United Way Donors FY2017

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United Way Donors The Greater Cleveland Food Bank thanks the following donors and supporters who made contributions through United Way between October 1, 2016 and September 30, 2017.

UNITED WAY Gary J. Abram Tracy Annis James Archer Matthew Baker Kristen Baird Adams & David Legeay Mark Bank Cheryl A. Barker Michael J. Barker Kenna Bevier John Borsi Randy L. Brown Melissa Bullock Michele Byrnes Allan K. Cheng Nicole Clutter Jasima Collins-Bonsu "Justin Crivelli" John & Barbara Cymanski Wendy S. Dahar

Jessica Daniels Susan J. Demaske Jyotsna A. Dhruna Roberto Diaz Joseph Dooley Kristy Dougherty Krista Espenschied Sorina Fekete William E. Forsythe Michelle Fraley Michelle Gray Amy Greiner Noel P. Hanzel John Harmath Bradley M. Henderson Michael J. Herman Brian Holz John Horan Nathan Huffman Earl T. Hunt Andrea L. Jankowski Lisa J. Jennings

Eric Johnson Sarah Jones Thomas Kula Jennifer A. Lang Teresa C. Law Thomas G. Liebhardt Michelle Lundon Fox Robert Lynch Michael A. Maniaci Carol Moore Ellen A. Moreau Lisa A. Myers Timothy A. Myers John Niederer Debra Nixdorf Christopher N. Norton Adam Oliver Gregory Omelia Darrell L. Osborn Julie A. Palumbo Laura Paszt Anthony Pope

Kimberly Pribisko John P. Psellas Scott M. Puglise Ryan Rodriguez Aaron J. Rupert Angela Salviejo Kathleen Self Jay H. Shubrook Judith B. Singer Rochelle M. Sladek Carol A. Sobecki Elizabeth S. Stroder Alexis Swanson Bruce M. Szabo Mark J. Ursu Kate Van Jura John W. VanLoo Teressa M. Vlk

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