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Gold Coast Institute of Technology

Have you always aspired to be a childcare professional? All you need is a clear understanding of how the industry works and comprehensive childcare training courses in Gold Coast and Brisbane before you start searching for the right job. Gold Coast Institute of Technology is here to be your guide in fulfilling your career based endeavours. Courses we Offer: CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care Coast in Gold Coast and Brisbane The duration of the course is 52 weeks based on the improvement you will show over the time. The entry requirement includes language, literacy and numeracy and students must be employed or engaged for more than 10 hours per week in an Australian approved Child Care setting. The course fee is $3,510.00. CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care in Gold Coast and Brisbane The duration of this course is 78 weeks depending on the improvement level of the learner.
