Annual Report FY2016 Tomorrow's Harvest

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Tomorrow’s Harvest The Greater Cleveland Food Bank thanks the following donors and supporters who have included the Food Bank in their will, trust, or other estate plan. Joseph Berick Trust Gregory Bobbitt Ruth T. Bowman Karen Braun Martha Collins Anita Davidson David W. Dawson Maureen & Chris DeVito Bernice H. Dolin Hamilton & Lin Emmons Lucille E. Erker Estate of Herbert Teitelbaum Michelle Felder Howard P. Frain Richard Fraser Estate of Reba Garvey Frank R. Gole Judy P. Goodman Janice A. Gott Stan & Judy Grobelny Albert & Robert E. Hanes Sheryl Hoffman Loraine M. Huston Mary R. Izant

Bruce & Donna Jackson Dorothy A. Jankowski Richard D. Kaszynski Rosemary L. Koba Jack J. Krinsky M. Catherine Latham Howard & Ruth Lewis Mary A. Litavec Bill & Joyce Litzler Luelle Charlotte Long Raymond W. Lusin Ann C. Masterson Catherine V. Merriman Jon & Laurenda Messer Dorris C. Michalske Trust John F. Minco John & Janet Mitchell Jewel Moulthrop & Evan Komito Murlan J. Murphy, Jr. Robert F. Mzik Pauline M. Papp Estate of Alma Perkerson Lisa & Mike Piczer Anne Pillot

Trudy Planisek Edward P Plottke Vaughn Powell Anthony Rego Anne Ringler Dale & Joyce Rothenberger Donald Sayre & Nancy Wurzel Loretta A. Schaffer Lynn Schreiber Ruth M. Schultz David P. Sickles Sarah W. Smith Terri Stock Estate of Albert C. Stratman Julia Owen Sutton Arthur S. Taylor, Jr. Marian E. Urankar Eileen & Michael Walker Kristin & Christian Warzocha James M. Wasniak Thomas & Holly Welsh Megan White Hugh Williams


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