2020 Program and Event Guide

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innovation. meeting. networking.


Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce

Program & Event Guide

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The Official Magazine of Grove City, Ohio



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A Special Thanks to our Wonderful Chamber Sponsors!


The Official Magazine of Grove City, Ohio


Grove City Chamber of Commerce + Franklin University Par tnership The Grove City Chamber of Commerce has partnered with Franklin University to provide the following educational benefits:

Tuition discounts on associate, bachelor’s and master’s degree and certificate programs.



Free textbooks

20% tuition discount on all programs up through the master’s level

Franklin University offers a variety of programs through the Ross College of Business, College of Arts, Sciences & Technology, College of Health & Public Administration and the International Institute for Innovative Instruction.

Grove City Chamber of Commerce employees and members can combine tuition discounts and free tuition deferment with their employee reimbursement.

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Questions? Contact: Mary Beth Bertrand, Senior Partnership Account Manager marybeth.bertrand@franklin.edu | 614.947.6716

4announced amazing winners at the Award Celebration and Annual Meeting

52 issues of Chamber Weekly Connection


of the 2019 Trail Blazer award for

Donated over

Arts in the Alley celebrated its


to the Grove City Food Pantry



Over brand new GCACC members

Farmers’ Market

40th anniversary

stuffed backpacks

Thousands of

in scholarships awarded by the GC Chamber Foundation

12 issues of Chamber Business Connection e-Magazine

collected for SWCSD students


500 attendees to the Taste of Grove City Business Expo 22 Reps 59 Businesses

2019 Year in Review GCACC Makes a Strong Impact in Our Community

4 issues

SWCL Class of 2019 created the of Grove City Living Community Business Newspaper Resource Day


website, logo & branding


Launched Composting program diverted

1,000 gallons of waste over

WE:LEAD Women’s Business Forum

GCACC Farmers’ Nancy Stoll, SBDC Market celebrated offered free hours of business its consulting anniversary

First leadership team of the GCAYP program donated over


Introduced the

Voice of 100 Grove City volunteer vocal competition at hours Arts in the Alley




partnerships for members with local universities.


Past Presidents


1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992

Tiney McComb Richard “Ike” Sage Charles Hirth Joe Hull Jon Shrum Ted Woltemath Les Bostic David Bright Kathy Fahy Edwards Ray Kidner Tom Shrum Greg Skinner Gary Sigrist Jim Schimmoller Bob Bowers

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Mary Lou Giovanelli Sherol Saxton Rennie Molino Gary Leasure Stan Smith Warren Gard Mike Wine Scott McComb Larry Titus Larry Knoll Gayle Sowers Tim Harris Jeani Leidecker Scott Molino Tina Badurina

2008 Jamie Wieging 2009 John Dunn 2010 Jeff Guminey 2011 Ron Seymour 2012 Darlene Murphy 2013 Allen Houk 2014 Robert Bright 2015 Greg Dawkins 2016 Caroline Shroyer 2017 Michael Yip 2018 Shirley Spellman 2019 Lisa Zeigler

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2020 CHAMBER BOARD OF DIRECTORS President President Elect Past President VP Finance VP at Large VP at Large Board Member Board Member Board member

Wayne Coakley Ed Fleming Lisa Zeigler Allen Hocker Peggy Mosher Trent Soles Dan Havener Heather Miller Kay Anderson

Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member

Shelley Davis Wayne Kintz Katie Antry Laura Haines Amy Ankerson Frank Herman

Chamber Foundation President Greg Dawkins

WELCOME TO THE BOARD Wayne Kintz Katie Antry Laura Haines

Amy Ankerson Frank Herman


Shirley Spellman Charlene McFarland Marc Fleming

G R O V E C I T Y C H A M B E R F O U N D AT I O N 2 0 2 0 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

Greg Dawkins Frank Herman Marjorie Brant Jeff Guminey

Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member

Chris Gourley Charlene McFarland Berk Tuggle Cindy Walker Tami Washington

Leaving Michele Wingard

Kim McCutchen INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT https://sites.touchstonecrystal.com/sites/kimmccutchen


GROVE CITY CHAMBER FOUNDATION The Grove City Chamber Foundation was established in 2012 by a group of volunteers from the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce. The passion of these individuals ignited the robust organization that stands today. The chamber foundation provides access and support to educational opportunities to chamber


members, their employees, families and affiliates.

To date the chamber foundation has awarded nearly $90,000 in scholarships to area students. To offer support to the Chamber Foundation visit www.gcchamberfoundation.org

The Grove City Chamber Foundation has four categories for scholarships. • Post-secondary. Students that are currently enrolled in a post-secondary program whose primary residence is within the South-Western City School District attendance area, or anyone who has previously received a scholarship from the Chamber foundation • High school seniors. Graduating high school seniors residing in the South-Western City School District attendance area. • Chamber Affiliate. Employees and Family of Chamber member businesses. • Urbana University Scholarship. The Grove City Area Chamber Foundation has a mission to focus for the future. Through this mission we strive to continue to provide scholarships for the grow and improve the community.

To learn more about our scholarships, applications and deadlines please visit gcchamberfoundation.org.



And the Nominees Are... Heartland Bank Heart of the Chamber: Wright Graphic Design Jolly Pirate Donuts

Ambassador of the Year Brandi Newland Tom Gilles

Spirit of the Chamber Karen Fahy The Soles Family: Trent, Michele, Blake

The Business of the Year The Farm Table on 62 The Garden Bar


The 2020 GCACC Annual Meeting and Awards Celebration nominees are in! Nomination categories include Heart of the Chamber, Spirit of the Chamber, Ambassador of the Year and the ever-coveted Business of the Year. Get a closer look at the 2020 Chamber Award nominees.

Tom Gilles, Nominated for Ambassador of the Year Q. How long have you (or your business) been a part of the Grove City area community? A. Gilles Smith Purdum Insurance Agency has been in the Grove City Area for over 50 years, now owned by the second generation of the Smith family! Q. What do you love about the Grove City community, the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce? A. The dynamic growth of the Grove City area along with the friendly and small town feel that still exists. The Chamber helps keep businesses and the community informed and involved in happenings around the area. Q. Why is it important to you to be active in the community and with GCACC? A. Small businesses are the life blood of a community like Grove City and being active allows us to help others succeed and gives us an opportunity to give back to the community.

WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT THE Q. How would you encourage others to become more 2020 ANNUAL MEETING AND AWARDS CELEBRATION involved in GCACC and the community? A. Simply paying attention to the events in the emails and BUSINESS MEMBERS. STAY TUNED! other publications and just get involved. There are plenty of events that would appeal to everyone, pick one, pick all. Just get involved and meet the wonderful people of the GCACC and its members. â—? 10

Brandi J. Newland nominated for Ambassador of the Year Q: How long have you (or your business) been a part of the Grove City area community? A: I married into a Grove City family so I have been living in Grove City for 10 years. We had a real estate business on Broadway for a few years & then moved over to Stringtown Road when we bought a RE/MAX franchise in 2014! Q: What do you love about the Grove City community, the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce? A: I became more involved over the last few years when I saw how much Grove City loved Grove City. I thought wow! I need to get on board & use my talents to help further their agenda’s. Q: Why is it important to you to be active in the community and with GCACC? A: I have a stake here now with raising my girls in Grove City. I want them to love their city & be proud of what their city has done for its people. My goal with becoming an Ambassador is to see what others think about GC & how I can make them love & appreciate GC more.

Q: How would you encourage others to become more involved in GCACC and the community? A: If you want to give back in some way but dont know how or where to start - start with the GCACC & look into becoming an Ambassador.

The Garden Bar, Nominated for Business of the Year Owner, Michele Robison Q. How long have you (or your business) been a part of the Grove City area community? A. I opened The Garden Bar 2 years ago (Jan 2018) I have lived in the Grove City area for 15 plus years Q. What do you love about the Grove City community, the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce? A. I love how Grove City and the Chamber of Commerce rally together to support a small, new, locally owned business and love how networking that is created amongst the business owners. Q. Why is it important to you to be active in the community and with GCACC? A. I feel that staying active in the community help build stronger relationships and trust amongst us. Q. How would you encourage others to become more involved in GCACC and the community?

A. I encourage others to become involve not only for the support group but also a way to give back to their community. It takes us all working together. One mans strength is another mans weakness. If we each do what we are good at and execute our talents, then we become a stronger community, we become a community with many recourses and talents to accomplish anything. There is strength in numbers. I definitely encourage not only business owners but each person in Grove City to become more involved. â—? 11

Karen Fahy, Nominated for Spirit of the Chamber Q. How long have you (or your business) been a part of the Grove City area community? A: I have lived in Grove City since 1998 and been involved in the community since 2000 and have worked for the City of Grove City for 15 years. I have volunteered at GCACC events for the past 19 years, and am also, active with my church, Our Lady of Perpetual Help as well as the Grove City Noon Lions Club. My work at city events and volunteer efforts with many civic and community organizations, both here and in the central Ohio area, have given me the opportunity to meet, work and play with so many wonderful people. Q. What do you love about the Grove City community, the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce? A: The generosity. Being active in the community, I see how individuals, civic groups and businesses come together for those in need. Whether we build a monument to honor the fallen or a ball park and playground for all abilities or help families in need - the soul of our community is abounding in kindness and open hearts.


Q. Why is it important to you to be active in the community and with GCACC? A: Grove City has so many dedicated people celebrating a unique culture at festivals, community events, sports games, historical activities or honoring those who’ve gone before us. I love volunteering to help in whatever way is needed across our community and especially enjoy photographing events. Capturing moments is an important way to tell our community story. To me, the click of a button helps us focus on where we are and where we have been. I’m proud to be a very small part of a much bigger picture! Q. How would you encourage others to become more involved in GCACC and the community? A: Ask! There are many people who are interested in helping but don’t know how they can. The smallest gestures can mean the most to someone. Focusing on the little things can show a person they can make a difference. Find ways to include and encourage people to share their talents. If we think about times we’ve needed help, we should act on that to develop and inspire others to share in the great things we do for the business community and individuals. ●

Chris Wright of Wright Graphic Design, Nominated for Heart of Chamber Q. How long have you (or your business) been a part of the Grove City area community? A: I worked with my father in Grove City at his print company, Z Print. He used to print the racing programs for Beulah Park. In 1997, I moved to Grove City and three years later in 2000 started my own graphic design and print company in Grove City. I’ve been in my current location since 2008. Q. What do you love about the Grove City community, the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce? A: I really enjoy meeting and working with the other small businesses, and community leaders and building relationships with those people. It feels good to be part of a group that is focused on improving our community.


Trent Soles, Nominated for Spirit of Chamber Q. How long have you (or your business) been a part of the Grove City area community? A:We have been connected with Grove City since 2009 when we joined First Baptist Church Grove City, where we helped start the Genesis contemporary worship service. In 2014, we decided to launch our company in the Pinnacle golf club community with HighPoint Living, a private social publication that builds bridges between neighbors with the support of local business partners. This year we expanded the company with a new program, BeLocal Grove City, that reaches all the new movers in Grove City and surrounding areas, to help them get acclimated with local businesses, events, adventure opportunities, and resources. Q. What do you love about the Grove City community, the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce? A: We love the authenticity of the people in the community and their desire to support one another. As members of the GCACC, we have had the opportunity to work alongside, and develop wonderful friendships, with other business members, who have a heart for Grove City and the people. It is such a blessing to be part of an organization that is making a positive impact in the lives of others. Q: Why is it important to you to be active in the community and with GCACC? A: We truly believe that it is not about what the Chamber can do for us, but rather, what we can do for the Chamber to build UNITY in the community. We believe that every member should have the mindset of a servant and focus on supporting one another. Q. How would you encourage others to become more involved in GCACC and the community? A: First of all, join as a member! Next, attend the Chamber 101 to learn about the various opportunities the chamber provides. After that, support new or existing business ribbon cuttings as often as possible and volunteer to serve the community through local GCACC sponsored events like the golf outing, Arts in the Alley, and The Farmers” Market to name a few. The more the community sees you, the more they will trust you. ●

Q. Why is it important to you to be active in the community and with GCACC? A: I believe that the success of a community is a group effort and I try to give back when I can. I volunteer my time during several of the larger community events like Arts in the Alley, Taste of Grove City and the Alumni Softball Tournament and I take pride in the fact that I’ve been able to help make those events run smoothly. Plus, it’s fun to network with others who also share the common goal of keeping Grove City a great place to live and work. Q. How would you encourage others to become more involved in GCACC and the community? A: Inviting others to attend the various community network groups like GCACC is crucial in meeting new people and getting them involved. We really have some great people who genuinely LOVE our city, and their passion is contagious, so it’s not hard to get others to participate.


Amy & Steve with Jolly Pirate Donuts, nominated for Heart of the Chamber Q. How long have you (or your business) been a part of the Grove City area community? A: Grove City Jolly Pirate Donuts [GCJP] opened in 1974 on the corner of Southwest Blvd and Broadway (US 62) and has borne witness to the growth of Grove City over the course of time. This location was owned by the founder of the donut chain until 2017 at which point it was sold to the current owners (after a brief closure): Amy Rinehart & Heather Jacob (sisters - maiden name Holland). GCJP is one of the few remaining shops opened 24 hours a day, seven day a week that continue the tradition of hand-rolled, hand-cut, hand-fried, and hand-decorated donuts and pastries. Q. What do you love about the Grove City community, the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce? A: Amy and Heather are third generation residents of the Grove City area – born and raised. The store is a family affair with their parents, children, aunt, and spouses all working together. The Grove City community is an extension of this family and while growing forward it still maintains those small-town feels that makes it unique. The local pizza shop knows your order by your voice… The local watering hole knows what to pour when you enter the door…. The local diner knows the night of the week you come for your avorite meal…. There are no strangers in Grove City, just family you have not meet.


Q. Why is it important to you to be active in the community and with GCACC? A: Just like the GCACC’s mission of creating a positive environment for businesses, GCJP believes that local businesses have a social responsibility to provide positive impacts to their communities. Since taking ownership in 2017, Amy & Heather pride themselves on supporting Grove City through Alumni Homecoming, SWCS First-Time Rider Program, Grove City Parks & Rec Baseball, GCKA 1st Annual Fall Classic Soccer Tournament, and all 32 PTAs within the SWCS district. GCJP has a standing collaboration with fellow local business owners of Grove City Brewing Company to pair their brewing talents with our donuts to make wonderful beers. We has been an active participant in the GCACC award winning Farmer Market for the past two years and continue to do so. The Grove City community is our family and each day we strive to improve it. Q. How would you encourage others to become more involved in GCACC and the community? A: Grove City has many organizations and events that create this amazing balance its growth forward with maintaining those small-town feels. GCACC is a fantastic organization that provides the support and resources for any local business to be successful. Grove City Area Convention and Visitor Bureau promotes our community as a place to meet, stay, work, and play. Heart of Grove City organizes events that bring everyone together to celebrate our beloved city. Every nonprofit needs coaches, tutors, and active members. Volunteer and pledge your time to a cause you want to support and inspire others to do so. Volunteerism is currency that appreciates. ●


The Farm Table, Nominated for Business of the Year Owners, Kevin and Christie Laffin Q. How long have you (or your business) been a part of the Grove City area community? A: We have had our business for 4 yrs. We began In a shop of 300 sq ft and recently expanded our Grove City shop to 2400 sq feet. We have built our business on a motto of WE Build a Bridge! Our goal is to be a source of help and hope to our customers, community and fellow store owners. Q. What do you love about the Grove City community, the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce? A: We joined GCACC to allow others to know about our business and all that we represent in the heart of Dresden. I also want to know what other services are provided by the businesses around us. GCACC is a family of businesses that are willing to show support and build a bridge to one another. Q. Why is it important to you to be active in the community and with GCACC? A: We love having a business in Grove City because there is continued support from the community and the organizations that provide services to make us successful. Q. How would you encourage others to become more involved in GCACC and the community? A: We continue to grow our business and look for local products and national products that provide unique and high quality finds that enhance and support the wonderful community we live in and support.



2019 Arts in the Alley Community Parade Winners ... People’s Choice Award “Crowd Pleaser” Credit Union of Ohio

Grove City Chamber of Commerce Award PA R A D E W I N N E R S

Best Parade Theme – “Giving Back” Grove City Church of the Nazarene

Grove City Girls’ Club Award

“Best Children’s Theme” Grove City United Methodist Church


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SWCL Meeting once per month for 9 months, this program challenges and develops participants’ leadership skills through dedicated programs that focus on community involvement, ethics and team-building, while providing participants with a greater knowledge of the history of our community. Students of the SWCL program will learn from other community leaders and their processes. This group applies the skills they have to a group project that will be shared in the community. Each class works to select a community service project and together they ensure the successful completion of the project. Southwest Community Leadership classes have raised funds for the dream field, gold star memorial, for technology at the Grove City library, and have done work projects for Grove City Baseball Fields, the playground at Urban Crest and many others. For more information about the SWCL program contact the chamber.

Young Professionals The Grove City Area Young Professionals are a group of young businessmen and businesswomen who are working to create a thriving community in and around the Grove City area through community service , networking and professional development opportunities. This group is focused on individuals ranging from 21 to 39 years old, that work or live in the Grove City area .


Members of this group are dedicated to improving themselves and the community around them. The GCAYP group heads up programs such as GCACC Composting program, The Pumpkin Smash, the community coat & mitten drive, and many other community outreach projects. We are proud of the work this new program is doing in the community and look forward to seeing more from this group.

WE:LEAD WE:LEAD – Women Empowered: Leading, Educating and Developing is an ongoing program of the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce. WE:LEAD offers professional and personal development opportunities designed to educate and empower women in business, advance women’s leadership, inspire conversation and connections and promote development and growth among business women in Grove City and throughout Central Ohio. The signature event for WE:LEAD each year is the ‘Women’s Business Forum’. Each spring women from all over Central Ohio come together for this half day event. The Event provides comprehensive networking and professional development topics focused on women in business. Dynamic keynote speakers and captivating breakout sessions bring even guests back year after year.

Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce WE:LEAD Women’s Business Forum Sponsorship Opportunities available. See details on page 26. 18

Farmers’ Market Every Saturday morning from 8 am to 12 pm starting in mid-May and running through mid-September the quaint and beautiful Grove City Town Center streets are lined with fresh, locally grown vegetables, jellies, local honey, sauces, baked goods, herbs, meats, cheeses, pastas – even gluten free! Coffee, teas, flowers, and so much more as shoppers and visitors fill the streets for the multiple awarded winning Grove City Chamber of Commerce Farmers’ Market. In addition to shopping in the Market and meeting up with friends, visitors can watch a cooking demonstration from a local chef! Each week our guest chef or cook is given $50 to ‘Shop the Market’ and prepare healthy, delicious and easy to prepare dishes that we can in turn make at home.

FA R M E R S ’ M A R K E T

Tasty samples and Q&A with our chef round out the morning. As the only Market in Central Ohio offering this feature, you will have the nutrition edge after visiting. Visitors will also have the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets during their visit to the GCACC Farmers’ Market, entering them in a drawing for a truly fantastic weekly prize; 100% of the proceeds go to the Chamber Foundation.

Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce Farmers’ Market 2020 Sponsorship Opportunities available. See details on page 25


Arts in the Alley Arts in the Alley is one of the signature events of the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce. The name is a reflection of the festival’s humble beginnings. 40 years ago, artists and crafters gathered for the first time in the alley behind the businesses on Broadway and Park Streets. Now, the event continues as one of Central Ohio’s largest and longest running cultural festivals. Arts in the Alley has grown over the years and has expanded far beyond early boundaries. With participating artists and vendors growing each year and nearly 35,000 visitors over its 2 day weekend, this hometown festival is a staple for Grove City residents, businesses, artists, and visitors from all over Ohio and beyond. In partnership with the Grove City Girls Club, the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce kicks off Arts in the Alley each year with a huge community parade. Thousands of spectators line the streets as businesses , fire trucks, floats, bands, horses, military, tumblers and dignitaries proudly pass and toss candy to spectators, young and old alike. ARTS IN THE ALLEY

In addition to artisan vendors, there are five juried art shows to enjoy; each showing their works and competing for 1st place, Best of Show, People’s Choice and the Helena McComb winner. Music and entertainment is also provided both Saturday and Sunday on the Heartland Stage–and of course there is also no shortage of food concessions≠–all provided by our local non-profit organizations and churches!

Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce Arts in the Alley & The Voice of Grove City September 19 & 20 | 2020 Sponsorship Opportunities available. See details on page 28.


Taste of Grove City & Business Expo Hundreds of visitors flock to the Career Academy at Central Crossing High School each spring for the annual Taste of Grove City and Business Expo. Restaurants from all over the Grove City area bring samples of their favorite dishes and patrons pile their plates high with everything from sushi to gourmet burgers, chicken cordon bleu, smoothies, pastas, desserts, and more! After all the tasting is finished, attendees vote for Grove City’s coveted “Best Restaurant” and “Best Pizza” awards. While they ‘taste’ Grove City, visitors stroll through dozens of businesses showcasing their products and services. The featured businesses come from a wide range of backgrounds representing Grove City’s diverse business community. Guests of the Taste of grove City and Business Expo can stop and chat with banks, jewelers, country clubs, Realtors and more and they can get interactive with chiropractors and Footgolf! Giveaways are plentiful during this event, as are coupons and other enticing handouts.


The Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce Taste of Grove City and Business Expo is a great opportunity to introduce your business to the community. Join us this year and get your business noticed by the public and other local businesses. The Grove City area Chamber of Commerce is honored to donate a portion of the proceeds each year from the taste of grove City and Business expo to the Grove City Food Pantry!

Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce Taste of Groe City & Business Expo Sponsorship Opportunities available. See details on page 24 21

Chamber Open Every Summer at a select Grove City country club, business leaders and other prominent members of the Grove City Community come together to compete in the Grove City Chamber of Commerce’ annual scramble format golf tournament – The Chamber Open. Competitors have the chance to earn the golden Chamber Open Trophy– A traveling trophy that follows the winning team for the entire year until the next tournament. After winning the tournament, the trophy resides with the winning players until the next tournament, when challengers can face the current winners and claim the trophy! In addition to the traveling trophy, there is also a hole-in-one challenge – where one lucky winner could take up 10,000 dollars for a hole in one. After a long day of fun in the sun, there is a large silent auction and raffle full of wonderful prizes and full meal awaiting every participant.


This event is the perfect opportunity to showcase your skill on the golf course– or at least show off your business. Take a customer or business associate out for a round of golf, give your best employee a well-deserved reward or just enjoy a day with friends. Participating in the Chamber Open is an effective way to network with business leaders and prominent members of the Grove City Business community, hope to see you there!

Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce Chamber Open Sponsorship Opportunities available. See details on page 27.


Foundation Fundraiser What happens in Grove City Stays in Grove City’ is the Chamber Foundation’s annual fundraising event. The event offers an evening of live entertainment, dancing, a silent auction, delicious dinner and more! Ticket holders have the opportunity to win up to **$10,000 in cash as well as an additional **$5,000 in cash and prizes all while benefiting the Grove City Chamber Foundation for education. The Foundation Fundraiser raises funds, awarded through scholarships, to local students seeking to further their eduction. Foundation scholarships can be used toward a college degree, technical training or certifications for career advancement. Today we are honored to have awarded nearly $90,000 to area students. Don’t miss this fun and worthwhile event; if you are interested in more information on the Foundation, the Fundraiser or how you can get involved please call the Chamber.


(** Prize values are determined by ticket sales)

Learn more about the Chamber Foundation at GCChamberFoundation.org Consider a donation of your time or financial contribution. Sponsorship Opportunities available. See details on page 31.


Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce A Taste of Grove City & Business Expo March 11 - South-Western Career Academy 2020 Sponsorship Opportunities $1,000 - Platinum Level (limit 2) Taste Sponsor OR Business Expo Sponsor - 1 Prominent Table at Main Room Entrance at “Business” side for Business Sponsor - 1 Prominent Table at Main Room Entrance at “Taste” side for Taste Sponsor - 1 Listing on Web Site - 1 Listing on Passport - 1 Listing on Expo Map - Listed in all Press Releases, Social Media, Marketing Pieces from Mid January through 1 week following event - ½ Page ad in Chamber Business Connection (E-Magazine) in February or March - 2 shared scroll ads of both Platinum Sponsors on Website in March - 2 sponsor recognitions in Chamber Weekly Connection - Post event recognition in Weekly Business Connection - Business identified as sponsor at table location

$500 - Gold Level -

1 prominent table located inside the Taste Room Listing on Website Listing on Expo Map Listing in 5 Social Media posts 1 sponsor recognition in Chamber Weekly Connection Listing in Select Marketing Pieces

$250 - Silver Level -

1 Table located inside the taste room Listing on Web Site Listing on Expo Map Listing in 2 Social Media posts

Please fill out and return to The Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce, 4069 Broadway, Grove City, OH 43123 or fax to 614-875-1510 or e-mail to marilyn@gcchamber.org

Business Sponsor Contact Name

Contact Phone

Sponsorship Level(s) Selected Signature 24

Sponsorship Amount $ Date

Thank you for sponsoring A Taste of Grove City & Business Expo!!!

Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce Farmers’ Market (May 16 - September 5) 2020 Sponsorship Opportunities $3,500 - Cream of the Crop Sponsor -

Prominent ad on 4 Market advertising boards for 17 weeks Prominent logo on Farmers’ Market Aprons worn by Chamber associates Prominent logo on banner at Pavilion during cooking demonstrations Dispense your company literature at the Market 2 times as scheduled (1 exclusive and 1 non-exclusive) Listing on Website 3 - ½ Page Ads in Chamber Business Connection E-Magazine 3 Scroll Ads on Website - Non-consecutive weeks 3 sponsor recognitions in Chamber Weekly Connection Listing in all Press Releases and/or articles, Social Media, marketing pieces and flyers

$1,500 - Farm Fresh Sponsor -

Ad on 4 Market advertising boards for 17 weeks Logo on Farmers’ Market Aprons worn by Chamber associates Logo on banners at Pavilion during cooking demonstrations Dispense your company literature at 3 non-exclusive Markets as scheduled 1 - ½ Page Ad in Chamber Business Connection E-Magazine 1 Scroll Ad on Website 2 sponsor recognitions in Chamber Weekly Connection Listing on Website Listing on Social Media and select marketing pieces

$500 - Sunrise Sponsor

$2,500 - Farm to Table Sponsor

- Logo on 4 Market advertising boards for 17 weeks


- 1 sponsor recognition in Chamber Weekly Connection

Ad on 4 Market advertising boards for 17 weeks Logo on Farmers’ Market Aprons worn by Chamber associates Logo on banner at Pavilion during cooking demonstrations Dispense your company literature at the Market as scheduled -1 exclusive 2 -½ Page Ads in Chamber Business Connection E-Magazine 2 Scroll Ads on Website - Non-consecutive 2 sponsor recognitions in Chamber Weekly Connection Listing on Website Listing in all Press Releases and/or articles, Social Media, marketing pieces and flyers

- Logo on Farmers’ Market Aprons worn by Chamber associates - Dispense your company literature at 2 non-exclusive Markets as scheduled - Listing on Website and in select marketing pieces

$60 - Farm to Table Supporter - Name on advertisement banners at Pavilion during cooking demonstrations - Listing on Website and in select marketing pieces - Static-Cling decal for door or window identifying Business as Farm to Table Supporter

Please fill out and return to The Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce, 4069 Broadway, Grove City, OH 43123 or fax to 614-875-1510 or e-mail to marilyn@gcchamber.org

Business Sponsor Contact Name Sponsorship Level(s) Selected Signature

Contact Phone Sponsorship Amount $ Date

Thank you for sponsoring the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce Farmers’ Market!!!


Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce WE:LEAD Annual Women’s Business Forum May 6 - Aladdin Shrine Center 2020 Sponsorship Opportunities $1,500 - Presenting Sponsor -

$500 - Platinum Level Sponsor

Prominent logo on event agenda Prominent logo on Table Tents Prominent logo on event page on Chamber website Listing in all event Press Releases and/or articles, Marketing Pieces, Flyers, E-mail blasts and Social Media Opportunity to welcome attendees during lunch presentation Recognition from the podium during lunch program and breakout sessions Opportunity to share materials at sponsor table ½ Page ad in May Chamber Business Connection E-Magazine 2 Scroll Ads on Website 2 Sponsor Recognitions in Chamber Weekly Connection 4 Tickets to Forum

- Logo on event agenda - Logo on Table Tents - Logo on event communications including e-blasts, select advertisements and social media announcements - Logo on event page on Chamber website - Opportunity to share materials at sponsor table - ¼ Page ad in May Chamber Business Connection E-Magazine - 1 Sponsor Recognitions in Chamber Weekly Connection - 2 tickets to Forum

$200 - (Breakout Session) Gold Sponsors -

Logo on event agenda Logo on select event communications Logo on event page on Chamber website Opportunity to share materials at sponsor table Announce Business as Sponsor at session sponsored Introduce Presenter of session sponsored Logo/Brand Listing in May Chamber Business Connection E-Magazine

Please fill out and return to The Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce, 4069 Broadway, Grove City, OH 43123 or fax to 614-875-1510 or e-mail to marilyn@gcchamber.org

Business Sponsor Contact Name

Contact Phone

Sponsorship Level(s) Selected

Sponsorship Amount $

Signature Wo m e n 26

Date Empowered






Chamber Open

Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce Chamber Open Golf Outing July 13 - Hickory Hills Golf Club 2020 Sponsorship Opportunities $2,500 - Ace Sponsor - Foursome - Banner at Registration and dinner - Hole Sponsor Sign at #1 and #10 - Name and Logo on Table Tents at /Dinner - ½ Page Ad in Chamber Business Connection E-Magazine - 2 Scroll Ads on Chamber Website

$1,000 - Eagle Sponsor

- 2 Golfers - Hole Sponsor Benefits: Name on Hole Sign, Ability to Host Hole and distribute company information, Listing on Website - Name and Logo on Table Tents at /Dinner - Âź Page Ad in Chamber Business Connection E-Magazine - 1 Sponsor Recognition in Chamber Weekly Connection - Announcement at Dinner

$500 - Birdie Sponsor

- Listed on the website as the event sponsor


- Included in all Social Media advertising as event sponsor

$125 - Hole Sponsor

- 2 Sponsor Recognitions in Chamber Weekly Connection - Special Announcement at Dinner

- Company Name and Logo on Every Cart

Hole in one Sponsor, (Name on Money Hole sign) Logo on Table Tent at Dinner 1 Sponsor Recognition in Chamber Weekly Connection Announcement at dinner Listed on the website

- Name on Hole Sign - Ability to Host Hole and distribute company information - Listing on Website

Please fill out and return to The Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce, 4069 Broadway, Grove City, OH 43123 or fax to 614-875-1510 or e-mail to marilyn@gcchamber.org

Business Sponsor Contact Name Sponsorship Level(s) Selected Signature

Contact Phone Sponsorship Amount $ Date

Thank you for sponsoring the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce 2020 Chamber Open!!!


Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce Arts in the Alley & The Voice of Grove City September 19 & 20 2020 Sponsorship Opportunities We are excited to announce that The Voice of Grove City will be returning in 2020. To provide everyone with the opportunity to support this program, Sponsorship levels and benefits have been modified so that you can ALSO receive the additional benefits associated with the promo, advertising and support of the Voice of Grove City competition. If you do not choose to be included in the Voice of Grove City promotions and recognition you will receive only the benefits of the Arts in the Alley Sponsorship.

$8,000 - Platinum Plus Level Sponsor - 1 for Entertainment - 1 Large Banner at Heartland Stage - Listing in all Press Releases and/or articles, Social Media Marketing Postings & Flyers - All Benefits of the Platinum Level Sponsor

$5,500 Platinum Level Sponsors - 1 for Kids’ Fun Street & 1 for Parade - 1 Large Banner at Kids’ Fun Street for Kids’ Fun Street Sponsor - 1 Large Banner in Parade for Parade Sponsor - Listing in select articles, Social Media Marketing Postings & Flyers

$1,000 Voice of Grove City Add-On Sponsorship for Platinum Plus or Platinum Level - Listing on Voice of Grove City Banner at Heartland Stage - Full color page ad in Chamber Business Connection - Business Listed as Sponsor of 8 Social Media Posts re: The Voice - 5 Shared Scroll Ads on Website - 5 Sponsor Recongitions in Chamber Weekly Connection


Benefits for all Platinum Plus and Platinum Level Sponsors Include: - 1 Banner at the Information Booth - All Platinum and Platinum Plus Level Sponsors will be listed on a hanging banner at the Heartland Stage and Center of Festival Area - Dispense your company literature from the Chamber Information Booth - Prominent ad on Advertising Boards placed throughout the festival area - Full page color ad in Program - Hourly announcement of sponsors during event - Listing in Grove City Living, Chamber Business Connection and on Website - Arts in the Alley Community Parade Entry

$2,500 Gold Level Sponsor 1 for Demo Tent -

Full Page ad in Program Signage at Community Mural and Demo Tents Placement of logo on back cover of Program Hourly announcement of sponsors during event Ad on Advertising Boards placed throughout the festival Listing in Grove City Living and on Website Arts in the Alley Community Parade Entry

$750 Voice of Grove City Add-On Sponsorship for Gold Level


Full Page color ad in Program Listing on Voice of Grove City Banner at Heartland Stage Full color page ad in Chamber Business Connection Business listed as Sponsor of 6 Social Media Posts re: the Voice - 3 Shared Scroll Ads on Website - 3 Sponsor Recongitions in Chamber Weekly Connection

$1,500 Silver Level Sponsors 1 for Fine Art Show, 1 for Photography Show, 1 for Craft Show, 1 for Quilt Show, 1 for Youth Art Show - Exclusive Sponsorship Name and Logo on all flyers and applications for show sponsored - ½ Page ad in Program - Placement of logo on back cover of Program - Hourly announcement of sponsors during event - Ad on Advertising Boards placed throughout the festival - Listing in Grove City Living and on Website - Announcement of sponsors during event - Present Award to winners of show sponsored on the Heartland Stage - Arts in the Alley Community Parade Entry


$500 Bronze Level Sponsor -

¼ Page ad in Program Placement of logo on back cover of Program Ad on Advertising Boards placed throughout the festival Listing in Grove City Living and on Website Announcement of sponsors during event

$150 Voice of Grove City Add-On Sponsorship for Bronze Level


½ Page color ad in Program Listing on Voice of Grove City Banner at Heartland Stage ¼ Page color ad in Chamber Business Connection Business listed as Sponsor of 2 Social Media Posts re: the Voice - 1 Shared Scroll Ad on Website - 1 Sponsor Recongition in Chamber Weekly Connection

$250 Copper Level Sponsor - 1/8 Page ad in Program - Listing on Website - Announcements of Sponsors during event

$50 Voice of Grove City Add-On Sponsorship for Copper Level

- ¼ Page color ad in Program - Sponsor 1 Social Media Post re: the Voice

$500 Voice of Grove City Add-On Sponsorship for Silver Level

Full Page color ad in Program Listing on Voice of Grove City Banner at Heartland Stage 1/2 Page color ad in Chamber Business Connection Business listed as Sponsor of 6 Social Media Posts re: the Voice - 3 Shared Scroll Ads on Website - 3 Sponsor Recongitions in Chamber Weekly Connection Please fill out and return to The Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce, 4069 Broadway, Grove City, OH 43123 or fax to 614-875-1510 or e-mail to marilyn@gcchamber.org

Business Sponsor Contact Name

Contact Phone

Sponsorship Level(s) Selected Voice Sponsorship Add-On Signature

Sponsorship Amount $ Total Sponsorship Amount $ Date

Thank you for sponsoring Arts in the Alley and The Voice of Grove City!!! 29

Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce The Voice of Grove City Preliminary Sponsorships 2020 Sponsorship Opportunities $5,500 - Contestant Audition & Preview Portal Sponsor*

$2500 - Preliminary Showcase Sponsor* Friday, September 18th, 2020 only

- Ad/Recognition on Voice of Grove City Registration Website

- Website - Social Media - Radio Announcements regarding Preliminary Audition Showcase

- Recognition on Website, Social Media, Radio Announcements regarding Registration

- Preliminary Audition Stage Banner

- VIP Meet and Greet with Contestants and Judges

- VIP Meet and Greet Contestants and Judges

- Ten (10) reserved seats for the Preliminary Audition Showcase

- Ten (10) reserved seating for Preliminary Audition Showcase

*Sponsorship Benefits apply to activities prior to Arts in the Alley Please fill out and return to The Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce, 4069 Broadway, Grove City, OH 43123 or fax to 614-875-1510 or e-mail to marilyn@gcchamber.org

Business Sponsor Contact Name

Contact Phone

Sponsorship Level(s) Selected Signature

Sponsorship Amount $ Date

Thank you for sponsoring The Voice of Grove City!!! 30

“Giving Strength to Tomorrow’s Business Leaders Through Education” The Grove City Chamber Foundation, a 501c3 organization is proud to present our 2020 Sponsorship menu. Businesses and individuals are invited to sponsor our 2020 fundraiser. Your support is appreciated.

$5,000 - Platinum Level Sponsor -

2 - $1,000 Scholarships in your name! 6 Tickets to the annual fund raiser Prominent ad on Advertising Boards placed at the event Listing in Grove City Living, on Chamber and Foundation Websites, Chamber E-magazine, Social Media - Listing in all marketing pieces

$500 - Bronze Level Sponsor

- 1 Ticket to the annual fundraiser - Listing in Grove City Living and on Chamber and Foundation Websites

$250 - Copper Level Sponsor

$2,500 - Gold Level Sponsor

- Listing in Grove City Living and on Chamber and Foundation Websites


$75 - Friend of the Foundation Sponsor

1- $1000 Scholarship in your name! 4 Tickets to the annual fund raiser Ad on Advertising Boards placed at the event Listing in Grove City Living, on Chamber and Foundation Websites, Chamber E-magazine, Social Media - Listed in select marketing pieces

$1,000 - Silver Level Sponsor - 2 Tickets to the annual fundraiser - Ad on Advertising Boards placed throughout the event - Listing in Grove City Living, on Chamber and Foundation Websites and Chamber E-Magazine

- Listing on the Foundation website

The 2020 Foundation Fundraiser will be held on April 10th at the Aladdin Shrine Center. More information on the 2020 Foundation Fundraiser can be found online at www.gcchamberfoundation.org

In 2020, please consider investing in your community’s future!!

Business Sponsor Contact Name

Contact Phone

2020 Sponsorship Level Signature

Date Thank you for sponsoring The Grove City Chamber Foundation!!! 31


To place an ad, contact the chamber office at marketing@gcchamber.org




Chamber Staff


Shawn Conrad | Executive Director


Marilyn Reiner | Events Manager


Heather Brokaw | Administrative Assistant


KatBro Ltd. | Marketing & Communications






Powerful, caring and game-changing partnerships resulting in teamwork, mutual support and success.







Grove City is home to some of the most innovative businesses and nonprofits in the nation, all eager to collaborate with and support the community. It is these powerful “win-win” partnerships that result in unmatched relationships, enhanced quality of life and corporatecommunity engagement. Grove City is large enough to execute big and small enough to be personal — where we all achieve more, TOGETHER.



Richard L.”Ike” Stage Grove City Mayor 614-277-3000 GroveCityOhio.gov @GroveCityOhio

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