Page 1

/ 32 / OFF THE BEATEN MICE TRACK Herbal Glamping Resort Ljubno

/ 20 / PCO VIEWS PCO IN THE FUTURE by Breda Pečovnik, Michel Neijmann, Alain Pittet, Dan Rivlin, Ranko Filipović and Peter De Merlier

/ 56 / BEHIND THE SCENES D-RESORT, Šibenik, Croatia

/ 10 / EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW'S ON COOPETITION Christian Mutschlechner, Vienna Convention Bureau Christoph Tessmar, Managing Director, Barcelona Convention Bureau / 36 / TOP 20 SPECIAL / UNUSUAL VENUES Voted by readers of kongres magazine

/ 06 / THE YIN AND YANG OF MEETINGS INDUSTRY Patrick Delaney and Padraic Giligan Interview by Gorazd Čad

ISSN 1 8 5 5 - 8 6 1 5

9 771855 861009







GO DEEPER, RIGHT TO THE HEART! Over 8,000 karst caves are located beneath the surface of Slovenia.

spirit_spolar_oglas_204x255_postojna.indd 1

16. 03. 15 10.14



Page 14 CVB Briefing

CVB should be smarter that Mr. Google by Miha Kovačič Page 18 In Focus

How and why content marketing and PR works? Page 26 Been There

Meeting – Brand Value Propositions for Slovenia Meetings, Portorose

GORAZD ČAD Editor of the magazine is in his profession a geographer and historian. He united his professional education and love of discovering new lesser-known convention destinations with love and passion for the meetings industry. In meetologues he will try to share his enthusiasm with the readers. ŠPELA JERUC With her youthful energy Špela carries out even the most difficult journalistic tasks. Over the past two years she has become an important part of the Kongres team and is now ready to conquer the media world

PULA, Croatia Kongres Face2face Page 74 BELGRADE vs MONTREAL Page 91 LJUBLJANA vs BUCHAREST Page 68 Hidden Congress Guest


Dijana Kustudic Bukilica, Talas-M, DMC Taja Maček, DT Slovenia

Editor in Chief Gorazd Čad Assistant to the Editor in Chief Špela Jeruc Editor of Croatia Addendum Daniela Kos Editor of Kongres Telescope Robert Cotter Design Nenad Cizl dtp and prepress Premedia, Andrej Juvan Translation Špela Jeruc Proofreading Rob Cotter

NATALIJA BAH ČAD An unforgettable member in the editorial board of travelogues, who at each destination adds her icing on the cake. She has insight into the soul of destinations based on many years of practical experience with the organisation of events. She is interested in everything from the history, geography and destination marketing to care for the tiny little things that make the big events. POLONA SIMŠIČ The knowledge and experience she accumulated with organisation of advertising festivals and conferences, she successfully transfers to the meetings industry. She tells stories of the project Conventa and takes care that they are always up to date and fresh.

The Kongres magazine is entered into the media register under sequence number 1423. Magazine issued in January; March; May; July; September; November Publisher, Production and Marketing Toleranca Marketing d.o.o., Štihova 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana, t: +386 (0)1 430 51 03 f: +386 (0)1 430 51 04 v e: gorazd.cad@toleranca.eu Issue date September 2015 For the content reproduction it is required to get the written editorial consigment.

Official magazine of the Slovenian Convention Bureau

Page 16 Creative Break

#MeetInIstanbul Page 79 Croatia Addendum By Daniela Kos

- RSVP – The first event festival for event experts in Croatia and the Region - How to organize a successful incentive travel in Croatia? - Successful first Private MICE Forum in Dubrovnik Page 101

Conventa Experience Catalogue

ROBERT COTTER Alongside his work for Kongres, Rob is a regular contributor to MPI’s One+ magazine as well as MICENET Asia and Eventbiz Japan. He attends international MICE events to seek out best practice and share this with the international meetings community.


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ISSN 1 8 5 5 - 8 6 1 5

DANIELA KOS Daniela Kos graduated from Zagreb’s Faculty of Business and Economics. An entrepreneur with a specific interest in marketing, after starting her career in the IT industry and culture Daniela has gone on to today run the first Croatian media for the meetings industry.


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POPULAR KONGRES MAGAZINE CONTENTS Stories you won’t find in any other media ….





BEHIND THE SCENES Editorial look behind the scenes of the most exciting congress hotels in the region.

OFF THE BEATEN MICE TRACK Introducing new innovative congress products that surprise with aesthetics and creativity.



Unique evaluation of hotels by hidden congress guests using more than 400 criteria.

Overview of interesting congress providers through experiences and special offers.





Busting or confirming 10 meetings’ destination myths you always wondered about.

Meeting organizers golden guide that has been since 2010 revealing fresh and interesting European meetings destinations.

Secrets about Un-European meetings destinations through the editorial word of the brilliant Robert Cotter.

Fresh news, experts articles and trends from Croatia written by the lovely Daniela Kos, editor of the Croatia Addendum.





Exclusive interviews with meetings industry experts on the current challenges of the meetings industry.

Interviews with meetings industry professionals that reveal their stories of success.

Generation Next- young talents that will shape the future of the meetings industry.

In each of us lies a little enfant terrible. The editorial board chooses the most interesting ones.





Examples of good practice cases of events and meetings industry projects presented with concrete results.

The most comprehensive collection of incentive ideas that already includes 270 programmes and is being up-dated weekly.

Examples of good practice in the field of marketing of meetings destinations, hotels and events.

Presentation of the most interesting destinations through the TOP 10 column. We are rating convention hotels, car launch destinations, special venues,…

What’s next? The November issue will be hotter than ever and will not only amuse our loyal readers, but will also be cheering up international meeting planners attending IBTM world trade show in Barcelona. To meet up with the Kongres Magazine team and to get your printed issue of the magazine stop at our stand number i15. As always, we look forward to catching up!


A word from the editor

COOPETITION – IS IT POSSIBLE IN THE CROATIAN MEETINGS INDUSTRY? Coopetition is one of the best ways to reduce costs Daniela Kos, Editor in Chief, Poslovni Turizam


oopetition is a relatively new neologism. The word was formed by merging of seemingly incompatible concepts of cooperation and competition. The best known examples of coopetition can be found in IT, automotive, pharmaceutical industry, commerce and even in tourism. The interrelation of large tour operators and small agencies is based on coopetition: at first glance are mutually competitive because they sell the same product to the customer but in fact, they cooperate in the creation of tourist packages, their distribution and marketing. The examples of coopetition in recent years can be found in the Meetings industry. For example, the key for success of most successful meetings and incentive destinations in the world is based on this model where national or local Convention Bureau is kind of a „glue“ which brings together competing hotels, agencies and other suppliers and motivates them to create joint programs such as Ambassador program or marketing and sales campaigns. Also, many of the neighbouring meetings destinations which are part of the common or similar geographical or economic area are joining forces and having shared offer on third markets of the world. The last example is the association of 17 European national Convention Bureaus (European DMO Alliance) at the end of 2014, with a common interest for Europe to remain the world’s No. 1 destination for meeting organizers, particularly for the ones from USA. Although members of the Association, led by Germany and Netherlands Convention Bureau still have to create detailed cooperation framework. Croatia is not and can not be a member of this Association since doesn’t have a Convention Bureau. COOPETITION WITHOUT DISHONESTY OR HYPOCRISY The most important goal in all kinds of business is to make profit by increasing revenue or reducing costs. Coopetition is one of the best ways to reduce costs; for example, the joint procurement process of two companies will achieve

better negotiating position and conditions with suppliers. With joint marketing activities will also share the cost and dispose with larger assets in order to achieve greater visibility in the market, and so on. During sales, each partner can still independently determine the prices and terms of cooperation for customers but can also act as a part of common, greater brand. To achieve this, certain requirements have to be completed.

"If Apple and Samsung, otherwise „enemies“ can cooperate in certain segments of the manufacturing process, where Samsung makes chips for IPhone, isn't it time that members of Croatian meetings industry join forces and present their joint offer to local and international clients?" First of all, there should be a positive intention when making arrangements with sometimes the greatest competition without dishonesty or hypocrisy. Transparency and creation of mutual trust is one of the foundations of cooperation. Organizations similar in size will quicker find mutual interest for cooperation even if that means to subordinate its own ego. After finding common points, they will easily find specific el5

ements of cooperation, either through joint participation in the market, in the organization of procurement, distribution or something else. At the end of the process will define mutual right and obligations as well as the sharing of risks and profits. For example, in Croatia has twenty quality specialized DMC’s and PCO agencies, but they are mainly small companies with few employees who are all fighting each other for the same or similar clients and still perform mainly in the local market. Wouldn’t they have more benefits and success on the market if their know-how united and would jointly performed on the regional and global market competing with bigger players who currently in the organization of major international conferences just hire our local suppliers? Croatian Meetings industry has no significant cooperation programs and coopetition is often used just when necessary. For example, the convention centre that has no accommodation facilities will have to cooperate with the closes hotel to be able to organize multi-day events. On the other hand, if the above-mentioned hotel has smaller conference rooms than the total number of rooms, the near convention centre will come handy because it disposes with several rooms. In this case, each of them will at first glance lose part of the earnings because the client might arrange lunch or a gala dinner somewhere else, but in the long run they are both in profit because without mutual cooperation none of them wouldn’t be competitive for getting a job. If Apple and Samsung, otherwise „enemies“ can cooperate in certain segments of the manufacturing process, where Samsung makes chips for IPhone, isn’t it time that members of Croatian meetings industry join forces and present their joint offer to local and international clients? www.poslovniturizam.com

Exclusive Interview

"Both Slovenia and Croatia have a rich and long history in the meetings industry, however both destinations are suffering from a lack of focused development of their physical infrastructure."


Exclusive Interview


Text by Patrick Delaney and Padraic Giligan Interview by Gorazd Čad

YIN - PATRICK DELANEY Q: Tell us a little bit about your background and how you and Pádraic met? I did Hotel Management at University and worked initially in hospitality before moving to the Irish Tourist Board as a hotel inspector. I was then given the opportunity to move to sales and marketing and headed up the Irish Tourist Board’s interface with the growing MICE industry in the United States for over 10 years. I then returned to Ireland as Sales and Marketing Director for Adare Manor, a 5 star resort in South West Ireland. Finally in 1994 I started Delaney Marketing Consultants with Padraic. Pádraic and I are lifelong friends and despite the commonly held opinion that you should “never go into business with your friends” we have successfully worked together for over 20 years. Padraic comes from an academic background, having taught at secondary and university levels for many years. I started my career in hotel operations and moved on to destination marketing promoting Ireland in the United States. We joined together in 1993 and formed Delaney Marketing, which evolved into Ireland’s leading DMC, Ovation Group. Ovation, in turn, merged with the MCI Group and we launched the Ovation brand in over 100 destinations worldwide. Q: You’ve been in Slovenia and Croatia recently. What are your impressions of the local meetings industry? Both Slovenia and Croatia have a rich and long history in the meetings industry, however both destinations are suffering from a lack of focused development of their physical infrastructure. Thankfully this situation is changing and they are now involved in a major drive to catch up. The other challenge, of course, is that of limited air access, especially in the case of Slovenia. Q: How did you feel about the Slovenian Convention Bureau brief for cooperation? We are really excited about this co-operation as the Slovenian Convention Bureau, and Miha Kovačič in particular, have a reputation for innovation and not being satisfied with the status quo. We firmly believe that a destina-

tion can only be successfully marketed if it is willing to be disruputive in its actions. There are too many safe, “me too” destination activies which are not based on a clear, measurable and focused strategy. If you are going to cut through the clutter of the avalanche of messages in today’s marketplace, you need to re-engage your customers with content that matters. Q: What was the biggest challenge in demonstrating the effectiveness of your work? We have been working in the Meetings Industry for over 25 years, running meeting and events in every continent and being actively involved in the promotion of the various Ovation destinations world wide. During this time we made many mistakes, but we also had the opportunity to be involved with and observe many of the most successful destination promotion activities. These campaigns have used social media and training to drive and deliver increased market share among customer groups and supplier partners. In particular we have been passionate proponents of training programmes that genuinely engage participants and we have been delivering this type of training within our own company as well as all the main Industry Associations. The challenge was to showcase these capabilities to a wider audience, which thankfully is now happening. Q: What kind of initial advice would you give to destinations that want to host international meetings? There are no quick fixes to being recognised as a viable meetings and events destination. It takes time, hard work, funds and will not take place without a clear strategy and total destination stakeholder support. A first piece of advice would be to look in your own back yard and find an academic, a professor or an industry thought leader who is contributing something of significance to the knowledge economy. Leverage his international contacts to bring international meetings to Slovenia. Q: What advice would you offer to someone just starting out in the meetings industry? Be interested, not interesting; that is, try to be open to understand what is important 7

to your customers and then try to deliver it. This attitude will make you always on the lookout for new ideas and ways of doing business that are relevant and realistic. Q: How strong is the outlook for DMCs, what services might they offer and will they still be around in 10 years time? Absolutely, but not as we know them today. With the rapid growth of technology and the sharing economy many of the services and added values a DMC used to provide are no longer needed, or, to be precise, customers are not willing to pay for them. However, a good DMC is totally immersed and connected in their destination and is uniquely positioned to mediate a customer’s goals and what the destination has to offer. Q: What do you think are the biggest challenges facing our industry today? To stay relevant to our customers. The real benefits of organising face-to-face meetings and events need to be highlighted and celebrated. In a world where societies are disconnected and individuals feel disenfranchised and alienated, collaboration is greatly enhanced and facilitated when interested parties get together in a structured, face to face environment. YANG - PADRAIC GILIGIAN Q: So why SoolNua and why now? Why does the world need another consulting agency? We’ve been truly blessed by the opporunities we’ve had in our careers. Prior to working in the Meetings Industry I was a teacher for 13 years while Patrick worked in the public sector for the Irish Tourist Board in North America. Then we ignited our enterpreneurial spark and started Delaney Marketing, which became Ireland’s largest MICE agency with over 60 staff and revenues of €20m. Next we joined MCI and continued worked as global directors, opening 100 Ovation offices all over the world. SoolNua is the next natural step in a career trajectory that started with a small, boutique environment, got big, then bigger. Now we need that start-up intimacy and energy again. We want to be client facing, personally involved in projects,

Exclusive Interview

sharing the insights that come from the many mistakes we’ve made over the past 20 years! And, to be really honest, the world doesn’t need another consulting agency. However, our industry can always benefit from practical wisdom and hard earned experience. That’s what we bring to destinations, venues and hotel clients and the PwCs and McKinseys of this world need have no fear that we’re taking the bread out of their mouths! Q: You are from Ireland? How did that shape your route in terms of your career and getting into meetings industry? My own entry point into the Meetings Industry came purely by accident. I was doing PhD research in Italian at University and our department was contacted by the Irish Tourist Board as Alberto Moravia, the famous Italian author, was visiting Ireland to write a series of travel articles. I was hired as his guide. I discovered then how much I loved mediating the destination experience on behalf of visitors to the country. I worked about 6 seasons as a tour guide in Ireland and that provided the basis for moving into the DMC sector. Q: Why is the Meetings Industry important in today’s global economy? The term “Meetings Industry” is not really understood outside of its own confines. Most commentators will categorise us with travel and tourism and while

these sectors are hugely important in the global economy the impact and importance of the Meetings Industry goes way beyond the bounds of travel and tourism and has few, if any, of the downsides of leisure tourism activity. In terms of tourist revenue, meetings outperform most niches – a meetings visitor will contribute 3 – 4 times more revenue to a destination than a leisure visitor, for example. But meetings bring far more than that – think foreign direct investment, knowledge transfer, destination reputation etc. Q: How innovative is the international meetings Industry? We are very innovative internally within the Meetings Industry and appalling, completely lacking in innovation, in our external relations! Meetings today in relation to their delivery and execution are increasingly pushing out the creative boundries using new meeting design, formats and, of course, technology. It’s really exciting to see this – there’s a vibrant, pulsating heart of creativity across everything that we do these days. However, we’re very poor at communicating this externally with the result that we’re still a hidden economic presence, a powerhouse without a name.


Q: What is the hardest part of the process of attracting international meetings and events? For new and emerging destinations like Croatia and Slovenia the challenge is profile, identity, image. Conference organisers are afraid to select a destination that’s “unknown”, as this may impact attendance. However, when they start to research the destination they’ll use the standard filters with access and infrastructure top of the criteria list. If access is poor or challenging and there are not other mitigating reasons why the destinations should be selected – for example a hugely compelling brand value proposition – then that destination is dead in the water.

Exclusive Interview

Q: What are the biggest opportunities and challenges in the regional meetings industry of South-East Europe? The challenges are image, access and infrastructure and, unfortunately, there are no quick fixes for any of these! But there are opportunities too and these relate specifically to the fact that South-East Europe is still undiscovered. The on-going demographic evolution in workplaces means there’s a generational shift which is also impacting preferences regarding destinations. Young meetings delegates are more curious, more adventurous and more culturally sensitive than their older counterparts. They value authenticity over luxury, direct experiences over hands-off explanations. They want to taste and feel new destinations also because they’ve been everywhere mainstream already – they grew up in an era of democratised travel. They’re the Ryanair and EasyJet generations. Q: Which meeting brand—besides your own—currently impresses you? From a destinations perspective I really like what Slovenia is doing – it’s fresh and friendly. I also like Iceland’s approach. It’s quirky and different, just like the destination itself. The Swiss Convention and Incentive Bureau (SCIB) is also impressive – I really like the short movies they present each year that give the lie to the common belief that the Swiss have no sense of humour. I also love the new independent hotels, particularly Citizen M and, at the other end of the scale, I’m intrigued by Firmdale, The Doyle Collection and Kempinski hotels. Q: What makes new meeting destinations stand out from the competition? You can’t stand out when you’re sitting side by side with everyone else, so new meetings destinations that stand out do so because they’re different, unusual, quirky, funny-looking, disruptive. Once you get attention by “standing out” then you have the chance to establish a connection, a dialogue, a face to face conversation.

ONE-ON-ONE WITH PATRICK AND PADRAIC Q: What’s the first information you consume in the morning? [PD] World and local news via the radio, then followed by emails and social media platforms like Linked In, Instagram, Facebook and industry blogs. [PG] I use Feedly to curate content from a variety of on-line sources including business and meetings industry sites and sites like HBR, Monocle, Wallpaper etc. That’s where I go first thing in the morning. I also read MeetPie, MeetingsNet, Kongres Magazine. Q: Tell us about your social media habits - who do you follow? [PD] I read all the industry blogs, of course Padraic’s first, and people like Bruce Macmillan, Alan Jordan and Ron from BookBuzz, and I love to read Seth Godin and Bernadette Jiwa for their insights on business and marketing in particular. [PG] I’m active on Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook and click thru to other on-line content from there usually. I’ve recently joined the editorial team at Event Manager Blog where I’ll be writing about venues besides posting weekly at http://padraicino.com/ Q: What have been the mistakes in your career and what did you learn from them? [PD] When I knew something was wrong, I felt it but did not give enough credibility to my instincts. Culture eats strategy for breakfast, so concentrate on protecting your culture and values above all else and the rest will follow. [PG] I’ve made all the classic blunders from sending out an unprotected spreadsheet to a client with all our wholeprices displayed to pressing “reply to all” on email communications that everyone should definitely not have seen! The biggest mistake, I think, was not following the classic advice to “Hire slowly, Fire quickly”. The people around your organisation are the life blood of your culture and values. If they’re the wrong people then your culture and values are compromised and you should never allow this to happen. Q: What’s on your reading list? [PD] Benjamin Black, the pen name of the Irish author John Banville: The Silver Swan - a murder mystery with a wonderful main character called Quirke. Bernadette Jiwa: Difference - a wonderful book about reimagining your business and reinventing your marketing. [PG] I’m a graduate in English Literature but felt I was a fraud because I avoided George Eliot’s Middlemarch. I just spent the past 4 weeks reading it and now feel like I really earned my degree.


In Focus


Christian Mutschlechner, Vienna Convention Bureau Q: What is the value of strategic co-opetition? We wanted to generate value for our customers and marketing-wise, especially in overseas markets, work together to show clients that there are two top destinations in Europe. Q: What makes your project with Barcelona significant? This cooperation/coopetition started many, many years ago when both cities chose the same representation company in New York. It was logical that sooner or later our sales people would go together on sales trips and then our people learned about the infrastructure etc. and were able to also sell the other destination to clients. Later on we also expanded this marketing cooperation into Asia with a common booth at CIBTM in Beijing, or we went together on sales trips to China and India. And finally we managed three or four years ago to propose our destinations together to clients and clients picked up this new idea and booked both cities in a row for their meetings, either exclusively or in a three/four year rotation, where Barcelona and Vienna were clear and the remaining open years are tendered to other destinations. Q: Who are the players in your network and how can you collaborate to maximize value? The key is the right chemistry between the Directors of the Convention Bureau – it helps

EFORT PICKS COOPETITION OFFER FROM BARCELONA AND VIENNA Messe Wien The European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) has chosen for the annual congress in 2017 and 2020 Vienna and for 2018 and 2021 Barcelona, The years 2019 and 2022 will be organised in different cities. The EFORT congress in Vienna will take place from May 31 – June 2, 2017 at the Messe Wien Congress and Exhibition Center. In Barcelona the venue will be the Fira Gran Via. EFORT congresses last 3 full days and approx. 8,000 participants attend the scientific sessions, educational meetings and training courses. It is expected that the congress generates 40.000 overnights.


a lot. It is based on confidence and respect, keeping in mind that we are competitors but that very often we can achieve more together. And this cooperation is not only executed in a positive way by our staff, but also the key suppliers in our cities, especially the conference centres. Q: What will you do to sustain competitive advantage over time? It is an ongoing fine-tuning and talking to make sure that the service level remains high and wherever possible becomes even better. Q: Lessons from co-opetition with Barcelona so far? It was and is a great idea, especially if you achieve concrete business results. Q: Your definition of co-opetition? Coopetition maximizes the benefits of a partnership based on respect that there will always be competition. Q: Short info about destination: Why do you think that Vienna is a good place to do MICE business? Excellent meeting infrastructure, excellent accessibility, enough hotel rooms in the city and hotels understanding the meeting business, politics supporting where needed and a good, client-focused convention bureau.

In Focus

"Coopetition or Co-opetition (sometimes spelled "coopertition" or "co-opertition") is a neologism coined to describe cooperative competition. Coopetition is a portmanteau of cooperation and competition, emphasizing the "petition"-like nature of the joint work." Source: Wikipedia Christoph Tessmar, Managing Director, Barcelona Convention Bureau Q: What is the primary role of your co-opetition with Vienna? Both Convention Bureaus have the same role: we have decided to approach several associations together in order to present a joint bid for both cities. We are coordinating the bidding process with the partners in our cities in order to collect all the offers for the needs required in the RFPs. Q: How did the partnership start? Back in 2007 both cities showcased in China’s CIBTM trade fair, with a joint promotion campaign for both destinations with the aim to save costs and time for customers by promoting the two cities sharing the same stand. As the experience was very positive we decided to extend the Barcelona-Vienna brand to the United States. Several commercial visits were carried out showcasing the attributes of both destinations and this was very well received by the US customers. The idea of joint promotion strategies addressed to associations started in 2012. Q: What are the common values that bring two destinations together? The highly attractive synergy of this AustrianMediterranean positioning has been very well received. It is a synthesis between two urban destinations which offers a good sales promotion in terms of Marketing. Barcelona and Vienna are two leading destinations, one with the Central Europe tradition and the other with the charm of the Mediterranean. Both can offer to the customers the guarantee of a successful and profitable event. Q: What challenges are you facing at the moment? A novel trend, with several major medical associations in Europe reducing the number of locations where they hold congresses, which is a


good opportunity for our joint promotion. The main challenge is to be selected as hosts for all these congresses and we have achieved it with several important ones. Q: Lessons from co-opetition with Barcelona so far? In the demanding field of the Meetings Industry in times of globalization everybody wants to differentiate himself. Good sales arguments and new ways of promotion are very welcome in this highly competitive market, in which many destinations are competing to attract business. The return of this new way of promotion and this collaborative effort aimed at resource optimization is evident with the achieved results. Q: Your definition of co-opetition? We are not competitors; we are partners with some exceptions. One can help the other and strength is in unity. Q: Short info about the destination: Why do you think that Barcelona is a good place to do MICE business? First of all the great infrastructure of the city. The offer of new and different venues is growing year by year. Connectivity is improving day by day. For example, the metro from the airport to the city centre will start in February 2016. Barcelona has the capacity to host any kind of event. Barcelona is continuously working on innovation, especially on technology. All relevant partners of the MICE sector, such as the Barcelona Convention Bureau, Hotels, Venues and service providers, are like a big family and working very well together. That makes life for customers much easier. But the most important thing is that all attendees will feel great in our wonderful city and have a lot of fun.

Kongres magazine


Kongres magazine


CVB Briefing

CVB SHOULD BE SMARTER THAN MR GOOGLE. Convention Bureau needs to provide true benefits to the client, PCO and delegates. Text by Miha Kovačič Photo credits Katja Jemec

Please select your choice:

the a PCO. All these benefits must be tailored to the "As we all know CVB + PCO = X needs of a particular congress. There are so many the saying in our benefits for each stakeCVB + PCO = ? holder that the length of industry. You are this article does not allow CVB + PCO =  me to list them all. Before good as your last This is a statement: CVB is copying what event. So Convention Meetings industry values the other CVB is doing the role of a Convention I would suggest first to Bureau how did you Bureau. dig and find what beneDo meeting profesfits could my destination perform your last sionals value to role of bring to the congress and a CVB? Some yes and its stakeholders. job for the PCO?" some don’t. Like in There are destinations every business, right? Do that compete which one PCO’s value to role of a will offer higher financial Convention Bureau? Ask the PCO’s. support for the congress. I don’t believe this is After working in this business for almost the longterm solution. Nobody will truly gain 20 years and spending the last 10 years in the over longer period of time. With this we are just CVB I would love to give you a clear answer. Yes destroying our own business. Bear in mind that they do. But only if you understand them and meetings business is a long term business. you bring added value on the table. That means There is a place for Convention Bureau at the CVB needs not only to understand the role of table when PCO comes into city. Not just that, it a PCO but also the challenges of a todays PCO should actually be the best budy of a PCO. His/ her right hand for the destination enbling him/ environment. CVB job is not just organising the site inspec- her to organise the best congress experience tion, providing a list of hotels and restaurant, for attendees and provide the best ROI for the access to civic veneues and other logistics. CVB association. should be smarter than Mr Google. As we all know the saying in our industry. Convention Bureau should provide true You are good as your last event. So Convention benefits to the client, PCO and delegates. Bureau how did you perform your last job for Everything in cooperation and agreement with the PCO?


Cool, fresh and healthy in Slovenia: now also number one ice cream destination


SLOVENIA MEETINGS Feel the people. Taste fresh ideas.



Creative Break

#MEETINISTANBUL Campaign: #MeetInIstanbul Twitter Campaign Client: Istanbul Convention & Visitors Bureau

ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN: Our aim has been to create a hashtag as #MeetInIstanbul so as to provide the congress delegates a social platform on Twitter where they can share their experiences about Istanbul and the congresses that they participated in. • Whilst at the same time gaining new followers to our social media channels to create a broader digital platform • A nd also increasing the number of engagements on social channels to promote the activities managed by Istanbul CVB.

SOLUTION: • Finding the right keywords for the search results • Spend a limited budget on Twitter advertising • Reaching the younger generation of the meeting industry that uses social media much more intensively • Giving a weekend-stay in Istanbul for 3 participants as a reward • A desk opening to promote our campaign at 3 different international congresses held in Istanbul

CHALLENGES: • Low Twitter usage of middle-aged congress delegates. • Limiting the hashtag to a pre-defined group of users. • Time limit, as the campaign was only for a 3-month period.

RESULTS: • Managed to achieve a great number of engagements and participation during the campaign. Moreover, the campaign was praised by our members. • The campaign reached a number of approx. 114k engagements and around 3.63m views in 3 months. The campaign attracted around 2.5k new followers. • Raised Istanbul’s business profile on social media. • 3 lucky followers around the world have been chosen for the reward.


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Kongres magazine

HOW AND WHY CONTENT MARKETING AND PR WORKS? FAQ to Editor of Chief about PR and Content Marketing Text by Gorazd Čad


Is PR important as a discipline in the overall marketing/sales mix? If yes, how and why? The importance of PR has significantly increased in the last few years, although I can understand it more as content marketing. At a time when campaigns are taken over by our customers, there are only a few tools that enable communication through various channels, with the exception of content marketing. Many of them do not separate the usual press releases from content marketing. The basic difference is in the useful value of the message for the final user and through which different channels it is sent. The most important difference here is in the ‘storytelling’ rather than selling services. Stories must be personal, sincere and written in the good old journalistic manner, and even better if it’s written in a classic five-level logic of Greek

tragedies with their concept, twist, summit, denouement and catharsis. Such integrated stories are easy to place within the different communication media, which generally does not apply to sales messages with which most providers regularly bombard us. Personally, I have accumulated a lot of sugar in my blood vessels from all Valentine’s offers… Q: Which kind of companies, suppliers, services, or products do you think might be unable to benefit from professional PR? The answer to this question is unambiguous: I don’t know any company that wouldn’t profit thanks to the support of professional PR. Can you imagine the life of congress providers without their own blogs, newsletters, video channels, infographs, white papers, tweets, Facebook posts and more? 18

Good and successful brands have become their own media houses. The most typical example is Red Bull, which has recently posted on Twitter that they are actually not selling drinks, but are the media house. Q: What do you think is most beneficial (to a company/supplier/service/product): to have an in-house PR professional or to hire a PR agency? It’s definitely best to have your own in-house PR professional or, even better, a team for content marketing. They should be well qualified, otherwise they could do more harm than good. In such instances it is better to hire a professional PR agency that has mastered the language of the meetings industry. Nevertheless, the time will come in the meetings industry when new professions like content president, audience de-

Kongres magazine

velopment manager, e-media manager and more will all show up… Good content has also never been free. In an article in The Marketer magazine an interesting analogy was set out that content marketing is like buying a house rather than renting. Nobody these days would build a house without considering who best to engage for the job, which is the same for content managers who are today the masters of multimedia tools and who have a range of special tools at their disposal. The major problems arise because today, unfortunately, everyone thinks they know how to write… Q: What makes you open and read a press release or a press invitation? I’m always impressed by crystal clear, elegant and exciting content properly tailored to a niche audience. The key is the emotional element of the story, which we know as EMQ – emotional meetings quotient. Otherwise, structurally I’m most convinced by: - Title: as the most important enhancement of the message - The length of the message: which may not exceed the generally accepted journalistic standards - The structure of the message: which allows me to read the message in an orderly way and for further use Through years of practice, we have learned that when it comes to articles always apply the Pareto principle – 20% of the words affect 80% of the communication. Q: What then makes you delete a press release or a press invitation? Mostly the title. A good title is short, interesting, clear and identifiable. I’m disturbed by the words BEST, AMAZING… … The Perfect Conference Destination … A top destination for meetings and events … Your ultimate MICE destination Q: What would make you publish a press releases or a piece of news? “Sometimes we can also spice things up with a bit of conflict, because as human beings we’re naturally interested in conflict.” Mistakes and room for improvement can be grouped into the following categories:

1. LENGTH OF PRESS RELEASES Today’s acceptable length of the message is from 100 to 150 words. If you look at published messages, at least 60% of them exceed this standard. 2. MESSAGE STRUCTURE Press releases should be clearly structured and composed of several keywords, an attractive title, a lead-in, core and a clear indication of sources. In this way, you will facilitate the work of journalists and other readers. It is necessary to take into account that: - TITLE is extremely important and is the first contact with the reader. - SUMMARY is all-essential information about the campaign condensed into a concise, striking and interesting paragraph. - THE CONTENT should be clear and understandable, grammatically correct and readable. - THE LAST PARAGRAPH contains information about the organisation and additional information and web link related to the contribution. 3. THE TITLE OF MESSAGE A good title is short, interesting, clear and identifiable. Words which need to be avoided are those such as ‘best’, ‘amazing’… The title is the enhancer of your press release. 4. THE CONTENT Good content stories comply with the above written formula to be more newsworthy. Concretely what this means is that we should be publishing presentations of new congress services, the results of market research, credit reports and awards, reports on exceptional business results and new strategic partnerships. What is most disturbing being presented as ‘news’ is the enumeration of congress halls or descriptions of the services they offer in the hotel rooms… 5. UEP - Unique Emotional Point Very exceptional messages act on our emotions and heart, which is the basic element of a good congress story. Many events don’t have the potential to host a large number of people, but they have tremendous emotional impact and are worthy of the attention of the general public. Think about the stories that emotionally hit the planners, but not you as the storyteller. 6. SALES OFFERS ARE NOT press releases The worst mistake to make is certainly a sales offer release. There are plenty of them in the


IMEX System where we can see offers in which exhibitors offer discounts and all-inclusive congress packages… Q: How can PR people make your job easier? You have to think 24/7 about what meeting planners are interested in and not about what you find interesting in the destination. Meeting planners are interested in the stories of people from the industry, looking behind the scenes of the industry and more into the lifestyle. I recommend preparing a substantive brief adapted to our destination. With the help of such a methodology, you will certainly be more successful in your communication. In the preparation it is important that you keep up with your flow of thoughts. Above all, you have to clarify the aim of the communication and target group. The decision on WHAT TO LET GO is as important as what to include in your message. You constantly have to think about what makes your content different from others. Q: What other advice would you like to share, such as great examples of PR work or campaigns that really stand out in our industry? Your own communication is more definitely a best practice example that I often speak about to participants at content marketing seminars, and it is one that I carry our across the region. Otherwise, I was recently impressed by the following examples: - Glasgow CVB - SoolNua - Brisbane CVB - C-IN PCO A good practice case for us is one that is measurable due to its excellent results, such as that of the project Conventa.

YOU ARE WHAT YOU READ! Instead of a conclusion, I state our five internal editorial golden rules: • Do not defile the name of the corporation •D o not give false testimony • Do not kill •D o not participate in theft HONOUR READERS SO YOU WILL LIVE LONG AND HAPPY


PCO VIEWS What would be the perfect PCO?

Text by Gorazd Čad

WHAT IS AN IAPCO PCO? An IAPCO PCO is a Professional Congress Organiser or Meeting Planner who administers and brings to fruition the organisation of a congress, meeting, event or convention in a professional manner. Such a professional manner will include timeliness, efficiency, financial responsibility and good management. An IAPCO PCO has achieved a professional standard as judged by their peers and their clients.

LONG-TERM-CONSULTANT AND NOT ONE-OFF LOGISTICS PROVIDER: THE SUCCESSFUL PCO "The real PCO of the future will consult its clients on a medium and long term basis"

AMCS ADDING MUCH MORE VALUE THAN PCO "So, shall we dare to say that the future of the PCO is dead? Probably yes, unless the PCO of the future converts its spectrum of services to the level of AMC with integrated PCO services."

GOOD PCOS BECOME AN IAPCO MEMBER "Good PCOs take responsibility for the outcome of their clients’ meetings, whilst keeping their businesses healthy, and staff members well looked after."

LAIN PITTET, ETER DE MERLIER, ICHEL NEIJMANN, 01 AManaging 02 PManaging 03 MIAPCO Partner at President Director at C-IN

Congrex Switzerland

NEVER TIRED AND WITHOUT ENERGY, ALWAYS SMILING, WELL PREPARED, WELL ORGANISED "I would say that small PCOs will be back on the scene, because they can provide exactly that – a person and a face behind the machine, investing all of the knowledge and effort into the implementation.

THE PERFECT PCO WOULD BE ONE THAT PROVIDES A PEACE OF MIND TO A MEETING PLANNER "The future of the PCO – which has already begun – is the capability to change and adapt to novelties in order to survive"

THE IMAGE OF PCOS IN THE MARKET NEEDS TO IMPROVE DRAMATICALLY " I suspect that one of the greatest challenges will be that of working globally and delivering a global experience with a 'truly' local touch."

Source: www.iapco.org


BREDA PEČOVNIK, Congress and Events Management Director of CD Congress Centre Ljubljana

ANKO FILIPOVIĆ, AN RIVLIN, 05 RDirector 06 DCEO at of Kenes Group PerfectMeetings.hr




ALAIN PITTET, Managing Director at Congrex Switzerland

Long-term-consultant and not one-off logistics provider: the successful PCO Q: PCO in the future Long-term consultant and not one-off logistics provider The successful PCO of the future will increasingly act as a consultant of its client. The traditional, more logistical services will become a commodity every client expects and which in my opinion in the future will not be the differentiator between real PCOs. Unfortunately a lot of companies call themselves PCO, even if their core business is definitively not professional congress organisation, but a more partial delivery of logistical services around a conference. This is why Associations should choose their PCO and consultants among the members of IAPCO (International Association of Professional Congress Organisers). IAPCO members have to gain their yearly quality stamp through continuous education and stringent admission procedures. The real PCO of the future will consult its clients on a medium and long term basis providing strategic business planning, brand development, fundraising, compliance consulting and will develop and implement a comprehensive, tailor-made activity plan for two to three years. The consulting services can be combined with other association management or conference planning services to provide an integrated solution for any organisation. Obviously this is not possible for those clients who opt for a yearly rotation of the event organiser, where the working relationship needs to be re-established and a lot of time has to be invested to transfer the knowledge about the vision of the organisation and the goals and objectives of its event. Considering the consultative approach the future PCO has to adopt, only a long-term partnership can create continuity, understanding of the needs of the different stakeholders and supporters and help to gain a lot of efficiencies. All associations, also very big ones with an in-house conference team, can profit from the experience and multi branch know-how of a PCO and should therefore plan regular external business plan reviews and consider a medium- or longterm partnership with an agency. The future PCO will be pleased to act as core PCO, but also to deliver only part services on a

long-term basis i.e. as a core housing agency, a core delegates’ relationship agency and so on. The vision of a PCO should be to achieve memorable conferences, host happy participants and, if the PCO delivers also strategic Association Management services, to increase membership engagement. What does that mean? PCOs have to use their years of experience and lead their clients to the understanding that today the quality of a congress is not assessed purely with its content. There is a considerably increasing importance of the overall delegate’s experience. In the near future, when also participants of scientific conferences will have to pay for their trip and registration, they will choose where to go on the basis of their best overall experience in the past or of the best image transmitted by the different communication channels. In my opinion, memorable congresses have networking possibilities before, during and after the event, combined with online and onsite social media activities. Younger and first time participants need facilitators to come into contact with more senior delegates. Also the meeting architecture and the format of the different sessions influence the participants’ experience. Do they have possibilities to actively participate in sessions, or is the programme based just on lectures, on one-way communication? Our clients have to understand that their conference is a product with a brand. And a brand needs a branding development strategy, which a good PCO is able to provide. Q: What would be the perfect PCO? The perfect PCO delivers all services free of charge. I am joking! More seriously, I think the perfect PCO has a very consultative approach and enthusiastic, motivated, multilingual and multicultural staff who care about the client. This leads to a 365/24 service-oriented working attitude, 100% commitment and dedication to details. The perfect PCO achieves the client’s targets in an effective and efficient way and always delivers what he promises. And finally, creative individual solutions should exceed the expectations of the client. About the Author Alain Pittet has been working for 22 years in the Events Industry. Before joining Congrex Switzerland as Managing Director in August 2009 he worked for 16 years at the MCH Group as Director of Trade Fairs and Exhibitions and in this role was responsible for 15 trade fairs in Basel and Zurich. Alain is married to an Italian and has two adult sons. He speaks German, English, French, Italian, understands Sardinian and a bit of Spanish, likes red wine, Italian and Thai food, smokes cigars and is very active on social media. 21


PETER DE MERLIER Managing Partner at C-IN

AMCs adding much more value than PCO Q: PCO in the future When professional congress management services (PCO) were introduced in Europe at the end of the 70s, it was positioned as a specialised profession with an exclusive focus on the management of the congress of academic and professional associations. Up to the beginning of the 90s - before the abolition of internal border controls and the introduction of the digital services - the focus remained on handling logistics and commodities. At that time, the PCOs became challenged by competitive activities like in-house management and AMCs, and this trend has been observed till today. After the global economic downturn and the Congrex bankruptcy, many associations reconsidered their way of cooperation with PCOs, looking for increased transparency and financial security. This resulted in a wave of in-house management. So, shall we dare to say that the future of the PCO is dead? Probably yes, unless the PCO of the future converts its spectrum of services to the level of AMC with integrated PCO services. The AMC acts as an association partner offering modular services varying from commodities to participative leadership, including the congress management as most visible activity of the association. The congress objectives and expected outcomes should reflect the specific strategic priorities of the association (e.g. focus on young professionals and career development, digital services, involvement of patient organisations, new financing sources etc.). And the business potential? There are still plenty of associations in demand for professionalising their services and brand, so the pool for new business remains promising. Smart research and a well evaluated initial approach can avoid tenders. There are also new formats of professional organisations that are not neccessarily membership-based or even registered. Last but not least, in a fast evolving technology and health science market, new associations are being launched. Once a PCO was warning their DMC colleagues about their blurry future, now it is the AMCs adding much more value than PCOs through a long-term, outsourced, modular service partnership. Q: What would be the perfect PCO? The perfect PCO acts as an association partner aiming for the best expected outcome of the congress. This will be done by an evaluation survey


of the past congress, implementing relevant and affordable new congress elements (design and technology), stimulating delegate engagement and assuring return on investments. This is done by focusing on improvements on education access, network extension and business acquisitions. By doing so, budgeting opens also new income perspectives beyond the traditional income sources, like crowdfunding and CSR contributions. About the Author As a doctor in pharmaceutical sciences, Peter has a lifelong interest in advancements in life science discoveries. After a decade of representing three international medical device companies, in 2002 Peter decided to take the challenge of co-founding C-IN, a modular service provider to European health science and technology associations. To keep up the good business mind, he enjoys free time with the family and exploring alpine regions and trails on his mountainbike.



Good PCOs become an IAPCO member Q: PCO in the future For as long as I can remember, there have been discussions on what the future would look like for PCOs, and even if there would be a future at all for these meeting professionals. During IAPCO assemblies the members regularly engage in sessions on market- and self-analysis, in order to understand the complex dynamics within our industry-at-large, and ultimately the requirements of our clients. And it is here where we find the future. Our world is changing; societies are changing; people are changing. I suppose this is inherent to life itself. However, I believe most people would agree that the speed and variety of changes in our current existence have increased so much, that it raises concerns about the future in general. The extraordinary development of public Internet use, and technology in general, has defined many of the changes in our environment. Such dynamics in life beg for reflection, as well as for interaction with other professionals. When a person truly understands the necessity for reflection, the natural follow-up is found in seeking education. Within our industry nowadays there are plenty educational offerings at

different levels. And fortunately some of these offerings include the contributions of individuals who are active in different business environments. And when we add to this the effort to embrace ideas and suggestions from people of different generations, we can learn that just listening carefully to other peoples’ experiences provides enough energy and courage to face to unexpected challenges of tomorrow. The exchange of information, practices and thoughts with professionals from different business environments drives the development of new services. PCOs deliver services that are often intangible and therefore difficult to classify, administer or put a value on. It is obvious that the commoditization of certain logistical elements within a PCO service package has forced the PCOs towards the development of new sales arguments. And before that, or so I would like to presume, to the actual professional education and development concerning new services required by clients. Now the task of the PCOs is to find better ways to market their position in the overall value description of the clients’ projects. Just like our clients’ clients, PCOs look for platforms offering a learning environment and an opportunity to exchange thoughts and concerns with others. For almost fifty years now IAPCO has provided such a platform to PCOs who show a commitment to raising quality standards in the international meetings industry. When all these professionals gather and engage in serious discussions and joyful interactions, little miracles happen and great optimism comes to the surface. With so many different backgrounds, interests and experiences, the IAPCO members seek to provoke their minds, in order to improve their understanding and opportunities to face tomorrow’s dynamics and challenges. And for as long as PCOs are determined to improve their services, and committed to assisting clients and committed to assisting clients in achieving their goals, the future for them looks bright and prosperous. Q: What would be the perfect PCO? There is no such thing as the perfect lawyer, builder or PCO. Good PCOs take responsibility for the outcome of their clients’ meetings, whilst keeping their businesses healthy, and staff members well looked after. Good PCOs invest in appropriate education for all of the staff members, and do business in an honest and sustainable way. Good PCOs embrace every opportunity to improve their services, and as such engage in meaningful conversations with clients, participants, colleagues and competitors. Good PCOs become an IAPCO member. About the Author Michel started his professional career in the Meetings and Exhibition Industry with a part-time involvement in the European Society of Cardiology in 1989. Following his graduation from University, Michel joined 22

Congrex in 1997 where he was involved in the organisation of many international congresses. Changing perspective, he decided to focus on a Post-Graduate in Journalism in 2003. Returning to the industry later that year, new appointments took him from Istanbul to Rome, and in 2010 he returned to Istanbul where is now Director Business Development for Figur International and the joint venture LFC. Michel is President of IAPCO and a member of the IAPCO Training Academy since 2006.


BREDA PEČOVNIK Congress and Events Management Director of CD Congress Centre Ljubljana

Never tired and without energy, always smiling, well prepared, well organised Q: PCO in the future I hope that by now the role of PCOs is clear enough to both clients and suppliers. And I also hope that PCOs (even in Slovenia) have received the deserved praise for a job well done – successfully implemented events and meetings. I must say that amount of work has not diminished since technology has been seeping into every pore of our business - the energy that was once channelled into manual operations is now focused on a creative approach to our clients and communication with the audience. It is very hard to forecast the future of PCOs. Will they exist? Of course they will – I’m sure of that. And I’m also sure that the globalisation process, in terms of transforming the organisation of meetings into business, will come to a certain point of arrested development. The big players servicing, or, better said, managing the international associations and making money on and for them, have made our business less personal, less dedicated to detail and less human in character. I always think that a certain authority – a scientist who has contributed to the world’s development, for example – deserves the best and has a right to choose the destination and the team working on his behalf when organising a meeting. So I would say that small PCOs will be back on the scene, because they can provide exactly that – a person and a face behind the machine, investing all of the knowledge and effort into the implementation. Another increasingly important role of the PCO


will be finding the money for events and their associations. The number of memberships all over the world is slowly decreasing, not only due to financial crisis, but because there are new associations emerging every day. Our tastes and interests are closely focused more than ever and we select more carefully whom we are going to dedicate our time to. Q: What would be the perfect PCO? Never tired and without energy, always smiling, well prepared, well organised and capable of finding the best way for the client. The perfect PCO should offer the complete organisation of a congress or an event from the original idea to the final realisation with attention to every detail or providing only separate services. The perfect PCO has to think instead of the client, giving thought to everything required for an efficient implementation and the well-being of the delegates. The PCO has to find the best providers and optimal solutions and be able to comply with all the wishes, ideas and needs of a client and realise them in their entirety. A PCO has to have invaluable experience gained throughout its long-standing and varied activity, experience complemented by extensive expertise in combination with training and knowledge that is continually expanded and enhanced. A PCO has to form global professional connections, has to be completely reliable, have the most advanced technology, state-of-the-art computer information system; a PCO has to search for new ideas and establish a committed professional relationship with a client or partner. What’s most important about each of the projects a PCO tackles is the goal or the satisfaction of the client and participants. The references that a PCO acquires throughout its long-established tradition, the references gained through its quality services, are of monumental importance not only for the national but also international market. A PCO’s advantages are a highly competent and experienced team and know-how. All other factors and circumstances have to comply with the expectations and preferences of the organisers. A top professional organiser, extremely active and willing to establish an open communication, will devise an excellent (outstanding!) programme. Prompt information, effective communication and readiness to cooperate are key characteristics of a perfect PCO. Other vital elements of a perfect PCO are ensuring that European PCOs follow market trends and developments to cope with global competition and that Europe remains the world’s ultimate meetings destination, thereby strengthening the profile of your national association in Europe and worldwide. About the Author Breda Pečovnik has been Congress and Events Management Director of CD Congress Centre Ljubljana since 2006.

She is currently a member of the Slovenian Convention Bureau’s Board as well as ICCA, IAPCO and other professional international associations. She teaches congress management at a college and faculty in Ljubljana.


RANKO FILIPOVIĆ Director at PerfectMeetings.hr

The perfect PCO would be one that provides a peace of mind to a meeting planner Q: PCO in the future A PCO (Professional Congress Organiser) is an organisation whose core business is providing consultancy and management services to meeting planners. They provide expert knowledge, experience and operational resources to plan and deliver successful events of different sizes, locations and subject matter. Sometimes a PCO may engage a DMC (Destination Management Company) for services in a destination like excursions, dinners etc. or an EMC (Event Management Company) for themed events. Very often, a PCO organises all those activities itself, providing it has the in-depth knowledge of the destination. In short, a PCO brings together many different elements and suppliers involved in creating a successful meeting and actively oversees the whole process. Future The future of the PCO – which has already begun – is the capability to change and adapt to novelties in order to survive. Moreover, every item has been changing – from clients and suppliers to the technology and environment. Therefore, lifelong learning and embracing change is a must. Future: Clients Needless to say, clients always want more while spending less by cutting the costs. The leads will be even shorter and the speed and quality of its proposal will be crucial for a PCO to secure the business. Not only will clients negotiate savings wherever possible, but they will also try to improve their ROI. Value for money will not be merely a phrase, but a significant fact supported by hard figures. In addition, content, being crucial to the client, determines the way in 23

which it is presented; and here new ideas spring up all the time. Future: Suppliers The suppliers will have shorter deadlines, especially in favourable seasons like June and September, when they are traditionally very well booked. The majority of suppliers combine different pieces of business and very often a PCO has to dance on a very thin wire whether they can guarantee the services and number of participants and take the risk of either performing superbly or poorly. Future: Technology Is there anything new to say about technology besides the fact it evolves and changes on a daily basis? Social networks are omnipresent and meeting organisers use platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter to communicate information. They are also using smartphone apps, Twitter, Instagram to interact with participants before, during and after the event. Future: Environment The talking about ecology becomes a greater issue every day and each part of a complicated meetings industry chain needs to comply with these trends if they wish to stay in business, which has even created its own term of “green meetings”! PCOs wanting to play the game might join various platforms (like Travelife) to enhance their ethical performances. The business environment is not getting any better or easier for a PCO either. Legislature, at least in Croatia, does not recognise a PCO and its true values and needs, but treats the meetings industry as one small portion of “special tourism forms”, compelling a PCO to act as a travel agency. Furthermore, EU legislature did not help at all, but made it even worse with their directive of “special VAT margin scheme for travel agents”, making the life of a PCO more stressful, if that is at all possible. Future: Learning Lifelong learning and exchanging industry knowledge and experience will be the key. Meeting planners will continue to focus on linking their meetings and events to destinations and venues that live and breathe their industries, expertise areas and business strategies. Professionals like PCOs must embrace industry networking, refreshing old and adopting new skills and knowledge, partake in the industry certification programmes and be prepared to always learn, learn, and learn. Q: What would be the perfect PCO? The perfect PCO would be one that provides a peace of mind to a meeting planner delivering meeting consultancy and utmost management services while improving a client’s ROI. In addition, the perfect PCO enjoys excellent relationships with all its suppliers, vendors and

Views partners advocating sustainable tourism by respecting the law, supporting universal human rights, minimizing environmental impact and maximizing cultural interaction and ensuring economic benefits to the community. About the Author Ranko Filipović has over 25 years in the meetings industry as a PCO and DMC. After spending 20 years in a large company, together with his colleagues in 2010 he created PerfectMeetings.hr – a small company focused on meetings, incentives and events. Their other brand is Meeting Industry Consultants, providing a wide range of consulting services in the meetings and events sector. In addition, he serves on a pro bono basis as Vice-President of the Croatian Meeting Professionals Association, a non-profit organisation connecting meeting professionals in Croatia with worldwide knowledge and expertise.


DAN RIVLIN CEO of Kenes Group

The image of PCOs in the market needs to improve dramatically Q: PCO in the future PCOs of the future certainly have their work cut out for them. I suspect that one of the greatest challenges will be that of working globally and delivering a global experience with a ‚truly‘ local touch. Many PCOs feel the need to expand and expanding relates to setting the high standard international clients anticipate. I imagine

this challenge is faced by every company that expands its activities worldwide; how to meet and exceed clients’ expectations everywhere we work - in a world of diverse cultures and constantly changing business environments. To succeed, PCOs will have to bridge these gaps by moving their core activities that demand high levels of expertise, such as the scientific programmes, and centralizing them to ensure quality. Further, the image of PCOs in the market needs to improve dramatically, particularly when it comes to commissions and in turn, how PCOs make a profit. It will always be an issue when on one side you have people who are basically volunteers and perhaps cannot fully master business management and yet are in control of a budget of millions, and on the other side there are PCOs who have only been hired to do one meeting. If you are a core PCO and you sign a deal to work with an organisation for several years you have more of a vested interest in working with your client as a long-term partner and being much more open in terms of how you do business and how you expect to get paid. This is not to say that one-time PCOs are not working in a similar manner to long term PCOs. However, by definition, long term relationships encompass additional considerations and transparency is a key issue to maintain client trust. And finally, the future PCO will be challenged by competition. The market is saturated and there is a lot more competition. Increasingly, associations are looking at what else PCOs can offer in terms of innovation, knowledge and education. Once upon a time it was all about logistics, but more recently, the emphasis is on content and knowledge. PCOs will also quickly realize that resources are becoming scarce. Returning clients will need to consider countless issues - from rotation policy (they can’t just go “anywhere they want” anymore), to meeting format (which may need to change and become more interactive to attract participants in the future), to new ways to raise funds. PCOs may very well have to look far and wide for new clients, let alone the ability to retain existing clients. Success is in finding the balance – and with that, serving the client is first and foremost – from beginning to end, meeting and exceeding their needs every time – all the time.

Q: What would be the perfect PCO? The perfect, or ‘ideal’ PCO, is all about integrity – defining, maintaining and ‘retaining’ it. Integrity is the core of any true partnership and so too, between PCOs and clients. The appointed PCO establishes and nurtures relationships with association and committee members, delegates, sponsors and exhibitors, and suppliers - behind the scenes and on site. In a word, the perfect PCO is the ultimate facilitator between all of the players involved in orchestrating and delivering a (no less than) perfect event. This sense of omniscient leadership leading up to and during the event is indeed the PCO’s core responsibility, but no less important is the PCO’s event and industry knowledge, event growth, consistency, and its ability to deliver a true global experience with local expertise. This means – anywhere, at any location in the world. The PCO must also deliver continuity between events, skillfully managing and growing the society or association, leading up to the next event. Having served as a long term PCO for over five decades, I can say that we are defined and judged by our performance, delivery and the relationship we develop and maintain with our clients, from the initial handshake until the very last of the delegates has left the venue. Then the real work begins – nurturing and maintaining a long term or Core PCO relationship. About the Author Dan Rivlin, CEO Kenes Group Dan Rivlin is the CEO of Kenes Group, one of the world’s leading Professional Conference Organisers (PCOs). Dan joined Kenes in 1993 and rose through the ranks of the organisation holding senior managerial positions, including Operations Director, prior to becoming CEO in 1999. His vision and guidance coupled with accumulated experience and expertise gives Kenes Group its time-honoured stability and market presence. Dan holds a B.Sc. in Hospitality Management from Florida International University and an MBA, with a major in Management, from the University of Bradford, UK.

The new educational offering “EDGE from IAPCO” The dynamic educational seminar will now be offered worldwide with three seminars per year in different regions. EDGE – Experts in Dynamic Global Education – will provide education at three different levels: Level 1 – new to the industry with 2-3 years’ experience;

Level 2 – intermediate, 5 or more years’ experience in this your chosen career path; Level 3 – senior project or departmental manager, or business manager/owner. Seminars that provide people with that edge they need in a global competitive environment. Focused on professional congress organisation these seminars will replace the traditional Wolfsberg Seminar.


There are three EDGE programmes already in place: Auckland, New Zealand, 24-26 August 2015; Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-21 January 2016; Whistler, Canada, 25-27 May 2016. Cutting EDGE seminars will now be delivered worldwide, affordable and accessible. Are you standing on the EDGE of the future?



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20 - 21 JANUARY 2016, Ljubljana—Slovenia

Been There

KEY SLOVENIAN PLAYERS IN THE MICE INDUSTRY AND SOOLNUA HOLD PROLIFIC MEETING IN PORTOROSE On August 25, 2015 the Slovenian Convention Bureau held the scientific meeting with the main focus on brand value propositions of the MICE sector in Slovenia.

1 Meeting – Brand Value Propositions for Slovenia Meetings 2 More than 50 members of Slovenian Convention Bureau 3 Elevator Pitch workshop 4 Presentations of Elevator Pitch 5 Happy participants 6 Presentation of Patrick Delaney, SoolNua 7 Mr. Kovačič, Mrs. Novarlič, Mr. Delaney, Mr. Gilligan 8 Networking with industry colleagues 9 Beautiful surroundings in Grand Hotel Bernardin in Portorož 10 Members of Slovenian Convention Bureau


Voice from the top

VOICE FROM THE TOP proud of our presence in two main destinations in Croatia: Istria and Dubrovnik. Each of these two regions represents something of THE BEST from our country: either it is Istrian phenomenal landscape and gastronomy, either Dubrovnik’s worldwide fame! At the same time, Valamar is known for fantastic level of service matching the international quality standards which is our philosophy. Valamar employs approximately 4.000 people during the season and is recognized as one of the best employers in Croatia. The thing that Valamar is especially proud about is a unique and innovative corporate system of internal and external educations which ensures continuous development of people and in that way contributes to the overall business success. Q: What would be the first thing you would show every visitor to your country? Our Adriatic sea and islands from one of the peaks of Velebit mountain.

MARILKA TOVARAC, MICE Sales department Manager, Valamar

"In MICE sector we see a big comeback in incentive market, and the budgets are increasing and we love that!"

Q: Have you always wanted to work in the meeting industry? When I take a closer look at my position today, I guess one thing led to another… From how I see it, one has to be a “complete sales person” to be successful in meetings industry: you have to be a negotiator, coordinator, planner, communication expert, designer, AV expert and finally a mind reader ... Of course, I exaggerate a bit, but what I want to emphasize is this: when you are involved with this sector, on any side, you have to be up to date and constantly follow up on what’s new, not only on your key markets, but globally as well! This means that continuing education is essential for this industry. Q: Why is your destination/country the best in the world? The main reason is our cultural heritage and unspoiled environment, but also a long tradition in hospitality industry. Here in Valamar, we are

Q: What have been your star moment so far and your favourite project with which you would praise yourself? That would be definitely opening of our Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik Hotel 4* in 2009. I feel like I grown together with this hotel. I was so excited to see the works finishing and the final look of this fabulous property of ours! I’m so proud how we positioned this hotel on the market, and of its reputation today! The list of references is stunning: this April we hosted 13th Wonca World Rural Health Conference 2015 which brought together 1200 family practice doctors from rural areas all over the world, while in May our hotels have hosted World Tunnel Congress and General Assembly 2015 with 1500 participants and this was the first time that this event was organized in one of the SEE countries. Some of the other most prominent events were NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s 59th Annual Session, 27th International Project Management Association World Congress (IPMA) and many others. Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik Hotel is internationally acclaimed for its excellence in providing the finest hospitality experiences. The hotel has received many awards, including prestigious World Travel Awards in the past few years, as Leading hotel in Croatia and Leading business hotel in Croatia. Q: What motivates you the most at work? My team and our working atmosphere is my biggest motivation. Also, when we get some big contract after exhausting negations. Q: How do you deal with stress? The lifestyle of a hotel sales person is very dynamic, especially if you have a family at home as 27

well. However, I have learned through years of experience in our sector that there is a solution to every problem! If you are a person with positive attitude, if you love what you do, the level of stress on a daily basis should be at minimum. Of course, there are sometimes challenges one cannot foresee, and when things get a bit intense. That’s when you have to use all of your “super powers” to find that winwin solution for everybody. These situations take much of your energy certainly, than I reenergize by spending time with my kids outside or taking a long walks on my own or listening some music. Q: When were you last angry / disappointed and why? I think I’m vaccinated against these feelings… I try to understand people’s reactions and do my best to put myself in someone’s shoes and to solve any possible issue before things explode. Q: What’s new in your business in year 2015/2016? Most important and biggest investment in 2015 was Valamar Isabella Island Resort in Poreč, Istria opened in May 2015. The island represents a topnotch resort for guests looking for an authentic island experience with a touch of luxury. In MICE sector we see a big comeback in incentive market, and the budgets are increasing and we love that! Q: What did you learn last week? Last week I learned that “I can make it with a little help from my friends!“ Q: Where are you going to spend this year’s holiday and why? I choose to stay in Dubrovnik area for my holidays; after years of traveling, I still find my town and the surroundings the best possible place to be at any time of the year. Summertime holidays I spend at Pelješac peninsula where my parents in law have a house at the seaside, and at wintertime, Dubrovnik offers you that unique peace and quiet after a long and hectic season, and you have a chance to experience its beauty on and on. Q: If there were no time and financial constraints, where would you go? I love northern destinations where landscape is simple and nature untouched; that is why I would love to spend some time in Lapland, Island or Greenland. It amazes me how people there are adapted to their environment and how they manage to live without ruining the natural surroundings. Q: What would be the title of your autobiography? “Amusement park roller-coaster ride” 

Young Talents

NEXT GENERATION Young Talents 2015 My goal is to balance family life with a career and to never stop learning and improving in the field that I work in. I hope I will be able to organise a big party for my 50th birthday (and that would mean I have many great and true friends). 5:

1. What is your favourite meetings brand? 2. What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? 3. What’s your alternative career fantasy? 4. What are you obsessed with at the moment? 5. Your goals before 50?


City Hotel Ljubljana, Sales Manager Career path: Ever since I can remember I knew I would like to work with brands and media, so I began my path at Pristop d.o.o., a Slovenian advertising agency, where I was working as an account assistant from 2011 - 2012. After this I started working for the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana - the faculty where I was just finishing my degree in marketing. After a great year of assisting professors, managing the budget for undergraduate and graduate student programmes, advertising and social media administration, I took maternity leave. I took a year off and in 2015 started working in tourism. City Hotel Ljubljana is my first occupation in this field and I love it. It really meets my desire for multitasking, for creativity and communication.  www.linkedin.com/in/anaahacevcic  Video CV: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=CA8JF36w8Yk&feature=youtu.be  ana.ahacevcic@cityhotel.si As a young mother I prefer those that are family oriented. I must admit I am not sure what exactly you mean by ‚meetings brand‘, but I would love to find out. 1:

For me, bravery is an act of love and courage. So I would say getting married was one of these acts. 2:

I love art and music and I sing in a group, so I think (if it was not for my passion in marketing) I would be a jazz singer. 3:


I am obsessed with flour and sugar-free baking - and my daughter.



Sava hotels&resorts, Sales manager MICE Career path: As I already have a dream job I just have to continue in this way and become better every day.  janette.poglajen@sava.si By owning so many hotels in so many different destinations in Slovenia, Sava hotels&resorts is my favourite meeting brand. When offering customers the necessary things for their events, they can choose between highand middle-level accommodation and congress halls, which makes the decision much easier. With that kind of infrastructure, a great attitude to the tourism industry and innovative approaches and activities, we can assure the best results and happy customers. 1:

When I started working in Sava hotels&resorts it wasn’t long before I was doing one major event, which included different types of programmes that had been offered to a customer. I do not take this as a brave action, but more of education, which taught me how to become better in this industry. 2:


I would have to say my alternative career fantasy would also be to work with people

Young Talents

in the same way as I do now – consulting with them and then organising the whole event. Not one day at work is the same as any other and that makes this job so unique. I cannot really say I am obsessed with anything. I am just doing the best I can in everyday life. Having the opportunity to express myself through my work keeps me extra motivated and ready for new challenges. 4:

My main goal before 50 would be to live my life to the fullest and dedicate myself to the job I love. Since i find myself at such a young age I will have enough time to become better and better. I have a quote that always leads me: Be so good they can‘t ignore you! 5:

Kempinski :) It may sound boring to mention the company I work for, but it is exactly the reason I work for it. The key is the dedication and assistance at any given time on any given space. Going above and beyond. Kempinski not only allows that, but „demands“ it. 1:

website content, taking care of media relations & internal communication. However, since the end of August I am proudly back in the meetings industry and I am really excited about the challenges that are ahead of me.  sindi.vogric@visitljubljana.si


Took a student loan and went to the USA.

Music artist manager. I am very connected with music and the way it is developing in these days. I am a big fan of EDM. I never saw myself as a DJ, but if I would have another career it would definitely be as a manager of one. 3:

Finishing this interview and going home :) One of the skills you need in the meeting industry is how to prioritise. Needless to say, clients came first, so I am doing this interview after a very long day :) 4:

Get enough votes to be in the September issue of Kongres Magazine ;) Bring Slovenia to a level of a very desired boutique MICE destination. 5:

I must say I love what Copenhagen and Amsterdam are doing. But of course, at the end of the day, I am the biggest fan of Ljubljana & Slovenia! :) 1:

I took a lot of kids under my wing in the past 10 years and taught them how to dance. Most importantly, though, I taught them that doing what they love, friendship, cooperation and being happy for each other are the things that are essential. Being a teacher to someone is always brave, because you want to give your students everything and they always become a part of your heart. 2:


At this moment I just want to enjoy the career that is in front of me.


I am obsessed with spending my time outdoors as much as possible!


To become the best version of me? :)


Kempinski Palace Portorož, Groups & Events Manager Career path: 1.Waiter (Trainee) - Restaurant Pr‘Matičku Kranj 2.Commis de Rang- Restaurant Brioni Kranj 3.Chef de Rang (F&B) - Kempinski Palace Portorož 4.Chef de Rang (F&B) - The US Grant, luxury collection, San Diego 3.Groups & Events Coordinator - Kempinski Palace Portorož 4.Groups & Events Executive - Kempinski Palace Portorož 5.Groups & Events Manager - Kempinski Palace Portorož  marcel.bester@kempinski.com


Ljubljana Tourism / Convention Bureau, Project Manager Career path: My career in the meetings industry started at the beginning of 2010, when I was working for an Event Agency & PCO for almost three years. Right after that I was challenged with the role of marketing manager in an IT company. I must say I loved the challenge and gained a vast amount of new knowledge in the field of writing articles & press releases, managing advertising, social media accounts & 29


Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel, Belgrade Sales Executive Career path: His professional career as Meetings and Events organizer started in 2009. during Belgrade Universiade, where he as an

Global Village

expert in Chinese Language had a main responsibility for Delegation of Shenzhen Universiade Organization Committee including Mayor‘s delegation. After that, he continued his professional career working at Shanghai World EXPO 2010, Embassy of The People‘s Republic of China In The Republic of Serbia and in several international companies (GfK, AirSerbia, Hyatt Regency Belgrade). Currently he is working on the position of Sales Executive in the first design hotel in Belgrade - Radisson Blu Old Mill!  milos.grujic@radissonblu.com I have to say that I don‘t have one specific and favorite brand. As a passionate hotelier, I always aspired to be part of international and dynamic hotel company and unique Radisson Blu Old Mill design project in Belgrade fulfilled my expectations as a great meeting brand that I am glad to be part of. 1:

Getting a one way ticket to Hong Kong pursuing new career opportunities in Asia. Fortune favored the brave and quickly I was at a new position as an event planner in Shanghai. 2:

I love working with people and working in a hotel proved to be the most enjoyable environment for me. I have to say that one hobby that I am passionate about and that brings the best out of me is cooking. So maybe in the future I‘ll change suit and tie for a knife and an apron. :)



Career path: Receptionist->Reception Manager -> Sales Department / direct sales department/ Contact center agent-> Contact center supervisor / Group sales department-> Sales Senior Officer / Event Organizer / PCO

Career path: I started my journey in tourism in one of the leading tourist agencies in Slovenia as a travel counsellor. But during studying I always wanted to work in congress field. After graduation, opportunity offered so now I am experiencing the joy of congress industry in PCO agency.

 natasa.kovacevic@istraturist.hr

 nina@toleranca.eu

Istraturist d.d. Umag partner of Melia Hotels International, Event Organizer / PCO

Toleranca Marketing d.o.o., Assistant in PCO


Conference organization is always on my mind, but a great book is something that relaxes me the most in hectic times. 4:

My main values in personal and professional life are: strength, determination, honesty and confidence. I strive to learn as much as I can and develop myself reflecting sheer professionalism, maintaining high standards of business. 5:


Melia Hotels International :)


Bungee jumping. I kept on living life, despite the difficulties I met.

Stewardess – because I wanted to over travel the world not just for 1 time Pilotjust to feel that saying the sky is the limit 3:

Kids :)))) obsessed with caring for the raising of children, and thinking that I have showed them a right way 4:

Personal: Sport: better personal results half marathon / or maybe marathon. House List: new 100 m2. Financial: Pay off Line of Credit :) Travel/Adventure: scuba diving/ skydiving ; Go to Las Vegas ; Go on a hot winter vacation – no kids! . Bucket List: Write a book (children book or story ) or a blog. Career: Attain a Manager position (or equivalent, title isn‘t important), Seek out a position in a larger company, Reach better annual salary 5:


As a trade show, at this moment Conventa. Actually from the year I visited Conventa and was participating on Future leaders forum. 1:


The bravest thing I did or more likely I am still doing is going with the flow.

Since I really like sport, food and working with people, I think I would go in this direction. 3:

I have moved to Ljubljana just a month ago, so I am obsessed with figuring out all the new things I did not know and see before. And, of course do the best I can in new job. 4:

There are a lot of them... visiting world known museums and galleries,learn to become fluent Russian speaker,having job I would love going to etc. I also have material goals, who don‘t? Everybody have, despite they do not admit it. 5:

Kongres magazine

MEETINGS STAR 2015 Conventa Best Event Award


ince 2009, the organizers of Conventa together with the editorial board of Kongres Magazine are selecting the best meeting destinations, hotels and convention centers. The Meetings Star Award is the oldest such recognition in the field of meetings industry that will in 2016 be granted for the 8th year in the row. For the first time ever, winner of the best event will join the rest of the Meeting Star winners on Conventa Stage.

JURY Professional criteria are use in the assessment of the achievements. The best hotels and destinations are being evaluated by hidden guests according to more than 400 different criteria, while the best events will be selected by a competent jury. JUDGING CRITERIA The most important evaluation criteria will be innovation and creativity of the event. The expert jury will also focus on the following criteria: • Innovation: innovative approaches used in the execution of the event • Creativity: originality of the Idea • Execution: best execution in terms of logistics, scene, lights, multimedia performance • Result of event: assessing measurable results and ROI of the event

• Excellence of Communication: Presentation of the information about the event and interactive communication with participants • Sustainable policies: the use of sustainable practices Assessment will be a two-step process. The first step will be defining the short-list in all three categories, the second step will determine the winner. The award for the best event will be given to the entrant with the most points received by the jury. CATEGORIES The competition is intended for companies as well as institutions that have organized one of the following events: • B2B events (events designed for the business community:Conferences, Incentives, Trade Shows, Teambuildings, Training) • B2C events (Designed for end-customers such as Launch Events, Roadshows, Celebrations, Public Events) • Integrated events (combination of different type of events for B2B and B2C ) ELIGITILITY & ENTRY How to submit your entry for the CONVENTA BEST EVENT AWARD 2015? Organizers can submit their entries through the on-line form available at........... Only on-line submissions will be considered for the award and processed.

Events eligible to compete are the ones that have taken place between 31 august 2014 and 30 September 2015. Entry deadline is 15 December 2015. Entry is free of charge. All costs of the competition are covered by The Conventa trade show. AWARD By participating in the competition the entrant gets: 1. The possibility of receiving the prize and the title of Finalist Conventa Best Event Award, thereby increasing reputation in the meetings community 2. Conventa VIP status that grants them free entry to Conventa (for 2 people from the same company) 3. Whole page good practice case study presentation in the Kongres Magazine 4. Free of charge publication of their good practice case study on the Conventa web site 5. Promotion in scope of Conventa media partners (25 international media partners) The grand award for the best event, electric bike SOLEX, will be given to the entrant with the most points received by the jury. The winner will be announced and awarded during Conventa trade show, held from 20 to 21 January 2015 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.  Ms. Špela Jeruc  spela.jeruc@conventa.info


Off The Beaten Track

OFF THE BEATEN MICE TRACK Herbal Glamping Resort Ljubno

WAY OUT THERE… …and far from the traditional hotel resorts often with their generic offer, the Herbal Glamping in Ljubno ob Savinji brings a freshness to both body and soul, as well as an unforgettable experience. As part of a new brand, Charming Slovenia is planning to open a number of such ‘glamping’ resorts that will be located in different parts of the country. The first, located in Ljubno ob Savinji, opened in late August in 2015 and is designed as a boutique resort with a central theme of herbs and spices. The entire village is interwoven with sustainable stories, from its idyllic herb and vegetable gardens to the natural pool. The resort was designed by architect Gregor Vreš, who together with designer Borut Kokalj put all the finishing touches to it for today’s glamping aficionados. The duo is also known as the creators of glamping in Bled, which is very popular among meetings organisers. 32

Off The Beaten Track

WAY TO STAY The glamorous tents offer luxurious spaces where only the raindrops, night hoots of the forest owls and the song of the morning birds reminds you that you are actually staying in a tent. Any ideas of ‘camping’ are transformed into ‘glamping’ immediately once you open the zipper and find yourself in something more like a tastefully furnished ‘hotel’ apartment with your own terrace, jacuzzi, spacious bathroom and direct contact with nature. Each of the ten tents that can accommodate up to four people offers double beds and a further charming bed on the first floor. The shower surrounded by wooden walls and a glass roof is a special treat of the room, letting you feel like you’re showering beneath the stars. The tents have been equipped with a great sense of fine detail and understanding of proper lighting, and the added possibility of heating means that the resort will be open all year round.

MEET IN STYLE The resort is suitable for small incentive groups of up to 40 participants who are willing to share tents. They will have the chance to experience a very unique energy in authentic contact with nature, one that helps restore the balance of body and mind. Attendees will relish gathering around the campfire as they would a central outdoor event space, as the space calls out for social teambuilding events or just socializing with a bit of the memory of the years of boyscouting. Should there be any rain, the restaurant in the main building can hold up 40 participants and is the perfect shelter. Alongside this, there is no shortage of places for meetings in a different format, from the terrace in front of the main facility to the inspirational amphitheatre around the natural pool.


Off The Beaten Track

TOP 3 INCENTIVE IDEAS 1. Herbal Workshops: the resort is connected to the herb and vegetable garden and at the workshop you will learn about herbs and their use in the production of cosmetics, teas, liqueurs and herbal spirits. 2. Cookery course: try to catch a fish in the nearby river and then prepare it together with the Chef. 3. Kayaking on the Savinja River: kayaking on a beautifully calm river can be done from May to October, with the entire programme lasting two hours.

Off the beaten track In the main building, what was once a barn is now a charmingly renovated restaurant, complemented by a small store offering selected local produce. The restaurant’s menu leans heavily on local, organic ingredients and the herbs and spices are freshly picked every day in their own garden. The wine list offers all of the Slovenian wine-growing regions in an intelligent selection. During a visit to the facility we were surprised by Jernej Nejc, the friendly head chef, who together with a solid team prepares dishes inspired by local tradition. The dishes are mainly based on the variety of medicinal herbs and the forest fruits of the mountain meadows and pastures, all of which you can taste in the rich breakfast with “solčavski sirnek” (cottage cheese from skimmed milk with cumin and salt, topped with sour cream and matured in a container with a slightly spicy taste), assorted breads and a wide selection of jams, meat and cheese.

From the food selection it is almost compulsory to try “Zgornjesavinski želodec”, a dried sausage made from the highest quality pork and bacon. This premium product has rich tradition in the Upper Savinja Valley and is protected by a recognized geographical indication. LOCALISM In the centre of Ljubno is a delightful museum where you can find an interesting collection that represents the life of “flosar”, or rafters, through a half millennia of history. GET THERE Glamping is located in the heart of the Upper Savinja Valley and a good hour away from Ljubljana. Access by motorway from Ljubljana or Maribor by exiting Šentrupert towards Mozirje and then continue along the main road to Ljubno. Access to the village Ter, located 2 km away from Ljubno, is straight through the centre on the local road.


Directory HERBAL GLAMPING RESORT LJUBNO Ter 42, SI3333 Ljubno ob Savinji, Slovenia T: +386 (0) 59 917 200 E: info@charmingslovenia.com www.charmingslovenia.com

Kongres magazine

26th February 2015

25th February 2015 Event Technology Conference

Event Marketing Conference

Venue Sales Masterclass

Meeting Design Masterclass

Eventex Awards Gala Ceremony

Eventex Party


Top 20







Bijelina, Bosnia and Herzegovina The Stanišić Ethno Village is a village of some 20 authentic wooden houses, including a milk house, a smithy, an “ambar” (a wooden structure for storing grain), old houses and a large guesthouse, all of them brought there from villages of the Vares Municipality and villages of Mount Zvijezda and Mount Romanija.






rectly through the chain. Aman Sveti Stefan offers venues for every occasion and event experts to ensure every detail is unique.

tractive monument and a unique stage with a perfect atmosphere for concerts and many other stage events. The fortress has become an indispensable historical, cultural and geographical landmark of the town of Šibenik and a venue of top cultural events.

9 BLED CASTLE, Bled, Slovenia


Perast, Montenegro The island was built artificially by scuttling old ships and depositing stones around a small crag. Today the small island acts for public gatherings.


5 KUNSTHAUS GRAZ, Graz, Austria

Belgrade, Serbia Kalemegdan Fortress was one of the most powerful military strongholds in Europe. Belgrade Fortress today is a cultural property of great importance, and a venue for frequent cultural, artistic and entertainment events.

The Kunsthaus floats like a mysterious blue balloon between the roofs of the historic city centre. The Kunsthaus Graz functions as a multifunctional exhibition and events space for contemporary art, new media and photography, with no depot or permanent collection of its own.


Montenegro The island, with its Villa Miločer, is closed to the public, however events can be organised on it di-



Šibenik, Croatia The fortress of St. Michael rises above the city as a particularly at-


At the second floor of the Schlossberg is the Skybar Graz at 464 metres altitude and with an open air terrace and breathtaking view over all of the city. From gala dinners or business events to press conferences, Christmas parties, weddings or clubbings with the best view over Graz, it is ideal. 8 PORTO MONTENEGRO, Tivat,

Montenegro The Mediterranean’s leading luxury yacht homeport and marina village, Porto Montenegro welcomes groups of every kind – from large scale business and incentive programmes to smaller VIP groups.


Bled Castle is undoubtedly the symbol of Bled and Slovenia. It is a remarkable venue for protocol events, ceremonial receptions and anniversaries. The image of the castle set above the lake with a romantic island in the middle is one of the most recognised in the world.  GARDEN OF HOTEL EUROPE,

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina After it’s last makeover the building now has a heavenly garden, which has peerless because of the views over Baščaršija and the melange of church belfries lying below. It is a popular congress location in Sarajevo and is loved by congress organisers, also because it offers very good technical support.

Top 20











 MENEGHETTI ESTATE, Bale, Croatia Whether it is a business deal struck ​​ over delicious food and good wine, a meeting of board members or a corporate event for clients, colleagues and shareholders, with its luxurious accommodation, superb chefs and impeccable service Villa Meneghetti is able to meet all of your needs.

by old stables, storehouses and lodging rooms upstairs resting on large wooden pillars.

be appreciated in the 77 rooms and 6 suites, offering an amazing, relaxing and unique mountain experience.



Montenegro During the tourist season fine art exhibitions, concerts and museum presentations are organised and the space of the Citadela is also available for the projects of the Budva festival, Grad Teatar Budva - Theatre City.

Villach, Austria The Finkenstein Castle Arena (open air) provides space for 1,150 people and is an attractive venue for concerts, comedy, presentations and events. To ensure events don’t get cancelled or postponed because of bad weather, a music and event hall with excellent acoustics at the foot of the castle is also available.

 POSTOJNA CAVE, Postojna, Slovenia The world-renowned Postojna Cave is a natural phenomenon and one of the most unusual locations for organising events. The experiential value of the cave itself is complemented by the quality congress infrastructure of Mansion Jamski dvorec. This makes Postojna Cave one of the most unique and special congress venues in the world.  ČATOVIĆA MLINI TAVERN,

Morinj, Montenegro With a stone structure, refined wood and the soul of the builder, picturesque nature, cold water, a flock of ducks, peacocks and luxurious terraces, a very special atmosphere has been created. The interior of the tavern, which is made of stone and wood, is perfect for all types of events.


Podgorica, Montenegro The tasting room has a 50-seat capacity and is technologically fully equipped, thus being an ideal venue for meetings, seminars and conferences. In addition to conferences and presentations it is also possible to organise buffet cocktails in the cellar.


LJUBNO, Ljubno ob Savi, Slovenia A luxurious environment set in an oasis of peace and surrounded by wonderful nature, this is the ideal location to make your business ideas and social goals come true.

 MORIĆA HAN, Sarajevo, Bosnia

and Herzegovina Morića Han is the only surviving hotel of the Ottoman era and was turned into restaurants with various offers. Its beautiful cobbled courtyard is surrounded


 WOODEN TOWN, Mokra Gora,

Serbia In the fabulous wooden town is possible to organise an event for up to 250 participants. The atmosphere and comfort of the place can


Slovenia Ljubljana Castle is the symbol and most recognisable feature of Ljubljana. The 11th century castle is an important event venue and most of the events take place in its Stanovska Hall, although smaller halls are also available. For protocol receptions the castle is one of the most attractive points set in a picturesque environment.

Top 20






1 VILA VIPOLŽE, Dobrovo v Brdih,

Slovenia The most beautiful Renaissance villa in Slovenia boasts stateof-the-art equipment and a noble history. You can spice up events and meetings with extra experiences either in the beauty of nature, in wine cellars or at tourist farms. 2 SCHLEPPE BREWERY EVENTS

HALL, Klagenfurt, Austria The Schleppe Brewery is today regarded as the centre both of Carinthia’s brewing and distilling industries, especially since the Pfau Distiller moved in under the same roof. This events hall offers ideal surroundings for events up to 800 people.







will take you back in time to the era of Marshall Tito’s incredible life.

experience in the company of kind-hearted hosts, who prepare delicious traditional meals accompanied by home made wines from the Fruska Gora vineyards.



RELATIONSHIPS, Zagreb, Croatia In 2010 the museum’s bricksand-mortar city centre home was established in the Croatian capital and today it holds an international treasure-trove of broken relationship trinkets that’s often heart-wrenching — fur-lined handcuffs, a toaster stolen out of spite, and an axe used to destroy a former lover’s furniture.


ARENA PULA, Pula, Croatia Elliptic in shape, the largest ancient building in Istria is open for sightseeing during the day, after which it becomes the perfect place for pop rock concerts, operas and ballets at night-time, as well as its own film festival with a 50-year tradition.

5 KOZLOVIĆ WINERY, Buje, Croatia

Kozlović’s stunning winery blends right into the surrounding countryside and is the perfect place for all kinds of meetings and events.

3 BLUE TRAIN, Belgrade, Serbia


‘Blue Train’ is a popular name for a special train used for the needs of Josip Broz Tito, ex-President of the previous Socialistic Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The train

TOURISM, Fruška Gora National Park, Serbia With its unique scenery and lovely surroundings the Perkov Salash-Farm offers a tremendous


Slovenia The saltpans hide another treasure besides their top quality salt: where some parts of the saltpans are deserted but production is still taking place around it is where you will find the Lepa Vida Thallasso Spa, a venue unique in the world and perfect for different meetings and events.


Austria The size, arrangement and nature of the historic premises allows for events with up to 2,400 guests. With its flexibility, the space offers an ideal setting for innovative ideas and a contemporary event culture.  ETHNO VILLAGE SIROGOJNO,

Sirogojno, Serbia The “Old village” Museum of Folk Architecture in Sirogojno is the only open-air museum in Serbia. One of its houses serves as a gallery for the exhibitions, promotions, seminars and the summer schools, for which it has different interiors.

Kongres magazine

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Hot Spot

EUROPE‘S LATEST BIG VENUES Setting New Standards for Convention Centres


or this issue, the editorial board of Kongres Magazine researched newly built convention centres in Europe, with the findings showing that the offer of convention centres has improved over the years with both renovations and the construction of new ones. A reason for this improvement could be attributed to the growing trend of congress events in Europe and indeed across the world. The convention centres presented in the article may aesthetically or in terms of how elements of sustainable construction should operate perhaps not meet the expectations of the wider industry, despite the architects of these buildings giving some focus to sustainable elements. Convention centres with large glass surfaces do allow flows of natural light into the interior of the buildings., whilst multifunctionality and a sensible use of materials and perfect location are the elements that are common to all of them.

AIPC Member Survey Shows Centres Outperforming GDP AIPC’s recently completed annual Per­for­ mance and Prospects Survey for 2015 has again confirmed that growth in centre business is outpacing that of the overall global economy. AIPC member centres documented revenue increases for 2014 that are more than two percentage points higher than worldwide GDP as tracked by the IMF, lending further strength to the idea that the industry is actually helping drive economic growth instead of simply responding to recovery.

O ve r v i e w o f cong r e ss c e nt r e s: 1. BELGIUM, MONS – CONGRESS CENTRE MONS Number of halls: 3 larger auditoriums. The largest hall: auditorium for up to 500 guests, reception hall for up to 700 guests. 2. POLAND, KRAKOW – ICE KRAKOW CONGRESS CENTRE Number of halls: 3 larger halls, 3 smaller halls. The largest hall: up to 2,000 guests. 3. GERMANY, FRANKFURT – KAP EUROPA Number of halls: 2 halls. The largest hall: up to 1,020 guests. 4. POLAND, KATOWICE – KATOWICE CONGRESS CENTRE Number of halls: 33 halls of different sizes. The largest hall : up to 8,000 guests (8,174m2). • At the same time, major capital investment projects are slowing, with 63% of members saying they had some type of major new development or expansion project underway or in planning stages vs. 71% the previous year. However, facility renovation projects are increasing; • Africa continues to be the fastest growing region of the world, with African centre members expanding gross revenues by over 15% in 2014; • Confidence is slightly lower, with a total of 74% of members around the world considering the strength of the economic growth in their region to be moderate or strong, down from 79% of members in 2014. Asian members continue to anticipate the strongest economic relative to other regions.

Key findings included; • There was strong (5.8%) revenue growth amongst worldwide in 2014 compared to 3.1% in 2013; • Europe experienced its strongest increase in revenue growth with a 7.7% increase vs. 2.8% in 2013;

AIPC represents a global network of over 175 leading centres in 57 countries with the active involvement of more than 900 management-level professionals worldwide. It is committed to encouraging and recognizing excellence in convention center management, based on the diverse experience and expertise of its international representation, and maintains a variety of educational, research, networking and standards programs to achieve this.

• Last year also saw the strongest attendance growth since 2011, with a world-wide average of 4.5%;

For further information please visit www.aipc.org


5. SWEDEN, MALMÖ – CONGRESS MALMÖ LIVE Number of halls : 24 halls of different sizes. The largest hall : up to 1,500 guests 6. GERMANY, BONN – WORLD CONFERENCE CENTRE BONN Number of halls : 1 large hall and 1 small hall. The largest hall : up to 2,820 guests. 7. GERMANY, BERLIN – CITYCUBE BERLIN Number of halls : 2 larger halls. The largest hall : up to 3,000 guests. From the findings we decided to present four of them more in detail. Among these, we compared them by number of rooms, exhibition space, possibility of parking and catering services and also by the number of guests they can accommodate in their largest hall. At each we also identified key benefits that represent their added value.

Hot Spot

POLAND, KRAKOW - ICE KRAKOW CONGRESS CENTER New addition of 36,000m2, with facilities suitable to accommodate up to a total of 3,200 guests. The building was designed with the aim of multifunctionality and the possibility of organising a wide variety of congress events. The auditorium itself can accept up to 2,000 guests and the largest theatre up to 600 guests. There are also several smaller conference rooms available with an area of 500m2. All of them have the option of dividing spaces for smaller events.

SWEDEN, MALMÖ – CONGRESS MALMÖ LIVE This year the Clarion Hotel added to their hotel spectrum a new building named ‚Congress Malmö live‘, intended for congress events and exhibitions. Due to its acoustic perfection it is also suitable for music events. The largest congress hall can accommodate up to 1,500 guests, in addition to which the centre also has a large, 3,000m2 exhibition space and 24 conference rooms.

POLAND, KATOWICE – KATOWICE CONGRESS CENTER Multi-purpose congress centre topped by a green roof, which serves not only the purposes of the congress industry - due to the excellent acoustics of the centre, it is also suitable for concerts. The centre has at its disposal three larger halls that can be combined to hold up to 8,000 guests.

GERMANY, FRANKFURT – KAP EUROPA KAP congress center, built over 4,200m2, is the first congress centre in the world to be awarded with the gold certificate by the German Sustainable Building Council. A glass design in combination with wood also boasts a ‚green roof‘. Its position makes for a great service in itself, by being located close to exhibition spaces, the city centre and hotels.

ICE Krakow Congress Center, 2015

Kongress Malmö Live, 2015

Katowice Kongress Center, 2014

KAP Europa, 2014

Capacity Number of halls: 3 larger halls, 3 smaller halls. The largest hall: up to 2,000 guests. Exhibition space: yes. Parking area: indoor parking space. Catering: yes.

Capacity Number of halls : 24 halls. The largest hall : up to 1,500 guests. Exhibition space : yes (3,000m2). Parking area : yes. Catering: yes.

Capacity Number of halls : 33 halls. The largest hall : up to 8,000 guests (8,174 m2). Exhibition space: yes (13,446 m2). Parking area : yes. Catering: yes.

Capacity Number of halls : 2 halls. The largest hall : up to 1,020 guests. Exhibition space : yes (4200m2). Parking area : outdoor and indoor parking space in the vicinity. Catering: yes.

Advantages - large number of halls, theatres and offices. - large multi-purpose hall. - exhibition space. - restaurant.

Advantages - a large number of halls, theatres and offices. - proximity of the city centre. - large hall for higher amount of guests. - 17m2 long registration desk.



Advantages - proximity of the airport, bus and train station. - Nearby the city centre. - large hall for high amount of guests.


Advantages - hotel capacities - large number of halls - exhibition space - restaurant

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Incentive Ideas


OVERVIEW: Ljubljana is a boutique capital, which writes short boutique stories that portray its beauty and inhabitants. In a small space it uniquely combines natural, cultural and historical treasures, which is why it was also awarded with the title European Green Capital 2016. The easiest way to describe it to our guests and partners is by means of the following facts: – The loveliest small city in Europe – Small, quaint, and very explorable – One of the safest capitals

ITINERARY DAY 1: IN HARMONY WITH NATURE 10:00 Arrival at the Ljubljana airport and transport to Ljubljana 11:00 Arrival at the Vander/Cubo hotel and checkin 12:00 Time Machine at the Ljubljana Castle Discover the roles the Castle Hill and the Ljubljana Castle played throughout the castle’s rich history. The costumed characters representing each period will create a genuinely special atmosphere, which will be both instructive and entertaining. 13:00 Viseat Ljubljana, Strelec restaurant Getting to know the typical dishes from Ljubljana at the restaurant Stralec. The Viseat Ljubljana serves up a typical Ljubljana menu. You will indulge in authentic dishes and experience a premium menu with the signature of Ljubljana and Slovenia in a perfect ambience. 15:00 Boat trip to the Ljubljana marshes

1. MOMENTS OF ZEN: Experiencing Ljubljana and the Ljubljana marshes from the Ljubljanica river 2. QUALITY TIME: Organic processing of oleiferous plants and cereals 3. MUST SEE: Masterpieces of the visionary architect Jože Plečnik 4. MUST DO: Urban fishing 5. OUR’S PICK: Trnulja estate and the Ljubljana Marshes

16:00 Trnulja experiences You will actively learn how to organically process oleiferous plants and crops into organic oils, spreads, plain and whole-grain flour. In a short lecture you will learn how to respect natural systems and cycles without using genetically modified organisms. The entire programme will take place in the form of a workshop on preparing healthy home-made food, led by the host Urška and the top-class chef Slavko Adamlje. You will reminisce about and taste long-forgotten recipes and learn how to prepare healthy dishes.

20:00 Union – 150 years of the marriage of beer and food Visit to the Union brewery, the most renowned brewery in Slovenia, and its production. What follows is a guided beer tasting at the hottest tavern in town. You will get a chance to experience a legendary beer-inspired menu and get acquainted with all the flavours from the Union beer portfolio. 23:00 After-party or return to the hotel DAY 2: 08.00 Breakfast at the Cubo or Vander hotel 09:00 Urban fishing A unique fishing experience. Fly fishing for graylings and brown trout, spin fishing for metre-long pike in the heart of Ljubljana, and winter adventures – huchen fishing on the length of the Ljubljanica river. 11:00 Face to face with Jože Plečnik There are only a few cities which are so strongly characterized by an artist as Ljubljana, the home-town of the architect Jože Plečnik (1872– 1957), a student of Otto Wagner. In a little over 35 years he transformed Ljubljana from a provincial city into the capital of the Slovenian nation. Since the mid-20s of the 20th century this architect designed countless city squares and parks, one after the other. 13:00 Plečnik’s lunch – JB restaurant Imaginative recipes of Janez Bratovž in the chambers of Jože Plečnik. Optional: lunch with fresh, local ingredients from the open-air market under the Plečnik arcades. 16:00 Departure to the airport HOURS OF SUNSHINE: 1832

GETTING THERE: All flights to and from Ljubljana land at Jože Pučnik Ljubljana Airport, just 25 km from the city centre. The national airline Adria Airways connects Ljubljana with more than 20 European cities and offers great connections to south-east Europe as well. ACCOMMODATION: 5 apartments made of ecological materials at Trnulja estate or Hotel Cubo or Hotel Vander in the city centre of Ljubljana EAT AND DRINK: Organic food at Trnulja estate or restaurants JB and Strelec in the centre of Ljubljana GATEWAYS: Due to its location, Ljubljana is the best starting point to discover Slovenia. The Central Slovenian region, which surrounds Ljubljana, is full of interesting incentive experiences, which can be integrated into your event’s programme.


Creative Break

‘A TALE OF TWO CITIES’ Campaign: A Tale of Two Cities Client: Istanbul Convention & Visitors Bureau Agency: Redmint Communications Creative: Redmint Communications

ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN: Our aim has been to differentiate by utilising venue images to clearly communicate a broader message of a contemporary city capable of meeting the demands of the international meeting industry with both its modernity and history by: • Showcasing Istanbul’s contrasting venues and styles to demonstrate the wealth of possibilities to cope with any size or scale of events organisation • Demonstrate the breadth of variety of Istanbul – old and new – via highlighting the city’s high-tech modern infrastructure juxtaposed against its monumental history to metaphorically reflect the city of contrasts or ‘Tale of Two Cities’

SOLUTION: • Need a bold new image: a contemporary city capable of meeting the demands of the international convention industry while inspiring with its deep-rooted history & culture • To break with more classic marketing campaigns of the past featuring slogans • Need a meaningful, emotional yet informative destination rebranding campaign • Practical challenges of utilising stock photography with no big budget for photo-shoot


CHALLENGES: • Go beyond clichés and Istanbul as a predominantly historic city (East vs West, Bridging Continents, Connecting People etc) • Emotion vs information • Creative working with limited resources – time and budget

Let your business demonstrate its flare and imagination by choosing Istanbul as your next meeting destination. Istanbul is uniquely positioned, geographically and historically, to inspire and connect people like you to a cultural backdrop of the old and new. A tale of two cities makes Istanbul like no other.

RESULTS: We achieved more than 10 times the targeted OTS in multi-channel implementation strategy across print & online, e-mail marketing, social media & PR… • Print Advertising: 465,500 OTS, 17 MICE publications • Online Advertising: 100,000 OTS, 10 online publications • Significant Growth in Social Media • Raising Istanbul’s Profile • Growth in Key Target Areas • Reaching New Audiences around the World • Sustainability & Adoption of Campaign by Istanbul CVB Members


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28/05/2015 17:58

Extended Stay


1. MARIBOR WAS NAMED THE EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE 2012. During its year as European Capital of Culture, the city of Maribor hosted 5,230 cultural events and was visited by 2,040,000 visitors. Maribor has a long tradition of hosting cultural events its annual Lent festival, with a main stage on the bank of the Drava river, is one of the biggest in the Balkans, attended by 700,000 people each year. Maribor also hosts a festival of classical music, the Borštnikovo (theatre) festival and its Kibla cultural centre focuses on contemporary multimedia art.


In the heart of the old city centre the oldest vine in the world still grows in front of the Old Vine House. The confirmed age of this “Žametovka”, or “Modra Kavčin” vine, is over 400 years, which won it a place in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest noble vine in the world still bearing grapes. The Old Vine is a symbol of the rich wine culture of Maribor, Styria, and all of Slovenia.

3. MARIBOR HAS THE BIGGEST SKI CENTRE IN SLOVENIA THAT ANNUALLY HOSTS THE FIS SKI WORLD CUP THE GOLDEN FOX. At 250 hectares in size Mariborsko Pohorje is the biggest ski centre in Slovenia, where you can find ski slopes for beginners right through to for the most demanding skiers. Every January you can enjoy The Golden Fox, a ski world cup race for women. The traditional race on Pohorje has been organised annually since 1964 and there are two races that take place: slalom and giant-slalom.



Despite being the nation’s second-largest city, and with the second largest airport in Slovenia, Maribor has only about a third of the population of Ljubljana.

According to various media commentators over the past few years Maribor is one of the Top 10 tourist destinations in the world that one should visit at least once in their lifetime. To echo just a few of these sentiments, exploring the old city centre of Maribor was placed among the “Top 10 things to do in 2012” by Lonely Planet and the UK-based Web portal Aol placed Maribor on the list of “Top 10 Holiday Destinations of 2012” and among “Top 6 European holiday destinations to visit in 2015”.

Mrs. Mojca Juhart, E: mojca.juhart@termemb.si , T: + 386 2 234 43 20, W: www.termemb.si • Terme Maribor d.o.o., Ulica heroja Šlandra 10, SI-2000 Maribor








aving been beleaguered by several years of economic turmoil, occasional social disquiet and a stream of seemingly intractable political dilemmas, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that the MICE and tourism industries of Greece might have taken a considerable pummelling. However, in its first full year of having a convention bureau in place, the northern city of Thessaloniki is proud to be able to relay that in fact the opposite is the case and the MICE scene in the city has not only remained healthy, but has been steadily growing and improving. “Greece’s national meeting industry, represented by the Hellenic Association of PCOs and the Athens and Thessaloniki convention bureaus, has moved to reassure international conference organisers that meetings will go ahead as planned, despite the huge uncertainty about the country’s economic future, and overall there haven’t been cancellations,” said Efi Koudeli, General Manager of the Thessaloniki Convention Bureau (TCB). “We also continued with our strategy of participating in international MICE shows and representing Thessaloniki and its members and creating awareness at the national level of the importance of the development of MICE.” “As a result of all this Thessaloniki registered a remarkable rise in the 2014 ICCA rankings for city destinations, moving up from 209th to 108th place worldwide,” she added. “The data also showed that Thessaloniki climbed 111 places with 22 international events (a 57 percent increase), whereas in 2013 Thessaloniki

hosted 14 events. In the European rankings, Thessaloniki experienced a leap of 51 places, from 111th to 60th position (with Frankfurt, Belfast and The Hague). The city’s performance contributed to the overall position of the country in the rankings, as Greece climbed 18 places to 26th globally for hosting conferences and conventions, up from 100 conferences in 2013 to a total of 148.” Against a national backdrop of uncertainty, this positive trend in events being hosted in Thessaloniki has allowed TCB to hit the ground running from the get-go and start pulling together a tight web of industry players as part of its global outreach and to help strengthen their MICE allure. “In its first full year of operations TCB have managed to respond successfully to the main challenges of building a strong network at the local, national and international level with the main stakeholders and hence further developing its membership programme, and at the same time gaining brand awareness in the MICE industry,” said Koudeli. “Also through various initiatives we have created awareness among the local authorities and although the instability in a political context doesn’t favour the decision making procedure in terms of bidding, at the same time we managed to boost brand awarenesss internationally and that has also affected Thessaloniki as a destination in a positive way.” “During this year alone we significantly increased our membership and we also managed to bring business to Thessaloniki - the 7th Urooncology Winter Congress (400 delegates) was 46

recently confirmed for January 2017 and also the Southeast Europe Economic Forum-SEEF (300 delegates),” said Koudeli. “In addition to this, the World Association of Chefs’ Societies (WACS) Congress & Expo 2016 will be hosted in Thessaloniki and it will bring more than 2000 delegates to the city next September, which is something that couldn’t have happened without the existence of TCB.” And so with a dynamic convention bureau in place and Thessaloniki’s continued ability to attract and host headline events, this year’s PHILOXENIA (meaning the famous Greek ‘welcome for the stranger’) trade show is set to take place at the city’s HELEXPO venue in November. As one of the city and country’s key windows showcasing the depth of its offer for both MICE and tourism, TCB is also preparing to use the stage to announce itself to the world in its first full year of operations, one that has seen tangible results already. “HELEXPO, the organiser of PHILOXENIA, is one of TCB’s main stakeholders and funding member, and PHILOXENIA will give us the opportunity to showcase to the tourism industry TCB’s results so far after a year of operations and also meet selected hosted buyers from the region,” said Koudeli. “This year the target is that the whole country with all of its regions will participate in the exhibition and, moreover, that more hotels and hotel chains are expected to participate. As far as the visitors are concerned an increase of 40% of traffic to the show was recorded in PHILOXENIA 2014 and this year the number of trade visitors is expected to be even bigger that that.” “In 2015 PHILOXENIA also aspires to promote its business character by running an extensive hosted buyers programme, with the organisers hosting more than 100 hosted buyers from more than 35 countries,” she added. “The buyers are major tour operators from different sectors of the tourism industry and are ready to make appointments and deals with this year’s exhibitors.” “Furthermore, TCB and HELEXPO will organise the second edition of the ‘Destination Thessaloniki’ Conference during Philoxenia and present Thessaloniki as gastronomic, educational and MICE destination,” said Koudeli. “The first edition of the conference last year was successful and contributed significantly to creating awareness and underlining the importance of the MICE sector in the Greek tourism industry.” As Philoxenia once again sets out to bid a warm welcome to those wishing to visit and hold events in Greece, so TCB has already made itself very welcome in the fraternity of international convention bureaus. Welcome, stranger.

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11/09/2014 09:52

Who is Who

DIJANA KUSTUDIC BUKILICA, PROJECT MANAGER Who si Who in Talas-M DMC Q: What are you most proud of in your business and private lives? The pride and joy of my life is my family, and it is what I’m most proud of. In my business life it is definitely the way my career is developing. Q: Life wisdom/motto? Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Q: Where are you going to spend this year’s holiday? I have a one-month-old baby and no holiday this year, but I enjoy the time spent with her more than any holiday. Q: What was your favourite vacation? Even though I live by the sea and I adore spending time at the beach, my favourite vacation would be any of my winter holidays that I spent hiking, playing in the snow and getting cosy by the fireplace with a glass of mulled wine. This is the only part of the year when I can completely relax my mind. DIJANA KUSTUDIC BUKILICA PROJECT MANAGER

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Q: Where would you go if there were no time and financial constraints? In that case I would definitely travel the world. Q: What is your favourite indoor/outdoor activity? Reading / Photography Q: What is your favourite dish and restaurant (anywhere in the world)? My favourite dish is whole fish baked in salt crust. I can’t name one specific restaurant, but it is definitely a small tavern by the sea where they serve my favourite specialties. Q: What is your favourite gadget? I’m not a gadget geek, but the most useful gadget is definitely my smartphone. Q: Which song do you most often play on your iPod? When I try to relax I usually play instrumental music, and saxophone instrumentals are my favourite.


Q: Which part of the day and of the week is your favourite? Early Saturday morning. Q: What is your favourite mode of transport? Car Q: If you could return to the past or hurry to the future, how old would you like to be and why? I wouldn’t change anything; I would like to stay as old as I am now. Maybe sometimes I miss the Christmas magic from the period when I was 5-10 years old. Q: If you could witness any event in history which one would you choose? Well, I was never thinking of this, but let’s say I would like to attend or organise a real Victorian ball with all its etiquette and manners. I always enjoyed reading books from the Victorian era. Q: What was the best party you have attended? My wedding party. Q: The last film, book, concert? Last film – Focus with Will Smith; Last book – The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy. Q: What fantasy character would you be? Definitely Bugs Bunny. As a cartoon character he is a legend. Many of us, even our parents, grew up with him. He is always very smart and at the same time effortlessly cool. I always admired his wittiness. Q: What did you learn last week? Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time 

Who is Who

TAJA MAČEK, MANAGING PARTNER Who si Who in DT Slovenia Q: What are you most proud of in your business and private lives? At the moment I’m most proud to keep alive the family tradition that I learned from my father, who is very passionate in the hospitality business. Working closely with the family on a daily basis brings to light my personal art education into the products with creativity delivered to our clients. Q: Life wisdom/motto? Wabi - Sabi Q: Where are you going to spend this year’s holiday? We haven’t yet been able to discuss it at home, but if time permits I would not mind hopping to South America for a short visit.


"Life is a never-ending transformation"

Q: What was your favourite vacation? Each vacation is an experience of its own. Basically I like to actively explore the destinations through food, cultural heritage and activities. Winter skiing vacations in Whistler were very nice, as well as my first camping trip last year. I have very good memories from cruise vacations we took last year too. Q: Where would you go if there were no time and financial constraints? With my long time boyfriend I would embark on a journey around the world with a ship and disembark and then board again every time I would find a nice place to spend more time. Q: What is your favourite indoor/outdoor activity? Spinning and kickboxing for indoors, alpine skiing and swimming for outdoor activities. Q: What is your favourite dish and restaurant (anywhere in the world)? All Seafood, but I still remember the exquisite taste of sea urchins in Palermo in a cosy Italian restaurant. Q: What is your favourite gadget? I often ask myself how it would be if we would not have all the gadgets we have at our disposal now. But I appreciate the cooking appliances that make recipes easier to create and that I can then offer to my family and friends. Q: Which song do you most often play on your iPod? Lately I’ve been listening to smooth jazz and Bossa Nova.


Q: Which part of the day and of the week is your favourite? I like Fridays and Saturdays, as usually I’m happy the week is coming to an end, but at the same time it is not ending quite yet. Q: What is your favourite mode of transport? I have never given a thought to it, but I would say that I spent my college years using the bus, university years traveling by train, for business trips overseas by plane, vacations by boat and for everyday I use the car, bike or simply go by foot. I find pretty much all of them useful. Q: If you could return to the past or hurry to the future, how old would you like to be and why? I would travel back in time to meet Marcel Duchamp and try to talk over his artistic career and the conceptual art ideas. Regarding the age, I think it defines the person; each period should be lived at its fullest. Q: If you could witness any event in history which one would you choose? I would like to join the expedition to the moon. Q: What was the best party you attended? It was last year in Fort Lauderdale for Halloween, the Lürssen Yachts party and the theme was ‘Hollywood’. Q: The last film, book, concert? Recently I bought a book about the history of coffee. The last movie I watched was ‘Suite Francaise’. Last concert… actually I haven’t been to one in a long time. Q: What fantasy character would you be? I would choose Hermione from the Harry Potter saga. Q: What did you learn last week? That life is a never-ending transformation.






ula impresses with images, blue sea, famous Pula Arena, number of swimming areas and architecture from different periods of the city’s rich history. The people were always coming and going, trading and bringing influences from all over the world and the region. In my generation, Pula’s subculture music scene rocked. In the city came punk, new wave, hard rock and heavy metal and every summer we could listen it in the club Uljanik. The spirit of that time has now more or less disappeared, but the nostalgic memory of a city’s rich subcultural history is very much alive. According to contemporaries, Pula today is far from the times when we felt that could be measured with London or Berlin by the alternative pulse. Nevertheless, it retains its multicultural and multinational urban culture, which was the humus for events in the eighties. For me, Pula remains the rock city with the institution – club Uljanik, where performed the biggest names in the regional and global rock scene. The capital of Istria is the fifth largest Croatian city in the south of the Istrian peninsula. In the collective memory, Pula is known after Roman amphitheatre or Arena, which is a kind of precursors of congress tourism. It is the sixth largest amphitheatre in the world, which construction started during the reign of Emperor Augustus. The construction was completed by Claudius and the final form was given at the time of Emperor Vespasian. The amphitheatre is still used especially during the summer festivals and various cultural events as well as a special venue. Pula is in my memoirs directly connected with the green areas and parks, especially the park Monte Zero and Naval Park, which was finished in 1863. Moreover, of course with unforgettable Brioni. At first glance, Pula seems to be “dead end” road infrastructure of Croatia but this has substantially changed in recent years. The transport position of Pula is extremely important for the development of the city since Pula is now a new crossroad of Istrian roads. Traffic heart of Istria is Istrian Y, which ends in this ancient city. Port of Pula is naturally protected and an important Croatian Port. Pula received its present appearance at the end of the 19th century, when the Austro-Hungarian decided to change the city to the main war port. Several strategic positions were occupied by the military. Near Pula are 20 forts that were built during the Austrian army in 19th century. Pula was then the main maritime port of the Hapsburg monarchy. One of the most visited is Fort Punta Christo, which during the summer becomes the venue for musical events of the alternative scene. Tourism for the last thirty years defined the image of the city which is driven by the geographical position, mild climate and beautiful nature in combination with cultural

and historical monuments such as the Arena. The intensive development of tourism started in the 19th century. The greatest acceleration occurred during the tourism boom period from 1970 to 1987, when 10 hotels and two tourist villages were build. Most tourist facilities are concentrated in the southern part of the city around Veruda canal in Stoja area, Verudela and Veruda. Culture and various festivals are an important engine of tourism. Pula lives for the festivals. This year for example, Outlook Festival and Dimensions Festival attended over 23.000 participants. Fort Punta Christo is known among all music lovers who are also the promoters of the city. Pula is considered as one of the festival capitals of Croatia with more than 1000 events annually. The largest congress provider is Arenaturist, which completely renovated convention centre in the Park Plaza Histria Hotel. Hall Ulika can accommodate up to 700 guests. For smaller gatherings and meetings are available three smaller conference rooms. The Hotel with its congress offer became the centre of new congress story of Pula. The advantage is the possibility of accommodation in different categories within the hotel resort and a rich offer of incentive experiences. Smaller conference rooms are in Hotel Brioni and Park Plaza Medulin Hotel. We can start with the famous Arena and all the way to fortresses that surround the city and the famous Brioni. An interesting attraction and a special venue in Pula is Kaštel. Star-shaped castle with four towers located at the top of the central hill of the old town. In the castle, you can find Historical Museum of Istria. Different type of urban spaces are available for the purpose of meetings. Pula was marked by turbulent and rich history in which developed specific urban culture of the city. Intensive demilitarization has left a series of empty spaces, which are suitable for transformation into congress centres. The company Brijuni Riviera d.o.o. is responsible for transformation process in Istria. An example of how to take advantage of abandoned industrial building is near Rovinj. We hope that the tourism strategies will place congress tourism into a new strategy. Company Arenaturist has taken the development of congress tourism seriously and enthusiastically, and the first major events have already returned to Pula. With the investment cycle that lasts since 2011, Arenaturist renovated 1500 hotel rooms, which have risen the destination to a 4 congressional stars. It is also necessary to build the image of destination for which would urgently need Convention Bureau. Congress tourism is meant for Pula.

The city has a very large concentration of special venues. From this perspective, Pula is extraordinary meetings destination.





Grades: 5 excellent convention destination 4 quality convention destination 3 recommendable convention destination 2 average convention destination 1 so so

INDIVIDUAL GRADES: Natural and cultural factors 4.5 The strategic position of well-protected bay which represents the natural harbour was the main reason for the emergence and development of the city which similar to Rome expands on seven hills. Diverse coastline with three islands has always been the attractive because of the high experiential value, cultural and historical monuments and strategic position. General and transport infrastructure 4.1 Pula is the meeting point of important transport crossroads. Towards the north is connected by rail with Slovenia and Italy. The skeleton of Pula road connections represents an Istrian Y highway. Pula is traditionally connected with marine lines. However, it lately strengthens the air transport via the airport near the city. The quality of life in city is solid, added value represent a number of green areas.

Tourist infrastructure 4.2 Tourism is based on the natural characteristics of the 44.3 km of indented coastline and rich cultural and historical heritage. Until recently, the tourist offer of Pula was concentrated in the company Arenaturist and many camps around the city. Nautical tourism is also developed. The city with a thorough renovation of Pula’s hotels gained a high quality hotel infrastructure that accelerated the development of congress tourism. Meetings infrastructure 3.4 A company Arenaturist with convention centre in Park Plaza Histria Hotel represents the skeleton of the congress offer. The city has an exceptional number of special venues, which were already exploit by the organizers of music festivals. We are missing a more planned approach to the development of congress tourism, where Pula seems to be perfect for it. Subjective grade 3.9 Pula is a specific and highly attractive microsom, which was not a trendy but more rock city that will impress congressional visitors with sincerity and content. Content including University and the urban scene, separates Pula from other Istrian destinations and represents the humus for the further congress development. Marketing buzz 3.9 Pula is still dimly recognizable as a meetings destination and is mainly focused on the local Croatian market. For breakthrough and improvement of congressional image would require Convention Bureau which would be able to connect providers and ensure international marketing. 52


WHAT‘S NEW 2015 1. Dimensions Festival: Attracting Dance music aficionados from all over the European continent. It has gained a reputation for putting on a truly cutting edge line-up that pulls together some of todays top underground production and DJing talent. 2. Outlook Festival: Europe’s biggest bass and sound system festival and the winner of the 2011 UK Festival award for the best festival in Europe is annually held at a unique location on the Punta Christo peninsula and fortress in Štinjan next to Pula. 3. 21. Croatian Bike Weekend - Monumenti: It is ment for motorcycle enthusiasts of all types and manufacturers, but also people who enjoy good quality entertainment. 4. The Pula film festival: In its 62nd year in 2015, making it the oldest festival of its kind in Croatia. Croatian and international films are shown at various locations in Pula, including in the stunning amphitheatre (the Arena) in the town. 5. IRONMAN 70.3 race: The race will start on 20 September with a swim in the Blue Flag-awarded bay, followed by a fast one-loop bike course through several small picturesque villages and vineyards before making its way back to the marina of Pula.


DID YOU KNOW Did you know the Colosseum in Rome is not the only colosseum? The Pula arena is the sixth-largest Roman amphitheatre and one of the best preserved. A visit to the Pula arena not only includes the ability to walk around the interior, but also tour the museum in the subterranean hall below where the gladiators and animals were held. The Pula arena’s outer walls are almost completely intact, and when inside it is easy to imagine how the amphitheatre looked in Roman times.

Comparison with the region: Pula is a city of intoxicating flavours, scents and multiple images. Only when you experience it, it becomes clear why it’s also a great meetings destination. Pula as a regional centre of Istria is in terms of congress tourism currently less developed than some tourist destinations in Istria. The role of the regional congress centre took Rovinj with intensive investment, partly Poreč and cities of NW Istria. Current investments of company Arenaturist incite very high degree of optimism since the city acquired a high quality infrastructure. Along with the urban culture of the city and number of higher education institutions, the potential for congress tourism in Istria is among the largest. 53

Kupelwieser on Brijuni - Why Kupelwieser bought Brioni islands and who helped make them amazing. It is 1893 and Brijuni islands are malarious and abandoned. But, that year everything changed - a famous Austrian businessman Paul Kupelwieser decided to buy Brijuni and make an agricultural and cultural centre there. A growing military port in Pula inspired him to do this and he gathered experts’ team from different areas to help him renew Brijuni islands Be a part of this unusual walk through Brijuni, meet famous persons who transformed Brijuni into a paradise on Earth and travel with us to Austro-Hungarian era with Paul Kupelwieser and his collaborators.

Cool meetings: Near Pula you will find for many the best Croatian restaurant Tavern Batelina. The restaurant has impressed the famous Anthony Bourdain when he discovered Croatia. The restaurant is synonymous for authentic sea cuisine as served only what they caught. Exquisite!

TOPICS AND DATES / Published  times per year

Kongres Magazine is far from being just a magazine. It is the only provider of integrated congress marketing communications, with which you can make effective dialogue with the meetings industry audience. Because we know what meetings industry payers really need and how to ensure their long-term loyalty, we can make above-average, high-quality, relevant, independent, in-depth and interesting meetings industry stories. In 2015 they will be dedicated to you and your customers even more.





Daily newspaper, which will be released during the Conventa trade show and which brings to exhibitors and hosted buyers daily news from Conventa.

SPACE CLOSE: 12.12.2014

MATERIALS DUE: DELIVERY: 19.12.2014 21. - 22.01.2015




The old paradigm “size fits all” in the last year has radically altered in the direction of personalization in which the participants of your events are taking the initiative. In the issue, we are going to explore different methods of personalization - everything from CRM tools, match-making innovations and the creation of social and virtual communities for the events of the future. We will examine how to achieve events at which the event participants are in the centre. Hot Spot: EVENT CREATION How to create creative experimental events





Special edition, published as a catalogue of Conventa together with extensive destination presentations and presentations of participating partners. In terms of content this is the most comprehensive overview of the meetings industry in the region of Central and Southeast Europe.

Themed supplement: CATERING SURVEY 2015

SPACE CLOSE: 13.02.2015

MATERIALS DUE: 20.02.2015

DELIVERY: 27.03.2015



SPACE CLOSE: 12.12.2014

MATERIALS DUE: 19.12.2014

DELIVERY: 21. - 22.01.2015



Since 2010, Kongres magazine has been publishing CONGRESS TRAVELOGUES, which were renamed MEETOLOGUES. International meeting planners thus discover little-known European convention destinations. All existing travelogues of the NEW EUROPE will be issued in a special issue of Kongres magazine, which will be released prior to IMEX trade show. With high-quality editorial content, travelogues completely replace the tedious and irrelevant catalogues of meetings suppliers. Digital versions of MEETOLOGUES are currently the most read sections of the Kongres magazine.

SPACE CLOSE: 10.04.2015

MATERIALS DUE: 17.04.2015

DELIVERY: 15.05.2015

KONGRES MAGAZINE Stihova 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana, T: + 386 (0)1 430 51 03, F: + 386 (0)1 430 51 04, M: +386 (0)40 530 112, E: gorazd.cad@go-mice.eu, www.kongres-magazine.eu


TOTAL AUDIENCE of 60.700 readers:


meeting planners

------------29,65 % of total number




meeting planners

34.000 meeting


------------1,98 % of total number

FALL 2015






Meeting planners wish for something new. You would like – for the same or lower price – to see the yet unseen places, taste un-tasted delicacies, unknown wines and experience undiscovered experiences. Central and South East Europe offers numerous pleasant incentive secrets in the worldwide meetings industry, waiting to be discovered.


One of the few truly outstanding destination strategies is the idea of strategic alliances which is a result of the realization that we live in a time of mutual co-operation and competition (co-opetition). We will investigate in what stages it comes to competition and co-operation for congress buyers and destination reputation. Some practical examples will be presented which have survived the testing in practice. Hot Spot: EVENT MARKETING How to make desirable events

SPACE CLOSE: 15.05.2015

MATERIALS DUE: 22.05.2014

DELIVERY: 19.06.2015




Content marketing is changing understanding of the entire meetings industry. Through good content events communicate with the participants. We are going to examine the evidence on the effectiveness of content marketing in the organization of events. You will learn why top content is the core of positive experience of your congress participants Hot Spot: EVENT PRODUCTION How to organise viable events Themed supplement: ADVENTURE PARKS 2015 OUTDOOR VENUES 2015

SPACE CLOSE: 19.06.2015

MATERIALS DUE: 26.06.2015


SPACE CLOSE: 21.08.2015

MATERIALS DUE: 28.08.2015

DELIVERY: 18.09.2015





Who are the personalities that have marked the year 2015? What are the trends of the future, which controversial ideas will win in the area of event organization. In the editorial board of Kongres magazine we believe that the best way to predict the future of the meetings industry is to be inventing it. Hot Spot: EVENT DIFERENTATION How to stand out from the crowd

DELIVERY: 24.07.2015


SPACE CLOSE: 16.10.2015

MATERIALS DUE: 23.10.2015

DELIVERY: 16.11.2015

(e-magazines and e-newsletters)


------------56,01 % of total number


appr. 7.500

meeting planners

------------12,36 % of total number




TELESCOPE – Congress destinations of the World according to the selection of our editor Robert Cotter MEETOLOGUE – Congress Meetologues of the New Europe VOICE FROM THE TOP – Interviews with key personalities of the meetings industry HIDDEN KONGRES GUEST – Hidden congress guests assess hotels, convention centres and catering providers WHO IS WHO – Presentations of meetings providers YOUNG TALENTS – Young promising meeting industry talents BEEN THERE – Reports from events TOP 10 - Rankings of the best in various categories CASE STUDIES - Examples of good practice


KONGRES BRIEFING – Short news from destinations presented in an interesting way DESTINATION SURVEY - In-depth collage presentations of congress destinations DESTINATION IN NUMBERS Infographics with data of individual destinations BEHIND THE SCENES - Extended reportages of the best congress hotels MEET THE TEAM – presentation of the PCO or DMC agencies and their greatest successful projects

At a time when campaigns are taken over by our buyers, apart from content marketing there are few tools available that enable communication through various channels.

KONGRES MAGAZINE Stihova 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana, T: + 386 (0)1 430 51 03, F: + 386 (0)1 430 51 04, M: +386 (0)40 530 112, E: gorazd.cad@go-mice.eu, www.kongres-magazine.eu

Behind the Scenes


Behind the Scenes


Text by Gorazd Čad


“Meetings or receptions on the spectacular roof promenade are among the most unusual and special meeting experiences on the Adriatic.” Contemporary Croatian Architecture The architect Nikola Bašić is one of Croatia’s most famous creative talents who over the last decade has significantly contributed to the rebirth of ‘copyright’ architecture. His architectural gem, ‘Sea Organ’, is among the most prominent achievements to be found in public spaces all over Croatia. With its installation, the more than 3,000-year-old Mediterranean city of Zadar welcomed a new, important and instantly recognizable city icon. It is therefore no coincidence that the Turkish investor Doğuş Group appointed Bašić to redesign the Mandalina peninsula into a boutique luxury resort that today interacts and blends naturally and harmoniously with its surroundings. Urban transformation of Šibenik Since 1901, the Kuline army barracks on the


Mandalina peninsula were a part of the urban image of Šibenik. Alongside Pula and Tivat this was once one of the most important military ports of the Austro-Hungarian Navy and then the former Yugoslav National Army. In the past twenty years, however, the Mandalina peninsula has been transformed into a nautical-tourist area with an entirely new urban energy. The whole area has become an architectural icon of the city alongside the famous town fortresses. Doğuş Group The Turkish Doğuş Group stands behind one of the largest investments in Croatian tourism, currently worth 45 million Euros and that has created 150 new jobs. They have already managed to turn several latent locations into tourist destinations. The opening of the luxury Marina was attended by Ferit F. Şahenk, owner of the Group, who in 2014 was listed as fourth in Forbes Magazine’s richest Turks, with 2.1 billion Euros of assets behind him. In addition to D-Marina Mandalina and D-Resort Šibenik,

Behind the Scenes

Doğuş Group also owns D-Marina Dalmacija, the biggest marina in the region with a capacity of up to 1,200 sea moorings and 600 land moorings. One of a kind building The organic roof of the hotel, designed as a promenade, adds excitement to the architectural whole and really bears the signature of the architect Bašić. The design makes it feel like the building has always been set into the Mandalina peninsula. The second key aspect of the building is its use of natural concrete, which comes across as raw and perhaps even a bit wild, but is also so much more authentic. The extraordinary building both inside and out was achieved by using white cement that represents a genuine luxury and that in no way needs to be hidden behind artificial façade elements. This resort breaks the stereotype of luxury hotels and sets them in a new context. Design hotel Architect Marko Murtić along with his brother Ranko were responsible for the interior décor. On entering you come across prominent wooden sculptures of Mirko Zrinščak that reach to the 58

Behind the Scenes

top of the spacious lobby that is illuminated through concrete openings. Further artworks are to be found in the individual rooms, with the inspiring works of the painter Tomislav Buntak. The Murtić brothers managed to achieved a positive contrast between the rough concrete and the high-grade wood furniture coverings. A further element of the design ensemble are the subtle, youthful and casual uniforms that add to the positive experience. Meetings with City views Meetings or receptions on the spectacular roof promenade are among the most unusual and special meeting experiences on the Adriatic. Breathtaking view of the D-Marin Mandalina and Šibenik is perfect for selfies or photo safaris. The larger meeting room shares its space with the wellness centre; it can accommodate up to 160 participants and can be divided into three smaller rooms. There you will feel direct contact with nature and easily imagine a pool party or a coffee break on the terrace beside the stunning swimming pool. The outdoor amphitheatre is super special as a spot where it’s possible to organise team activities or out-of-the-box lectures in good weather. 59

Behind the Scenes

Foodism The hotel’s à la carte restaurant is located on the top floor, again with breathtaking views of the city. Within the hotel are four hotel bars with a bistro selection of dishes. The emphasis is on international and Mediterranean cuisine and local ingredients. The wine list is exceptional, with a range of top Croatian and world wine producers. The bar offer is among the best on the Adriatic coast, where only the best has been deemed good enough for the resort guests. Charming Šibenik Šibenik is a city of surprises and has an exciting geography. Because of its geomorphology a picture-postcard mix of streets, squares, stairways and passages has arisen between the different parts of the city and it is among the most photogenic and picturesque cities of the entire Adriatic. If you wish to offer something extra to your meeting guests, check the St. Michael fortress, which provides an excellent outside setting above the city for carrying out events. Likeable Hotel team The proverbial Turkish entrepreneurial spirit and kindness is also part of the philosophy of the new hotel. Part of the team trained in D-Hotel 60

Behind the Scenes

Marmaris, which is known to be among top 10 hotels in the world, before the opening. The attitude towards guests is always positive and it seems they want to fulfil every wish, which is why the friendly and youthful team is the best ambassador of the hotel.


Behind the Scenes


Behind the Scenes

D-RESORT ŠIBENIK Obala Jerka Šizgorica 1, 22 000 Šibenik, Croatia Tel: +385 22 331 452 General information: info@dresortsibenik.com Reservations department: reservation@dresortsibenik.com

ACCOMMODATION The resort has 63 rooms, 6 suites and 3 Exclusive Villas. Superior Double Sea View Room 52 Deluxe Sea View Suites 5 Superior Twin Sea View Room 11 Executive Sea View Suites 1 Exclusive Sea View Villas 3 Room Features Standard Sea View Rooms, sizes vary from 29-35 m 2. Intelligent room, balcony, AC/Heating, soundproof and floor to ceiling windows, wooden floor and safe box * Balcony and bathroom sizes vary. Housekeeping services twice a day, mini bar, in-room dining. Bathroom Features Bathtub and rain shower separate in 15 rooms, spacious rain showers in 48 rooms, illuminated make-up mirror, exclusive bathroom amenities, hair dryer, bathrobes and slippers. Internet and Phones Direct dial phone, Wi-Fi internet. Entertainment LED TV, international channels. Exclusive Villa Maximum occupancy of 4 guests; King beds and twin bed Separated staff area with twin bed and a kitchen. Villa has 150m 2 living area, private garden area with 30m 2 private outdoor swimming pool, private car park. Two spacious bedrooms each with private bathroom, separate living room and dining room with dining table for six, fully equipped kitchen, private terrace with dining table for six, four sunbeds, two umbrellas, AC/Heating, soundproof and floor to ceiling windows, luxurious Italian furniture and decorative items, executive working desk, guest toilet, safe boxes.

Housekeeping services twice a day, in-room dining, espresso machine, continental breakfast service on request every morning, and priority for à la carte restaurant reservations. Bathroom Features Two bathrooms, bathtub and rain shower separate, illuminated make-up mirror, exclusive bathroom amenities, hair dryer, makeup table, bathrobes and slippers. Internet and Phones Cordless direct dial phone, Wi-Fi internet. Entertainment LED TV in each room, international channels. RESTAURANT, BAR & LOUNGE Guests are offered the experience of elegant dining on the top floor restaurant with a spectacular view of the old town of Šibenik and D-Marin Mandalina. The elegant dining in exquisite settings includes the perfect start for a brand new day with a breakfast buffet on the terrace, an à la carte hotel restaurant and an à la carte restaurant in the Yacht Club for lunch and dinner. A snack menu is available in all of the bars during the day from 12:00 until 17:00, while in-room dining is at your service from 06.00 am until midnight. There are four bars and lounges around the hotel - the Hotel Roof Exclusive Lounge, Yacht Club Bar, The Pool Bar (located in the main pool area) and the Lobby Bar in the main lobby area. RECREATIONAL FACILITIES D-GYM The air-conditioned D-Gym with the latest Techno Gym equipment and its amazing view is the ideal place to work out and freshen up. Fitness courses and personal training sessions are available for an additional charge. The guests are kindly asked to adhere to the dress code while using the gym, which is for appropriate exercise clothing, socks and sneakers to be worn.


SERVICES & FACILITIES D-SPA at D RESORT ŠIBENIK At the heart of Šibenik the D-Spa is the perfect place to relax and unwind, with its private Hammam, two Saunas, a steam room, three single treatment rooms, a couple treatment room and an extensive relaxation area. Expert therapists perform specialized facials and body treatments using exclusive products rich in the finest and most powerful natural ingredients. Banquet Events Whether you are looking for a private meeting, a brainstorming session, a product launch or a social event, the D-Resort Šibenik banquet team will be delighted to assist you with all of the necessary arrangements. Indoor and outdoor venues are perfectly set for the business purposes or social events. D-Resort Šibenik has one fully equipped meeting room convertible into three smaller executive rooms. VISITOR INFORMATION Language: Croatian Currency: HRK (Croatian Kuna) Electricity: The hotel operates on 220-volts power. Visas: Visa requirements are determined by nationality. LOCATION Just 6 km away from the A1 (E65) motorway and the closest airports of Split (SPU) and Zadar (ZAD) only 40 minutes away, the D-Resort Šibenik is easy to reach with such close proximity and the well-developed transportation. Arriving by boat is also an option; D-Resort Šibenik is located in the heart of D- Marin Mandalina 43 ˚ 43.0 'N and 15 ˚54.0'E, or 0.2 Nm 120 ° NE from the entrance canal of St. Ante.

Case Studies


ABOUT THE EVENT: Bled Strategic Forum is one of the leading international conferences to be held in the region. Organised jointly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and the Centre for European Perspective, this was the 10th time the Bled Strategic Forum was organised. Over the last decade, the Bled Strategic Forum has grown into a successful platform for high-level strategic dialogue among leaders from the private and public sectors on key issues facing Europe and the world in the 21st century. Many prominent guests from Europe and beyond, including President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, President of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, and Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council, attended the 10th forum at Bled. CHALLENGES: Considering the complexity of organisation, Bled Strategic Forum is undoubtedly one of more demanding events. Every year, new challenges are faced and new solutions are sought with organisers to conduct matters as smoothly and optimally as possible. Since BSF is an annual event, the experiences of previous years come in handy. Every year, the greatest challenge for hotels is, without exception, how to accommodate all the delegates in suitable hotel categories and room types with limited capacities. One week prior to the event things start to hot up – delegations wait in line asking whether we can find them accommodation and, at the same time, meet special requirements relating to security, hierarchical levels of delegates, and any whims of top guests. At the last moment it can happen that a delegation of 20 persons cancels their stay a day before arrival due to a sudden political crisis in their home country. It happened this year and it has happened before. Notably, this year’s Strategic Forum posed two purely practical challenges not entirely alien to hotels. One was related to a delegation from the


Event: Political leaders attended the 10th Bled Strategic Forum Date: 31 August – 1 September 2015 Location: Bled; main location: Hotel Golf Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and the Centre for European Perspective Execution: Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Sava Hotels & Resorts Type: International conference

Middle East who were requesting from the hotel a large common room as a private living room in which they could smoke undisturbed. Naturally, smoking is forbidden in all public places and there is no special smoking saloon at Grand Hotel Toplice; furthermore, none of the terraces were appropriate as they failed to provide sufficient privacy. The second challenge was related to the implementation of lunch at Hotel Golf, as the expected number of guests significantly exceeded the number of seats at the restaurant. A standing buffet was absolutely not an option. The areas normally used to extend the restaurant were specified for other purposes and we knew from experience that almost every participant arrived at the same time and lingered quite long at tables due to business contacts and running discussions. Hence, the turnover of tables at the restaurant was very slow. SOLUTION: We use a team approach to handle challenges such as these. An experienced team of associates involved in the organisation of events met within the scope of a regular briefing for the event concerned and considered both matters requiring solutions and adequate preparations. There were plenty of ideas and opinions and, finally, we found two excellent scenarios that were successfully carried out in both cases. For the smoking living room, we decided to use large covered balconies at the end of the corridors of three storeys of Grand Hotel Toplice. These otherwise isolated balconies have an exit to the main corridor and access to the extreme (corner) rooms of the Hotel. One balcony was hence made private and furnished with saloon furniture, while a view of the lake and the constant sunny weather were the icing on the cake. For the lunch challenge at Hotel Golf, there were many ideas and considerations. We were severely concerned with any effects on the quality of service and the possible bad mood of guests waiting for their meal. The organiser did not like the idea of dividing lunch into two locations at 64

the Hotel. Nevertheless, a scenario was developed that convinced them. We decided to dedicate more space at the restaurant to additional surfaces for a buffet bar in order to avoid bottlenecks. At the same time, we planned to arrange another location for lunch, i.e. a small restaurant with direct access from the Congress Centre, which has an exit to the grand terrace, where additional tables were set. When the main restaurant started filling up, our staff kindly invited guests to the terrace overlooking Bled Castle. Guests were delighted and so was the organiser, and we were pleased because everything ran smoothly. AFTER THE EVENT: The Strategic Forum is no doubt the most important annual event in Bled. The fact that Sava Hotels Bled has been one of the key partners and hosts since its very beginning, i.e. for 10 years, means BSF is our chief reference. Within the frame of the ten forums, we have hosted a great deal of eminent guests from the world of politics, economics, and different professions. Many of them were opinion leaders from various parts of the world. This has made us interesting for numerous other international events as well. Three large congresses were obtained on the back of certain key individuals attending the Bled Strategic Forum, while many participants were later hosted as tourists. Attendance at BSF has grown over the years and we have been hosting between 400 and 500 participants for several years. The event has also expanded in terms of content. The main forum is accompanied by other events, such as Young BSF, Business BSF, or this year’s second Tourist Panel, and a one-off ministerial event focusing on the tourism industry (2nd High Level Meeting of China and CEECs tourism ministers). BSF has become a brand and our advantage from this is no doubt that a part of the brand name is also the name of the destination, i.e. Bled.

Case Studies


Case Studies

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Case Studies


Event: 1st World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies DATE: 6. – 10.9.2015 Location: Grand Hotel Bernardin / Convention Centre Bernardin Client: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Execution: Albatros Slovenia (PCO) Type: World Congress ABOUT THE EVENT: The St. Bernardin was the venue for the 1st World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies (Electroporation as a phenomenon at the cellular level can be used in medicine, biology, biotechnology and environmental problems). The Congress took place at the Grand Hotel Bernardin Convention Centre from September 6th to 10th, 2015, and brought together scientists and users from different disciplines and possessing diverse expertise, all of whom are involved in basic research or are developing applications based on electroporation and the use of pulsed electric fields of high intensity. The organisers’ aim was to create the best environment for stimulating interdisciplinary interactions, presenting the latest achievements and demonstrating current knowledge.

CHALLENGES: Delegates with different budget options and possibilities, an intense programme with lots of parallel sessions (hence the need for breakout rooms and changes in set-ups), networking locations close to the main meeting room, on-the-spot communications and any additional needs / last minute changes. SOLUTION: The solution lies in the credentials: three hotels under one roof and a flexibly designed convention centre (integrated over two floors) that permits easy communication, a range of networking spaces, an exhibition space for sponsors and a poster session, the close proximity to Piran, and a daily short briefing check with the appointed staff. AFTER THE EVENT: The event managed to bring together scientists and users from different disciplines and possessing diverse expertise, all of whom are involved in basic research or are developing applications based on electroporation and the use of pulsed electric fields of high intensity. The Congress welcomed 400 participants from 42 countries spanning every continent who came together to present and share their knowledge over the days at St. Bernardin. Professor Dr. Damijan Miklavcic, Chair of the COST TD1104 Action, Chair of the Department for Biomedical Engineering, Head of the


Laboratory of Biocybernetics / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering: “The Convention Centre at the Grand Hotel Bernardin and Bernardin Group Hotels offered a great venue in which we were able to provide the best possible atmosphere for active participants, their spouses, researchers and industrial partners to present their latest scientific achievements, either in a form of lectures, posters or exhibitors’ stands. Congress participants were able to meet and discuss during poster sessions and coffee breaks, lunches and social events. The layout and infrastructure (including information system, halls and wireless network) offered easy accommodation to every participant. Young researchers, students, professors and industrial professionals were able to choose between differently priced rooms in close proximity. The hotel staff made us all feel very welcome and was willing to accommodate even our last minutes requests; they were flexible and demonstrated the highest possible professional behaviour. Even the smallest glitches were taken care of as soon as possible. The stunning scenery, weather, clean water and superb food made the 1st World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies a memorable event not only for us – the organisers – but also for all of the participants.”

Hidden Congress Guest





OPENED SINCE July 2015 MEETINGS STAR Resort meeting hotel STANDARD Congress hotel NUMBER OF ROOMS 69 rooms and suites, 3 luxury villas PRICE INTERNET 152 EUR (BB September 2015) ADDRESS D-Resort Šibenik Obala Jerka Šizgorica 1 22 000 Šibenik, Croatia T: +385 22 331 452 E: info@dresortsibenik.com www.dresortsibenik.com FACILITIES Hotel Restaurant, Yacht Club Restaurant, D Gym, Yachting, D Spa EXTRAS D-Marina Mandalina, a luxury marina as a base for nautical exploring of the Šibenik archipelago RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Location Accessibility First impression Lobby Employee attitude Reception Hotel room Hotel bed Bathroom and restroom Hotel breakfast Bars and restaurants Congress hall Additional offer Total: FINAL GRADE Luxury Resort Hotel Luxury Premium Business Economy Budget

4.95 3.96 5.00 4.79 4.96 4.87 4.89 4.92 4.87 4.96 4.89 4.84 4.82 4.82

4.82 ★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★

LOCATION Until recently Šibenik would have been considered somewhat off the beaten MICE track, but in recent years it has been rapidly developing in the right direction. Where a former navy military barracks once stood, today a luxury resort owned by the Turkish Dogus Group company stands as part of the new Marina Mandalina. The investment has radically changed the city’s panorama, a city timelessly linked with the Krka River famous for its majestic waterfalls and the magnificent lake with an island that flows into the sea right at the place where the entire city of Šibenik was established. ACCESSIBILITY The location is perfect and also surprisingly favourable for congress tourism, although at the moment it is simply being overlooked. Access via the motorway is smooth and easy. Nearby there are two sufficiently serviced airports in Split and Zadar. What is really attractive is the fact that the city is located within a triangle of three exceptional national parks - Kornati, Krka and Paklenica – and that nearby there are also the Plitvice lakes and North Velebit. There are sufficient parking spaces in the garage and in the surrounding area. Access to the romantic city centre is either by road or sea taxi. COLD APPETIZER - Architecture and Aesthetics The famous Croatian architect Nikola Bašić is behind the organic, elemental resort architecture that fits nicely within the Šibenik skyline. The promenade laid out in solid wood and set on the roof of the hotel, one of the most special venues available for an event, is an outstanding feature. Then there is the interior, designed by architect Marko Murtić and that has an innovative way of softening the concrete structure of the hotel by engaging pleasant colours and designer furniture. Every last detail of the resort is sophisticated, even down to the grounds and the preserved, centuries-old pine trees. WARM APPETIZER - Personnel and cuisine Guests can enjoy a plentiful hotel and catering offer with a Wellness centre, restaurants and bars, and a small shop that stocks different brands. The entire resort team generate a consistent, youthful and fresh attitude, with their quaint uniforms also adding to the sense of wellbeing. All of this is complemented by superb cuisine, right from breakfast through to the fusion of Mediterranean cuisine at other times of the day. A hotel of this category also, of course, includes a very thorough wine list. 68

MAIN DISH - The hotel’s congress services There is ample space in the rooms, with a lot of space available for both large and small items, and a big plus is the wonderful views from the balconies towards the old town and the marina. The furniture is modern and nicely complements the rough concrete structured walls. The pieces of furniture also have a sense of floating in space that has been achieved through an interesting technique of attaching the furniture. On top of all this the superb bed offers a wonderful night’s sleep. The congress centre and spa are in a separate annex. The multi-functional hall can accommodate up to 160 people and can be divided into three smaller halls. It can be increased by the use of an outdoor amphitheatre as a specialty. DESSERT - Extras Besides Kornati, the Šibenik archipelago is a paradise for nautical incentives. The pretty wild islands, such as Kaprije, Krapanj, Prvič, Zlarin and Žirje, are part of the most remote and detached section of the Adriatic coast, which is considered an exceptional area for lovers of sailing.


FLOP – negative surprises The capacity of the otherwise top class Wellness Centre can appear too small at full occupancy.


TOP – positive surprises Three exclusive villas for VIP guests, each with its own swimming pool and views of the Marina Mandalina. Overall impression and credibility Architecturally the hotel is highly impressive, yet at the same time remains completely personalised. The decision to reveal the natural concrete skeleton of the building is exceptional and throws up new architectural surprises. The youthful and inspired personnel and this amazing city with its urban culture and very special joyfulness really stand out.

The HIDDEN CONGRESS GUEST section is not paid for. The selection of hotels, which are evaluated by the hidden congress guest, is left to the editorial board. The hidden guest visits the hotels without prior notice.


Final Score

Hidden Congress Guest




CATEGORY ★★★★ OPENED SINCE Built 1974, renovated 2006 MEETINGS STAR Resort Meeting Hotel STANDARD Hotel with Conference Facilities NUMBER OF ROOMS 156 rooms INTERNET PRICE 97 - 135 EUR (BB September 2015) ADDRESS Hotel Kompas Borovška Cesta 100, 4280 Kranjska Gora, Slovenia T: +386 4 589 21 00 E: info@hitholidays-kg.si FACILITIES Wellness, Hotel swimming pool, Hotel restaurant (300 seats), Restaurant Florijana, Ice bar in the Hotel Lobby, Night bar with dance area EXTRAS Disco – a pleasant place to unwind with music from the 70s, 80s, 90s… RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Location Accessibility First impression Lobby Employee attitude Reception Hotel room Hotel bed Bathroom and restroom Hotel breakfast Bars and restaurants Congress hall Additional offer Total:

4.55 4.08 4.04 4.01 4.45 4.27 3.99 3.95 3.98 4.01 4.12 4.43 4.27 4.17

FINAL GRADE Premium Resort Hotel


Luxury Premium Business Economy Budget

★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★

LOCATION Hotel Kompas was built in 1974 during the era of rapid tourism development in Kranjska Gora, mainly as a result of ski tourism. The tourist destination located on the border between Slovenia, Austria and Italy had its rise in tourism due to its resounding achievements in the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup. A few sporting heroes had stayed at the Kompas Hotel at that time, which over the past decade became the perfect spot for event organisers. Its location near the ski resort attracts meetings organisers in all seasons because of the exceptional natural surroundings and a rich tourist offer that is now experiencing a healthy renaissance. ACCESSIBILITY Although the Upper Sava Valley is enclosed by the majestic Karavanke mountains and Julian Alps, Kranjska Gora is nevertheless very easily accessible. In just half an hour’s drive, you can reach the motorway in Italy (Treviso), Austria (Villach) or Slovenia (the Karavanke tunnel). Ljubljana Airport is less than an hour away and there are railway stations near Kranjska Gora. As a tourist destination, Kranjska Gora is therefore easily accessible by public transport. In front of the hotel is also a large car park that is sufficient for most needs. COLD APPETIZER - Architecture and Aesthetics The hotel’s alpine exterior is a key part of the Kranjska Gora cityscape. In spite of its age the hotel is still architecturally fresh and after the 2006 renovation it is now technically and functionally in good shape too. The architecture is a seamless fit with the surrounding environment and is an example of thoughtful and sensitive design for the hotel’s alpine setting. This hotel also has enough space around it so as not to feel cramped or confined. The interior is dominated by rational design, although this doesn’t generate any special emotional response. The most striking space here is by the modern fireplace at the reception, which feels comfortable and inviting. WARM APPETIZER - Personnel and cuisine Overall, the team carries out its job flawlessly. It could be said that the breakfast and pension food is lacking a bit of imagination and style, but the catering for special events is at a solid level and it would be unreasonable to expect high-end cuisine from a hotel such as Kompas rather than the more tested culinary offering that is in place. Should you you want more, however, Kranjska Gora and its surroundings offers a few alternatives. The cleanliness and maintenance of the hotel is praiseworthy, but an occasional lack of 69

Final Score

sense in some of the hotel’s finer details can be noted, with the somewhat chaotic advertising and sales promotion a case in point. In general though, the Kompas Hotel doesn’t have any major problems and is a reliable and friendly hotel. MAIN DISH - The hotel’s congress services The rooms are not the most modern in the world, but they still offer an adequate degree of comfort, although some of the furniture could be considered outdated and guests who are used to use modern bathrooms will most likely think the bathrooms are outdated too. This aside, the rooms are spacious enough and proportionate to the categorization of the hotel. Kranjska Gora is suitable for medium-sized meetings and events. The largest hall of Hotel Kompas can accommodate up to 360 persons and can be divided into 3 smaller units. The larger conference room with a terrace can accommodate up to 80 people, the smaller one up to 25 people. DESSERT - Extras Upper Sava Valley with its wealth of unspoilt nature and countless options for activities offers a number of fantastic possibilities for organising team building events in the form of adrenaline sports or simply relaxing experiences.


FLOP – negative surprises Some aspects of the hotel are showing their age a bit.


TOP – positive surprises A comprehensive additional offer of the HIT Alpinea Hotel Company will help you meet the different needs of meetings organisers. Overall impression and credibility The pleasant alpine feeling of the lobby gives a homely feel and the quality meetings facilities are really to be appreciated. The hotel is also one of the few in Slovenia with a functional discotheque for the nostalgic disco dancer and for themed congress evenings. Hotel Kompas is an affordable and reliable hotel with conference facilities. The largest hotel in Kranjska Gora differ from others in its personnel, as the attention given and level of friendliness makes you feel very welcome. The hotel is also the perfect base for a variety of incentive programmes that can be carried out in the surrounding areas.

Hidden Congress Guest




OPENED SINCE 2000 MEETINGS STAR City Meetings Hotel STANDARD Congress Hotel NUMBER OF ROOMS 354 rooms, category 4**** 64 rooms, category 5***** PRICE INTERNET 65 - 125 EUR (BB September 2015 / Trivago) ADDRESS HOTEL HOLLYWOOD SARAJEVO Ulica Dr. Mustafe Pintola broj 23, Sarajevo T: +387 (0)33 773 100 E: info@hotel-hollywood.ba www.hotel-hollywood.ba FACILITIES Restaurant for 2,000 people, Sports and recreation centre, Swimming pool, Wellness and spa centre, Bowling, Billiard centre, Specialised Medical Centre, Concert hall, Travel Agency EXTRAS Termal Riviera Iidža, which is owned by the same hotel RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Location Accessibility First impression Lobby Employee attitude Reception Hotel room Hotel bed Bathroom and restroom Hotel breakfast Bars and restaurants Congress hall Additional offer Total: FINAL GRADE Premium City Hotel Luxury Premium Business Economy Budget

3.97 3.78 3.51 4.05 4.23 4.05 4.27 4.45 4.36 4.02 3.95 4.35 4.12 4.09

4.09 ★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★

ACCESSIBILITY Hotel Hollywood is located near the green district of Ilidža in Sarajevo, just 2 km from the international airport. Sarajevo is slowly increasing its frequency of international flights and is now much better connected with the rest of the world. An alternative to arriving by plane is to get there by the rather wild Bosnian roads or railways. Once there, however, you can ride from Ilidža to the city by tram or by taxi, which is among the cheapest in the region. Access to the hotel is otherwise straightforward and well-marked, if perhaps a tad chaotic. To the guests deciding to arrive by car a garage and an outdoor car park with over 300 parking spaces is available. COLD APPETIZER - Architecture and Aesthetics Given the different development phases of the hotel one might expect quite an incoherent architecture. However, the external image appears to be a unified albeit quite rational architecture. With the acquisition of the Thermal Riviera Ilidža, the hotel has also acquired numerous green spaces that will satisfy the amenity list with some beautiful landscaping. A much bigger reception inside the hotel would be a key improvement, as the current one is barely adequate in terms of size and functional design. The congress centre is architecturally well designed. WARM APPETIZER - Personnel and cuisine Focusing their time on guest satisfaction are 126 eager employees. The hotel is very busy and excellently occupied, but despite the crowd and buzz we were given a friendly and professional service. From its rich and diverse facilities it has become a centre of events and therefore occasional overcrowding at the reception area can be expected. The pension breakfast is tailored for international guests (but it would be useful 70

if pension dishes were labelled clearly) and the food is also very well catered for Muslim travellers, as this is the first hotel in Sarajevo to receive Halal certification. The rest of the gastronomic offer is fairly average and adapted to the needs of the majority of the visitors (tourist groups). MAIN DISH - The hotel’s congress services At the first stages of construction, we complained about the quality of the rooms and both the internal and external design. After the last renovation, however, there can be no questions about the quality - the rooms are spacious and very well equipped. The bed is comfortable and everything else is solid. The 64 new rooms are therefore categorized with 5 stars, while the remaining 354 are categorized with 4 stars. We were especially impressed by the focus on cleanliness and catering - if you are organising an event here, the best choice is the traditional Bosnian catering. The Congress Centre includes 18 rooms, the largest accommodating up to 3,000 participants. This is currently the largest hotel conference hall in the city. DESSERT - Extras Sports and recreation centre for the preparation and organisation of incentive events.


FLOP – negative surprises The public areas of the hotel are inadequate in terms of area/space and don’t reflect the rapid expansion of the complex. Also, if you find smoking in the public area of the hotel bothersome, then this hotel will not be the right choice for you.


TOP – positive surprises Value for money and friendly staff.

Overall impression and credibility Hotel Hollywood is a common choice for rational meeting organisers who appreciate its comfort, spaciousness and affordability. A final deciding factor may be how important the hotel brand is to you compared with the city competition. If you appreciate the diversity of offer, which includes the largest hotel congress centre and a wide range of accommodation facilities, then Hollywood is an excellent choice.

The HIDDEN CONGRESS GUEST section is not paid for. The selection of hotels, which are evaluated by the hidden congress guest, is left to the editorial board. The hidden guest visits the hotels without prior notice.

LOCATION It was at the beginning of the year 2000 that the Hotel Hollywood complex began its growth in the centre of Sarajevo’s Ilidža. In 2003, Hotel Hollywood B joined the three-star hotel, which gave it the first conference hall for 120 persons. Then in 2007 its capacity was significantly increased and what was the most modern convention centre in Sarajevo was upgraded. The overall development was completed in 2010 with the opening of the Hotel Hollywood D and the last extension undertaken in 2013, which now forms a whole with the rest of the hotel. Through all of this new development, Ilidža has acquired a genuine congress hotel that is now the venue for many important events.


Final Score

Kongres magazine


CATEGORY ★★★★ OPENED SINCE Built in 1987, renovated in 2012 MEETINGS STAR Resort Meeting Hotel STANDARD Congress Hotel NUMBER OF ROOMS 368 rooms INTERNET PRICE 99 - 104 EUR (BB September 2015 / Trivago) ADDRESS Park Plaza Histria Pula, Verudella 17 HR - 52100 Pula Croatia T: +385 (0) 52 590 000 F: +385 (0) 52 214 175 E-mail: info@arenaturist.hr www.parkplaza.com/histria FACILITIES Taverna, Lobby and piano bar, Yacht Restaurant & Lounge Bar, Crystal bar, 18 tennis courts, Two five-a-side football pitches, Sport grounds for handball, basketball, volleyball, beachball EXTRAS Movie theatre with corresponding lounge bar is a specialty of the hotel that must be experienced.

RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Location Accessibility First impression Lobby Employee attitude Reception Hotel rooom Hotel bed Bathroom and restroom Hotel breakfast Bars and restaurants Congress hall Additional offer Total:

4.57 4.01 4.52 4.41 4.59 4.54 4.51 4.53 4.48 4.52 4.68 4.85 4.21 4.49

FINAL GRADE Premium Resort Hotel


Luxury Premium Business Economy Budget

★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★

LOCATION Istria is the most developed tourist destination in Croatia and its main city is Pula. The development of tourism in the city was formed by the company Arenaturist, with several decades’ of tradition in the field of tourist service provider behind it. The company’s hotels have over the past few years been thoroughly renovated and have become part of the Park Plaza hotel chain. The most prominent of these, the Hotel Histra in the middle of the Verudela tourist village, underwent a thorough renovation in 2012. It is located right on the seafront in the middle of a beautiful park and opposite the ACI Marina Veruda. The detailed renovation has significantly changed the surroundings of the hotel, which now serves as a lush Mediterranean garden. ACCESSIBILITY The Hotel is located about 4km from the centre of Pula, a city that has its own international airport with regularly scheduled connections to Zagreb Airport and direct connections to Amsterdam, Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Manchester, Oslo and Vienna. Ryanair flies three times a week to Pula and many of these connections are charter or seasonal. Pula is accessible by car via the recently finished “Istrian Y” highway. It also has a direct rail link with Slovenia and Italy, but not with the rest of Croatia. The hotel has an extensive car park that is perfectly sufficient in the case of major congresses. Public transport is accessible and frequent. COLD APPETIZER - Architecture and Aesthetics At first glance the hotel may look a little bit architecturally fuzzy, but the main benefits of the renovation are hidden inside. The interior design was conceived by the Scott Brownrigg architectural studio from London, which has also taken care of the external appearance of luxurious Mediterranean garden. The result is evident in the many fine details, one of them being the conservation of white marble in the entrance hall. The designers have also selected several pieces of design furniture that give a good sense of ‘staying’ in the hotel. As a result of the works the hotel operates to a high quality and is today very pleasant. WARM APPETIZER - Personnel and cuisine The breakfast experience was way above expectations – great service, excellent staff and a tasty meal. The clean and cosy hotel provides both comfortable accommodation to international congress guests and good cuisine where the food has real taste. Added 71

4.49 Final Score

value comes with the lounge bar that has a rich selection of drinks and is an ideal place for open bar entertainment. Despite the size of the hotel, guests are made to feel very welcome. MAIN DISH - The hotel’s congress services With absolute sincerity, it can be written here that the interior is among the most beautiful we have seen in this class. It’s at the same time both adequately prestigious and also functional. We were enthusiastic about the colour schemes and the comfortable bed, which is mega-comfortable and offers a great sleep. Then there is the high quality bathroom, which is loaded with bathroom gizmos. This is all topped off with views of the sea that are offered from practically every room. The bright and airy conference centre can accommodate up to 700 participants and has completely changed the congress image of Pula. It is complemented by three smaller rooms which can accommodate from 20 to 80 people. DESSERT - Extras The proximity of Marina Veruda, where you can rent a sailboat for an unforgettable sailing cup.


FLOP – negative surprises Slow WiFi.

TOP – positive surprises Friendliness of the staff and the special energy of the city of Pula. Overall impression and credibility If hoteliers too often use the word “new” about their renovations, in this instance Park Plaza Histria really does deserve to use it. It has been proven in this case that good hotel design does not change without a need for it to do so, therefore the Hotel was given an entirely new interior dedicated to the comfort of guests. This new form is highly enjoyable and we were also pleasantly surprised with the service. Hotel Park Plaza’s new, comprehensive offer truly makes an impression. Its mission is to satisfy congress participants with spaciousness, comfort and a Mediterranean spirit. It’s more than difficult to satisfy every delegate’s tastes, but at Histria it feels like they may be very close to this. Moreover, despite the size of the hotel, the care for guests feels almost like in a boutique hotel.

Hidden Congress Guest




OPENED SINCE 2006 MEETINGS STAR Resort meeting hotel STANDARD Hotel with conference facilities NUMBER OF ROOMS 122 INTERNET PRICE 125 - 164 EUR (BB, September 2015) ADDRESS Wellness Hotel Livada Prestige Kranjčeva 12 9226 Moravske Toplice, P: +386 02 512 22 00 E: info@terme3000.si www.sava-hotels-resorts.com FACILITIES - Wellness center Thermalium - Centre tajskih masaž Thai - Vodni park - Hotel Restaurant - Tavern A la carte - Bar EXTRAS Livada golf course with 18 holes spreading over 50 hectares of land RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Location Accessibility First impression Lobby Employee attitude Reception Hotel room Hotel bed Bathroom and restroom Hotel breakfast Bars and restaurants Congress hall Additional offer Total:

3.98 3.32 4.37 4.49 4.79 4.69 4.44 4.79 4.45 4.09 4.02 4.01 4.59 4.31

FINAL GRADE Premium Resort Hotel


Luxury Premium Business Economy Budget

★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★

LOCATION When in 1960 healing water rather than oil gushed out from a borehole it was the catalyst for the development of spa activities in Moravci. The hotel is today part of the tourist complex Terme 3000 set in the midst of the Prekmurje plains and its diverse offer, from golf to the bathing in the soothing black thermos-mineral water that is the foundation of the health and wellness offer, is very appealing. The area surrounding the complex beckons you to discover and explore the landscape and just as the hospitality of the locals is very heartwarming, the Goričko area itself also holds a strong fascination. ACCESSIBILITY Anyone who has ever visited the Prekmurje region that is distinguished by the Mura river, Pannonian plains and the hilly landscape of the nearby Goričko, will know that this region in the northeast of Slovenia is unique and has its own very special identity. With the construction of a modern motorway connection, this final frontier of Slovenia is now easily accessible. There are several different possibilities for guests arriving by car from the nearby airport in Graz, or from Zagreb or Ljubljana Airport, as a large outdoor car park and closed garage allows easy parking for congress guests. COLD APPETIZER - Architecture and Aesthetics Built in 2006, the hotel is located next to the fourstar Hotel Ajda, to which it is directly connected, and can be recognised by its modern architecture that is defined by a large glazed section above the hotel reception. The unassuming, classic hotel architecture fits tightly into the complex ensemble and its height of 4 floors complements the overall setting of the resort, as it doesn’t impose itself on the landscape or its context. Its functionality, integration and tastefully decorated horticultural design are all very impressive, as is the airy and attractive main lobby area. WARM APPETIZER - Personnel and cuisine Despite it being expected in a hotel of this category, the friendly and helpful staff who offer a warm welcome to everybody is deserving of especial praise. The breakfast and dinner are self-service with an adequate choice of dishes, including a decent range of local cuisine and an inspiring modern interpretation of traditional Prekmurian layer cake - in fact, the cake made such an impression on us during our visit that we were left speechless.


MAIN DISH - The hotel’s congress services Rooms are spacious and equipped with the hotel’s trademark – thermal bathrooms that are constructed as winter gardens at the entrance to the balcony, so that guests can enjoy the hot tub. The speciality is natural mineral water in the bathtub, which you absolutely won’t find anywhere else. The ventilation is good and the overall comfort and quality of a stay in the room is highly commendable. A smaller congress centre for 130 people and two smaller meeting rooms, each for 30 people, is available to congress organisers. Additional facilities are available in the neighbouring Hotel Ajda and the greatest added value is most definitely the plenitude of venues available for organising attractive incentive programmes. DESSERT - Extras The hotel offers one of the most modern wellness centres offering specialized programmes of relaxation. The hotel also offers a variety of water attractions.


FLOP – negative surprises There are a lot of bookings for this hotel, which is why we would recommend finding event dates when there’s a smaller number of wellness visitors.


TOP – positive surprises The many sports facilities that nicely complement the tennis courts on site and offer a full array of incentive programme options. Overall impression and credibility The complex is very fresh and modern, and very much in tune with what a positive congress tourism product should be. It is complemented by a rich experiential offer around its thermal pools and pampering options. Congress guests will receive individual treatments and culinary experiences. The only real topic of discussion is its placement in the five-star category, as some details ordinarily expected at this level are missing. Regardless, the hotel is definitely worth being on the congress organisers’ radar as it is a nice alternative and an enrichment to the offer that is well off the beaten MICE tracks.

The HIDDEN CONGRESS GUEST section is not paid for. The selection of hotels, which are evaluated by the hidden congress guest, is left to the editorial board. The hidden guest visits the hotels without prior notice.


Final Score

Kongres magazine


Face 2 Face

BELGRADE vs. MONTREAL A current comparison of the closest competitors on the 2014 ICCA scale following the Kongres travelogue methodology – meetologues.

BELGRADE Mercer Quality of Living 2013 141th place

Population: 1.166.763

Sunshine hours: 2112 per year

ICCA Country and City rankings 2014 50th place 50 meetings Index 2013: 96,2

MONTREAL Population: 1.649.519

Mercer Quality of Living 2013 24th place

ICCA Country and City rankings 2014 50th place 50 meetings Index 2013: 70,4

Sunshine hours: 2051 per year

✚ Belgrade is an authentic, open and hospitable congress destination with soul. Belgrade features a plethora of floating restaurants and clubs, plus lively riverbank promendes.Belgrade has a good basis for the development of meetings industry with a large convention centre, the Belgrade Fair, numerous convention hotels, the long tradition and very reasonable prices. Belgrade bases its congress story on the rich culture at the crossroads of East and West, the central position in the South-East Europe and a lively social life. Belgrade is a city on the rise and a rough congress diamond, which has enormous development potential and can be placed geo-strategically side by side with world congress capitals, if it improves its infrastructure and handles the entire meetings sales chain In short, the zeitgeist of Belgrade is best summed up by writer Momo Kapor with the words: “Belgrade is a low-budget New York”.

✚ For the fourth straight years, Montréal ranks first in the Americas for international association events, ahead of New York, Washington and Buenos Aires, according to the UIA. Montréal attracts thousands of business tourists each year, thus entrenching its standing as a tourism leader in North America. For 2014-15, international conventions1 held at the Palais drew 52,000 participants and generated nearly $106,000,000 for the Montréal and Québec economy. Montrealers are charming and friendly, and warmly welcome visitors with European flair. Hotels for every size of group, taste and budget Montréal’s hotel industry partners offer 24,000 rooms, with 4,000 directly connected to the Palais des congrès (Convention Centre), in everything from international chains to charming boutique properties. Plus Team Montréal, a coalition of the city’s meeting and convention industry leaders dedicated to making your Montréal experience simple, efficient and successful.

Belgrade meetings flashpoints: 1. Crowne Plaza - new 416-room hotel with meeting space for up to 800 2. The Royal Compound - a palace built in Serbian-Byzantine style in 1924 3. Skadarlija - The most evocative part of Belgrade packed with traditional restaurants 4. Tito‘s Train - Journey back in time onboard President Tito‘s famous Blue Train - art deco style hotel on wheels 5. Sava Centar - Serbia’s prime convention facility with 16 meeting rooms

Montreal meetings flashpoints: 1. Le Palais des Congres de Montreal - ultramodern centre with AIPC Gold Quality Standard certificate 2. Montreal Olympic Park - Olympic inclined tower with two halls are the main main attraction for events, 3. Place Bonaventure Exhibition Halls 4. Montreal Forum - Special venue historic hockey arena and the site 24 Stanley Cup Championships. 5. A Boat - Montréal is an island For an unforgettable fine-dining experience set sail with Bateau mouche, or Croisières AML

STAY: Radisson Blu Old Mill

STAY: Hyatt Regency Montreal





Meet Busters

•ZAGREB MEET BUSTERS• 10 congress myths that you did not dare to ask, or know whom to ask: MYTH 4: ZAGREB OFFERS MANY OPTIONS FOR INCENTIVES. CONFIRMED


Local tourist agencies offer numerous programmes for interesting and exciting trips that include sightseeing, exploration, a fine dose of the old adrenalin rush and, of course, all with a regular professional quality service. Incentives like seeing Zagreb from the air, turning on the gas lamps in the Upper Town and exploring the culinary delights found in the historic Croatian capital are especially popular.

Zagreb has excellent air, road and train connections to other European and non-European cities. For instance, it is only 390 km away from Vienna, 576 km from Munich, 380 km from Budapest and 420 km from Venice. Over the past few years, Croatia has constructed a web of new, state of the art, modern motorways and if you are coming to Zagreb via Italy, Austria, Slovenia or Hungary, you will arrive quickly and safely. The city centre is just 17 km away from a well-equipped and modern airport that is connected to numerous European cities, such as Paris, London, Rome, Zurich, Vienna, Moscow, Prague... and it is via these cities that you are then linked to the entire world.


You don’t need to put on a neck tie when visiting Zagreb, but what you may not know is that Croatia is the birth place of the cravat (neck tie) and it is from here that this fashion accessory and symbol of business originated and spread across the world.


Zagreb is the capital of the Republic of Croatia and one of the oldest European cities, with its history running back to the 11th century. Since Croatia’s accession to the European Union in July 2013, Zagreb has also become the new metropolis of the European Union.



Depicted in the novels of August Šenoa, the descendent of one of the first Zagreb pattiseurs, this has become a very popular Zagreb souvenir. This goes for licitar as well, most frequently heart-shaped, that many find especially tasty accompanied with medica and gvirc, beverages made of brewed honey that are sold at church feasts.


This couldn’t be further from the truth. There are many places with charm and special features. The Croatian Academy of Science and Arts – Illyrian Stateroom with more than one hundred scientific conventions under its belt, the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery from the 17th century, and the Phoenix Hotel, The Most Romantic Hotel in Croatia, are just some of them.


Some consider Zagreb Cathedral to be the most impressive or magnificent sight in Zagreb, whilst others think Ban Jelačić Square, the Croatian National Theatre or the Mimara Museum as the proper epitomes of the city.


Zagreb has 4,497 beds in 5 and 4 star hotels and 2,066 Beds in 3 star hotels. Other accommodation options such as apartments and hostels are also available.


CONFIRMED: The shortest cable car in the world, only 66 metres long, has been transporting the citizens of Zagreb between the Upper and Lower Towns for the last century. It was opened in 1890 and until 1934 it was powered by steam. It has maintained its original look and construction until today, which is why it is now a protected cultural monument. 75


The first mechanical pencil made in the world (1906) and the first solid-ink fountain pen (1907) were invented by Mr. Penkala, a Croatian engineer and inventor. When in Zagreb, make sure to go to the shops at Ban Jelačić Square in the heart of the city, where you can choose from a diverse assortment of products from the renowned factory of writing implements.

Inside Incentive

SOČA VALLEY Insider’s guide to incentive destination

5 Incentive Hot Ideas Top incentive ideas AROUND TRIGLAV NATIONAL PARK A programme here is a mixture of natural and cultural heritage, spiced with adrenaline flavours. It is designed for everyone who enjoys unspoiled nature, good food and good vibes. The scenic Julian Alps, jumping into raft boats on the Soča River, a tasty meal at Labrca recreational centre and a gorge walk are just some of the highlights of this epic trip. RAFTING ON THE SOČA RIVER The Soča Valley with its pristine and picturesque nature is a paradise for active experiences. Through rafting on the rapids of the emerald river you can strengthen the team spirit and admire the beauty surrounding you.


Fit for Exploring

Accessibility and accommodation

Gastronomy scene, dinning and food

The Soča Valley region stretches from Triglav National Park to Nova Gorica and includes towns like Tolmin, Kobarid and Bovec. Surrounded by the majestic Julian Alps, Soča Valley impresses guests with the unspoiled nature and the aquamarine Soča River that is threading through the Valley. It is a destination definitely worth visiting. It can be accessed from different directions. The nearest airports with international flights are Trieste airport (47.5 km) in Italy, Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport (67.8 km) and Klagenfurt airport in Austria (73 km). If travelling by car, the Kobarid and Tolmin area can be accessed from the Štajerska region (Maribor) through Ljubljana, Idrija and Most na Soči, through the Gorenjska region (Bled, Kranjska gora) over the Vršič Pass and through Bovec or through Škofja Loka via Sorica or Kladje. From the Primorska area there is access through Nova Gorica. From Italy one can cross the border at Vrtojba in Nova Gorica or at Robič near Kobarid. The bus route Ljubljana - Tolmin - Kobarid Bovec and Bovec - Kobarid - Nova Gorica is also a good option, while the train goes from Ljubljana through Jesenice and along the narrow Baška Grapa to Most na Soči. From there it is another 7 km to Tolmin and 20 km to Kobarid (by car or bus). Along Soča Valley and the nearby towns one can find a good range of accommodation facilities. Guests visiting can decide on staying in a hotel, apartment or hostel, while those ready to be at one with the nature can even book a wooden cabin or decide on camping.

The people of the Soča Valley have known about and enjoyed good food for a very long time. Alongside the Soča Valley are many roads and paths leading to places where the old traditional farm activities are still alive. Today every housewife knows how to prepare the famous local dessert “kobariški štruklji” (a delicious dessert made from dough stuffed with walnuts, raisins and such like), to which the culinary grandees of the town even dedicate a festival.


SOČA RIVER WHITE WATER KAYAKING The River Soča is suitable for recreation but also for a bit more of a demanding paddle. In this programme you will get to know the magic of kayaking and overcome the traps of the turbulent Soča River. ZIP LINE ADVENTURE The guides will put you in harnesses and give you some basics, after which you will start an adventure by sliding on a steel rope crossing canyons 150 metres beneath you. It’s an adrenalin experience you will never forget. BELLYAK ON SOČA RIVER Bellyak is a boardsport also known as ‘riverboarding’ or ‘whitewater sledging. You are prone on the board with fins on the feet for propulsion and steering, ready to face the beautiful rapids of Soča River. Some people find hydrospeed to be the most extreme of all our river activities, as there is only a board between you and the river’s rapids, waves and rocks.

Inside Incentive

5 TOP Special Venues THE STERGULC HOUSE A social hub in the centre of Bovec, boasting two conference halls, a lobby, bar, museum and tourist information centre on the ground floor. The Stergulc House Large Hall has a cinema configuration and can seat up to 100 people. It is a great location for all kinds of events, especially great for small conferences, workshops and cultural events. LABRCA SPORTS AND RECREATION CENTRE The LABRCA Sports and Recreation Centre is located in beautiful natural surroundings, right on the Soča River and only 100m away from the Tolmin–Bovec (Nova Gorica) main road. It’s an ideal location for various activities and events, and meets the wishes and needs of all age groups. THE KOBARID MUSEUM The Museum presents the First World War on the Isonzo Front, focusing on the Twelfth Isonzo Battle, known as the Battle of Kobarid. In 1993, the Museum received the Council of Europe Museum Award recognising its contribution towards European cultural heritage. The Kobarid Museum is also a great venue for receptions, cultural events and small gatherings. TOLMIN - SOTOČJE The confluence of Tolminka and Soča is located about 100 metres from Tolmin city. The confluence is a well-known meeting place for young people, a popular walking point for local people and a concert place where many famous music festivals take place during the summer time. It offers wonderful views of the emerald Soča river and is a great alternative outdoor venue. KLUŽE FORT The Kluže Fort stands at the top of a narrow canyon between the slopes of Rombon and Izgora, which is shaped by the Koritnica River north of Bovec. The time of origin of the older fort at this site is not known, but a wooden building stood there already in the second half of the 15th century to defend the Friuli Plain and the Venetian Republic against the Turks. Today the fort serves as a historically important object housing permanent exhibitions and a cultural centre that hosts the Kluže festival, a festival of ambient theatre arts. It can be a great option for an event that calls for a bit of charm and historic atmosphere.

TOP 5 Things to do in Soča Valley WALK THE WALK OF PEACE Since 30 June 2007, the outdoor museums and the most important remains and memorials of the Isonzo Front in the Upper Soča region have been connected into the Walk of Peace. It is dedicated to the memory of the multitude of casualties of the First World War. Its purpose is to present to visitors the cultural-historical points of interest and natural amenities of the Upper Soča region. STAY FOREVER YOUNG, DRINK THE COUNT’S WATER FROM THE SPRING Walk to the spring situated in the Sopotnica stream gorge above the village of Gabrje. According to local tradition this water was carried to the Tolmin count at the castle on Kozlov rob in wooden containers. He believed that this water would keep him forever young. The Count’s water is considered to have healing characteristics. It is clean and rich in minerals. It has a positive effect on the entire body. According to measurements using radiesthesia it is one of the best in the world.

ATTEND ONE OF THE MANY FESTIVALS Soča Valley is the home of many festivals that take place throughout the year; the Soča trout festival in September, a month of local culinary specialties and JESTIVAL – Food & Art festival in October, The Drežnica festival, which is one of the better known Carnivals in Slovenia, sport festivals like the Soča Outdoor Festival, Podbrdo Trail Running Festival and Hiking festival, music festivals like Metaldays, Punk Rock Holiday, Overjam international Reggae festival and the Creative camp Sajeta.

Best-kept incentive secret Out of the box idea for incentive DARE TO PARAGLIDE Among sporting activities attracting an increasing number of those fascinated by adrenaline adventures to the Soča Valley today, paragliding with the outstanding thermals, steep mountain slopes and unforgettable panoramic views offers top flying opportunities and long cross-country flying above the Julian Alps.

EXPLORE THE UNDERGROUD WORLD: GO CAVING Explorers of the underground world will find many interesting sites with the potential for everything from leisurely tourist excursions to more demanding expeditions. In Zadlaška cave, the Renaissance poet Dante Alighieri supposedly found inspiration for the terrifying images of his Inferno. TRY THE CYCLE ROUTES The Soča Valley is situated at the juncture of Mediterranean, Dinaric and Alpine worlds. The exceptionally dynamic terrain and numerous mountain and forest roads and cart tracks give plenty of opportunity for mountain biking. Less demanding visitors will be fully gratified by biking along gentler roads that interconnect villages in the valley.

DIRECTORY Contact: LTO Sotočje - TIC Tolmin Petra Skalarja 4 SI 5220 Tolmin, Slovenia Tel: +386 (0)5 38 00 480 Fax: +386 (0)5 38 00 483 E: info@lto-sotocje.si www.dolina-soce.com LTO Sotočje - TIC Kobarid Trg svobode 16 SI 5222 Kobarid Tel: +386 (0)5 38 00 490 Tel: +386 (0)5 38 00 492 E: info.kobarid@lto-sotocje.si www.dolina-soce.com


Croatia Addendum


Croatia Addendum



Croatia Addendum


text by mr.sc. Slaven Reljić, CORAL group



ncentive or motivational/recognition travel is a special program in the destination which is organized and purchased by companies for their employees or key customers. Incentive travel rewards the most successful in the company or on the basis of sales and distribution chain on a predetermined motivational scheme and precisely measurable scale. This is a strong management tool and an investment that pays off since was proven that traveling is a stronger motivator than cash prizes. The money as a sign of recognition values only to a certain extent and motivates the employee or customer to achieve business goals. The importance of employee for the future of the company is increasing, so investing in them through incentive programs now acts as a standard policy of human resource development. Incentives are completely free for final users and all expenses covered by the person organizing and ordering. VARIOUS CREATIVE ACTIVITIES – AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE INCENTIVES Incentive program has to provide following features for the user: motivation, meaning and a pleasant memory. How to achieve above written features depends on the structure of the group. Particular client may want a more active program full of adrenaline for example Jeep safari in the mountains or buggy rides, sailing or transfers by speedboat to the island, where they will go on a bicycle tour on the off-road trails with gastronomic breaks on a beautiful belvedere or dinner in the lounge with DJ. The second type of customer will want art workshops, such as school of painting or making of traditional jewellery, cooking indigenous food, trips by motor or wooden boat, dinner with classical music or vocal group in the Palace or special venues centuries old. The program can be a combination of adrenaline activities, culture, history, gastronomy, art and creativity. Each program includes motivational and educational elements. The purpose is in concrete connection with the destination and local culture, traditions and customs. The program can of course be created in connecting with the industry from which the customers come.

MOVIE PLOT TWIST FOR A GOOD INCENTIVE Incentive program has to have its own storyline, through which the customer is led through an exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and the resolution. In the introductory part, client should get familiar with the destination and become interested in the program as the viewer has to learn about the main characters in the film and as well as for the course of the movie. This is followed by rising action in which customer participates in various activities from which follows the climax. Clients as well as movie audience should be led to a state of curiosity at the climax of incentive program and provided with memorable event or activity. After the climax follows falling action in the film industry. In incentive program, climax represent an interesting activity that clients wouldn't expect. The film may eventually leave viewers in a state of happiness or sadness but with Incentive programs, clients have to end their journey optimistic and motivated for future work. Small signs of attention such as “pillow gifts” in the rooms can certainly contribute to the wellbeing. The journey is a valuable gratitude so it is preferable to be recorded (video or photos) and should be given to the participants at the closing dinner. This media will be a permanent promotion of the company and its culture to employees and key customers.

Croatia Addendum

mr.sc. Slaven Reljić, CORAL group CORAL group DMC - PCO is a travel agency specialized in organizing incentive travel, conferences, team buildings, corporate events, VIP destination programmes and events. Years of experience in congress and general tourism, events organization, complex business projects in the country and abroad, continuing education and membership in professional associations CMPA (Croatian Meeting Professionals Association) and SITE (Society for Incentive Travel Excellence) guarantee superior service.


AN EXAMPLE OF A SHORT INCENTIVE PROGRAM IN DUBROVNIK DAY 1 - Landing at Dubrovnik Airport - Tour on the unique Konavle with different transport (quad safari, bicycles, trekking) - Performance of the Assemble Linđo, visiting of a painter, making collaborative work of art - Snack at the medieval fortress - Sightseeing of successful winemaker, wine tasting - Transfer by cable car to Srđ Hill, getting to know the history of the famous Dubrovnik Republic - Departure to hotel, use of wellness, diner in Old Town, party at the club

DAY 2 - Breakfast on the hotel terrace - Sailing with yachts along the city walls to Elafiti islands west of Dubrovnik with serving local delicacies and champagne - Cycling tour around the island, lunch in the mansion of the former Dubrovnik nobility - Return to Dubrovnik and hotel, free time before dinner in the famous Dubrovnik restaurant - A surprise on the way to the restaurant – a cappella singing in a hidden alley of the old town with aperitifs

DAY 3 - Breakfast at the hotel, check out - Coffe in city centre and free time for shopping and rest - Boarding on a replica of Dubrovnik karaka (wooden boat) and sailing towards Cavtat - After arrival to Cavtat a walk and visit of the gallery - t ransfer to Dubrovnik Airport with another surprise before boarding – tasting of best local wines and cheeses in a unique cave in the world, which is located under the airport

Croatia Addendum


Every detail in the organization of incentives is important and can be crucial for cusses. Certain activity should not be too extreme (even with team building programs) as this may cause fear or discomfort with certain participants, especially if someone is not able to perform a certain activity. Selected hotel should not be distant more than 30 – 45 minute drive away from the airport. Location for the program and meals also have to be close, because corporations want to afford their winning participants the most enjoyable, motivating and prestigious journey and experiences. All services on used on a destination have to be world class quality but certainly spiced with local character and authenticity wherever possible as with this is given the most creative and differentiated program and a unique experience. It is important to let participants have some free time (at least one hour in the morning or afternoon), especially if the winners could bring someone along (spouse, family member or friend) so they could also enjoy in the destination, do a personal purchase or optional tour to their own interest. Because of heterogeneity of some incentive groups, a complete personalization for minor Incentive programs can be realised, where the client will request that each pair or small group have one segment of the program created by the user wishes, for example one dinner organized in different themed restaurants in the destination. CROATIA – A VERY ATTRACTIVE INCENTIVE TRAVEL DESTINATION Croatia is very attractive as an incentive travel destination, since its area combines a variety of natural and cultural attractions, activities and authentic experiences, connects the different historical experiences and very diverse styles of life

expressed in the traditions of its people, architecture and ambience, the total tangible and intangible heritage, food, drinks, souvenirs, myths and legends... In particular, the client who comes into any of our most attractive and best-ranking incentive destinations, such as Dubrovnik, Split, Hvar, Zadar, Istria, Opatija and part of Kvarner and Zagreb can in 3-4 days experience and motivate itself with attractive programs, both in urban areas and in the nature of different geographical features such as mountains, seas, islands, rivers, valleys and forests. Croatia is only 1 to 2 hours flight away from almost all major European cities, thus very close to the main tourist generating markets. However, there still lacks a year-round connection with direct air connections that is considered to be our weakness. Further basic conditions for the development of incentive travel market are (larger) boutique, design hotels with a particular indigenous identity and in this segment we are progressing. Šibenik has recently received such hotel, with which can become an attractive incentive travel destination. We are pleased that our hotels are becoming more elegant, with a distinctive and seductive character and with a “signature”. We need more restaurant, special venues and creative people like this who will be our partners in creating attractive, authentic, meaningful programs in the destination in order to create and better define the distinctive identity of Croatia. We should have a vision of becoming a European and world leader in the market of small and medium-sized business projects (incentives, conferences, events).

Photo credits: HTZ/Stipe Surać, Antonia Rusković, Coral Group

Croatia Addendum


text by Daniela Kos



ubrovnik and Hotel Rixos Libertas Dubrovnik from 14 – 17 September 2015 hosted Private MICE Forum organized by Great Hotels of the World, whose member is also Hotel Rixos Libertas designed for top MICE buyers to meet with carefully selected independent MICE hotel sin an intimate and exclusive environment. The Forum was attended by 80 buyers – representatives of specialized MICE agencies and 40 providers of congress services, primarily European 4 and 5 star MICE hotels from which several hotel companies were from Dubrovnik and Croatia. During four days, pre-scheduled face-to-face meetings where each appointment lasted 18 – 20 minutes were held. This way each exhibitor had 50 meetings with buyers from different European countries and many of them ended up with specific queries for future business events. Dubrovnik as an international destination for meetings and incentives impressed all participants, as has been confirmed by the Hotel Rixos Libertas: „Almost everyone and even hoteliers promised to return to Dubrovnik may it be for private or business. They fell in love in the destination and believe we must continue to invest in MICE offer. For many of them, this was the first time in Dubrovnik and it’s important that agencies learn about the destination which will later incorpo-

rate in their programs. Dubrovnik offers a perfect synergy of entertainment, culture, history and superb hotel offer.“ On such forums, social program is extremely important through being familiarized with the destination, which offers additional possibilities for networking and deal making. For participants of the Forum, an incentive travel “treasure hunt” in Old Town, and canoeing on the island of Lokrum was organized, while the gastronomic offer was presented with a delightful dinner in the beautiful restaurant Klarisa on main street Stradun. Guest were introduced to cultural, historical and natural heritage of Croatia by the performance of vocal ensemble Kaše, cellist Ana Rucner and famous ensemble Linđo. PRIVATE is a unique concept from Great Hotels of the World, designed for top MICE buyers to meet with carefully selected independent MICE hotels in an intimate and exclusive environment. Great Hotels of the World is a global sales and marketing organisation for independent hotels around the world. They are generating revenue for their members in the MICE, Corporate and Leisure sectors. The Association operates within the WorldWide Events, agency specialized in the organization and maintenance of some of the most respected forums within the MICE industry and include the “Meeting & Incentive Forums”, “Private Leisure Forums” and “Private MICE Forums”.

Croatia Addendum


text by Daniela Kos



n Zagreb’s Hypo Event Centre will on 3rd and 4th November 2015 be held the first Croatian event festival that will bring together event organizers in organization of professionals with extensive experience in the organization of events, design, public relations and digital marketing. Keynote domestic and foreign lecturers will share their years of experience and open the door to the treasure-trove of knowledge. Participants will be able to learn about the quality of the organization of events, get informed on trends in the event industry and participate in specialized workshops. Two day festival is expected to attract several hundred participants.

SUBMIT YOUR EVENT FOR AWARD ATTEND! In collaboration with professional associations such as HURA – Croatian Association of Communications Agencies and HUOJ – Croatian Public Relations Association will for the first time be presented and warded ATTEND – award for the best event. ATTEND will be awarded depending on the objectives, type of event, the audience and other specific elements in twenty categories. Some of them are awards for best B2B event, events presenting products or services, non-profit events, congresses / conferences, incentives, team buildings, sports and music events and so on.

As pointed out by the festival organizers from association Događaj, events are often perceived as an intermediate category within the marketing segment and even within the segment of public relations. Croatian marketing and public relations industry is relatively young and this attitude is not unusual. However, all professionals involved in the event organization are rightly dissatisfied with their status of „agency, marketing or PR people”. Association Događaj with its activities wants to change this perception and contribute to the reputation of the event manager or event organizer profession, actively participate in the development of the industry and in the accepting of high business and professional standards and practices.

The main criteria for all awards will be creativity, innovation and impact of the event. The complete list of categories can be found on the festival’s website: http://rsvp.hr/attend/

The two-day event will take place as a series of lectures and workshops on current topics such as event tourism strategy, meetings industry tourism, the use of technology in the organization and measuring the success of events and a full-day seminar titled „From concept to implementation“. RSVP has invited some of the biggest names from the event tourism industry such as Boril Bell, Jesper Vestergaard, Rob Davidson, Joe Buckhurst, Leonora Valvo and others.

Submissions for ATTEND awards are in progress, and does not require the payment of registration fee. REGISTRATION AND PARTICIPATION FEE Online registrations are open, and currently offer more favourable prices. Full 2-day Early Bird Participation fee is 1.699 Kuna, while the full registration fee is 2.399 Kuna. Of course, the festival will offer great parties and gathering and those who want to participate only on the entertainment part, the participation fee will cost 299 Kuna.

Croatia Addendum


16-18 March 2016

Istanbul Congress Center (ICC) & Istanbul Lutfi Kırdar - ICEC


AME 2015 in Numbers

The 4th ACE of M.I.C.E. Congress, Meeting and Event Awards on 17 March 2016 at Zorlu Performing Arts Center!

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This fair is organised with the permission of TOBB in accordance with the law No: 5174

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Inside Ljubljana

NEW STORIES FROM FOUR HOTELS IN LJUBLJANA Renovations, Acquisition and Special Experiences.

Ljubljana’s Largest Convention Hotel Enriches the Clients’ Experience

Upgrading the Rooms’ Cleanliness Cleanliness is of course one of top priorities when it comes to hotel management and we are very proud to say that bathroom renovation works at Grand Hotel Union and Grand Hotel Union Business are currently underway in 240 rooms. Furthermore, TV remote controls are regularly disinfected and they await the guests in an elegant petite box. See more about the Grand Hotel Union at www.union-hotels.eu.

One of Ljubljana’s Leading Hotels Goes to a Higher Quality Level Grand Hotel Union, the largest convention hotel in Ljubljana, took advantage of the summer time to further improve the quality of their services and products. Illumination, new state-of-the-art multimedia equipment and room renovations were the main focus. Furthermore, the lower stretch of Miklošičeva cesta street, where the hotel is located, has recently become car-free, which has brought more quiet and life at the same time, as live events are often held at the new Grand Union Café summer terrace. Providing Innovative Technology Grand Hotel Union invested in buying a new state-of-the-art Panasonic 3D projector, which will enable their corporate and association clients to make multimedia presentations a truly real experience in picture and sound for their participants. Moreover, they are among the first five providers in Europe to offer this first-rate multimedia experience.

Luxurious Rooms Fully Renovated Fully renovated luxuriously appointed 32 sqm room with a living room area and signature ‘‘sweet dreams’’ bed concept with 400 thread count linens. Luxurious marble bathroom with walk-in tropical rain shower and L’Occitane toiletries. Let the pictures tell you everything! The second half of 2015, is a very important time for the Best Western Premier Hotel Slon, a modern 4-star superior hotel, which has a prime central position. The energy restoration of the building, fully renovated superior deluxe rooms and a new culinary surprise are at the top of the management’s development plans that the guests will soon have the chance to experience. Original Building Architecture Upgraded With the new facade completed the hotel is now brightened, moreover the new eco and most effective noise reduction windows have enhanced the sound insulation. The look and functionality of space will be further improved by the end of the year with the new glazing porticoes with large panoramic windows, which will acquire 200 square meters of new floor area for a larger reception and cafeteria. Furthermore, the main street running alongside the hotel has a new reduced traffic regime, which adds value to staying at this property. 88

Wondering what the “Slon” word means? The Slovenian word for elephant is Slon, thus the name of the hotel is linked to a story about the travelling of Maximillian II to Spain through Ljubljana in 1552. Married to Mary of Spain, he was bringing one of his wedding presents: an elephant. Maximilian stopped at the best inn in Ljubljana with his escort and the wonderful animal, which impressed the population tremendously. A new culinary surprise? Stay tuned, follow their news and read the next Kongres Magazine! See more about the Best Western Premier Hotel Slon at www.hotelslon.com.

Inside Ljubljana

Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel soon in Ljubljana

19% More Overnight Stays in Summer

Slovenia, more precisely Ljubljana is a new destination for Carlson Rezidor, one of the most dynamic hotel groups worldwide. The property featuring 236 rooms is the conversion of an existing hotel and will be re-branded in late 2015 to the Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Ljubljana. It is a part of BTC City, the most important Slovenian business, shopping, entertainment and cultural centre, and located only 3km from Ljubljana’s city centre.

After a record year in 2014 when the threshold of one million overnights was exceeded a very positive trend in tourist arrival numbers continues even this year. This July and August 350.812 overnight stays were recorded in Ljubljana, which is 19% more compared to the same period last year. The main motive for arrival during summer were vacation and leisure but it is also noted that the scientific congresses are increasingly moving into the first half of July or last week of August – which applies particularly to events organized by the academic sector and summer schools.

twinkling stars. This kind of room is a relaxed and stress relief environment, aids in problem solving and creation of new ideas, helps those who have trouble falling asleep and educates guests about the star constellations. See more about Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana at www.fourpointsljubljanamons.com.

Wolfgang M. Neumann, President & CEO of Rezidor explained: “We are delighted to arrive in a new country and to further expand our strong network in capital cities of Central and Eastern Europe. The Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel will be the first internationally branded upper upscale hotel in Ljubljana and add new value to the local hospitality sector”. See more about the Plaza Hotel Ljubljana at www.plazahotel.si.

Stargazing offered by Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana After a meeting, congress, conference or a day at leisure, a good night’s sleep is always very welcomed. Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana, a stylish comfort hotel that’s inspired by its lush woodland surroundings and picturesque hillside setting, came up with an innovative idea IN-ROOM STARGAZING. Virtual Planetarium™ is an artwork that creates a very impressive illusion of having a clear glass ceiling above you as you lie down in your bedroom at night. What you see up in the sky is the same as you would see on a cloudless night, high up in the mountains, with thousands of

Ljubljana Congress Highlights in September In the first week of September Ljubljana and its two congress centres were crowded with roughly 2,000 medical scientists and other experts, attending two different European events. 34th Annual ESRA Congress - State of the Art Safety Standards in Regional Anaesthesia was the largest congress in Ljubljana and Slovenia this year and thus GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre hosted around 1,360 delegates. The 25th Annual Conference of Alzheimer Europe was held at the CD Congress Centre Ljubljana and has attracted around 550 delegates. What was special and honourable about this event is that health professionals, academics, researchers and policy makers are brought together with people with dementia and their carers. Thus, the real life situations were introduced and merged with the scientific advancements and researches.

Doing it in a sustainable way Aligned with the saying “Healthy mind in a Healthy Body” ESRA delegates took part in an early morning fun run in our central Tivoli Park. On the other hand, some patients with dementia were treated with a ride around the


Old Town quarter with the Kavalir electric vehicles. This is just a part of the sustainability practices in our city, which has been awarded the prestigious title of European Green Capital in 2016. We are pleased to notice that congress and event organizers pay more and more attention to the integration of green elements into their content concepts.

Inside Ljubljana

Taste Ljubljana Food Tour We All Long for Authentic Cuisine Visitors to Ljubljana have expressed a growing interest in typical and authentic local food, also by enquiring where they can taste it. Ljubljana has always been a crossroads of different culinary worlds – from the Mediterranean, Alpine, Pannonian and Balkan to a variety of international cuisines. Nevertheless, it has managed to maintain a unique culinary heritage. Ljubljana Tourism, in collaboration with the renowned ethnologist Prof. Dr. Janez Bogataj, created the Taste Ljubljana brand, which involves around 60 restaurants.

Today, traditional Ljubljana food and drinks are coming alive in widely differing ways, including food tours. The Taste Ljubljana food tour combines the street food experience in Klobasarna Carniolan Sausage Bistro, a second snack in a designer spot (Lolita), followed by an example of social entrepreneurship (Druga

Violina) to the modern Romansa Restaurant. To round up the tour, the Skyscraper offers spectacular views alongside the dessert and digestif. To learn about Ljubljana dishes’ locally sourced ingredients, the visit the Ljubljana Central Market and the vegetable gardens located in the Krakovo district are also included.

The mission of the Taste Ljubljana project is to ensure that a larger share of traditional and authentic Ljubljana dishes prepared using modern cooking methods are included in the culinary offerings of the Slovenian capital.

Beef soup with noodles

Prepare the Ljubljana Food Experience also at Home

Veal stew with buckwheat žganci

Photo credits: Tomo Jeseničnik

One of the actions aimed at supporting the promotion of Ljubljana dishes was also the publication of the Taste Ljubljana book: Long for Its Dishes Ljubljana’s Been Known – Sitting at the Everyday and Festive Table with People in Ljubljana. This provides a historical overview of the city’s culinary offerings complemented by recipes, stories Čot žlinkrofi dumplings

Frog legs

Slovenian potica

Cottage cheese štruklji


related to individual dishes, and a list of restaurants offering Taste Ljubljanabranded dishes as a part of their regular menus. Ljubljana Tourism has also published a free Taste Ljubljana guide available in Slovenian and English from the city’s Tourist Information Centres and the VisitLjubljana website.


LJUBLJANA vs. BUCHAREST A current comparison of the closest competitors on the 2014 ICCA scale following the Kongres travelogue methodology – meetologues.

LJUBLJANA Mercer Quality of Living 2013 75

Population: 280,607

Sunshine hours: 1,712 per year

ICCA Country and City rankings 2014 74 place 32 meetings Index 2013: 103

BUCHAREST Population: 1,883,425

Mercer Quality of Living 2013 108

ICCA Country and City rankings 2014 74 place 32 meetings Index 2013: 100

Sunshine hours: 2,112 per year

✚ Ljubljana is not only picturesque, attractive and friendly to congress guests, but the city has congresses written into its genome. Long before the emergence of the meetings industry as we know it today, in 1821 Ljubljana was already hosting the Congress of the Holy Alliance. In line with its conference and accommodation infrastructure today, Ljubljana belongs to the group of capitals suitable for medium-sized and smaller meetings (up to 2,500 participants). It is positioned side by side with the new EU member states and geographically sits in the region of the Western Balkans. Ljubljana is friendly and favourable to the meetings industry whilst at the same time being competitive in terms of price and quality. Among all of the regional capitals it also has a very good image.

✚ In the field of congress tourism Bucharest is a city of contrasts: great palaces and the latest congress hotels, but on the other hand a poorly recognized brand and an unrelated congress offer. These are the main disadvantages compared to the much more active cities in the vicinity, such as Belgrade and Sofia. Yet at the moment it is certainly the most affordable major European Congress Capital and with little effort you can find everything you need for any kind of event. Even the friendliness of the staff in the hotel and congress sector is better than average. It appears, though, that the city is missing that little bit more energy required to find itself placed alongside the leading cities, and where it actually arrives depends on its situation and the conditions in place for development of its congress industry.

Ljubljana meetings flashpoints: 1. Grand Union Hall - a wonderful example of an Art Noveau conference hall tailored to the needs of modern congress organisers. 2. Ljubljanica River - and its banks offers many possibilities for team building. 3. 2 Convention Centres - Cankarjev dom and Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre. 4. Hotel and Congress centres – all within easy walking distance. 5. Ljubljana Castle – a special historical venue for different types of events.

Bucharest meetings flashpoints: 1. Athenee Palace Hilton Bucharest - one of the city’s most sophisticated and prestigious landmarks, built in 1914. 2. Parliament Palace - the world’s largest civilian administrative building and also with a congress centre. 3. Radisson Blu Hotel Bucharest - modern venue in the heart of Romania’s capital. 4. Crowne Plaza Bucharest - 16 Conference Rooms for events of up to 450 persons. 5. Treasure hunt in 100 years old Athénée Palace - discover the fascinating untold story of a 100-year-old Grand Hotel.

STAY: Grand Hotel Union

STAY: JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel





Been There

SLOVENIA IS NO. 1 ICE-CREAM DESTINATION Slovenia is celebrating in style after claiming the No.1 ICECREAM Destination spot on SoolNua's World ICECREAM Index. Photo: Peter Irman


n 14 September, SoolNua released the 2015 city and country rankings in the inaugural SoolNua World ICECREAM Index. Top of the list was Slovenia, followed by England with Iceland in third place. The initiative was launched in May 2015 at IMEX Frankurt and nominations for locations all over the world serving the best ice cream were accepted by SoolNua until 17 July. From then until 1 September (00.00 GMT) voting lines were open and nominees engaged proactively with their communities and fans seeking votes on the dedicated website. Voting closed on 1 September and then the international judging panel evaluated the entries with specific focus on the campaigns they conducted.


Been There

“ICECREAM is a universal treat yet each destination around the world has its own unique recipes and flavours. The SoolNua World ICECREAM Index is really telling two stories – one story is about great ICECREAM and where you can find it, the other is about pride of place and community engagement and how destinations can build profile and presence in unique and unusual ways” said Patrick Delaney, joint managing Partner at SoolNua.

Dada Jerovšek, Director at Kaval Group, about what it means to Lolita to be ranked no.1 on the SoolNua World ICECREAM Index: “It means a looooot, to be honest. We probably even don’t know it yet, understand what happened. We just feel it, sense how great, huge this ranking “to be no.1 on the SoolNua World ICE-CREAM Index” is. But of course, what we know and are most proud of is the fact that our beautiful capital city of Ljubljana and our country Slovenia is now also through this placed on the world map. And this means a lot to all of us…to Ljubljana and to Slovenia.”

We know you are all wondering which flavour represent Slovenia the best. Dada shared: “Lolita’s Ice-cream is homemade, from natural Slovene ingredients with no chemical preservatives. We use just what is fresh, natural. When prepared one has to eat it in four days, which has never been a problem. My favourite are fruity tastes because it is like the taste of the fruit itself just in a cold version. Most precious for me is the blueberry ice cream prepared from the blueberries which were growing

in our beautiful green Slovene forest, were picked in the early morning and in the afternoon they already spoil and seduce you in the best Lolita’s ice cream. Delicious. There is just one problem…. your teeth are going to be blue afterwards. But it’s worth it!” Thanks for supporting us and don’t forget to treat yourself to some authentic Slovenian ice-cream! Source: SoolNua

"Slovenian Convention Bureau is proud that Slovenia succeeded in tough competition with countries such as Great Britain, France, Italy and became nr. 1 icecream destination. This is great proof that being united make us unbeatable," said Miha Kovačič, Director of Slovenian Convention Bureua


Destination in Numbers

COMPARISION OF COSTS OF KEY PERSONAL MEETING PARTICIPANTS EXPENSES Making the most of what you’ve got in Istanbul, Athens, Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia and Skopje


Destination in Numbers

Average Monthly Disposable Income (After Tax) Athens












Bucharest vies with Sofia and Skopje as the the cheapest meeting destinations in the region. Overall, Bucharest is a good deal for meeting planners so you could get value at all budget levels.


Cappuccino (regular)

Water (0.33 litre bottle)

Domestic beer (0.5 litre draught)

Meal for 2 (Mid range restaurant, 3-course)

Meal (inexpensive Restaurant)


1.92 € 3.04 € 1.23 € 1.69 € 1.04 € 1.27 € BUCHAREST

0.23 € 0.50 € 0.85 € 0.82 € 0.52 € 0.61 € ISTANBUL

2.35 € 3.50 € 1.25 € 1.36 € 1.02 € 1.63 € SOFIA

17.59 € 35.00 € 23.39 € 22.66 € 20.49 € 16.33 € SKOPJE

4.40 € 10.00 € 5.01 € 4.76 € 5.12 € 3.63 € SKOPJE


One Way Ticket (Local Transport)

Monthly Pass

Taxi Start (Normal Tariff)

Taxi 1 Km (Normal Tariff)

Petrol (1 Litre)


0.63 € 1.20 € 0.34 € 0.51 € 0.74 € 0.57 € BUCHAREST

49.85 € 30.00 € 11.33 € 25.61 € 27.46 € 19.59 € BUCHAREST

0.94 € 3.00 € 0.31 € 0.41 € 1.42 € 0.65 € BUCHAREST

0.59 € 0.68 € 0.31 € 0.41 € 0.58 € 0.41 € BUCHAREST

1.36 € 1.52 € 1.28 € 1.19 € 1.24 € 1.12 € SKOPJE


Fitness Club, Monthly fee

Tennis Court (1 hour)

Cinema, International Bottle of wine release, 1 seat in markets (MidRange)

Imported beer in markets (0.33 litre bottle)


36.71 €

17.89 €

4.40 €

7.33 €

1.53 €


28.47 €

16.22 €

7.00 €

6.00 €



24.18 €

10.28 €

3.76 €

4.01 €

0.89 €


33.70 €

11.67 €

5.66 €

3.40 €

1.02 €


23.51 €

11.56 €

5.12 €

3.71 €

0.98 €


21.13 €

7.17 €

3.27 €

4.08 €

0.99 €







Hotel prices in selected cities HOTEL PRICES

HOTEL 3***

HOTEL 4****

HOTEL 5*****


50.19 € 52.12 € 32.23 € 33.14 € 37.88 € 42.61 € BUCHAREST

69.38 € 75.76 € 55.87 € 55.00 € 55.87 € 47.35 € SKOPJE

93.21 € 141.34 € 144.00 € 91.67 € 113.64 € 133.89 € SOFIA

Source: NUMBEO, September 2015. Numbeo is the world’s largest database of user contributed data about cities and countries worldwide. Numbeo provides current and timely information on world living conditions including cost of living, housing indicators, health care, traffic, crime and pollution. More on www.numbeo.com



HÉVÍZ PREPARING TO HOST SPA-CE Spa and Wellness Trade show for Central Europe returns to Hungary


évíz, known for its long bathing culture, is in the final stage of preparations for the 7th SPA-CE, the first and only spa and wellness trade show for Central Europe. From 1 to 3 October 2015, spa and wellness providers from Hungary, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Slovakia will present their services to hosted buyers coming from all over Europe. Over the years SPA-CE has brought together 203 hosted buyers from 19 different countries and 159 exhibitors from 6 countries. Exhibitors and hosted buyers realized 3.341 meetings with more than 21 meetings per show per person. The long awaited B2B event held this October in Hévíz will again focus on business meetings between providers and hosted buyers and offer a great educational programme along with a fam trip for hosted buyers.

SPA-CE conference will present local spa and wellness tradition and new trends of the industry. Géza Kurth M. D. chief medical doctor at St. Andrew Rheumatology Hospital will speak about The Lake Hévíz and the traditional Hévíz cure, Anni Hood, Founder and CEO of Wellness Business Consultancy from UK will present The Shifting Dynamics, Response over Function in the spa and wellness industry, Eva Kiewel, Coordinator at European Spas Association will speak about a true European project - The Roman Thermal Spas of Europe, Zsuzsa Vincze from Department of International Cooperation at Hungarian Tourism will present The strategy of China – CEECs Tourism Cooperation for 2016 and finally Iztok Altbauer, Director of Slovenian Spa Association, will talk about the strength of the Slovenian Spas.


Throughout the event guests will be able to enjoy the Hungarian hospitality that will reach its peak with evening events and networking in a more relaxed atmosphere while trying out excellent cuisine and wine in the Festetics Palace in Keszthely and Cental bathhouse above the Hévíz lake. Hosted buyers will experience in person “The Fountain of Life” at a fam trip on the last day and explore the spa and wellness offer of Danubius Health Spa Resort Heviz, Zala Springs Golf Resort, Lake Cave Tapolca and Lake Balaton. To find out more about SPA-CE please visit www.spa-ce.si or write to info@spa-ce.si.




he biggest business-tourism event for active holidays in Slovenia will be held from 15 to 17 October in the Savinja and Šalek Valley. Tourist agencies from across Slovenia will present their sports and tourism offer to numerous potential partners from abroad at Natour Alps, the 9th travel and trade show of active holidays.

Natour Alps will once again be a meeting point for supply and demand for outdoor activities. At an altitude of 1,430 metres above sea level at the Golte ski centre, one of the most beautiful in Slovenia, a relaxed business environment will enable stress-free meetings between providers and hosted buyers as well as plenty of chances for new business connections.

The B2B event organised by Hiking & Biking Slovenia and the agency Toleranca Marketing, with the support of the Slovenian Tourist Board and this year’s host, Savinja and Šalek Regional Development Agency, will host around 30 new hosted buyers interested in outdoor programmes in Slovenia. Alongside the offer presented at the trade show they will also get the chance to experience a selection of outdoor programmes on different fam trips. Hosted buyers will be able to choose between two trips filled with active adventures and Slovenian culinary delights. The focus of the first will be on an active escape to the Slovenian natural parks, while the other will evoke all of the human senses with a cultural-historical walk through the Savinja and Šalek valley that is also known as the Slovenian active holiday’s paradise.


As with every year, this year too the NATOUR programme will be enriched with a great conference programme that will include best practice examples and trends in outdoor tourism. The keynote speaker, Petra Wolffhardt from the Austrian agency Die Wölfe and who will speak about Holistic Experience Design in Nature Tourism, will be joined by a number of Slovenian experts presenting hiking, biking and sustainable trends. Natour will once again be “The place” for ideas on how to spend active holidays in a natural environment. More at www.natour-alps.eu.


GRAEME BARNETT, SENIOR EXHIBITION DIRECTOR, IBTM WORLD, REED TRAVEL EXHIBITIONS Our priority is quality so the task of qualifying the Hosted Buyers is currently in full swing. Text by Gorazd čad

GRAEME BARNETT Senior Exhibition Director, ibtm world, Reed Travel Exhibitions

Q: What are the IBTM highlights for this year? As one of this year’s key new initiatives, ibtm world will be delivering a fresh approach to the ibtm knowledge programme, introducing new content created around seven global themes; Connections Mean Everything, Putting Meeting Design into Practice, Tools for Planner Productivity, Industry Engagement, Inspiration from Outside, Innovative Events and Leading Lights for Leading Events. Individual sessions will be ‘linked’ to one of these themes, providing a more ‘sculptured’ programme. The knowledge programme will be led by an exciting line up of influential industry experts on the many and diverse topics facing the industry now and in the future. www.ibtmworld.com/speakers Whilst content is most definitely King, the environment in which the content is delivered is most certainly Queen and this year will see all of ibtm world’s education delivered on the show floor, located within the newly created ACS

Knowledge Village, consisting of four purpose built and themed theatres. The concept of the ACS Knowledge Village is to provide a single ‘learning hub’ on the show floor, making it more accessible to visitors, Hosted Buyers and exhibitors. This is a bold and exciting move for ibtm world and reflects our desire to implement principles of meeting design to ensure both the content and environment is world-class and demonstrates our commitment to education. We are delighted to be working with such a creative and solutions-driven partner in ACS audiovisual solutions who have helped us deliver the vision of the ACS Knowledge Village, which is something I am really excited to see at the show. For further information on the ibtm knowledge programme, please visit www.ibtmworld.com/ knowledge In addition to the ibtm knowledge programme are a large number of networking and informative events taking place throughout the show, including the official ibtm world Welcome Reception taking place on-site on Tuesday 17 November and the popular ibtm world Networking Hour on Wednesday 18 November, which is aimed at giving exhibitors the opportunity to organise their own receptions and social activity on their stands for all attendees. Networking Hour takes place prior to the ibtm world Club Night, which will again be hosted at Opium Mar – probably considered one of the annual industry social events (www.opiummar.com). For more information and updates please visit www.ibtmworld.com 2015 will see the largest number of new exhibitors attending the event, including exciting brands and destinations. Just some of them include the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria; Secretaria Nacional de Turismo de Paraguay; Commune di Napoli; Ministere de l’Economie Direction Generale du Tourisme, Luxemburg; Ibiza Convention Bureau; Prague City Tourism; India Tourism; Basque Country Tourist Board – Basque Tour; Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria; Sri Lanka Convention Bureau; Dorchester Collection, Europalco, GOAPP, Sandals and Beaches Resorts, Etud Event Technologies, TapCrowd by etouches and World Hotels. To improve the connections and business meetings between buyers and suppliers, we have 98

evolved the way we match appointments between Hosted Buyers and exhibitors, now called a ‘mutual match appointment system’. This provides both parties with the opportunity to select their appointment preferences, which the system then matches based on relevance and availability. It means that exhibitors have an increasing say in who they want to meet with, which further influences their business diary with a stronger focus on relevance to both parties, providing more control over who they meet with. Already rolled out at ibtm china, the mutual match appointment system is working well. Following on from the success of My Association | My Club, an initiative launched for the Association Sector last year, we have also implemented some changes around this year’s programme for Corporate meeting planners. The emphasis here is on creating an improved individual experience for this group of planners based around business appointments, networking and learning. Research conducted earlier this year highlighted the continual need for Corporate planners to meet and network peer to peer at the event whilst keeping up to date in all that is new. We have added in a new Corporate Networking Reception in the Innovation Zone on Tuesday evening, which can provide the backdrop of innovation and ideas. Meeting planners who are interested in applying to join this programme can do so via www.ibtmworld.com/corporate Q: How are numbers looking for this year compared to 2014? ibtm world is the largest gathering of the meetings, events and incentives industry across the globe. We don’t focus on numbers, but we do independently audit ibtm world every year, so before this year’s show opens, we believe we will be welcoming some 15,500 meetings industry professionals which includes over 3,000 Exhibitors representing over 150 countries, including destinations, hotels, attractions and entertainment, venues and technology and event service providers. Our priority is quality, so the task of qualifying the Hosted Buyers is currently in full swing. We are expecting some 4,000 Hosted Buyers who will make more than 78,000 pre-scheduled appointments during the three days of


the show. Applications at the end of August were 38% up on the same time last year and 47% of those qualified so far are new to the show. Just a few companies attending this year include the International Society of Nephrology (ISN), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP), Wheeling Around the World (WAW), The Association Specialists and America Urological Association, European Society of Cardiology, Goldman Sachs, Alstom, Deutsche Bank, Barclays, Microsoft, Atkins, Britvic Soft Drinks, Peugeot Citroen, GlaxoSmithKline, Fossil, Arcor, Merck, Lamprell, FedEx, L’Oreal and Unilever. Meeting planners who would like to apply for their place can do so by visiting www.ibtmworld. com/Hosted We are also expecting over 6,500 trade visitors. Trade visitors are encouraged to register online before the show in order to benefit from free fast-track entry, flexibility to arrange personal schedules, discounted travel and accommodation, opportunities to attend a range of networking events and education sessions, and pre-show information updates that will enable registered attendees to effectively plan their visit. ibtm world offers a range of travel and accommodation discounts for all ibtm world attendees including up to 50% off airfares with Iberia and Lufthansa Group, and discounts on rail fares by Iberia and Renfe and ferry fares by Acciona Trasmediterrånea, as well as the best available

rates on accommodation. For full details, go to: www.ibtmworld.com/travel-discounts To find out more about the benefits of attending ibtm world as a trade visitor and to register, please visit: www.ibtmworld.com/visit2015 Q: Where are you focusing your marketing efforts in 2015? Our main focus is to offer both buyers and suppliers a platform to grow their business in the global meetings, events, conference and incentives industry and maximise their ROI. Ensuring the right profiling of both planners and suppliers is fundamental to the matching process and we continually strive to ensure exhibitors complete their profiles with very specific and relevant information, which is key to helping planners identify who they want to meet with. We also make sure to have the right buyers - it really is about relevance on both sides. Our unique Hosted Buyer Programme hosts some 4,000 top level buyers with proven budget and international business to place that enable exhibitors to win and secure future business at the event. Ensuring we keep evolving the programmes for the corporate, association and agency planners is key to delivering the right numbers but crucial in delivering the right quality. Q: Are you noticing any trend amongst your clients this year? The way in which younger members of our industry make decisions is something to watch.


Technology has been the number one driver of change for this industry with the rapidly changing needs of younger professionals influencing event planners and producers to think more on how best to engage audiences and will remain a vital ingredient in the planning and implementation of meetings and events. Some of this will be reflected at ibtm world using the ACS Knowledge Village as an environment to deliver education content in a flexible way and making it more accessible, closer to the life of the exhibition itself, with four different concepts, themes, technologies and designs. As well as one large lecture theatre, there will be three individual learning environments, which will engage the senses and reflect the changing needs of meeting design. In addition, Rob Davidson, Managing Director, MICE Knowledge will look at the developments in the industry from a global perspective with his annual ibtm world Trends Watch report. As an event we are increasingly devoting feature areas, hands-on live demos, lectures and workshops plus of course space on the show floor to companies involved in technology and innovative products and services. Technology features widely in the Innovation Zone area of ibtm world, which is dedicated to creativity, passion and unique products that could have a real impact on the meetings and events industry now and in the future. The area also has its own education sessions with live interactive presentations that really are full of inspiration.


Q: Is there a space for new regional trade shows in Europe? As part of the ibtm events portfolio, we are the leading global event for the meetings and events industry held in Barcelona, providing regional and international buyers with a platform from which they can conduct their key annual business meetings. As part of such a vast global network, the show offers countless powerful connections and business opportunities for all attendees. It connects some 15,500 industry professionals every year from all corners of the world – it is seen as the final industry point to connect each year as it takes place in November. Findings from ibtm world’s post show research showed that ibtm world is the place to meet and do business with meeting planners from across the globe, but also welcomes the most Hosted Buyers from UK, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and Sweden, compared with any other show in Europe. Our primary objective when it comes to all aspects of organising the show is supporting all attendees to achieve their business objectives. In order to achieve this we strive to deliver a more personalised and relaxed experience that allows for ‘real’ business to be done on the show floor. We also offer a number of informal and formal networking opportunities for both Hosted Buyers and Exhibitors attending. The quality of the Hosted Buyer Programme is what sets ibtm world apart as a trade show. Each qualified buyer has to commit to attend a schedule of appointments with exhibitors of their choice. Exhibitors can therefore be sure that the appointment will be of value to them. The Hosted Buyer Programme plays a pivotal role in the success of the show, and will continue to do so, as it is vital that we provide our suppliers with the highest quality buyers from the key markets they wish to do business with. It is for that reason that we expend so many resources ensuring that each year all aspects of the programme are a great success and buyer satisfaction levels continue to increase.

Q: What are you most excited about? Introducing our new initiatives, meeting with our buyers, exhibitors and visitors and listening to their feedback, hearing from influential industry experts in the ibtm knowledge programme and meeting up with industry colleagues over the week at the ibtm world networking events. I also love Barcelona, so I guess there is plenty to get excited about and delivering ibtm world with my team is the biggest high of the year! Q: What are your tips for creating effective brand experience at IBTM Show? Here are a few tips for our exhibitors to help them create effective brand experience and maximise their ROI. ibtm world will have in excess of 300 international media focused on finding themselves stories, interviews, news and pictures on the whole MICE industry – that includes your company, your brand, your services. First up – take the time to sit with your team responsible for managing ibtm world. Plan the agenda to discuss what your objectives will be for sales, marketing and PR. Go through the PR and marketing help guides on www.ibtmworld.com and see all of the opportunities available where you can get your name out there and seen. From sponsorship to emails, social media to PR just click on http://www.ibtmworld. com/exhibit/Marketing-and-Sponsorship/PR/ Connect with our PR agency – CUT Communications – and ask about the many and varied opportunities to get in front of the media, whether through pre-show press releases targeted to the world’s media, to getting your story and news in front of the visiting attendees, plus of course there is the Show Daily who are looking for your stories and news – maybe even a profile on your top management? Email Pamela.wils@ cut-coms.co.uk complete the PR questionnaire or click here to read top press conference tips.


Be Social! Join ibtm world on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube to connect with our growing community of meetings and events professionals. Give a taste of what you’ll be doing and showcasing at the show… Help Hosted Buyers and Visitors to find you! Log onto the Exhibitor Portal and upload as much company information as possible, assign your geographical regions and select your product/ service categories. This year, with the new mutual match opportunity, it is more important than ever that you complete your profile to ensure Hosted Buyers can find you in the Exhibitor Directory and select you as a preference - www.ibtmworld.com/login Think of your stand as an extension of your brand by utilising graphics, video, colours, props and staff - you could be in with the chance of winning an award! The ibtm world stand awards highlight the best and most effective exhibitors and their stands. Awards include: Best Stand Design, Best Stand Feature, Best Stand Personnel, Most Effective Use of PR and plenty more. Organise an event during Networking Hour on Wednesday 18 November: 18:00 – 19:00. This is the perfect time to catch Hosted Buyers outside of appointments. Make a lasting connection and get planning and promoting your networking event on your stand. Don’t forget to add your event to the Exhibitor Portal to be included on the ibtm world website stand events listing www.ibtmworld.com/login Brief your staff. Make sure you have the correct team members available for the variety of Hosted Buyer appointments and any meetings with Trade Visitors. Take time to find out about who you are meeting at the show once you receive your diary of appointments on Tuesday 20 October and make sure your staff is prepared to do business! ibtm world gives a great opportunity for building your business, but you need to work it and that starts right now!

Conventa Experience Catalogue

CONVENTA EXPERIENCE CATALOGUE A guide through meetings venues of New Europe


onventa, the most personal trade show for meetings, events and incentives of New Europe, has put together a new guide through meetings venues of the region. The guide is an invaluable source of information for meeting planners still searching for that special venue and new meetings destinations New Europe has to offer. The 8th Conventa will be held from 20 to 21 January 2016, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.


Conventa Experience Catalogue

Union Hotels, Slovenia Miklošičeva cesta 1, 1000 Ljubljana,


Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings DID YOU KNOW We have accommodated numerous celebrities, who have always felt great in our company. But regardless of our guests, whether they are members of royal families, film stars, politicians, business guests or families – the quality of our services is always on the highest level. Grand Hotel Union is Five-time winner of the certificate of the Excellence by Trip Advisor.

KNOW THIS With us you can GET IN TOUCH WITH TIMELESS CHARM, FEEL LIKE AT HOME, have a WONDERFUL VIEW or experience the MODERN LUXURY. The Union Hotels group comprises four hotels (the Grand Hotel Union, the Grand Hotel Union Business, the Hotel Lev and the Central Hotel) located in the very center of Ljubljana. Altogether we offer 574 elegantly furnished hotel rooms of the various categories and 30 conference halls and meeting rooms with modern technical equipment.

TIME TRAVEL This year Grand Hotel Union is celebrating its 110th anniversary. Hotel officially opened its doors back in 1905 and according to the contemporary newspapers it was one of the largest, most modern and most sophisticated hotels in the southeastern part of Europe.

MEETING HOTSPOT The pride and joy of the hotels is a beautiful Art Nouveau Grand Union Hall that can accommodate up to 1000 guests.

ARRIVING Hotels are easily accessible from Jože Pučnik Airport, the main train and bus station as well as the highway. Guests arriving by car don’t need to worry about finding a parking space in the city center. 3 Hotels have their own garage or you can use the parking garage in close vicinity of the hotel (for Central Hotel)

LIFESTYLE & FOOD Melodyc, Cultural And Tasty Experiences The Union Cafe is situated at the Grand Hotel Union. A peaceful atmosphere of hundred years old stories where new chapters are written every week. Not just a cafe place with tasty deserts and best

fresh ice tea, It’s an enjoyable venue that offers impressive lineup of concerts and special events throughout the year.

BEYOND ORDINARY Keeping the values alive More than a century of experience as hoteliers has endowed us with a great tradition of hospitality. The know-how acquired over the decades provides a good basis for growing business excellence and the tradition is a guarantee of trust and quality for our guests and business partners alike, as well as professionalism and knowledge of our employees. First-Rate Technical Equipment and Support We offer a most state-of-the-art Panasonic 3D projector and are one of the first five providers in Europe to offer this first-rate multimedia experience. THE WINE LIBRARY housed at the Grand Hotel Union Café provides guests with an opportunity to learn about, taste and buy more than 170 different Slovenian and foreign wines. In cooperation with our partner the Slovenian Wine Festival we organize monthly tasting events called Viva il Vino, where participants can get to know a new type of wine at each event, with five winemakers offering a certain type of Beerenauslese wines. If you are a “potica” fan, BAKING POTICA with the Chef, is always an option! The Herring Feast On Ash Wednesday, the first day of the Season of Lent according to Christian tradition, for the last 90years Grand Hotel Union provides the venue for the event called Herring Feast. It featured a wide range of fine culinary treats that were a true temptation for all lovers of

fish dishes and freshwater delicacies, as well as a wonderful exhibition of imaginative and outstanding examples of culinary aesthetics, prepared by chefs assisted by the diligent hands of volunteers – students. THE FRANK SINATRA MENU The only bar in Slovenia that offers Frank Sinatra favorite desserts - Franky’s bar at the Central Hotel. The bar’s renovated ambience now resembles the times of Frank Sinatra and accompanied with really delicious treats prepared by Ms. Slavica Smrdel, the Central Hotel’s chef. UNION ReUNIONS The latest addition to what the Union café has to offer is a WIDE RANGE OF EVENTS CALLED ‘REUNIONS ‘ intended for all guests who like experiencing the uniqueness, exclusiveness, variety and little surprises in a cosy café atmosphere and in good company.


Additional night for every group of 20 rooms you book — up to 20 additional nights per event.

THE TOP 3 1. Professional staff and services, that can satisfy even the most demanding customers and their demands 2. Great selection of conference halls with first-rate technical equipment and support. Next to the main Grand Union hall, the hotels offers 30 different sized meeting halls 3. Central location of all 4 hotels

Hotel Karnerhof, Austria Karnerhofweg 10, 9580 Egg am Faaker See, Austria, hotel@karnerhof.com www.karnerhof.com Type of meeting experience


Corporate / Business Experience Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences Incentive Meetings KNOW THIS As a one of its kind conference location Hotel Karnerhof offers comfortable rooms, an exquisite Spa, reward-winning cuisine, four modern conference rooms and unlimited outdoor possibilities.

TIME TRAVEL Hotel Karnerhof looks back over an 85-year-history. Originally a farmhouse the location became a guest house and restaurant in 1930.

DID YOU KNOW The owner family Melcher has developed the property and attended to its exceptionality ever since. The Karnerhof is situated on a gentle incline, overlooking the crystal clear waters of Lake Faak, surrounded by 100.000sqm of gardens. The romantic lakeside sauna is a gem you should try out while staying here.

MEETING HOTSPOT Enjoy the conference rooms with lake view and direct access to the lakeside terrace. Discussions can easily be done outdoors.

ARRIVING In the heart of Europe, easily reached by car, by train (Villach station) and by plane (Klagenfurt and Ljubljana airports).


THE TOP 3 A beautiful location where you will equally enjoy your work time and your spare time Reward-winning Austrian cuisine with international influences – breakfast, lunch and dinner are served outdoors. A perfectly attentive staff who delivers personalized service with enthusiasm throughout your stay.

Conventa Experience Catalogue

GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, Slovenia Dunajska cesta 18, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


MEETING HOTSPOT As Tracy Phillips, Head of Event & Marketing at Annual British Travel Convention of ABTA, said: "The facility worked really well for the event, especially having all of our networking spaces on the same level. It would be great to pack up the GR and take it with us to each destination as we had worked so well together."

Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings TIME TRAVEL GR is very proud of more than 60 years being active in the meeting industry. The unique location with a charming green yard is an example of modern functionalistic architecture. As a result of a number of past investments and renovations gives the impression of a well maintained centre which comes in line with the highest international standards.


Scouts Conference, 27. Simposium on Lepton Photon, OSCE – 13th OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting and many others.

ARRIVING GR is in the centre of Ljubljana, only three minutes’ walk up to main bus and railway station and 20 minutes’ drive away from the nearest international Jože Pučnik Airport.


GR is the leading multi-purpose centre in Slovenia. Established in 1954, it is an ideal venue for different national and international events. It is easily accessible: only a few minutes away from the main railway and bus station, with a city bus stop in front of the main entrance, and 2500 parking spaces in close vicinity.

Among many professional conference organizers, like Kenes International, which brought to GR two medical world congresses – Autoimmunity Congres 2010 and The European Society of Regional Anasthesia & Pain Therapy 2014 – with 1,400 delagates, GR hosted the 14th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, 40. World

DT Croatia- Dubrovnik Travel d.o.o., Croatia Obala Stjepana Radića 25, 20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia



Type of meeting experience

One of DT’s unique selling points is the exclusive event ship SeaStar-Enjoy your next meeting while cruising the Adriatic Sea!

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings


KNOW THIS DT Croatia Dubrovnik Travel the leading Croatian DMC and PCO as a maintaining 15 years of experience in organization of meetings, incentives,conferences, exclusive groups and events

TIME TRAVEL Established in 1998, DT‘s business portfolio includes some of the most prestigious business organizations of the world as BMW, HP...

DID YOU KNOW DT Croatia is officialy among the top 5 most successful companies in Croatia with AAA creditworthiness the higest rating issued by international BISNODE group leading European provider of digital credit and business information. AAA Excellence Certificate is one of the most important European standards defining the quality of business operation.


Croatia is easily accessible by air from all major European hubs as well as by land and sea.

THE TOP 3 • First class team of professional program planners enable DT Croatia to operate with total commitment the most demanding projects ensuring complete client satisfaction. • With representative offices worldwide DT Croatia keeps up with the global trends and continually expands its sales channels. • DT Croatia expended outside the boundaries of Croatia providing services in South East Europian region.

THE TOP 3 • A professional and dedicated team: personal approach of highly-motivated team that is with you through all stages of your project. • Flexible event spaces for everyone: 20 flexible multifunctional halls, most of them with natural daylight, stateof-the-art tecnology, large exhibition area; a multi-purpose venue: from 20 to 2,500 delegates. • In the centre of the capital: walking distance to the medieval town centre of Ljubljana and to the most hotels; up to 300 parking lots at the venue, cca. 3,000 parking lots in close vicinity.

Conventa Experience Catalogue

Niederösterreich-Ring 2 Haus C 3100 St. Pölten Austria www.convention.niederoesterreich.at

Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings

ARRIVING Vienna International Airport - only 38 km from Congress Casino Baden. Best Train Connections!

LIFESTYLE Fine food and drink are good companions to arts and culture. As the biggest producer of wine among the Austrian provinces and a region with excellent restaurants, Lower Austria is sometimes known as Land of Epicures. Lower Austria also boasts an impressive choice of top conference and seminar hotels each

TIME TRAVEL Lower Austria, the land round Viena is the largest wine Region in Austria.


KNOW THIS With its central location and diverse offerings Lower Austria is a premium destination for business tourism Convention Bureau Lower Austria is the first partner to contact if you are interested

The Lower Austrian Convention Bureau is your competent partner for finding the right location for your event. You are planning a business meeting in a royal palace? An event beyond compare in a modern event hotel? Or an elegant banquet in a romantic Baroque castle? Welcome to Lower Austria!



Hotel Plesnik, Slovenia

cycling underground, biking on Solčava panoramic road, archery, offroad driving experiences and more - night walk with torches, searching for hidden treasure, farm games on open with animator, felting workshops...

Logarska dolina 10, 3335 Solčava, Slovenia, +386 (0)3 839 23 00, info@plesnik.si www.plesnik.si Type of meeting experience


A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings DID YOU KNOW

MEETING HOTSPOT KNOW THIS Hotel Plesnik offers escape to pure nature. Hotel Plesnik is small boutique family runned hotel, with more than 80 years of tradition in tourism.

TIME TRAVEL Unique location and friendly staff with quality services gives us an opportunity to host the presidents, prime ministers and incentives.

Have you ever had a whole hotel only for your group Logarska dolina Solčavsko European destination of Excellence offers great

ARRIVING Easily accessible through Solčava village or from Austria through Eisenkappel. Airports: Brnik - 1,5 hour, Klagenfurt - 1 hour

EXPLORATIONS Lower Austria combines a grand history with modern life style allowing it to offer tourists a diversity of attractions a host of historically significant sights and a rich legacy of art treasures. Many destinations for outings are well equipped for business tourists and have superb venues for incentives and events The choices extend from Archeological Park Carnuntum with its reconstructed section of an Ancient Roman town to Hof Palace restored in exemplary fashion to its original baroque splendor or magnificent Göttweig Abbey part of the Wachau Valley a landscape on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

• Your competent Partner for assistance with meetings, encentives, conventions and other special events • L ocation scouting Congress Subsidy - the size of subsidy is based on the number of overnight stays (100 overnights € 1.500,-) • Quality guarantee

Congress Casino Baden, Grafenegg Castle, Loisium Wine & Spa Langenlois, Conference Center Laxenburg

Their goal is to satisfy the guest and trying to reach it with tradition local connectivity and sustainability. Being a member of Slovenian Convention Bureau helps them to follow the trend. In 2014 hotel was selected among top ten boutique meeting hotels and received a Meeting Star certificate.

with its own individual charm. Event organizers are sure to find just the right setting for every event in venues that vary from romantic castles such as Seminar Hotel Schloss Hernstein to country homes surrounded by vineyards such as Steigenberger Hotel and Spa Krems.

LIFESTYLE Hotel cuisine is collaborating with some local farms, which provide fresh healthy products. Guests can taste them during the coffee breaks during their business events, as well as at breakfast and other meals. The kitchen does not use any artificial additives in their cooking.

BEYOND ORDINARY Have you ever tried a teambuilding with Mountain Guides IFMGA? Participants, divided into expedition team are faced with a series of unique and innovative challenges, which require them to step outside of their comfort zone and work in team. For other nature lovers there is more do experience! Rafting, canyoning on Savinja River, exploring caves,


The conditions for business guests at Hotel Plesnik are perfect: the air-conditioned conference hall can accommodate up to 100 people and can be divided into two seminar rooms. Additional seminar workrooms are also available. All halls have a state-of-the-art technique, they are well-equipped with loudspeakers, projection canvas, flip chart, wireless internet and much more. And most important, daylight is assured by great windows.

THE TOP 3 • Location; Landscape park - Logarska dolina (European Destination of Excellence) • A boutique and family owned hotel with more than 80 years tradition • Tailor made events with many possibilities for outdoor activities

Fotocredit: Robert Herbst & L. Lammerhuber

Convention Bureau Lower Austria, Austria

Conventa Experience Catalogue

HIT Alpinea d.d., Slovenia Borovška 99, 4280 Kranjska Gora, Slovenia

ARRIVING Easy accessible (less than 60 min) drive from the two closest airport (Ljubljana and Klagenfurt Airport. Own free parking splaces.


Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences


DID YOU KNOW HITholidays has a long tradition in congress tourism and have large amount of experience in organizing different types of events. Flexibility and professionalism of our highly trained stuff is closely linked with personal touch and unique Slovenian energy

MEETING HOTSPOT KNOW THIS Five hotels located in the heart of Julian Alps offer wide range of activities for different types of guest and are an excellent starting point for numerous activities.

daytime or nighttime sledding. During day you can enjoy the view of the mountains covered with snow and in the nighttime the torches or the floodlights will brighten the path you will be sledding on with your friends screaming of joy.

The great value of the hotel is Planica Hall with great overview on surrounding mountains and ski slopes

TIME TRAVEL Hotels have long tradition since 1970s, from ski hotels to all year around and business hotels.


• Connect business with spending quality time in a pure nature. • Walking distance destination- no transportation needed for business guest to experience the heart beat of the destination. • Adding personal touch to the event.

Hitholidays chefs well know how to present the traditional culinary of Slovenia to our business guests on an adventurous, fun and interactive way. They created ˝Culinary journey˝ that is held in a village of Kranjska Gora and is created for guests that are keen of a great food and like to experience the different senses and tastes of one specific region. The journey on its five locations gives guests the different tastes of traditional Slovene culinary, focused on traditional local food and helps them build the bond between themselves and the historical heart of the region.

BEYOND ORDINARY Sledding on the forest paths and roads in the vicinity of Kranjska Gora is the right way to go. You can choose between the

Hotel Habakuk, Slovenia Pohorska ulica 59, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

The joys of winter; „pležuhi“, snow shoes, night hiking with torches. Wine tasting by electric bikes.



Type of meeting experience

1. The Oldest Vine in the World (which is marked in the Guinness book of records) 2. Green Pohorje Hills with lakes 3. Vineyards 4. River Drava

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings


DID YOU KNOW During last year’s we hosts many interesting and well known person for example: - Dalai Lama, - Garry Kasparov , chess master, - Mr. Seger Lavrov, foreign minister of Russia, - Football club Chelsea with Mr. Murignio, - The best women skiers in the world, etc.


KNOW THIS Hotel Habakuk with Convetion Center lays in incredible region where meets winegrowing area, thermal water and the green hills of Pohorje with the biggest ski center in Slovenia.

Personal event organizer at your disposal (24/7/365). 9 different halls for up to 500 participants Accommodation from 3* to 5*

ARRIVING 60 km - Graz Airport 110 km - Zagreb Airport 130 km - Ljubljana Airport 250 km - Vienna Airport


LIFESTYLE »Healthy mind for healthy body« The modern lifestyle increasingly forces us to an unhealthy lifestyle and to overstretch ourselves. In contrast, our motto is a healthy mind in a healthy body, therefore you are advised to organize an event that will be as stress-free as possible for the providers. What is the secret? In addition to the natural environment (at the outskirts of the Pohorje forests), the fresh air, we will provide you with healthy wellness meals, surprise you with healthy coffee breaks, short relaxing massage, therapies with sound, music, plants, colours and crystals during the breaks.



To the dinner by cable car. Rafting down the Drava River. Barbeque above 1000m altitude.

Habakuk opened his doors in the seventies. During this period he changed many faces; next one will be in 2017.


We offer you welcome drink with snack for you first event at hotel Habakuk.

THE TOP 3 • We prepare 600 events. • Free parking space. • Free Wi Fi.

Conventa Experience Catalogue

HUP Zagreb Inc, Croatia Trg Kresimira Cosica 9, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia


Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings




Exceptional meeting venues and experiences in the superb venues in Croatia‘s capital - at your disposal. MICE spaces, gourmet dining, location - they have it all.

That the largest hotel congess room in Zagreb is at their hotel - The Westin Zagreb, named the Crystall Ballroom?


HUP Zagreb offers 45 conference halls that can accommodate over 110 000 conference and business delegates annually.

The Zagreb hotels in business cultural and science centres in the vicinity of the numerous city centre sights are a second home of world dignitaries and tourists The HUP Zagreb d.d hotels are characterized by superior and comfortable accommodation a quality conference offer.


HUP-Zagreb Inc HUP ZAGREB Inc hotel industry catering and tourism is a company founded in 1948 when its primary business

ARRIVING Located in the centre of Zagreb - all five HUP Zagreb hotels. Easily to reach.

Kempinski Palace Portorož, Slovenia Obala 45, 6320 Portorz, Slovenia


Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings DID YOU KNOW The only 5 star Superior hotel in Slovenia offers a unique combination of traditional and modern design with a private 5000 sq m park, combination of 6 meeting rooms and a unique Crystal Ball room.


KNOW THIS State-of-the-art facilities and dedicated team of a 5 star Superior hotel Kempinski Palace Portoroz located in the heart of Portoroz will ensure that your event becomes an unforgettable experience.


The congress centre ensure you complimentary high speed Wi-Fi day light in the meeting rooms and state-of-the-art technical equipment.

ARRIVING Palace hotel is within driving distance from a variety of commercial airports (Ljubljana, Trieste, Venice, Pula).



Their chef suggests to taste their Signature Dish “Liguini a la Buzzara” with freshness of Adriatic Sea and wealth of Istrian nature. Homemade Liguini with a sauce a la Buzzara should be part of your local culinary experience.

• Amazing location on the Adriatic Sea between Italy and Croatia. • Six modern equipped meeting room with a daylight • Dedicated team and unforgettable culinary experience

BEYOND ORDINARY Starts with a luxury bus pick up from the hotel and a drive towards the very heart of Istria. There you will be awaited with domestic delights such as prosciutto. After the explanation of the basic historical facts about the truffle you will follow the local guides and dogs into the forest to search for truffles. If lucky with the search that very truffle will later be used for lunch as they prepare a pop-up restaurant on the edge the forest. When you have indulged your senses you can finish the evening with live piano music in the hotel.

EXPLORATIONS You can rent a Segway in hotel and drive along the sea toward the ancient city of Piran. The Tartini square, St. Georges church, the aquatic museum are just a few of the must see points in the magnificent coastal city. If you are planning a meeting outside of the hotel the Piran Theatre is a perfect venue.

In 2015 the traditional part of hotel Palace is celebrating 105th anniversary.


Conventa Experience Catalogue

Kompas d.d., Slovenia Prazakova 4, 1514 Ljubljana, Slovenia www.kompas-group.com, www.kompasmice.com Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience C Incentive Meetings

THE TOP 3 KNOW THIS Kompas aim is to become regional leader of Europe’s top DMC agencies. Kompas has perfected its knowledge of the destination, offering its clients numerous benefits and advantages.

TIME TRAVEL Established in 1951. From then, it had become one of the largest tourist agencies in the world.

MEETING HOTSPOT With large network and dedicated professionals, Kompas can provide knowhow, technical support and best contracts in the region.


DID YOU KNOW Kompas provides highly qualified support, the best technical equipment and on-the-spot creativity. Kompas offers unrivalled choice: from city centre conferences with a cultural edge to peaceful escapes in the Alpine countryside; from spa-based recuperation to team-building.

Kompas is located in Ljubljana’s city center. The easiest way to contact us is by email.

Ljubljana Tourism / Convention Bureau, Slovenia Krekov trg 10, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

the central bridges or heading opposite, towards the preserved habitat of the Ljubljana Marsh nature park.



Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings


DID YOU KNOW Ljubljana was named European Green Capital 2016 due to the largest number of changes towards its long-term sustainable development in the shortest period of time. With four public parks, carfree downtown, the Bicike(LJ) city bike sharing network, public drinking fountains and much more, it is an authentic green destination.

KNOW THIS Ljubljana, an elegant old lady with a young heartbeat, will astonish you with its car-free areas, beautiful bridges, spectacular architecture, positive energy and friendly Slovenian people.

TIME TRAVEL Back in 1821, the Holy Alliance Congress took place in Ljubljana, which ranks it among the oldest European meeting destinations.

MEETING HOTSPOT City centre compact size - most of the meeting venues, hotels and points of interest are at a walking distance.

ARRIVING Flights from the major European hubs to Ljubljana Airport, 25km from downtown, are available. Nearby cross-border airports provide additional connections.


• Well-trained, experienced and dedicated staff: Kompas is a diverse company with European, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Brasilian, American, Russian professionals. • E xcellent buying power and organizational skills: Kompas has excellent contracts with service suppliers which gives our partners excellent value for money. • L arge network: Kompas has 20 offices located all around Europe and USA providing opertional support.

Taste Ljubljana is a project presenting traditional dishes that people in Ljubljana enjoyed over the centuries of the city‘s history and are still popular today. Special attention is paid to using genuine ingredients without artificial additives, all of local origin. There are a range of themed tours in Ljubljana, including the Taste Ljubljana food tour, which highlights traditional dishes, and the Ljubljananjam food tour, which merges the best Ljubljana restaurants, pubs and cafes into one culinary experience.

BEYOND ORDINARY Ljubljana is a city that can inspire you in many different ways. Considering its small size, it boasts a surprisingly large number of unusual activities, which can be incorporated in incentive programmes. This time we are introducing two exciting water sessions. A SUP or kayak discovery with a certified instructor is a popular alternative way to experience the city. It can either be paddling below

A few walking minutes away from the downtown area, the Tivoli Park’s main promenade with an attractive outdoor photographic gallery, leads to the Tivoli Mansion. The present building dates from the early 17th century and today houses an important cultural institution - the International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC). Moreover, Tivoli Mansion provides one of the most attractive outdoor settings for social functions in Ljubljana. MGLC rents out the the lecture room, gallery, library, print studios and a spacious courtyard, which is connected to the main promenade by an ornate stairway and where amazing photographs from events can be made.

THE TOP 3 • Dedicated and connected professionals in all the segments of meeting industry providers are the backbone of a destination. • Ljubljana CVB: the one stop shop for the meeting & incentive products and suppliers in the destination. • With its central position, Ljubljana is a perfect gateway to discover the diversity of Slovenia.

Conventa Experience Catalogue

Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel, Serbia Bulevar Vojvode Mišića 15, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia www.radissonblu.com/hotel-belgrade/ Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings DID YOU KNOW Hotel is constructed on the grounds of former industrial site, first Steam Mill in Serbia built in 1901. Old Mill building was revitalized and now represents a exceptional hotel in the city with unique architecture and design!

MEETING HOTSPOT KNOW THIS Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel Belgrade is the first design hotel in the city located in Belgrade downtown!

TIME TRAVEL Brand new hotel in Belgrade, officially opened its doors in March 2015!

500 m2 event space, 6 meeting rooms (up to 220 guests), Piazza (open air events), Free internet.

ARRIVING Hotel is easily accessible from Nikola Tesla Airport the main train and bus station as well as the highway.

Regent Porto Montenegro, Montenegro Obala bb, Porto Montenegro village, 85320 Tivat, Montenegro www.regenthotels.com/porto-montenegro Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings DID YOU KNOW Regent Porto Montenegro is the only hotel from Montenegro nominated for the prestigious World Luxury Hotel Award which is internationally recognized as the „Oscar“ of the luxury tourism sector.

MEETING HOTSPOT KNOW THIS Regent Porto Montenegro is a five-star luxury hotel located in the heart of Porto Montenegro. This timelessly furnished property offers 87 elegantly designed accommodation units.

TIME TRAVEL Regent Porto Montenegro marked its first anniversary and full year of successful operation a list of 14 international accolades.

Ballroom Teodo is equipped with stateof-the-art technology and has a seating capacity for up to 200 persons.

LIFESTYLE OMB Larder + Lounge Celebrates Serbian culinary tradition by incorporating fresh local produce and creative techniques into an extensive menu. With special attention to sustainability restaurant employs a zero-kilometer philosophy whenever possible by sourcing our ingredients. The atmosphere of the dining room recalls the mill’s heritage offering an industrial-chic aesthetic. With the attractively priced menu du jour dining at OMB Larder is an effortlessly stylish event. They are proud member of a global grassroots organization Slow Food founded in 1989. Together they bring Slow Food philosophy to life preventing the disappearance of local food cultures and traditions counteract.

BEYOND ORDINARY Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel, Belgrade organizes for their clients special Belgrade tours, city tram parties, open air movie

LIFESTYLE The signature Regent spa offers a holistic approach to rejuvenation, providing an exceptional wellness offering. Individual treatment rooms, modern fitness equipment, relaxation room, showers, sauna, steam room, traditional Turkish bath and a fresh juice bar make our Spa offer unique in every sense. An outdoor pool is ideal for morning swim, amplified by the breathtaking view of the marina.

BEYOND ORDINARY Their concierge team provides an excellent service throughout the day, sharing valuable information on Montenegrin secret hot spots. Airline tickets, babysitting service, boat transfers, guided tours… just name it and they will give their best to make one‘s wish come true. Warm recommendation: Board your boat at Porto Montenegro and set your sail for Boka Bay in order to explore one of the most beautiful fjords in the world, a UNESCO Heritage Site. Visit two magnificent islands – St George and Our Lady of the Rocks, in front of medieval town Perast. Visit Perast, its museum, churches and palaces.



Regent Porto Montenegro is easily accessible through 3 international airports: Tivat, Dubrovnik and Podgorica.

Visit Kotor, an old city of traders and famous sailors, built between 12th and 14th century. Take the opportunity to visit Cathedral of St. Tryphon, one of the most recognizable symbols of the town. Use the opportunity to wander around the fortification, streets and alleys of Kotor.


nights, small cocktails with tournaments on Piazza, cocktail on top of Bigz building with extraordinary city view and all types of unique and special entertainment.


One Weekend accommodation voucher for two in Belgrade!

THE TOP 3 • Central location: minutes from business and government offices, the Belgrade Fair and cultural attractions. • Meetings & Conferences: 6 venues suitable for conferences, corporate events, weddings and social gatherings in downtown Belgrade. Brain Food program: food that stabilizes blood sugar levels and supplies the brain with optimal nutrition. • Unique Design and service concept

For those who are more interested in exploring Montenegrin inland, there are a wide range of activities: light hiking on Austro-Hungarian roads stretched across the peaks of Vrmac hill or canyoning in the second deepest world Canyon of Tara River.


Regent Porto Montenegro awards 1 complimentary room night for every 20 room nights booked.

THE TOP 3 Bespoke experience based on their exceptional customized service. Located in the magnificent Boka Bay, within the luxury marina for mega-yachts, Regent Porto Montenegro is the perfect weekend getaway spot. Gastronomy of their 3 restaurants represents an extraordinary mix of some of the finest local ingredients and Asian culinary influences.

Conventa Experience Catalogue

Salzburg Congress, Austria Auerspergstrasse 6, 5020 Salzburg, Austria



Type of meeting experience

Centrally located - Salzburg is easily accessible by air, train or car;

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences

THE TOP 3 TIME TRAVEL Salzburg Congress was opened in June 2001 and marks the beginning of a new age for congresstourism in Mozart‘s birthplace.

• 1200 hotel beds within walking distance. • Congress Service such as room reservations and equipment booking management. • Salzburg Congress powered by Sustainable Energy

DID YOU KNOW The variable room and space concepts enable the facility to provide up to 15 conference rooms with capacities from 20 up to 1350 guests across 15,000 m2 of floor space for a total of 2500 visitors.

KNOW THIS Salzburg Congress is one of Europe’s top venues for staging international medical and scientific congresses.

MEETING HOTSPOT A dedicated and experienced team qualified to deal with even the most complex and technical challenges to guarantee your event.

Salzburg Convention Bureau, Austria Auerspergstrasse 6, 5020 Salzburg, Austria



Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings


DID YOU KNOW Hotels and venues in Salzburg have invested more than 100 million euros in new properties, infrastructure and attractions for meetings, congresses and side events. Also, the regional government offers financial congress funding and welcome receptions.

MEETING HOTSPOT KNOW THIS Salzburg, the stage of the world, offering great opportunities for professional events and meetings. The ideal setting between Alps and urban city life for association meetings and corporate events.

TIME TRAVEL Salzburg leads the Austrian Meeting Industry in many fields and has been awarded as European top Destination several times.

Many clients spread the word about Salzburg for being a great event and congress Destination. Read: http://www. salzburgcb.com/client-references

ARRIVING Salzburg is well connected by Salzburg and Munich Airport offering daily international flights. Additionally, Salzburg offers a superb public transportation.


Greatest concentration of gourmet Restaurants in Europe: The concentration of toque-awarded restaurants in SalzburgerLand - that is to say, the restaurants, inns and master chefs crowned annually with „toques“ from Guide Gault Millau - is quite beyond compare. Also, Salzburg is Austria’s beer capital and has the oldest coffeehouse of Austria located in the city of Salzburg. Last but not least one of Austria‘s most famous Sweets has been invented in Salzburg - the Mozartkugel, a chocolate named after the great son of Salzburg.

BEYOND ORDINARY Experience one of the fastest and longest steel zip lines in the world - the Flying Fox XXL! In a breakneck speed of up to 130 km / h you the wind flies around your ears, while 140 meters below the forest rushes past you. 1,600 meters full of action through the mountains. Also a dinner in a baroque palace, medieval dinners at the knights table, a wild rafting trip or a GPS scavenger hunt through Salzburg‘s historic past are typical Highlights.

The Fortress Hohensalzburg, a Medieval castle complex has 900 exciting years of history to tell. Europe’s most beautiful panoramic road called Grossglockner High Alpine Road and the perfect combination of nature and technology at an altitude of 2,000m are Europe’s highest waterfalls with an Aquaszenarium in the waterfall centre. A true party location since 1615 is Hellbrunn Palace which has stood, noble and imposing, at the gateway to Salzburg and it still amazes both locals and visitors. And for any day, one of the worlds largest Ice Caves, the Giant Ice Caves in Werfen, are a great Destination.

THE TOP 3 • Variety & choice: Whether summer or winter, baroque or modern - Salzburg has more to offer. • Safety/security: Economic, social and political stability. • I nfrastructure: Ultra-modern, multifunctional conference centres, fascinating locations for events

Conventa Experience Catalogue

Slovenian Convention Bureau, Slovenia

THE TOP 3 They might be one of Europe’s smallest countries but they’ve got great traditions in food and wine, richly diverse regions and, as people, they’re hard working, progressive, naturally friendly and welcoming.

Vošnjakova 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, www.slovenia-convention.com info@slovenia-convention.com FB: www.facebook.com/SloveniaMeetings TW: @SloMeetings Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings

MEETING HOTSPOT They are uniting 60 partners with over two decades of proven experience in the venue, agency and destination sectors.



They are an umbrella MICE organization established ten years ago by the joint efforts of the domestic industry.

Slovenia shares a border with Italy Austria Hungary and Croatia and is well connected to vital strategic parts of EU.


KNOW THIS We know the importance and value of partnership because MICE events are only truly successful when the entire destination community all works together in support of the clients’ objectives.

#sLOVEnia is the only country in Europe that combines the Alps the Mediterranean the Pannonian Plain and the Karst and is known as the country of many contrasts With a generous dash of love which resides already in its name all these come together to form a green jewel ....

SORA Catering, Slovenia Sora 1a, 1215 Medvode, Slovenia

Bled and surrounding mountains. It is one of the most visited Slovene sights with over 300.000 guests annually. A splendid venue and a breathtaking view ensure long lasting memories for all visitors. Bled Castle offers two courtyards for outdoor receptions and two for indoor. SORA Catering manages the Castle‘s restaurant and ensures creative event catering support. Local and regional dishes are made in contemporary and sophisticated way with an aim to preserve the gastronomical heritage of Upper Carniola region and Slovenia.


Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings KNOW THIS


SORA Catering will transform the most simple local dish into a trendy culinary delicacy. Family managed company of 4 brothers ensures personal touch and trustworthy services.

SORA Catering offers you creative event planning support. They are a reliable, flexible and innovative catering partner.

TIME TRAVEL SORA Catering is a family owned company from Slovenia with over 30 years of tradition and experience in hospitality business.

DID YOU KNOW Martin, Luka, Jure and Rok Jezeršek are four brothers owning Jezeršek Catering. While in charge of smooth running of events Jezeršek sons also successfully manage two renowned restaurants Dvor Jezeršek and Bled Castle Restaurant. SORA Catering was launched as the international brand of Jezeršek Catering in 2013.

ARRIVING SORA Catering has the expertise, resources and contacts to offer their services wherever you wish throughout Europe or elsewhere.

LIFESTYLE A new culinary experience hit the streets of Slovenia this summer. FerFud food truck is on a special mission. It serves tasty bites at a fair price set by the people who eat them. They pay as much as they want and the entire profit goes for charity for the project ‚Botrstvo‘. Idea of this CSR project goes to Hofer supermarkets. Their ingredients are used to create tasty street food. Chef Luka Jezeršek, SORA Catering, stands behind the recipes and food preparation process. He mentors the two young FerFud chefs who travel around Slovenia 5 days in a week.



Cable Car Dinner A maximum of 4 people per cabin can enjoy a 3-course meal. The dinner is served alternately during the three upward and downward rides. The last ride is followed by a stop at the panorama terrace and a sweet surprise. SORA Catering turns gondolas of Krvavec Ski Resort into small, hovering restaurants. Guests can enjoy the panoramic views of alpine surroundings and picturesque valleys and let the chefs of the well-renowned restaurants Dvor Jezeršek and Krištof pamper their taste buds with exquisite culinary creations of modern Slovenian cuisine and local, green ingredients.

• Passion - for everything we do. • Creativity - We have open ears for innovations and adapt with flexibility to changes. • Team spirit and respect for each other - are essential to ensure a smooth running of our events. Our ability to build strong, long-term repeat relationships with our customers is the key to our future success.

EXPLORATIONS Bled Castle Located on top of an amazing cliff, Bled Castle offers stunning views of Lake


Conventa Experience Catalogue

St. Poelten Convention Bureau, Austria Rathausplatz 1, 3100 St. Pölten, Austria

EXPLORATIONS Location VAZ: one of the biggest event centres of Austria, located on the A1 between Vienna and Linz - max. 10.300 persons. Festspielhaus St. Pölten - the multi-genre theatre in modern architectur has been presenting itself as the main value for Dance and Music - 1.500 persons. Seminarbauernhof Bertlhof - Surrounding St. Pölten - the seminar farm run by the Bertl family - known as „5-star-cow-hotel“!


Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings lively international town with universities, media technology and design.


KNOW THIS Central located small baroque and modern city between Salzburg and Vienna. Very close to viennese Airport 54 min by Train. Located directly on the motorway A1 .

TIME TRAVEL Former ancient Roman City Aelium Cetium. Austrias oldest town. Today a

Capital of the austrian province Lower Austria . 52.000 inhabitants. Between Munich - 3 hours - Vienna 1/2 hour, Budapest - 3 hours, Graz - 1 hour. 460 hecatres of green space - Woods, parks, hiking and cycling path, damp biotopes lakes and the river Traisen awaits the guests.

MEETING HOTSPOT Readily accessiable City. Hotels, venues, city centre and railway Station are all just walk away.

ARRIVING By car A1, by rail OEBB and Westbahn, Linz Airport 130 km, Vienna Airport 90 km, by ICE Train 50min.

Talas - M DMC, Montenegro Žrtava fašizma 26, pf 59, , Budva 85310 Montenegro, +382 (0)33 403 860, info@talas-montenegro.com


Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings KNOW THIS

DID YOU KNOW No other Event organizer in Montenegro is as updated with the latest trends as Talas-M. No matter of the occasion size or type of your event formal and extravagant or casual and relaxed their team provides comprehensive support at every stage of your Event.You dream big they make it happen. https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=oe0OQhvYENI


THE TOP 3 • One-stop Provider - from the order through to the invoice. • Full conference and congress Management Services. Organisation and handling of creative supporting programmes and events. • Trips to Vienna, Wachau, mountains, wine regions.

BEYOND ORDINARY Feasting on the stage at Festspielhaus St. Pölten Are you on the look-out for a special location your event? Then hire the stage of the Festival theatre, settle down in the banquet seating and dine with your guests on the boards. Join regional food and excellent wines from local winemakers. Available for up to 200 People.

of the symbols of „golden age“ of Perast, palace transformed in Maritime Museum of this lovely town famous by his citizens - brave warriors and skillful sailors. Captain‘s dinner in Maritime Museum shall carry you in atmosphere of dinning few centuries ago.


Talas-M is a Montenegrin destination management company specialized in organizing incentives, corporate events, conventions and team-building activities. Talas-M offers complete programs and on-site management services for any number of clients.

Talas-M is proud having been selected as the preferred Destination Management Company in this part of Europe.

LIFESTYLE Bread baking back then. Join in and get your hands all floury. The bread oven at the bakery in the Schloss Walpersdorf (close to the city centre) is fired daily with wood. Together, we bake our popular wood oven-baked bread from sourdough - kneaded by hand in a kneading trough made from Austrian lime wood. Full day Programme - breakfast and lunch included. Available from 2-10 persons. € 130,-per persons.

MEETING HOTSPOT It is all about people and relationship, they do listen,understand and always find solution.

ARRIVING Contact Talas-M by Email from Monday to Friday during working hours 08:00-17:00.

LIFESTYLE For their noble clients they reveal gala venue in one of the former noble palaces in Boka Bay. They give vividness to one


There are numerous reasons to plan your incentive programs in Montenegro, a magical place that leaves no one indifferent.Nowhere else can you find, so much natural wealth, beauty, mild beaches, clear lakes, fast rivers, and gorgeous mountains in such a compact area as in Montenegro.In the morning you can wake up along the beautiful Adriatic coast, have lunch on the banks of Skadar Lake, and enjoy an evening walk in the Montenegrin mountains. Montenegro will surely be a memorable trip.

EXPLORATIONS The island Saint Nikola is one of the many attractions on the Montenegro coast. It makes a perfect setting for various interactive team building games.After a dynamic day on Saint Nikola island why not overnight on the beach in the open sky!Exclusive Cetinje venue Old Royal Summer stage is an ideal location for various events such as,open air conferences,presentations and concerts. For exploring the beautiful nature of the north of Montenegro Talas-M organizes a wide range of activities and team building programs including unique Eco

Village Vranjak and Rafting adventure on the Tara river Canyon.

THE TOP 3 • Their team of multi lingual event planners, who are passionate, professional and immensely in love with their country. • They are always up to date with new products and fresh ideas, to guarantee the success of your event. • Their programs are tailor made, emphasizing the cuisine, culture, tradition and the unique venues and unique experience

Conventa Experience Catalogue

Tauern Spa Premium Alpinresort, Austria Tauern Spa Platz 1, 5710 Kaprun, Austria

rounding of the TAUERN SPA Zell am See Kaprun you find numerous opportunities for your team-expedition and certainly the right location for your corporate adventure. For your expeditions to the inner realms there is the SPA water and sauna world as well as the Alpin Vital SPA Kosmetik. Winter sport lovers find perfect conditions already in autumn whilst enjoying an amazing variety of wide glacial slopes, freeride routes, snowparks and so much more.


Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings

THE TOP 3 an amazing variety of wide glacial slopes freeride routes.


KNOW THIS With its spectacular modern architecture TAUERN SPA PREMIUM ALPINRESORT is perfectly surounded within the unique natural landscape at the foot of the Kitzsteinhorn in the middle of the Salzburger Land.

The TAUERN SPA is part of VAMED Vitality World Austria’s leading operator of spas and health Resorts 4*superior resort Hotel with 160 rooms and suites 20.000m2 SPA Water Sauna World, 5 restaurants and bars, Panorama SPA with Skylinepool, 6 conference rooms up to 240 people.

EXPLORATIONS THE EXPEDITION OPPORTUNITIES Impressing peaks green pastures mighty glaciers and stunning valleys In the sur-

Winter sport lovers find perfect conditions already in autumn whilst enjoying

Thermana Laško, Slovenia Zdravilička cesta 6, 3270 Laško, Slovenia


Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings DID YOU KNOW The Congress Centre fulfils all standards of a hotel with convention facilities according to international criteria. The hotel was granted the environmental EU eco- label. With the project »Confluence of good« Laško destination is a winner of Slovenian election of European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN).



ARRIVING Airport Munich approx 210 km Salzburg approx 97 km, Innsbruck approx 158 km. By Rail Zell am See approx 9Km.


Thermana Congress Centre together with the Hotel, Thermal Centre and Wellness Spa forms a range of facilities combining technological innovation and architectural perfection to satisfy the most demanding convention guest.

MEETING HOTSPOT Modern conference technology Perfect seminar service. The selection of exciting indoor and outdoor activities for social programmes and company events.

• The magnificent location. • The breathtaking view of the surrounding mountain landscape. • An experienced event team who combine inspiration to ensure the highest level of hospitality • These are the ingredients that combine to make your event at the Tauern SPA Kaprun something which will be quite unique for your business event and unforgettable moments.

ARRIVING 80 km far from Ljubljana airport, with good communication network. It is an ideal starting point for excursions across Slovenia.

LIFESTYLE CULINARY DELIGHTS Hotel Restaurant has a modern and homely appearance, and its culinary offers follow the newest trends, as well as focusing on the local, seasonal and organic. They offer unforgettable culinary experiences with famous beer and honey menus, Slovenian dishes, Ayurvedic and international cuisine, as well as Halal, diabetic food. The Coffee Lounge, designed in elegant style offers a wide-variety of drinks and delicious patisseries made with the greatest care by their masters of confectionery.



Multi purpose hall for up to 490 participants with the ability to be adjusted for various formats.

THE BREWING TRADITION – TOUR OF THE LAŠKO BREWERY WITH A BEER TASTING Discover the tradition of brewing industruy in Laško, where the beer has been brewed since 1825, and raise a toast with Laško beer. The tour includes a visit of the Laško Musewum, a viewing of the brewing procedures and a beer tasting with savoury pastries in a pub.

Thermana is a spa with a more than 160 years long tradition, today with brand new hotel an congress centre.



Thermana coupon benefits.

THE TOP 3 • You can choose from 10 contemporarily congress halls and meeting rooms for up to 1.100 participants, equipped with the most advanced equipment. All halls have natural light and the possibility of total shading. • Diverse, complete offer of quality services and staff. • E xceptional location in the very heart of Slovenia on the banks of the river in peaceful nature.

Conventa Experience Catalogue

Tirol Werbung GmbH - Convention Bureau Tirol, Austria Maria-Theresien-Straße 55, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria



Type of meeting experience

Events that leave visible tracks together with treasured memories, move the participants for years to come. For every event they have planners and craftsmen ready at Hand to do whatever it takes.

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings




As a central service and information centre, the Convention Bureau Tirol supports and assists the organisation of conventions, conferences, incentives and other events without of charge.

Tirol merges the high competence and stunning quality of providers with top infrastructure, easy accessibility and grand hospitality.


As Tirol is situated directly in the heart of the Alps it‘s easily accessible due to its well formed infrastructure.


Ten years Convention Bureau Tirol that adds up to more than 15.000 events, two Mio guests and 65 partner enterprises.

Tirol - power spot for all five senses.

THE TOP 3 •P rofessional, neutral, non-profit service and advisory centre. • Hub for all inquiries and Information requests. • Planning and organisation of site inspections

DID YOU KNOW Tirol is carpeted and canopied by its mighty mountains stretching for more than 3.000 vertical meters from its lowest point in Ebbs 473 m to its highest summit the Grossglockner 3.798 m. The Land of Mountains has far more to offer than magnificent pinnacles. Its greatest assets are its people.

Tourist board Linz, Austria Adalbert-Stifter-Platz 2, 4020 Linz Austria

BEYOND ORDINARY Höhenrausch: Giving you wings The course above roofs of Linz invites you to let yourself fly. Change your perspective, broaden your view and enjoy modern art outdoors for a change. www.hoehenrausch.at/en


Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings INSIDE DESIGN CENTER LINZ, Austria, Europaplatz 1 4020 Linz, Austria www.design-center.at

KNOW THIS Linz is a symbiosis as an international creative city of industry and culture – nestled in a beautiful natural landscape by the Danube. With more than 60 event locations.

TIME TRAVEL Linz - European Capital of Culture 2009 and UNESCO City of Media Arts. Today, Linz combines industry, culture and nature.

DID YOU KNOW Roughly 1.200 congresses and convention were recorded in 2014 in Upper Austria. Linz as the centre of the 2nd largest conurbation in the Republic of Austria and its notable exporting com-


panies such as Rosenbauer, voestalpine or MAN ensure a strong economic area and knowhow.

MEETING HOTSPOT Under the slogan “Linz.change(d),” they support with Blue Meeting® organisers at successful conventions on the Danube.

ARRIVING Located at the intersection of east-west and north-south. Linz can be reached quickly by train, plane and car.

An innovative setting for your event is the Ars Electronica Center: museum, R&D facility, educational institution and event venue all in one! The Ars Electronica Center with an individual programming LED-façade will fascinate you with extraordinary architecture by the Danube. The Deep Space 3D projection room, with its images of 16 x 9 metres, draws you into captivating 2D and 3D visual worlds. Whether great works from the history of art, space travel, journeys of discovery in the Nanoworld, or a live concert is what you’ve come to behold www.aec.at/center/en.


LIFESTYLE Linz Labyrinth – shopping off the beaten track Exquisite boutiques, innovative gift shops and creative fashion, jewellery and antique shops but also culinary delights. Away from the well-known shopping locations, Linz offers special shops where you can find something unusual and rare. Linz Labyrinth is a route through narrow passages and backstreets to the most extraordinary places in Linz. www. linzlabyrinth.at


• Linz is successful. A cultural city, a strong economy and the fact that twothirds of the municipal area is green. • Convention and business modules provide overall solutions - 100 % cost transparency at point zero of planning. • More value for your event - As licence takers, they are authorized to certify meetings and events carried out here.

Conventa Experience Catalogue

Brdo Estate, Slovenia Predoslje 39, 4000 Kranj Slovenia

GOLF CHALLENGE - short break (1-3 hours) at golf course Brdo with brief introduction and demonstration, followed by group or individual competition.


Type of meeting experience


A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings DID YOU KNOW Brdo has hosted many famous guests, also Queen Elizabeth, Pope John Paul II, Clinton, Bush and Putin. Brdo, with its natural wealth, is classified as a ‘Natura 2000’ area and a region of special ecological importance, while its forests have been granted a special purpose due to their beauty.

MEETING HOTSPOT KNOW THIS The Brdo Estate with its 11 lakes, outstanding nature and the service on the highest level, offers a variety of different activities that make your event very memorable.

TIME TRAVEL Half a millenium old Brdo Castle, former residence of kings and presidents is a luxury event venue today.

Brdo offers many different venues-luxury castle, modern congress centre, pleasant hotel, island middle of the nature and even a hayrack.

ARRIVING Brdo near Kranj is also distinguished by its closeness to Ljubljana (35 km), and only 10 km from the highway.

Centours Travel & DMC, Croatia Vukovarska 19, 52440 Poreč Croatia


Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings KNOW THIS CENTOURS Travel & DMC based in Poreč, Croatia, is a specialized agency for organization of creative and fresh incentive travel, meetings and events in the northern Adriatic and Croatian inland.


Istria and Kvarner on the northern Adriatic are easily accessible and have a rich historical, cultural, gastronomic and natural heritage. They are most developed Croatian tourist regions and offer numerous opportunities for special events organization. We always try to include local customs, people, food and offer customers the specific lifestyle.

BEYOND ORDINARY BRDO FISH ADVENTURE The trout smoking and tasting adventure in the wild offers one-of-a-kind group stay in the pristine nature as a standalone experience or part of a dynamic team-building event. Each participant will prepare it‘s own fish and while it‘s smoking they can take a challenge in fishing or orientation in the astonishing hunting ground of the Brdo. An active 3 hour break in the heart of the nature.

MEETING HOTSPOT Hum, the smallest town in the world, is great for events in the open with all of its 30 residents.

ARRIVING Destination is available throughout the year through airports Pula, Opatija, Trieste, Venice, Zagreb and roads from Italy, Austria and Slovenia.

VILA BLED The former presidential residence lies in the magnificent park on the shores of the famous Lake Bled. The setting of the Vila Bled outside the city centre ensures privacy for the most noteworthy events. The hotel with 31 rooms and two conference halls accommodates up to 80 guests.

THE TOP 3 • More than 30 years of experiences with organizing events on the highest level as the State Protocol is. • Breathtaking environment that inspires you and gives you the opportunity to be very creative with your event. At Brdo everything is possible! • The prime location, close to main roads, the international airoport and Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia.



A charming program is an interactive dinner in Hum - medieval town, also the smallest town in the world. Participants visit Hum and taste quality local products and specialties of Hum’s producers and inhabitants. Servers are dressed in folk costumes or traditional working clothing. Serving tables are decorated with an emphasis on Istrian rural heritage. The participants are greeted and welcomed at the entrance by the mayor. Participants can walk through Hum and taste local products and specialties served at 6 locations in town. During tour and tasting, participants meet with various performers of traditional Istrian instruments, songs and dances.

• Professional staff and DMC services, with friendly customer and supplier approach will provide the best experience to guests. • E xcellent selection of best hotels, meeting facilities and modern techniques. • Creative programs in unusual locations for unforgettable experiences. Small medieval towns, sites from UNESCO’s cultural heritage list, national parks, islands and mountains offer endless possibilities for your successful event.


Despite the young agency, the staff has 15 years of experience in organizing business meetings and creative programs in Croatia.


LIFESTYLE PICNIC ON THE LAWN Discover secret places of the Brdo Estate with a golf cart and choose an ideal one for your picnic spot. The Brdo picnic hamper contains a selection of house delicacies including Brdo smoked trout pate, marinated cheese bites, rolled tenderloin beef with homemade bread, Zois dessert, Brdo chocolate or pralines.

THE STRMOL CASTLE is one of the oldest and the best preserved castles in Slovenia. Its location near the Ljubljana international airport makes the Castle Strmol an ideal venue for rather boutique business events. At the end of the day you can enjoy in the appealing castle comfort.

North Adriatic coast is rich with beautiful venues for your upcoming events: Large hotel companies Plava Laguna, Valamar, Maistra, Istraturist, Arenaturist; National Park Brijuni Islands; Arena Amphitheater Pula; Agrolaguna Wineyards Porec; Histria Aromatica Park; Belaj Castle; Stanzia Cocci; Wine Hotel Meneghetti; Kozlovich Wine House; Raspadalica Nature Centre; Levan Island; Small medieval cities perfect for outdoor events: Hum, Bale, Motovun; Losinj Island hotels; Krk Island; Opatija hotels and venues; Private villas perfect for boutique events. We will carefuly select the venue perfect for your event type and size, according to the client‘s preference and budget.


Conventa Experience Catalogue

Vamed Vitality World, Austria Richard Strauss Straße 12, 1230 Vienna, Austria


Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience C Incentive Meetings

DID YOU KNOW The Vamed Vitality World operates following re-sorts: AQUA DOME – Tirol Therme Längenfeld, Tauern SPA Zell am See Kaprun, SPA Resort Therme Geinberg, Therme Laa – Hotel & Spa, St. Martins Spa & Lodge, la pura women’s health resort kamptal, Therme Wien, Health Spa Sauerbrunn, and Aquaworld Resort Budapest.

KNOW THIS The Vamed Vitality World resorts and Event locations in Austria and Hungary await you in the most beautiful parts of Austria and the lively city of Budapest.

TIME TRAVEL Founded in 2006, Vamed Vitality World is Austria‘s leading operator of thermal spa and health resorts.

MEETING HOTSPOT They offer fantastic indoor and outdoor activity programmes and meeting rooms with natural light and great views of the surroundings.

ARRIVING All Resorts are easily accessible from the airports Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Munich and Budapest and have their own parking spaces.

LIFESTYLE Impressive architecture and modern facilities at our resorts provide ideal backdrops for all your Events: Green instead of Grey - fresh air and room to develop your brain, Healthy activity programs for seminar breaks, First class catering and dining – fresh, regional cuisine prepared to order, Spacious rooms with a balcony or terrace, Cultural delights in the near surroundings (Budapest/Vienna/ Salzburg/Innsbruck), Fantastic indoor and outdoor activity programmes, whatever time of the year, The latest event and presentation technology with free WiFi, Planning with a personal touch – they’ll provide a central point of contact and tailor-made service

BEYOND ORDINARY International Awards (Selection): VAMED Vitality World, World Travel Award: World’s Leading Medical Wellness and SPA Operator 2011-2014 Aqua Dome: World Travel Awards: Austria‘s Leading Spa Resort 2011- 2013 Tripadvisor: Traveller´s Choice Award 2013, 2014 „Top 25 Luxury Hotels Austria” TAUERN SPA: World Travel Award - Europe’s Leading Lifestyle Resort 2012, 2013 St. Martins SPA & Lodge: World Travel Award: Austria‘s Leading Resort 2013, 2015 Therme Laa: TripAdvisor: Traveller´s Choice Award 2013, 2014 „Top 25 Luxury Hotels in Austria”

Zagreb Convention Bureau, Croatia Kaptol 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Geinberg5: World Travel Award: Europe‘s Leading Lifestyle Resort 2014, 2015 Seven Star Global Luxury Award

EXPLORATIONS Special features offered by each of their venues for ideas that will bring your event to life: skiing slopes, hiking trails, biking and climbing routes, Area 47, Kitzsteinhorn mountain, igloo building, chill and grill barbecue on the picturesque Zellersee lake, Hiking, golf or canoeing, theme evenings and Caribbean pool parties, Neusiedler See-Seewinkel national park on exclusive safaris led by expert St. Martins rangers, wine tasting along the wine cellar routes, brewery tours, Lower Austria’s first rail-cycle track, the Rosenburg castle complex, the UNESCO Geo-Park Kamptal and the Amethyst Welt Maissau, wonderful city Budapest, F1-Hungaroring, eventboat tours on the danube.

THE TOP 3 They cover a wide range of creative and extraordinary ideas as Dinner directly on the thermal-water, Teambuilding in hights of 3.000 m altitude in the Alps or in the beautiful wineyards near vienna, “Spafari-Incentive” and Caribic-Parties. By offering everything under one roof, they have what it takes to make sure that your event is an experience to remember.

light of the old city. The tour is based on historical facts, city folklore, and the reenactment of passages. Enjoy the tour‘s unique nocturnal aspect and the costumed guides as they portray the historical characters of Zagreb in a fun and interactive way. Some of these moments are hair-raising, others are more dramatic. Surely, the tour is guaranteed to put you in the mood for enjoying the rest of Zagreb‘s nightlife and its evening festivities.


Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings

THE TOP 3 DID YOU KNOW Zagreb is a home to:the world famous Museum of Broken Relationships;the world‘s smallest furnicular;one of Europe‘s most lively outdoor food markets-Dolac;the Zagreb Mummy with the world‘s longest text in Etruscan;many events/festivals from April to September taking place outdoors in the squares and beautiful city parks.


MEETING HOTSPOT Easily accessible by plane,train,car;airport close to the city centre;venues located centrally;safe and green city.


Zagreb Convention Bureau‘s focus is promotion of Zagreb as an ideal destination for meetings incentives and events We support international meeting planners associations travel agencies in holding events in Zagreb.

Zagreb International Airport-located 16 km from the city centre;shuttle busses run regularly. International bus/railway stations are also in the city centre.

BEYOND ORDINARY Nocturnal tour of the historical Upper Town: Secrets of Grič - the legends and mysteries. Experience the romantic and mysterious interactive tour by lantern

TIME TRAVEL Zagreb is one of the oldest European cities (11th ct.)and the youngest metropolis of the European Union (2013).


• Conveniently accessible from all major hubs in Europe and beyond. • Great number of cultural and historic attractions all centrally located and within walking distance. • Top quality PCOs/DMCs, highly professional staff and excellent service.

Conventa Experience Catalogue

Genusshotel Riegersburg, Austria Starzenberg 144, 8333 Riegersburg, Austria



Type of meeting experience

B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences


If you book a seminar from 20 people we will give you a tour and tasting in the new brandy and vinegar Gölles www. goelles.at

of the house Harmonically embedded in the vineyard



• personal and professional service • new, light-flooded, bright and friendly conference rooms • technical equipment in conference rooms on the prior art

Just a short drive away from the hotel are some of the most interesting producers of culinary treasures Alois Gölles brandy and vinegar manufactory Vulcano ham, Zotter Chocolate and many more. Go on a discovery journey through this culinary Land or indulge in tasteful hotel Riegersburg.

KNOW THIS Work with pleasure The venue for all the senses Where can thrive and grow ideas with enough air to breathe In harmony between vineyards small manageable with incomparable professional personal

TIME TRAVEL In 2009 the Genusshotel opened its doors It boasts the unique architecture

MEETING HOTSPOT Our 4 conference rooms can accommodate up to 160 guests

ARRIVING Dunajska cesta H3, A1/E57 bis Str./B73 Steiermark, auf A9 Ausfahrt 214-Leibnitz nehmen/B73 folgen, Str./B66

LIFESTYLE A special delicacy of the house is the Dry Aged Beef. Perfectly matured meat, at least 30 days in the in-house drying chamber abgehangenm hearty in flavor and firm bite.

Hotel Cubo, Slovenia Slovenska cesta 15, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience C Incentive Meetings

ARRIVING Hotel CUBO is easily accessible by car and just about 23km away from the Ljubljana main airport Jože Pučnik.

THE TOP 3 TIME TRAVEL Since the grand opening in 2011 hotel Cubo has manged to become recognised and valued partner in the area.


KNOW THIS The word CUBO stands for originality, setting new standards and a cosmopolitan atmosphere. Hotel CUBO is a small design hotel located in the heart of the city centre.

Impressive residence of a hotel was built around 1830 for the family of attorney and has lately been used as s ballet school, a published company and an education centre for first aid. After thorough renovation the refurbished building opened its doors again in 2011.

• Great central location - just a shortwalk from the old part of the city and main attractions. • Personal treatment - we believe that business and conference guests deserve special treatment. • Flawless professional execution - experience staff will help you create an unforgettable event.

MEETING HOTSPOT Hotel CUBO consists of 2 meeting rooms with minimalistic design, strategically placed lighting and latest audio-visual equipment.


Conventa Experience Catalogue

Best Western Premier Hotel Slon – Elephant, Slovenia Slovenska cesta 34, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Type of meeting experience



FOOD is ART. This year new Restaurant Slon 1552 will be open on Nazorjeva street. A „MUST“ place for beautiful dining and an exciting culinary journey. Stay tuned and follow them on instagram @hotelslon under hashtag #slon1552.

• Tradition: gave us rich experiences and define our way of working and living. • Location: hotel is situated in the very heart of Ljubljana city centre, next old city core, Ljubljana castle and all the main city sights. • Professionalism: hospitality is our life and not just a job.

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings DID YOU KNOW Maximillian II the Archduke of Austria stopped at the best inn in Ljubljana with beautiful animal Elephant. The hotel Slon was later built on the site of this inn. The memory of the elephant was very strong so the guesthouse and later the hotel were named Slon - Elephant

MEETING HOTSPOT KNOW THIS BEST WESTERN PREMIER Hotel Slon Elephant is an institution in hospitality: offering comfortable and luxury accommodation, multipurpose conferencing facilities with excellent cuisine at an elite location.


For them every event is a challenge, to pay close attention to the details of every element of their performance.

ARRIVING At the entrance hotel provides guests cars with a transferable permit which allows 15 min stop.

The Slon hotel has its origin in the mid 19th Century (1856 and 1858).

Montenegro Convention Bureau, Montenegro

canyoning, climbing, biking or sightseeing tours and sociable evenings in typical restaurants with regional cooking – Montenegro offers programmes of greatest variety on the smallest space.

+38277100001, info@montenegro.travel


www.montenegro.travel Type of meeting experience

B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences




The National Tourism Organisation has founded its own convention office together with private partners in April 2008.

Montenegro is a good address for successful meeting Professional DMC’s offer creative incentives and events as well as congresses.



Montenegro Convention Bureau includes hotels that have convention facilities agencies that can meet business event organization need sand special locations.

It takes only two hours to get to Montenegro from most of the European capitals.

DID YOU KNOW Having experienced dramatic growth in the leisure sector over the past few years Montenegro is rapidly emerging as a popular destination for meeting and incentive planners Set on the Adriatic coast and often referred to as one of Europe’s best kept secrets the country offers endless experiences for incentives and


In order to get to the heart of Montenegro you shall try the specialties of the national cuisine. Whether you are dining at your friend‘s in an authentic Montenegrin home or in some restaurant you shall be cordially welcomed Montenegrins are good and generous hosts.You will find the basic European cuisine in restaurants but what you should try by all means is lamb or goat roast meat under sac pivski kajmak a special milk cream from Piva kačamak cicvara pie clear fish soup and boiled fish fried carp and smoked bleak.

BEYOND ORDINARY Montenegro is a good address for successful incentive tours. Special agencies offer creative incentives and events as well as congresses in this new meeting destination. Groups and companies get best information and support for their travel planning and programme. The agencies offer special combination programmes for meetings and conferences: boat trips on the Lake Skadar - the biggest inland waters on the Balkans - paragliding, sailing, rafting, kayaking, hiking trips,

Peaceful and romantic old cities, the invigorating smell of the sea and the warmth of fishing villages, lovely sandy beaches and an Incredible variety of hilly and mountainous hinterland landscapes which call for research adventures, together with the dedication and hospitality of the hosts, will make all participants remember the event with joy, eagerly anticipating the next one in Montenegro.

THE TOP 3 • The members of MCB are hotels in the five and four stars category. • The rooms technical equipment is state-of-the-art and they have all necessary services for successful meetings. • Peaceful and romantic old cities the invigorating smell of

Conventa Experience Catalogue

CD Congress Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia Prešernova cesta 10, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia



Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings

CD Congress Centre Ljubljana boasts 22 multi-purpose conference halls and represents the largest purpose-built convention centre in Slovenia. A big advantage is the diversity of spaces for different convention needs. The largest hall, Gallus, with 2000 seats, is the only hall of this type in Slovenia (Auditorium) and offers the possibility of up to 4000 m2 of exhibition space.

KNOW THIS CD congress Centre is a premiere venue in Slovenia. Constructed in 1980 it has always been a place to go to when a meeting had to be organised. Located in the heart of the capital, it offers easily accessible, stress-free and logistically easy working environment with a possibility of welcoming up to 5,000 attendees at the same time.



DID YOU KNOW CD Congress Centre Ljubljana is a perfect venue for large, medium-sized as well as smaller meetings. One of CD’s advantages is its role of a national cultural centre. In production terms, this opens completely new possibilities for meetings’ implementation.

Hotel Laguna Parentium 4* superior, Croatia Zelena Laguna bb, 52440 Poreč, Croatia, +385 52 411 500


Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings

CD Congress Centre is easily accessible on foot, by car (underground garage) or by public transport. All the city’s attractions, and especially the key hotels, are within walking distance. The Ljubljana airport is just 22 km away.

LIFESTYLE CD Congress Centre Ljubljana has been the key factor in the establishment of catering as a concept and service in Slovenia. CD is also a pioneer of urban


TIME TRAVEL Hotel Laguna Parentium was built in 1960-is and it has long tradition representing excellent location, high quality and remarkable service

MEETING HOTSPOT The pride and joy of our hotel is congress hall with modern equipment for up to 500 people.

ARRIVING Hotel Laguna Parentium is easily accessible from Airport Ronchi in Trieste cca 120km Airport Pula cca 55km Airport Krk cca

A VIP reception area (up to 100 guests) free of charge when booking an event at CD Congress Centre Ljubljana during Conventa 2016.

THE TOP 3 • In-house PCO agency offering services partially or in the full range. • Professional technical team with specialists for individual segments provide a superior execution. • The auditorium seating, an excellent screen visibility and fully equipped halls ready for use.



Hotel Laguna Parentium **** with its modern architecture and splendid sea view, fullfills the unique experience for all visitors. The conference room with up to 500 seats offers all the necessary equippement for all the kind of conferences. It can be split in three parts, each with 150 seats. Also, the two meeting rooms can be used for smaller events, one for 15, and the other for 30 persons.

• Professional staff, services and modern rooms. Part of the rooms have view on green peninsula and part of them have beautiful direct sea view. • Great selection of conference halls, meeting rooms and tehnical equipment. • Hotel has 3 restaurants, lounge bar Bacchus for private parties, wellness and indoor pool for relaxation and fitness.

DID YOU KNOW The main focus in hotel Laguna Parentium in preseason and posseason are different conferences, business meetings, congress and weddings. As hotel has big congress hall, 2 small meeting rooms but also wellness and indoor pool for those guests who would like to relax after intesive meetings.

Hotel Laguna Parentium is located in Poreč, Istria and has an ideal position for different manifestations, congress, business meetings with its 269 rooms and congress halls with over 500 seats.

BEYOND ORDINARY Whose Line Is It Anyway? Although the title originally comes from the British radio series it can be well used for this great incentive - an improvisational comedy show featured by the members of your team or a company. Full technical and production team support is ready to help. Active audience participation is requested. Why not get to know your colleagues with an improvised show?


TIME TRAVEL Myriad of successfully implemented events in over 35 years, such as: • 18th IUFRO World Congress 1986 • 38th International Apicultural Congress 2003 • 17th Congress of the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists 2008 • 10th World Congress Nurse Anaesthetists 2012 • 18th ESCRS Winter Meeting 2014 • And many more in progress!

beekeeping in Slovenia. Its honey production has influenced the catering possibilities providing a winning combination of a unique culinary experience.

LIFESTYLE Following the trends in traditional mediterian and modern international cousine, their cook team prepairs pure delight for your senses. The guests can enjoy delicious meals at „ a la carte“ restaurant Baccus, situated on the sea side by the outdoor pool, and at the same time they can choose between two hotel restaurant with buffet offer; one restaurant offers fish meals, and the other one local and international meals.


Conventa Experience Catalogue

Istraturist Umag d.d., Croatia

BEYOND ORDINARY Meetings in the open, close to the sea...... Why does it always have to be a meeting in a closed meeting room? They have shown that it does not. B2B meetings in the pines forest, close to the sea and private beach hotel Melia Coral. Great idea. BBQ insted of a classic dinner? Great idea. Coffee break in a pines forest, overlooking the sea? Great Idea. They do it. Everything is possible.

Jadranska 66, 52470 Umag, Istria, Croatia Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings KNOW THIS


Istraturist is a Croatian company with 50 years tradition in rendering tourist services in hotels, apartment resorts and campsites.

All Istraturist’s properties are located on the north-western coast of the Istrian peninsula along the 40 kilometres long Umag Riviera.

DID YOU KNOW Significant investments over the years helped position Istraturist and the city of Umag at the top of Croatian tourism offer After adding three state-of-the-art wellness centres to its offer Umag has become one of the most desirable wellness destinations in Croatia.

MEETING HOTSPOT 3 MICE hotels, 4 and 5 hotels that tailor to business and other group guests Each of the properties features.

Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Slovenia Bratislavska cesta 8, 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia


ARRIVING By car only 20 km form the slovenian border; Just 90 km from the Trieste International Airport

LIFESTYLE Istra - world of truffles - discover Livade where the Guinness Truffle was found (just a 30 min drive from Umag). Visit the oldest active lighthouse on the Adriatic Sea in Savudrija, just 7 km form the city center of Umag and learn about the love story of the Austrian Count Metternich. Taste the many local produced quality wines and olive oils directly in the cellars surrounded by vineyards.

ARRIVING By car - 500m from the Highway By plane - to airport (Ljubljana Airport (30km)



Type of meeting experience


A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings

1x Voucher for 1 night 2 person and 3x Special Sparkling wine with golden flakes (Zlatarna Celje).

KNOW THIS Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Ljubljana invites you to enjoy the luxury of 236 rooms and exclusive apartments with breathtaking views of Ljubljana and its surroundings.

TIME TRAVEL Hotel was built in 2012 and is the largest and most up to date hotel in the capital.

DID YOU KNOW Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Ljubljana is located in business, shopping and entertainment centre BTC, where you can also find one of the largest water parks Atlantis. Their guests have a free entrance to Atlantis Water Park.

MEETING HOTSPOT Spectacular view from 15th floor and modern congress halls with natural daylight.


Weekend stay for two persons/duble room in Hoel Melia Coral during June 2016 (01. – 30.06.2016) and the availability of the specified period. The voucher is not transferable to another person and require booking via our contact center.

THE TOP 3 • Value for money, all accompanied by the Melia Hotels International outstanding service offer. • Professional staff and excellent service will satisfy every customer‘s need. • Perfect location on the map.Only minutes from Slovenia and Italy, you are guaranteed convenience when it comes to travel connections and traffic.

TH E TOP 3 • New hotel with comfortable and spacious rooms. • Great location and accessibility with immediate proximity to shopping centres and entertainment areas. • Free admittance into Atlantis Water Park (swimming pools – Adventure world)

Conventa Experience Catalogue

Intours DMC Slovenia Dalmatinova 3, 1000 Ljubljana Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings KNOW THIS


Intours DMC is proud to be a reliable partner for incentive and event organisers since 1995. The team of events specialists provides destination expertise and creativity in organizing incentives, meetings, conferences and product launches in Slovenia. It seeks out of the box solutions to meet the needs of clients and ensure success of each event.

During the years, Intours DMC was honoured to work with HP, Goodyear, Vodafone, Microsoft, Novartis, Toyota, Samsung and OMV, which praised us for “unparalleled trip delivery”, “going beyond expectations” and “out-of-theordinary experiences”.

MEETING HOTSPOT Have you ever considered surprising your guests with a stylish old-timer rally from the Alps to the Adriatic Sea, an amazing jeep adventure in pristine nature or privatizing a town square for your gala event? Intours DMC invites you to discover the breath-taking natural beauty and diversity of one of Europe’s smaller but most spectacular countries – Slovenia.

ARRIVING Located halfway between Vienna and Venice, Slovenia is a readily accessible C&IT destination with daily direct flights from numerous European cities.


Bihačka 2A, 21000 Split, Croatia Type of meeting experience

A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings MEETING HOTSPOT Croatia, a country on everyone’s lips, lends itself to a long list of exciting activities, including truffle hunting in Green Istria, sea kayaking in Blue Istria, driving speedboats on a “polygon” around Pakleni Islands and abseiling down the Dubrovnik walls. Timeless villages and cities are at the same time packed with cultural sights and astonishing architectural sites that make for exclusive venues.


THE TOP 3 1. Your trusted DMC partner which adds value to each meeting, conference, incentive trip or product launch in Slovenia 2. A synonym for professionalism and quality of services in delivering a la carte incentive and corporate meeting programs 3. Destination expertise, creativity and positive can do attitude ensure the clients meet their business goals and then return time and again to Intours DMC

For an authentic Slovenian experience, Intours DMC invites incentive groups to visit local families at their homes. The guest can have the pleasure of cooking traditional Slovenian delicacies togeth-

Intours DMC Croatia

By offering first-class destination management services, Intours DMC has earned a reputation as a trusted partner in organizing incentives and conferences in Croatia. Meeting and incentive programs of Intours DMC are individually designed to the demands of clients and reflect passion and in-depth knowledge of the destinations.

er with their hosts, gaining valuable insight into Slovenian culture and daily life as well as staying in their home. This money can’t buy experience, can be complemented with a thrilling adventure of learning survival skills in Slovenian forests, a private vineyard tour with renowned Slovenian winemakers or a selection of outdoor activities, including sailing, canyoning, supping, mountain biking and rafting on white waters, snowshoeing, ice-climbing and dog sledding.

DID YOU KNOW During the first half of 2015, Intours DMC held a training event for 1,400 participants in Split, designed an incentive trip to Dubrovnik in combination with a CSR event in Bosnia as well as an incentive program from Dubrovnik, Hvar Island and to Split in exclusive comfort and style.

ARRIVING Croatia’s global appeal means that airlines from all over the world fly to Dubrovnik, Split, Zadar, Rijeka, Pula and Zagreb.

BEYOND ORDINARY As a destination expert, Intours DMC can propose out of the box venues, creating memorable experiences in Croatia. With its rolling hills, rugged coastline and dreamy medieval villages, Istria provides numerous special locations. One of these is a private homestead in a charming hill top town, boasting spectacular views across Istria to the Adriatic Sea, where a group can enjoy a tasting of the prosciutto and local wine. The next day the guests can head for an exclusive truffle hunting tour, walking through the forest with specially trained dogs and trying their luck with valuable truffles. In a private villa the guests can then indulge in tasting of truffle products, prepared by the Master Chef Croatia and accompanied by premium local wines.

EXPLORATIONS With such a spectacular variety of venues in Croatia, it is a pleasure proposing the ones best suited to clients’ needs. Intours DMC would like to draw your attention to a few: Meneghetti Villa, an authentic Istrian house, offering the ultimate wine and dine experience for groups of up


to 90 guests. The Mestrovic Gallery in Split, presenting the works of Croatia’s premier modern sculptor, can host smaller groups, while the outside event space can accommodate 300 guests. A private dinner for up to 50 guests can be organized in a small family restaurant in an abandoned village on Hvar Island. With spectacular views on Dubrovnik and the Lokrum Island, Sv Jakov Beach lends itself as an exclusive venue for evening events up to 300 guests.

THE TOP 3 1. Your reliable DMC partner when organizing incentives, business meetings, product launches and special events in Croatia 2. Using extensive destination knowledge to introduce clients to authentic, unique experiences in Croatia 3. Ready to go the extra mile to meet the clients’ objectives and deliver a return on investment

Conventa Experience Catalogue

Promo Tours DMC, B&H Kemala Kapetanovica bb, 71000, Sarajevo, B&H

of the most expensive structures in the former Yugoslavia It took 26 years to build it and it was designed to withstand nuclear war.


Type of meeting experience


A Corporate / Business Experience B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences C Incentive Meetings DID YOU KNOW Promo Tours specialise in providing memorable Incentives, productive Company Retreats and engaging Team Building activities. We provide innovative programs for companies looking for that ‘something different’. All our corporate events are tailored to your specific requirements and the destination.

MEETING HOTSPOT Our philosophy is to act like true partners driven by passion, commitment and professionalism.

Experienced and reliable team always keeps top quality and a full range of services in mind when selecting the best supplier to meet all of our clients needs and expectations. Complete service for any kind of corporate meeting a large congress or just a catering service. Strong buying power ensuring you the maximum return on investment.

ARRIVING The capital, Sarajevo, is easily accessible by air bus or train from any major European destination.



Tito’s underground nuclear bunker near Konjic The secrets of one of the most intriguing figures of the old communist bloc are laid bare in this underground nuclear bunker in Bosnia-Herzegovina that’s now open to the public. This is the story of one of the largest and best-kept secrets of the former Yugoslavia once a miracle of construction special extraordinary and complex for a special purpose a secret facility called D-0 This bunker was one

Promo Tours DMC have been among market leaders since 2000. We offer qualified DMC services to the global meetings and incentive industry all over Bosnia and Herzegovina.

TIME TRAVEL We are a well-established company founded in 2000 with highly creative dynamic and passionate staff looking for long-term relationships.

GO.MICE / Toleranca Marketing d.o.o, Slovenia Štihova 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenina

ideas for different venues, technical solutions, catering trands,...

THE TOP 3 1. Small and flexible team ready for any challenge 2. Professional tools – Eventure for congress registration, Talk b2b for trade shows 3. Knowledge about the destination


Type of meeting experience

B Association Conventions / Congresses / Conferences

tainable steps in the organisation of trade shows. We always try to spice the events and make them even more tasty.

BEYOND ORDINARY DID YOU KNOW Gorazd Cad, director is one of the founders of Conventa. Since the first year GO.MICE is actively involved in creating the content of Conventa and taking cre of all organisational details.

MEETING HOTSPOT With GO.MICE clients get more than just logistics. They get experienced, dedicated and professional team.

KNOW THIS GO.MICE is a privately owned congress and marketing agency, known by fresh ideas that help clients organising great conferences and B2B events.

ARRIVING GO.MICE team is located in Ljubljana, but love to move around the region of South-East Europe.



GO.MICE was founded in 2007 starting with the Kongres Magazine, and followed by organisation of corporate events, conferences and congresses

GO.MICE kitchen is full of surprises. Some years ago we were among first in the meetings industry taking first sus-


Donkey trekking – a stress-free experience in the village of Cerovo Donkey trekking through the vineyards and orchards with a minipicnic in natural surroundings.

EXPLORATIONS Urban fishing A unique fishing experience. Fly fishing for graylings and brown trout, spin fishing for metre-long pike in the heart of Ljubljana, and winter adventures – huchen fishing on the length of the Ljubljanica river.


First-hand experience! Conventa is our biggest annual event and a show case, where we impress our clients with new

How To

Think out of the box. Surprise your clients. Exceed your goals. THINK BLUE.

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Don’t worry about the Wi-Fi connection. Read Your Kongres Magazine in print! So if you are still old school when it comes to magazines, get our delivered to your door. You can choose one of the two packages and subscribe to Kongres Magazine by filling out the Subscription form. For more information, please contact Gorazd Čad, Editor-in-Chief of Kongres Magazine at gorazd.cad@toleranca.eu or by phone +386 1 430 51 03.



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D. Rostuhar

Arhiv TZGZ

Arhiv MSU

M. Vrdoljak

G. Vranić

D. Rostuhar

D. Vurušić

Arhiv TZGZ

M. Vrdoljak



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