The Garden Path, April 2022

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The Garden Path A Publication of the Garden Club of Houston, established 1924

April 2022

Along The Path I am so very grateful for our Members’ dedication to the Club. Your efforts to make GCH so successful are noticed to be sure. Our meetings have gone very smoothly (and quickly!), so thank you for staying for the entirety of each meeting. That was the deal that I set out at the beginning of the year…I’d keep the meetings moving along, if y’all would stay for the whole thing, and we are all doing our part, so yay. This month, remember that we are changing the venue from what is printed in the Green Book. We are meeting at Swift + Company, 1919 Edwards zip 77007; this will be fun and my ngers are crossed that there might be cheese souf e there! This is very near the venue of our Graf ti Flower show if that helps you picture where you are going. Please remember to check the calendar on the website before heading to an event, since the online calendar is the most up to date. Lauren Simpson will be our last speaker of this year. She is delightful and entertaining and has some good information about growing things in our own back yards. I am excited to have her come be with us. We are gearing up for COLOR Flower Show. This is an all-handson deck endeavor, as you know. So thanks in advance for your participation. Remember that the cocktail party is a paid event and you need to make a reservation to attend. You are welcome to bring friends, spouses, and family. These are always fun and so nice to stroll the ower show with a cocktail in hand! I’d like to thank Adele Bentsen and Susan Cravens for putting on an amazing French dinner in honor of Margaret Reckling last month. And Ellie Beard Camberg for hostessing us in her beautiful home. The evening was perfect in every way. Our Spring Garden Party was fabulous…thanks to Susanne Pritchard for opening her home and garden to us and for lunch and to Elisa Pye and Christine Williams for Chairing. Our April Calendar is lled with fun things to do, so please check it out and see what looks good to you.








April General Meeting April 13th Spring has sprung! Welcome owers and fauna back to your garden after a long winter’s nap with the help of our April speaker, Lauren Simpson (see below), who will speak on Backyard Habitats. Our April meeting will take place at Swift + Company Warehouse at 1919 Edwards Street, 77007 on Wednesday, April 13, 2022. Light bites and coffee will be served starting at 9:00 a.m., with the meeting starting promptly at 9:30 a.m. Thanks in advance to our member Elizabeth Swift Copeland who will be providing The Fab Fête cheese souf és as snacks (as well as being available for purchase at the meeting). Parking is available at the warehouse, and on Edwards and Silver streets. Additionally, there is ample over ow parking at Silver Street Studios across the street. NOTE: This is a venue change from the Green Book! _________________________________________________________________________________________ Since early 2015, Lauren Simpson has spent her spare time transforming her Houston home gardens into a pollinatorfriendly habitat. She promotes pollinator conservation and wildscaping through state and local presentations, local events, articles, interviews, and social media under the name St. Julian’s Crossing Wildlife Habitat – the name adopted for her family’s Monarch Waystation. Ms. Simpson is a member of the Native Plant Society of Texas (Houston Chapter) and the North American Butter y Association (Butter y Enthusiasts of Southeast Texas Chapter), and she actively volunteers in her neighborhood gardening group, the Oak Forest Community of Gardeners. She has also received Level 1 and Level 2 certi cations through the Native Landscape Certi cation Program (NLCP) and serves on the NPSOT subcommittee for NLCP Level 4. Ms. Simpson’s other passion is teaching law. She is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Houston Law Center, where she teaches Lawyering Skills and Strategies. She earned her B.A. in French and International Studies at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri in 1988. She obtained her J.D. from the University of Houston Law Center in 1994. Her teaching awards include a University of Houston Teaching Excellence Award in the Instructor/ Clinical category (2016); Law Center Student Bar Association Professor of the Year awards for faculty teaching in the part-time program (2017, 2018, and 2019); and one of three faculty members selected by the Law Center for an Association of American Law Schools Teacher of the Year recognition (2018).










Thank you, Suzanne Pritchard, for hosting us in your beautiful home and garden! And kudos to Elisa Pye and Christine Williams for organizing such a lovely event.



COLOR is here! April 20 8 am-12 pm Set-up 1-5 pm Hort. (containers and cut specimens) & Floral Design Entries Accepted/Passed (see drop-off sites below) April 21 7-9 am Hort. (ONLY cut specimens, except for out of town exhibitors) & Floral Design Entries Accepted/Passed (see drop-off sites below) 10 am Judging Begins 12-5 pm Show Open to Public 6-8 pm Cocktail Reception and Show Viewing (see below for ticket info) April 22 9 am-4 pm Show Open to Public MAIN CAMH ENTRANCE: 5216 Montrose Blvd. (see map below) DROP-OFF LOCATIONS FOR ENTRIES HORTICULTURE: Bayard St. loading ramp at west rear of CAMH; entrants may drop off specimens at loading dock on Bayard St. Runners will be available to help you at drop off. Then proceed to park and return to CAMH where you dropped off on lower level to begin the Hort. registration/ passing process. FLORAL DESIGN: Montrose Blvd. loading ramp at east rear of CAMH; entrants may unload at dock on Montrose Blvd. Runners will be available to help you. Then proceed to park and return to CAMH on foot.



PARKING Free street parking is available around the museum. You also may use the MFAH parking garage for a fee located at 5101 Montrose Blvd., and there is a small CAMH employee lot with limited spaces on Berthea St. COCKTAIL RECEPTION Tickets are $115 each and may be purchased online at or by contacting Susie Green at Your ticket purchase is your rsvp. Valet parking will be provided. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Volunteers are needed throughout the show. Sign up to ful ll your 4-hour volunteer requirement by clicking on the Sign-Up Genius link: https:// HOSPITALITY DONATIONS Please support Hospitality with monetary donations. You may venmo Liz Rotan, @Elizabeth-Rotan or make checks payable to her.

Questions: Contact Liz Wozencraft, COLOR Chair ( or 713-252-3720) or Renee Davis, COLOR Co-Chair ( or 832-215-5766). The complete COLOR Show Schedule may be found on the GCH website.




Tour and Lunch at The John Fairey Garden Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 9:00 am. – 1:30 pm. Join us for a fun lled trip to The John Fairey Garden in Hempstead, Texas. Since its inception, The John Fairey Garden has had a critical mission to preserve rare, threatened, and unusual plants with special relevance for central and southeast Texas. Plants that thrive in our soil and climate have been carefully selected from around the world and sensitively woven into the Garden. We will meet at St. Martin’s Church at 9:00 am. and carpool from there to arrive at the gardens around 10:30 am. Then have about an hour tour and SHOP their nursery! And then we will have a picnic lunch in their pavilion that has a new mosaic by Dixie Friend Gay. Nancy Keely will bring turkey sandwiches (from Neilsen’s Deli), water and diet cokes, but if you would prefer to bring your own, you are more than welcome to. Registration and fee of $25 is required through the calendar at Any questions, contact Nancy Keely at

GCH Stitchers Please consider stitching an ornament for the Garden Club of Houston’s Needlepoint Ornament Collection. This is a lovely way to honor a dear friend or to remember someone special. Our club’s beautiful collection decorates the annual Christmas tree display at the MFAH – RIENZI facility. Kim Thomas –




Smile! You’re on Galveston Island — Several intrepid GCH photographers enjoyed a fun and educational overnight to Galveston. Margaret Pierce hosted us in her stunning Pirates' Cove home overlooking Galveston Bay. Before a dinner of Bullinada (Catalan Fish Stew with Aioli), we played a rousing game of "Which Famous Photographer Are You?" to determine the seating arrangement—ending the evening with Ruthie Kelly " nding the baby" in the Mardi Gras King's Cake. Early the next day, we gathered at Pier 20, home of the Mosquito Fleet of shrimping and shing boats, and named for their "insect-like" pro les. With the guidance of Joe Smith, acclaimed nature photographer, we had many great opportunities to capture images of boats and birds. Some of us shot with iPhones, while others used "big cameras" and zoom lenses. Our group sighted various interesting birds, including Brown Pelicans, White Pelicans, Laughing Gulls, Ring-billed Gulls, Neotropical Cormorants, Black-crowned Night-herons, Snowy Egrets, and Great Egrets. Many seemed to pose just for us! We chatted with local shermen (colorful!) who keep the shing industry thriving. We enjoyed a festive lunch at Katie's Seafood with cold Galvestonbrewed beer and then we returned to Houston bringing fresh seafood just off the boat. Lots of fun and a bit of learning in our treasured Galveston get-away!








What a great Conservation Field Trip to Sheldon Lake State Park, followed by a delicious lunch at POST!



What to do in the Garden in April by Nancy Keely and Laura Levenson

• Get your plants ready for COLOR Flower Show. 9-month ownership deadline was July 21, 2021; 6-month ownership deadline was October 21, 2021; and 3-month ownership deadline was January 21, 2022. Good sources for plant identi cation are iNaturalist (get the app); or try You can also just google best sources for plant identi cation. For Cacti, is a good site with pictures. And for succulents, you can try • Cut back bulbs after the foliage dies and wilts – be careful with lilies (leave about 1/4 of foliage above bulb) and gladioli (leave a few leaves on the lower part of the stem). • Plant amaryllis that spent the winter in pots. • Prune and fertilize camellias after blooming. A foliar spray of molasses and liquid seaweed (both about 1-2 oz/gallon) will add strength to the plant and help combat scale and other insects. • Buy cacti, succulents, or orchids that you might want to enter in a future ower show. The oneyear ownership date is usually in April. • Plant everything that you want to plant now, early in the month, before the full on heat of summer gets here. • Water before 9 am or after 4 pm and remember to avoid frequent short periods of water and opt for less frequent longer watering sessions to encourage strong roots. • Mulch to discourage weeds, to keep your soil cooler, and to conserve moisture. • Move your orchids outside to a shady spot and feed them. Re-pot them if necessary and them once a week. • Sow vegetable seeds for cantaloupe, watermelon, summer squash, and cucumber directly outside. Keep plants well mulched. • Keep your birdbath tidy and clean. • Consider giving your soil some attention. MicroLife Super Seaweed and Medina Soil Activator are both good organic choices and are easy to apply.






GCA - NAL 2022 The GCA National Affairs & Legislation Conference took place virtually on March 1 and 2 this year and was presented for free to all GCA club members. The links are available to watch on the GCA website (go to the “Members Area” and click on the “Advocacy Workshop & NAL Conference” link). Any/all portions of the conference are available to watch by clicking on the morning or afternoon sessions and then the various topics which included: Climate Change / Rivers / Forests • Billboards & Utility Wires / Plastic Pollution / Removing Dams • Oceans / Marine Sanctuaries / Wetlands / Coasts • Regenerative Agriculture / Native Plants / Seed Saving • The goal of the GCA's NAL is "to educate and empower our members to advocate for a beautiful, healthy planet" with members of Congress in order to "restore, improve, and protect our environment”. GCA Legislative Priorities for Congress 2022 are: o AGRICULTURAL SOLUTIONS FOR CLIMATE CHANGE For the House to approve bill H.R. 2820 which encourages and incentivizes sustainable, climate-friendly farming and forestry practices and directs the USDA to create a carbon market and a certi cation program providing farmers access to private-sector capital, and relief from the economic impacts of climate change. o BREAK FREE FROM PLASTIC POLLUTION For the Senate to support the Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act of 2021 (S.984) and the House to support companion legislation in the House (H.R. 2238). Both bills include provisions to make producers of plastic products (e.g. packaging, paper, single-use products, beverage containers, or food service products) scally responsible for collecting, managing, and recycling or composting the products after consumer use. The bills also create a temporary moratorium on new or expanded permits for certain facilities that manufacture plastics until regulations are updated to address pollution from the facilities. o BUILD BACK BETTER For the Senate to support the climate, ocean and clean energy provisions as well as the Forest Legacy and urban parks funding in the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376). o OCEANS RELATED SOLUTIONS FOR CLIMATE CHANGE For the Senate to support the Blue Globe Act, S. 140 and the Blue Carbon for Our Planet Act, S. 3245 and for the House to support the Blue Globe Act, H.R. 3748, and the Blue Carbon for Our Planet Act and to also support the Oceans-Based Climate Solutions Act of 2021, H.R. 3764. o RECOVERING AMERICA’S WILDLIFE AND THEIR HABITATS For the Senate to support the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act “RAWA” (S. 2372) and the House to support companion legislation, (H.R. 2773). Both House and Senate bills amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and provide dedicated funding for the implementation of state sh and wildlife agencies’ wildlife action plans; direct funds to be used for conserving and restoring habitats, ghting invasive species and diseases and reintroducing native species; provide dedicated funding for tribal agencies to work on at-risk species recovery; and leverage funds from state agencies, universities, and non-governmental organizations to boost the power of federal conservation spending. o TREES AND FORESTS For the Senate to support TREES (Trees Residential Energy and Economic Savings) Act of 2021, S. 1782 and the House to support companion legislation in the House for the TREES Act of 2021, H.R, 3522 which directs the Department of Energy (DOE) to establish a grant program to facilitate tree planting projects that reduce residential energy consumption. The Rural Forest Markets Act of 2021 directs the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to establish the Rural Forest Market Investment Program to guarantee investments to nance certain projects that will enable rural private forest landowners to participate in an innovative market for forest carbon or other products.








Seeing the CAMH Through the Eye of a Lens In anticipation of our COLOR Flower Show to be held at the stunning Contemporary Arts Museum Houston campus, GCH members gathered there for an enlightening Photography workshop. Patricia Restrepo, Assistant Curator of the CAMH, opened with an illuminating history of the CAMH. Patricia shared the vision of renowned Latvian architect Gunnar Birkerts when he designed the landmark building. Professional Houston photographers Bria Lauren and Eric Ward engaged the photographers in hands-on instruction. Bria and Eric discussed the value of composition, lighting, and positioning of the photographer. You will have a chance to appreciate the creative works of a few of our members in the COLOR, Photography Division, Class 4, In Graphic Color. See you there!



Chairs, Ashley Clark, Claire Curtin and Paula Mentz, are pleased to announce The 80th Bulb and Plant Mart will be held at The Church of St. John the Divine Thursday, October 13th through Saturday, October 15th . Ninety-eight GCH members have already committed to serve as committee chairs! These volunteers are asked to save the date for underwriter letter signing – Thursday, May 12th and Friday, May 13th at the home of Claire Curtin (see the Green Book for address.) General details about The Bulb and Plant Mart are now available on the GCH website. Pre-orders will begin June 15th and last through October 3rd .



GCH Fall Trip Nashville, Tennessee October 24-27, 2022 For details about the trip, please click on Sign up begins Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 9 AM on



Corresponding Secretary’s Report February 2022 Letters of Condolence To member Jeanne Pfeffer on the loss of her mother, Jerry Sue Jackson To member Laurie Liedtke on the loss her mother and GCH member, Bessie Smith Liedtke To member Shelby Jones on the loss her son, Bartley (Bart) Eugene Tomlinson To Terry Thomas on the loss of his wife and GCH member Alice Crawford Thomas To members Kathy Arcidiacono and Mary Beth Lee on the loss of their mother-in-law and GCH member Mary Patricia (Patsy) Cravens To member Kay Campbell Cravens on the loss of her sister-in-law and GCH member, Patsy Cravens To members Kelli Pickens Cravens and Janet Beck Cravens on the loss of their extended family member and GCH member Patsy Cravens Status Changes Susan Lummis from Active to Af liate Contact Updates Beverly Wiemer’s new email address is Winifred Riser’s new email address is Marjorie Crawford is now Marjorie Bowen (Mrs. William George Bowen) and she has a new address: 2507 Kingston St., Houston, TX 77019. Her cell and email have not changed.

Conservation Field Trip Monday, April 4, 2022 5:00 pm & 6:15 pm Join us for an hour long Buffalo Bayou History Boat Tour with beverages and snacks. Look back at Houston’s history & learn about the Jane Kim Bird Mural while cruising Buffalo Bayou with a local historian. Your guide will share stories of the Allen brothers and provide historical information about the people, places and events along the bayou that helped shape Houston. Departure location: Allen’s Landing, 1001 Commerce St., Houston, TX 77002 Tour is weather permitting. Dress in weather-appropriate clothing with the understanding that it will be about 5 degrees cooler on the water. Bring a hat for sun protection as a portion of the boat is not covered. Sign up for Tour 1 (departing at 5:00 pm) or Tour 2 (departing at 6:15 pm) on the GCH website ( 20 slots will be available on each boat. Questions: Contact Cabrina Owsley ( or Michelle Williams (




GCH Donations February 2022 Donors The Bulb and Plant Mart Fund In memory of Alice Thomas from Karen Duddlesten The Major Gift Fund In memory of Alice Thomas from Nancy Kelley In memory of Alice Thomas from Meg Tapp In memory of Alice Thomas from Gay Estes In memory of Bessie Smith Liedtke from Meg Tapp In memory of Bessie Smith Liedtke from Gay Estes In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Shelby and Ward Jones In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Clayton Erikson Community Fund In memory of Alice Thomas from Katherine Shanks In memory of Alice Thomas from Tempe Thompson In memory of Alice Thomas from Anne and Taft Symonds In memory of Alice Thomas from The Magnolia Garden Club In memory of Alice Thomas from Mary and Carl King In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Mary and Carl King Endowment Fund In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Carol Price In memory of Jon Godshall from Carol Price In memory of Thomas James Taylor from Carol Price In memory of Betty Kyle Moore from Carol Price In memory of Bessie Smith Liedtke from Judy and Charles Tate In memory of Mr. Bart Tomlinson from Judy Tate In memory of Jon Godshall from Leslye and David Weaver In memory of Alice Thomas from Judy and Charles Tate In memory of Patsy Cravens from Judy and Charles Tate



APRIL 2022 Fri. 1

Deadline for May The Garden Path

Mon. 4

Conservation Field Trip 5:00 pm and 6:15 pm Bayou Boat and Bird Mural Tour Park at UHD Academic Bldg., Visitor Parking, 201 Girard St., 77002. Downtown bayou boat trip with a stop at artist Jane Kim’s bird mural. Registration and fee required through calendar at

Tues. 5

Rienzi Garden Subcommittee Meeting 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 1406 Kirby Dr., 77019

Wed. 6

Advisory Board Meeting 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Con rmed ZOOM

Wed. 13

General Meeting 9:00 a.m. Coffee, 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. Meeting VENUE CHANGE: Swift + Company Warehouse 1919 Edwards Street, 77007 Lauren Simpson - “Backyard Habitat Gardening”

Wed. 20

COLOR Flower Show Set Up 12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Contemporary Arts Museum 5216 Montrose Blvd., 77006

Thurs. 21 Fri. 22

COLOR - A GCA Flower Show 8:45 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. Contemporary Arts Museum 5216 Montrose Blvd., 77006

Thurs. 21

COLOR Cocktail Party 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Contemporary Arts Museum 5216 Montrose Blvd., 77006 RSVP and fee required through calendar at

Tues. 26

John Fairey Garden Day Trip 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. The John Fairey Garden 20559 FM 359, Hempstead, TX 77445 Registration and fee required through calendar at

Wed. 27

Natives in the City “Bump-up Day” 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Memorial Park Conservancy Greenhouse 6501 Memorial Dr., 77007

THE GARDEN CLUB OF HOUSTON EST 1924 4212 San Felipe, PMB 486 Houston, Texas 77027-2902 Member, Garden Club of America Submissions to The Garden Path may be sent to Elisabeth Millard and Melissa Rabalais




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