Annual Report FY2016 Volunteer Groups

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Volunteer Groups The Greater Cleveland Food Bank thanks the following groups who volunteered between October 1, 2015 and September 30, 2016. ABA Insurance Services Abbvie Adcom Group ADT AHLI AIG Insurance Air Force One AKA Akron Cleveland Association of Realtors Albert M. Higley Co Alcoa Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Gamma Delta Alumnae American Greetings American Heart Association AmeriCorps Ameriprise Financial Andrews Osborne Academy Applewood Center Inc. ArcelorMittal ArcTech Arrow Electronics

Arrupe Explorers Asurint AT&T Pioneers AT&T Athersys Inc. Aurora High School NHS Aurora Shores Gang Baird Baldwin Wallace Bank of America BASF Beaumont Behr Paint Berean Baptist Church Bernie Moreno Companies Bernstein Bethel Chapter BIO Women - New Community Bible Fellowship Birchwood Schools Blue Technologies Bnai Jeshurun

Bonefish Grill Booz Boston University Alumni Boy Scouts of America Brady Middle School Brecksville Kiwanis Calfee Captains Baseball Cargill Carleton McKenna & Co Carnegie Companies Case Western Reserve University Catholic Order of Foresters Center for Community Solutions CEVEC Chagrin Falls High School Chagrin Falls Middle School Chagrin Falls United Methodist Church CHAMPS Group Purchasing Charles Mooney High School Charter One Charter Steel

Chase Bank Chi Delta Epsilon Chubb CHUH School District Church of the Living God Church of the Open Door Church of the Resurrection Cintas Citizens Bank Citizens Leadership Academy City of Solon City Year Americorps CJCLDS Clarity 2 Prosperity Cleveland Browns Cleveland Cavaliers Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Convention Center Cleveland Heights Recreation Cleveland Indians Cleveland Insurance Professionals Cleveland Leadership Center Cleveland Metro Schools Cleveland Metroparks Cleveland Physician Moms Cleveland Professional 20 / 30 Club Cleveland Public Power Cleveland School Psychologists Cleveland Sight Center Cleveland State University Cleveland Voya Employee Benefits Cleveland Young Professional Senate CleveLeads Cliffs Natural Resources Closing the Achievement Gap CMAA Ohio Chapter Cohen & Company Collection Auto Group College Now Greater Cleveland Collinwood High School Commercial Real Estate Women

Communion of Saints Constant Aviation Cornell Club of Northeast Ohio Credo Music CRESCO Real Estate Crosspoint Church CSA Group Cuyahoga Community College Cuyahoga Heights High School Dassault Systemes Dealer Tire Deloitte Delta Kappa Gamma Educational Society Delta Kappa Gamma Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Theta Delta Zeta Sorority DeMolay Department of Internal Audit Design Lab Early College High School Developers Diversified DFAS Disciples Christian Church Distinguished Gentlemen Totals Dominion East-Ohio Totals Drees Homes Totals Dunkin Brands Totals East Cleveland Adult Activity Center Totals Eastern Stars Totals Eaton Totals Ebenezer Assembly of Christ Church Totals Edgewater Yacht Club - Ensign Fleet 29 Totals El Hasa Court 47 Totals Embassy Suites Totals EMBODI Totals Enterprise Rent A Car Totals Entrepreneurship Preparatory School Totals Ernst & Young Totals

Esperanza Totals Euclid Central Middle School Totals Euclid High School Totals Evarts Tremaine Totals Facing History New Tech School Totals Fahlgren Mortine Totals Fairmount Temple Totals Fairview Park High School Totals Falls Communications Totals Family Heritage Life Insurance Company Totals Farmers Insurance Totals Farmers Insurance Totals Fathom Totals Federal Bar Association Totals Federal Reserve Bank Totals Fifth Third Bank Totals Financial Planning Association of North East Ohio Totals Findley Davies Totals First Merit Totals Forest City Enterprises Totals Freedonia Totals Fuchs Mizrachi Totals Fuchs Mizrachi Totals FY2014 HOURS REPORT GROUP Totals Garfield Heights H S Totals Gates Mills Environmental Education Center Totals General Electric Totals General Motors Totals Georgetown University Totals Gesu Church Totals GESU Totals Giant Eagle Totals GIE Media Totals Gilbane Building Company Totals Gilmour Academy Totals Girl Scouts of America Totals Goodwill Industries Totals Grant Professionals Association


Totals Great Lakes Brewing Totals Greater Cleveland Food Bank Greater Vision Baptist Church Totals Gross Schecter Day School Totals Guardian Life Insurance Totals H20 (Vanessa Lange) Totals Hanna Chartwell Totals Harley-Davidson Totals Hartland Totals Hathaway Brown Totals Hawken School Totals Help Me Grow Totals Hileman Totals Hillcrest Kiwanis Club Totals Hilton Garden Inn Totals HNTB Totals Holy Grounds Youth Group Totals Holy Name H S Totals Homewood Suites - Hilton Cleveland Totals HONEO (Jeff Griffiths) Totals Hope Lutheran Totals Hope Worldwide Totals Hopewell Totals Horseshoe Casino Totals Human Arc Totals HW Financial Advisors Totals Hyatt Legal Plans Totals Hyland Software Totals Hylant Totals I Can Schools Totals IGS Totals IMARC Research Totals Incarnate Word Academy Totals Inner Bliss Yoga Totals Institute of Real Estate Management Totals InterDesign Totals International Facility Management Association Totals J C Penney Totals Jamaican Cultural

Association(Marlene H) Totals James A. Garfield Elementary (K8) Totals James Ford Rhodes High School Totals Jergens Totals Jewish Education Center of Cleveland Totals Jewish Federation of Cleveland Totals John Carroll University Totals John Marshall High School Totals Johnson & Johnson Totals Jones Day Totals Journey Community Church Totals Kappa Alpha Theta Totals Kappa Kappa Gamma Totals Karpinski Engineering Totals Keefe Group Totals Kent State University Totals KeyBank 9/26/13 Totals Kids Against Hunger Totals Kohl’s Totals Lake Catholic Totals Lake County YMCA Totals Lakeshore Apartments Totals Lakewood Catholic Academy Totals Lakewood Congregational Church Totals Lakewood Help to Others Totals Lakewood United Methodist Church Totals Leading Ladies Lean In Recovery Center Totals Lincoln Electric Totals Lincoln Financial Advisors Totals Lincoln West Totals Lineweaver Financial Group Totals Lubrizol Totals Lutheran East High School Totals Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Totals

Lyndhurst Community Presbyterian Church Totals Macy’s Totals Magnificat Totals Maple Heights High School Totals Marriott Totals Max Hayes High School Totals Maxim Healthcare Totals Mayfield H.S. NHS (Marcia Rudolph)20 Totals Mayfield High School Totals Mayfield Middle School Totals McKinsey and Company Totals MCPc Totals Memorial Middle School Totals Menlo Park Academy Totals Mentor United Methodist Church Totals Merck & Company Merck Totals Messiah Lutheran Church Totals Metropolitan at The 9 Totals Meyers Meyers Miami University Alumni Totals Microsoft Totals Milliken Medical Totals MLK High School Totals Momentum Christian Church Totals Monarch Center for Autism Totals Moody Nolan Morgan Stanley Totals Mt. Sinai Baptist Church Totals National Association of Professional Women Totals National Association of Women In Construction Totals National Coalition of 100 Black Women Totals National Council of Negro Women Totals National Federation of The Blind Totals

Nations Lending Totals Nationwide Totals NAWIC Totals NE Ohio College Preparatory School Totals NE Ohio Tamil Sangam Totals Nestle Totals New Clevelanders Totals New Community Bible Fellowship Totals New Directions Totals Noble Academy Cleveland Totals Norman S Minor Bar Association Totals North Olmsted High School SITES Totals North Royalton Middle School Totals Notre Dame College Totals NOVA Chemicals Ohio Guidestone Totals Ohio Hockey Project Totals Ohio North Coast Alumni Totals Ohio Virtual Academy Totals Old Navy Totals Old South Church Totals Olivet Institutional Baptist Church Totals OnShift Totals Orange City Schools Totals Order of the Easter Star Totals OSIsoft Totals Otis Elevator Totals Our Savior Lutheran Church Totals OWU Alumni Pandora Radio Park Synagogue Parker Hannifin Penske Pepsico Performance Motorsports International Phi Mu Fraternity PhiDE

Philips Pioneer Memorial Presbyterian Church Plymouth Church PNC Bank Polaris Small Group Positive Education Program PPG Industries Precision Environmental Pricewaterhouse Coopers Progressive Purdue Alumni Club Quality Referral Exchange Quicken Loans R&Q Solutions Recreation League Red Robin Regulatory and Quality Solutions Renewal by Andersen Rexel Riverside Elementary RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company RMS Investment Robert W Baird & Co Rockwell Automation Rocky River High School Rocky River United Methodist Church Rotary Club Ruffing Montessori Ryder Truck Rental Safely Home Saint Albert the Great Saint Joseph Academy Saint Mark’s Saint Martin De Porres Salesforce Samsung Electronic SBN Interactive Scribes and Scribblers Selman & Company Shaker Heights - TLC Camp Shaker Hts H S Shaw H S

Sherwin Williams Sigma Gamma Rho Singerman Mills Desberg & Kauntz Sirva Inc. Smith & Nephew Sodexo SolarCity Solon High School Spartans Sparton Medical Speedeon Data St Adalbert Catholic School St Albert the Great St Brendan Church St Joan of Arc Church St. Angela Merici St. Basil The Great St. Basil St. Clarence St. Dominic St. Edward H.S. St. Francis of Assisi St. Mark Catholic Church St. Mary’s St. Noel Catholic Church St. Vincent Charity Medical Center Starbucks STERIS Corporation SterlingBackCheck Student National Pharmaceutical Association Swagelok Target Team DNA Temple Emanu El The Agnon School The Alpha Group The Fideli Group The Form Group The Garland Company The Hanover Insurance Group The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation


The Mission Continues Theta Phi Alpha Thistledown Racino Thompson Hine LLP Total Quality Logistics TPC Wire and Cable Tremco TTI Floor Care Tucker Ellis Turner Construction U S Bank UAW/APRI United Healthcare United States Coast Guard Universal Metal Products University Hospitals University School UPS Urban League of Greater Cleveland Ursuline College USI Insurance UTC Aerospace Systems Vaughn-Smith Girls Assembly VA-University Hospitals Vertical Knowledge Villa Angela St. Joseph Academy Vitalyst Vizion Solutions Walgreens Washington Park High School WBC Group Wells Fargo Weltman Western Reserve Academy Whiting-Turner Wholesome Burgers Willoughby Hills United Methodist Church Willoughby South High School Willoughby Supply Window Nation Wood Forest National Bank Woodmen of the World

Yale Alumni Youth Ending Hunger - Shaker Schools Youth Opportunities YP Pantry YWCA Zeisler Morgan Zeta Phi Beta ZF TRW Zonta Club of Cleveland


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