Not in our name! Public service roots out corruption
Fighting HIV/AIDS
Women empowerment a valuable weapon
December 2021 / January 2022
Regulars 4. Minister’s Message
Working together we can rid the public service of corruption 6. Message from the Director-General
It is time to recommit as a nation to defeating HIV/AIDS 8. From the Union Buildings
violence is a problem
of male violence 18. Profiles in leadership
DG Phindile Baleni – a symbol of public service excellence 20. Women in the public sector
Tamara Mathebula champions gender equality
12. PSC cracks the whip
10. Not in my name,
Nowhere to hide for
says the public service
Public servants, Ministers and law enforcement agencies
Tamara Mat hebula
20 2
on corruption
corrupt public servants as the net closes in 14. Fusion Centre fights corruption
Corruption busting
are fed up with
partnership has
corruption and are
recovered millions of
taking a stand
rands squandered
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
on COVID-19-related corruption and is ensuring perpetrators are brought to book
26. Vaccines made in Africa, for Africans
the country
South Africa will host Africa’s first COVID-19 vaccine production
16. Women
for all learners across
facility, paving the way
32. Voice tech for all SA languages
Find out more about
empowerment key
for African companies
the technology tool
in fight against HIV/
to begin manufacturing
that gives speakers
mRNA vaccines
of all 11 South African
to empower women to reduce their vulnerability to HIV/ AIDS
28. SIPs spark development in
in Limpopo is one of Integrated Projects that
improvement in audit
is expected to boost
the economy
the improved audit outcomes of national
Acting Deputy Director-General: Corporate Services Gcobisa Soci Acting Deputy Director-General: Intergovernmental Coordination & Stakeholder Management Michael Currin
information in their
Acting Deputy Director-General: Content Processing & Dissemination Tyrone Seale
mother tongue
Lifestyle 34. Health and well-being
Be sun smart this summer
A closer look at what contributed to
Director-General Phumla Williams
Musina Ring Road government’s Strategic
22. Incremental
Publishers: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Enquiries: +27 012 473 0010 Switchboard: +27 012 473 0000 Tshedimosetso House: 1035 Francis Baard Street (corner Festival Street), Hatfield, Pretoria Private Bag X745, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001
languages access to
Government is intensifying efforts
30. Bill to strengthen systems of learning
The Basic Education
Laws Amendment
provincial departments
Bill is set to improve
and their entities
access to education
36. Grooming and style Keep it casual
Acting Head of Editorial and Production Zanele Mngadi Managing Editor Irene Naidoo News Editor Irene Naidoo Contributors More Matshediso Silusapho Nyanda Jauhara Khan GCIS Photographic Unit Elmond Jiyane Ntswe Mokoena Siyabulela Duda Kopano Tlape Busisiwe Malungwane Senior Designer Tendai Gonese
© Copyright: GCIS
38. Food and wine
Christmas cheat treats
38 Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
No place to hide for corrupt public servants
he fight against
tively spent. Government
COVID-19 procurement
corruption is one
emphasised this senti-
contracts online set a
of the state’s major
ment by acting swiftly
precedent for transparen-
against perpetrators who
cy in public procurement.
We all know that corruption in both the
took advantage of our fight against COVID-19.
Public servants doing business with government
Mondli Gungubele Minister in The Presidency
private and public sectors
A Fusion Centre was
negates efforts to build a
established to foster col-
Seventeen priority cases
better South Africa for all.
laboration among nine
involving public servants
Overlooking unethical
It destroys trust in the
law enforcement agen-
getting government con-
behaviour in our depart-
country, deters investors,
cies, and this resulted in
tracts after being listed as
ments and remaining
diverts funds meant for
196 criminal cases and
suppliers on the Central
silent while we are aware
upliftment programmes,
the recovery of more than
Supplier Database were
of our colleagues’ cor-
and hampers efforts to
R600 million in public
referred for investigation
rupt activities make us
deliver effective services
and in one, legal proceed-
to people.
By August 2021, the
have also been outed.
ings are underway.
If you are tempted to
We also know that cor-
Special Investigating Unit
In September, govern-
ruption in the public sec-
had referred cases worth
ment launched an ethics
public for your own greed,
tor is perceived as rife.
R1.4 billion to the Special
and integrity unit to help
I urge to rethink your
What needs emphasis-
Tribunal to have contracts
public bodies institute dis-
intended course of action.
ing as the world marked
set aside and recover lost
ciplinary proceedings in
Your first priority should
International Anti-Cor-
cases of misconduct. The
be the people of this
unit will also do lifestyle
country, not your pockets.
ruption Day, which was
In addition, 148 indi-
sacrifice service to the
commemorated on 9
viduals and entities were
audits of public service
Corruption does not pay;
December, is the decisive
referred to the National
employees and investi-
all it does is take away
measures government has
Prosecuting Authority for
gate unexplained wealth.
services from those who
taken to combat corrup-
possible criminal action,
While government is
127 government officials
doing its bit in the fight
We all agree that
need it the most. Working together, we
were referred for disci-
against corruption, I urge
can rid the public service
COVID-19-related corrup-
plinary action and three
you to examine what
of self-serving people and
tion is an outrage. With
political office bearers for
you, as an individual
help meet the National
many lives devastated by
executive action.
public servant, are doing
Anti-Corruption Strategy’s
to positively contribute
commitment to substan-
in fighting this scourge.
tially reduce corruption by
the pandemic, every cent available should be effec-
Government’s decision to publish details of all
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
14 September 2021 Edition 1
A new HIV/AIDS narrative W orld AIDS Day
dles, non-sterile operating
Up Plan Task Team has
2021 was com-
theatres, coming into con-
now been established
tact with the blood of an
to determine how HIV
on 1 December under the
infected person or even, in
programmes can effec-
national theme ‘Working
rare cases, through blood
tively function during the
together to end inequalities,
COVID-19 pandemic. The
AIDS, TB and COVID-19:
You cannot become
task team will look at ways
Get tested. Get vaccinated.
infected through ordi-
to encourage people to
Adhere to treatment’.
nary day-to-day contact,
get tested for HIV, start on
With the battle against
such as kissing, hugging,
antiretroviral treatment,
HIV/AIDS taking a back-
shaking hands, or sharing
or continue with their
Phumla Williams, GCIS Director-General
seat to the COVID-19 cri-
personal objects, food or
treatment, even during
sis since March 2020, both
water. So unlike COVID-19,
COVID-19 waves.
the message and the call
preventing the spread of
Another positive devel-
to action encapsulated in
HIV is largely within the
opment was the launch of
sibility to educate our
this theme are apt.
power of most of us.
the South African National
communities and families
It is also our respon-
Despite the immediacy
Despite our unaccepta-
Aids Council Private Sec-
about HIV/AIDS, stress-
and novelty of COVID-19,
bly high HIV infection rate,
tor Forum in June. This will
ing that it is not a death
it is time to recommit as a
South Africa has earned
bolster the work done by
sentence and can be ef-
nation to defeating HIV/
international respect for
the Council, by officially
fectively managed through
the way we have grown
including the private sec-
our treatment programme
According to Statistics
I call on you to play your part in the fight against
South Africa’s Mid-year
into the largest in the
Population Estimates, the
world, with five million
number of people living
people on antiretroviral
no means immune to
selves with the necessary
with HIV in the country is
HIV/AIDS. I urge all of
information about this
you to ensure you strive
pandemic and spreading
estimated to be 8.2 million.
However, the COVID-19
Public servants are by
HIV/AIDS by arming your-
Yet protecting ourselves
pandemic has thrown our
for a healthy lifestyle. We
the message that we can
against the disease mainly
HIV/AIDS efforts slightly
should be leading by ex-
beat it.
involves avoiding unpro-
off course, with the lock-
ample in the fight against
tected sex and shared
down resulting in fewer
HIV/AIDS by practicing
huge power behind them
people being tested and
and preaching safe sex,
– the power to keep you
collecting their medica-
and becoming aware of
safe and change South Af-
our HIV status by getting
rica’s HIV/AIDS narrative.
The HIV virus can be transmitted through unprotected sex, shared nee-
A multisectoral Catch-
Individual actions have
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
14 October 2021 Edition 2
What would people have said?
There is no excuse for abuse. Police: 10111 Stop Gender Violence: 0800 150 150 Childline: 0800 055 555
People can only help if they know. TELL SOMEONE.
Violence and abuse are poison to society. Let’s make it stop.
A message from President Cyril Ramaphosa
No excuse for GBV I
f a nation’s character
Of the nearly 73 000
sibility to devote the
and Femicide Fund and
can be judged by how
assault cases reported
necessary resources to
supporting the network of
it treats women and
during this period, more
combat crimes of gender-
Thuthuzela and Khuse-
children, then we are falling
than 13 000 were domes-
based violence (GBV).
leka Care Centres.
desperately short.
tic violence-related. The
Since the launch of the
The SAPS has indicated
The latest crime statis-
rate of child murders has
National Strategic Plan
we are making progress
tics released by the South
climbed by nearly a third
to Combat Gender-based
in reducing the sig-
African Police Service
compared to the previous
Violence and Femicide
nificant backlogs in DNA
(SAPS) show an in-
reporting period.
(NSP) in 2020, there have
analysis, which is crucial
We have said before
been a several interven-
to securing justice for
violence, and, perhaps
that the violence perpe-
tions to respond to GBV.
survivors of sex crimes.
most worryingly, in child
trated by men against
This includes far-
women is the second
reaching legislative
134 GBV desks at police
pandemic that our coun-
reform, support to
stations around the coun-
September 2021, 9 556
try must confront, and
survivors through the
try and is in the process
people, most of whom
like the COVID-19 pan-
provision of evidence kits
of establishing more.
were women, were raped.
demic it can be overcome
at police stations and
This is 7% more than in
if we all work together.
psycho-social services,
male violence. It is pre-
the previous reporting
As government, we
the establishment of a
dominantly men who are
Gender-Based Violence
rapists. It is mainly men
crease in rapes, domestic
Between July and
have a duty and respon-
The SAPS also operates
GBV is a problem of
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
who are perpetrators of
empathy, tolerance and
domestic violence.
Because it is men who
Just as ending GBV
are the main perpetra-
cannot be the state’s
tors, it should be men
responsibility alone,
taking the lead in speak-
the onus cannot be on
ing out and reporting
women and children to
GBV, in raising aware-
end the shocking levels
ness, in peer education
of violence and abuse
and in prevention efforts.
being visited upon them.
It should be men in
South African men
positions of authority in
need to play a greater
our educational sys-
role in preventing GBV.
tem, whether as school
They need to under-
principals, educators or
stand what constitutes
lecturers, who should
GBV, especially sexual
be making schools and
places of higher learning
The latest crime statis-
safe spaces for female
tics show nearly 4 000
learners and students,
people were raped in
and never, ever abusing
their homes or that of
their position of author-
the perpetrator, and in
woman, never lay a hand
efforts that are sorely
ity to demand sexual
400 reported rape cases
on a woman and hold
needed in homes and in
the victim and perpetra-
each other accountable
our communities.
tor had a relationship.
to this pledge, we can
playing a more formative
This suggests that some
start to seriously tackle
violence against women
and present role in their
men do not understand
GBV in our country.
and children, by not
families, particularly
that sexual activity with-
It is not enough to in-
in raising their sons to
out explicit consent is a
tervene only once perpe-
and by reporting such
exhibit healthy, posi-
trators have entered the
acts, you are setting an
criminal justice system.
example to your fellow
Men should also be
tive masculinity that is
Men must respect their
By refusing to condone
being party to it yourself
respectful of women and
wives and girlfriends and
We have to prevent GBV
men, especially to young
understand that being
before it happens.
men and boys.
Communities and
in an intimate partner
I call on all South Afri-
community organisa-
relationship is never a
can men, young and old,
clear sign that neither
tions must work with
justification for domestic
city dwellers and rural
kinship, friendship or
government to imple-
dwellers, modernists and
loyalty can be an excuse
traditionalists, married
for not standing up for
You will be sending a
ment interventions that
If each man gathers
redefine masculinity so
two men and the three
and unmarried, to be
the rights of women and
that we raise men with
pledge to never rape a
part of the prevention
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
Source: SAnews
Not in my name, says the public service
overnment Minis-
also our preparedness to
Public servants
That’s what we are raising,
ters, law enforce-
deal with our weaknesses
GCIS Director-General
all is not lost,” she said.
ment agencies
where they exist because
Phumla Williams called
and public servants have
without [whistle-blowers]
on public servants to act
Unit Head Advocate
emphasised their support
the struggle against cor-
against those who per-
Andy Mothibi, who also
to the country’s anti-cor-
ruption is going to be a
petrate corrupt acts and
participated in the picket,
ruption drive and pledged
very long journey.
to guard themselves from
reiterated the unit’s stance
participating in it.
on taking on corruption
to speak out against
“I call upon [whistle-
corruption during recent In-
blowers] to not stop their
“We tend to talk about
ternational Anti-Corruption
bravery and to continue
corruption in big projects,
Day commemorations.
Special Investigating
investigations in the public service.
to advise on what are
in big tenders, but corrup-
“Today we are raising up
Minister in The Presi-
the weaknesses in the
tion starts with small acts,
the heat as we continue to
dency Mondli Gungubele
machinery to protect
[such as] not opening an
investigate [corruption].
voiced his support for
whistle-blowers,” he said.
office when you are sup-
“We must all gear up
posed to open it to serve
to fight the scourge of
their importance in the
added that corruption un-
the people, [and] wanting
corruption and root it out
fight against corruption
dermines service delivery.
to be paid a bribe to do
wherever it rears its head.
what you are supposed to
When we find evidence,
do,” she said.
it doesn’t matter who
whistle-blowers saying
cannot be underestimated. The Minister partici-
Minister Gungubele
“It undermines the ability of investors to actually invest in this country,
Williams, who was also
you are, we investigate
pated in a picket at the
make a profit, create
joined by GCIS staff at
the allegations without
Government Communi-
opportunities, absorb em-
the picket, added that
fear, favour or prejudice,”
cation and Information
ployment and also create
although there remains
Mothibi said.
System (GCIS) head
opportunities to ensure
some in the public service
office in Tshwane to com-
that there is revenue that
who do wrong, most pub-
memorate International
comes to the state so that
lic servants do their duties
Defining struggle
Anti-Corruption Day.
the state can use that
with integrity.
Addressing the Public
“I want to express our
money to take care of the
“A lot of public serv-
Service Commission’s
unwavering commit-
vulnerable. It is the worst
ants are honest and a lot
International Anti-Cor-
ment to the protection
crime against humanity,”
of public servants know
ruption Day commemora-
of whistle-blowers and
he said.
what is expected of them.
tion, Public Service and
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
GCIS staf f take a stand against corruption by par ticipating in a pic ket on World Anti-Corruption Day.
Administration Minister
is far too much at stake
dedication of independent
Ayanda Dlodlo said the
while both developing and
anti-corruption [bodies] in
and openly state that I
fight against corruption is
developed countries are
preventing, detecting and
support you. I regard you
one of the “most defining
battling with this scourge,”
holding corrupt officials
as heroes and heroines of
struggles” the country will
she said.
accountable, but also by
the struggle against cor-
the active involvement of
ruption. If it were not for
The Minister said fight-
“I want to unequivocally
She emphasised that
ing corruption will take a
citizens by saying no to
whistle-blowers, we as a
good ethics, integrity and
concerted effort not only
corruption, not turning a
country would not have
commitment is desper-
from government but also
blind eye and demand-
known about the level of
ately needed in the battle
from civil society, busi-
ing transparency and
rot facing us until it would
against corruption.
ness and the citizenry.
accountability from those
have been too late,” she
they vote into public of-
“As a country we suc-
“Fighting corruption
cessfully fought Apart-
is not a simple task. It
heid. Now is the time to
is a fight that concerns
stand together to fight
everyone and requires
corruption as this is
everyone’s involvement
Exposing corruption
plausibly one of the most
to prevent its manifesta-
The Minister hailed public
ment where everyone will
defining struggles of our
tion or to act decisively to
servants who have and
know that ethical conduct
time. It is a priority fight
are exposing corruption in
is expected,” said the
their workplaces.
precisely because there
“It calls not just for the
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
fice,” she said.
“I urge those in leadership positions to act ethically at all times, [and] create an environ-
Writer: Silusapho Nyanda
PSC cracks the whip on corruption
ighting corruption
will include lifestyle audits
blowers have resulted in
ties that are being inves-
in the public service
for public servants.
24 035 cases of cor-
tigated by the PSC.
remains a govern-
ruption, fraud and other
The remaining cases
crimes being investigated,
were referred to other
says Public Service
government departments
(PSC) is contributing to the
National AntiCorruption Hotline
Commissioner Michael
or law enforcement
fight through its National
The National Anti-Corrup-
Seloane, who oversees
agencies for investiga-
Anti-Corruption Hotline.
tion Hotline was launched
the commission’s work.
tion. The Reconstruction
by the PSC in 2004 and
In the first quarter of the
and Development Pro-
pected of corrupt activity
since then, more than
2021/22 financial year
gramme's (RDP) hous-
can be reported via the
100 000 calls reporting
alone, 337 cases were
ing, tender and social
allegations of corruption
reported via the hotline.
grant irregularities are
ment priority and the Public Service Commission
Public servants sus-
In addition, the PSC has revealed that soon the fight against corruption
and maladministration have been received. These calls by whistle-
Thirty-five of these involve appointment and procurement irregulari-
among the most common allegations made. “During the lockdown
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
we received a lot of tip-
assault, theft or fraud
offs through email. We
– the PSC either recom-
Anonymity guaranteed
also have an automatic
mends remedial action
Whistle-blowers who
Public Service' at the
message recording sys-
to the relevant depart-
report cases to the PSC
start of the financial year.
tem for those who wish
ment or refers the case
hotline are assured
to call our hotline after
to the Hawks, South
protection if they want to
the public service will
hours,” Seloane says.
African Police Service
remain anonymous, says
commence in February
or Anti-Corruption Task
Seloane. He explains that
2022,” says Seloane.
lowering of lockdown
Team for further investi-
early resolution offic-
levels, there has been a
ers have been trained to
vide reassurance that the
ensure that a whistle-
living standards of public
He adds that since the
steady increase in the
Cases the PSC refers
'Guide to Implement Lifestyle Audits in the
“The lifestyle audits in
Lifestyle audits will pro-
reporting of social grant-
to departments for in-
blower’s identity remains
servants are in line with
related fraud, especially
vestigation, include:
their declared financial
Public servants doing
Social Relief of Distress Grants.
What happens after a tip-off is made?
without consent from
ruption because it steals
that we do not become a
from the poor and stops
failed state, we have the
development, which
responsibility to ensure
prevents the country from
that public servants
moving forward.
live according to their
of interests; and Unethical behavior.
case is reported via the
incomes, he explains.
Africans must report cor-
Undeclared conflicts
Seloane says when a
Seloane says South
extra work for money
Seloane says the
“As part of ensuring
reported incomes.”
hotline, early resolution
PSC gives government
Lifestyle audits
officers check that all the
departments 60 days to
To further curb cor-
lifestyle audit does not
relevant information is
investigate and close a
ruption in the public
question people’s rights
provided. This includes
service, lifestyle audits
to wealth, as there are
Seloane says that a
will soon be introduced
public servants who
what, when the alleged
informs the PSC of its
to strengthen the exist-
could have acquired their
act took place, and why.
findings. “If we are happy
ing financial disclosure
wealth through honest
He says if wrongdoing
with the steps taken by
framework that helps
is found – be it procure-
the department, we will
determine conflict of
ment and appointment
close the case, but if
irregularities, bribery,
we are not satisfied, we
The then Minister
audits of all its commis-
RDP housing-related
revert to them with our
of Public Service and
sioners and employees to
corruption, social grant
areas of concern,” he
Administration Senzo
lead by example,” he says.
fraud, illegal migration,
Mchunu approved a
the details of who did
The department then
“The PSC will be the first to undertake lifestyle
Contact the National Anti-Corruption Hotline at 0800 701 701. You can also send tip-offs via email:
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
Writer: More Matshediso
Fusion Centre fights corruption
n a clear indication
integrates information for
Centre, Baloyi says the
four individuals found
that corruption doesn’t
analysis, focuses on risk
National Prosecuting Ser-
pay, state agencies
detection, and enables a
vice of the NPA is respon-
that collectively make up
multi-disciplinary, coor-
sible for guiding SAPS
are now closed and 182
the Fusion Centre, have
dinated approach by law
criminal investigations of
are under investigation.
closed in on those involved
enforcement entities to
Fusion Centre cases, and
in corruption relating to
ensure expedited inves-
conducting the criminal
servants have a duty to
COVID-19 and recovered
tigation, prosecution and
prosecutions arising from
say no to corruption, to
millions of rands.
recovery of assets.
these investigations.
name and shame those
President Cyril
Of the 230 incidents, 48
Baloyi says public
“The Fusion Centre has
The role of the AFU is
Ramaphosa established
made recoveries through
to recover the proceeds
activities, and to cooper-
the Fusion Centre in
SARS, the NPA’s Asset
of unlawful activities in
ate with law enforcement
2020, to strengthen
Forfeiture Unit (AFU)
terms of the Prevention of
in the investigation of
the efforts among law
and the SIU to the value
Organised Crime Act.
corruption-related activi-
enforcement agencies to
of R445 million,” says
prevent, detect, inves-
Advocate Lebo Baloyi, a
no persons benefit from
tigate and prosecute
Special Director of Public
crime,” she says.
COVID-19-related related
Prosecutions at the
The Fusion Centre is
law enforcement to ad-
Specialised Commercial
looking into 426 COVID-
dress all illicit activities
Crimes Unit of the NPA.
19-related cases.
associated with govern-
The centre brings together the Financial
“This is to ensure that
involved in criminal
ties. She adds that public servants must work with
ment’s COVID-19 relief.
About R167 million
“A total of 196 of these
Intelligence Centre, the
has been recovered
are criminal cases, and
Independent Police Inves-
in relation to unlawful
230 are reported inci-
in the endeavour to fight
tigative Directorate, the
payments to non-quali-
dents emanating from the
corruption. Containment
National Prosecuting Au-
fying employees by the
media, whistle blowers
interventions will assist in
thority (NPA), the Hawks,
Unemployment Insur-
and other sources.”
the speedy finalisation of
Crime Intelligence, the
ance Fund through the
South African Police
Temporary Employment
criminal cases, 34 cases
swift enrolment of cases
Service (SAPS) Detective
Relief Scheme, which
are in court. These cases
in court,” says Baloyi.
Service, the South African
was introduced by the
involve 58 individuals
Revenue Service (SARS),
President to cushion the
and 17 legal entities, adds
any corruption-related
the Special Investigating
economic hardship cre-
activities, you can email
Unit (SIU) and the State
ated by COVID-19.
Security Agency. The Fusion Centre
Explaining the role of the NPA in the Fusion
With regard to the
“We must all do our part
the investigations, and the
If you are aware of
Sixteen criminal cases
the SIU on
have already been final-
or call the hotline at 0860
ised, with 11 entities and
748 748.
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
Source: SAnews
Women empowerment key in fight against HIV/AIDS
espite all the
and Femicide (GBVF);
strides made in
stigmatisation of those
capacity as Chairper-
COVID-19 and non-com-
the fight against
municable diseases.
He was speaking in his
health status, for HIV, TB,
who are HIV positive;
son of the South African
HIV/AIDS, the country con-
killings in the lesbian,
National AIDS Council
tinues to suffer setbacks in
gay, bisexual, transgen-
(SANAC) during the
ment, care and support
human progress.
der, queer, intersex and
commemoration of World
that is free from stigma
According to Deputy
“It is also a call for treat-
asexual community; ritual
AIDS Day in Xikundu Vil-
and discrimination for all
President David Mabuza,
killings; and continued
lage in Limpopo recently,
those who test positive
these setbacks include
hesitancy to take the
which was marked under
for any of the diseases
teenage pregnancy;
Coronavirus Disease
the theme ‘Working To-
[and virus] more espe-
Gender-Based Violence
(COVID-19) vaccine.
gether to End Inequalities,
cially HIV and TB. Our
AIDS, TB and COVID-19.
fight is real for TB is a
Get Tested. Get Vaccinat-
curable disease, and HIV
ed. Adhere to Treatment’.
is a manageable chronic
Deputy President Ma-
The Deputy President
inspired by government’s
said until discrimination
determination to end
against people living with
AIDS as a public health
HIV is curbed, there will
threat by 2030 and its
continue to be serious
commitment to achiev-
barriers to HIV and TB
ing the United Nations’
testing, prevention, ac-
Sustainable Development
cess to treatment, care
Goals, specifically the
and the mitigation of the
goal on good health and
impact of these epidem-
well-being of the people.
He added that the Deputy President David Mabuza addresses an event commemorating World AIDS Day in Limpopo.
buza said the theme was
theme was a call to
New infections
encourage all South
Citing a United Nations
Africans to get tested
report, he said five out
and become aware of our
of six new infections
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
“As we battle the COVID-19 pandemic, let us not let our guard down in the fight against HIV, TB and sexually transmitted infections as these equally continue to claim many lives daily.” in Sub-Saharan Africa
HIV and TB as well as the
were among adolescent
COVID-19 pandemic.
high number of teen-
cal model of the HIV
age pregnancies in the
epidemic in South Africa,
it is estimated that over
He described the
3.6 million people in the
Statistics South Africa
country lost their lives
report that indicated that
due to AIDS-related
more than 34 000 teen-
illnesses in the period
age girls gave birth in
between 1985 and 2020.
2020, of which 688 were
Despite the vast knowl-
younger than 10 years of
edge of the disease, he
age, as concerning and a
said HIV deaths remain
source of shame.
high in Sub-Saharan
“We cannot even begin
Africa, with the region
to characterise this as
accounting for more than
girls aged 15 to 19, while
This includes upscaling
teenage pregnancy, but
half of the infections in
teenage girls and young
interventions to end HIV
acts of crime that need
the world.
women between the ages
as a public health threat
to be prosecuted. We
of 15 and 24 account for
by the year 2030.
must stand up against
ID-19 pandemic, let us
“As we battle the COV-
“Furthermore, we have
this social ill and call on
not let our guard down
spite them representing
agreed to work together
law enforcement agen-
in the fight against HIV,
10% of the population.
in addressing GBVF and
cies to track these viola-
TB and sexually transmit-
In addition, AIDS re-
promoting gender equal-
ted infections as these
mains the leading cause
ity and the empowerment
of death for adolescent
of women to reduce the
girls and women aged be-
vulnerability of women
AIDS-related deaths
tween 15 and 49 years.
and girls to HIV/AIDS.”
The Deputy President
cans to get tested and
also reflected on those
adhere to treatment.
24% of HIV infections de-
It is for this reason that
This also means regulat-
equally continue to claim many lives daily.” He urged South Afri-
SANAC has been holding
ing the licenses for liquor
who have succumbed to
a series of engagements
outlets in communities
AIDS over the years.
with various leaders from
and campaigning for
all sectors of life to ad-
the elimination of drugs
since the first case of
properly, it improves
dress structural barriers
and substance abuse to
HIV/AIDS was reported,
quality of life ensur-
and social determinants
ensure children are freed
75 million people in the
ing that one enjoys a
of the spread of HIV and
from this scourge.
world have become in-
lifespan that is similar
fected with HIV and over
to that of an HIV nega-
eight million of these
tive person, especially if
cases are in South Africa.
you start treatment early
According to Thembisa,
enough,” said the Deputy
AIDS. also strengthen its role in
Empowering women and girls
the integrated response
Deputy President Mabuza
to the dual epidemics of
also spoke out against the
He said government will
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
He noted that 40 years
which is a mathemati-
“When those who have tested positive take the antiretroviral treatment
Writer: Kgaogelo Letsebe
DG Phindile Baleni – a symbol of public service excellence
been at the helm of the
(DG) in The
National Energy Regulator
Presidency and
of South Africa as CEO.
Secretary of Cabinet,
She has served on sev-
Phindile Baleni, is the most
eral Boards of Directors,
senior public servant in
including the Boards of the
Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services
Her appointment to the role in April 2021 makes her
Sector Education and
the first female to occupy
Training Authority, and the
this position. She replaced
Council for Scientific and
Dr Cassius Lubisi who held
Industrial Research.
the position since Novem-
Service to others
ber 2010. Baleni, who was previously DG in the Office of
Born and raised in Gaut-
Gauteng Premier from
eng, Baleni says service to others is an ethos she was
2015, has a long, rich hisDirector-General
tory in the public service.
in The Presidency
She completed BProc
Phindile Baleni.
and LLB degrees from
raised with. “I was particularly drawn to government at the dawn
the University of Witwa-
of democracy as the task
tersrand, and after admis-
of reconstruction and de-
sion as an attorney and
velopment of South African
conveyancer, she served
society was very attractive Prior to becoming DG
as legal adviser to the then
where she played a
MEC for Housing and Lo-
strategic role in strategic
in the Gauteng Premier’s
“The opportunity to
cal Government in Gauteng
planning, high-level project
Office, she served as CEO
contribute to building
from 1994 to 1996.
management and the
of state-owned entity Elec-
a new country, starting
development of local-gov-
tricity Distribution Industry
with a brand new human
ernment policy.
Holdings. She has also
rights-based Constitution
In 1996, she joined the City of Johannesburg
and hard to resist.
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
was just too precious and
The Presidency, Baleni
She highlights that de-
of power like the position
a historical duty not to be
believes her appointment
spite government’s efforts
I hold, the closer we are to
missed,” Baleni explains.
is a step in the right direc-
to address these gender
attaining gender equal-
inequalities and exclu-
ity in our lifetime,” says
sions, the Johannesburg
She adds that the Xitsonga saying, Mintirho
She says that now, more
ya vulavula, which loosely
than ever before, govern-
Stock Exchange-listed-
translated means 'work
ment’s commitment to
listed company owner-
hard and let your work
women’s economic inclu-
ship index still shows that
The journey ahead
speak for you', resonates
sion has intensified.
black women in particular
Taking over from Dr Lubisi
are lagging behind, as
may seem like no easy
sion and discrimination
the majority ownership
feat, but Baleni says she
various roles that I have
of women and girls is not
rests in the hands of white
has cemented herself in
played, and positions I
only historically en-
the position as not much
have held throughout
trenched but is persistent,
my professional career,
systemic and structural.
with her. “My approach to the
including my school days,
“The economic exclu-
“Transforming such a
“The legacy of our past has placed them on an
needed to be changed. "The role comes in the
economic back foot where
folds of being at the helm
has been fuelled by a
deeply rooted phenom-
statistics still illumi-
of the functioning of The
determination to fulfil
enon demands vigorous
nate gender pay parity,
Presidency as the apex of
what I’m tasked to the
intervention to disas-
unequal access to top
the system of government.
very best of my ability, to
semble. Black women,
management and leader-
This also includes being
create impactful and posi-
particularly of our country,
ship positions and basic
the Secretary of Cabinet,
tive change that moves us
have had to contend with
employment and business
ensuring the optimal
forward as humanity.
cross-cutting historical
functioning of Cabinet
“Specifically at work, I have always raised my hand to do projects in
injustice of racism as well as sexism,” Baleni notes. Women’s lack of access
Despite the challenges,
and its committees, as
she believes government
well as being Chairperson
interventions to drive the
of the Forum of South
addition to my regular job
to financial services in Af-
economic and financial
African Directors-General,
and in so doing deliber-
rica is a notable challenge
empowerment of women,
amongst others.”
ately immerse myself in
that disproportionately
and women being ap-
the detail of any as-
affects poorer women
pointed to high ranking
bilities entails leading
signment to deepen my
working in the informal
roles is a step in the right
government-wide integra-
knowledge and expertise.”
sector, she adds.
tion and coordination
Breaking the glass ceiling
“In a world that is rap-
“Although we still have
One of her responsi-
of the development and
idly digitising, this means
a lot of economic trans-
implementation of govern-
there are people who are
formation ground to
ment's mandate.
As the first woman to
being left behind and
cover, I feel that with more
be appointed DG in
rendered vulnerable.”
women holding positions
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
Writer: More Matshediso
Tamara Mathebula champions gender equality
chieving gender
rights of widows, widow-
Fighting GBVF
Gender-Based Violence
equality and
ers and domestic workers,
Mathebula says the CGE
and Femicide (GBVF).
helping create a
among other groups,” she
also plays a role in the
“We have done numer-
country’s fight against
ous campaigns, commu-
society free from all forms of discrimination is Tamara
This includes educat-
Mathebula’s long-term vi-
ing the public about the
sion as the Chairperson of
Constitution and the
the Commission for Gender
Promotion of Equality
Equality (CGE).
and Prevention of Unfair
The CGE has a mandate
Discrimination Act of
to advance gender equal-
2000. The Act intends
ity in South Africa. One of
to prevent and prohibit
its functions is the promo-
unfair discrimination and
tion of anti-discriminatory
harassment, to promote
legislation, policies and
equality, and prevent and
prohibit hate speech.
People need to know that they have rights, and know when these rights are being violated, says Mathebula. “We raise awareness
Tamara Mat hebula is a passionate advocate for gender equality.
about the importance of gender transformation, and address sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace. We also teach the public about the
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
nity dialogues and we-
lesbian, gay, bisexual,
sisted in banning the
binars over the years
transgender, intersex,
practice of testing
About Mathebula
to educate the citizens
asexual and queer
girls’ virginity before
Mathebula joined the CGE
about the scourge of
(LGBTIAQ+) people is
awarding education
as a commissioner in 2017
GBVF,” she adds.
also high on the com-
bursaries, in a bursary
and was appointed deputy
mission’s agenda.
scheme in KwaZulu-
chairperson in February
Natal; and helped fight
2018. She served as the
THE CGE has also undertaken research
It conducts monitor-
projects related to
ing visits to the areas
the cultural practice of
acting chairperson in 2019
considered hotspots
child and forced mar-
and took over the reigns
for hate crimes against
riage, called Ukuthwa-
as chairperson in August
LGBTIAQ+ people to
la, in the Eastern Cape.
In 2016, it released a report titled ‘Fighting Fire With(out) Fire’,
get a better under-
which assessed the
standing of the chal-
Speak up
Degree in Education (cum
work of police stations
lenges they face.
Mathebula encour-
laude) from the Royal
ages public servants to
Melbourne Institute and
Pride to ensure the
speak up about gender
is currently pursuing her
Constitutional rights as
equality in their com-
Doctorate in Education
released the ‘Assessing
enshrined in the Con-
at the same institution.
Government’s Emer-
stitution are protected,”
gency Response Action
says Mathebula.
in combating violence against women. In 2020, the CGE
Plan on GBVF’ report.
“We partner with Gay
The CGE has also as-
She says public serv-
She holds a Master’s
Mathebula also has a
ants have the power
certificate in Gender and
to educate people
Human Rights from the University of Pretoria.
It was compiled in the
sisted in various court
about gender equality,
context of the Corona-
cases concerning the
human and women’s
virus Disease restric-
rights of women and
rights and GBVF,
as senior technical adviser
tions and identified the
especially when they
and programme manager
The commission was
witness injustices.
for gender, human rights,
and the numerous
admitted as a friend of
“Public servants
health, HIV and AIDS Pro-
challenges that im-
the court in a Consti-
should shun wrongdo-
grammes in South Africa
pacted on the success
tutional Court case
ing and report inci-
for USAID and Irish Aid.
of the plan.
involving the com-
dents to the relevant
“The Commission
pensation of domestic
law enforcement
was a gender equality, hu-
will continue to moni-
workers. The court rul-
man rights and develop-
tor the establishment
ing resulted in domes-
and functioning of the
tic workers in private
live by the Batho Pele
for short courses offered
National Council on
households now being
principles and care
by the Centre for Human
GBVF,” she adds.
covered under the
about their neighbour-
Rights, and the Centre
Compensation for Oc-
hoods and families,
for Sexualities, AIDS and
cupational Injuries and
many societal ills will
Gender at the University of
Diseases Act.
be eradicated,” she
achievements made,
Protecting rights Protecting the rights of
The CGE also as-
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
“If public servants
She previously worked
Prior to that, Mathebula
ment facilitator and trainer
Source: SAnews
Auditor-General Tsakani Maluleke briefs media on audit outcomes of national, provincial depar tments and t heir entities.
Incremental improvement in audit outcomes A
tor increased from 109
necessary interventions
In the 2020-21 audit
(AG) Tsakani
in 2019/20 to 115 this
to realise improvements.
cycle, 679 departments
Maluleke has
financial year. Maluleke said the
“Whilst we are yet
and public entities were
to see the progressive
audited. The report
departments and public
increase in clean audits
and sustainable im-
focuses on the results
entities to implement and
demonstrates that mes-
provements required to
of 425 audits, as there
exercise more controls in
sages of good govern-
realise overall change in
were 34 incomplete
the use of public funds in
ance coming from the
outcomes, we note and
audits, which require
order to achieve cleaner
AG's office are taking
acknowledge the efforts
audit outcomes.
of the many accounting
called on government
According to the
“The improvements
The 48 departments
officers and authori-
and 67 public entities
2020-21 Public Finance
are a clear indication
ties that seek to instil a
that obtained clean
Management Act audit
that some auditees are
culture of good govern-
audit outcomes are
outcomes general report
listening to our mes-
ance, accountability and
responsible for 19% of
released recently, clean
sages, heeding our call
discipline in the system,”
the R1.9 trillion expendi-
audits in the public sec-
and implementing the
Maluleke said.
ture budget managed by
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
national and provincial
sooner and be sustained
impact on the lives of
in the future,” Maluleke
citizens and govern-
ment’s financial health,”
delivery departments of
Maluleke said.
health, education and
According to the AG,
claims. “The key service
The improvement in the
31 departments and state
According to the AG,
audit outcomes have
entities are actually close
unauthorised expendi-
poorest financial health
been attributed to:
to achieving clean audit
ture in the public sector
of all, which affects their
• Accounting offic-
amounted to R3.21 billion
ability to deliver services
in the past financial year
to citizens.
ers, authorities and
“With some extra effort
public works have the
senior management
they will be able to enter
– driven in the main by
being committed to,
that desired space of
and getting directly
clean audit outcomes.
involved in, ensuring
With this effort, they will
circumstances, good
iture and their deficits
that internal con-
be able to contribute to
financial management
amounted to R15.65
trol processes were
this impressive trend
should be reinforced to
billion. Five provincial
improved and the
of improvement by this
ensure that the lim-
health departments had
audit office’s recom-
sixth administration,” she
ited funds available are
deficits totalling R6.2 bil-
mendations were
spent wisely and within
lion,” Maluleke said.
implemented. There
“[In] such challenging
“In total, these departments incurred 90% of all unauthorised expend-
Fruitless and wasteful
stability in these key
Financial health of departments
growing trend of de-
ured at R1.72 billion with
Despite the improved au-
partments using next
irregular expenditure
dit outcomes, Maluleke
year’s budget to pay the
increasing to at least
were improved – this
warned that some public
current year’s expenses
R166 billion.
includes the consist-
institutions and depart-
and claims adversely
ent implementation of
ments “continue to show
affected their ability to
are limited funds avail-
preventative controls.
slow progress in the
pay creditors on time,
able, the state cannot
journey towards good
and continues to have
afford further leakages,
a negative impact on
and urgent action is
service delivery.”
required from account-
was also notable
• Internal controls
• Accounting officers and authorities, executive authorities,
“This is particularly
“We caution that the
expenditure was meas-
“At a time when there
internal audit and
concerning. Those that
audit committees
are still lagging behind
Legal claims
provided oversight,
this improvement trend
According to Maluleke,
monitoring and as-
[are] state-owned enti-
legal claims against
especially as it relates
ties and the key service
departments further de-
to procurement, is an
delivery departments,
creased available budg-
indication that auditees
consistently implement
specifically those of
ets within departments,
do not follow supply
these basics, the drive
health, education, hous-
with provincial health
chain laws and regu-
towards overall good
ing or human settle-
departments in particular
lations when making
governance in the public
ments and public works.
paying out at least R1.76
procurement decisions,”
sector would be realised
[Those] have the largest
billion in medico-legal
Maluleke said.
“If all auditees were to
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
ing officers, the executive and oversight. “Such expenditure,
Health • Rural Development • Employment • Safety & Security • Education
Media Info Total Monthly Print-run
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Vacc gatheine drive rs pac e Page 8
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Source: SAnews
Vaccines made in Africa, for Africans T
he Omicron variant
access to safe and effective
of the Coronavirus
In 2021, the World
ity, paving the way for
Health Organisation
African companies to be-
However, this could be a
(WHO), together with the
gin manufacturing mRNA
has thrown the spotlight
thing of the past, as Africa
South African and French
on the COVID-19 vaccine
forges ahead to develop
governments, announced
shortfall in Africa, with the
its first vaccine manufac-
that South Africa would
can consortium and part-
continent remaining the
turing capacity, to ensure
host Africa’s COVID-19
ners from COVAX have
worst hit by inequitable
viable vaccine security.
vaccine production facil-
been working tirelessly to
Disease (COVID-19)
The WHO, a South Afri-
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
make this a reality.
rigen, which will develop
is expected to produce
able for the production
the continent’s first locally
material for clinical trials
of mRNA vaccines and
instructs cells to make a
produced mRNA jab.
in 2023.
clinical trials.
protein that generates an
The other partners
“It is really important
This was made pos-
immune response in the
include the DSI, the
that South Africa takes
sible by the company’s
body, producing antibod-
Africa Centres for Disease
the lead on this and tries
26-member team con-
ies that protect against
Control and Prevention,
not just making copies
sisting of scientists,
disease, a key ingredient
the South African Medical
of vaccines, but tries to
engineers, technologists,
in Pfizer/BioNTech and
Research Council and top
make new vaccines made
technicians, pharmacists
Moderna COVID-19 vac-
local universities.
in Africa for Africans. Now
and pharmacologists.
The mRNA technology
cines. Speaking during a recent open forum hosted by the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), Dr Martin Friede of the WHO, said one of the biggest challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic is inequity. “Rich countries got vaccines and the poor countries did not,” he said. Friede explained that one of the objectives of vaccine manufacturing hubs is to increase the number of companies accessing the technology needed to produce vaccines, especially in regions where there is insufficient vaccine capacity. The South African consortium has since been
“It is really important that South Africa takes the lead on this and tries not just making copies of vaccines, but tries to make new vaccines made in Africa for Africans.”
we can’t do this without money,” he added. Crunching the numbers,
and Innovation Buti Ma-
he said the budget is €92
namela said government
billion (approximately R1.6
was honoured that the
trillion rands) for about
vaccine hub for Africa is in
five years, with more
Cape Town.
than half of that amount already raised so far. “This is a lot of money
“This is a testament to the quality of South African scientific expertise
by some people’s per-
and infrastructure and a
spectives. But it’s not a lot
vote of confidence in our
of money when you look
country's capability for
at how much has been
vaccine submissions.”
spent on the pandemic.” The initiative has back-
He was hopeful that the mRNA technology will
ing from many donors,
also be used to fight TB,
including France, Canada,
malaria, and HIV/AIDS.
Germany, ELMA Founda-
“We do not doubt that
tion and KFW Develop-
this facility will be of con-
ment Bank.
siderable benefit to our
Afrigen Managing Direc-
country, the continent and
tor Professor Petro Ter-
middle-income countries,
blanche said the support
and make a significant
from all its partners was
contribution to the devel-
essential for success.
opment of essential skills
set up to build a technol-
According to Friede,
ogy transfer hub, with Bio-
Afrigen will enter Phase
vac being the first spoke;
1 clinical trials by the end
company has completed
and local company Af-
of next year, while Biovac
its vaccine facility suit-
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science
She announced that the
and knowledge,” said the Deputy Minister.
Writer: Silusapho Nyanda
SIPs spark development in Limpopo
the N1 and N3 national roads, the ring road will help to boost the country’s economy. We are contributing towards employment through these projects,” he added. The construction of the Musina Ring Road has already created 3 500 jobs. The project is led by the Department of Transport and the South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL). Women-owned companies, local community members and about 14 small, medium and micro enterprises were subcontracted to work on the project. Manager for SANRAL’s
The Musina Ring Road, whic h is nearing completion, will help boost t he economy.
Northern Region Progress Hlahla said R50 million was allocated to
overnment’s Stra-
way freeway that has
complete, it will make
tegic Integrated
three major bridges and
sure that mobility on
Projects (SIPs)
two interchanges.
the South African side
Themba Mhambi said
continues uninterrupted,”
the road will allow the
he said.
approximately 1 000
are taking shape across the
During a recent visit to
country, transforming towns
Musina Ring Road, Min-
and boosting the economy.
ister in The Presidency
The eight-kilometre
Head of Infrastructure
subcontractors. SANRAL Chairperson
trucks travelling daily
Mondli Gungubele said
and Investment Of-
between the Beitbridge
Musina Ring Road in
once completed, the
fice in The Presidency
Border Post and Musina
Limpopo, which is near-
R640 million road will see
Kgosientso Ramokgopa
to bypass the often
ing completion, is one
trucks, cars and public
said the road will make a
overcrowded small town’s
of the 55 development
transport move between
significant contribution to
central business district.
projects that make up the
South Africa and Zimba-
the economy.
SIPs. The Musina Ring
bwe much quicker.
Road is a single carriage-
“When this project is
Trucks travelling to
“With 61% of the coun-
and from the Beitbridge
try’s economy carried on
Border Post cause major
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
damage to the road
to handle heavy trucks,
the construction of such
rica, and the upgrade is
infrastructure in the
he added.
ring roads.
expected to improve the
town and add to traffic
The Beitbridge Border
Mhambi explained
flow of economic activity.
that one way of eas-
Post is a gateway to
ing congestion, while
import capital equipment,
project is scheduled to be
Musina are deteriorating
simultaneously ensuring
textiles and agricultural
completed and opened in
as they are not designed
that roads last longer, is
produce from South Af-
March 2022.
congestion. Roads in towns such as
What are the SIPs?
• Digitising of Government Information Programme;
There are 55 SIPs which form part of the country’s Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan.
The Musina Ring Road
• Removal of Alien Vegetation and Innovative Building Materials Programme;
These are projects in the water and sanitation, energy, transport, digital infrastructure, agriculture and
• National Upgrading Support Programme;
agro-processing and human settlements sectors.
The SIPs include:
• Student Accommodation Programme;
• Rural Bridges 'Welisizwe' Programme;
• SA Connect Phase 1B Programme; and
• Rural Roads Upgrade Programme;
• Salvokop Precinct Programme.
• Upgrading and Repair of Township Roads in Municipalities Programme; • PV and Water Savings on Government Buildings Programme; • Comprehensive Urban Management Programme;
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
Solar Water Initiatives Programme;
Ramokgopa said 19 SIPs are already in progress and are at different stages, with some already funded, some having business plans drawn up, and others under construction. The SIPs are expected to cost a total of R340 billion.
Writer: Allison Cooper
Bill to strengthen systems of learning
he Basic Educa-
than one language of
intends to amend the
dency Mondli Gun-
tion Laws Amend-
South African Schools
gubele said the pro-
Act, 1996 (Act 84 of
posed amendments
ment Bill proposes
Recently, Cabinet ap-
significant changes in
proved the submission
1996), and the Employ-
seek to strengthen the
public schools, including
of the Basic Education
ment of Educators Act,
systems of learning in
making Grade R manda-
Laws Amendment Bill
1998 (Act 76 of 1998).
education as envisaged
tory and adopting more
to Parliament. The Bill
Minister in The Presi-
in the Constitution.
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
“The amendments,
sion making and over-
where it is practicable to
centralised procurement
among others, give ef-
sight powers of heads
do so.
of identified learning and
fect to universal access
of departments and
to two years of early
members of executive
the code of conduct of a
rial for public schools.
childhood development;
councils, and addresses
public school must take
The Bill states that a
enforces accountability
provincial contextual
into account the diverse
member of a govern-
in school governing bod-
needs relating to central
cultural beliefs, religious
ing body must disclose
ies; and clarifies admis-
procurement, home
observances and medi-
their personal interest
sion, language and code
education and dispute
cal circumstances of
and declare a direct or
of conduct policies,” he
learners at the school;
indirect personal interest
and provide for the
that they or their fam-
inclusion of an exemp-
ily member may have
During consultations
tion clause in the code of
in the recruitment or
with relevant stake-
employment of staff at a
Access to education
Necessary tool
The Bill also states that
teaching support mate-
These proposed amend-
holders in 2020, Basic
It further refines the
public school, or in the
ments will improve
Education Minister
provisions relating to
procurement of goods
access to education for
Angie Motshekga said
the possession of drugs
and services for a public
all learners across the
the legislation should not
on school premises or
school. The member of
country, said Minister
be a stumbling block. “It
during school activities
the governing body must
should rather be viewed
and to provide for condi-
recuse themselves from
as a necessary tool to
tions under which liquor
a meeting of the govern-
of Basic Education’s
assist the sector to deal
may be possessed, sold
ing body under such
explanatory summary of
with some of the chal-
or consumed on school
the Bill, it said that the
lenges at schools.”
premises or during
In the Department
amendments provide for
The Bill seeks to make
school activities The Bill refines the
system improvements in
attendance of Grade R
terms of the admission
compulsory and pro-
provisions relating to
of learners, particularly
vides for South African
suspension and expul-
undocumented learn-
Sign Language to have
sion from public school
ers; and for financial and
the status of an official
by inserting a definition
public accountability
language for purposes
of serious misconduct,
frameworks for govern-
of learning at a public
and prohibits corporal
ing bodies and provincial
punishment and ini-
It states that the head
tiation practices during
of department may
school activities and at
provides for additional
direct a public school
hostels accommodating
regulatory powers of the
to adopt more than one
Minister, enhances deci-
language of instruction,
In addition, the Bill
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
For more information about the Bill, go to https:// documents/basic-educationlaws-amendment-bill
It also allows for the
*Writer: Silusapho Nyanda
Voice tech for all SA languages T
he Council for
CSIR and creates human-
TTS tools focus only on
their app, to obtain the
Scientific and
like voices from written
English and Afrikaans.
necessary licensing per-
Industrial Research
Calteaux says that the
mission from the CSIR.
The CSIR’s research
Afrikaans TTS tools are
Once licensed, develop-
information more acces-
group leader for voice
largely based on Dutch,
ers of websites and other
sible to all South Africans
computing, Dr Karen Cal-
so do not necessarily get
online platforms can
through its Qfrency Text-
teaux, says the software
it right.
incorporate the technol-
to-Speech (TTS) product.
can be used on phones,
She adds that develop-
ogy to enable visitors to
computers and tablets.
ers used speech applica-
listen to the information
In a practical sense, a
tion programming inter-
available on the site in
South African languages
person who understands
face software to create
the language in which it
access to information
Tshivenda, for instance,
the end-user voices. A
is written.
in their mother tongue,
but is unable to read, will
voice is available for each
even if they are unable to
benefit from the system,
of the 11 languages.
read or if they have vision
which will ‘read’ the text
to them in Tshivenda.
(CSIR) is helping make
The technology tool gives speakers of all 11
The Qfrency Text-to-
The technology is a first
Calteaux says software
make information more accessible to users who
development kit (SDK)
have reading impedi-
technology enables an
ments, such as poor vision,” says Calteaux.
Speech (TTS) product
for the country, in that
app developer who wants
was developed by the
existing South African
to integrate Qfrency into
“The TTS system can
The tool has proven
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
popular with eLearning
that is as close to human
ties of the Qfrency TTS
load the app from the
app developers, who are
speech as possible,
system, Calteaux says
Google Play Store, and
keen to incorporate it into
including articulation and
they are working on im-
are able to choose one of
their own apps.
proving the tonality of the
11 voices, from Candice
tool, to capture the voice
(South African English),
Calteaux says prior to
“We have progressed
the development and
with our research and de-
pitch that characterises
to Lindiwe (isiZulu),
commercialisation of
velopment of deep neural
many of South Africa’s
Zoleka (isiXhosa), Rab-
the Qfrency TTS system,
network (DNN) voices to
elani (Tshivenda), Kobus
a TTS product able to
the point that this tech-
deliver synthetic voices in
nology presents a major
has the potential to
(Sepedi), Banele (isiNde-
all 11 official South African
leap in the naturalness
dramatically improve
bele), Kamohelo (Seso-
languages was not avail-
of the synthetic voices
communication in times
tho), Lethabo (Setswana),
that employ these DNN
of crises, such as the
Temaswati (Siswati) and
COVID-19 pandemic.
Sasekani (Xitsonga).
The technology generates synthetic speech
To advance the capabili-
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
She says the system
(Afrikaans), Mmapitsi
Individuals can down-
Be sun smart this summer
ummer is here and
or higher 20 minutes before you go outside and re-apply at least every two hours, after towel drying, perspiring or swimming. However, the use of sunscreen is not a
that means South
licence to ‘bare all’ in
Africans need to
the sun,. Avoid direct
protect their skin from the
sunlight between
harmful effects of solar
10am and 4pm, when
ultraviolet (UV) radiation,
the sun’s rays are most
which is a risk factor for
skin cancer.
• Keep babies out of
Despite popular belief,
direct sunlight – Their
even those with darker
skin contains too
skin can get skin cancer,
little melanin and as
although they are gener-
such, cannot provide
ally less susceptible be-
enough protection
cause their skin contains
from the sun.
more natural melanin,
• Wear protective cloth-
which protects against
ing – Wear sunglasses
sun damage.
with a UV protection rating of UV400. Wear
“The good news is that skin cancer can be
protective clothing
prevented by respecting
and swimsuits. Use a
the sun. At least 80% of
thickly-woven fabric
sun-induced skin dam-
hat with a wide brim
age occurs before the age
on the beach, at play, or at
considered high risk,” she
instead of a cap that
of 18 and only manifests
leaves the neck and
later in life,” says Lucy
“People with fair skin,
ears exposed.
Balona, Head of Market-
especially those with
ing and Communication
red hair, moles or skin
Basic safety practices
at the Cancer Association
spots, as well as people
Cansa advises following
of South Africa (Cansa).
with a personal or family
these tips to stay safe in
history of skin cancer, or
the sun:
For more information
to take particular care
who play sport outdoors,
• Use sunscreen – It
on being sun smart,
of children in the sun,
work in the sun or spend
is important to apply
visit the website
whether it is at the pool,
a lot of time driving, are
sunscreen of SPF 20,
She says it is imperative
• Hydrate – Drink water throughout the day and stay hydrated.
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
Compiled by: Gilda Narsimdas
casual Keep it S
ummer days are for casual wear – fuss free and light items that you can throw on and head out the door. We found some
great, fashionable options that will work well for days spent
outdoors, soaking up the sun.
4 3
5 1 – The H&M holiday range brings together crisp and cool shapes with lush s.tyling for practical outdoor and party wear, like these wide-legged pants, R529. 2 – Spice Girls singer Victoria Beckham has designed an active wear range with Reebok. It features a seamless tank can be worn casually and accessorised, Reebok, R999. 3 – Cross body bags are perfect for when you’re on the go and need your hands free. Try this floral cross body bag from Polo, available from, R1 799. 4 – Stay cool and look stylish in this straw, wide brim hat from, R199. 5 – Put your best foot forward in these chic new designs from Steve Madden, which includes a chic sneaker with an easy tongueless design and geometrically sculpted sole, R1 399.
* Prices correct at the time of publishing.
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
6 – Actor John Boyega teamed up with H&M to design a sustainable menswear collection. The range is called Edition by John Boyega, and includes this organic cotton, Conscious t-shirt, R259. 7 – Pair the Edition by John Boyega t-shirt with this denim jacket made from recycled material, H&M, R849. 8 –Nike has created a nostalgic basketball inspired range, made from sustainable material. Try the Dri-Fit jersey R1 800 and Dri-Fit shorts R1 500. 9 – These Under Armour Hovr Phantom 2 sneakers are light and breathable, R3 199. 10 – Finish off your look with this Puma cap that will keep you cool with its perforated panels that offer air circulation, available from, R349.
7 8
* Prices correct at the time of publishing.
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
Christmas cheat treats
Compiled by: Nicholas Francis
If you're responsible for Christmas lunch this year, we've got you covered. Here are some quick, cost effective and delicious dishes that do not require hours of preparation. Easy roast chicken
• Cajun spice
roasting pan. Place the bay leaf,
kitchen string and roast for an hour or until the
• 2kg whole chicken
lemon and celery in the
juices run clear when
• 1 lemon, chopped
Preheat the oven at
chicken cavity. Drizzle
thickest part of chicken is
• 1 celery stalk, chopped
200°C. Rinse the chicken,
the chicken with oil and
pierced with a skewer.
• 1 dried bay leaf
pat it dry with paper tow-
season with Cajun spice.
• 1 tbsp olive oil
els and place in a large
Tie the legs together with
Rainbow pasta salad Ingredients • 3 tbsp olive oil • 3 cups dried elbow pasta • 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil • 1/2 small red cabbage, chopped • 420g can corn kernels, drained • 2 baby gem lettuces, shredded • 2 large tomatoes, diced • 1 cucumber, diced • 3/4 cup grated cheese • 2 green onions, thinly sliced • 1 cup sour cream • 1 cup traditional mayonnaise • 1 cup parsley leaves, chopped
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
biscuits in a blender, then add melted butter to the biscuits and mix it together. Spoon in the biscuit mixture into glasses and set aside. In a bowl, mix castor sugar, lemon zest and cream cheese until creamy. Whip the cream until stiff peaks form and fold into the cream cheese mixture. Spoon the cream • 2 tbsp lemon juice • 1 tbsp wholegrain mustard
remaining dressing and
• 1 tsp lemon zest
cheese mixture on the
then sprinkle cheese and
• 250g strawberries
biscuit base in the glasses
green onion.
sliced • 350g plain cream
and garnish with strawberries.
Boil pasta in a large pot of
Strawberry cheesecake cups
• 1 cup castor sugar
minutes to set before
saltwater until cooked.
• 250ml whipped cream
Place in fridge for 30
Make the creamy mus-
• 80g chocolate biscuits
tard dressing by combin-
• 250ml whipped cream
Recipes courtesy of
ing mustard, parsley, sour
• 40g butter, melted
Crush the chocolate
cream, lemon juice and mayonnaise Season with salt and pepper and mix all together in a bowl. Place the cabbage in a salad bowl. Top the cabbage with corn, followed by 3/4 of the pasta. Spoon over half of the dressing and then arrange the lettuce. Toss the remaining pasta, cucumber, lettuce and tomato together and add to the bowl. Drizzle
Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022
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