March 2022 Public Sector Manager

Page 16


A message from President Cyril Ramaphosa

Resolution of conflict in Ukraine must be durable and lasting


n a world where far

This is a principle on

too many disputes

which we have been

between and within

consistent since the

Ukrainian officials had

their efforts. Calling for peaceful

already started. South Africa expected

negotiation is aligned

countries are settled

advent of our democracy,

that the UN resolution

with values upon which

through the barrel of a

and which remains an

would foremost welcome

the UN was founded.

gun, the view that differ-

important part of our for-

the commencement of

We are particularly

ences are best resolved

eign policy orientation.

dialogue between the

concerned that the UN

through negotiation, dia-

South Africa abstained

parties and seek to cre-

Security Council was

logue and compromise

from voting in the recent

ate the conditions for

unable to discharge its

may seem out of touch,

United Nations (UN)

these talks to succeed.

responsibility to maintain

and even fanciful.

resolution on the esca-

Instead, the call for

peace and security.

lating conflict between

peaceful resolution

that attained democracy

Russia and its neigh-

through political dia-

the long-standing calls

through a negotiated

bour Ukraine because

logue is relegated to a

for the Security Coun-

settlement, we remain

the resolution did not

single sentence close

cil’s reform to meet the

steadfast in our convic-

foreground the call for

to the conclusion of the

challenges of the 21st

tion that achieving world

meaningful engagement.

final text. This does not


And yet, as a country

peace through nego-

Even prior to the

This gives impetus to

provide the encourage-

The UN Charter enjoins

tiation, and not force of

resolution being passed

ment and international

member states to settle

arms, is indeed attain-

at the UN recently, talks

backing that the parties

their disputes by peace-


between Russian and

need to continue with

ful means in the first


Public Sector Manager • March 2022

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