Grove City Christian School Subject Consensus Map: K-‐12 Art Draft 2011/2012
Grove City Christian School Mission Statement “It The mission of Grove City Christian School to cultivate quality Christian leaders in a distinctively Christian atmosphere while providing a solid spiritual and academic foundation.”
Grove City Christian School K-‐12 Subject Consensus Map Visual Arts
The Grove City Christian Fine Arts Department seeks to teach, model, and encourage our students in the Fine Arts to study, use and explore their God given talents and abilities. Students are encouraged to develop a lifelong love of music and art through participation in both study and performance.
Philosophy and Guiding Biblical Principles: We believe students should be exposed to a variety of artistic forms, evaluated through the Word of God. We believe that our role is to prepare our students to develop and use those talents to the best of their ability so they may reach out into their church, community and school sharing their gifts and the message of God’s love to all. “Each one should use whatever gift he has received, to serve others faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” I Peter 4:10
Kindergarten-‐ 5th Grade Visual Art:
The students are expected to follow the previous achievement standards, demonstrating higher levels of skills, dealing with more complex examples, and responding to works of art in increasingly more sophisticated ways.
Standards: What a GCCS Student will know and be able to do in K-‐5th Grade Visual Arts: 1. Content Standard: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes Achievement Standard: • • • •
Know the differences between materials, techniques, and processes Describe how different materials, techniques, and processes cause different responses Use different media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories Use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner
2. Content Standard: Using knowledge of structures and functions Achievement Standard: • • •
Know the differences among visual characteristics and purposes of art in order to convey ideas Describe how different expressive features and organizational principles cause different responses Use visual structures and functions of art to communicate ideas
3. Content Standard: Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas Achievement Standard: • •
Explore and understand prospective content for works of art Select and use subject matter, symbols, and ideas to communicate meaning
4. Content Standard: Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures Achievement Standard: • • •
Know that the visual arts have both a history and specific relationships to various cultures Identify specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places Demonstrate how history, culture, and the visual arts can influence each other in making and studying works of art
5. Content Standard: Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others
Achievement Standard: • • •
Understand there are various purposes for creating works of visual art Describe how people’s experiences influence the development of specific artworks Understand there are different responses to specific artworks
6. Content Standard: Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines Achievement Standard: • •
Understand and use similarities and differences between characteristics of the visual arts and other arts disciplines Identify connections between the visual arts and other disciplines in the curriculum
Topic Statements for Visual Arts By close of Kindergarten: Topics -‐ Color, Color wheel, elements of art, painting, drawing, gluing, cutting, stenciling, collage, decoupage, the art museum, clay, musical art, finger painting, drawing animals, self-‐portraits, art careers, sculpture, different cultures, art show, imagination. Media -‐ Water Color, Oil Pastels, pencils, erasers, multi-‐colored paper, glue, glue sticks, chalk pastels, tissue paper, markers, clay, glaze, finger paint, chalk, printing sponges, Multi –Media. Cultural and Historical Context -‐ Collage, Pablo Picasso, Visit to the Art Museum video, art careers, art forms from different cultures game.
Kindergarten Common Experiences: Art show, color wheel, primary colors, wet paper chalk, collage, decoupage, clay tiles, imaginary art museum field trip, musical art, finger painting, wild animal oil pastel, printmaking, self portrait, art careers, art forms from different cultures game, imaginary creature group project, paper sculpture butterflies.
Kindergarten Common Assessments: Rubrics Participation Grade
K-‐5 Biblical Integration: GCCS Art department gives special attention to integrating Biblical truths throughout all creative experiences. God shares His love for beauty and detail through His creation. Mankind possesses God-‐given creativity. Mankind, abounding with expression, leaves behind a legacy with each passing generation. Prayer-‐1Cor. 7:5 Do your best for God-‐ Col. 3:17 Use your time wisely-‐Eph. 5:16 God looks on the heart and not the appearance -‐1 Sam. 16:7 Godly conversation-‐Col. 4:6 God’s creation-‐ Ps. 19:1 We are wondrously made –Ps. 139:14 The Art we create about and do should be pleasing to God – Phil. 4:8 Consider others better than yourself –Phil. 2:3-‐4
K-‐5 Technology Integration: Power Point, Internet, Movies
First Grade
Topic Statements for Visual Arts By close of First Grade:
Topics -‐ Color, Color wheel, elements of art, painting, drawing, gluing, cutting, stenciling, collage, clay, sculpture, art show, weaving, crayon-‐resist, glazing, animals, critique, days of creation, winter trees, African village, the purposes of artwork, secondary colors, handprint flowers, visual symbols of the U.S. Media -‐ Water Color, Oil Pastels, pencils, erasers, multi-‐colored paper, glue, glue sticks, chalk pastels, tissue paper, clay, glaze, chalk, tempera paint, markers, Multi –Media. Cultural and Historical Context -‐ Africa, art of different cultures, visual symbols of the U.S., Grant Wood, days of Creation
First Grade Common Experiences:
Art show, days of creation projects, weaving, collage, crayon resist, sun, moon and stars multi-‐media project, bird sculpture, animal drawings, critiquing artwork, winter tree, African village, purposes of artwork, color wheel with an emphasis on the secondary colors, handprint flowers.
First Grade Common Assessments: Rubrics Participation Grade
K-‐5 Biblical Integration: GCCS Art department gives special attention to integrating Biblical truths throughout all creative experiences. God shares His love for beauty and detail through His creation. Mankind possesses God-‐given creativity. Mankind, abounding with expression, leaves behind a legacy with each passing generation. Prayer-‐1Cor. 7:5 Do your best for God-‐ Col. 3:17 Use your time wisely-‐Eph. 5:16 God looks on the heart and not the appearance -‐1 Sam. 16:7 Godly conversation-‐Col. 4:6 God’s creation-‐ Ps. 19:1 We are wondrously made –Ps. 139:14 The Art we create about and do should be pleasing to God – Phil. 4:8 Consider others better than yourself –Phil. 2:3-‐4
K-‐5 Technology Integration: Power Point, Internet, Movies
Second Grade
Topic Statements for Visual Arts By close of Second Grade: Topics -‐ What is Art?, Color, Color wheel, warm and cool colors, elements of art, painting, pointillism, drawing, gluing, cutting, stenciling, torn paper collage, experimental painting, sandpaper monoprints, nativity, still life, clay pinch pots, glazing, dying cloth, group flower project, artwork through time, people near and far, weaving, art show. Media -‐ Water Color, Oil Pastels, pencils, erasers, multi-‐colored paper, glue, glue sticks, chalk pastels, tissue paper, clay, glaze, chalk, tempera paint, markers, sandpaper, dye, Multi –Media. Cultural and Historical Context -‐ elements and principles of design video, Georges Seurat, pointillism, artwork through time, textiles of the world.
Second Grade Common Experiences:
Art show, what is art?, color wheel, warm and cool colors, torn paper collage, experimental watercolor, monoprints with sandpaper, pointillism, weaving, drawing a nativity, still life drawing, clay pinch pots, artwork through time, dying cloth, flower group project, people near and far.
K-‐5 Biblical Integration: GCCS Art department gives special attention to integrating Biblical truths throughout all creative experiences. God shares His love for beauty and detail through His creation. Mankind possesses God-‐given creativity. Mankind, abounding with expression, leaves behind a legacy with each passing generation. Prayer-‐1Cor. 7:5 Do your best for God-‐ Col. 3:17 Use your time wisely-‐Eph. 5:16 God looks on the heart and not the appearance -‐1 Sam. 16:7 Godly conversation-‐Col. 4:6 God’s creation-‐ Ps. 19:1 We are wondrously made –Ps. 139:14 The Art we create about and do should be pleasing to God – Phil. 4:8 Consider others better than yourself –Phil. 2:3-‐4
K-‐5 Technology Integration: Power Point, Internet, Movies
Second Grade Common Assessments: Rubrics Participation grade
Third Grade
Topic Statements for Visual Arts By close of Third: Topics -‐ The roles of artists, Color, Color wheel, tertiary colors, color hike, elements and principles of art, cylinders, still lifes, weaving, textiles/fabric, sewing, camouflage, patterns and designs, judging and displaying artwork, illustrations, Norman Rockwell, poetry and art, pop art, clay pizza, positive and negative space, finish the visual story, painting, drawing, gluing, cutting, art show. Media -‐ Paint, Oil Pastels, pencils, erasers, drawing paper, glue sticks, clay, markers, burlap, yarn, beads, color wheels, construction paper, Multi –Media. Cultural and Historical Context -‐ elements and principles of design video, still life art/artists, illustrators with and emphasis on Norman Rockwell, textiles of the world, pop art/artists.
Third Grade Common Experiences: The roles of artists, Color wheel with an emphasis on the tertiary colors, tertiary color hike, cylinder study, fruit bowl still life, weaving and unweaving, camouflage, pattern and design project, preparing for art show, video on Norman Rockwell’s life, illustrating a Spring poem, power point on pop art, creating a pop art clay pizza, creating a positive and negative space artwork, completing the other half of a photograph, art show, ACSI Art Festival.
K-‐5 Biblical Integration: GCCS Art department gives special attention to integrating Biblical truths throughout all creative experiences. God shares His love for beauty and detail through His creation. Mankind possesses God-‐given creativity. Mankind, abounding with expression, leaves behind a legacy with each passing generation. Prayer-‐1Cor. 7:5 Do your best for God-‐ Col. 3:17 Use your time wisely-‐Eph. 5:16 God looks on the heart and not the appearance -‐1 Sam. 16:7 Godly conversation-‐Col. 4:6 God’s creation-‐ Ps. 19:1 We are wondrously made –Ps. 139:14 The Art we create about and do should be pleasing to God – Phil. 4:8 Consider others better than yourself –Phil. 2:3-‐4
K-‐5 Technology Integration: Power Point, Internet, Movies
Third Grade Common Assessments: Rubric Participation grade
Fourth Grade Topic Statements for Visual Arts By close of Fourth Grade: Topics -‐ Color wheel, complementary colors, complementary group project, elements and principles of art, ceramic textural pottery, organic forms and glazes, illuminated manuscripts, Bible stories for topics of design, oil pastel resist, abstract works of art, stained glass windows, leading, Asian patterns and designs, doodle designs, planned and unplanned design, concepts common to the arts in other disciplines, reverse pastel painting, illustration, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance, observational drawing, different cultures in our community, caricatures, judging and displaying artwork, painting, drawing, gluing, cutting, art show, ACSI Art Festival. Media -‐ Paint, Oil Pastels, pencils, erasers, drawing paper, glue sticks, clay, glaze, frosted acetate sheets, gold foil paper, mat board, colored pencils, markers, burlap, yarn, beads, color wheels, construction paper, Multi–Media. Cultural and Historical Context -‐ elements and principles of design video, textured pottery of the world, stained glass windows throughout history, Asian patterns and designs, concepts common to the arts in other disciplines, Bible history for topics of design, illuminated manuscripts, Ohio artists, different cultures in our community.
Fourth Grade Common Experiences:
Complementary color group project, crayon resist abstract design – stained glass look, Asian inspired doodle design, Bible story themed reverse pastel illuminated manuscript, butterfly symmetrical and asymmetrical painting, art show, ACSI Art Festival.
K-‐5 Biblical Integration: GCCS Art department gives special attention to integrating Biblical truths throughout all creative experiences. God shares His love for beauty and detail through His creation. Mankind possesses God-‐given creativity. Mankind, abounding with expression, leaves behind a legacy with each passing generation. Prayer-‐1Cor. 7:5 Do your best for God-‐ Col. 3:17 Use your time wisely-‐Eph. 5:16 God looks on the heart and not the appearance -‐1 Sam. 16:7 Godly conversation-‐Col. 4:6 God’s creation-‐ Ps. 19:1 We are wondrously made –Ps. 139:14 The Art we create about and do should be pleasing to God – Phil. 4:8 Consider others better than yourself –Phil. 2:3-‐4
K-‐5 Technology Integration: Power Point, Internet, Movies
Fourth Grade Common Assessments: Rubrics Participation grade
Fifth Grade Topic Statements for Visual Arts By close of Fifth Grade: Topics -‐ Color wheel, value, tint and shade, value scales, elements and principles of art, cultures and people from many lands, masks of the world, John James Audubon, textures in animal designs, how issues affect design choices, quilt designs, impressionism, group projects, artwork used to enhance other subject areas, mixed media, oil pastel painting, judging and displaying artwork, painting, drawing, sculpting, gluing, cutting, art show, ACSI Art Festival. Media -‐ Paint, Oil Pastels, pencils, erasers, drawing paper, glue sticks, hot glue guns, clay, plaster, scratchboard, mat board, colored pencils, markers, material, yarn, beads, color wheels, construction paper, Multi–Media. Cultural and Historical Context – people and cultures of the world, masks of the world, elements and principles of design video, John James Audubon, Claude Monet, Impressionism, quilt designs, how issues affect design choices.
Fifth Grade Common Experiences:
Color wheel, value scale quilt design, clay faces from many lands, scratchboard animal design, preparing for the art show, impressionistic oil pastel group project, art show, ACSI Art Festival.
K-‐5 Biblical Integration: GCCS Art department gives special attention to integrating Biblical truths throughout all creative experiences. God shares His love for beauty and detail through His creation. Mankind possesses God-‐given creativity. Mankind, abounding with expression, leaves behind a legacy with each passing generation. Prayer-‐1Cor. 7:5 Do your best for God-‐ Col. 3:17 Use your time wisely-‐Eph. 5:16 God looks on the heart and not the appearance -‐1 Sam. 16:7 Godly conversation-‐Col. 4:6 God’s creation-‐ Ps. 19:1 We are wondrously made –Ps. 139:14 The Art we create about and do should be pleasing to God – Phil. 4:8 Consider others better than yourself –Phil. 2:3-‐4
K-‐5 Technology Integration: Power Point, Internet, Movies
Fifth Grade Common Assessments: Rubrics Participation grade
Sixth-‐Eighth Grade Visual Art Standards:
The students are expected to follow the previous achievement standards, demonstrating higher levels of skills, dealing with more complex examples, and responding to works of art in increasingly more sophisticated ways. Standards: What a GCCS Student will know and be able to do in 6-‐8th Grade Visual Arts: 1. Content Standard: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes Achievement Standard: •
Select media, techniques, and processes; analyze what makes them effective or not effective in communicating ideas; and reflect upon the effectiveness of their choices b. intentionally take advantage of the qualities and characteristics of *art media, techniques, and processes to enhance communication of their experiences and ideas
2. Content Standard: Using knowledge of structures and functions
Achievement Standard: • • •
Generalize about the effects of visual structures and functions and reflect upon these effects in their own work Employ organizational structures and analyze what makes them effective or not effective in the communication of ideas Select and use the qualities of structures and functions of art to improve communication of their ideas
3. Content Standard: Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas Achievement Standard: • •
Integrate visual, spatial, and temporal concepts with content to communicate intended meaning in their artworks Use subjects, themes, and symbols that demonstrate knowledge of contexts, values, and aesthetics that communicate intended meaning in artworks
4. Content Standard: Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures Achievement Standard: • • •
Know and compare the characteristics of artworks in various eras and cultures Describe and place a variety of art objects in historical and cultural contexts Analyze, describe, and demonstrate how factors of time and place (such as climate, resources, ideas, and technology) influence visual characteristics that give meaning and value to a work of art
5. Content Standard: Reflecting upon and *assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others Achievement Standard: • • •
Compare multiple purposes for creating works of art Analyze contemporary and historic meanings in specific artworks through cultural and aesthetic inquiry Describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their own artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures
6. Content Standard: Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines Achievement Standard: •
Compare the characteristics of works in two or more art forms that share similar subject matter, historical periods, or cultural context b. describe ways in which the principles and subject matter of other disciplines taught in the school are interrelated with the visual arts
Sixth-‐Eighth Grade Biblical Integration: GCCS Art department gives special attention to integrating Biblical truths throughout all creative experiences. God shares His love for beauty and detail through His creation. Mankind possesses God-‐given creativity. Mankind, abounding with expression, leaves behind a legacy with each passing generation. Prayer-‐1Cor. 7:5 Do your best for God-‐ Col. 3:17 Use your time wisely-‐Eph. 5:16 God looks on the heart and not the appearance -‐1 Sam. 16:7 Godly conversation-‐Col. 4:6 God’s creation-‐ Ps. 19:1 We are wondrously made –Ps. 139:14 The Art we create about and do should be pleasing to God – Phil. 4:8 Consider others better than yourself –Phil. 2:3-‐4 Be kind to one another – Eph. 4:32
Sixth-‐Eighth Grade Technology Integration ideas: Power Point The Web Movies
6th Grade Topic Statements for Visual Arts By close of Sixth Grade: Topics – How Art functions in our daily lives, our communities and cultures, how science and technology influence the development of art in various cultures, Mexican and Native American pottery and techniques, olla pottery, sgraffito techniques in engobe, Color theory, gray scale, animal designs, artist and patron, printing techniques, hand sewing, elements and principles of art, personal identification and expression, mixed media, judging and displaying artwork, painting, drawing, sculpting, gluing, cutting, art show, ACSI Art Festival. Media -‐ Paint, printmaking tools and media, cloth, fiberfil, pencils, erasers, drawing paper, clay, engobe, scratching tools, cotton balls, matte glaze, mat board, color wheels, drawing paper, Multi–Media. Cultural and Historical Context – Native American and Mexican people and cultures, olla pottery from Native America and Mexico, elements and principles of design video, printmaking art and artists, how art can be communicated through the other disciplines, color theory.
Sixth Grade Common Experiences: Olla pottery with engobe and sgraffito techniques, color theory with an emphasis on the gray scale, gray scale project, printmaking on material and sewing a pillow with the printed material, preparing for the art show, art show, ACSI Art Festival
Sixth-‐Eighth Grade Biblical Integration:
GCCS Art department gives special attention to integrating Biblical truths throughout all creative experiences. God shares His love for beauty and detail through His creation. Mankind possesses God-‐given creativity. Mankind, abounding with expression, leaves behind a legacy with each passing generation. Prayer-‐1Cor. 7:5 Do your best for God-‐ Col. 3:17 Use your time wisely-‐Eph. 5:16 God looks on the heart and not the appearance -‐1 Sam. 16:7 Godly conversation-‐Col. 4:6 God’s creation-‐ Ps. 19:1 We are wondrously made –Ps. 139:14 The Art we create about and do should be pleasing to God – Phil. 4:8 Consider others better than yourself –Phil. 2:3-‐4 Be kind to one another – Eph. 4:32
Sixth-‐Eighth Grade Technology Integration ideas: Power Point The Web Movies
Sixth Grade Common Assessments: Rubrics Participation grade
Seventh Grade Topic Statements for Visual Arts By close of Seventh Grade: Topics -‐ Drawing techniques, Color Theory, Drawing Portraits, Critiquing, Ceramic Sculptures -‐Coil technique, Elements and Principles of Art, Quilling –relief, Graphing, Media -‐ Tempera Paint, Water Color, Soft Pastels, Oil Pastels, Clay, Glaze, Scratch Art, Paper Cultural and Historical Context – Portraits, Color, Native American
Seventh Grade Common Experiences: Topics -‐ Drawing techniques, Color Theory, Drawing Portraits, Critiquing, Ceramic Sculptures -‐Coil technique, Elements and Principles of Art, Quilling –relief, Graphing, Media -‐ Tempera Paint, Water Color, Soft Pastels, Oil Pastels, Clay, Glaze, Scratch Art, Paper Cultural and Historical Context – Portraits, Color, Native American Night of Fine Arts ACSI Art Festival
Sixth-‐Eighth Grade Biblical Integration: GCCS Art department gives special attention to integrating Biblical truths throughout all creative experiences. God shares His love for beauty and detail through His creation. Mankind possesses God-‐given creativity. Mankind, abounding with expression, leaves behind a legacy with each passing generation. Prayer-‐1Cor. 7:5 Do your best for God-‐ Col. 3:17 Use your time wisely-‐Eph. 5:16 God looks on the heart and not the appearance -‐1 Sam. 16:7 Godly conversation-‐Col. 4:6 God’s creation-‐ Ps. 19:1 We are wondrously made –Ps. 139:14 The Art we create about and do should be pleasing to God – Phil. 4:8 Consider others better than yourself –Phil. 2:3-‐4 Be kind to one another – Eph. 4:32
Sixth-‐Eighth Grade Technology Integration ideas: Power Point The Web Movies
Seventh Grade Common Assessments: Rubrics Participation Grade Quizzes Positive and Constructive Critiquing by Peers
Eighth Grade Topic Statements for Visual Arts By close of Eighth Grade: Topics -‐ Drawing techniques, Color Theory, Critiquing, Elements and Principles of Art, Graphing, Texture, Shading techniques, Papier Mache, Space, Realism, Fine Art, Applied Art Media -‐ Water Color, Oil Pastels, Ink and pen, Multi -‐Media Cultural and Historical Context – Georgia O’Keefe, Realists, Heritage
Eighth Grade Common Experiences: Topics -‐ Drawing techniques, Color Theory, Critiquing, Elements and Principles of Art, Graphing, Texture, Shading techniques, Papier Mache, Space, Realism, Fine Art, Applied Art Media -‐ Water Color, Oil Pastels, Ink and pen, Multi -‐Media Cultural and Historical Context – Georgia O’Keefe, Realists, Heritage Night of Fine Arts ACSI Art Festival
Sixth-‐Eighth Grade Biblical Integration:
GCCS Art department gives special attention to integrating Biblical truths throughout all creative experiences. God shares His love for beauty and detail through His creation. Mankind possesses God-‐given creativity. Mankind, abounding with expression, leaves behind a legacy with each passing generation. Prayer-‐1Cor. 7:5 Do your best for God-‐ Col. 3:17 Use your time wisely-‐Eph. 5:16 God looks on the heart and not the appearance -‐1 Sam. 16:7
Godly conversation-‐Col. 4:6 God’s creation-‐ Ps. 19:1 We are wondrously made –Ps. 139:14 The Art we create about and do should be pleasing to God – Phil. 4:8 Consider others better than yourself –Phil. 2:3-‐4 Be kind to one another – Eph. 4:32
Sixth-‐Eighth Grade Technology Integration ideas: Power Point The Web Movies
Eighth Grade Common Assessments: Rubrics Participation Grade Quizzes Positive and Constructive Critiquing by Peers
Ninth-‐Twelfth Grade Visual Arts Standards: The students are expected to follow the previous achievement standards, demonstrating higher levels of skills, dealing with more complex examples, and responding to works of art in increasingly more sophisticated ways. Standards: What a GCCS Student will know and be able to do in 6-‐8th Grade Visual Arts: 1. Content Standard: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes Achievement Standard •
Apply media, techniques, and processes with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that their intentions are carried out in their artworks b. conceive and *create works of visual art that demonstrate an understanding of how the communication of their ideas relates to the media, techniques, and processes they use
Achievement Standard, Advanced • •
Communicate ideas regularly at a high level of effectiveness in at least one visual arts medium Initiate, define, and solve challenging *visual arts problems independently using intellectual skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation
2. Content Standard: Using knowledge of *structures and functions Achievement Standards • • •
Demonstrate the ability to form and defend judgments about the characteristics and structures to accomplish commercial, personal, communal, or other purposes of art Evaluate the effectiveness of artworks in terms of organizational structures and functions Create artworks that use *organizational principles and functions to solve specific visual arts problems
Achievement Standard, Advanced • •
Demonstrate the ability to compare two or more perspectives about the use of organizational principles and functions in artwork and to defend personal evaluations of these perspectives Create multiple solutions to specific visual arts problems that demonstrate competence in producing effective relationships between structural choices and artistic functions
3. Content Standard: Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas Achievement Standard
Reflect on how artworks differ visually, spatially, temporally, and functionally, and describe how these are related to history and culture b. apply subjects, symbols, and ideas in their artworks and use the skills gained to solve problems in daily life
Achievement Standard, Advanced •
Describe the origins of specific images and ideas and explain why they are of value in their art work and in the work of others d. evaluate and defend the validity of sources for content and the manner in which subject matter, symbols, and images are used in the students’ works and in significant works by others
4. Content Standard: Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures Achievement Standard • • •
Differentiate among a variety of historical and cultural contexts in terms of characteristics and purposes of works of art Describe the function and explore the meaning of specific art objects within varied cultures, times, and places Analyze relationships of works of art to one another in terms of history, aesthetics, and culture, justifying conclusions made in the analysis and using such conclusions to inform their own art making
Achievement Standard, Advanced •
Analyze and interpret artworks for relationships among form, context, purposes, and critical models, showing understanding of the work of critics, historians, aestheticians, and artists e. analyze common characteristics of visual arts evident across time and among cultural/ethnic groups to formulate analyses, evaluations, and interpretations of meaning
5. Content Standard: Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others Achievement Standard • • •
Identify intentions of those creating artworks, explore the implications of various purposes, and justify their analyses of purposes in particular works Describe meanings of artworks by analyzing how specific works are created and how they relate to historical and cultural contexts Reflect analytically on various interpretations as a means for understanding and evaluating works of visual art
Achievement Standard, Advanced •
Correlate responses to works of visual art with various techniques for communicating meanings, ideas, attitudes, views, and intentions
6. Content Standard: Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines Achievement Standard •
Compare the materials, *technologies, media, and processes of the visual arts with those of other arts disciplines as they are used in creation and types of analysis b. compare characteristics of visual arts within a particular historical period or style with ideas, issues, or themes in the humanities or sciences
Achievement Standard, Advanced •
Synthesize the creative and analytical principles and techniques of the visual arts and selected other arts disciplines, the humanities, or the sciences
9th-‐12 Grade Topic Statements: Drawing
Topics -‐ Elements and Principles of Art, Chiaroscuro, Still-‐Life, Sketches, Reverse Charcoal, Shading, Space, Texture, Linear Perspective, Portraits, Critiquing Media -‐ Charcoal, Pencil, Oil Pastel, Colored Pencils, Soft Pastels, Pen and ink, White charcoal, Historical/Cultural-‐ Albrecht Durer, Rembrandt, Norman Rockwell, Renaissance, Historical Portraitists, Caravaggio Night of Fine Arts ACSI Art Festival Field Trips -‐ Columbus Museum of Art
Sculpture and Ceramics Topics -‐ Clay, Glaze, Kiln, Methods: pinch, coil, slab, mold, balance, Form, Potter’s Wheel, Throwing, Bisque and Glaze firing, Ceramic Tools, Additive and Subtractive Media -‐ Clay, Glaze, Plaster, Foil, Wire, wood, Papier Mache, cardboard, Elements and Principles of Art, Relief, Multimedia, Form Historical/Cultural -‐ Frank Lloyd Wright, Native American Coil Pots, Greek and Roman Busts, Tiffany, Ancient and Contemporary Reliefs, Michelangelo Night of Fine Arts ACSI Art Festival Field Trips -‐ Hartstone Pottery
Painting Topics -‐ Elements and Principles of Art, Pallet, Color Schemes, Sketches, Critiquing, Space, Applied and Fine Art, Shading and Highlighting, Realism, Pointillism, Whimsical, Surrealism Media -‐ Water Color, Tempera, Acrylic, Canvas Historical/Cultura l-‐ Winslow Homer, Impressionism, Salvador Dali, Henry Tanner, VanGogh, Seurat, Monet, Signac Night of Fine Arts ACSI Art Festival Field Trips -‐ Columbus Museum of Art
9th-‐12th Grade Common Experiences: Drawing
Topics -‐ Elements and Principles of Art, Chiaroscuro, Still-‐Life, Sketches, Reverse Charcoal, Shading, Space, Texture, Linear Perspective, Portraits, Critiquing Media -‐ Charcoal, Pencil, Oil Pastel, Colored Pencils, Soft Pastels, Pen and ink, White charcoal, Historical/Cultural -‐ Albrecht Durer, Rembrandt, Norman Rockwell, Renaissance, Historical Portraitists, Caravaggio Night of Fine Arts ACSI Art Festival Field Trips -‐ Columbus Museum of Art
Sculpture and Ceramics Topics -‐ Clay, Glaze, Kiln, Methods: pinch, coil, slab, mold, balance, Form, Potter’s Wheel, Throwing, Bisque and Glaze firing, Ceramic Tools, Additive and Subtractive Media -‐ Clay, Glaze, Plaster, Foil, Wire, wood, Papier Mache, cardboard, Elements and Principles of Art, Relief, Multimedia, Form Historical/Cultural -‐ Frank Lloyd Wright, Native American Coil Pots, Greek and Roman Busts, Tiffany, Ancient and Contemporary Reliefs, Michelangelo Night of Fine Arts ACSI Art Festival Field Trips -‐ Hartstone Pottery
Topics -‐ Elements and Principles of Art, Pallet, Color Schemes, Sketches, Critiquing, Space, Applied and Fine Art, Shading and Highlighting, Realism, Pointillism, Whimsical, Surrealism Media -‐ Water Color, Tempera, Acrylic, Canvas Historical/Cultural -‐ Winslow Homer, Impressionism, Salvador Dali, Henry Tanner, Van Gogh, Seurat, Monet, Signac Night of Fine Arts
ACSI Art Festival Field Trips -‐ Columbus Museum of Art
9th-‐12th Grade Common Assessments Rubrics Participation Grade Quizzes Positive and Constructive Critiquing by Peers
9th-‐12th Grade Biblical Integration: GCCS Art department gives special attention to integrating Biblical truths throughout all creative experiences. God shares His love for beauty and detail through His creation. Mankind possesses God-‐given creativity. Mankind, abounding with expression, leaves behind a legacy with each passing generation. Prayer-‐1Cor. 7:5 Do your best for God-‐ Col. 3:17 Use your time wisely-‐Eph. 5:16 God looks on the heart and not the appearance -‐1 Sam. 16:7 Godly conversation-‐Col. 4:6 God’s creation-‐ Ps. 19:1 We are wondrously made –Ps. 139:14 We should walk in the light – 1John 5:7 The Art we create about and do should be pleasing to God – Phil. 4:8 Consider others better than yourself –Phil. 2:3-‐4 Perfect love drives out fear -‐1John 4:8 Be kind to one another – Eph. 4:32
9th-‐12th Grade Technology Integration ideas: Power Point The Web Movies Updated 6/8/12 Suggested Mapping Goals 2012/13 Resources: List textbook or supplemental materials etc… We will begin mapping each course more specifically