Apply online today…
General information For enrollment info. regarding credit classes, see p. 16
Contents General Information.... 2-3, 16-23, 32,35-36 President’s Message ..........................................2
Community Education ............................3-15 General Information Comm. Ed ................3 How to Register for Workshops ..............3 Summer Outdoor Adventures..............4-5 Workshops by Subject/Campus ................6 Workshops ....................................................7-10 Workforce Development ..........................10 EMT/Paramedic ................................................11 Distance Learning ....................................12-14 Credit-free Registration Form..................15
Credit Courses ........................................16-31 How to Register for Credit Courses ..16 Admission Information..................................17 Student Billing ............................................18-20 Health Insurance ..............................................20 MassArt at GCC ..............................................21 Online Credit Courses ................................21 Special Course Listing............................21-22 Summer Services..............................................22 Academic Calendar ........................................23 Academic Programs ......................................23 Credit Courses by Evening ........................24 Credit Courses ..........................................24-31 Registration Form (Credit) ........................33 In-State Tuition Eligibility Form ................34
Phone Numbers ..........................back cover
Join the Alumni Association! We value your connection to GCC. As a member of the Alumni Association, you can participate at many levels, ranging from being listed as a supporter on the Association membership roster, to joining us at the monthly meetings or serving on our Board. Also, you can sign up for AlumNet, a social networking site for GCC alums where you can connect with other former students and faculty. For more information about the advantages and opportunities of membership, please contact Regina Curtis, President, GCC Alumni Association, at (413) 775-1426 or email To learn more about AlumNet and the Alumni Association, visit our website now at
A message from the President of Greenfield Community College Investment in your own education is the smartest advice that we can give you, especially so in this economic environment. Whether your goal is to transfer to earn a baccalaureate degree, graduate with increased job and career skills, or to take courses for personal fulfillment, we are pleased to invite you to choose GCC. Ultimately, our goal is to help you learn the skills and obtain the knowledge necessary for you to reach your highest potential. GCC has a rich tradition of academic excellence and student success. The faculty and staff of this college are committed to the development of each of our students. We are proud of the learning environment that we create for all who come to GCC. As a small college we have the opportunity to get to know all of our students. Our students become engaged in a community of learners. You really are much more than a number at GCC. If there is anything we can do to help you along the way, please call me or stop by my office. Education is a lifelong journey, and we are pleased that you would consider GCC along that path.
Robert R b tP Pura, P President id t
Alumni PrOFile Karen Knight ’87 Outdoor instructor When Karen Knight came to GCC, she already held a B.S. degree in Therapeutic & Outdoor Recreation from Springfield College. While a student there, she heard a speaker talk about GCC’s Outdoor Leadership Program and it was compelling enough to have Karen later enroll in the program and receive her OLP certificate from GCC in 1987. From there, she worked for a bike touring company in New Hampshire, then as a sea kayak instructor in Maine. That evolved into an interest in freestyle canoeing; she was a 5-time national champion in that sport until her retirement from competition. The impressive activities of this alum caught the attention of GCC and Karen was invited back to teach sea kayaking and adaptive skiing in the OLP. Karen now lives in Texas and travels throughout North America teaching/guiding canoeing and kayaking. After 20 years of working in the outdoor industry, she wouldn’t change a thing.
We make every effort to offer our classes as indicated in this Course Guide. Occasionally, there are changes beyond our control. For up-to-date information on all courses, visit our website:
Greenfield Community College
Community education Credit-free Workshops: To register and pay online go to or call (413) 775-1803.
register for credit–free workshops.We offer 4 easy ways: pick one!
General information for Community education Workshops Greenfield Community College is pleased to offer a wide variety of unique workshops through innovative “Community Education Programs.” Every year, nearly 2,000 people continue their life-long learning at our workshops which take place at convenient locations in Franklin and Hampshire counties with our campus locations in Greenfield, Turners Falls and Northampton. Topics include art, dance, computers, finance, business and renewable energy, among others. We offer classes in the trades for electricians and plumbers who are working towards their license as well as specific training for welders. Our workforce development office provides business training and professional development opportunities. We are pleased to present workshops in response to community needs, often working closely with other organizations and drawing upon both college and community resources. GCC community education workshops enhance active citizenship, personal development and employability. All workshops are offered on a credit-free basis. You are welcome to offer suggestions for additional workshops, services or programs. GCC’s Office of Community Education is located in the Downtown Center at 270 Main Street in Greenfield. See you in class!
• Register and pay (secure) via the Community Education web page at • Call (413) 775-1803 during normal business hours (please leave a message after hours or email • This office location will be changing this summer. Please call before visiting. Visit Room E130 in the East Building of the Main Campus: Mon–Thurs. 9 a.m–5 p.m., Fri. 9 a.m.–12 noon (check, credit-card, money orders only please). • Fill out the registration form on page 15 of this course guide and mail it to the address indicated on that form.
Community education Calendar Summer Session 1 Summer Session 1 begins .............Mon., May 23 Memorial Day no classes.............................................Mon., May 30 Independence Day Observed no classes..................................................Mon., July 4 Summer Session 1 ends..................Wed., July 13
Summer Session ii Summer Session II begins.................Thu., July 14 Summer Session II ends.................Wed., Aug 31
Community education Credit-free Workshops: To register and pay online go to or call (413) 775-1803.
GCC Summer OuTDOOr ADvenTureS—neW! for families, adults, and professionals
Workshops for Families please note special pricing for additional family members Family Climbing Adventure instructor: Sean Barrett Spend a day together sharing an exciting and challenging experience. Let us expose your family to the thrill of rock climbing and some of the most spectacular views in the area. Kids and adults will learn the basics of climbing knots, safety rope management, and movement on rock. Price includes a certified instructor and equipment for one adult and child pair for a full day of climbing. Ages 8+ CSW 767-2: Saturday, 9:00 am- 4:00 pm, 7/23, 8/6 & 8/20 Cost: $150 for parent/child; $45 per extra family member
High line and via Ferratta Tour
recreational Tree Climbing For Adults
instructor: Austin Paulsen Using horizontal tyrolean traverses, rope bridges, and other rope techniques, participants will be able to experience some of western Massachusetts most unique natural environments. The tours will take place around, above, and in some of the most scenic chasms and waterfalls in the area. Be prepared to get wet! These full day tours will be led by professional guides using canyoneering and rock climbing techniques to position participants for an unparalleled, intimate perspective of these geologic wonders. CSW 770-4: (this section for families) Sunday, 9:00 am-4:00 pm, 8/14 Cost: $150 for parent/child; $45 per extra family member
instructor: Austin Paulson Did you ever climb trees as a kid? Remember the exhilaration of climbing high above the ground and hidden from view by the leafy canopy? Tree climbing is not just for kids anymore. Using rock climbing and arborist’s techniques, climbing trees has become a safe and popular recreational activity for those who find beauty in the majesty of trees. Simple to learn techniques make this a fun and exciting pursuit for those with modest physical fitness. Price includes all equipment needed and instruction by a certified instructor. All you need to bring is a sense of adventure. CSW 768-2: Saturday, 10:00 am-3:00 pm, 7/23 & 8/6, 2 sessions, $75
Workshops for Adults (must be 16 or older)
Family Tree Climbing Adventure
learn to rock Climb
instructor: Austin Paulson Tree climbing is the perfect activity for young adventurous families. Tree climbing enables a uniquely intimate experience with the natural environment that can be shared with the family. Simple to learn rope access techniques allow young children and their parents to ascend into the tops of arborist cleaned and certified trees. All equipment and instruction by a certified instructor will be provided. All you need is modest fitness and a desire to have a great time! CSW 769-2: Saturday, 10:00 am-3:00 pm, 7/30 & 8/13 Cost: $125 for parent/child; $35 per extra family member
instructor: Sean Barrett Have you climbed in a rock gym and wondered what it was like to do the real thing? Are you a fan of climbing literature like Into Thin Air? Well it’s time to get out of the arm chair and experience the basics of rock climbing in a no-pressure and fun-filled atmosphere. You will learn climbing knots and basic anchoring, managing the belay rope, and climbing movement fundamentals. We provide expert instruction and guidance so that all you need to do is climb, climb, climb! CSW 766-2: Saturday, 9:00 am-4:00 pm, 7/30, 8/13/ & 8/20, $110
High line and via Ferratta Tour instructor: Austin Paulsen Using horizontal tyrolean traverses, rope bridges, and other rope techniques, participants will be able to experience some of western Massachusetts most unique natural environments. The tours will take place around, above, and in some of the most scenic chasms and waterfalls in the area. Be prepared to get wet! These full day tours will be led by professional guides using canyoneering and rock climbing techniques to position participants for an unparalleled, intimate perspective of these geologic wonders. CSW 770-2: (this section for adults): Sunday, 9:00 am-4:00 pm, 7/31, $110
FOr FAmily evenTS: children must be 8+ years old child: 8-15 years of age adult: 16+ years of age
Greenfield Community College
Community education Credit-free Workshops: To register and pay online go to or call (413) 775-1803.
GCC Summer OuTDOOr ADvenTureS—neW! for families, adults, and professionals
Workshops for Outdoor and emS Professionals Fundamentals of High Angle rope rescue instructor: Austin Paulson Specifically designed for emergency services professionals, this high angle rope rescue workshop will introduce the participants to fundamental safety principles of working at heights. The rescuer will be introduced to topics including team leadership, rescue equipment, and technical content and systems involving knots, anchors, belays, raises, lowers and high lines. During this three day, 24hour workshop participants will gain valuable hands-on experience and will be exposed to live scenarios in hazardous terrain requiring problem solving and patient care skills. Rescuers will exit this workshop with a solid foundation to build on, well preparing them to pursue technician certification. CSW 772-1: W/Th/Fri, 9:00 am-5:00 pm, 6/22-6/24, $325
Swift Water rescue
modern Search management
instructor: evan Perkins This workshop teaches recognition and avoidance of common river hazards, execution of self-rescue techniques, and rescue techniques for paddlers in distress. Emphasis is placed both on personal safety and on simple, commonly used skills. Techniques for dealing with hazards that carry greater risks for both victim and rescuer, such as strainers, rescue vest applications, entrapments and pins also are practiced. Scenarios will provide an opportunity for participants to practice their skills both individually and within a team/group context. CSW 733-1: Fri/Sat/Sun, 9:00 am-5:00 pm, 6/17-6/19, 24 hrs., $325
instructor: Dan O’Connor Modern Search Management (MSM) is an introduction to the knowledge and skill sets needed for effectively managing a search for a lost person. The 32-hour course covers Principles of Search Management, Search Planning, Managing Operations, and other considerations like managing Incident Facilities, Searcher Stress and External Influences. The course is appropriate for all levels of search management and field experience and will prepare civilian and professional EMS members for large terrain searches. Required text is Managing the Lost Person Incident (Second Edition, 3rd Printing) published by the National Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR). CSW 771-1: Sat/Sun, 9:00 am-5:00 pm, 6/25-6/26 & 7/9-7/10, $399
Wilderness First responder instructor: Wilderness medical Associates This intensive eight-day program is conducted by Wilderness Medical Associates, widely considered the most complete medical trainers for outdoor professionals. Content is the definitive medical training for emergency situations that involve prolonged patient care, severe environments, and improvised gear. Successful completion results in valid certification for three years, including BLS/CPR. Students must be 18 years of age to attend this course. Limited to 30. (includes books, equipment and training supplies) CSW 057-2: mon-Tues, 8:00 am-6:00 pm, 8/22-8/30, $650
Community education Credit-free Workshops: To register and pay online go to or call (413) 775-1803.
Workshops by Subject Please see appropriate page for workshop description and information. OuTDOOr ADvenTureS – pgs 4–5
HiSTOry – pg 9
ArTS/CrAFTS – pg 7 Field Sketching: Turners Falls The Pastel Art of Georgia O’Keeffe: modern American Abstraction –neW! Creating Gourd Art Pure Silver Jewelry making
AviATiOn – pg 7
Genealogy: Who Do you Think you Are? They Didn’t Change His name at ellis island missing Persons: using Census records to Find your Ancestors Gravestone Studies 101: A Study of Gravestone Art in the Pioneer valley
mASSAGe – pg 9 Peer Supervision for the massage Therapist
muSiC – pg 9
Pathway to Aviation Strike While the iron is Hot—new!
The Digital Home Studio The Basics Of recording your music (Band) as a Business
COmPuTerS – pg 7
reneWABle enerGy/SuSTAinABle livinG – pg 9
increase visitors to your Web Site Computer Basics for Beginners – level 1 Photo Organizing and Publishing with Picasa Beyond Basic Computing Put more Power in PowerPoint
Compassionate Climate Change Communication—new! Building with earth, Straw, Wood, and Stone—new! Photovoltaic (Solar electric) installations introduction to Photovoltaic (Solar electric) Technology
BlACKSmiTHinG – pg 7
WOrKFOrCe DevelOPmenT WOrKSHOPS – pg 10
CPr – pg 7
CreATiviTy/WriTinG – pg 8
Weatherization Business Development ServSafe: Food Protection manager Certification legal Pitfalls in the Hiring Process interviewing for results CnA/HHA
The Care & Feeding of your Creative voice: A Class in Abundance - neW!
emS – pg 11
DAnCe – pg 8
massachusetts Paramedic refresher massachusetts emT Basic refresher massachusetts emT intermediate “Add-On” refresher Paramedic Assistant Course for Basic emTs A Guide to Bedside medications American Heart Association classes
Basic life Support (BlS) for Healthcare Providers Heartsaver CPr with AeD Family & Friends CPr
Two-Step West Coast Swing Advanced Beginner Salsa
enTrePreneuriAl – pg 8 import export now Seven Simple Secrets to Financial Freedom Beginner’s Guide to Getting Published meet the Publisher – Get your manuscript Critiqued Cash in with a Successful Home-Based Business make money with a Typing/Word Processing Business
DiSTAnCe eDuCATiOn (can include: Online, CD rOm, and Text) – pgs 12–14
FunerAl PlAnninG – pg 8
Paramedic & emT refresher (online) ed2go (online) Gatlin education (blended learning) veSi-Professional Development for educators (CD ROM/online)
Funeral Planning for the living
Community Partners – pg 10
HeAlTH CAre – pg 8
Construction Supervisor Training
emT Basic r.n. Board review
HeAlTH and WellneSS – pg 9 reiki i reiki ii introduction to Herbal medicine ADA information: Individuals requiring accommodations due to a disability of any type are strongly encouraged to make advance arrangements. For more information, please call (413) 775-1812.
The following credit-free workshops do not accept waivers of any kind: •Import/Export Now •C.N.A./H.H.A. •EANE •Distance Education (All) •RN Board Review •Wilderness First Responder
Greenfield Community College
Community education Credit-free Workshops: To register and pay online go to or call (413) 775-1803.
Art & Crafts
Field Sketching: Turners Falls
Strike While the iron’s Hot!—new!
instructor: Annie Chappell Drawing in Turners Falls offers lots of wonderful choices—buildings, rocks, water, downtown scenes. We will do some quick sketches, and have time each day to develop a longer drawing. No experience necessary! CSW 361-1: Saturday, 9:00 am-11:30 am, 6/4 & 6/11, 2 sessions, $69
instructor: John Passiglia Learn how to utilize the basic tools and techniques used in traditional blacksmithing. Students will learn how to hammer, twist, bend, and join iron using the gas and coal forge. Techniques to include forming tapers, scrolls, and leaves. Projects to include hooks, chisel, BBQ fork, small garden piece and more. Larger projects possible if time permits. There will be extra forge time available on a sign-up basis for the duration of this workshop. CSW 490-1: (location: Pierce Street iron Works, Greenfield) W, 6:30-9:00 pm, 5/25-6/29, $375 (includes a $75 metals fee)
The Pastel Art of Georgia O’Keeffe: modern American Abstraction—new! instructor: Greg maichack Sheer beginners to advanced students leave with control of pastel fundamentals (scumbling, blending, and layering) and a command of O’Keeffe’s methods, abstraction, and American Modernism, exploring her flower and other motifs. CSW 191-1: Saturday, 10:00-4:30 pm, 6/11, 1 session, $65
Creating Gourd Art instructor: Jaynie Barnes Learn to create unique, functional pieces from ordinary gourds. Beginner and intermediate students will create and take home four gourd art pieces during this course. A $40 materials fee is payable to instructor the first night of class. CSW 443-1: T, 6:00-8:30 pm, 6/14-7/19, 6 wks, $105
Pure Silver Jewelry making instructor: Bevlynn Gallant Precious Metal Clay can be molded and textured like clay, dried, then kiln fired to make pure silver jewelry. Price includes enough ‘PMC’ to make 2 pairs of earrings. CSW 447-1: Saturday, 10:00 am-4:00 pm, 6/25, 1 session, $95
Aviation Pathway to Aviation instructor: William ulley No matter what your interest might be in the magic of flight: from the basics of aviation to the direction toward obtaining a pilot’s license or just understanding the theory or history of flight, this course will address it. CSW 644-2: (location: Turners Falls Airport), Th, 6:00-8:00 pm, 7/14-8/18, 6 wks, $105
Computer increase visitors to your Web Site instructor: Craig Devonshire An intensive introductory course intended for those looking to increase web traffic to their existing site or who are planning to create an effective and informative website. We will be using MS Windows 7 operating system. CSW 359-1: T, 6:00-9:00 pm, 5/24-6/14, 4 wks, $105
Computer Basics for Beginners - level 1 instructor: Sandra lively Come learn the basics in this slow-moving fun beginner computer class. Your book is included in the price of the course. We’ll be using MS Office 2007 products and the MS Windows 7 operating system. CSW 419-1: W, 6:00-8:30 pm, 5/25-6/22, 5 wks, $135
Photo Organizing and Publishing with Picasa instructor: Gina rheault This class teaches importing, editing, organizing, and sharing digital photos using Picasa — free software from Google. Sharing photos by print, email, blogs, e-galleries, slideshows, and social networks will be discussed. CSW 411-1: W, 6:00-8:30 pm, 5/25-6/29, 6 wks, $129
Beyond Basic Computing instructor: Debbe Dugan For students with a basic knowledge of the computer or who have taken Computer Basics Level 1 and/or 2 at GCC, this course is for the beginning user of the Microsoft Office Suite (or someone who wants to learn a few new tricks). Students will learn more about document creation, set-up, formatting and storage, and about tables and printing and much more. CSW 480-2: W, 6:00-8:30 pm, 7/20-8/17, 5 wks, $129
Put more Power in PowerPoint instructor: Craig Devonshire Gain hands-on experience to create more effective and memorable presentations. How to improve handling text, slide transitions, photos and graphics, backgrounds, special effect, other media and overall content structure. CSW 497-2: T, 6:00-8:30 pm, 8/2-8/23, 4 wks, $89
CPr Basic life Support (BlS) for Healthcare Providers CPr instructor: Dawn Josefski • Adult and pediatric CPR (including 2rescuer scenarios and use of the bag mask) • Foreign-body airway obstruction • Use of automated external defibrillation (AED) with CPR For healthcare providers – for example, EMS personnel, physician assistants, physicians, dentists, nurses,respiratory therapists and others who must have a credential (card) documenting successful completion of a CPR course. (4 hours) CSW 684-1: T, 5:30-9:30 pm, 6/14, 1 session, $59 CSW 684-2: Th, 5:30-9:30 pm, 8/4, 1 session, $59
Heartsaver® CPr with AeD instructor: Dawn Josefski • Adult/Child CPR with mask • Adult/Child Choking • Adult/Child AED Optional: • Infant CPR with mask • Infant choking For employees and/or designated first responders who have a duty to respond to a cardiac emergency because of job responsibilities or regulatory requirements. (3 hours) CSW 685-1: T, 6:00-9:00 pm, 7/12, 1 session, $49
Family & Friends® CPr instructor: Dawn Josefski • Adult/Child CPR • Adult/Child choking Optional: • Infant CPR and choking Offers the opportunity to learn basic CPR in a dynamic group environment. Family members, friends and members of the general community who want to learn CPR but do not need a course completion card. (2 hours) CSW 686-1: W, 6:30-8:30 pm, 6/22, 1 session, $25
Community education Credit-free Workshops: To register and pay online go to or call (413) 775-1803.
Seven Simple Secrets to Financial Freedom
make $money$ with a Typing/Word Processing Business
The Care & Feeding of your Creative voice: A Class in Abundance—new!
instructor: leeAnne Krusemark This is not a get rich quick scheme—this is a plan of action. You will learn how to: get OUT of credit card debt and reduce bad credit; raise your credit limit AND lower your interest rate; keep your home PROTECTED against lawsuits; and become an ACTIVE INVESTOR for financial freedom. This workshop is not for those already advanced in financial matters nor does it provide any legal advice. A mandatory $20 materials fee is payable to instructor at the door for printed information. CSW 341-1: Th, 1:00-3:00 pm, 7/7, 1 session, $39
instructor: leeAnne Krusemark If you can type, then you can make money at home. Having already learned all about homebased business success (participants must have attended “ $Cash$ in with a Successful HomeBased Business”), you will then discover the secrets to profits in the typing/word processing business. A mandatory $10 materials fee is payable to the instructor at the door for information designed to help you long after the workshop is over. CSW 078-1: Th, 8:00-9:00 pm, 7/7, 1 session, $25
instructor: Jessamyn Smyth Generate creative energy and develop techniques for allowing all aspects of your life to feed your writing—especially when you are blocked, struggling for time to write, or uninspired. CSW 356-1: W, 6:00-8:30 pm, 6/8-6/29, 4 sessions, $95
Dance Two-Step instructor: emily Fox Two-Step is an exciting, creative dance that combines the flow and smoothness of Fox Trot with the fun spins and thrilling combinations of Swing. Traveling around the floor like other ballroom dances, Two-Step includes both sassy and elegant moves that allow both the leader and the follower to strut their stuff. CSW 012-1: m, 6:00-7:00 pm, 5/23-7/11, (no class 5/30 & 7/4), 6 wks, $65
West Coast Swing instructor: emily Fox Dance to a range of fun and funky music in the coolest of all partner dances. Although not physically demanding, it is challenging. (It’s best to have some partner dance experience.) CSW 034-1: m, 7:00-8:00 pm, 5/23-7/11 (no class 5/30 & 7/4), 6 wks, $65
Advanced Beginner Salsa instructor: emily Fox Want more Salsa? After reviewing basics we’ll learn new moves, improve our Latin motion and develop lead/follow technique. With more turns and patterns you will look hot on the dance floor! CSW 035-1: m, 8:00-9:00 pm, 5/23-7/11, (no class 5/30 & 7/4), 6 wks, $65
entrepreneurial import export now! instructor: John Spiers Highly rated by students for content and pace for the last decade, this course will take you through the steps necessary to establish your own import or export company, or both. Location: on the internet. CSW 094-1: W, (location: on the internet) 9:00-11:00 pm, 6/22-8/17, 9 wks, $95
Beginner’s Guide to Getting Published instructor: leeAnne Krusemark Did you know Stephen King was rejected 75 times before he sold his first novel? If your goal is to become a published freelance writer this comprehensive workshop will guide you to, then past the editor’s desk. You will discover how to: become a “published” writer overnight; submit manuscripts the correct way; find the right publisher for your work; write irresistible query letters. A mandatory $20 materials fee is payable to the instructor at the door for information designed to help you long after the workshop is over. CSW 085-1: Th, 3:00-5:00 pm, 7/7, 1 session, $39
meet the Publisher – Get your manuscript Critiqued instructor: leeAnne Krusemark Bring your in-progress manuscript for an in-class critique of your poetry, article, short story, etc. You will then learn about the pros and cons of traditional publishing and self-publishing options. Leave a COPY of your completed manuscript with LeeAnne, for a professional critique (for an optional materials fee of $50 for up to 25 double-spaced pages + $1/page thereafter) and a list of publishers and/or agents. A mandatory $10 materials fee is payable to the instructor at the door for a detailed workbook comparing the different publishing options for your work and a writer’s resource book. CSW 344-1: Th, 5:00-6:00 pm, 7/7, 1 session, $25
$Cash$ in with a Successful HomeBased Business instructor: leeAnne Krusemark Learn how to start a home-based business from a Chamber of Commerce past president and successful southern California entrepreneur. You will discover: more than 100 home business ideas; mandatory legal documentation; many ways to market your product/service; and much more. A mandatory $20 materials fee is payable to the instructor at the door for information designed to help you long after the workshop is over. CSW 077-1: Th, 6:00-8:00 pm, 7/7, 1 session, $39
Funeral Planning Funeral Planning for the living instructor: Carol Coan This workshop teaches participants to plan ahead for death, thereby anticipating necessary decisions, evaluating options, saving money, and embracing life today. CSW 433-1: Th, 6:00-8:00 pm, 6/9-6/16, 2 wks, $45
Health Care emT Basic instructor: Kevin Garvey Provides training in the primary care of injuries, Semiautomatic External Defibrillator (S/AED), acute illnesses, birth, and people in emergency situations. Students learn rescue extrication, transportation, communication, legal implications and ambulance training. This course is taught using lectures, slides, demonstrations and practice. Students completing the course are able to sit for the Mass EMT Exam. Some Saturday meetings will be scheduled. Cost includes $50 equipment fee. CSW 310-1: m/W, 6:00-10:00 pm, 5/23-8/17, (no class 5/30 & 7/4) includes some Saturday classes, $595
r.n. Board review instructor: linda Barile, martha lynch, mary Farrell & maureen O’riley A review course geared for new RN graduates preparing to take the new NCLEX computerized format (CAT). All major subject areas in nursing will be covered with an emphasis on medicalsurgical, prenatal health, and pediatric and obstetric health problems. Test-taking tips for CAT, pertinent handouts and sample NCLEX questions will be provided. To be held at the Downtown Center, 270 Main St., Greenfield. For specific schedule details, call the Community Education Office at (413) 775-1605. CSW 102-1: m-F, 9:00 am-3:00 pm, 6/13-6/17, $300
Greenfield Community College
Community education Credit-free Workshops: To register and pay online go to or call (413) 775-1803.
Health and Wellness
missing Persons: using Census records to Find your Ancestors
reiki i
instructor: Sara Campbell While last year’s census is fresh in our mind, let’s take a look at the questions asked in past years, where those records are stored, how to access them and other similar records collected by states and municipalities, as well as other countries such as Canada and Ireland. CSW 938-2: W, 6:30-8:30 pm, 7/20, 1 Session, $25
instructor: Debra Basili Reiki is one of the more widely known forms of healing, using spiritually-guided life force energy. This Reiki I Practitioner class teaches how to perform Reiki on yourself, friends or prospective clients. Certificate provided. CSW 665-1: Saturday, 9:00 am-4:30 pm, 6/25, 1 session, $69
reiki ii instructor: Debra Basilli Prerequisite: Reiki I. Participants study and learn the first three sacred symbols, constuct a crystal grid, learn long-distance healing, and practice these skills. Materials and certificate provided. CSW 673-1: Saturday, 9:00 am-4:00 pm, 7/9, 1 session, $69
introduction to Herbal medicine instructor: Bonnie Bloom We will look at how to choose what herbs to use, drug interactions and contra indications, how to begin to use herbal medicine, treating chronic, acute or serious illness and determining herbal quality. CSW 444-2: Saturday, 9:00-4:00 pm, 7/16, 1 session, $65
History Genealogy: Who Do you Think you Are? instructor: Sara Campbell Learn how to research your family tree and identify your ancestors. Topics will include accessing municipal records of birth, death, and marriage, census records, immigration records, military records, land records and others. We’ll review what is available locally, and do internet research in the third session. CSW 445-1: W, 6:30-8:30 pm, 6/8-6/22, 3 wks, $59
They Didn’t Change His name at ellis island instructor: Sara Campbell Explore immigration records in New York and other entry ports, as well as points of embarkation on the other side of the ocean. Learn how to access the records and interpret them. CSW 939-1: W, 6:30-8:30 pm, 7/13, 1 Session, $25
Gravestone Studies 101: A Survey of Gravestone Art in the Pioneer valley instructor: robert Drinkwater The presentation will offer participants an introduction to gravestone art in the Pioneer Valley and the vicinity. Included will be a brief review of local history and an overview of New England gravestone studies and more. CSW 636-2: W, 7:00-8:30 pm, 7/27 and Saturday field trip, 10:00 am-11:30 am, 7/30, 2 sessions, $35
massage Peer Supervision for the massage Therapist instructor: Janice P. luzzi This workshop gives you an opportunity to explore solutions to challenging client situations, receive peer support & input through case presentations, group discussion & review of ethical bodywork practice. (3 contact hrs) CSW 716-1: W, 6:00-9:00 pm, 6/22, 1 session, $45
music The Digital Home Studio instructor: Tommy Byrnes Your home recording setup—what you’ll need, the equipment involved and your space. We will discuss computer-based vs. stand-alones, Macs vs. PCs, laptops vs. desktops, software, MIDI, and free stuff online. CSW 373-1: m, 6:00-8:30 pm, 6/6-6/20, 3 wks, $69
The Basics Of recording instructor: Tommy Byrnes Covers the techniques needed to make great sounding recordings. Microphones, gain staging, mixing techniques, etc. We’ll also discuss the signal chain, using compressors and gates, EQ and reverb. CSW 365-1: m, 6:00-8:30 pm, 7/11-7/25, 3 wks, $69
your music (Band) as a Business instructor: Tommy Byrnes This workshop will cover what you need to know as a working musician. Copyrights, marketing, organization, your band as a small business and many other topics will be covered. CSW 441-2: m, 6:00-9:00 pm, 8/1, 1 session, $35
renewable energy Sustainable living Compassionate Climate Change Communication—new! instructor: Charlie laurel Participants learn how to engage in productive conversations about climate change without a degree in climate science. Communication skills include: Overcoming confirmation bias, establishing credibility, listening for, and speaking to values and risk assessment. CSW 453-1: T, 6:30-8:30 pm, 5/24-5/31, 2 sessions, $45
Building With earth, Straw, Wood, and Stone—new! instructor: Charlie laurel Explores aspects of residential building with minimally-processed, local, plentiful, natural and recycled materials. Students learn techniques for working with a range of materials through projects, hands-on activities and field trips. Note: Use of power and hand tools. (SCI 134 - 45 hours) reW 427-1: m/W, 6:00-8:50 pm, 5/23-7/7 (no class 5/30 & 7/4), $425
Photovoltaic (Solar electric) installations instructor: richard Gottlieb An examination of the practical skills needed to install utility-connected and off-grid Photovoltaic (PV) systems. Topics include the study of electric load analysis, system and component design and sizing, system siting, shading, electrical and mechanical system configuration, and safety and electrical and building code compliance supplemented with hands-on system installation. Successful completion of this course enables the student to sit for the NABCEP (North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners) PV Entry Level Certificate. With additional education, training and installation experience, this certificate can lead to becoming a NABCEP Certified PV Solar Installer. (SCI 221 - 45 hours) Special requirement: Field trips required. reW 392-2: m-F, 8:30 am-5:30 pm, 7/25-7/29, $425
introduction to Photovoltaic (Solar electric) Technology instructor: richard Gottlieb An introduction to photovoltaic (solar electric) technology for students with a strong personal interest in photovoltaic (PV) technology as well as those considering a career in solar electric technology. (SCI 121 - 45 hours) reW 391-1: Tue-Sat., 8:30 am-5:30 pm, 5/31- 6/4, $425
Community education Credit-free Workshops: To register and pay online go to or call (413) 775-1803.
Workforce Development
GCC’s Workforce Development We will custom-design and deliver workforce development training just for your business! A sample of our past trainings include: • Computer • Communications • Customer Service • Change Management
• Health Care • Supervision and Management • Workplace Spanish
Call us at (413) 775-1607 to discuss your needs. Workforce Development Office • 270 Main St. • Greenfield, MA 01301 Nancy Bair, Director • (413) 775-1607 • Weatherization Business Development—new! Wondering what it takes to start and run a successful weatherization business? Come get info and skills you need to be your own boss in this burgeoning field. Topics include basic building science and weatherization skills, equipment requirements, financing options, staffing needs, revenue opportunities, regulatory considerations, licenses and permits, marketing, and customer service. WFD 726-8: Spring 2011, 8 sessions, $159.
Weatherization installer Course planned for Fall 2011 After completing this course, students will be qualified to work as professional air sealing technicians and insulation installers. BPI exam offered. Cost $750.00, scholarships available. For both Weatherization courses, call 413-7751660 for more information.
Community Partners Construction Supervisor Training Classes begin July 19, 2011.
6:30 pm-10:00 pm, one night per week for 7 weeks. TO reGiSTer Call: (800) 221-0578 (inside Massachusetts) (978) 821-2093 (outside Massachusetts) email: Address: Construction Supervisor Training 57 Riverbend Street Athol, MA 01331
ServSafe Food Protection manager Certification instructor: Gary Weiss Become a Certified Food Protection Manager with this national training program. The intensive 9-hour training will prepare you for and give the exam that is required for Mass. State Certification. Get updated on food manager responsibilities and insure that the food you are serving is safe for the public. The cost includes reference text and exam. WFD 751-8: m, 6:00-9:00 pm, 7/18, 25 & 8/1, 3 wks, GCC, $169
Certified Health Care Paraprofessional Sue Pratt (Program Coordinator) Join our growing and enthusiastic group of CNA/HHA alumni who have gone on to indemand careers in a range of medical, health care and private settings. GCC has partnered with the Tripp Memorial Healthcare Collaborative, a non-profit organization committed to caregiver education, to offer high quality training as previous graduates enthusiastically attest. Classes are held in GCC‘s state approved classrooms and Nursing Skills Lab with clinical hours in a local state approved Extended Care Facility. This training will prepare students for the CNA Red Cross administered certificate exam. Please note: You are NOT certified until you successfully pass the Red Cross certifying exam. For more information, to receive an application packet, or to find out about upcoming training sessions call (413) 775-1672.
Employers Association of the NorthEast (EANE) offers workshops in collaboration with Greenfield Community College that are open to members and non-members. EANE members call for the member discount.
legal Pitfalls in the Hiring Process Gain the knowledge critical to protecting your organization from the many legal pitfalls associated with hiring. Understand the major federal & state laws that impact employee selection. Leased employees – does temp to regular hiring really protect you? How to carry out effective background screening. Getting the most out of reference checking. WFD 361-1: Th, 8:30-noon, 5/19, 1 Session, $125
interviewing for results Learn how to create a list of ‘required’ and ‘preferred’ credentials to be sure you know what you’re looking for. The essentials of effective interviewing will be covered along with various techniques to ensure you are getting honest and comprehensive answers to your questions. If you have a current opening, bring the job description to gain extra value from this program. WFD 333-1: Th, 8:30am-noon, 6/9, 1 Session, $125
*eAne members call (413) 775-1607 for special discount.
Greenfield Community College
Community education Credit-free Workshops: To register and pay online go to or call (413) 775-1803.
emS Paramedic refresher: Online TO reGiSTer FOr THeSe WOrKSHOPS: On-line at or call (413) 775-1803. You will receive an email from the instructor just prior to class start date.
massachusetts Paramedic refresher: Online
Paramedic Assistant Course for Basic emTs
instructor: Christopher Bascomb Meet your 48-hour Paramedic Refresher requirements at your convenience within a 30 day time period. This course is OEMS approved and satisfies all Massachusetts refresher topics with tutorials, assigned readings, case studies and analysis, photos, discussion board, self-evaluations and relevant web links. Your instructor tracks your progress, providing feedback and regular updates. A “live” session is required to complete the practical skills evaluation. Call (413) 775-1628 for more details. CSW 524-1: Cycle June 1- 30, $125 nO eXTenSiOnS CSW 524-3: Cycle July 1- 31, $125 nO eXTenSiOnS
instructor: Christopher Bascomb 6 hours of Basic EMT continuing education. Online, with one skills session required. Covers all aspects of the Paramedic-Assistant course, including medical-legal responsibilities, scope of practice, sharps disposal, approved skills and more. Topics reviewed online and during the skills session include: preparing IV solutions, EKG and 12- lead electrode placement, endotracheal tube securing and suctioning, pulse oximetry, blood glucose monitoring. Take this class at your own pace within a calendar month. The class awards a certificate of completion in addition to continuing education hours. Skills sessions are scheduled as needed. CSW 562-1: Cycle June 1 – 30, $35
massachusetts emT Basic refresher: Online instructor: Scott Chapman/Christopher Bascomb Meet your Massachusetts Basic EMT refresher requirements at your convenience within a 30 day time period. This OEMS approved course satisfies all refresher topics with tutorials, assigned readings, case studies, discussion board, self-evaluations and relevant web links. This is an interactive refresher process with feedback and regular updates from your instructors. A “live” session is required to complete the practical skills evaluation. Call (413) 775-1628 for more details. CSW 527-1: Cycle June 1- 30, $90 nO eXTenSiOnS
massachusetts emT intermediate “Add-On” refresher: Online instructor: Christopher Bascomb This OEMS approved 12 hour on-line program can be completed at your convenience within a 30 day time period. You may take the on-line refresher before, during or after your traditional or online Basic EMT refresher. A one-hour “live” session is required to complete the practical skills evaluation. CSW 528-1: Cycle July 1 – 31, $45 nO eXTenSiOnS
A Guide to Bedside medications instructor: Christopher Bascomb 6 hours Basic and Intermediate continuing education, approval number pending. On-line. Did you know that nearly 30% of all hospital admissions are the result of home medication errors? Gain more confidence in your assessment and treatment skills by learning more about common medications found in your patients’ homes. We will take a body systems approach, reviewing many common respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine and neurological conditions. We will also review behavioral emergencies and pain management issues. We will examine the most common medications used for these conditions, their intended effects and their side effects. CSW 563-1: Cycle June 1-30, $35
American Heart Association Classes for emS Pediatric emergency Assessment, recognition & Stabilization (PeArS)—neW! instructor: Dawn Josefski This course is suitable for healthcare providers who see pediatric patients and others who may work with children but do not require the advanced skills and certification of PALS. Students will learn to identify a pediatric victim at risk of severe respiratory or cardiopulmonary distress and how to intervene early to stabilize the child. OEMS credits available. (7 hours) CSW 615-2: m, 9:00 am-3:00 pm, 7/18, 1 session, $125
Pediatric Advanced life Support renewal Course (PAlS)—neW! instructor: Dawn Josefski Designed to aid the pediatric healthcare provider in developing the knowledge and skills necessary to efficiently and effectively manage critically ill infants and children, resulting in improved outcomes. Students must have a current PALS card. (7 hours) CSW 616-1: Th, 9:00 am-3:00 pm, 6/16, 1 session, $150 CSW 616-2: T, 9:00 am-3:00 pm, 8/2, 1 session, $150
Advanced Cardiac life Support renewal Course (AClS)—neW! instructor: Dawn Josefski Healthcare providers will enhance their skills in the treatment of the adult victim of a cardiac arrest or other cardiopulmonary emergencies. Students must have a current ACLS card. (6 hours) CSW 617-1: W, noon- 6:00 pm, 5/25, 1 session, $175 CSW 617-3: T, noon-6:00 pm, 6/21, 1 session, $175 CSW 617-4: Th, 9:00 am-3:00 pm, 7/14, 1 session, $175
Community education Credit-free Workshops: To register and pay online go to or call (413) 775-1803.
registration information for ed2go Online Courses Our instructor-facilitated online courses are informative, fun, convenient, and highly interactive. Our instructors are famous for their ability to create warm and supportive communities of learners. All courses run for six weeks (with a twoweek grace period at the end). Courses are project-oriented and include lessons, quizzes, hands-on assignments, discussion areas, supplementary links, and more. You can complete any of these courses entirely from your home, office, or laptop and at any time of the day or night.
How to Get Started: 1. Visit our Online Instruction Center: 2. Browse the many classes available. When you find the course you’re looking for click the 'Enroll Now' button and follow the directions to enroll and pay for your class. You will be provided an opportunity to choose the name and password you will use to access your course. During orientation, you will learn important information about the course you've chosen. 3. Registration with GCC must be completed before you can access your course on the start date. You will not be verified into the course until you have completed registrations at BOTH ed2go and GCC. Upon registration, you will receive in the mail further information about the delivery of online courses. 4. On the start date of your course, return to our Online Instruction Center and click the Classroom link. To begin your studies, simply log in with the name and password you selected during registration.
Start Dates: A new section of every course in this catalog will begin on the following dates: June 15 Section 1 July 20 Section 2 Aug 17 Section 3
Online ed2go Take your workshops from the convenience of your home or office this Summer! For course offerings and full descriptions of all ed2go courses, please visit and go to “Browse Catalog”. There you will find listings for hundreds of affordable workshops for business and pleasure. each course is $95 unless otherwise indicated.
CATeGOry TiTleS • • • • • • •
Accounting and Finance Business Computer Applications Design and Composition Health Care and medical language and Arts law and legal
• • • •
Personal Development Teaching and education Technology Writing and Publishing
mOST POPulAr COurSeS TAKen in 2010 • Accounting Fundamentals • Creating Web Pages • medical Terminology: A Word Association Approach • introduction to microsoft excel 2007 • Speed Spanish • A to Z Grant Writing • Project management Fundamentals • Grammar refresher • introduction to SQl • introduction to QuickBooks 2010 • Teaching Smarter With SmArT Boards • introduction to CSS and XHTml • Photoshop elements 8 for the Digital Photographer
• • • • • • • • • • •
explore a Career in medical Coding intermediate microsoft excel 2007 Beginning Writer's Workshop Secrets of Better Photography introduction to microsoft excel 2010 Computer Skills for the Workplace introduction to microsoft Word 2007 Human Anatomy and Physiology introduction to Java Programming Discover Digital Photography introduction to microsoft Access 2007
Student comment.
requirements: All courses require Internet access, e-mail, Netscape Navigator, or Microsoft Internet Explorer. Some courses may have additional requirements. Please visit our Online Instruction Center for more information. To register during normal business hours call (413) 775-1803. To register anytime (secure) please go to and click on Online Workshops.
I was nervous taking my first “ed2go” class but this class was so well done, I plan to take more in the future. I didn't realize how much leg work was involved in grant writing. It is such an exciting field and this course will enable me to make an educated decision whether it is a possible occupation for me. Thank you so much for the detail and discussion participation.
Greenfield Community College
Community education Credit-free Workshops: To register and pay online go to or call (413) 775-1803.
GATlin eDuCATiOn–Online We’re proud to offer online Career Development courses from Gatlin Education. Gatlin provides courses in a “Blended Learning” format. These programs combine high quality online content, textbooks, CD-ROMs, and, most importantly, an online instructor/mentor committed to student success. Adult learners and career changers are generally faced with competency-based or certification-based learning. Gatlin programs are designed to provide the skills necessary to acquire professional caliber positions for many in-demand occupations. To register, please call (413) 775-1803. For more information e-mail or visit the GCC web page for course outlines, syllabi, instructor information, and more about course format.
Health Care Programs
Business Programs
medical Transcription
This online, instructor-led program will prepare you to start a new career as a Medical Transcriptionist. A medical terminology course is included at no extra cost! Transcriber and all materials included. DeW 101 (Hours: 240) $1,495
This online, instructor-led program prepares students to be successful in the fast growing paralegal career field. All materials included! DeW 104 (Hours: 300) $1,695
Project management Pharmacy Technician This online program will teach the skills needed to gain employment as Pharmacy Technician in either the hospital or retail setting. All materials included. DeW 102 (Hours: 300) $1,895
veterinary Assistant This online program will prepare you for an exciting new career as a veterinary assistant by teaching you the essential skills of a veterinary assistant. Textbooks included. DeW 103 (Hours: 240) $1,695
Administrative medical Specialist with medical Billing and Coding This online program will give you the skills you need to find the job YOU are looking for as an Administrative Medical Specialist (AMS); it also provides preparation for the Certified Coding Associate (CCA) national certification exam. DeW 110 (Hours: 300) $1,895
medical Billing and Coding This nationally recognized Medical Billing and Coding online training certificate program is designed to prepare students to fill positions for medical coding and billing professionals. DeW 112 (Hours: 240) $1,495
This program teaches the basics of project management and includes preparation for the Project Management Professional national certification exam. Textbook and exam prep included. DeW 105 (Hours: 40) $1,395
internet, Design, and Technical Programs AutoCAD 2009 This online program will teach you the skills needed to create and edit simple drawings and gradually introduces more advanced AutoCAD skills. AutoCAD 2009 student software and textbook included! DeW 106 (Hours: 150) $1,895
Webmaster This online Webmaster program begins by teaching simple web page development and progresses by introducing new concepts by involving you in active web page implementation using HTML and Dynamic HTML. Textbook included. DeW 107 (Hours: 150) $1,695
management for iT Professionals This online training program is particularly well suited for anyone in IT who has recently assumed management responsibilities, anyone who is managing IT professionals, or anyone who wants a basic and introductory perspective on some of the unique issues facing the management of IT professionals. In this program, the focus is on developing a successful leadership style that facilitates team-building, collaboration, and a corporate culture that promotes success. DeW 115 (Hours: 390) $1,995
Green Building Principles of Green Buildings This course, developed and written in partnership with nationally recognized building science experts from Advanced Energy of North Carolina, is designed to teach an individual in the building, remodeling, or trade industry the principles they must know to make buildings perform more efficiently, as well as to help prepare individuals for various NATE, NARI, BPI, RESNET, and other industry credentials for green building. This course is NATE recognized for 28 CEUs applicable to NATE recertification. Materials are included. DeW 116 (Hours: 30) $ 495
Search engine Optimization Search engine optimizers increase their company’s Web site traffic by improving its search-engine page rankings. This 3-part program will teach you how to tailor your website to achieve better search engine ranking, incorporate dynamic technology and Flash, and make the most of your website content. DeW 113 (Hours: 150) $1,395
Community education Credit-free Workshops: To register and pay online go to or call (413) 775-1803.
veSi–Professional Development for educators These are CD-ROM and online courses designed and taught by top professionals. You will have telephone access to your instructor during “office hours” and e-mail access with guaranteed 24-hour response time. When you successfully complete your course, you can print out a certificate for your files. VESi’s mission is to help educators and business professionals with their ongoing professional development needs. Check our web site www. for the most up-to-date listings. To register, call (413) 775-1803 or register and pay online at For questions call (413) 775-1803 or email chastney@gcc.mass,edu.
The Stillpoint Program at Greenfield Community College
All courses in this section are 30 contact hours/PDPs: Child Abuse: Working with Abused and neglected Children© CSW 775-2 $169 Attention Deficit Disorder: information & interventions for effective Teaching© CSW 778-2 $169 violence in Schools: identification, Prevention, and intervention Strategies© CSW 779-2 $169 Drugs & Alcohol in School: understanding Substance use & Abuse© CSW 782-2 $169 Autism & Asperger’s Disorder: information & effective intervention Strategies CSW 784-2 $169 Talented and Gifted Working with High Achievers© CSW 788-2 $169 Traumatized Child: The effects of Stress, Trauma & violence on Student learning© CSW 792-2 $169 Advanced Classroom management: Children as Change Agents© CSW 793-2 $169 educational Assessment: Assessing Student learning in the Classroom© CSW 794-2 $169 Teaching Diversity: influences and issues in the Classroom© CSW 780-2 $169 inclusion: Working with Students with Special needs in General education Classrooms© CSW 786-2 $169 infant and Toddler mental Health: issues & information for educators© CSW 749-2 $169 reading Fundamentals #1: An introduction to Scientifically-based research© CSW 753-2 $169 reading Fundamentals #2: laying the Foundation for effective reading instructions© CSW 754-2 $169 Harassment, Bullying & Cyber-intimidation in Schools CSW 783-2 $169
All courses in this section are 45 contact hours/PDPs: Behavior is language: Strategies for managing Disruptive Behavior© CSW 776-2 $195 learning Disabilities: Practical information for Classroom Teachers© CSW 781-2 $195 understanding Aggression: Coping with Aggressive Behavior in the Classroom© CSW 789-2 $195 reading Fundamentals #3: The elements of effective reading instruction & Assessment© CSW 756-2 $195
veSi System requirements These computer-based software courses are designed to be run from the compact disc (CD) and only save user data on the hard drive of your Macintosh or Windows computer. They are also available online. Macintosh User Requirements: • System OS 9.x or OS 10.x • A color monitor • At least 256 MB of RAM • At least 5 MB of available hard drive space • Access to a printer PC User Requirements: • Windows 2000, XP Home, Professional or Newer • A color monitor • At least 256 MB of RAM • At least 5 MB of available hard drive space • Access to a printer
Want to energize your practice? enhance your skills? expand your client base? The Stillpoint Massage Therapy Program at Greenfield Community College is redefining itself as a center for advanced continuing education, The New Stillpoint
Center for Advanced Continuing Massage Education.
Join us this fall and help us build a learning community of practitioners in Western Massachusetts.
Certificates of completion Convenient downtown Greenfield location
Senior Symposia Symposia and events for those 50 and older hosted by Greenfield Community College and located at GCC’s Downtown Center Fall 2011 Symposia • Unions and the American Middle Class • Papyrus to Pixel: the Future of the Book • Lost in Siberia • Health Care Reform • Health Care Reform is a Right! • Iran • and more To receive a fall semester brochure: Call (413) 775-1681 or
Greenfield Community College
Community education–registration Form
Credit-Free Workshop registration Form reGiSTrATiOn line: (413) 775-1803 GCC Office of Community Education (413) 775-1605 Office of Work Force Development (413) 775-1607 Date: ___/___/____ Semester: Summer 2011 Have you previously attended GCC:
❏ Yes
❏ No
❏ Male
❏ Female
My name at that time was: ______________________________________________________________ Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth (required): _____ / _____ / _____ Address:
Student ID
City: ___________________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: ______________ Home Phone: ______________________________ Work Phone: Cell Phone: ________________________________ Email:
CODE __________________ TITLE __________________________PRICE ________________________ CODE __________________ TITLE __________________________PRICE ________________________ CODE __________________ TITLE __________________________PRICE ________________________ Payment method: Check (payable to GCC ) For Credit Card Purchase please call Karen Chastney at (413) 775-1803. Please return this registration form with payment to: Greenfield Community College Community Education One College Drive Greenfield, MA 01301 ATTN: KAREN ❏ 3rd PARTY BILL INFO: ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
General information–Credit
4 easy Steps to enrolling in Credit Classes at GCC! 1. Decide if you should complete an application for admission or only a registration form: • You complete an application for admission if you intend on applying for financial aid and/or want to complete a degree or certificate at GCC. • You complete only a registration form if want to take classes at GCC but do not intend on applying for financial aid or completing a degree at GCC. To apply on-line, determine if you are completing the correct type of application, or for more detailed enrollment information visit or call (413) 775-1801.
2. Complete a Free Application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA) at to determine if you are eligible for state and/ or federal grants, loans, work study or other scholarship money to help pay for your education. For detailed information on financial aid visit or call (413) 775-1109
3. make an appointment to take placement tests in reading, english and math if: • You have never taken ACCUPLACER placement tests at GCC or another Massachusetts community college. • You have not taken college level English and passed with a C or better at another college. • You have not taken a college level math course and passed with a C or better in the last five years. • You have not taken the ACCUPLACER math test within the last five years. For detailed information on placement testing or to make an appointment to take your tests visit or call (413) 775-1147.
4. make an appointment to meet with an advisor and register for classes in the Academic Advising Center. For information on registration visit or call (413) 775-1339 to make an appointment.
Greenfield Community College
General information–Credit ADmiSSiOn inFOrmATiOn Admission requirements Admission to a degree or certificate program requires a high school diploma, a G.E.D., or successfully passing a federally approved Ability-toBenefit Test. We do not require entrance examinations such as SATs or ACTs. The college requires a placement test of anyone who has not completed previous college work in selected English composition or mathematics courses. Health Occupations programs hold monthly informational meetings to describe entrance requirements to the RN, LPN, Massage Therapy, and Paramedic programs. All meetings are held at the Downtown Center, 270 Main Street, with the exception of the LPN, which are held at the VA Medical Center in Leeds. Dates can be found at Several other academic programs limit their enrollment or have different requirements. If you have questions, ask one of our admission representatives.
matriculation Matriculation means formal admission into a degree or certificate program. Only matriculated students are eligible to be considered for financial aid and graduation. To matriculate: 1. Call us (413-775-1801) or stop by for an admission application. Return the completed application to the Office of Admission, N219, Main Building, Main Campus. You may also apply online at . 2. If you are accepted into a degree or certificate program and would like to receive transfer credit for previous successful college work that may be applied to your program of study, official transcript(s) must be sent directly from those institutions to our Office of Admission. After evaluation you will receive written notification of those courses/credits applicable to your program. NOTE: It is not necessary to matriculate to take courses at Greenfield Community College if you do not intend to seek a degree, certificate, or financial aid.
Placement Assessment (for credit courses only) Most students are required to complete reading, writing, and mathematics assessments before registering for their first credit course. This assessment helps to ensure academic success by placing students in appropriate courses. Students may be exempt from skills assessment if: • they have completed the assessment process at GCC within the last year; • they have successfully completed an appropriate course in English composition and/or mathematics at another college (a math course must have been within the last five years);
they are taking courses on an audit basis and not for credit.
Spend your Summer at GCC
You may take placement tests by appointment only. Please call the Testing Center at (413) 7751147 or (413) 775-1821 to make an appointment.
Get ahead of the curve! Register for a summer class today and earn credits towards your degree.
Those for whom their first language is not English, should call (413) 775-1226 or 775-1840 for assistance with skills assessments. Students who believe their assessment scores do not reflect their level of skill should contact the Testing Center at (413) 775-1147 to discuss their options and to arrange for a retest.
Home for the summer? Take a summer credit course at GCC and transfer your credits.
Financial aid Many of the students attending Greenfield Community College receive financial aid. Financial aid funds originate from federal, state, institutional, private, and community resources. Those resources carry certain requirements and obligations on the part of the college and the students. Your particular academic program and enrollment status may have an impact on your financial aid award, such as full-time vs. part-time or repeated courses. Only matriculated students are eligible for federal and state financial aid. Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid so we may determine your eligibility. You may wish to review some of the local outside scholarship opportunities listed on the GCC Financial Aid web site outsidescholarships.pdf. Please note: Financial aid awards do not necessarily cover all college tuition, fees, and other costs associated with attending college. In addition, students are advised to have a budget plan to ensure that they have sufficient funds pending receipt of their financial aid award at mid-semester. Please refer to the 2010–2011 Catalog for specific details of eligibility and programs, or contact the Financial Aid Office which is located on the second floor of the North Building, Main Campus, (413) 775-1109.
veterans and Selected reserve information The college is approved by the Veterans Administration for attendance by veterans eligible for VA Educational Assistance or the VA Rehabilitation Program. This applies to students taking courses during the day, evening or summer. If you are a veteran of the United States armed services, or if you are a dependent of a deceased or disabled veteran, you may be eligible for federal veterans educational assistance benefits. For additional information, contact our Veteran’s Affairs Coordinator in the Financial Aid Office, N202B, Main Building, or call (413) 775-1102. In addition, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts provides tuition waivers at public colleges and universities for eligible veterans and current members
Summer Session i begins may 23 Summer Session ii begins July 14 of the active armed services stationed and residing in Massachusetts who meet the other requirements. Those seeking to use this waiver should confer with the Veteran’s Affairs Coordinator before enrollment. You must provide proof of eligibility and complete the required paperwork. Members of the Selected Reserve may be eligible to receive financial assistance for fees from the ARNG. Contact your Education Officer prior to the beginning of class to apply for benefits. NOTE: This is a tuition waiver program only; fees are the responsibility of the student. * Additional individual course fees may apply.
College immunization law Greenfield Community College, in compliance with the College Immunization Law, Chapter 76 Section 5C of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, has adopted the following immunization policy: All fulltime students (enrolled in 12 or more credits), all full-time and part-time health occupation and international students, must provide the Health Services Office with documentation of immunity to specified communicable diseases. Failure to comply with these requirements will jeopardize enrollment, receipt of grade reports, transcripts, etc. Medical and religious exemptions are allowed. For a list of current requirements, or assistance in meeting immunization requirements, visit or call the Health Services Office, North Modular, Main Campus, (413) 775-1430.
notice of nondiscrimination It is the policy of Greenfield Community College to prohibit unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, ancestry, color, gender, religion, ethnic or national origin, age, personal disability, veteran status, social class or sexual orientation. The college operates under an affirmative action plan and encourages underrepresented individuals to apply, both in terms of employment and to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to its students. This policy is in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, ordinances, and regulations. All inquiries concerning the above should be directed to the Dean of Student and Academic Affairs at (413) 775-1816, N203, Main Building, Main Campus.
General information–Credit STuDenT BillinG Tuition and Fees Your costs will vary depending upon the number of credits and types of courses taken, and individual circumstances. The College has different tuition and fee charges for day, evening, summer, and intersession courses (see Figure 1). In addition, your residency status and miscellaneous fees may impact the amount of your bill. Tuition and fee charges are subject to change at the discretion of the Board of Trustees of GCC.
explanation of Charges Health insurance charge – $866 (fall semester), $579 (spring semester) This is a mandatory waivable charge. The Massachusetts Mandatory Health Insurance Law mandates that each Massachusetts Community College require all students carrying nine credits or more in the Day or DAY/DCE Divisions to participate in the student health insurance program. If you are already covered under a comparable healthcare plan, you may be eligible to waive this charge. Our servicer of the student insurance plan is University Health Plans. For additional information visit our website at: massPirG charge – $9 once per semester This is a waivable charge assessed to all day scheduled credit courses. It is a voluntary contribution to the MassPIRG organization. MassPirg is a student sponsored public interest organization. Student bodies from MA state and community Colleges voted to have this charge automatically assessed to student accounts with a student option to waive. Financial Aid funds or third parties do not pay this charge. Therefore, if you choose not to pay it, you must waive it in writing on the green billing worksheet. For additional information visit: registration fee – $20 once per semester This mandatory fee is a non-refundable administrative fee for both day and evening credit courses. It is charged for processing your enrollment and registration. Tuition – in-state: $26 per credit, Out of state: $281 per credit, & neHBe: $39 per credit This mandatory charge is assessed for all day and evening scheduled credit courses. The in-state day tuition portion of your bill is remitted to the state of Massachusetts. College Service Fees-$148.50 per credit (effective fall 2010) for in-State, Out-of-State, & neBHe This mandatory charge is is assessed for all day and evening courses. The fees are retained by GCC for the general operations of the college. Campus Health – $11 once per semester This fee is assessed for all day scheduled credit courses. It is used to fund the Campus Health
Figure 1: massachusetts resident Tuition and Fee Charges for Credit Courses Charge
Rate Day
Tuition* Registration Fee College Service Fee Health Service Fee Student Activity Fee
Per Credit Per Semester Per Credit Per Semester Per Semester
$26.00* $20.00 $148.50 $11.00 $30.00
Rate Evening Summer/Intersession $26.00 $20.00 $148.50 $0.00 $0.00
Other fees may apply *
NEHBE day tuition is $39 per credit; this is special rate for qualifying New England residents. Out-of-state day tuition is $281 per credit. The college offers no reduction in tuition and fees for auditing a course. Credit-free courses are priced individually. Tuition and fees are subject to change with the Board of Trustees approval. Services department where students can seek health care services when on campus. This is not a waivable fee. Student Activity Fee – $30 once per semester This fee is assessed for all day scheduled credit courses. It is used to pay for student entertainment and activities organized by the Student Activities Department. Special Fees: Special program fees may be included on your bill for specific programs such as Nursing, OLP, Music, EMT, or other. If you are enrolled in a program that requires special fees for insurance, equipment, supplies, or other expenses related to the cost of running the course, these fees will apply. Day vs. D/D tuition & fee charges: From a student’s prospective, there is no difference between day and D/D charges. These day charges are categorized as such strictly for college accounting purposes. If your bill shows D/D charges, they are treated as regular day charges for billing purposes.
residency & neBHe Tuition and fee rates are calculated based on your Massachusetts or New England residency status. in-state or out-of-state resident: In-state residents are a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident who has established a residence in Massachusetts and have maintained continuous residency in Massachusetts for at least the six months immediately prior to the date of enrollment. An individual must be able to prove Massachusetts residency for six continuous months and intent to remain in the state. For further details, contact Enrollment Services at (413) 775-1801. To apply for in-state residency complete the In-State Tuition Eligibility Form on page 50. neBHe: Through the New England Board of Higher education (NEBHE), Massachusetts participates in the Regional Student Program (RSP) which enables students from one New England state to attend public colleges or universities in another New England state at tuition rates below
those normally charged to out-of-state students. Eligible New England students who reside outside of Massachusetts currently pay 150 percent of the tuition charged Massachusetts residents. To qualify, a student must be a resident of one of the five other New England states and be pursuing a degree or certificate program not offered at a two-year community college in their home state or offered at a Massachusetts Community College closer to their home. For more information, contact the Office of Admissions at (413) 775-1800.
Tuition Waivers The College requires that tuition waivers be submitted by the due date of the bill if you are eligible for one at that time. Proof of eligibility must be provided. No refunds will be made if you fail to submit the proper waiver in a timely manner. Generally, fees cannot be waived, except for senior citizens and certain College employees. Special program fees cannot be waived. Students registering using a tuition waiver may be admitted to the course on a “space available” basis.
Senior Citizen Waivers Credit classes are generally available at no cost to senior citizens (over 60 years of age) who are Massachusetts residents and have not yet earned a bachelor's degree. (This policy excludes books and some additional fees.) Senior citizens who are Massachusetts residents who have already earned a bachelor's degree are generally eligible to enroll in courses and have most of the course fees waived. Enrollment as a senior citizen in courses is on a "space-available" basis. Since the College cannot determine available seating until after the posted registration period, senior citizens must register for classes on or after the day of the first scheduled meeting. Senior citizens must show proof of eligibility and submit the required paperwork each semester. To determine if there is space in a particular class, seniors should call (413) 775-1801 on the day it is scheduled to meet first.
Greenfield Community College
General information–Credit How to Pay your Bill
Past due bills
Students are required to pay tuition and fees approximately three to four weeks before classes begin each semester.
Please pay your bill on time.
Pay Online: We are now accepting online payments. Payments can be made by the student or by an authorized payer set up by the student. We accept Mastercard, Visa, or Discover. You can also pay by electronic check. We strongly encourage that all payments be made online by the student or his/her designated authorized payer. To pay your bill online: • Log into MyGCC (click “Secure Login” at
• • • • •
the main page and enter your user ID, typically your student ID number). When logging in for the first time, your PIN is usually your date of birth (enter date format as MMDDYY). Select “Student” Select “Student Account” Select “Account Summary” When your account summary appears, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Make Online Payment”. You will be transferred to the secured QuikPAY website to complete the transaction.
If you have any questions, call the Bursar’s Office at (413) 775-1301. Pay by mail: Make checks payable to GCC. Include your student ID number on your check. Send payments to: GCC Bursar’s Office, Rm N220 1 College Drive Greenfield, MA 01301 Pay in Person: As we implement our new online payment system, cash and hardcopy checks will still be accepted in the Bursar’s Office (student billing) in room N220. However, we urge all students or authorized payers to pay online whenever possible. If paying by credit card, the cardholder must show a photo ID. We cannot accept payment if you are not the cardholder. Pay by Phone: We will accept payments by phone in the Bursar’s Office. However, we urge all students or authorized payers to pay online whenever possible. If paying by credit card, the cardholder must call in the payment at (413) 775-1301. important notice: We cannot discuss a student account with anyone other than the student unless the student has completed a waiver of confidentiality form (visit our website at: See step 5 of our Billing Worksheet under Forms. The person inquiring or making payment must be listed on the waiver and a password created by the student must be provided before we can answer any questions or provide account information, including balances.
If you do not pay your bill or sign up for the payment plan by the due date, and you have no other financial resources available to pay your bill, past due accounts are subject to the following actions: • GCC reserves the right to cancel your class schedule before the term begins. • You will be denied additional services such as: future registration; release of your grades; or release of academic transcripts until your bill is paid in full. • If you did not pay your bill in full by the due date and you failed to sign up for the payment plan, past due accounts of $100 or greater will be assessed a payment plan default fee of $35. • Your account will be submitted to a collection agency and you will be responsible for additional collection charges of up to 21% of your unpaid balance. • Your account will be reported to the Massachusetts Debt Intercept Program (balances over $25) where any state payments due you, including state tax refunds, will be intercepted and transferred to Greenfield Community College until your bill is paid in full. Debt Intercept Program: Overdue accounts are subject to Mass. Department of Revenue intercept of state payments, including state tax refunds (MGL C.62D). Please contact the Bursar’s Office to dispute overdue charges or submit a written request for a hearing as allowed under MGL C.30A. • If you do not pay your bill in full within 30 days from the due date, GCC reserves the right to charge a $10 late fee for each month your account is past due. A $10 late fee may also be charged to payment plan accounts for each month a payment is more than 30 days past due.
Withdrawals and refunds Process for Withdrawal: If you decide to withdraw from all or some of your credit classes, you must complete an official Add/Drop form with your advisor and the form must be signed and dated by him/her. The completed form must be delivered to the Enrollment Services Office in N219. Contact the Advising Center at (413) 7751339 or Enrollment Services at (413) 775-1801 for guidance on how to drop a class or withdraw completely. refunds for Credit Courses: The College has different refund policies for day, evening, summer and intersession courses, as well as for credit-free workshops. In all cases, the date of your formal withdrawal will determine your eligibility for a refund. A full refund will be given if a course or workshop is canceled by the college. Withdrawing prior to semester start: If you withdraw from some or all of your credit classes prior to the start of the semester (not before the spe-
cific class begins), a full refund of tuition and fees, less the $20 registration fee, will be issued. The registration fee is an administrative fee and is nonrefundable. Therefore, this fee will remain on your account until it is paid. Withdrawing after semester start: Refund deadlines vary for classes that do not meet for the entire term. Generally, if you withdraw from regularly scheduled credit class(es) during the refund period, you will receive a refund of both tuition and fees as follows: First week of semester .......................100% $20 registration fee non-refundable Second week of semester ................75% $20 registration fee non-refundable For specific dates of refund periods, contact Enrollment Services at: (413) 775-1801. The $20 registration fee is non-refundable and will remain on your account until paid. Refund periods vary for classes that do not meet for the entire term and for summer, intersession, and weekend class schedules. Please check with the Enrollment Services office at (413) 775-1801 to inquire about refund periods for those sessions. IF YOU WITHDRAW FROM ALL OR SOME OF YOUR CLASSES AFTER THE REFUND PERIODS EXPIRE, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY REFUND. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for refund processing. Withdrawal Due to Dissatisfaction or Other Obligations: These situations do not automatically qualify you for a refund. Our regular refund policy will apply in these instances. Extenuating circumstances may be considered on a case by case basis. See Appeals process. Withdrawal due to medical issues: We strongly urge student’s to work with the GCC Health Services Office to complete an official medical withdrawal. However, if you withdraw due to health issues during the refund period, our regular refund policy will apply. Withdrawal due to health issues is treated no differently than a normal withdrawal. There will be no refund for medical withdrawal after refund period has expired. However, extenuating circumstances may be considered on a case by case basis. See Appeals process. Federal refund policy: Students withdrawing from the College may have their financial aid payment adjusted to reflect the actual percentage of time that they have attended class and/or other educational activity. This percentage will be calculated by the number of days the student has attended the College divided by the number of days in the semester. The College and student must return any unearned aid to the appropriate funding sources (i.e. Pell grant, SEOG grant, Stafford Loan). The College will have only thirty (30) days to determine the correct amount of funds the student has earned and notify the student if a refund
General information–Credit must be collected for any aid previously disbursed or if there is a balance owed the College. Students will need to work very closely with the Financial Aid office as they withdraw from the College. For questions on how your withdrawal will affect your Financial Aid package, contact the Financial Aid office at (413) 775-1100.
Appeals Process Students can request an exception to the refund policy by sending a request in writing to the Associate Dean of Administrative Services. Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis. The request should contain enough information to allow an examination of all pertinent facts, and should include any applicable documentation that will strengthen the request. Students should submit requests by postal mail to: Associate Dean of Administrative Services ATTN: Susan McCaffrey, Bursar Greenfield Community College One College Drive Greenfield, Massachusetts 01301 Students can alternatively submit requests via e-mail to: (If the request includes supporting documentation, send the request by postal mail.) medical Withdrawals. 1. If a student is requesting an exception to the refund policy based upon medical reasons, any medical documentation should be sent directly to Donna Larson, Coordinator of Health Services, and to no one else. A note (from a doctor, therapist, psychologist, e.g.) on letterhead stationery must accompany medical withdrawal requests. Please call Health Services for further guidance on medical withdrawals, at (413) 775-1432. If a medical withdrawal is approved, the Coordinator of Health Services will notify the Registrar. That documentation, along with the original request, will become a part of the student’s record. 2. When writing to the Associate Dean of Administrative Services, the student should indicate that a separate and distinct communication for a medical withdrawal has been sent to the Coordinator of Health Services. The student SHOULD NOT include medical documentation to the Dean when requesting an exception to the refund policy. non-medical Withdrawals Documentation for other (non-medical) reasons should be mailed to the address above, or emailed to Susan McCaffrey at, along with an explanation of the reason(s) for the request. At the same time, students should feel free to copy their communication to Associate Dean Tim Braim at
HeAlTH inSurAnCe Academic year 2010-2011 will be the twenty second year of implementation of the Massachusetts Mandatory Health Insurance Law. Under this law, each Massachusetts Community College must require all students carrying nine credits or more in the Day or DCE Divisions to participate in the student health insurance program or in a health insurance program with comparable coverage. Students of the Massachusetts Community Colleges will be insured for policy year 2010-11 by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts’s Blue Care Elect Preferred (PPO) Insurance Plan. To obtain a brochure, visit our website at: Click the insurance menu and choose “download brochure”. If you have comparable coverage you may wish to waive participation in the Massachusetts Community College Insurance Plan.
Health insurance Waiver 1. Log onto 2. Click on “Massachusetts Community Colleges” 3. Select your campus, Greenfield Community College. 4. Select the option “Student Accident & Sickness Insurance Plan” 5. Click on the waiver form. 6. Fill in all the required information. If any information is missing, your waiver will NOT be accepted. 7. Submit the Waiver form.
Delta Dental: A voluntary dental insurance program insured by Delta Dental is also available. To access additional information and to enroll in the dental plan log onto click on Massachusetts Community Colleges then your campus and select the dental option.
eligibility for GCC’s Health insurance If you are a student enrolled in a certificate or a degree-granting program for nine (9) credits or more, you are eligible for health insurance coverage through Greenfield Community College. Part-time students taking fewer than 9 credits are not eligible for the school plan (nor are dependents of students taking 9 credits or more). However, if you think you should be eligible but do not see an insurance charge on your bill, please contact the Student Billing Office.
Alternative insurance Options Due to recent Federal Health Care laws, students may be eligible for coverage under a parent’s plan. Your parent should check with their insurance company or employer to determine whether you are eligible under their plan. If you do have comparable coverage under your parents plan, you can waive the GCC insurance charge. To learn about other insurance options visit:
The premium charge for the Massachusetts Community College Health Insurance Plan will appear on your bill. All On-Line Waivers must be completed at registration time, by the due date of the bill, or prior to the opening of college, otherwise the charge will remain on your bill and payment will be required. The annual premium appearing on your bill is $866 for coverage from September 1, 2010 through August 31, 2011. Should you become a full time student for the Spring semester the premium appearing on your bill is $579 for the period of January 1, 2011 through August 31, 2011. international Students: “Coverage by insurance carriers outside the U.S. and coverage by foreign National Health Service programs are deemed not to be comparable to coverage under a qualifying student health insurance program. Students with foreign health coverage, other than students who are enrolled in a program requiring health insurance, and students whose coverage is embassy-sponsored that provides comparable coverage, must participate in the Qualifying Student Health Insurance Program.”114.6 CMR 3.04 (3) (c). Students will receive an ID card after the enrollment information is sent by the College to University Health Plans.
Greenfield Community College
General information–Credit
massachusetts College of Art and Design Class at Greenfield Community College for Summer 2011 GCC offers 300-400 level courses in photography and painting for massachusetts College of Art and Design. These courses may be used towards the completion of a MassArt BFA degree, for personal enrichment, or to help build an MFA transfer portfolio. For more information about the courses contact Professor Emeritus Budge Hyde,,, (413) 775-3005, or Professor Tom Young,, (413) 775-1239. Enrollment: Please call Massachusetts College of Art & Design, Division of Continuing Education at (617) 879-7200 or go to online registration at:
2DPA264 Collage/Assemblage 3 cr Drawing, painting, and sculpting using found objects, appropriated images, letterforms, texts, and personal memorabilia. Â Slide lectures and class discussions concern the history of collage and assemblage. Prereq: Completion of two college level painting, drawing and/or media courses.
Refer to page 26 for course meeting information.
Online leArninG From the GCC home page or at What to expect from Fully-Online and Hybrid Courses All fully-online and hybrid courses are offered through Blackboard, our learning management system. While these courses offer flexibility, they are not self-paced. Students may be expected to submit weekly assignments and participate in weekly discussions. Course expectations will be outlined in the syllabus. Most students spend approximately 12-15 hours a week participating and completing assigned work in each online course. Students in these courses should log onto Blackboard at least once a day.
Student responsibility in Fully-Online Courses Students registered for a GCC class automatically receive a student email account. This account is used for all college-related correspondence. Log onto your GCC student email account the week before class starts to receive important information about your online class. Your instructor may contact you as well. Students are responsible for checking their GCC email on a daily basis.
Accessing your GCC Student email and Blackboard accounts from the GCC home page: For technical assistance accessing your GCC student email, please contact the Student Help Desk:
Online COurSeS A fully-online course generally offers 80%-100% of online instruction. ANT 104 2 Cultural Anthropology: Tribes, States and the Global System BIO 130 1 Human Nutrition CIS 140 3 Microcomputer Software Tools I CIS 141 4 Microcomputer Software Tools II ENG 101 1 English Composition I: Expository Writing ENG 112 2 English Composition II: Exploring Literature GGY 101 1 Introduction to Geography PCS 141 2 Interpersonal Communication POL 103 1 Comparative Politics PSY 217 1 Human Growth and Development SOC 101 1 Principles of Sociology SOC 101 3 Principles of Sociology
HyBriD COurSeS A hybrid course generally offers 50%-79% of online instruction, reducing but not eliminating some of the face-to-face classroom time. ADM 122 1 Introduction to Medical Terminology ECO 102 1 Principles of Microeconomics HUD 127 2 Survey of Health Careers
internet Support for Face-to-Face GCC Courses Some face-to-face courses have web-based components such as postings of course materials, assignments, or threaded discussions on a course website. All of these components are easily accessed from GCC computers or off-site. Information related to web-based components will be provided by your instructor.
General information–Credit Academic Computing lab
College Store
June 6 through August 12 monday - Thursday, 8 am to 5 pm, Friday, 8 am until 12 noon. Some exceptions are noted below; others may be found online at may also call the appropriate office for their hours. Office numbers are listed on the back cover of this course guide.
The Academic Computing Lab, located in East 139, is open to all currently enrolled GCC students, regardless of major or credit load. The lab’s personal computers may be used for homework, term papers, or other student projects. For those who need help working on a computer, a monitor or consultant is on duty.
Academic Advising Center
Summer HOurS Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Evenings, Tuesday & Wednesday, 5:00 pm - 9:45 pm
Textbooks are available for sale beginning • May 24 for Summer I • July 14 for Summer II Please visit us online at: Summer HOurS Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday, 9:00 am - 12:00 noon eXCePTiOnS May 23, 24, 25, 26, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm July 14, 18, 19, 20, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm The last day to return a textbook for • Summer I is May 31, 2011 • Summer II is July 21, 2011 Returns or exchanges require a sales receipt.
Summer HOurS AT GCC
The Academic Advising Center registers most new students and assists current students when their assigned academic advisors are not available. Appointments recommended. If you’d like to know more, call (413) 775-1339 or visit Summer HOurS Monday – Thursday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday, 8:00 am - 12:00 noon Evening advising is available by appointment.
Disability Services for ADA accommodations (413) 775-1812 To schedule an appointment call (413) 775-1332. Evening appointments available by arrangement. For more information visit
Tutoring Services Peer tutoring is free to anyone enrolled in a summer course at GCC. To make an appointment, call (413) 775-1330. We are in the process of moving from the north wing to the core; see the GCC website for up-to-date location information or call (413) 775-1330.
ClASSeS FOr STuDenTS enrOlleD inTO DevelOPmenTAl enGliSH COurSeS Students who place into ENG 090 and COL 090 can also take courses from the list below during Summer 2011: DAN 101 Introduction to Dance DAN 183 Ballroom Dance: American Smooth Style EVS 151 Youth, Culture and Rites of Passage in Contemporary America GCC 101 The College Connection: Building a Community of Scholars HUD 127 Survey of Health Careers LED 156 Principles of Weight Training LED 161 Golf SPA 101 Elementary Spanish I
library The GCC Library, currently located on the north 4th floor of the main building, will be moving to the 3rd floor core. It serves the study and research needs of a diverse group of teachers and learners by providing a variety of services, collections, technology, and study spaces. The Library is open to the entire GCC community, as well as to the public. Online resources are available remotely with a GCC student, faculty or staff library card. The Library offers reference and research assistance in person, by phone, email, IM, and text. Formal group and individual instruction is also available. For more information visit us at or call (413) 775-1830 or (413) 775-1837. Summer HOurS Monday – Thursday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Evenings, Tuesday & Wednesday, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Friday, 8:00 am - 12:00 noon Closed Weekends ArCHiBAlD mACleiSH COlleCTiOn Located at Memorial Libraries, Deerfield, MA Wednesday, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Testing Center The Testing Center provides proctoring services for the following tests: Computerized Placement, GED, disability accommodation, currency/challenge, and make-up tests. The Center strives to provide a calm and inviting atmosphere in which students can relax and focus on their tests with minimal stress and distractions. For more information visit The Testing Center is currently located in room N253 across from the GCC Bookstore, but will be moving to the core. For more information call (413) 7751147 or (413) 775-1821. Summer HOurS Monday –Thursday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday, 9:00 am - 12 noon Call for Saturday Schedule. Appointments necessary.
Get a head start on college! GCC is offering a 3-credit course for new and first-time college students. GCC 101 THE COLLEGE CONNECTION: BUILDING A COMMUNITY OF SCHOLARS July 25 – August 5 Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Friday, 9:00 am - 12:00 noon In this fun, experiential class you will: • • • • • •
Find out what it is like to be a college student Develop college level skills in reading, writing and other disciplines Earn college credit that will apply to most degree programs Learn about a degree or certificate that relates to your career choice Participate in fun outdoor activities Build relationships with college faculty, staff and students before fall semester begins
For more information or to register please contact: Julie Shaw-MacDougall at (413) 775-1339 or Register early, seating is limited!
Greenfield Community College
General information–Credit Academic Calendar
Health Occupations information meetings
Please note: Dates listed on academic calendars relate to full semester classes only. Calendars for classes with a modified schedule, e.g. extended weeks, reduced weeks, etc., are available in the Registrar’s Office.
Summer Session 1 Classes begin...................................................................................Mon., May 23 Last day to add credit classes....................................................Fri., May 27 Last day to drop/withdraw from credit courses/50% tuition refund.........................Fri., May 27 Memorial Day – no day or evening classes..................Mon., May 30 Last day to drop/withdraw – No Record credit classes..................................................................................Wed., June 8 Bunker Hill Day – day and evening classes meet as scheduled......................................................................Fri., June 17
Early Progress Reports due electronically by 2:00pm......Mon., June 20 Last day to drop/withdraw with a grade of “W” credit classes..............................................................................Mon., June 27 Independence Day no day or evening classes.......................................................Mon., July 4 Last day of Tuesday/Thursday classes .....................................Thu., July 7 Last day of Monday/Wednesday classes .........................Wed., July 13 Final grades due electronically by 10:00 a.m. ................Mon., July 18
The schedule of informational meetings for Health Occupation programs can be found at
Summer Session ii Classes begin......................................................................................Thu., July 14 Last day to add credit classes................................................Wed., July 20 Last day to drop/withdraw from credit courses/50% tuition refund.....................Wed., July 20 Last day to drop/withdraw - No Record credit classes.....................................................................................Fri., July 29
Early Progress Reports due electronically by 2:00pm...........Tue., Aug. 9 Last day to drop/withdraw with a grade of “W” credit classes................................................................................Tue., Aug. 16 Last day of classes.......................................................................Wed., Aug. 31 Final grades due electronically by 10:00 a.m .................Tue., Sept. 6
For additional questions, call the Office of Admission at (413) 775-1802.
Greenfield Community College Associate Degree and Certificate Programs Associate of Arts Degree
Associate of Science Degree
Certificate Programs
• Business Administration Transfer (BAT) • liberal Arts
• Accounting (ACC) • Art/Fine Art (AFA) • Art/Fine Art massTransfer Option (AFC) • Art/media Arts (AmP) • Art/media Arts massTransfer Option (AmC) • Computer information Systems (CiS) • Criminal Justice (CrJ) ➀ • Criminal Justice massTransfer Option (CJC) ➀ • early Childhood education massTransfer Option (eCe) ➁ • engineering Science (eGS) • Fire Science Technology (FST) • management (mAn) • marketing (mKT) • nursing (nur) ➂ • Occupational Technology (OCC) • Office management (Omn)
• • • •
you may focus on one of the following options (your diploma will read “liberal Arts”) • American Studies (LAS) • Art (LAA) • Computer Science (LCS) • Computer Science Applications (LCA) • Dance (LAD) • Economics (LES) • Education (LEO) • English (LAE) • Environmental Studies/ Natural Resources (LEN) • Food Science (LFO) • Gender and Women’s Studies (LGW) • Healing Arts (LHA) • Health Science (LAH) • Hospitality and Tourism Management (LHT) • Human Services (LHS) • International Studies (LIS) • Math-Science (LMO) • Music (LMU) • Peace, Justice and Environmental Studies (LPE) • Renewable Energy/ Energy Efficiency (LRE) • Science-Math Education (LSM) • Social Sciences (LSS ) • Theater (LAT)
➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➅ ➆
• • • • • • • •
Digital media (Dme) early Childhood education (leC) ➃ entrepeneurship (enT) environmental Studies/ natural resources (nrC) Human Services (HSv) Office Assistant (OFF) Outdoor leadership (OlP) ➄ Paramedic (PmC) ➅ Practical nursing-l.P.n. (PnC) ➆ real estate (rST) renewable energy/energy efficiency (ree) Web Development and Design (WDD)
Programs in Collaboration with neighboring Community Colleges • Physical Therapist Assistant • radiologic Technology Program
Police Career Incentive Pay Program (PCIPP), or Quinn Bill approved by the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education Accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children Accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission Program not eligible for federal and state financial assistance Accredited by the Association for Experiential Education Accredited by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Office for Emergency Medical Services (OEMS) Approved by the Massachusetts Board of Registration for Nursing
Greenfield Community College is accredited by the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (CIHE) of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), and our accreditation has been reaffirmed most recently in March 2001.
General information–Credit Courses by Day Summer SeSSiOn 1
Summer SeSSiOn 1i
mOnDAy DAN 183 1
mOnDAy M
HUD 127 2
mOnDAy AnD TueSDAy ART 240 1
mOnDAy, TueSDAy, AnD WeDneSDAy GEO 103 1 SPA 101 1 SPA 102 1
5:30pm-9:30pm 6:00pm-8:15pm 6:00pm-8:15pm
Price Black Pinsonneault
mOnDAy, TueSDAy, WeDneSDAy AnD THurSDAy BIO 205 BIO 205 MAT 107 SCI 117
1 3 1 1
8:30am-11:20am 10:00am-12:50pm 6:00pm-7:50pm 8:00am-11:00am
Brandenburg TBA Worth Johnson
mOnDAy, TueSDAy, WeDneSDAy, THurSDAy, AnD FriDAy GCC 101 1
MTWThF 9:00am-3:00pm
Petraccia Wolfzahn Garvey Barnes Afesi Hayes Roy Becker Laurel
mOnDAy AnD WeDneSDAy AHS 107 1 DAN 101 1 EMS 101 1 ENG 112 1 HIS 106 1 HIS 131 1 LED 156 1 PSY 209 1 SCI 134 1
9:10am-12:00pm 9:00am-11:50am 6:00pm-10:00pm 9:00am-12:50pm 1:00pm-2:50pm 5:00pm-7:50pm 2:00pm-3:15pm 6:00pm-8:50pm 6:00pm-8:50pm
8:30am-12:30pm 8:30am-11:20am 8:30am-11:00am
Shwartz Burrill Beebe
6:00pm-8:50pm 6:00pm-7:00pm 4:00pm-6:00pm
Galbraith Dodge Laurel
Sheldon Sheldon Hayes Monahan Ruiz Ruiz Roy Roy Beebe Makinster Harrison
MTWTh 9:00am-10:50am MTWTh 6:00pm-7:50pm MTWTh 8:00am-11:15am
TBA Striker Johnson
mOnDAy, TueSDAy, WeDneSDAy, THurSDAy, AnD FriDAy CIS 141 2 GCC 101 2 GCC 101 2 SCI 221 2
8:30am-12:30pm 9:00am-3:00pm 9:00am-12:00pm 8:30am-5:30pm
Wilkins Herstad/Raper Herstad/Raper Gottlieb
Baker Hayes Roy Keenan Harrison Becker Monahan
mOnDAy AnD WeDneSDAy ENG 101 2 ENG 221 2 LED 162 2 MAT 090 2 PSY 217 2 PSY 217 4 WST 115 2
9:00am-12:50pm 5:00pm-7:50pm 2:00pm-3:15pm 9:30am-12:20pm 9:00am-11:50am 6:00pm-8:50pm 9:00am-11:50am
mOnDAy, WeDneSDAy, AnD FriDAy MWF
TueSDAy AnD THurSDAy CreDiT CHE 105 LED 161 LED 161 MAT 117 PCS 101 PHI 104 POL 101 PSY 101 SOC 101
TueSDAy ACC 203 1 ADM 122 1 EVS 151➀ 1
MAT 106 2 MAT 108 2 SCI 103 2
BIO 196 2
mOnDAy, WeDneSDAy, AnD FriDAy BIO 195 1 MAT 090 1 MAT 105 1
mOnDAy, TueSDAy, WeDneSDAy AnD THurSDAy
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
6:00pm-9:00pm 2:00pm-3:00pm 2:00pm-5:30pm 9:30am-12:20pm 9:00am-11:50am 9:00am-11:50am 9:00am-11:50am 6:00pm-8:50pm 9:00am-11:50am
TBA Roy Roy Abraham Ruiz Makinster LaRose Becker TBA
TueSDAy, WeDneSDAy AnD THurSDAy BIO 126 2
TueSDAy AnD THurSDAy BIO 130 3 BIO 130L 1 COL 090 1 ENG 090 1 ENG 247 1 HUM 153 1 LED 161 1 LED 161 1 MAT 094 1 PHI 103 1 PSY 101 1
8:30am-11:20am 11:45am-1:35pm 4:00pm-6:00pm 6:30pm-8:30pm 9:00am-11:50am 1:00pm-3:00pm 2:00pm-3:00pm 2:00pm-5:30pm 8:30am-11:00am 9:00am-11:50am 9:00am-11:50am
TueSDAy, WeDneSDAy AnD THurSDAy BIO 126 1 CIS 140 1
5:00pm-8:20pm 8:30am-12:30pm
TBA Wilkins
TueSDAy, WeDneSDAy, THurSDAy, FriDAy, AnD SATurDAy SCI 121 1
TWThFS 8:30am-5:30pm
Vranos Fitzsimmons
➀ Course also has Saturday and/or Sunday meeting date(s). Refer to the credit course listing.
WeDneSDAy BUS 209 1 ECO 102 1
12:45pm-3:35pm 6:00pm-7:30pm
refer to the credit course section for additional course information.
Greenfield Community College
Credit Courses
For full credit course descriptions go to
How to read the Course Schedule Course name Course code
PSy 101
Course prerequisite Course section A number indicates that the section is an evening, weekend, intersession, or summer class; a letter indicates a daytime class in fall and spring semesters.
CRN 5-digit course registration number
Type of class meetings: lecture, field, studio, practicum, distance learning or lab
Course meets on these days Course meets at these times
Semester course is offered
Advising code
Principles of Psychology (BC) 3 cr c
Icons representing type of course section(s) offered (see Key below).
(Offered: Every Term) Prereq: Placement beyond or satisfactory completion of COL 090 and ENG 090 Course credits 3195 2 LEC: W 5:00pm-7:50pm EAST Becker 3236 14 LEC: Th 6:30pm-9:20pm SMCOL Lachance Instructor Class meets at Smith College in Seelye Hall, located just off Green Street 3196 A LEC: M W F 10:00am-10:50am EAST Boyce Building where class section meets: 3197 B LEC: T Th 9:30am-10:45am EAST Tierney EAST – East Building at the Main Campus 3198 C LEC: T Th 8:00am-9:15am EAST Boyce MAIN – Main Building at the Main Campus 3199 D LEC: T Th 12:30pm-1:45pm EAST Wiley SMCOL – Smith College, Northampton 3200 E LEC: M W F 9:00am-9:50am EAST Boyce 3237 F LEC: M W F 11:00am-11:50am EAST Garvey TOWN – Downtown Center, Greenfield 3369 G LEC: T Th 3:30pm-5:00pm EAST TBA UMASS – University of Mass., Amherst LATE START class begins 9/14. Currently closed. VAHOSP –Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Leeds 3380 H DIS: Garvey OTHER – Other location as listed This is an online class with one optional on-campus meeting on 9/7. Registration is open through 9/1; after that date permission of instructor is required. For more info go to or E-mail Additional comments Refer to page 24 for more information on online courses.
Key Advising Codes An advising code appears in parentheses at the end of each course title. You should refer to this code in selecting appropriate courses to fulfill your particular program requirements, and to fulfill the requirements of the Commonwealth Transfer Compact. These codes are as follows: A— Career courses that may be used as liberal arts electives in programs of study leading to the Associate in Arts degree (Liberal Arts and Business Administration Transfer), but not as liberal arts electives in any other programs. B— Behavioral science/social science courses. C— Liberal arts courses that may be used to fulfill core requirements for the Associate in Arts degree or as liberal arts electives in any other program. D— Courses emphasizing the improvement of basic reading, writing, mathematical, and study skills. These courses may not be used to fulfill associate degree requirements. e— English Composition I (ENG 101, 103, 105) and English Composition II (ENG 112, 114, 116). H— Humanities/fine arts courses. l— Liberal arts courses that may be used as liberal arts electives in any program, but not as core courses for the Associate in Arts degree. n— Natural science/math courses. X— Courses whose subject matter emphasizes technical career skills, personal growth, or leisure education. They may be used as general electives in any program. A maximum of 12 “X” credits (including a maximum of 4 in leisure education) is allowed toward the credits required for the Associate in Arts degree. note: Courses meeting the University of Massachusetts’ social and cultural diversity requirement are noted with an asterisk (*).
c j u
An evening section of this course is offered.
Course meets University of Massachusetts’ social and cultural diversity requirement.
Credit(s); College work is measured in units called credits.
Lecture; The actual time classes will meet in the classroom.
Lecture/Laboratory; Class time is a combination of lecture and laboratory.
Laboratory; Some classes also have laboratory hours.
Studio; The actual time classes will meet in a studio setting.
Field; Class meets in a field setting usually away from the college.
Practicum; Class includes practical work experience.
Distance Learning; This is an online class which does not meet regularly on campus.
Hybrid course; Class has both classroom meetings and 50-79% of online instructions.
Courses or other requirements which must be successfully completed before enrolling in this course.
Courses which must be taken in the same or an earlier semester as the courses in which the student is enrolling.
An Intersession section of this course is offered. A weekend section of this course is offered or the class requires weekend meetings in addition to weekday meetings as noted.
Recomm: A recommended prerequisite for enrolling in this course.
Credit Courses
For full credit course descriptions go to
ACC 203 management Accounting (X) 3 cr c
BiO 126 Biology i (nC) 4 cr c
(Offered: Every Fall) Prereq: ACC 152 or ACC 122; CIS 140 or permission of instructor 6813 1 LEC: T 6:00pm-8:50pm EAST Galbraith Course meets 5/24 - 8/30.
(Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring) Prereq: Placement beyond or satisfactory completion of COL 090 and ENG 090 and MAT 090 NOTE: Credit can be granted for BIO 119 or BIO 126, but not both. 7008 1 L/L: TWTh 5:00pm-8:20pm MAIN TBA Course meets 5/24 - 7/13 7139 2 L/L: TWTh 5:00pm-8:20pm MAIN TBA Course meets 7/14 - 8/31
ADm 122 introduction to medical Terminology (X) 3 cr c
BiO 130 Human nutrition (nl) 3 cr
(Offered: Periodically) Prereq: Placement beyond or satisfactory completion of COL 090 and ENG 090 7004 1 HYB: T 6:00pm-7:00pm EAST Dodge Course runs 5/24 - 8/30. This is a Hybrid class with one meeting per week. Up to 60% of course requirements will occur online and students should feel skilled with independent online work. Email
(Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: COL 090 and ENG 090 or satisfactory placement test scores. 6812 1 DIS: ONLINE Sheldon Course runs 5/23 - 7/13. This is an online course with no required meetings. For more information go to or Email 7009 3 LEC: TTh 8:30am-11:20am MAIN Sheldon Course meets 5/24 - 7/7
BiO 130l Human nutrition lab (nC) 1 cr
AnT 104 Cultural Anthropology: Tribes, States and the Global System (*BC) 3 cr (Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: Placement beyond or satisfactory completion of COL 090 and ENG 090 7141 2 DIS: ONLINE Vouros Course runs 7/14 - 8/31. This is an online class with no required meetings. Registration is open through 7/13; after that date PI is required. For more information go to or Email
(Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring) Prereq: COL 090, ENG 090 and MAT 090 or satisfactory placement test scores and BIO 130 concurrently or satisfactory completion. 7010 1 LAB: TTh 11:45am-1:35pm MAIN Sheldon Course meets 5/24 - 7/7
BiO 195 Human Anatomy and Physiology i (nC) 4 cr (Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: College Biology within the past ten years or BIO 126; COL 090 and ENG 090 or satisfactory placement test scores. NOTE: Students can earn credit for only one of the following courses: BIO 105 or BIO 107 or BIO 117 or BIO 194 or BIO 195. 6790 1 L/L: MWF 8:30am-12:30pm MAIN Shwartz Course meets 5/23 - 7/13. Class will NOT meet 7/6 and 7/8.
BiO 196 Human Anatomy and Physiology ii (nC) 4 cr
AHS 107 History of modern Art (HC) 3 cr (Offered: Periodically) Prereq: COL 090 and ENG 090, or satisfactory placement test score NOTE: Credit can be granted for ART 107 or AHS 107, but not for both. 7016 1 LEC: MW 9:10am-12:00pm MAIN Petraccia Course meets 5/23 - 7/13
(Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: BIO 195 and BIO 126 or a college level equivalent; or BIO 117 or BIO 194 with a grade of B or better within the past five years and BIO 126 or a college level equivalent. NOTE: Students can earn graduation credit for BIO 106 or BIO 196, but not both. 7055 2 L/L: MWF 8:30am-11:50am MAIN TBA Course meets 7/18 - 8/31
BiO 205 microbiology (nC) 4 cr
Additional fees for art courses (Coded ArT): $30 ArT 240 Special Topics in Art: Collage/Assemblage/Appropriation (Hl) 3 cr (Offered: ) Prereq: Two 200-level ART courses or permission of the instructor. Recomm: Three 200level ART studio courses 7019 1 STU: MT 1:00pm-5:00pm MAIN Hyde Course meets 5/23 - 7/12
massArt and Design course at GCC see page 21 for information on registering
2DPA264 Collage/Assemblage 3 cr c MassArt: MT 5:30pm-9:30pm Main Hyde Class meets 5/23 - 6/28 at GCC in the Art Studio, room S231
(Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: BIO 101 or BIO 105 or BIO 107 or BIO 117 or BIO 194 or BIO 195 6791 1 LEC: MTWTh 10:00am-11:20am MAIN Brandenburg LAB: MTWTh 8:30am-9:50am MAIN Course meets 5/23 - 7/13 6792 3 LEC: MTWTh 10:00am-11:20am MAIN TBA LAB: MTWTh 11:30am-12:50pm MAIN Currently Closed. Course meets 5/23 - 7/13
BuSineSS BuS 209 Principles of marketing (A) 3 cr (Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring) Prereq: BUS 111. Recomm: PSY 101 7006 1 LEC: W 12:45pm-3:35pm Course meets 5/25 - 8/31.
Greenfield Community College
Credit Courses
For full credit course descriptions go to
CHe 105 Basic Principles of Chemistry (nC) 3 cr c
DAn 101 introduction to Dance (HC) 3 cr
(Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: COL 090, ENG 090 and MAT 090 or satisfactory test scores 7302 2 LEC: TTh 6:00pm-9:00pm MAIN TBA Course meets 7/14 - 8/30
(Offered: Every Fall, January & Summer) Prereq: None 6794 1 STU: MW 9:00am-11:50am EAST Course meets 5/23-7/13
COlleGe OrienTATiOn SerieS
DAn 183 Ballroom Dance: American Smooth Style (Hl) 1 cr c
GCC 101 The College Connection: Building a Community of Scholars (l) 3 cr (Offered: Every Summer) Prereq: Students must be entering GCC for the first time in the following semester. 6908 1 LEC: MTWThF 9:00am-3:00pm EAST Devlin/O'Hearn Course runs 6/21-7/19, M-F 9:00-3:00. This is a grant supported course. Students must contact Kate Devlin @ 775-1815, to register. 7060 2 LEC: MTWTh 9:00am-3:00pm EAST Herstad/Raper LEC: F 9:00am-12:00pm EAST Herstad Course meets 7/25-8/5.
COmPuTer inFOrmATiOn SySTemS CiS 140
microcomputer Software Tools i (A) 3 cr
(Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring) Prereq: COL 090, ENG 090, and MAT 090 or satisfactory placement test scores. Special Requirement: Students not currently engaged in daily computer use should consider CIS 096 and CIS 110 prior to taking CIS 140. 6814 1 LEC: TWTh 8:30am-12:30pm EAST Wilkins Course meets 5/31 - 6/29 on the following dates: May 31; June 1, 2, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29. 6852 3 DIS: ONLINE Wilkins Course runs 5/31 - 6/29. This is an online class with one recommended meeting on 5/31 @ 6pm. Registration is open until 5/26; after that date PI is required. For more info go to or Email
CiS 141
(Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: None Special Requirement: Lightweight shoes with non-skid soles. NOTE: Students may repeat this course once for a maximum of two credits. 6815 1 STU: M 6:00pm-8:00pm EAST Fox Course meets 5/23-7/12
eCOnOmiCS eCO 102 Principles of microeconomics (BC) 3 cr c (Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring) Prereq: COL 090 and ENG 090 and MAT 105, or satisfactory placement test scores 7002 1 HYB: W 6:00pm-7:30pm EAST Fitzsimmons Course runs 5/25 - 8/31. This is a hybrid class with five in-class meetings on the following days: 5/25, 6/8, 6/22, 7/20 and 8/31. Seventy-nine percent of course requirements occur online and students should feel skilled with independent online work. Email instructor for more information.
emerGenCy meDiCAl/PArAmeDiC emS 101 emergency medical Technician- Basic (X) 6 cr c (Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: Placement beyond or satisfactory completion of COL 090 and ENG 090 6785 1 L/L: MW 6:00pm-10:00pm TOWN Garvey Course will meet on most Saturdays, dates TBA. Please note there is an additional $50.00 equipment fee. Course runs 5/23/20118/17/2011.
microcomputer Software Tools ii (A) 3 cr
(Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring) Prereq: CIS 140 7086 2 LEC: MTWThF 8:30am-12:30pm EAST Wilkins Course meets 7/14 - 8/24 on the following dates: July 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28; August 22, 23, 24. 7112 4 DIS: ONLINE Wilkins Course runs 7/14 - 8/24. This is an online class with one recommended meeting on 7/18. Registration is open through 7/13; after that date PI is required. For more info go to or Email
enGliSH COl 090 College reading Strategies (D) 4 cr (Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: None 7001 1 LEC: TTh 4:00pm-6:00pm MAIN Hayes Course meets 6/7 - 8/23. This is an Extended Summer course.
enG 090 College Writing Strategies (D) 4 cr c (Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: None 7003 1 LEC: TTh 6:30pm-8:30pm MAIN Monahan Course meets 6/7 - 8/23. This is an Extended Summer course.
Credit Courses
For full credit course descriptions go to
enGliSH COmPOSiTiOn i (enG 101, 103, 105) A study of the various aspects of reading and writing expository prose. The coursework emphasizes analytical reading, critical thinking, oral and written communication skills, and research and documentation. The course also covers basic word processing and e-mail skills, as well as instruction in the mechanics of locating and evaluating information in electronic texts and databases. Three options are available; students receive credit for only one.
enG 101 english Composition i: expository Writing (e) 3 cr (Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring) Prereq: COL 090 and ENG 090, or satisfactory placement test score NOTE: Students may receive credit for only ENG 101 or ENG 103 or ENG 105. 7005 1 DIS: MAIN Kearns This is an online course. Course runs 5/23-7/13. There is one on campus meeting 5/23 from 6:00-8:00 PM in the Main building, N201A. Students should contact Trevor Kearns at: or phone: 413.775.1264. Registration is open until 5/23. After that, permission of the instructor is required. For more information, go to: 7305 2 LEC: MW 9:00am-12:50pm MAIN Baker Course meets 7/18 - 8/31
enGliSH COmPOSiTiOn ii (enG 112, 114, 116) A study of the imaginative and symbolic use of language. The coursework emphasizes the development of critical standards and written responses to fiction, poetry, drama, and in some options, to other print and electronic resources. This course focuses on analysis, critical thinking, and writing. Three options are available; students receive credit for only one.
GeOGrAPHy GGy 101 introduction to Geography (HC) 3 cr (Offered: Periodically) Prereq: Placement beyond or satisfactory completion of COL 090 and ENG 090 6906 1 DIS: MAIN Lally This is an online course. Course runs 5/24-8/31. There are no on campus meetings. Registration is open through 5/24. After that date permission of instructor is required. Students should contact Michael Lally by e-mail at: or by phone: 413.775.1269. For more information, go to:
GeOlOGy GeO 103 valley Geology (nC) 4 cr c (Offered: Periodically) Prereq: Placement beyond or satisfactory completion of COL 090 and ENG 090 NOTE: If credit is granted for GEO 103, it cannot also be granted for either GEO 101 or GEO 102. 6801 1 L/L: MTW 5:30pm-9:30pm MAIN Price Course meets 5/23 - 7/13
HiSTOry HiS 106
enG 112 english Composition ii: exploring literature (e) 3 cr (Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring) Prereq: ENG 101, 103, or 105 NOTE: Students may receive credit for only ENG 112 or ENG 114 or ENG 116. 6867 1 LEC: MW 9:00am-12:50pm MAIN Barnes Course runs 5/23 - 7/13 7306 2 DIS: MAIN Monahan This is a fully online coure. There is no on campus meeting. Course runs from 7/14-8/31. Students should contact Christine Monahan at: or phone: 413.775.1273. Registration is open until 7/14. After that, permission of the instructor is required. For more information,go to:
enG 221 Shakespeare (HC) 3 cr c (Offered: Periodically) Prereq: ENG 112, 114, or 116 7307 2 LEC: MW 5:00pm-7:50pm Course runs 7/18-8/31
Women in American History (*HC) 3 cr c
(Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring) Prereq: Placement beyond or satisfactory completion of COL 090 and ENG 090 6871 1 LEC: MW 5:00pm-7:50pm MAIN Hayes Course meets 5/23 - 7/13
HuD 127 Survey of Health Careers (X) 2 cr c
(Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: None 7089 2 HYB: M 6:00pm-9:00pm MAIN Dodge This is a hybrid course. There are 14 hours of online work to augment class time. Students should email Course meets July 18-Aug 15.
HumAniTieS Hum 153 media and Popular Culture (HC) 3 cr
youth, Culture and rites of Passage in Contemporary America (X) 1 cr cu
(Offered: Every Spring) Prereq: None Special Requirement: Students must be 18 to register for this course. NOTE: Course graded credit/no credit. Credit can be granted for EVS 151 or HEC 151, but not for both. 7007 1 L/F: T 4:00pm-6:00pm EAST Laurel Course meets from 4-6pm on Tue 5/26 in E115A; and from 9am Sat 6/18 overnight to 4pm Sun 6/19 in the field.
HiS 131
envirOnmenTAl STuDieS evS 151
(Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: Placement beyond or satisfactory completion of COL 090 and ENG 090 NOTE: Credit can be granted for HIS 106 or 108 but not for both. 7014 1 LEC: MW 1:00pm-2:50pm MAIN Afesi Course meets 5/23 – 7/13
HumAn DevelOPmenT
enG 247 Women in literature i (*HC) 3 cr (Offered: Periodically) Prereq: ENG 112, 114, or 116 6805 1 LEC: TTh 9:00am-11:50am Course meets 5/24-7/7
History of the American People Since 1865 (HC) 3 cr
(Offered: Every Summer) Prereq: ENG 101, 103, or 105 6803 1 LEC: TTh 1:00pm-3:00pm MAIN Ruiz Course meets 6/14-8/16. This is an Extended Summer course.
Greenfield Community College
Credit Courses
For full credit course descriptions go to
leiSure eDuCATiOn
mAT 106 intermediate Algebra (nl) 4 cr
All 1-credit LED courses are graded on a credit/no credit basis. All 2and 3-credit LED courses are graded with letter grades.
leD 156 Principles of Weight Training (X) 1 cr (Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring) Prereq: None 7018 1 LEC: MW 2:00pm-3:15pm Course meets 5/23-7/13.
leD 161 Golf (X) 1 cr (Offered: Every Spring) Prereq: None 7020 1 LEC: TTh 2:00pm-3:00pm EAST Roy Course meets 5/24-6/30 in classroom. Course meets 7/5 and 7/7 2:00-5:30 pm on golf course. 7311 2 LEC: TTh 2:00pm-3:00pm EAST Roy Course meets 7/14-8/23 in classroom. Course meets 8/25 and 8/30 2:00-5:30 pm on golf course.
leD 162 Principles of Weight Training ii (X) 1 cr (Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring) Prereq: LED 156 or permission of instructor 7310 2 LEC: MW 2:00pm-3:15pm Course meets 7/18-8/31.
(Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: MAT 105 (095) or a score of 67 or higher on the Arithmetic placement test and a score of 61 or higher on the Algebra placement test; COL 090 or satisfactory placement test score; ENG 090 or satisfactory placement test score, or concurrent enrollment. NOTE: The course grants elective credits, which may not transfer to another institution. This course does not satisfy requirement for college level mathematics at any institution. A final grade of "D" will not be awarded in this course. 7063 2 LEC: MTWTh 9:00am-10:50am EAST TBA Course meets 7/14 - 8/31
mAT 107 College Algebra (nC) 4 cr c (Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: MAT 106 (096); or a score of 67 or higher on the Arithmetic placement test and a score of 91 or higher on the Algebra placement test; COL 090 and ENG 090, or satisfactory placement test scores. 6788 1 LEC: MTWTh 6:00pm-7:50pm EAST Worth Course meets 5/23 - 7/13
mAT 108 Precalculus (nC) 4 cr c (Offered: Every Spring & Summer) Prereq: A grade of C- or better in MAT 107 or a score of 71 or higher on the College Level Math placement test; COL 090 and ENG 090, or satisfactory placement test scores. 7056 2 LEC: MTWTh 6:00pm-7:50pm EAST Striker Course meets 7/14 - 8/31
mAT 117 mathematical Problem Solving (nC) 3 cr
mATHemATiCS mAT 090 Basic mathematics Skills (D) 3 cr (Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: None NOTE: This course may not be used to fulfill associate degree credit requirements; final grade of "D" will not be awarded in this course. 6787 1 LEC: MWF 8:30am-11:20am EAST Burrill Course Meets 5/23 - 6/27. Class will NOT meet 5/27. 7140 2 LEC: MW 9:30am-12:20pm EAST Keenan Course meets 7/18 - 8/31
mAT 094 Preparatory Course for Algebra (D) 3 cr (Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring) Prereq: MAT 090 or a score of 67 or higher on the Arithmetic placement test; COL 090 or satisfactory placement test score or concurrent enrollment. Recomm: If you've never been successful in or it has been decades since you studied introductory algebra or if you received a C or C- in MAT 090, then consider taking MAT 094 before taking MAT 105. NOTE: This course may not be used to fulfill associate degree credit requirements. Final grade of "D" will not be awarded in this course. 6873 1 LEC: TTh 8:30am-11:00am EAST Beebe Course meets 5/24 - 7/21. Class will NOT meet 5/31.
mAT 105 introductory Algebra (X) 3 cr (Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: MAT 090 or a score of 67 or higher on the Arithmetic placement test; COL 090 or satisfactory placement test score or concurrent enrollment. Recomm: If you've never been successful in or it has been decades since you studied introductory algebra or if you received a C or C- in MAT 090, then consider taking MAT 094 before taking MAT 105. NOTE: The course grants elective credits, which may not transfer to another institution. The course does not satisfy requirements for college level mathematics at any institution. A final grade of "D" will not be awarded in this course. 6802 1 LEC: MWF 8:30am-11:00am EAST Beebe Course meets 5/23 - 7/13. Class will NOT meet 5/27, 6/10, 6/17, 6/27.
(Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: MAT 105 (095) or a score of 67 or higher on the Arithmetic placement test and a score of 72 or higher on the Algebra placement test; COL 090 and ENG 090, or satisfactory placement test scores. 7057 2 LEC: TTh 9:30am-12:20pm EAST Abraham Course meets 7/14 - 8/30
nurSinG The Associate Degree Nursing Program prepares you for a career as a nurse, providing patient care for adults and children in varied health care settings. You will be required to take a combination of liberal arts and clinical nursing courses in sequence over four semesters. Some students prefer to complete the program over a longer period of time. Licensed practical nurses have full responsibility for the quality of the health care they provide to patients. The LPN participates in direct nursing care including routine patient care, giving medications, administering treatments of all types, assisting with diagnostic procedures and observing and reporting patient symptoms. The 40-week long program involves at least 30 hours a week of classes, laboratory and clinical practice. At this time, employment opportunities are excellent with graduates of the GCC program experiencing 100 percent employment. A special admission process is required for both programs. Information meetings are held during the year. The schedule of meetings and additional information can be found at, or call the information line at (413) 775-1620 and request an Inquiry Packet.
Credit Courses
For full credit course descriptions go to
POliTiCAl SCienCe
Greenfield Community College’s Outdoor Leadership Program is a nationally honored professional development curriculum. Over the course of one academic year OLP provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary for entry level employment in the adventure field. We are a competency-based experiential learning community. Students learn by doing. Learning activities range from extended expeditions to daily use of local outdoor sites. Field experiences are carefully integrated with conceptual and theoretical aspects in five program areas: paddling, climbing, ropes course work, nordic skiing, and backcountry travel. Contact the Outdoor Leadership Program at (413) 775-1126 for further information.
PArAmeDiC This rigorous program prepares Emergency Medical Technicians for National Registry Certification as Paramedics. It covers all aspects of advanced life support care and prepares its graduates to function as Paramedics in a variety of settings. The program meets two evenings per week plus two Saturdays per month for 11 months, and is followed by five months of intensive clinical and field internship experiences. A special admission process is required. Information meetings are held during the year. The schedule of meetings and additional information can be found at, or call the information line at (413) 775-1620 and request an Inquiry Packet.
PerSOnAl COmmuniCATiOn SKillS
POl 101 American Politics (BC) 3 cr (Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring) Prereq: Placement beyond or satisfactory completion of COL 090 and ENG 090 7091 2 LEC: TTh 9:00am-11:50am EAST LaRose Course meets 7/14 - 8/30.
POl 103 Comparative Politics (BC) 3 cr (Offered: Every Fall) Prereq: COL 090 and ENG 090 or satisfactory placement test scores. 6874 1 DIS: ONLINE O'Meara Course runs 5/23 - 7/13. This is an online class with no required meetings. Registration is open through 5/22; after that date PI is required. For more information go to or Email
PSyCHOlOGy PSy 101
(Offered: Every Term) Prereq: Placement beyond or satisfactory completion of COL 090 and ENG 090 6807 1 LEC: TTh 9:00am-11:50am EAST Harrison Course meets 5/24 - 7/7 7059 2 LEC: TTh 6:00pm-8:50pm EAST Becker Course meets 7/14 - 8/30
PSy 209
PCS 101 Public Speaking (Hl) 3 cr
Principles of Psychology (BC) 3 cr c
Abnormal Psychology (BC) 3 cr c
(Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: PSY 101 7012 1 LEC: MW 6:00pm-8:50pm EAST Course meets 5/23 - 7/13
(Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: ENG 101, 103, or 105 or concurrent enrollment NOTE: Students may receive credit for PCS 101 or PCS 131, but not both. 7062 2 LEC: TTh 9:00am-11:50am MAIN Ruiz Course meets 7/14-8/30
PSy 217
PCS 141 interpersonal Communication (Hl) 3 cr (Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring) Prereq: ENG 101, 103, or 105 or concurrent enrollment 7309 2 DIS: MAIN Morin This is an online course. Course runs 7/14-8/31. There is one on campus meeting, 8/15 from 6:00-9:00 PM in Main N332. Students should contact Kimberley Morin at: or phone at: 413.775.1278. Registration is open through 7/14. After that, permission of the instructor is required. For more information, go to:
Human Growth and Development (BC) 3 cr c
(Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: PSY 101 or permission of instructor 6795 1 DIS: ONLINE Tierney Course runs 5/23 - 7/13. This is an online class with no required meetings. Registration is open through 5/22; after that date PI is required. For more information go to or E-mail 7090 2 LEC: MW 9:00am-11:50am EAST Harrison Course meets 7/18 - 8/31 7117 4 LEC: MW 6:00pm-8:50pm EAST Becker Course meets 7/18 - 8/31
PHi 103
SCi 103
introduction to Philosophy (HC) 3 cr
(Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring) Prereq: Placement beyond or satisfactory completion of COL 090 and ENG 090 7015 1 LEC: TTh 9:00am-11:50am MAIN Makinster Course meets 5/24 - 7/7
PHi 104
introduction to ethics (HC) 3 cr
(Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring) Prereq: Placement beyond or satisfactory completion of COL 090 and ENG 090 7308 2 LEC: TTh 9:00am-11:50am MAIN Makinster Course runs 7/14-8/30
Astronomy (nC) 4 cr
(Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: COL 090 and ENG 090 and MAT 090 or satisfactory placement test scores 7303 2 LEC: MTWTh 8:00am-11:15am EAST Johnson Course meets 7/25 - 8/31
SCi 117
meteorology (nC) 4 cr
(Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: Placement beyond or satisfactory completion of COL 090, ENG 090 and MAT 090 6789 1 L/L: MTWTh 8:00am-11:00am EAST Johnson Course meets 5/23 - 7/13
Greenfield Community College
Credit Courses
For full credit course descriptions go to SCi 121
introduction to Photovoltaic (Solar electric) Technology (nl) 3 cr u
(Offered: Every Fall & Summer) Prereq: MAT 105, COL 090 and ENG 090 or satisfactory placement test scores. Recomm: SCI 112 Special Requirement: Field trips required. 6796 1 LEC: TWThFS 8:30am-5:30pm MAIN Gottlieb Course meets 5/31 - 6/4. These courses are no longer supported by the Sustainable Practices in Construction Grant. It may be taken credit-free.
SCi 134
Building with earth, Straw, Wood, and Stone (nl) 3 cr c
(Offered: Periodically) Prereq: COL 090, ENG 090 and MAT 090 or satisfactory placement test score; physical ability to use power and hand tools. Recomm: SCI 114, SCI 127 Special Requirement: Use of power and hand tools. 7011 1 LEC: MW 6:00pm-8:50pm EAST Laurel Course meets 5/23 - 7/13
SCi 221
Photovoltaic (Solar electric) installation (X) 3 cr
(Offered: Every Spring & Summer) Prereq: SCI 112 and SCI 121 Special Requirement: Field trips required. 7082 2 LEC: MTWThF 8:30am-5:30pm MAIN Gottlieb Course meets 7/25 - 7/29. This course is no longer supported by the Sustainable Practices in Construction Grant. It may be taken creditfree.
elementary Spanish i (HC) 4 cr c
(Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: None 6767 1 L/L: MTW 6:00pm-8:15pm MAIN Black Course meets 5/23-7/27. This is an Extended Summer course.
SPA 102
elementary Spanish ii (HC) 4 cr c
(Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: SPA 101 or equivalent. 6868 1 L/L: MTW 6:00pm-8:15pm MAIN Pinsonneault Course meets 5/23-7/27. This is an Extended Summer course.
WOmen'S STuDieS WST 115 introduction to Women's Studies (*l) 3 cr (Offered: Every Spring) Prereq: Placement beyond or satisfactory completion of COL 090 and ENG 090 7301 2 LEC: MW 9:00am-11:50am MAIN Monahan Course meets 7/18 - 8/31
SOCiOlOGy SOC 101 Principles of Sociology (*BC) 3 cr (Offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer) Prereq: Placement beyond or satisfactory completion of COL 090 and ENG 090 6875 1 DIS: ONLINE Daube Course runs 5/23 - 7/13. This is an online class with no required meetings. Registration is open through 5/22 after that date PI is required. For more information go to or Email 7081 2 LEC: TTh 9:00am-11:50am EAST TBA Course meets 7/14 - 8/30 6916 3 DIS: ONLINE TBA Course runs 5/23 - 7/13. This is an online class with no required meetings. Registration is open through 5/22, after that date PI is required. For more information go to CURRENTLY CLOSED.
General information We apologize but sometimes courses are cancelled.
Greenfield Campuses main Campus (main and east Buildings), One College Drive, Greenfield
Massachusetts state law requires the Continuing Education programs to operate at no cost to (with no tax support from) the Commonwealth. The decision to cancel is made at the close of the posted registration period and before classes meet and is based on fully paid fees on that date. We attempt to reach everyone in a cancelled class by telephone or postcard so they can choose another course or tell us that they would like a refund. Completing registration on time helps the college avoid unnecessary class cancellations.
Conveniently located near the intersection of Interstate 91 and Route 2. Take exit 26 off I-91 and follow the traffic rotary to Route 2 west. Once on Route 2, take an immediate right onto Colrain Road. We are located on College Drive, six-tenths of a mile ahead on the left.
Downtown Center, 270 main Street, Greenfield
Know your second choice this Summer! The Jeanne Clery Disclosure Act In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (more commonly known as the Clery Act), Greenfield Community College publishes an annual report that includes crime statistics and institutional policies concerning campus security and safety matters. The report is available at our Public Safety Department’s website: clery.html. A printed copy of the report is available at the offices of Public Safety, Human Resources, Student Affairs, Admission, and at the Downtown Center. You may also have a copy of the report mailed to you by contacting Public Safety at (413) 775-1212.
Criminal Offender record information (COri) Checks Students interested in participating in an academic program that involves working with children, the disabled, or the elderly, or includes a clinical affiliation with a private or public health care provider, may be required to undergo a Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) check. Depending on the contents of a student’s CORI reports, participation in an academic program, or clinical affiliation related thereto, may be denied. CORI checks may be performed pursuant to Mass. General Laws, Chapter 6, Sections 167-178B, and consistent with guidelines promulgated by the Executive Office for Health and Human Services, and/or the Commonwealth’s Department of Public Health. For more information, please contact Laura Earl, Staff Assistant to the Dean of Student and Academic Affairs (413) 775-1816.
Acknowledgements Thank you to Ryan Aiken, Montserrat Archbald, Nancy Bair, Alan Ballou, Bob Barba, Alecia Bardwell, Michelle Barthelemy, Sue Belcher, Karen Bross, John Canon, Liz Carroll, Karen Chastney, Shannon Coskran, Regina Curtis, Nicole Crafts, Jim Connelly, Linda Desjardins, Laura Earl, Martha Field, Lori Gaimari, Anthony Gasperini, Wendy Gay, Charlotte Gifford, Erica Goleman, Melinda Gougeon, Judi Greene-Corvee, Shane Hammond, Cynthia Hebert, Herb Hentz, Linda Horta, Glenn Howe, Heather Hoyt, Leo Hwang-Carlos, Paul Lindale, Sandra Lively, Mary McClintock, John Murphy, Diane O’ Hearn, Austin Paulson, Lou Peugh, Karen Phillips, David Ram, Diana Roberts, Peter Rosnick, Jan Ross, Judi Singley, Evelyn Tillotson, Gail Villeneuve, Val Vitello, Kathy Vranos, Debra Washer, and Tom Young for their contributions. Proofreading: Sue Belcher, Liz Carroll, Karen Chastney, Nicole Crafts, Laura Earl, Lori Gaimari, Linda Horta, Heather Hoyt, Sandra Lively, Jan Ross, Evelyn Tillotson, Gail Villeneuve.
Conveniently located on Main Street in downtown Greenfield next to Wilson’s Department Store. Public parking is available at School and Ames Streets and between Chapman and Davis Streets.
Other locations Franklin County Technical School, Turners Falls Cross the Connecticut River from Route 2 on the Turners Falls Bridge. Turn left at first traffic light, onto Third Street. Follow signs for Turners Falls Airport. Just before the airport entrance, turn left on Industrial Blvd. into the Industrial Park. FCTS is at the end of Industrial Blvd.
vA Hospital/Practical nursing Program, leeds From the south: Take Rt. 91 north to Exit 19. Go straight off the ramp onto Damon Rd. DO NOT TURN ONTO Rt. 9. Follow Damon Rd. At the first light, continue straight, crossing over Rt. 5. DO NOT TURN ONTO Rt. 5. Continue straight on what is now Bridge Rd. (See below**) From the north: Take Rt. 91 south to Exit 20. Merge onto Rt. 5, then turn right at the first light onto Bridge Rd. (See below**) From the east: Follow Rt. 9 West over the Coolidge Bridge. At the light, turn right onto Damon Rd. Follow Damon Rd. to the next light, continuing straight over Rt. 5 onto what is now Bridge Rd. (See below **) From the west: Follow Rt. 9 East through Williamsburg and Haydenville. Go past the driving range, which is on your right. At the light, turn left onto the VAMC grounds. If you pass Look Park , you went too far. **From Bridge Rd.: follow Bridge Rd., until it ends at Rt. 9, approx. 3-4 miles. Turn right onto Rt. 9 West and then right at the first light onto the VAMC grounds. At the VAMC: Follow the signs to Building #1, Main Entrance. Park. GCC is in Building #25.
Seelye Hall, Smith College, northampton From the north: Take I-91 south to exit 20 (Route 5). Stay on Route 5 until the traffic lights at Route 9. Turn right onto Route 9 (Main Street). Smith College is just past the next set of lights. From the south: Take exit 18 off I-91. Follow Route 5 north into the center of Northampton. Take a left onto Route 9 (Main Street). Smith College is just past the next set of lights.
Smith vocational High School, northampton From the north: Take I-91 south to exit 20 (Route 5). Stay on Route 5 until the traffic lights at Route 9 (Main Street). Turn right onto Route 9 (Main Street). Follow this road through downtown Northampton. Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School is on the left, just beyond the Cooley Dickinson Hospital. From the south: Take exit 18 off I-91. Follow Route 5 into the center of Northampton. Take a left onto Route 9 (Main Street) and go through downtown. Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School is on the left, just beyond the Cooley Dickinson Hospital.
umASS Fine Arts Center and Bezanson recital Hall, Amherst From Route 116 turn at the blue sign that says “Cowle’s Lumber and Sawmill.” Follow this road straight through the next two sets of lights. On your right will be the campus pond and then the Fine Arts Center (which Bezanson is a part of). Turn left at the next intersection, make another quick left, and Lot 62 will be to your left. You may part in Lot 62 after 5:00 p.m. without a permit. Music Department classrooms and Bezanson Recital Hall are located in the Fine Arts Center. Go in the entrance under the Bezanson sign. HUM classes are held in rooms 149 and 150.
Copy coordination: Sue Belcher, Shane Hammond, Sam Lively, Gail Villeneuve. Course guide production coordination, copy editing, document design, publication layout: Dennis Koonz, Marketing & Publications, ISA.
Greenfield Community College
Must be completed to be eligible for Massachusetts resident tuition rate Tuition Eligibility The college charges tuition per credit for every credit course. Tuition for credit courses taught during the day is based on your residency status. Massachusetts residents pay the lowest tuition rate. Residents of Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont may qualify for the New England Board of Higher Education Regional Student Program tuition rate, which is 150% of the Massachusetts resident tuition rate. Residents of states outside of New England or of countries other than the United States pay the highest tuition rate. To qualify for the lowest tuition rate, you must complete the Tuition Eligibility Form on the reverse side of this registration form. Tuition for credit courses taught during the evening or on weekends is the same for all students, regardless of your residency status.
Race or ethnic orgin:
Are you Hispanic/Latino?
❏ Yes
❏ No
Please select one or more races: ❏ American Indian or Alaskan Native
❏ Asian
❏ Black or African American
❏ Cape Verdean
❏ Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
❏ White
MASSACHUSETTS COMMUNITY COLLEGES - IN-STATE TUITION ELIGIBILITY FORM Last Name ______________________________________ First Name ____________________________________ MI __________ Street Address____________________________ City ____________________________ State ____________ Zip Code ________ SSN# or Student I.D. Number ____________________________________________ Date of Birth ____________________________ Are you a U.S. Citizen? Yes No. IF NO are you a Permanent Resident? Yes No. (If you are a permanent resident, please provide your Alien Registration Number:_____________________) If you are NOT a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident, please state your Visa or immigration status:
Please check the in-state or reduced tuition eligibility category that applies to you: I have been a Massachusetts resident for six (6) continuous months and intend to remain here indefinitely. As proof of my intent to remain in Massachusetts, I possess at least 2 of the following documents, which I shall present to the institution upon request. These documents* are dated within one (1) year of the start date of the academic semester for which I seek to enroll (except possibly for my high school diploma). The institution reserves the right to make any additional inquiries regarding the applicant’s status and to require submission of any additional documentation it deems necessary. Please check-off those documents you possess as proof of your intent to remain in Massachusetts.
Valid Driver’s license Utility bills* Valid Car registration Voter registration* Mass. High School Diploma Signed lease or rent receipt* Record of parents’ residency for unemancipated person*
Employment pay stub* State/Federal tax returns* Military home of record* Other________________
I am an eligible participant in the New England Board of Higher Education’s Regional Student Program. I am a member of the armed forces (or spouse or unemancipated child) on active duty in Massachusetts. I am not a Massachusetts resident. Certification of Information I certify that this information is true and accurate. I understand that any misrepresentation, omission, or incorrect information shall be cause for disciplinary action up to dismissal, with no right of appeal or to a tuition refund. Applicant Signature: ______________________________________________________________________ Date ________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________________________ Date ________________ (Applicant is Under 18 Years Old) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY – DO NOT WRITE IN THIS BOX I have reviewed the above information in order to determine this individual’s eligibility to receive the in-state tuition rate. Based on my review I have determined that this individual:
IS eligible for the in-state tuition rate.
IS NOT eligible for the in-state tuition rate.
I am unable to make a determination at this time. The following additional information has been requested from the applicant: ______________________________________________________________________
Authorized College Personnel: ____________________________________________________________Date
General information How to register for Summer Credit Courses and Credit-free Workshops ❥
Prior to registering for credit courses, neW STuDenTS… who plan to earn a degree or certificate or apply for financial aid must submit an application for admission to the Office of Admission available online at: If you have completed the admission process, you may schedule an appointment to register by calling the Academic Advising Center at (413) 775-1339. who do not plan to earn a degree or certificate do not need to apply for admission and may schedule an appointment to register by calling the Academic Advising Center at (413) 775-1339, after taking placement tests or providing transcripts of college-level work from other schools. must demonstrate appropriate preparation for all courses by taking placement tests or providing transcripts of college-level work from other schools. You may schedule an appointment for a placement test by calling the Testing Center at (413) 775-1147 or (413) 775-1821.
❥ Before registering for credit courses, CurrenTly enrOlleD STuDenTS… should schedule an appointment to register with your assigned academic advisor. If you are unsure of your assigned advisor please visit on the GCC web site to access this information.
❥ After meeting the above conditions, students… may register by mail through the final registration date (one week in advance of later starting classes) using the registration form on page 49. Mail the form and your payment along with transcripts showing proof of meeting prerequisites, if necessary to: Greenfield Community College Academic Advising Center – N209-214 One College Drive Greenfield, MA 01301 may register in person Academic Advising Center – N209-214 (413) 775-1339 For office hours, please call ahead or
PlAn AHeAD • registration for Fall classes begins in April. • GCC enrollment Days August 27, 29, 30, 31
looking for a workshop we don’t offer? Call or e-mail your suggestions.
(413) 775-1606
WAnTeD engaging faculty for non-credit courses If you are interested in teaching and adding to the quality of our students’ lives, send your resume with your course proposal to: Bob Barba Dean for Community Education 270 Main Street Greenfield, MA 01301
❥ To register for credit-free workshops, students… may register by: • Registering and paying (secure) via the Community Education web page at • Calling (413) 775-1803 during normal business hours (please leave a message after hours or email • Community Education registration will be moving this summer. Please call before stoppping by Room E130 in the East Building of the Main Campus: Mon–Thurs. 9 am–5 pm, Fri. 9 am–12 noon (check, credit-card, money orders only please). • Filling out the registration form on page 15 of this course guide and mailing it to the address indicated on that form.
register early to be sure of having a seat in the course of your choice!
Financial Aid can help Students enrolled for three credits or more during the summer may be eligible for financial aid. (413) 775-1109
Greenfield Community College One College Drive Greenfield, mA 01301-9739
DATeD mATeriAl
nOnPrOFiT OrG. u.S. POSTAGe PAiD PermiT nO. 23 GreenFielD, mA 01301
Postmaster: Please deliver by may 1
iT’S Time TO reGiSTer! Summer i – Classes begin may 23 Summer ii – Classes begin July 14 • • • •
Apply online Financial assistance available Online fast-track, job skill building workshops Campus tours: Tuesdays, 9 a.m. and Thursdays, 3 p.m. reserve a space online at • reach your potential… PleASe reCyCle. GCC acquires mailing lists by zip codes and postal carrier routes. if you receive this publication and it is of no use to you, please recycle it or share it with a friend.
PleASe nOTe these important numbers. Academic Advising Center..............(413) 775-1339 Admission............................................(413) 775-1801 Behavioral Sciences Division ..........(413) 775-1120 Bookstore ..........................................(413) 775-1190 Bursar’s Office....................................(413) 775-1301 Business Office ..................................(413) 775-1300 Career Center ..................................(413) 775-1818 Community education ....................(413) 775-1605 Community ed. registration ..........(413) 775-1803 Computerized Placement Testing ....(413) 775-1147 Cooperative education ....................(413) 775-1818 Disability Services ............................(413) 775-1812 enrollment Services (registration) ..(413) 775-1801 Financial Aid........................................(413) 775-1109 Health Occupations Division ........(413) 775-1621 Health Occupations information ......(413) 775-1801 Health Services ..................................(413) 775-1430 Humanities Division..........................(413) 775-1220 learning Assistance Center ............(413) 775-1330 library..................................................(413) 775-1830 math/Science/Business Division ........(413) 775-1440 Public Safety........................................(413) 775-1212 Student life ........................................(413) 775-1200 Transfer Office ..................................(413) 775-1207 veteran’s Services..............................(413) 775-1102 Women’s resource room ..............(413) 775-1114 Workforce Development....................(413) 775-1607
Phone the college’s main number (413) 775-1000 for offices not listed above. Voice/Relay (413) 775-1000