“We were looking to fund something
but we also thought we could try to
envision it as a place to complement
use that experience for good,” Charles
Guilford’s community of student-
practical not just for the football
said. “And with so many wonderful
athletes and their coaches.
program, but for every student engaged in athletics on campus,” Charles
memories of Guilford, we were glad to
The yet-to-be-named room will be
have the opportunity to look forward
available to all athletes and coaches
explained. “We see it as a flexible space
and support the college during one of its
for team meetings, study halls,
that all students can enjoy.”
toughest times.”
entertainment, refreshments and events.
As Katherine added, “You never know
It’s designed as a hub for students to relax
how that ‘Guilford ripple effect’ is going
Advancement staff for a project, the
and socialize in comfortable Guilford-
to touch you.”
couple came up with what they think is
branded seating. It will also be equipped
a winning score: a multi-purpose room
with an overhead projection system so
Completion of the project is tentatively
in the Physical Education Center. They
teams can watch game footage.
scheduled for April 2021.
After consulting with the
MAKE A DIFFERENCE. EVERY GIFT. EVERY YEAR. Susan Marmo ‘96 gives to the Loyalty Fund because she wants to give back to an institution that gave so much to her. "When I was at Guilford, the professors took the time to notice my interests and skills. Jeff Jeske saw that I liked to write, and encouraged me to get a job as a writing tutor. John and Carol Stoneburner noticed that I enjoyed analysis and arranged for me to help with a research symposium. The professors saw things in me that I hadn’t yet seen in myself, and went above and beyond to help me develop and grow.” You can show your appreciation to Guilford faculty and staff by paying it forward like Susan. Make a gift to a Guilford College Annual Fund today at giving.guilford. edu/makeagift or by using the envelope enclosed in this magazine. Office of Advancement
“I give to the Loyalty Fund to let the professors at Guilford know that I appreciate them. I hope my gift will help other students have the same experience.” SUSAN MARMO ´96
5800 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27410 336.316.2321 advancement@guilford.edu www.giving.guilford.edu/makeagift
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