SoNA 2021
Time for change, progress and rebirth
Medical marvel MARCH 2021
Dr Thakgalo Thibela is all about excellence
Contents: March 2021 REGULARS 8
From the Union Buildings President Cyril Ramaphosa unpacks efforts to build a State that better serves the people and is insulated from undue political interference
Conversations with leaders Justice and Correctional
Services Deputy Minister John Jeffery explains why human rights and justice are codependent
32 Trailblazer
Meet public health’s new
Women in the public sector
through the advancement of
Philisiwe Mthethwa is an
honesty, ethics, integrity and
empowerment powerhouse
accountability in the Public
whizz-kid Dr Thakgalo Thibela 38
Profiles in leadership
the forefront of promoting and
12 Budget prioritises support
Professor Bongani Majola is at protecting human rights
All the important facts and figures from the 2021 State of the Nation Address
for economy, public health
SoNA in numbers
Budget focuses on the sustainability of public
finances, efforts to fight COVID-19 and growing the
What you need to know about the J&J vaccine
Find out more about the J&J vaccine which is being administered during the first
recovery and advancement President Cyril Ramaphosa outlines government’s priorities for 2021, with
phase of vaccination roll-out
SoNA 2021: The path to
economic recovery and job creation at the top of the list
Vuk’uzenzele: 200 editions of putting people first
Government newspaper
Vuk’uzenzele has reached millions of South Africans
22 Strengthening the State
Building a capable State
living in rural areas with no access to government news
50 46
technologies that are being
5G opens new tech frontiers
introduced to municipalities
Dispelling the myths of 5G technologies and better understanding their significant benefits
Pioneering cost-effective solutions
Partnership set to boost 4IR in SA
The private and public sectors are
through technology
working together to ensure that South
A new initiative is unearthing proven
Africa does not miss out on the gains
and emerging water and sanitation
of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Publishers: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Enquiries: +27 012 473 0010 Switchboard: +27 012 473 0000 Tshedimosetso House: 1035 Francis Baard Street (corner Festival Street), Hatfield, Pretoria Private Bag X745, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001 Director-General Phumla Williams
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Acting Head of Editorial and Production Elias Tibane Managing Editor Tendai Gonese News Editor Irene Naidoo
Contributors More Matshediso Silusapho Nyanda Jauhara Khan
Food and wine
Dine in with SA’s finest foodies
It is time to find some order
GCIS Photographic Unit Elmond Jiyane Ntswe Mokoena Siyabulela Duda Kopano Tlape Busisiwe Malungwane Senior Designer Tendai Gonese
© Copyright: GCIS
Grooming and style
60 Travel
Workout wardrobe essentials
Five days with the Big Five
Giving life to the vision of a capable State
Acting Minister Khumbudzo NtshavhenI
efore the Coronavi-
SoNA is that the future of
productivity and ensuring
rus Disease made
the country depends on the
public sector accountability.
its destructive
actions we now take, as
It has created the means for
cultivate the passion to
presence felt, South Africa
public servants, community
ongoing learning through
grow South Africa and
was already burdened by
leaders, business owners
the National School of
improve the lives of our
unemployment, lack of
and individuals.
Government and has made
people, and also ensure
ending corruption a national
that the culture of service
delivery flourishes.
economic growth, inequality and corruption. The pandemic has wors-
Government, in partnership with civil society, has laid the groundwork
Local government – so
citizens will be in vain. Public servants should
A culture of accountability
ened the nation’s outlook
for an interventionist,
crucial to achieving the
should start with exposing
and when President Cyril
growth-oriented state. As
country’s development
and charging corrupt of-
Ramaphosa delivered his
highlighted in the SoNA, it
goals – has been strength-
ficials, but we must equally
State of the Nation Address
aims to rebuild and reform
ened, most notably through
celebrate professional and
(SoNA) in February, he laid
the economy, focusing on
the District Development
dedicated public servants
bare the many challenges
infrastructure and invest-
Model, which fundamen-
by telling their stories,
we face.
ment, job creation, inclusive
tally changes government’s
rewarding them and making
growth, anti-corruption
approach to local develop-
them role models. Positive
a state of despair, however,
strategies and improved
stories will create a vision
but with optimism and hope
education and skills.
The President did so not in
All spheres of government
of how the Public Service
Ensuring that the plans
will collaborate to fast-track
deniable fact that we have
outlined in the SoNA are
service delivery and ensure
overcome insurmountable
achieved is mainly the re-
that municipalities are
vision of a capable state not
problems in the past and
sponsibility of our country’s
adequately supported and
only through communica-
can do so again.
public servants.
resourced to carry out their
tion but by also demon-
strating our commitment
brought about by the un-
The address did not de-
A well-trained, profes-
should be functioning. We need to give life to the
liver a magic elixir but rather
sional, trustworthy and
spoke about the plans
ethical Public Service will
the potential to radically
already in place, including
be capable of driving South
improve service delivery in
Quality service deliv-
the Economic Reconstruc-
Africa’s development goals,
areas such as water provi-
ery has the potential to
tion and Recovery Plan, to
ensuring effective service
sion, infrastructure build and
reverberate in the form of
reduce public and private
delivery and restoring public
happier citizens, confidence
sector corruption, and vehi-
confidence in government.
cles aimed at professionalising the Public Service. The main takeaway of the
This new approach has
Without an efficient and
to improve the lives of our people.
in government, investor
service-oriented Public
confidence and ultimately, a
place regulations aimed at
Service, all government’s ef-
well-functioning country.
improving public servants’
forts to improve the lives of
Government has put in
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
COVID-19 reveals
human rights challenges
hen South
dresses the human rights
Africa com-
weaknesses exposed by
COVID-19. Human Rights Day 2021
Human Rights Day on 21 March 2020, we had no
allows us to reflect on
idea how our world was
government’s commit-
about to change.
ment to people’s rights,
At the time, the Corona-
through vigorous efforts
virus Disease (COVID-19)
to end inequality, cre-
had just hit our shores
ate jobs and grow our
and South Africa had
economy. Of significance this year
240 confirmed cases,
are the very real steps be-
and there were 299 000 known infections world-
ing taken to fight corrup-
Phumla Williams, GCIS Director-General.
wide. Today, the global
tion – a scourge that both
figure has surpassed over
fundamental human right
110 million cases and
of all, and that is the right
South Africa has over 1.5
to life.”
enables human rights
hardest hit.
violations and, as summed
The pandemic has highlighted, and also ex-
up by the United Nations,
acerbated, South Africa’s
“hinders the effective
efforts to curb COVID-19
equality shortcomings.
discharge of human rights
Human Rights Day, Presi-
may have dictated what
Never has the gap
dent Cyril Ramaphosa
people could do and
between the ‘haves’ and
announced the imple-
when, there is little doubt
‘have nots’ been so sharp-
progressive Constitution
mentation of a national
that without the action
ly illustrated. Although the
of the Republic of South
lockdown to enable the
taken, our cases and
virus is indiscriminate in
Africa of 1996 and Bill of
country’s health system to
death rate would be expo-
who it infects, it has gen-
Rights, our country still
adequately prepare for the
nentially higher.
erally plunged destitute
faces considerable human
people into dark despair.
rights challenges.
million cases. Last year, two days after
pandemic. As the President ex-
While government’s
Despite the State doing everything it could to
This has been acknowl-
Despite having the
However, like the people
plained at the time: “The
cushion people from the
edged in the country’s
of Sharpeville who united
threat posed by this formi-
effects of the various lev-
Economic Reconstruction
to protest against the pass
dable adversary [COV-
els of lockdown – through
and Recovery Plan, which
laws about 61 years ago,
ID-19] has compelled us
social grants and relief
aims to not only recover
we are also resilient and
to take unprecedented
schemes – it was poorer
what we lost, but to build
determined to meet such
steps to protect the most
communities who were
a better society that ad-
challenges head-on.
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
A message from President Cyril Ramaphosa
Striving for Public Service excellence W
hen I was
State can deliver on the
values of the Constitu-
strengthen and capaci-
elected to
commitment to improve
tion, and must, as I said
tate the civil service.
the position
the lives of the people of
in my inaugural speech,
The draft National
this country.
“faithfully serve no other
Implementation Frame-
cause than that of the
work towards the Pro-
fessionalisation of the
of President of South Africa, I said that building
This means that the
an efficient, capable and
Public Service must
ethical State free from
be staffed by men and
corruption was among
women who are profes-
sultations took place
build a State that better
my foremost priorities.
sional, skilled, selfless
on an important policy
serves our people, that
and honest.
document that will
is insulated from undue
give greater impetus to
political interference and
our efforts to bolster,
where appointments are
Only a capable, efficient, ethical and development-oriented
They must be committed to upholding the
Recently, public con-
Public Service aims to
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
made on merit. The framework was approved by Cabinet in November last year and structured consultation with various sectors of society took place recently. Twenty-seven years into democracy, it can be said of the Public Service that while several pockets of excellence exist, we have serious challenges in many government departments with regards to skills, competence and professionalism.
Government performance
ence in the administration of the Public
with little disruption. In most of these de-
ments must be insulated from politics. Professionalisation is
Service. One need only
partments where there
All too often, people
to look at the instability
is leadership stability,
necessary for stability
have been hired into
in government depart-
audit outcomes tend to
in the Public Service,
and promoted to key
ments when senior
be positive and public
especially in the senior
positions for which
managers are swopped
funds can be accounted
they are neither suit-
or replaced each time
for. Where there is a high
able nor qualified. This
a new Minister is ap-
turnover of HoDs, there
be able to continue
affects government
is often administrative
doing their jobs “regard-
less of any changes of
performance, but also
Public servants must
contributes to nepotism,
(DGs) and provincial
political interference in
heads of departments
the work of departments,
(HoDs) are particu-
lack of accountability,
larly affected. In some
One of the key recom-
the governing party in
mismanagement and
departments, DGs, HoDs
mendations made in the
charge of the adminis-
and executive manag-
draft framework is that
tration, or changes to
ers have had stability
the Public Service must
political parties after
lated problem of political
of tenure, enabling the
be depoliticised and that
and executive interfer-
departments to function
government depart-
There is also the re-
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
Ministers, members of the Executive Council or councillors within
We are proposing a
number of far-reaching reforms, such as extending the tenure of HoDs based on merit and performance, doing occupation-based com-
“The Public Service does not belong to any one party, nor should it be the domain of any particular interest group. It should not be a law unto itself ”.
petency assessments and involving the Public the interviews of DGs
Recruitment and selection
and Deputy DGs.
We are suggesting a
Service Commission in
on the applicable legisla-
Public Service: what we
tive provisions.
actually need is a fit-for-
The National School of
purpose Public Service
more rigorous approach
Government has a vital
with suitable skills, a
tests for all shortlisted
towards recruitment
role to play in this regard.
professional ethic and a
individuals will help so
and selection of public
Professionalism is not
commitment to serving
that we can recruit civil
servants, induction and
only about having the
servants who can serve
performance manage-
right qualifications and
ment. This includes
technical skills, but also
the Public Service need
Introducing integrity
the people. The men and women of
continuous learning and
about having appropri-
to be capacitated to play
extend the compulsory
a clear professional de-
ate standards of respect,
their role in driving de-
entrance exams that
velopment path for every
courtesy and integrity in
velopment and consoli-
we introduced in April
public servant.
dealing with members of
dating democracy. This
the public.
is our best guarantee
We also need to
2020 beyond senior
The draft framework
management. Success-
puts emphasis on the
ful developmental states
need to hold public
have similar measures
servants accountable for
Specialised skills
which help advance
irregularities, to do away
The Public Service is di-
professionalism within
with a culture of impu-
verse, with a huge range
does not belong to any
the Public Service.
nity in the mismanage-
of skills, qualifications
one party, nor should
As we note in the draft
ment and misappropria-
and capabilities.
it be the domain of any
framework, “the bureau-
tion of State resources.
cracy must continue to
of a capable State that serves the interests of citizens.
Many public servants
The Public Service
particular interest group.
have specialised skills
It should not be a law
that are necessary for
unto itself.
loyally and diligently
implement the political
Professionalising the
the effective provision of
mandate set by voters
Public Service involves
and the party, but to re-
training for account-
It is therefore not
frain from being political
ing officers across all
necessarily the case
serve them and them
actors themselves”.
spheres of government
that we need a smaller
The Public Service belongs to the people of South Africa. It must
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
Budget prioritises support for economy, public health T he 2021 Budget is
Finance Minister Tito Mboweni delivers the 2021 Budget Speech.
focuses on providing support to the
economy and public health in the short-term, while ensuring the sustainability of public finances in the medium term.
Delivering the 2021 Budget Speech recently, Finance Minister Tito Mboweni said the main budget revenue was projected to be R1.35 trillion or 25.3% as a share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2021/22. “This rises to R1.52 trillion in the outer year
2021/22 to 26.2% of GDP
achieve its goal of closing
has started to recover
in 2023/24.
the main budget primary
in response to improved
(2023/24) of the Medium-
The Minister said the
deficit and would achieve
global conditions and
Term Expenditure Frame-
total consolidated spend-
a primary surplus on the
the easing of lockdown
work (MTEF),” he added.
ing amounts to R2 trillion
main budget in 2024/25.
restrictions and, in the
Non-interest spending
each year, over the me-
GDP is projected to
months ahead, a mass
will remain steady at ap-
dium term, the majority of
grow by 3.3% in 2021, fol-
vaccine roll-out will sup-
proximately R1.56 trillion
which goes towards social
lowing a 7.2% contraction
port a full reopening of
over the next three years,
in 2020.
the economy.”
but will decline as a share of GDP from 29.2% in
He added that government was on track to
According to National
However, the outlook
Treasury: “The economy
remains highly uncertain
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
and the economic effects
growth rate.
of the Coronavirus Dis-
“Structural reforms
ease (COVID-19) are far reaching.
• exercising continued
with debt-service costs
restraint in non-
reaching R338.6 billion in
will lower barriers to
interest expenditure
that year.
faster, inclusive growth
growth while improv-
In light of the con-
By the third quarter of
by improving access to
ing the composition of
tinuing pandemic, the
2020, there were 1.7 mil-
reliable electricity, water
fiscal framework provides
lion fewer jobs than in the
and sanitation services;
same period in 2019.
enabling cost-effective
Budget deficit
“Rising unemployment
digital services; promot-
“Since the 2020 Budget
and funding for the health
and income losses have
ing the green economy;
Review, the budget deficit
policy response.
entrenched existing
and supporting industries
has doubled, and the in-
inequalities. GDP is only
with high employment
year revenue shortfall is
Medium Term Budget
expected to recover to
potential, such as tourism
estimated at R213.2 billion.
Policy Statement include
pre-pandemic levels in
and agriculture.
short-term support to low-income households
“Changes since the 2020
“These changes re-
a three-month extension
late 2023. Given South
“Given these circum-
flect the impact of the
of the special COVID-19
Africa’s structural con-
stances, the 2021 Budget
COVID-19 pandemic,
Social Relief of Distress
straints, its recovery will
strikes a difficult balance
as well as government’s
Grant and the Unemploy-
be slower than many of
between providing im-
response, which priori-
ment Insurance Fund’s
its developing-country
mediate support for the
tised relief for households
Temporary Employer/
peers,” said National
economy and shoring
and businesses, alongside
Employee Relief Scheme,
up the country’s public
a major effort to protect
and funding for the public
finances,” it added.
public health.
employment initiative and
Recovery plan
Over the next three
“The consolidated deficit
Alongside a robust public
years, the fiscal policy will
in the current year – esti-
health response to the
focus on:
mated at 14% of GDP – is
pandemic and immediate
• extending temporary
the largest on record.”
support to households
support in response to
and businesses, govern-
ment’s recovery plan
• narrowing the budget
National Treasury said
for provincial hospitals in 2021/22.”
Vaccine programme
gross national debt is pro-
In support of govern-
jected to rise from 80.3%
ment’s quest to inoculate
focuses on raising the
deficit and stabilising
of GDP in 2020/21 to
67% of the South African
economy’s long-term
87.3% of GDP by 2023/24,
population, National
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
Treasury will inject R9
about R19.3 billion,” said
billion into the country’s
National Treasury.
COVID-19 vaccination
It acknowledged that
will receive R50 million for
“Since the State is procuring vaccines on
an associated communi-
behalf of both the public
cations campaign.
vaccines will play a pivot-
and private sectors, some
Over the medium term,
al role in saving lives and
revenue will return to the
Wage bill
R9 billion has been allo-
livelihoods, and support-
fiscus when private pro-
The bulk of National
cated for the vaccine roll-
ing economic recovery.
viders buy vaccines from
Treasury’s fiscal con-
the State.”
solidation measures will
out. Of this amount, the
“Ensuring access to
Department of Health has
COVID-19 vaccines is
been allocated R6.5 billion
government’s immediate
departments will be al-
to procure and distribute
priority,” it added.
located R2.4 billion over
This comes as govern-
12 months to administer
ment provided one of the
vaccines. An amount of
Funding for vaccine
come from the Public
Provincial health
Service wage bill.
R100 million will be trans-
procurement and roll-out
vaccines while the Gov-
largest fiscal responses
ferred to the South African
is drawn from the national
ernment Communication
to the COVID-19 pan-
Medical Research Council
and Information System
demic among developing countries, resulting in
for vaccine research.
consolidated government
“Government allocated R1.3 billion in the cur-
spending reaching a re-
rent year for vaccine
cord 41.7% of GDP, com-
purchases. Given uncertainty around final costs, an estimated R9 billion could be drawn on from the contingency reserve and emergency allocations, bringing total potential funding for the vaccination programme to
"Ensuring access to COVID-19 vaccines is government's immediate priority."
pared with 29.6% during the economic meltdown in 2008/09. “Narrowing the budget deficit and stabilising the debt-to-GDP ratio requires continued restraint in expenditure growth. These efforts remain on
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
“Allowing the wage bill to continue rising in line with recent trends is not sustainable.”
course,” said National
not sustainable. It would
wage bill, which grows by
coordination between na-
require a substantial
an average of 1.2% over
tional, provincial and lo-
reduction in funding for
the medium term,” said
cal government, including
2020 Budget, main
capital investment, and
National Treasury.
state-owned entities, to
budget non-interest ex-
critical public goods and
penditure will be reduced
services,” it added.
“Compared with the
by R264.9 billion, or 4.6%
In December 2020, fol-
Funding policies
strengthen accountability and service delivery. Introduced in 2019, the
of GDP, over the MTEF
lowing government’s deci-
Expenditure failure
model focuses on 52
sion to not implement a
accountability is also
district and metropolitan
“Most of these adjust-
wage increase in 2020/21,
expected to take cen-
spaces as convergence
ments are to the wage bill.
the Labour Appeal Court
tre stage as National
points for public and
Excluding compensation
reaffirmed National Treas-
Treasury is set to review
private sector investment,
reductions, consolidated
ury’s constitutional role in
provincial infrastructure
supported by joint plan-
non-interest expenditure
safeguarding the public
sector funding policies.
ning, budgeting and im-
grows by an annual aver-
National Treasury said
plementation processes.
age of 0.4% in real terms.”
“In this regard, the ap-
this will be accompanied
“If a province or munici-
proach to future wage ne-
by proposals of how
pality is not spending its
pensation absorbed 41%
gotiations will align with
grants, incentives and
allocated funds or does
of government revenue
the fiscal position and
other funding can best be
not comply with grant
in 2019/20 and 47% in
prevailing economic con-
structured to coordinate
conditions, then further
ditions. The 2021 Budget
planning and budgeting.
transfers can be withheld
Public Service com-
“Allowing the wage
proposes a significant
This is line with the Dis-
bill to continue rising in
moderation in spend-
trict Development Model,
recipient,” said National
line with recent trends is
ing on the consolidated
which aims to improve
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
or reallocated to another
Writer: Allison Cooper
President C yril Ramaphosa delivering the State of the Nation Address.
The path to recovery and advancement
it secures sufficient
shown to be effective
quantities of vaccines
against the 501Y.V2 vari-
ties for 2021 that Presi-
that are suitable to South
overcoming the Corona-
dent Cyril Ramaphosa
African conditions.
virus Disease (COVID-19),
outlined in his recent
accelerating economic
State of the Nation Ad-
COVID-19 vaccination
Dr Zweli Mkhize were
recovery, driving eco-
programme, targeted
among those vaccinated
overnment is concentrating its efforts on
strengthening the State.
These were the priori-
The President said
President Ramaphosa
The first phase of the
and Health Minister
at healthcare work-
when the first batch of
sustainable jobs and drive
government is in discus-
ers, kicked off with the
J&J vaccines arrived in
inclusive growth, and
sions with all vaccine
Johnson & Johnson (J&J)
the country.
fighting corruption and
manufacturers to ensure
vaccine, which has been
nomic reform to create
So far, nine million
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
“We have developed an infrastructure investment project pipeline worth R340 billion in network industries..."
doses of the J&J vaccine
growth and a significant
people receiving addi-
create jobs and support
have been secured.
increase in unemploy-
tional grant payments.
livelihoods and the rapid
In addition, 12 million
ment. Poverty is on the
In addition, over R57
expansion of the coun-
vaccine doses have been
rise and inequality is
billion in wage support
try’s energy generation
secured from the global
deepening, the President
was paid to over 4.5
COVAX facility, which
million workers through
“We have developed an
will be complemented
He explained that
the special Unemploy-
infrastructure investment
by other vaccines that
in the third quarter of
ment Insurance Fund
project pipeline worth
are available to South
2020, the economy was
Temporary Employee/
R340 billion in net-
Africa through the Afri-
6% percent smaller
Employer Relief
work industries such as
can Union’s (AU) African
than it was in the last
energy, water, transport
Vaccine Acquisition Task
quarter of 2019. There
Team Facility.
were 1.7 million fewer
sized businesses re-
Construction has started
people employed in the
ceived over R1.3 billion in
and progress is being
20 million vaccine doses,
third quarter of 2020
support, over R70 billion
made on a number of
commencing with de-
than there were in the
in tax relief was given to
projects,” the President
liveries at the end of the
first quarter, before the
businesses in distress
first quarter.
pandemic struck, and
and around R18.9 billion
the unemployment rate
in loans was approved
vestment Plan identified
is 30.8%.
for 13 000 businesses
roads projects worth R19
through the loan guaran-
billion covering the spine
tee scheme.
of the South African road
Pfizer has committed
The President stressed that the success of the
Small- and medium-
and telecommunications.
The Infrastructure In-
vaccination programme
“As a result of relief
would rely on active col-
measures implemented
laboration between all
and the phased reopen-
sectors of society.
ing of the economy, we
Economic Reconstruc-
Work is underway to
expect to see a strong
tion and Recovery Plan
finalise project finance
recovery in employment
(ERRP) government has
structuring for these
by the end of 2021,” the
focused on various prior-
projects, which will lead
President said.
ity interventions, namely
to the revival of the con-
a massive increase in
struction industry and
Accelerating economic recovery Over the past year,
Government’s R500
Since the launch of the
South Africa has experi-
billion COVID-19 relief
local production, an
the creation of much-
enced a sharp decline in
package saw 18 million
employment stimulus to
needed jobs.
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
The R100 billion Infra-
to make South African
potentially returning
structure Fund is in full
exports globally com-
more than R200 billion
operation and will blend
to the country’s annual
Creating jobs and supporting livelihoods
The third ERRP prior-
resources from the fiscus
All social partners who
ity intervention is an
with financing from the
participated in the devel-
private sector and devel-
opment of the ERRP will
for industrialisation is
employment stimulus to
opment institutions. Its
work together to reduce
underpinned by sector
create jobs and support
approved project pipe-
reliance on imports by
masterplans to reju-
line for 2021 is varied.
20% over the next five
venate and grow key
industries. Four master
of jobs will be created
They have identified
plans have been com-
by the private sector in
Local production
Government’s vision
The largest number
42 products that can be
pleted and signed and
a number of industries
The second ERRP prior-
sourced locally. “If we
have already had an im-
as the economy recov-
ity intervention is to sup-
achieve our target, we
pact in their respective
ers. “Our compact with
port a massive increase
will significantly expand
industries, the President
the private sector is
in local production and
our productive economy,
underpinned by a clear
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
commitment to grow
President said.
financial position, man-
from renewable energy,
age its debt and reduce
natural gas, battery stor-
our economy and create
He also encouraged the
jobs,” the President said.
youth to join over 1.2 mil-
its dependence on the
age and coal, in line with
The Presidential Em-
lion others who have al-
fiscus,” the President
the Integrated Resource
ployment Stimulus is one
ready joined the national
Plan 2019.
of the most significant
Pathway Management
expansions of public and
Network, which provides
ment and its social part-
Reform in SOEs
social employment in
support and opportuni-
ners signed the Eskom
The Presidential State-
South Africa’s history.
ties to youth across the
Social Compact which
owned Enterprises Coun-
outlines necessary ac-
cil has outlined a clear
tions needed to meet the
set of reforms that will
country’s energy needs
enable state-owned en-
now and into the future.
terprises (SOEs) to fulfil
“We have taken action
their mandate of growth
By the end of January 2021, over 430 000 op-
In December, govern-
180 000 opportunities
Expanding energy generation capacity
are in the recruitment
The fourth ERRP priority
tially increase generation
process, the President
is to rapidly expand en-
capacity in addition to
said overarching SOE
ergy generation capac-
what Eskom generates.”
legislation will be tabled
portunities had already been supported through the stimulus and another
These opportunities are
ity. Restoring Eskom to
to urgently and substan-
The President explained
and development. President Ramaphosa
in Cabinet this financial
in areas like education,
operational and financial
that the Department of
year, and in Parliament in
arts and culture, global
health and accelerating
Mineral Resources and
the next financial year.
business services, early
its restructuring process
Energy would announce
“A centralised SOE
childhood development
is central to this objec-
successful bids for 2 000
model is being imple-
and small-scale and
megawatts of emergency
mented this financial
year, which will ensure
subsistence farming. The National Youth
In line with this, Eskom has been restructured
“The necessary regula-
standardised govern-
Development Agency
into three separate enti-
tions have been amend-
ance, financial manage-
and the Department of
ties for generation, trans-
ed and the requirements
ment and operational
Small Business Develop-
mission and distribution.
clarified for municipali-
performance framework
ment have also met their
“Eskom is making sub-
ties to buy power from
for all SOEs.”
target of providing grant
stantial progress with its
independent power
funding and business
intensive maintenance
producers. Systems are
mandates are being re-
support to 1 000 young
and operational excel-
being put in place to
evaluated to ensure they
entrepreneurs within 100
lence programmes to
support qualifying mu-
are responsive to the
improve the reliability of
country’s needs and the
“This provides a firm foundation for our ef-
its coal fleet. “We are working
Government will also
implementation of the
initiate the procurement
National Development Plan.
forts to support 15 000
closely with Eskom on
of an additional 11 800
start-ups by 2024,” the
proposals to improve its
megawatts of power
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
In addition, all SOE
Writer: Allison Cooper
Strengthening the State ecutive,” he said. He added that government was on course to build a capable and professional civil service that delivers on its mandate and is accountable to South Africans. Government is strengthening local government infrastructure and accelerating service delivery through the District De-
velopment Model (DDM). olstering the capac-
ment and a lack of pro-
agement and the execu-
ity of the State and
fessionalism doesn’t just
tive, through the National
three spheres of govern-
fighting corruption
impact service delivery, it
School of Government.
ment together to focus
are among government’s
also dents public confi-
priorities for 2021.
Delivering his State
“Advancing honesty,
Accountability In addition, in October
The DDM brings all
on key priorities and the implementation of critical high-impact projects.
of the Nation Address
ethics and integrity in the
last year, the President
recently, President Cyril
Public Service is critical if
signed Ministerial Perfor-
lic and private sector
Ramaphosa highlighted
we are to build a capable
mance Agreements with
partners, government is
the important role played
state,” he stressed.
all Ministers.
implementing a range
by the Public Service and
Government has been
“These have now been
Working with pub-
of measures to support
the efforts being made to
offering courses and
published online. This will
municipalities to address
strengthen it.
training programmes for
enhance accountability
inadequate and incon-
government officials, from
and focused performance
sistent service delivery
entry level to senior man-
by members of the ex-
in areas such as water
“The Public Service is at the coalface of govern-
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
provision, infrastructure
and that critical leader-
anti-corruption body that
COVID-19 procurement
build and maintenance.
ship positions have been
reports to Parliament.”
by all State bodies dur-
filled with capable, expe-
He added that when
ing the National State of
“We are focusing on the appointment of properly
rienced and trustworthy
reports started to surface
qualified officials at local
last year about possible
level to ensure effective
“There is improved
Disaster. “The SIU has finalised
fraud and corruption in
investigations into 164
management and provi-
cooperation and sharing
the procurement of Coro-
contracts, with a total
sion of services.”
of resources between the
navirus Disease (COV-
value of R3.5 billion.”
respective law-enforce-
ID-19)-related goods and
ment agencies, enabling
services, government
ment for transparency
a more integrated ap-
acted decisively to put a
and accountability, the
President Ramaphosa
proach to investigations
stop to these practices,
Political Party Funding
said that corruption
and prosecutions.”
investigate all allegations
Act of 2018 will come into
and act against those
operation on 1 April.
Tackling corruption is one of the greatest
The President said the
In a significant develop-
impediments to the
implementation of the
country’s growth and
National Anti-Corruption
Strategy, which lays
Fusion Centre, which
ing of political parties.
“The revelations from
the basis for a compre-
brings together key law-
Among other things, it
the Zondo Commission
hensive and integrated
enforcement agencies
requires the disclosure of
of Inquiry lay bare the
society-wide response to
to share information and
donations to parties and
extent of state capture
corruption, has com-
resources. The Fusion
establishes two funds
and related corruption.
Centre has brought
that will enable repre-
many cases to trial and
sented political parties to
“Testimony at the
“We will shortly be
responsible. “We established a
“This will regulate the public and private fund-
commission has shown
appointing the members
preserved or recovered
undertake their pro-
how the criminal justice
of the National Anti-Cor-
millions in public funds,”
grammes,” said President
system was compro-
ruption Advisory Council,
the President said.
mised and weakened. It
which is a multi-sectoral
is therefore vital that we
body that will oversee
gating Unit (SIU) was
sustain the momentum of
the initial implementa-
authorised to investigate
the rebuilding effort that
tion of the strategy and
allegations of unlawful
we began three years
the establishment of an
conduct with
independent statutory
respect to
The Special Investi-
He explained that there has been great progress in turning around law-enforcement bodies
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
Writer: Elias Tibane
SoNA in numbers I
n his recent State of
deliveries at the end of
30.8% – the rate of unem-
forms of relief to strug-
the Nation Address
the first quarter.
ployment in South Africa
gling businesses.
by 11 February 2021.
18 million – people or
R500 billion – value of the
close to one-third of the
social and economic relief
population who received
(SoNA), President Cyril
government will go about
Economy and employment
rebuilding, following the
1.7 million – fewer people
package to provide cash
additional grant payments
devastation of the Corona-
employed in the third
directly to the poorest
through government’s
virus Disease (COVID-19).
quarter of 2020 than in
households, to provide
relief measures.
From fighting the pandemic
the first quarter, before
wage support to workers
More than 5 million – poor
to job creation, the Presi-
the pandemic struck.
and to provide various
people who benefitted
Ramaphosa outlined how
dent outlined the priorities
from the social and eco-
for the year ahead. Here
nomic relief package.
are some of the important
R57 billion – value of the
numbers from the SoNA.
wage support that has
been paid to over 4.5 million workers through the
9 million – doses of the
Special Unemployment
Johnson & Johnson vac-
Insurance Fund TERS
cine that government has
secured. vaccine secured from the
Business support
COVID-19 Vaccine Global
More than R1.3 billion
Access Facility.
– money provided to
20 million – vaccine
support mainly small- and
doses Pfizer has com-
medium-sized busi-
mitted, commencing with
12 million – doses of the
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
Over R70 billion – value of the tax relief extended to businesses in distress. Around R18.9 billion – value of loans approved for 13 000 businesses through the Loan Guarantee Scheme.
Infrastructure R340 billion – value of the infrastructure investment project pipeline that government has developed in network industries such as energy, water, transport and
of the Infrastructure In-
Poultry Master Plan.
R16 billion – value of the
vestment Plan.
1 million – additional
investment by Ford Motor
chickens that South
Company to expand its
Africa produces every
manufacturing facility
68 000 – households in Gauteng that will benefit
Local products
from homes provided
20% – the level of the
week through the Poultry
in Tshwane for the next
through two major human
planned reduction of
Master Plan.
generation Ford Ranger
settlement projects of the
South Africa’s reliance on
80% – quantity of sugar
Economic Reconstruction
imports over the next five
that large users of sugar
12 – small and medium
and Recovery Plan.
have committed to pro-
enterprises in automotive
350 000 to 500 000 – peo-
More than R200 bil-
cure from local grow-
component manufactur-
ple expected to benefit
lion – money that could
ers, as part of the Sugar
ing to be supported to
from homes built within
potentially be returned to
Master Plan.
grow through the R16
the next decade, as part
the country’s annual out-
85 000 – workers em-
billion investment by Ford
of the Lanseria Smart
put by sourcing products
ployed in the sugar
Motor Company.
City project.
R1.7 billion – value of
R19 billion – value of
1 000 – locally produced
More than half a billion
procurement opportuni-
roads projects, covering
products that must be
rand – money invested by
ties from nearly half of
the spine of the South
procured from small,
the clothing, textile, foot-
the procurement spend
African road network,
medium and micro enter-
wear and leather industry
on construction of the
identified through the
to expand local manufac-
bulk earthworks and top
Infrastructure Investment
R800 million – funds
turing facilities, including
structure at the Tshwane
invested to upgrade
small, medium and micro
Special Economic Zone
R100 billion – the budget
production through the
to be allocated to small,
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
medium and micro enterprises. R108 billion – value of additional investment commitments raised by the third South Africa Investment Conference in November 2020. R773 billion – value of investment commitments received by 11 February 2021 towards government’s five-year target of R1.2 trillion. R183 billion – value of investments that have reportedly flowed into projects that benefit the South African economy.
Job creation portunities supported
Youth economic empowerment
through the Presidential
1 000 – young entrepre-
which provides support
Integrated Resource Plan
Employment Stimulus by
neurs benefited from
and opportunities to
the end of January 2021.
grant funding and busi-
young people across the
2 600 – megawatts from
180 000 – job opportuni-
ness support provided
wind and solar energy to
ties supported through
by the National Youth
the Presidential Employ-
Development Agency and
ment Stimulus still in the
the Department of Small
2 000 – megawatts of
estimated electricity sup-
recruitment process by 11
Business Development,
emergency power to be
ply shortfall over the next
February 2021.
by International Youth
supplied by the success-
five years.
Nearly half a million
Day on 12 August 2020.
ful bids to be announced
5 000 – megawatts of
– people receiving an
15 000 – start-ups to be
by the Department of
additional capacity to be
income, developing new
supported by the Na-
Mineral Resources and
unlocked by the easing of
skills and contributing
tional Youth Development
licensing requirements for
to their community and
Agency and the Depart-
11 800 – additional
new embedded genera-
the country’s economy
ment of Small Business
megawatts of power from
tion projects to help ease
through environmental
Development by 2024.
renewable energy, natural
the impact of loadshed-
1.2 million – youth on
gas, battery storage and
Over 430 000 – job op-
the National Pathway
coal that government will
Management Network,
procure in line with the
be supplied as part of Bid Window 5 to address the
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
Writer: More Matshediso
Justice and human rights must co-exist human dignity, equality and freedom. The Bill also spells out people’s right to access courts for legal intervention and security. Justice and Correctional Services Deputy Minister John Jeffery says the 25th anniversary of the Constitution emphasises the importance of Human Rights Month – celebrated each March in commemoration of the Sharpeville Massacre – because both celebrations are interwoven. Equally co-dependent
are human rights and his year the country
values. Known as one of
justice, he says. The one
marks 25 years
the most progressive in
cannot exist without the
since the Consti-
the world, South Africa’s
tution of the Republic of
Constitution is the foun-
The Deputy Minister ex-
South Africa of 1996 was
dation of our democracy.
plains that justice can be
Its establishment sym-
viewed in two contexts.
signed into law.
A country’s constitution
bolised the end of years
The first is the narrow
spells out the rights and
of oppression and racial
sense of people having
responsibilities of its gov-
divide and the inclusion of
access to avenues which
ernment and its people
the Bill of Rights affirms
allow them to have their
and describes its societal
the democratic values of
dispute heard or adjudi-
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
cated before a legitimate
Africa’s democracy means
their human rights and
body or institution, like a
most people have access
explains that the Bill of
court. “In the end, people
to justice and enjoy their
Rights does not only
the country has serious
would talk about justice
human rights.
apply to citizens, but to
toxic masculinity and
everyone living in the
patriarchy issues.
being served. “The other, broader
“There’s been significant progress in the past 25
look into,” he says. Additionally, he thinks
“There is this entitlement by men of all race
meaning is in the context
years, particularly with
of social justice and
socio-economic rights.
Fighting GBVF
equality before the law.
For example, there were
He says the ongoing in-
women’s bodies. We must
This includes the right to
approximately 14.6 million
cidents of gender-based
pay attention to how we
a decent life, the right to
learners in school in 2019.
violence and femicide
bring up our boy children.
(GBVF) have a profound
groups when it comes to
“This is not a crime that
education and all other
“Participation in educa-
human rights,” he adds.
tion institutions is virtually
effect on the country’s
you can protect people
universal,” he emphasises,
human rights record.
from because you cannot
Human rights
adding that 96.6% of 15
Levels remain alarming-
have a police official in
In general terms, human
year olds – which is the
ly high, despite govern-
every home to stop the
rights are known as moral
last compulsory school
ment’s concerted efforts
man from beating up his
principles or norms that
age in the country – at-
to fight what President
wife. It is a societal issue.”
describe certain stand-
tend school. The number
Cyril Ramaphosa has
Deputy Minister Jeffery
ards of human behaviour.
of learners attending
referred to as the second
says the Department
In South Africa, these are
no-fee schools increased
Justice and Constitutional
protected by law, which
from 21.4% in 2007 to
is why you cannot have
66.2% in 2019.
justice without human
“More people are get-
“I do not know if we
Development (DoJCD)
properly understand
spearheads various
the reasons why we as
domestic violence aware-
ting social grants, more
a country have much
ness campaigns.
“This is why our Con-
people are residing in for-
higher levels of GBVF
stitution has that special
mal dwellings and access
than any other country in
Offences Courts and the
connection between the
to water and electricity is
the southern region.
accompanying services,
values of human dignity,
increasing. However, we
freedom and equality
rights and vice versa.
“We have the Sexual
“It is interesting that
such as intermediaries
still have a long way to go
the banning of alcohol
and court preparation
on the one hand, and
as government in ensur-
during many stages of the
officers. We also have 55
the Bill of Rights on the
ing that even more people
national lockdown, which
Thuthuzela Care Centres
other, because it affirms
enjoy access to justice
was implemented to fight
across the country, with
that relationship between
and their human rights
the spread of the Corona-
five more on the way, to
justice and human rights,”
are always protected,” he
virus Disease (COVID-19)
provide care and support
Deputy Minister Jeffery
pandemic, had an impact
to survivors of GBV.”
The Deputy Minister
on the reduction of GBV
He believes that the
says it is important for
and sexual offences. That
ment plays a significant
strengthening of South
people to be aware of
is something we ought to
role in the implementation
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
He adds that the depart-
ment is providing support to the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture (Zondo Commission) and the National Anti-Corruption Strategy is at the core of the department’s developmental trajectory. “Law-enforcement agencies, particularly the National Prosecuting Authority and the Hawks, both financially and from a human resource perspective, are being ca-
Justice and Correctional Ser vices Deput y Minister John Jeffer y.
pacitated to ensure they are more effective. “The establishment of the Special Tribunal has
of the National Strategic
urges public servants to
enhanced the ability of
treat survivors of GBV
the Special Investigat-
upgraded several regional
with care and com-
ing Unit (SIU) to recoup
of Vulnerable Groups Unit
courts into Sexual Offenc-
passion, whether they
funds embezzled from the
and through legislative
es Courts, mostly based
encounter them in their
State. We applaud the SIU
in rural communities.
work in the South African
for their biggest recov-
“Within a short space of
Police Service, hospitals,
ery to date, against ABB
call made by President
time, over 12 000 govern-
clinics, shelters or courts.
South Africa, amounting
Ramaphosa to all men to
ment officials were vetted
end patriarchy, the de-
against the National Reg-
partment introduced the
ister for Sex Offenders to
No room for corruption
Under-the-Tree Dialogues
ensure that no registered
With regard to the fight
sex offenders work as
against corruption, he
officials at service points
says the department and
ishes the public’s faith in
space for various men’s
which have direct access
Minister Ronald Lamola
government and detracts
organisations and forma-
to children and persons
play a significant role in
from the gains we have
tions to collectively craft
with mental disabilities,”
the Anti-Corruption Task
made as a country,” he
interventions to address
he says.
Plan on GBV, through its Promotion of the Rights
In response to the public
It creates a shared
male dominance and its
The DoJCD also recently
The Deputy Minister
to R1.5 billion.” The Deputy Minister appeals to public servants to help fight corruption. “Corruption dimin-
In addition, the depart-
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
What will people say?
There is no excuse for abuse. Police: 10111 Stop Gender Violence: 0800 150 150 Childline: 0800 055 555
People can only help if they know. TELL SOMEONE.
Violence and abuse are poison to society. Let’s make it stop.
Writer: Silusapho Nyanda
Meet public health’s new whizz-kid A
t the tender age
knew from Grade One
ile Kubheka, who made
“When you are in the
of 21, the young-
that she wanted to be a
South African history in
emergency department,
est active female
doctor and when asked
2014 by qualifying as the
you must get to the next
doctor in South Africa is
by teachers what she
youngest doctor ever at
patient quickly, but in
making a difference in the
wanted to be when she
the age of 20.
treating patients in the
public health system.
grew up, she was always
Dr Thakgalo Thibela, who hails from a village in Bushbuckridge, Mpu-
time of COVID-19, I have
The go-getter says
very quick to say: “A
being a doctor at such a
learnt that you have to
young age has not posed
protect yourself first by
extra challenges for her.
wearing personal protec-
at the age of 15, in 2015,
Making her dream a reality
with seven distinctions.
In January, her lifelong
hospital, they always ask
protected that I am able
dream became a reality
me about my age and
to help other people.
received her Bachelor
when she started
are full of compliments
When I consult a patient,
of Medicine and Bach-
working at the Helen
when I tell them,” says Dr
especially one who
elor of Surgery from the
Joseph Hospital in
has tested positive for
University of the Witwa-
Johannesburg, making
her one of the youngest
in the middle of the
gloves, a mask, a face
people to practise as a
COVID-19 pandemic has
shield and gown.”
she is already hard at
medical doctor in South
been a unique experi-
work on the frontlines of
Africa and proving that a
ence. She says it has
the Coronavirus Disease
person’s circumstances
reinforced the need for
Helping those in need
(COVID-19) pandemic,
do not have to dictate
healthcare workers to
The doctor loves work-
working as a doctor at a
their future.
be mindful of their own
ing in the public health
personal safety when
system because she gets
treating patients.
to save the lives of those
malanga, matriculated
Six years later she
Despite her tender age,
busy public hospital. Dr Thibela says she
She is following close in the footsteps of Sand-
“When I treat the patients who come to the
Starting her career
tive equipment. “It is only when I am
COVID-19, I must wear
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
most in need of medi-
older sister and thus also
cal services, which is
applied to study nuclear
why she chose to work
at Helen Joseph for the next two years. “As much as the hospi-
She was accepted for the latter and was about to register for the course
tal is demanding, I enjoy
when her dream came
working here,” she says.
Despite the heartache
“I was set to go register
and tragedy, she wit-
to study nuclear science
nesses as a result of the
when I received a call
pandemic, she says she
from Wits University,
cannot imagine switch-
saying that I had been
ing careers and intends
accepted to their medical
to make the time she
school and that I should
spends at Helen Joseph
go and register the fol-
as meaningful as pos-
lowing day.”
sible. country’s public health
In a class of her own
service could be im-
The youngster grabbed
proved by investing in
the opportunity with
equipment and resourc-
both hands and left her
home in the rural village
Dr Thibela says the
“The public health ser-
of Violet Bank for the
vice is under-resourced.
bustling city of Johan-
If it was properly re-
nesburg, where she
sourced, more could be
quickly had to adapt to
achieved. Right now, the
independent living and a
only thing that is ham-
faster pace of life.
pering the public health
Being in a class with
Dr Thakgalo Thibela is living her dream.
Seven at Farel Primary
used to it. I never really
School. She repeated the
felt the age gap because
system of South Africa is
people who were
a lack of resources.”
older than her was not
remarkable feat at Lehla-
I matured early in life,” Dr
intimidating, however,
sedi High School when
Thibela says, explaining
because, having skipped
she was promoted to
that no-one at university
When she completed
two grades in school, be-
Grade 10 without having
made her feel that her
her matric in 2015, she
ing the young student in
to do Grade Nine.
age was an issue.
wanted to apply to study
class was nothing new.
“In high school, I was
Due to her academic
always the youngest in
next step in her journey
Back-up plan
medicine only but was
Dr Thibela says that the
persuaded to have a
prowess, the young
my class so by the time
is to pursue a career as a
back-up plan by her
Thibela skipped Grade
Wits came around, I was
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
Zoliswa Gidi-D yosi becomes the first person to receive the Johnson & Johnson vaccine as par t of government 's vaccination programme.
What you need to know about the J&J vaccine S
outh Africa kick-
“At first I was a bit ter-
Minister Dr Zweli Mkhize
they are being adminis-
started its first
rified of this long needle
and healthcare work-
tered. I was rather pleased
phase of the Coro-
that was going to be em-
ers in Khayelitsha in the
that there were five peo-
navirus Disease (COV-
bedded into my arm. But
Western Cape, received
ple who were vaccinated
ID-19) vaccination roll-out
it happened so quickly, so
the vaccine shortly after
before me and they are
programme using the
easily. It was just a prick
they arrived in the country
health workers,” said the
Johnson & Johnson (J&J)
on my flesh and I really
in February.
vaccine, with President
did not feel much pain,”
Cyril Ramaphosa among
said the President about
real milestone for us as
to receive the J&J vaccine
the first South Africans to
the experience.
South Africans that finally
was healthcare worker
the vaccines are here and
Zoliswa Gidi-Dyosi.
receive the jab.
He, together with Health
“This day represents a
The first South African
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
Leading by example,
nine in 10 of all COVID-19
use in vaccines as it has
tive signs that the body
the President encouraged
infections detected during
been modified so that it
is mounting an immune
South Africans to take the
the second wave.
cannot cause disease or
response to the Corona-
replicate in humans.
vaccine, stressing that it is safe. “I would like to invite
The South African trial showed that while the J&J vaccine is not going to
Non-active ingredients
When you encounter
in the vaccine include
real Coronavirus particles
South Africans to take this
prevent mild symptoms, it
sodium chloride, cit-
in future, your immune
up [get vaccinated], so
provides 57% protection
ric acid monohydrate
system will be able to dis-
that we can all be safe, so
against moderate-severe
buffer, polysorbate 80,
arm the virus so that you
that we all can be healthy.”
disease, 85% protection
2 hydroxypropyl-β-
either do not fall ill at all
against severe disease
cyclodextrin (HBCD),
or if you do, the symptoms
been shown to be safe
and 100% protection
ethanol (absolute), so-
are mild and your chances
and efficacious in ex-
against death.
dium hydroxide and water
of being hospitalised or
for injection.
dying are much lower.
The J&J vaccine has
tensive trials. So why is
By way of comparison,
it a good choice for the
the Oxford-AstraZeneca
country and how effective
vaccine provided only
are safe for human con-
How is it stored?
is it? The National Depart-
27% protection against
The vaccine has a long
ment of Health tackles
mild to moderate COV-
these and other questions
ID-19 caused by the new
contain any animal prod-
minus 20 degrees Celsius
501Y.V2 variant.
ucts and is halal.
and can be safely stored
All of these ingredients
The vaccine does not
shelf life of two years at
in a domestic fridge for a
Why is the J&J vaccine a good first choice for the National Vaccination Programme?
How does the J&J vaccine compare with other COVID-19 vaccines?
How does the vaccine protect you against COVID-19? When injected, the vac-
South Africa, as ultra-cold
Like all COVID-19 vac-
cine trains your immune
freezers are not needed.
It was tested in a large
cines, the jab contains
system to fight the virus
trial of almost 44 000 peo-
instructions for the spike
that causes COVID-19.
ple from four continents,
protein on the Corona-
of whom 7 000 are from
South Africa. The study also provided
These instructions are delivered to the immune
The vaccine does not contain the Coronavirus and will not give you COVID-19.
month. This makes it suitable for widespread roll-out in warmer countries like
How is the vaccine given and when does protection start? The vaccine is given as a
a good picture of how the
system by a modified
vaccine works against
adenovirus that has also
include tenderness at
single dose into the up-
the new 501Y.V2 variant,
been used in other vac-
the injection site, feel-
per arm.
which is dominant in
cines, such as the Ebola
ing unwell, feverish and
South Africa and currently
and Zika shots.
getting a headache for a
10 to 14 days after vacci-
few days. These are posi-
nation and even as early
responsible for around
The adenovirus is safe to
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
Some mild side effects
Protection starts around
as seven days for severe
protective equipment and
disease. It can also rise
stay vigilant, even after
Programme allows the
Health Products Regu-
to good levels around a
you are vaccinated.
government to make this
latory Authority has
safe and effective vaccine
approved the use of the
immediately available to
vaccine for the pro-
healthcare workers using
gramme while it process-
a research study.
es the full licensing.
month after vaccination.
The Sisonke ‘Together’
on how effective the
Why is a research programme being used to make the vaccine available?
vaccine is at preventing
Manufacturers apply for
while the licensing pro-
asymptomatic transmis-
vaccines to be licensed
cess takes place.
after trials to show them
It is currently the only vaccine available that uses a single dose, while others require two shots. Researchers are still waiting for further results
It is important you continue to use masks,
to be safe and effective. The J&J trial results were
Sisonke is not the same
The South African
It is important to under-
as a clinical trial, rather
stand although it is not
a way that research can
yet licenced, it is still safe
help to make it available
and effective. The third wave of COVID-19 is predicted
The South African
to begin in South Africa
Government has chosen
this winter and protecting
to move ahead with this
healthcare workers is a
practise social distancing
released in early Febru-
programme because
priority. It is thus impor-
and good hand hygiene.
ary and applications for
it would be unethical
tant to start vaccinating
licensing are underway in
to withhold a vaccine
healthcare workers before
worker, you still need
the United States, Europe
known to be safe and
the third wave arrives.
to wear your personal
and South Africa.
If you are a healthcare
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
Writer: More Matshediso
Promoting and
protecting human rights
hile South
of houses for the poor,
Africa is at the
provided access to water
forefront of
and sanitation to a major-
the promotion of human
ity of them, significantly
rights in Africa, the coun-
improved their rights to
try still has some way to
access healthcare, social
go as issues of inequality
security, education and
and corruption persist.
other socio-economic
As the country com-
memorates Human Rights
While there has been
Month, the Chairperson
significant progress, there
of the South African
is much that still needs to
Human Rights Commis-
be done.
sion (SAHRC), Professor Bongani Majola, spoke to
PSM about what is being done to safeguard human
Prof Majola notes that
Chairperson of the South African Human Rights Commission, Professor Bongani Majola.
the World Bank has declared South Africa as one of the most unequal
rights in the country.
countries in the world
The SAHRC is tasked
and that poverty is also a
with promoting, protecting
The SAHRC has also
try’s robust Constitution
and monitoring the attain-
litigated at various levels
which enshrines human
ment of human rights, as
of the country’s judicial
set out in Chapter 2 of the
system, seeking appropri-
Constitution of the Repub-
ate redress for victims of
South Africa has done a
their rights has almost
lic of South Africa of 1996,
human rights violations.
lot to reverse the harm
stalled, as corruption and
done by apartheid. Those
other factors eat away the
the Bill of Rights.
Given the country’s his-
major concern. “The principle of giving them [people] a pro-
“Under the Constitution,
gressive realisation of
It has held several
tory, Prof Majola believes
who were discriminated
resources that govern-
investigative hearings
South Africa is champion-
against on the basis of
ment needs to effect that
and national inquiries that
ing human rights, particu-
race now have the right to
progressive realisation of
have contributed to the
larly when compared to
equal treatment.
socio-economic rights,”
advancement of human
other African countries.
He points to the coun-
“In addition, govern-
he says.
ment has built millions
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
“The commission, as
specifically with GBV.
ties. We are also finalising
Prof Majola is also con-
part of its strategic focus
cerned about corruption
for the next five years,
exercising its broad
designed for receiving
in the country, particu-
has resolved to focus
mandate, sees gender
complaints from persons
larly the corrupt activities
and act on the negative
equality as being central
who wish to report human
linked to the Coronavirus
impact corruption has on
to all rights,” he says.
rights violations,” he says.
Disease (COVID-19) pro-
human rights,” says Prof
He says the international community has appealed
Fighting GBV
to governments, including
Prof Majola says there are
Both of these innova-
25 years strong
tions are planned for the
The SAHRC commemo-
end of the current finan-
rated its 25th anniversary
cial year.
on 2 October 2020.
Because the SAHRC’s
engage in litigation; alter-
mandate extends to the
native dispute resolution
As an admitted Advo-
troubling levels of GBV in
man rights at the centre
the country.
a mobile app, specifically
About Prof Bongani Majola
South Africa’s, to put huof all of their responses to
“The commission, in
“The commission has used the past 25 years to
promotion, protection
mechanisms, such as ar-
cate of the Republic
Africa saw a massive
and monitoring of equal-
bitration, mediation and
of South Africa with
spike in police brutality,
ity, which entails equal-
negotiation; and using
decades of work ex-
gender-based violence
ity in terms of sex and
the media and advocacy
perience in the public
(GBV), corruption and
gender, the SAHRC has
to promote human rights.
and private sectors,
many others.
focused much of its at-
“These activities span
Prof Majola’s seven-
“It is said that South
“Some of the violations
tention on gender equal-
numerous human rights’
year term commenced
stem from the prevailing
ity, inclusive of the rights
themes, with the most
in January 2017.
culture of impunity and
of lesbian, gay, bisexual,
prominent relating to
lawlessness, where even
transgender, intersex and
equality and race in par-
includes working in a
law-enforcement offi-
gender non-conforming
ticular,” says Prof Majola.
number of capacities
cials break the law with
Like most organisations,
His experience
as a public servant,
the SAHRC has had to do
including as prosecu-
He adds that govern-
commission has inter-
things differently during
tor and magistrate.
ment can address these
vened in many matters
the COVID-19 pandemic,
One of his main
issues by insisting on
dealing with discrimi-
holding its engagements
responsibilities as the
nation on the basis of
that promote human
Chairperson of the
gender, sex and sexual
rights online.
SAHRC is to coordi-
“The SAHRC recognises that corruption impacts
Prof Majola says the
“The commission, in rec-
nate the work of all
ognising the impact, im-
eight commissioners
institution – the Commis-
port and use of the Fourth
on a broad, strategic
sion for Gender Equal-
Industrial Revolution, is
level, to ensure that the
adequately and thus im-
ity – was constitutionally
ensuring its website is up-
commission’s key stra-
pact negatively on human
established to focus on
graded and is accessible
tegic goals are met.
gender equality, dealing
to persons with disabili-
human rights, as services
The commission’s sister
which are linked to rights fail to be delivered on
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
Writer: Jauhara Khan
200 editions of putting people first I
n March 2021,
the publishing of
Vuk’uzenzele celebrates
the 200th edition of
an important milestone:
Vuk’uzenzele is more
the publishing of its 200th
than a celebration for
Since it was first
“This is a celebration
published in October
of underprivileged and
2005, the newspaper has
vulnerable communities
reached millions of South
being able to access
Africans living in rural
information that em-
areas with no access to
powers them to change
government news.
their lives.
Published by Govern-
“This occasion also
ment Communication
celebrates GCIS’s ability
and Information System
to meet its mandate from
(GCIS) twice a month,
1998, which guarantees
Vuk’uzenzele aims to
South Africans the right
help people access
to information that em-
important information on
powers them.”
government programmes
With over 254 million
and policies, provide
copies of Vuk’uzenzele
work opportunities and
published and distrib-
connect fellow South
uted free of charge since
its launch, Vuk’uzenzele
Access to information GCIS Director-General Phumla Williams says
also has the largest print run in the local print industry. “When we started
Vuk’uzenzele we wanted
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
portunities, which opens doors for unemployed citizens, says Williams. “We understand that many people are unemployed and cannot afford to buy newspapers, which carry many government jobs. “We reached out to departments to advertise in Vuk’uzenzele because it is a free newspaper people that motivate
and reaches a wide audi-
anyone who might be
ence. Our ideal is to get
thinking, ‘What do I do
all government depart-
with my life?'.
ments to advertise in
“A young person may read the newspaper and
see someone who has
Digital footprint
started a green pepper
Williams says the future
farm. When they see
of Vuk’uzenzele includes
that story it helps them
plans to increase its
realise that they are also
digital footprint and to
capable of doing it.
continue listening to the
“Vuk’uzenzele also
it to reach those in rural
We needed to make sure
communities. One of the
we provided a publica-
gives readers information
issues we had to grapple
tion that is easy to read,
on how to get help to
what readers want. Our
with was how to make
accessible, inclusive and
improve their lives. South
readers must tell us more
this publication acces-
talks to the reader,” she
Africans want to know
about the stories they
sible. How do we make
how to help themselves,
would like to read, like
but many often don’t
stories about land or
know how or where to
agriculture or the Fourth
sure we have a version of
needs of its readers. “It is helpful to hear
the newspaper for those
Changing lives
who can’t read English?
Williams says over the
begin. We have managed
Industrial Revolution. We
years she has witnessed
to provide government
need to give readers the
ble in part in all 11 official
how Vuk’uzenzele has
information and respond
opportunity to have their
languages and Braille.
changed lives.
to the needs of South
say and find out how
they are consuming our
“Vuk’uzenzele is availa-
It is the only newspaper
“What is exciting about
that has been able to
Vuk’uzenzele is that it
Vuk’uzenzele also car-
respond to that need.
tells stories about real
ries government job op-
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
content,” she adds.
Writer: Kgaogelo Letsebe
Mthethwa is an empowerment powerhouse
s the Chief Ex-
became clear to my sib-
ecutive Officer
lings and I that we lived
of the National
in different worlds, one
Empowerment Fund
poor and black and the
(NEF), Philisiwe Mtheth-
other, white and rich.
wa is at the forefront
“From discussions at
of growing black par-
home, my political con-
ticipation in the economy
sciousness deepened,
through financial and
and by the time I went
non-financial support,
to university, it was long
and by promoting a
clear to me that when
culture of savings and
freedom finally arrives,
investment among black
change would have to
happen in the economic
Her passion for creat-
sphere,” she says.
ing an equal economic
Mthethwa adds that in
stance in the country is
her early working years
not new; it started when
at the South African Re-
she was a youngster.
serve Bank as a senior
“The realisation first
analyst in the Supervi-
four black professionals.
dawned on me as a
sion Department, she
It was a culture shock.
discovery was that
child, whenever our
realised that not much
The internal directory
many of the white Afri-
parents would take us
had changed.
virtually had no black
kaner males were either
relatives, their parents
to town. It gradually
“I was among the only
“Another alarming
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
had gone to university
Minister of Trade and
together or they shared
Industry Alec Erwin to
one connection or the
play a leading role in
to be effective, to enable
implementation of BEE
other. I felt like I was an
the conceptualisation,
its effective implementa-
transactions,” Mthethwa
outsider. That is when
formulation and finalisa-
tion, it should be sup-
points out.
my resolve to work in
tion of the government’s
ported by government
the service of transfor-
Broad-based Black
through making capital
mation took root.”
Economic Empower-
and resources available,”
Being at the helm of
ment (B-BBEE) Strategy,
adds Mthethwa.
the NEF has brought
Defining moments
poverty. “For the B-BBEE Act
employed in transaction structuring and
the BEE Act, the various
She says that lack
Mthethwa much joy.
sector-charters and the
of access to adequate
Mandated to grow
While employed at
Code of Good Practice
capital has proven to be
black economic par-
the now Department
on BEE.
an impediment to policy
ticipation across the
of Trade, Industry and
“My path was set, my
implementation and has
country, the NEF has
Competition (the dtic)
vocation had been de-
resulted in considerable
approved in excess
as Chief Director for
cided and it has been a
value leakages in the
R10.9 billion across all
Black Economic Em-
privilege to serve in the
BEE transactions that
sectors of the economy
powerment (BEE),
quest for our country’s
have been concluded to
since 2005.
Mthethwa was invited
economic liberation,”
date and a lack of con-
by the then Minister
she says.
solidation of the moni-
supported in excess of
toring and evaluation
103 081 jobs.
Phumzile Mlambo the Department of
Challenges of B-BBEE
Minerals and Energy,
Eighteen years after the
to serve on a task team
Ngcuka, who headed
capacity of the B-BBEE Commission.
She says the fund has
“We derive incredible joy when we visit our
“For example, prac-
investees to see South
implementation of the
tices such as transfer
Africans hard at work,
that conceptualised
B-BBEE, it would seem
pricing have the effect
knowing that each per-
and crafted the Mining
South Africa is still bat-
of shifting profits from
son supports between
tling to achieve broader
one entity to the other,
five and 10 dependents.
economic participation
where those entities
That, for us, is the fuel
formative period in my
and inclusion of black
would not have a com-
that keeps us ener-
career, where I felt that
people in the economic
mon shareholding.
I was doing something
“This was a critical and
“It undermines the
Recently, the NEF in
“The black majority are
objectives of trans-
partnership with the
the pursuit of economic
still largely excluded and
formation because
dtic, established an Eco-
exploited, where they
the real value in these
nomic Distress Fund to
“After the work on
contend against high
transactions accruing to
provide concessionary
the Mining Charter,
inequality, unemploy-
black people is diluted
business loans to black-
I was tasked by then
ment and high levels of
when this practice is
owned and -managed
meaningful and direct in
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
enterprises that are un-
Against this backdrop,
form of loan and equity
proval, and even better,
der financial distress as
the fund will support
and a maximum interest
when funds have been
a result of the Coronavi-
black companies in
rate of 2.5% will apply.”
disbursed. The knowl-
rus Disease (COVID-19)
accordance with the
Mthethwa says the
edge that we are elevat-
legislated mandate of
work of the NEF is es-
ing the dignity of people
the NEF, to mitigate the
sentially to help make
and their ability to take
recovery, sustain exist-
challenges that have
dreams come true.
our country forward, is
ing jobs and improve
been caused by the
“You must see the joy
productive capacity,
ongoing pandemic.
when applicants receive
The aim is to aid their
says Mthethwa.
“Funding will be in the
the reward of patriots,” she says.
the good news of ap-
“The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the South African
About Philisiwe Mthethwa
economy and placed
Mthethwa has seven siblings and her parents were school principals. Her older
the livelihoods of busi-
sister, Phumi Gwala, is South Africa’s Ambassador to Argentina, while her older
nesses and employees
brother, S’fiso Buthelezi, is the former Deputy Minister of Finance and currently
at stake.
the Chairperson of Parliament’s Standing Committee on Appropriations.
“Black businesses,
Mthethwa holds a BA Economics degree from the University of the North; a
which historically have
French Language Diploma from the Institute of Languages, France; Maitriseen
been constrained by
science economique (equivalent to an MSc Economics), from the University
the lack of access to
Paris 2, in Sorbonne, France (thesis not defended); and a Master of Business
affordable capital, have
Administration in Corporate Finance from the University of Sheffield, United
been dealt a particularly
heavy blow,” she adds.
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
What will people say?
There is no excuse for abuse. Police: 10111 Stop Gender Violence: 0800 150 150 Childline: 0800 055 555
People can only help if they know. TELL SOMEONE.
Violence and abuse are poison to society. Let’s make it stop.
Writer: Silusapho Nyanda
5G opens new tech frontiers F
ifth generation
5G technologies can
cancer, skin and ocular
man, the CSIR’s senior
cellular technolo-
play a significant role in
effects, male infertility
researcher in the Next
gies (5G) have the
developing technologi-
and the mutation and
Generation Health Unit.
potential to develop State
cal innovations, such as
spread of the Coronavirus
capacity and communica-
smart cities.
Disease (COVID-19).
tion services for the public.
According to the
Despite the many ben-
“5G technologies have been rolled out in several
“Many of these sup-
countries globally. Many
efits of 5G, there is wide-
posed health threats
countries and regions
Council for Scientific
spread speculation that
are unfounded and are
that do not have 5G
and Industrial Research
5G technologies pose a
based on pseudoscience,
technologies have had
(CSIR) chief researcher
range of health threats
misinformation and fake
significant COVID-19 in-
Dr Fisseha Mekuria,
to humans, including
news,” says Dr Essa Sule-
fections. Therefore, there
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
is no correlation between
cost of using the inter-
affordable broadband to
5G distribution and
net, spectrum sharing
be integrated with 5G,”
over wireless networks
COVID-19 distribution,”
between 4G and 5G and
says Dr Mekuria.
has become important
says Dr Suleman.
hologram communica-
“When you look at the
tion, among other things.
Technological developments
“Data communication
because people want to access their banking information, enter-
World Health Organisa-
It can also be used
tion’s dashboard, which
in education, as online
5G technology is the
tainment and different
tracks COVID-19 globally,
education becomes a
result of technological
types of information via
you will see that many
more common feature in
developments which
their smartphones. This
parts of the world that
our lives.
started in 1987, with 1G.
implies that we have to
1G was a more analogue-
increase the bandwidth,” says Dr Mekuria.
have no significant 5G
He explains URLLC
deployment still have
will help meet the
based wireless connec-
a significant number
performance demands
tion, with speeds of up to
of COVID-19 cases,” he
of industrial automa-
900 megahertz (MHz).
technology can provide
tion processes, such as
This was followed by
two gigabits of data per
He adds that 5G
Dr Mekuria adds that
those needed in drones,
the development of the
second and can process
all wireless technology
robotics and self-driving
2G network, with a con-
high volumes of data at
standards are highly
nectivity speed of 2.8 gi-
high speeds, for things
regulated, with checks
mMTC is about con-
gahertz (GHz). 2G, much
such controlling self-
and balances in place.
necting smart sensors.
like 1G, was designed for
driving cars.
Dr Mekuria says such
voice connections but
“The other application
technologies can have
had a broader range.
of 5G is the smart city ap-
Reducing costs 5G is built around three
real-life applications for
The development of 3G
plication, where there is a
technology standards,
eHealth systems, preci-
introduced the considera-
lot of machine-type com-
namely enhanced mobile
sion farming and smart
tion of data in network
munication or internet of
broadband (eMBB),
things. We can put a lot
ultra-reliable and avail-
These applications can
3G was created with
of sensors out in cities, utilities and industries.”
able low-latency network
be made possible when
a connectivity speed of
communications (URLLC)
there are smart networks,
2.1 GHz. The 4G network
and massive machine-
smart sensor networks
was primarily built for
able to get real-time data
type communications
and low-power radios
using data and encom-
and information will allow
that are embedded in 5G
passes features such as
for the optimisation of
network standards.
LTE connectivity. It has a
utilities and resources.
Dr Mekuria says eMBB will enable the move
“In low-income econo-
towards reducing the
mies, we have pushed for
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
Dr Mekuria says being
connectivity ability of 2.6 GHz.
Writer: Daniel Bugan
Pioneering costeffective solutions through technology T “It is paramount in the
Technology and Innova-
head of technology and
optimal management of
tion Integrated Platforms:
ment Association
innovation at SALGA, who
drinking water quality and
Non-sewered sanita-
(SALGA) is working on an
is overseeing the initiative.
effluent discharge, and in
tion: The key focus
minimising pollution and
is on the promotion
ensuring the provision of
of non-water borne
cost-effective water and
sanitation, includ-
he South African
ties, says William Moraka,
Local Govern-
initiative that has the potensanitation sector in South
Embracing technology
According to Moraka,
sanitation services to
ing the promotion of
the initiative came about
the end consumer,” says
developed standards
SALGA launched the
after a research project by
for such. SALGA is also
Integrated Water and San-
SALGA on how munici-
While in the past the
itation Technology and
palities use technologies
focus has been on find-
and other key stake-
Innovation 7 Platforms
in their water and waste-
ing solutions to policy,
holders, particularly the
initiative in conjunction
water treatment facilities.
institutional, financial and
Bill and Melinda Gates
with the Water Research
It emerged that 44% of
regulatory challenges, this
Foundation, to explore
has now changed.
the deployment of
tial to change the water and
In September 2020,
Commission (WRC).
those 18 test sites used in-
working with the WRC
appropriate technologies.
“In essence, technology
Settlements, Water and
These findings prompted
and innovation have now
technological options.
Sanitation and Coopera-
SALGA to look at ways to
taken centre stage as a
It is anticipated that the
tive Governance and Tra-
help municipalities em-
result of new ways of do-
deployment of non-
ditional Affairs provided
brace technology innova-
ing water business.”
sewered sanitation will
tion and to be aware of
The Ministries of Human
The initiative’s objec-
cost-effective solutions.
non-sewered sanitation
limit volumes treated at
treatment facilities.
tive is to unearth proven
“Innovation should be
Currently Moraka, in col-
Resource recov-
and emerging water and
part of the new normal.
laboration with stakehold-
ery: Using devel-
sanitation technologies
It should be part of our
ers, is hard at work in tak-
oped guidelines in
within the sector and to
ingredients in a quest of
ing forward the following
the management of
introduce it to municipali-
improving service delivery.
solutions as part of the
digesters to harvest
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
biogas to energy, as
for COVID-19 in our
well as improving
wastewater facilities.
energy management at
Non-revenue water
wastewater treatment
simulation training
facilities. Convention-
facility: This facility
ally, these facilities
uses new technologi-
were designed to solely
cal innovation to detect
treat drinking water
leaks illegal connec-
and effluent discharge.
However, through
The facility was con-
technological inter-
structed with the sup-
ventions, by-products
port of the Japanese
such as biogas, water
International Coopera-
reuse, hydro power and
tion Agency and the
sludge to fertiliser have
Department of Water
been harvested. Of
and Sanitation.
significant importance
The purpose of the
is the use of energy
facility is to practically
harvested from biogas
train municipalities in
water-scarce country
“It will help reduce the
to power the plants in
the management of
such as South Africa.
cost of doing business. In
the event of loadshed-
non-revenue water by
simulating a typical
National Coronavirus
water business in mu-
Moraka says that these
livering water and ensure
Disease (COVID-19)
interventions are at vari-
correct costing and pric-
surveillance: SALGA
Water saving device:
ous stages of implemen-
ing,” he explains.
and member munici-
SALGA, working with
tation. SALGA is also in
palities are part of the
the WRC, piloted the
the process of securing
benefited from these in-
National COVID-19
AquaTrip in Gauteng
additional partners to help
terventions include eThek-
Wastewater Surveil-
schools and saved
deploy these interventions
wini and Tshwane (non-
lance Initiative that
substantial water costs.
at scale.
sewered sanitation); City
seeks to monitor COV-
The technology cuts off
ID-19 in our wastewa-
water in the event of
implement these seven
biogas to energy har-
ter facilities. SALGA
a leak or in situations
platforms it will bring a
vesting); and Mopani, JB
is part of a network of
where a tap is left run-
great deal of change in
Marks and Ekurhuleni
scientists, engineers
ning unattended. These
terms of how we run our
(trained on non-revenue
and municipalities
types of interventions
water business in this
water technology and in-
that constantly test
were necessary in a
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
“If we are to successfully
other words, it will help minimise the cost of de-
Municipalities that have
of Cape Town (trained on
Writer: Kgaogelo Letsebe
Partnership set to boost 4IR T he Council for Sci-
huge and compelling task
and executive chairperson of
entific and Industrial
of ensuring that our country
the World Economic Forum
Research (CSIR) and
does not miss out on the
(WEF) – in Pretoria in 2018,
gains of the 4IR.”
is a hub for public-private
tech company Siemens are pulling together to hasten
collaboration to shape the de-
Fourth Industrial Revolution
egy requires it to work closely
velopment and application of
(4IR) adaptation in South
with the private sector to to
emerging technologies.
use science and technology
A recently signed memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the two will see the
Speaking at the time, Prof
to fast-track digital skills of the
Schwab said the centre
would be one of many across
“To achieve this, the organi-
the globe.
country acquire much-needed
sation is leveraging emerging
“The centres are looking at
critical, technical and digital
technologies, especially those
eight different technologies,
skills for the local workforce.
rooted in the 4IR, as well as
such as artificial intelligence,
According to the CSIR, the
its current capabilities and
blockchain, drone technology,
MoU is meant to foster techni-
those of its partners,” says Dr
big data, precision medicine
cal and vocational education
and so on, to develop the
and training (TVET), particuquality of job profiles and in so
Accelerating digitisation
doing improve employability.
As part of the partnership,
larly in 4IR, to enhance the
CSIR CEO Dr Thulani Dlami-
Siemens will now be a part of
necessary policies and regulations around these technologies which can be applied internationally,” he said. “Through partnerships with
ni says the venture is part of
the South Africa Centre for
the CSIR and the Department
efforts to promote partner-
the Fourth Industrial Revolu-
of Science and Technology
ships between the private and
tion (C4IR-SA) hosted by the
(now Department of Sci-
public sector to respond to the
ence and Innovation), we are
needs of industry. “We are very pleased to join hands with Siemens in this
He adds that the CSIR strat-
The C4IR-SA, which was
hoping that this effort will be
initially launched by Profes-
advanced. Of course South
sor Klaus Schwab – founder
Africa is the place to be as it
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
has proven to be a gateway into Africa as a whole,” he added.
4IR roadmap
“The plan will include detailed interventions to be carried out in order to achieve global
In a bid to align with the WEF
competitiveness through ad-
network of centres, Siemens
dressing national developmen-
has developed a comprehen-
tal imperatives in key economic
sive South Africa 4IR roadmap,
sectors like agriculture, finance,
which will empower the country
mining, manufacturing and ICT,”
to seize the opportunities of
he says.
digitalisation while upskilling
The Minister adds that
the local workforce and creating
changes are also needed in
new high-quality jobs.
TVET education.
“Siemens is proud to partner
“We want to see a change
with the CSIR on this initiative
where we have students coming
and is ready to deliver on the
to college as apprentices in the
4IR roadmap.
workplace, as opposed to an
“Our goal as a company is to make sure that while we focus
academically-based model. “In addition I intend availing
on continuously adapting, we’re
some government resources to
also contributing to uplifting
support and harness innova-
and building a sustainable
tion in the TVET college sector
economy,” says Siemens South-
through, amongst other things,
ern and Eastern Africa CEO,
the establishment of technology
Sabine Dall’Omo.
stations in colleges.”
Country strategy on 4IR
Dr Dlamini says 4IR has the potential to create highquality employment opportuni-
The acceleration of the digitisa-
ties across industries if South
tion has been top of the govern-
Africans are strategically skilled
ment’s agenda.
in future-oriented jobs.
Minister of Higher Educa-
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
ed country strategy on 4IR.
“Our partnership with Siemens
tion, Science and Innovation Dr
will foster vocational education
Blade Nzimande says govern-
and training on critical technical
ment is developing an integrat-
and digital skills,” he adds.
Writer: Reneé Fortune
Dine in with SA’s finest foodies G
raze your way from
flakes, black pepper, etc.
sunrise to sunset
• 2 cups cake flour, sifted
with these delectable
• 2 tsp baking powder
recipes, courtesy of a few of our country’s leading food influenc-
ers, bloggers and authors.
Preheat oven to 180°C, grease a muffin tray and dust lightly
Breakfast by Ilhaam
with flour. Add the corn, eggs,
oil, milk, sugar, salt, cheese,
basil and spring onion into a
bowl as well as other season-
This gastronomic specialist
ing if desired.
hosts a blog inspired by her
Sift the flour and baking
penchant for feeding her “hun-
powder into the bowl and fold
gry husband,” and oh, does she
into wet ingredients. Scoop
do it well.
mixture into a muffin tray and bake for 20 minutes until
Savoury sweetcorn muffins
golden brown on top.
would equal roughly 4 full
• 2 cups, corn kernels
Tip: 2 cups of corn kernels
• 2 eggs • 1/2 cup oil
Lunch with Melissa Delport
• 1 cup milk
• 2 tsp sugar
• 1 tsp salt
As a holistic health coach,
• 1/2 cup grated cheese
Delport has authored two
• A few basil leaves
cookbooks, WHOLE – Bowl
• 1 spring onion
Food for Balance and HEAL
• Seasoning of choice – chilli
– Begin with Food.
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
• 1 medium pepper, chopped • 2 to 4 chicken breasts • Half a cup Inkomazi • ½ tsp turmeric powder; • 1 tsp ground coriander powder • ½ tsp red chilli powder • Salt to taste Directions: Defrost and wash the chicken breasts. In a medium mixing bowl, mix
Beer steamed mussel pot
work with them. Slice the
seal the pot. Pop the
the Inkomazi, turmeric,
baguette and butter both
mussels into the oven for
chilli powder, salt and
20 minutes to steam, or
ground coriander. Mix
• ½ brown onion,
Place a medium frying
until the shells begin to
well and let it sit for 10
pan over medium to high
pop open. For the last five
• 1 tsp coconut oil
heat, and add the coco-
minutes, add the baguette
• 1 garlic clove, minced
nut oil and onions. Fry the
to the oven until toasted.
• ½ red pepper, sliced
onions until soft (about
• 2 red chillies, finely
five minutes).
chopped (optional)
Add the garlic, red pep-
• 1 tsp honey
per and chilli and fry for a
• 500g of the best qual-
Drain the chicken, add it to the Inkomazi mixture and allow it to marinate
Dinner is served by Kalpesh Dullabh @foodiewhippedsa
for at least 20 minutes. Heat a pan on medium heat with some olive oil.
further five minutes. Add
Add onion and peppers
ity mussels you can
the honey and fry for a
and sauté until translu-
further minute.
As a proudly South
• Handful of coriander
Add the mussels to a
African foodie, Dullabh
Once done, layer the
• 330ml beer
cast iron pot – if you do
takes pride in presenting
bottom of a baking dish
• 1 small baguette
not have one, any oven-
authentically homegrown
with the sautéed on-
• Herb butter
proof dish with a lid will
meals made with locally
ion and peppers. Add
do. Add the onion and red
available ingredients.
the marinated chicken
pepper mix on top of the
Preheat oven to 200°C.
Defrost the mussels and
Once everything has
breasts and pour in the
Inkomazi ovengrilled chicken
remaining marinade. In a pre-heated oven,
put them in the fridge
been added to the pot,
bake the chicken for
until you are ready to
top with 330ml beer and
• 1 red onion, sliced
about 20 to 25 minutes at
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
200°C until cooked and golden brown. Garnish with fresh coriander and serve with rice or naan bread. Anyone for dessert with Bathandwa Nkambule? @theearthycook Nkambule is a multi-talented stylist, yogi and activist and culinary creative with a knack for transforming ordinary meals into beauty on a plate.
Chocolate truffles Ingredients: • 2 slabs vegan chocolate • 2 tsp vanilla essence • 2 tsp cocoa powder or Milo • 1 handful of nuts of your choice • ½ cup vegan fresh cream • ½ handful hemp seeds • Chilli flakes (optional) • Milo (optional • Desiccated coconut (optional) Method: Place a small pot of boiling water over high heat and on top of the pot, place an enamel or ovenproof bowl. Break the chocolate into pieces and place it on top of the heating bowl. Slowly mix the chocolate as it melts. Add vanilla essence and cream and continue stirring until well combined. If you want to make it darker and richer, add cocoa powder. When it’s all mixed, place in a bowl and refrigerate until it is hard and set (preferably four hours or overnight). Scoop out small amounts of the mixture and roll them into balls using your palms. Crush the nuts and lay them on a placemat or board along with the hemp seeds and cocoa powder. Roll the truffles onto your ingredients until coated. Let them set in the fridge for 30 minutes or more. Serve as is or with ice-cream.
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
Compiled by: Nicholas Francis
Workout wardrobe essentials W
hether you are working out at home or the gym, it is important to feel comfortable and have the right gear. This gear should be practical too! Here are some items to add
to your workout wardrobe.
1. REDX reversible crop top, R70, available at Mr Price Sport. 2. Nike Curve swoosh run tights, R849, available at Superbalist. 3. Adidas Novamotion shoes, R1 299 available at Adidas. 4. Edition layered wrap blend vest, R129, available at Woolworths. 5. Puma x First Mile Xtreme training jacket, R1 020 available, at Puma.
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
1. Puma depth white T-shirt, R349.95, available at Puma. 2. UA Vanish woven shorts, R699, available at Under Armour. 3. Adidas Essentials wind pants, R799, available at Adidas. 4. Nike MC trainer shoes, R1299.95, available at Nike. 5. REDX active hoodie, R189.99, available at Mr Price.
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
Writer: Gilda Narsimdas
Find some order A
little bit of organisation can go long way, whether
it is in your office, bathroom or the kids’ room. Decluttering these spaces will leave you feeling
less overwhelmed and help you locate items easily. We’ve found some nifty products to help you achieve this.
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
1. The Desk Buddy from local brand Emerging Creatives will be your best friend when
piece ceramic set, available from zando.
in the house, available from,, R169.
it comes to organising your workspace.
4. Use this magnetic planner with A3 sized
It has designated spots for your phone,
tear-off sheets to keep your daily sched-
a yellow smiley penholder is the way to
watch, keys and pens. Available at emerg-
ules and to-do lists clearly visible, Typo,
go. It can also double up as storage for, R299.
your makeup or makeup brushes, Typo,
2. Foldable, stackable storage shelves that
5. Short on kitchen space? This innovative
7. If you’re looking to brighten up your days,
are perfect for storing stationery, toys or
design by Joseph Joseph makes use of
books. They are available at Typo in three
the space underneath your shelves with a
rectly, away from sunlight, for their own
sizes, R99 for the small, R149 for the midi
handy pull-out compartment that holds up
preservation, like onions and potatoes.
and R199 for the large.
to seven spice jars,, R459.
These hessian bags from KitchenCraft are
3. Organise your bathroom essentials in a jiffy with the stylish Eco Lifestyle fourPublic Sector Manager • March 2021
6 . This trendy, gold multi-purpose storage tray from JAVING is perfect for any room
8. Some food items need to be stored cor-
dark but breathable to ensure these items stay fresh,, R299.
Writers: Duane Stacey and Jill Langley Images: Bevan and Jill Langley
Five days with the Big Five
This is the setting we found ourselves in while spending five glorious days in KwaZulu-Natal – waking up on our rocky perch above the iMfolozi River, where we'd sheltered like a troop of baboons against the dangers of the dark. Five incredible days on foot in Big Five territory, walking game paths and exploring the hidden reaches of the iMfolozi Wilderness Area by day and at night, bivouacking under the star-studded night sky with fellow trailists and our guides from
the Wilderness Leadership School.
he sun rises, orange and red against
of the bushveld. The smell
Conservation history
of campfire smoke mingles
Established by Dr Ian
with the sweetness of dry
Player in 1957, the Wilder-
winter grass, all of it carried
ness Leadership School
on the crisp early morning
forms part of an impres-
sive conservation history.
the dusty horizon
You snuggle deeper into
Wilderness areas pro-
your sleeping bag, relish-
vide spaces for people to
ing the last few moments
connect with the environ-
of warmth and that sense
the fire grate convince you
low for any wild animals
ment, and one of South
of peace that comes from
that it is time to emerge
that might be having a
Africa's first proclaimed
sleeping out under the
from your cocoon.
stars. Quiet voices and the clang of the coffee pot on
morning drink, hoping
wilderness areas was
As you sit up and rub
that the lions you heard
in the iMfolozi Game
the sleep from your eyes,
calling in the night might
you scan the riverbed be-
still be around.
This reserve was also
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
the site where the efforts of Dr Player and others
reset. Immersed in nature and
a light during the darkest hours of the night.
saved South Africa's white
bathed by the natural
rhino population from the
rhythms of life in the bush,
fast we set out for the day.
Tales from the bush
brink of extinction in the
one can't help but feel a
Walking single file along
In the evenings, the warm
deep sense of peace and
game paths, our eyes and
campfire glow would draw
After a warming break-
purpose returning, as well
ears were on the lookout
us all into a cosy huddle
Dr Player and his friend
as an appreciation for
for animals in the bush.
as our guide, Mandla,
Magqubu Ntombela, the
the sustaining power of
mission of the Wilderness
nature itself.
Continuing the legacy of
We had complete faith in our guides, who used
regaled us with tales from the bush. He would tell of an
Leadership School is to
On the trail, our days
their vast experience to
reconnect people with
took on a gentle rhythm
open the secrets of the
elephant that came and
punctuated by the tasks
wilderness to us – the
rested its head on the
essential for survival –
45-degree angle that a
elevated rock that a previ-
distractions of modern
collecting and sterilising
browsing black rhino cuts
ous group had chosen for
life, trailists on a wilder-
drinking water from the
the twigs and branches
their night's camp, or a
ness walk have the unique
river or gathering fire-
it eats or the evening
lioness that wandered into
opportunity to refresh and
wood for cooking and for
scratching post of a
camp unnoticed by the
Removed from the
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
There is nothing like the rawness and peace
for the trail, including
of being immersed in
sleeping bags.
wilderness to offer a fresh
Trailists are expected to
perspective and to re-
help carry, prepare and
energise you. How often
cook meals as a group, as
do you get the chance to
well as perform other dai-
detox from life's distrac-
ly tasks such as collecting
tions and reconnect with
firewood and drinking
water, and standing guard for one or two hours dur-
night watchman stand-
trailists – there's some-
What you need to know before you go
ing guard. Somehow,
thing about relying on one
The Wilderness Leader-
including the iMfolozi
he'd always be sure to
another for survival that
ship School offers three-
Wilderness Area or the
end the evening with a
will do that to a group.
or five-day trails. Because
iSimangaliso Wetland
Peaceful evenings
of the inherent risk associ-
Park Wilderness Area.
story like that, just before
ing night watches. Trails can be undertaken in six different locations,
wishing us goodnight and
around the campfire or
ated with being on foot
Check the Wilderness
promptly falling asleep,
under the shade of an
in the wild, these trails
Leadership School’s web-
leaving us to our sleeping
acacia by day provided
are not suitable for young
site for updated informa-
bags and the dark.
plenty of opportunities for
tion on trail availability
Over the five-day trail a
bonding and a chance for
Trails are all inclusive.
wonderful camaraderie
self-reflection and intro-
Trailists are provided with
developed among us
all equipment necessary
at www.wildernesstrails.
Public Sector Manager • March 2021
What would people have said?
There is no excuse for abuse. Police: 10111 Stop Gender Violence: 0800 150 150 Childline: 0800 055 555
People can only help if they know. TELL SOMEONE.
Violence and abuse are poison to society. Let’s make it stop.