The Greater Cleveland Food Bank thanks the following groups who volunteered between October 1, 2014 and September 20, 2015.
ABA Insurance Services Adatasol Adcom Group ADT AIG Insurance AKA Akron Cleveland Association of Realtors Albert M. Higley Co Alcoa Alpha Gamma Delta Alumnae American Greetings American Heart Association AmeriCorps Ameriprise Financial Amgen Andrews Osborne Academy ArcTech Associated Estates AT&T AT&T Pioneers Athersys Inc. BabySwede LLC
Baldwin Wallace Bank of America BASF BBYO Behr Paint Berean Baptist Church Bernie Moreno Companies Big Ten Alumni Birchwood Schools Bnai Jeshurun Booz, Allen & Hamilton Boston University Alumni Boy Scouts of America Boys and Girls Club Brady Middle School Brecksville Kiwanis Bristol West Insurance Calfee Cargill Carmax Carnegie Companies Case Western Reserve University Catholic Order of Foresters Center for Community Solutions
CEVEC Chagrin Falls Middle School Chagrin Falls United Methodist Church Chamberlain College of Nursing Champion One Charter Steel Chase Bank Chi Delta Epsilon CHUH School District Church of the Living God Church of the Open Door Citizens Bank City Year Americorps CJCLDS Cleveland Browns Cleveland Central Catholic Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Council on World Affairs Cleveland Heights Recreation Cleveland Indians
Cleveland Leadership Center Cleveland Metroparks Cleveland Montessori Cleveland Museum of Natural History Cleveland Public Power Cleveland School Psychologists Cleveland Sight Center Cleveland State University Cleveland Young Professional Senate Cliffs Natural Resources CMAA Ohio Chapter Cohen & Company Coit College Now Greater Cleveland Collinwood High School Complion Cornell Club of Northeast Ohio Crain’s Cleveland Business Credo Music Creighton University Cuyahoga Community College Cuyahoga Heights High School CVS Caremark Dealer Tire Deloitte Delta Kappa Gamma Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Theta DeMolay Design Lab Early College High School
Developers Diversified DFAS Disciples Christian Church Dominion East-Ohio Dream On Kids Dun & Bradstreet Dunkin Brands East Cleveland Adult Activity Center East Tech High School Eastern Stars Eaton Edge Edgewater Yacht Club Ensign Fleet 29 Embassy Suites EMBODI Entrepreneurship Preparatory School Ernst & Young Esperanza Euclid High School Fairmount Temple Fairview Park High School Family Heritage Life Insurance Company Farmers Insurance Federal Metal Federal Reserve Bank Fifth Third Bank Financial Planning Association of North East Ohio Findley Davies First Merit Forest City Enterprises Freedonia Fuchs Mizrachi
Gates Mills Environmental Education Center General Electric General Motors Georgetown University Gesu Church GIE Media Gilbane Building Company Gilmour Academy Ginn Academy Girl Scouts of America Goldberg Companies Good Neighbor Ambassadors Goodwill Industries Grants Plus Great Lakes Brewing Greater Vision Baptist Church Green City Growers Gross Schecter Day School Habitat for Humanity Hanna Chartwell Hathaway Brown Hawken School HealthSpan Hileman Hillcrest Kiwanis Club Hilton Garden Inn HNTB Holden Arboretum/Cleveland Botanical Garden Holy Grounds Youth Group Holy Name H S Homewood Suites - Hilton Cleveland HONEO Hope Lutheran Hope Ridge United Methodist Horseshoe Casino
HR Block HW Financial Advisors Hyatt Legal Plans Hyland Software Hyson I Am Alive On Purpose IGS Energy IHOP IMG Incarnate Word Academy Infinity of Beachwood Institute of Real Estate Management Intercontinental Hotels InterDesign International Facility Management Association Invictus High School Iota Phi Lambda Iron Mountain ITW Permatex J C Penney Jamaican Cultural Association Jergens Jewish Education Center of Cleveland Jewish Federation of Cleveland JLL Jo-Ann Fabric John Carroll University Johnson & Johnson Jones Day Jones Road Chapel Journey Community Church Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Kappa Gamma
Keithley Instruments Kent State University Key Bank Kohl’s Kol Halev Lake Catholic High School Lake Erie International High School Lakewood Congregational Church Lakewood Help to Others Lakewood United Methodist Church Leadership Cleveland Leading Ladies Legal Marketing Assoc Level 3 Communications Lexis-Nexis Lincoln Electric Lincoln Financial Advisors Lubrizol Lutheran East High School Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Lyndhurst Community Presbyterian Church Maple Heights Adult Activity Center Maple Heights High School Maple Schools MarketVision Research Maroon Marriott Max Hayes High School Mayfield High School Mayfield Middle School Medical Mutual Menlo Park Academy
Mercer Merck Merry Meeting Group Messiah Lutheran Church Meyers MLK High School Montessori High School Morgan Stanley Motley Few Mt. Sinai Baptist Church NAIFA Cleveland NASA Nation of FOI’z National Association of Professional Women National Coalition of 100 Black Women National Council of Negro Women National Federation of The Blind Nations Lending Nationwide Insurance NAWIC NE Ohio College Preparatory School NE Ohio Tamil Sangam Neilsen Nestle New Clevelanders New Directions North Olmsted High School SITES Northcoast Research Notre Dame College NOVA Chemicals Nu Phi Psi Ohio Alpha Tau
Ohio Hockey Project Ohio Reading Corps Ohio State University Old Navy Old South Church Olivet Institutional Baptist Church Orange City Schools Outback Steakhouse Outreach Volunteers OWU Alumni Pandora Radio Park Synagogue Parker Hannifin Pathfinders Pepsico Phi Mu Fraternity Pioneer Memorial Presbyterian Church Plymouth Church PNC Bank Positive Education Program Precision Environmental Pricewaterhouse Coopers Progressive Insurance Purdue Alumni Club Quicken Loans R&Q Solutions RAV Financial Services Real Expert Advisors Real Estate Recreation League River Capital Finance Robert W Baird & Co Rocky River High School Rocky River United Methodist Church Rosetta
Rotary Club Ruffing Montessori Safelite Autoglass Saint John of the Cross Saint Martin De Porres Samsung Electronic SAY - Bellefaire Schneider Smeltz Ranney LaFond Scribes and Scribblers Shaker Heights - TLC Camp Shaker Hts H S Shaw High School Sherwin Williams Singerman Mills Desberg & Kauntz Sirva Inc. Sodexo Solon High School Spartans Speedeon Data St Adalbert Catholic School St Albert the Great St Brendan Church St Joan of Arc Church St. Basil The Great St. Clarence St. Dominic St. Edward H.S. St. Joseph Academy St. Noel Catholic Church St. Vincent Charity Medical Center Starbucks State Farm Insurance STEPS Center for Excellence in Autism STERIS Corporation
SterlingBackCheck Stratos Wealth Partners SureSite Consulting Swagelok Target Team Yelp Temple Emanu El Temple Kol HaLev Thacker Martinsek The Agnon School The Alpha Group The Singing Angels Theta Phi Alpha Third Federal Savings & Loan Thistledown Racino Thompson Hine LLP Thriving Thursday Crew Time Warner Cable Tremco TTI Floor Care Tucker Ellis U S Bank UAW/APRI United Airlines United Healthcare United States Coast Guard University Hospitals University School Urban Squash Ursuline College Venders Exchange International Inc Villa Angela St. Joseph Academy Vitalyst Vitamix Vizion Solutions Walgreens
Wal-Mart Wells Fargo West Side Catholic Center Western Reserve Academy WEWS NewsChannel 5 Wholesome Burgers Willoughby Hills United Methodist Church Willoughby Supply Window Nation Woodmen of the World Wooster United Methodist Church Youth Opportunities YP Pantry YWCA Wood Forest National Bank Woodmen of the World Youth Ending Hunger YP Pantry