Budget 2022 Prioritising inclusive growth
Innovative ideas Public Service excellence celebrated
MARCH 2022
Human Rights Month Social cohesion top of the agenda
Celebrating innovation in the public sector
Public servants shine with innovative solutions to service delivery challenges at the 19th Public Sector Innovation
March 2022
Awards 12
Budget 2022: Saving lives and livelihoods
The Budget Speech reflects government’s commitment to provide support to vulnerable citizens, provide relief to
businesses and grow the 20
Conversations with leaders Sport, Arts and Culture
From the Union Buildings
Minister Nathi Mthethwa
President Cyril Ramaphosa
outlines how Human Rights
calls for a durable and lasting
Month commemorations will
resolution to the conflict in
contribute to social cohesion
are collaborating to ensure
and nation-building
that compensation spending
Work underway to stabilise public sector wage bill
Government departments
remains affordable
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
Public Sector Manager THE MAGAZINE FOR PUBLIC SECTOR DECISION-MAKERS Publishers: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Enquiries: +27 012 473 0010 Switchboard: +27 012 473 0000 Tshedimosetso House: 1035 Francis Baard Street (corner Festival Street), Hatfield, Pretoria Private Bag X745, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001 Director-General Phumla Williams Deputy Director-General: Corporate Services Nomonde Mnukwa Deputy Director-General: Intergovernmental Coordination & Stakeholder Management Michael Currin Deputy Director-General: Content Processing & Dissemination Regomoditswe Mavimbela
Acting Head of Editorial and Production Elias Tibane Managing Editor Irene Naidoo News Editor Irene Naidoo
SA gears up
26 Decisive
for investment
leadership needed in
local govt
As the country
President Cyril
Digitally connecting South Africa
Government’s South Africa Connect project
prepares for the
Ramaphosa urges
aims to bridge the
fourth South Africa
local government
digital divide and
leaders to ensure the
advance the digital
Conference, we reflect
work they do makes a
on the investments
difference in people’s
pledged at previous
Contributors More Matshediso Silusapho Nyanda Jauhara Khan GCIS Photographic Unit Elmond Jiyane Ntswe Mokoena Siyabulela Duda Kopano Tlape Busisiwe Malungwane Graphic Designers Tendai Gonese Benny Kubjana
© Copyright: GCIS
Grooming and style Make fitness fashionable
Food and wine The country’s finest: SA’s award-winning wines Public Sector Manager • March 2022
Budget 2022: Responsible public spending needed
Mondli Gungubele, Minister in The Presidency.
s a develop-
If our hearts are in the
government’s plans and
Recovery Plan will be
ing country, the
right place, if we have
projects, we must com-
accelerated, particularly
cost of South
integrity and if we commit
mit to continuous learn-
in electricity, rail, ports
Africa’s socio-economic
to upholding the values
ing and the profession-
and telecommunications.
needs is far greater than
and principles of good
alisation of our sector.
Economic develop-
the amount in govern-
governance articulated in
The annual budget
ment expenditure will
ment’s coffers. This reality
Section 195 of the Con-
reflects the country’s
increase at an average
reinforces the responsibil-
stitution of the Republic
socio-economic policy
annual rate of 8.5% over
ity of the Public Service
of South Africa of 1996,
priorities. It is care-
the next few years, from
to ensure that every cent
the Public Service will be-
fully constructed, but if
R201 billion in 2021/22 to
of public money is used
come more transparent,
programmes that receive
R256 billion in 2024/25.
wisely and responsibly.
responsive, accountable
a slice of the available
We owe this to the
and efficient in the use of
money flounder, govern-
ed that public-private
ment is failing the peo-
partnerships will create
ple – and losing respect.
additional funding for
working people who deserve to know that
More clean audits will
In addition, it is expect-
what they pay in taxes is
be achieved, procurement
indeed used to improve
will be done more re-
Budget gives the Public
lives and build a sustain-
sponsibly, and there will
Service much to work
munities will ben-
able future.
be less underspending
with. It lays the founda-
efit from better roads,
on capital expenditure.
tion for economic growth
schools, bridges, water
ployed and vulnerable
As a result, there will be
and fiscal sustainability.
and sewage systems,
who need to know that
more infrastructure build
A provisional allocat-
and from the resultant
their basic needs will be
and more community
ion of R17.5 billion has
met and an environment
facilities, more oversight
been made over the
will be created in which
of projects, less corrup-
Medium Term Expendi-
towards economic
doors of opportunity open
tion and, ultimately, more
ture Framework for
growth, public servants
for them.
public trust in govern-
catalytic infrastructure
have the opportunity to
ment’s ability to get
projects, while critical
see the tangible results
things done.
structural reforms con-
of their hard work, as lives
tained in the Economic
are changed and futures
Reconstruction and
made more promising.
We owe it to the unem-
The responsibility that rests on us may sound overwhelming, but this
To ensure continued
need not be the case.
excellence in executing
The 2022 National
infrastructure projects. This means that com-
job creation. With a budget geared
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
Advancing human rights
Phumla Williams, GCIS Director-General.
n recent months, Presi-
rights – including cyberbul-
projects are completed that
dent Cyril Ramaphosa
lying and revenge porn.
give communities more
man rights advancements
basic rights, such as the
honour the brave men and
has signed into law
The Protection of Personal
These and other hu-
three pieces of legislation
Information Act of 2013
completion of vital commu-
women who defended their
to strengthen efforts to end
gives effect to the constitu-
nity infrastructure, including
freedom in Sharpeville 62
gender-based violence and
tional right to privacy.
schools and clinics.
years ago – and in so doing,
femicide (GBVF).
These developments are a
In addition, President
The Presidential Employ-
helped pave the way for a
Ramaphosa decided to
ment Stimulus programmes
democratic country and a
huge gain for fundamental
make the Judicial Commis-
have created over 850 000
much-praised Constitution
human rights and a warn-
sion of Inquiry into State
job opportunities since
and Bill of Rights.
ing that the violation of
Capture Report public, giv-
2000 – and are ongoing,
people’s rights will not be
ing South Africans insight
restoring the dignity of peo-
calls on all public serv-
into the corruption that has
ple previously unable to put
ants to take stock of our
plagued our country and
bread on their tables.
achievements and reflect
The Social Relief of
on our shortcomings as a
The implementation of these laws will help to
those who are responsible
ensure that cases are suc-
for it.
cessfully prosecuted and
This is important, because
Distress Grant, which was recently extended to the
Human Rights Day 2022
nation. We have much to
survivors protected, and
corruption undermines
end of March 2023, has
celebrate, including the
that there are more effective
democracy and the rule of
provided support to more
provision of care for the sick
deterrents in place.
law, making it one of the
than 10 million unemployed
and social support for the
biggest threats to basic
vulnerable, but with many
Other human rights advancements made in the
human rights. The strides
past years are the introduc-
made by government to
advanced stage to bring
and having unequal access
tion of the Cybercrimes
end corruption and punish
universal healthcare
to opportunities, we still
Act of 2020, which ena-
wrongdoers, while keeping
coverage to South Africa.
have a long road to walk.
bles people to talk about
the public in the loop, is
Both of these programmes
concerns on social media
heartening indeed.
advance people’s rights to
us all to advance human
healthcare, food and social
rights and build a better,
more inclusive society.
platforms, but criminalises
Progress is being made
the infringement of human
in our country. Each year,
Work is also at an
people still living in poverty
It is the responsibility of
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
innovation in the public sector Maggie Moonsamy and Jongizizwe Ngwenya, who received the Public Sector Innovator of the Year Award for the Gauteng Depar tment of Health’s Central Chronic Medication Dispensar y and Distribution solution.
“Instead of being reduced to mere glitz and glamour as it is often sadly the case, the Public Sector Innovation Awards should be viewed as a critical platform to unearth, demonstrate, showcase and reward innovation in the public sector,” she said.
Boosting service delivery Run by the Centre for Public Service Innovation (CPSI), which falls under the Department of Public Service and Administration, the awards showcase
innovation, and provides ublic servants’ out-
recently at the 19th annual
and Administration, Dr
an opportunity to replicate
standing innovation
Public Sector Innovation
Chana Pilane-Majake,
and mainstream practi-
lauded the innovative
cal solutions to common
spirit of public servants
projects and solu-
tions, created to improve
Speaking at the event
service delivery chal-
at Birchwood Hotel in
who defied the norm in
lenges encountered at the
Ekurhuleni, the Deputy
pursuit of solutions to ser-
ment money from being
coalface, were honoured
Minister of Public Service
vice delivery challenges.
wastefully spent on find-
This prevents govern-
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
ing solutions that already
(COVID-19) pandemic,”
catalytic value of innova-
novation can we find ways
exist, the Deputy Minister
said Deputy Minister
tion in accelerating the
of expediting our service
delivery of services to im-
delivery capacity to deal
prove the lives of citizens
with the triple challenges
in line with Batho Pele.”
[of poverty, inequality and
Innovations replicated
She added that inno-
and mainstreamed in-
vations from the Public
cluded winning projects
Service not only point to
that contributed to en-
the depth of innovation
in health, education and administrative services. One of these is the Sunward Park e-Learning Solution, which was a winner at the 2016
state, the transformative power of innovation needs
The Deputy Minister
to be continually har-
added that through the
nessed to find cost-effec-
influence of the CPSI,
lives in areas
tive ways of adding value
there has been increased
to the existing systems
collaboration among gov-
and practices.
ernment institutions and
a capable, developmental
“The time to impact
which matter
awards. The solution was
most is long
replicated in Katlehong
overdue and
and Reiger Park high schools, through support from the CPSI. According to the Deputy Minister, the solution is
only through
the youth, to fully leverage
delivery capacity, she
innovation as one of the
main building blocks for a
Deputy Minister Pilane-
capable state.
Majake explained that
we find ways of
innovation is integral to
collaboration is not easy,
supporting government’s
it goes hand-in-hand with
service-delivery models,
innovation, and efforts to
such as the District Devel-
expand collaboration with
opment Model (DDM).
citizens and youth should
unique as it integrates all e-learning tools and
service delivery
interactive and intelligent
This will improve service
innovation can expediting our
content through an
ment’s endeavour to build
Collaborating with youth
hanced revenue collection and significant savings
She said in govern-
Introduced in 2019, the DDM is intended to
timetable which acts
She stressed that while
be a priority. Engaging with youth
as the main or landing
and creativity amongst
promote partnerships be-
as the next generation of
screen where users can
public servants, but also
tween the three spheres
public servants and as
access all other tools.
demonstrate the potential
of government, the private
the beneficiaries of public
of innovation to transform
sector and civil society.
services is important, said
It is also an integration platform for the distribution of e-books, digital
government. Innovation helps govern-
The aim is to build the economy and ensure
Deputy Minister PilaneMajake.
and handwritten lessons
ment become a more
inclusive growth and
and assessments.
flexible and agile ma-
development, particularly
futures should be at the
chinery that can adapt its
among communities at
top of our minds when
tion cannot be under-
service-delivery approach
local government level.
drafting policy and inno-
estimated in ensuring
in line with any unex-
that learning continued in these schools during
“The value of this solu-
the Coronavirus Disease
“Their voices and their
“The time to impact citi-
vating. We therefore need
pected eventuality, such
zens’ lives in areas which
to seriously invest in cre-
as COVID-19.
matter most is long over-
ating an innovative culture
due and only through in-
in the public sector.”
“They also highlight the
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
involving the adaptation,
prove the Public Service
The 2021 Trailblazers are:
young innovators like
replication and scaling of
and service delivery.
those here, retain the best
projects for wider impact,
The Government Em-
innovators in the Public
was won by Resource Ef-
ployees Medical Scheme
Service and empower offi-
ficiency (Western Cape).
Health Award also went to
cials who are enthusiastic
The winning initiative
“This will help attract
Mpumalanga Department of Education. •
Johan Pretorius, Free State Department of
the CCMDD.
Correctional Services.
about fulfilling govern-
identified, designed and
ment’s commitment to the
implemented water and
people of South Africa,”
energy efficiency inter-
she said.
ventions to ensure access
Special Ministerial Awards
to a sufficient and safe
Special Ministe-
water supply.
rial Awards recognise
The winners
Nomusa Keninda,
Etienne Van Wyk, Free State Department of Correctional Services.
Audrey Sebeeelo,
institutions and/or
Gauteng eGovern-
Public Sector Innovator
Innovation Harness-
individuals that contrib-
of the Year Award was
ing non-ICT Innovative
ute to improving service
scooped by the Gauteng
Solutions category, which
delivery, but do not fall
Department of Health for
celebrates those who find
within the stringent
its Central Chronic Medi-
new solutions that im-
criteria of the awards’
Gauteng eGovern-
cation Dispensary and
prove citizen experiences
programme. These
Distribution (CCMDD)
and the quality of service
awards went to:
delivery, was won by the
The much-coveted 2021
The Citizen-Focused
Lucy Mbhele, Gauteng eGovernment.
Keletso Rafedile,
Wilhelm Fouche,
Early Childhood
Gauteng Department
The CCMDD is a
Tembisa Hospital Wound
Learning and Devel-
of Health.
web-based platform
Clinic (Gauteng Health).
opment, Gauteng.
The Hackathon Award
Empowering Parents
was won by Hack-A-Ton,
that digitises a patient’s
The award was for hos-
prescription at the public
pital’s innovative use of
of Children with
an all-women team of
health facility and identi-
new technology – a diag-
Autism, Gauteng.
students from the Uni-
fies duplicate prescrip-
nostic device for periph-
ICT Integration in
versity of Johannesburg.
tions or contraindicated
eral artery disease and
an intermittent negative
It also distributes the
pressure therapy machine
digital prescription and
– to improve patient care.
any clinical notes to
The Innovation Harness-
Grade 12 Class•
This award recog-
rooms, Mpumalanga.
nises youth teams who
GEEKULCHA, for the
participated in the
contribution to youth
PSIHACK22 hackathon
digital skills.
to find solutions to
private courier pharma-
ing Technology (ICT and
Public Sector Innovation
improve service delivery
cies, which dispense and
Other Frontier Technolo-
Trailblazers were also
in key areas such as
distribute the patient’s
gies) category, was also
recognised. These pub-
health, education, job
prescription to their cho-
won by the CCMDD. This
lic officials developed
creation and agricul-
sen pick up pharmacy.
category celebrates new
in-house systems and
ture. The winning team
The Replication and
ways of leveraging tech-
solutions or use ICTs to
developed Agr-Ecco to
Adaptation of Innova-
nology, especially Fourth
improve internal
match farmers to poten-
tive Solutions category,
Industrial Revolution-
efficiency or service
tial sectors, markets and
which rewards initiatives
related technology to im-
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
What will the neighbours say?
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People can only help if they know. TELL SOMEONE.
Violence and abuse are poison to society. Let’s make it stop.
Finance Minister Enoc h Godongwana delivers 2022 Budget Speec h.
Budget 2022: Saving lives and livelihoods
Provincial health departments have been allocated an additional R15.6 billion to support their response to COVID-19, and to bridge shortfalls in essential goods and services. The police also received a major boost, with
he 2022 Budget
funding for businesses af-
trillion to the social wage
R8.7 billion added to its
Speech was a
fected by the Coronavirus
to support vulnerable and
delicate balance
Disease (COVID-19) and
low-income households.
of saving lives and liveli-
infrastructure invest-
This is approximately 60%
ening the resourcing of
hoods, while also promot-
ments, among others.
of non-interest spending,”
the justice system and
he said.
our courts. In this regard,
ing inclusive growth. Delivering his maiden
“In this budget, we are taking steps to support
“We are also strength-
The Minister announced
the budget of the Depart-
Budget Speech in
education, health, the
an additional R32.6 billion
ment of Justice and Con-
Parliament, Cape Town
fight against crime and
for financial support to
stitutional Development
recently, Finance Minis-
corruption, and to im-
current bursary holders
is increased by R1.1 billion,
ter Enoch Godongwana
prove capital investment,
and first-year students
while the Office of the
announced increased
amongst others.
under the National
Chief Justice receives an
Student Financial Aid
additional R39.9 million,”
added the Minister.
support for the country’s
“Over the next three
most vulnerable citizens,
years, we allocate R3.33
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
allows access for qualify-
job creation programmes.
ing non-bank small and
In this Budget, an ad-
medium loan providers,”
ditional R18.4 billion is
he said.
made available for the
Government will partner
Presidential Employ-
with loan providers by
ment Initiative,” said the
underwriting the first 20%
of losses for banks and
He highlighted the need
other eligible small and
for sustained economic
medium loan providers.
growth to create enough
Social grants
relief measure to assist
The Department of
those who lost economic
including the requirement
Social Development was
opportunities and were
for collateral, has been
allocated R58.6 billion
adversely affected during
loosened. This mecha-
struction and Recovery
over the medium-term to
nism is expected to be
Plan (ERRP) remains
launched and operational
essential to growth.
initiate a new extended
“This emergency grant
The eligibility criteria,
in March 2022.
jobs to reduce poverty and inequality. “The Economic Recon-
“We are accelerating
child support grant for
added to the country's
double orphans. This is
already extensive social
“Secondly, by April this
to encourage the care of
safety net. South Africa
year, we intend to intro-
critical structural reforms
orphans within families
now pays grants to more
duce a business equity-
contained in the ERRP in
than 46% of the popula-
linked loan guarantee
particular, in electricity,
support mechanism.
rail, ports and telecom-
rather than foster care. In addition, for 2022/23 financial year, the old age,
“We intend to bring the
the implementation of
total support package
and care dependency
Business support
through the bounce-back
grants will increase by
Government will launch
scheme to R20 billion,”
Minister Godongwana
R90 in April and a further
a new business bounce-
the Minister added.
said that there will be an
R10 in October.
back scheme soon to
war veterans, disability
The equity support
acceleration in infrastruc-
support businesses
mechanism of this
ture investment, which is
child support grants will
in distress because of
scheme will be facilitated
the backbone of a thriving
increase by a once-off
through development
The foster care and
R20 in April.
Minister Godongwana
finance institutions. It
“The National Treasury
explained that two mech-
will also be available to
will be implementing
an allocation of R44 bil-
anisms will be introduced
qualifying non-bank small
the results of a recently
lion for a 12-month exten-
and medium finance
completed review of the
Public-Private Partner-
The Minister announced
sion of the R350 Social
“Firstly, small business
Relief of Distress (SRD)
loan guarantees of R15
Government will also
billion will be facilitated
step up efforts to create
through participating
He noted that the SRD Grant was introduced in
banks and development
“Over the medium-term,
2020/21 as a temporary
finance institutions. This
R76 billion is allocated for
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
ships (PPPs) framework. “We aim to create a centre-of-excellence for PPPs and other blended finance projects. This
"As we upgrade roads, bridges, water and sewer, transport, school infrastructure, and hospitals and clinics, the aim is to unlock higher levels of employment for those involved in the projects.” edged that Eskom’s
of electricity supply,”
be established with di-
State-owned companies
debt situation remains a
said the Minister.
rect [National] Treasury
The Minister said the
concern for its creditors
Presidential State-
and investors alike.
centre of excellence will
He added that it will be
Owned Enterprises
“Government contin-
Addressing the issue
a direct interface with
Council is considering
ues to support Eskom to
of corruption, Minister
private financial institu-
the future of state-
remain financially sus-
Godongwana said ac-
tions for investments in
owned companies.
tainable during its tran-
counting officers need to
sition. To date, Eskom
ensure that their procure-
informed by the value
has been provided with
ment processes have
they create and whether
R136 billion to pay off its
integrity, provide value for
will table amendments,
they can be run as
debt with a further R88
money, and are free from
through the 2022 Divi-
sustainable entities
billion until 2025/26.”
interference from politi-
sion of Revenue Amend-
without bailouts from
ment Bill, to enable
the fiscus. Some state-
working on a sustainable
provinces to pledge their
owned companies will
solution to deal with Es-
infrastructure grants to
be retained, while others
kom’s debt in a manner
Bill is expected to be
leverage more financing
will rationalised or con-
that is equitable and fair
tabled before Parliament
to fast-track the roll-out
to all stakeholders.
in 2022/23.
critical government infrastructure programmes. In October, the Minister
“Their future will be
National Treasury is
cally connected persons and bidders. The Public Procurement
He added that efforts
“Any solution will be
to reduce state-owned
contingent on contin-
Constitutional Court
bridges, water and
companies' demands
ued progress to reform
judgement on the pref-
sewer, transport, school
on the country’s limited
South Africa’s electric-
erential procurement
infrastructure, and hospi-
public resources will
ity sector and Eskom’s
regulations, and the first
tals and clinics, the aim
own progress on its
Zondo Commission re-
turnaround plan and its
port highlighting abuses
in state procurement,
of infrastructure. “As we upgrade roads,
“In light of the recent
is to unlock higher levels
“... National Treasury
of employment for those
will outline the criteria
involved in the projects.”
for government funding
A provisional allocation
of state-owned compa-
take further steps to-
to take account of these
of R17.5 billion over the
nies, during the upcom-
wards cost containment,
Medium Term Expendi-
ing financial year. This
conclude the sale of as-
ture Framework was set
... is what we mean by
sets and implement op-
responding formally to
aside for infrastructure
tough love!”
erational improvements
the Zondo Commission
to enhance the reliability
report,” he added.
catalytic projects.
The Minister acknowl-
“We expect Eskom to
we are revising the Bill
“We will also be
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
Source: SAnews
6.8 % average growth in non-interest expenditure. This trend crowded out other spending items like goods and services, with a concomitant impact on service delivery. “The decision to not
stakeholders to engage
Treasury, the 2021 wage
implement the final
departments are
on building a sustain-
agreement awarded em-
leg of the 2018 wage
working together
able public service and
ployees a non pension-
agreement and other
to ensure that the public
remuneration guide-
able cash gratuity.
measures to reduce
sector wage bill remains
lines,” he added. The Minister stressed
“In the absence of
average wage costs
a new agreement,
have improved the wage
that government is
the same gratuity will
document, National
committed to control-
be paid in 2022/23,
Treasury states it “is
ling those parts of the
and provision for this
bill growth is projected
working with the De-
budget that are perma-
is made in the 2022
to be much lower than
partment of Public Ser-
nent in nature, including
the original trend. This
vice and Administration
by arresting historically
to keep the compensa-
rapid increases in the
in previous budgets did
the gap between rev-
tion baseline within
public sector wage bill.
not fully accommodate
enue and expenditure,
“Compensation spend-
the gratuity costs and
and improving the com-
In its Budget Review
affordable limits.”
Baseline adjustments
“... Medium-term wage
will contribute to closing
ing will increase margin-
the impact of the pan-
position of expenditure,”
lective bargaining result
ally, from R665.1 billion
demic, placing pressure
adds National Treasury.
in salary adjustments
in 2021/22 to R702
on provincial health and
that exceed compensa-
billion in 2024/25, at an
education compensa-
tion ceilings, reductions
average annual rate of
tion budgets.
in headcount will be
It adds that should col-
required. In his recent Budget
“As indicated in the
“To alleviate this short-term pressure, a
2021 Medium Term
portion of the revenue
Speech, Finance Minis-
Budget Policy State-
improvement is allocat-
ter Enoch Godongwana
ment, we have allocated
ed to provinces,” adds
said a Public Sector
additional funding of
National Treasury.
Labour Summit was
R20.5 billion in 2022/23,
scheduled to take place
to meet the cost im-
ing for national and pro-
from 28 to 31 March
plications of the 2021
vincial government grew
public service wage
by 7.3% on average for
agreement,” he said.
the period 2014/15 to
“This summit is an important opportunity for
According to National
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash
Work underway to stabilise public sector wage bill
Compensation spend-
2019/20, compared with
A message from President Cyril Ramaphosa
Resolution of conflict in Ukraine must be durable and lasting
n a world where far
This is a principle on
too many disputes
which we have been
between and within
consistent since the
Ukrainian officials had
their efforts. Calling for peaceful
already started. South Africa expected
negotiation is aligned
countries are settled
advent of our democracy,
that the UN resolution
with values upon which
through the barrel of a
and which remains an
would foremost welcome
the UN was founded.
gun, the view that differ-
important part of our for-
the commencement of
We are particularly
ences are best resolved
eign policy orientation.
dialogue between the
concerned that the UN
through negotiation, dia-
South Africa abstained
parties and seek to cre-
Security Council was
logue and compromise
from voting in the recent
ate the conditions for
unable to discharge its
may seem out of touch,
United Nations (UN)
these talks to succeed.
responsibility to maintain
and even fanciful.
resolution on the esca-
Instead, the call for
peace and security.
lating conflict between
peaceful resolution
that attained democracy
Russia and its neigh-
through political dia-
the long-standing calls
through a negotiated
bour Ukraine because
logue is relegated to a
for the Security Coun-
settlement, we remain
the resolution did not
single sentence close
cil’s reform to meet the
steadfast in our convic-
foreground the call for
to the conclusion of the
challenges of the 21st
tion that achieving world
meaningful engagement.
final text. This does not
And yet, as a country
peace through nego-
Even prior to the
This gives impetus to
provide the encourage-
The UN Charter enjoins
tiation, and not force of
resolution being passed
ment and international
member states to settle
arms, is indeed attain-
at the UN recently, talks
backing that the parties
their disputes by peace-
between Russian and
need to continue with
ful means in the first
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
instance, stating explic-
and Ukraine make it all
throughs can and do
Russia and Ukraine yield
itly that parties to any
the more important that
positive outcomes that
dispute should first seek
whatever agreements
That we continue to
a solution by negotiation,
are brokered are sustain-
support the call for nego-
enquiry, mediation, con-
able in the long run and
tiation and dialogue does
ciliation, arbitration and
address the concerns
not render our commit-
pave the way for an end to the conflict. Even though the pace of negotiations may proceed slowly, there is pro-
similar mechanisms.
gress nonetheless. Every
Since the outbreak of the conflict between
It is our hope that
Russia and Ukraine,
negotiations between
South Africa’s position
Russia and Ukraine
has been to affirm this call.
yield positive outcomes
There have been some
that pave the way for an
who have said that in
end to the conflict.
abstaining from the vote
effort of the international community should be oriented towards supporting these talks, and to bringing the two sides together. South Africa is greatly encouraged by the words
condemning Russia’s
of the UN Secretary-
military operation in
General António Guterres who recently said
Ukraine, South Africa has placed itself on the
of both parties to the
ment to human rights
he would do everything
wrong side of history.
any less.
in his power to contrib-
Yet, South Africa is firmly
Our own experience
Since the outbreak
on the side of peace at a
with ending apartheid,
of the conflict we have
cessation of hostilities
time when another war
and our country’s role in
expressed our concern at
and urgent negotiations
is something the world
mediating conflict else-
the impact of the conflict
for peace.
does not need, nor can it
where on the continent,
on civilians believing that
have yielded a number of
war is not the solution to
and Ukraine to subject
conflict and that it leads
this conflict to media-
to human suffering.
tion and do everything
The results of these hostilities will be felt
The first is that even
in their power to reach
intractable differences
mitted to advancing the
an agreement that will
can be resolved at the
human rights and fun-
lead to the cessation of
negotiating table.
damental freedoms not
the most seemingly
years to come. A cessation of hosachieved through force
We all call upon Russia
Our country is com-
globally and for many
tilities may indeed be
ute to an immediate
The second is that even
only of our own people,
The peoples of Russia
of arms or economic
as talks may collapse,
but for the peoples of
and Ukraine – two neigh-
pressure, but it would
they can and do resume,
Palestine, Western Sa-
bours whose histories,
be unlikely to lead to a
as was the case in our
hara, Afghanistan, Syria
peoples and fortunes are
sustainable and lasting
own negotiating process.
and across Africa and
inextricably bound to-
And that even when it
the world.
gether – deserve a peace
The historical tensions between Russia
seems the parties cannot see eye to eye, break-
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
It is our hope that negotiations between
that is durable, sustainable and lasting.
Source: SAnews
Social cohesion tops Human Rights Month agenda
his year’s Human
the triple challenge of
Rights Month
poverty, inequality and
unemployment, and the
will contribute to social
extent to which this ne-
cohesion and nation-
gates the goal of building
building through a series
a human rights culture. While South Africans
of dialogues and other
have made great strides
Sport, Arts and Culture
in the management of
Minister Nathi Mthethwa
the Coronavirus Disease
said activities will include
(COVID-19) pandemic,
government conducting
government will also use
public engagements with
this month to foreground
local residents and for-
issues on public health,
eign nationals in efforts
which are at the centre of
to foster mutual under-
the human rights agenda,
standing and peace.
given the lived reality of
While last year marked
the pandemic.
the 25th anniversary of
Minister Mthethwa said
the Constitution of the
there are concerns that Spor t , Ar ts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa speaking at the launch of Human Rights Month.
Republic of South Africa of 1996, government has also extended the commemoration into 2022,
the country is still a long way from achieving herd immunity, as a result of lower than expected
with a series of activa-
‘The Year of Unity and
will be used to assess the
uptake of the COVID-19
tions planned.
Renewal: Protecting and
progress of the nation’s
Preserving our Human
constitutional democratic
Rights Gains’.
Human Rights Month is being commemorated under the theme,
The commemorations
“Thus, it is not inconceivable that while there
It also brings to the fore
would be some further
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash
relaxation of regulations,
and Constitutional
the country may not as
Development (DoJ&CD)
He added that since
yet get back to
has played a crucial role
then, the Department
Bills has provision in it
pre-COVID-19 levels of
in ensuring that such an
of Women, Youth and
that makes it possible
evaluation is premised
Persons with Disabilities
for certain particulars
on empirical evidence
developed a National
of persons convicted of
implications in terms of
and reliable data through
Strategic Plan on GBVF,
sexual offenses to be
how commemorations
its long-standing part-
in which all commit-
made publicly available.
such as Human Rights
nership with the Foun-
ments on practical in-
Day are appropriately
dation for Human Rights.
terventions are codified,
the Criminal and Related
“Women constitute the
“This will further have
marked and commemorated,” the Minister said. Human Rights Day can
and State agencies.”
measure for likely perpetrators, one of the
“These Bills include
monitored and reported
Matters Amendment Bill,
majority in the popula-
about periodically as a
Criminal Law (Sexual
tion, yet in many re-
way to gauge progress.
Offences and Related
be traced back to the
spects, remain marginal-
“On the legislative
tumultuous events in
ised and more often, fall
front, there has also
and Domestic Violence
Sharpeville on 21 March
victim to discrimination
been progress, given the
Amendment Bill,” he
and abuse, with some in
latest enactment into law
the process paying with
of the three anti-GBVF
their lives.
Bills,” the Minister said.
On that day, 69 people died and 180 were wounded when police
“In terms of practi-
These legislative re-
Matters) Amendment Bill
The DoJ&CD is also hard at work in consultations with stakeholders
fired on a peaceful
cal interventions, it
forms will, among others,
that will ensure that go-
crowd that had gathered
is important to note
allow victims to make
ing forward, sex work is
in protest against the
that since the National
online protection order
pass laws.
Summit against Gender-
applications without be-
Outlining the gains
Based Violence (GBV)
ing present in court.
made in engendering
and Femicide that the
Moreover, protection
a human rights culture
President convened in
order applications will
that the criminalisation
since the advent of
2018, there has been a
be on a 24-hour basis
of sex work dispropor-
democracy, Minister
365-day commitment in
on the online application
tionately affects women,”
Mthethwa said the
this fight across all gov-
he said.
Department of Justice
ernment departments
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
“This would be an important development, since it is recognised
“As a deterrent
Source: SAnews
SA gears up
for investment conference
President C yril Ramaphosa at the launch of the Toyota Corolla Cross vehicle, in Prospecton, KwaZuluNatal.
rade, Industry and
investment targets.
the first three investment
construction of the facility
Competition Min-
“President Cyril
conferences amounted to
has been completed, or
ister Ebrahim Patel
Ramaphosa in 2018 com-
roughly 64% of the five-
where it involves new
has hailed the South Africa
mitted to raising over R1.2
year Investment Mobilisa-
machinery or equipment,
Investment Conference
trillion worth of invest-
tion Drive target of R1.2
these have been procured
(SAIC) as a boost to the
ments over a five-year
trillion,” said the Minister.
and installed; or that pro-
country’s target of netting
period, and hosted three
R1.2 trillion in investment.
annual investment confer-
third SAIC, pledges of
ences, at which he set
about R774 billion were
currently under construc-
its fourth SAIC in Johan-
out the policy context and
nesburg on 24 March
reforms, and the private
2022. The three previous
sector provided feedback
announcements made
either progressing slowly
conferences have resulted
and made pledges to
previously, 45 projects
or have been put on hold
in significant progress
have already been com-
due to the impact of the
pleted (meaning that the
pandemic or economic
South Africa will host
towards the country’s
“Pledges received in
He added that at the
Of the 152 investment
duction has started). A further 57 projects are
Fifteen projects are
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
factors, the Minister said.
and inclusive growth as
sponsor of the SAIC.”
Africa with much of its
“As of February 2022,
a proudly South African
She said Naspers
first vaccine manufac-
those firms that have completed their report-
company. Ndlovu said that as a
believes that as the
turing capability (for
economy reopens, there
the Johnson & John-
ing have advised that
proudly South African
will be growing recogni-
son vaccine), with an
R314 billion (40.6%) of
business that has grown
tion of South Africa as a
estimated 160 million
the committed invest-
into a global consumer
world-class investment
doses that have been
ment pledges have been
internet group, Naspers
destination, one with
produced in South Af-
recognises the value of
solid infrastructure, a
rica. The company has
investment in unlocking
young, hard-working and
also built Africa’s first
Companies back investment drive
the potential of South Af-
talented population, and
anaesthetic produc-
rican companies and the
an investment destina-
tion facility, producing
role of these companies
tion that has the potential
propofol under the
Takalani Netshitenzhe,
in creating jobs, stimulat-
to be a leader in driving
brand name Diprivan,
the Chief Officer: Exter-
ing growth and encourag-
technological innovation
for the domestic mar-
nal Affairs at Vodacom,
ing investor confidence.
across Africa and beyond.
ket and exports.
said four years ago at the
Mercedes Benz: The
“As Naspers, we have
“During the first SAIC
first SAIC, the company
seen first-hand what the
in 2018, we pledged R4.6
company pledged
pledged to invest R50
right investment, business
billion in investing in new
R10 billion during the
billion on fibre and mobile
support and partnerships
technology start-ups and
2018 SAIC. An ad-
networks over five years.
can do in growing tech
in growing our existing
ditional R3 billion was
“We are living up to our
start-ups and also what
South African busi-
added to this amount
the requisite digital skills
when the scope of the
pledge,” she said. Naspers Director of
training, opportunities
investment project
Cooperate Affairs Helen
and experience can do for
Pledges so far
Ndlovu said the company
young graduates entering
Minister Patel highlighted
investment resulted in
is committed to this year’s
the workplace.
pledges from other com-
the local production
panies as follows:
of the new C-Class
SAIC as a means of con-
“We have seen great
was widened. This
Aspen: The company
sedan from June 2021.
tinuing to help promote
progress but also rec-
South Arica as an attrac-
ognise that there is a lot
made a pledge of R3.4
tive investment destina-
more work to be done
billion at the 2018
2019, VM Automotive
tion, re-establishing con-
by all stakeholders. It is
SAIC that has now
announced an invest-
fidence in the economy,
for these reasons that
been fully executed
ment of R426 million
and driving sustainable
Naspers is again a proud
and has provided
in a component plant
VM Automotive: In
“As of February 2022, those firms that have completed their reporting have advised that R314 billion (40.6%) of the committed investment pledges have been expended.”
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
in East London. VM
neighbouring South
completed, creat-
R800 million to build
Automotive is a 100%
African Development
ing 80 new jobs and
a state-of-the-art
black-owned compa-
Community countries.
expanding capacity
brick manufacturing
ny that will form part
P&G made a further
for frozen pizzas and
facility. Capacity will
of the suppliers to the
investment pledge of
ready-made meals
be expanded to 100
C-Class Mercedes.
R250 million at the
supplying to major
million bricks a year
Toyota: At the 2019
2020 SAIC to expand
retail chains.
(currently produc-
SAIC, Toyota South
its manufacturing fa-
Bidvest: In 2018, Bid-
ing 50 million bricks
Africa announced a
cility and warehouse.
vest announced a R1-
at the Carltonvillie,
In2Foods: In 2018,
billion investment in
Driefontein plant).
ment (subsequently
In2Foods announced
a liquefied petroleum
increased) to produce
an investment of R241
gas (LPG) storage fa-
launched a R1.2-billion
a new generation
million. Located at the
cility in Richards Bay.
plant for the D-Max
model that will also
OR Tambo Special
The 22 600 ton LPG
bakkie in Gqeberha,
have a hybrid vehicle
Economic Zone,
storage facility has
Eastern Cape.
variant. The Corolla
In2Foods has built a
been commissioned
Cross is the first gen-
and is the region’s
pany has completed
eration of commercial-
22 700m² fresh-food
largest import termi-
phase 1 of the R700-
scale hybrid electric
facility, which has
million investment
vehicle to come off
been described as the
the South African
largest in the South-
Assembly line on 26
ern Hemisphere and
Close to completion
October 2021. The
the second largest
A number of additional
State, will start in April
Corolla Cross will be
CO2 refrigeration fa-
investments are ready to
2022 to produce liquid
exported to more than
cility in the world. This
be officially launched in
helium and liquefied
40 countries across
has resulted in the
the coming months.
natural gas.
creation of 600 jobs.
P&G: In 2018, P&G
The new facility will
Sappi: Expansion of
2020, the company
made an announce-
produce 2 000 litres
Sappi Saiccor Mill was
announced a R287
ment of R300 million
of soup and 10 000
announced in 2018
million expansion of
to expand its facility
pancakes per hour.
at an amount of R7.7
its remanufacturing
R2.43 billion invest-
Isuzu: The company
• Renergen: The com-
announced in 2019. Commercial operations in Virginia, Free
These include: •
Sandvik Mining: In
Dr Oetker: In 2020,
billion. Capacity for
and warehouse facil-
introduce two addi-
the German company
dissolved pulp will be
ity in Kempton Park,
tional plant lines. The
announced a R200-
expanded by 110 000
new facility has been
million investment in
tons to 890 000 tons
in production since
a new food manufac-
late 2019 and created
turing plant in Selby,
90 jobs. The products are exported to the
in Kempton Park to
• Dimension Data: A
per year.
R875 million data
Corobrik: In 2019, the
centre in Johannes-
Johannesburg. The
company announced
burg was announced
new plant has been
an investment of
in 2020.
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
What will people say?
There is no excuse for abuse. Police: 10111 Stop Gender Violence: 0800 150 150 Childline: 0800 055 555
People can only help if they know. TELL SOMEONE.
Violence and abuse are poison to society. Let’s make it stop.
Source: SAnews
Decisive leadership needed in local govt
ouncillors and local government officials have been
urged to urgently address service-delivery short-
comings to ensure that local government is more responsive to the needs of citizens.
Addressing the sixth national conference of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) recently, Presi-
business and other stake-
dent Cyril Ramaphosa
holders in the country,
said: “Local government
and brought together offi-
is where you can make
cials from 257 municipali-
and ensure that we realise
facing municipalities as
the biggest difference in
ties across the country.
the aspirations of the
they attempt to provide
South African people.
services to the communi-
the lives of our people.
The President said that
ties they serve.
Local government is the
although “commendable
most important enabler
progress” has been made
first point of contact
of economic growth and
through the provision
between government and
report shows that only
of water, sanitation and
the people. When there
5% of the country’s mu-
“Municipalities are the
He said a government
other basic services to
are local government
nicipalities are financially
sible for the delivery of
communities, further
failures, the effects are felt
stable, while other mu-
services to turn adversity
improvement requires
immediately and they are
nicipalities are in financial
into opportunity and local
a concerted effort from
far-reaching,” he added.
distress, with insufficient
government around.
each municipality and its
He called those respon-
The conference was one of the biggest gatherings
leadership. “The task before us now
revenue to meet their
Municipal challenges
expenses. In addition, 64 munici-
of all three spheres of
is to consolidate these
The President painted a
palities are considered to
government, civil society,
gains, to deepen them
picture of the challenges
be dysfunctional and at
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
least 31 municipalities are
grow and create employ-
then begins to speak to
is drawing profiles for
currently under adminis-
the level of performance
each district and metro,
tration. “This dysfunction is
“As leaders across government, we have to
that is required.”
which highlight the “challenges and opportunities”
rooted in poor govern-
work with all stakeholders
ance, weak institutional
in municipalities to deliver
capacity, poor financial
a better life to our com-
District Development Model
management, corruption
munities. This calls for
The President reiterated
‘One Plan’ of the metro or
and political instability.
decisive leadership and
government’s commit-
district, which is an inter-
Many residents have lost
ment to implementing
governmental plan.
the District Development
in those communities. These profiles will provide the basis for the
“Through these One
faith in the ability of local
He said corruption has
government to meet their
no place in municipalities
Model (DDM), which
Plans, we are forging in-
needs. So too have many
and called for account-
is aimed at improving
novative partnerships with
investors,” the President
ability and transparency
coordination between the
communities, businesses
in municipal finances,
three spheres of gov-
and other stakeholders
while remembering that
ernment and its social
to improve and acceler-
challenges in municipali-
it’s not our money, we are
ate implementation of key
ties do not only affect the
managing the money on
lives of communities.
behalf of others.
He cautioned that the
“They damage both
“Our people abhor cor-
The DDM is helping to
development projects.
grow local economies,
“We are looking to the
create jobs and deliver
DDM to help put South
local economies and the
ruption. They hate it be-
services better and faster,
Africa on a new path of
South African economy.
cause they know they do
he said.
socio-economic and
This need not be the case.
not benefit from corrup-
We have the means to
tion and only a few people
aim to energise our entire
correct this problem.”
benefit. It is important that
system of cooperative
Local Government Elec-
we remove the notion of
governance, and bring
tions, saying people made
called on government
corruption by acting in the
coherence to planning
it clear that they expected
leaders to correct failures
most transparent manner,
and implementation.
more from local govern-
and guide municipalities
right to the last cent.”
President Ramaphosa
towards sustainability,
President Ramaphosa
“Through this model, we
“Once it is fully operational, we will know at all
spatial transformation.” He reflected on the 2021
ment. “I do firmly believe that
efficiency and clean gov-
added that people are no
times what is needed,
if nothing else, the 2021
longer willing to accept
where it is needed, how
elections gave all of us a
poor performance.
it will be done, by whom
wake-up call that says:
and exactly how much it
‘Wake up and smell the
will cost.”
coffee, but provide good
“By providing reliable water supply, sanitation,
“We live in a different
energy and refuse ser-
era... They’ve become
vices, and through road
wiser and more percep-
and infrastructure mainte-
tive. So, they want eve-
that as part of the DDM,
people’,” President
nance, local government
rything laid out correctly
the Department of
Ramaphosa said.
enables our economy to
and truthfully, so our code
Cooperative Governance
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
The President explained
services to us as the
Image by Kojo Kwarteng on Unplash
Writer: Allison Cooper
Digitally connecting South Africa
mproved connectivity
capacity of 10 Megabits
In his State of the
in underserviced areas
(Mbps) per second and
National Address in
broadband infrastructure
will enable better health,
100 Mbps per second for
February, President Cyril
across all municipalities,
high-demand facilities.
Ramaphosa said various
by establishing a standard
education and internet ser-
rapid deployment of
government reforms aim
model for the granting of
proved the roll-out of SA
to revolutionise the coun-
municipal permissions,”
Connect phase two, which
try’s technological devel-
he said.
Connect project aims to
forms part of govern-
opment, making faster
achieve 80% broadband
ment’s commitment to
broadband accessible to
to the country’s Broad-
access in communities
bridge the digital divide,
more people and reducing
band Policy that was
and government facilities
especially in rural com-
the costs of digital com-
adopted by Cabinet in
over the next three years,
munities, and to advance
2013, and aims to meet
with a minimum speed
the digital economy.
vices to communities that need them the most.
Government’s SA
In January, Cabinet ap-
“We will facilitate the
SA Connect gives effect
the National Development
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
Plan’s technology goals to
facilities and 258 govern-
roll-out models that
between those with ac-
create an inclusive infor-
ment department facilities
considered other public/
cess to connectivity and
mation society.
in eight district municipal-
private information com-
those without; as basic
ities, namely Dr Kenneth
munication technology
services such as access
Kaunda (North West),
networks and service
to education, health, work
Thabo Mofutsanyane
providers in the coun-
and the ability to continue
According to the Depart-
(Free State), OR Tambo
try; and an institutional
to operate one’s business
ment of Communications
(Eastern Cape), Vhembe
framework, including gov-
in the event of small busi-
and Digital Technologies,
(Limpopo), Gert Sibande
ernance arrangements, to
nesses or small, medium
due to the magnitude of
(Mpumalanga), Pixley ka
execute the roll-out.
and micro enterprises
SA Connect, the project
Seme (Northern Cape),
plan was divided into two
uMgungundlovu and
SA Connect phase two
uMzinyathi (KwaZulu-
will be rolled out using
three state-owned enti-
Africa children from
ties – the State Informa-
schools and families with
A two-phased plan
Phase one initially aimed to connect 6 135
According to the depart-
According to Cabinet,
moved to virtual platforms.” She noted that in South
government facilities,
ment, phase two aims to
tion Technology Agency,
access to the internet
including schools, health
connect in excess of
Broadband Infraco and
were able to continue
facilities, post offices, po-
42 000 government facili-
Sentech – and industry,
with their learning with
lice stations and govern-
ties countrywide.
over the next 36 months.
minimal interruption.
ment offices, in the eight
In October 2021, Com-
“The project will con-
“Whereas the majority
rural district municipali-
munications and Digital
nect the remaining gov-
who did not enjoy similar
ties, to 10 Mbps broad-
Technologies Minister
ernment facilities, com-
access have suffered huge
band services.
Khumbudzo Ntshavheni,
munities and households,”
losses in school days thus
said the project’s imple-
Cabinet said.
impacting on their access
Phase one’s scope was subsequently reduced
mentation approach was
due to the economic
reviewed after phase
Digital divide
impact of the Coronavi-
one to determine the
In November last year,
to the internet or con-
rus Disease (COVID-19)
most cost-effective and
Minister Ntshavheni said
nectivity, or bridging the
efficient ways to imple-
the COVID-19 pandemic
digital divide, has become
ment phase two, follow-
has demonstrated the ex-
a first and foremost prior-
phase to provide 10 Mbps
ing a feasibility study by
tent of the digital divide in
ity for our country,” she
broadband services to
National Treasury and
South Africa and the rest
about 970 critical govern-
the Development Bank of
of the developing world,
ment facilities,” Cabinet
Southern Africa.
particularly on the African
will go a long way in
bridging that divide.
“It served as a pilot
said. These facilities included 597 schools, 115 health
The study included a comprehensive options analysis of broadband
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
to quality education. “Therefore for us, access
SA Connect phase two
“The divide has been evident during this period,
Compiled by: Gilda Narsimdas
Make fitness fashionable I
f you are on a mission to get fit, you might as well look good while you are working towards your goals. There is no doubt that when we look good, we feel good, and this extends to the clothing choices for any fitness activity. You can be both comfortable and stylish with these items.
1. The Slipstream Lo Beauty Trainers from PUMA are a re-release of the classic 1987 basketball sneakers. They combine a classic look, with rose detailing on the upper, evoking the fairy tale character of Beauty, available from PUMA, R2 400. 2. Carry all your essentials in this stylish, yet lightweight duffel bag that is made of durable fabrics with at least 65% recycled material, Nike, R549. 3. Under Armour has designed these face masks that are perfect for when you are working out at gym. They offer up the required air flow needed, whether you’re running or training, Under Armour, R499.
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
4. The Beast to Beauty, these matching PUMA Slipstream Lo Beast Trainers pair
6. The new Nike Apple Series 7 watch comes with great new features that
up with the Slipsteam Lo Beauty sneakers. The classic style will ensure you
include a built-in Nike Run Club app where you can track your workouts and
stand out from the crowd, PUMA, R2 400.
listen to guided runs or music from your playlist, iStore, from R8 799.
5. Beyonce’s Ivy Heart is a capsule range from her Ivy Park collection with
7. Another great unisex find are these Under Armour HOVR Summit Fat Tire
Adidas. The range features bold colour and design choices, like this unisex
sneakers which have a zero gravity feel. These are cushioned for minimum
velour tracksuit. Top: R2 699 and bottoms: R2 199.
impact and offer excellent grip on all terrains, Under Armour, R2 199.
* Prices correct at the time of publishing.
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
Writer: Reneé Fortune
The country’s finest: SA’s award-winning wines
outh Africa has made a name for itself as one of the finest wine-producing countries in the world, with an industry that dates back to 1659. Spoil yourself with something truly exceptional with this list of awardwinning wines, each of them handpicked for their homegrown perfection.
Red blend: Ernie Els
nuances of fig jam, cigar
wine-producing regions
that sparkle, clink your
Wines Signature 2015
box and meat spice. On
in the country.
glasses to the delight
In the world of reds, the
the palate, you will expe-
that is the Lords 2012
Ernie Els Signature 2015
rience ultra-fine, layered
MCC Brut. This wine
is royalty. This sumptu-
tannins surrounded by a
won double gold in the
ous wine is one of the
halo of mixed red berry
prestigious 2021 South
five-star winners in the
fruits. A salty, mineral
African Sparkling Wine
category of Red Blends:
tail provides the perfect
finish. Pairing idea: garlic and rosemary grilled lamb chops. Chardonnay: Cap Maritime Chardonnay 2020 (Boekenhoutskloof)
The Cape Maritime Char-
As one of the top-rated
donnay is overtly mineral
chardonnays in the coun-
and stony, melting into a
try, this white wine holds
melody of yellow citrus,
its own against some of
grape jelly and green
Cape Bordeaux in the
the world’s biggest hit-
melon preserve. Its tex-
Platter’s by Diners Club
ture has been described
Wine Guide – South
The grape for this vari-
The judging panel for
as “harmonious, from
these celebrated awards
Africa’s best-selling wine
ant is cultivated on the
start to finish.” Pairing
featured the likes of
slopes of the Hemel-en-
idea: baked salmon with
Praisy Dlamini, an ac-
Aarde Valley. This particu-
garlic and Dijon.
complished winemaker
With its five-star rating, this wine is ranked a “Su-
lar region, situated just
perlative South African
outside the seaside town
Sparkling wine:
a pioneer in her field. Ex-
of Hermanus, is lauded
Lords 2012 MCC Brut
pect a full-bodied experi-
for being one of the best
For lovers of all things
ence punctuated by hints
Expect to be met with
from KwaZulu-Natal and
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
of yeast and an aroma of
to try this wine, followed
was the winner of the
Diners Club South African
fresh green apple. Pairing
by a soft palate entrance
coveted platinum award in
Wine Guide. This wine
idea: fruit-based desserts
of spicy fruit. The depth of
the 18th Decanter World
opens the stage to a fruity
such as crepes, pavlova
the palate is enhanced by
Wine Awards, the world’s
ensemble of raspberries,
and tarts.
sweet liquorice root with
largest wine competition.
strawberries and cherries.
a touch of lime. Pairing
In 2021, 18 094 wines were
On the palate, you can ex-
Shiraz: Kunjani
idea: braised lamb with
entered from 56 coun-
pect fine, powdery chalky
Shiraz 2015
radishes and mint.
tries. Pairing idea: creamy
tannins and a healthy
seafood pasta.
dose of acidity which
Taking place in April every year, the Shiraz SA Chal-
Sauvignon Blanc: KWV
lenge sees winemakers
2019 Cathedral Cellar
Pinot Noir: Iona
balance. Pairing idea: pork
from all over the country
Cultivated in Darling in
Vineyards Kloof 2018
loin glazed with raspberry
submitting their variants
the Western Cape, the
As far as Pinot Noirs go,
and orange.
to a stringent and thor-
KWV 2019 Cathedral
this wine is a champion.
ough judging process.
Cellar Sauvignon Blanc
In 2020, the Kunjani Shi-
provides for the perfect
showcases distinctive
raz 2015 made a lasting
aromas of gooseber-
first impression and was
ries, asparagus, as well
declared one of the clear winners of this rigorous contest. It has scooped up a bevy of other awards, including Michelangelo and Gilbert & Gaillard gold medals. An inviting aroma of white pepper invites you Produced in the Elgin Valley and known for a taste profile that represents as granadilla and guava,
the uniqueness of South
with grapefruit on the
African wines, the Iona
palate. The KWV cellar is
Vineyards Kloof 2018 has
renowned for its consist-
been described as having
ency for producing wines
good intensity and texture
of the highest calibre, us-
with significant ageing
ing a winemaking process
that has stood the test of time. This dazzling white
Public Sector Manager • March 2022
It was awarded five stars in the Platter’s by
Wine tasting in six steps Step 1: See In a good red, look for colours from deep purple to brick red. In whites, look for shades of lemon gold to golden amber. Step 2: Swirl Also referred to as the “opening up” of the wine, the purpose of swirling wine is to oxygenate it, releasing its aromas. Step 3: Smell Older wines usually have subtler aromas than younger ones. Look for fruitiness, spiciness and earthiness. Step 4: Sip Fill your mouth only about halfway. Step 5: Swish Subtly swish the wine around, allowing it to coat the inside of your mouth. Step 6: Savour Allow the aftertaste of the wine to linger as part of the experience.