Grove City Christian Subject Consenus Map Biblical Studies, K-‐12 Draft 2011/12
Grove City Christian School Mission Statement “It The mission of Grove City Christian School to cultivate quality Christian leaders in a distinctively Christian atmosphere while providing a solid spiritual and academic foundation.”
Grove City Christian School K-‐12 Subject Consensus Map Biblical Studies
Vision Statement:
Biblical Studies
It is the mission of the Grove City Christian School Department of Biblical Studies to cultivate proactive followers of Jesus by teaching sound biblical principles, modeling an authentic faith walk and inspiring our students to advance God’s Kingdom in the world.
Philosophy and Guiding Biblical Principles:
The Grove City Christian Department of Biblical Studies exists to inspire our students to a mature faith walk by engaging their minds, awakening their hearts and shaping their lives with the message of the Gospel. Students will be challenged through a curriculum that focuses on intensive biblical study, open discourse, and times of personal reflection and meditation, giving them the opportunity to both appreciate and experience God’s grace and holiness. Utilizing a variety of teaching methods, integrating relevant technology, giving students opportunities to use their unique gifts, and relying on the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we seek to cultivate proactive followers of Jesus who will take personal responsibility for their continued spiritual development as they carry out the mission of advancing God’s Kingdom in the world.
K-‐4th Grade under development Big Ideas: 5th / 6th Information 7th/8th Connection 9th/10th Formation 11th/12th Transformation
Fifth Grade Standards: What a GCCS Student will know and be able to do in Biblical Studies by close of Grade Five 1. Memorize scripture (Hebrews 11) 2. Read passages and connect them to God’s story/work (ie. Sermon on the Mount, Beatitudes, Jesus’ miracles and teachings) 3. Make connections from lessons learned to personal lives 4. Reflect and respond to the gift offered of salvation to each individually 5. Grow in personal disciplines 6. Identify the four Gospels, their authors and order written
Topic Statements: YEARLY THEME: The return from exile into Jesus’ ministry Common Experiences: Prayer, scripture reading, journaling, meditation, service
Common Assessment: currently under development Technology Integration Ideas: currently under development
Sixth Grade Bible Standards: What a GCCS Student will know and be able to do in Biblical Studies by close of Grade Six 1. Memorize scripture (James 1) and creeds (Apostle’s) 2. Read and explain passages then connect them to God’s story (Jesus’ crucifixion, death, resurrection, ascension, Early church, Paul’s missionary journeys) 3. Apply learned principles and faith values to their own personal walk 4. Grow in personal spiritual disciplines 5. Identify Christ as fulfillment of God’s promise, coming/receiving of the Holy Spirit, start of Early Church, and work of Paul in his missionary journeys.
Topic Statements: YEARLY THEME: Jesus’ ministry to Paul’s 3rd journey This will tie in the ministry of Paul to each city he journeyed to with the letters written from each city.
Common Experiences: Prayer, scripture readings, journaling, meditation, and service
Common Assessment: currently under development Technology Integration Ideas: currently under development Seventh Standards: What a GCCS Student will know and be able to do in Biblical Studies by close of Grade Seven 1. Explain how each king’s choices affected the kingdom (nation.) 2. Apply the principles of obedience, humility, honoring God, commitment to the covenant, etc.. in their own lives. 3. Demonstrate understanding of covenant requirements. 4. Understand the reasons why each kingdom fell and explain what each kingdom needed to do differently in order to remain faithful to the covenant. 5. Explain the role of the prophets during the David kingdom and demonstrate knowledge of their individual messages and audiences.
Topic Statements: YEARLY THEME: Covenants and Kingdoms The divided Kingdom to the 400 silent years 1. God’s covenant with His people in the Divided Kingdom 2. Obedience to the covenant and its rewards/benefits 3. Disobedience and its consequences 4. God’s voice to the Kings and the nations: the Prophets
Common Experiences:
Journaling, Kings and prophets project, writing assignments
Common Assessment: currently under development Technology Integration Ideas: currently under development
Eighth Grade Bible Standards: What a GCCS Student will know and be able to do in Biblical Studies by close of Grade Eight 1. Explain and demonstrate knowledge of the importance of covenant and our role as participants in the new covenant. 2. Examine principles of new covenant living through various teachings of Christ (sermon on the Mount, Parables, etc..) 3. Explain the importance of Christ’s actions and how Christians should live using His example 4. Reflect on the various actions, teachings, and experiences of Christ
Topic Statements: YEARLY THEME: Covenant and the Kingdom The Life of Christ and His Kingdom 1. The New Covenant and the Kingdom of God 2. The Kingdom through Actions of Christ and its meaning in our lives 3. Kingdom Teachings of Christ and their meaning in our lives 4. Christians: Taking our place in the Kingdom of God
Common Experiences: Writing assignments, journal, projects
Common Assessment: currently under development Technology Integration Ideas: currently under development Bible Doctrine and Discipline Standards: What a GCCS Student will know and be able to do in 9th Grade, Doctrine and Theology: CCSS Reading 1-‐6, 8 CCSS Writing 1,2 10 1. Discuss the metanarrative of scripture and defend its reliability 2. Define and explain key theological and doctrinal concepts that are fundamental to Christianity 3. Read key passages of scripture and develop personal doctrinal statements on key theological topics 4. Clearly communicate where they stand on personal faith journey
Topic Statements: YEARLY THEME:
Doctrine and Theology • Introduction of Theology and Evidence of biblical accuracy • Doctrine of God, Doctrine of Creation, Doctrine of Providence and Doctrine of the Trinity • Doctrine of Humanity, Doctrine of Sin & Hell • Doctrine of the Covenants, Doctrine of the 2 natures of Christ, Doctrine of the Atonement • Doctrine of the Resurrection, Doctrine of the Holy Spirit • Order of Salvation (pre-‐venient Grace, repentance, saving faith, justification, regeneration, sanctification)
Topic Statements: YEARLY THEME:
Spiritual Formation: Growing in Christlikeness • Introduction to Spiritual Formations and disciplines • Prayer, Meditation, Study (Lectio Divina) • Fasting, Simplicity, Confession • Solitude, Service
CCSS Reading 2, 6-‐8 CCSS Writing 1,2,4,7,9-‐10 1. Explain key concepts and gain broad understanding of the distinct beliefs of multiple, major, world religions
2. Discuss the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for Christianity in an ever-‐increasing post-‐modern world 3. Navigate difficult discussion, in a healthy way, replacing argument with tolerant disagreement and open discourse.
Common Experiences: currently under development Common Assessment: currently under development Technology Integration Idea: currently under development YEARLY THEME: Life in Christ
Fall Semester: The metanarrative (Big Story) of the Bible – Creation, Fall, Redemption, Kingdom… highlighting the large redemptive characters and stories of the Old and New Testaments. Spring Semester: In-‐depth look at the New Testament letters to Christians. How are we to live in the power of what Christ has done for us and is doing in us?
Common Experiences: currently under development Common Assessment: currently under development Technology Integration Idea: currently under development God Meets Girl Standards: What a GCCS Student will know and be able to do in God Meets Girl currently under development Topic Statements: Your Relationship With Christ Who you are in Christ Your Relationship with others (dating in particular)
Common Experiences: currently under development Common Assessment: currently under development Technology Integration Idea: currently under development Men of Courage Standards: What a GCCS Student will know and be able to do in Men of Courage: 1. Compare and contrast the Biblical definition of men to the image of American man 2. Inculcate principles of manhood into their lives and understand the importance of giving it out: Responsibility, maturity, morality, habits 3. Develop skills in listening, prayer for, and holding brothers in Christ accountable 4. Explain the God-‐Given purpose of sex and why pornography and pre-‐marital sex is inherently dangerous 5. Share with younger males their journey in life in a public presentation and discussion. 6. Understand and develop goals toward becoming an eventual godly husband and father.
Topic Statements:
What is a Man? The character of a Godly Man
Paul and Timothy-‐ Becoming a godly leader
Common Experiences: currently under development Common Assessment: currently under development Technology Integration Idea: currently under development Bible, Encountering God Standards: What a GCCS Student will know and be able to do in 10th Grade, Encouraging God 1. Appreciate, develop and implement a personal, devotional plan 2. Recognize and express the features of a “God-‐Encounter” as seen in the Bible as well as the principles and commands incumbent upon us as his children in seeking Him 3. Be able to expound upon the manifold aspects of the great gift of prayer God has given us. 4. Develop work skills, along with fellow students, to produce a full color magazine featuring God encounters at GCCS 5. Formulate a devotion, activity and discussion question to lead a small group bible study with peers as well as public presentation of scripture and message.
Standards: What a GCCS Student will know and be able to do in Life in Christ Topic Statements: 1. Develop habit of personal study, prayer, journaling with God 2. Explain the metanarrative of scripture, applying the large framework of scripture to the lives and stories of the Old and New Testaments 3. Understand and analyze and distill principles from Bible passages in a variety of genres 4. Intelligently apply these principles, both personally and to our modern culture 5. Discover how God has continued to work through men and women in history and including our modern times 6. Research, analyze and present creatively, using technology, how the Bible addresses the struggles, issues, and questions students go through in daily living. 7. Understand the background and setting of each of Paul’s letters to the churches, the underlying issues addressed, the doctrinal and practical teaching and application, and the major themes 8. Appreciate and discuss the value of small group Bible Study 9. Evaluate and explain from the entire New Testament. The importance of the Church within God’s Kingdom
Sharing Your Faith Standards: What a GCCS Student will know and be able to do in Sharing Your Faith
1. Explain their personal testimony 2. Understand how faith is built and how to continue to grow in faith 3. Research questions and objections to Christian faith using Internet resources in order to effectively answer. 4. Build a basic framework of Christian apologetics, Biblical reliability, archeology, science, faith, philosophy, and evidence for resurrection. 5. Understand why we are biblically mandated to share our faith 6. Identify the current conditions of our world relating to evangelism: The 10140 window, reached and unreached people groups, barriers to evangelism. 7. Lead someone to Christ using the “Share Jesus” questions and scriptures 8. Experience free-‐hand planning and conducting an outreach into the city of Columbus
Topic Statements:
Building Your Faith Answering Questions and Objections to Your Faith Sharing Your Faith
Common Experiences: currently under development Common Assessment: currently under development Technology Integration Idea: currently under development It’s Greek to Me Standards: What a GCCS Student will know and be able to do in It’s Greek to Me
1. Write the Hebrew and Greek alphabet 2. Pronounce words in basic sentences from the Bible 3. Identify major words and phrases in both languages 4. Connect the cultural and historical background to selected Bible stories 5. Research, analyze and present orally, visually the culture of Greek city to which Paul travelled and how it relates to the issues Paul addressed in his letter 6. Understand and utilize the four modern methods to interpret Revelation and be able to assess and explain which method they prefer 7. Demonstrate creatively the main points and characters of Christian history and how they interacted with their culture 8. Determine the driving forces of Greek philosophy and how they have impacted the church, then effectively challenge its non-‐biblical assumptions
Topic Statements: Bible Language & Culture Basics Church History The Book of Revelation Personal Bible discovery
Common Experiences: currently under development Common Assessment: currently under development Technology Integration Idea: currently under development Viewpoints Standards: What a GCCS Student will know and be able to do in Viewpoints currently under development Topic Statements: Comparison of religious studies • Hinduism • Buddhism • Judaism • Islam • Postmodernity and it’s impact on Christianity today • Debate and discussion on controversial topics (abortion, capital punishment, homosexuality, etc…)
Common Experiences: currently under development Common Assessment: currently under development
Technology Integration Idea: currently under development Communicating with God Standards: What a GCCS Student will know and be able to do in Communicating with God CCSS Reading 2,6-‐8 CCSS Writing 1,2,4,9-‐10 1. Creatively develop outlets for dynamic, personal communication with God 2. Clearly, consistently and continually maintain a posture and attitude of prayer 3. Express the wonder and mystery of the magnitude and personal nature of God
Topic Statements: Discovering who God is and how He wants to communicate with us
Common Experiences: currently under development Common Assessment: currently under development Technology Integration Idea: currently under development Senior Seminar Standards: What a GCCS Student will know and be able to do in Senior Seminar CCSS Reading: 2, 6-‐8 CCSS Writing: 1, 2, 4, 9-‐10 1. Take personal ownership in their individual spiritual journey 2. Connect their personal faith walk with the walk God is doing in their world 3. Combine their gifts, passions and personalities to identify the way God is calling them to change their world 4. Leave the school and transform their world.
Topic Statements: Book study over “The Christian Atheist” by Craig Groeschel Book study over “The Next Christians” by Gabe Lyons Independent book study/project from suggested reading list
Common Experiences: currently under development Common Assessment: currently under development Technology Integration Idea: currently under development Mapping Goals 2012/13 Assessments-‐-‐-‐ Think through assessments—how will you know they have mastered standards? What types of formative assessments will you use throughout? What types of summative assessments will you use? Finish topic statements where necessary
Write standards – “students will be able to insert verb ….” For each grade/course Write common experiences for each grade level and course Write technology integration ideas for each grade level and course Update 8/16/12