The Public Sector Manager December 2021 / January 2022

Page 8


A message from President Cyril Ramaphosa

No excuse for GBV I

f a nation’s character

Of the nearly 73 000

sibility to devote the

and Femicide Fund and

can be judged by how

assault cases reported

necessary resources to

supporting the network of

it treats women and

during this period, more

combat crimes of gender-

Thuthuzela and Khuse-

children, then we are falling

than 13 000 were domes-

based violence (GBV).

leka Care Centres.

desperately short.

tic violence-related. The

Since the launch of the

The SAPS has indicated

The latest crime statis-

rate of child murders has

National Strategic Plan

we are making progress

tics released by the South

climbed by nearly a third

to Combat Gender-based

in reducing the sig-

African Police Service

compared to the previous

Violence and Femicide

nificant backlogs in DNA

(SAPS) show an in-

reporting period.

(NSP) in 2020, there have

analysis, which is crucial

We have said before

been a several interven-

to securing justice for

violence, and, perhaps

that the violence perpe-

tions to respond to GBV.

survivors of sex crimes.

most worryingly, in child

trated by men against

This includes far-


women is the second

reaching legislative

134 GBV desks at police

pandemic that our coun-

reform, support to

stations around the coun-

September 2021, 9 556

try must confront, and

survivors through the

try and is in the process

people, most of whom

like the COVID-19 pan-

provision of evidence kits

of establishing more.

were women, were raped.

demic it can be overcome

at police stations and

This is 7% more than in

if we all work together.

psycho-social services,

male violence. It is pre-

the previous reporting

As government, we

the establishment of a

dominantly men who are

Gender-Based Violence

rapists. It is mainly men

crease in rapes, domestic

Between July and



have a duty and respon-

The SAPS also operates

GBV is a problem of

Public Sector Manager • December 2021 / January 2022

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