The February 2022, Garden Path

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A Publication of the Garden Club of Houston, established 1924

February 2022

Along The Path GCH is rolling right along into this new year. We were busy girls in January. We planted bulbs at St. John’s Church, Houston Hospice and Rienzi, worked in the greenhouse at Memorial Park for Natives in the City, watched a movie together for movie night, went to Rockport for an overnight trip to see the cranes, were thoroughly entertained by Todd Fiscus of Todd Events at our General Meeting, and undecorated Rienzi. Also, the Sun owers had two workshops to get ready for our Flower Show COLOR which happens in April. That is a lot! February’s calendar is in the back of the edition of The Garden Path so please look and see what you’d like to do this month. As always, the calendar at is the most up to date. There you will nd any last-minute changes that may have occurred with any particular event. It is also where you go to sign up for events that require a sign up. Liz Rotan hosted us for movie night at her fabulous house in January. February’s movie night will be at the home of Cabrina Owsley. Movie nights are one of my favorite GCH activities – they are a low key way to get to spend some time with friends while watching a movie and having a glass of wine. I love our Club. Rockport was a blast! Mary Jornayvaz and Susan Cravens planned a perfect overnight trip for us that included a cocktail party hosted by Anne Pullen and Jackie Wallace. A good time was had by all (see photo evidence in this issue!). Mary Jornayvaz gets a double thanks because she also hosted our Speaker Dinner with Todd Fiscus, in her home. Many of us learned a new skill, thanks to Carol Price and Doris Heard. We rode the Houston Metro train around Houston with a guided tour of places we’d never been in and around downtown. Yet another example of the diverse event offerings that GCH provides to us all. Sarah McMurrey and Katherine Stacy have been working for a year now on getting the Nancy Thomas Lecture ready to go. Please plan to attend this wonderful event, featuring Doug Tallamy, on February 16. Planning our action packed calendar takes more time than you might think. In fact, planning for GCH’s next year begins now! Please ll out the President’s Questionnaire that you will receive via email. This really will help Nancy Wilson Kelley as she makes plans for next year. Speaking of next year….thanks to our Nominating Committee, Julie Grif n, Sarah Dameris, Elisabeth Millard, Melissa Moss, and Nancy Owen, for putting forth the fabulous slate of leadership for 2022-2023.





The Garden Path


And a nal thank you to all of you….for making The Garden Club of Houston such a great place to be. I’ll be representing GCH on Home Show Garden Pros on Wednesday, February 2nd at 3:30. This is a Facebook Live show, so go to Facebook and type in Home Show Garden Pros in the search bar. You can watch it live at 3:30 or watch it any time by clicking “videos” on the Home Show Garden Pros Facebook page. I will be talking about the Thomas Lecture and answering gardening questions. Happy Valentine’s Day to you,

2022 Nancy Stallworth Thomas Horticulture Lecture Series “Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard” Presented by Douglas W. Tallamy, Ph.D.

Entertaining and nationally-renowned speaker, Dr. Tallamy will be in Houston to speak about “Nature’s Best Hope” at the 2022 Thomas Horticulture Lecture sponsored by The Garden Club of Houston. Tallamy’s rst book Bringing Nature Home changed the conversation about gardening in America: wildlife populations are in decline because the native plants they depend on are fast disappearing. His solution? Plant more natives. His second book, the New York Times bestseller Nature’s Best Hope, urges homeowners to take conservation into their own hands by creating home gardens that bridge the gaps between parks and preserves in providing habitat for native species. His latest effort is “Start a new Habitat: Homegrown National Park” –

Dr. Tallamy is an Honorary Member of The Garden Club of America and has received the GCA’s Douglas Medal for Conservation. He is currently the Baker Professor of Agriculture in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware. Wednesday, February 16 9:30 a.m. ~ Doors open 10:00 a.m. ~ Presentation St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, Bagby Hall Woodway at 717 Sage Road, 77056 Open to the Public ~ Free of Charge





Natives in the City 2022 Our NITC booth sold over 400 one-gallon plants at last October’s Bulb and Plant Mart. Following the Mart, we gave 900+ additional plants to Memorial Park Conservancy; these have been planted all over Memorial Park! We could not do this project without the use of their greenhouse and supplies and irrigation, so we are so glad to share…Stay tuned for details about a walk around the park to see where our plants have been planted. GCH’s initiative to grow out native grasses and owering plants to offer to our BPM supporters has geared up for 2022. Once again, we are collaborating with MPC, using their greenhouse, supplies, and irrigation. And, this year, MPC is sharing with us their regionally collected seeds and their successful propagation methodologies. This will enable us to successfully grow and offer a wider range of natives – including those that are more dif cult to propagate. We will meet most Wednesday mornings from 9:00 – 11:00 am at the MPC Greenhouse (except for GCH General Meeting days). Let one of us know if you would like to be added to our email noti cation list. Remember: • One native plant in your garden is good, but… • Multiple native plants of many varieties is OUTSTANDING! • A garden with a variety of bloom colors, shapes, and bloom times supports all our native insects, butter ies, bees, birds, etc. • Plant your natives together or plant them among other plants in your yard – native critters will nd them! • And, native plants are so much easier to grow than fussy, non-native plants! NITC Chairs - Margaret Pierce, Laura Levenson, Elizabeth Dukes, Stephanie Shanks








BOARD OF DIRECTORS President-Elect Nancy Kelley was born in Illinois and moved to Houston when she was ve. Nancy’s lead sponsor was Lester Grundy and she became Active in 2011. She looks forward to strengthening Club-wide friendships and having meaningful fellowship while working together, learning from one another, and most importantly, having fun as a group. Nancy has loved all the opportunities she has had as a member. Highlights are her Provisional year as one of "The Lucky 13” with Lester Grundy, serving as 2nd Vice President to "The Busy Bees" (2018-19 Provisionals), being the President’s Assistant and serving on the CCC (2021-22 Chair). The aspects of Garden Club most important to Nancy are the wonderful women and friendships, the opportunities membership has provided and the fun times she has had along the way. Nancy and her husband Jay have two grown, married children, Jay, Jr. and Katherine. Her rst career was as a CPA in international accounting with an oil company. She also had a short stint as a nursery schoolteacher, has volunteered extensively for her children’s school and presently serves on the Altar Guild at her church. Her hobbies include gardening, golf, travel, reading, playing mah-jongg, cards, board games and time at their home in Hunt. A Houston native, Estelle Lozmack will serve as 1st Vice President in 2022-23 and follow Nancy Kelley as President in 2023-24. Estelle was a Provisional in 1996 and has no idea who her sponsors were because at the time it was supposed to be a secret! She received her 25 year certi cate last May. She states she is “excited and nervous!” to be chosen. “I have been on the Board before and know it is a lot of work. I am up for that, and I hope that when asked, people will help. I have had a lot of positions in The Garden Club. All different and all came with a huge and interesting learning curve. Everything stands out for different reasons.” For Estelle, giving back to our community is the most important aspect of The Garden Club. She proud of our Club’s dollars and deeds making a difference in Houston. Estelle has been a real estate agent for over 30 years. Balance is the most important thing to her and she works hard to maintain that while staying busy with family, friends, volunteering, hobbies and work. Renee Davis will serve as 2nd Vice President in 2022-23. Renee grew up in Louisiana but has lived in Houston for over 25 years since marrying native Houstonian, Chip. She became a member of GCH in 2010 and was sponsored by Betty Davis. Even though they are not related, Renee considers the Davises to be her Houston family. Her family members in GCH also include her husband's aunt and rst cousin, Sarah Jackson and Elizabeth Jackson Royce. Because her time as a Provisional was one of her most cherished times in GCH, Renee is thrilled and honored to be “Provisional Mom”. About her own Provisional group, she says “We had such fun and learned so much from each other and the amazing members of GCH who served as our mentors along the way, and we created lasting friendships. We are a unique sisterhood.” Renee has enjoyed each job held at Bulb Mart over the years, but her newly minted role as a candidate in the Floral Design judging program is providing unexpected but welcome challenges. Previously, Renee practiced labor/employment law. She and Chip have three children, James, Laurel, and Charles. She volunteers at her children’s schools, loves spending time with friends, and enjoys decorating for and celebrating holidays, especially Mardi Gras!





The Garden Club of Houston Leadership 2022-2023


Lynn Swanson, Corresponding Secretary for 2022-23, hails from San Antonio. She became Active in 2015, and Clayton Erikson was her lead sponsor. Lynn is looking forward to having a 'staff' job next year as Corresponding Secretary. It will be completely different from other Club jobs she has held which include Bulb Mart Underwriting Chair. Lynn feels fortunate to have the opportunity to be a part of GCH's ongoing, 90+ year commitment to the city of Houston. Lynn came to Houston in 1977 to work in Corporate Finance at a large corporation. She and Joel married in 1986 and have two married daughters and two grandsons. One daughter lives in Portland and the other in St. Louis. Lynn dabbles in bridge, y shing and very occasionally, golf. She hopes to be more athletically inclined in her next life. Patty Porter will serve as Recording Secretary in 2022-23. Patty grew up in Houston and became a Provisional in 2013. Clayton Erikson was her lead sponsor, for which she will be forever grateful. Patty is excited about being the Recording Secretary as it will be a chance to keep learning about the activities and workings of GCH as well as a chance to get better acquainted with Members that she does not yet know well. Patty enjoyed serving as Civic Chair and Conservation Chair and currently serves on the Garden History and Design committee. She has enjoyed it all, but especially her conservation activities. The best part of GCH for Patty is the women. She feels fortunate to be a part of such a smart, interesting, lively, talented and fun group and has learned so much from working with them. Patty is a retired attorney and enjoys reading, gardening, taking GCH eld trips and walking. “I used to enjoy golf until a pro told me I have no hand-eye coordination, so not playing golf is saving me a lot of time for Garden Club.” Harriet Leavell will serve as Treasurer for a two year term. Harriet was born in Waco and became a Provisional member of GCH in 2015. Ellen Donnelly was her sponsor. Harriet has always enjoyed working at our Bulb and Plant Mart and she is really excited to be Club Treasurer. “As Treasurer, I will learn more about our contributions to the community. Serving as Assistant Treasurer has been a great way to prepare for this job.” For Harriet, the friendships and learning about new things and places are the most important aspects of Garden Club. She also loves trying out new plants! Harriet is a retired CPA / Attorney. She enjoys being outside - playing tennis, pickleball, skiing, kayaking, reading and traveling. Meg Tapp will serve on the Board of Directors as Immediate Past President and Chair of the Nominating Committee for 2022-23. She became a Provisional in 2008 and does not know at all who her sponsor was, although she’d love to nd out. Meg has been the Florescence Chair and (separately) the Florescence Treasurer, GCH Treasurer, Horticulture Chair, GCH Scholarship Chair, Nancy Thomas Lecture Chair, GCH 1st Vice President and GCH President. She says that it is hard to pin her favorites because she’s loved every minute of each of them. Meg has lived in Houston all her life, except for the 4 years she was at TCU. Meg started her academic career at Pooh Corner, as did her husband Filson. Together, they have one daughter, Addie, who lives in Greenville, SC. Meg is in the GCA Judging Program in Horticulture. She enjoys puzzles, gardening, photography and anything to do with a Flower Show. Meg is a regular on Houston Public Radio as the plant expert, teaches gardening classes for Urban Harvest, and appears on Home Show Garden Pros show. Meg’s GCH relative is Gay Estes, her mom. Her godmother is Nancy Thomas.







Kelli Mize will serve as the GCH Admissions Committee Chair for 2022-23. She grew up in Houston and became a Provisional in 2009. Her lead sponsor was Annette Stephens. Kelli is excited to be Admissions Chair because she will have the opportunity to meet many outstanding potential candidates. Kelli has loved being a member of the CCC for the past two years. “I am impressed with the different projects that GCH supports and have really enjoyed learning about other potential, worthwhile organizations in our community that seek our funding. I am proud to represent GCH, and it’s gratifying to see how our resources can impact others nearby.” Kelli loves everything about The Garden Club, but mostly, the women. She has learned so much from members’ knowledge and experience and has formed new and deep friendships. Many years ago, Kelli worked as a fashion director, merchandiser and buyer. Her current hobbies/interests are gardening, golf and traveling. Kelli’s GCH relative is Melissa Rabalais, her cousin. Heather Firestone will also serve on Admissions. Heather was born and raised in Houston and became a Provisional member of GCH in 2013. Clare Bruce was her lead sponsor. Heather has enjoyed all her positions in The Garden Club. “I tend to take on several very different jobs and like the diversity of skills needed to perform them. I have especially enjoyed being on the CCC. Visiting the charities and projects we support has been uplifting. It also motivates you to help with Bulb Mart and Florescence when you see the worthiness of all these groups.” As for being on the Admissions Committee, Heather enjoys meeting new people and thinks it will be a great way to stay connected to the membership. Heather’s favorite aspect of GCH is learning from so many wonderful and talented ladies. Heather has had many vocations which include computer consultant, clothing rep, pre-school teacher, junior high tennis coach and entrepreneur. Her hobbies are travel, tennis and gardening!

Mary Craddock will serve on the Admissions Committee. Mary was born in Baltimore and became a member of GCH in 1991. Lydia Hilliard was her lead sponsor. Mary says she is usually just a worker bee for Bulb Mart Booths and Hospitality, although she was on the CCC and enjoyed reviewing the grants and the Civic Contributions. The aspects Mary enjoys most about GCH are friendship and learning about horticulture and garden design. Mary is a realtor and has many interests and hobbies: medical illustrator, painting, drawing, tennis, golf, bridge, croquet, pickleball and mah-jongg.



Verlinde Doubleday will also serve on Admissions. She was born in Houston and became a Provisional in 1993. Verlinde’s sponsors were Francita Koelsch Ulmer and Ann Baker Horton, her two godmothers. Verlinde is excited about being on this committee because it is a great way to get to know all the proposed candidates and stay involved with Club activities. One of her favorite GCH roles she has held was serving on the CCC as it provided an opportunity to learn about the many great organizations and projects happening in our community and to be involved in our decision to fund grants for them to continue their good work. It comes as no surprise that the most important aspects of Garden Club for Verlinde are learning, doing, giving and having fun with likeminded ladies. Verlinde’s hobbies are oil painting (primarily landscapes) and photography. Susan Cravens will serve on the Admissions Committee. Susan lived in Connecticut until high school before moving to Houston with her family. Susan Horne was her lead sponsor, and she became a Provisional in 2014. One of Susan’s favorite jobs she has had in The Garden Club was cochairing the Bulb Mart. “It was just a wonderful experience, not only working with great co-chairs, but getting to meet everyone and understanding the history and inner workings of BPM.” Susan loves being a part of an organization that works and gives to others. “We have so many wonderful community charities we contribute to. I also think we are a very friendly group and it’s always fun when you go to any workday or event.” Outside of GCH, Susan likes to travel and bake and play cards and mah-jongg. She’s a big reader, a not very good golfer, and a new grandmother! Robin Burke grew up in Houston and her lead sponsor was Terry Dalton. Robin became a Provisional member in 2012. Robin states. “I am excited about the opportunity to serve on the Admissions Committee as I can continue to meet more of our members who make up our FUN Garden Club! And I am looking forward to meeting all of the new prospective members.” Robin has co-chaired cashiering at BPM right after her Provisional year which she enjoyed because it was amazing to see all the people who love to come to our Bulb Mart year after year. Robin also enjoys learning new things about gardening from our members as well as the speakers that we have at our meetings. Robin believes it is important to give back to our community and is inspired by all that our Garden Club does to make that possible. Robin was in real estate for a short time before becoming a mom. Her hobbies are reading, needlepoint, golf and travel.



Port of Galveston Photoshoot Thursday, February 24, 8:30 - 11:00 a.m. (optional: dinner the night before and lunch to follow the photoshoot) Participants will meet at 8:30 a.m. at the Port of Galveston to shoot the "Mosquito Fleet" under the guidance of Joe Smith, an acclaimed nature photographer. This eet of smaller bay shrimp boats offers good photography setups with various herons, egrets, pelicans, gulls and terns perched on or near the shrimp boats, in the rigging, etc. We will walk the pier to the east for shots of birds on the boats and the rock breakwater. Lunch at a nearby cafe to follow. If you can join us Wednesday evening, we will gather at Margaret Pierce's bayside home for dinner. Limited accommodations available. Registration and fee required. Sign up through GCH calendar–

Conservation Movie Night Thursday, February 17th A Birder's Guide to Everything (2013). A 15-year old avid birding enthusiast embarks on an epic hunt for a duck thought to be extinct and nds solace for a tragic loss, as well as adventure and friendship. Birders will be enchanted, and everyone else delighted by this endearing movie. 5:30 cocktails, 6:00 movie Home of Cabrina Owlsley, 3402 Wickersham Ln. Sign up on Calendar through GCH website

Click image above to watch movie trailer





A Huge Thank You to our wonderful members and their guests who helped decorate RIENZI for Christmas! In just a few short hours, three gorgeous trees were decorated and multiple bows, garlands and swags were placed with the utmost of care! The weather was simply gorgeous and we couldn’t have asked for a more enthusiastic turn-out!



COLOR - our GCA Flower Show is just around the corner, Thursday, April 21 and Friday, April 22, at CAMH. Set up will begin on Wednesday, April 20. Many volunteers are needed all three days to make the show happen. As a reminder, all Active members of GCH are required to contribute a minimum of four (4) hours to the Flower Show, but of course the help of all members is needed and appreciated. The following is a list of some of the committees that will need volunteers. Please consider where you are interested in working and contact the corresponding Chair. A SignUp Genius will also be sent out in February. COLOR Committees (and Chairs) in need of volunteers: Staging - Dede Russo, Cissy Beeler, Ashley Clark Hostesses - Alix Nakfoor Runners - Lynn Swanson, Nancy Kelley Bottles - Laurie Allen Grooming - Margaret Watson Placement - Carol Price Plant Inspection - Sally Rice Registration Books - Susan Cravens Cocktail Party - Susie Green Hospitality - Wendy Fatjo, Liz Rotan Judges Dinner & Clerks - Mundi Elam Judges Luncheon - June Cowan Judges Hospitality - Julie Grif n, Diane Modesett Judges Transportation - Farley Erikson

Our Flower Show Cocktail Party is back! The COLOR Cocktail Reception and Show Viewing will be held Thursday, April 21 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at CAMH. The invitations will be sent out electronically and a corresponding announcement will appear in the Quick Dirt - so watch your email inboxes. Tickets are $115. The event will be catered by our very own Elizabeth Swift, Swift and Company, and valet parking will be provided.




What to do in the Garden in February by Nancy Keely and Laura Levenson

If a Hard Freeze expected: * Water all plants. Dry roots are more susceptible to damage by a freeze. * Get your frost cloth ready and wrap plants. (Don’t forget your pipes!) Feed the birds! By late winter many natural food sources for local and migrating birds begins to thin out. It’s important to keep your bird feeders fully stocked until spring.

Fertilize established trees and shrubs (except camellias and azaleas) with totally organic product. Lots of “P’s” in the month of February: • Plan your vegetable garden, with seeds of arugula, lettuce, chard, radishes, and greens. Set out transplants for broccoli, cabbage, kale, onions, and cauli ower. • Plant bulbs, corms and tubers that ower in late spring or summer like amaryllis, daylilies, cannas, crinums, and gladioli. • Plant herbs such as oregano, rosemary, sage, lemon balm, cilantro, dill, fennel, mint and thyme. • Prepare lawns for spring by broadcasting corn gluten meal (20 lbs./100 sq.ft.) This is a natural weed and feed. Do this early in the month when no rain is expected and before you see weeds. • Pull winter growing weeds in your ower beds and then add a layer of mulch. • Prune modern/hybrid roses to remove leggy or unproductive growth. • Prune back damaged branches of trees and shrubs late in the month when freezes are less likely. (Resist the temptation to prune your citrus. Wait until March.) And some “S’s”: • Separate and replant crowded perennials, such as agapanthus, black-eyed Susan, cannas, chrysanthemums, crinums, daylilies, echinacea, irises, and bee balm monarda. • Sow seeds of alyssum, cleome, coreopsis, cosmos, daisies, dianthus, hollyhock, indian blanket, larkspur, marigold, nasturtium, penstemon, phlox, salvia, sweet pea. • Spray shrubs and fruit trees with horticultural oil to kill miscellaneous eggs, scale, etc.






Rienzi Valentine Cards There’s no better place to get away than in a garden. Located in the heart of Houston, the gardens at Rienzi are one of only two historic gardens in the city open to the public free of charge. Here, with the help of The Garden Club of Houston and Rienzi’s garden staff, the extraordinary marriage of formal gardens with native plants remains true to the vision of noted landscape architect Ralph Ellis Gunn and the Masterson family when they rst planted the gardens in 1954. As Valentine’s Day approaches and love springs eternal, we hope you will make a meaningful gift to the Rienzi Garden Endowment Fund in honor or memory of a loved one. Your support is more important now than ever, and will ensure that the gardens are preserved as a place of sanctuary and refuge for generations to come. Contributions made by February 4, 2022, will be acknowledged with a beautiful, hand-addressed Valentine’s card mailed to your chosen recipients in time for Valentine’s Day. Thank you for considering this opportunity to honor those special to you and support an exceptional green space for the Houston community. Your gifts are fully tax deductible. Should you like to make a gift, please visit or send a check to: The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston PO Box 25026 Houston, Texas 77265-5026 If you have any questions, or if you need to request Valentines, please contact Haley Horan at or 713.639.7559




GCH Trip to Rockport January, 2022



The Sun owers have been very busy attending workshops, touring our projects and digging in the dirt!




Enchanted Gardens Road Trip Please join us February 10 from 10 am -2 pm for a car trip to Enchanted Gardens in Richmond, Texas. We will stop and eat lunch afterwards. Please sign up on the GCH Calendar and contact Susan Cravens or Mary Jornayvaz with any questions. Details will be sent to those who sign up.

Please join us in the garden at a “Dig it Day” to support our Urban Harvest/Gregory Lincoln Education Center Project. Saturday, February 12 and Saturday, March 5 1101 Taft St, Houston, TX 77019 9:00 - 11:30am - Garden Dig it Day All are welcome to bring children or grandchildren to help maintain the garden. Come for an hour, or stay for the morning.

Please sign up in advance at Bring your hat, a water bottle, and your favorite pair of gloves. All tools will be provided. Questions? Contact Kathryn Bragan - or Caroline Dannenbaum



Riding the Rails, GCH takes the MetroRail train On a lovely early December day, 20 GCH-ers met at the St. Paul’s church parking lot to take a field trip up the Red Line of the Houston MetroRail. Led by Doris Heard, Carol Price, and Jim Parsons of Preservation Houston, we jumped onto south to learn about the Med Center stops, then headed on a northbound train to UH Downtown. Highlights of the tour included learning how to buy a ticket from the vending machine, seeing the stunning MD Anderson prairie, a beautiful John Biggers mural in UHD, the “Confluence” bird mural and Allen’s Landing – and a humorous close encounter with a couple of orange-jumpsuited prisoners as we passed the jail! We finished with a lovely lunch at Bravery Hall and caught a MetroRail back to our cars. What a great way to see Houston a different way!



Meet the Finance Team It takes several hard-working members to keep the nances of the GCH working smoothly. Let me introduce them to you: Assistant Treasurer, Estelle Lozmack, manages the many PayPal transactions of our Members. Over the past few years, the use of PayPal has grown from being used only for BPM preorders and Mart sales to enabling the membership to make payments for donations, workshops, eld trips, and other things. Estelle reconciles the PayPal statements and then transfers the money into the appropriate checking account to be recorded in the GCH and BPM nancials. Assistant Treasurer, Elizabeth Howley, manages our Club dues. In early June she sends out invoices via email to the membership. She receives the checks and makes deposits and coordinates with the treasurer who records the payments in the QuickBooks accounting software. Elizabeth keeps track of outstanding dues and sends out friendly reminders during the summer months. Assistant Treasurer, Stephanie Shanks, manages donations to our club. She makes deposits of donation checks and writes thank you and noti cation letters. She keeps a spreadsheet of all donations and shares with the treasurer to make sure that all donations have been recorded in the nancials. She also sends the list to The Garden Path Editors for inclusion in each issue. Bulb and Plant Mart Treasurer, Claire Curtin, manages the nances for BPM. She keeps separate records on QuickBooks throughout the year. Claire makes deposits for underwriting, records BPM preorders and sales, and pays the expenses for the Mart. At the end of the year, the net income from BPM is transferred to GCH to be re ected in the GCH year-end nancials. Treasurer Ruthie Kelly manages the nances of the GCH. She keeps separate records on QuickBooks throughout the year. She records dues payments in the summer and pays all GCH expenses including project funding and outside grant payments. The Treasurer chairs the Finance Committee that meets in January to create the budget for the next year and to review the investment positions of the club. She also works closely with the outside accounting rm who les the annual 990 tax return for the GCH. I hope you have enjoyed reading about the Finance Team of the GCH. We are happy to be a part of this amazing garden club.














Thank you, Melissa Grobmyer, for hosting us in your beautiful home for our annual Christmas Coffee!

Corresponding Secretary’s Report November and December 2021 Letters of Condolence Jeanne Pfeffer on the loss of her father-in-law, Adolph “Bubba” Pfeffer Mary Stanton Smith on the loss of her mother, Member Kathy Stanton John Stanton, husband of Member Kathy Stanton Linda Kelly on the loss of her mother, Pamela Kelley Hull Contact Updates Missy Duf e’s new address is 6239 Holly Springs, Houston 77057 Margaret Owen has a new email address




GCH Donations November 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 The Bulb and Plant Mart Fund In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Karen A. Duddlesten In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Cone The Nancy Thomas Lecture Fund In honor of The Garden Club of Houston from Nancy Thomas The Wallace Lecture Fund In memory of Pamela Hull from Marianna Brewster In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Marianna Brewster The Park Fund In honor of The Garden Club of Houston from Cathy Chapman Community Fund In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Courtney, Curtis and Eleanor Hutcheson In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Michael and Wendy Dalton In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Kimberly Rimmer In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Richard S. Hellman In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Nancy Kelley In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Judy and Ned Earle In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from The Breakfast Club In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from The Stanton Foundation In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Kay and David Hedges In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Karen Sanchez In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Ann and Tom Piper, III In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Ann and Tom Kelsey In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Carrie Horne In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Marcia and Bob Fosberg Endowment Fund In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Judy and Charles Tate In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Nancy and Bill Drushel Jr In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Mr. & Mrs. James R. Cravens Jr In memory of Katherine W. Stanton from Meg Tapp In memory of Mrs. Cherrie Garrett from Judy and Charles Tate In memory of Pamela Hull from Judy and Charles Tate In honor of Emily Grace Arcidiacono for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Charlotte Fondren Baird for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Elizabeth Hart Barineau for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Mary Cullinan Cravens for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Barrett Jacomini Crosswell for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Clayton Payne Crosswell for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Crafton Louise Deal for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Sarah Grace Elliott for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Victoria Elizabeth Fauntleroy for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Tatum Powers Fortney for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Alix Dance Kirby for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Audrey McAshan Ledbetter for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Phoebe Elizabeth Lummis for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Mary Grey McLeroy for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Ashley Helen Murchison for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Olivia Lucille Reasoner for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Anna Katherine Reckling for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Judith Eileen Roberts for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Tyler Virginia Robinson for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Elizabeth Sterling Rotan for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Mary Helen Schmidt for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams In honor of Sinclair Baker Seeligson for Allegro 2021 from Georgia Clair Williams THE GARDEN PATH


FEBRUARY 2022 Tues. 1

Deadline for The Garden Path

Tues. 1

Rienzi Garden Subcommittee Meeting 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 1406 Kirby Dr., 77019

Wed. 2

Advisory Board Meeting 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Home of Susan Miclette 903 Wild Valley Rd., 77057

Thurs. 3

Photography Study Group 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Contemporary Arts Museum Houston 5216 Montrose Blvd., 77006 Workshop on architectural photography Registration required through calendar at

Wed. 9

Natives in the City “Seed Planting” 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Memorial Park Conservancy Greenhouse 6501 Memorial Dr., 77007

Thurs. 10

Field Trip - Enchanted Garden Nursery & Lunch 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 6420 FM 359, Richmond, TX 77406 Registration required through calendar at

Wed. 16

Nancy Thomas Horticulture Lecture 10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. St. Martin’s Episcopal Church 717 Sage Rd., 77056 Speaker: Doug Tallamy, author of Nature’s Best Hope

Thurs. 17

Conservation Movie Night A Birder’s Guide to Everything 5:30 p.m. Cocktails & Speaker 6:30 p.m. Movie Home of Cabrina Owsley Registration required through calendar at

Wed. 23

Floral Design Workshop II “Preparing for Flower Show” Mandatory for Provisionals, Open to all 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 4888 Loop Central Dr., Ste. 500, 77027

Thurs. 24

Photography Study Group Galveston Port with Joe Smith 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a. m. Meet at Galveston Port to shoot the “Mosquito Fleet”. Optional lunch to follow. Registration required through calendar at

THE GARDEN CLUB OF HOUSTON EST 1924 4212 San Felipe, PMB 486 Houston, Texas 77027-2902 Member, Garden Club of America Submissions to The Garden Path may be sent to Elisabeth Millard and Melissa Rabalais THE GARDEN PATH


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