Table of Contents 1 4 16
Message from the President/ CEO and Chairman Features Investing in the Community
18 20 22 24
Working with GCF Financials Anthem Foundation of Ohio Governing Board
26 27 28 30
A Tribute to Our Special Friends GCF Committees Staff Year in Review
But in reality, that’s not the way things work in America today, at least not for everyone. The statistics on educational performance nationally, in Ohio and in Cincinnati are telling: • In the U.S., the high school graduation rate has been basically stagnant since the 1970s, while graduation rates are skyrocketing in countries as diverse as Korea and the Czech Republic. Of every 100 ninth graders, only 68 graduate on time from high school and only 18 actually go on to college and finish a twoor four-year degree in less than six years. Global achievement benchmarking tests reveal that our high school students perform below the median. We are failing to meet world-class standards! • Things look a little better in Ohio, which ranks 16th in the nation for high school graduation rates. But there continues to be a racial gap in achievement between African-American and white students, associated with poverty rates, that shows up in math and reading test results as early as the third grade. • Locally, graduation rates have improved for students attending Cincinnati Public Schools, and the gap between AfricanAmerican and white students has narrowed. However, black males continue to fare far worse than any other subgroup of students. These young men are the most at risk of social and economic failure as adults.
So improving educational systems really matters, and not just for individuals, families and communities. It becomes an economic imperative if we are to help sustain this country’s relative prosperity. Global employers, including those headquartered in Cincinnati, can choose workers from anywhere in the world. Other countries, such as India and China, are investing heavily in educational systems to produce young people with top math and analytical skills who are qualified for the jobs of today and tomorrow. Our students need different skills if they want to compete for the good jobs in an increasingly global economy. What’s the solution? It may be obvious, but there isn’t just one. And more funding is not necessarily the answer. GCF participated in a statewide task force convened by the Ohio Grantmakers Forum to help foundations “get smarter” about education issues and work together to craft state policy changes. This task force delivered to Governor Strickland five priorities for action: 1. Mandate a seamless P-16 (preschool to higher education) system with clear goals. 2. Create world-class performance standards and stronger accountability.
Left: Students and staff of Oyler School. Right: Cincinnati Arts and Technology Center students at work (see p. 8).
3. Guarantee quality teachers and principals in every classroom and school. 4. Accelerate innovations and options throughout the system. 5. Ensure adequate funding tied to results. Ohio Grantmakers Forum will continue to lead policy reform efforts at the statehouse. In the meantime, the task force urges Ohio’s 3,000 charitable foundations to invest our combined $300 million in annual grants more strategically in education reforms. Foundations and individual donors can help pay for research, planning, support for students who need extra help, innovations in school structures and programs, and accelerating innovations system-wide. And there are lots of options – foundations can place their investments all along the continuum from preschool to post-secondary education. The Greater Cincinnati Foundation (GCF) has always cared about opening up educational opportunities for everyone. Since 1963, GCF has facilitated thousands of scholarships to deserving students. We have funded hundreds of projects to support youth in achieving school success, and to improve school operations. And even though we have focused most of our efforts on helping disadvantaged students get a “fair shot,” our grants have barely dented the magnitude of this problem. Because of the lessons we have learned over the years, GCF has stepped up its leadership efforts in the education arena while continuing our traditional support for scholarships, Grants for Kids (to teachers) and project-based grants. In 2006 we approved a $1 million grant to help Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) create community learning centers in as many as half of all CPS schools within four years. In partnership with the YMCA of Greater Cincinnati, CPS is leveraging the creation of new and redesigned schools throughout the district by ensuring that students receive the social and emotional supports for they need for academic
success. GCF also made a grant to help the Northern Kentucky Council of Partners in Education to plan a range of school reform initiatives to achieve Vision 2015, the ten-year strategic plan for Northern Kentucky. The challenge for Cincinnati USA is how, by working together, we can help solve an education problem that is much larger than philanthropic resources alone could ever address. The responsibility must be shared at all levels of government, as well as with leaders of educational systems, business leaders, foundations, and nonprofit organizations. We are fortunate to be participating in an initiative called Strive, which does exactly that. Supported capably by The KnowledgeWorks Foundation, the vision for Strive is that every student will: • Be Prepared for school in early childhood education • Be Supported inside and outside school walls • Succeed academically • Enroll in college: two-year, four-year or job training • Graduate and enter a career Whether you are guided by your moral compass or a clear economic imperative, we urge you to join with other community leaders to make a difference through better education opportunities and results. We can help you help the community – just give us a call.
Kathryn E. Merchant President/CEO
William C. Portman III Chairman
For copies of recent reports: “Tough Choices/Tough Times” at and “Education for Ohio’s Future” at More information about Strive available at
Below: Students at Riverview East Academy participate in an after-school cooking class (See page 6).
Sam Hutson considers himself a person from the streets. He became a single parent when his son Dominque was 17 months old. Sam decided he wanted something different for him and looked to the Catholic school system. “I wanted something special for Dominque,” he shared. “I understood the point of education, even though I didn’t have it myself.” Sam gushes when he talks about Dominque’s school. The eighth grader attends St. Francis Seraph, part of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, located on Liberty Street in Over-the-Rhine.
school operating expenses. There are seven CISE K-8 schools under the umbrella of the Archdiocese. A staggering 82 percent of the students in CISE schools live at or below poverty level. There were about 1,350 students in CISE schools this year and most of these children receive tuition assistance. “CISE is what makes this school possible,” Principal Wanda Hill said. “The tuition assistance makes it possible for the neediest people to come here. I tell the people at CISE, you are giving people a choice to come here. When you give them a choice, you give them dignity.”
“Once I got to meet Principal Wanda Hill, I fell in love with her,” he said. “She’s truly concerned with inner-city kids and her staff reflects that.”
And it works. The CISE schools, which welcome children of all faiths, have a high success rate – 96 percent attending Catholic high schools successfully graduate and many go on to college. The class of 2006 has an 88 percent college enrollment rate.
Despite working two jobs, Sam has little “wiggle room” for school tuition. He receives tuition assistance from the Catholic InnerCity Schools Education Fund (CISE).
Volunteer Harry Santen said part of the success is the commitment of parents to contribute towards tuition; it demonstrates their own commitment to the value of education.
Founded in 1980, CISE exists to raise funds to supplement the dollars which the Archdiocese of Cincinnati contributes annually to urban schools. Funds raised provide tuition aid to parents and
Harry isn’t your average volunteer – he’s been with CISE for 20 years and was chair for 15. He also teaches pottery classes to the
Facing page: left - Harry Santen and Dominque Hutson. Bottom - Sam Hutson. This page: top row – Wanda Hill, kindergartners Dezmond Barnes and Ciara Adams (Dominque volunteers in their classroom); bottom row - Harry Santen, Tracy Moore II.
students and supports CISE financially through a fund at GCF. “We don’t have a lot of bells and whistles,” Harry said, “But it’s a terrific education.” It’s this lack of bells and whistles that led Harry to work with the CISE principals and create a program that will allow top students to live up to their potential. Together with Tracy Moore II, Harry is launching the Leadership Scholars Program. Students at local Catholic high schools will serve as mentors to the top CISE students, with a focus on leadership. “I think mentorship/role modeling is very important for the African-American community as well as education,” said Tracy, himself a product of Catholic schools. “I think that it will also give the students something to look forward to, to aspire to, help them dream bigger, and know that they can overcome the obstacles in their lives.” As a father, Sam dreams big for his son and works hard to overcome obstacles. For instance, Sam had reservations about Dominque walking to school, beginning in the sixth grade, but talked to him about being alert and paying attention.
“Where we live on Walnut there is a lot of drama, even though the police have recently cleaned it up around there,” he said. “I’d make pretend I was going back inside the house and watch him, keep my eye on him.” The father/son team is a dynamic pair. They are just one example of why people like Harry Santen, Wanda Hill and Tracy Moore are dedicated to CISE students and parents. Dominque’s education at St. Francis will culminate in success – he earned a scholarship to attend Roger Bacon High School this fall. The soft-spoken, well-mannered 13-year-old hopes to play football next year but said, “I’m going to concentrate on my classes first.” Spoken like someone who keeps his eye on the obstacles. His father should be very proud. Harry Santen established The Leadership Scholars Fund, a designated fund exclusively benefiting CISE, in 2003. Many other GCF donors show support for CISE by suggesting grants totaling more than $2.5 million since 1996 from donor advised funds and two other designated funds.
c i s e fu n d. o r g
Mud, shovels and worms. It’s all part of an afternoon with Riverview East Academy’s Garden Club.
school, hoping that the students would want to use a resource right in their back yard – the East End Veteran’s Memorial Garden.
The Garden Club, 20 children in grades K-4, tackles the great outdoors with shovels, seeds and a lot of enthusiasm every other week. Under the creative guidance of Corina Bullock and Susie Kretzschmar of the Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati they learn about nature through hands-on activities.
“Our program is not just child care, it’s an academic enrichment program,” said Meg Stagnaro, CincyAfterSchool site coordinator at Riverview.
Before they begin the afternoon’s work, Corina reminds them of tool etiquette. “Be very careful. Be respectful. Everyone gets a turn so don’t panic if someone is doing something you’re not,” she said. Garden Club members learn the different parts and functions of plants, composting, propagation and photosynthesis. They go on nature walks, plant bulbs, and paint flower pots. Riverview’s Garden Club grew out of community involvement. A resident and Civic Garden Center member approached the
The school’s Garden Club is one of many partnerships through Riverview’s community learning center (CLC). Cincinnati Public Schools’ CLCs are much more than school buildings. They offer academic programs, enrichment activities and support to students, families and community members – before and after school, during the evenings and on weekends. Partnerships with local businesses, community organizations like CincyAfterSchool, public agencies, the arts community and faith-based organizations bring services and resources to the school. A CLC becomes the heart of the neighborhood, providing opportunities for all members of the community.
Facing page, clockwise: Ciara Frank, kindergarten and Cameren Walker, second grade. Corina Bullock, Civic Garden Center, Education Specialist. Susie Kretzschmar, Civic Garden Center.
At the start of the 2006-2007 academic year, CPS launched CLCs in nine pilot schools. The plan is to expand this to all schools over the next decade.
“I think the best thing we are able to provide through this partnership is a respect of nature and an understanding of nature,” Corina said.
GCF decided to “lead by example” and commit $1 million over four years to CLCs. GCF made this grant because our schools and community are intrinsically linked. And for our region to thrive, its core city and schools must be healthy. CLCs support public education, strengthen neighborhoods and help reduce racial disparities.
Over by the mulch pile, third grader Tyrike takes charge, telling the other children to be careful with the worms. He says with authority, “Remember you all, when you see a creature, put it back.”
At Riverview, the heat and humidity rise around 3:30 p.m. and the young gardeners look a little wilted. But they are no shrinking violets. They are still hard at work and intent on digging, planting and moving mulch. They work well together, this mix of boys and girls of various ages. A few break into a song about reading and others chime in. “I love dirt,” sighed Joe, a second grader.
Caring and respect. Is there any more important lesson?
What You Can Do to Help: Join GCF by investing in community learning centers. Use your donor advised fund at GCF or donate with your credit card to The Community Learning Center Fund at our secure Web site, You may also send a check to our donation address: The Greater Cincinnati Foundation, P.O. Box 5200, Cincinnati, Ohio 45201-5200. If you have questions, please contact a member of our Giving Strategies Group at (513) 241-2880.
w w w .c p s-k12 . o r g • c i v i c gar de n c e n te r . o r g
During his first week at Cincinnati Arts and Technology Center (CATC), Brandon Briggs stood up at a college fair and asked a tough question. “Can I get into college even though I have a felony on my record?” Brandon is 17 years old and began taking classes at CATC last fall after he was released from juvenile prison. He is one of 300-plus Cincinnati Public School juniors and seniors at risk of not graduating. CATC teachers use fine arts to encourage students like Brandon, who have often experienced a lot of failure and think of themselves as nonachievers.
“How did that make you feel?” Laura asked. “It put me low. I felt like I couldn’t do anything but get through high school,” he replied. This interaction with Brandon is typical of Laura’s day. As she walks through the bright CATC classrooms in Longworth Hall, she knows all the students’ names and asks them specific questions about paperwork and plans.
Brandon and Laura Greene-White, CATC Director of Education, recently reflected on his first week at CATC.
For instance, a female student is considering transferring to another high school program. Laura asks her if she is aware that if she does this, she will no longer be eligible for some college scholarships and sends the student to visit the Cincinnati Youth Collaborative representative on staff who is there to help students with college access.
“Do you realize how brave it was of you to get up and ask that question?” Laura asked the teen. “You probably asked the question others were afraid to ask.”
A student beams when Laura compliments his pottery. She reminds another boy to take off his hat. He obviously doesn’t want to but does it with a respectful smile and “yes ma’am.”
Brandon smiled at this praise and said that when he was in juvenile prison, he was told that it was quite likely he would turn into a statistic and return.
Laura explains that the CATC staff work on building up confidence as well as teaching students that in order to succeed in the real world, they need to understand the value of working hard.
Facing page: Brandon Briggs and Laura Greene-White. This page: center right - Lee Carter, CATC Board Chairman. Bottom right - Linda Tresvant, CATC CEO.
“They don’t understand what the world requires of them – no one has taught them,” she said. “We look at their strengths first. To put effort into the work, you need to feel your efforts are positive. We tell them what’s right and then give them the tools to grow. Kids know when you’re trying to help elevate them and for these kids, art is the perfect vehicle.” CATC was modeled after the successful Manchester Bidwell Training Center in Pittsburgh founded by Bill Strickland. “Strickland’s concept is that if you provide children with high expectations, they will rise to meet them,” CATC Board Chairman Lee Carter said. “It’s CEO Linda Tresvant, Laura and all the other teachers that make this work. They are dedicated to these children.” As for Brandon, he learned that he can go to college. “I was hopeless, but now my goals in life can be accomplished,” he said. “It’s like art is my new life.” Brandon still faces obstacles. The teen said there is a lot of gang activity where he lives with an aunt and cousin. He tries to keep his schedule packed by working two jobs and going to CATC.
Laura reinforced his choices. “Do you know how brilliant you are?” she asked him. “You are creating a schedule and a place to be so you’re not available for trouble.” Brandon plans to go to college and study criminal justice. He and Laura discuss the possibility of him someday using art to help children in juvenile prison. “I saw a lot of people with talent in jail,” he says. “I can help people who were in my shoes. You can’t reach everyone. If you reach one person – it’s all right.” It’s hard to believe Brandon won’t reach more than one person.
CATC received $275,000 for start-up funding in 2003 from Better Together Cincinnati (BTC), a funders collaborative managed by GCF. Educational attainment is one of three goals that BTC focuses on to develop lasting solutions to racial equity. In 2005, CATC received a $100,000 grant from GCF. It has also received support from donor advised funds and one of GCF’s Private Foundation Grantmaking Services clients.
c atc -o h i o . o r g
Librarian Garrette Smith stood in front of a group of homeless women, many illiterate, to discuss reading with their children. Worried that they would see her as a professional woman talking “at” them not “with” them, she found common ground – motherhood.
of funders managed by GCF. It was a strong national model that could recommend strategies that help children get ready for school by working with parents, early childhood professionals and policymakers who can make a difference in a child’s success.
“I started my presentation by asking them, ‘Tell me about yourself and your child.’ I noticed going around the table that their faces shined more when they talked about their children,” Garrette said. “When it got back to me, my comment was, ‘I know you want the best for your children. What better way to do that than to prepare them before they actually get to school by giving them the tools they need to understand reading and writing?’”
Research shows that more than half of children entering kindergarten within Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) are not on track for school readiness in early literacy and language development.
Garrette was at the American Red Cross to teach these mothers the shared reading technique, part of United Way of Greater Cincinnati’s Success by 6® initiative. Its vision is that by age six, all children in the region are safe, healthy and prepared to succeed. Research confirms that what happens to children before the age of three affects the way their brains develop and if they are wired for learning or not.
But shared reading can result in substantial changes in preschool children’s language skills. Supported by this knowledge, Success by 6®, in collaboration with The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, trained a group of librarians in shared reading. The librarians in turn trained child care providers, parents and agency workers.
Success by 6® grew out of initiatives proposed by Cincinnati CAN in 2003 and adopted by Better Together Cincinnati (BTC), a group 10
“We know kids are going into CPS less prepared,” said Success by 6® Executive Director Stephanie Byrd. “This creates an achievement gap over time. Research shows that kids that start behind never catch up.”
Garrette, a former children’s librarian (now a library acquisitions manager) and mother of two, also uses shared reading with her three-year-old son Garrison.
Facing page: Garrette Smith, a manager at The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, uses the shared reading technique with her son Garrison.
“Shared reading, in a nutshell, is taking the lead of the child and letting them tell the story,” she said.
As for the women she met at the Red Cross, she believes she empowered them to use shared reading, whether they could read or not.
Shared reading is a conversation that uses three simple steps: comment and wait; ask questions and wait; respond by adding a little more.
“There is a fear in parents who can’t read or write that they can’t help their child,” Garrette said. “This is the perfect thing for them.”
“For example, my son Garrison is really into football,” Garrette explained. “If we were looking at a book with Rudi Johnson, I might say, ‘He has a helmet just like you,’ and I’ll spark that conversation.”
“Just because they don’t have a good economic situation doesn’t mean parents don’t care and don’t want the best for their children.”
“Or you could say, ‘That is a big helmet – it is humongous,’” she said. “I’ve learned through shared reading that children repeat after you. They might say, ‘Humongous?’ They’ll make the effort to say the word they’ve just been introduced to.” “I might say, ‘That is a beautiful butterfly,’ and I’ll sit and wait and my child might say, ‘Oh, flowers,’” Garrette said. “So then you start your questioning off with what they are interested in. I might think that butterflies are great to talk about but my son might think flowers are great.” Shared reading has made such a difference with Garrison that he may enter preschool early, Garrette said.
In a nutshell, that’s what Success by 6® is all about – wanting the best for our children. Better preparing them for kindergarten gives them a fair shot at success as they progress through school. Every child in our community deserves that opportunity.
Success by 6® received $500,000 from GCF in 2002. This support was a result of GCF’s Future Directions II “community listening” process held to identify priority community issues in its six grantmaking areas. More than 300 community leaders and volunteers participated. As a result of these conversations, GCF committed $2.2 million over five years to four new initiatives, including Success by 6®.
u w gc .or g • c i n c i n n ati li br ar y . o r g
It was the police car outside a school that shook him up. Dick Fencl was visiting an inner-city elementary school as a volunteer with Executive Service Corps. He was there to work on the school’s security system, but what made an impression on him was a police car outside because a sixth grader had been caught selling drugs. “It was a real eye-opener for me,” he said. “It’s very different from how I grew up. I thought, I’ve got to be involved. I can’t continue to run to the suburbs forever – this is our youth.” Fast forward a few years to find Dick and his wife, Carol, spending Saturday mornings with second through fourth graders from Rothenberg Preparatory Academy on Vine Street. The Fencls wear backpacks loaded down with lunch supplies, fanny packs of emergency gear and name tags around their necks reading “Mr. Dick” and “Miss Carol.” They also wear huge smiles. The Fencls’ work with inner-city children combines two of their passions – education and the environment. They volunteer with the Sierra Club’s Inner City Outings (ICO) program. ICO provides
environmental experiences for children that otherwise wouldn’t have them. On a rainy April day, the Fencls and a handful of volunteers took the children to the Cincinnati Museum Center. Ask the children why they come on these trips and they are quick to answer – they like Mr. Dick and Miss Carol. Oh, and the time they tapped sap from a tree was pretty good too. “I like it because Mr. Dick takes us places we’ve never learned about before,” third grader Lyric said. “I like seeing them because I know they are friendly.” “They take you places that are fun,” chimed in second grader Evah. “I’ve learned about making syrup and I know about dinosaurs and wooly mammoths.” (The group had an outing to Big Bone Lick State Park to learn about mastodons.) To an outsider, lunch time with 30-plus children may seem like controlled chaos. But Carol beams as she helps a young boy make a sandwich.
Facing page: Dick and Carol Fencl with granddaughter Daisy Villacis. The Fencls take Daisy along to scout out parks for their excursions with children from Rothenberg Academy.
“You see how this energizes us?” she asked. “They are very organized,” Gail Lewin of ICO said. “They make nametags for everyone, bring the food, and organize the driving. The kids respect them and listen to them. They are wonderful people.”
“When Dick came home and told me that story, I felt like I wanted to be involved,” Carol said. “We feel bad that children growing up in not as good neighborhoods aren’t given the same type of respect and support in society as children living in the suburbs,” Dick added.
Parent Brenda Alexander knows they are making a difference with her children. Brenda has been going on the Fencls’ outings for four years.
Working with the children of Rothenberg seemed to be the perfect way for them to make a difference and support their belief in the importance of education.
“I think it’s great for the kids to get out and see other things than they are used to,” she said. “It’s a big plus. I love the Fencls. If they need me to help, I’m there.”
“It gives them exposure to something besides asphalt and exhaust,” Dick said.
The Fencls, both retired, were already philanthropists. “We have been able to give back,” Carol said. “But we wanted to give back and not just write checks.” And there was the image of that police car at school.
It’s not just the children who benefit. “They are great kids,” Dick said with a smile. “I can’t walk in their school without someone giving me a hug.” Dick and Carol Fencl established a donor advised fund at GCF in 2001.
ohi o. s i e r r ac lu b. o r g/m i am i
The third time was a charm for Peg Fightmaster. The first time she enrolled in college, she was 19 years old and excited to major in pre-med. But as the oldest of five children, she had to become the family breadwinner when her father lost his job. She quit school and went to work full-time. “I cried when I told the professor I’d have to leave,” the mother of two said. “I pretty much knew what life was like without an education.” Peg enrolled in school again in the early 90s but because of her second child’s severe health problems, she had to drop out again. “There was always this desire to go back to school,” Peg said. “But my daughter would be in the emergency room all night and I’d have to go to class the next day.” When Peg returned to work in 2002, she decided to take a class through the Urban Learning Center (ULC) in Northern Kentucky. The ULC helps low-income individuals start taking college classes. A student can take up to 10 different courses at the ULC for only $10 a course. There are no book costs, free child care is offered 14
and a small and supportive staff is available to help students manage their postsecondary experience. Peg enjoyed the class so much she decided to give her dream – a degree – one last chance. Funding was still an issue and ULC staff encouraged her to apply to The Cincinnati Business and Professional Women’s Scholarship Fund (CBPW) of GCF. Peg was reluctant. “I just didn’t think I’d be worthy – when you don’t believe in yourself, it’s hard to believe others will,” she said. “I just did it more or less to say, ‘See, I told you I wouldn’t get it!’” The CBPW Scholarship Fund was created to support women just like Peg, fund advisor Amy McPike said. The fund history has its roots in women helping women. As far back as the early 1900s, the CBPW organization existed to “give women a leg up” by training them in work force ethics and business etiquette. By the late 1990s, CBPW’s membership was dwindling. Amy and others decided to use the organization’s endowment as a way to continue to honor its history of benefiting women.
Facing page: Debra Engel and Peg Fightmaster. Peg tutors Debra at the Urban Learning Center. This page: left – Amy McPike, CPBW Fund advisor.
“Our point in creating the scholarship was to really help women who needed to be educated to get a job and support their families,” Amy said. “We wanted it to be CBPW’s legacy. We wanted to educate women for the work force.” “Many adults returning to school take it slow and go part-time while maintaining work and household responsibilities,” said Mallis Schneider Graves, ULC Outreach Specialist. “So, most of the time financial aid only covers a portion of their expenses. The CBPW’s Scholarship Fund has helped many ULC adult students supplement their education expenses, so that they can continue striving to better their lives for themselves and their families.” Peg did get the CBPW scholarship, not once, but twice. She said it not only gave her finances a boost, but her confidence as well. “To me it was amazing,” she said. “I can remember meeting the ladies and thinking it’s so kind of you to look at me and see an investment. Because that’s what they are doing – they are investing in you. You don’t invest in a stock that’s worthless.”
Obviously, Peg is far from worthless. She not only received her diploma 27 years after she first started college, she became an employee at Procter & Gamble Co. and is working on her master’s degree at Xavier University. She also tutors female students at the ULC. “I tell the women, I believe in you because someone believed in me,” she said. Peg shares that when she walked up to get her diploma at Northern Kentucky University, she heard someone yell, “Way to go Peg!” “I looked and it was one of my professors from the second time I was at college, all those years ago.” she said. “He remembered me.” Way to go Peg! The Cincinnati Business and Professional Women’s Scholarship Fund of GCF was established in 1999. It is a part of The Women’s Fund Family of Funds.
u rba n le ar n i n gc e n te r . o r g
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation has several “pockets” of funds, ranging from funds left to the discretion of GCF’s Governing Board to funds that living donors use to carry out their current charitable interests.
During 2006, GCF made grants from its unrestricted and field of interest funds totaling nearly $6 million. GRANTS DIRECTED BY GCF Includes grants made from unrestricted and field of interest funds
In 2006, grants totaling $36.5 million were made from all these sources. Here’s how it breaks down:
Arts & Culture Community Progress
Donor Advised
Restricted (incl. scholarships)
Responsive and Strategic Anthem Foundation of Ohio
Responsive and Strategic Grantmaking GCF is privileged to make grants from funds entrusted to it by many forward-thinking people since 1963. Using unrestricted gifts or those designated for a specific field of interest, GCF can respond to proposals submitted by nonprofit organizations in our service area. The Foundation also makes strategic investments in large-scale or longer-term projects that improve the quality of life in our community. A complete list of GCF’s responsive grants and details on many of its strategic initiatives grants are available on the Web at
Education Environment
Health Human Services
Grants from Donor Advised Funds Donor advised funds are GCF’s most popular tool for individuals and families who want to be highly involved in charitable giving during their lifetimes. During 2006, donors suggested grants totaling $21 million to support nonprofit groups, schools, and churches in our region – and in places around the country, but close to their hearts. Grants from Restricted Funds This category of resources includes funds designated by the donor for specific nonprofit organizations, scholarship funds, and endowments set up by nonprofit organizations to take advantage of GCF’s exemplary financial stewardship. $8.5 million in grants were made from these funds in 2006. GRANTS DIRECTED BY DONORS Includes grants made from donor advised and restricted funds 10%
Arts & Culture Community Progress
Education Environment
5% 9%
Health Human Services
*Includes contributions to annual federated campaigns such as United Way and Fine Arts Fund
Anthem Foundation of Ohio Please read more about grants made by The Anthem Foundation of Ohio, a supporting organization of GCF, on p. 22.
The Anthem Foundation OF OHIO A Supporting Or g a niz a tion
of The Greater Cincinnati F O U N D A T I O N
AF-Ohio is a $30 million supporting organization of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation (GCF) established in 1999. AF-Ohio is governed by its own Board of Trustees broadly representative of its service area. Its current areas of focus for grantmaking are preventive oral health care and family violence prevention. In 2006, AF-Ohio welcomed new Program Director, Theresa Wukusick. She was formerly Program Director for the Sisters of Charity Foundation in Canton, Ohio. For more information, please contact Theresa at (513) 241-2880 or visit
It starts with a conversation about relationships. A home visitor meets with her client – a young mother of three small children. They discuss the “green flags” of a healthy relationship.
violence had IQs that were, on average, eight points lower than unexposed children. This surpasses the widely recognized danger of chronic lead exposure, which decreases children’s IQs on average three to four points.
This is just one strategy of the Children Who Witness Domestic Violence (CWWDV) initiative. Ten million children witness domestic violence each year, according to Kristin Shrimplin of the YWCA of Greater Cincinnati, which leads the Family Violence Prevention Project.
Children who see their mothers beaten often suffer post-traumatic stress disorder as severely as if they were beaten themselves. Many child witnesses also suffer depression, anxiety, school problems, conduct disorders, impaired physical health, and low self-esteem.
“If we really want to prevent children from witnessing domestic violence, let’s not just hope that the kids aren’t going to complete the cycle when they get older, let’s try to get to the moms before it even happens,” she said.
So, if that home visitor hears some red flags while discussing relationships with her client, she knows how to respond thanks to the work of CWWDV. And that conversation with a mother can make a difference in the life of a child.
“All too often as professionals, we only bring up battering when we see it,” said Pamela Wilz of Family Service of Greater Cincinnati, a CWWDV trainer. “This is a way to help (home visitors) see what’s going on earlier and help their clients make choices.” To date, more than 1,600 professionals have been trained to recognize and help prevent abuse so that children could not witness it.
“This is a cycle. Of the kids growing up witnessing this – unless there is intervention – boys are more likely to become abusers as teens, girls are more likely to become victims as teens,” Kristin said. “It’s very simple. Violence begets violence.”
Helping clients make choices is crucial when it comes to their children. Witnessing violence harms children emotionally, physically and developmentally. Five-year-olds exposed to high levels of domestic 22
The Anthem Foundation of Ohio, a supporting organization of GCF, gave the Family Violence Prevention Project a two-year grant of up to $150,000 in 2007 - 2008 for continued implementation support. Previously, it received a planning grant and a three-year implementation grant.
e m br ac e h o pe . o r g
Oral Health Care Initiative Grants America Speaks Counties Served: Ohio – Statewide Grant: $5,000 Transportation and translation services for Citizens Health Care Working Group s forum to gather citizen input about access to health care.
Greater Cincinnati Oral Health Council – Ohio Coalition on Oral Health Counties Served: Ohio – Statewide • Grant: $40,000 Sponsorship for 2007 Ohio Dental Summit.
Health Policy Institute of Ohio Counties Served: Ohio – Statewide Grant: $250,000 over two years Continued operating support for Institute to focus on improving the health of Ohioans through research, analysis and communication on vital health issues, particularly in Medicaid, uninsured and underinsured populations.
Prevention of Family Violence Initiative Grants Abuse and Rape Crisis Shelter – Warren County United to End Family Violence Counties Served: Warren Grant: Up to $57,770
Help Hotline Crisis Center Inc. – Tri-County Family Violence Prevention Coalition Counties Served: Columbiana, Mahoning and Trumbull Grant: Up to $150,000 over two years
Continued funding for coalition activities, including Olweus Bullying Prevention Program; No Abuse At Home Project; and Teen Dating Violence Prevention/Healthy Relationships Program.
Continued funding for coalition activities, including Workplace Initiative and Practice Respect public awareness campaign.
Continued provision of customized technical assistance for AF-Ohio grantees, as well as development and maintenance of statewide infrastructure for family violence prevention training and support.
YWCA of Greater Cincinnati – Hamilton County Family Violence Prevention Project Counties Served: Hamilton Grant: Up to $150,000 over two years
Health Policy Institute of Ohio – Family Violence in Ohio Project Counties Served: Ohio – Statewide Grant: $150,000 over two years
Continued funding for coalition activities, including School-Wide Youth Relationship Violence Prevention Program; Children Who Witness Domestic Violence Project; Boys & Men Preventing Family Violence Project; Community Organizing Project; and Elder Abuse Prevention Project.
Funding to help identify and publish realistic and promising policies and programs for reducing family violence in Ohio, hold forums across the state to increase awareness of family violence and build support for recommended policies and programs.
Lima/Allen Council on Community Affairs – Partnership for Violence Free Families Counties Served: Allen Grant: Up to $150,000 over two years Continued funding for coalition activities, including Olweus Bullying Prevention Program; Child Abuse Prevention Program; Adults and Children Together Against Violence Project; and Safe Dates Teen Dating Violence Education Program.
Ohio Domestic Violence Network Counties Served: Ohio – Statewide Grant: $300,309 over two years
Facing page: top - Theresa Wukusick, Program Director, AF-Ohio. Bottom - Pamela Wilz, Family Service of Greater Cincinnati.
Marvin H. Rorick, M.D., Chairman Neurology Division, Riverhills Healthcare
Non-Trustee Officers Ellen M. Gilligan, President & Secretary Vice President for Community Investment, The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Cheryl A. Boyce, M.S. Executive Director, Ohio Commission on Minority Health
Ronald A. Browder
J. Scott McReynolds, Treasurer Vice President for Finance & Administration, The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Executive Director, Children s Defense Fund of Ohio
Paul W. Chellgren Retired Chairman and CEO, Ashland Inc.
Staff Theresa Wukusick Anthem Foundation of Ohio Program Director, The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Curtis Bryan Copeland Executive Director and General Counsel of the Harrison County Community Improvement Corporation
Eugene Roberts King Managing Attorney, OSLSA State Support Center
Betty R. Yung, Ph.D.
A supporting organization is an excellent alternative to a private foundation. You select some of the board members and support the causes you care about most, while enjoying the favorable tax treatment, immediate startup, and ease of administration associated with working through GCF.
Professor, School of Professional Psychology, Wright State University 23
William C. Portman III (Wym), Chairman, is the CEO of Portman Equipment Company and PON North America. He is currently the vice chair of the Cincinnati Museum Center. He has also served as vice chair of the Seven Hills School, as chair of Joy Outdoor Education Center and as a board member of The Children’s Home. Thomas A. Brennan is a partner with Graydon Head & Ritchey LLP. He served as the chairman of GCF’s governing board in 20042005, chairman of United Way of Greater Cincinnati Foundation, vice chairman of United Way of Greater Cincinnati and was a founding member of the Private Industry Council of the City of Cincinnati and Hamilton County. Paul W. Chellgren is the retired Chairman and CEO of Ashland, Inc. He is a partner with Snow, Phipps & Guggenheim LLC, a private equity firm in New York City. He is a professor at Northern Kentucky University. He is also on the board of The Anthem Foundation of Ohio, a supporting organization of GCF. Thomas G. Cody is Vice Chairman for Federated Department Stores, Inc. He is on the board of trustees at the Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber and Xavier University. He was also a co-chair of the Mayor’s commission on race relations, Cincinnati Community Action Now (CAN). Cathy T. Crain is retired Vice President of Scudder Stevens & Clark. She is a board member of the Cincinnati Parks Foundation, the Cincinnati Opera, the Ohio Historical Society, the Queen City Foundation and the WorldWatch Institute. She is a former board member of the Women’s Crisis Center.
Alva Jean Crawford (Jean) is a former mathematics teacher and school counselor for Cincinnati Public Schools. She is a trustee for the Cincinnati Opera and Cincinnati Ballet. She has served on the boards of WGUC 90.9 Cincinnati’s Classical Public Radio; Hearing, Speech & Deaf Center of Greater Cincinnati; FreestoreFoodbank; and the Children’s Home Advisory Board (United Way). Jane V. Domaschko is on the board of trustees at Thomas More College and the Foundation Board of the Kenton County Library. She also serves on GCF’s Northern Kentucky Fund Advisory Board and is a member of the Community Relations and Hospice committees at the St. Elizabeth Medical Center Foundation. David W. Ellis III is the Chairman of UBS-Gradison. He serves on the board of trustees of The Seven Hills School, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Pension Plan, the Blue Ash Protective Association and the Segoe Family Foundation. Linda Fath is a board member for the May Festival, Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park and Dress for Success Advisory Board. She is a docent at the Cincinnati Art Museum and the Taft Museum of Art. She is also a member of the Fine Arts Fund Associate Member Allocation Committee. Barbara G. Lewis is the former President of Jobs for Cincinnati Graduates. She has also served as a board member of Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, Jobs For Ohio Graduates, the Junior League of Cincinnati, Springer School and Center, the Wyoming Board of Education, and as a trustee for Pikeville College.
Photo at left: left to right - Peter S. Strange, Nancy K. Swanson, Thomas A. Brennan, Barbara G. Lewis, Daniel J. Hoffheimer, Ron D. Wright, Ph.D. Photos at right: top - Cathy T. Crain, middle - Marvin H. Rorick, M.D., bottom - Joseph P. Tomain.
Myrtis H. Powell, Ph.D. is the retired President/CEO of Cincinnati Youth Collaborative and Vice President Emeritus, Miami University (2002). The Cincinnati Enquirer named her a 1991 Woman of the Year, and she was a YWCA Career Women of Achievement in 1984. She is in the 2005 class of Great Living Cincinnatians. Marvin H. Rorick, M.D. is a neurologist with Riverhills HealthCare and on staff at Christ, Bethesda and Jewish Hospitals where he teaches residents. He served as president of the Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati (1998-99). He is president of The Anthem Foundation of Ohio Board and First District Councilor of the Ohio State Medical Association. Peter S. Strange is the Chairman/CEO of Messer Construction Co. He serves on the boards of the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber, the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, the College of Mount St. Joseph, the Dan Beard Council of the Boy Scouts of America and the Fine Arts Fund. Nancy K. Swanson, Vice Chairman, is Vice President, Corporate, at The Procter & Gamble Co. She is a member of the board of trustees for the Cincinnati Art Museum. In addition, she is a member of the Indiana University business advisory council. Joseph P. Tomain is Dean Emeritus and the Wilbert and Helen Ziegler Professor of Law at the University of Cincinnati College of Law. He is the chair of the board of trustees of the KnowledgeWorks Foundation and the president of the Mercantile Library.
Ron D. Wright, Ph.D. is the President of Cincinnati State Technical and Community College. He was a member of the Governor’s Commission on Higher Education and the Economy. He is a past member of the Board of Directors of the American Association of Community Colleges and a current member of the National Commission for Cooperative Education. Legal Counsel
Daniel J. Hoffheimer is a partner with Taft, Stettinius & Hollister LLP. He is past chair of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, Cincinnati Symphony, and Cincinnati Public Radio (WGUC and WVXU), past vice chair of Jewish Hospital, and former president of the Cincinnati and Federal Bar Associations. President/CEO
Kathryn E. Merchant is President/CEO of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation. Before joining the Foundation in 1997, she directed The Pew Charitable Trusts’ Neighborhood Preservation Initiative and was a partner at Holt, Wexler & Merchant consultants. She received a 2005 YWCA Career Women of Achievement Award and the Ohio Grantmakers Forum’s 2006 Ohio Philanthropy Award. She served on the board of the Council on Foundations 2001-07, holding numerous leadership positions including vice chairman 2006-07.
Photo at left: left to right - David W. Ellis III, Myrtis H. Powell, Ph.D., William C. Portman III. Photo at right: left to right - Jane V. Domaschko, Paul W. Chellgren, Linda Fath, Kathryn E. Merchant, Alva Jean Crawford, Thomas G. Cody.
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Over the past year, GCF lost two dear friends. Both were instrumental during important phases in the life of the Foundation and both cared deeply about GCF and its mission in our community. Dr. Jean W. Rothenberg passed away in 2007 at the age of 98. Rothenberg had a long relationship with the Foundation. In 1964, she established The Jean W. Rothenberg Help for the Hearing Fund for the benefit of the Hearing, Speech & Deaf Center of Greater Cincinnati and the Jean W. Rothenberg library collection at the University of Cincinnati Health Sciences Library. A lifelong advocate for the hearing impaired, Rothenberg received GCF’s Jacob E. Davis Award recognizing her volunteer work in 2003. But more importantly, Dr. Rothenberg was instrumental in the Foundation’s beginnings. “Jean was the last president of the Fresh Air and Convalescent Aid Society,” said Amy Cheney, GCF’s Vice President for Giving Strategies. “In the early 1960s, the organization, which ran the Fresh Air Farm ‘out in the country,’ found that its mission had become outdated. As any charitable entity must do, the board was looking for an alternate charitable use for the assets. Jean told the story of how she’d visited with the director of The Cleveland Foundation, the very first community foundation. She thought that Cincinnati should have a community foundation, too. “Jean explained that once the women on the board of the Fresh Air Society had been persuaded, they contacted the businessmen
who had been looking into creating a community foundation a year earlier. Through the perseverance of Jean and her colleagues, GCF was formed when the Fresh Air Society’s $600,000 endowment became GCF’s first unrestricted fund. The Fresh Air Farm property in Indian Hill became Stepping Stones Center for the Handicapped. “You could say that Jean was the ‘mother’ of GCF. She clearly had vision for what was possible in Greater Cincinnati and GCF is ever grateful for that.” Richard J. Ruebel, legal counsel for GCF, passed away July 22, 2006. He was a partner at Drew & Ward, LPA. Ruebel was a member of the Cincinnati and Ohio State Bar Associations, the Cincinnati Estate Planning Council and the American College of Trusts and Estates Counsel. He was named to the “Super Lawyers” list published by Law & Politics. Ruebel began serving as GCF’s general counsel in 1995. “Dick contributed significantly to our stewardship, to our integrity, to our ethical standards, to our public promise to take the best care of the resources entrusted to us by thousands of donors in Cincinnati,” GCF President/CEO Kathryn E. Merchant said. “He did it quietly, with no fanfare, and gently refused public displays of appreciation or credit. We’ve lost a good man, before his time, but his good mark on The Greater Cincinnati Foundation is indelible.”
Left: Dr. Rothenberg (center) celebrates her 2003 Jacob E. Davis Award with two previous recipients, Marian Spencer (left) and Miriam West (right). Right: Dick Ruebel.
GCF Board members and other community volunteers contribute their time and expertise on a variety of standing committees and task forces. Giving Strategies Committee Develops˚giving strategies and promotes the Foundation to the community. David W. Ellis III, Chair Jane V. Domaschko Vanessa A. Freytag William F. Lyon William L. Montague William C. Portman III, Ex-Officio John S. Stith Nancy K. Swanson Daniel J. Hoffheimer, Legal Counsel
Finance Committee Recommends financial policies to the Governing Board and monitors financial operations. Cathy T. Crain, Chair Paul W. Chellgren James M. Crosset Ronald Dolan Louis D. George Robert N. Sibcy Peter S. Strange Edward J. Vonderbrink
Audit Committee Oversees all aspects of the external audit including selection of auditors and review of their performance, audit planning and negotiation of fees. Thomas G. Cody, Chair David W. Ellis III Louis D. George Ronald Dolan
Governance Committee Advises the Governing Board as a whole on corporate governance matters and nominates Governing Board appointees. Barbara G. Lewis, Chair Thomas A. Brennan William C. Portman III Myrtis H. Powell, Ph.D. Marvin H. Rorick, M.D. Daniel J. Hoffheimer, Legal Counsel
Grants Review Committee Meets personally with grant applicants and makes funding recommendations to the Governing Board on the Foundation’s responsive grants. Thomas A. Brennan, Chair Richard N. Adams Richard A. Bachhuber Judy Clark Alva Jean Crawford Linda C. Fath Rev. Richard Fowler Judy Gibbons Robert A. Goering, Sr. Monica Johnson Mitchell, M.D. Carole T. Rigaud Irwin Weinberg Richard L. Westheimer Honorable Stephanie Wyler
Investments Committee Recommends investment policies to the Governing Board; monitors investment performance; periodically evaluates the effectiveness of the Foundation’s combined trust and corporate form structure. Paul W. Chellgren, Chair Cathy T. Crain Susan F. Flischel Michele Hawkins Mackey McNeill Marvin H. Rorick, M.D. Charles Seal
Strategic Initiatives Committee Identifies opportunities for GCF to take a leadership role in addressing community issues and oversees strategic grantmaking initiatives. Joseph P. Tomain, Chair Thomas A. Brennan Rhoda A. Brooks Lee A. Carter Nancy Cooper Cathy T. Crain Edward R. Jackson Barbara G. Lewis Myrtis H. Powell, Ph.D. Byron White Ron D. Wright, Ph.D.
The Clermont Community Fund Advisory Board Priscilla O’Donnell, J.D., Chair Tim Beechuk Ed Brady Tom Cole Tara Dawson John D. Erhardt Cynthia J. Jenkins Mel Larson Christina MacVeigh Michael J. Riley Chris Smith Hon. Stephanie Wyler
The Northern Kentucky Fund Advisory Board Susan F. Flischel, Chair Donna M. Bloemer Judith G. Clabes, Emeritus Nancy Cooper Jane V. Domaschko R. C. Durr, Emeritus* Rev. Richard Fowler Judy Gibbons Merwin Grayson, Jr., Emeritus Traci Griffin Michael J. Hammons Jane Herms Bert Huff, Emeritus Jim Huff, Emeritus Jason Jackman Jay Lange William L. Montague Edwin T. (Ted) Robinson William T. (Bill) Robinson III, Emeritus Andrew J. Schaeffer Frank B. Sommerkamp, Jr. Jeanne Marie Tapke Charles Whitehead Frances W. Williams Wade T. Williams
The Women s Fund Leadership Council Vanessa A. Freytag, Chair Dwinelva Z. Zackery, Chair Elect Barbara J. Bonifas Myrita Craig Jackqueline Davis Judith Harmony Margo Heubi Kathryn A. Hollister Lyn Marsteller Amy M. McPike Barbara Rinto Mary R. Stagaman Marcia Togneri *Deceased
Kathryn E. Merchant, President/CEO
Charles B. Fink, Consultant, Clermont Community Fund
Tara Behanan, Giving Strategies Coordinator
Margaret L. Gaither, Senior Giving Strategies Officer
Lori A. Beiler, Giving Strategies Associate
Jennifer A. Geisheimer, Grants Manager, Private Foundations
Karen L. Bond, Grants Manager
Ellen M. Gilligan, Vice President for Community Investment
Gary R. Bricking, Consultant, Northern Kentucky Fund
James D. Huizenga, Director of Private Foundations and Donor Services
Amy L. Cheney, CPA, Vice President for Giving Strategies Michele A. Costello, Operations Manager Joy A. Englert, Finance Associate-Accounting Amy E. Fenker, Executive Assistant
Mary D. LeRoy, Program Officer, Private Foundations Lisa M. MacDonald, Senior Accountant Julia A. Mace, Communications Officer
Top left: Office of the President/CEO with Communications & Marketing Group - Kathy Merchant, Amy Fenker, Beth Reiter (seated), Julia Mace (seated), Patti Ries, Bottom left: Community Investment Group - Kristy Moster, Karen Bond, Ellen Gilligan (seated), Mary LeRoy. Bottom right: Community Investment Group - Ray Watson, Helen Mattheis (seated), Kay Pennington, Jennie Geisheimer (seated), Theresa Wukusick.
Helen J. Mattheis, Senior Program Officer, Community Investment Jenna McHugh, Acting Executive Director, Women’s Fund J. Scott McReynolds, CPA, Vice President for Finance and Administration Kristina Newman Moster, Ph.D., Senior Program Officer, Community Investment Kay Pennington, Community Investment Coordinator Betty J. Peterson-Terry, Giving Strategies Assistant Mary R. Pitcairn, Giving Strategies Manager
Elizabeth Bower Reiter, APR, Vice President for Communications and Marketing Patricia M. Ries, Communications Assistant Joe Saylor, Ph.D., Director of Development Liane M. Szucs, Controller Minda F. Thompson, Director of Professional Advisor Relations Raymond F. Watson, Program Officer, Community Investment Theresa R. Wukusick, Anthem Foundation of Ohio Program Director
Leah M. Porter, Receptionist
Top left: Giving Strategies Group - Lori Beiler, Mary Pitcairn (seated), Joe Saylor, Amy Cheney (seated), Tara Behanan. Top right: Giving Strategies Group - Margaret Gaither, Minda Thompson (seated), Jim Huizenga, Jenna McHugh. Bottom: Finance & Administration Group - Leah Porter, Liane Szucs, Michele Costello (seated), Lisa MacDonald (seated), Scott McReynolds (seated), Joy Englert. Not pictured: Gary R. Bricking, Charles B. Fink and Betty J. Peterson-Terry.
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A Community of Learners GCF made its largest grant ever, committing $1 million over four years to Cincinnati Public Schools’ community learning centers (CLCs). The beauty of CLCs is that they turn on the lights of opportunity in school buildings for everyone – students, their families and neighborhood residents (see p. 6). GCF donors and friends had an opportunity to see Riverview East Academy at a Food for Thought briefing last fall.
Friends of the Four-legged Kind GCF’s charitable funds provide flexible tools to help people invest in the causes they care about most. After the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, the Iams pet food company wanted to assist the many pets left homeless by the tragedy. The Iams Friends for Life Fund exists to bring together people and pets for a lifetime of health, happiness and love. GCF’s secure online credit card donation feature lets the fund accept contributions from anyone, anytime.
An Honest Look at Race and Equity Citizens and community leaders gathered to hear the results of a report on race relations since the civil unrest of 2001. Cincinnati in Black and White 2001-2006 tracked the work of Cincinnati Community Action Now (CAN) and Better Together Cincinnati (BTC), the funders collaborative formed to implement CAN’s recommendations. The report and a May community briefing presented an honest look at the accomplishments and the continuing challenges of ensuring equity for everyone in our community. Pictured below: panelist Herb Brown, Community Police Partnering Center Executive Director Rick Biehl and BTC partner Ross Love.
Striving Together Strive (Successful Students – Productive Citizens – Thriving Cities) was launched in August 2006. The vision of Strive is to create the best education system in the world where every child in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky succeeds from birth through college and enters a meaningful career. GCF President/CEO Kathryn E. Merchant participated in the launch and serves on Strive’s steering committee, an unprecedented collaboration of corporate, educational, philanthropic and community leaders.
A Continuing Education GCF partners with professional advisors to create highly effective approaches to charitable giving. As a benefit, we offer free seminars where they can earn continuing education credits. In June 2006, we brought in Christopher Hoyt, professor of law at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law, to discuss family and charitable planning with retirement accounts.
Celebrating Regional Philanthropy The Clermont Community Fund and The Northern Kentucky Fund celebrated the impact they made in their respective communities. At the Northern Kentucky Celebration, the late Ralph and Carol Ann Haile were honored with the Fund’s Devou Cup. The featured nonprofit was the Carnegie Visual and Performing Arts Center, represented here by Eric Vosmeier (left) and Kevin Ghassomian (right).
A Very Special Gift The Women’s Fund (TWF) welcomed acting executive director Jenna McHugh (right), a loaned executive from Macy’s Credit and Customer Services. She is pictured with Kathy DeLaura, a friend of TWF. Gaining momentum after the 2005 release of Pulse: A Study of the Status of Women and Girls in Greater Cincinnati, TWF also kicked off a leadership campaign to raise funds to establish the Fund as a convener, a catalyst and a leader in addressing the needs of women and girls.
Good for the Soul, Good for the Economy Donors and other friends of GCF were invited to hear Claire Gaudiani, best-selling author of The Greater Good; How Philanthropy Drives the Economy and Can Save Capitalism in April. GCF Giving Strategies Committee member Sally Alspaugh (left) introduced Dr. Gaudiani (right) before two inspiring and informative presentations.
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation would like to welcome the following new funds established in 2006. For a list of all GCF funds, please visit the 2006 Report to the Community section of our Web site, Donor Advised Funds • Anonymous No. 40 Fund • Anonymous Fund CC • Anonymous Fund DD • Norbert J. Baumann Family Fund • B. J. Beck Family Fund • John H. Becker, Jr. Donor Advised Fund • Susan J. and Douglas Ws. Bierer Fund • Bishop Family Fund • Jacob A. Boehne Fund • Luke C. Boehne Fund • Thomas A. and Mary Anne Brennan Family Fund • Ray and Pauline Brokamp Family Education Fund • Budev Family Foundation Fund • Chanima Fund • Ciccone Charitable Family Fund • Devanney Family Fund • Dye Family Charitable Fund • Evers Educational Fund
• GCF received gifts of more than $30 million • Grants of almost $36.5 million were approved • Net assets were up by $44 million, with a year-end total of $476 million • 70 new funds were established • A strong market and improved investment structure helped our annual investment return reach 13% Recognizing Nonprofit Excellence GCF was a presenting partner of the first-ever Organizations of Noteworthy Excellence
• Jeffrey and Michelle Ficke Fund • Mikki and Walter Frank Family Charitable Fund • Charles R. and Dorothy A. Goettsch Fund • Bruce and Lia Hager Fund • Hartmann Family Fund • William Webb Hill, Jr. Fund • Carol A. Hils Fund • Garrett and Ellen Jackson Fund • Catherine and Reuven Katz Fund • Christopher and Alexandria Keith Fund • Kuehnle Family Foundation Fund • Polk Laffoon Fund • Julie and Stephen Lerner Charitable Fund • R. O. Lewis Family Fund • Rachel T. Maddox Memorial Fund • Karen Petrie Medsger Family Fund • David and Judith Morgan Fund • J. Roger Newstedt, M.D. Family Fund • John and Jan Nisbet Family Fund • Bruce I. Petrie, Jr. Family Fund • Laurie Petrie Roche Family Fund • Charles E. and Justine S. Romer Fund
• Schlachter Family Fund • Eric J. Schlueter Fund • Mary P. and Eric K. Silver Family Fund • Sylvia Memorial Fund • David and Marsha Taylor Family Fund • Lou and Debe Terhar Family Fund • Jim and Carolyn Vander Meer Fund • Vosmer Memorial Fund • White Family Charitable Fund • Madieu Williams Fund
Award, created by the Business Courier to reward nonprofit excellence in four areas: people, principles, process, and performance. Beech Acres Parenting Center won the overall 2006 ONE Award. Category awards went to: Girl Scouts-Great Rivers Council (People), Council on Aging (Performance), Crayons to Computers (Principles), and Matthew 25: Ministries (Process).
services endowments. Together, we can provide donors with the best of both organizations – United Way’s human services expertise and GCF’s financial and planned giving expertise. This sustained commitment will help address issues that were generations in the making.
Building a Future Together GCF and United Way of Greater Cincinnati announced a joint effort to build human
Designated Funds • Afternoon of American Design Fund • Bruns Family Fund • Dr. Sidney Cohen Legacy Fund • John and Helen Dupree Fund for the Cincinnati Art Museum • John and Helen Dupree Fund for the Fine Arts Fund of Greater Cincinnati • John and Helen Dupree Fund for the Longmeadow Rescue Ranch • John and Helen Dupree Fund for the Phillips Academy of Andover, MA
Inspiring Philanthropy Together With the Fine Arts Fund, The Lyon Group, Mercy Foundation and United Way of Greater Cincinnati, GCF provided a workshop featuring Tracy Gary, author of Inspired
• Fountain Square Programming Fund • Friends of White Water Shaker Village Fund • J. L. C. Sports Medicine Fellowship Fund • Portman Human Services Endowment Fund • Temple Shalom - Naples Fund • Temple Sholom - Cincy Fund Field of Interest Fund • Phillip E. Andriot Charitable Fund Scholarship Funds • Delta Gateway Foundation Fund • Louise Feibel Reichert Scholarship Fund for Horticultural Studies • Ribs King A (for the benefit of the University of Cincinnati Foundation) • Ribs King B (for the benefit of Xavier University) • Ribs King C (for the benefit of the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges) • Allan L. Shumard Music Scholarship Fund Unrestricted Fund • Mary Elizabeth Andrews Fund
Philanthropy: Teaching through Example. The day helped donors “dream” – ask themselves crucial questions about how to invest in what they love and support the things they value. New Faces, New Talents Alva Jean Crawford, David Ellis, Linda Fath, Peter Strange and legal counsel Daniel Hoffheimer joined GCF’s Governing Board. Gary Bricking, Chuck Fink, Jenna McHugh, Patti Ries, Joe Saylor and Theresa Wukusick became members of GCF’s staff.
You will find a link to the electronic companion to this report on our home page at There you will find: • Listing of all funds managed by GCF, including new funds established in 2006 • Responsive grants made in 2006 • Contributions (over $250) received by GCF in 2006 • Complete audited financial statements Our Web site also includes special sections with resources for: • Individuals and families seeking charitable giving solutions • Current GCF donors to work with their fund and learn more • Professional advisors who are helping clients • Nonprofit organizations seeking grants or other resources
Credits • Writing and editing: Elizabeth Reiter and Julia Mace • Design: Shelley Klingelsmith, KCD, Inc. • Printing: Queen City Printing • Photography: Ventre Photo Illustration
PAID 200 W es t Fou r th S tr e e t C in cin n ati , Oh i o 4 5 2 0 2
Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations