The Public Sector Manager December 2021 / January 2022

Page 12


Writer: Silusapho Nyanda

PSC cracks the whip on corruption


ighting corruption

will include lifestyle audits

blowers have resulted in

ties that are being inves-

in the public service

for public servants.

24 035 cases of cor-

tigated by the PSC.

remains a govern-

ruption, fraud and other

The remaining cases

crimes being investigated,

were referred to other

says Public Service

government departments

(PSC) is contributing to the

National AntiCorruption Hotline

Commissioner Michael

or law enforcement

fight through its National

The National Anti-Corrup-

Seloane, who oversees

agencies for investiga-

Anti-Corruption Hotline.

tion Hotline was launched

the commission’s work.

tion. The Reconstruction

by the PSC in 2004 and

In the first quarter of the

and Development Pro-

pected of corrupt activity

since then, more than

2021/22 financial year

gramme's (RDP) hous-

can be reported via the

100 000 calls reporting

alone, 337 cases were

ing, tender and social


allegations of corruption

reported via the hotline.

grant irregularities are

ment priority and the Public Service Commission

Public servants sus-

In addition, the PSC has revealed that soon the fight against corruption


and maladministration have been received. These calls by whistle-

Thirty-five of these involve appointment and procurement irregulari-

among the most common allegations made. “During the lockdown

Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022

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