FoodDonor s Akr onCant onRegi onalFoodBank Al diSt or es Amer i canSeawayFoods AnneGr eenwal d Ar amar k Ar chwayBaker i es, LLC Ar mourSwi f tEckr i ch At hensFoods BakeCr af t er sFoodCompany Bar basol BenVenueLabor at or i es, I nc. Bi mboBaker i esUSA BJ ' sWhol esal eCl ubs Bl ueDi amondGr ower s Br andCast l e Br unswi ckFoodSer vi ce BuckeyeDi st r i but i ng Buur maFar ms CabbageI nc. Cal i f or ni aAssoci at i onOfFoodBanks Campbel l ' sSoupCompany
2013Donor s
Car uso' sCof f ee Caval i er Ci t yMi ssi on Ci t yofMent or Cl evel andBr owns Cl evel andCaval i er s Cl evel andCl i ni c Cl evel andCocaCol aCompany Cl evel andI ndi ans Cl evel andMet r opar ks Col umbi aFr eshPr oduce ConAgr a Cooseman' sCl evel and, I nc. Cot tCor por at i on CowboybyChoi ce CREngl and CVSCor por at i on Dai r ymen' sMi l kCompany DanDeePr et zel& Pot at oChi p DanDunsmoorFar ms DannonCompany, I nc
DaveT r owbr i dge Dave' sMar ket s DelMont eCor por at i on Di scountDr ugMar t EconomyPr oduce EdKeat i ngCent er El l et t ' sFar m Pr oduct s, I nc. Essent i al l yOr gani cVendi ng Eucl i dFi shCompany Eur opaSpor t sPr oduct s, I nc. Eur oU. S. A. Far merBr ot her sCof f eeCompany Feedi ngAmer i ca Fi veSt arT r ucki ng Font ani niMeat s FoodBankofCent r al& East er n Nor t hCar ol i na For estCi t yWei ngar t For got t enHar vest For r est erPr oduce Fr eeSt or eFoodbank, I nc.
FoodDonor s Fr eshExpr ess Fr i t oLay Fr ui tGr ower ' sMar ket i ngAssoci at i on Gener alMi l l s GeaugaFami l yFar ms Gi antEagl eSt or es Gi l l ombar doGi antEagl e Gi r lScout s Gl obalDi st r i but or sofPr oduce GoodCent sSt or es GoodFoodMadeSi mpl e Gor donFoodSer vi ce Gr eenCi t yGr ower s Gr eenMount ai nCof f eeRoast er s H&HPr et zel , I nc. HandlI tWar ehouse Hei nen' sFi neFoodsWar ehouses& St or es Hel paFr i end HenkelConsumerGoods, I nc. Hi l l cr estFoodSer vi ce Hi l l sofHomeFar ms
2013Donor s
Hol t houseFar ms HoneyBakedHam Host essBr ands I nt er nat i onalSpeci al t yPr oduce I ceCr eam Speci al t i es& Baker y I r vi ngFar msMar ket i ng J &JSnackFoodsCor por at i on J ohnQ' s J ustNat i onalPr ovi si ons Kel l oggCompany Ki dsAgai nstHunger Ki ngNutCompany Kr af tBi scui t Kr af tDai r y Kr af tFoods, I nc. Kr oger LakeEr i eFr ozenFoodsCo. Long& Scot tFar ms Mar cGl assman, I nc. Mar c' sSt or es Mar i aGar dens
Mei j er Mexi marCor por at i on MGIPr oduce Mi cel iDai r yPr oduct s Mi chaelFar ms Mi dl andMar i neFoods Mi dOhi oFoodbank Mi t chel l ' sI ceCr eam Mondel ezI nt er nat i onal Nat ur e' sPat hFoods, I nc. Nest l eUSA, I nc. Nor t her nHaser ot Nor t her nOhi oA. G. M. R. Ohi oBever ageSyst emsI nc. Ohi oFar mer ' s, I nc. Ohi oFoodPr ogr am Ol dOr char dBr ands, LLC Oni onBoy Or l andoBaki ngCompany Ot i sSpunkmeyer Or valKent
FoodDonor s Ovat i onsFoodSer vi ces P& KSer vi ces, LLC Pai sl eyFar ms Par kAvenueCakes PeckFoodSer vi ce Penzey' sSpi ces Per i oI nc. Phi l abundance Pi er r e' sFr enchI ceCr eam Pol l ackFoodser vi ce Por at hPr i ntSour ce Pr emi erPr oduce Pr i meI nc. Pr oct er& Gambl e Pr oducePackagi ng, I nc. Pr oduct i onAl l i ance Pr oHeal t h Pur aVi daFar ms+B64 Quaker , T r opi cana, Gat or ade R. O. Apel tSons, I nc. RKSausage
2013Donor s
Rockef el l erPar kGr eenhouse S. C. J ohnson& Son, I nc. SaveaLot Sam' sCl ub Sammy' sCat er i ng Schr ei berFoods Schust er sGr eenhouse Schwan' s SchwebelBaki ngCompany SecondHar vestFoodBankofCent r alFl or i da SecondHar vestFoodbankofNor t hwestPA Sheet z Sher woodFoodDi st r i but or s ShurT echBr ands, LLC Smar tChi cken Snowvi l l eCr eamer y SnyderofBer l i n SnyderofHanover Speedway Spor t ser vi ce St ar bucksCor por at i on
St or erMeatCompany SunChaseFoods, I nc. SunPr oduct sCor por at i on Super i orBever age Swagel okCompany SyscoFoodser vi cesofCl evel and T ar getSt or es TheCl or oxCompany TheHer sheyCompany TheMi nut eMai dCo TheSansonCompany T or r eyFar ms, I nc. T r aderJ oe' s T r i l l i um Far ms T r i Mar kSSKemp T r opi canaNor t hAmer i ca T ysonFoods U. S. Depar t mentofAgr i cul t ur e U. S. Foodser vi ce Uni l everBest f oods Unr ealBr ands
FoodDonor s Voor t manCooki es Wal cherFar ms Wal gr eenRet ur nCent er Wal mar tSuper cent er s Wat er mel onsUnl i mi t ed, L TD WayneE. Bai l eyPr oduceCo. WayneFar ms, LLC Wel ch' s Whi t eCast l e Whi t eWaveFoods Whol eFoodsMar ket s Wi er sFar m, I nc. Wi l kFar ms WOW Foods, LLC Yout ht opi aBever ages Zel maGeor ge
2013Donor s