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In April, the Grove City Chamber Foundation awarded scholarships to local students at a reception in their honor.
This reception awarded scholarships to high school students in the graduating class of 2023, and a few Chamber Affiliate scholarships to those affiliated with the Chamber and pursuing post-secondary education that will result in a degree or certificate.
The Chamber Foundation has now awarded over $156,000 to over 241 students since it began awarding scholarships in 2013. In 2020, the Foundation crossed the $100,000 mark of scholarship dollars awarded and is on the fast track to the $200,000 marker.
Before we move along to the names of spring recipients, remember that spring is just the first ‘round’ of scholarships for 2023. The Foundation still has the following deadlines:
June 16: Chamber Affiliate Scholarships (2 of 4 deadlines), and Renewing Scholarships
Sept. 15: Chamber Affiliate Scholarship for quarter three
Dec. 15: Chamber Affiliate Scholarship, final deadline for 2023
Additionally, the Grove City Chamber Foundation can currently be found on Saturday mornings at the Farmers’ Market selling SilverBridge Coffee in support of scholarship efforts. In-person sales have gotten off to a great start and it’s wonderful to see shoppers in person. This is also a great opportunity to ask questions about the Foundation and see how you or your business can become involved with the Foundation.
In the side box, check out the names of local students who were awarded scholarships this spring. We wish them well in their future educational endeavors!
Affiliate Scholarship Recipients:
Alaina Dawson, Melina Kopczewski, and Jasmine Sydnor.
High School Scholarship Recipients (Scholarship sponsors are named in parentheses)
Robert Biehl, Michael Boling (Credit Union of Ohio), Melva Bonilla, Ryan Boyce, Sienna Brunicardi (Reiner Memorial), Justin Combs, Lauren Davis, Annay Downing, Madison Gillon (Spellman Memorial), Shae Grimm, Zachary Iles, Christian Isaacs (WesBanco), Annitra Kang (Credit Union of Ohio), McKenzie Kennedy (Heart of the Foundation), Jillian Paskvan, Connor Rose, Katelyn Souslin (Ziegler Memorial), Charles Spence (FCBC), Mason Stewart, and Natalie Tolliver (WE:LEAD).
To support the Foundation Scholarships visit their website GCChamberFounation.org
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