State of the Arts Ari Walker ’21
A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE How would you describe
B Y S O M M E R FA N N E Y ' 1 8
your artistic style? As a recipient of the Sigmund
I am more of a conceptual mixed media
Sternberger Scholarship provided by the
artist, where I take an idea — like a
Tannenbaum-Sternberger Foundation
word, color or phrase — and bring it to
and a Bonner Scholar, Tuari “Ari” Walker
life through my artistic lens. My art is
’21 is rooted in service and community,
oftentimes social justice-oriented or
with a passion for art and social justice.
realistic animations. I am a muralist by
He is a member of the Guilford College
trade and I’ve assisted with six murals,
men's track and field team, men's cross
including the National Dance Day 2020
country team and African Student
mural located on the Greensboro LeBauer
Association. Ari will graduate in the
Park stage and the “Say It Loud” mural
spring with an Art major and minor in
for the Black Lives Matter movement.
Sociology. Ari spent most of his junior
My first solo mural is for POW! Nutrition,
year studying abroad in Cuba, which
a Black-owned smoothie shop in
was cut short when the COVID-19
Greensboro near Guilford College, and
pandemic restricted travel.
should be unveiled in January 2021.
How did you find yourself
What’s your experience with
at Guilford College?
the track team and your transition
I became aware of Guilford College
into studying abroad?
from my mother, Nicole Walker ’12,
Sports includes a strong work ethic and discipline, which translates
a Guilford alum, former mentor and active volunteer. During her time as
into life as well. My time with the track team is always engaging and
a CCE student, I accompanied her to many activities and events, where she
Why did you decide to study
enriching, allowing growth mentally
introduced me to Guilford students,
Art at Guilford?
and personally. The transition from
staff and administration. I am an
Art has always been a part of my life.
the track team to studying abroad was
alumnus of New Garden Friends School
My love of art stems from being able to
bittersweet. I knew I would miss a lot not
and I also was a Guilford employee
show different perspectives, views and
being with the team, but looked forward
while in high school, working in
stories that can be told with different
to what I would gain from studying
the Marketing and Enrollment
forms of imagery, and the different
abroad. The home stay in Cuba gave me a
Department. Through my mom, I met
lenses of people. I started with an
sense of family and friendship, comfort
James Shields ’00, who knew that I was
interest in anime and cartoons and
and belonging in an otherwise foreign
volunteering in the community and
I focused on sketching, graffiti and
country. The experience was like no
introduced me to the Bonner Scholars
grayscale. In high school, I was exposed
other and it was disappointing that it
Program. From that point, James
to more styles and with the resources at
came to an abrupt end.
became in many ways a mentor, guide
Guilford, I have been able to broaden my
and influence in my life.
1 8 | W W W. G U I L F O R D . E D U
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.