The Public Sector Manager December 2021 / January 2022

Page 22


Source: SAnews

Auditor-General Tsakani Maluleke briefs media on audit outcomes of national, provincial depar tments and t heir entities.

Incremental improvement in audit outcomes A


tor increased from 109

necessary interventions

In the 2020-21 audit

(AG) Tsakani

in 2019/20 to 115 this

to realise improvements.

cycle, 679 departments

Maluleke has

financial year. Maluleke said the

“Whilst we are yet

and public entities were

to see the progressive

audited. The report

departments and public

increase in clean audits

and sustainable im-

focuses on the results

entities to implement and

demonstrates that mes-

provements required to

of 425 audits, as there

exercise more controls in

sages of good govern-

realise overall change in

were 34 incomplete

the use of public funds in

ance coming from the

outcomes, we note and

audits, which require

order to achieve cleaner

AG's office are taking

acknowledge the efforts


audit outcomes.


of the many accounting

called on government

According to the

“The improvements

The 48 departments

officers and authori-

and 67 public entities

2020-21 Public Finance

are a clear indication

ties that seek to instil a

that obtained clean

Management Act audit

that some auditees are

culture of good govern-

audit outcomes are

outcomes general report

listening to our mes-

ance, accountability and

responsible for 19% of

released recently, clean

sages, heeding our call

discipline in the system,”

the R1.9 trillion expendi-

audits in the public sec-

and implementing the

Maluleke said.

ture budget managed by


Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022

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