Compared to Dubrovnik, it shall be recognised as more suistanable, less crowded and a value-for-money incentive and meetings destination. COOL MEETINGS Kvarner scampi are considered to be the best in the world. Identified by the pale red colour and thinner armour, their speciality is—experts say— in that they live here in a very shallow sea with a lot of drinkable water springs and are therefore very soft and sweet.

WHO TO CONTACT Opatija Tourist Board Convention & Incentive Bureau Goran Pavlović Tel. +385 51 603 273, +385 99 226 3229 www.opatija-convention.com www.visitopatija.com goran@visitOpatija.com



Update: Old meets new GORAZD ÄŒAD //


INTRO 2019 Love at second sight is how I would describe Sofia. Slowly but surely, it will get under your skin and you will become best friends. Bulgarian people have to do a lot with that, as they are incredibly hospitable, talkative and always ready to help. More than anything, they are good and kindhearted people. Sofia has great meetings infrastructure, namely the NDK Congress Centre and the Inter Expo fairground, along with numerous



hotels with conference capacities around the city. Sofia is a city full of history, where new constantly intertwines with the old. There are no significant iconic buildings in the city, but you will find plenty of special venues. Getting to these venues is easy, thanks to the super modern and punctual subway connecting all the main parts of the city. In our opinion, Sofia is a seriously overlooked destination that deserves more attention from international meeting planners.


NEED TO KNOW 2019 Sofia has almost 2 million inhabitants, making public transport immensely important. The metro line in Sofia is very orderly and user-friendly. The trains are always on time and will take you all the way from the airport to the residential districts called “panelke”. Sofia’s airport is arguably the most modern in the Balkans, excellently connected with most European cities. Getting around Sofia is a piece of cake.

BEST INCENTIVE IDEA Tram Experience - We recommend a tour by one of the guides from The Feel of Sofia, who will show you all the different faces Sofia has to offer. The guides have special permission to drive a historical tram through the city streets and can take you all the way to the foot of Vitosha Mountain. Certainly better than any classical tourist tour. www.thefeelofsofia.com

DID YOU KNOW? Sofia is the capital of European film production. Numerous films have been produced in Sofia’s famous NU Boyana Film Studios. The studio was founded in 1962 and privatised in 2006. Today it’s known as one of the Top 10 best-equipped and most professional film studios in Europe. The geographical diversity and scenery are something both event planners and filmmakers appreciate. In Sofia, you can go from spectacular mountains and pristine nature to cinematic abandoned industrial buildings in a matter of minutes. Film stars are regular guests in the city. Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Antonio Banderas, Penelope Cruz, Shah Rukh Khan, Sylvester Stallone, Ben Kingsley and many more have filmed in Sofia.

PERFECT GIFT Sofia is regarded as one of the most creative cities in the Balkans. There’s no lack of amazing artists, who have their own galleries and shops around the city, where you can buy their t-shirts or posters. We guarantee you won’t find them anywhere else in the world. We were especially impressed by a local artist, Dido Peshev, who creates graphics for bands like Metallica and Linkin Park. His illustrations are a real source of inspiration and strong support to the local creative scene. www.barehandssociety.com BEST KEEPT SECRETS Sofia Tech Park is one of the new locations where you can organise events. It comprises several sections, the main part being the John Atanasoff Innovation Forum a full-blown congress centre with the largest hall accepting up to 1000 participants. The Tech Park is an ideal option for organisers of scientific association events. In addition to the main multifunctional hall, there are two smaller conference halls capable of hosting 250 people and an outside open amphitheatre for 250 participants. A few smaller seminar rooms complete the offer. www.sofiatech.bg/forum/ OFF THE BEATEN MICE TRACK - VITOSHA MOUNTAIN When was the last time you took a city bus to the foot of a mountain? You can start your ascent of Vitosha Mountain by taking the #63 bus line. The area is known as the lungs of Sofia and is a natural park where you can try numerous activities. The primary ones are skiing, hiking and mountain biking, but local DMCs offer many others, like driving up the mountain in off-road vehicles. Venturing out into nature is a pleasant way to escape the crowds in the urban Bulgarian capital. FOODIES Hunger is something you won’t experience in Sofia. At least not for long, as you will be tempted by the tasty, diverse and wallet-friendly Bulgarian cuisine. Bulgarians love Greek salads and cold yoghurt soups called “tarator” coupled with fresh cucumber and walnuts, which is very refreshing. They also have plenty of hangover cures, like their famous stews or “banitsa”, which is the Bulgarian version of the classical Balkan meat/cheese pie “burek”. They also love meat and restaurant tables are always full of steaks, meatballs, sausages and kebabs. Bulgarians cater to all tastes and occasions. You shouldn’t miss their street food offer like the Barbecue Brothers. VOICES • https://kongres-magazine.eu/2019/09/voices-from-sofia-emilshukadarov-bulgarian-convention-bureau/ • https://kongres-magazine.eu/2019/09/voices-from-sofia-ivaylokozuharov-gm-of-hotel-expo-sofia/


WHAT’S HOT IN 2019 • Sofair 2019 / 12 April 2019 An international high-level conference on air pollution Venue: NDK Sofia • WEBIT.FESTIVAL Europe 2019 / 13–15 May 2019 Europe’s Innovation and Tech Flagship Forum Venue: NDK Sofia • Eastern European Gaming Summit / 19–20 November 2019 The most prestigious forum in the gaming industry in Eastern Europe Venue: Inter Expo Center, Sofia, Bulgaria


RESULTS Natural and cultural factors General and transport infrastructure Tourist infrastructure Meeting infrastructure Subjective grade Marketing Buzz ICCA index Numbeo Quality of Life Index Numbeo Safety Index ACI Airport Connectivity Index Final grade

2017 4.32 4.48 4.71 4.38 4.56 3.48 2.70 2.66 3.03 3.55 3.79

2018 4.35 4.51 4.75 4.41 4.60 3.48 3.40 2.55 3.05 3.57 3.87

2019 4.35 4.55 4.78 4.56 4.64 3.49 3.90 2.60 3.52 3.72 3.97



XL - MEETING DESTINATIONS: Destinations that can host more than 2000 meeting attendees

Excellent meetings destination: 5 Quality meeting destinations: 4 Quality meeting destinations: 3 Average meeting destinations: 2 So-so: 1

DESTINATION CAPACITY The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms


Banquet hall maximum capacity

The number of 4* and 5* category hotels


The largest hall in the city 9000 m2 (in m2)

Destination population


Maximum hall capacity in 3380 theatre style


ADDITIONAL DESTINATION INDICATORS 2019 ICCA Index - worldwide ranking - number of meetings

90 / 3.90

Numbeo Quality of Life Index

127.49 / 2.60

ACI Airport Connectivity Index

2289 / 3.72

Numbeo Safety Index

64.00 / 3.52

We visited Sofia in September 2019. Sofia participates in the MTLG 2019 destination evaluation. More information can be found on the website www.kongres-magazine.eu WHO TO CONTACT Bulgarian Convention Bureau 1 “Bulgaria” Sq., Sofia, 1463, Building of National Palace of Culture T: +359 899 826502 E: office@bgcb.eu www.bgcb.eu




CATEGORY 4**** OPENED SINCE Built in 2004, renovated in 2013 MEETINGS STAR City meeting hotels STANDARD Hotel with conference facilities NUMBER OF ROOMS 99 rooms PRICE INTERNET EUR 88–150 (single use) / Trivago, September 2019 ADDRESS Best Western Plus Hotel Expo 149 Tsarigradsko Shoose, Blvd. 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria P: +359 (0)2 817 81 00 E: reservations@hotelexposofia.com FACILITIES Restaurant Forego Sauna and Fitness Room Business Lounge Free shuttle to the airport Garden for meetings and events SPECIALS The garden is a great alternative to the meeting halls in the warmer months and a refreshing addition to the classical meetings offer. I think every meeting planner will be able to appreciate that.


LOCATION The hotel is located in the eastern part of the city, where a modern technological and business centre is developing. The hotel is surrounded by skyscrapers and the headquarters of numerous multinationals and large Bulgarian companies. This is the most modern, urban and youthful part of Sofia. In addition, the hotel’s neighbour is the Sofia Inter Expo Center, a Bulgarian meetings industry institution and a strong strategical advantage. Despite not being in the strict centre of the city, the location is still attractive and even more accessible during rush hour in Sofia. ACCESSIBILITY The airport is only a 10-minute drive away, but we recommend taking the metro line, which is very clean and will get you there even quicker. The Inter Expo Center metro station is the closest, only 100-metres from the hotel. We also recommend the metro if you want to go to the city centre. This will only take you about 15 minutes. The hotel has a large carpark and its own shuttle bus that takes guests to the airport and to a nearby shopping centre. Accessibility is, therefore, excellent, as the hotel is close to all the main highways and the airport. COLD APPETIZER - ARCHITECTURE AND AESTHETICS The modern hotel building is part of Sofia’s developing “Manhattan” area in the suburbs. The 9-storey building has a glass facade, fitting in perfectly with the rest of the surrounding skyscrapers and office buildings. Functional. That is how I would describe the architecture. The interior has been recently renovated and feels quite pleasant with some tiny details that remind you of a living room. Pastel colours are the main theme and the overall design of the hotel is quite convincing. A great 4-star option. WARM ENTRÉE - THE STAFF AND THE CULINARY EXPERIENCE The staff is definitely on a 4-star hotel level. Remarkably praiseworthy is the restaurant staff, who go the extra mile for their guests. Breakfast is standardised and should be more local, especially when you look at the diversity of Bulgarian cuisine. MAIN COURSE – THE MEETINGS OFFER AT THE HOTEL Hotel rooms The hotel rooms are tailored to business guests. Pastel colours go nicely with the functional furniture in brighter tones. There are loads of cubbyholes to put stuff in and enough space to get some work done. The bed is excellent and the room is well equipped with everything a business guest might need. Meetings centre The hotel has a smaller meetings centre made up of two meeting halls that can fit up to 150 people and smaller conference rooms. Both meeting halls have relatively high ceilings,


improving the overall feeling of spaciousness. An additional conference hall is located on the first floor, perfect for receptions and very popular among wedding planners. Alternatively, the Forego restaurant can also be arranged as an event venue, maybe one of the most attractive ones in the hotel, if you ask me. The garden is also a great alternative to the meeting halls in the warmer months and a refreshing addition to the classical meetings offer. DESSERT – THE EXTRAS The hotel is positioned right beside the biggest fairground in Sofia, the Expo Center. If you are attending an event there, the hotel is definitely the best and closest option, providing the highest quality.



GOLD final score SILVER final score BRONZE final score

from 4.81 to 5.00 from 4.61 to 4.80 from 4.41 to 4.60


FLOP – UNPLEASANT SURPRISES Relatively small lifts, which thankfully function quickly and efficiently TOP – PLEASANT SURPRISES The restaurant staff are very professional, fast and adaptable to different needs. FINAL IMPRESSION AND CREDIBILITY The recently refreshed Hotel Expo is now functionally even more perfected and practical for business guests. It has a great location and as a whole, is definitely one of the most interesting meeting hotels in the city. Positive surprises await at every corner and we certainly recommend it for your next stay or event in Sofia..

    

The HIDDEN GUEST section is not paid. The selection of the hotels that are evaluated by the hidden meeting guest is at the discretion of the editorial board and the visits are unannounced.

4.53 Final Grade



CATEGORY 4****S OPENED SINCE 1982 MEETINGS STAR Resort meeting hotel STANDARD Congress Hotel NUMBER OF ROOMS 200 rooms and suites PRICE INTERNET EUR 220 - 265 (single use) / Trivago, September 2019 ADDRESS Hotel Gut Brandlhof Hohlwegen 4, 5760 Saalfelden, Austria T: +43 (0)6582 7800-00 E: office@brandlhof.com FACILITIES Golf Club Gut Brandlhof (18 lukenj) Tennis Court (zunanja in notranja igrišča) Multi Court (večnamensko igrišče) Squash Court Fitness Centre (350 m2) Vivid Spa & Beauty (3000 m2) 10 restaurants B'350 (Gala dvorana za 330 udeležencev) Conference Centre (3500 m2) Team challenge zone Autohaus - industrijska event lokacija Wilderer Alm- alpska koča EventO - innovative oval and rectangular room SPECIALS OAMTC Driving Technique Centre is a safety driving school that is part of the hotel resort, spread across 70.000 sqm. It has an off-road course and a simulation of winter driving conditions. www.brandlhof.com

LOCATION If you are a skier, driving towards Saalfelden will give you a tingly sensation. You will want to grab your skis and head to the nearest ski lift station or put on a pair of hiking boots and take off into the mountains. The region is the heart of active experiences in Austria, famous for its excellent hotels. A special family hotel was built, a stone’s throw away from the ski slope at a spectacular location. It was the vision of husband and wife duo, Birgit and Alexander Strobl, who grew the small family hotel into one of the best hotels in the region. Sitting on the edge of Steinerne Meer mountain massif, the estate stretches across 450 acres of land, allowing their offer to develop in a big way. The hotels is perfect for events and praised by meeting planners, especially those organising car launches and active programmes. ACCESSIBILITY The motorway from Salzburg to the Saalfelden skiing heaven branches off in Bischofshofen, a picturesque drive that is part of the overall experience. Orderly railway connections are also a great option to get to Saalfelden. Salzburg is an hour and a half away and Munich is also not that far. The hotel is 5 kilometers away from the very centre of Saalfelden and a large car park is available for guests arriving with cars. COLD STARTER - ARCHITECTURE AND AESTHETICS The hotel evolved through different phases, but the needs of event organisers were always at the forefront. The design is an upgrade of the typical Alpine/Austrian architecture with a modern twist. A bird’s eye view reveals how vast the resort actually is and it’s then that you realise what the hotel is capable of. You will also start to appreciate the owners entrepreneurial spirit, transforming the place into a resort with one of the most complete congress offers in Europe. WARM ENTRÉE - THE STAFF AND THE CULINARY EXPERIENCE The staff’s kindness and hospitality is above standard. The large team is obviously well taken care of and that translates to their service. Self-service breakfast is great with a lot of frontcooking and local ingredients. There’s a lot of restaurant-looking spaces around the hotel inviting you to sit down and grab something to eat. Their catering offer is also high quality, satisfying the needs of the most demanding meeting planners. MAIN COURSE – THE MEETINGS OFFERING AT THE HOTEL Hotel rooms The rooms are modern and well furnished. Because of different development phases, there’s many room types, but all of them are very spacious. Use of wood is predominant, just like in most hotels in the region. All rooms feature gorgeous views of the mountainside and a balcony or terrace. The bathroom is above-standard and as a whole, the rooms can easily be placed in the 5-star category.


Meetings centre The resort boasts 23 congress halls and 3.500 sqm with the largest hall capable of accepting 700 participants in plenary set-up. Six incredible event locations that even the largest European congress centres would envy are available throughout the resort. Different combinations are available, making the hotel’s meetings offer truly diverse. Together with the OAMTC driving centre, the hotel is a match made in heaven for automotive events. DESSERT – THE EXTRAS Event Room - 700 sqm of space adapted to the needs of automotive event organisers. Industrial design, a car wash and everything you might need for the perfect car presentations is there.



GOLD final score SILVER final score BRONZE final score FLOP – UNPLEASANT SURPRISES Because of its size, getting around the hotel resort can be complicated at first, but everything is well marked, helping you orientate. TOP – PLEASANT SURPRISES The resort has an 18-hole championship golf course with a recently renovated clubhouse, where you can also carry out corporate events. FINAL IMPRESSION AND CREDIBILITY A hotel that is developing and growing at such a fast pace is hard to find anywhere else in Europe. 30 years of development and listening to guests’ wishes has lead Hotel Gut Brandlhof to create an incredible offer that can not be fully described in just a few sentences. Guests spending time in their hotel rooms is something that rarely happens in Brandlhof, as the accompanying offer is so rich. Not to mention the excellent cuisine. The requirements of meeting planners are different. Some are satisfied with the basic, others want spectacular. One thing remains true for everyone, we all love a complete package and that’s exactly what you will get in Hotel Gut Brandlhof.

from 4.81 to 5.00 from 4.61 to 4.80 from 4.41 to 4.60


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The HIDDEN GUEST section is not paid. The selection of the hotels that are evaluated by the hidden meeting guest is at the discretion of the editorial board and the visits are unannounced.

4.85 Final Grade



Charismatic Alpine Hotel MAMA THRESL

CATEGORY 4**** OPENED SINCE November 2014 MEETINGS STAR Boutique meeting hotel STANDARD Hotel with conference facilities NUMBER OF ROOMS 50 rooms PRICE INTERNET EUR 235–390 (single use) / Trivago, September 2019 ADDRESS Mama Thresl Sonnberg 252 A-5771 Leogang, Austria T: +43 6583 20800 E: info@mama-thresl.com FACILITIES Well-being Area Live DJ Clubbing Black Box Natural Stone Showers Think Thank (conference centre) Lobby Lounge with 315-inch screen wall Sunny rooftop terrace Island Bar BBQ Mama Thresl SPECIALS Rooftop terrace – a place for relaxation and an excellent venue for receptions or parties in the warmer months


LOCATION Saalfelden Leogang is situated at the heart of the Austrian Alps and is home to the largest skiing resort in Austria, Saalbach Hinterglemm Leogang, with 270 kilometres of ski slopes and views to die for. Hotel Mama Thresl sits right next to the bottom gondola station Asitzbah, which takes skiers to the very heart of this skiing paradise. In the last couple of years, the area has also become popular with bikers and hikers. Saalfelden Leogang has over 720 km of mountain bike routes and 480 km of valley cycle paths. Adding to the classical offer are numerous creative incentive stories that can be tried and tested all year-round. In Leogang, being bored is something they haven’t heard of. This becomes clear when you look at the vast range of programmes they offer, from crazy adrenaline experiences to top-notch culinary journeys. ACCESSIBILITY It takes an hour and a half to get to the nearest airport in Salzburg. Munich Airport is two hours away, which could be considered as a big downside, but the scenery on your way to this incentive paradise is so picturesque that you won’t even think about the long drive. We recommend using their excellent railway network and the nearest station is only 15 minutes away from the hotel. Guests arriving by car are also taken care of, as there is a large carpark. There is even a storage area where you can clean and lock your bike or store everything you might need for incentive experiences the next morning. COLD STARTER - ARCHITECTURE AND AESTHETICS The hotel is a reflection of how local culture and urban guests connect. It’s where alpine architecture meets modern trends, creating an exceptional story with the mighty Steinernen Meer mountains as the backdrop. Mama Thresl is not your typical Austrian alpine hotel, something that can be experienced right off the gate. You can enter the hotel via a climbing wall if you don’t feel like going through the regular entrance. The foyer is full of architectural installations like a giant tree trunk, a bucket that you winch down to the bar and order drinks or a classy stone table with hi-tech screens. It’s a place where you could easily spend the entire day, simply hanging out or dancing to good music. The positive atmosphere is carried on through to the rest of the hotel, especially in their small wellness centre. There you will find The Empty Room, a place of complete zen, where you will do nothing, but stare nature in the eye. Breathtaking. WARM ENTRÉE - THE STAFF AND THE CULINARY EXPERIENCE The staff will be smiling from check-in to check-out. With an authentic smile that is. The team functions well and it seems that they really enjoy what they do. Their casual uniforms have some traditional Austrian touches, a funky combination that we really liked. Their culinary offer stretches out all the way to Asia and successfully attracts outside guests as well. The breakfast is also excellent. It’s a modern kitchen closely tied to tradition and strictly local ingredients. The dishes are refined and creative, yet simple and immensely tasty.


MAIN COURSE – THE MEETINGS OFFERING AT THE HOTEL Hotel rooms How can one describe a hotel room that is way more than just a hotel room? Where do I start...The hotel room is an ethnographical experience of a typical Alpine hut with wood giving it incredible warmth. A giant rock serves as a barrier between the shower and the room, there’s a beautiful stone sink and contact with nature is omnipresent. The retro architectural details are inspiring. You won’t even see the TV at first, as its inventively hidden behind a stone wall. The hangers are made out of hazel branches and the wardrobe is all wooden. Amazing, unbelievable and without competition is how I would describe the room. You simply have to spend a night there to experience it. Meetings centre A smaller Think Tank hall has space for up to 120 participants and natural light, despite being in the basement. The main theme of the hall is also wood, creating a very pleasant atmosphere.


DESSERT – THE EXTRAS Sustainability and the use of natural materials played a key role in designing the hotel, which is almost entirely made out of wood.


FLOP – UNPLEASANT SURPRISES Some inconsistencies that result from the team not having had the time to settle into a routine yet. We are certain that they will be corrected within a few weeks of the opening. TOP – PLEASANT SURPRISES An exceptional story with details like the daily menu printed every day with information about different activities and a birthday message to a guest who had just celebrated her birthday. A personalised message awaits every guest in their room and there are plenty of more details like this scattered throughout the hotel. FINAL IMPRESSION AND CREDIBILITY Mother Theresia is certainly proud of her son Hubert and his wife Renata Oberlader, who came up with this hotel story. The hotel is incredible in many ways and it quickly became the highlight of Leogang’s offer. It’s completely in tune with the town’s spirit, which thrives with the help of their famous mountain biking resort. It’s also the first choice for incentive programme organisers. As their slogan says, Mama Thresl is where an urban soul meets the Alps. It breathes a modern, active lifestyle while carrying a signature from its owners. It’s exciting and fun, perfect for incentive groups. As it is so far from what hotel guests expect, it will definitely get under your skin.


GOLD final score SILVER final score BRONZE final score

from 4.81 to 5.00 from 4.61 to 4.80 from 4.41 to 4.60


    

The HIDDEN GUEST section is not paid. The selection of the hotels that are evaluated by the hidden meeting guest is at the discretion of the editorial board and the visits are unannounced.

4.93 Final Grade



CATEGORY 5***** OPENED SINCE August 2019 MEETINGS STAR Boutique meeting hotel STANDARD Hotel with conference facilities NUMBER OF ROOMS 25 rooms and suites PRICE INTERNET EUR 235–390 (single use) / Trivago, September 2019 ADDRESS San Canzian Village & Hotel Mužolini Donji 7 HR- 52460 Buje T: + 385 99 302 0000 E: info@san-canzian.hr FACILITIES Restaurant Noel Noel Bar Pool Bar Sauna & Relax Zone Local Experiences Authentic snacks and room surprises SPECIALS Arguably the best restaurant in Croatia with a Michelin star opened its doors as part of the San Canzian hotel in August. Finding a more interesting hotel restaurant with such a complete culinary offer concept in the Alpe-Adria region will be a challenge.


LOCATION The San Canzian hotel is a stone’s throw away from Buje, a small town positioned above the picturesque vineyards of northwestern Istria. Due to urbanisation, the small village of Mužolini Donji was losing inhabitants. Thankfully, it was discovered by Leopold Botteri, a former journalist for Slobodna Dalmacija and a revolutionary when it came to the production of olive oil in Croatia. The hotel’s position on top of a rocky Istrian valley is truly scenic, full of romantic views stretching out to the sea. Important is also the fact that the village is positioned right in the middle of Istria’s culinary coral reef, where bad food is hard to find. The owners have embedded that into every pore of the new hotel. ACCESSIBILITY The town of Buje lies around 10 kilometres from the beach connecting Umag and Novigrad. It is easily accessible via the main Istrian motorway. Most guests arrive with their own vehicles, but they provide a shuttle service with one of their luxury cars. A spacious carparking is available, from which a golf cart will take you to the heart of the San Canzian complex. The closest airport is in Pula, a good 75 kilometres away and Trieste Airport is also really close (80km). Air connectivity is improving each year and Istria is becoming increasingly accessible as a tourist destination. COLD STARTER - ARCHITECTURE AND AESTHETICS The owners of the San Canzian village have managed to keep everything in its original frames, paying incredible attention to detail, while having a good taste for modern hotel amenities. It seems as if the hotel has been there since the very beginning. It blends nicely with the green Istrian hillside, thanks in part to the architect Boris Ružić. Boris was in charge of the hotel’s design, excellently combining aesthetics with functionality and mixing a traditional Istrian style with modern materials and colours. The merging of antique and modern is inspiring. It’s the reason why San Canzian is so special and different. The concept of a spread-out hotel complex has been polished to perfection in San Canzian. WARM ENTRÉE - THE STAFF AND THE CULINARY EXPERIENCE A month after the grand opening, the staff team is already well coordinated. If excellent cuisine is the hotel’s flag, great service and kind staff are its coat-of-arms. The culinary offer in San Canzian alone would need a separate Hidden Congress Guest reportage. The breakfast is an experience, a gourmet journey through samples of local culinary tradition. Everything is local, fresh and of the highest quality. Noel restaurant is on another level and if I had to write a separate report on it, the scores would include nothing but superlatives. One of the best Croatian barman, Karlo Ferenčak, heightens the experience when he serves you drinks and so does the signature coffee in the morning. Top-notch cuisine is the heart and soul of the San Canzian story.


MAIN COURSE – THE MEETINGS OFFERING AT THE HOTEL Hotel rooms The hotel rooms are minimalistic but hide some interesting details. The grey walls have a soothing effect, the perfect background for graphics by the famous artist Duje Botteri from Split. Restored pieces of old furniture combined with designer chairs and cool lighting create a really pleasant atmosphere. The bed is great and you are bound to sleep like a baby. The bathroom, where oak wood is the main theme, rounds up the hotel room experience nicely. Meetings centre You won’t find a classical meeting hall in San Canzian. You can privatise the hotel restaurant and the picturesque surroundings of the hotel are full of inspiring places for events. The hotel provides some interesting experiences like cooking classes or rides with oldtimer cars, which are a great starting point for other incentive or teambuilding programmes. We think these programmes will be developed even more in the future. DESSERT – THE EXTRAS The outdoor pool and a small sauna are samples of what’s to come in the new wellness centre, which they are planning in the next phase of development. Swimming in the pool with views of the Istrian countryside is a real joy.

FLOP – UNPLEASANT SURPRISES The lighting in the bathrooms could be better and there are some constructional inconsistencies, but they do not disrupt the overall positive impression. TOP – PLEASANT SURPRISES The story of a hotel village, which grew from a strong passion and love for everything local, would never have happened if development had been taken over by a classical hotel developer. All credit to Leopold Botteri and his team for the courage to create such an outstanding hotel story and its realisation. FINAL IMPRESSION AND CREDIBILITY The rooms, the architecture, the food... everything is on the highest level. Even by Istrian standards, where there’s a sea of quality hotels, San Canzian stands out. Incentive groups might not be put in the forefront at the moment, but we believe that will change after the main tourist seasons. For incentive groups of up to 20 people, the hotel is the perfect choice. The concept allows for privatisation, immensely appreciated by meeting planners. Thanks to the amazing culinary offer and above-standard technical equipment, the future for San Canzian in the event sector is also really bright.



GOLD final score SILVER final score BRONZE final score

from 4.81 to 5.00 from 4.61 to 4.80 from 4.41 to 4.60


    

The HIDDEN GUEST section is not paid. The selection of the hotels that are evaluated by the hidden meeting guest is at the discretion of the editorial board and the visits are unannounced.

4.88 Final Grade

58 48 HOURS


The fairy-tale destination in the heart of Slovenia SARA TIEFENGRABER //


Bled. The fairy-tale destination in the heart of Slovenia. With its rich history and plentiful natural surroundings, the options for any type of tourist are endless. Some places are a must-see in every tourist guide, others are little known jewels that will thrill you and make you come back for more. DAY ONE 10:00 Arrival in Bled and check-in at your accommodation. 10:30 Take a stroll around the lake, which is just as charming for 10th time as for the 1st. Take in the greenness and the impressive, restored Bled villas and enjoy a coffee in Belvedere, the café at Villa Bled, which used to belong to Josip Broz Tito. 12:00 Reward yourself with lunch at the Old Cellar Bled, that will take you on a journey of Slovenian tastes and wine. 14:00 Now that you are full and rested, take on the challenge of renting a boat and rowing to the island in the middle of the lake. Once you reach the island, explore all the hidden gems like the small chapel on the north edge of the island. Visit Potičnica, where a traditional Slovenian pastry called potica in baked and explore its traditional meaning. Before leaving you must try a version of potica unique to the island with a filling of hazelnuts and dry figs that grew on the island. 16:00 Visit St Martin’s church and immerse yourself in the brilliant works of Slovenian artists and architects. Admire the landmark in the garden front of the church that was put there by Jože Plečnik, the most famous Slovenian architect to date. 17:30 Take the short but steep hike to the top of Ojstrica hill that will reward you with scenic views of Bled and the lake. Take a seat on the bench at the top, wait for the sunset and enjoy the magical scenery around you. 19:00 Go for dinner at Bled Castle and delight your taste buds with exquisite cuisine, while relishing the spectacular night-time view of Bled in lights.

DAY TWO 8:00 Breakfast 9:00 Take a morning walk up Straža hill and experience the healing ways of Bled’s pioneer healer Arnold Rikli. Once on top, take the summer toboggan down the hill for a kick of adrenaline in the Adventure Park. 11:00 Head over to the teaching beehives and learn about bees and beekeeping in the land of the pioneer of modern beekeeping methods. Get to know traditional Slovenian agriculture up close and admire the beautiful artistic beehive panels. 13:00 Have lunch in the nearby Ribno area at the authentic Pr’ Povšin Tourist Farm and explore delicious Slovenian traditional food. 15:00 Continue exploring Ribno, where tradition is still very much alive and immerse yourself in the peace, quiet and serenity. Take a walk on the uncrowded path around the lake and relish the nature all around you. Cross the bridge over Sava river to the Talež hunter’s cabin, where a stunning view of the Radovljica fields, Bled and Karavanke will open up in front of you. 17:00 Continue further to Bohinjska Bela, a green valley, full of hidden natural caves. Enter the cave under Babji Zob and explore the underground passages, rich with stalactites, crystals and other cave formations. 19:30 Dinner at Okarina Restaurant in Bled will round off your active day perfectly with a selection of classic and modern Slovenian food. DAY THREE 10:00 Departure for the airport.

WHO TO CONTACT Bled Tourist Board & Convention Bureau Turizem Bled Ljubljanska cesta 27 4260 Bled T: +386 4 578 05 00 E: meetings@visitbled.si www.bled.si/en/



Re-connect in a beautiful, tucked away piece of nature SARA TIEFENGRABER //


Experience the inviting atmosphere of the small unpopulated Croatian island at the gateway to the renowned National Park of the Kornati Islands. Enjoy the serenity of the natural environment, away from the tiring pace of modern life and experience the peace of olive trees, starry nights and the sound of waves. The magic of the island creates perfect conditions for various offerings by amazing hosts, intended to relax and rejuvenate. One is tempted to try a class of bodywork awareness through yoga, dance or meditation, or unwind with a massage, go for a swim and indulge in delicious healthy food. Hosts support the local economy by using local food produce (olive oil, cheese, fruit, essential oils and so on) making the whole experience truly local and unique. For a complete re-set from everyday life, it is possible to rent a private bay for a fully relaxing day. In the privacy of the bay you can receive holistic therapy, where the treatment is given on a patio platform, under white baldachins overlooking the surrounding islands. The therapist works with deep breathing and a heart-centred focus, providing the client with balance, energy flow and peace.



Take a journey through the rich history and taste of an iconic brandy SARA TIEFENGRABER //


When visiting Slovakia, make the trip a lasting memory by experiencing the story of a top-quality brandy in its homestead. Its intense and deeply consistent flavour, characterised by a golden amber colour, distinctive aroma and rounded flavour of dried fruits, is a perfect treat for your taste buds on special occasions. At the distillery you are invited to explore the early beginnings of the brandy and the path it has taken until the present day. You will also be taken through the production method of the premium Karpatske brandy to understand what it takes to produce five-star or even seven-star spirits and shown exactly how one drinks brandy properly to grasp the full flavour and aroma. Karpatske brandy is an icon among quality Slovakian spirits, appreciated by domestic and international brandy lovers. It is accompanied by an interesting legend about the knight portrayed on the bottle label. The legend says that the hero Stibor of Stiborice, bravely swam across the Danube River with his entire armour on to save the king in a battle against the Turks. As they say, he owes his courage to the brandy he drank.






THE FIRST IMPRESSION COUNTS Driving on the highway from the modern airport towards the centre of Yekaterinburg, we can see a majestic LED screen, which is an integral part of the brand-new congress centre. Behind the modern façade, hides probably the most beautiful congress hall in Russia and Europe right now. The Congress Centre, which marks the entrance to the city, is a thoughtful architectural response to the city’s new vision and a foundation of the new meetings industry future in Russia’s 4th biggest city. The Centre reinforces Yekaterinburg’s vision as a junction of business and MICE opportunities between Europe and Asia. EXCEPTIONAL ARCHITECTURE The conceptual design was made by the renowned architect Jose Asebijo Marin from the Barcelona bureau AUSarchitecture and German architect Kai Bierich, who, among other buildings, designed Congress Centre Stuttgart Messe. Upon completion of the construction, the Centre will include numerous additional services, such as restaurants, recreation areas and a hotel. The location’s great advantage is that it has no restrictions, which is why the concept can be described as dynamic architecture, which opens towards the idyllic Ural landscape, while the new Congress Centre’s façade defines its view from the highway.

TOP EVENTS 2019 • International Industrial Fair INNOPROM which has been held annually in Yekaterinburg since 2010 8–11 July 2019 (https://www.innoprom.com/en/about/ general-information/), • Second Global Manufacturing & Industrialisation Summit 9–11 July 2019 (GMIS, https://www.gmisummit.com/), • World Cities Day 2019 - UN-Habitat 29 October –1 November 2019 (https://unhabitat.org/wcd/), • Yekaterinburg 2019 World Boxing Championships 7–21 September 2019 (https://www.aiba.org/ekaterinburg2019-world-boxing-championships//

THE CENTRAL CONGRESS STAGE The semi-circular auditorium of the new congress hall feels futuristic and at the same time pleasantly domestic. The hall, which holds 4000 participants, is the heart of the new congress centre, which is complemented with 16 smaller halls suitable for even the most advanced productions. What particularly impressed us was the fact that it is not overblown architecture, but the hall and the entire centre remain loyal to its programme design. The best stage equipment and staff who have mastered the most demanding A-production are the main recommendation for the centre to host the most difficult events in the city. MULTIFUNCTIONALITY OF THE NEW CENTRE In the future congresses, performances, concerts and the most difficult protocol events will be held in the centre. Multifunctionality is also the key lead that the architects looked at when designing the building. The halls actively adapt to the event’s needs with movable walls, light and the simple yet maximally effective architecture. It is modified for fast and simple event makeover. Therefore, it is not surprising that the centre has hosted more than 800 events since 2011, averaging 100 per year respectively.


PROTOCOL AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL The Expo team is qualified for protocol event at the highest levels and providing safety in accordance with the highest requirements and standards. The impressive VIP part of the new centre witnessed its fiery baptism at this year’s annual INNOPROM event. This part of the centre reminds us more of a top-notch hotel than a congress centre. The centre is fully adapted for direct TV broadcasts and enables complex TV production.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: EKATERINBURG EXPO INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION & CONVENTION CENTER 2, EXPO Blvd, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620060 T: 7 (343) 215-7-998 E: uvc@ekb-expo.ru www.ekaterinburgexpo.ru

FULLY RUNNING DIGITALISATION The congress centre aims to set standards for the future through digitalisation and automation. The main guideline is the functionality and exceptional architecture. No fewer than 21 high-speed ticket machines are installed at the entrances, and the entry system is also automated. It is one of the most modern systems in the world. The gigantic LED screen is a miracle of technology that allows you to communicate and brand your event, which is rarely seen in the world. Surprising luminosity and visibility will definitely attract attention. STAND OUT WITH THE CONGRESS OFFER The city of Yekaterinburg decided that it must stand out for something and that it has to offer something to the international market, which it does not have yet. That’s why they decided on congress tourism. We believe that it will become one of the most influential centres of the meetings industry. This was also confirmed by the director of the new centre Igor Danilov, who is aware that at first you need to take care of the destination’s promotion, as the meeting and events bring a multiplicative effect to the whole destination. The role of science, culture and education that follows the meetings industry is priceless. SUITABLE FOR DIFFERENT TYPES OF EVENTS The new congress centre can host different types of events. As the director Igor Danilov said, they will focus mainly on regional and international congresses, conferences, trade fairs and exhibitions and corporate events. The place allows the most demanding productions, and the great advantage is the numerous different combinations of the multifunction halls. For trade fair and exhibition organising there is over 40,000 m2 of internal and 60,000 m2 of external areas available, and furthermore, the whole production can be provided by the centre. The centre, the first phase of which was built in 2011, is ideally located near Koltsovo Airport and just 13 kilometres from the city centre. There are two hotels nearby (Ramada Yekaterinburg and Angelo by Vienna House), but they are planning to build their own hotel with 300 rooms in the immediate vicinity. Every time you drive past the centre, you get taken over by the openness of the concept and excited by the architecture. And you get even more excited over the plans that the leadership has for the centre. A visit to the centre in their presence before the official opening was a special privilege. We peeked behind the scenes of an exceptional project and we are glad to be able to share the story with the international congress community.



A special congress venue dedicated to the work of Boris Yeltsin GORAZD ÄŒAD //


Opinion regarding the former Russian president is divided, but Yekaterinburg is an exception, as it is the city which led Yeltsin from being a construction site worker to being the first secretary of the local communist party. The museum or rather the Presidential Center was opened to the public in November 2015. It is designed as a social-political institution, encouraging the growth of a democratic country and exploring how the presidential institution evolved in Russia. It is the first such museum of any president of Russia. Besides the center’s name, an imposing statue stands in front of the museum as a reminder of the former president.

TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT THE NINETIES The nineties were a turbulent time for Russia. After the downfall of the Soviet Union, the economy collapsed and there was no money for wages and pensions. Yeltsin had the support of the entire world, but at home the economic state was in chaos and topped off by the uprising of members of the Parliament. We cannot go past the fact that Yeltsin established a democratic system that can be compared to European democracy, despite how difficult the economic conditions were. The museum showcases the zeitgeist of Russian history and highlights it from the perspective of an ordinary citizen.


single pixel spread over the surface can be played simultaneously at 25-frames-per-second and a refresh rate of 60 Hz. The creators of this unique wall were the German company Lichtwerke. THE RESIDENCE HOTEL As part of the centre, there is a smaller boutique hotel with 11 rooms, which is located on the top floor, offering beautiful views of the city. It is well-equipped and suitable for even the most demanding guests. A sauna, gym, and smaller conference rooms are also part of the hotel. The most exclusive space is the 180 m2suite where many well-known faces love to spend the night. ART SHOPS AND RESTAURANTS Restaurants and shops have also found their place inside the centre. One of them specialises in retro clothing from the eighties. In other shops, you can find numerous authentic souvenirs from the entire Ural region and in some, you can even find young designers and their works. The bars and taverns are also far from ordinary and have quickly become popular lifestyle hotspots. This part of the offer is a novelty with a strong urban feel and is the icing on the cake for the centre’s whole offer. As a whole, the centre appears fresh and youthful, and looks boldly into the future. This would probably excite even Boris Yeltsin himself. The centre is constantly bustling with concerts, performances, movie screenings and lectures. At the same time, the centre is following the trends coming from similar centres around the globe, which are gaining in popularity among event organisers. MORE THAN JUST A MUSEUM Inside the centre, you can find a museum, a library, archives, an educational and children’s centre, and even exhibition and congress halls. The museum and archive keep more than 30,000 exhibits and over 130,000 photographs. The museum’s primary function is to store, research and give meaning to the historic legacy of Yeltsin in the context of political and social events of the nineties. The location of the museum was chosen by the Yeltsin Foundation and a visible role was played by his daughter Tatjana Yumasheva. This is the first museum in Russia to showcase a Russian president and his legacy, and many more are set to open. SPECIAL CONGRESS VENUE The centre is also an interesting congress venue, offering a rather unusual and inspirational environment in which to organise events. The venue’s total area stretches out over 2700 m2. The main hall is relatively small and can accommodate up to 200 participants in theatre setting. The entire centre covers 22,000 m2 and there is plenty of space to organise any sort of event. The Music Club Centre is a great example of such a space, equipped with a modern interior and great video and sound equipment. INNOVATIVE ARCHITECTURE The incredibly appealing detail of the facility is the facade, which has been awarded for its uniqueness. It is composed of an imposing media wall, covering around 2500 m2 of the surface. It operates as an amazing projection screen and soon after the installation had become a big hit. The entire façade has the quality of a high-definition video wall. Every

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Yeltsin Center Ekaterinburg, st. Boris Yeltsin, 3 T: +7 (343) 312-43-43 E: info@ycenter.ru ycenter@ycenter.ru www.yeltsin.ru



An exclusive interview with Igor Danilov, CEO of Ural Exhibition Center, the organization owning Ekaterinburg-Expo International Exhibition Center. GORAZD ČAD //


Danilov was elected to the Executive Board of the Russian National Convention Bureau.

Q: What are the main goals and objectives of the Ekaterinburg Expo? First of all, we work on the recognition of our region and on the expansion of its business contacts and tourist attractiveness. Ekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region are making great efforts in this direction. Therefore, our tasks are built into the general system of promoting the region and the city: working with international event customers, organizing concerts of world stars and celebrity performances, positioning at global events among industry professionals.

From March 2010 till December 2011 Igor Danilov was the deputy of Sverdlovsk Region Legislative Assembly (http://zsso.ru/). At that time, he was the vice-chairman of its Committee for Legislation Issues and Public Security. The second time Igor Danilov was the deputy of Sverdlovsk Region Legislative Assembly from November 2013 till September 2016. At that time, he was the member of its Committee for Industry, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Since December 2016 Igor Danilov has been a Chief Executive Officer of the Ural Exhibition Center (This organization is the owner of EkaterinburgExpo International Exhibition Center) (https://www.ekb-expo.ru/en/). For two years starting 2017 total revenue has increased by more than 30%. Revenue on the congress and exhibitions has grown up by 20% and on the sport and entertainment events it is risen by 36%. In June 2019 new Congress Center was put into operations. It has the main hall with up to 6000 seats and 39 different conference rooms. In July 2018 Igor Danilov became the member of two sessions of the Russian National Convention Bureau (http://russiacb.com/): Events Management and Facilities and Equipment (Locations). Since August 2018 Igor Danilov has been member of the Committee on Exhibitions of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (http://eng.rspp.ru/). In June 2019 Igor

Q: Why do you think meeting planners should choose Ekaterinburg as their next destination for events? MICE-industry is rapidly developing. Traditional destinations become outdated and cannot offer modern solutions, new products in accommodation. It will sound pompous, but people are tired of the Vienna Opera and the Eiffel Tower. Our city has devoted a lot of time to creating infrastructure, preparing new type of entertainment programs. Yes, we are far away from Europe, yes, we are far away from the USA, but we are amazing and interesting. Q: What role does Ekaterinburg Expo play in promoting tourism for the city? Our facility today is designed for business travelers from around the world and regional tourists. Our development strategy, of course, implies that we want to attract world-class entertainment, but this is a medium-term perspective. So far, we are the largest Russian exhibition and congress center beyond Moscow. That is, if you want to do something in Russia, then we are the best regional facility that has several advantages relative to the capital: there are no traffic jams, internal logistics are simpler, procedures are easier, infrastructure is more compact. Therefore, our center is attractive for business. Occupancy rate is constantly growing as evidenced by following events: • 8-11 July 2019 – International Industrial Fair INNOPROM which is annually held in Ekaterinburg since 2010 • 9-11 July 2019 – Second Global Manufacturing & Industrialization Summit (GMIS) • 29 October – 1 November 2019 – the World Cities Day 2019 – UNHabitat


• 7-21 September 2019 – Ekaterinburg 2019 World Boxing Championships

Q: Where are you focusing your marketing efforts in 2020? Our principal interest is the business event segment. There are three key areas. The first one is congress events. In this segment we focus on attracting the Russian federal events, as well as on increasing the visibility and appeal of our venue and territory for organizers of rotated international events. The second one is the exhibition segment. It is more complex at the regional level due to a number of reasons – in particular, because of its centralization around procurement centers, significant fragmentation of events on major topics, the dominance of outdated formats – but there are opportunities for development in it, associated with the integration of activities by building point partnerships, as well as the inclusion of interactive and entertainment elements of the program. And the third one is a segment of corporate events where we expect increasing the interest in our venue due to the fact that a new congress center was put in service. The infrastructure of the congress center now allows us to hold high-quality corporate events of various formats and for an audience of various numbers. But, of course, the scale of our new congress center suggests a significant increase in revenue from mass entertainment events. Today we are able to receive from one thousand to 15 thousand people, and there are no analogs for us from 2.5 thousand people in the Urals market. The entertainment element is increasingly in demand even by participants in business events, not to mention the residents of Ekaterinburg, the Sverdlovsk region and the nearest regions, for whom the EkaterinburgEXPO presents a unique opportunity to take part into the various concerts, sports and entertainment projects of a federal and international scale. We are working with all major concert operators at the country level, and on the other hand, we are developing the capabilities of our venue in providing services to end visitors: food, transportation, VIP service.

Q: How do you see Russia’s meetings industry right now? We see that congress and exhibition activity today is a truly soughtafter instrument of economic policy. We see the efforts that have been

made in the past few years at the federal level, at the regional level for the development of Russia’s meeting industry: specialized development institutions are being created, major international events are being held with the support of national government and with the direct participation of top management, or almost every region is being built or declared its intention to construct event infrastructure objects. And we understand that the volume of the market, which is now, does not correspond to its real potential at all. All meeting industry experts agree with us. And, of course, there are enough constraints that impede the development of the Russia’s meeting industry at an adequate pace: the lack of full legal regulation, outdated work approaches and the low quality of services offered by large number of industry players, especially in regional markets, and a shortage of qualified personnel in the labor market. Organization of exhibition activities is an ambitious task, requiring highly qualified staff and well-coordinated teamwork of partners and suppliers. The Ekaterinburg-EXPO is aware of this not by hearsay, because it acts not only as the owner of the venue, but also as a direct participant in the organization of events, providing a full range of services to its guests and implementing its own projects.

Q: Where do you see the Ekaterinburg Expo in the future? The main priority of the Ekaterinburg-EXPO has always been and currently is to maintain the highest standards of exhibition and congress activities aimed at creating a positive user experience for each of the participants and achieving maximum efficiency for the organizers, operators and participants of events. As a joint-stock company with state participation we consider following tasks as the most important in order to develop exhibition and fair activities: increase in the investment potential of the region, support to state programs in the development of the economy, production and the social sphere. Of course, to realize our ambitious plans into reality we have to solve in the medium term such tasks as digitizing user experience and production processes, building a developed partner network with international exhibition operators, academic and business leaders, developing hybrid formats for events, as well as mechanisms how to collaborate by organizing various events and how to integrate into the program most attractive business and entertainment elements.



Interview with Alexander Porodnov, Head of Sverdlovsk Investment Agency GORAZD ČAD //


Q: What are Ekaterinburg’s strengths for the meeting sector? Infrastructure. The largest and most modern congress center located just 5 minutes from the international airport, which is the best regional airport in the CIS countries. In addition, Ekaterinburg is one of the largest business, scientific and cultural centers of Russia, which allows us to provide events of various sectors with a relevant audience. Creatively, it was the London 2012 Festival which formed the cultural side of the Olympics. We had a team of people working specifically on creating ideas for the free outdoor arts festival. We probably spent a good year working on it and making sure we had to make sure we a wide variety of creative events for the 7-week period over the summer. Q: What large events are coming to the city in the near future? Sporting events: World Boxing Championship this year, Universiade in 2023, World Dance Championship (December 2019). Business events: International specialized exhibition “Recycling” (autumn 2019), Innoprom 2020.

Alexander Porodnov is the head of Sverdlovsk Investment Agency, which was recently established (2019) by the Government of the Sverdlovsk region. Agency supports companies from Russia and abroad and from a wide range of sectors in finding the best location in the Sverdlovsk region, that they can be successful right from the moment they settle in the Sverdlovsk region. Previously, he was the Deputy Minister of Investment and Development of the Sverdlovsk region being in charge of the implementation of investment policy and SME’s development policy; providing governmental support measures to investors and SMEs; development of the regional exhibition, convention, and tourism industries.

Q: How can international meeting planners benefit from bringing their conference to Ekaterinburg? Uniqueness combined with economy and comfort. Ekaterinburg is an industrial and mining and metallurgical center of Russia. This is a modern metropolis in the heart of the country, which is the most compact city among other million cities of Russia. Modern transport, hotel, congress infrastructure allows you to host events of any level. An important factor is the prices for services that are significantly lower than in the capital cities.

Q: How do you foresee the future of MICE in Ekaterinburg? The regional government considers the economy of events one of the drivers of development. Therefore, attention is paid to the development of appropriate infrastructure, destination marketing, improvement of the quality of service provision, the formation of a sustainable MICEcommunity in the region. Without a doubt, these efforts will lead to the development of the industry. Our main mission is to create the largest congress, exhibition and event industry center in Russia on the border of Europe and Asia. Q: What are your top tips for incentives in your city? Incentive in the Urals: a unique opportunity to combine field conferences, seminars, incentive events for employees with team tours, such as a jeep safari tour to the Ural Mountains, horseback riding, catamaran, and kayak rafting, golf playing, ski activism. Incentive in the Urals – something that will not be forgotten. Q: Where are you positioning your marketing efforts this year and next year? We started to actively position Ekaterinburg as MICE destination quite recently. In the next 2 years, we plan to focus on working with large Russian customers and event’s organizers. For this, we use both Russian and foreign promotional venues (IMEX, IBTM, ST PETERSBURG INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC FORUM).



Ideas for venues and special venues ADVERTORIAL //







The story of Mjus shoes starts in a small town of Colà di Lazise in the north of Italy. Then, still a young man, driven by his passion, Piero Oliosi started making shoes in a small workshop. Enthusiasm and extreme talent for shoe making were the moving force behind expansion. The shoe business grew and in 1972, the Olip shoe company was founded, later on branching out and developing the Mjus brand. Orders were coming in and space was running out. Piero knew that sooner or later; he would have to move production. He decided to build a factory in Körmend, Hungary, where it stood for nine years. The use of premium quality leathers, expertise and craftsmanship remained the same, but the need for further expansion kept increasing. While opening new factories all over Europe, they came up with a special plan for the one in Hungary. Piero always wanted to move into the hospitality business, and this was the perfect opportunity. In 2016, on the land where the shoe factory stood, he opened the Mjus World Resort & Thermal Park, stretching across over 100,000 square meters of land. He transferred his passion, grit and dedication to the hotel staff, making sure guests have an unforgettable time in the resort.

Today, as a memory of shoe-making times, a tall chimney remains with its nest for storks, which keep visiting every year. When you look at the stylish interior of the hotel and modern furnishings, you would never think it was once a shoe factory. The only thing giving it away are the high ceilings, which are a nice nostalgic reminder of past times. Once you start learning about the history of Mjus, small details start revealing themselves. The use of leather is very prominent throughout the hotel, from the reception dressed in leather to the leather straps holding up the nightstands. The old chimney and high industrial ceilings aren’t the only thing paying homage to the legacy of the old shoe factory. In the resort, you will also find a shoe shop, selling all of the latest Mjus models. A short stroll past the bowling alley and you are on your way to buying a brand-new pair of shoes. Mjus makes all kinds of shoes, from classy dress shoes and high heels to cool sneakers and sandals. Every shoe is highly detailed, handscribed and hand-finished.



Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of large hotel resorts? ADVERTORIAL //



At Mjus World Resort & Thermal Park, they give you the chance to experience the true “guts” of their hotel and see how everything operates. Miles and miles of pipes, fascinating machinery, valves and tanks, you will get to see what is under the feet of hotel guests and learn about the great engine that makes everything run in their Thermal Park. The maintenance and technical team at Mjus World will give you a guided tour of the vast basement and tell you about their day-to-day tasks. After exploring the hotel undergorund, you are bound to feel hungry. Good for you, because one floor up lies the Lo Spaghetto restaurant, serving authentic Italian pizza and pasta.



Man-made oasis for your next event ADVERTORIAL //



In addition to the meeting halls that offer excellent conditions for boositng creativity at Mjus World Resort & Thermal Park, there are other hidden places around the resort, where you can organise your next event. When in 2016 the site of a shoe factory owned by the Italian manufacturer Mjus was successfully transformed into a hotel resort, meeting planners got excited. The resort has four smaller halls that can sit a maximum of 150 people. The halls have loads of natural light, but what is most exciting, however, are the many alternative spaces, both indoors and outdoors. Stretching around the resort is a 45,000 square meter park, where in the midst of greenery, surrounded by palm trees and straw umbrellas, you will find a pond-shaped pool called the Lake. Right in front of the pool is an amphitheater, a perfect special venue for all sorts of events, like concerts or presentations. There is also a large event tent in the middle of the park, perfect for incentive groups or teambuilding programmes. Who wouldn’t want to step outside, catch some fresh air and listen to an exciting lecture or talk business with your colleague in the middle of a man-made oasis?

GET IN TOUCH Mjus World Resort & Thermal Park Kristilla Szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Kft. Rákóczi F. u. 154 – 9900 Körmend (Hungary) T: +36 94 514 111 E: info@mjusworld.com www.mjusworld.com


THE FERTORAKOS CAVE THEATRE Dive deep into the prehistoric Pannonian Sea ADVERTORIAL //



Fertőrákos is a village in the county of Győr-Moson-Sopron in Hungary near the Austrian border. Never heard of it? We don’t blame you, as it is otherwise quite a boring place. Except for one thing. In Roman times, limestone was quarried there, leaving vast cuts and caves in the mountainside. In the 70’s, one of those caves was turned into a theatre and that is where the story of the Cave Theatre begins. The Fertőrákos quarry began receiving praise for its acoustic characteristics from numerous composers and musicians. The first performance at the theatre hall with excellent acoustics took place on June 27, 1970. After a long history of exciting plays and enchanted spectators, the theatre fell into decay and had to be closed in 2011 for safety reasons. It wasn’t until 2015 that the theatre underwent extensive renovation and was successfully developed into a modern visitors’ centre and a theatre meeting all requirements. The theatre hall has an arena seating welcoming 760 spectators at the same time, heated seats, an extended stage area equipped with modern theatre light and sound technology. DIVE DEEP INTO THE PANNONIAN SEA The story of Fertőrákos doesn’t just begin in Roman times. About 10 million year ago, the Pannonian Basin, where the village is located was once the Pannonian Sea. The Cave Theatre houses a permanent exhibition, where you can dive into the Miocene epoch and see what swam in the prehistoric sea. Above your head, you will see reconstructions of prehistoric whales and dolphins, even a life-size replica of the notorious Megalodon shark. Dioramas, installations and short animations make visitors’ experiences truly authentic. WHERE TO STAY? Why not add some relaxation and pampering to your trip? If you’re planning to stay in the interesting region of Western Hungary for longer, we recommend staying in Mjus World Resort & Thermal Park, located in the region of the Raba river, at the junction of three countries, only a few tens of kilometers from Austria and Slovenia. GET IN TOUCH Fertorakos Quarry and Cave Theatre Ferto utca 1, Fertorakos 9421, Hungary T: +36 30 616 4485 www.fertorakosikofejto.hu/en



An incentive centre at the junction of three countries MJUS WORLD RESORT & THERMAL PARK

CATEGORY 4****S OPENED SINCE 2016 MEETINGS STAR Spa Meeting Hotel STANDARD Hotel with conference facilities NUMBER OF ROOMS 123 rooms PRICE INTERNET EUR 109 (March 2019 low season / Trivago) ADDRESS MJUS WORLD Resort & Thermal Park Kristilla Szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Kft. Rákóczi F. u. 154 – 9900 Körmend, Hungary T: +36 94 514 111 E: info@mjusworld.com FACILITIES Restaurant pizzeria Bakery pub Pasticceria Italia Bar lounge Thermal park with wellness and sauna land Fitness Shoes & Accessories shop Multipurpose sport field Outdoor gym SPECIALS A garden of paradise in a thermal park with nicely maintained greenery, which is also suitable for openair receptions, or simply an event in an amphitheater at the edge of the park.


LOCATION The town of Körmend is in the far west of Hungary, right next to the border with Austria. The town developed along the river Raba, and its history is closely tied to the Batthyany family and the castle that they modified and expanded in the mid-18th century, creating a luxurious Baroque complex with a park which has since become a symbol of the city. The hotel itself is just over a kilometre away from the town centre and is located in a tidy suburb where residential buildings alternate with industrial ones. The same location used to be the site of a shoe factory owned by the Italian manufacturer Mjus; in 2016 it was successfully transformed into a tourist resort. ACCESSIBILITY The hotel is located in the region of the Raba river, at the junction of three countries, only a few tens of kilometres from Austria and Slovenia. For the most part, the roads have been renovated and they are well maintained. Most guests arrive at the resort with cars; they have a large, free car park at their disposal. The car park is also equipped with a quick charger for electric vehicles. The closest airport is in Graz, less than 100 kilometres away. We recommend going cycling with the hotel bikes—a pleasant and healthy recreation on the level roads. Public transport in Hungary is solid, and there has been a lot of advancement especially in terms of rail transport. COLD STARTER - ARCHITECTURE AND AESTHETICS The hotel is not one of those with ambitious, unusual and flamboyant architecture. In terms of appearance, it is more an example of function over form, and we can’t fault it for that. The architects have thoroughly utilized the plentiful space; the building is airy and seems to breathe. Little design elements, especially the modern furniture, bring warmth to the space. It was only in the corridors that the interior designers seemed to have let their imagination run a bit too free—we simply could not get used to the jarring colour combinations. Other than that, the architecture is restrained and, above all, very functional. As a whole, it convinces, especially because of the concept. WARM ENTRÉE - THE STAFF AND THE CULINARY EXPERIENCE The hotel is owned by a large footwear company from Italy. They have always focused on the customers and their needs, and this philosophy has been carried over to their tourist project. The staff are well-trained and friendly, abiding by the wishes and ideas of the owners. This will particularly delight the guests, who are sure to leave the resort enthused. The cuisine is solid and, considering the owners are Italians, we especially recommend the really good pizza (pizza this good is hard to find elsewhere in Hungary). Breakfast is also very sound, with a good selection of dishes. The one thing we missed is a corner featuring local cuisine, which, in this region of Hungary, is very diverse. We especially recommend the exceptional dessert offered in the hotel’s confectionery, Pasticerria Italia. MAIN COURSE – THE MEETINGS OFFERING AT THE HOTEL Hotel rooms The hotel features seven different categories of rooms, but even the smallest ones, named Smart, are more spacious than the average. Our choice was a Grand-type room, offering a


luxurious 31 m2. The design of the rooms is unusual; instead of conventional wardrobes, you get a series of ingenious hangers that work very well in practice. The floor is wooden and matches the brown hues of the sofa and the designer bench well. Thanks to the special mounting system, the pieces of furniture seem to float in the air. The bed deserves a special compliment; we haven’t slept in a bed this good for a long time. The bathroom is likewise very spacious and features an above-average selection of quality toiletries. The airy feel of the room and the unusual design quickly get under your skin. Meetings centre The small-scale meetings centre features four halls that can receive a maximum of 150 people. The halls have daylight illumination. What is most exciting, however, are the many alternative spaces, both indoors and outdoors. DESSERT – THE EXTRAS Bowling, which can be a wonderful addition to the incentive programme. They have six lanes and all the necessary appointments, including a bowling bar.

FLOP – UNPLEASANT SURPRISES The lighting in certain rooms could be executed better, especially in the large dining hall. TOP – PLEASANT SURPRISES A comprehensive range of services that, in addition to offering relaxation in the thermal baths and wellness, also includes a truly fascinating programme, Underground Mjus: an opportunity to peek behind the scenes of the hotel and see the operation of all the exceedingly complex technical systems. FINAL IMPRESSION AND CREDIBILITY For incentive organisers, Mjus hotel is an excellent choice. The hotel as a whole is convincing, which probably shouldn’t be surprising, considering the Italian owners who operate the hotel with passion and a great eye for detail. The hotel has a unique character and it is, in particular, exceptionally spacious and comfortable. There is enough room for unusual requests, such as a private party by the hotel pool. In general, the hotel stands out by offering numerous interesting spaces for events, one of which is the newly opened wine shop. Some details could be improved, but they are outweighed by the pleasant staff and the exceptionally rich and comprehensive offering. This also compensates for the somewhat more complicated logistics, which are due to the hotel being away from the centre of Hungary. Incentive organisers, however, are not bothered; they are rewarded by an amazing story that is a perfect fit for incentive groups, giving them the excellent value for money they seek.



GOLD final score SILVER final score BRONZE final score

from 4.81 to 5.00 from 4.61 to 4.80 from 4.41 to 4.60


    

The HIDDEN GUEST section is not paid. The selection of the hotels that are evaluated by the hidden meeting guest is at the discretion of the editorial board and the visits are unannounced.

4.70 Final Grade



A small, but very ambitious boutique hotel GORAZD ÄŒAD //


The inhabitants of the tiny MuĹžolini Donji probably never thought that their village would one day become a ghost town, with most of its residents moving out. Until recently, only three people lived there. Leopold Botteri, a former journalist for Slobodna Dalmacija and a revolutionary when it came to the production of olive oil in Croatia fell in love with the village. Leopold became famous for his brand Uje and the olive oil cooperative called Bracchia. All of his entrepreneurial projects stem from a deep-rooted love for authentic Croatian stories. He discovered the village completely by accident while embarking on a gourmet exploration of Istria.


ELEGANT AND AUTHENTIC The core of the old village was kept intact, only upgraded with additional hotel content. The result is an authentic story in which native inhabitants are involved as well, living in symbiosis with the hotel guests. These kinds of hotels are called dispersed, but in San Canzian’s case, the proper term would be integrated. The hotel blends really nicely with its surroundings, despite the old village having to adapt to the expectations of modern guests.

RE-DEFINING ISTRIAN TOURISM San Canzian is not an ethno village. It’s a well-rounded 5-star experience with one of the best restaurants in Istria and cuisine that massively exceeds the typical hotel restaurant offer. Istria has long ago been recognised as the most progressive Croatian tourist destination, providing guests with countless opportunities to explore. The selection of incentive programme ideas is truly vast, from adrenaline and active experiences to exploring the cultural heritage and tasting great food.

ORGANIC ARCHITECTURE The hotel has 25 rooms and is suitable for smaller and very exclusive incentive groups. The best room in the house is definitely the private villa with above-standard furnishings. The man behind San Canzian’s architecture is Boris Ružić, who is famous for renovations that keep the character and essence of traditional Istrian architecture alive. He is also a successful meeting planner, organising many resounding regional events. We can confirm that he has managed to design a space filled with special energy, following his philosophy of timeless Istrian design.

GOURMET HEAVEN By definition, San Canzian guests are lovers of gastronomy and nature. They definitely come to the right place, as this part of Istria is the epicentre of the regional offer with some of the most avant-garde winemakers and legendary truffles. You can taste all of it even with a simple call to room service. Such an authentic menu is hard to find anywhere else and it’s a reflection of the hotel’s culinary philosophy. Forget about burgers and Caesar salads, order the traditional Istrian žgvacet and have some figs with gorgonzola and mascarpone for dessert. A box of Istrian snacks is a gift that I would proudly give to any foodie.


HIGHLIGHT: NOEL RESTAURANT Originally based in Zagreb, Noel Restaurant has opened its doors in Istria as well. It has a Michelin star, representing the pinnacle of Istrian cuisine. Their wine card has over 600 different bottles. You can order a 4- or 7-course menu accompanied by wine from famous winemakers like Matošević, Kabola and many others. Ever since the grand opening, Noel has been a hot topic among gastronomes in the region. Keeping the kitchen in check is the amazing chef Goran Kočiš, who has quite an impressive resumé. The Noel team always tries to buy locally, which is not that hard when your restaurant is located in a culinary gold mine. Their seasonal menus follow that philosophy completely. Noel is an unforgettable culinary experience, which your meeting and incentive guests will applaud. THE FUTURE OF COCKTAILS Awarded the title Best Barman in Croatia, Karlo Ferenčak runs the Noel Bar in Zagreb, where they are famous for their cocktails. He is also responsible for the amazing choice in the San Canzian hotel bar. The cohesive thread in the hotel is fresh herbs. They grow all over the estate and Karlo uses them in his “mixology”, preparing tasty and creative drinks. You can even see them framed up in the hotel rooms. Mixing cocktails with Karlo could easily be one of the most popular activities for incentive groups. SIGNATURE COFFEE The co-owners of Noel Restaurant, chef Goran Kočiš and sommelier Ivan Jug are also big lovers of great coffee. Having a cup of coffee in San Canzian is an experience in itself, a treat for every hipster coffee aficionado. Right next to the hotel is a natural water stream, which is, according to the barista, the foundation of great coffee. Cold Brew is their speciality, prepared over the course of 24-hours and full of flavour. Excellent service, an intimate atmosphere and well-chosen ceramics elevate the entire coffee drinking experience. PERFECT FOR INCENTIVES The San Canzian estate is a 20-minute drive from the seaside, but the views are simply amazing and you will have a tough time returning to civilisation. Not being directly positioned on the beach gives the hotel some intimacy and the possibility of privatisation, something that corporate groups always want. During our stay, we kept thinking about the Rent A Village concept that they have developed in Austria, which could easily be implemented in San Canzian as well. Owners have already started to develop some interesting experiences for corporate groups, but I’m certain local DMC agencies will jump on the opportunity and develop their incentive product even further. The emphasis is, of course, put on culinary experiences, but there are many more possibilities. I really liked the idea of guests picking herbs from the hotel garden and making lunch, preparing their signature cocktail together with the barman or learning everything about the perfect coffee. The hotel has immense potential and is definitely one of the hottest novelties of this year. It builds upon an original story and immense attention to detail, which puts it among the top contenders in the regional hotel offer. It’s also a true foodie paradise.


2019 MTLG WINNERS The best destinations in New Europe GORAZD ÄŒAD //


In 2018, the Meetings Star award, together with Conventa, celebrated its 10th anniversary. In the decade of its existence, the Meetings Star award has become recognisable among event organisers and professionals as one of the few accolades that is awarded on the basis of professionally established standards and criteria. The award for the best meeting destinations, hotels, and convention centres in New Europe, is conferred by Kongres Magazine and Conventa.


In its 11th edition, the award will be split into two main categories.


A: THE BEST MEETING DESTINATION 2019 B: THE BEST MEETING HOTEL AND CONVENTION CENTRE 2019 Evaluation of the best meeting destinations has just concluded and we are proud to present the best destinations in 2019.

Final mark


The award will reach its peak at the Conventa Trade Show 2020, from 22nd to 23rd of January, 2020 in Ljubljana.


Final mark




Final mark

4,44 Final mark






Final mark


Final mark




Final mark


Final mark



Final mark


Final mark


XL MEETING DESTINATIONS Destinations that can host over 2,000 congress participants The first category features the largest European meeting destinations which have exceptionally developed congress infrastructure and excellent aviation links. These destinations are mainly important aviation hubs.



4.76 4.72 4.71 4.70 4.64 4.64


4.61 4.56 4.50 4.50 4.48 4,44


2. COPENHAGEN Final mark: 4,72

Final mark: 4,71

Comparison with the region: SMART MICE CITY

Comparison with the region: SCANDINAVIA’S MOST FANTASTIC CITY

Comparison with the region: THE CLASSIC IN A NEW LIGHT

Destination population: 1,867,960 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 189 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 2,500 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 4,320 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 55,000 m²

Destination population: 602,481 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 83 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 2,800 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 7,020 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 6,772 m²

Destination population: 1,527,881 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 100 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 700 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 3,100 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 4,710 m²

Final mark: 4,76






Final mark: 4,70

Final mark: 4,64

Final mark: 4,64

Comparison with the region: LIVEABLE MEETINGS


Comparison with the region SLAVIC PARIS

Destination population: 1,547,437 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 102 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 3,150 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 57,450 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 100,000 m²

Destination population: 464,990 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 141 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 1,400 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 2,000 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 15,200 m²

Destination population: 1,301,135 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 268 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 2,400 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 13,500 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 10,237 m²




Comparison with the region: WALK THE WALK

Comparison with the region: THE MEDITERRANEAN BREVIARY

Comparison with the region: BRIDGING THE GAP

Destination population: 3,671,000 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 634 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 3,500 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 5,000 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 6,015 m²

Destination population: 1,620,343 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 215 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 8,096 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 14,288 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 10,000 m²

Destination population: 3,818,434 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 117 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 9,500 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 15,000 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 13,050 m²

Final mark: 4,61

Final mark: 4,56

Final mark: 4,50






Comparison with the region: CLEAR VISION

Comparison with the region: CONGRESS QUEEN OF THE DANUBE

Destination population: 731,095 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 219 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 3,500 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 4,880 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 7,700 m²

Destination population: 1,735,977 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 45 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 2,500 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 5,200 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 10,000 m²

Destination population: 1,759,407 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 208 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 870 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 2000 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 19,250 m²

Final mark: 4,50

Final mark: 4,48

Final mark: 4,44


L MEETING DESTINATIONS Destinations that can host a maximum of 2,000 congress participants Congress infrastructure and aviation links in these destinations allow the organisation of congresses for up to 2,000 participants.



4.43 4.42 4.36 4.36 4.32 4.31


4.29 4.27 4.26 4.26 4.19 4,16




Comparison with the region: EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL

Comparison with the region: WHITE ZAGREB TOWN

Comparison with the region: SINGING AND SKYPING DESTINATION

Destination population: 279,756 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 18 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 1,200 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 2,200 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 2,456 m²

Destination population: 802,762 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 27 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 1,600 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 1,851 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 2,360 m²

Destination population: 440,776 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 38 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 1,200 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 1,892 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 3,000 m²

Final mark: 4,43

Final mark: 4,42

Final mark: 4,36





Comparison with the region: A PLAYFULL CITY

Comparison with the region: PROUD CITY

Comparison with the region: CONGRESS SERENISSIMA

Destination population: 534,160 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 20 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 1,500 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 2,161 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 12,000 m²

Destination population: 769,498 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 61 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 2,200 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 2,100 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 4,500 m²

Destination population: 264,579 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 218 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 630 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 1,000 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 3,500 m²



Final mark: 4,27

Final mark: 4,26

Comparison with the region: MEETOSLAVIA

Comparison with the region: SECOND CITY FIRST

Comparison with the region: BALTIC CONGRESS TIGERS

Destination population: 432,801 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 35 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 600 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 1,300 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 2,500 m²

Destination population: 284,000 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 25 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 2,800 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 5,560 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 6,500 m²

Destination population: 540,919 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 34 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 800 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 2,000 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 3,450 m²

Final mark: 4,36

Final mark: 4,29

Final mark: 4,32

Final mark: 4,31




9. INNSBRUCK Final mark: 4,19

Final mark: 4,16

Comparison with the region: FRESH TALENT

Comparison with the region: THE HEART OF THE ALPS

Comparison with the region: SALZBURG GIVES YOU WINGS

Destination population: 976,812 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 32 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 1,000 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 2,500 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 1,800 m²

Destination population: 130,984 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 24 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 800 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 1,500 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 5,660 m²

Destination population: 150,887 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 55 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 5,000 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 5,000 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 15,165 m²

Final mark: 4,26



M MEETING DESTINATIONS Destinations that can host a maximum of 1,200 congress participants This is probably the most heterogenous category. The general conclusion is that this category is dominated by regional centres and larger tourist towns.



4.39 4.09 4.09 4.04 4.03 4.02


4.01 4.00 3.95 3.90 3.89




Comparison with the region: PEARL OF THE ADRIATIC

Comparison with the region: THE IMAGE OF HEAVEN

Comparison with the region:

Destination population: 42,615 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 29 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 700 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 1,200 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 900 m²

Destination population: 6,332 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 8 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 400 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 514 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 500 m²

Destination population: 6,716 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 54 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 800 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 1,200 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 1,400 m²

Final mark: 4,39

Final mark: 4,09

Final mark: 4,09




4. PORTOROSE Final mark: 4,03

Final mark: 4,02


Comparison with the region: PORT OF ROSES

Comparison with the region: ROVINJ GIVES YOU WINGS

Destination population: 11,659 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 22 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 600 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 900 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 1,728 m²

Destination population: 2,849 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 16 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 360 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 1,100 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 1,085 m²

Destination population: 14,294 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 6 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 800 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 1,000 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 1,600 m²




Comparison with the region: CONVENTIONLAND

Comparison with the region: THE ALPINE LAKES EXPERIENCE

Comparison with the region: EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE

Destination population: 100,538 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 11 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 500 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 5,000 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 6,400 m²

Destination population: 61,221 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 5 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 400 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 1,060 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 4,500 m²

Destination population: 95,589 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 9 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 400 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 500 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 404 m²

Final mark: 4,04

Final mark: 4,01

Final mark: 4,00


Final mark: 3,95




Comparison with the region: CROSSROADS DALMATIA

Comparison with the region: AT THE JUNCTION OF ROMAN AND SLAVIC

Destination population: 178,102 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 28 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 450 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 800 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 768 m²

Destination population: 204,849 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 16 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 600 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 600 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 640 m²

Final mark: 3,90

Final mark: 3,89


S MEETING DESTINATIONS Destinations that can host a maximum of 600 congress participants In this category smaller tourist towns prevail, where meeting activities are supplementary in the low tourist season.



3.96 3.93 3.92 3.91 3.90 3.90


3.89 3.88 3.87 3.86 3.85


2. BOHINJ Final mark: 3,93

Final mark: 3,92

Comparison with the region: GOOD WILL IS THE BEST

Comparison with the region: HIDDEN SUSTAINABLE MEETINGS GEM

Comparison with the region: IN THE HEART OF ALPS

Destination population: 1,452 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 8 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 300 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 360 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 1200 m²

Destination population: 5,277 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 4 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 112 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 130 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 220 m²

Destination population: 18,435 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 25 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 190 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 250 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 340 m²

Final mark: 3,96






Comparison with the region: FERTILE CROSSROADS OF CULTURES

Comparison with the region: THE SUCCESS STORY

Comparison with the region: OLD FOR NEW

Destination population: 5,757 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 5 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 130 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 200 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 330 m²

Destination population: 3,224 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 2 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 150 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 350 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 3,570 m²

Destination population: 6,856 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 8 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 180 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 389 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 350 m²





Comparison with the region: COMPACT INCENTIVE EXPERIENCE

Comparison with the region: ROOM WITH A VIEW

Destination population: 16,537 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 4 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 100 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 425 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 300 m²

Destination population: 1,687 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 8 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 150 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 270 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 280 m²

Destination population: 11,103 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 10 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 220 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 370 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 370 m²

Final mark: 3,91

Final mark: 3,89

Final mark: 3,90

Final mark: 3,88

Final mark: 3,90

Final mark: 3,87



10. PTUJ


Comparison with the region: A UNIQUE LITTLE CITY

Final mark: 3,86

Destination population: 46,946 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 15 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 150 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 400 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 300 m²

Final mark: 3,85

Destination population: 46,946 The number of 4* and 5* category hotels: 15 Banquet hall maximum capacity: 150 Maximum hall capacity in theatre style: 400 Largest hall in the city (in sqm): 300 m²


FAQ Frequently asked questions about MTLG “Ten years ago, when we started preparing the congress travelogues, we couldn’t possibly have foreseen that our methodology for evaluating destinations would have become such an important reference point for meeting planners. As of today, we have published 76 travelogues of various meeting destinations, all based on hard graft and solid field work. Our unflagging enthusiasm for this has demonstrated that we have been setting quality standards that are also being recognized by the wider international industry public through the Meetings Star Awards.” //Gorazd Čad, Editor in Chief

We have collected the answers to some of the most common questions you are asking us about the Meetologues. If you do not find an answer to your question, ask us a new question. We will be happy to answer it.

Q: How do you really evaluate individual destinations?

The destinations are evaluated on the basis of field work done by one of our journalists and thorough research of individual criteria, in order to get as close as possible to the real situation. In addition, we are committed to reality, verifiability and objectivity. Every year we review and re-evaluate the destinations according to the new information that the destination representatives provide.

Q: How did you get the idea of preparing congress travel?

We dare to state that we were the first who developed the new journalistic genre of congressional travel journals – Meetologues, in which we discover new congress destinations based on extensive field research. In doing so, we try to write without “unnecessary luggage”. We want to get closer to objective situations, so our reporters use a special matrix, which we named the Congressional Destination Index. This is a reference system that we are using from the beginning and allows a real comparison of the destinations over time.

Q: Why do we need congressional travel and destination assessment?

Congressional travelogues or Meetologues have become a strong reference point over the past decade for decision makers as well as for the event organizers, when choosing the destinations for their events, especially because of the Meetologues’ logic and the benefits they bring to all of the stakeholders. However, we are convinced that our evaluations are objective and helpful to event organizers, while at the same time they are a helpful tool for enabling destinations to improve in areas where the current situation is different from the competition.

Q: Why is the evaluation important for the destinations?

Our evaluation is primarily a tool for improving the competitiveness of individual destinations. It offers an outward look at their destination with the aim of continually improving and achieving excellence. As this is a systematic and contingent process, the progress of the individual evaluated criteria can be monitored over time. Destinations use our methodology primarily because they want to become or remain worldly competitive.

Q: What differs MTLG from the other evaluation scales?

It is a systematic, structured and analytical process that covers a number of factors, which are defined as important by event organizers. We dare to state that this is the most complex assessment of destinations, which is not based solely on the number of congress events in the destination, but is analytically much deeper. We are proud that our methodology triggers positive changes in destinations and has become a standard.

Q: Why do you use different destination categories (XL, L, M and S destinations)?

Over 90 destinations from the wider region of New Europe are covered in the categorization and evaluation. With the help of different categories, we enable event organizers to choose a destination that suits their needs. Therefore, the category is more guided by what kind of event the individual destination is able to host from a logistical point of view and the general capacity that it offers. Our categorization includes a combination of criteria, the sum of evaluation points of indexes is the basis for classifying destinations into four categories.

Q: What does the term New Europe mean?

The MTLGs were the first to introduce to the international markets the countries of South-Eastern, Central and Eastern Europe through convention programs, which we often rank in NEW EUROPE. Before, with the term New Europe, all the countries of Eastern Europe or the former Eastern bloc were described. Despite numerous stereotypes, the region boasts exceptional conditions for congress tourism: stunning history,


rich cultural and historical heritage, excellent accessibility, affordable acceptance. Many new congress centers and hotels and creative solutions make the NEW EUROPE a fresh and desirable congress destinations.

Q: What does the ACI index refer to?

Using the SEO NetScan connectivity model, the report provides indexes for direct, indirect and hub connectivity based on both quantitative and qualitative metrics. The airport connectivity index is made-up of both direct and indirect weekly frequencies, weighted by their quality. This means that this is not simply a measure of how many city pairs there are, or how many direct services there are. For the purposes of this report, connectivity is a composite measure of the number of destinations, the frequency of services and the quality of the connections (in the case of hubbing or indirect services). You can check for further details at the following link: www.aci-europe.org/policy/connectivity

Q: Why do you use Numbeo index for several evaluations?

Because Numbeo is the largest online database, that does not depend on the media or the lobbies, and is co-created by portal visitors. Above all, we use it because we checked the Numbeo data in the filed and we found out that the data reflected the actual situation as well. And also because the value of the methodology was recognized by the world’s largest media. We are also proud that the idea originated in the Balkans. The author of the methodology is the genius former Google engineer Mladen Adamovic from Serbia.

Q: Are you checking the Numbeo indices in the field?

In order to ensure that all data for individual destinations is actually checked in the field, and in case of major deviations, we also adapt accordingly.

Q: What methodology do you use to evaluate Sustainable measures?

Here we come from the Purity and Cleanliness assessment in Prague, Czech Republic, which in our opinion very accurately defines how far the city is in this area. In Prague, for example, the total index is 568.67, while in Vienna it is 672.63, while in Ljubljana it is 643.57.

Q: How do you evaluate the “Perception on sustainability” criteria?

This grade is connected to Numbeo Purity and Cleanliness index by Numbeo, but equipped with actual measures that destinations need to take in this field.

Q: How do you evaluate “Public transport” criteria?

We also evaluate this criterion on the basis of Numbeo indexes (https:// www.numbeo.com/traffic). If we take Prague and Vienna for example, the index for Prague for example in this segment is 110.37, whereas Vienna has an index of 75.17- the lower the index, the higher a destination positions. A similar difference is seen when comparing C02 emissions, which is 2206 in Prague and 1412 in Vienna.

Q: Why is the ICCA ranking part of the evaluation?

It is the only such annual statistical report in the congressional segment that has more than 50 years history of data captured. We are aware of the shortcomings of the ICCA survey, since it does not cover all the events taking place at destinations, and does not cover corporate or economicbusiness and intergovernmental meetings and motivational trips, which represent an important part of the global meeting industry. For this reason, the ICCA index is only one of the criteria, but it does give a great deal of indication of the maturity of individual congress destinations.

Q: How is the ICCA index calculated?

The final results for the current year are ranked according to the grade from 1 to 5. Specifically, the first and the second ranked destinations on the ICCA ranking get the scores 5, destinations that are ranked below 320 places get a score 1.02.

Q: How can we independently check the quality of each rating?

We already upgraded the entire methodology last year with the benchmarking system, which we perform for individual congress destinations and we named it MTLG BENCHMARK. With our methodology, we save you a lot of valuable time, which you would otherwise have spent on comparing it with your main competitors.

Q: How do you rate the Tourist Information Centers?

This grade is based on actual visits to your information centers.

Q: How do you assess the professionalism of the meetings industry?

This segment grades the responsiveness and professionalism of individual providers and is checked through actual RFP’s and offers. I could probably write an entire book about it, so if you have any questions I will gladly give you some more information. I believe this segment carries the biggest room for improvement.

Q: How did you calculate the carrying capacity of individual congress destinations?

The complexity of the meetings industry means there are many possible variables that can contribute to defining the ‘size’ of a destination. We have been looking for those that are frequently considered to be closely


connected and interdependent. This aspect of the defining criteria process necessitated a review of existing literature, which is quite limited in that field and is heavily reliant on the statistics prepared by the international association ICCA, which focuses on recording the number of association meetings and their participants at a destination. Our pillar capacity of meeting estimations were calculated based on criteria that were defined with the help of leading experts from various destinations and are as follows:

centres. This criterion is directly linked to exhibition activity, which is most highly developed in the so-called ‘meeting hubs’.

Air accessibility of destinations This assessment is based on the European air connectivity report, which is prepared annually by ACI Europe. Analysing connectivity data from the SEO Economic Research’s ‘Netscan’ connectivity model, the report provides in-depth insights into how well Europe is connected by air, both internally and with other regions in the world. It distinguishes between direct and indirect connectivity, and takes a special in-depth look at the dynamics at Europe’s hubs – which act as engines of connectivity for wider outreach.

Population A city or a town’s population tends to be the catalyst for development, transformation and, of course, also the generator of many events. Over the course of history the meetings industry has developed in the urban regions and is therefore considered one of the factors associated with metropolitanisation and the major conurbations in Europe.

The number of 4* and 5* category hotel rooms The development of meeting destination is directly linked to the number of hotel rooms it has, which according to our study reaches at least twice the maximum capacity of the plenary hall at the destination. The single use of rooms is dominated by congress guests and for business tourism, which includes the meetings industry, the use of rooms in the business categories of 4 and 5 stars is predominant. For that reason, only those hotels are assessed in this category. The number of 4* and 5* category hotels To enhance destination comparisons, we also captured the number of 4 and 5 star category hotels that are predominantly used by congress guests. The number of such hotels is a unique indicator of how well a destination is adapted to business tourism and vice versa. Banquet hall maximum capacity Practically every congress or event also plays host to a social event or a gala dinner. It is often the case that the maximum capacity of the hall for banquets dictates the maximum size of the congress that the destination is able to accommodate. This criterion is therefore extremely important to our assessment.

The largest hall in the city in square meters The size of the hall further dictates the size of the largest events and accompanying exhibitions that can ordinarily accompany such events. These are normally the multifunctional halls in congress and exhibition

Maximum hall capacity in theatre layout Congress centre halls that are suitable for plenary sessions are assessed in this category. To make this a level assessment many sports facilities were excluded, as they typically lack the additional infrastructure required for the organisation of events.

Q: What is the carrying capacity of individual categories of MTLGs?

The new categorization highlighted that, depending on the supporting capacity, destinations can be divided into four categories that are framed based on the maximum number of participants that can be accommodated without encountering any major logistical turmoil or complications. XL MEETING DESTINATIONS Destinations that can host more than 2,000 congress attendees L MEETING DESTINATIONS Destinations that can host up to 2,000 congress attendees M MEETING DESTINATIONS Destinations that can host up to 1,200 congress attendees S MEETING DESTINATIONS Destinations that can host up to 500 congress attendees


MTLG - SINCE 2009 Up until now, 98 meeting destinations have been evaluated and we could not be prouder.

XL Category

M Category



L Category

S Category



26 22

24 26

Your destinations can also be evaluated, attain a spot on the MTLG scale and be bestowed the Meetings Star award. With our complete methodology, we have saved you a lot of your valuable time that would otherwise be spent in comparing yourself to your main competitors.


The MTLG evaluation uses a 5-step process:

Step #1

Step #2

A visit to the destination is carried out by one of our expert journalists (2 days), providing first-hand insight that is used to evaluate the destination. The following criteria are used for the evaluation, altogether, containing 63 control points. A. Natural and cultural factors B. General infrastructure C. Tourist infrastructure D. Meeting infrastructure E. Subjective grade F. Marketing Buzz

To make the evaluation as comprehensive as possible, we also include Additional Destination Indicators, which add to the final score of the destination. These indicators include:

Step #3 After the evaluation matrix is complete and sent to the destination, you will have 30 days to send us any corrections or objections, so that we can clear up any kind of uncertainty you might have.

ICCA Index - published at the beginning of June ACI Index - published in the middle of June Numbeo Quality of life - measured on the day the score is being prepared Numbeo Safety Index - measured on the day the score is being prepared

Step #5

Step #4 Preparing the final score, designing the MTLG and positioning it in our search engine. After receiving your corrections, we will be announcing the preliminary results at the Conventa Crossover conference, organised every year at the end of August. The results will also be presented in the special edition of Kongres Magazine, coming out before the Crossover conference.

Announcing the results at the award ceremony at Conventa Trade Show. The official, formal announcement of the results and the award ceremony will be taking place at Conventa 2020.

Optional extra:


(with key stakeholders at the destination)

The workshop is designed to evaluate the competitive strengths and weaknesses of a destination and provide the exchange of good case studies in regard to its further development. For further information regarding the MTLG benchmark we’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to call us to 00386 (0)1 430 51 04, or send an e-mail to gorazd.cad@toleranca.eu.


JOIN US AT CONVENTA 2020! 22 - 23 January 2020 l Ljubljana, Slovenia

OMG! IT'S CONVENTA! www.conventa.si




Exhibitors floor is filling-up fast. Secure your place now and get meeting planners’ attention! Why would you present your MICE product at Conventa?

1. MEETING CHERRY-PICKED BUYERS Conventa is known as a tradeshow with the most carefully selected buyers with a direct interest in the region. Around 80% of meeting planners are new to the show each year.

2. EXCELLENT TIME EFFICIENCY At Conventa, you can carry out an average of 30 pre-planned meetings in only two days, something that would take ages if you were to plan and realise on your own.


Natalija Bah Čad, Conventa Exhibitors Manager For more information please contact me at: natalija@conventa.info

In only two days you can meet around 170 international and more than 100 regional buyers. At Conventa you only pay one-tenth of the price for a lead, then you would pay at other trade shows.

4. AFFORDABLE PRICE According to exhibitors, the value for money proposition at Conventa is one of the best in the world. At the same time, the registration fee is much lower than that of competing events.

5. TRUST IN THE BRAND Dear meeting service providers, The 12th edition of Conventa will be taking place from 22 – 23 January 2020 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since its early beginnings in 2008, Conventa has become known as a boutique, regional B2B event presenting MICE destinations, venues, DMC’s, CVB’s from Austria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine. Throughout the 11 years of its existence, Conventa has kept the regional character and concept, which is highly appreciated by meeting planners from all over Europe and beyond.

Conventa is a trustworthy trademark that has built its reputation among meeting planners by providing top-notch buyers.

6. NO HIDDEN EXPENSES The registration fee includes a fully equipped stand that will allow you to fulfill our motto of “Come, Make meetings, Win”. We take care of food and a social programme throughout the entire event.

7. MARKETING THROUGH CONVENTA CHANNELS Conventa continuously communicates with more than 69,000 meeting professionals – promoting exhibitors and your stories is what we do successfully 365-days a year.

8. A BOUTIQUE FORMAT Conventa invented and innovated the boutique trade show format, allowing an endless amount of possibilities for networking. It keeps the same number of exhibitors and hosted buyers every year.

9. MEETINGS STAR 2019 More information on terms and conditions can be found at Conventa website: https://www.conventa.si/exhibitors/ here you can also find the Application form We are very much looking forward to welcome you at Conventa 2020.

The Meeting Star Award evaluation has become an important reference point for meeting planners. The grand finale is happening at Conventa’s red carpet!

10. ADDED VALUE: Every year, promotional activities at Conventa gets bigger. They are included in exhibitor packages for free and based on the growing database of potential buyers and innovative marketing tools.


EXPLORE NEW EUROPE, MEET NEW PARTNERS AND CREATE UNFORGETTABLE EVENTS Dear meeting planners, On behalf of the Conventa organizing team I would like to invite you to join us at 12th edition of Conventa, that will take place from 22 – 23 January 2020 in Ljubljana, Slovenia and will be followed by the fam trips to most interesting venues and marvelous destinations of New Europe.


Miha Kovačič, Head of Slovenian Convention Bureau and Co-founder of Conventa

• BOUTIQUE – petit in size and big in quality and hospitality • REGIONAL – presenting venues, DMCs, CVBs from the region of New Europe (Austria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine) • PROFESSIONAL – organised by professionals for professionals for the 12th year in a row • FRIENDLY – networking and relaxed atmosphere helping providers and clients to become true business partners Applications for 2020 are already opened and you are very welcome to apply for a hosted buyer status! Having in mind that more than 80% of exhibitors are coming to Conventa every year, our promise on the other side is to bring 80% of new hosted buyers every year. So, new comers with a real interest to organize events in the countries of New Europe, have priority in being confirmed as hosted buyers. Please note that Conventa as a boutique trade show accepts no more than 200 hosted buyers.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THE HOSTED BUYER STATUS? • Complimentary flights or travel costs refund • Complimentary 4 star accommodation in Ljubljana • 2 networking dinners in Ljubljana • On-site hospitality (coffee breaks, lunches) • Plenty of opportunities for informal meetings with exhibitors • Online personalised diary to pre-schedule the appointments with buyers of your choice • Opportunity to join the post-Conventa fam trips • Full support of our enthusiastic and professional team More information on terms and conditions can be found at Conventa website: www.conventa.si/hosted-buyers, where you can also find the Application Form

We are very much looking forward to welcome you at Conventa 2020! For more information please contact me at: miha.kovacic@conventa.info



NEW IN 2020

CONVENTA TECH & MORE 22nd to 23rd January 2020

Impress regional meeting planners with your ideas and solutions! For more information contact us at: natalija@conventa.info

OMG! IT’S CONVENTA! www.conventa.si

102 CONVENTA 2020 // TECH & MORE

WHAT’S NEW? Conventa is a meticulously organised business event, with selected regional and international exhibitors and buyers. It pulls inspiration from everything that exceeds established guidelines, successfully breaking boundaries when it comes to organising business events. Conventa has outgrown its frames as a trade show and has become the main juncture for meeting planners. From the very beginning, providers of technical equipment and event organisation solutions have been part of Conventa. From informational technologies and systems to promotional material, event production solutions and marketing tools. With 2020 and the 12th edition of the Conventa Trade Show, we will be providing even more space and opportunities on the exhibition floor.

More space in the Stebrna Hall of the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre

More options for your presentation

Conventa Tech & More business day for business partners that you invite (Thursday, 23 January 2020)

Better opportunities for establishing first contact, as the entrance for the participants will be through the Conventa Tech & More exhibition space






of the most important regional meeting service providers (hotels, convention centres, convention bureaus)

international meeting planners from companies associations and agencies

daily visitors, who come to Conventa for new knowledge and information

students who are entering the world of meetings industry




media representatives from around Europe

visitors to the www.conventa. si webpage every month

meeting planners who are subscribed to the Conventa e-newsletter

CONVENTA 2020 // TECH & MORE 103






Early bird registration

Submission of materials for the first e-newsletter (Conventa Ideas*)

Submission of materials for your entry in the Conventa catalogue

Submission of materials for the second e-newsletter (Conventa Ideas*)

*The e-newsletter will be sent to our entire database consisting of 71,347 meeting planners


Technology • Audio-Video Systems • Lighting • Professional Sound Systems • LED Video Walls and Screens • Displays • Photo Booths • Stages

Team building • Venues • Games • Activities

Software • Mobile Apps • Event Software • Registration Software • Interactive Games • Ticketing

Conference Supplies • Executive Gifts • Branded Giveaways • ID Cards • Flags and Banners

Decoration • Floral Design • Furniture Design • Marquee Structures & Tents

Insurance and Financial Services • Event Insurance • Event Finance • Cashless Systems

Services • Event Entertainment (DJs, artists ...) • Social Media Services • Content Marketing Services • Custom Audio Productions • Photography Services • Video Production • Printing • Staffing • Fireworks

Special venues • Industrial • Historical • Sport • Outdoor • Glamping

104 CONVENTA 2020 // TECH & MORE


There are many reasons why we think registering now and ensuring your place at the 12th Conventa is the smartest marketing decision you can make and we can support it with some simple facts:



It’s all about quality not quantity

No time wasted searching for potential clients


365 MARKETING Conventa marketing can be used to your advantage 365 days a year









CONVENTA TAGS The most frequently used words describing Conventa experience (by participants of Conventa 2019)




Just a friendly and productive atmosphere ideal for a relaxed matchmaking experience




Compared to other events in the industry


A personal touch and the friendliest show in the New Europe region.










Are you working in meetings industry and you are eager to know what works in MICE marketing and why is it so? Join us at the Conventa TREND BAR autumn edition! Mr Gorazd Čad, the co-founder of the largest regional meetings industry’s tradeshow Conventa, founder of its younger brother Conventa Crossover, as well as the CEO and owner of Toleranca Marketing and editor-in-chief at Kongres Magazine, will be answering the complex questions and riddles that event organizers and destination managers face in their work. The main part of the Trend Bars will be a workshop entitled

Gain knowledge, interact and get to know the meetings industry better. Come to Conventa Trend Bar and join us for lovely, fun and lively couple of hours that will inspire you for better creativity and arm you with knowledge for the challenges ahead.

We are excitingly awaiting you!

What works in MICE marketing and why it works? which will also answer why the classical methods do not always work and what must be known to best tailor them to serve your needs. The workshop is in its interactive format very practical, and the presentation of 20 examples will equip you with proper tools and techniques for successful marketing. Take your time and reserve your spot in your closest Trend Bar 2019 host city.


// September 12th

Hotel Expo Sofia - ForEgo Restaurant


// October 5th

INTERNATIONAL Hotel Casino & Tower Suites


https://www.123formbuilder. com/form-4755864/


// October 10th Campus City

Novi Sad

// October 18th

Svilara Cultural Station


// November 6th TBA


EVENTS & MARKETING AGENCY TOLERANCA MARKETING D.O.O, ŠTIHOVA 4, 1000 LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA Gorazd Čad, CEO l T: +386 (0)1 430 51 03 l E: gorazd.cad@toleranca.eu www.toleranca.eu



Kongres Magazine

Kongres Magazine is the very first niche communications agency to specialize in the meetings industry in the region of »New Europe«, creating urban congress stories spiced up with a strong dose of creativity and an “out of the box” vision for over a decade now.

ADVERTISE WITH US! T: +386 1 430 51 03 E: natalija@toleranca.eu

EDITOR IN CHIEF Gorazd Čad ASSISTANT EDITOR Sara Tiefengraber DESIGN Barbara Dimec DTP AND PREPRESS Barbara Dimec PHOTO CREDIT archive of Kongres Magazine and partners’ destinations The Kongres Magazine is entered into the media register under sequence number 1423. MAGAZINE ISSUED IN January, March, May, June, July, September, November, December ISSN NUMBER 1855-8615 PUBLISHER AND PRODUCTION Poslovni turizem Gorazd Čad s.p., Kamnica 6B, SI-1262 Dol pri Ljubljani T: +385 (0)1 430 51 03 E: gorazd.cad@go-mice.eu MARKETING Toleranca Marketing d.o.o., Štihova 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana T: +385 (0)1 430 51 03 E: gorazd.cad@toleranca.eu ISSUE DATE September 2019 For the content production it is required to get the written editorial consignment.

Official magazine of the Slovenian Convention Bureau

Ljubljana Capital for Great Meetings

A Cool


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